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As if Newvatican's web site isn't enough to push the Modernist Newchurch agenda, now Benedict-Ratzinger is trying to challenge JPII by establishing his own cult via a personal internet account to send out junk messages.
It is instructive to recall that until the middle of the 20th century, most Catholics couldn't even tell you the name of the pope. Who was pope wasn't really important since any pope was supposed to teach the same Catholic and Apostolic Faith. The Mass was the same; the Sacraments were the same. It wasn't until television became important in the 1950s that popes became "personalities" and started to morph the Catholic Church into the New Order sect with its Modernistic New Mess, New Sakraments, New Theology, and New Morality.
But as St. Paul taught us: "Be not deceived: God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7/DRV). The same technologies that have spun the Modernism of the Conciliar popes and their henchmen -- like Benedict-Ratzinger's friend, the heretic Hans Kung -- have allowed the traditional Catholic message to be circulated as never before to those who search for the true Catholic Faith, not the Freemasonic-Protestant-Pagan Novus Ordo fraud.
Dear Fathers:
I received a letter from Bernie Fellay, the SSPX Superior General, urging me to participate in his third (!) "rosary crusade," this time for the Consecration of Russia. As I read it, I though to myself: what a joke! Of all the intentions that would could have, the "Conversion of Russia," whatever that means, is not high on my list.
If I were going to initiate a rosary crusade, my first intention would be for the Consecration of Fr. Ratzinger, since he was never consecrated as a bishop, but only "installed" with the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968, which was fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant ministers. My second intention would be for the Consecration of the Novus Ordo Sect to the Catholic Faith, since the Novus Ordo sect is not Catholic.And what is all this about "rosary crusades" for the conversion of Russia when there are already a set of prayers for that specific purpose decreed by traditional popes to be said -- or supposed to be said -- at the end of Mass (with some exceptions)? These are the prayers decreed by Pope Leo XIII, as augmented by Pope St. Pius X, and Pope Pius XI, and known collectively as the Leonine Prayers (three Aves, the Salve Regina, the prayer for the Church, and the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, and the triple aspiration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus).
Every traditional Catholic knows and recites these prayers. They are in every traditional handmissal. What's the problem? Has the SSPX joined the Novus Ordo in dumping them?
Boston, Massachusetts' Newchurch cardinal Sean O'Malley has turned out to be just as despicable as his predecessor, Bernard Law, whose cover-up of his presbyters' rape and assault of children led to the exposure of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. O'Malley has turned his attention to sick and disabled presbyters in his archdiocese, whom he wants to deprive of health-care benefits because he needs the money to pay off for sex crimes.
His own presbyters have denounced O'Malley -- anonymously, because he told them that if they didn't keep their mouths shut, he would cut them off completely. Just more Newchurch "charity" from its corrupt prelates. "The archdiocese sees [presbyters] with health issues as a burden," said one of the threatened presbyters. "It's clear they don't want us." Another presbyter called O'Malley "unjust," saying that sick and disabled presbyters had an agreement with the Newchurch archdiocese "to be supported for our lifetime."
O'Malley mailed to all presbyters a legalistic, 17-page Decree of Promulgation, notifying them that he will cut health care to sick and disabled presbyters by 40 per cent. O'Malley has been the center of controversy because of his mismanagement of funds and because of Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. He has been charged with absconding with years of Christmas and Eastern contributions made by Newchurchers specifically for the support of sick and disabled presbyters.
Although the chancellor of the archdiocese claimed that there was no wrongdoing that reached the level of "criminality," he left open the possibility that an audit currently in progress would reveal immoral diversion of such funds to pay off for sex crimes to the tune of 114,000,000 U.S. dollars. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Boston Globe.]
For hundreds of years, religion in Mexico has meant the stained-glass windows and kneeling worship of the city's large Catholic churches. Change has come to Mexico, however. Newchurchers are increasingly dumping Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo for Evangelical Protestant sects in the world's second-largest Newchurch country.
In 1950, 98 per cent of the population of Mexico was Catholic, in comparison to 87 per cent of the nation's 110,000,000 people today, according to the national census. Experts think that these numbers don't reflect the true population of Evangelical Protestant sects, because in cities such as Mexico City, people are reluctant to say that they've dumped Newchurch and its Novus Ordo.
Evangelical Protestant sects are growing rapidly Chiapas, Mexico's southernmost state, which borders Guatemala. In Latin American countries such as Guatemala, which once were virtually all Catholic, Evangelical Protestant sects now claim an estimated one out of four former Newchurchers. "The truth is that the Catholic [sic] Church is getting worried because Evangelical churches are gaining a bigger following," said a religious historian of Mexico.
Contrary to the propaganda that Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican have achieved "very favorable" status, a young Mexican woman interviewed rejected Newchurch in these words: "To start, the Catholic [sic] Church has a lot to do with the politics of the Vatican, money, and what is best for the priests [presbyters]." She sure got that right! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Miami Herald.]
On July 15, 1948, Pope Pius XII issued his Decree against Communism, which excommunicated those who propagate "the materialist and anti-Christian teachings of Communism." On January 3, 1962, in line with Pius XII's decree forbidding Catholics from supporting Communist governments, Pope John XXIII excommunicated Fidel Castro for leading a Communist revolution in Cuba.
In contravention of his predecessors' excommunication decrees, Benedict-Ratzinger issued his Compendium of May 23, 2009, in which he recognized the Communist Patriotic National Church of China for sacraments, in spite of the fact that the PNC has fought his own Novus Ordo "Underground Church." But before he did this, he had already, on January 25, 2009, met behind closed doors with Vienamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. Benedict-Ratzinger thus became the first pope ever to receive an atheistic Communist Vietnamese leader in audience. The Newvatican press office described the audience as "a new and important step toward the normalization of bilateral relations." Think of it: bilateral relations with atheistic Communism in Vietnam, which is seizing Novus Ordo churches and other properties, just as in Russia and China, to force his own Newchurch underground.
Good Catholics, it is looking more and more as if Benedict-Ratzinger's attempted appointment of a Communist spy as Archbishop-primate of Poland was quite deliberate. This was too much even for the secular government at the time. The Polish President and his cabinet appeared in the front row of the cathedral for the Novus Ordo "installation" and stood up to reject the candidate. The whole ceremony was thrown into confusion. An angry Benedict-Ratzinger was forced to withdraw his appointment of the Communist spy. Now Benedict-Ratzinger has gone on to cozy up to the atheistic Communist governments in Vietnam and China. Is the pope Catholic?
It occured to me that Bernie Fellay's latest "Rosary Crusade" works like invalid Novus Ordo "concelebrated" Messes. I imagine that all one has to do is to sign in and pledge a rosary. So. if 30 children at an SSPX school sign up and recite together the Rosary once, this counts as 30 rosaries! Our Lady will reject such phony rosaries and reject Bernie Fellay along with them!
On May 23, 2009, the Presbyterian Church of Scotland voted to appoint an openly "gay" minister and to dismiss a challenge to his appointment by conservative Presbyterians, dividing yet another mainline Protestant sect. The sect's ruling body voted 326 to 267 to support the appointment of Scott Rennie, who was previously married to a woman and is now shacked up with a man. In 2008 he had been prevented from taking a post at a church in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Conservative Presbyterians had lobbied the Kirk, the Church of Scotland's ruling executive, contending that his appointment was not consistent with the teachings of the Bible. "We are absolutely opposed to that on the basis of what God has to say about homosexuality in the Bible," said a Presbyterian pastor in Glasgow, Scotland.
But Newchurch is really no better on homosexuality. Benedict-Ratzinger has gone "soft on gay," allowing homosexuals entrance into Novus Ordo seminaries in yet another scandalous document of his. Most recently, a Newchurch archbishop, Rembert Weakland, has exposed himself in a book as a homosexual -- which is really no revelation because he had already been charged by his catamite with "date rape" and stole half a million U.S. dollars from the diocesan collection plates for hush-money. Benedict-Ratzinger has taken no action on Weakland's shameful situation -- and Weakland is reported to be far from the only "gay" in Benedict-Ratzinger's hierarchy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Benedict-Ratzinger's Compendium to the Church in China, issued on May 25, 2009, has given Newchurch recognition to the Communist Church of China, known as the Patriotic National Church. In doing so, he has rejected those Chinese who have remained faithful to him in the so-called "Underground Church." To the contrary, Pope Pius XII in 1951 excommunicated the Patriotic National Church when the Communists took power in China and took control of the Church. To this day, the Communist Government of China has arrested, tortured, and even killed Newchurch clergy and laity.
The Compendium, taken in conjunction with Benedict-Ratzinger's declaration in May 2009 that Newchurch will no longer evangelize or convert Jews, seems to indicate even more strongly that he is dumping doctrinal Catholicism for political "oecumenism." Benedict-Ratzinger declared in the Compendium that those who "feel the need of the sacraments for their own spiritual good" may go to schismatic sects not only for "communion" and the "sacraments." The principle extends beyond the Chinese PNC to churches "not in communion with the pope.... The final decision will be taken by the individual Catholic."
Benedict-Ratzinger's announcement contrasts completely with that of Pope St. Pius V when the Catholics of England asked whether they could worship at the schismatic Anglican service of Henry VIII, in view of the fact that the law of England now required them to do so and penalized them severely if they did not. Pope St. Pius V declared an unqualified refusal to countenance any association whatsoever with heretics in any form of religious worship because not only was there a question of association with heretics but also assistance at their services must be interpreted as a public profession of their own heresy.
Good Catholics, if any of you had any false compunctions worshipping at traditional Catholic sites outside "communion" with the Newchurch structure, whatever position those sites might have on the status of the Conciliar popes, you need no longer have any such compunctions. Benedict-Ratzinger's statement enunciates a new general principle, which obviously extends beyond China. In his own words, "the final decision will be taken by the individual Catholic."
One thing that we have learned in the post-Vatican II era is never to take any statement of an organizational representative at face value. All statements are tinged with propaganda purposes, for which lying is an acceptable ploy. That is certainly true of Newvatican, and it is certainly true of the Neo-SSPX.
SSPX bishop Alfonso de Galaretta, probably the least known of the four SSPX bishops consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1988, to a question for the South American SSPX organ Iesus Christus:
What prospects do you see for the Society of St. Pius X in the future? An agreement with Rome? A canonical recognition?
No, absolutely not, whether in the immediate or in the mediate future. We specifically exclude this possibility. We know that while there is no return to Tradition on the part of Rome, any practical or canonical agreement is incompatible with the public confession and defense of the Faith, and would mean our death. In the best of cases, humanly speaking, we will have several years of discussions.With such propaganda statements, it is all in how you understand them in the context of past words and actions. You can never take them at face value. The import of this statement depends upon how the Neo-SSPX interprets "Tradition." And we have its own words and actions to tell us:
Good Catholics, have Galarreta, Fellay, Mallerais, or Williamson spoken out to reject these ongoing corruptions of traditional Catholicism in the SSPX? No. That tells you everything that you need to know about the Novus Ordo definition of "Tradition" that the SSPX holds.
When in 1904 Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism (political Judaism), turned to Pope St. Pius X for support for a Jewish state, he was told that until the Jewish people converted to Christianity, the Catholic Church would do nothing to establish a Jewish state and that, in accordance with the Biblical commandment, Roman Catholic priests would be waiting on the shores of Palestine to convert those Jews who returned.
