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The fact that the godless Obama mandated on January 20, 2012, that religious groups must pay for abortions, sterilizations, and contraceptives for their employees, even when it violates their moral doctrine, has taken a back seat in the case of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops' president, Newarchbishop Timothy Dolan, of New York City.
Proving that Newchurch hierarchy has thrown Catholic, not to say Christian, doctrine under the bus, Dolan has admitted that he is most upset that Obama dissed him personally. "I have to say, there's a sense of personal disappointment," said Dolan on January 24, 2012. Dolan feels "personally betrayed" by Obama because in November 2011 Obama invited Dolan to the Oval Office, where the two shared what Dolan called "a productive and extraordinarily friendly" meeting.
Obama lied to Dolan in saying that he "considered the protection of conscience sacred." The duped Dolan swallowed Obama's lie wholeheartedly. Why was Dolan so uncritical in the case of a man who had the name of Christ covered up when he spoke at Georgetown Newjesuit University in Washington, D.C.? This situation is analogous to that of Adolf Hitler dealing with Theodor Cardinal Innizer, to whom The Leader promised the independence of the Church, but after the cardinal was duped into supporting The Leader's takeover of Austria in the plebiscite of April 1938, Hitler summoned the cardinal to tell him that he was cancelling all of his promises to leave the Church independent.
Obama's imperious and immoral action has seemingly roused the usually indolent Newchurch bishops of the United States to ire. They are pressuring Dolan to take a confrontational stance toward Obama. At least Dolan can take some consolation in the fact that he isn't the first clueless citizen to have deceived by Obama, and he certainly won't be the last. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the religious News Service.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What are the differences between the 1988 protocol that Archbishop Lefebvre rejected and the 2012 Doctrinal Preamble that Fellay is hiding under his hat?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Given the fact Fellay is hiding the details even from his own bishops and district superiors, it is hard to say definitively, but the main difference certainly is that the Archbishop rejected, publicly and unconditionally, the New Order sect, whereas Fellay is working as hard as he can to get into it.
Scandals, cover-ups -- sounds like business as usual for Benedict-Ratzinger, doesn't it? The more he tries to hide Newchurch crimes, the more they fall on his head personally. The world was buzzing on January 25, 2012, with the news that Ratzinger's Nuncio to the United States had gone public and publicly charged Newpope with "corruption and waste."
Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, when Secretary General of the Governorate of the [New]vatican had, in a series of letters, tried to get Ratzinger to stop the corruption, but Ratzinger played his usual card: the cover-up. Ratzinger removed Vigano in October 2012 for telling the truth and demoted him as punishment, removing him from the Governorate to become nunio to the United States. But the gutsy Vigano, shocked by Ratzinger's refusal to stop the corruption and waste, felt that he had no choice but to go public with his report. Ratzinger still refused to clean up the corruption in his Newvatican and instead threatened to sue the Italian newspaper that reported the truth about the matter. Isn't this exactly what guilty people do: try to intimidate the whistle-blowers who stand up to them?
Vigano reported that he had found a "disastrous pattern of insider deals and favoritism" in Ratzinger's Newpapacy and had documented to Ratzinger on numerous occasions in writing that his Newpapacy was mired on "corruption and waste." For example, a new "larger than life size" creche ordered by Ratzinger cost 750,000 dollars when contracted with corrupt companies, whereas Vigano was able to get it built for half that price. In March 2011 Vigano said that Ratzinger's failure to do anything to clean up the corruption is "causing disarray and discouragement among those who believed it was possible to resolve the numerous situations of corruption and waste."
Vigano fought the corruption as best he could: corruption in the Vatican Bank, payoffs to construction companies, contract fraud, and overcharges, even Mafia connections. Italian newspapers recognized that Vigano's reforms over his two years in office helped bring the governorate, which includes the Newvatican Museums and the Newvatican Gardens, from a deficit of 10,400,000 U.S. dollars to a profit of 34,400,000 when the corrupt contracts were eliminated.
After Newarchbishop Vigano's charges of corruption against Ratzinger hit all the wire services on January 25, 2012, the next day Ratzinger tried to cover up his corruption by threatening to sue the Italian television station that revealed the letters that Vigano had sent to Ratzinger, begging him to stop the corruption. Instead, Ratzinger engaged in his usual double-dealing, claiming that he had "unquestionable respect and trust" in Vigano, but refusing to clean up the corruption in his Newpapacy that Vigano had documented to him. Ratzinger has also attempted to silence Vigano. Is there no end to Ratzinger's corruption? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Corriere della Sera.]
Proving the old adage that there is no honor among thieves, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Newmonsignor William Lynn, standing trial for complicity in paedophilia, has now charged Newmonsignor Senior Timothy for "throwing him under the bus" in order to conceal his own complicity. Lynn, Secretary of Clergy from 1992 to 2004, took his orders from Newcardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, the ring-leader in the paedophilia holocaust that has implicated so far 27 presbyters in "the city of brotherly love." Lynn has indicated that he is ready to turn on his complicit Newchurch archbishops. "If we have to do something at the end of the day that hurts the archdiocese, we'll do it."
The Newarchdiocese of Philadelphia has been named as "an unindicted co-conspirator" in the paedophilia case. A 2005 Grand Jury report blasted Bevilacqua and his successor, Newcardinal Justin Rigali, both appointed by the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla, for their handling of child-rape cases, but -- surprise! -- they were never charged. Cases involved in the Newchurch scandal include a presbyter who personally pinned loincloths on naked boys playing Jesus in a Passion play, then whipped them. Another presbyter held a "masturbation camp" at his rectory, in which he had boys strip naked and taught them to masturbate. Meanwhile, one honest presbyter was officially castigated for "disobedience" when he complained to Bevilacqua about Bevilacqua's transferring a paedophile presbyter to his Newparish.
"I truly would love a jury to see how these were handled," the Assistant District Attorney argued in court. "The more cases they see ... the clearer the picture becomes." Jury selection in the Lynn case is set to start in February 2012. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
As if Benedict-Ratzinger didn't have enough problems from traditional Catholics who reject his New Order as invalid and unCatholic, now he is getting hit from the Left: from Newchurch clergy in Austria who are even more Modernistic than the Modernist leader "Fr." Ratzinger of Vatican II. Now Ratzinger is scared stiff about a growing rebellion among his Austrian clergy that threatens to spread throughout Europe.
The Preachers' Initiative, composed of Austrian presbyters who have declared themselves "disobedient" to Ratzinger, have denounced Newpope for wavering in his Modernist beliefs and have called upon him to do what he once advocated: to give the Novus Ordo "eucharist" to bigamists, to "ordain" priestesses for the New Order, and to abolish celibacy among Novus Ordo presbyters.
The Newcardinal-primate of Austria, Christoph Schonborn, has admitted that Newchurch in Austria is on the verge of breaking up. 400 presbyters have signed on to the growing schism. In 2010 alone, 58,603 Austrian Newchurchers formally applied to the government to cancel their membership in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Salzburger Nachrichten.]
It seems that the latest Newchurcher suggested for "sainthood" is football head coach, Joseph Paterno, who died of complications of lung-cancer treatment on January 22, 2012. Paterno, who was the "winningest" U.S. college football coach, saw his career of 46 years at Pennsylvania State College go down the tubes when it came to light that he had done little to follow up on his assistant's report to him that he had seen a ten-year-old boy being sodomized in the showers by his assistant coach. Paterno reported the crime to two college officials, but not to the police. Nor did Paterno follow up his report to college officials to see what was being done. Nor did Paterno suspend or fire his paedophile assistant coach, who has now been charged with forty counts of sex crimes against children over a fifteen-year period, including incidents that occurred at the college.
The Pennsylvania police commissioner stated that Paterno had withheld the most shocking details of the crimes and went on to say: "Somebody has to question about what I would consider the moral requirements for a human being that knows of sexual things that are taking place with a child. I think you have the moral responsibility, anyone. Not whether you're a football coach or a university president or the guy sweeping the building. I think you have a moral responsibility to call us."Apparently, the Jesuits at the highly-selective Brooklyn Preparatory School didn't teach Paterno the basic concepts of Catholic morality. Paterno had studied there under the order, which, more than any other, was exposed as harboring the worst paedophiles. Paterno even studied Latin there, but apparently flunked Cicero, as he ignored the principles of the great Roman moralist's treatise, De Officiis [On Duties].
Is such a man a Novus Ordo "saint" because he remained silent against his just prosecutors for a crime so despicable that Our Lord specified a most gruesome penalty: "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6). Or is he a Novus Ordo "saint" because he follows the personal example of his "go easy on paedophiles" Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger?
Good Catholics, every parent should impress upon his children the moral of the Paterno story. An apparently good life can be ruined by just one significant moral sin. No one gets a pass when it comes to the consequences of immorality. There may be forgiveness, if the perpetrator evidences true contrition, but the consequences remain, as does the debt of Temporal Punishment, much as a nail can be removed from a board, but not without leaving a permanent hole.
