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After an internal memorandum of the British Government ridiculed Benedict-Ratzinger for his personal role in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, Newchurch has announced that his junket to England will be scaled back. Englishmen have been scandalized by revelations of Benedict-Ratzinger's cover-up of his clergy's sex crimes against children in their country, as well as nearby Ireland. Newvatican is reported to be afraid of hostile protests against Newpope.
Thus, the Newchurch has announced the move of the Novus Ordo beatification of England's John Henry Cardinal Newman from the 150,000-capacity Coventry Airport to the half-sized, 80,000-capacity Cofton Park in Birmingham on September 19, 2010. The change of venue has caused ire on the part of many Englishmen, and Newvatican has in consequence tried to spin the change with all kinds of specious excuses. Moreover, English Newchurchers, fed up with Benedict-Ratzinger's cover-up of his clergy's crimes, have been withholding donations for his expensive junket to Britain, and Newvatican is consequently lacking in funds for the expensive junket. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the BBC.]
Sean O'Malley, Newchurch archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, has decided to sell out his Newchurch hospital system to a secular corporation, aptly named Cerebrus Capital Management, after the three-headed hound that guards the entrance to Hell. A Newchurch lay organization in Boston is opposing the sale because it knows full well that Cerberus will not use Catholic moral principles in treatment. At a public hearing on the sale of the Caritas Christi hospital system to Cerberus Capital Management, the Catholic [Sic] Action League protested that the Caritas Christi system "will be rapidly secularized..., will no longer defend the culture of life, and administrators will lose their conscience protections."
But what can O'Malley do? His archdiocese is sinking into bankruptcy under the burden of having to pay damages to children who were raped by his and his predecessor's presbyters. With this sale O'Malley can pick up almost a cool billion in U.S. dollars. O'Malley has given Cerberus the option to implement abortion, euthanasia, and other immoral treatments if it pays a paltry 25,000,000 dollars to "an approved archdiocesan charity" (O'Malley's pocket?) and finds that adherence to Catholic moral standards has become "unlawful or materially burdensome." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Wall Street Journal.]
Dear Fathers:
I have heard that Padre Pio gave some excellent advice about how to hear Holy Mass. Could you publish it in the TRADITIO Commentaries?
The Fathers Reply.
In one of his letters, Padre Pio gave the following advice:
Enter the church in silence and with great respect, considering yourself unworthy to appear before the Lord's Majesty. Amongst other pious considerations, remember that our soul is the temple of God and, as such, we must keep it pure and spotless before God and his Angels. Let us blush for having given access to the Devil and his snares many times (with his enticements to the world, his pomp, his calling to the flesh) by not being able to keep our hearts pure and our bodies chaste; for having allowed our enemies to insinuate themselves into our hearts, thus desecrating the temple of God which we became through Holy Baptism.
Then take holy water and make the Sign of the Cross carefully and slowly. As soon as you are before God in the Blessed Sacrament, devoutly genuflect. Once you have found your place, kneel down and render the tribute of your presence and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confide all your needs to him along with those of others. Speak to Him with filial abandonment, give free rein to your heart and give Him complete freedom to work in you as He thinks best.
When assisting at Holy Mass and the sacred functions, be very composed when standing up, kneeling down, and sitting, and carry out every religious act with the greatest devotion. Be modest in your glances; don't turn your head here and there to see who enters and leaves. Don't laugh, out of reverence for this holy place and also out of respect for those who are near you. Try not to speak to anybody, except when charity or strict necessity requests this. If you pray with others, say the words of the prayer distinctly, observe the pauses well, and never hurry.
In short, behave in such a way that all present are edified by it and, through you, are urged to glorify and love the heavenly Father.
Even before the end of the Vatican II Council (1962-1965), in February 1965, someone announced to Padre Pio that soon he would have to celebrate the Mass according to a new rite, in the vulgar tongue, as fabricated after Vatican II by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his committee of six Protestant ministers for the stated purpose "to respond to the aspirations of modern man." Immediately, even before seeing the text, Padre Pio wrote to Paul VI to beseech that he be dispensed from the liturgical experiment and be able to continue to celebrate the Mass of St. Pius V. When Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1885-1971) came to see him in order to bring the authorization, Padre Pio let a complaint escape in the presence of the Paul VI's messenger: "For pity sake, end the Council quickly."
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Padre Pio"
An internal report from two SSPX priests has come to the TRADITIO Network that that there is going to be an "Extraordinary" General Chapter meeting of the SSPX in July 2010. All District and Autonomous Superiors have been summoned to the SSPX seminary at Econe, Switzerland. So far everything has been kept very secret. We will, of course, be monitoring developments and reporting inside information to readers of these TRADITIO Commentaries as further information becomes available.
On June 24, 2010, Belgian police raided the headquarters of Newchurch in Brussels, searching for evidence of reported sex crimes. The palace of archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard was sealed off. Police also raided the home of just-retired Newcardinal-archbishop Godfried Danneels, a noted Modernist figure at Vatican II. Belgium has been flooded with an avalanche of reports of sex crimes by Newchurch clergy against children. A police spokesman explained: "This is a case that the Brussels prosecutors' office received recently, containing a statement of facts in relation to alleged sexual abuse of minors by a number of people within the [New]church. The object of the searches is to verify the declaration and eventually gather evidence about these declarations."
A spokesman for Newcardinal Danneels said that the police took him to the cathedral because they had heard that there might be relevant files there. The officers were tapping on boards and looking for hidden spaces. An inquiry into sex crimes against children in Newchurch in Belgium has been ongoing for several years. Danneels was one of the leading Modernist radicals of Vatican II (1962-1965). He is said to have been the author of substantial portions of Sacrosanctum concilium, the decree of that Council leading up to the suppression in Newchurch of the Traditional Latin Mass and its replacement by an invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
Newvatican was caught completely off guard by the swiftness and determination of the Belgian police raids, initiated so that Newchurch officials had no time to implement their usual cover-up of incriminating documentation that proved their pattern of suborning the rape of children by their clergy, even bishops and cardinals. Benedict-Ratzinger himself has been accused of being part of covering up crimes against children by his clergy and failing to take any serious action against proven criminals among his hierarchy, in spite of the fact that he had pledged in April 2010 to "bring to justice" Newchurch officials responsible. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the BBC News and the Associated Press.]
Belgian police are investigating in their small country a virtual holocaust of Newchurch clergy raping 500 children in minor seminaries, schools, and other Newchurch-run institutions. The victims have accused Newchurch bishops, and Benedict-Ratzinger himself, of covering up the crimes in order to safeguard the Newchurch's now-besotted name. One advocate for the child-victims hit the nail on the head:
Vatican officials who criticize the Belgian police raid of the Brussels [New]church hierarchy should be ashamed of themselves. While Roman Church officials talk about stopping abuse, Belgian police officials have taken action to stop abuse.
Mel Gibson, producer-director of the traditional 2004 Catholic film The Passion of the Christ, has filed a restraining order against the mother of his seven-month-old bastard daughter, Oksana Gregorieva. It seems that the very-public affair, which has threatened Gibson's thirty-year marriage to his wife Robyn, has in less than a year of "dating" turned quite ugly. Gibson should have known better than to toss away his marriage and seven children, whom he himself admitted were God's gift, for a chanteuse who already had another bastard child by another actor.
The legal process was lodged under seal at the Los Angeles, California, Superior Court, but it is known that that writs were served on Gregorieva on June 24, 2010, at 00:00 GMT. After the affair became public, Robyn filed for divorce on Easter Monday 2009. Sources close to the family have reported exclusively to the TRADITIO Network that there may be some hope of a reconciliation, now that Mel has put away his adulteress and made a sincere repentance to his family. Gibson has seven children, one of whom is only ten years old. His ill-conceived affair has come close to ruining his life and certainly has ruined his reputation. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ROL.]
In a videotaped deposition released on June 22, 2010, Los Angeles Newchurch cardinal Roger Mahony admits he knowingly concealed sex crimes by his presbyter from the police and instead transferred the presbyter to another parish, where he continued to rape children. The archdiocese had tried to keep Mahony's sworn deposition secret, but the court directed that it be released to the public.
The five-hour videotaped deposition public shows Mahony admitting that his presbyter Michael Baker admitted to him in 1986 that he had sexually assaulted two children. Baker is now serving a 10-year jail sentence for sex crimes against 23 children. Mahony obstruction of justice allowed 22 additional children to be raped by his presbyter.
In 2009 it was revealed that a federal grand jury has been investigating whether Mahony and his Newchurch archdiocese merited criminal prosecution on charges of obstruction of justice and of being accessories before and after the fact for their failure to report sex crimes to the police. It is not happenstance that Mahony is a well-known homophile. In 2005 Mahony's spokesman told the press that Mahony would continue to install "gay" presbyters, as he always had. In 2007 the Newarchdiocese was forced to pay 60,000,000 U.S. dollars in a sex crimes case, the largest damage judgment by any diocese since Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust was exposed to the public.