In January 1964, when Paul VI made the first papal trip to Israel, with Vatican II still in session, the Conciliar pope never once uttered the name of the State of Israel, refused to call Zalman Shazar "President," and went out of his way to avoid using the word Jew. Even Conciliar popes held out against recognition of a Jewish state until 1993, when JPII, after 15 years of his papacy, finally capitulated, claiming that Vatican II's document Nostra aetate made him do it -- even though Paul VI, who promulgated that document, did not interpret it in that way.
Benedict-Ratzinger's May 2009 junket to the Mideast continued JPII's sellout to the error of Judaism. After all, Benedict-Ratzinger had a lot to prove to the Jews. He had been uniformed member of the Hitler Youth (HitlerJugend) in his native Germany. Then he had gone on to become an member of the Nazi Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) as an anti-aircraft gunner.
It was in this context that Benedict-Ratzinger shocked Christianity around the world by proclaiming that Newchurch would no longer evangelize or convert Jews to Christianity. There hardly a book in the New Testament that does not contradict his anti-Christian policy. In contravention to Benedict-Ratzinger, Christ Himself stated (Mark 16:15-16): "Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned."
This is the Great Mission that Christ gave to his true Church. However, Benedict-Ratzinger has rejected Christ's commandment, even though he claims to be the "vicar" of Christ.
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has announced that JPII "the Ungreat" should be canonized. "I am ready to give him a thumbs up," Gorbachev told journalists on Ascension Thursday, May 21, 2009. He did not, however, go so far as to claim to have seen the Conciliar Newpope ascending to the Heavens! Gorbachev recalled that JPII repeated his support of the New World Order "about 100 times everywhere." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Interfax.]
Good Catholics, what business does an atheist Communist have commenting on a matter of who is a Saint? In any case, most traditional Catholics believe that the Novus Ordo "canonization" process, gutted by JPII, is flawed and that purported "saints" declared by the New Order since Vatican II are in suspensu until the traditional process is restored at some future time. For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Belief? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics), in the section "Canonizations, Post-conciliar."
Rembert Weakland, former archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a self-admitted pervert and a thief of Church money, was also Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's henchman in fabricating the Novus Ordo Mess and Sakraments. On May 8, 1964, Paul VI appointed Weakland as consultant to Bugnini's Commission of Six Protestant Ministers for Implementing the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
Bugnini was the chief architect of the Novus Ordo after Vatican II, and Weakland was a known at the time to be a flaming Modernist -- as well as a flaming homosexual, as he now admits. It is not surprising that the two go together. When you destroy the Catholic Faith, you destroy Catholic morals. Benedict-Ratzinger is yet another example of this principle, as he leads Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Weakland and Bugnini shoveled out the radical changes of the Modernists at Vatican II with Paul VI's "papal blessing" to go out and destroy the Catholic Mass, Sacraments, doctrine, and morals by fabricating a Protestant/Masonic/Pagan service.
The "Motu" Mess is being increasingly exposed for the ploy it is by Benedict-Ratzinger to corrupt the Traditional Latin Mass and metamorphose it to the Novus Ordo service, with the clueless Motarians supporting his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Reports from around the world have been published in these Commentaries of the various corruptions of the "Motu" Mess around the world -- the "Motu" Mess itself being a corruption of the Traditional Latin Mass, with three major waves of Novus Ordo-izing modernizations in 1956, 1960, and 1962 by the Freemason Architect of the Novus Ordo, Hannibal Bugnini.
Now we have the next stage of the corruption of the "Motu" Mess, which in two years has departed significantly even from the Modernized "Mass of 1962." The former Newchurch bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, has proclaimed that in complete accordance with Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum, the "Motu" Mess may be celebrated in the vulgar tongues. Rene Gracida cites the implication of a vulgar Joannine Mess contained in Article 6 of Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu": "the readings may be given in vernacular." The use of a vulgar Joannine Mess was also foreseen in Benedict-Ratzinger's accompanying Letter to the Bishops of July 7, 2007.
Good Catholics, we Fathers warned you that the "Motu" was a sham, a way to get Neocon Newchurchers to go along with a Novus Ordo corruption of the Traditional Latin Mass. And, to some extent it is working. The clueless Newchurchers now can't tell a Traditional Latin Mass from a Vatican II-Bugnini "Mess of 1962+." They simply go wherever the Modernist Newpope leads them by the nose. They have gone from being "Slaves of Mary" to "Slaves of Vatican II," as Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox" has deftly stripped them of their Catholicism. Even the SSPX's bishops have succumbed to the ploy, now dragging their chains of Modernism around them just like Novus Ordo Jacob Marleys!
Dear Fathers:
I don't understand why Benedict-Ratzinger hasn't caused an earthquake among Newchurch members by announcing that Newchurch does not seek the conversion of Jews. A true pope could not say such a thing. Where are the denunciations from the Neocon Newchurchers? Just a sheepish, stupid shrug of the shoulders from the same suckers supporting the Novus Ordo hootenanny messes and paedophile presbyters. Disgusting!
The Fathers Reply.
Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect has made sure that its members no longer recognize Ascension Thursday as a Holyday of Obligation. If they did, they would have heard proclaimed the Gospel of St. Mark (16:15-16/DRV), in which the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ are reported: "Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned."
How Benedict-Ratzinger can so utterly reject the teaching of Christ, in Whose name he claims to operate, is a dilemma that the Neocon Newchurchers and their talking-heads do not even attempt to justify. They ignore the contradiction and join the sycophantic chorus to the "Holy Father," who makes sure that his bishops and presbyters can rape his children with impunity.
The Court of Appeals in Madison, Wisconsin, on May 20, 2009, upheld the 2006 conviction of a once-prominent Newchurch Jesuit presbyter for sex crimes against children starting in the years following Vatican II. Donald McGuire was an intimate of Mother Teresa, in fact, spiritual advisor to her and her Newchurch nuns. McGuire is said to be one of the most influential religious figures convicted in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, of which Card. Ratzinger was put in charge in 2001. Since then Ratzinger has been accused of continuing the cover-up and suborning the sexual assault of children by his bishops and presbyters.
The Appeals Court's decision vindicates the victims, prosecutors, and police investigators, who were pressured to drop the case Newchurch officials. Newchurch presbyters and nuns packed the courtroom in an effort to intimidate the trial judge and jurors. "There were more collars and more habits there; they were all there at sentencing, and all told us we did the wrong thing, so this is nice to see," said the District Attorney who prosecuted the case. "It's been a long wait for this. This is a relief. This is huge."
McGuire was sentenced to seven years in state prison, but was allowed to remain free pending his appeal. In the meantime, he was convicted in 2009 on federal charges of traveling outside the United States and across state lines to assault yet another child. In the federal case, McGuire was sentenced to 25 years in prison, where he is now being held. McGuire has also has been indicted in Arizona for child assault and faces civil lawsuits related to a string of other sex crimes against children.
Now 78, McGuire is justly expected to die in prison. Catholics will remember the words of the Good Thief, St. Dismas, to the Evil Thief, Gestas, who hung on the Cross with Our Lord:
Dost not even thou fear God, seeing that thou art under the same sentence? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving what our deeds deserved. (Luke 23:40-41).
The Newchurch Jesuit leaders lied through their teeth, saying that they had "no knowledge" of the crimes. But documents show that they were alerted many times about McGuire's crimes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Chicago Tribune.]
One of many reasons that Newchurchers cannot call themselves "Roman Catholics" is that they absolutely lack the Roman outlook, which is one of ultimate pragmatism. According to a new poll, the clueless Newchurchers have created an fictitious Oz, in which Benedict-Ratzinger is the meretricious Wizard. The poll of 521 U.S. Newchurchers conducted in late March 2009 and commissioned by the Newchurch Knights of Columbus, a once Catholic organization that now has supported abortion, indicates that Newchurchers have an "overwhelmingly" favorable view of Benedict-Ratzinger. About 78 per cent of practicing Newchurchers Catholics had a "favorable" or "very favorable" view of the man.
The Supreme Knight of Columbus commented that the man who heads Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal had "an unswerving commitment to the truth." Well, let's see just what "truth" it is that Benedict-Ratzinger espouses:
Good Catholics, Newchurch is falling to ruins. Churches are being closed right and left. Collections are way down. Sex crimes by Newchurch bishops and presbyters are increasing, not decreasing. Missionary work, by papal decree, has essentially stopped, since "we all worship the same god." This is the reality, which can be confirmed by any objective person in spite of the propaganda machines of the Newchurch Knights of Columbus and Newvatican itself.
The chutzpah of these Novus Ordo bishops! Now Rembert Weakland, the Newchurch archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, claims that he didn't know rape was a crime. In his pending book of exculpation, to be officially released in June 2009, Weakland claims: "We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature." Said a director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP): "It's beyond belief. He's either lying or he's so self-deceived that he's inventing fanciful stories. These have always been crimes."
Weakland stole $450,000 of Newchurch funds in 1998 to buy the buy off his homosexual catamite, who had accused him of date rape, after Weakland had covered up hundreds of rapes and assaults of children by his archdiocesan clergy. Instead of degrading Weakland from the office he had corrupted and relegating him to the "outer darkness," JPII, who pandered to these crimes just as Benedict-Ratzinger is now doing, allowed Weakland off with a voluntary resignation.
Meanwhile, crime victims of Newchurch in Milwaukee charged that the archdiocese and Benedict-Ratzinger "continue to hide one of the worst abuse cases." This case involves one Fr. Murphy, who raped and assaulted handicapped students at St. John's School for the Deaf. Court documents released May 18, 2009, in an ongoing fraud case against the Newchurch show that Weakland oversaw a 1993 evaluation that concluded Murphy likely assaulted up to 200 students.
Weakland claims he worked to have Murphy "defrocked," but JPII "the Ungreat" dragged his feet. Weakland admits in his upcoming book that he was part of a cover-up: "I had to do what I did and keep this as quiet as possible. [Some information for this Commentary was provided by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and the Associated Press.]
It seems that in ever-increasing numbers SSPX members and traditional Catholics around the world have been hitting the mark in their criticism of the Neo-SSPX of Superior General Bernie Fellay and his lieutenants. This criticism has become louder since Fellay expelled two leading SSPX priests who publicly spoke out for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's founding principles and against Fellay's sellout to New Order principles.
In France, one group of SSPX members publicly took Fellay to task for "asphyxiating the Traditional Movement." In the United States, Yves Le Roux, rector of the SSPX seminary at Winona, Minnesota, devoted his second monthly newsletter in a row to defending attacks from his own SSPX members against Fellay's Neo-SSPX policies. In an indication of what the future holds for SSPX members, Le Roux praises the Modernism of Benedict-Ratzinger -- a theme that has never before appeared in SSPX publications. Get ready, SSPX members. You are being fattened up for the slaughter!