Why did Archbishop Lefebvre, who founded the Society of St. Pius X, sign the documents of the Modernist Vatican II Council?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
First of all, there is a common misunderstanding about these "signatures" of Vatican II documents. Archbishop Lefebvre himself explained the procedure at the Council, at which he was personally present:
The approving or refusing of documents was obviously carried out for each Council document on its own. The vote was secret, performed on individual cards, and done with a special pencil which made possible the electronic counting of votes. The cards were picked up by the secretaries from the hand of each Bishop voting. The large sheets which circulated from hand to hand among the Council Fathers, and where each one put his signature had no meaning for or against any of the documents, but merely signified our presence at that voting session.
Archbishop Lefebvre spoke out vehemently at the time of the Council, particularly against the four worst documents: Sacrosanctum Concilium [On the Liturgy], Nostra aetate [On Non-Christian Religions], Gaudium et spes [On the Church in the Modern World], and Dignitatis humanae [On Religious Liberty]. The Council took place in 1962-1965, when the understanding of what was going on was quite different from now. In fact, many bishops at the time, ignorant of what what was to come, thought that the Council documents were relatively traditional. Archbishop Lefebvre was exceptional in that he, and a relatively small number of other bishops, already had a premonition of what was to come.
The programme of the New Order became clear only after some years passed, particularly in 1969, when the invalid Novus Ordo service, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers, was rolled out. The full Modernism of Vatican II was not generally realized until then. It was only then, remember, that Cardinals Ottaviani, Bacci, and the Roman theologians presented their Critical Study against the "New Mess," and the Traditional Catholic Movement, originally founded by Fr. DePauw (another traditional visionary) in 1964 as the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, took off in virulently criticizing the New Order. But by that time it was too late. The fix was in from Bugnini and his stooge Newpope, Paul VI-Montini.
What was remarkable about Archbishop Lefebvre was his courage in publicly admitting how much the bishops at Vatican II had been deceived by the Modernists, like "Fr." Ratzinger, who operated more or less covertly at the time. The Archbishop clearly proclaimed the dichotomy between the Catholic Church and the Newchurch of the New Order, what he called Eternal Rome and Modernist Rome. Moreover, he took practical action to continue the true Church.
Many more brilliant bishops were too pusillanimous to admit what had gone on. For example, Bishop Fulton Sheen played footsie with the New Order for the rest of his life, although, as the years went by, he began to indicate that the Council, or what he diplomatically called the "interpretation" of the Council, was not Catholic. He did not lift his significant voice in publicly dissociating himself from Modernist Rome, as Archbishop Lefebvre did.
Therefore, it cannot be said that Archbishop Lefebvre "signed" documents in the sense that he agreed with them, and certainly not with the understanding that Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's superior, has now, over forty years after the Council, when its Modernist deceptions have been exposed and documented point by point through the work of many ecclesiastical historians. Archbishop Lefebvre never signed any document indicating that he wished to associate formally with the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order, which was only nascent in his times.
To the contrary, Bernie "Wrong Way" Fellay, with full knowledge aforethought, is said to be making his formal application to join the New Order sect. If he does that, whether the other three Neo-SSPX bishops and his District Superiors would join him in that formal heresy is in significant doubt at this time.
In an action that has stunned even Newchurchers, Benedict-Ratzinger approved on January 20, 2012, the phony and invalid "liturgy" of the Neocatechumenal Way, a bogus Novus Ordo organization. Just how corrupt this anti-Catholic group is has been confirmed by the fact that it has a close association with with Newchurch's World Youth Days, or "Catholic Woodstocks," as they are derisively known, at which New Order sect youth fornicate in the stadium stands while Newpopes simulate the invalid Novus Ordo Mess.
Even Newchurch prelates have challenged the Neocatechumenal Way for its anti-Catholic actions and its phony "liturgy," which doesn't even meet their Novus Ordo standards. In fact, the Neocatechumenals, who have been allowed to perpetrate their anti-Catholic fraud for about forty years now, have consistetly been denounced as heretics, even by Newchurchers, one of whose priests wrote:
Their doctrine is seriously compromised with errors against fundamental dogmatics of the Church, the popes and the councils. They negate the Redemption, the sacrificial character of the Eucharist, the transubstantiation, etc.... They misunderstand the sin and the grace concepts.... their doctrinal statements are fundamentally wrong.
Nevertheless, the Modernist Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger has approved the Neocatechumenals' phony doctrine and the phony "liturgy" -- apparently because he is desperate to get any bodies into his sinking New Order sect, whose members, like lemmings, are now abandoning his New Order sect throughout the world in record numbers, some even demanding that their records of Novus Ordo baptism be expunged. The Neocatechumenals have also been opening "seminaries," blasphemously using the name of Mary, in Newdioceses in order to spread their heretical doctrines, which have now been approved by the Modernist Ratzinger.
A 1994 official investigation in the U.K. concluded that the Neocatechumens were conducting "a form of spiritual enslavement," just like Opus Dei and the Novus Ordo presbyter-paedophiles who enslave Newchurch children to serve their sodomistic practices. Nevertheless, the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla approved the enslavement, just as he approved the continued rape and sexual assault of Newchurch children. The Neocatechumenals have never denied the charges of heresy against them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Telegraph.]
Good Catholics, the notion that Ratzinger is even Catholic has long ago been dispelled by his public actions. It is truly shocking that the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay keeps trying to play the sycophant to this Modernistic "Paedophile Pope." One can only image how virulent Apostolic Catholics like St. Athanasius, St. Augustine, St. Basil the Great, and St. Martin of Tours would denounce Ratzinger and his catspaw, Fellay, as not Catholic. In fact, isn't that exactly what Archbishop Lefebvre publicly called Ratzinger?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay has apparently extended an offer to Newrome for the Neo-SSPX to join the New Order, by indicating what terms of the Doctrinal Preamble he is willing to agree with. Of course, those terms include a willingness to join the New Order, and giving authority to those heretics over the Neo-SSPX. If Fellay has signed a document of the Neo-SSPX's entry into the New Order, has he become a formal heretic from the Roman Catholic Faith?
Hopefully, Fellay did not sign this document in the form of a contract, because Newrome could easily decide to sign and accept the Neo-SSPX as one of its "oecumenical" daughter religions, and allow the Society to keep its pre-Vatican II theology. This would allow the unCatholic New Order sect to control the Neo-SSPX and slowly introduce its Modernist changes. It would also be a statement by the Neo-SSPX that the Vatican II-loving Modernist New Order is legitimate, even though Archbishop Lefebvre declared that it is not validly Catholic, years before the New Order's additional heresies after his death in 1991.
Fellay should quickly revoke the document, if he actually signed a "live" agreement that the New Order sect could accept at any time, or revoke his suggested changes lest they be accepted by a letter from the New Order sect. Additionally, Fellay should not sign the Preamble agreement even if Newrome comes back with a signed version corresponding to Fellay's suggested changes.
Virtually the entire Neo-SSPX is against joining the New Order sect under any conditions, even if that unCatholic sect "permits" the Neo-SSPX to oppose Vatican II philosophy in theory. Hopefully, Fellay has not brought about irreversible disaster. He should revoke his response immediately, and follow the precepts of the Petition presented to him by laity, which involve not negotiating for the Neo-SSPX's assumption into the Novus Ordo for any reason. The opposing bishops and priests of the Neo-SSPX should act quickly to prevent a real catastrophe.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
If Fellay has done such a thing, he has rejected the opinion forcefully expressed by his District Superiors and the three other bishops that he has rejected the traditional Catholic principles of his Archbishop-founder Marcel Lefebvre.
If Fellay formally signs a document that he will accept the unCatholic New Order and its future control of the Neo-SSPX, he will arguably have committed an act of formal heresy against the Roman Catholic Faith. We believe that in such a case, the three other Neo-SSPX bishops and District Superiors are bound to reject his leadership over the Neo-SSPX and elect a new leader at the July 2012 Chapter Meeting.
If the Chapter Meeting follows the directives of its Archbishop-founder, the new leader will not be a bishop. This was another instance in which Fellay rejected the principles of Archbishop Lefebvre, who directed that the bishops he consecrated should merely perform sacramental functions, not hold any leadership positions in the Society that he founded.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
I know that Catholics pray a nine-day Novena for the Faithful Departed. What is the significance of a Novena?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
A Novena is a traditional Catholic prayer for the Faithful Departed or for any other purpose over a period of nine days. The word Novena comes from the Latin distributive adjective meaning "nine each." This reflects the period of the first Novena between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost, during which the Apostles and Our Lady prayed in the Cenacle.
New Order sectarians do not observe Ascension Thursday, having wrenched it to a Sunday in rejection of the Bible, which clearly states that the Ascension of Our Lord occurred forty days after the Resurrection (Easter Sunday) -- a Thursday.
The SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, wrote a reply in his Bulletin of January 21, 2012, in answer to a correspondent who stated: "If the SSPX does not soon 'normalize' its standing with Newrome, then it runs the risk of losing the sense of what it means to belong to the Church." The correspondent admitted that the doctrinal discussions of 2009-2011 between Fellay's Neo-SSPX and Newrome showed that the Newrome-SSPX disagreement is "radical," that is, it goes to the root (Latin radix) of Catholic theology.
