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The front page of a leading Italian daily newspaper has indicated that Benedict-Ratzinger is likely to abdicate, on April 16, 2012, his 85th birthday. The story in La Stampa is confirmed by the conservative Milan newspaper, Libero. The story comes from the highest sources in Newrome, and Benedict-Ratzinger has refused to deny it. Ratzinger has also told an interviewer: "When a pope arrives at a clear awareness that he no longer has the physical, mental, or psychological capacity to carry out the task that has been entrusted to him, then he has the right, and in some cases, even the duty to resign." Ratzinger told the interviewer that he was unsure that he would be able to withstand the requirements of the papacy "from the physical point of view" in view of the charges against him in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which have now risen to the International Criminal Court.
It is well known that Ratzinger tried unsuccessfully three times to retire to Germany under JPII-Wojtyla. Several popes have contemplated abdicating, but circumstances intervened before they could do so. Pope Pius XII had prepared a letter in which he stated he would abdicate if he were taken away by the Nazis. "In that way, they will have Cardinal Pacelli, but not the Pope," he wrote. Pope John XXIII had taken into consideration the possibility that he might have to abdicate if his illness worsened. In fact, he died in 1963, seven months after he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, even before the first session of the Vatican II Council had ended. Pope Paul VI-Montini contemplated abdicating in 1977 when he turned 80, but was dissuaded from doing so by his henchmen. He died hardly a year later of a massive heart attack. It is said that JPII-Wojtyla had prepared a letter of abdication to be used if his Parkinson's Disease deteriorated, but he died suddenly of septicemia.
If Ratzinger should abdicate from the Newpapacy, the Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+ will probably die a quiet death from the next Newpope, and the sham of this Half Novus Ordo Mess will finally go down as what it truly is: the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, which was designed by Ratzinger as a deceit to keep Neocon Newchurchers in his New Order sect by throwing them a phony dollop of Novus Ordo Latin.
Christopher Jarvis was hired by Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch to ensure that paedophile bishops and presbyters did not gain access to children in church congregations. Instead, it turned out that he himself was a paedophile pervert. Ironically, he was arrested on July 31, 2011, for possession of more than 4,000 pictures of child pornography on his church laptop.
Jarvis pled guilty to twelve counts of making, possessing, and distributing indecent images when he appeared before magistrates in Plymouth, England. He had been collecting the images for the nine years of his employment. He is up to face jail when he returns to court for sentencing in September 2011. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Sunday Mirror.]
On September 29, 2011, the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network celebrated its seventeenth anniversary. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 14,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
In a secret document, whose essential contents have now been revealed by two Italian publications, Benedict-Ratzinger will require that in order for Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX to gain full "reconciliation" with the Newchurch of the New Order, it will have to reject the Bible and accept Vatican II's pro-Jewish "doctrines," contained in a document known as Nostra Aetate. Other Vatican II doctrines will have to be accepted as well, including its Modernist teachings that the Catholic Church is not the only true Church (Lumen gentium) and that all religions and all gods are equal (Unitatis redintegratio).
Abraham Foxman, head of the B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Jewish Covenant), who regularly dictates policy to Benedict-Ratzinger, announced:
We are confident that Pope Benedict XVI will continue to require the Society of St. Pius X, which espouses anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish beliefs, to publicly accept the Church's positive teachings about Jews and Judaism since the 1965 Second Vatican Council, before fully accepting them back into the Roman Catholic Church.
It would be unthinkable to allow a Catholic breakaway sect that includes a Holocaust-denying bishop, Richard Williamson, to be reintegrated into the Church while still being allowed to promote anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism -- which they have been doing for years in their teachings and on their web site. We trust Pope Benedict's promise that he made to us during our meeting in 2007 that he would stand with us against all forms of anti-Semitism.
In the past, Benedict-Ratzinger has followed Foxman's dictates, saying that one of his chief goals is to win the approval of the Jews. Ratzinger even went so far as to rewrite of the traditional prayers in his Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+ to please the Jews. In anticipation of his sellout to the New Order sect, Bernie Fellay has been trying to remove Catholic teaching on the subject from his web sites. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by an ADL Press Release.]
While Benedict-Ratzinger simulated an invalid Novus Ordo Mess in a partially-empty Hitler's Reich Sports Stadium in Berlin, Germany, on September 22, 2011, tens of thousands of Germans, who are sick and tired of their countryman's complicity with his Newchurch clergy in the rape of thousands of German children, took to the streets to protest his Newpapal junket to their city. Protesters gathered in Potsdamer Platz carrying signs reading, "I was raped by the Church," and "Pope, go home." One protestor said, "The Catholics that I know are quite open in discussing and even criticizing the [New]church from the inside. It doesn't always come from outside." The city council had already vetoed his use of billboards to announce his junket, and many German parliamentarians had walked out on his speech before the Bundestag the same day.
Meanwhile, Benedict-Ratzinger refused to meet publicly with the victims of his complicity in the crimes of child rape by Newchurch clergy. He secretly met with five handpicked victims the following day for propaganda purposes. Ratzinger was steeled as always, refusing to take responsibility for his running of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust for ten years and for threatening excommunication for any bishop who turned over a criminal Newchurch paedophile to the police.
Because of Ratzinger's suborning of the crimes by his Newclergy, Newchurch in German has been losing hundreds of thousands of followers annually -- 181,000 in 2010 alone, and 2,600,000 since 1990. Newchurch hospitals, nursing homes and educational institutions are being closed down. Newvatican reported that Ratzinger had taken no personal responsibility for the crimes with the victims, even though his personal signature is affixed to numerous documents letting his criminal bishops and presbyters off with nary a slap on the wrist. He didn't even apologize personally to the victims, but simply expressed "regret" that his criminal conspiracy had blown up in his face and made him, who was once called "God's Rotweiler," hated now as the "Mad Dog."
Ratzinger's token gesture was denounced by German child victims as "an empty gesture" from the man who has led a systematic cover-up for the benefit of his paedophile bishops and presbyters. The victims maintain that Ratzinger has not done enough to prosecute offending Newclergy and prevent future cases of child rape. Victims from Ireland, Austria, Belgium, and the United States joined in the condemnation of Ratzinger.
Even though Ratzinger is a German, many top government officials, including Chancelloress Angela Merkel, have lambasted Ratzinger for his criminal complicity. His Newpapal Mess on September 22, 2011, drew only 60,000 people, leaving an embarrassing 15,000 empty seats. Germans' attitudes toward Ratzinger have changed sharply since he was first named Newpope in 2005. Then they welcomed the selection of a fellow German; now they are embarrassed and deplore his immoral acts and are racing to register officially their withdrawal from his New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In the very early 1990s, SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, did a series of taped interviews for a Canadian Catholic company. In one of them he claimed that when Tradition is restored to the Church, all the usurpers therein would lose their offices and would have to recant their heretical views or be thrown out of the Church. This view of Williamson was precisely that of so many who supported the SSPX.
Almost exactly 20 years later we find that the exact opposite will take place. It will be Bernie Fellay and his neo-SSPX who will recant their views and sign the so-called Doctrinal Preamble to become full-fledged members of the New Order sect, abominated as "not Catholic" by Bishop Williamson and Archbishop Lefebvre. It will be Fellay's Neo-SSPX who will plead not to be thrown out of Newchurch. And it will be Fellay and his confreres who will glory in being "in full communion" with the phony and unCatholic Newchurch of Scandals.
For all his fabled "traditionalism," Benedict-Ratzinger remains the Modernist that he always has been. Neocon Newchurchers seem to have the idea that he doesn't give the phony Novus Ordo cookie in the hand, but only on the tongue. The "traditionalist" Benedict-Ratzinger is a myth. The man is a flaming Uncatholic Modernist/Liberalist/Socialist.
During his German junket, on September 22, 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger placed the cookie into the filthy hand of Norbert Lammert, the president since 2005 of the Bundestag, the German parliament, during his Berlin Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. Ratzinger has never said even the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962+ as Newpope. Why, as a Modernist, would he?
Lammert is a member of the CDU, a German political party that embraces Modernist Newchurch "social teaching," political Protestantism, and liberal economics. Lammert shares the liberalist political views of Benedict-Ratzinger, as most recently expressed in his Encyclical Letter Caritas in veritate, of September 29, 2008, which was filled with liberalist political propaganda.
As the site of his Novus Ordo Mess extravaganza in the heart of Berlin on September 22, 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger, who wore the Nazi uniform as a member of the Hitler Youth and who served in Hitler's auxiliary anti-aircraft service that shot down Allied planes in World War II, has selected as the site of his phony Novus Ordo Mess not Berlin's 1451 traditional cathdral, but his Fuehrer Adolph Hitler's Reichsportfeld (Reich Sports Field), which was decorated with prominent signs of the Nazi regime, including giant swastikas and Aryan statues.
During his first state visit to his fatherland, Benedict-Ratzinger will be haunted by the ghosts of his active association with the Nazi party. No wonder hundreds of German parliamentarians walked out on him when he attempted to give a speech before the Bundestag. Ratzinger shares the Reichsportfeld with the likes of the rock groups U2 and the Rolling Stone and with the pagan guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
To round out his condemned unCatholic sycretism, which will he will bring to perfection at his Assisi III "oecumenical" conference in October 2011, Ratzinger has issued a statement on the Jews, affirming that they worship the One True God, on the authority of the Vatican II Council's document, Nostra aetate. Can we conclude, then that the Jewish Masoretes have had a change of heart and have now come to a recognition of the Most Blessed Trinity? Not!