Just as the TRADITIO network predicted, this SSPX rector tries to impute the "unexcommunications" of four of the six SSPX bishops to Fellay's second "rosary crusade." The truth of the matter is that Newvatican informed Fellay about what was going to happen in advance, so that he could use the phony "rosary crusade" to say "Mary did it," whereas the sellout of the four bishops to Newvatican was already a "done deal." The "rosary crusades" are a contrived farce to make it appear to SSPX members that a sellout is "heaven-sent." Pure malarkey! Why would Heaven want a sellout of the true Faith to the invalid, Modernistic, Protestantized New Order? The very notion is absurd on its face.
Le Roux praises Benedict-Ratzinger's "courage." What courage is this? His suborning the rape and assault of tens of thousands of children by his Newchurch clergy? His anti-Christian directive that Newchurch will no longer evangelize or convert Jews? His personal practice of handing out the Novus Ordo cookie to pro-abortion politicians in Italy? Just where is this "courage" in the Catholic Faith? Abest.
Le Roux finally plays the trump card to which exposed SSPX officials always resort: demonizing the members who disagree with their officials and agree with Archbishop Lefebvre. They wear the "mask of hatred." They lack "Christian charity." They "attack the pope" -- whom the SSPX's Archbishop-founder denounced in the strongest possible terms as "not Catholic." Le Roux accuses dissenting SSPX members as engaging in "shameful prevarication and felony." Yet isn't that exactly what Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch bishops are doing in aiding and abetting the gravest crimes and their cover-ups? Le Roux is obviously a Fellay catspaw. All the SSPX's officials are. If they weren't, Fellay, who wields absolute power in the SSPX, would can them, just as he canned Prior Basilio Meramo and Dean Floriano Abrahamowicz, who spoke out against Fellay's rapprochement with the New Order. Fellay's message to his clergy and members couldn't be clearer: Obey my sellout plan, or I'll throw you out of the SSPX onto the street!
The SSPX has also been stung by attacks of its membership for the fact that it has not been ordaining priests. If Fellay's Newchurch masters don't put the kibosh on it -- because the SSPX bishops are now marching to Newvatican's orders since the "unexcommunciations" -- SSPX has announced that it will go from a desert to a drunken orgy of 13 ordinations on June 19, 2009. Given Fellay's sellout to the New Order by even involving himself in "negotiations" with it, one wonders whether these ordinands are any better than Novus Ordo presbyters. What have they been taught at the SSPX seminary? Love for the New Order, which they will soon be serving? It was only a few years ago that the seminarians complained to the then rector of the seminary that they were not being taught enough traditional Catholicism and proposed a plan for more education in the traditional Mass, Sacraments, and doctrine. The rector practically shut down the seminary by throwing all but a handful of seminarians out on the street.
Good Catholics, in the SSPX it is obvious that what is important is keeping your mouth shut and obeying the Fellayites that have taken over the leadership of the Neo-SSPX. The seminarians who were thrown out were actually lucky to have received this lesson in SSPX hypocrisy before they got too tied into it. Many of them went on to being ordained as traditional Roman Catholic priests by non-SSPX traditional organizations and bishops.
Weighing in on the Notre Dame University fracas, the United States' most popular radio host, Rush Limbaugh, proclaimed on his May 18, 2009, program, the day after pro-abortion Obama's commencement speech that Notre Dame had been overrun by liberals who have "modernized" the Church. He told his audience that some [many?] people were missing the point: "The real question is not what did Obama say.... The question is what happened to Notre Dame over the years." Limbaugh then pointed to the fact that the "Catholic" [sic] Church "has its own liberal members" who have "modernized" the Church. These have overrun Notre Dame, as well as other "major American universities."
The Rush Limbaugh Show airs on 590 AM and FM stations across the United States, as well as on the internet. According to 2006 Arbitron statistics, its 13,500,000 listeners makes it the largest radio show audience in the United States. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Rush Limbaugh Show.]
It seems that the truth about Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect has been outed into the public forum -- in a big way.
Notre Dame has been a hotbed of heresy and lunacy for years. Why are all the "conservatives" getting agitated now? When Benedict-Ratzinger visited the United States, he praised that country for its "diversity of opinions" and heralded its "freedoms."
What did anyone think Benedict-Ratzinger was going to do? After all, he has been very busy with the Jews and Muslims on his junket to the Middle East, which is not accomplishing much, of course, since it would take more than his entire pontificate to "make up" for all the truly Catholic popes of 2,000 years and their Catholic views on Judaism and Islam. That he thinks he can make miserable people happy with him or the Church is truly the height of the sin of pride, because the happiness that he seeks to give them has no Jesus Christ, no sacraments, no grace.
May the Good Lord one day give us a pope who, like Pope Pius XII, thought nothing of excommunicating President Peron of Argentina, when that president decided to contradict the Argentine constitution and permit divorce. Pope Pius XII did not care that his words would make El Presidente Peron or anyone else unhappy with him. The result of Pius's thunder was that the populace of Argentina rose up and called for the ouster of Peron. Pius stopped a great evil that would have engulfed thousands of souls who would have thought to justify divorce. Peron was removed from office, and the Catholic teaching was upheld.
When Benedict-Ratzinger excommunicates publicly all those who are involved with the murder of unborn children, when he cares enough about stopping mortal sins that are advocated publicly by those who call themselves "Catholic," then I'll take him seriously -- but not until he acts like a truly Catholic pope.
Fr. Abrahamowicz was the SSPX's Dean of Northern Italy until he publicly disagreed with Superior General Bernie Fellay's policy of selling out to the New Order. Fr. Abrahamowicz stated that he stood instead by SSPX founder Archbishop Lefebvre's principles rejecting the New Order. For standing behind the SSPX's founding principles, Fr. Abrahamowicz was expelled from the SSPX by Fellay.
Please forgive my very bad English. I hope that you will understand it. In the future, when I find a place to live and celebrate Holy Mass, I will write my story. I will follow the example of Archbishop Lefebvre, because I see in him a way to follow Our Lord in the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Now the SSPX -- I don't know whether because of disingenuous and naive thinking or because of other reasons -- has lost its mission and has become an accomplice of the Modernist Church. So I will continue my priesthood. [Fr. Abrahamowic's "bad English" has been cleaned up.]
Barack Obama, a proponent of abortion and the government funding thereof, encountered stiff opposition when attempting to deliver a commencement address on May 17, 2009, at Notre Dame University, of South Bend, Indiana, run by the Newchurch Holy Cross Fathers. In the past week Notre Dame president-presbyter John Jenkins had numerous clergy and laity arrested for conducting an anti-abortion procession. Several Newchurch presbyters and traditional priests were thrown to the ground and arrested, along with former U.S. Presidential candidate, Dr. Alan Keyes.
On the Sunday of the commencement address, several Notre Dame students protested Obama's appearance by wearing yellow crosses on their caps. Protesters disrupted Obama's speech on several occasions, shouting "abortion is murder." President-presbyter Jenkins' police ejected them. In his speech Obama confirmed his pro-abortion stance, proclaiming: "We're not going to shy away from things that are uncomfortable."
Hundreds of anti-abortion protesters lined the streets leading to the university entrance, holding signs with graphic pictures of aborted foetuses and denouncing Obama's support of abortion "rights." Another two dozen demonstrators were arrested. One wonders whether Jenkins' and Obama's police would have arrested Martin Luther King in a similar circumstance.
At the university gate, one protester, told the press: "This nation's got blood on its hands, and we're going to pay the price for it." He had driven 160 kilometres to stand with a pair of red gloves and a T-shirt with the words: "Mr. Obama tear down this law: Roe v. Wade." An airplane pulling a banner with a graphic photo of an aborted foetus flew circles over South Bend as protesters sang Amazing Grace. President-presbyter Jenkins supported the pro-abortion Obama's appearance and was accused by a Newchurch presbyter of "trivializing abortion." Obama also reversed President George W. Bush's restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research and for family-planning groups that carry out or facilitate abortions overseas. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by AFP.]
A Gallup Poll released two days before Obama's commencement speech found that 51 percent of Americans now call themselves anti-abortion rather than pro-abortion, the first time a majority gave that answer in the 15 years that Gallup has asked the question. Yet, according to a Time magazine figure, 75 per cent of Newchurchers had no opposition to pro-abortion Obama giving the commencement speech at a Newchurch university. The discrepancy in the figures seem to indicate that Newchurchers are far more liberalist and far more pro-abortion than the U.S. population at large. This discrepancy also indicates just how lethal the Newchurch of the New Order has done to undermine Catholic morality in the United States.
Good Catholics, the most scandalous thing about this affair is that with one phone call, Benedict-Ratzinger, who claims to be a "Catholic" pope, could have stopped the pro-abortion Obama from addressing the Newchurch university. In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger has prominently given pro-abortion politicians the Novus Ordo cookie in Italy. Even Newchurchers are wondering whether Benedict-Ratzinger is really all that opposed to abortion, as his actions do not indicate that he is.
Dear Fathers:
As a traditional Catholic and retired police chief with in excess of 22 years' police service, I was embarrassed as I watched fellow law-enforcement officers -- of Notre Dame University, a self-described "Catholic" institution no less -- arrest an 80-year-old priest for being a traditional Catholic and rejecting abortion. We, as law-enforcement officers, never have the obligation to obey an unlawful order.
French traditional sources are reporting that Bernie Fellay began "discussions" with William Levada, head of the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith Commission. Levada was the former archbishop of San Francisco, California, who was under several subpoenas to testify under oath in U.S. federal courts on his bankrupting the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, and for his suborning sex crimes there and in San Francisco. When the law was breathing hotly down Levada's neck, Benedict-Ratzinger spirited him off to the protection of his bosom in Newrome so that he would not have to testify under oath about his involvement.
The French sources indicate that the "discussions" began on April 19, 2009, in secret. Levada has excluded the SSPX's Senior Bishop Richard Williamson from the discussions. He is a persona non grata in Newchurch. The sources indicate that Fellay has already sold out to Newchurch on the fundamental question of the invalidity of the "New Mass" and Novus Ordo presbyters and bishops. The discussions will go over the "New Catechism" of 1997 line by line, with Fellay having to concur with each of its 2865 articles. The "discussions" are expected to take several years, all in secret and all without the participation of traditional Catholic clergy and laity, whether SSPX or others.
Why is it that whenever Newchurch does something grossly unCatholic, Newchurchers always let their leader off the hook? After all, doesn't the buck stop with Benedict-Ratzinger? If the Newchurch clergy and laity who are demonstrating against the appearance of pro-abortion pro-"gay" marriage Barack Obama at a "Catholic" university, Notre Dame, of South Bend, Indiana, don't direct their criticism where they should -- against the head of Newchurch, who could have the invitation cancelled in a Newrome second -- Time magazine has directly criticized Benedict-Ratzinger.
Time brings to its readers' attention the hypocrisy of Benedict-Ratzinger, who once again has done nothing to stop immorality in his sect, just as he has done nothing against his bishops and clergy raping and assaulting children with impunity. He has done absolutely nothing to stop pro-abortion, pro-"gay" marriage Obama's May 17, 2009, appearance at a university controlled by Benedict-Ratzinger. Time also points out that Benedict-Ratzinger himself hypocritically hands out the Novus Ordo cookie to Italian politicians who support abortion. In fact, it is not entirely clear that Benedict-Ratzinger himself is clearly against abortion. He sends mixed messages on abortion, just as he does on homosexuality.
