April 2012

TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network, including the Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses
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April 30, 2012 - St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin
Double Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger Appoints Commission to Hide His Dirty Little Secrets
Which His Officials Have Been Leaking to the Public in a Deluge!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Charges of "Corruption and Mismanagement" by His Own Officials
Are Weighing down on Benedict-Ratzinger
Who Has Set up a Leak Commission to Determine Just Which Newvatican Officials
Ratted on Him for Paedophilia Facilitation, Contract Payoffs to His Friends
And Money-laundering in His Latest Scandal Termed "Vati-leaks"

The United States' Barack Obama falsely claims that his administration is "transparent." Benedict-Ratzinger makes no such claim for his own. In fact, he has come under so much criticism for his facilitation of paedophilia by his Newclergy against children, his contact payoffs to his friends, his Vatican Bank's money-laundering, and so many other crimes and sins of immorality that on April 25, 2012, he announced a new "leak commission" to investigate public revelations of his wrong-doing by his own officials in his latest scandal, termed "Vati-leaks." Ratzinger appointed three Newcardinals to constitute a special commission to apply the rack and thumb-screws to Newchurch officials who dared to reveal Benedict-Ratzinger's corruption to the world.

Ratzinger has been embarrassed by the disclosure of a series of internal documents that have highlighted his "corruption and mismanagement." One recent case involved the revelations of his Archbishop-Governor of Vatican City State, who wrote private letters to Ratzinger concerning nepotism and cronyism in the awarding of contracts and money-laundering in the Vatican bank. Ratzinger did nothing to correct the corruption, so the Newarchbishop courageously published the letters.

A spate of internal documents incriminating Ratzinger in corruption and mismanagement were given by Newvatican officials to the Italian media in January-February 2012. These officials had gotten tired of Ratzinger's participation, active and passive, in morally-depraved, and even criminal, actions, which he refused to correct. Ratzinger is currently being investigated by the European Union for money-laundering by his Vatican Bank. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Information Service.]

Novus Ordo Seminaries Can Be Deadly to Body, as Well as Soul
Seminarians Are Gang-raping Each Other!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, trial of Newmonsignor William Lynn, for felony child endangerment because of his knowingly placing paedophile presbyters over children at the behest of recently-deceased Newcardinal Anthony Bevilacqua has been dredging up some startling revelations.

Testimony in the trial painted a shocking picture of life in Philadelphia's St. Charles Borromeo Novus Ordo seminary after Vatican II. A presbyter testified that fellow seminarians had tied him down and were beginning to rape him when another seminarian intervened. That seminarian himself later took the opportunity twice to rape him.

The presbyter himself then went on in his Novus Ordo ministry to rape a high-school student for several years. Newmonsignor Lynn, Bevilacqua's Secretary for Clergy, knew about the presbyter's rapes and yet placed him in a ministry away from children, which was supposed to be "supervised." However, court testimony indicated that there had in fact been no supervision of the known paedophile, who was allowed to operate out of a Newparish rectory.

The trial has already revealed that this presbyter was only one of many presbyter-paedophiles whom Newmonsignor Lynn knowingly placed in "ministries" where they could rape children. Lynn never turned a single paedophile presbyter over to the Philadelphia police. On the eve of the trial, Lynn's co-defendant presbyter pled guilty to rape of an altar boy and is now serving a sentence of 2.5-5 years in state prison. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

April 29, 2012 - Third Sunday after Easter
Semidouble Sunday

Benedict-Ratzinger's Motu Summorum Pontificum Has Been a Failure
There Has Been No Change in Rate of "Latin Mass" Statistics!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Indult Mass Graph

The Pseudo-traditionalists' Own Graph Shows that Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 Motu
In Fact Had No Effect on the Rate of "Indult/Motu" Mess Increases
In Fact, JPII-Wojtyla's 1988 Motu Was Far More Effective
But There Are Just as Many Latin Masses Operating outside the Control of the New Order Sect

The USA's Coalition in Support Ecclesia Dei has released statistics that should shock the pseudo-traditionalists, as these statistics put to the lie propaganda that Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum has increase the rate of New Order sect's sponsored "Latin Masses." These statistics clearly prove that propaganda false. Moreover, this fact is all the more telling because the Coalition is a full-throated pseudo-traditionalist group, supporting the "Paedophile Popes" and their 1988 and 2007 Motus, purportedly "permitting" not the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+.

If you look at the Coalition's graph closely, you will see that there has been almost no change in the rate of growth of New Order sect's sponsored "Latin Masses." In fact, in the three years immediately following the 2007 Motu, the rate of increase was about 20 per cent per year, an average one-fifth increase each year. From 1988, the year of JPII-Wojtyla's Motu Ecclesia Dei, the rate of increase was about 250 per cent per year, more than an average doubling every year.

If you look at the Coalition's graph closely, you will see that JPII-Wojtyla's Motu of 1988 did far more than Benedict-Ratzinger's Motu of 2007. In the three years after the 1988 Motu, there was an increase of 1200 per cent. In the three years after the 2007 Motu, there was an increase of only 67 per cent. Since the Coalition is a pseudo-traditionalist adherent of the New Order sect, it does not list the figure of fully Traditional Latin Masses, which, according to the Official Directory of Traditional Latin Masses, shows just as many Latin Masses operating outside the control of the New Order sect.

Good Catholics, as we TRADITIO Fathers have stated from the beginning, pseudo-traditionalists, including Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, have been taken in by, or have been co-conspirators with, Benedict-Ratzinger's Great Motu Mess Hoax. If Fellay had shunned the New Order sect and the "unCatholic" Ratzinger from the beginning and instead spent his organization's time and money on promoting the fully-Traditional Latin Mass for the last twenty years, the phony "Motu" Mess would be a speck in the dust, and the true Traditional Latin Mass would have skyrocketed so far that the rate would be off the chart! Instead, it is now clear that Bernie "The Mole" Fellay sabotaged the Traditional Latin Mass from inside Archbishop Lefebvre's organization.

A Reader Asks: "What's Ecclesia Dei Secretary Guido Pozzo's Game
In Denying the Institute of the Good Pastor 'Exclusive Use' of the Mess of 1962+?"

From: Peter

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

What's Ecclesia Dei Secretary Guido Pozzo's game in denying the "Motu" Institute of the Good Pastor "exclusive use" of the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+ and requiring it to embrace the Modernist errors of Vatican II? If Fellay has any objectivity left, Pozzo's action will discourage the Fellay from making a similar blunder. So why do this?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Pozzo is simply following Benedict-Ratzinger's directives. Ratzinger has always demanded obedience to the Modernist Vatican II Council and its unCatholic and invalid Novus Ordo service. Any notion that Ratzinger is "traditionalist" is mere propaganda. He has failed in everything that he has attempted (with the Jews, the Mohammedans, the Protestants, etc.) and, particularly after his impending death, when speech against him will become open, he will be denounced publicly by all as the "Paedophile Pope" that he is.

Ratzinger is desperate to have one propaganda victory before taking up residence, most probably, in the nether regions with Alexander VI-Borgia and the other Bad Popes. Thus, he wants to connive with Fellay a sellout of the Neo-SSPX before his demise. The ever-Modernist Ratzinger has confidence that he can get the pusillanimous Fellay to sell out, whereas Ratzinger could not outsmart the solidly-traditional Archbishop Lefebvre.

What Fellay is blind to is the fact that Ratzinger does not care what happens after he sends out the victorious press release. Ratzinger will soon die, and Fellay will be perpetually ensnared with the Newchurch Devil in the details, just like just like the Institute of the Good Shepherd, the Fraternity of St. Peter, just like the Institute of Christ the King, just like the Fraternity of St. John Vianney, just like the Transalpine Redemptorists, and just like all the other pseudo-traditionalists who foolishly sold out to the Satanic New Order, thinking that the Devil's barbed tail would not cut them to pieces.

There might, however, be an even more dastardly scheme in Ratzinger's mind. If the Neo-SSPX becomes a part of the New Order sect, Benedict-Ratzinger becomes a rich man. The Novus Ordo canon law of 1983 places all the money and property of subordinate organizations under the control of the Unholy See. The Neo-SSPX under Fellay is said to have salted away vast monies, a goodly part of it from the French monarchists who dote on the Neo-SSPX and clueless pseudo-traditionalists who fork over their hard-earned money for his shenanigans. Newchurch would be the legal recipient of that treasury.

How wrong, and just plan stupid, the pseudo-traditionalists are to ignore the clear evidence. How right, and just plain brilliant, Archbishop Lefebvre was to recognize the evidence and shun Ratzinger and the New Order sect.

April 28, 2012 - St. Paul of the Cross, Confessor
Semidouble Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger Denies "Motu" Organization "Exclusive Use" of the Mess of 1962+
Benedict-Ratzinger Says that the Traditionalist Institute Has to "Integrate Itself into Vatican II"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Guido Pozzo

Guido Pozzo, Benedict-Ratzinger's Hatchet-man against Traditionalists
This "Ecclesia Dei" Officer, Who Is Organizing Fellay's Entry into the New Order Sect
Has Issued a Decree on Behalf of Benedict-Ratzinger
That the "Motu" Institute of the Good Shepherd Can No Longer Be "Exclusively Traditionalist"
It Must Simulate the Novus Ordo Service and Teach Modernist Vatican II at Its Seminary
Now that the Institute Has Been Trapped for Five Years in the New Order Sect
Ratzinger Has Recanted All of His Earlier Concessions to the "Motu" Traditionalists

Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 Motu Summorum pontificum, hailed by pseudo-traditionalists like Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX, is, as we TRADITIO Fathers have frequently stated, just another Ratzingerian fraud intended to ensnare the clueless into the New Order sect. Now we have yet more proof positive that nothing has changed since 1988 when the Archbishop-founder of the SSPX, Marcel Lefebvre, refused to sign the sellout document proposed by then Newcardinal Ratzinger. In 2007, and still now in 2012, Ratzinger is still playing the Modernist fraudster in Newrome. This is the kind of example, often repeated, to which the Neo-SSPX's Superior-dictator Fellay should be paying close attention, so that he will be suitably forewarned of the trap that Ratzinger has been laying for him and the Neo-SSPX.

In 2006 Ratzinger gave Fellay the finger by welcoming five priest-presbyters that Fellay had expelled, into a new pseudo-traditionalist New Order organization, the Institute of the Good Shepherd for all of France, where the Neo-SSPX's main membership resides. One of these five priest-presbyters, Paul Aulagnier, had already been instrumental in selling out the traditional Campos, Brazil, diocese of traditional Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, Lefebvre's associate, to the New Order sect in 2002.

Having ensnared these five former Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters into to the New Order sect, Newmonsignor Guido Pozzo, the new Secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, has sprung the trap on them for Ratzinger. Pozzo has issued a March 23, 2012, decree that the Institute must integrate itself with the Modernist Vatican II Council. Not surprisingly, Pozzo is also the principal New Order fraudster who is engineering with Fellay the sellout of the Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect.

The Institute's superior general was informed of the new anti-traditionalist rules by Pozzo, who had conducted an audit for the New Order sect after the five-year "experimental" period ending September 8, 2011. The Institute, formed in 2006, was supposed to have obtained "exclusive use" of the liturgical books in force before the Modernist Vatican II Council, a concession that has now been withdrawn by Newrome. The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) was tricked by this same ploy. The Commission's letter rescinding the Institute's "exclusive use" of the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Mess of 1962+" quoted Benedict-Ratzinger, who decreed that the (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service "cannot be forbidden, as a matter of principle." The use of the term "exclusive use" was specifically rejected by Ratzinger and his Commission.

Furthermore, Ratzinger and his Commission decreed that the Institute's seminary could not teach traditional Catholicism, but must "integrate into its studies the magisterium [sic] of Vatican II and of recent/current popes" and "emphasize the hermeneutics of renewal in continuity and support the integrity of Catholic [sic] doctrine expounded by the [1997 Novus Ordo] Catechism of the Catholic [sic] Church." The Institute, furthermore, has been ordered to "collaborate better with the [New Order] diocesan bishops.