An interview with Archbishop Marcel Lefebfre, the Founder of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), was to have been published in 1978 by a leading U.S. Newchurch publication. However, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops threatened the publisher with excommunication and decreed virtual extinction for the publication itself if the interview were run. The U.S. Newbishops further ordered that no Newchurch publication could run the interview, because it so devastated the lies of the New Order. An edited version of the interview was finally published fourteen years later in a secular newspaper, and the full text of the suppressed interview subsequently came to light. Magna est veritas, et praevalet [Great is the truth, and it prevaileth] (1 Esdras 4:41).
In the suppressed interview the Archbishop addressed -- and condemned --the Modernism the ran rife at Vatican II (1962-1965), which he was present to see. Furthermore, he exposed the heresy of Modernism, in which the hierarchy to which what he termed the Conciliar Church, including the Modernist Newpope Paul VI-Montini, had succumbed. Below are a few excerpts from this devastating interview.
Question. Could you quote a translation [in the Novus Ordo service, now Benedict-Ratzinger's so-called "Ordinary" Rite] that would actually contradict Catholic dogma?
Answer. Yes. For example, in the [traditional] Latin text, the Virgin Mary is referred to as semper virgo, always virgin. In all the modern translations, the word always has been deleted. This is very serious because there is a great difference between virgin and always virgin.
Question. What proof do you have of this [that under the spirit of Oecumenism, the Novus Ordo service is an attempt to create a rapprochement with the Protestants]?
Answer. It is quite evident because there were five Protestants who assisted in the reform of our Liturgy. The archbishop of Cincinnati, who was present during these deliberations, said that not only were these five Protestants present but also they took a very active part in the debates and participated directly in the reform of our Liturgy.... They were Protestant ministers representing different Protestant denominations, who were called by Rome to participate in the reform of our Liturgy, which shows clearly that there was a purpose to all this. They were Dr. George, Canon Jasper, Dr. Sheperd, Dr. Smith, Dr. Koneth, and Dr. Thurian.
Msgr. [Hannibal] Bugnini [the Freemasonic Chief Architect of the New Order liturgy] did not hide this purpose. He spelled it out very clearly. He said, "We are going to make an Oecumenical Mass as we have made an Oecumenical Bible." All this is very dangerous because it is our Faith that is attacked. When a Protestant celebrates the same Mass as we do, he interprets the text in a different way because his faith is different. Therefore, it is an ambiguous Mass. It is an equivocal Mass. It is no longer a Catholic Mass.
Question. Why do you attach more importance to Pope St. Pius V than to Pope Paul VI? After all, both are equally pope. Do you not accept the doctrine of papal infallibility? Do you feel that this doctrine applies more to one than the other?
Answer. I feel that Pope St. Pius V wanted to engage his infallibility because he used all the terms that all the popes traditionally and generally used when they wanted to manifest their infallibility. On the other hand, Pope Paul VI said himself that he didn't want to use his infallibility.
Question. How do you expect the Society of St. Pius X to counteract such a trend against what would appear overwhelming odds?
Answer. True Catholics had to work for the survival of the Faith under general opprobrium and persecution from those who pretended to be Catholics. It is a small price to pay for being on the side of Jesus Christ.... It happened with the very first pope. St. Peter was leading the faithful in error by his bad example of following Mosaic Laws. St. Paul refused to obey this order and led the opposition to it. Paul won out, and St. Peter rescinded his error.
In the fourth century. St. Athanasius refused to obey Pope Liberius's orders. At that time the Church had been infiltrated by the ideas of the Arian heresy, and the pope had been pressured to go along with them. St. Athanasius led the opposition against this departure from Church doctrine. He was attacked mercilessly by the hierarchy. He was suspended. When he refused to submit, he was excommunicated. The opposition to the heresy finally built up momentum, and at the death of Pope Liberius, a new pope occupied St. Peter's seat, and recognized the Church's indebtedness to St. Athanasius. The excommunication was lifted. He was recognized as a savior of the Church and canonized.
In the seventh century, Pope Honorius I favored the Monotheletism heresy, the proposition that Jesus Christ did not possess a human will and hence was not a true man. Many Catholics who knew the Church doctrines refused to accept this and did everything they could to stop the spread of this heresy. The Council of Constantinople condemned [Pope] Honorius I in 681 and anathematized him. There are many more examples of this kind when true Catholics stood up against apparent great odds, not to destroy or change the Church but to keep the true Faith.
Question. Do you ever feel alone and isolated?
Answer. How can I feel alone when I am in communion with 262 popes and the whole of the Catholic Faith?
A French girl has sued on September 22, 2011, the Newchurch Opus Dei organization for enslavement, charging that she was made a slave of the Newpopes' corrupt "personal prelature," from the ages of 14 until 27. Catherine Tissier charged that that she was cut off from the outside world and forced to serve as a menial to the autocratic order at one of its schools. The girl charged that she was physically and mentally assaulted by Opus Dei officials, as well as drugged up to ensure her compliance. At age 29, she weight little more than 38 kilograms, the average weight of a 12-year old child.
The girl charged: "I wasn't allowed to tell my parents I was in Opus Dei. They [my parents] had become the devil. When they tried to contact me, they were told, 'Your daughter is ours, she doesn't belong to you anymore.'" Her courageous parents finally rescued her from the clutches of Opus Dei. Four witnesses substantiated the girl's charges. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Edmonton Journal.]
This is far from the first such charge against the Opus Dei organization, whose secretive operations are suborned from the highest offices at Newvatican, just as in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. The corruption of Opus Dei exposed to worldwide attention in Dan Brown's blockbuster book and movie, The Da Vinci Code, as a ruthless, even murderous sect bent on global power.
In order to conceal charges of criminal enslavement with which Opus Dei has been previously charged, the first "Paedophile Pope," the Unblessed John Paul II-Wojtyla, perpetrated a phony "canonization" of the organization's founder, one Josemaria Escriva. The "canonization" at the time was described as "the most blatan example of a politicized [canonization] in modern times." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Opus Dei."
The Chief Rabbi of Israel (1972-1983) has proclaimed that the sole purpose of Gentiles is is to serve Jews. Ovadia Yosef, a noted scholar of the Jewish Talmud said: "Goyim [a racist word for Gentiles, that is, non-Jews, similar to calling Jews "kikes"] were born only to serve us [Jews]. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the People of Israel." Yosef went on:
With Gentiles, it will be like any person. They need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one's donkey would die; they'd lose their money. This [Gentile] is his servant. That's why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We [Jews] will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Jerusalem Post.]
It is the irony of the Vatican II Council's unCatholic doctrine of "oecumenism" -- what traditionally is condemned as syncretism, a grave sin against the First Commandment of God -- that this false doctrine works only one direction -- against Catholics!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Under Canon 297 of the Newcode of Canon Law, if the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay signs off on the errors of Vatican II, and then his sect is offered a so-called "personal prelature," Fellay would need the permission of each local Newbishop to operate a site in the local Newdiocese. Hence, Fellay and his sect would be completely emasculated, and the Neo-SSPX would be cut off and subjugated to the "authorities" of the New World Religion, the Protestant and Freemasonic Conciliar Sect.
Under a "personal prelature" arrangement, the Neo-SSPX, like Opus Dei, could simply be barred and banned from any Newdiocese by the local NewBishop, almost every one of whom is hostile to the Neo-SSPX. If Fellay should agree to such an arrangement, the mission of Archbishop Lefebvre will be entirely frustrated, except in the apostolates of independent traditional Catholic priests.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Fr. Michael Rodriguez, whom you reported in your Daily Commentaries to have spoken against his Newchurch bishop's pro-homosexual policies in the Newdiocese of El Paso, Texas, has been removed on September 20, 2011, from his Newparish by that Newbishop, Armondo Ochoa. In August 2008, Ochoa had called opposition to homosexuality "intolerant." Rodgriguez contested Ochoa's statement and stated publicly: "every single Catholic, out of fidelity to charity and truth, has the absolute duty to oppose (1) the murder of unborn babies, and (2) any and all government attempts to legalize homosexual unions."
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
What else do you expect from the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order, whose Newpope has suborned and covered up the rape of tens of thousands of children and threatens anyone who turns these criminal bishops and presbyters over to the police with excommunication? The real question is why Neocon presbyters like Rodriguez have sold their soul to the false doctrine, false worship, and false morality of the Newchurch of the New Order, which is not Catholic.
If these Neocon presbyters had any real guts, they would get out of that depraved institution, go independent, and offer the fully Traditional Latin Mass, not the phony Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. Neither should you be associating yourself with the grave sin of heresy by attending the invalid Novus Ordo service. How can any presbyter, or for that matter layperson, in good conscience remain attached to the criminal Newchurch, which isn't even Catholic and is now being sued before the International Criminal Court for "crimes against humanity"? An occasional statement against homosexuality or abortion doesn't exonerate a Novus Ordo presbyter from his grave sin of continuing to cooperate with evil.
Moreover, since Rodriguez is not a priest, but merely a presbyter installed in the invalid Novus Ordo "to preside over the assembly," he would have to study the Catholic Faith for some years and then be ordained in the valid traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Many SSPXers must now be anxiously considering the implications of what a possible Newrome-Econe deal will have on their continued participation at Neo-SSPX Masses and Sacraments. Will Neo-SSPXers, in conscience, be able to go on attending 'Masses' at Fellay's sites under the auspices of the New Order? Or will they have all over again to establish Mass centers offering the fully Traditional Latin Mass, not the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+, which Fellay simulates, to be served by those recalcitrant Neo-SSPX priests who will have rejected the "deal" and will have been peremptorily expelled by Fellay for rejecting the Paedophile Pope and his unCatholic institution?