One ranking U.S. politician, who recently converted from the Southern Baptist sect to the Newchurch sect, did speak out against the hypocrisy of the Notre Dame invitation. Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich hit the nail on the head when he declared: "It is sad to see Notre Dame invite President Obama to give the commencement address, since his policies are so anti-Catholic." Notice: Speaker Gingrich did not say "unCatholic"; he said "anti-Catholic." Too bad Benedict-Ratzinger isn't as Catholic as the former Baptist!
Dear Fathers:
What part of the Mass must one attend in order to meet his obligation for attendance on a Sunday or Holyday?
The Fathers Reply.
One is obliged not to assist at all of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But no true Catholic speaks of "obligation" in this way. It sounds just like the legalist Pharisees, whom Our Lord condemned as hypocrites. Any true Catholic loves the Holy Mass and cannot get enough of it. To miss any part of it would be spiritually painful. It is the most beautiful thing this side of heaven, as Fr. Faber famously stated.
It is amazing how those who call themselves "Catholic" treat the Holy Mass so lightly. Who would think of coming late for a meeting with the King of England or ducking out early? Yet those who call themselves Catholic will without much, if any, compunction do just that when they have an appointment with the King of Kings! To see how Our Lord regarded such an attitude, see Matthew 22:2-8. "The marriage indeed is ready; but they that were invited were not worthy."
Some clueless Newchurcher clergy and laity are possibly beginning to realize just how unCatholic their New Order sect and its institutions have become. As prominent Newchurchers appear on Notre Dame University's South Bend, Indiana, campus, run by Newchurch's Holy Cross Fathers, to protest the self-described "Catholic" university's award of an honorary Doctor of Laws degree to Obama, who champions immorality contrary to the Natural Law, the protesters are being arrested. No opposition to liberalist Obama is being tolerated by presbyter-president John Jenkins and his henchmen-presbyters of the Newchurch.
Jenkins & Co. are even eating their own. The number of arrests of their own Newchurchers now exceeds two dozen and includes their own presbyter, Norman Weslin, who was thrown to the ground and arrested. Jenkins & Co. acted even more scandalously toward independent traditional Catholic priest Paul Petko, of Lizton, Indiana, who was arrested on May 15, 2009, while in the act of leading a Rosary procession of reparation on the campus of Notre Dame, named after the Patroness of the Most Holy Rosary. Fr. Petko was carrying a banner which read "Defend Her Honor" and had a picture of Our Lady (Notre Dame).
And now we have the text of Notre Dame's excuse for inviting Obama and giving an honorary Doctor of Laws degree to this violator of the Natural Law:
"At the 164th Commencement The May Exercises, the University of Notre Dame confers the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on the 44th president of the United States, whose historic election opened a new era of hope in a country long divided by its history of slavery and racism. A community organizer who honed his advocacy for the poor, the marginalized and the worker in the streets of Chicago, he now organizes a larger community, bringing to the world stage a renewed American dedication to diplomacy and dialogue with all nations and religions committed to human rights and the global common good. Through his willingness to engage with those who disagree with him and encourage people of faith to bring their beliefs to the public debate, he is inspiring this nation to heal its divisions of religion, culture, race and politics in the audacious hope for a brighter tomorrow.
This statement of excuse for the honorary degree is a complete whitewash of an immoral individual who may be lying to the American people about being eligible for the U.S. Presidency by virtue of being a "natural-born citizen," but refuses to produce proof of that citizenship when his relatives claim that he was born in Africa. An immoral individual whose hand-picked Protestant pastor for twenty years, Jeremiah Wright, is an out-and-out racist, telling the National Press Club that the U.S. government put the AIDS virus into Blacks' drinking water. An immoral individual who conducted joint fund-raising with William Ayres, a Weatherman bomber. An immoral individual who advocates the immorality of "abortion rights" and "gay rights," sins against the Natural Law that "cry out to Heaven for vengeance."
Good Catholics, when will these clueless Newchurch presbyters and laymen learn that they are defending a sect and its institutions that are no longer Catholic? This Newchurch university, like all of the others, is not just wrong; it is immoral. That immorality is played out daily before the eyes of everyone, as its leader in Newrome suborns and covers up the assault and rape of tens of thousands of children -- and number that is growing -- and hides his law-breaking bishops in his bosom with diplomatic passports behind the gates of Newrome. One cannot help but think of Dante's chilling words of those entering the gates of Hell (Inferno III.1-3,9):
Per me si va nella citta` dolente,
Per me si va nell' etterno dolore,
Per me si va tra la perduta gente....
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch' entrate.
[Through me the way into the woeful city,
Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way among the lost people....
Abandon every hope, ye that enter.]
Dear Fathers:
What is happening to all of the priests kicked out of the SSPX by Bernie Fellay? Is there any hope in sight that out of the ashes of the SSPX will rise a group of independent priests? Or will they all just vanish into obscurity, and the laity who refuse to go to Fellay's Neo-SSPX be left out in the cold?
The Fathers Reply.
We have not heard that any of these men are courageous enough to take up the mantle of Archbishop Lefebvre. SSPX's Senior Bishop Richard Williamson, who once promised that he would lead a resistance movement if the SSPX sold out to the New Order, has apparently caved in to Fellay, perhaps under threat because of the "holocaust" affair. He is keeping his mouth tightly shut in a London suburb.
As time goes by, we have come to realize more and more just what a rare individual Archbishop Lefebvre was. To the strongest of opposition from Modernist Newchurch officials, he said a resounding No! that echoed through the halls of the Vatican II until his death in 1991 and Fellay's subsequent sellout of his principles.
Remember that the Archbishop was not contesting with a lightweight schoolmarm like Benedict-Ratzinger, but against "JPII the Great" himself. Inside reports from Newvatican indicated that when the Archbishop issued his No! to selling out the Catholic Faith, JPII, who spoke kind words to his sex-crimes abetter cardinal Bernard Law and his "gay date" rapist archbishop Rembert Weakland, flew into a fit of rage against Archbishop Lefebvre and would never mention the courageous traditional Catholic prelate's name again.
The English statesman Edmund Burke issued the famous statement: "For evil to triumph, it is only necessary for good men to do nothing." The Archbishop did something. His successors have gone beyond doing nothing; they have sold out to the Modernist enemies of the Faith and their leader, Benedict-Ratzinger, whom the Archbishop, who knew him well, dismissed with these direct words: "He is not a Catholic."
It seems that the hypocrisy of Newchurch officials never ends. One of the worst them is Raymond "Blowhard" Burke, who, since he has moved into the clutches of Newrome and its New Order, has been issuing diatribes against his own Newchurchers' liberalism. Sometimes wrongly described as "conservative," Burke is a staunch supporter of the New Order. Burke's raging case of hypocrisy was showcased again in an interview on May 13, 2009, that he gave to the National Review. Here are some excerpts:
Burke's Blowhard Talk. Burke praised consecrated virgins as a "strong witness to purity and selflessness."
Burke's Hypocritical Action. As Newchurch bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, Burke consecrated as a Newchurch "nun" a surgically-altered man. Complaints from Newchurchers poured in against Burke to the Apostolic Delegate in Washington, D.C.
Burke's Blowhard Talk. Burke denounced those who "knowingly and deliberately cooperate in grave evil."
Burke's Hypocritical Action. As archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, Burke himself committed the grave evil of theft and injustice when he attempted to steal $12,000,000 from a parish that had a perpetual charter from the first Archbishop of St. Louis to remain independent. Burke tried to steal the money in order to pay for his diocese's sex crimes.
Burke's Blowhard Talk. Burke criticized those who voted for Barack Obama in the United States because of their "collaboration with evil."
Burke's Hypocritical Action. Burke, having messed up so badly as bishop and archbishop that Benedict-Ratzinger finally transferred him to Newvatican where he could do less damage, has, as chief justice of Newvatican's supreme court, uttered not one word against Benedict-Ratzinger's suborning his Newchurch clergy's assault and rape of tens of thousands of children.
Burke's cache has become so discredited that the Newchurch Cardinal Primate of England & Wales canceled Burke's invitation to come to England for a Newchurch conference. So, an emasculated Burke has recently been relegated to diatribes against his own liberalist Newchurchers. Meanwhile, he himself supports the New Order, performs the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, and does nothing to rout immorality and corruption out of Newrome. Such is the abysmal record of Chief Justice Burke. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Benedict-Ratzinger, ever the False Oecumenist, became the first pope to take off his shoes and venerate Mohammed at the Dome of the Rock in Old Jerusalem on May 12, 2009, as his Mideast junket became buried in more and more controversy. At the entrance of the mosque, Benedict-Ratzinger was directed to remove his shoes by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and he dutifully obeyed. Even the "Clown" pope, JPII, refused to enter the Mohammedan shrine in 2000 and did not remove his shoes as he toured around the area at the top of the mount. The mosque is the third holiest venue, whence the Mohammedans believe that Mohammed ascended to heaven.
Benedict-Ratzinger has been hounded by criticism from both sides for his faux pas in the Mideast. The Jews have criticized him for his activities in the Nazi army and for not "apologizing" strongly enough for the "holocaust." The Moahammedans have criticized him for not speaking out against Jewish "crimes." So strong was this criticism that Benedict-Ratzinger scuttled out a side door before an "interfaith dialogue" was concluded. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Jumada al-awwal.
Benedict-Ratzinger, under fire from Jews for his activities in the Nazi army, tried to placate Jews by telling them that his Newchurch "will henceforth desist from all missionary and conversion activities" among them. But then Newpope waded into the political area, in which he has none of the infallibility that the Conciliar popes have rejected in the religious area.
On May 15, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger proclaimed, standing at the Gaza wall, to the Mohammedan President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas: "Mr. President, the Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at peace with its neighbors, within internationally recognized borders." The notion of an independent Palestinian state pleases Mohammedans, but has not been accepted by the Israeli government, led by conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear Fathers:
So Rembert Weakland, the Newchurch archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a champion of liberalism, "outs" himself in a new memoir. He's just confirming what was already reported a few years ago, when it came out that he'd paid his blackmailing ex-lover $450,000 in hush money from Newchurch coffers. The revelations rocked the Milwaukee archdiocese, which Weakland had led since 1977. But when he publicly read a letter of apology for the scandal, Milwaukee parishioners gave him a standing ovation.
A standing ovation! Imagine that. Your archbishop tells you that he's sorry for screwing a dude and spending nearly half a million U.S. dollars of your funds to keep the guy quiet? It didn't seem to faze the Newchurch crowd that Weakland had played them for saps, using their resources as his personal piggy bank, all so that he could retain his power and prestige. Weakland's earlier claim about having paid the money back turns out to be bogus -- an admission that he casually inserted into the middle of his mea culpa. "In my mind, the money I had given the Archdiocese was more than the settlement amount. To my continued embarrassment, I now am told that is not true," he said. How much was Weakland off by in his "mind"? Only about $250,000.
How is this all that different from the heterosexual-fornicating presbyter Cutie's staunch defenders? Time and time again, when a Newchurch presbyter or pastor has been exposed as a molester or sex criminal, there have been no shortage of Newchurch laypeople who rally fiercely to his side and demonize those who criticize him -- even if they have been his victims. This is when the "judge not, lest ye be judged" commandment of Our Lord gets twisted into an excuse to avoid justice, responsibility, and accountability. It's the same in the Black Protestant churches, where it has been documented that some pastors get away with all kinds of sexual sin, and anyone who tries to call them on it is set upon by other members of the congregation for trying to tear down a "man of God."