In a more recent scandal, Mahony was discovered to have transferred presbyter Jeffrey Newell, another sex criminal, across the border into Tijuana, Mexico. Mahony has been sued for fraud and negligence in allowing Newell to continue serving as a presbyter long after his crimes were reported. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
Benedict-Ratzinger, once again showing his faithlessness, has approved the fourth Communist-affiliated bishop for his Newchurch in Red China. The "ordination" -- the Newchurch of the New Order no longer consecrates bishops, but merely "ordains" or "installs" them -- of Joseph Han Yingjin on June 24, 2010, was attended by the other three Communist-affiliated bishops appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger, together with Communist representatives from Red China's atheistic government. "Communion with Benedict-Ratzinger" now includes atheistic Communists.
Most Newchurchers are unaware that Benedict-Ratzinger has been cooperating with the atheistic Red Chinese government in approving the appointment of Communist-affiliated bishops to head his Newchurch in China. Even his predecessor, JPII, refused to cooperate with the Communists, who have a continuing policy of arresting and even executing Christians.
In 1989 the underground bishops, that is, those who operated in opposition to the Communists, were arrested. Benedict-Ratzinger is the first pope of the New Order to sell out officially to the atheistic Communist government and give his approval to the "ordination" of Communist-affiliated bishops for Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Asia News.]
Long since disproven as a fake, a motion picture on "Pope Joan" has titillated Italians to the point of making the film the third-highest-rated film at the box office. The mediaeval myth concerns an Englishwoman who purportedly dressed herself as a man and became the first "female pope." Johanna Wokalek stars as Johanna von Ingelheim, who was exposed when she gave birth during a procession though the streets of Rome. The American actor John Goodman stars as Pope Sergius, and David Wenham, an Australian last seen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, as her lover, a knight named Gerold.
According to the myth, "Pope Joan" disguised herself as a boy in order to enter a Benedictine monastery, calling herself Brother John Anglicus. She became a cardinal and was eventually elected pope in 853 after the death of Pope Leo IV, posing as pope for nearly three years before her deception was found out. The Romans, shocked and angered to find that the Holy "Father" was in fact an "Unholy Mother," stoned her to death. Amongst Italians who have increasingly lost their Faith in recent years, the film reached the top 10 of most popular movies in Italian cinemas during the week of June 13, 2010. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.]
It turns out that the myth arose when someone was trying to make a play on words in Latin. The narrow Roman street, where Joan was supposed to have been exposed as a woman in the papal procession, is called the Vicus Papissa, named after the wealthy family of Giovanni Pape. Years after the Papes were gone, a visitor joked that Vicus Papissa meant "the street of the woman pope [papissa]" instead of what it really means, "the street of Mrs. Pape"!
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Pope 'Joan.'"
St. Francis Xavier Catholic [Sic] Church is listed as an official participant in the "Gay Pride March," to be held June 26-27, 2010, in New York City. Although the Newchurch archbishop there, Timothy Dolan, expressed his displeasure, he did nothing to stop his parish's participation. The Lesbian and Gay Ministry group within his parish continued to promote the March and to distribute flyers encouraging support by Newchurchers. The Newparish representatives will join parade of men clad in drag and a host of other participants and floats that disparage Christian values.
Dolan turns out to be just another one of those hypocrite Newchurch bishops. On June 19, 2010, he was personally present at the parish where he celebrated an invalid Novus Ordo Mess and greeted the "lesbian, gay, and transgendered" group members and those wearing rainbow "gay pride" ribbons.
Citing the repeated rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated on him by his father, presbyter Marciel Maciel, founder of the Legion of Christ, a purportedly "conservative" Newchurch organization, Raul Gonzalez sued the Legion for 26,000,000 U.S. dollars in damages on June 21, 2010.
Raul has recounted that his father was received warmly by JPII, with his illegitimate son, himself, and one of his mistresses, Normita, standing right before him. "We went to the Vatican," he recalls. "We were in a small chapel and Pope John Paul II was offering Mass [sic] there." Now it is known that Maciel extorted large sums of money for Legion supporters to attend private Novus Ordo Messes in the Apostolic Palace. These extorted sums were passed through JPII's personal secretary, Msgr. Stanislaw Dziwicz, whom Benedict-Ratzinger paid off by creating him a Newcardinal, not even a month after he became pope.
Raul criticized Benedict-Ratzinger's crocodile tears over Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlment Holocaust in a chilling personal denunciation:
You can cry, the guys of the church can cry. Like Pope Benedict cried when he went to Malta. Tears dry. They dry. Your heart and your soul is affected all your life. The pain you feel. The rage you have inside your soul. [Maciel] stole my soul. Pope Benedict in 2006 moved my father, my daddy, or Marcial Maciel to a retreat to pray. Why didn't he bring him to jail? And I will ask a question. If I offer you ten million dollars, would you let yourself be raped for nine years?
Yet, JPII thought Maciel a Novus Ordo saint! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
In once-Catholic Italy, the staff at the historic Staglieno Cemetery of Genoa, Italy, were arrested for stripping gold fillings, jewels, and even artificial limbs from corpses for resale, as well as zinc from their coffins. Police believe the group hoarded the stolen goods in a workroom and sold them by the kilogram to willing buyers. The cemetery directrix dismissed the desecrations as "symptomatic of stress." This cemetery director has certainly learned her Novus Ordo immorality well!
The Staglieno cemetery was built in 1851 and was described by Ernest Hemingway as "one of the wonders of the world." Covering an area of more than a square kilometre, it is one of the largest cemeteries in Europe and is famous for its monumental sculpture and the celebrities buried there. American writer Mark Twain mentions it in his Innocents Abroad. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]
One of Benedict-Ratzinger's leading cardinals is being investigated by Italian magistrates for running a bunko operation out of Newpope's office. It turns out that Newcardinal Crescenzio Sepe, whom Benedict-Ratzinger appointed to be Prefect of the Newchurch Congregation for the Evanglization of Peoples, was not so much evangelizing peoples as scamming them.
Sepe stands accused of aggravated corruption when he administered Benedict-Ratzinger's cash and real-estate for missions abroad. Sepe colluded with Pietro Lunardi, a minister of the Italian government, in a real-estate scam, with the money being laundered through the "restoration of historic church buildings." The magistrates say that Sepe ran a "web of corruption" and favors out of Benedict-Ratzinger's office.
Once again Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican is hiding behind the legal fiction of this postage-stamp "country," established in cooperation with the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, to fob off yet another investigation. In 1982 Benedict-Ratzinger's predecessor, JPII, refused to cooperate with Italian magistrates investigating the Vatican Bank's role in the fraudulent bankruptcy of the Banco Ambrosiano. The Sepe corruption scandal is just the latest in a string of financial scandals that have hit Newvatican in recent years. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.]
Good Catholics, here we have more evidence just how widespread the corruption of Benedict-Ratzinger and his administration are. This "traditionalist" pope has even stooped to using traditional church buildings to perpetrate financial scams. The upshot is that you don't want to put any of your money in Newpope's bank. It just isn't moral!
The Newchurch diocese of Albany, New York, has refused to pay the child-victims of sex crimes by presbyter James McDevitt, claiming that although he worked for the Newdiocese, he was not technically on the payroll. In fact, McDevitt was a presbyter stationed at the Newdiocese's Sacred Heart Parish in Margaretville. On June 17, 2010, McDevitt pled guilty in response to 20 counts of sex crimes against six children as young as 11.
Once again Newchurch has compounded its physical rape of children with their judicial rape. Advocates for several of the child-victims retorted: "They’re trying to have the diocese get out of any obligation to pay for anything it's determined the priest [sic] might have done wrong." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catskill Mountain News.]
A Newchurch archbishop charged with sexually assaulting Novus Ordo seminarians got a big German bear hug from Benedict-Ratzinger in 2006 when he was under censure. Now Benedict-Ratzinger has given him a pass for his crimes and reinstated him. The Newchurch hierarchy in Poland is livid against Newpope for lifting of the ban imposed upon Juliusz Paetz from presiding at Novus Ordo rites.
In 2002 the Rzeczpospolita newspaper of Poland exposed Paetz, then head of the Newarchdiocese of Poznan in western Poland, for sexually assaulting seminarians at his seminary. Paetz resigned as bishop and retired from public life. Because Paetz was one of JPII's intimates, who once spent four years working in the papal household, Newvatican refused to take any action, but because of pressure from Newchurch in Poland, finally banned him from functioning as a bishop, forbidding him from giving the Novus Ordo confirmation, installing presbyters, and consecrating churches or leading processions.
However, in May 2010 Benedict-Ratzinger's Congregation for Bishops revoked the ban. The new archbishop of Poznan openly criticized Benedict-Ratzinger for restoring a sex criminal to the episcopacy. In 2006, while he was still under severe censure and banned from functioning as a bishop, Benedict-Ratzinger had warmly embraced Paetz at the Krakow Airport. What is this bond Benedict-Ratzinger has with sex criminals?!
As in Ireland, Germany, the United States, and other countries, Polish Newchurchers slammed Benedict-Ratzinger's duplicity and hypocrisy for not taking his clergy's sex crimes seriously. Said one critic:
This is simply another example of Pope Benedict and the Vatican's bait- and-switch approach to the abuse crisis. Pope Benedict says in a large ceremony in St. Peter's Square ending the Year of Priests [Sic] that the Church will do "everything possible" to combat the abuse crisis; then the Congregation for Bishops reinstates this archbishop. Moreover, [the discredited] Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned as Cardinal Archbishop of Boston, continues to sit on the Congregation for Bishops, holding major influence over these types of decisions.