Will some of the Londoners, for instance, join the SSPX's senior bishop Richard Williamson and stage a Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet-style occupation of the Neo-SSPX's St. Joseph's Church to prevent it from formally becoming part of the Conciliar Church condemned by the SSPX's Archbishop-Founder? Who knows lay people may be driven to do if Neo-SSPXers are faced with another clerical betrayal under the auspices of the pseudo-traditionalist bishop Fellay? All these unanswered questions indicate how dangerous the game is that Fellay has been playing with the New Order sect.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The real question is: What game has the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay's been playing for the last two decades? He has wasted twenty decades of the SSPX's time and money while he has played the sycophant to Newchurch, which his Archbishop-founder clearly condemned as "unCatholic." In hindsight, Neo-SSPXers must be wondering why they have wasted all this time with a Half Novus Ordo Society and a Half Novus Ordo Mess all these years. They must be thinking that they should have availed themselves of all the fully traditional sites available that had nothing to do either with the New Order sect or Fellay's Neo-SSPX pseudo-traditionalist sect.
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican has admitted that anywhere from 1.5 to 5 per cent of all Newchurch bishops and presbyters have perpetrated acts of sexual violence against children. With the number of presbyters worldwide exceeding 400,000, the number of offending Newclergy would range from 6,000 to 20,000. In view of the fact that many of these Newclergy are serial rapists, the number of children victimized is likely in the tens, or even hundreds, of thousands.
Benedict-Ratzinger has been complicit in covering up the crimes while he was JPII-Wojtyla's Sex Crimes Czar, then as Newpope. He has also actively prevented his criminal bishops and presbyters from being arrested, so he knows that he has tens of thousands of his child rapists still on the loose in Newchurch parishes with easy access to millions of children. That is why the case has been entered before the International Criminal Court in the Hague, charging Ratzinger with "crimes against humanity" for his leadership of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Do I have to restart the rosary (normally recite five decades) if I realize that I have made a mistake? I have heard that Rosaries have to be prayed perfectly.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
According to the principle omne factum praesumitur rite factum, you should presume that you did everything correctly, unless you know for a certainty that you did not. In accordance with the principle error corrigitur ubi deprehenditur, you correct the error from the point when you notice it. You don't go back to correct past errors.
Newbishop Robert McManus, of Worcester, Massachusetts, wouldn't sell the historic, traditional St. Casimir's church to traditional Catholics. He wouldn't even sell it to his own Newchurchers, who wanted to keep the church open for the Novus Ordo. They held prayer vigils and had asked the bishop to reconsider his decision. They also explored an appeal to Newvatican. They claimed that the Newparish was financially fit, but McManus slammed the church doors shut anyway and sold it to a weird Protestant group known as The Church of the Pentecost.
St. Casimir's had been particularly populated by Lithuanians. But attendance at the invalid Novus Ordo service is dwindling so rapidly and court-ordered judgments to be paid to children raped by Newchurch clergy so high, that Newchurch has had to sell off massive numbers of churches to gut them for their monetary value, which is quite low during this period of the Great Obama Recession in the United States.
O'Malley's chancellor proclaimed: "Our goal was to assure that St. Casimir would be of use to a worship community." Oh, yeah, a weird Protestant community, but traditional Catholics need not apply! The Pentecostalists are mostly Ghanaians and fabricated their sect around 1987. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Telegram & Gazette.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I read your recent Commentary about the Willing Shepherds' Sacred Heart Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts. I myself go to that church and have been doing so for the last three years. I am so grateful to the independent traditional Dominican community for the chance to attend the fully Traditional Latin Mass. There is such reverence from the brothers and sisters, not to mention a respectful silence from all. I had been searching for a fully Traditional Latin Mass and found this one listed in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department of the TRADITIO Network.
What is the old saying? "Politics makes strange bedfellows." It appears that if the Neo-SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay sells out to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order, he will also be delighting the Jews, as Fellay will sign off on the acceptance of the Modernist doctrine of Vatican II Council on the Jews, together with that Council's heretical teachings on religious liberty, false "oecumenism," and the Catholic Church as not the only true Church.
Abraham Foxman, the hypocritical leader of the Jewish Sons of the Old Covenant (B'nai B'rith), whose very life was spared by the charity of a French Catholic couple during World War II, threatened on September 15, 2011, that he would unleash fire and brimstone if Fellay does not accept the "positive teachings about Jews and Judaism," as approved by the Modernist Vatican II Council. Foxman became notorious because of his persecution of traditional Catholic Mel Gibson and his project to make a traditional Catholic film about the last hours of the life of Jesus Christ. In spite of Foxman's anti-Catholic bigotry, Gibson stood firm and issued the film in 2004 as The Passion of the Christ, which became an blockbuster and one of the top grossing films of all time. Foxman quoted Benedict-Ratzinger's promise to the Jews during his meeting in 2007: "I will stand with the Jews against all forms of anti-Semitism."
Rabbi David Rosen of the American Jewish Committee joined his fellow Jew, Foxman, is demanding that Fellay submit to the Vatican II documents Nostra aetate and Lumen gentium," which degrade the status of the Catholic Church to merely one of an oecumenical congeries of "faith groups," as "fundamental doctrine of the Church." Nostra aetate was in fact co-authored by Rabbi Abraham Heschel and attempted to cover up the Biblical statement of the Jews at the time of the crucifixion of Christ: "And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children" (Matthew 27:25). It was in recognition of this statement that Pope Pius XI included in his Act of the Consecration of the Human Race, traditionally recited on the Feast of Christ the King: "Of old, they [the Jews] called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may It now descend upon them as a laver of redemption and of life." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Benedict-Ratzinger has become so despised in his native land that a large portion of the German parliament has planned a walkout from his speech on September 22, 2011, during his Newpapal junket. Meanwhile, 20,000 German citizens are set to take to the streets to demonstrate against the "Nazi Rottweiler," who has now been personally implicated in his Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, involving thousands of German children raped by his presbyters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Deutsche Welle.]
It is entirely shameless, not to say sacrilegious, for Newchurcher politicians to reject the Catholic Faith, but play "Catholic" because they think that other Newchurchers will vote for them. Actually, as we have reported in these Commentaries, the studies show that Newchurchers in fact reject them as non-entities.
United States Vice President Joseph Biden is one of the worst of these hypocrites. Like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the late Senator Ted Kennedy, Biden holds the damnable and unCatholic tenet that babies in the womb can be killed at the "choice" of the mother and that public funds should be used to pay for the abortions. The ever-pusillanimous Benedict-Ratzinger was on the verge of Novus Ordo excommunicating Mexican legislators who did the same thing, but backed down. Ratzinger certainly falls far short of the courage of a Pope St. Pius V and Pope St. Pius X.
The shameless Biden duly trugged off on September 14, 2011, to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, to be visible munching the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and swilling the Novus Ordo grape juice during a memorial Mess for the deceased Newarchbishop Pietro Sambi, who had been serving as Benedict-Ratzinger's Nuncio to the United States. Sambi, who died on July 27, 2011, had been serving since 2006. [Some information for this commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Neo-SSPX, has certain turned traitor to Archbishop Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X. All too many neophytes to Fellay's transmogrified now Neo-SSPX forget the condemnation by the Archbishop's Society against anything connected with the unCatholic New Order sect.
Fellay, in a panic, has been trying to expunge all such references from his official web sites, but here is what the Archbishop and all his Superiors wrote in a letter sent to Newrome's Newcardinal-prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Bernardin Gantin, on July 6, 1988, just after the Archbishop courageously denounced Josef Ratzinger as "not a Catholic" and consecrated bishops to carry on traditional Catholicism in the Society:
We have never wished to belong to this system that calls itself the Conciliar Church and defines itself with the Novus Ordo "Mass" and with an oecumenism that leads to Indifferentism and the laicization of all society. We have no part, nullam partem habemus, with the pantheon of the religions of Assisi. Our own "excommunication" by a decree of Your Eminence [Gantin] or of another Roman Congregation would only be the irrefutable proof of this.
We ask for nothing better than to be declared out of communion with this adulterous spirit that has been blowing in the Church for the last 25 years. We ask for nothing better than to be declared outside of this impious communion of the ungodly.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Archbishop Lefebvre and his Superiors wore their "excommunication" from the unCatholic New Ordo sect as a badge of honor. To the contrary, the pusillanimous Fellay shamelessly drooled at the feet of the "unCatholic" Ratzinger, like one of the deplorable whelps described in St. Matthew's Gospel, eating from the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters.
"They're not Catholic!" sputtered Sean O'Malley, Novus Ordo cardinal of Boston, Massachusetts, after one of his closed churches was snapped out from under him by a very enterprising independent traditional Catholic group, The Willing Shepherds of Jesus, which follows the traditional Dominican spirituality. They took possession of Sacred Heart Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, where they are publicly and joyously celebrating not the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+, but the Fully Traditional Latin Mass.
To O'Malley, if you want to be his kind of phony "Catholic," you have to affiliate yourself with the New Order sect, which rapes children with impunity and destroys Marian funeral chapels to build dormitories. The Willing Shepherds rejected O'Malley's phony New Order "Catholicism" and opted for real Catholicism. O'Malley is thus smarting from yet another embarrassment to his increasingly-barbarian regime. Two years after O'Malley slammed shut the doors of the beautiful Gothic-style, cathedral-like church in 2007, the independent traditional Catholics snapped it up to offer the fully Traditional Latin Mass. Since the Traditional Latin Mass begin in August 2009, the attendance has steadily increased to the present day.