Newchurchers deserve everything they get. An immoral pope. A immoral clergy out of control. Their collection-plates being embezzled right and left. Since they don't have the guts to stand up against the corruption of their sect from the top down, they have themselves become accomplices in it.
When Jewish leaders criticized Benedict-Ratzinger for his membership in the Hitler Youth (Hitler Yungend), a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, and in the Nazi army, papal spokesman Federico Lombardi attempted to lie to the Jews by stating that "never, never, never" had Ratzinger been a member of the Hitler Youth.
Newvatican's lie denying Ratzinger's membership in the Hitler Youth and in the Nazi infantry was exposed by international reporters on his Mideast junket, pointing out that Benedict-Ratzinger himself had admitted he was a member of the Hitler Youth and of Hitler's army. In Salt of the Earth, a 1996 book of reflections based on interviews with German journalist Peter Seewald, Card. Ratzinger admitted that he had become a member of the Hitler Youth in 1941 and had then gone on in 1943 to serve in the Nazi army as a Wehrmacht anti-aircraft gunner.
Widespread Jewish criticism of Ratzinger's membership in the Nazi army has threatened to derail the agenda that he has been pushing during his May 8-15, 2009, junket to the Mideast. The Jewish daily Yediot Aharonot editorialized: "After all, it is claimed that you appointed to your Church a priest who denies the Holocaust [SSPX Senior Bishop Richard Williamson] and as a boy, you were a member of the Hitler Youth."
The Speaker of Israel's parliament, in some of the strongest criticism of Benedict-Ratzinger to date, described him as a "German who joined the Hitler Youth and ... a person who joined Hitler's army." Benedict-Ratzinger has been criticized for making it seem as though all the problems, violence, and hatred existed outside his local community in Germany. He has not admitted that resistance to the Nazis existed in his community -- resistance in which he did not participate. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the London Times.]
Benedict-Ratzinger announced on May 12, 2009, that Newchurch "will henceforth desist from all missionary and conversion activities" among the Jews. His stunning rejection of the New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ confirms his previous statement as head of Newchurch's Doctrine of the Faith, that the Jews can look for their own Messias. At the meeting with rabbis, staged next to Jerusalem's Great Synagogue, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger thanked Benedict-Ratzinger for his announcement, calling it an "historic agreement and for us, an immensely important message."
Rabbi Metzger also thanked Benedict-Ratzinger for preventing the reinstatement of "holocaust-denying" SSPX Senior Bishop Richard Williamson, currently living in exile outside of London. "Had you not done so," rabbi Metzger explained, "a message may have been understood by another Holocaust denier.... I commend with appreciation your clear proclamation that anti-Semitism is not only a sin against the Jews, but also a sin against God."
Rabbi Metzger concluded with an astonishing proposal for a body of World Religion, "an international body, a U.N. for religions alongside the U.N. for diplomats and statesmen. There, side by side, around one table will sit the representatives of all the religions." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters and the Jerusalem Post.]
Have the TRADITIO Network's readers noted that Benedict-Ratzinger's participation in interfaith meetings, condemned by Catholic popes, no longer merits any comments from the SSPX? And Fellay claims to be against the Vatican II doctrine of "religious liberty" that his cohort Benedict-Ratzinger is putting into action? Is the Great Sellout happening before our very eyes?
Fr. Alberto Cutie, the internationally-known Newchurch presbyter caught half naked lying in the embrace of a woman on a Miami beach, has now admitted that he and the woman have been having an affair for two years. "Father Oprah," as he is called because he runs a daily talk show in Spanish for the Newchurch archdiocese of Miami with a lovelorn audience of millions, is now faced with a dilemma: leave the presbyterate and marry the woman (whom he says he "loves") or put the woman away to continue raking in the bucks from his radio program, carried by the Pax Catholic [sic] Communications' Radio Paz/Radio Peace network. He has also written newspaper sex-advice columns and a self-help book, Real Life, Real Love.
Newchurch women who have become infatuated with the cute Cutie deluged his archdiocese with weepy phone calls demanding his reinstatement and organized a demonstration for him. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
Isn't it curious how Newchurch always talks about "dialogue," but doesn't really want frankness? "Dialogue" in Newchurch is just Newvaticanspeak for: do it our way, the Modernistic, Novus Ordo way.
Well, Benedict-Ratzinger got a taste of his own medicine on May 11, 2009, when the Chief Islamic Judge of the Palestinian Authority, Sheikh Tayseer Rajab Tamimi, had his say in front of Newpope. The sheikh expressed his frank opinion that Christians should join Mohammedans should unite against the Jewish state for its murders of women and children in Gaza.
Benedict-Ratzinger was so discomfited by the frank statement that he scurried out of the meeting before it was over. Newpope's spokesman, presbyter Federico Lombardi, expressed concern the papal junket to the Mideast could be "damaged" by the incident. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Jerusalem Post.
On May 8, 2009, former U.S. Presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes, along with 21 others, was arrested on charges of trespassing at the University of Notre Dame while he was protesting against pro-abortion Barack Obama's appearance there. Notre Dame has invited to Obama to speak at the Newchurch university's commencement ceremonies on May 17, 2009, in South Bend, Indiana. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by World News Daily.]
It's all too little and too late. These Neocon Newchurchers are doing little more than decapitating a few mushrooms in a lawn that is infested with the fungi. Fire the Notre Dame president, and Newchurch will just appoint another unCatholic Modernist just like him. You have to get to the root of the problem, or the New Order fungi will just grow back.
After all, Notre Dame's president is simply following the policy of the American Newchurch bishops, namely, that a so-called "Catholic" pro-abortion person cannot give a talk or receive an award, but a non-Catholic may. This policy simply shows how unCatholic these Newchurch bishops are. Abortion is a grave offense against God, no matter whether you are Newchurch, Protestant, Jewish, Mohammedan, or pagan. So, these bishops are once again hoisted on their own petard, so to speak. The hypocrisy of Newchurch is appalling. What they need is a "fall guy," and the head of the once-Catholic university is probably going to pay for it with his job, whereas it is the Newchurch bishops that should be fired. But Benedict-Ratzinger will never do so because he is one of them!
Keyes should take an historical lesson from what the people of Northern England did in 1536, when King Henry VIII tried to impose his false religion on that Catholic country. An army of 40,000 Catholics was quickly raised to restore Catholicism. So effective were they that they got the corrupt king shaking in his boots because their forces outnumbered his. He their leaders to London to "negotiate," but this was a hoax. Henry knew that the English people were still Catholic and that he would lose in an open discussion. So he resorted to trickery and empty promises, eventually murdering the Catholic leaders in the most gruesome ways. In fact, Henry martyred 216 Catholics, including lords and knights, 6 abbots, 38 months, and 16 parish priests.
Good Catholics, the Pilgrimage of Grace should be a lesson for Alan Keyes. He and his colleagues must strike at the heart of all the problems: the Modernist New Order that has taken possession of the carcass of Newchurch. What good is a new university president if you still accept the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, sacraments, doctrines, and morals? The Pilgrimage of Grace should be an example also for Bernie Fellay, leader of the Neo-SSPX, who seems so willing to "negotiate" with the Conciliar monarchs, who invite him to Newrome with meretricious words, but then deceive and behead him, as Benedict-Ratzinger did on August 29, 2005, the Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.Fr. Alvaro Calderon has joined SSPX Prior Meramo, Dean Abrahamowicz, and Fr. Ceriani in speaking out against Bernie Fellay, leader of the Neo-SSPX, for abandoning the anti-Modernist principles of SSPX Founder-archbishop Lefebvre and embracing the New Order.
Fr. Calderon, one of the SSPX's most distinguished theologians, has circulated a 70-page broadside against Fellay entitled Second Vatican Council: the Religion of Man. This broadside challenges Fellay's sellout to the New Order of Vatican II and documents the unCatholic doctrine that arose from that Neo-modernist Council. In 2005 Fr. Calderon wrote for the SSPX's official organ, Angelus, a theological article that Newchurch canonizations are spurious, and certainly not infallible. That position too is an embarrassment to Bernie Fellay, who now wishes to fly to the bosom of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch.
Fr. Calderon is undoubtedly the next SSPX priest to be expelled from Fellay's autocratic Neo-SSPX!
"Theology of the Body." We hear the term bandied about, but no one seems to be able to define it clearly. No surprise there. It is one of those Modernist constructs that means whatever any individual wants it to mean. But what we do know for sure is that there is no lack of Newchurch fanatics who want to make money off of it -- lots of money.
A New Order fabrication, the "Theology of the Body," was developed by JPII, who "took the sexual revolution an extra step" in 129 Wednesday talks given between September 5, 1979, and November 28, 1984. It is clear from the very first talk that JPII's approach to theology diverges from the theology of the Catholic Church. Rather than being rooted in the realism and objectivity of Catholic Thomism, the Theology of the Body is rooted instead in the false subjective philosophies of Modernism. The Church's theology is objective, deductive, and rational. The Theology of the Body constructs a counter-theology that is subjective, inductive, and experiential -- in a word, Modernist. For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Belief? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics), in the section "Modernism and 'Theology of the Body."
Now, if there's money to be made from some scam, someone will figure an angle to enrich himself. Enter Christopher West. Drawing his inspiration from JPII's amorphous "Theology of the Body," West made it into a money-maker for himself. West sounded like a pagan when on May 7, 2009, he told ABC's Nightline: "One of the most important ways we can get closer to God is through great sex." He also says that he takes great inspiration from Playboy impresario Hugh Heffner, who made his fortune from pornography. Heffner's name has become a synonym for sleaze, but West considers him an idol equal to JPII. "I love Hugh Heffner," West told Nightline. "I actually see very profound historical connections between Hugh Hefner and John Paul II."
One could write Christopher West off as kook, but he isn't. He's as sly a fox as Benedict-Ratzinger. "Christian" sex therapy is big business. West's sex books have sold more than a million copies and his CDs have sold three million copies. Like Tony Robbins with his seminars on "personal power," West hosts "Catholic" sex retreats that cost an arm and a leg -- not to speak about of body parts.
West admits that his take on Christianity and sex is a radical departure from the teachings of the Church -- until JPII's "Theology of the Body," that is, which made the Joy of Sex a path to salvation, a "glimmer of salvation," as West puts it. West is reminiscent of the prostitute who defended her line in court by saying that she was a pagan priestess applying "sex therapy." The courts didn't buy that either!
Of course, West is not the first Newchurcher to try to profit from the New Order. Scott Hahn, a Fundamentalist Protestant minister who believed that the pope was the "whore of Babylon," had sold as many of his books and other media as he could to Fundamentalists. Then he "saw the light"; he experienced a "conversion" to the "Catholic" New Order. Now he has repackaged his Fundamentalist books and CDs to remarket them to a brand-new audience of clueless Newchurchers by adding a sprinkling of Catholic terminology. And the Charismatic-Modernist "Catholic" Cable Network is tickled to give him a platform from which to spread his expensive deceit.