Meanwhile, in the United States, the Vice Chancellor of the Newchurch archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a member of the archdiocesan review board for sex-crimes cases, issued an open letter on June 17, 2010, in which he blasted the do-nothing policy of U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, charging:
After more than three months of effort, I must acknowledge that I have been unable to generate a sense of priority and urgency among the local and national Church leaders, whom I believe should take the initiative to investigate my concern. In short, these Church leaders neither attempt to prove me wrong nor do they take corrective action. Why is it so difficult for the leaders of the Catholic [Sic] Church to do the right thing?
Why indeed? For all Benedict-Ratzinger's staged hand-wrining, virtually nothing has changed in his papacy to do justice to the victims, mostly children, of his bishops' and presbyters' sex crimes. It is all business as usual for him: laying on the political "spin" and the Novus Ordo propaganda. No surprise there. Benedict-Ratzinger is no traditional Catholic. He was one of the most unCatholic Fathers of Vatican II, pushing there Protestant/Modernist agenda. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Polskie Radio, TVP Polish Public Television, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.]
The Newchurch of the New Order certainly has its wierdos. The latest one is a self-styled Australian "faith healer" and "visionary," who will be shilling the Novus Ordinarians of the United States on a 2010 tour there. Alan Ames, who also styles himself as an "evangelist and mystic," is being lionized by churches of the Novus Ordo sect across the U.S.
The usual program is to combine an invalid Novus Ordo Mess and "Reconciliations" with a "faith-healing service." Like so many of these Protestant-style denizens -- Scott Hahn, the Charismat featured on the EWTN Cable Network comes to mind -- his "services" come with a large dollop of selling multitudinous books and DVDs, which highlight his former life as a violent motorcycle-gang member and drunk.
We don't know whether Ames preaches images of the Blessed Virgin in peanut-butter sandwiches, but we cannot help but be reminded of St. Paul's wise assessment: Radix omnium malorum est cupiditas, the desire of money is the root of all evils (1 Timothy 6:10/DRV). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Rochester, Minnesota, Post Bulletin.]
The Newchurch of the New Order has essentially abandoned Catholicism to become a political organization. And Benedict-Ratzinger is in the forefront of the Modernist/Liberalist Movement to transmogrify the Catholic religion into a leftwing political institution, like the mainstream Protestant sects, deceptively covered over with a little pseudo-traditional Latin and haberdasherie. Except for a few Catholic-sounding catch-phrases to deceive the Newchurchers, Benedict-Ratzinger's third encyclical, Caritas in veritate, contains hardly any Catholic doctrine, but consists primarily of warmed-over European Greenism. For further information, click on Caritas in Veritate - A Critique in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Now a Newchurch-recognized "scholar" in the United States is suggesting that Newbishops consider denying the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid -- not to supporters of abortion and "gay" marriage like Vice President Joseph Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and other officials who support the federal and state immigration laws against illegal aliens. Anthony Stevens-Arroyo, outgoing director of Brooklyn College's Center for Study of Religion in Society and Culture, fulminated in a column: "Will any of today's bishops deny communion [sic] to Catholic officials who vote for this bill and its spawn of imitators in other states? Has censure been voiced against the local sheriff Joe Arpaio (a Catholic), who has led raids on Latinos?... I think bishops who have done so about other issues like same-sex marriage create a dilemma for themselves. If they do not treat violations of Church teaching on immigration with the same measure as other issues, they run the risk of scandal to Catholic [sic] America that sees loyalty to all of the Magisterium as essential."
Good Catholics, this Newchurch "scholar" is an ignoramus on Catholic doctrine and its 2000-year-old Magisterium. He is simply trying to turn his personal Modernist/Liberalist political views into Novus Ordo "doctrine." The Catholic teaching from the early Church is that states have, under God's Natural Law, a right and necessity to protect themselves and their territories, and to defend these by force of arms, if necessary.
Arpaio is the sheriff supported by some 75 per cent of U.S. citizens of all backgrounds in his execution of federal and state law to keep out of his county drug cartels and narcoterrorists illegally coming across the U.S. southern border, who have made Phoenix, Arizona, the kidnapping capital of the world and have murdered citizens standing in their way. These efforts in justice have not pleased the Arizona Ecumenical Council, whatever in God's name that is, but you can be sure that there are Modernist/Liberalist Newchurchers on it! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
Approximately 200 young Newchurchers countered a homosexual "kiss-in" at the Newchurch cathedral of Lyons, France. The homosexuals reportedly came on the eve of the "World Day Against Homophobia" in May 2010 to kiss each other in front of the cathedral to protest the condemnation of homosexual acts as immoral. (Homophobia, by the way, is an erroneous term fabricated by by "gay" advocates. Opponents do not have a "fear" (Greek phobos) of homosexuality; they condemn it as immoral.) In a video recently released by ACI Prensa, the Newchurchers can be seen forming a line several layers deep in front of the cathedral. The homosexual demonstrators are seen jeering, blaspheming, and insulting the Newchurchers. So far so good.
But the Newchurchers got it wrong, as usual, when they topped their counter-protest with cries of Habemus papam. The problem is that Benedict-Ratzinger is the biggest homophiliac to sit in the papal chair. When the evidence was clear that many Novus Ordo seminaries had become little more than "gay" brothels, he issued a directive that admitted "gays" into his Novus Ordo seminaries as long as they swore off sodomy for a mere three years. Sounds like the same deal he has given to child-rapists. A week of psychobabble and all is forgiven! Benedict-Ratzinger has publicly praised world leaders, such as Barack Obama and the late U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, both full-throated supporters of "gay" marriage.
In any case, the condemnation of homosexuality has nothing to do with the pope. It is a severe violation of God's Natural Law and is described in Sacred Scripture as One of the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance.
The pope's own basilica is not, as even many Catholics erroneously think, that of St. Peter, but that of St. John Lateran, which is the mother church of Catholicism. According to the Latin inscription at the entrance of the basilica, this church ranks as Omnium Urbis et Orbis Ecclesiarum Mater et Caput [the Mother and Head of All Churches in the City and the World]. The Roman emperor Constantine, who brought the Catholic Faith out of the catacombs, presented the Lateran palace in Rome to Pope Melchiades to become the pope's residence and the administrative center of the Church. For this reason the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome to this day is known as the pope's church.
It was in this once-sacred basilica that, on June 11, 2010, the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Benedict-Ratzinger permitted the sacrilege of a Clown and Balloon Mess as part of the Novus Ordo "Ordinary Mess" of the New Order. This feast was established as a feast of atonement for human ingratitude toward God in spite of the supreme sacrifice of Calvary. The theme for the new Mass and the Divine Office was taken from the words of Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary: "Behold the Heart which has loved men so greatly, but which has been given so little love in return." Benedict-Ratzinger's sacrilege certainly could be included in that censure of Our Lord!
Rock amplification blasted through the archbasilica, balloons floated up to the sacred ceiling paintings, clowns danced, and the Newchurchers clapped to the profane music. No wonder that around the world the Catholic Faith and the papacy are viewed as a mockery, a laughing stock. Because that is what the New Order has made them.
The Pew Research Center, a highly-respected U.S. religious statistical group, has exposed the media in the United States as trying to cover up Benedict-Ratzinger's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, while the European media give it featured coverage. The Pew report raises questions about the degree to which the U.S. media are controlled by the Newchurch bishops, whereas the European press is shown as more independent and objective. In early 2010 English-language European newspapers published three times as many articles on the scandal as U.S. papers did.
The Pew study also showed that both in the U.S. and in Europe, coverage is homing in on the complicity of Benedict-Ratzinger himself. During a six-week period from mid-March 12, 2010, to late April 2010, Benedict-Ratzinger was a major focus of more than half the stories on the scandal in the mainstream U.S. media, including print, radio, network television, cable TV, and online news sources.
Advocates for child-victims of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocause say that the increased coverage has played a key role in galvanizing a critical mass of sex-crime victims to step forward for the first time. When victims read stories of other children who were raped and assaulted by Newchurch bishops and presbyters, they are more likely to break their own silence. In the United States, that pattern was set in motion in 2002, after the Boston Globe broke the scandal locally. Eight years later, Newchurch in the United States has paid out billions of dollars in damages to child-victims.
Although Vermont's Newchurch bishop Salvatore Matano tried to blame the virtual shutdown of his diocese on the damages that he has been forced by court order to pay to child-victims of his presbyters for their sex crimes, the real story lies buried under Matano's "cover story." Newchurchers are walking out of a corrupt and spurious "Catholic" Church in record numbers.
Matano announced that he would be selling off his 13-hectare, 125-year-old Burlington headquarters to pay off just some of the more than 20,000,000 U.S. dollars in damages to 19 child-victims of 30 Newchurch presbyters. Matano came under fire for attempting to secret the money into a "charitable trust" for each parish. The court obviously didn't accept that ploy.
But the real story is that both the number of presbyters and congregants is dropping precipitously: one out of five Newchurchers have left in just the last five years. During the same period more than one out of four presbyters have left the active ministry. The school population has dropped 29 per cent in just ten years. Matano was at least honest about the problem:
It is disturbing to travel throughout this beautiful diocese and to realize what was and what now is. It is no longer those halcyon days of 1950 when vocations were plentiful and the Catholic Church had many in its ranks to provide for its many ministerial services.