The Willing Shepherds are members of the traditional Third Order of St. Dominic, who founded the Dominican Order. They also particularly venerate Pope St. Pius V, who decreed in perpetuity the use of the Traditional Latin Mass. They reject the Modernist teachings of Vatican II (1962-1965), which purported to allow a "New Mass" to be simulated in the vulgar tongues, contrary to Catholic doctrine and teaching. O'Malley even published a letter slurring these dedicated independent traditional Catholics. To him, they are not "Catholics" because they reject the New Order. It isn't enough to have the Catholic Faith of 2,000 years, the Catholic Mass and Sacraments of 2,000 years, and Catholic morals of 2,000 years, which O'Malley and his New Order sect despise, as they continue suborning the rape of children by their Newchurch clergy.
But O'Malley has been trumped by these traditional Catholics. His letter, instead of discouraging attendance at the Traditional Latin Mass, is instead serving as an advertising vehicle for it. Now, two years later, the true Mass is drawing not only defectors from O'Malley's Novus Ordo archdiocese but also pseudo-traditionalists from New Hampshire and even Maine, who are now sick of Benedict-Ratzinger's Half Novus Ordo knock-off "Motu" service.
The Willing Shepherds of Jesus Christ moved into Sacred Heart after signing a 15-year lease from a non-profit development corporation. The executive director of the corporation said: "The timing was really appropriate for us. We thought, 'What can we possibly do with the church?' When they [the independent traditional Catholics] came to us, we thought this is something the community was going to love. As a developer, we're happy with an outcome that makes the community happy." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Eagle Tribune.]
Good Catholics, it is amazing how a small dedicated group of truly traditional Catholics can turn a Newcardinal on his head and throw the fear of God into him -- a fear that the Hell he is facing for suborning the rape of children by his clergy doesn't. If only traditional Catholics all had the Faith and independence of this group, the New Order sect would by now be on the dung-heap of history where it belongs!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It is a downright shame and betrayal of faithful Catholics and priests that the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay condescended even to talk to the New Order at Newrome. It is ironical that he accepted the Doctrinal Preamble from one (William Levada) who may soon become a criminal wanted as a henchman of Josef Ratzinger by the International Criminal Court on charges of "crimes against humanity."
From Day One, Fellay's SSPX priests (?) have been genuflecting before the Novus Ordo tabernacle. Yet, for all Fellay's sycophancy to the New Order sect and its leaders, a Novus Ordo bishop who returned here from Newrome a month ago reported that Benedict-Ratzinger is considering re-excommunicating the Neo-SSPX bishops Fellay, Tissier, Galarreta, and Williamson if Fellay refuses to sign the Doctrinal Preamble.
If Fellay does sign, he will thenceforth be led on a leash like a dog by the Rottweiler of the New Order, Benedict-Ratzinger, and his henchmen. The Novus Ordo popes and prelates are not going to abandon the Magna Carta of their existence, the Modernist Vatican II Council.
Patrick Zurek, Newchurch bishop of Amarillo, Texas, has now extended his financial investigation in the case of presbyter Frank Pavone, the "abortion presbyter," beyond Priests [Sic] for Life to two other organizations under Pavone's giant umbrella: Rachel’s Vineyard, which offers healing to women who have abortions, and the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, a lay association. On September 15, 2011, the Newdiocesan spokesman indicated that bishops other than Zurek have expressed concern to Newvatican about the finances of Pavone's organizations.
Questions have been raised about whether the donated monies are being expended on church programmes. Newvatican has encouraged the bishops to exercise more care over financial contributions. Priests [Sic] for Life alone, of which Pavone is the national director, commands over ten million dollars in annual donations. Until the questions are resolved, Pavone has essentially been suspended from control of the organizations in question. Zurek sent a fiery letter to the Newchurch bishops of the United States, citing Pavone for "incorrigible defiance to my legitimate authority."
Pavone had planned to build a 130,000,000 "pro-life seminary" (whatever that is), but his plan fizzled when the Newdiocese could donate no more land, and Newrome rejected Pavone's proposed "society for apostolic life." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Amarillo Globe News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The non-negotiable "Doctrinal Preamble" that Benedict-Ratzinger imposed on the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay seems to be a move to gag Fellay into accepting Vatican II. Moreover, any modified Neo-SSPX under Newchurch control will likely require all its clergy to be "bi-ritual," equally performing the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+ and the Full Novus Ordo Mess of 1969.
Because Fellay has shockingly stated that in his opinion the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service "can be valid," if Fellay does eventually sell out his Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect, many Fellayites may figure that there is no longer any need for his organization and return to their former Novus Ordo parishes.
Fellay's Neo-SSPX has never disseminated any critical study of its own on the Novus Ordo Mess or the other new sacramental rites. Neither has Fellay promoted renowned traditional scholarship, e.g., The Ottaviani Intervention, James Wathen's Great Sacrilege, Patrick Omlor's Questionning the Validity of the New All-English Canon, Anthony Cekada's Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass, Rama Coomaraswamy's Problems with the New Mass and Problems with the Other Sacraments, among many others.
My conclusion is that Benedict-Ratzinger may really be plotting deviously to see the end of the SSPX.
At public prayer on September 11, 2011, for the victims of the Mohammedan terrorists on that same date ten years previous, Americans were scandalized when former U.S. President George W. Bush, known to be a deeply-religious Christian, if not a Catholic, bowed deeply in humility to the Deity, while Barack Obama pridefully stuck his nose up at God.
Obama is suspected by many Americans of being a Mohammedan himself. After all, he can quote lengthy passages from the infidel Koran. Moreover, Obama's personally-selected Chicago preacher of over twenty years is Jeremiah Wright, who claims that the U.S. government put poison in the public water supply to give Blacks -- and just Blacks -- AIDS. Newchurch presbyter Michael Pfleger was also implicated in Wright's racism when he gave a "homily" in Wright's Protestant Evangelical church on May 25, 2008.
Pfleger's racism proved such an embarrassment even to the liberalist Newchurch in the United States that a week later, Newcardinal Francis George forced Pfleger into a disciplinary leave of absence from his Newparish. But a couple of weeks later Pfleger was back in action. So much for Newchurch "discipline," which can't even prevent its Newbishops and presbyters from raping children like ransacking barbarians.
When even conservative Newchurchers desperately try to find at least a few good bishops or presbyters or bishops in the New Order sect, they point to someone like presbyter Frank Pavone, well known as National Director in the political Priests [Sic] for Life movement. Well, those clueless Neocon Newchurchers have now been non-plused, as Pavone has now been fingered with major embezzlement of the movement's funds. The simple fact is that the moral corruption that pervades Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order and its Great Sex and Embezzlement Holocaust is all-encompassing.
Pavone's Newbishop, Patrick Zurek, of Amarillo, Texas, on September 9, 2011, wrote all Newchurch bishops across the United States that Pavone has been suspended from the active ministry of the movement over "deep concerns regarding his handling of millions of dollars in donations" to Priests [Sic] for Life. Zurek, though a usually clueless Newchurch bishop, seemed to have a clue about Pavone and the way he had turned his "pro-life ministry" into secular gain for himself. Zurek wrote: "The PFL has become a business that is quite lucrative, which provides Father Pavone with financial independence from all legitimate ecclesiastical oversight." Zurek went so far as to suggest that his fellow Newbishops "inform the Christian faithful under your care to consider withholding donations to the PFL until the issues and concerns are settled."
In the scandal of Pavone, once again the EWTN Charismatic Cable Channel figures. Pavone, who also fell victim to the lure of the small screen, was a big "star" on the cable channel. Just two months ago, however, one of ETWN's supposed "Newchurch approved" hosts, John Corapi, was found guilty by his order of booze, drugs, cohabiting with prostitutes, and violation of is vow of poverty. Two other EWTN "hosts" had previously been found implicated in immoralities. All of them naturally protested their innocence and said "the Devil did it to me." Cute.
Newbishop Zurek's letter was particularly critical of Pavone with regard to obedience. "It seems that his fame has caused him to see priestly [sic] obedience as an inconvenience to his unique status and an obstacle to the possible international scope of his ministry," Zurek wrote his fellow Newbishops. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Of course, Pavone didn't have to operate his ministry under the aegis of the New Order sect. He could have become an independent traditional priest if he had the Faith, but he deliberately took pride in being a presbyter "in good standing" with the corrupt sect, so that he could rake in more prestige and money instead of quietly doing God's work. As a result, he was duly zinged by the barbed tail of the Serpent. If he had any guts, he would have deserted the corrupt Newchurch and gone straight long ago.
A group of child victims raped by Newchurch prelates and presbyters has sued Benedict-Ratzinger and three highly-placed Newchurch prelates, Newcardinals Angelo Sodano, Tarcisio Bertone, Cardinal William Levada, before the International Criminal Court in the Hague for "tolerating and enabling widespread and systematic crimes against humanity" in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Pr[esbyters] and the Center for Constitutional Rights, who jointly filed the suit on September 13, 2011, charged: "Crimes against tens of thousands of victims, most of them children, are being covered up by officials at the highest level of the [New]vatican. In this case, all roads really do lead to Rome." Representatives from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the United States traveled to The Hague to file the 80 pages of charges, together with more than 20,000 pages of supporting material, including reports, policy papers, and evidence of crimes by Newchurch clergy committed against children and vulnerable adults.
Even though numerous documents have been produced demonstrating the policy of Benedict-Ratzinger, many bearing his personal signature, requiring concealment of child rape by Newchurch prelates and presbyters, Ratzinger's lawyers continued to deny the reality, which has led Ireland to the verge of expelling Ratzinger's embassy from the Emerald Isle, which was staunchly Catholic before Vatican II corrupted its Faith in the 1960s.