By the way, Newchurchers West and Hahn hate traditional Catholicism. Go figure!
JPII reigned for 26 years, but already Benedict-Ratzinger, after only four years, has surpassed his predecessor in the number of Mohammedan mosques that he has entered. On May 9, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger entered the Hussein bin-Talal mosque in the Jordanian capital of Amman. In late 2006 he had visited the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, where he assumed the posture of an Infidel and prayed barefoot, Muslim-style, flanked by two imams.
Upon arriving at Amman on May 8, 2009, for a week-long junket to schmooze Mohammedans and Jews, Benedict-Ratzinger said that he welcomed the opportunity to speak of "my deep respect for the Muslim community." When was the last time he spoke of his "deep respect" for traditional Catholicism? Never! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre condemned JPII for parading into mosques and synagogue and engaging in inter-religious "prayer" services and esteeming the "values" of false religions. What is his successor, Bernie Fellay, in the Society of Saint Pius X doing now? Making excuses for Benedict-Ratzinger doing exactly the same thing as JPII.
And Neocon Newchurchers who are so tickled by Benedict-Ratzinger's "conservatism" should note that at every papal Mess to be said on his May 8-15, 2009, junket to the Mideast he is not using not even the gutted and modernized "Roman" Canon (in the Novus Ordo called Eucharistic Prayer I), but Eucharistic Prayer III, one of the three new invalid ones introduced in 1967 by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers.
Discredited archbishop Rembert Weakland, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an outspoken foe of traditional Catholicism while he was having an affair with a homosexual catamite and stealing money from Newchurch to pay him off for his silence, will release in June 2009 a book entitled A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs of a Catholic [sic] Archbishop." In the book Weakland describes his "psychological, spiritual, and sexual growth" and admits that he is "gay," one of many active "gay" bishops in Newchurch, whom the corrupt Benedict-Ratzinger administration has done nothing to expel from their offices.
Weakland took early retirement from his job as Newchurch archbishop of Milwaukee when it came to light that he had stolen $450,000 from Newchurch funds to buy the silence of a young male prostitute, who accused him of "date rape." The young homosexual had the goods on Weakland -- a handwritten love-note from Weakland. Never willing to confront the corruption in Newchurch that he suborned, JPII let Weakland resign with no punishment for his crime and never even asked for Weakland to return the stolen money.
In November 2008, under subpoena and under oath, Weakland admitted that he knowingly transferred Newchurch presbyters with a history of sex crimes into Novus Ordo churches, that he failed to inform parishioners that their presbyters were sex criminals, that he refused to report his presbyters' sex crimes (let alone his own!) to police, and that he destroyed material evidence of crimes. When apprised of Weakland's admitted crimes, Benedict-Ratzinger declined to take any action.
Good Catholics, while Benedict-Ratzinger prances around the Mideast as the "Holy Father," his bishops and presbyters continue to rape and assault children. Published Newchurch reports indicate that these crimes are increasing, not decreasing. And why not? Benedict-Ratzinger refuses to punish the criminals, but instead secrets them in his very bosom, gives them a Vatican diplomatic passport, and pays them off with cushy jobs. No doubt Sts. Pius V and Pius X would have thrown them into prison and denounced them for the filth that they are.
Dear Fathers:
I want to inform your readers about the consequences of legalizing "gay" marriage, as is beginning to happen in the United States. Once "gay" marriage is recognized legally, all kinds of people -- clerks in the local registrar's office, photographers, owners of reception halls, florists -- will not have the legal right to refuse to provide services for "gay" weddings, even if doing so would violate their own religious beliefs.
In Iowa, the state's attorney general told county recorders that they must issue licenses to "gay" couples or face criminal misdemeanor charges and dismissal. New Mexico's Human Rights Commission fined a husband-wife photography team more than $6,000 because they declined to photograph a "gay" commitment ceremony. In New Jersey, authorities yanked the property tax exemption of a church group that denied requests by two lesbian couples to use the group's boardwalk pavilion for their commitment ceremonies.
Move over, Mel Gibson. Enter Fr. Cutie (we kid you not; that's his real name!). Newchurch's latest scandal involves a Miami, Florida, presbyter, Alberto Cutie, who is featured on the cover of a Spanish-language magazine, TV Notas, half naked, lying on a beach embracing a woman. Cutie is internationally known under his stage name, Father Oprah, given to him because of the advice that he gives on his secular radio program.
The latest scandal was too much even for Newchurch. Cutie was relieved on May 5, 2009, of his duties at St. Francis de Sales Church in Miami Beach and his daily talk show on a major secular television network, Radio Paz/Radio Peace. TV Notas gave the presbyter eight inside pages as well, titled "First Photos of a Priest In Flagrante with His Lover."
Presbyter Cutie issued a strange "apology," stating that he "wants to ask for forgiveness if my actions have caused pain and sadness. Note the conditional if. A spokeswoman for the Miami Newchurch archdiocese reported that the plight of the peripatetic presbyter led to the archdiocese's receiving "a bunch of calls from sobbing women." It all sounds like some Spanish soap opera!
In addition to his TV and radio appearances, he has written newspaper advice columns and a self-help book, Real Life, Real Love. Apparently, when TV Notas snapped its photo, Cutie was doing personal research on the subject. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
Donald Wuerl, the Newchurch archbishop of Washington, D.C., is another of those Newchurch bishops who is not to be believed. He has been slammed even by Newchurchers for giving the Novus Ordo cookie to outspoken abortion advocate Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives for the last two years, as well as U.S. Senators Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, who likewise pose as "Catholics" to get votes, but advocate abortion "choice."
Wuerl, who describes himself as a "liberal," recently gave a self-serving interview to Politics Daily, a mouthpiece of the liberalist fringe. And how did Wuerl defend his action? He calls the Newchurchers who criticize his unCatholic action as "polemicists who seem to think they're not bound by the commandment, 'You shall not bear false witness.'" But, Donald, they're not bearing false witness. You yourself admit that you give the invalid Novus Ordo cookie to Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, and other self-described "Catholic" legislators!
Wuerl went on to say that bishops could choose from "two different approaches. One is the pastoral, teaching mode, and the other is the canonical approach." He doesn't think that it's a very close call: "I have yet to see where the canonical approach has changed anyone's heart." So, Donald, we assume that even now you are telling Benedict-Ratzinger to annul the "excommunication" of traditional Catholic bishops Marcel Lefebvre, Founder of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), and his associate Antonio de Castro Mayer. Yeah, sure.
Wuerl then resorts to the ultimate cop-out. He says that Pelosi, as a San Franciscan, isn't a creature of his flock. Of course, George Niederauer, the Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, has no problem with giving the invalid Novus Ordo cookie to the blasphemous, transvestite Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. It seems as if Wuerl and Niederauer were in cahoots on playing games spilling their cookies!
Dear Fathers:
I am a "Motu" priest who has been called upon to chant a Missa Cantata. I barely know Latin, let alone Gregorian chant. I am scared stiff! Do you know anything that can help me?
The Fathers Reply.
This is a great problem with the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Pope John XXIII made it clear in his Apostolic Constitution Veterum sapientia of 1962 exactly how priests needed to be educated before ordination, and that included 7-9 years of Latin, during which the priest would learn to read, write, and speak the Church's language, as well as to chant his parts of the Mass. The hypocritical Newchurch has simply ignored this papal requirement to foist incompetent presbyters off on the clueless Motarians. So, you are caught in a morass not of your own making.
We can, however, highly recommend the St. John Schola's series of CD recordings, which are intended, in addition to the immense spiritual benefit of simply meditating with the Church's Sacred Chant, to serve as a practice guide in the use of Gregorian chant in the traditional liturgy. Through this series, which now numbers seven CDs, with more on the way, you will hear the actual chant of your sung parts -- Collect, Epistle, Gospel, etc. -- for several Mass settings. We can think of no better practical source to assist both laymen and clergy to learn the chant. For further information, see the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
The dream of Thomas Monaghan is sinking into a Florida swamp. Monaghan is now hounded by lawsuits for mismanagement from parents and students of his former Ave Maria University.
Monaghan deceptively tried to sell real-estate properties in the new town of Ave Maria, Florida, to "traditional" Catholics, all the while knowing that their foundation is not "traditional," but New Order. "Traditional" Catholics aren't buying it -- either the New Order or the properties. Monaghan projected a population of 11,000. In fact, after three years, the town stands at less than five per cent of that number.
A reception area is adorned with a bust of JPII, the "Clown" pope, shaking hands with Monaghan. A photograph shows Monaghan shaking hands with Mother Theresa. The bloom is certainly off that rose! JPII's beatification is now in jeopardy because of as-yet secret information retained by his private secretary, and Mother Theresa is under attack because of her jet-setting and her support of pagan Hinduism.
The town of Naples, Florida, doesn't have a grocery store, but beer is served at a shop with pictures of the Virgin Mary looking down upon the brews. "Real estate's dead," says one Ave Maria realtor. "Buyers can almost name their price." He dubs neighborhoods composed of dirt and grassas the "Serengiti view." Meanwhile, Monaghan has given up on making Naples a "traditional" Catholic town. All kinds -- atheists, agnostics, Jews, Baptists -- are now residents.
Well, what do you expect from a pizza-maker who can't even make a good pizza?! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Petersburg Times.]
Dear Fathers:
Strong words have been used denouncing Bernie Fellay's sham and sacrilegious Rosary Crusades, including the following by the SSPX's former Prior Meramo: "If Bishop Fellay dares to say this [that an SSPX sellout to the New Order was made thanks to the blessing of the Virgin Mary], I summon him before God to be chastised by the Most Holy Virgin Mary for using her holy name in such a falsehood."
But little has been said of the diehard SSPX members who, apart from keeping Fellay's Neo-SSPX afloat, are the ones who aid and abet these sacrileges, for by their participation in these "crusades," they become accomplices and accessories in this sin. If the trend elsewhere is as here in Bombay, the majority of SSPX members are those who get carried away by their base emotions rather than by their God-given reason and who cannot, or will, not see beyond their noses. When SSPXers appear for their judgment, the cannot say "Fellay told us." Eve tried this, but got her punishment anyway!
God will not be mocked. Neither will he allow the Blessed Mother or her most Holy Rosary to be mocked. Shame on you, Bernie!
Stanislaw Dziwisz, JPII's long-time private secretary, who was paid off with a Newchurch cardinalate by Benedict-Ratzinger, is reported to be trying to put the skids to the beatification of the "Clown" pope. His colleague in this effort is reported to be another Newchurch Cardinal, Angelo Sodano, the former Number Two man at Newvatican as Secretary of State.
Dziwisz is said to have told the Newchurch Congregation for the Causes of Saints that there are "issues that cast a shadow over the beatification process." Dziwisz admits that, against wishes made in JPII's will, he did not burn JPII's personal notes. Dziwisz has refused to testify before the Congregation, leading observers to wonder what he knows that he does not want to declare under oath. Sodano has refused to testify as well.
Speculation about the disqualifying information range from some deal that JPII made with atheistic Communists to benefit Poland to his knowledge that significant numbers of his Krakow clergy were acting as spies for the Communist Secret Police. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The News and Panorama.]
Dear Fathers:
Certain neocon Newchurchers are crowing about the "priests" and religious forming part of the Ecclesia Dei community. Do you think that these people will transform the Newchurch of the New Order?