No, Bishop Matano, a lot has intervened since "those halcyon days of 1950." The Modernist council Vatican II (1962-1965) intervened, which destroyed Catholicism and initiated its replacement by an unCatholic New Order, with its unCatholic Mess, Sacraments, and doctrine. Three Modernist popes intervened: Paul VI, JPII, and Benedict-Ratzinger. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust intervened, which has involved in sordid crimes large numbers of the Novus Ordo clergy from the popes down to the presbyters.
Matano began his 2010 fund-raising extravaganza Mess for "Catholic" charities to find that the cathedral was empty except for his own clerical staff and a few Knights of Columbus. Yet when the Vermont Times Argus gave Matano an opportunity to publicize his plans for the diocese's future, he declined because the newspaper had carried the story of one of the child-victims. Meanwhile, the diocese folded its own half-century-old biweekly newspaper, which had barely reported Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.
Just when you thought Newchurch bishops couldn't get any more craven, here comes Walter Mixa, bishop of Augsburg, Germany, who resigned on May 8, 2010, because he was outed as an assaulter of children and a thief from orphans. He literally took the food out of orphan children's mouths to use the money to buy expensive French wines for himself.
Mixa now claims that his resignation should be rescinded because he was forced by pressure akin to "the fires of Purgatory." Think lower, bishop! Mixa has now begun to live again in the episcopal residence. The move is reportedly causing a stir among Newchurch officials, who view it as an act of defiance.
Mixa was personally appointed to his post by his friend, Benedict-Ratzinger, who seems to have appointed many corrupt friends as bishops, including a Communist spy and numerous sex criminals. Mixa said that he plans to speak personally with Benedict-Ratzinger about his reinstatement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Die Welt.]
Under its founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the world and Newchurch knew what the Society of St. Pius X stood for: traditional Catholicism. Under Bernie Fellay, one never knows: it mouths both Novus Ordo principles and traditional principles. It wants to be "unexcommunicated," but it doesn't want to obey Benedict-Ratzinger. It wants to be traditional, or at least pseudo-traditional, but it also wants to be part of the Novus Ordo. Well, Fellay can't have it both ways.
Once again Fellay, the SSPX's Superior General since the death of the Archbishop in 1991, has violated Benedict-Ratzinger's authority and announced on June 10, 2010, that the SSPX will ordain three deacons in Newpope's home town, Regensburg, Germany. The local Newchurch bishop there, Gerhard Mueller, has condemned the announced ordinations as without papal approval. Mueller calls Fellay's announcement a "provocation" that could end negotiations to bring Fellay and his Neo-SSPX into the Novus Ordo sect. [Some information for this Commentary has been contributed by the Religion News Service.]
It appears that sex-crime charges since Vatican II (1962-1965) against George Pell, Newcardinal of Sydney, Australia, have scuttled Benedict-Ratzinger's plan to name him Prefect of Bishops in June 2010. The Newvatican rumor-mill had already indicated that Pell was going to be the Apostolic Visitor to investigate sex crimes by bishops and presbyters in Ireland. That rumor turned out to be false, although the Neocon and pseudo-traditional talking-heads were openly tickled because Pell is supposed to be one of their beloved "conservatives."
Instead of coming right out and speaking the truth, Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesmen are using the cover of Pell's "age and ill health" as an excuse. The Newcardinal has no known health problems, and he isn't even 70 yet. Meanwhile, the Newcardinal's office is also trying to "roll back" the story. His spokeswoman is even trying to claim that he had never been a candidate, even though Newvatican officials have publicly stated that he was. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sydney Morning Herald.]
The California Supreme Court has decided to hear an Orange County traditional Episcopalian church's appeal to keep its church property, despite breaking away from the liberalist Episcopalian "mainstream" sect. Like several dioceses and parishes across the United States, traditional Episcopalians have had it with the "mainstream" Episcopalian apparatus of Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Shori, which continues to consecrate "gay" bishops openly practicing sodomy.
St. James Anglican Church has waged a nearly six-year fight to keep its church property away from the liberalist diocese of Los Angeles. St. James is one of several dozen individual parishes and four dioceses nationwide that voted to split from the national liberalist "mainstream" sect after the 2003 consecration of the first openly "gay" Episcopalian bishop. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
If the California Supreme Court rules in favor of St. James, it may set a precedent for traditional Catholics who wish to take their parishes out of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order and keep their church property.
A Los Angeles, California, County Superior Court judge signaled on June 10, 2010, that she would approve the release of incriminating depositions by Newcardinal Roger "Rogue" Mahony and his Vicar General, once the names of victims and others entitled to privacy are removed from the transcripts. The judge ordered lawyers for Newchurch and for the child-victims of sex crimes to make the depositions ready for release by June 18, 2010.
The questioning under oath of Mahony in January 2010 and his Vicar for the Clergy in the autumn of 2009 fills more than 600 pages of transcripts. Msgr. Richard Loomis, in a shocking revelation at that time, fingered his boss, Mahony, as aiding and abetting the convicted sex criminal Michael Baker. Presbyter Baker, now in prison, is cooperating with a U.S. federal grand jury to target Mahony's involvement in sex crimes by his clergy from 1985 to the present day.
Presbyter Baker told Mahony that he had raped numerous children as young as 9 years of age. Nevertheless, Mahony reassigned him to a total of 19 Newparishes and schools, where Baker could continue his rapes of children for more than a decade, as confirmed by court documents. Mahony later approved a secret 1,300,000 U.S. dollar hush-money payment to two children who said they had been raped by Baker from 1984 to 1999.
Mahony has been charged with child endangerment in failing to protect the children of the Newarchdiocese against at least thirty of his presbyters, and failing to report the presbyter criminals to the police. Mahony has confessed his criminality, but is yet to be prosecuted. When Baker raped children, he told them, "You're the son of God," blasphemously referring to himself as God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Times.]
The biggest Newchurch school in the world is closing its doors. Cardinal Dougherty High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, once boasted 6,000 students. By 2010 Dougherty sunk to 600 students. The Philadelphia Newchurch archdiocese has announced that 2009-10 will be Dougherty's last school year after 54 years. The once-Catholic schools, now taken over by the Novus Ordo, just don't cut it any more. Newchurch school enrollment has dropped 20 per cent in just ten years.
Newchurch in Philadelphia can no longer subsidize students. It now has to pay damage payments for its presbyters who raped the very children whom they were supposed to educate. Before the New Order took over, Dougherty provided rigorous academics, taught by a cadre of conscientious priests and nuns, who taught Latin, among other courses. No more. The Novus Ordo killed Dougherty, as well as 174 other Novus Ordo schools in the United States in 2009 alone. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
"Be not deceived: God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7/DRV). Even Benedict-Ratzinger could not conceal the Divine irony that in the year he had declared to be the "Year of the Presbyter," Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal hit with a vengeance exceeding anything that had come to light before. In fact, in the Year of the Presbyter, Benedict-Ratzinger was himself revealed to have played the leading part in the Great Scandal, even from 1977, when he became Newchurch archbishop of Munich, Germany, and then in his subsequent roles as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1981-2005), Sex-crimes Czar (2001-2005), and finally Newpope (2005-).
At a June 11, 2010, Novus Ordo "concelebrated" Mess in St. Peter's Square concluding the Year of the Presbyter, Benedict-Ratzinger admitted that it was no coincidence that the sex-crimes scandal struck during a year set aside for celebration of the Novus Ordo presbyterate. The Year of the Presbyter had been dedicated to a spiritual revival of the clergy, but instead it became a vehicle to expose the sins of Novus Ordo presbyters, fully suborned by first Card. Ratzinzer, then Benedict-Ratzinger, was exposed onto the world stage.
Benedict-Ratzinger, who is one of the foxiest Church politicians ever, was exposed once again as a cripple in Catholic morality. In his "homily," he called the destruction of his Year of the Presbyter the work of the Enemy. He did not call the crimes of his clergy against children, up to and including himself, the work of his corrupt clergy succumbing to the Enemy. He just doesn't get it, does he? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Information Service.]
The man with the crooked crozier went on to say that the Church must "use the shepherd's rod ... [as] a service of love." Actually, we Fathers were thinking more of the Proverb: "Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell" (23:14/DRV). Surely, there are many, many souls of Novus Ordo presbyters, bishops, cardinals, and popes that have fallen, and will fall -- perhaps even Benedict-Ratzinger himself -- into the deepest Pit of Hell, for their active participation or their active complicity in the crimes that Our Lord Himself said merited "that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
In the printed program for the June 11, 2010, concluding Mess for the Year of the Presbyter, Benedict-Ratzinger was supposed to declare St. John Vianney, also known as the Cure of Ars, the Patron Saint of All Priests. He didn't. Newrome is buzzing with controversy as a result.
The scuttlebutt from inside Newvatican indicates that Benedict-Ratzinger considered the French parish priest, who battled for Catholic morality in the immoral, highly secularized society of the 19th century to be an embarrassment to the Novus Ordo presbyters of the 21st century, not to speak of himself, who are drowning in the very same immorality. Frankly, we Fathers cannot think of a more appropriate Saint for our post-Modernist age! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix.]