Although the suit was prominently covered in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, Nevatican refused to comment on the most substantive effort yet to hold the Ratzinger and his regime accountable for the holocaust of sex crimes against children. Experts in international law indicate that it is not unlikely that the International Criminal Court would at least investigate the matter and thereby elevate issue internationally.
The suit marks a new approach by child victims victims and rights groups. Child victims groups, which usually target Newchurch officials with their lawsuits, have increasingly sought to implicate Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican personally in their legal action. Benedict-Ratzinger's regime seems to be nearing the point of toppling, as it has been increasingly rocked by a series of child-rape and cover-up scandals in Europe, the United States, Australia, and other locales in recent years.
The Office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court acknowledged the filing of the suit and said that the office would analyze it and make a decision "in due course." Benedict-Ratzinger is German-born, and because a pope retains his nationality when he also takes on Vatican nationality, he is exposed to ICC prosecution. He cannot claim "diplomatic immunity." The Court has previously investigated crimes including genocide, murder, conscription of child soldiers, and rape. In June 2011 it issued an arrest warrant for Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. One responder pointedly commmented:
If this happened at a Chucky Cheese Restaurant, where employees were raping children, and the management knew about it and hid it, with that knowledge going all the way up to the CEO, who concealed the truth about it and moved those paedophiles around to rape others, customers would boycott the business and have every manager thrown in jail. We can’t expect Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch to rise to the standards of Chucky Cheese, but they should at least have to follow the basic laws of humanity.
At a meeting on September 14, 2011, "fellayed" Neo-SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay and his hoped-for acceptance into the Newchurch of the New Order, concomitant with his sell-out of the Neo-SSPX to that sect. Fellay and his underlings Niklaus Pfluger and Alain-Mark Nely (no one in the Neo-SSPX has any real constitutional power but the Superior General) were handed a two-page document in Newrome by Benedict-Ratzinger's No. 3 man in Newrome, William Levada, the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the New Order Faith.
The two-page document, described as a "Doctrinal Preamble," was issued in secret. In the same secrecy that has characterized Newvatican's handling of its clergy's sex crimes, neither Fellay nor Levada will speak about the contents. No surprise there. Fellay is known for one of the world's most untransparent regimes, and Levada is notorious for secrecy. The latter was slapped with federal subpoenas to testify about his personal involvement in Newclergy's sex crimes in the United States when he was Newarchbishop of Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California. So mired apparently was he that Benedict-Ratzinger spirited him off to Newvatican with a diplomatic passport so that he could continue the cover-up of his involvement in the sex-crimes milieu that had already been exposed by San Francisco newspapers. Just one day before the meeting, Levada was charged as an accomplice in "crimes against humanity" before the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
Although in one of those self-staged Neo-SSPX "interviews," dated the same day as the meeting, Fellay concealed and covered up his embarrassment with platitudes. But the day previous, the Italian daily, La Stampa, had revealed that Fellay's ambitions to become a Newchurcher would be shafted. The document, which was personally signed off on by Benedict-Ratzinger and came after the Neo-SSPX/Newchurch negotiations between October 2009 and April 2011, rejects the objections by traditional Catholics against the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), holding fast to the Modernist interpretations of the Council's texts on religious freedom, "oecumenism," and the nature of the Catholic Church -- interpretations forthrightly rejected by the Founder of the Society of St. Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Newvatican's own press release of the meeting indicates clearly that Fellay must accept the "Doctrinal Preamble," which defines "doctrinal principles" in accord with Modernist Vatican II. The strange title of the document seems to indicate that Fellay must accept these Modernist "doctrines" as a "preamble" to anything else. Levada has deftly demanded a response from Fellay: either fish or cut bait. Fellay will have to adopt a position pro or contra the New Order sect. He can't beat around the bush any longer. He must publicly accept the Modernist New Order "doctrines" contained in the "Doctrinal Preamble" to be "in full communion" with the Novus Ordo cookie, or go away and be traditional Catholic. Nor does the preamble accept the distinction between what is "dogmatic" and what is "pastoral" when it comes to Vatican II.
If Fellay sells out to the New Order sect, there is a question about what form the sold-out version of the Neo-SSPX would take. Reading between the lines, it appears that the form would not be an "ordinariate," as the heretic Anglicans got, not even an "apostolic administration," as the once-traditional Fraternity of St. John Vianney, of Campos, Brazil, had to settle for. Instead, if Fellay signs off on the errors of Vatican II, he might get a "personal prelature," as the wacky Opus Dei got.
If Fellay is demented enough to capitulate to Benedict-Ratzinger in agreeing to the errors of Vatican II, Fellay's problems will have only just begun. He will waste his life spinning like a whirling dervish, playing the Novus Ordo's games. Archbishop Lefebvre was too smart for that. He cut the cord with the "unCatholic" Ratzinger and didn't waste any more time on him after 1988.
Good Catholics, Fellay, who desperately wants to betray his Neo-SSPX into the hands of the New Order, has deftly been placed by Benedict-Ratzinger in a most unenviable situation. Many of his SSPXers are in a foul mood toward him. First of all, he started sellout "negotiations" to the New Order sect, when even a majority of his membership views that sect in the way that its Archbishop-Founder did: as "not Catholic." Secondly, Fellay has engaged in a scandalous vendetta against his senior bishop, Richard Williamson, who remains closest to the principles of the Society's Archbishop-Founder. Williamson has been issuing weekly bulletins that indicate his strong objections to any attempt on the part of Fellay to sell out the Society to the New Order.
Dissatisfaction is now rife in Fellay's Neo-SSPX. Reports are that his concoted "Rosary Crusade" is not going well and that certain building projects Fellay is trying to undertake, like the controversial move of the seminary in the United States, is not going well. Fellay obviously opened more of a can of worms that even he imagined when his ambitions became tainted by the New Order sect, which corrupts everything it touches.
Fellay's regime seems to be sinking as fast as those of Benedict-Ratzinger's corrupt papacy. If SSPXers know what's right, they should withhold all donations to the Neo-SSPX until, at a minimum, Fellay publishes the shameless Modernistic Doctrinal Preamble, so that the world can see just how Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch of the New Order have become. That's what Archbishop Lefebvre would have done!
Archbishop John Hepworth, the most prominent leader of traditionalist Anglicans, has shocked the religious world by revealing that the reason he quit the Newchurch of the New Order was that he experienced "systematic sexual abuse over more than a decade." He revealed that Newchurch had offered to pay him 75,000 U.S. dollars in hush-money.
Hepworth said that he had been "raped repeatedly" when he was 15 years old over a 12-year period by two presbyters at Adelaide, Australia's St. Francis Xavier Junior Seminary. The staff of the seminary threatened him with expulsion if he spoke out. "I fled in fear, but I never wanted to leave," he said of his decision to depart the New Order sect in 1974, five years after the New Order was formally implemented.
One of the presbyters even tried to silence Hepworth by confessing to him and falsely invoking a purported seal of the confessional. (Since Hepworth obviously had independent knowledge of the crimes outside the confessional, there was no "seal" involved.) An independent report on the case confirmed that one of the presbyters had coupled the rapes of Hepworth with "gruesome blasphemy" about the Virgin Mary. The other presbyter-rapist died in a sex cubicle at Club 80, a "men-only" club in Melbourne. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Australian.]
Good Catholics, even though one of Hepworth's rapists is now a senior presbyter and runs a Newparish in South Australian, Benedict-Ratzinger has not fired him. Hepworth reported the crimes more than four years ago, yet Benedict-Ratzinger has allowed the presbyter-rapist to continue in his post. No wonder all the good people are abandoning Benedict-Ratzinger's corrupt New Order sect and one of the most morally-perverted popes in the history of the Church.
The Newchurch of the New Order is a cesspoll of ambition. Not least for the man whom Benedict-Ratzinger personally appointed to be No. 2 Man, Tarcisio Bertone, the Newcardinal Secretary of State. Now, because of his politicking inside the New Order sect, Bertone has become the subject of death threats.
An anonymous letter has accused Bertone of appointing to the sect's top curial posts only people loyal to him personally. The death threat has exposed to the public the the struggle for power going on inside the New Order sect's walls. Bertone, who has tried to control that New Order sect, is considered eager to push forward his own political agenda.
A play on words circulating around Newrome has satirized Bertone's plan to promote New Order Salesian presbyters to key posts. S.D.B. is the initialism for Società Don Bosco, Bertone's religious order. But it has been satirized into Sono di Bertone for "I am Bertone's man." Newvatican correspondents report that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newpapacy is sinking further into a "poisonous routine." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The U.K. Guardian.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
A recent Vortex program mentioned the return of the "Latin Mass." Of course, what the program was talking about is not the true, Traditional Latin Mass, but the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Mess of 1962+," sometimes neologistically termed the "Extraordinary Mess."
The programme failed to investigate Newchurch's rejection, starting in 1968, of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which makes any "Mass" invalid because of defect of minister. Since that year the New Order sect has used not the traditional rite of Holy Orders, but substituted a Protestantized "installation service" that creates presbyters, not priests. Specifically eliminated from the rite is the presbyters' power "to offer Mass for the living and the dead" and "to forgive sins." They merely are empowered to "preside over the assembly of the people" at what they the New Order calls "Sunday dinner."