Bishop Williamson rightly corrects the correspondent's unCatholic thinking. The bishop stated: "In my opinion, a much greater risk ... is that of contracting the spiritual and mental sickness of today's [New]romans by getting too close to them." He goes on to state that the Newchurch leaders are "mentally sick. Their minds are no longer running on truth." He points out that "almost the entire modern world has lost all sense and love of truth. For the longest time the Church resisted this loss of truth, but with Vatican II that last resistance also collapsed."
Bishop Williamson warns the faithful that "the fascination of the Vatican is only a small part of the total pressure of the modern world seeping into minds to disable them, and to make us follow its current. Dear friend of mine, I would rather be a ... sedevacantist than a Roman apostate."
Good Catholics, how can you answer any differently from Bishop Williamson, whose words reflect those of the Doctor of the Chruch, St. Basil the Great, who stood against heretic popes and heretic bishops to stand firm with the true Catholic Church against the heretic "hierarchy"?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What is the state of a Catholic who marries before a Protestant minister?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
A Catholic who marries before a Protestant minister (or a civil official) has publicly apostatized from the Faith and by that public act has automatically excommunicated himself from the Church, placing himself in a state of imminent damnation. If the excommunicate is sincerely contrite and has a firm purpose to rectify his act and its consequences, he must approach a priest, who will determine whether the excommunicate exhibits true contrition for his sin and a firm purpose of rectification. If so, the excommunicate must profess his contrition publicly, as his act of apostasy was public, and accept a penance in the external forum (publicly) before witnesses.
The TRADITIO Network has been furnished a copy of the petition that will be submitted by a group of Neo-SSPX laymen who oppose Bernie Fellay's efforts to negotiate and sell out Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional organization to the Newchurch of the New Order. The text of the petition is as follows:
The authority of the Roman Catholic Church is dogmatically founded upon Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, the two fonts of the Deposit of Faith. The Catholic Faith does not exist in contemporary Vatican II inventions and indigenous deviations, promoted by the Holy See and sacrilegiously compounded by its charges throughout the world.
Self-indicted by its profound contempt of the Traditional Latin Mass, the only remedy for the errors of Vatican II is unequivocal repudiation. The Roman Curia has devolved into more extreme apostasy in its liturgy, doctrine, and sacraments since the time Archbishop Lefebvre initially called Vatican II "not Catholic." Vatican II and its derivatives must therefore be soundly rejected by, not subsumed in, the Traditional Catholic Faith.
The traditional Catholic faithful cannot eliminate Vatican II apostasy by collaborating over the Traditional Latin Mass and the true Sacraments. The notion of an accommodation between Vatican II modernism and Sacred Tradition is fundamentally flawed, because Vatican II is intentionally designed to dismantle the Traditional Latin Mass, the true Sacraments, Catholic morality, and even traditional Church aesthetics.
Therefore, I reject the liturgical abomination designed by the architects of Vatican II and presupposed for action without canonical authority. I reject the surreptitious corruption by Vatican II of the Traditional Latin Mass, the Sacraments, and the Catechism.
On my behalf and for those whom God has made me responsible, I hereby petition the Bishops of the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth to cease and withdraw from all further communications with the Roman Curia and its representatives concerning the status of the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth until such time as the Holy See and the Roman Curia unconditionally disavow Vatican II and conclusively demonstrate their rehabilitated conduct according to the traditional canons, rites and dogma of the Holy Roman Catholic Church prior to the apostasy of Vatican II.
The petition will be presented in person to the Superior General on January 22, 2012.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Couldn't Pope Pius XI's suggestion of offering the Leonine Prayers after Low Mass for the consecration of Russia correctly be seen to mean the conversion of the Russian Orthodox Church? Have we been misled in viewing this request in merely political terms, democracy vs. Communism? Could it rather refer to the restoration of the Body of Christ, His Church? I understand your warnings about Fatima fanaticism.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There is no indication that by Pope Pius XI's suggestion in 1929 for the Leonine Prayers after Low Mass to be offered "for the conversion of Russia," he intended the conversion of Russian Orthodoxy, which itself was under state persecution at that time. Russian Orthodoxy is merely schismatic and is no different from other schismatic Orthodox sects (Greek, Albanian, Syrian, etc.). To the contrary, many other important countries at the time were (and still are) atheistic Communistic.
Since Pius XI's time, Red China has become the largest Communistic nation, numbering well over one billion atheists. Had Pius XI lived at this present time, his suggestion might well have been directed to this atheistic nation, which persecutes and kills Christians, and imposes forced abortions, far more virulently than Russia, with its Christian background, ever did. It would be reasonable to assume that the pope's intention was to counter state-based atheism, given that the Communist revolution had occurred in 1917 and was in 1929 the prime example of godlessness in the world.
With Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust rocking Europe, Benedict-Ratzinger's appeal to Newchurchers to stay in his New Order has fallen on deaf ears. Europeans are "de-baptizing" themselves in growing numbers, particularly in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Austria. In the Netherlands, for example, the rate of those abandoning Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order has risen to 25 per cent. The trend is scaring Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants stiff. Collections are way down, and Benedict-Ratzinger is being portrayed around the world as the "Paedophile Pope," continuing the complicity in child rape by Newchurch clergy that was fostered under his predecessor, the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla.
Of course, the Sacrament of Baptism is perpetual, leaving an indelible mark on the soul. Individuals can become heretics and apostates from the Faith. They can have their names wiped out from the civil records, but they can never wipe away the mark of Baptism. That mark will identify them for blessedness, purgation, or damnation when they appear before Christ the Judge, Who pays no attention to civil records. Yet in many countries in Europe still, citizens can register their religion with the state, and that religion gets a kickback in "church taxes" from the civil government.
The bigger panic among Newchurch leaders is that the "sacrament" of "Initiation" into the New Order is plummeting. For example, in 1960, 90 per cent of French children were baptized. In Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect, that number has declined to 33 per cent. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service.]
When the Novus Ordo presbyter aboard the foundering Italian cruise ship, Costa Concordia, heard the abandon-ship alarm, his first thought was to protect the jewelry and money. Only then did he think to consume the invalid Novus Ordo cookie. The ship capsized on January 13, 2012, off Giglio Island, which lies 15 kilometres off the western coast of Italy, north of Rome, not too far from the city of Viterbo.
The presbyter originally had tried to stay aboard in an effort to help, but he was persuaded by crew members that it would be better if he boarded a lifeboat and left the sinking ship. At least he was more courageous than the captain, who couldn't wait to abandon ship ahead of everyone else. Too bad the presbyter risked his life, but a cookie is a cookie is a cookie. No amount of false "faith" can make it any different. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.
A source in Newvatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith reports that Bernie Fellay, for the time being the Superior General of the Neo-SSPX, sent a second response to Newvatican about the "Docrinal Preamble," Benedict-Ratzinger's ultimatum to Fellay that he and his organization must accept the Modernist Council Vatican II with its false oecumenism, religious liberty, defective "liturgy," and all the rest. Fellay had already sent a response on December 21, 2012, when he was facing a revolt in his organization, including a move by the other three Neo-SSPX bishops to depose him, and he pleaded for more time. Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order lieutenants didn't like this response and demanded another one.
Fellay's secret second response, which accepts some parts of the Doctrinal Preamble and not others, said to relate more directly to the Doctrinal Preamble, is expected to be discussed at the plenary session of the Novus Ordo congregation during the week of January 22, 2012, at Newrome. It is unlikely that anything will happen at that session because of the time needed for examination of the reply.
Fellay himself has waffled back and forth on his response to the New Order sect. At first he claimed that the Modernistic Doctrine Preamble "represented a great step forward." Then, when his own District Superiors rejected his sellout at their own plenary meeting on October 7, 2012, Fellay backed off and retreated to his bunker in Menzingen, Switzerland. The other three Neo-SSPX bishops are said to be so enraged at Fellay that they are planning to depose him and install bishop Galarreta as temporary administrator until the Neo-SSPX chapter can meet in July 2012 and formally depose Fellay as Superior General. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Stampa.]
Nor are the bishops and district superiors the only ones in the Neo-SSPX who have had enough of Fellay's betrayal of Archbishop Lefebvre's founding principles. From a separate source the TRADITIO Network has been informed that a group of Neo-SSPX laymen will personally present on Sunday, January 22, 2012, to Fellay and to the other Neo-SSPX bishops a petition protesting Fellay's actions and demanding that he cease negotiations with the New Order altogether and reaffirm Archbishop Lefebvre's condemnation of Vatican II.
This Novus Ordo mania on phony "apparitions" is rapidly spinning out of control, to the degree that all too many pseudo-traditionalists have signed on to the lunacy as well. One can see how even what may have originally been legitimate (though never of required belief by Catholics) has been perverted beyond all recognition. Take, for example, the extreme Fatimists of the present day, who have pushed the original Fatima beyond all connection with anything Catholic.
Sins of excess and superstition are bad enough, but very often those associated with perpetrating unCatholic extremism in "apparitions" have dark motives. Take, for example, presbyter Jack Spaulding, one of the "Scottsdale Visionaries," who has been accused of sex-crime charges, while his fanatical and clueless Novus Ordo followers do not hesitate to call him "devout"!