Good Catholics, here we have just the latest example of what Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order does with pseudo-traditionalist who sell out to it. Once ensnared, these clueless pseudo-traditionalists have the trap sprung on them, and shortly they are ordered to become fully-practicing members of the New Order sect and its invalid Mess and "sacraments." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix.]

A Reader Asks: "Does the Catholic Church Allow Cremation?"

From: Louise

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Does the Catholic Church allow cremation? I have heard of cremated remains/ashes being separated into separate urns or vessels and "handed out" to various members of the family.

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

The ignorance of so-called Catholics about the teaching and practice of their Faith never fails to shock us TRADITIO Fathers. A seven-year-old Catholic in 1960 knew far more about the Catholic Faith that practically any adult "Catholic" today. The Catholic Church (we are not talking here about the unCatholic New Order sect) most certainly does not allow cremation, a pagan practice that has been condemned from the beginning of the Church. Christ Himself was not cremated. The pagan practice of cremation is allowed only in situations of war or plague, when individual burial is not practically possible.

In fact, so condemned is the practice of cremation for Catholics that anyone who instructs his body to be burned is to be denied ecclesiastical burial, including any Funeral Mass whatsoever. For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Cremation and Traditional Funeral Instructions."

April 27, 2012 - St. Peter Canisius, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast of the Second Class

More Time-wasting Meetings between Newrome and the Neo-SSPX
May Occur, but Only after Mid May 2012

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Josef Ratzinger

In 1988, When Josef Ratzinger Presented the Sellout Document to Archbishop Lefebvre
The Archbishop Refused to Sign the Final Document
Instead, Lefebvre Rightly Called Ratzinger and His Modernist Rome "Not Catholic"
Lefebvre Then Broke Off Further Time-Wasting Contacts With Ratzinger and Newchurch
And Proceeded to Courageous And Sagacious Action,
The Consecration of Four Traditional Bishops

The Italian daily Libero on April 20, 2012, published a report that "despite the fact that the Lefebvrians are still moving in very cautions steps" toward joining the New Order sect, a decision by Benedict-Ratzinger will not be made in mid May 2012 whether "other meetings" between Newrome and the Neo-SSPX will be possible.

As Archbishop Lefebvre, the Society's founder, learned by bitter experience, Modernist Rome, as he termed it, tries to engage traditional Catholic organizations in a ploy of never-ending jabbering, so that they will not actually do anything. Archbishop Lefebvre clearly understood that Ratzinger was attempting that ploy in 1988, but Lefebvre was too smart for Ratzinger. So Lefebvre broke off further time-wasting contacts with Ratzinger and proceeded to courageous and sagacious action, the consecration of four traditional bishops.

A Reader Asks: "Can a Traditional Bishop Who Was Excommunicated
Still Validly Consecrate Other Bishops?"

From: Michael

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Can a traditional bishop who was excommunicated still validly consecrate other bishops if he uses the traditional rite of Holy Orders, as in the case of Archbishop Lefebvre?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Yes, because excommunication is a juridicial declaration, which can even be in error. In any case, it has absolutely no effect upon the validity of the Sacraments administered by the purported excommunicate. Eastern Orthodox and Old Catholics are in the same situation, and their Sacraments are perfectly valid.

April 26, 2012 - St. Mark, Evangelist
Double Feast of the Second Class

A Reader Asks: "By Rejecting the Papal Tiara
Has Benedict-Ratzinger Implicitly Rejected the Powers of the Office of Pope?"

From: Benjamin
Ratzinger's Mitre

The Mitre Made Specifically for Benedict-Ratzinger's "Installation"
Ratzinger Was Never Crowned as Pope
But Chose Merely to Be "Installed"
With a Mitre on Which there Appears No Christian Symbol
But Only Masonic, Gnostic, and Satanic Symbols
By Rejecting the Papal Tiara, Has Benedict-Ratzinger Implicitly Rejected
The Powers of the Office of Pope?

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Your readers may be unaware that although Newcardinal Josef Ratzinger was elected as Newpope on April 19, 2005, he was never crowned as pope. Since November 13, 1964, the Conciliar pope Paul VI-Montini gave away the papal tiara, and his three successors have never been crowned as pope. Starting with JPI-Albino, the Conciliar popes altogether abandoned the papal crown, known as the triregnum, or tiara, and began the current practice of using a simple bishop's mitre in an "inauguration" ceremony, the same term that is used for the installation of the head of secular government, as was the case with Benedict-Ratzinger on April 24, 2005.

But a true pope is not supposed to be merely a glorified bishop. The three tiers of the papal tiara indicate much more than a simple bishop's power. They confirm that the newly-elected is "Father of Princes and Kings, Governor of the Earth, and Vicar of Jesus Christ." By rejecting the papal tiara, has Benedict-Ratzinger implicitly rejected the powers of the office of pope? In addition, Benedict-Ratzinger was the first to dispense with the image of the three-tiered tiara that traditionally appeared at the top of each pope's coat of arms and replaced it with merely with a bishop's mitre.

Moreover, Benedict-Ratzinger chose to be "installed" with a mitre on which there appears no Christian symbol, but only Masonic, Gnostic, and Satanic symbols. Was Ratzinger aware of the Masonic, Gnostic, and Satanic meanings of the mitre with which he was being "installed"?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Significant as is the fact that the JPI-Albino, JPII-Wojtyla, and Benedict-Ratzinger have never been crowned as pope, this fact is not an invalidating condition. Much more serious is the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger was never consecrated as a bishop. He was merely "installed," on May 28, 1977, under the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized invalid New Ordinal of 1969. That raises the serious question of whether Ratzinger can be pope because he cannot be the Bishop of Rome because he is not a validly-consecrated bishop. Ratzinger's lack of status as a consecrated bishop is an undeniable fact. One does not have to resort to the complexities of complicated "sede-vacantist" arguments.

The question about the status of Benedict-Ratzinger is similar to what the courts in the United States are dealing with in determining whether Barack Obama can be a valid President of the United States because (so far) he has been unable to produce verifiable proof that he meets the constitutional requirement of being born in the United States. If Obama is determined to be a foreign-born national, his acts as President can be completely invalidated. Just so, Benedict-Ratzinger's acts.

A Reader Writes: "Newchurch's New Ordinal of 1969 Does Not Ordain a Catholic Priest
But Merely "Installs" a Presbyter, Who Has No Power Even to Bless So Much as a Rosary!"

From: Mark

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I was most interested in your reader's question, "Can a Novus Ordo presbyter celebrate a valid Traditional Latin Mass?" and your answer in the negative. On reading the drastically-changed post-Vatican II New Ordinal of 1969, I was immediately struck by the many things that are missing from the traditional Catholic rite of Holy Orders, derived from the ancient Leonine Sacramentary and used for around 1,600 years. The New Ordinal fails to confer:

  1. the prayer of consecration of the hands of the ordinand
  2. the prayer for the consecrated hands to consecrate, hallow, or bless
  3. the explicit Apostolic power through the Holy Ghost to forgive and bind sins (the traditional rite of Holy Orders explicitly confers these Sacramental powers through the words of Christ: "Receive the Holy Ghost: whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins thou shalt retain, they are retained")
  4. the Apostolic power to celebrate Mass for the living and the dead (the traditional rite of Holy Orders explicitly confers these Sacramental powers through the words: "Receive the power to offer sacrifice to God and to celebrate Mass for the living as well as for the dead, in the name of the Lord"), whereas the New Ordinal does not explicitly refer to the power to celebrate Mass, but only "to sanctify the Christian assembly," whatever that may mean

These significant omissions and changes, as well as others, lead to the theological certainly that the New Ordinal of 1969 is invalid. It does not ordain a Catholic priest, but merely "installs" a "presbyter," who has no power to celebrate Mass, to forgive sins in the Sacrament of Penance, or even to bless so much as a Rosary!

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

On June 18, 1968, Newpope Paul VI-Montini promulgated for the Newchurch of the New Order invalid new ordination rites for deacon, priest, and bishop, to take effect April 1, 1969, the same year in which the invalid Novus Ordo service was to take effect. The new rites, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the fabricator of the Novus Ordo service as well, contained many omissions and changes, mostly following the heretical Protestant Anglican Ordinal. The New Ordinal of 1968 must strike any true Catholic as patently invalid because it redefines what was the traditional priesthood into a Protestantized presbyterate (ministry).

Since the New Ordinal used by Newchurch is invalid, it does not ordain a priest, regardless of whatever Mass the individual may perform. Such presbyters -- and virtually all of the clergy in Newchurch fall into this category except a few older priests ordained before 1969 --, cannot even validly celebrate Benedict-Ratzinger's Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+. Nor can the presbyters who are increasing being used by Bernie Fellay at his Neo-SSPX Mass sites. To the contrary, after 1969 only traditional Catholic priests ordained in the traditional rite of Holy Orders by traditionally-consecrated bishops can be valid.

April 25, 2012 - Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Double Feast of the First Class

A Reader Asks: "Can a Novus Ordo Presbyter Celebrate a Valid Traditional Latin Mass?"

From: John
Novus Ordo Mess

A Novus Ordo Presbyter (or Presbyteress, as Here)
Cannot Celebrate a Valid Traditional Latin Mass, as S/he Is Not Ordained
S/he Is Merely "Installed" in the Invalid New Ordinal Of 1969
In Essence, S/he Is a Protestant Minister and Can No More Say a Valid Mass
Than a Methodist Minister Can

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I have been reading TRADITIO since it was sent out by E-mail. Because of it I started to go back to a Traditional Latin Mass site, where our traditional priest has now been replaced by a presbyter ordained in the New Order. My family has turned against the Catholic Faith and ridicules me for being a devout Catholic. My question is: Can a Novus Ordo presbyter celebrate a valid Traditional Latin Mass?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

A Novus Ordo presbyter cannot celebrate a valid Traditional Latin Mass, as he is not ordained. He is merely "installed" in the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid New Ordinal of 1969. In essence, he is a Protestant minister and can no more say a valid Mass than a Methodist minister can. The term "Novus Ordo presbyter" includes "Motu" presbyters, those who may have been installed in the Half Novus Ordo 1962 rite by bishops who were never consecrated, but merely "installed" in the invalid New Ordinal of 1969.

What you are facing from your family is not all that untypical. Just consider them as Our Lord did His enemies: "they know not what they do." Our Lord was beaten, spat upon, and reviled, and even denied by the head of His Church (Peter). Christ's is the example that you should follow.

Don't be intimidated by irreligious bullies, whoever they may be. Stand up for yourself and for the true Faith. You can't control other peoples' actions, but you can control your own. Continue to set an example, and if there is any grace left in them, they may eventually be won over by your example rather than your words.

A Reader Writes: "These Lost Neo-SSPX Sheep Have Fallen into the Same Trap that Was Laid Back in the 1960s
When the Catholic Faith Was Toppled by the Modernist Infiltration of the Vatican"

From: Richard, A Former Neo-SSPXer

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I knew that Bernie Fellay was up to no good several years ago when he gave a lecture here about Vatican II documents being "tricky." He did not fool me because I recognized immediately that he was a mole for the New Ordo. So many in his Neo-SSPX organization seem to be devoid of sense: they are very easily fooled. Unfortunately, no one can have a discussion with them because they either don't get it or they don't want to get it, just like the Jews of Our Lord's time.