Thus, Newchurch has now simulated thousands of sham "Latin Masses." Not to mention wasted and invalid "confessions," which have been replaced by Protestantized "reconciliations" by these powerless Newchurch presbyters.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
So what that Ratzinger was an ardent Nazi helping to shoot down Allied planes? All of us can be forgiven especially for the sins of our youth, and Ratzinger is no exception. St. Paul was forgiven. Ratzinger has done worse than be a Nazi; he will have to account for much more than a few hundred dead Christians, which are as nothing to the sacrileges committed by him.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The case of St. Paul is entirely different.
Nor has Catholicism ever given a "pass" for the sins of youth. One of the sins that is condemned again and again in the New Testament is fornication, sex outside of marriage, often associated nowadays with youth. Even though our modern paganized society seems to accept fornication with the same permissiveness as homosexual acts, that is not what Scripture and the Faith teach. St. Augustine, who was a great sinner in this respect, honestly wrote that the sin of fornication, which eventually resulted in a an illegitimate child, had completely consumed him until he truly converted to the Catholic Faith.
Josef Ratzinger rushed to join the Hitler Youth even before German law provided. When he served in the Nazi uniform, he was sixteen, by which age, we are told, he was already lusting to be a cardinal. Meanwhile, many of his fellow students in Bavaria were rejecting the Nazis, and willing accept the penalty for their rejection. Ratzinger, by weaning the Nazi uniform in his youth, showed himself as the Modernist compromiser that he was to become in later life -- the Modernist compromiser that he remains to this day.
A classified cable of April 18, 2005, from the United States State Department just before the 2004 conclave from which Josef Ratzinger emerged as Newpope has just been declassified on August 30, 2011. The cable (05VATICAN466) termed Ratzinger as "unlikely to secure wide enough support to be elected." If only that prediction had come true, Newchurch could have been spared the worst aspects of its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which in which Newpope was complicit through his exoneration of Newchurch clergy from any penalties and through his instructions to bishops around the world not to turn over Newchurch sex criminals to the police. As a result tens of thousands of children were sexually assaulted, raped, and even murdered with impunity.
In the State Department cable, Ratzinger's affiliation with the Nazi government was mentioned: "he was called into the auxiliary anti-aircraft service in the last months of World War II." Most Newchurchers are ignorant of the fact that not only was Ratzinger a uniform-wearing member of the Hitlerjugend, when many of his fellow students refused, but that he was also in the anti-aircraft service, which was shooting down Allied planes for Hitler.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Thank you for your commentary on Mel Gibson's new film in planning on The Machabees. I have worked for Icon Productions on and off for over fifteen years, and Mr. Gibson has wanted to make a film on this subject for over a decade. All of us who know him are very pleased that he is finally getting this chance. He originally intended to do so immediately after the release of The Passion of The Christ, in 2004, but for obvious reasons, the timing was just not right. Even now, it took only a few hours for Abraham Foxman and Rabbi Heir to lash out at the prospect of the film, and to ask Jews to boycott it -- very sad.
Mr. Gibson's co-writer on the project, Joe Eszterhas, should bring a very interesting take in the writing of the film. Mr. Eszterhas was born in Hungary to a devout Catholic family and was imprisoned by the Soviets until they could escape to America. Unfortunately, after Eszterhas's initial great success as a writer on many Hollywood blockbuster films, he fell away from his religion, and towards many of the vices that plague many Hollywood stars. He then wrote several movies that were not up to par, and that were beneath the standards of his talent and his faith.
Approximately seven years ago, Mr. Eszterhas was diagnosed with throat cancer, but he was able to make a recovery. In 2006, Eszterhas wrote a book which was a stunning rebuke of Hollywood entitled The Devil's Guide to Hollywood, and in 2008 he wrote another book about his return to Christianity and his return to his Catholic religion entitled Crossbearer: A Memoir of Faith.
I think this film has the potential to be a fantastic epic.
Traditional Catholic producer-director-actor Mel Gibson has decided to produce another traditional Biblical epic, after suffering so much anti-Christian persecution for his 2004 blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ, which told the literal Biblical account of the last hours of Christ. His subject this time will be the Old Testament hero Judas Machabeus, who fought to restore the Holy Sacrifice after the Temple was shut down by Alexandrian pagans. The Machabees' triumph and struggle against tyranny and oppression involves people who gave their lives so that the Holy Sacrifice could be restored.
The analogy to the present-day situation of the New Order sect shutting down the Traditional Latin Mass, and the fight of independent traditional Catholic priests against the apostatic "establishment" New Order sect is patent. In fact, Gibson has publicly stated that the planned film is actually "a statement against corruption in the [New]church." He believes that the story of the Machabees parallels that of the Modern Church, that is, the Newchurch of the New Order, and he thinks that the movie will help force change to that corrupt organization, which has lost the true Faith.
Warner Bros will underwrite the drama that teams Gibson and screenwriter Joe Eszterhas, who will write the script with Gibson's collaboration. Gibson has the first option to direct the film, but will definitely produce it through his Icon Productions banner. The history of the Machabees, father and four brothers, is told in the First and Second Book of the Machabees in the Old Testament. The Machabees led a revolt against those who had shut down the Holy Sacrifice in the second century B.C. and were fighting against their fellow Jews, sellouts to the Alexandrian pagans. These secular Jews practiced Greek (nude) sports in a gymnasium in close proximity to the Temple. Even the secular Jewish priests became addicted to the games. Many Jews, rejecting their faith, had the marks of circumcision removed to avoid being recognized as Jews in the baths or the gymnasium. As the First Book of Machabees (1:15-16) tells the story:
And they [the Jewish sellouts] built a place of exercise in Jerusalem, according to the laws of the nations [the pagans]. And they made themselves prepuces and departed from the holy covenant and joined themselves to the heathens and were sold to do evil.
Even though the Machabees were Old Testament Jews, secular Jews are already condemning the film that tells of their own history. The latest traitor to his own faith is secular Jew, Rabbi Marvin Hier, the dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. It seems that Hier is far from tolerant himself. The script hasn't even been written!
When Gibson was working on his traditional Catholic film, The Passion of the Christ, he got nothing but grief from secular Jews who didn't want the Bible's account publicized. Gibson courageously stood up against some two years of constant battering by the likes of the hypocrite Abraham Foxman, of the Sons of the Jewish Covenant (B'nai B'rith). Foxman in fact owed his life to a French Catholic couple who took him in during the persecutions of the Second World War. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Deadline New York.]
Authorities in Berlin on September 8, 2011, rejected a plan to allow a Newchurch organization to make use of large billboards in welcoming Benedict-Ratzinger to the city on September 22, 2011, for his latest German junket. The authorities stated that they would permit the use of large billboards, measuring over nine square metres, only in cases of "overwhelming public interest" and that Benedict-Ratzinger didn't meet that criterion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Even his own fellow countrymen have rejected the "Paedophile Pope. The city said that his depiction on billboards would "make the city look ugly." Germany has been one of the countries worst hit by his Newclergy's rape of tens of thousands of German children.
When will the world realize that the Newchurch of the New Order is in fact a paper-tiger with little actual support? The sect's hierarchy likes to exaggerate its influence, but really is "full of sound and fury signifying nothing," in the words of Shakespeare's Macbeth. In the United States, the Newchurch bishops put out "voting guidelines" every four years, in which they pontificate about how Newchurchers should vote. A new study from Newchurch-associated Fordham University shows that even Newchurchers pay no attention to their Newbishops' voting guidelines. In fact, they don't even read it! Only 16 per cent of U.S. Newchurchers have even heard of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. Just 3 percent say they have read it, and three-quarters of those said that the document had "no influence at all" on the way they voted in 2008.
In spite of a liberal Newchurch papacy and hierarchy since Vatican II (1962-1965), Newchurchers are increasingly rejecting liberalism, going from being a solid Democratic bloc in the days of John F. Kennedy, the first and only Catholic president, to a swing vote. Of course, Kennedy was not a Democrat by today's definition. In 1960 he had much more in common with current Republican positions, such as frugality in government spending, adopting a balanced budget, rejection of socialism-communism, and rejection of abortion and "gay marriage." If Kennedy came back today, he would probably disown the Democratic party and maybe even the New Order sect! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Washington Post.]
Irish Foreign Minister and Deputy Leader Eamon Gilmore indicated that Ireland may not fill its vacant ambassadorial position at Newvatican and may run its Newvatican operation from its regular Italian embassy. Benedict-Ratzinger has already recalled his Irish ambassador as the government indicated that it would summon him before the Dail (parliament) to answer charges of sex crimes against children by Newchurch. The Irish parliament formally adopted a resolution in July 2011, accusing Benedict-Ratzinger of "undermining child-protection frameworks."
Meanwhile, Ireland's Prime Minister Enda Kenny charged on September 6, 2011, that Benedict-Ratzinger had hampered an inquiry into child sex crimes by Irish presbyters:
I made the point that this is a statutory commission of inquiry, and, as such, nothing less than full cooperation is required, and anything less than full cooperation, in my view, is unwarranted interference. Every organization, either faith or any other, will understand that the law of the land will apply here. Let me assure you that what was in my mind was an expression of the anger and the frustration and the concern of so many people in this country about issues over a very long number of years.
Irish Prime Minister Kenny's remarks have been widely applauded in Ireland, where Benedict-Ratzinger has become a persona non grata because of his interference in protecting his Newclergy from criminal prosecution for sex crimes against children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Irish Central and Retuers.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have a question about ghosts. I am confused about what really happens when we die. I don't understand if those spirits are really the soul of a person or something else. Supposedly people have said that some ghosts want help, but I don't know.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Abbot Alois Wagner, O.C.S.O., wrote Occult Phenomena in 1957. The abbot writes that although we can attribute a great many so-called psychic happenings to fraud or to the devil, there might be other causes as well. Herbert Thurston, S.J., also wrote on the topic: Ghosts and Poltergeists in 1953 and The Church and Spiritualism in 1933. You can consult these are if you are interested in pursuing the topic.