The Fathers Reply.
By the term "Ecclesia Dei community," we assume you mean what used to be those associated with the "Indult," now the "Motu." No, we don't think that any transformation is coming. The Ecclesia Dei community, so called, is not composed of traditional Catholics, but of Novus Ordinarians. They are practitioners of the Modernist New Order, albeit concealed in some Latin, which most of them can barely mouth, let alone understand.
First of all, Indult/Motu clergy are not traditional priests, but Novus Ordo presbyters, who have been ordained under Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Protestantized Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 or who have been ordained by "bishops" who were never consecrated, but merely "installed" under Bugnini's New Ordinal.
As with all these hoaxes to keep neocon Newchurchers in the Novus Ordo pews and paying money to the New Order for its huge sex-crimes bill, there is always an initial blip of enthusiasm for a year or two, which quickly turns into feelings of being tricked. This situation occurred after JPII's so-called indult of 1988, which essentially went nowhere. The initial enthusiasm quickly disappeared when it became clear that Newchurch did not really want the Indult except for window-dressing. It was just another Newchurch hoax: JPII had to do something to reassert the control of the New Order when Archbishop Lefebvre courageously refused to sell the SSPX's anti-Modernist principles out, principles which the Archbishop's successor is now spitefully proceeding to sell out.
Now we have Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Hoax of 2007. It took only a year for the venerable Latin Mass Society of the U.K. to split over the hoax. Some became Motarians and praised the "Extraordinary" Mess (not alluding, of course to the "Ordinary" Mess, which was likewise promulgated by Benedict-Ratzinger); others determined that the "Motu" was just another sellout of traditional Catholicism. Already the "Motu" Mess diverges from the Mess of 1962 -- and remember that the Mess of 1962 was essentially the handiwork of Hannibal Bugnini, the Freemason presbyter who later became the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo.
The TRADITIO Network has received reports from all over the world that the Mess of 1962 has been changed in places, the vernacular has been introduced for various parts of the Mess, altar-girls and eucharistic ministresses are employed at some sites, and cookies from the Novus Ordo service are handed out as "Motu" communion.
Good Catholics, the history is clear. The Newchurch of the New Order has no desire for the Traditional Latin Mass -- and that is certainly not the Mess of 1962+! As time passes, more and more of the invalid Novus Ordo service will be imported into the "Motu" Mess. After all, that is exactly what Benedict-Ratzinger said in his "Motu" that he wanted to do. The neocon Newchurchers once again have on their blinders to the truth.
This spring many members of the Newchurch Knights of Columbus will be collecting donations at Novus Ordo parishes for the Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC). Like all liberalist organizations, this one has a pretty name, but it has a immoral, pro-abortion positions. In the concluding statement of the December 15-16, 1977, International Summit on Prevention of Mental Retardation From Biomedical Causes," which ARC sponsored, we find Recommendation VIII, "Potential Danger of the Right-to-Life Movement":
The recent coalescence of the Right to Life movement into a national force of significant proportions, I believe, has been a surprise to all of us. To some, this has been an unwelcome development. If we do not meet this force head on, it could become a threat to genetics, to amniocentesis, to sex education in public schools, and to our efforts to help with the problem of teenage pregnancy, and it could seriously diminish our efforts to prevent mental retardation.
I am suggesting that we confront this force by linking up with other organizations such as the National Organization for Women, AMA [American Medical Association], Planned Parenthood Community Medicine, and abortion-rights organizations, and public health officials working for the rights of all women to opt for or against abortion of their own free will.
In 1978, the Delaware branch of the ARC passed a resolution urging Congress to pay for eugenic abortion for the poor. ARC's Washington, D.C., lobbyist now claims that the organization "takes no position on the issue of abortion," even though almost 90% of unborn children thought to be affected by Down syndrome are aborted. The number of unborn children who are aborted moves closer to the 100% mark for couples who have undergone prenatal diagnosis to detect Tay Sachs disease in the foetus.
The Fathers Reply.
The Newchurch Knights of Columbus, which is now a different organization from the traditional one whose purpose was to educate and convert non-Catholics to the true Faith, should not be supported in any fund-raising. The immoral and unCatholic positions and activities of the Newchurch Knights of Columbus have been frequently documented in these Commentaries. No true Catholic should consider having anything to do with this group, let alone fund its activities.
Dear Fathers:
Could you please tell me when the "so called" Dialogue Mass was first introduced and under what conditions? The SSPX claims that it is "traditional," but I really doubt that.
The Fathers Reply.
The Modernist revolutionaries introduced the "Dialogue Mass" in some places in the 1950s and early 1960s, together with the vernacular, the performance of a Mass on a table facing the congregation, and even concelebration. Among the young priests who took a delight in these liturgical experiments, condemned by the Church, in 1933 was the chaplain of the Catholic Youth Movement, a certain Fr. Giovanni Battista Montini, later to become the Vatican II Modernist Newpope, Paul VI. The revolutionaries specifically and intentionally targeted the most vulnerable and innocent minds within their charge, the youth, knowing they were thereby sowing the seeds of their nascent revolution, which a later generation of Modernist revolutionaries would reap.
The so-called Dialogue Mass is not a traditional practice, but was used by the liturgical revolutionaries to usher in the invalid Novus Ordo service. The traditional form of Holy Mass has the server at Mass make the responses. At a Missa Cantata the Gregorian schola or polyphonic choir chants the responses, the Ordinary, and the Propers.
The Dialogue Mass was repeatedly condemned by the traditional Sacred Congregation of Rites, but Hannibal Bugnini, the Secretary of the Liturgical Revision Commission and the same presbyter who later fabricated the Novus Ordo service with six Protestant ministers, influenced its extensive use in the decade or so before the Modernist Vatican II Council.
It is no surprise, therefore, that the SSPX promotes this Modernist practice of a Dialogue Mass, along with many others advocated by the Modernist revolutionaries, such as the increased used of the vernacular, in its SSPX version of the Vatican II-Bugnini Mess of 1962+. For further information, see METHOD.TXT: The Slow and Methodical Destruction of the Traditional Liturgy in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Among its other grave sins, Newchurch has killed Catholic nuns. They don't exist any more in the New Order. The Newchurch Leadership Conference of Women Religious now openly supports statements like "moving beyond the Church, even beyond Jesus, as the dynamic option for religious life," which was included in its 2007 keynote address. The Conference represents 95 per cent of Newchurch women religious in the United States.
In the muddled language that is so characteristic of Vatican II, Dominican "Sister" Laurie Brink described moving on to a new congregation as the "dynamic option" for religious life. This "sojourning congregation" will grow beyond the bounds of institutional religion to "the spirit of the holy in all of creation." She describes the new congregation as "Post Christian." "Sister" Laurie did not say, however, that in conscience she and her post-Christian nuns would reject Newchurch's money and property. Oh, no!
"Sister" Laurie described Benedictine "nuns" as having a primary commitment to "oecumenism," which has led them "beyond the exclusivity of the Catholic Church into a new inclusivity, where all manner of seeking God is welcomed. They are certainly religious women, but they are no longer women religious. They choose as a congregation to step outside the Church in order to step into a greater sense of holiness."
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch, which has brought this condition about, has done what any secular political institution would do when embarrassed: announce an "investigation." These investigations are always started with fanfare and end up doing nothing. Remember the investigation of sex crimes among the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops? Two chairman of the USCCB Sex-crimes Investigating Board called the Newchurch bishops essentially accessories to rampant sex crimes. One chairman even stated of the USCCB: "This is not the Catholic Church. It is a mafia." Both chairmen were fired by the USCCB for publicly telling the truth. The Newchurch bishops and Benedict-Ratzinger did virtually nothing to stop the sex crimes among Newchurch clergy, which crimes have doubled in just the last year by the bishops' own published report. So much for "investigations." The head of the investigation of Newchurch "nuns," Newchurch bishop Leonard Blair, of Toledo, Ohio, in response to questions from the press about what would be done, said: "I have nothing further to add."
Good Catholics, be prepared for another whitewash, just as was the "investigation" into rampant homosexuality in Novus Ordo seminaries. which ended up admitting homosexuals, as long as they were good little boys for just three years. And to think that clueless Newchurchers are still donating money to these Newchurch frauds!
The Neo-SSPX's situation in the New Order is a "canonical" nightmare. Now it four bishops are "unexcommunicated" from the Novus Ordo, but they remain suspended a divinis. They have no authority in Newchurch to administer the Sacraments or to celebrate public Mass. All the SSPX clergy remain suspended. If Bernie Fellay were not a hypocrite, having accepted membership in the Newchurch of the New Order, he should order that all SSPX operations be shut down until he and all other SSPX clergy are unsuspended.
But Fellay, the current SSPX head, has already sold out on that point. He said that his second "unnegotiable" demand before "negotiations" could begin with the New Order would be the "annulling" of the excommunications. But Benedict-Ratzinger did not annul, i.e., declare invalid, these excommunications; he "lifted" them. The difference is as that between night and day. A marriage that is annulled never existed because it was invalid from the start, as when a brother attempts to marry his sister. A "lifting" of a marriage, i.e., a divorce, recognizes the validity of the marriage, but cancels it thereafter.
Archbishop Lefebvre pronounced clearly that the Novus Ordo excommunications" were null and void, invalid, never existed, like the marriage of brother and sister. Benedict-Ratzinger confirmed the validity of the excommunications, but merely "lifted" them as an act of "benevolence." Moreover, he "lifted" only four of the six "excommunications," those on the bishops who had made overtures to the New Order (Fellay, Galarreta, Mallerais, Williamson), leaving in place those of the two bishops who never recanted their traditional Catholicism (Lefebvre, Mayer).
Fellay should have rejected the phony "unexcommunications." Instead, he accepted their validity, as his Archbishop-Founder never did. Fellay sold out once again thereby to accept membership in the New Order. And now, by his act, all SSPX members are essentially, with him, now members of the New Order. And the blood of Archbishop Lefebvre is drooling from the victorious mouth of Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox"!
One of our TRADITIO Network correspondents monitoring the activities of the SSPX from within has reported to us that, in contravention of Superior General Bernie Fellay's public statement, his Neo-SSPX and Benedict-Ratzinger's Newrome have begun to talk on or around April 19, 2009, on a face-to-face basis, behind closed doors. Bernie Fellay's public statement that the "negotiations" would be conducted in written exchanges so that there would be a record, may be just another lie to his SSPX members. The report also indicates that the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, has been excluded from these "negotiations."
Good Catholics, it is clear that Fellay does not want SSPX members to know what he is doing as he sells out their SSPX. He will delude them with yet another "Rosary Crusade" and then present them with a fait accompli. It is clear that Fellay is quickly learning Novus Ordo ways. After all, he has been sitting at the feet of Newchurch's head, Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox," who was one of the chief architects at Vatican II, injecting the seeds of Modernistic doctrines into the Conciliar documents. Is it any wonder that he wants the SSPX in his clutches publicly agreeing with the "doctrines" of the Neo-Modernist Council?!
When was the traditional violet color of vestments during Holy Week (except for black on Good Friday) changed to the Novus Ordo red?
The Fathers Reply.