Like presbyter "star" John Corapi of the EWTN Charismatic Cable Network, who was dismissed after his sexual predations and ties with drugs and prostitution were exposed, presbyter Jack Spaulding, for four years also an EWTN "star," has been charged with raping four teenagers, starting in 1984. Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch, never known for responding quickly to the crimes of its presbyters and bishops, has waited seventeen years to put Spaulding on "administrative leave."
After nine children at his Newparish claimed to be seeing "apparitions" of Mary, presbyter Spauling felt left out. He then claimed to have started "hearing voices" himself. The fact that not even the Novus Ordo commission that looked into these stories found any basis for their authenticity didn't stop these "apparition-pushers." Having had the cold water poured over them, the "Scottdale Visionaries" moved their scam to Emmitsburg, Maryland, where the spurious Lady of Scottsdale "miraculously" became the Lady of Emmitsburg. There the "visions" were again condemned even by the Novus Ordo "authorities" in the strongest possible terms as "clearly not miraculous."
Good Catholics, heed the sage advice of Pope St. Pius X, when he warned: "Long ago the devil manifested himself openly in the possessed whom he caused to suffer, and from whom he could be driven out only by exorcism. Now he has changed his method; he takes the appearance of sanctity and makes people believe in visions." Instead, eschew visions, the vast majority of which are phony, and play it safe and truly Catholic: cling first to Jesus Christ.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Are married lay deacons traditionally permitted in the Catholic Church, or are they another scam perpetrated by the New Order sect? This has been a subject that comes up at my Una Voce meetings. We had a parishioner who became a lay deacon, married with four children in the Novus Ordo. He parades around in priestly attire and now wants to partake in the "Motu" Mess. This confuses me.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
No, married lay deacons are not traditional, but are part of the programme of the New Order sect after Vatican II for degrading the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders and to turn it into something Protestant. The unCatholic "lay deacons" were introduced on June 18, 1967, into the New Order sect.
We understand your confusion. Una Voce is a Novus Ordo organization that attempts to deceive sincere Catholics by using the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+ as its carrot, while it applies the stick of introducing unCatholic Novus Ordo practices. You are being set up!
Our recommendation for true Catholics is to stay entirely away from Novus Ordo organizations and not to compromise the Fully Traditional Latin Mass of 1950 and before with some Half Novus Ordo "approved" by the New Order sect. That way your Catholicism will not become confused, and you will not be deceptively led down the path to becoming a Protestant under the guise of the New Order sect.
Here we go again. New Order presbyters and bishops refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Now we have a presbyter who embezzled (remember that it is Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust) 650,000 dollars from his Newparish, saying that he should be let off with a slap on the wrist because he is addicted to gambling. Monsignor Kevin McAuliffe asked a United States federal judge on January 13, 2012, to get him off from three years of prison for embezzling 650,000 dollars from his northwest Las Vegas, Nevada, Newparish, collection-plate.
McAuliffe claimed a "gambling addiction" as his excuse. Do these presbyters have no shame? That's like the drunkard saying that it was the alcohol that killed the pedestrian, not he. Or the paedophile saying that he couldn't help raping the child; he's addicted to paedophilia. Hogwash! McAuliffe wanted to continue functioning as a presbyter and get off from prison by his "service to the church." Other criminals surely don't get off from prison by performing their regular job.
Further proving that New Order denizens have become demented after fifty years of the Novus Ordo, about one hundred of the clueless Newchurchers have written the judge to say that McAuliffe should not go to jail for his thievery! Why? Because he is paying back his thievery. (To date he has paid only 2 per cent, 13,420 dollars of the 650,000.) Moreover, McAuliffe's immoral presbyter-colleagues from the New Order sect came to his defense. They claimed that he was a "caring man." Yeah, caring enough to steal from his own people.
The U.S. Attorney looked for a more severe penalty, the normal one for similar thieves: three years in federal prison. The prosecutor pointed to the fact that in May 2011 the presbyter lied to police and denied stealing money from his own Newparish. McAuliffe changed his tune five months later and pled guilty to the charges. He had complete control from to 2002 to 2010 of church activities and finances, the prosecutor said, and was able to hide his embezzlement because he was a signatory to financial statements to the Newchurch dioceses of Las Vegas and San Francisco, California.
The federal judge, however, stood for justice and concurred with the prosecutor. From the bench he chastised McAuliffe for claiming that the problem wasn't all his own fault, but a gambling addiction. The judge refused to allow the presbyter-embezzler to escape jail on probation, declaring from the bench: "You abused a position of trust, Mr. McAuliffe. You betrayed people who depended on you." McAuliffe got three years in jail and three years of supervised release thereafter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
Good Catholics, this Novus Ordo "monsignor" violated a sacred office (such as it is in the New Order sect) and was justly put away in prison with the other criminals. His crime, and sin, was not just thievery, but sacrilege: stealing from the collection-plate to bet on the gambling tables! Now that Newchurch financial crimes have been exposed again and again, anyone who puts a penny into the Newchurch collection-plate has to be considered an accomplice in those crimes -- and grave sins.
Does all "filth," to use St. Paul's term in his Epistle to the Romans, come from Regensberg, Germany, these days? This is the home district of Josef Ratzinger, the "Paedophile Pope." Ratzinger is now rumored to be replacing the current Prefect of Congregation for the Doctrine of the New Order Faith, William Levada, former Newarchbishop of San Francisco, California, who is retiring at age 75, with yet another Newprelated implicated in suborning paedophile crimes, Gerhard Mueller, the Newbishop of Regensburg. Ratzinger has compiled a record of immoral appointments in his five-year Newpapacy, and Mueller would be no exception. Mueller met with Ratzinger in private audience on January 11, 2012, and informed sources indicate that he will replace Levada in three months or so.
In September 2007 Mueller was exposed in the German press as a paedophiliac facilitator, when it presented evidence that Mueller had reassigned a presbyter convicted for sex crimes against children in 2000, to be a Newparish administrator in the autumn of 2004. Mueller kept Kramer's crimes a secret from the Newparishioners. German Newchurchers were outraged when Mueller attempted to excuse his now exposed complicity by claiming that the convicted criminal paedophile had "recovered." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.
Mueller is known as Modernist/Oecumenist, as is Ratzinger, and is a devotee of "Liberation Theology." He dotes on Ratzinger and founded the "Pope Benedict Institute" in Regensburg. The German Katholisches news service has reported that Mueller is already brushing up on his Italian!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Could you explain how the Neo-SSPX uses the Ignatian Exercises to get control of its lay membership? I have been hearing bad things about these retreats for a long time now.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Neo-SSPX uses at its retreats the Ignatian Exercises. Of all the retreat methods available, this is this most controlling, most militaristic, method (St. Ignatius was a soldier, after all). This is the method used exclusively and regularly by Jesuits, who are historically the most troubled order in the Church, having gotten so far out of line that the popes had to suppress the order in the 18th century. In post-Vatican II times, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has taken over the Newjesuits far more than any other order. Moreover, Jesuits are known for violent "liberation theology," in which Jesuits in Latin America took up arms to fight the governments there.
In the Neo-SSPX there appears to be a strong connection between the militaristic approach exemplified by the Ignatian Exercises and the consequences on Neo-SSPX laity subjected to them. These exercises involve lengthy enforced isolation from the world, which is also a technique used by modern cults, in which even parents are denied access to their children. The modern incarnation of the exercises is suggestive of EST, Mastery programmes, and other similar pseudo-psychological control methods.
There are many other alternatives for personal retreats. The TRADITIO Fathers have particular regard for the Dominican approach, which is based not on control, but appeal to God-given human reason. The Dominicans were noted for this emphasis and can boast some of the greatest minds in the Church, including the Church's Universal Doctor and principal theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, and his teacher, St. Albertus Magnus, a polymath of great reputation.
Presbyter Roy Snipes in Mission, Texas, has introduced five "ordained" dogs to serve with him at Novus Ordo Messes and "reconciliations" (formerly known as Confessions). The dogs have their own Novus Ordo "vestments" when they sit in the presbyter's chair. Presbyter Snipes has joined with heretical Protestant ministers in the Episcopalian and United Methodist sects, which also use dogs as "ministers." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by USA Today.]
Again, the Novus Ordo takes the Protestant heresy for its model in this as in so many other things.
I think that traditional Catholics need to be reminded that the Novus Ordo is a vehicle towards a one-world religion. It is not Catholic, nor has it ever been. The sole purpose of the Novus Ordo is to allow all false religions to reside together under the phony pretenses of a "Catholic Church" that is really the Newchurch of the New Order. The liturgical revolution that was delayed by Pope St. Pius X resumed after his death in 1914, when liturgical revolutionaries plotted the overthrow of the traditional Roman liturgy, among them Josef Ratzinger and Hannibal Bugnini.
So, for those, like our Superior General, Bernie Fellay, who continue to think and disingenuously deceive our SSPX membership into believing there is any chance that the Novus Ordo would ever become truly Catholic, I say: Anathema to you! The situation in Newrome is already too far gone. There are in the New Order no traditional priests, only invalid Novus Ordo presbyters.
The true Church resides in smaller numbers among traditional Catholic chapels, and these chapels are in jeopardy because of sellouts like Bernie Fellay, who look only for their own self-aggrandizement. I pray, as everyone else in the SSPX should, that the other three SSPX bishops, Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Galarreta, have the inspiration from divine wisdom and the pure guts to expel Bernie Fellay and his henchman from the SSPX immediately before this situation becomes a total disaster.