Ghosts are not a determined part of Catholic theology. The Catholic doctrine is that the soul at death undergoes a Particular Judgment, which determines its eternal damnation (Hell), eternal beatitude (Heaven), or a state of purification (Purgatory). One who has an unrepented Mortal Sins at death is condemned to Hell, as is only just. As this person has rejected God, why should he have an eternal place with God? Thus, you should be careful to stay close to the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments, which are the true Sacraments of the Church, to help you avoid the condition of damnation.
In 2010 over 800 children in Austria, close to Benedict-Ratzinger's birthplace in southern Germany, have accused Newchurch bishops and presbyters of child rape. The children have come forward after the Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust broke into the courts and into the media in the United States, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Australia, Canada, Malta and elsewhere. Ratzinger's own brother Georg, who is also a Newchurch presbyter, has himself been accused of violent and sadistic child abuse at his Newchurch boarding school.
A record 87,000 Austrian Newchurch parishioners, sick of Benedict-Ratzinger's refusal to stop covering up child rape by thousands of his Newbishops and presbyters and of his attempts to hinder civil courts and governments in their prosecution of his Newclergy's sex crimes against children, quit his Newchurch of the New Order in disgust during 2010. They have contacted the Austrian government to remove themselves from national registers of Newchurch "Catholics." They no longer wish to be associated with the "Paedophile Pope" or with his Newchurch of the New Order.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Austrian Newchurch presbyters have come out in open defiance of Benedict-Ratzinger. It is likely that there will be a public humiliation for Ratzinger when he visits his native Germany in a few weeks time, as he is expected to be confronted by thousands of child-rape victims who hold him personally responsible as Newchurch sex crimes Czar, the man who has personally presided over the Newchurch child rape holocaust for thirty years. Ratzinger grew up in Bavarian villages close to the Austrian border.The dissent has become so intense that there are serious concerns that Austrian Newchurcher could actually go into schism from Newpope during his junket. Paul Zulehner, a leading Newchurch theologian warned Austrian radio: "[Newchurch] could come to a crash, to a split." Austrian Newcardinal-primate Christoph Schoenborn, of Vienna, has been confronted by 329 presbyters who have threatened a split in the Austrian Church weeks before Benedict-Ratzinger's Austrian junket. One of the protestors is Schoenborn's own Vicar Genera, Helmut Schueller.
A survey published the week of September 4, 2011, by the Oekonsult polling group showed 76 per cent of Austrians queried condemned Benedict-Ratzinger personally. 97 per cent of those polled said that a "very large wave" of people leaving his New Order sect would follow. [Some information for this Commentary contributed by Reuters.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been to several Traditional Latin Masses and have noticed different methods used by different priests for handling the maniple when the celebrant himself preaches a sermon. What is the proper way?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
If celebrant is to preach in the pulpit, rubricians recommend that the maniple and chasuble be laid on the sedile. The reason for this recommendation is that both the maniple and chasuble are Mass vestments, and the sermon, contrary to the ignorance of many Catholics, is not a part of the Mass; it is actually an interruption in the Mass.
However, there is no specific rubric about this, and actual practice differs widely, depending upon the church and whether there is an actual pulpit available. Sometimes, in small churches and chapels, the celebrant must preach from the altar steps or from a lectern adjacent to the altar. In such a case, it is not prohibited that both the maniple and chasuble be left on for convenience or that only the maniple be taken off, so as not to delay the proceedings too much, as the maniple is more readily removed than the chasuble. In such a case, the maniple could be handed to the server to be laid on the sedile as the celebrant comes to the foot of the altar after the Gospel just before he preaches.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The Book of Deuteronomy speaks of not worshipping "images." Do we Catholics worship images? Also, is praying to Mary and the Saints justified? Aren't we asked to pray to God alone?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
When the Jews of the Old Testament worshipped the Golden Calf, they were actually worshipping the object itself. Thus, they were committing idolatry and were vehemently chastised by Moses for doing so. Yet even the Jewish law did not prohibit images used not as objects of worship, but rather as ornamentation or recollection. For example, the Mercy-seat and the Arc of the Old Covenant bore the images of the Cherubim (as described in the Book of Exodus), and the Temple itself bore images of bronze bulls (as described in the First Book of Kings). Thus, Deuteronomy is emphasizing the uniqueness of God and the impossibility of representing Him. This all occurred, of course, before the coming of the New Covenant and the Messias, Jesus Christ.
The salient point is that Catholics do not worship, or even venerate images. These are simply reminders of the persons so represented, much as you do not love a photograph of your mother, but the person who is represented by the photograph.
As to praying to the Saints, what we are praying for is the intercession of the Saints with God. This intercessory prayer is fully Biblical, mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. John, the last book of the New Testament. You will have noticed that in its formal prayers, the Collects at Holy Mass, the Church never addresses Mary or the Saints, but only God: Deus, Domine, Pastor aeterne, or some other term of direct address of God).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In years past I have enjoyed the music of a Newchurch musician named John Michael Talbot. I understand he is associated with Charismatic theology and is Modernist theologically. His lyrics have always been either passages from Scripture or the Saints. My question is this: Is there any harm in continuing to listen to such music, and, if so, what Catholic music can you recommend? I am already in the process of obtaining recordings of the great Catholic composers of centuries past, both for listening enjoyment and for the education of my children, whom we home-school.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Talbot is a Novus Ordo syncretist, very much like those Protestants who do "Christian Rock," an oxymoron, if we ever heard one. Such music is associated with condemned Charismaticism. The fact that he uses Scripture does not give a pass to this kind of music, as the Protestant Charismatics do the same thing. For further information, click on FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Given Benedict-Ratzinger's 24-page response on September 3, 2011, trying to deny his own clear responsibility for the paedophilia crimes that have swept Ireland and elsewhere, it is very probable that an angry Ireland, represented by its Prime Minister of Ireland and Ireland's Parliament, the Oireachtas, will expel the Unholy See's embassy from that country. Ireland in earlier times saved the Catholic Faith from the barbarians. It now looks as if Ireland will attempt to save the Church from the Neo-barbarian Benedict-Ratzinger, under whom, since 1981, Newchurch's paedophile bishops and presbyters have had a field day raping children under the protection of Ratzinger.
Even though the Irish Government, in five detailed reports, has got the goods on Benedict-Ratzinger, Ratzinger continues to deny the documents proving his personal complicity in the crimes by subornation and cover-up. Ratzinger remains unrepentant and claims that the Irish Prime Minister made an "unfounded attack" upon the Unholy See in his denunciation speech of July 20, 2011. It seems that Ratzinger is taking a trip down that famous river in Egypt!
The Prime Minister's denunciation of Benedict-Ratzinger's facilitation of the widespread rape of Irish children by Newchurch clergy was widely cheered by the Irish, who are fed up with Ratzinger's specious exculpations. So hostile to Ratzinger has Ireland become that a frightened Newpope recalled his ambassador before the latter could be grilled before the Irish parliament. Ireland's independent investigations proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ratzinger personally prevented Newbishops from reporting Newclergy's sex crimes against children to the Irish police, the Garda.
The Irish have been the first nation courageously to place the blame squarely upon Benedict-Ratzinger for the colossal scale of Newclergy's sex crimes and their cover-up, so that perpetrators could continue in their ministry and be able to prey on more children. Thousands of children have come forward with accusations that presbyters had raped them, while the Newbishops covered up the crimes, and Ratzinger himself actively interfered when a few honest bishops tried to bring the criminals to justice. It wasn't until 2010 that Benedict-Ratzinger, reeling from criticism around the world, told his Newbishops to cooperate with civil authorities in reporting criminal paedophile presbyters.
Ironically, Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, beloved of pseudo-traditionalists as the president of Newpope's now-defunct Ecclesia Dei Commission that promoted the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Latin Mess of 1962+, was exposed as Benedict-Ratzinger's accomplice in the cover-up. Hoyos's letter to the world's Newbishops on Ratzinger's behalf essentially told Newbishops not to report Newclergy's sex crimes to civil officials.
The director of the Irish victims support group, stated that Benedict-Ratzinger's response to the Prime Minister was merely "an exercise in self-justification, an attempt to justify the unjustifiable. Yet again the Vatican is taking absolutely no responsibility for the culture it promoted within the Church that allowed child abuse to go on for so long." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Was Martin Luther all bad, or wasn't his protest a little good? If it weren't for him, wouldn't the Church still be corrupt, selling indulgences, etc., and wouldn't the Catholic Counter-reformation centered in the Council of Trent (1545-1563) not have happened?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Luther in the beginning did have some good points. Even St. Thomas More agreed with them. But sadly Luther quickly fell away from Catholic and Apostolic teaching and substituted his own prideful anti-Christian notions. He even wanted to delete books from the Bible that taught doctrine contrary to his own. He wanted to destroy the Mass and Sacraments. And his personal immorality befit a pigsty. For further information on Martin Luther's blasphemies against the Catholic Church, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Martin Luther."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am a high-school boy at, sadly, a Novus Ordo school, in which we are learning about the "Reformation." Do you have any advice for a traditional Catholic in a Novus Ordo high school?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You will have to bear it in the best possible way until you become of age. Actually, the situation will give you an opportunity to stand firm in your faith. You have to realize that you will be subjected a lot of heretical Modernist propaganda. That will challenge you to do research to seek out the truth. As proper circumstances permit, you can orally or in writing argue a well-thought-out traditional Catholic position.