I really think that these Neo-SSPXers miss the point of worshipping Our Lord. I suppose they assume that their "obligation" is merely to attend a pseudo-traditional 1962 Mess on Sundays, and then all is warm and fuzzy in their world. These lost sheep have fallen into the same trap that was laid back in the 1960s when the Catholic Faith was toppled with by the Modernistic infiltration of the Vatican, which lead to the subsequent destruction of the Holy Mass and the Faith. These Neo-SSPXers after the death of the courageous Archbishop Lefebvre have become blinded again by Fellay, who has systematically deceived them at every turn. No doubt he has intimidated and bullied the priests into his diabolical deception too.

I am grateful that Our Lord has blessed me with many graces and insight into not being hoodwinked again. I have decided finally to leave Fellay and his pseudo-Catholic sect to start attending a fully-traditional independent chapel. We have to be fearless and follow our leader -- not Fellay, not Ratzinger, but Jesus Christ, Who seems to have been forgotten in all these ecclesiastical games.

April 24, 2012 - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr
Double Feast

Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger Have Flubbed Their Cover Story
Ratzinger Says that Fellay Has Sold Out; Fellay Says that He Hasn't

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Federico Lombardi Bernie Fellay

Federico Lombardi (Left), Benedict-Ratzinger's Mouthpiece, Scratches His Head
And Bernie Fellay, Neo-SSPX Dictator-Superior, Refuses to Take Questions
They Can't Get Their Story Straight on Fellay's Sellout to the New Order Sect
How Are the New Order Sect and the Neo-SSPX Sect Ever Going to Work Together?
This Staged Farce Is Going Give Truly-traditional Catholics
Many Hours of Entertainment as the "Den of Robbers" Stumbles All over Itself!

Just as the TRADITIO Network predicted, the world in the next few days is going to see Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican stumble around like fools with Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX on the dance-floor of the New Order. The two sides can't even get their story straight on a sellout!

Ratzinger's mouthpiece, presbyter Federico Lombardi, on April 17, 2012, described Fellay's response as "positive." The following day, a official Communique from the General House of the Society of Saint Pius X denied Lombardi's report of a "positive" response. In any case, Lombardi says that any counter-response on the part of Newvatican will take "weeks." [Some information for this report was contributed by the Vatican News Service.]

Good Catholics, now you see what happens when you play with the Devil. Everything falls into chaos. If Fellay and his Neo-SSPX ever came under the "authority" of the New Order sect, just imagine the chaos that would ensure, with Newvatican, Neo-SSPX bishops and laity, pseudo-traditionalist organizations (FSSP, ICRSS, etc.), and more all stumbling over themselves to outwit each other. We TRADITIO Fathers can tell you for a certainty that this farce is far from over, and with corrupt leaders like Joe Ratzinger and Bernie Fellay, you are going to be given many hours of entertainment as the "den of robbers" engages in a danse macabre!

April 23, 2012 - St. George, Martyr
Semidouble Feast

An Italian Report Indicates that Satan Has Entered into Fellay
He Has Sold out and Will Sign an Oath of Allegiance to the Modernist New Order

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Christ & Judas Fellay & Ratzinger

Judas Sells out Christ with a Kiss to the False Church of the Jews (Left)
Bernie Fellay Sells out Christ with a "Masonic" Handshake to the Modernist "Paedophile Pope"
Fellay's Sheep Are Now Wondering whether He Was a Modernist Plant All Along
Like AA-1025, the Modernist Anti-apostle Who Infiltrated Pius XII's Church

"And Satan entered into Judas...." (Luke 22:3/DRV). It is sounding more and more as if the TRADITIO Network has had Fellay's number from the very beginning. The Italian daily, La Stampa, on April 17, 2012, indicated that Fellay's latest letter to Newrome contained a virtually complete sellout to the New Order sect, dissing the other three bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre and half of his laity. He has, as Newvatican puts it, "essentially assented" to "Doctrinal Preamble" required of him by the New Order sect, which requires his assent to the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) and its unCatholic Modernist teachings, against which his organization had been founded by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1970.

What is even more shocking is that the La Stampa report indicates that Fellay has acceded to the requirement in the "Doctrinal Preamble" that all Neo-SSPX officials will have to accept a "religious submission of will and intellect" and swear an Oath of Allegiance to the Modernist Vatican II Council and its immoral and corrupt officials in Modernist Rome. Fellay, of course, will attempt to lie about this point, but that is the reality. How he will reconcile his signing of this Pro-Modernist Oath with the the Anti-Modernist Oath that he previously took, only he and the Devil that drives him know.

If the Fellay sellout is true, Fellay has played the Judas and sold out for thirty pieces of silver from the New Order and its "Paedophile Pope," while Archbishop Lefebvre courageously stood up against "Modernist Rome," which he condemned as "not Catholic." If Lefebvre considered Ratzinger a heretic in 1998, can you image what the Archbishop would say now that Benedict-Ratzinger has been exposed as the "Paedophile Pope," who actively facilitated the rape an assault of some 100,000 children?

Moreover, Fellay is such a bungler that he has created a no-win situation for the Neo-SSPX. Reports from around the world indicate that within that sect, there is a civil war going on, with family member against family member, priest-presbyter against priest-presbyter, Mass site against Mass site. Just as the Archbishop predicted, the Society is likely to be ripped apart within a year. The other three Neo-SSPX bishops, who have rejected a sellout, if they have any true Catholicism left, should throw Fellay out, refuse to perform any episcopal functions for Fellay's Novus Ordo sect, and call upon the Neo-SSPX laity, who have been treated like dogs for years by Fellay, to evacuate all Neo-SSPX sites and refuse to contribute a single penny more to Fellay's perfidy. A traitorous dictator cannot stand if he doesn't have bodies and money.

If the Fellay sellout is true, there is still an immediate catch, and many future catches. His purported sellout letter will likely have to be examined by the Newcardinals of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith at its May 2012 meeting. The Modernists have yet to gear up their campaign against what has so far been a fanciful chimera. But with Ratzinger admitting that his death is relatively imminent, the Modernists, of whom Ratzinger is one, will undoubtedly step up their campaign.

Moreover, the pseudo-traditional societies already approved by the New Order sect, such as the Fraternity of St. Peter and the Institute of Christ the King, High Priest, have not been heard from. Under the putatively-proposed restructuring of pseudo-traditional sects under Newchurch, these societies would now report to the Neo-SSPX. They're certainly not going to be happy with that arrangement and are likely to revolt in some way.

La Stampa reports that the other three Neo-SSPX bishops, Tissier de Mallerais, Galarreta, and Williamson, are opposed to any sellout, together with 25 per cent of the laity. From reports coming into the TRADITIO Network from Neo-SSPX sites, we would put that number at closer to 50 per cent. Will Tissier, Galarreta, and Williamson forswear their traditional Catholic mitres like Fellay, or will they hold fast to their oath as bishops to remain true to their Anti-Modernist Oath and refuse to go along with a Fellay sellout? Will they have the guts to re-found a revitalized, Lefebvre-based SSPX and boot the Judas out of their organization?

Good Catholics, whatever may be the outcome of this staged farce, it is undeniable that there will be a long way to go. The dying Ratzinger is desperate only for a propaganda victory to save (so he falsely thinks) the ignominy of his doctrinally- and morally-perverted papacy. He doesn't care what happens to Fellay and his sect once they sign on the dotted line. Fellay will merely become the latest catspaw to the New Order sect, and will be played by Ratzinger and his New Order lieutenants for the fool that he is and be dragged through endless "negotiations" on details. "The Devil is in the details," they say. In the end, the betrayer Fellay will face the penalty that Christ reserved for a Judas:

Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born (Matthew 26:24/DRV).

April 22, 2012 - Second Sunday after Easter
Semidouble Feast

The New Order's Own 2011 Figures Show that It Is Committing Suicide
While "Traditional Catholicism" Has Been Redefined by the Secular-media Ignoranti

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Newchurch Decline

A Misleading Wall Street Journal Opinion Article Is Grossly Misleading
In Fact, the New Order's Own Figures Show that It Is Committing Suicide
"Traditional Catholicism" Has Been Redefined by the Secular-media Ignoranti
As Meaning Acceptance of Phony Presbyters, Married Presbyters
And Protestantized "Lay Deacons
The Number of Presbyters Has Dropped
Below 40,000 for the First Time in Half a Century

An April 12, 2012, article in the Wall Street Journal indicates how desperate Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is to "repackage" itself. The opinion article, which is not result of the WSJ's generally-objective news staff, is falsely titled "Traditional Catholicism Is Winning." If you read more than the headline, however, you will find that "traditional Catholicism" has been redefined as something that no traditional Catholic would in fact recognize!

To Newchurchers and secularists, "traditional Catholicism" means acceptance of phony presbyters instead of priestesses, acceptance of married Newchurch former (?) Anglican presbyters instead of a celibate Catholic clergy, and use of Protestantized "lay deacons" instead of even presbyters. As it has always been, the paedophiliac Newchurch of the New Order and its ubiquitous propagandists are a fraud, playing up to a clueless laity that has long been deprived of an Catholic catechetical instruction.

In a wonderful example of a misleading statistical half-truth, the WSJ article claims that the number of presbyter installations is "steadily increasing," citing 467 new ordinations of presbyters (who are surely not traditional priests) in the United States in 2011. That is -- count them -- approximately two presbyters per Newdiocese, an increase of not even 3 per cent in six years, nowhere near keeping up with the number of presbyters dying each year. But what do Newchurch's own statistics (from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate) from 2005 to 2011 really show?

Good Catholics, be very careful about placing any trust in articles that you read in the "mainstream" or "Catholic" press. These publications are quite biased and ignorant about religion, especially "traditional Catholicism." The New Order sect has been committing suicide since the end of Vatican II, and any attempt to repackage itself as "traditional" should be rejected as ridiculous propaganda, and certainly not supported by the facts.

April 21, 2012 - St. Anselm, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger's Rapid Decline into Frailty Has Fanned Speculation
That He Will Soon Abdicate, as He Has Previously Indicated that He May

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

A Rapidly-declining Benedict-Ratzinger Now Uses a Cane in Public to Shuffle Along
The 85-year-old Newpope's Rapid Decline into Frailty
Has Stirred More Speculation about His Imminent Abdication
The Chief Architect of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust
Has Indicated Previously that He May Follow That Example of a Dozen of His Predecessors
He Is Already One of the Oldest Popes in the History of the Church

On his 85th birthday, April 16, 2012, Benedict-Ratzinger's rapid decline into frailty stirred more speculation that the Newpope, who is reviled around the world as the chief architect of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, will abdicate, as some dozen of his predecessor did. Ratzinger is one of the oldest popes in the history of the Church. Ratzinger was elected at age 78, twenty years older than JPII-Wojtyla when he was elected, and now Ratzinger is already older than JPII-Wojtyla was when he died in 2005.

Ratzinger is the oldest reigning pope since Leo XIII, who died at age 93 in 1903 after reigning for 25 years. Ratzinger has reigned only seven years and has already compiled a record of crimes, immorality, and corruption that has not been seen since the "Bad Pope," Rodgrigo Borgia, Alexander VI, who, by his murders, simony, bribery to become pope, and public lechery brought about the Protestant Revolution against the papacy. Rodrigo was lucky enough to die of the plague before he could be deposed from the papacy by the College of Cardinals.

In just the last year, Ratzinger is showing signs of increasing frailty and fatigue. He can no longer walk down the hundred metres of St. Peter's central aisle, but has to be shoved on a moving platform. He now uses a cane in public, though he has been using one in private for some timew. Ratzinger has already suffered two strokes and a fall on his head, which rendered him unconscious. In a book in 2010, Ratzinger said that he would not hesitate to become the first pontiff to resign willingly in more than 600 years if he felt no longer able, "physically, psychologically, and spiritually" to run the New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

A Reader Asks: "Will Fellay's Neo-SSPX Sink on the Hundredth Anniversary of the Titanic
Just Like the Novus Ordo Sect that He Wishes to Embrace?"