After Fellay is gone, I want to see the Traditional Latin Mass restored in all the SSPX chapels around the world, and their Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Messes dumped. I want to see traditional Canon Law restored in the SSPX. I want to see the SSPX priests publicly reject phony "canonizations" of unCatholic and immoral individuals such as Teresa-Calcutta and JPII-Wojtyla.
If Bernie Fellay signs with Newrome, I will leave my SSPX chapel immediately! I know that many others here will leave as well. We are never going back to Modernist Rome!
Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust rolls on like a dreadnaught and has now ensnared one of the icons of the New Order: the Albanian New Order nun Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, Teresa-Calcutta. This is the woman whom JPII-Wojtyla put on the fast track to Novus Ordo "sainthood." So desperate was Newchurch to create a poster "saint" out of its moral morass that it concocted a "miracle" to support her Novus Ordo beatification -- a "miracle" that even her own doctors say was no miracle at all, but a fraud. Naturally, Newvatican wanted no contrary evidence, no Devil's Advocate (which had been done away with in Wojtyla's 1983 rejection of the traditional criteria that went back 400 years and resulted in scrupulous investigations of traditional Saints), no scientific evidence from medical doctors.
The San Francisco Weekly, in its January 11, 2012, issue, has exposed the sham of the New Order propaganda version of "Mother Teresa" as a result of newly-published Newchurch records that have been brought to light from the legal process of discovery in criminal cases. First, the periodical reports that Teresa-Calcutta had set up a worldwide system of "homes for the dying" that routinely failed to provide adequate care to patients, an appraisal shared by The Lancet, a respected British medical journal. Secondly, the periodical reports that Teresa-Calcutta associated with, and took large sums of money from, disreputable figures such as American savings-and-loan swindler Charles Keating and Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier of Haiti, who presided over a brutally repressive regime under which most Haitians lived in abject poverty, while Duvalier's own lifestyle was luxurious, thanks to revenue from his participation in the drug trade and practice of selling dead Haitian citizens' cadavers overseas.
Although Teresa already had these skeletons in her closet, she was not known heretofore to have been a participant in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Until now. The periodical has now found evidence that Teresa was personally involved in the systematic protection of child-rapist Newchurch presbyters.
The periodical reports that Teresa knew that one of her presbyter favorites, Donald McGuire, was an out-of-control paedophile and had been removed from the Newchurch ministry for raping a San Francisco child in 1993. Nevertheless, she supported the paedophile presbyter and, in a 1994 letter, urged his Newjesuit superior to put McGuire back on the job. Teresa wrote of the paedophile criminal: "I have confidence and trust in Fr. McGuire and wish to see his vital ministry resume as soon as possible." As a result, the paedophile presbyter resumed an active New Order ministry, as well as his predatory habits. McGuire was allowed to resume his New Order ministry and proceeded to rape at least eight additional children. He was arrested on numerous sex-crimes charges in 2005.
Donald McGuire has now been convicted in U.S. federal court in 2008 and in state court in 2006 of raping children and is serving a 25-year federal prison sentence. McGuire taught at the Newjesuit University of San Francisco in the late 1970s, where he was associated with Benedict-Ratzinger's intimate, Joseph Fessio. The paedophile McGuire ministered extensively to Teresa's Missionaries of Charity during that time. The method through which McGuire forwarded his paedophiliac crimes was the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, the same exercises that the Neo-SSPX commonly uses to get control of its lay membership.
The Modernist presbyter-author John Hardon, another Newjesuit intimate of Benedict-Ratzinger, who has been proposed for Novus Ordo "sainthood," has also been implicated in the paedophilia. Hardon had been one of the fabricators of the so-called New Catechism of 1983. The court documents reveal that McGuire had admitted to Hardon that he had been involved in the paedophile activities that led to his criminal conviction. Hardon became McGuire's accessory after the fact, claiming that McGuire's crimes were "objectively defensible." The Newjesuits, who, of all the orders in Newchurch, have been implicated in paedophilia, were charged in a lawsuit filed against the Chicago Province, asserting that McGuire is "an evil and perverted man who used his substantial intellectual gifts and his dominating personality to disobey every tenet of his faith and his vows as a cleric."
Good Catholics, Teresa-Calcutta is perhaps the most famous and popular Newchurch religious leader of the second half of the 20th century, rivaled only by the late Pope John Paul II. Both of them, declared "Blessed" by the New Order, have now been exposed as personally involved in supporting paedophiliac crimes. The Newchurch of the New Order is steeped in the most vile forms of immorality. As Scripture says, "What further need have we of witnesses?" (Matthew 26:65/DRV) to the fact that the Newchurch of the New Order is only posing as "Catholic"?
Giving further proof that the New Order sect is essentially Protestant, Benedict-Ratzinger is allowing Anglican/Episcopalian heretics to become members of his Newchurch without professing the Catholic Faith. Ratzinger is accepting heretic congregations en bloc without their ever individually professing the Catholic Faith.
Secondly, Ratzinger is admitting married Anglican/Episcopalian heretic ministers into his Newchurch. In fact, the Ordinary of Novus Ordo Anglicans selected for the United States is a married presbyter, and Ratzinger's Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus of November 4, 2009, further opens the door to a married clergy in contravention of Apostolic Tradition.
Newchurch's invalid New Ordinal of 1968 already uses essentially the heretical Anglican/Episcopalian Protestant rite to ordain ministers.
Good Catholics, the "traditionalist" Benedict-Ratzinger is no Catholic, but a lifetime Modernist who wishes to destroy the Roman Catholic Church. The evidence by now is just too overwhelming to deny.Is it contemporary people, including Newchurchers, so confused about the true Faith who are producing all these spurious Marian apparitions? Even the more purportedly legitimate ones, like Fatima, have been pushed beyond all Catholic boundaries by extremist fanatics.
The latest "Marian apparition" occurred on one of the walls of a Ybor City (Tampa area), Florida, restaurant called "Hamburger Mary's," where some say the image of the Virgin Mary appeared on the weekend of January 7-8, 2012. The stainless-steel plate, on a wall near the kitchen, had apparently been there for a while, but remained unnoticed. "Our Lady of Tampa" had appeared before. For several years an image that some fanatics claimed to be she adorned the glass windows of a Clearwater, Florida, office building. Vandals destroyed several of the windows in 2004. It is ironic that "Our Lady of Tampa" appeared in this particular restaurant, which is known for its "gay" karaoke and drag-queen bingo nights. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by WTSP News Tampa.]
Good Catholics, this latest "Marian apparition" demonstrates why the Catholic Church has been very reluctant to give credence to purported "apparitions," as they are never part of the Catholic and Apostolic Deposit of Faith, but instead can lead to ridicule of the Faith. That is why popes and Saints have consistently warned the faithful against putting too much emphasis on "apparitions." St. John of the Cross (1542-1591), perhaps the Church's greatest mystic, warned:
The desire for private revelations [that is, any occurring after Apostolic times] deprives faith of its purity, develops a dangerous curiosity that becomes a source of illusions, fills the mind with vain fancies, and often proves the want of humility, and of submission to Our Lord, Who, through His public revelation [Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition], has given all that is needed for salvation. We must suspect those apparitions that lack dignity or proper reserve, and above all, those that are ridiculous. This last characteristic is a mark of human or diabolical machination. Stay away from visions, apparitions, and miracles as much as you can. Be careful of visions, even when they are authentic.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Hasn't the New Order sect rejected the traditional Catholic teaching on capital punishment? Could you explain what the traditional teaching of the Church is on capital punishment?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The teaching of the Church from the earliest centuries, as represented, e.g., in the writings of St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologica, IIa IIae, Q. 64, A. 2), and St. Alphonsus Liguori (all Doctors of the Church), as well as in the Encyclical Casti Conubii of Pope Pius XI, is that society has the authority to inflict punishments upon its members, and even to deprive a criminal of his life, for the necessity of the common good:
Radical changes in doctrine, morals, and sacraments occurred in the unCatholic New Order sect after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). In effect, the Catholicism of nearly 2000 years was replaced with a New Order Religion, which, in order to retain its influence and finances, continued to call itself "Catholic." To the contrary, when Martin Luther finally rejected the Church of his time, he was at least honest enough to call himself something different, which came to be called "Protestant."
This New Order sect, because it pretends to be one religion while it is actually another, has obvious difficulties dealing with certain doctrinal matters in which it claims to be Catholic, but obviously diverges from Catholic teaching. The death-penalty teaching is a good example. In 1992, the so-called Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae, more aptly styled the "New Catechism," attempted to change the teaching of the Church for 2,000 years on capital punishment.
With this New Catechism, JPII-Wojtyla had tried an experiment. Rather than issue a final catechism in Latin, as did the Pius V with the Catechismus ad Parochos, JPII did something that had never been done before: he issued "drafts" of the New Catechism in a few vernacular languages as trial balloons to see whether the changed teachings would be accepted by the populace. His action demonstrated that the New Order no longer had defined doctrine, but was based on a polling of the populace.