In 1994 JPII called the paedophile presbyter Marciel Maciel, head of the Legionnaires of Christ an "efficacious guide to youth." JPII continued to praise Maciel even after a 1997 investigation showed that Maciel was a morphine addict who raped at least 20 Legion seminarians. Detailed evidence was submitted to Newvatican in 1976, 1978, and 1989, but Paul VI and JPII did nothing to stop the presbyter's predations. Why? The evidence indicates that the Newpopes were bought off with hush money.
Presbyter Maciel began fathering illegitimate children in the early 1980s -- three of them by two Mexican women and three by a Swiss woman. Evidence is now clear that this "efficacious guide to youth" raped his own children. But the Conciliar popes did nothing because Maciel had raised a fortune from wealthy backers, and ingratiated himself by payoffs to them and their Church officials in Newrome. The Italian newsweekly L'espresso estimates the Legion's assets at 30,000,000,000 U.S. dollars.
Maciel's chief supporters were Newcardinal Angelo Sodano, Newvatican's Secretary of State under JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger; Newcardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life; Msgr. Stanislaw Dziwisz, the Polish private secretary of JPII. JPII himself was complicit in the cover-up, as he ignored the charges filed under canon law against Maciel and instead publicly blessed him. Maciel used Dziwisz to funnel the bribes directly to JPII, who even gave Dziwisz a bedroom next to him in the Apostolic Palace. Through Maciel and Dziwisz, private audiences with JPII were sold for 50,000 U.S. dollars per visit, and dmission to JPII's private Novus Ordo Messes also commanded large fees.
For years Maciel had Legion presbyters dole out envelopes with cash bribes to Newcardinals and other officials in the curia. After victims filed a canonical case in 1998 against Maciel in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, its prefect, Newcardinal Josef Ratzinger personally halted the proceeding.
These hierarchs falsely claimed that the charges against Maciel were "false and malicious" -- charges that were all true and have been admitted. Such lies have now been exposed as part and parcel of Newchurch's modus operandi for covering up crimes. Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists willingly fell into Maciel's corruptions, like:
The Legion constitution included the highly controversial Private Vows, by which each Legionnaire swore never to speak ill of Maciel or the superiors, and to report to them anyone who uttered criticism. The vows basically rewarded spying as an expression of faith and cemented the Legionnaries' lockstep obedience to the founder. This situation is very similar to the now-exposed lies of Newchurch hierarchs about JPII's and Benedict-Ratzinger's subornation of rape and sexual assaults against children perpetrated by bishops and presbyters.
A close associate of Pope John Paul II, Maciel was also a bigamist, paederast, dope fiend, and plagiarist. He was the head of an order whose strictness and extreme conservative Newchurchism hid vile secrets. In the end, the scandal of Marcial Maciel, gruesome and grotesque as it is, is a scandal of Newchurch and its Newpopes. JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger, who, in the minds of clueless Neocons and pseudo-traditionalists, represent the most morally conservative part of the Church, who are blind to the reality that these Novus Ordo "conservatives" are more immoral than the Modernists! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Wall Street Journal.]
Dear Fathers:
Are there any church laws that deal with a pope being valid?
The Fathers Reply.
There are some principles and precedents, but the area is theologically murky. One thing is certainly true: there have been scores of "bad popes" -- heretics, murderers, and simonists among them--, and they have been fiercely resisted by the orthodox clergy and the laity. Therefore, we can't look to a pope as the final solution to all problems in the Church. The last three, for example, have been the actual cause of the problems! Also, there have been several historical periods in which there has been no pope, for up to three years. There is no reason, theologically, why that period could not be much longer.
In the century when the Arian heresy infected most of the bishops and even the popes, it was a few great Saints, despised by the apparent Church, who stood firm in the Faith. Their names ring through the ages: Athanasius, Basil, Augustine, Martin. Also, the Catholic Faith of the people finally brought down the heretic bishops. Unfortunately, in our post-modern era, the purported Catholics are all too craven to follow immoral hierarchs and popes with hardly a whimper. They are getting the kind of false Church that they deserve in God's good justice.
For further information, click on POPELIM: "Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Oliver O'Grady has been called the Hannibal Lecter of paedophile Newchurch presbyters. He has left Newchurch's Stockton, California, diocese for 17 years, but the lawsuits keep coming: 22 to date, resulting in 18,700,000 U.S. dollars in damages paid by Newchurch to his child-victims. Now O'Grady is living in Ireland on a 100,000-dollar annuity gifted him by Newchurch so that he would disappear. Nancy Sloan who was one of O'Grady's child-victims at age 11 wants the annuity to be given to a victims' fund. "Lecter" O'Grady has admitted raping many boys and girls and said that he slept with two mothers to get access to their children. He was convicted of child sexual abuse in 1993 and spent seven years in prison.
Yet Newchurch paid him the annuity as "hush money," allegedly part of a deal to keep O'Grady from testifying against Los Angeles Newchurch archbishop Roger "Rogue" Mahony and other Newchurch officials accused of knowing about his crimes, who moved him from parish to parish. One bishop claims that he "fervently" wanted O'Grady to be defrocked, but Card. Josef Ratzinger at Newrome would not take the immediate action demanded for the safety of children. Therefore, the bishop arranged a payoff to get rid of O'Grady.
"Yes, he did a terrible thing," said one Newchurch spokeswoman, "but a bishop has a responsibility to take care of priests [sic] in any case -- he can't just kick them to the curb." Well, why not?! After O'Grady escaped the United States he continued his ministry in the Netherlands for a year an a half as "Brother Francis," where he functioned as a Newchurch deacon over women and children. After a 2006 documentary about O'Grady, "Deliver Us From Evil," ran on television, he was identified and questioned by Dutch police, but later fled to Ireland.
O'Grady is now known to have sexually assaulted children in Ireland before he came to the United States. Patrick Wall, an attorney with a Southern California law firm that has filed many of the sex-crime lawsuits in the state, said that O'Grady "is the Hannibal Lecter of the clerical world ... one of the top three most dangerous paedophile priests in the world."
A criminal investigation was begun against O'Grady by Stockton police in 1984 after he told his therapist that he had assaulted a boy. Instead of expelling O'Grady, Roger "Rogue" Mahony, at that time Newchurch bishop of Stockton, but in 1985 to become archbishop of Los Angeles, moved O'Grady to a parish in San Andreas, where O'Grady later said that he continued to have "plenty of interaction with children." Mahony even promoted O'Grady to pastor the next year! O'Grady was finally arrested in 1993, after O'Grady raped six children in a family of seven. He was sentenced to prison for 14 years, but released in seven.
Roger "Rogue" Mahony, in particular, remains a target of the child-victims, one of whom said of him: "He holds a very high office and to this day has the same deceitful attitude ... by his failure to acknowledge his omissions and admit the crimes of O'Grady in the 1980s. He is a fugitive from the truth, either because he cannot see or he will not see." Because the statute of limitations has been lifted because of a state law passed in 2002, more O'Grady lawsuits could be filed for several years. Local Newchurchers are upset -- not because of the crimes committed by their clergy but because they are "tired of hearing O'Grady's name." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Modesto Bee.]
A newly-disclosed letter has revealed the extent of Pope Pius XII's anguish over Allied raids on the City of Rome and its cultural and architectural treasures. In a letter dated August 30, 1943, the pope said that Italy was "shackled and quite without the necessary means of defending herself." He Pope continued:
We hope and pray that the military forces will find it possible to spare innocent civil populations, and in particular churches and religious institutions, the ravages of war. Already, we must recount with deep sorrow and regret, these figure very prominently among the ruins of Italy's most populous and important cities.
The British and Americans began raids on Rome on May 16, 1943. One of the heaviest raids was on July 19, 1943, when more than 500 Allied aircraft bombed railway freight yards, steel factories. and an airstrip, causing hundreds of civilian casualties. Italy signed an armistice with the British and Americans in September 1943, after Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini was deposed from power, but Rome was not liberated from the Germans until June 1944 because of the fierce resistance around the beachheads of Salerno and Anzio and the mountain redoubt of Monte Cassino, site of the abbey founded by St. Benedict in 524, which was completely destroyed in the Battle of Monte Cassino in February 1944.
There is a widespread misconception that the so-called "Mess of 1962," or "Motu" Mess, is the Traditional Latin Mass. It isn't. Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo, was appointed by Pope Pius XII to the new Liturgical Reform Commission, and from that position he began implementing the invalid Novus Ordo service starting in 1951, with major landmarks in 1956, 1960, and 1962.
The photograph above shows Sacred Heart Church, of Hubbard's Woods, Illinois, after the 1957 wreck-ovation, undertaken with Church approval. Here we already see clearly the coming full-blown Novus Ordo. Mass is said facing the congregation, the crucifix is not on the altar, but relegated to the back wall, side altars are absent, and the baptistry is moved to the front of the church. The congregation at the time resisted the Protestantizing of their Church, but then, as now, the Church establishment forced the innovations upon them and stole their money to pay for them against their will.
For the steps of The Descent into the Black Hole of the Liturgical New Order, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department of the TRADITIO Network.