From: Barry

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I note that April 15th, 2012, the expiration date of Benedict-Ratzinger's "ultimatum" to the Neo-SSPX, is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, "the ship that not even God could sink." Will Fellay's Neo-SSPX sink on the hundredth anniversary of the Titanic just like the Novus Ordo sect that he wishes to embrace? The haughty Fellay seems to have much the same prideful attitude toward the God and the Faith held by those who proclaimed this creation of man "unsinkable."

Of course, if Fellay sells out, and his Neo-SSPX becomes a puppet of the New Order sect, we must remember that his pseudo-traditional organization is certainly not the Catholic Church -- just like the misguided, unCatholic Novus Ordo sect that he wishes desperately to embrace.

April 20, 2012 - Ferial Day

Exclusive Report to the TRADITIO Network:
At the Last Minute the Neo-SSPX Bishops May Have Quashed Fellay's Sellout to the New Order Sect

From: G. (England)
Alfonso Galarreta, Richard Williamson, Tisser de Mallerais

A Report from London Indicates that the Other Three Neo-SSPX Bishops
Galarreta, Williamson, & Tissier de Mallerais
May Have Quashed Judas Fellay's Plans to Sell Out
Archbishop Lefebvre's Originally-traditional Catholic Society
To the Modernist Rome and Its Newpopes
That the Archbishop Condemned as "Not Catholic"

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I have just returned from Traditional Latin Mass with the SSPX in London on April 15, 2012, the day of Benedict-Ratzinger's "ultimatum" to Bernie Fellay to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo sect or else. I asked sources close to the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, who is resident there, about the current state of the sellout.

I was informed that although Fellay wanted to kiss and make up with the "Paedophile Pope" and his Modernist Rome, the other three bishops, Galarreta, Williamson, and Tissier de Mallerais, were dead set against it, especially Tissier, who was even more vehement against the sellout than Williamson, and upbraided the wanna-be Judas Fellay, just as St. Paul upbraided Peter before the Apostles because of Peter's backsliding into Judaism.

Apparently, Fellay was so concerned about revolt against him in the ranks of the Neo-SSPX that he sent a confidential message dated April 16, 2012, to the other three bishops and to all priests and presbyters affiliated with the Neo-SSPX, stating: "At this moment, nothing of a definitive nature has yet taken place, neither in the direction of a canonical recognition, not in the direction of a rupture." More pussyfooting. Can't Fellay ever speak as Christ directed: "Yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil" (Matthew 5:27/DRV).

It is not a certainty, but at the last minute the three other Neo-SSPX bishops may have quashed Fellay's sellout to the enemies of the true Catholic Church: the Communists, Freemasons, and Protestants, who occupy Newrome under the Modernist "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger.

A Reader Writes: "It Seems that Fellay's Neo-SSPX Has Already Sold Out
To the "Divine Mercy" Pseudo-devotion of the New Order Sect

From: Lou (Australia), A Neo-SSPXer

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

As someone who attends a Neo-SSPX chapel in Australia, I was shocked to read our chapel's bulletin listing April 15, 2012, as "Divine Mercy Sunday." Wasn't the Divine Mercy pseudo-devotion banned by Pope Pius XII and reinstated only under the Novus Ordo popes? It seems that Fellay, whether he has actually signed a document or not, has already sold out to the unCatholic New Order sect and Ratzinger, which our saintly founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, condemned as "not Catholic."

April 19, 2012 - Ferial Day

French Daily Reports that Fellay Has Accepted the Thirty Pieces of Silver
To Complete the Sellout of the Neo-SSPX to the "Uncatholic" New Order Sect

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay

Bernie "Judas" Fellay, Who Cannot See Straight
Stands beneath a Photograph of the SSPX's Founder, Archbishop Lefebvre
Whose Traditional Catholic Principles He Has Rejected
In Favor of a Sellout to the New Order Sect that the Archbishop Condemned as "Not Catholic"
Like the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini, Fellay Is Looking More and More Like a Modernist Mole
Whose Purpose Was to Serve Those Who Wished to Destroy Traditional Catholicism from Within

It appears that the TRADITIO Network's prediction that Bernie "Judas" Fellay has sold out Archbishop Lefebvre's once-traditional Society of St. Pius X to the unCatholic New Order sect, and its "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger, whom he called "not Catholic." The French daily newspaper Le Figaro reported on April 13, 2012, that the Neo-SSPX's dictator, Bernie Fellay, has accepted the thirty pieces of silver from the unCatholic New Order sect and its "Paedophile Pope" to become a full-fledged member of the sect that his founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, condemned and shunned.

The report indicates that the ailing Ratzinger and the traitorous Fellay have worked out a weasel-worded statement that will allow Fellay to play word games to cover up the fact that he has become (or always was) a Modernist. Fellay will agree not to condemn the Modernist Vatican II Council outright in order that he can become an official part of that pile of offal of heretics and perverts known as the New Order sect.

On April 16, 2012, Benedict-Ratzinger will turn 85. He is sick. His officials no longer try to hide the fact that he is failing fast and has talked about abdicating for medical reasons. He virtually collapsed after Holy Week, and his recent junket to Cuba to bless the Communist dictator Fidel Castro has done him in. He has antagonized the Jews, the Mohammedans, and the Anglicans. He is known around the world as the Newpope responsible for the rape of upwards of 100,000 children. He puts on an innocent face, but his conscience in private is killing him.

Even if Fellay sells out, it will be a long fight for what remains of the Neo-SSPX to achieve any actual resolution. Ratzinger will be dead before that time, and his successor will quietly disown any temporary "agreement." The Figaro report acknowledges that the Modernists who constitute the New Order are opposed to this sellout and that so are half of the Neo-SSPXers and all the courageous traditional priests and organizations who have remained independent of the Neo-SSPX. Just as Archbishop Lefebvre predicted, the real SSPX will disappear within a year in strife and contention, allowing the New Order sect to win out -- at least in all the ignorant and deceitful Novus Ordo-slanted propaganda articles that will be published in the media.

Good Catholics, we TRADITIO Fathers, who have from the beginning exposed the Judas plot of Bernie Fellay to sell out Archbishop Lefebvre and his SSPX, expect that, if that sellout should finally occur, there will be little public objection from within the Neo-SSPX, which have long been coerced into silence by Fellay. We doubt that even the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, who has written against Fellay and his plot, is likely to break publicly from Fellay.

The situation is just the same as we saw in the 1960s, when the unCatholic "Novus Ordo" was imposed, and few "Catholics" of that time spoke out against it. Like cowards, they simply dropped out in silence. If they are sold out to the New Order sect, the Neo-SSPXers will likewise generally refrain from publicly condemning a Judas Fellay, but gradually drop out in silence, disgusted by the sellout, knowing now for sure that Fellay has been and remains a Novus Ordo plant and a clear traitor to Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional SSPX.

A Reader Writes: "The Present Neo-SSPX Has Developed an Amnesia
About What the Society Is Supposed to Stand For"

From: Gilbert

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

It seems after Archbishop Lefebvre's demise, the present Neo-SSPX has developed an amnesia about what the Society is supposed to stand for. Here are some statements of the Archbishop that are entirely counter to the scam that Fellay has been trying to foist upon Neo-SSPXers ignorant of their history.

  1. The Conciliar Church [the New Order sect] is a schismatic Church, because it breaks with the Catholic Church that has always been. It has its new dogmas, its new priesthood, its new institutions, its new worship, all already condemned by the Church in many a document, official and definitive. This Conciliar Church is schismatic, because it has taken as a basis for its updating, principles opposed to those of the Catholic Church, such as the new concept of the Mass..., which gives the assembly a priestly role that it cannot exercise, such as the "natural, which is to say divine, right of every person and of every group of persons to religious freedom." This right to religious freedom is blasphemous, for it attributes to God purposes that destroy His Majesty, His Glory, His Kingship. This right implies freedom of conscience, freedom of thought, and all the Masonic freedoms. The [New Order] Church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This Conciliar Church is, therefore, not Catholic. To whatever extent pope, bishops, priests or faithful adhere to this new Church, they separate themselves from the Catholic Church. (June 29, 1976)

  2. I have summed it up to Cardinal Ratzinger in a certain words, of course, because it is difficult to sum up this whole situation, but I said to him: "Eminence, see, even if you grant us a bishop, even if you grant us a certain self-government in relation to the bishops, even if you grant us all the liturgy of 1962, if you grant us to continue the seminaries and Society, as we do it now, we cannot collaborate; it is impossible, impossible, because we work in two diametrically opposed directions: you, you work for the de-Christianization of society, of the human person, and of the Church, and we, we work for its Christianization. They cannot be in agreement." Rome has lost the Faith, my dear friends. Rome is in apostasy. It is not just words; it is not just words in the air that I say to you. It is the truth. Rome is in apostasy. Rome has left the Church; it has left the Church; it is leaving the Church. That is sure, sure, sure. (Before the Episcopal Consecrations of 1988)

  3. We do not have the same outlook on a reconciliation. Cardinal Ratzinger sees it as reducing us, bringing us back to Vatican II. We see it as a return to Tradition. We don't agree; it is a dialogue of death.... I shall not accept being in the position where I was put during the dialogue. No more. I will place the discussion at the doctrinal level. Do you [JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger] agree with the great encyclicals of all the popes who preceded you? Do you agree with:
  4. Are you [JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger] in full communion with these [traditional] popes and their teachings? Do you still accept the entire Anti-Modernist Oath? Are you in favorr of the Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ? If you do not accept the doctrine of your predecessors, it is useless to talk! (July 1989)

April 18, 2012 - Ferial Day

Has Fellay Already Sent His Sellout Letter to Newrome?
European Reports Indicate that He Has Sent a "Clarification" Capitulating to Vatican II

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay & Benedict-Ratzinger

Has a Masonic Handshake between Bernie Fellay the "Paedophile Pope"
Already Sold out Archbishop Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X to the New Order Sect?
European Reports Indicate that Fellay Has Capitulated and Sent the Demanded "Clarification"
In Which He Renounces Traditional Catholicism and Archbishop Lefebvre
And Accepts the Validity of the Heretical Doctrines of Vatican II

One thing about the Neo-SSPX's dictator Bernie Fellay. If the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger says jump, Fellay takes a flying leap! European reports on April 12, 2012, indicate that, as usual under cover of secrecy, Fellay has sent to Newrome a "clarification" by the demanded deadline of the phony Novus Ordo "feast of Divine Mercy," April 15, 2012. That "clarification" is said to accept explicitly Newchurch's Modernist doctrines, since his previous response on the "doctrinal preamble" didn't go far enough in giving away the Neo-SSPX store. Ratzinger has persistently insisted that Fellay issue a clarification in which he renounces traditional Catholicism by accepting the validity of the heretical doctrines of the Vatican II Council (1962-1965).

Fellay has refused to comment because he knows that if a sellout became public, the Neo-SSPX would be ripped apart, just as the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, predicted. Moreover, Ratzinger has apparently " "sweetened" the deal, as indicated by the French Newchurch mouthpiece, La Croix, by indicating that if "one or several of the four bishops" refuse to accept Vatican II join the New Order sect, they would be "excommunicated once again" from the unCatholic New Order sect, not as schismatics, but as doctrinal heretics (to Vatican II). It is well known, however, that the Neo-SSPX is being ripped apart internally by this issue, and at least half of the members, including three of the bishops and virtually all of the District Superiors are violently opposed to a sellout to the New Order Sect.

On the Novus Ordo side, there is not one country that wants the Neo-SSPX to come in. But before any structure for the Neo-SSPX in the New Order sect could be approved, the New Order sect's w"Code of Canon Law" (294) provides that Ratzinger would have to get the buy-in of all the Newchurch National Episcopal Conferences. That isn't going to happen. The "doctrinal preamble," even if approved is only a preamble to many other steps. Many organizations have tried this route, like the Transalpinists previously reported on in these Commentaries, and remain in limbo years after their attempted sellout.