When the drafts were issued stating that the death penalty is immoral, there was considerable push-back by Catholics who knew their faith. A group led by U.S. Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia took out a full-page ad to explain how JPII's New Catechism misrepresented Catholic teaching.
Because of this embarrassment, when JPII issued his final Latin version of the New Catechism, the section on the death penalty had been revised to leave open the morality of the death penalty "si haec una sit possibilis via ad vitas humanas ab iniusto aggressore efficaciter defendendas" (No. 2267). However, the following two paragraphs, with typical New Order "nuancing," implied that this method (via) would very infrequently be necessary "nostris diebus," displaying a typical Modernistic slant, as if "our days" had fewer consequences from the crime of murder and other grave crimes than the previous 2,000 years!
It is said that the late Bishop Fulton Sheen personally interviewed every seminarian who was proposed to him for ordination and was not loathe to turn some down. It seems that Newpopes could take a leaf from Sheen's book. Raymond Leahy, Newbishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, was convicted as a child pornographer. Now he doesn't want to be a Newbishop any more, after just eight years as Newbishop. He wants to renounce the oath that he took in 1986 upon his consecration -- oops! he was never consecrated, merely "installed" as a bishop in the invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 -- when the Gospels were laid upon his shoulders. What hypocrites these Newchurch bishops be!
The current Newarchbishop of St. John's, Newfoundland, Martin Currie, has, like Benedict-Ratzinger, given the pornographer Newbishop a pass, excusing his crimes as "an all-too-common obsession and addiction." What's next: Newchurch approval for murder as "an all too common obsession"?! The criminal Lahey was arrested on child-porn charges just six years after he was appointed Newbishop of Antigonish by the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla. Lahey pled guilty to the charges and was sentenced on January 4, 2012, to a 15-month prison term.
Good Catholics, any notion that Newchurch Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is now under control, as Ratzinger's propaganda would have you believe, is ludicrous. Lahey operated right under Ratzinger's nose. The cover-ups and excuses for violating children are just as active now as they every have been in Newchurch. Why? Because Ratzinger won't take strong action against the perpetrators. Even some Newchurchers are now wondering whether Ratzinger's persistent protection of child rapists continues because the perpetrator presbyters and Newbishops threatened him with exposure as an accomplice.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
An elderly lady and very loyal SSPXer for many years passed away a year ago. For her first-anniversary Requiem Mass, Neo-SSPXers here were shocked when a priest-presbyter on holiday here performed a Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess in the local Novus Ordo parish for the occasion. It has been known for a long time that Fellay's priest-presbyters genuflect before the Novus Ordo tabernacle because Fellay ridiculously claims that the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service "may" be valid!
Actually, this Half Novus Ordo Mess was a step up for this Neo-SSPX priest-presbyter. His normal assignment is to simulate the invalid Full Novus Ordo service at a Newchurch home for retired presbyters! Can the Neo-SSPX's complete sellout to the New Order be far off?
P.S. Please do not divulge my name as Fellay may kick me out of the Neo-SSPX site and deny me the Sacraments. He is known to be vicious toward laymen and priests who disagree with his autocracy and has already expelled several of them.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Neo-SSPX's complete sellout to the New Order is obviously in preparation and already has been for several years. Bernie Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger are credibly rumored to have conspired to have the sellout all ready to go on February 2, 2009, but on January 21, 2009, SSPX bishop Richard Williamson's opinion questioning the exaggerated view of the World War II "holocaust" being propagandized by secular Jewish interests was aired on Swedish Public Television. This blew Ratzinger's "oecumenical" efforts to cater to secular Jewish organizations to smithereens, together with Fellay's planned sellout of the Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect.
In the case you mention, this Neo-SSPX priest-presbyter may simply be representative of the increasing number of Novus Ordo-slanted clergy reported from sites around the world, that Fellay is grooming in preparation for his complete sellout to the New Order.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In United States football, a blasphemous caricature, created by a Newchurcher who undoubtedly calls himself a "Catholic," was being passed around by Pittsburgh Steeler fans before they recently played the Denver Broncos. How low and blasphemous we as a society have become, to put some ridiculous statue of the Lord in a Pittsburgh Steeler jersey, especially the one of a player who has been charged with raping two women.
As I told a number of Steeler fans, when you publicly mock Our Lord and Savior, you deserve what you get. I am happy that a devout, even though not Catholic, Christian like Tim Tebow, who has been mocked for being religious and for practicing abstinence, can defeat such a mockery.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
No surprise here. The Newchurch of the New Order is not really a religious organization, and certainly not a Catholic one. Rather, veiled under a veneer of religious terms and symbols in which it no longer believes, Newchurch is a political organization, whose Newpope does not hesitate to preach politics rather than religion.
For example, Benedict-Ratzinger's third encyclical letter, Caritas in veritate of September 29, 2008, is a thinly-veiled political tract, "blessing" autocratic powers for supranational organizations, such as the European Union. In fact, the socialist Ratzinger is just as out of touch with economics as he is with religion. The European Union is currently disintegrating economically and politically, and his adopted country, Italy, is generally regarded as most likely to fall after Greece.
Good Catholics, the Newchurchers of the New Order have virtually nothing left of true Catholicism. More of them are fanatical worshippers of the pagan God of Sport, who chose to worship at the Novus Ordo Altar of Television rather than assist at the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. No wonder that Ratzinger's New Order is being overcome by the barbarians faster than the Germans massacred the Romans in the Battle of the Teutoburg forest shortly after the birth of Christ!
Benedict-Ratzinger is known to have a vicious temper, like his brother Monsignor Georg, who hurled chairs at his students and injured them, that is, when he wasn't slapping them around. The vicious Ratzinger has yet again withheld the Newcardinalate from Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop-primate of Ireland, in the January 6, 2012, list of 22 new Newcardinals. The previous Primate of Ireland, Desmond Connell, under whom most of Newchurch sex crimes against children occurred, had been made a Newcardinal.
Totally the opposite of his corrupt predecessor, Primate Martin has been almost the only prominent Newchurch prelate to condemn Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and Ratzinger's personal role in it by threatening his Newbishops from reporting the vile crimes to the police. This isn't the first time that Ratzinger has passed Martin over for his well-deserved scarlet. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Good Catholics, once again the "Paedophile Pope" has shown his true colors -- certainly not the white of a "Holy Father" -- and his hypocrisy. He sheds crocodile tears over the children who have been raped with impunity by his presbyters and Newbishops, but he does not applaud the courage of his Primate for standing up to the moral corruption in the Newchurch of the New Order. It is actually Ratzinger who should be joining his Newcardinals in wearing the scarlet -- the scarlet of shame.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I got into an argument with a Newchurcher who claimed to a "devout Catholic." He claimed that traditional Catholics are schismatic because we do not recognize the pope as the true head of the Church. I replied, "We do recognize the pope as Christ's vicar on earth, as long as he follows the Apostolic Traditions and the teachings of the 'real' head of the Church." This person then asked me, "What do you mean by the 'real' head of the Church"? Everybody knows the pope is head of the Church." My reply was simple, "The true head of the Church is and always will be Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior."
Does this Newchurcher's erroneous belief not show that he is anything but the "devout Catholic" he calls himself? Is it not correct that Jesus Christ is the true head of the Church, and as long as traditional Catholics follow the Church that he founded and transmitted through his Apostles, we will never be schismatic? Has the Novus Order sect really become so unChristian that it don't even recognize Jesus Christ as the head of the Church anymore?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You are correct on the Catholic dogma. We hear a lot about purported popes, Marian apparitions, and charismatic possessions, but the one thing we rarely ever hear about these days is Jesus Christ! His words have been "translated" out of all meaning in Modernistic "versions" of the Bible, the Mass that He and His Apostles instituted has been perverted beyond all recognition, and the gross immoralities whose perpetrators He consigned to the "furnace of fire" [Hell] (Matthew 13:42/DRV), are given a complete pass by the Modernist Newpopes.
Any Catholic knows -- or should know -- that the head of the Church is Christ. A pope is merely his "vicar" -- the word is related to the "vice" in Vice President. A Vice President, or even a President for that matter, does not have the unlimited power that God has, but only those limited powers specifically delegated to that office. It is Catholic dogma that the office of the pope is limited:
For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles. --First Vatican Council, Constitutio Dogmatica Prima de Ecclesia Christi (Pastor Aeternus), chap. 4, De Romani Pontificis Infallibili Magisterio, July 18, 1870
To deny this Catholic dogma is heresy, pure and simple.
On January 1, 2012, in the seventeenth year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network reached its 15,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 15,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
Before his death at 99, New Order archbishop Jean Jadot, Paul VI-Montini's Apostolic Delegate to the United States from 1973-1980, said that he was proud of the bad New Order bishops whom he inflicted on the Newchurchers of the United States. Among the criminals and perverts whom Jadot and Montini engineered for the New Order in the United States were:
The common denominator in all these cases, as well as scores more, is that Montini and Jadot selected Newchurch cardinals and bishops who would advocate and implement the pro-homosexual agenda in United States. This they did by turning Novus Ordo seminaries "pink," installing "gay" presbyters in Newparishes, imposing pro-homosexual education in Newchurch schools and colleges, aiding and abetting civil legislation providing for sodomistic "civil unions," encouraging homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, and transvestites in Novus Ordo religious orders; and proselytizing clueless lay Newchurchers through homosexually-based "retreats."