On June 8, 2010, Benedict-Ratzinger's papal Master of Ceremonies revealed to Rome Reports Television that "it is not expected that the pope will celebrate a Mass according to rites prior to the Second Vatican Council." Msgr. Guido Marini has been Papal Master of Ceremonies since October 2007 and receives his instructions on liturgical events directly from Benedict-Ratzinger: "It's to say, in every ceremony there are instructions from the Holy Father [sic]."
Meanwhile, with the issuance of yet a third (!) translation of the Novus Ordo service book since 1969, Newbishop Thomas Flanaghan, of San Antonio, Texas, proclaimed: "Christ has given 'us' the task of implementing the vision of Vatican II." What presumption! In order to further confuse the pseudo-traditionalists and the Novus Ordinarians, the new translation will no longer be called the Novus Ordo Sacramentary, but the Roman Missal. So now there will be three "Roman Missals": the one for the Traditional Latin Mass (which Newchurch does not use), the one for Benedict-Ratzinger's half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007, and the one for invalid Novus Ordo!
Good Catholics, here we have proof positive of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Benedict-Ratzinger is so devoted to it that he won't even perform it himself! After three years on July 7, 2010, it is clear that the hoax was intended to co-opt the spurious "Motu" Mess into the Novus Ordo, in order to draw traditional Catholics away from the true Mass into some form of the Novus Ordo. Benedict-Ratzinger has said so publicly. Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX fell right into line, and a number of pseudo-traditionalists have gravitated to the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid, hidden under the veil of some Latin.
Newchurchers in Boston, having been flimflammed once by Newchurch in the person of Bernie Law of Boston, Massachusetts, the first Novus Ordo bishop caught in the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, are setting themselves up for being flimflammed yet again. Newchurchers who recently lost appeals to Newvatican to reopen their Boston-area churches will continue round-the-clock vigils and plan to appeal directly to Benedict-Ratzinger. In May 2010 Benedict-Ratzinger's Supreme Court rejected final appeals by ten of some eighty Newparishes decreed closed in 2004.
The leader of a parishioners' group says that five Newparishes closed by the archdiocese of Boston in the wake of Newchurch's sex-crimes scandal will continue sit-ins in churches that they've held for the last five years. The Newparishes will also file a formal appeal to Benedict-Ratzinger. Apparently, the Newchurchers are ignorant of the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger always supports his Newbishops. The Newarchdiocese claims that the closings were due to falling attendance at the invalid Novus Ordo service, a shortage of Novus Ordo presbyters, and financial problems. Of course, the archdiocese offically denies that the closing are related to the clergy sex-crimes holocaust. The archdiocese also issued a press release declaring it a dogma of the Church that pigs fly. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Benedict-Ratzinger was supposed to preside at a Novus Ordo beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890) during an outdoor Novus Ordo Mess at Coventry, England, in September 2010. But Britishers are increasingly telling Benedict-Ratzinger to stay home. They're not interested in shelling out 20,000,000 U.S. dollars for a glimpse at the "Unholy Father," who is neck deep in his sect's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Newvatican is referring all inquiries to the British Government. But tour operators have stopped selling tickets. And money talks when press agents don't! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.
More doubts have been introduced into the Fatima apparition, as its prediction that "In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved" seems vitiated again and again by the rejection in Portugal of the dogma of the Faith. Portugal has now officially accepted "gay marriage," which is associated with one of the biblical Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance.
Two divorced Lesbians (and by this term we do not mean natives of the beautiful Greek isle) officially "wed" in Portugal on June 7, 2010, the first "couple" to enjoy the new Portuguese law that they helped usher into this once-Catholic country. In May 2010 Portugal's supposedly "conservative," supposedly "Catholic" president ratified the law adopted by parliament in the name of Portugal's people. The next law expected to be adopted is one to allow "gay" adoptions.
Portugal is the sixth country in once-Catholic Europe officially to recognize "gay marriage," joining Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Norway, as well as Canada, South Africa, five U.S. states, and Washington, D.C. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Benedict-Ratzinger must be delighted by the turn of events in Portugal, as he had advocated the separation of Church and State during Vatican II (1962-1965), which has made every once-Catholic country inhospitable to the Catholic family. In his 1982 book Principles of Catholic Theology, Josef Ratzinger endorsed the Modernist teaching of his mentor, Hans Urs von Balthasar, a "Jesuit" Theologian, that "the bastions of the Church should be razed." Not raised (held up), but razed (torn down). These bastions to be razed, according to the Modernist teaching embraced by Ratzinger, include the family, marriage, and especially the system of Catholic education, Catholic law, and the Catholic state.
Good Catholics, it seems that Ratzinger got exactly what he now criticizes for propaganda purposes: a once-Catholic, now-pagan Europe.
Dear Fathers:
I am a bit confused about Our Lady's assertion at Fatima that Portugal will not lose the Faith. Portugal legalized abortion three years ago and just recently legalized "gay marriage" and performed its first "gay wedding." Something just doesn't add up with Our Lady's word at Fatima and the recent events in Portugal. Am I missing something about Fatima?
The Fathers Reply.
No, you're not missing anything. An unCatholic emphasis has been put on various "apparitions," not only Fatima, but really suspect ones. Some extremists, known as Fatimists, even elevate Fatima to a level tantamount to doctrine and Sacred Scripture. That is heresy. No "apparition" is a part of the Public Revelation of the Church, which is dogmatically defined as Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition -- and these two sources only. We are not talking here about a proper private, Catholic devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, keep in its proper place. We are talking about fanatics, who sound just like the heretical Gnostics of the early Church or devotees of the seer Nostradamus.
Any "apparitions" are at most, according to Catholic dogma, private revelation and are not binding on anyone except the person to whom the apparition was given. The popes and many Saints have warned Catholics about making apparitions into a religion. That very Catholic advice cannot be repeated enough today to credulous targets who do not know the tenets of the Catholic Faith that they purport to follow.
Moreover, Our Lord Himself strictly told His Apostles: "It is not for you to know the times or moments, which the Father hath put in his own power" (Acts 1:7/DRV). Those who make Fatima into its own religion are rejecting Christ's own commandment. How can these people even call themselves Christians? For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Fatima."
As you point out, Fatima is unraveling. No one can even seem to get a clear statement of what the apparition was supposed to have said. Various contradictory or incomplete versions are circulating, some of them even supposed to be "official." Benedict-Ratzinger recently seems to be contradicting the "official" version that he sent out over his own signature!
Catholics should avoid all of this speculation and focus on Christ, His Scripture and Tradition, His Mass and Sacraments. After all, we are called to be Christians, not Fatimists. All the rest is, as He says, not for us to know.
"And a little child shall lead them." So prophesied Isaias (11:6/DRV) -- and he was right. What the adult prosecutors of Los Angeles County in California were too incompetent to do, a child has done: charged Roger "Phony" Mahony and his Novus Ordo archdiocese in court for his "conspiracy of silence" while this child was raped under Mahony's corrupt regime as Newarchbishop there since 1985.
The child-victim's lawsuit charges that Mahony built a "conspiracy of silence" so that the victim was raped as a minor for a decade by one of Mahony's presbyters. The presbyter, Michael Baker, even abducted the child to Carlsband and Palm Springs to perpetrate the rapes. Baker was eventually sentenced to ten years in prison after the victim had grown to adulthood. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Weekly.]
Good Catholics, "Phony" Mahony is regarded to be one of the most perverted bishops in the United States, yet his Mafia-like control over the political machine in Los Angeles has so far kept him out of prison, where he belongs. Yet, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation and a federal grand jury are still investigating Mahony's involvement in a 25-year holocaust against the children of Los Angeles.
In the end, however, Mahony's judge may not be the courts, but an irate father who exacts the justice that the corrupt Mahony has been able to avoid. Already, one irate father beat up Mahony when the latter was on his way to the mailbox. The guilty Mahony was not interested in having the police investigate the incident -- perhaps for fear of what they would find out about the "phony" cardinal himself!
Czeslaw Kozlon, head bishop of Newchurch in Denmark, allowed a presbyter convicted of child pornography to remain as as a teacher of children and covered up the conviction. This was not some old case, but occurred in 2005, after Newchurch supposedly put in all kinds of protections against this kind of thing. Now it turns out that Benedict-Ratzinger and his hierarchs have just been playing pew Newchurchers for fools. The new system for dealing with paedophile bishops and presbyters is just as corrupt as the old.
Kozlon didn't even tell the chairman of the Novus Ordo parish council, as required. That chairman told the press that he was "shocked" when informed not by the Newbishop, but by a secular journalist, about the presbyter's conviction. Even though that conviction was a matter of public record, Kozlon's spokeman tried to hide under the spurious rubric of "confidentiality."
Kozlon's Newchurch in Denmark isn't having a good year. It is already reeling from charges by two Newchurch nuns that their Mother Superior let an elderly nun die of exposure in 1993. The nuns testified that Mother Theresa locked the elderly nun outside in freezing conditions. Once it was discovered that the nun had died, the sisters charged that Mother Theresa forbad them tell the attending doctor or the other nuns that she had murdered the elderly nun. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Copenhagen Post.]