Good Catholics, one can see the handwriting on the wall here. Both Ratzinger and Fellay are in a great hurry to wrap up this sellout. Ratzinger's health is failing noticeably day by day, and Fellay may be ousted by the General Chapter of the Neo-SSPX, to be held in July 2012. The other three bishops have publicly spoken out against a sellout. Ratzinger is desperate to get at least one win for his failed Newpapacy, and Fellay's personal ambition will lead him to sell out Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society founded by him. Yet Archbishop Lefebvre welcomed the New Order "excommunications" of 1988 because he rightly wanted no "communion" with the heretic New Order sect. And was he ever right!

April 17, 2012 - St. Anicetus, Pope & Martyr
Simple Feast

Mel Gibson's Epic on the Traditionalist Machabees Is "Temporarily Shelved"
As the Screenwriter Turned in a "Substandard" Script

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Mel Gibson & Joe Eszterhas

Mel Gibson (L.) and Warner Bros. Have Rejected Joe Eszterhas's (R.) Script
For Gibson's Next Religious Epic on the Traditionalist Jewish Machabees
Which Gibson Sees as the Old Testament Precursors to Traditional Catholics
Fighting after Vatican II to Take Back Their Church from Internal Saboteurs
The Project Has Been "Temporary Shelved" until a Suitably "Epic" Script Is Produced

Mel Gibson and Warner Bros. have "temporarily shelved" Gibson's movie project about the traditionalist Jewish Macchabee revolt in the 2nd century B.C. after reading the draft script by writer Joe Eszterhas. Eszterhas, after 15 months of delay, turned out a "substandard first draft." Neither Warner Bros. nor Gibson wanted to make the movie based on Eszterhas's deficient script.

Gibson stated in a letter to Ezsterhas that he was "extraordinarily disappointed," because Gibson has been working on this project for over ten years. Gibson confirms that he "absolutely wants to make this movie" on the Machabees, whom he views as the Old Testament precursors to traditional Catholics fighting after Vatican II to take back their Church after it had been hijacked by internal saboteurs. Gibson wants to make the Machabee movie on a scale of his 1995 Academy-Award-winning Braveheart.

Secular Jewish groups who viciously attacked Gibson throughout the time that he was making the Biblically-accurate 2005 blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ, renewed their attacks when the new Machabee film was announced in September 2011. Even though the Machabees are part of their own Jewish history, modern secular Jews hypocritically try to disown the historical episode because it confirms Orthodox Judaism, not the false Modernist "Reform" Judaism to which most current Jews belong. Abraham Foxman, of the Anti-Christian Defamation League (B'nai Brith) in particular went into a frenzy when the film, which would implicitly expose his Modernist "Reform" Judaism, would be exposed. [Some of the information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Times.]

A Reader Writes: "For Two Decades Bernie Fellay Has Been Misleading His Laity
By His False Notion of Traditional Catholicism"

From: Gilbert (India)

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

For two decades Bernie Fellay has been misleading his laity by his false notion of traditional Catholicism. So, here are ten reasons why Fellay should stop misleading his laity into thinking that he and his Neo-SSPX are "traditionalist" and immediately sign up with the New Order sect, of which he is already, with his Novus-Ordoized thought, already a member.

  1. Fellay accepts the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service of 1969 as valid.
  2. Fellay accepts the invalid Novus Ordo service as the "Ordinary Rite" and the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II 1962+ Mess as the "Extraordinary Rite" of the "Catholic" Church.
  3. Fellay accepts the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid New Ordinal of 1969 as valid and uses non-priest Novus Ordo presbyters to "simulate" Masses in his Neo-SSPX chapels.
  4. Fellay mixes in his Neo-SSPX sites the Half Novus Ordo 1962+ Mess with the invalid Full Novus Ordo Mess of 1969.
  5. Fellay accepts in its essence the Novus Ordo 1983 "Code of Canon Law."
  6. Fellay accepts Novus Ordo annulments and even runs a secret annulment mill in his own Neo-SSPX.
  7. Fellay accepts the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid 19868 rite of episcopal consecration (which the Novus Ordo now calls merely "ordination") as valid and accepts as valid all the Novus Ordo bishops so "ordained."
  8. Fellay admits, as Archbishop Lefebvre did not, that he and his other three bishops were "excommunicated" and were then "unexcommunicated" by the New Order's Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger.
  9. Fellay has an "I Am the Church" mentality and thus enforces his personal Novus Ordoized views of Catholicism upon his members under pain of being banished.
  10. Fellay accepts Vatican II "in the light of tradition," whatever that means.

Let's tell the truth about Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. For all practical purposes, he has been in union with the New Order sect, which was condemned by his founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, as "not Catholic." All that is lacking at the present time is Fellay's acceptance of thirty pieces of silver from the New Caiphas, Ratzinger, to sell out the Catholic Faith.

April 16, 2012 - Ferial Day

U.S. Judge Orders Newchurch Bishop to Stand Trial for Sex Crime
Robert Finn Is the First Bishop to Be Personally Charged in Newchurch Sex Holocaust

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Robert Finn

Robert Finn, Newchurch Bishop of Kansas City, Missouri
Is the First U.S. Newbishop Ordered to Stand Criminal Trial
For Complicity in the Rape of Children
Finn, Who Pretends to Be at Least a Little "Traditional"
Is Not Even Catholic, Let Alone Christian

A U.S. judge on April 5, 2012, has ordered a Newchurch bishop, Robert Finn, and his Newdiocese of Kansas City, Missouri, to stand trial on criminal charges that he knowingly failed to report a presbyter found with pornographic pictures of little girls on his church computer to police. That presbyter, Shawn Ratigan, who was personally known to Finn to be a paedophile and whom Finn nevertheless left in pastoral ministry without notifying parents and the police, is now in jail awaiting trial on 13 counts of child pornography. Finn is the highest-ranking U.S. Newchurch leader to be charged as a criminal in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.

The perverted Finn tried to get the charge dismissed, but courageous Circuit Judge John Torrence refused to dismiss the charge and ruled that the Newbishop couldn't slough his personal responsibility off onto his subordinates. Respondeat superior is the legal principle. Finn will stand trial starting September 24, 2012. Finn hypocritically claimed that "he had no duty to report the situation to authorities because he was not the 'designated reporter' within the diocese." Yeah, right; the tooth fairy is responsible.

Finn's Newdiocese spokeswoman, hit between the eyes with the judge's unexpected ruling against the Newbishop, sputtered that she could not comment, citing "deference to the solemnity of Holy Week." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.] Oh, yes, let's hide the Newbishop's sins behind the veil of holiness. That is a technique perfected by the Unholy New Caiphas, Benedict-Ratzinger!

Good Catholics, these Newchurch bishops aren't Catholic. They aren't even Christian. They refuse to take responsibility, even when "the buck stops with them" for their dastardly deeds that they perform under the guise and protection of the Newchurch of the New Order and its "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger. That protection is, however, now wearing vary thin as civil authorities take up the ball that Ratzinger deliberately dropped in his massive cover-up of criminality among his Newchurch clergy.

Newchurch's Perverted Clergy Flee Justice Like Rats from a Ship
Yet the Long Arm of the Law Has Reached out to Snag Thirty of Them Back

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Newchurch presbyters are fleeing from justice for their sex crimes in increasing numbers. Some are being secreted by the "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger, in Newrome. But it was announced on April 11, 2012, that United States federal warrants have returned thirty of the perverts to face criminal charges. Several of these had been transferred to foreign countries by Newchurch "authorities." Even Ratzinger has secreted criminals and their accomplices in his bosom at Newrome. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Chicago Tribune.]

April 15, 2012 - Low Sunday (Octave Day of Easter)
This Is Not "Divine Mercy" Sunday, a Hoax Perpetrated by the Novus Ordo Sect
Double Major Feast

Neo-SSPX Transalpine Redemptorists Still Have Not Been Received into the New Order Sect
So They Are Warmly Received by the Heretical Episcopal Bishop Instead

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Papa Stronsay Island

The Sun Is Setting on the Traitorous Monks of Papa Stronsay Island
Once Neo-SSPX, They Tried to Become Members of the New Order Sect
Since That Sect Has Left Them in an Unending Limbo
They Have Been Warmly Received by the Local Heretic Protestant Episcopal Bishop

Remember the Neo-SSPX's Transalpine Redemptorists of Papa Stronsay Island, Scotland? In 2008 they decided that they didn't want to wait for Bernie Fellay's official sellout to Newchurch, so they directly applied to Newrome for full recognition by the New Order sect. Since then, the Transalpinists have been prominently featuring the physiognomy of Benedict-Ratzinger and the local Novus Ordo bishop on their materials.

It seems, however, that the Almighty has seen to it that the Transapinists' treachery to the traditional Catholic Faith has boomeranged on them. Newchurch has still not received them, and they remain in a well-deserved unending limbo, as has been the fate of other pseudo-traditional groups that have tried the same treachery to the Faith.

Now that they have spurned traditional Catholicism, and Newchurch won't receive them, the once-SSPX Transalpinists have been warmly received by the Protestant Scottish Episcopals. On March 25, 2012, the local heretic Episcopal bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney, Robert Gillies, paid them an episcopal visitation.

If you can't be traditional Catholic, and the New Order sect doesn't want you, the heretic Episcopals (called Anglicans or Episcopalians) is a fallback position. Maybe the Transalpinists can do an end run on Benedict-Ratzinger and apply to become Newchurchers through the chink opened to Anglicans by Ratzinger in his 2009 Anglicanorum coetibus!

A Reader Asks: "Why Didn't Fellay Perform Due Diligence in Investigating
How the Sellouts in Campos Have Fared since Their Sellout to the New Order?"

From: Stephen, a Neo-SSPXer

Let nobody forget that right through the long duration of the "negotiations" with Newrome, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay failed to perform due diligence with a fact-finding investigation done as to how the sellouts in Campos, Brazil, have fared, since the pseudo-traditionalist "Society of St. John Vianney" signed its own deal with the New Order sect in 2002. The puppet bishop that Newrome put there, Fernando Rifan, has been caught on several occasions concelebrating the invalid Novus Ordo service in public. Moreover, he denied it, that is, until a videotape was brought forth that proved him a liar. Constant reports emanate from Campos that the clergy there who "reconciled" with the New Order sect there are "not happy." Could it be that Fellay knows the truth, but doesn't want to make it public because it would kill the pending deal with his Newchurch bosom-buddy, Benedict-Ratzinger?

And, by the way, with Fellay's "Rosary Crusade" tally forms, why didn't he include a small questionnaire so that we Neo-SSPXers, who, after all, fund his sellout plans, could express a yes or a no to a sellout deal with Newrome? Obviously, our Dictator doesn't care what his Neo-SSPXers think. He just wants us to play sheep and keep sending in our money to support his shenanigans without uttering a single baa of objection!

April 14, 2012 - Easter Saturday
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch's Payoffs for Sex Crimes Shutter More Traditionally-built Churches
The Barbarian U.S. Newchurch's Head, Timothy Dolan, Will Close the Historic Church

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
St. Vincent de Paul Church

The 170-Year-Old St. Vincent De Paul Church in New York City
This Traditionally-built Monument to Catholicism
Will Be Closed by the Head of the Barbarian U.S. Newchurch, Timothy Dolan
The Clueless Newchurchers Are Waking up Too Late to the Fraud of the Novus Ordo Sect
If They Had Fought the Predations of the Vatican II Popes
They Would Have Their Church Today

The Church of St. Vincent de Paul in New York City was designed in the Romanesque Revival style and dedicated in 1869. In 1939, a new limestone façade designed by a noted archtect in the Classical Revival style lowered the entrance to street level. The church has been the site of a number of notable events, including the wedding of chantreuse Edith Piaf and Jacques Peals, at which actress Marlene Dietrich was the attendant.