Good Catholics, no wonder that the Newchurch of the New Order is so perverted, with "pink" Newpopes like Paul VI-Montini and now Benedict-Ratzinger, whose record of letting off his Newprelates and presbyters with impunity from the most vile crimes makes him the Capo di Tutti Capi of the whole perverted Novus Ordo system!
Raymond "Lewd" Lahey, Newchurch's bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, was sentenced on January 4, 2012, to 15 months in a Canada jail for importing child pornography. Lahey was arrested at Ottawa's Macdonald-Cartier International Airport in 2009 after customs authorities found almost 600 pornographic photos of young teen boys on his laptop and a handheld device. This Newchurch bishop will now have to register as a "sex offender," submit a DNA sample, and allow unannounced searches of his computers by police.
Newchurchers should be shocked that Lahey's crimes were not just sexual, but involved sacrilege: the boys engaged in sex acts while wearing a crucifix and rosary beads. Yet even these crimes were not enough for the Paedophile Pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, to degrade Lahey from the New Order episcopacy. Lahey continues to wear the Novus Ordo collar, simulate the invalid Novus Ordo service, and receive all the financial payoffs of being a Novus Ordo bishop. It is any wonder, therefore, that these vile crimes continue amongst the leadership of Ratzinger's New Order sect? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vancouver Sun.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
If he were really traditional, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay would have a lot more than two objections (religious liberty and oecumenism) to what the Novus Ordo has done to the Catholic Church. Destroying the Traditional Latin Mass, "installing" instead of ordaining priests, removing the altar and tabernacle, using a picnic table facing the congregation, and having "Eucharistic Ministresses" provide the invalid Novus Ordo cookie in the hand are just a few examples that Fellay could have condemned if he were not already in the pocket of the New Order sect.
Fellay is a phony. He wants to accept Vatican II the way it is, and he has left the "Doctrinal Preamble" untouched so that he can sell out to Vatican II at any time. Even the Novus Ordo has more objections to Vatican II than Fellay does!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
With regard to John "Corrupt" Corapi, the EWTN Charmismatic Cable presbyter "star," I thought it might interest you that Corapi claimed that Theresa-Calcutta stood behind him at his Novus Ordo installation as a presbyter (apparently by bilocation!) and that he saw a vision of the Virgin Mary smelling of lilacs on that day. Funny how bad smells hang around!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This case provides yet another example of how ridiculous these phony "apparitions" have become. Here is a presbyter of the New Order sect; a presbyter consumed by alcohol and drugs; a presbyter who propositioned women; a presbyter who frequented prostitutes; a presbyter who, while requiring obedience from others, refused to obey his own superiors; a presbyter who finally shucked off the presbyterate, resigned, and escaped into the underworld. Corapi's "apparition" myth was obviously a sham intended to deceive his Newchurch charismatic "fan(atic)s" on the cable channel and to get them to cough up money for his deceptions.
To the contrary, warned St. John of the Cross (1542-1591), one of the Church's greatest mystics: "Stay away from visions, apparitions, and miracles as much as you can. Be careful of visions, even when they are authentic." Our Lord Himself warned us: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect" (Matthew 24:24/DRV).
Doesn't it just disgust you how corrupt this Benedict-Ratzinger is? He surrounds himself with Newbishops and Newcardinals who have raped children, who have fornicated and fathered unfortunate bastard children, and who have embezzled large sums from his Newchurch. Yet in over five years, he has not fired a single one of these criminals, even the Newbishop who raped his own nephew for years and then boasted of it on French television. Ratzinger lets them "retire" quietly, with full benefits. Some say that the reason Ratzinger lets his immoral Newbishops off is that if he didn't, they have so much dirt on him that they would retaliate and topple his Newpapacy.
Gabino Zavala, the Newchurch auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, California, has been allowed to resign quietly and with impunity on January 4, 2012, after it was revealed that Zavala had fathered two unfortunate bastard children. Zavala subsequently abandoned his children, allowing his fornicatrix to leave in another state with them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, in the Newchurch of the New Order, isn't it always the children who pay the price -- whether by fornication, paedophilia, or even murder? What clearer proof is needed that the grace of God does not exist in Newchurch, nor in its phony bishops, who are no longer consecrated, but merely installed like Protestants in the Freemason Presybter Hannibal Bugnini's New Ordinal of 1968?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You emphasize that Fatima is not of obligatory belief. While we were never given the complete message and while there are questions about the authenticity of the latter-day Lucia, Fatima appears authentic. How should the traditional Catholic, therefore, deal with Fatima?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You are correct in saying that Fatima is not -- and can never be according to Catholic dogma -- of obligatory belief. The true Catholic must above all focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, His teachings, His words. The Blessed Virgin would be the first to agree with that absolute requirement of the Catholic, not to say, Christian, Faith.
Popes and Saints have warned about the danger that apparitions, even purportedly authentic ones, can cause in people's spiritual lives. You can see that wise counsel confirmed today in the extreme Fatimists, who would make "Fatima" into some kind of religious sect. We simply reflect that traditional Catholic warning of the Church to the faithful.
For further information about the Popes' and Saints' warnings against apparitions, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Apparitions/Visions/Private Revelation."
Presbyter John Corapi, one of the "stars" on the Newchurch Charismatic cable television station EWTN, in 2011 became the latest "poster presbyter" for immorality in Newchurch. He pranced around on television as some "conservative," but then was outed as a sex predator against the women on the staff of EWTN. True to the immorality that we have seen in Newchurch's paedophilia holocaust, Corapi at first denied everything. His "fans" (short for "fanatics") claimed that he was as clean as the driven snow and that Satan was attacking the pristine presbyter.
It wasn't a week, however, before the truth came out. Corapi's own religious order had already been investigating him for immorality and suspended him, not only for his sex predations upon women, but also for alcohol and drug addiction. He was caught "sexting" women who objected to his predations and was exposed as a "john" of prostitutes. He was found also to have appropriated over a million dollars to live a flamboyant lifestyle. It turns out that the true Satan was John Corapi himself!
The corrupt Corapi, who preached "obedience" to the immoral Newchurch of the New Order, himself refused to obey his Novus Ordo superiors and return to the monastery. On June 17, 2001, he cast aside his Novus Ordo presbyterate, which he had used to deceive the millions of fanatical EWTN charistmatics.
Now here's a new twist on the story. As of the end of 2011, unpresbyter Corapi has gone missing. No one has a clue about what happened to him. Perhaps he has hidden himself in the underworld of drugs, sex, and crimes that he played with while preaching Novus Ordo virtues on EWTN. What hypocrites these Newchurch presbyters be!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Thank you for continuing to oppose this evil regime of Benedict-Ratzinger. I have been following very closely how Ratzinger has decimated and destroyed the Traditional Anglican Communion, a group that somewhat parallels the Society of St. Pius X. Newrome has smashed the traditionalist Anglicans who "negotiated" with the New Order and has handed over as of January 1, 2012, the Novus Ordo Anglican ordinariates to the control of Novus Ordo leaders. Welcome to the Novus Ordo, Traditionalist Anglicans! Welcome to the New World Order! Welcome to the Novus Ordo Mess and Newchurch!
The traditional Anglicans who incorporate themselves into Newchurch (not all of them, by any means, feel for Ratzinger's mereticious blandishments) will not be allowed to use even Anglican Prayerbook of 1662, with its Traditional Roman Offertory and Canon, as the traditional Anglicans had wished, but the modernized and dumbed-down second American Prayerbook (the 1979 version, not the traditional version of 1928) with the Freemasonic and Protestant Offertory of Bugnini the Barbarian, that liturgical terrorist who crafted the destruction of the Roman Rite with his Half Novus Ordo of 1962 and his Full Novus Ordo of 1969.
Some of the traditionalist Anglican leaders are now coming into the Novus Ordo ordinariates simply because they are now confused and don't know what else to do. Ratzinger lied to them in giving out that they could remain traditionalist, but instead has made them subservient to the Novus Ordo. This entire process amounts to the annihilation of traditionalist Anglicans who refuse on Christian principle priestesses and bishopesses, refuse a homosexual clergy, and refuse the worst forms of Modernism. Ratzinger regarded the traditionalist Anglicans as politically incorrect, like the Neo-SSPX; therefore, they had to be liquidated.
What Benedict-Ratzinger has perpetrated with the traditionalist Anglicans together with Ecclesia Dei Protocol 1411-99, which requires that all presbyters of the "Motu" Mess (or "Extraordinary Mess" or whatever they call it today, that is, the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+) should be a lesson to the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay. This history should warn Fellay not to enter the web of the Ratzinger spider. But Fellay won't listen. Fellay has by his years of association with the New Order become just like them: a Novus Ordinarian himself, no longer a traditional Catholic. As Archbishop Lefebvre clearly understood, when you play with with Modernist Newrome dynamite, you get your head blown off -- every time. That is why he cut himself off from the immoral Novus Ordo and Ratzingerian pollution in 1988. He certainly turned out to be right!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Can you tell me which rite of ordination the Institute of Christ the King uses? Also, can you tell me if the Mass it says is pre-Vatican II?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Institute of Christ the King (ICR), like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), is a Newchurch "Motu" organization. That is, it uses the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo rite of 1962+, and its ordinations are simulated by Novus Ordo bishops who are not validly consecrated in the traditional Catholic rite, but merely "installed" in the invalid New Ordinal of 1968, fabricated by the same Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini who fabricated the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969.