Good Catholics, cases like these expose the Newchurch of the New Order, headed by Benedict-Ratzinger, as complete fraud. Since Vatican II it has abandoned Catholic morality, Catholic worship, and Catholic doctrine. Why so many Newchurchers remain to contribute their bodies and money to the clearly-proven Novus Ordo immorality is inexplicable. But St. Paul taught plainly what people who do such things deserve: "[they] are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them" (Romans 1:32/DRV). If the post Vatican II Newpopes had acted Scripturally from the start, there would be no Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust!
We TRADITIO Fathers have been unique from the beginning in using the term "Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust." The embezzlement crimes have been just the flip side of the sex crimes -- part of a whole network of immorality and corruption headed by Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants. Now Italian prosecutors have announced on June 1, 2010, that they are officially pursuing an investigation against Benedict-Ratzinger's Vatican Bank, also known the Institute of Religious Works. The investigators believe that the Vatican Bank is being used as a "screen" to hide fraudulent dealings. The bank manages bank accounts for Newchurch religious orders and associations and benefits from Newvatican's "offshore" status.
This is just another of the benefits conferred upon the "country" of Citta del Vaticano by Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. And according to the Italian prosecutors, Benedict-Ratzinger is using it to the hilt! Investigators have already uncovered fraudulent transactions of around 310,000,000 U.S. dollars over a two-year period in just one of the accounts held at the "Institute for Religious Works." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France Press.]
This is getting to be a habit: Benedict-Ratzinger letting sex criminals in his leadership resign quietly without paying for their crimes. In some cases, like that of Milwaukee, Wisconsin's Rembert Weakland, Benedict-Ratzinger has allowed them to walk away without repaying money embezzled from the Newchurch collection-plate.
In a scandal reminiscent of the Legionnaires of Christ, presbyter Carlos Buela, founder of the Institute of the Word Incarnate, has resigned as Superior General under suspicion of sex crimes. The resignation comes in the wake of a long investigation by Newbishop Eduardo Taussig of San Rafael, Argentina. Alongside the Legionnaries of Christ, the Institute of the Word Incarnate has been one of the largest and wealthiest of the Novus Ordo "conservative" religious congregations of recent decades, having been founded in 1984 and reputedly with 1,400 members and 289 presbyters.
It appears that a major cover-up of the corruption was perpetrated by Benedict-Ratzinger in order that the order's lucrative fundraising from clueless Newchurchers to Newpope would not be compromised. In a "highly secret" letter, Buela thanked Benedict-Ratzinger for letting him step down in private rather than making a public scandal. The investigation indicated that Buela not only was involved in sex crimes but also practiced manipulative recruitment, using fear and humiliation tactics to entice neophytes.
On June 2, 2010, Germany's head bishop, Robert Zollitcsch, of Freiburg, was charged by prosecutors with aiding and abetting a known sex-criminal presbyter by allowing him to get a new job in a German parish. The arrest comes amidst a growing "zero tolerance" policy among European police against the Newchurch bishops who have aided and abetted the rape and sexual assault of children by their presbyters.
Sic transit gloria mundi. In February 2008, Lutheran leaders and figures from other Protestant sects welcomed the choice of Zollitsche, as did lay Newchurch groups and Germany's two main political parties, the Social Democrats and Christian Democrats. German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the choice, saying "Zollitsch approaches people with great openness and addresses their needs and concerns." That wouldn't be the first time that Merkel was dead wrong in her character judgment.
Meanwhile, police in the United States are not doing as good a job dealing with these crimes as their European counterparts. On the same day, county prosecutors in Los Angeles, California, admitted that the statute of limitations, a timeline stretching over 20 years, and reluctant child-victims had stymied them from proceeding further against Newchurch archbishop Roger Mahony, who has been widely implicated in suborning sex crimes. The investigation of sex crimes by presbyters in the Newarchdiocese by presbyters remains active, but a criminal conspiracy case against Mahony is "more and more remote" because of the passage of time, said Deputy District Attorney William Hodgman. However, a concurrent federal investigation of Mahony by the Federal Bureau of Investigation goes on unabated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by RTE News and the Associated Press.]
As a former SSPX member, I cringed to read the May 1, 2010, Superior General's Letter to Friends and Benefactors, though I am no longer either. Bernie Fellay writes two pages of gobbledygook in flowery Novus Ordo double-speak, which addresses neither the scandals of Newchurch's bishops and presbyters nor the progress of his sellout negotiations to be "in communion with" the New Order. Instead, Fellay implies that the "Holy Father" and his Newchurch are mistakenly (?) under attack.
What is quite curious is the way Fellay signs his letter: "May 1, 2010, Feast of Joseph the Worker." First of all, note that Fellay is already aping Novus Ordo style by dropping "St." from the name of the Patriarch. Secondly, in the traditional calendar, May 1 is not the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker; it is the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James. "Joseph the Worker" is a concoction of the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo service, Hannibal Bugnini! It appears that Fellay is already Novus Ordo in his mind.
In the April 2010 issue of the German Newjesuit magazine Stimmen der Zeit, Eberhard Schockenhoff, professor of Moral Theology at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and closely associated to Benedict-Ratzinger, has revealed that the real disagreement between the Newchurch of the New Order and the Society of St. Pius X does not concern the "Mass in Latin," since the SSPX had already publicly accepted, and actually performs, the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962-2007+. Schockenhoff writes that the only sticking point now is Vatican II's Modernistic doctrines.
Benedict-Ratzinger in his Apostolic Letter of March 10, 2009, called on the Society of St. Pius X, "thus punished, to repent and to return to unity" with the New Order. He clearly stated that the dispute is "of a doctrinal nature and concerns the acceptance of Vatican Council II and the post-Conciliar magisterium [sic] of the popes." To emphasize the point that he intends the negotiations to result in the SSPX's full acceptance of the Modernistic doctrines of Vatican II, Benedict-Ratzinger dissolved the Ecclesia Dei Commission on July 2, 2009, and subsumed its limited functions into the Novus Ordo Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Schockenhoff reveals that the goal of Benedict-Ratzinger's negotiation agents is to propose restrictive interpretations of Vatican II's Modernistic doctrines to get the SSPX to accept them. And the SSPX Superior General's negotiation agents continue to try to find a way of accepting them. Thereby the SSPX, or at least Bernie Fellay's version of it, will become fully integrated into the unCatholic Novus Ordo in doctrine, in liturgy, and in morals. And Archbishop Lefebvre will be turning over in his grave at his Judas successor Fellay.
Dear Fathers:
I recently read about a former Novus Ordo nun in Phoenix, Arizona, who was excommunicated by the local Novus Ordo bishop because she authorized an abortion for a women who was apparently rushed to the hospital because of serious life-threatening conditions due to her pregnancy. What is the moral thing do in such a situation?
The Fathers Reply.
If you kill the baby to protect the mother, that is murder. If you kill the mother to protect the baby, that is murder. Anyone who would presume to decide which one is to live is playing God. The doctors should do what they can to save both without directly murdering either. A so-called nun who "authorizes" murder is justly excommunicated.
Benedict-Ratzinger has accepted the resignation of yet another one of his immoral Newchurch archbishops. Richard Burke, whom Benedict-Ratzinger personally appointed to be the Newarchbishop of Benini City, Nigeria, raped a minor teenage girl. He claimed that the girl was 21, but the victim said that she was a minor when Burke started raping her as a presbyter in Warri in Nigeria's southern Niger Delta region. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by BBC News.]
Good Catholics, once again Benedict-Ratzinger sits by twiddling his thumbs while his hierarchs "twiddle" with minors. Newpope maintains a perfect record: he has not fired a single one of his Newbishops, no matter how immoral, no matter how corrupt, no matter how criminal. "Birds of a feather flock together," don't they?
Dear Fathers:
I am quite weary of the lukewarm attitude by way too many post Vatican II Newchurchers today, including Benedict-Ratzinger, who no longer sees fit to convert heathens, such as Jews, Mohammedans, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. In regards to the present-day Newchurch missionaries, which ones, if any, are worthy of obtaining financial support from traditionalist Catholics? Have the Franciscan or Benedictine missionaries taken the same abysmal route as the Jesuits and Salesians?
The Fathers Reply.
The missionaries of the true Catholic Church today are not to be found in the agencies of Newchurch of the New Order, which is not Catholic, but in the fully-traditional Catholic sites and groups that are trying to expose the doctrinal, liturgical, and moral corruption of that false Newchurch. sect.
Therefore, we Fathers recommend that, in furtherance of the Fifth Precept of the Church, you should primarily support your local traditional site, to which, after all, you owe the most support in justice, as it provides you with the true Mass and Sacraments. Other financial support may be given to traditional Catholic organizations that are standing 100 per cent with traditional Catholicism, such as the TRADITIO Network and others, not those that are standing with pseudo-traditionalist hoaxes like the "Motu" Mess, which is merely an agency of the New Order sect dressed up with a little Latin.
We Fathers are nonplussed by the erroneous attitude of all too many traditional Catholics who look for far off "charities," even those connected with the unCatholic New Order sect, whereas they should be supporting the fully-traditional Mass sites and organizations right in their own backyard!
JPII and his lieutenant Card. Josef Ratzinger, Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith Congregation, refused to defrock a U.S. presbyter who had confessed to sexually assaulting numerous children and even served prison time for it. In a shocking revelation of the corruption of Newvatican under JPII "the Ungreat," because the presbyter refused to accept punishment, JPII and Ratzinger let him off!