The change in color was part of many "modernizations" intended by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's liturgical-revision committee to lead Catholics step by step from the traditional Catholic rites to the New Order service of 1969. Bugnini's committee introduced these "modernizations" in three waves of major changes to the traditional rites, in 1956, 1960, and 1962. After Vatican II Bugnini was appointed as the head of a committee of six Protestant ministers to fabricate the Novus Ordo of 1969, in which red remained the color of vestments during most of Holy Week.
The old Roman god Janus was known as being two-faced. On one side, he smiled; on the other, he frowned. The SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay is playing Janus to the hilt these days. He knows that he cannot openly sell out the SSPX to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch; otherwise, as much as half of the Society will reject his Neo-SSPX will drop out. On the other hand, he cannot give the fillip to Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernistic/Vatican II/New Order sect; otherwise, he will lose the "recognition" after which he hankers. So he plays the duplicitous Janus.
In an interview with the Swiss Le Courrier, Fellay avers that at this time he is "not ready to accept the Second Vatican Council." Note carefully the language -- "not ready." He does not rule out his becoming ready at some future point. Nor does he reject totally the idea of "negotiating" with the Newrome over the issue. His Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, spoke directly to this point: Card. Ratzinger is "not a Catholic." No "negotiations." Rome could come knocking again when it rejected the Modernism of Vatican II and returned to Catholicism. Period.
Not only does Fellay leave open the Society's future acceptance of Modernism and Vatican II. He welcomed being reinstated ("unexcommunicated") into the New Order sect. In fact, he sang Hossannas and Te Deums. His founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, said that he relished being "excommunicated" from the New Order, as any true Catholic should be. To be otherwise is not to be Catholic.
Good Catholics, as in all things, you must look beyond -- and behind -- the words to actions. Benedict-Ratzinger sometimes talks conservatively, but he acts like a Modernist. Which reveals his true soul better? As we all say in the old aphorism, "actions speak louder than words."
I've had it with Benedict-Ratzinger's phony "Motu" Mess, the Mess of 1962+. It is now clear to me that it is neither the Traditional Latin Mass nor the "Tridentine" Mass. Maybe that's why it is called only the "Latin Mass" or the "Mass of John XXIII" or the "Extraordinary Mass." The Mess of 1962+ should actually be called the "Mass of Hannibal Bugnini," after the Novus Ordo official who made it up.
Already this month we have seen two feasts in the Traditional Latin Mass, which go back to the early centuries of the Church, gutted. On May 1 the feastday of two of Christ's own Apostles, Philip and James, was demoted to some other day to accommodate a 1950s0 socalist feast of St. Joseph "the Worker." On May 3 the wondrous event of St. Helena finding the True Cross was eliminated completely. Why shouldn't the 1962+/Novus Ordo ignore the Cross? After all, it's eliminated the crucifix from many of its churches and replaced it with a Protestant cross!
Others like Fellay may play into this "Extraordinary Mess" hoax, but not me. I'm having nothing to do with it or to any "priest" or group that supports it.
The Italian press reports that a former priest of the Society of St. Pius X will run for the mayoralty of Bologna for the Forza Nuova (New Force) party. Fr. Tam served in Mexico, Argentina, and Spain with the SSPX and left the Society some nine years ago. Forza Nuova is a conservative party, which has campaigned for the banning of Islamic immigration and has recently protested the construction of mosques.
One of the oxymorons of the modern world is that democracies are often more hostile to religion than totalitarian regimes. Take the United States of America. Americans have seen the new President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court all abridging their First-Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. They have been forced to accept public payment for abortions, state recognition of "gay" marriage, and the abuse of their private property by fornicator-renters, among other abridgments.
Now, it seems, "democratic" Russia has joined the list of religious discriminators. Under the atheistic Communists, at least the Russian Orthodox Church was tolerated. Under the new democratic regime, however, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom found that religious rights were deteriorating. Early in 2009 Russia constituted a new body in the Ministry of Justice "with unprecedented powers to control and monitor religious groups." The panel found "increasing violations of religious freedom by state officials." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
In a scandal that in Newchurch rivals the bloated salaries received by certain corporate U.S. CEOs, Sean O'Malley, the Benedict-Ratzinger-appointed Newcardinal of Boston, Massachusetts, has been closing Newchurch schools right and left while giving salaries of some third of a million U.S. dollars each to his appointees, as revealed in the archdiocesan Annual Report for the Year ending June 30, 2008.
O'Malley's Superintendent of Catholic [sic] schools is being paid $325,000, and his General Counsel is being paid $300,000. The Chancellor and Development Director are being paid $250,000 each, just in straight salary. O'Malley excused the Superintendent's bloated salary as "reflecting the archdiocese's priority on strengthening its struggling schools" -- schools that with a little extra money wouldn't have to be closed.
None of O'Malley's appointees are clergy, who would work essentially for free. Furious laypeople are asking why church officials are apparently too incompetent to serve, but outside secular employees can be hired with bloated salaries. And those salaries are further bloated by perqs and benefits. Apparently, O'Malley's own Newchurch clergy are so poorly trained that they are not part of what he calls "the most talented and gifted people we can find to serve in the church." Well, Sean, if your clergy isn't competent, you may as well close down the archdiocese entirely. It's a just another Newchurch sham!
The Annual Report contains a grim forecast for the troubled archdiocesan schools. Enrollment in 2008-2009 is projected to drop by 4 per cent in elementary schools and by 9 per cent in high schools. And this report was issued before the worldwide economic crisis starting in late 2008.
The report also shows that the fund for disabled and retired presbyters is short by 114,000,000 U.S. dollars. Presbyters and laypeople have angrily charged that their donations to the fund were negligently handed, primarily to support quietly presbyters who had committed sex crimes. O'Malley has responded by staging a "gala benefit" with no assurance that the donations from it will not go to sex criminals.
The Newchurchers of Boston expelled in 2002 the former archbishop, Bernie Law, for his complicity in Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, which first came to public notice there. O'Malley seems to be having serious corruption problems of his own. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Boston Globe.]
Although Newchurch has been soft on homosexuality and has failed to oppose "gay" marriage vigorously because that might offend their "gay" Newchurchers, Protestant sects, even mainline ones, are standing firm against this abhorrence.
The United Methodists' U.S. Judicial Council ruled on April 27, 2009, that its clergy cannot perform "gay" marriages or civil unions, even if their regional church districts or annual conferences support the idea. The high court declared that Methodist clergy cannot "negate, ignore or violate" church-wide discipline, even if they disagree with the policy.
In 2008 the sect's top legislative body, or General Conference, voted to retain its ban on "gay" marriage and bar clergy from performing "gay" ceremonies or consecrating "gay" unions in the church. Pastors who violate the doctrine can be expelled. The high-court decision went against the California-Nevada Annual Conference, which had backed retired pastors who perform the ceremonies. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
On April 27, 2009, a fascinating report was issued by highly-regarded Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, which periodically updates its U.S. Religious Landscape Survey. The latest report finds that of all religious groups, Newchurch has been the biggest loser in adherents. Newchurch is attracting few newcomers. Four times as many Newchurchers are leaving the Novus Ordo sect as are joining it, the study found.
"Religious change is not simply a function of retention; it's a function of recruitment. It's both sides of the ledger," explains the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life's Greg Smith. "In no other religious groups we looked at did we see this high a ratio people leaving versus joining." Newchurchers now account for under a quarter of the population, That's mainly because Newchurch officials in the United States deceptively count legal and illegal Hispanics automatically as Newchurchers, even though many of them have actually left Newchurch to join Fundamentalist Protestant sects, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), and the Seventh Day Adventists. The vast majority of Hispanics in the United States have not set foot in a Novus Ordo church.
It is noteworthy that the language of Hispanics, Spanish, is a close relative of the Catholic mother tongue, Latin. Thus, a number of Hispanics are attracted to the Traditional Latin Mass -- and not the "Motu" Mess, which incorporates Modernistic elements, but the true Traditional Latin Mass, as offered in independent traditional Catholic churches and chapels across the United States, particularly in Florida and California. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by U.S. News & World Report.]
Dear Fathers:
Thank you for your updates on Mel Gibson. We certainly should remember him in our prayers. Although the reports on his recent activities seem to be coming from gossip rags that want to paint whatever the real situation is in the worst possible light, those reports are, nevertheless, troubling.
The Fathers Reply.
If Gibson has fallen into sin, he certainly won't be the first Catholic to have done so, nor the first traditional Catholic. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. As the Psalms warn us: "They are corrupt, and are become abominable in their ways: there is none that doth good, no not one" (Psalms 13:/1/DRV). Gibson himself has admitted that he has problems. He remarked in a television interview a few years ago that he had an internal demon within him that battled with the good in him, which latter he attributed to his traditional Catholic Faith as his lifeline. Obviously, he has had problems: binge drinking and depression, inter alia. He seems lately to have been listening more to his demon than his lifeline.
Yet, in the end, Gibson's case is still a personal one. His problems pertain to his personal life, which is exposed to the world only because of his megastar status. He is not an "Unholy Father" Benedict-Ratzinger acting in an official capacity, suborning the rape and assault of his children, lifting nary a word against these crimes, but instead aiding and abetting the criminals. Gibson is not an SSPX capo Bernie Fellay, who in his official capacity is in the process of selling out hundreds of thousands of traditional Catholics around the world to the damnable New Order.
Undoubtedly, we will hear the wagging tongues lashing out against Gibson -- and, when the smoke clears, he may be very well entitled to condemnation -- but the same tongues will not lash out against the criminal "Unholy Father" and the SSPX capo. To Benedict-Ratzinger and Bernie Fellay they will give a pass for their crimes and desertion of the traditional Catholic Faith. Catholics can do nothing for Gibson's personal life except pray for him, but they can do something about expelling a Newpope and an SSPX head who no longer stand behind Catholic doctrine, Catholic morality, or the Catholic Mass and Sacraments.
The new Newchurch archbishop of Detroit, Michigan, Allen Vignernon, whom Benedict-Ratzinger kicked upstairs from Oakland, California, because of his ability to cover up sex crimes is now faced with his first sex scandal since being "installed" (Newchurch bishops are not "consecrated") in Detroit. The pastor of St. Mary Church in Royal Oak and St. James Church in Ferndale resigned after a woman exposed him as a statutory rapist when he conjugated with her while she was a minor. Vigneron's Newchurch archdiocese is covering up details and won't even reveal the charged rapist's parish assignments, which are public information.
Good Catholics, any notion that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal is over, is dead wrong! Newchurch bishops are still playing their cover-up games, and Benedict-Ratzinger, the "Unholy Father," is rewarding them when they are successful. The U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops admitted in its annual report that between 2007 and 2008 sex crimes by Newchurch clergy increased by 50%. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Detroit Free Press.]
Walter Kasper, President of Benedict-Ratzinger's Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, stated on April 24, 2009, that in any talks between Newrome and the Society of St. Pius X, the SSPX would have to affirm to the decisions of the Second Vatican Council and accept the Novus Ordo Catechism of 1997.
Kasper went on to say that it was up to the SSPX to make steps toward the New Order. "The objective is, as far as possible, to bring them back into the [New]church." At the same time Kasper accused the SSPX of a "rigid traditional understanding." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Katholische Internationale Presseagentur.]