Moreover, the former superior and one of the clergy of this organization were convicted of felonies, one involving the now-epidemic Novus Ordo paedophilia, and the other involving grand larceny in the theft of church property. This latter felonious presbyter is still in the active ministry of the Institute, which refuses to remove him! Naturally, like the Novus Ordo structure of which they are a part, they attempt to conceal these facts, which have been reported on in the press.
Extreme Fatimism has deluded a Novus Ordo presbyter who claims to have fallen in "undying love" with Our Lady of Fatima. Now that presbyter, Lowe Dongor, has been charged with possessing thousands of images of child pornography and stealing from St. Joseph's Newparish in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Apparently, presbyter Dongor was more in love with little girls than he was with anything religious.
State police have charged that one of Dongor’s laptops contained thousands of images of girls around the ages of 10 and 11 in various states of nudity. The images were discovered when a computer technician was repairing Dongor's laptop. In addition, the presbyter admitted to investigators that he was regularly stealing money from his Newparish to send to his family in the Philippines.
Characteristic of the criminal ilk that populate the Newchurch presbyterate, Dongor fled the United States to secret himself in his native Philippines. Donger failed to make his required October 25, 2011, court hearing. He has been charged with larceny of property, larceny from a building, and possession of child pornography. The court had unadvisedly let him off without bail on his own recognizance until trial. Local authorities have announced that they will move to extradite the criminal presbyter Dongor back to Massachusetts.
Dongor was one of Newchurch's newest crops of presbyters from third-world countries, which Benedict-Ratzinger has praised profusely. Dongor was installed as a diocesan presbyter in June 2010 and was hailed then as the first Filipino presbyter in the diocese. Now his "first" is a matter of public scandal and further confirmation of the rampant corruption in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.]
Is the Friday abstinence suspended in the case of all first-class feastdays, regardless of whether they are Holydays of Obligation? The first-class feast of the Epiphany, January 6, falls on a Friday this year. Is there, therefore, no abstinence from fleshmeat on that day?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The simple principle is that Holydays of Obligation in a given country have the Friday abstinence suspended in that country. For example, the Epiphany is a Holyday of Obligation in your country, so there is no abstinence from fleshmeat required on that day. However, in the country just to your south, the United States, the Epiphany is not a Holyday of Obligation. Therefore, the Friday abstinence is in full effect for that day in the United States.
Abstinence from fleshmeat binds under pain of Mortal Sin to all Fridays throughout the year, including all first-class feasts, with the exception only of Holydays of Obligation in a particular country.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What is the true story about the death of Pope John Paul I-Luciani? Was he really assassinated? I was really young at that time. All I remember was feeling sad that he died.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There are those who call the quick death of John Paul I-Luciani, a mere 33 days after his election, an assassination because he had made public his intent to clean the Mafia and Freemasons out of control of the Vatican Bank, whereas the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla had completely capitulated to the Mafia and Freemasons. People today don't care about a phony Mess, but when it comes to money, that's something they will kill for! That is why the following report is so intriguing.
A little-known fact about JPI is that he apparently intended to scuttle the invalid Novus Ordo service and restore the Traditional Latin Mass. The late Fr. Gommar DePauw, the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, once revealed that he had been called to Rome by the new pope to sit on a commission to restore the Traditional Latin Mass. JPI's quick death left Newchurch to this day drowned in the quicksand of invalid Messes and sacraments, which was forwarded by the Modernist program of his successor, JPII-Wojtyla.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Does Carl Orff's Carmina Burana (1935-1936) really mock the Catholic Church? What about Antonio Vivaldi? Was he really a "red" priest, and was he defrocked?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Carl Orff's overwhelming Carmina Burana is a secular piece, called a "scenic cantata," not a religious piece. It takes its inspiration from the poems (carmina) of the monks of Beuern in Bavaria (Burana), from which Benedict-Ratzinger hails, which were often satirical and even bawdy. The idea that Catholics are some kind of Protestant Puritans without a sense of humor is quite false. Many of the Saints themselves used satire, ridicule, and sarcasm, just as the monks of Bueren, to pillory the enemies of the Faith.
Antonio Vivaldi, one of the greatest Catholic composers, roughly contemporaneous with Johann Sebastian Bach, was called the "red priest" (prete rosso) simply because he had red hair. He served as the director of Venice's Catholic girls' orphanage, which boasted such remarkable singers and instrumentalists that musicians from all over Europe came to hear them. In fact, the great Johann Sebastian Bach transcribed several of Vivaldi's works. Vivaldi was never defrocked, but had a pulmonary condition prevented him from saying Mass.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What is all this about praying for the conversion of Russia, which seems to obsess a certain segment of pseudo-traditionalists? We are faced with the situation of a Modernist pope and his post-Vatican II predecessors, who are interested only in political correctness, oecumenism, and covering up the crimes of their clergy. These pseudo-traditionalists who consistently rant about the conversion of Russia hypocritically fail to condemn the heretical Vatican II Council, the paedophiliac crimes within the ranks of the Newchurch clergy, and the invalid Novus Ordo Mass.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your assessment about the sellout by these pseudo-traditionalists to Vatican II and its immoral popes concurs exactly with ours. Moreover, we fail to see what the obsession is about Russia in particular. After all, when Pope Pius XI suggested (but did not order) the offering of the Leonine Prayers after Mass for the conversion of Russia in 1929, it was a different world. Russia has now apparently given up atheistic Communist, but 1,300,000,000 souls in Communist China adhere to a worse form of that atheistic Communism, and are a far greater threat than Russia ever was, because Red China does not have the Christian history that Russia has.
There will be those Fatimists who will attempt to claim that prayers for the conversion of Russia is some kind of divine directive given in 1917 -- before World War I! Then they will fall all over each other in internecine battles about whether in fact Russia has been "consecrated" or not. It seems that once purported Catholics have lost their faith in Christ (remember, we are supposed to be called Christians, not Marians), they spin around in a mad dervish about these "apparitions" (Medjugorje, Bayside, Emmitsburg, and all the rest) and their interpretation, instead of studying the teaching of the God Whom they purport to worship, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Just how many of these Fatimists would be able to quote the Divine words of Christ in Scripture with as much knowledge and enthusiasm as they do non-binding "apparitions"?
The extreme Fatimists have essentially replaced faith in Christ with a bizarre religion of "Fatima." Remember, Fatima is not of obligatory belief; it is not part of the Deposit of Faith, which consists exclusively of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Anyone who denies that dogma is an unCatholic heretic, unlike those who question Fatima, particularly an extremist version thereof.
If we turn instead to the wisdom of the pre-Vatican II Pope Pius XI, whom the Fatimists accept as the Vicar of Christ, we find that this traditional pope took a moderated view of the situation. He knew about Fatima, and even he didn't mention it in the context of the Leonine Prayers. Rather he based his suggestion on solid Catholic teaching, which condemned atheistic Communism, and its principal incarnation at the time, Soviet Russia. Accordingly, he called for the restoration to the people of Russia the freedom to profess the Catholic Faith. His suggestion was based upon sound Catholic teaching, not upon purported suns spinning in the sky.
If we are going to pray for the conversion of people, what about praying for the conversion of viciously atheistic Red China? What about praying for the conversion of Protestants, Jews, Mohammedans, Hindus, and atheists? Better yet, what about praying for the conversion of the unCatholic New Order sect and its immoral leaders?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay is a lonely island of Vatican II sympathy in the midst of a worldwide organization that used to embrace pre-Vatican II theology. He is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He has kept the door open to giving his sworn oath of allegiance to the Novus Ordo, by refusing to reject or suggest changes to the "Doctrinal Preamble" in his written response to the Newvatican. He prefers the Preamble the way it is, which completely sells the Neo-SSPX out to Newchurch rule and Vatican II theology with no holds barred. He is just waiting for the right time to sign the preamble.
Now all Fellay's bishops and leaders want to get rid of him because they know his true disloyalty to the Catholic Faith. He is a Superior General without an army, surrounded only by a small cabal of "yes men." Some people fall for it when Fellay pretends to be a traditional Catholic and says that he has "a problem" with Vatican II, although only with oecumenism and religious liberty. He dares not let the Neo-SSPXers directly know that he favors the New Order and Vatican II, although he publishes opinions of the New Order as if the Neo-SSPX were already part of it. His affinity for the New Order is the reason why he tries to keep the Doctrinal Preamble and his reply secret, although unsuccessfully, as they have in spite of him revealed to the world his betrayal of the Catholic Faith.
No one in the Neo-SSPX should ever go along with Fellay's diabolical plans. However, if Fellay wants to destroy himself and the Neo-SSPX, the Newchurch of the New Order would applaud the loss of a significant thorn in its plans for a one-world religion, free from the stigma of sin.