Now Timothy Dolan, head of Newchurch in the United States, is preparing to shutter the stunning traditional church. As usual with the barbarian Newbishops, they have all kinds of rationally-sounding excuses: the congregation is not growing, the building is deteriorating, etc., etc. But even the Newchurchers going there claim that Dolan is a liar. It was Dolan who purposefully failed to repair water damage caused when the church roof was breached during Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011. They also claim that church attendance is growing, not falling.

Why has the Barbarian Newbishop Dolan decided to expose this traditional church to the wrecking ball? Because it is a juicy commercial property, just off the Avenue of the Americas, which would make an attractive development site and net a nice price for Dolan to pay off for his Newarchdiocese's sex crimes. The clueless Newchurchers, however, who are waking up too late to the fraud of the Novus Ordo sect, are now whining: "The archdiocese should be doing things to sustain us, not fighting us." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]

Good Catholics, perhaps if, like true Catholics, these Newchurchers had fought the predations of the Vatican II popes, they would have their church today. Now, of course, it is too little, too late. The Novus Ordo fix is in, and they have discovered, like Pogo, that the enemy is themselves!

Newchurch's Big Lie: Sex Crimes by Its Presbyters Are Up, Not Down
In 2011 More Presbyters Were Charged with Sex Crimes than Were "Installed" in the Novus Ordo!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

An audit of the New Order Church in the United States published on April 10, 2012, has shocked Newchurch officials: the number of sex crimes against children by its Newbishops and presbyters rose in 2011. And not by any small amount, but by 15 per cent! Even with all the hypocritical hand-wringing by Benedict-Ratzinger, his Newclergy are raping more and more children every the year. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is in fact growing massively under the tutelage of Ratzinger.

In the year 2011 alone, in the United States alone, 489 more paedophile presbyters were fingered by their child victims in charges that even Newchurch had to admit were "credible." In 2010 there were 406 charged. Experts say there are likely tens of thousands more victims who have yet come forward since the scandal came to light, after years of being hidden by Newpopes and Newchurch officials, in 2002.

In 2011, Newchurch in the United States spent 144,000,000 dollars in new settlements, for a total of 1,200,000,000 dollars since 2004. Only one-quarter of the settlement amount was covered by insurance, so more Novus Ordo churches were slammed shut and their often-traditional artifacts sold off to the highest bidder. Eight Newdioceses and a Newjesuit province have declared bankruptcy since 2004 because of costs of their criminality.

Critics, such as the TRADITIO Network and the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests [Sic], have contended that Newchurch cannot police itself and that the crime of Newchurch leaders hiding and transferring offending presbyters is a problem that will never go away as long as the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger is in charge of the Newchurch pig stye. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

April 13, 2012 - Easter Friday
Semidouble Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger's Homosexualized New Order Sect Strikes Again
His Newcardinal-primate of Austria Supports a Public Sodomite for Newparish Council

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Benedict-Ratzinger & Christoph Schonborn

Benedict-Ratzinger Gazes Lovingly upon Christoph Schonborn
The Newpope and Newcardinal-primate of Austria
Are Both Confirmed Paedophile Facilitators
Schonborn Has Recently Approved the Election
Of a Publicly-practicing Sodomite to Serve on a Newparish Council
Not a Peep Has Emanated from Ratzinger
Against His Newcardinal's Offense to the Catholic Faith

Christoph Schonborn, Newcardinal-primate of Austria, has overruled his presbyter and decreed that a publicly-practicing sodomist can sit on the Newparish council. The man in question is a practicing homosexual in a registered "domestic partnership." The Newchurchers in the Newparish had elected him by a two-thirds majority. Originally, Schonborn supported his presbyter's decision, but then perpetrated a typical New Order boomerang, approving the sodomite and leaving his presbyter flapping in the wind. Schonborn called the sodomite "really impressive" and "at the right place." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Die Presse.]

Good Catholics, it is ironic that Schonborn was the head of the committee that wrote the "papally-approved" New Order catechism of 1993, filled with contradictions to the Catholic Faith. He is just one example of the offal that populates Newchurch, which Benedict-Ratzinger lifts not a finger to eject. Well, that's no surprise: Ratzinger himself has compiled a record of supporting homosexual sodomites, particularly when they are his own Newclergy and when they rape Newchurch children. Ratzinger has not fired a single Newbishop for sex crimes -- even the Newbishop who raped his own nephew for years and then boasted about it on French television. Is Ratzinger so morally depraved that even the worst sins of his Newprelates fail to make him vomit? The answer at this point has to be a clear yes!

April 12, 2012 - Easter Thursday
Semidouble Feast

Catfight Continues in the Neo-SSPX as Williamson Jabs Fellay Once Again
He Accuses Fellay of Succumbing to the "Temptation" of the New Order Sect

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay & Richard Williamson

Bernie Fellay, Neo-SSPX Superior General, and Richard Williamson, Senior Bishop
For the Second Time in Two Weeks Williamson Has Jabbed at Fellay
This Time Denouncing Him for Succumbing to the Temptation of the New Order Sect
Which Would Bring about the Demise of the Neo-SSPX within a Year
Instead of Following the Wise "Hands Off" Policy of Archbishop Lefebvre

For the second time in two weeks, the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, has jabbed Bernie Fellay, the Superior General, for succumbing to the temptation of the New Order sect. In a public bulletin of March 31, 2012, Williamson castigates "the desire of certain priests within the Society of St. Pius X to seek a practical agreement with the [New]church authorities without a doctrinal agreement." This, says Williamson, "seems to be a recurring temptation." Since Fellay is the only one who has any authority to deal on behalf of the Neo-SSPX with Newrome, the statement really refers to Fellay, the Neo-SSPX dictator.

In his missive, entitled "Grave Danger," Williamson, who is much more insightful that Fellay, who is a naif in ecclesiastical matters, asks the question: "But what if [New]rome were suddenly to cease requiring acceptance of the [Modernist Vatican II] Council and the New Mass?" He says that such a move on the part of Benedict-Ratzinger would be "very cunning." But Williamson cuts to the heart of such a potential ploy from Ratzinger, the New Caiphas. "Yet on pain of survival it [the Neo-SSPX] would have to refuse." Williamson quotes the prediction of the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, in 1988 that if the Society had agreed to make contacts with Newrome, what he called Modernist Rome, "everything would be a cause of division. We would not have lasted a year."

Then why did the Archbishop seek such an agreement in 1988? He tells us: "We made an honest effort to keep Tradition going within the official Church. It turned out to be impossible." Have things changed in the ensuing 24 years? Williamson concludes: "Only for the worse."

Good Catholics, Fellay is committing the sin that every Catholic knows about. He is playing Faust, placing himself in the proximate occasion of sin, pridefully thinking that he can deal with the Devil because he is smarter than the Devil. In the process, if Fellay does not recant of his contact with the false New Order sect, he will lose his soul. It's as simple as that -- just as Faust discovered.

April 11, 2012 - Easter Wednesday
Semidouble Feast

A Reader Writes: "My Sister Says that She Will Never Set Foot
Inside a Novus Ordo Church Again!"

From: Anita
Chewing Gum

In Novus Ordo Churches Chewing Gum Is Reportedly Stuck
On the "Missal" Racks in the Pews
"Hosts" Are Left in the Pews
And Palms Are Crumpled Up and Thrown in the Trash
Fortunately, Almighty God Has Seen to It
That Newchurch Sacraments and Sacramentals Are Invalid

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I read in a Novus Ordo parish bulletin a letter from the pastor wherein he stated that he was finding hosts in the pews and chewing gum stuck on the "missal" racks in the pews. Not surprisingly, this is an extremely liberal Newparish. My sister told me that she went there on Palm Sunday, and when she left the Mess, she saw in a trash receptacle outside the church doors a palm branch that had been peeled, and the strips wadded up and thrown into the trash receptacle. She says that she will never set foot inside a Novus Ordo church again. What absolute proof of the degradation of Catholic teaching since Vatican II!

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Your sister can take some comfort from the fact that these "hosts" were no more valid than the chewing gum that she found in the missals. They are not consecrated because since Vatican II the New Order sect no longer ordains priests and no longer has a valid Mass. It is all a Great Deception, in which the few remaining Newchurchers are being played for fools. At least your sister seems, at long last, to have gotten the point and has sworn off the the Novus Ordo heroin.

April 10, 2012 - Easter Tuesday
Double Feast of the First Class

A Reader Writes: "Storm Heaven to Obtain the Resignations
Of Fellay, Nely, Pfluger, and Schmidberger"

From: J.D.
Neo-SSPX Leadership

Left to Right: Niklaus Pfluger, Bernie Fellay & Marc Nely
The Neo-SSPX Leadership Whose Resignations Are Being Demanded
Pluger and Nely Have No Real Power; They Are Fellay's Puppets
The Time Is Long Past to Purge the Neo-SSPX of Fellay's Anti-Lefebvre Wing
Which Wants to Sell out the Archbishop's Society to the New Order Sect
Which He Publicly Called "Not Catholic"

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

The only response that traditional Catholics can give to Fellay's request for prayers is that they storm Heaven to obtain the resignations, before April 15, 2012, of Fellay, Nely, and Pfluger from their posts, as well as the resignation of that Svengali character, Frans Schmidberger. Let the newly appointed officials then put these scandalous "talks" on ice!

April 9, 2012 - Easter Monday
Double Feast of the First Class

Newpope Warmly Greets Atheistic Communist Dictator Fidel Castro
But Benedict-Ratzinger Couldn't Answer Castro's Question: "So What Do You Do?"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Fidel Castro & Benedict-Ratzinger

Benedict-Ratzinger Warmly Greets Atheistic Communist Dictator Fidel Castro
In the Newchurch's Embassy in Havana, Cuba
Under His Rule Cuba Was Proud to Call Itself an Atheist State
In 1998 the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla Also Visited Castro
To Genuflect before the World's Cameras to the Atheist Communist Dictator

On April 3, 2012, Benedict-Ratzinger was happy to have the international cameras running while he warmly greeted atheistic Communist dictator, Fidel Castro. During their thirty-minute conversation while Castro was a guest at Newchurch's Havana embassy, Castro asked Ratzinger, "So what do you do?" Ratzinger, whose brain has been softened by sixty years of Modernism, couldn't provide a direct answer. He has no clue what a pope does!

Castro, considered to be one of most vicious dictators of the modern era, took over Cuba in 1959 and transformed the Caribbean island into a Communist police state, ruling it for 49 years before stepping down because of poor health in 2008. Under his rule Cuba was proud to call itself an atheist state. In 1998 the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla also engineered a visit to genuflect before the world's cameras to the atheist Communist dictator.

But even the atheistic Communist suspects that the New Order is a fraud. Castro questioned Benedict about the changes that the New Order sect made in its "liturgy." Castro, who in his youth knew well the traditional Catholic Church, seemed unhappy with the "modernizations" made after the Vatican II Council. He asked Ratzinger to send him a book "to help him reflect." Ratzinger, perpetrator of the Great "Motu" Mess Fraud, was too addled to make a recommendation at the time.