If you have a choice in the selection of your courses, select Latin (and Greek), philosophy (particularly classical and mediaeval philosophy), music (particularly early and classical music), history (particularly ancient and mediaeval history), mathematics and the natural sciences, and oratory and rhetoric (sometimes called "Speech"). With that background, you will have a solid classical basis for your education, which you can then build upon in college or university.
Further showing Benedict-Ratzinger's Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Mess of 1962+" as the Great Hoax that it is, the Apostolic Administrator for the "Motu" Mess" for the Fraternity of St. John Vianney, of Campos, Brazil (similar to the Fraternity of St. Peter), Newbishop Fernando Areas Rifan, was again caught again publicly concelebrating the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service for Our Lady of Fatima Newchapel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 28, 2011.
This is far from the first Novus Ordo Mess that "Motu" Newbishop Rifan has concelebrated. (Benedict-Ratzinger's phony "Motu" Mess of 1962+ is the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's hatchet-job on the Traditional Latin Mass.) The first time Rifan was accused, he lied and denied doing it. Then he was confirmed as a liar when news film revealed the lie. He could not longer deny it, nor does Ratzinger have any objection. In fact, Ratzinger requires "Motu" presbyters to use both the "Ordinary" (Novus Ordo) and "Extraordinary" (Motu) rites interchangeably. Rifan tried to deny this latest instance too, but, again, a picture is worth a thousand words: he was exposed as a double liar.
Many pseudo-traditionalists are unaware that Benedict-Ratzinger's Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007 did not rescind Protocol 1411/99, which requires that all "Motu" presbyters, like those in the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), must simulate the invalid Novus Ordo service in addition to the "Motu" Mess.
Whatever Benedict-Ratzinger's liturgical, doctrinal, and moral faults as Newpope, he certainly has got to be a good teacher, right? Wrong! The latest Public Religion Research Institute survey in the United States has found Newpope's teaching ability so bad that his Newchurchers now accept the gross immorality and violation of Natural Law known as "gay marriage" -- by eleven percentage points. Protestant Fundamentalist/Evangelical Protestants condemn it by 57 percentage points. Even the general public, being evenly divided on the issue, is more against "gay marriage" than Ratzinger's New Ordo sectarians!
It is statistics like these that are leading many to wonder, in Ireland and the United States among other countries, whether there isn't more to Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust than meets the eye. The evidence is mounting that Benedict-Ratzinger may be softening his Newchurch up, as yet under the table, for public acceptance of the immorality of homosexuality and sodomy in marriage and in his Novus Ordo seminaries.
What a poor excuse Benedict-Ratzinger is for a pope! He can't even get his own followers to embrace Catholic doctrine -- if in fact he isn't a philogay himself! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Atlantic Wire.]
The Cloyne Newdiocese of County Cork, Ireland, has ordered its Newparishes to sell their properties to pay huge damages for sex crimes against children by its Newclergy, as the Newdiocese is desperate to raise finds to pay the damages, which have left the Newdiocese on the brink of bankruptcy. A recent Irish Government report showed that this Newdiocese, like other Newdioceses in Ireland, to have been involved in a massive cover-up of sex crimes, as mandated by Benedict-Ratzinger. The Irish government and people are furious at Ratzinger and have forced the recall of his ambassador.
Meanwhile, a prominent Irish presbyter has called upon Irishmen to revolt from Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect. Harry Bohan stated: "The authoritarian [New Order sect] became so concerned about the institution that it had forgotten hat it was about, and that was the most sickening thing of all." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Irish Central.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I understand that Bernie Fellay is now to meet with a Newvatican official in September. He has put himself under enormous pressure by negotiating with Newrome, and I can't see how he could possibly "win." Assuming that senior Bishop Williamson's epistles have been removed from the SSPX site, and that appears to be the case, the facts strongly suggest that Fellay's betrayal to the New Order is imminent.
On August 30, 2011, Newcardinal Kurt Koch, president of Benedict-Ratzinger's Council for Promoting Christian Unity, announced that the next Newpapal junket, to Germany September 22-25, 2011, would focus on a "mea culpa" to Martin Luther and Protestantism. Ratzinger and the World Lutheran Federation are preparing a Joint Declaration on the Reformation, in view of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses, and Ratzinger is also trying to tie the event in with the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965).
Newvatican indicated that in addition to his "mea culpa" to Luther, Benedict-Ratzinger and the Lutheran Protestants would try to cover up the historical event by "a common purification of the memory." That should go quite well: Ratzinger has become a past master through practice of his widespread covering up of sex crimes by his Newclergy against children. For further information on Martin Luther's blasphemies against the Catholic Church, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Martin Luther."
Benedict-Ratzinger will stop at various Protestant sites associated with the arch heretic Martin Luther and will meet with German chancelloress, the liberalist Angela Merkel, daughter of a Protestant minister. In addition, Ratzinger plans meetings with the Jewish community, representatives of the Mohammedan community, and representatives of the Eastern Orthodox schismatics. In addition to a Novus Ordo Mess, he will celebrate an Oecumenical Mess/Service with German Evangelical Protestants. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Radio.]
It seems that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is caught up these days in a web of contradiction. On the one hand, the Superior General desperately wants to sell out to Benedict-Ratzingers' Modernist New Order sect and will be going to Newrome on September 14, 2011, to get the word from doctrinal prefect William Levada how Newchurch views the SSPX-Novus Ordo "negotiations" that recently ended. On the other hand, before Fellay turned Archbishop Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X into a Neo-SSPX, the SSPX was teaching its founder's, Archbishop Lefebvre's dead-on assessment of Josef Ratzinger as a out-and-out Modernist, who has repudiated the Catholic Faith.
After all, Pope Pius XII himself and his traditional Holy Office declared Ratzinger under suspicion of heresy and banned his book, Introduction to Christianity, banned because of heresy. The SSPX's own Si Si No No Theological Magazine (August 1994) had this blistering assessment of Ratzinger's failure of Catholic orthodoxy:
Thus is Ratzinger caught in the act of repudiating both Catholic Tradition and the Magisterium as he "quietly" (to use one of his favorite terms) "continues to go his way on the path of whims, error, and heresy." This path, in fact, is nothing else but that highway back to that Modernism previously condemned by Pope St. Pius X.
At the same time, the Neo-SSPX is trying to distance itself from its own ultra-fringe members by denying a recent news report that implied it promotes the "scientific theory of geocentrism," an earth-centered universe as a Catholic teaching based upon the Bible.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have just received a short E-mail from another traditional Catholic, who wrote to me: "The collection of pastoral epistles by Bishop Richard Williamson was removed from an SSPX web site after August 26, 2011, after their contents (along with other comments by the bishop) became an embarrassment to the organization of which he has for many years been a leading light."
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Other readers report that some of Neo-SSPX Fr. Peter Scott's writings have also been removed. Scott at one point took Superior Bernie Fellay on, as Scott, for all his failings as one of the worst Neo-SSPX autocrats himself, has taken a strong public position against any dealings with the Newchurch of the New Order, whereas Fellay has been working for a sellout of the Neo-SSPX to Newrome.
These moves by Fellay's Neo-SSPX are hardly surprising. His public actions indicate that he hates his senior bishop. Bishop Williamson is more educated, more experienced, and more forthright in defense of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional principles than Fellay. Fellay has gone out of his way to shaft Williamson in the matter of the German government's trying to criminalize Williamson's free speech. Fellay could have stood up for the rights of his colleague. Instead he did everything possible to cripple him.
Fellay's record in trying to prevent open discussion of major issues in traditional Catholicism and to impose a Draconian silence on all of his Neo-SSPX clergy and laity is public for all to see. He is currently engaged in a legal battle with the Lefebvre family and a French web site that arranged with the family to publish the Archbishop's works in unexpurgated form, not in the bowdlerized versions that are available through Fellay's "official" sources. Fellay claims that only he has the right to publish the Archbishop's works in any way he pleases, even though the Lefebvre family has stated that the Archbishop wanted his works freely published to the world.
When Fellay's Neo-SSPX was accused by Jewish organizations of being anti-Semitic, Fellay instructed a purge of his web sites to remove perceived anti-Semitic comments. He was embarrassed, however, when a new perceived anti-Semitic article was published by another of his bishops.
It seems that for all his pandering to the Modernistic principles of Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernist Newchurch of the New Order, Bernie Fellay, when push comes to shove, is simply a self-serving dictator, whom his own people (behind his back to be sure, fearing retaliation) call a Napoleon.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Does the liturgical season of autumn have a specific beginning day, or is it movable?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Pars Autumnalis of the Traditional Roman Breviary begins with the First Sunday of September. Note that the way the Traditional Roman Calendar, corresponding to the four-volume traditional Breviary, was changed by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in his 1960/1962 "modernizations," which correspond to the gutted two-volume Breviary used by the Motarians. This is yet another difference between the bowdlerized "Motu" rite of 1962+ and the Traditional Divine Office. Bugnini's "modernizations" often throw off ember days and other days and make the Motarians used a different calendar from the Traditional Roman Calendar.
In the Traditional Roman Calendar, what is referred to in the Breviary as the first Sunday of the months from August to November inclusively is the Sunday which falls on the first day of the month or which falls on the day closest to the first Sunday of the month. Hence if the first day of the month is a Monday or a Tuesday or a Wednesday, the first Sunday of the month is the Sunday that precedes, but if the first day of the month is a Thursday or a Friday or a Saturday, the first Sunday is the Sunday that follows. Thus, the first Sunday of September could fall from August 29 to September 4 as the nearest Sunday to September 1. Bugnini, to the contrary, moved the First Sunday of September to the first through seventh.