Documents implicating JPII and Ratzinger in the travesty of justice were published as part of court filings in the case of presbyter Alvin Campbell. They show that on July 3, 1989, Ratzinger turned down the plea of Daniel Ryan, Newchurch bishop of Springfield, Illinois, to remove the presbyter for no other reason than that the criminal presbyter refused to go along with it. JPII, who supposedly has supreme authority over all clergy in Newchurch, sat on his hands and did nothing. In fact, JPII actually made the process of getting rid of pervert presbyters more difficult. Now there's someone who is an excellent candidate for Novus Ordo saint! Nothing, however, prevented Newchurch from reporting such crimes to police, but neither JPII nor Ratzinger took that course.
Presbyter Alvin Campbell is a poster-boy for Newchurch sex crimes against children. He molested twenty young children aged 11 to 15 by luring them into a sexual pact with offers of gifts, including video games, telephones, watches, clock radios, and 10-speed bicycles. Newchurch bishops transferred Campbell to different parishes at least three times "for reasons of health," a euphemism for sex crimes. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 1985 after pleading guilty because of "mental illness." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, there's an idea. Benedict-Ratzinger could plead mental illness to excuse his overall responsibility for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust since 1981. Then all the papal acts of this cultist of Vatican II and Modernism could be declared null and void as he is non compos mentis!
On May 30, 2010, Egypt's High Administrative Court ordered one of the most ancient Apostolic Churches, the Coptic Church, to allow divorce and remarriage, contrary to the teaching of Christ as reported in all four Gospels. The Coptic Church does not use Arabic in its Apostolic services, but still uses a form of ancient Egyptian, the language of the Pharaohs, because of which fact the Coptic language played a significant role in Francois Champollion's decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. In fact, the word Coptic is considered to be a corruption of the ancient word for Egypt.
The secular court ruled: "By law, a Christian can remarry and the constitution guarantees his rights to have a (new) family." The judgment cannot be appealed. Civil marriage alone, without a religious ceremony, is not recognized in Egypt. Copts make up about ten per cent of Egypt's 80,000,000 largely Muslim population, but are the Middle East's biggest Christian community.
Pope (the traditional title used for the ancient Coptic's Church's head) Shenouda issued a statement reacting to the ruling by proclaiming: "There is no force on earth that can force the Church to violate the teachings of the Bible and Church laws." Now there's a pope! Benedict-Ratzinger could take lessons from such direct language instead of his own pusillanimous patter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France Press.]
Things are getting hot, literally, for Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch in Ireland. On Christmas Day 2009, angry Irish burned to the ground St. Mel's Cathedral in Longford after Colm O'Reilly, Newchurch bishop of Ardagh, at the Novus Ordo Christmas "Midnight" service (actually held at 22:00), had spoken of "difficult times facing the Church," alluding to Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust that has gripped Ireland since the government's Murphy Report, which Benedict-Ratzinger refused to help with. The Murphy Report documented that bishops and presbyters in Ireland had actively raped and sexually-assaulted Irish children, many of them orphans and handicapped, and covered up these crimes from the Gardai, the Irish National Police.
Benedict-Ratzinger's Pastoral Letter of March 19, 2010, to the Catholics of Ireland, in which he exonerated the criminal bishops and essentially placed the blame on the child-victims themselves, has stirred up even more hostility against Newpope and Newchurch. Now the Irish, who are historically known for courageous action against their oppressors, are burning down Novus Ordo churches -- and the arson is spreading. The Gardai have launched a nationwide inquiry. Newchurch bishops have reacted in fear regarding "the risk of damage to [New]church property as very serious."
Most recently, two churches a short distance apart in the Leinster area were torched: St. Michael's in Athy and, 7 kilometres away, a church in Ballylinan. On May 27, 2010, a Gardai spokesman said that he did not have exact figures for the number of incidents, but said that attempts to torch churches were "something new" in reaction to Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Catholic.]
The Italian Newchurch Bishops Conference, currently meeting, is consumed with growing revelations that Italian presbyters are committing sex crimes and embezzlement right under Benedict-Ratzinger's nose, as reported by Italian police. On May 28, 2010, Italy's head cleric, Newcardinal Angelo Bagnasco, began to admit that the crimes were part of a cover-up conspiracy by Newchurch officials. Bagnasco refused to put a number on the child-victims, but admitted that Italian Church hierarchs have been more inclined to "cover their asses" rather than reporting known Newchurch sex criminals to the police.
The worldwide crime holocaust that has rocked Newchurch has sparked particular rage because of the way Benedict-Ratzinger himself directed that cases were to be covered up. Many countries have been consumed in the holocaust, among them Australia, the United States, Canada, Ireland, Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Austria -- and now Italy.
The Italian Conference has publicly admitted to 100 cases, though the total number is acknowledged to be much higher than that. A spokesman for the Italian Newbishops could not name a singly presbyter who had been prosecuted or defrocked because of admitted sex crimes against children. The spokesman indicated that the Italian bishops feared that an all-out investigation would be conducted against them to unearth their complicity in the criminal cover-up. Since Benedict-Ratzinger is himself the Primate of Italy, he could be further implicated in such an investigation.
During the week of May 23, 2010, an Italian bishop admitted in court that he had failed to report a paedophile presbyter. The following week, a presbyter went on trial in Savona for sexual violence against a 12-year-old girl. Then a Milanese presbyer was arrested for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. Benedict-Ratzinger addressed the Italian bishops on May 27, 2010, in which again he refused to take personal responsibility for heading the sex-crime cover-up in Newchurch since 1981. For this failure, Benedict-Ratzinger has come under increasing criticism, with numerous calls for his abdication. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ANSA.]
It is no surprise that the socialist Obama has come out in support of the socialist Benedict-Ratzinger instead of child-victims of Newpope's paedophile administration. Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. The Obama administration in a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court has backed Benedict-Ratzinger's claim of immunity from lawsuits arising from cases of rape and sexual assault by Newchurch presbyters on children in United States. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering an appeal by Benedict-Ratzinger of an federal Appeals Court ruling that lifted Newvatican's immunity in the case of an alleged paedophile presbyter from Oregon.
In a filing on May 28, 2010, Obama's Solicitor General's office argued that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals erred in allowing the lawsuit brought by a child-victim who claims he was raped by an Oregon presbyter. The victim, who cited Newvatican and several other parties as defendants, argued that Newvatican should be held responsible for transferring the paedophile presbyter to Oregon and letting him serve there despite previous charges that he had sexually assaulted children in Chicago and in Ireland. Obama's agents, however, did not recommend more-drastic action, such as dismissing the case altogether.
The U.S. Appeals Court had found the case against Newvatican to be an exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, a 1976 federal law that sets limits on when other countries can face lawsuits in U.S. courts, because Newvatican was an employer of the Newchurch bishops and presbyter in question. The case, which was filed in 2002, does not directly address questions raised in a separate lawsuit in Kentucky charging that U.S. bishops are employees of Newvatican and its Newpopes. Benedict-Ratzinger's lawyers have been making the patently ridiculous argument before the courts that Newpope and his agents have no control over Newchurch dioceses, in spite of the fact that Newpope hires and fires their Chief Executive Officers (the Newbishops) and regulates in great detail their activities under Canon Law and numerous regulations through Newpope's agencies (Congregations, Commissions, etc.).
Newchurch's senior clerics have been accused of protecting the presbyters involved by moving them to other parishes, where they often commit more sex crimes, instead of handing them over to civil authorities for prosecution. Benedict-Ratzinger has himself been implicated in the sex crimes, through documents bearing is personal signature, and is currently facing subpoenas in several U.S. district courts.
For the most part, the U.S. government has stayed on the sideline while the big-ticket litigation against the Vatican over sex-abuse claims has played out. But in a significant breach of the usual neutrality, Obama's agents made a rare foray by the federal government into the highly-sensitive litigation. The child-victim has argued that because the paedophile presbyter had previously been charged with raping children in Ireland and Chicago, Newvatican should be held accountable for allowing its agents to move the presbyter to Oregon and for continuing to let him serve, where it was probable that he would continue to rape and assault children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France Presse.]
In a shocking May 13, 2010, press release (#10-094), the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops admitted that Benedict-Ratzinger himself was responsible for the sex-crimes holocaust that is capsizing the Newchurch of the New Order. In answer to the question: "Which [New]church authority is responsible for addressing these offenses," the USCCB stated: "In April 2001, Pope John Paul II issued a law stating that, from then on, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in Rome, headed at the time by Cardinal Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI, would have sole Church authority over this crime... Prior to 2001, the crime was generally to be dealt with on the local level by the diocesan bishop." In answer to the question "Does the CDF ever ask the pope to impose a penalty?" the USCCB, further implicating Benedict-Ratzinger, stated: "Yes..., where the guilt of the cleric is beyond doubt."
Good Catholics, if the consequences upon the child-victims were not so grave, we could be laughing at how all of Newchurch's hierarchical rats are pointing the finger at one another as being responsible for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. But there is only one Newchurch hierarch who has had the consistent supreme or co-supreme authority -- as CDF Prefect (1981-2001), as Sex-crimes Czar (2001-2005), and then as Newpope (2005-). And that man was and is Josef Ratzinger.