Demonstrating just how demented he really is, Castro did express "great admiration" for JPII-Wojtyla and Mother Teresa, both of whom have been exposed as a public supporters of one of the worst paedophile presbyters in Newchurch, Marcial Macial. Ratzinger too is known for his staunch support of his presbyters and bishops, who rape children with impunity under his Newpapacy. It is remarkable that Castro brought none of his nine children with him! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

April 8, 2012 - Easter Sunday
Double Feast of the First Class

The days of violet are gone. The voices of the Old Testament prophets Isaias and Jeremias are stilled. The Alleluias and Glorias that have been missing since Septuagesima return once more, in profusion. "Hence it is that at the Gloria today the bells are rung, the organ peals forth, the statues and pictures are uncovered, and a few moments afterward the glad Alleluias, silenced for nine weeks past, are heard again in jubilant tones, soaring in their triple repetition higher and higher until they seem to mingle with the songs of the angels in heaven." As the great drama of our redemption draws to an end, let us join in the joy of Holy Mother Church today as she specially sets before us after Communion the great psalm of praise to our risen Lord: "Praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise him, all ye people. For his mercy is confirmed upon us; and the truth of the Lord remaineth forever" (Psalms 116:1-2/DRV). Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gregorian Chant of Easter Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Easter Oratorio [BWV 249]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Omnibus circa Mundum in Hoc Festo Paschae

Ex: Reverendis Patribus TRADITIONIS
Resurrexi Chant

Introitus Cantandus Dominica Resurrectionis

"Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum, alleluia"

Omnibus Lectoribus Internexus TRADITIONIS
Beatam Pascham!

April 7, 2012 - Holy Saturday
Double Feast of the First Class

Through these rites of Holy Saturday, historically and devotionally so gripping, from ancient ages the most solemn of all Vigils of the year, we see Our Lord revealed to us in specific ways, and we in turn are called upon to reflect Him in those ways in our own lives. Together, on this, the "Mother of All Holy Vigils," as St. Augustine calls it, we hear the Lessons that teach us the history of our Faith, the Old Law before the fulfillment of our redemption under the New. We come through the darkness of Our Lord's Passion and Death into the light, as together we now celebrate His glorious Resurrection.
Gregorian Chant of Holy Saturday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Holy Saturday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Holy Saturday Tenebrae
William Byrd: Music for Holy Saturday
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Holy Saturday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) eliminating two of the three ancient prayers blessing the new fire; (2) replacing the traditional ceremony for inscribing and blessing the Paschal candle with a new one, completely fabricated by the Modernists; (3) eliminating the ancient procession of the triple candle into the church while Lumen Christi was thrice invoked; (4) eliminating eight of the twelve Old Testament prophecies foretelling the coming of Christ; (5) directing that the Collects be chanted at the sedilia rather than the altar, in the manner of the Novus Ordo "presider"; (6) dividing and partially eliminating the traditional Litany of the Saints; (7) introducing a spurious "Renewal of Baptismal Vows" in the vernacular, the first time that the vernacular is explicitly permitted as an integral part of a liturgical rite; (8) eliminating in their entirety from the Mass the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar and the Last Gospel, as does the Novus Ordo service; (9) moving the entire service to nighttime instead of before noon with the First Mass of Easter at noon, in contravention of the traditional principle that during Lent, in both Western and Eastern rites, there is a symbolic inversion of time as a consequence of the Fall, with the restoration of normality coming only with the victory of the Lord on Easter morning.

Nadal's Christus Descendens ad Inferos

What Transpired when Christ Descended into Limbo
On Holy Saturday

Was Archbishop Lefebvre Smart or What?
Is Bernie Fellay Dumb or What?

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay

Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX, a Cockeyed Dolt
All He Had to Do Was Follow the Advice and Experience of His Founder
The Sage Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Who Cut off Relations
With the Uncatholic New Order Sect like the Plague that It Is
Fellay Is Like the Drug Addict
Who Just Can't Say "No! to Benedict-Ratzinger's Ploy

As the great Roman philosopher and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote: "One ought to be acquainted with the history of the events of past ages. To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?" Cicero's advice is right on point for Bernie Fellay, the dictatorial Superior General of the Neo-SSPX, who has ignored it to his peril, and the peril of all his members. Fellay was dumb enough to ignore the sage advice and experience of the founder of his Society, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who was no dolt, but a very perceptive Church leader.

In 1988 Ratzinger, then only a Newcardinal, tried to snooker Lefebvre into an acceptance of the unCatholic New Order through a protocol of May 5, 1988, the same ploy that Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger is trying again on Fellay. Lefebvre was smart enough to see the ploy and reject it. Fellay is still toying with it. Fellay should listen to the advice and experience of his Archbishop-founder, who on June 13, 1988, deftly exposed what Ratzinger actually intended:

With the May 5, 1988, Protocol we would soon have been dead. We would not have lasted a year. As of now the Society is united, but with that Protocol, we would have had to make contacts with them [the New Order sect], there would have been division within the Society, everything would have been a cause of division.... And why such division? Clearly, because the May 5 Protocol would have meant a practical agreement resting upon a radical doctrinal disagreement between the religion of God and the religion of man.... They [the New Order sect] are pulling us over to the [Vatican II] Council..., whereas on our side we are saving the Society and Tradition by carefully keeping our distance from them.... We made an honest effort to keep Tradition going within the official Church. It turned out to be impossible. They have not changed, except for the worse.

In one paragraph, the Archbishop zeroed in on exactly what was going on. Fellay has bumbled around now for two decades and still can't figure it out. Here is what the Archbishop clearly saw, the reality to which Fellay is blind:

  1. Contacts with the New Order sect would lead to division within the SSPX. The Archbishop was certainly right about that. Fellay's Neo-SSPX is now hopelessly divided on whether to sell out to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect or not.
  2. Newchurch wants to make the SSPX Modernistic, to make it dump the religion of God and accept the religion of man. The Archbishop was certainly right about that. After 18 months of fruitless "negotiation," Benedict-Ratzinger is still insisting that his Modernistic New Order sect is right and that the Neo-SSPX has to accept the heresy of Modernism before anything else can happen.
  3. Trying to convince the New Order sect to become traditional again is "impossible." The Archbishop was certainly right about that. Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch has become more Modernist than ever in the ensuing two decades.

Instead of listening to his sage Archbishop-founder, Fellay has fallen prey to his own pride and done everything wrong. For two decades he has wasted the time and money of the Society in an effort to play the sycophant to the unCatholic New Order sect. What could be dumber? And yet Fellay, with his clergy and members deserting him on this issue now in greater and great numbers, still can't follow the example of the Archbishop and break his ties to the New Order sect.

Fellay is looking more and more like the drug addict who just can't say "No! to Benedict-Ratzinger's ploy. In the end, Fellay and his Neo-SSPX will be destroyed, as all who have come into contact with the New Order have.

April 6, 2012 - Good Friday
Double Feast of the First Class

There are few scenes liturgically more impressive than the appearance of the church at the beginning of the rites of Good Friday. The bare floor, the dismantled altar, the veiled crucifix, the unlighted candles. Then, when the procession of the celebrant in black vestments with servers has silently made its way to the sanctuary, the sudden prostration before the altar, where the celebrant annihilates himself in abject penitence -- all these are things that can hardly fail to produce an effect upon each one of us. Then follow the sorrowful lessons and tracts and the reading of the Passion of Our Lord, producing a sense of desolation that no other service in the liturgical year approaches. On this day the Church gives her churches an appearance of desolation and clothes her clergy in mourning. Today the Church, and we who enter the church, are in mourning because Our Lord has died to redeem us.
Gregorian Chant of Good Friday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Good Friday Tenebrae
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Good Friday
Tommaso Luigi da Vittoria's Popule Meus
William Byrd: Music for Good Friday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Johannes Passion [BWV 245]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Good Friday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) changing the one aliturgical day, on which no Mass was celebrated because "the Apostles hid themselves for fear of the Jews," into a full-scale communion service; (2) directing that the "presider" conduct the first part of the service from the sedilia rather than from the altar in Novus Ordo style; (3) directing that the Litanical Prayers be chanted from a book at the center of the altar in contravention of the Roman rite; (4) changing the litanical Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics into a "Prayer for the Unity of Christians"; (5) commanding that a genuflection be made in the litanical Prayer for the Jews, which was anciently omitted because the Jews genuflected to mock Christ during His Agony; (6) allowing the crucifix to be held up for a brief adoration, as in the Novus Ordo, rather than having the people approach the Communion rail to kiss it; (7) suppressing the Solemn Procession from the Repository with the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the ancient hymn Vexilla Regis; (8) eliminating the offertory, incensation, and elevation of the Blessed Sacrament; (9) directing that the congregation recite the Pater Noster with the priest in Novus Ordo style; (10) allowing Communion to be received this day, which was anciently prohibited on Good Friday; (11) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion.

Nadal's Post Erectam Crucem

What Transpired after the Erection of the Cross
Before Christ Gave up His Spirit
On Good Friday

A Reader Asks: "How Has St. Stanislaus Kosta Church Been a Success Story?"

From: Tom
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

The Magnificent Traditional St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, of St. Louis
St. Stanislaus Is a Success Story
Because It Seriously Cut into the Dictatorial Power of the Newchurch Leaders
Who Tried to Position Themselves as the Controllers of All Things "Catholic"
The Independent Church, Chartered Perpetually under a Lay Board of Trustees
Fought for a Decade against Falling into the Clutches of the Newchurch Diocese -- and Won!

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

You have really been on top of the story at St. Stanislaus Kosta Church in St. Louis, Missouri, cutting through all the efforts of the New Order sect to defame it. Could you explain further to those of us closely following the situation how the result has been a success story?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church is a success story because it has seriously cut into the dictatorial power of the Newchurch leaders over positioning themselves as the controllers of all things "Catholic." Obviously, the New Order leaders thought that the civil court would hand over the independent church, chartered perpetually under a lay Board of Trustees by the second Archbishop of St. Louis (1843-1895), into the clutches of the New Order diocese. The local press reports indicate that Newchurch leaders were flabbergasted that its attempted theft of a 12,000,000-dollar property was rejected outright by the court.

When the courageous congregation and pastor of St. Stanislaus stood up to Newarchbishop Raymond "Bully" Burke, who wanted to steal the church's property and assets to pay off for the sex crimes of his Newclergy (the St. Stanislaus clergy were not even involved in these), even Newrome realized that Burke's attempted theft was an embarrassment. Benedict-Ratzinger quickly spirited Burke off to a sinecure in Newrome, calling it a "promotion." Promoveatur ut removeatur, not excommunication for corrupt Newbishops, is Newchurch's constant ploy: promote them to remove them. Ratzinger used the same technique recently in the case of Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano. When Vigano exposed Ratzinger for contract fraud, Vigano was removed from Newrome and reassigned as Nuncio to Washington, D.C.

As long as the Newchurch of the New Order can get out its fraudulent message that it is the "Catholic Church" without anyone speaking out against its phoniness, traditional Catholics have a harder and harder time fighting the Benedict-Ratzinger propaganda machine to win souls to the truly traditional Catholic Faith. This propaganda purpose also explains why Ratzinger perpetrated the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. It isn't that he loves the Traditional Latin Mass, as the Motarians foolishly think. (Actually the "Motu" Mess or Mess of 1962+ or Extraordinary Mess, or whatever other phony term the New Order comes up with, is not the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess.) Ratzinger as Newpope has never simulated even his own "Motu" Mess! No, Ratzinger's purpose was to deceive: to take control of the "Latin Mass" issue from the hands of traditional Catholics. And Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX went right along with the Novus Ordo propaganda.

In our times, when even true Catholics will not speak out against even such a corrupt man as the "Paedophile Pope," one prays for the courage of a Saint like Augustine, who took to the public square to denounce and to separate himself from the heretic Arian pope of his time, or for the courage of a priest like Savonarola, who in the public square never stopped condemning the "Bad Pope," Alexander VI, whose corrupt actions caused the Protestant revolt.

For those Newchurchers who keep trying to excuse Benedict-Ratzinger as the successor of Peter, traditional Catholics got a very good look on Palm Sunday this week at exactly what Peter was. The Passion according to St. Matthew read out on that day shows Peter to be a blasphemer and perjurer, just like his successor Josef. The Novus Ordo has suppressed this Passion from its Holy Week "liturgy," so the Newchurchers no longer hear the truth read out:

26:69. But Peter sat without in the court: and there came to him a servant maid, saying: Thou also wast with Jesus the Galilean.
70. But he denied before them all, saying: I know not what thou sayest [blasphemy].
71. And as he went out of the gate, another maid saw him, and she saith to them that were there: This man also was with Jesus of Nazareth.
72. And again he denied with an oath [perjury], I know not the man.
73. And after a little while they came that stood by, and said to Peter: Surely thou also art one of them; for even thy speech doth discover thee.
74. Then he began to curse [the Greek verb here means "to place himself under the curse of God"] and to swear [the Greek here means "to take an oath"] that he knew not the man.

Peter did later repent of his betrayal and his grievous sins of blasphemy and perjury against God. Ratzinger has yet to do that.

April 5, 2012 - Maundy Thursday
Double Feast of the First Class

We have today to consider a great and awful mystery of betrayal. This betrayal is commemorated in the special Canon used only at this Mass of Maundy Thursday. Judas, one of the twelve chosen disciples of Our Lord, taught by Him for three years, confirmed in the faith by so many miracles, loaded with graces, becomes the tool of those who plot the death of Our Lord. He traitorously sells His Lord to the high priest for the ancient price of a slave, thirty Roman denarii. But Judas here is not only an historical figure of some 2000 years ago. He is spiritually each one of us, sinners, for whom Christ so grievously began His suffering and death this night. Let us consider the betrayal of Judas and what it forces us to confront in our own spiritual lives.
Gregorian Chant of Maundy Thursday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Maundy Thursday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Maundy Thursday Tenebrae
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Maundy Thursday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) cutting out the Credo and the Last Gospel; (2) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion; (3) importing the Maundy (washing of feet) into the Mass, as in the Novus Ordo; (4) directing that the Collect following the Maundy be chanted "facing the people," as in the Novus Ordo; (5) eliminating the adornment and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Repository; (6) the fabrication of a new "Chrism Mass," which separates the function of the blessing and consecration of the Sacred Oils for the Sacraments from the one Mass of Maundy Thursday.

Nadal's Sacratissimi Sacramenti

The Institution of the Blessed Sacrament
And of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
On Maundy Thursday

This Is What "Communion in the Hand" Has Led To:
Novus Ordo Cookie Theft Right and Left

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Empty Tabernacle

"He Is Not Here"
The Invalid Novus Ordo Cookies Are Being Stolen through Italy for "Black Masses"
So the Tabernacles Are Now Empty, and the Cookies Have Been Hidden Elsewhere
God Has Seen to It that the Uncatholic New Order Sect Does not Have a Valid Host
But Only an Invalid Cookie

Vatican Insider has recently documented the fact that Novus Ordo cookies are being pocketed by Mohammedans and others for purposes of sacrilege. Thefts from Novus Ordo churches throughout Italy are now rife. These cookies are being used in Black, that is, Satanic "Masses."

Doesn't God work in mysterious ways to foil evil people? This story would document sacrilege on a huge scale, right under the nose of Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger himself. But God has seen to it that the New Order sect does not have a valid Host, but only an invalid cookie, fabricated by Novus Ordo presbyters, not priests.

Even the Newchurch archbishop of Monreale has taken steps to "hide" the cookies in a secure location and to leave the Novus Ordo tabernacles wide open -- and empty. Of course, these tabernacles have been just as empty of the Real Presence since the advent of the Novus Ordo. In the words of the Angel at the tomb on Easter morning: "He is not here" (Matthew 28:6/DRV).

April 4, 2012 - Wednesday in Holy Week - "Spy Wednesday"

Today is known as "Spy Wednesday," in remembrance of the traitorous deed of Judas Iscariot. The Introit gives us a foretaste of what is to come after the passion and death of our Lord: "That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" (Philippians 2:10/DRV). But immediately juxtaposed to this acknowledgment of divine glory is the other side of the equation. This is the refrain that will be repeated at every Hour of the Divine Office beginning tomorrow: "He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Wednesday of Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Lukas Passion [BWV 246]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Satan Revealed the Ungodly New Order to Pope Leo 75-100 Years in Advance
In a Revelation Far More Chilling than Fatima

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Pope Leo XIII

Pope Leo XIII in 1884 Penned the Prayer to St. Michael to Cast down Satan
And Ordered that It Be Recited after Every Low Mass
He Did So after Having Received a Revelation that in 75-100 Years Satan Would Destroy the Church
75 Years Later John XXIII Became Pope
78 Years Later the Modernist Vatican II Council Began
85 Years Later the Invalid and Grace-killing Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Service
Had Entirely Replaced the Traditional Latin Mass in the Newchurch of the New Order

On October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII had just finished celebrating Mass in a chapel in the Vatican. At the Mass were a few cardinals and members of the household staff. Suddenly the Pope stopped dead at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about ten minutes as if in a trance, his face ashen white. Then going straightway from the chapel to his office, he composed the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel and later ordered that it be recited after all Low Masses everywhere in the world.

Pope Leo explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he had suddenly heard voices -- two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. He heard the voice of Satan in his pride, boasting to the Lord: "I can destroy your Church." Then the gentle voice of Our Lord: "You can? Then go ahead and do so." Satan replied, "To do so, I need more time and more power." The Lord said, "How much time? How much power?" "75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service," was Satan’s reply. Mysteriously Our Lord said, "You have the time, you have the power. Do with them what you will."

75 years later John XXIII became pope. 78 Years Later the Modernist Vatican II Council began. 85 years later "the smoke of Satan," according to the Conciliar pope Paul VI-Montini, was introduced into the Newchurch of the New Order: the invalid and grace-killing Protestantized Novus Ordo service of 1969, the previous year having seen the invalidation of the priesthood with the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1969. From this point on in the Newchurch of the New Order, a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, not a Mass, has been performed by presbyters, not priests.

In such a Satanic milieu, Pope Leo's prayers, augmented by those of other traditional popes, were suppressed. The Novus Ordo did away with the Leonine Prayers, including the three Aves, the Salve Regina, the Prayer for the conversion of sinners and for the freedom and exaltation of the Church, and, most especially, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel to cast down Satan.

Good Catholics, is it any wonder that sinners are becoming more and more unrepentant, the true Church is waning almost to nothingness, and Satan has become more and more powerful? That is what Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, and the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger and his cohorts did when they chose to fall under the influence of Satan, just as that Enemy predicted.

April 3, 2012 - Tuesday in Holy Week

Today we turn our sights to the Cross. The Introit consists not of the usual psalm, but with the words of St. Paul, putting the meaning of the Cross into perspective for us: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Galatians 6:14/DRV). Holy Mother Church then adds: "In Whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection: through Whom we have been saved and set free."
Gregorian Chant of Tuesday in Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Markus Passion [BWV 247]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Scandal in Mexico as Benedict-Ratzinger Visits
New Book Reveals that Ratzinger Softened the Law for Arch-paedophile Maciel

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Marciel Maciel & JPII-Wojtyla

JPII-Wojtyla Blessed the Notorious Child Rapist, Presbyter Marciel Maciel
Head of the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi
Now Josef Ratzinger Has Been Implicated in a New Book
For Having Softened the Law that Would Have Provided for Maciel's Excommunication
And Instead Sending Him to a Newchurch Spa for a "Life of Prayer and Repentance"

Just as Benedict-Ratzinger was beginning a high-profile junket to Mexico and Cuba, it was Ratzinger who was being "profiled." On March 24, 2012, a new book published by Random House and entitled La Voluntad de No saber [The Will Not to Know] stunned the world when it fingered Ratzinger as the Newchurch official who let off the notorious sex criminal and druggie, presbyter Marcial Maciel, head of the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi. Maciel's multitudinous crimes had been covered up by the Legionaries and Ratzinger for years, but when the revelations finally burst into public, even the Legionaries would not deny them.

Newchurch was in a pickle, as Maciel was treated like a demigod by the Proto-Paedophile Pope, the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla, and by his Czar of Sex Crimes, Josef Ratzinger. Nor did Ratzinger fail to serve his master, the Unblessed. He conspired to soften the law that would have provided for Maciel's excommunication. In this way, Maciel, instead of being excommunicated for raping boys, raping girls, raping seminarians, and raping his own illegitimate children, was consigned by Ratzinger to a Newchurch spa for "a life of prayer and repentance."

The tell-it-as-it-is book documents JPII-Wojtyla for "a moral double standard," enforced by his sidekick, Ratzinger. Now, as Newpope in his own right, Benedict-Ratzinger has impeded a full investigation of Maciel's crimes. It has been well documented that Maciel paid for the silence of high Newvatican officials with money donated to him by his lay wing, Regnum Christi. JPII-Wojtyla has already been documented as the recipient of hush-money. The National Catholic Reporter determined that Wojtyla had received 50,000 dollars each for seats at his daily private Novus Ordo service in the Apostolic Palace. Documentation of Ratzinger's receipt of hush-money is pending. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]

April 2, 2012 - Monday in Holy Week

Today we begin by placing our trust firmly in God. In the Introit psalm (Iudica, Domine, nocentes me, expugna impugnantes me), we call upon the Lord to battle against those who are impugning us. We call upon the Lord to take up arms and shield, and we call upon Him as the strength of our salvation. The Collect acknowledges how many adversities we face and how we fail from human infirmity. It is only through the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ that we are given life again (respiremus).
Gregorian Chant of Monday in Holy Week
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

The Neo-SSPX's Fellay Admits that He Doesn't Know What He's Doing
He Now Shows His Complete Befuddlement about an Attempted Sellout to the New Order Sect

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay

A Befuddled Bernie Fellay Has Now Thrown up His Hands
In His Latest Communique He Admitted that He Doesn't Know What He's Doing
When It Comes to His Attempted Sellout of the Neo-SSPX to the New Order
His Third Concocted "Rosary Crusade" Is Failing
And His Own Senior Bishop Has Publicly Come out against His Sellout Plans

From his Menzingen, Switzerland, bunker, Bernie Fellay issued a communique on March 29, 2012, in which he admitted that he doesn't know what he's doing. His Judas-like scheme to sell out his Neo-SSPX sect to the New Order sect over the last two decades has fallen so flat that he has thrown up his hands and turned this fiasco over to the Powers Above. One wonders why he didn't do that in 1994, before he wasted millions of dollars of Neo-SSPX members' donations chasing the unCatholic New Order and its two "Paedophile Popes," JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger.

Just think how traditional Catholicism could have been advanced in those two decades if those millions, which are under Fellay's sole dictatorial discretion, had been spent in spreading traditional Mass sites throughout the world. Just think how traditional Catholicism could have been advanced in those two decades if he had actively advertised to disaffected Newchurchers to join the true Catholic Church. Just think how much traditional Catholicism could have been advanced if Fellay, instead of playing Judas to traditional Catholicism, had stood firmly and publicly by his Archbishop-founder, Marcel Lefebvre, who called Ratzinger "not a Catholic" and finally dissociated himself from the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order.

In his latest communique Fellay referred to his concocted Third -- count 'em -- Third "Rosary Crusade," which, as previously reported by Fellay himself, is falling flat. And no wonder! By this point nobody has the foggiest notion what is being prayed for. And now Fellay has admitted he doesn't know what he is praying for either. Is he trying connive Heaven into brokering a deal with the New Order sect that has crucified her Divine Son a second time, especially for the purpose of gaining their recognition rather than their conversion? Perhaps Heaven is even now telling him: "Thou hast played the Judas against Me for too long, Bernie. Absent thyself now so that My faithful traditional adherents may follow the principles of My courageous Archbishop Lefebvre against the Modernist who proselytizes the unCatholic New Order, its doctrinal corruption and immorality, from his seat in Newrome."

Good Catholics, Bernie Fellay is publicizing that he will not celebrated the ancient traditional Catholic rites of Holy Week, but will instead simulate the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II rites (1962+), the rites fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, which were imported with little change into the Full Novus Ordo of 1969. Is there any doubt that Fellay is himself Novus Ordo already? He is now desperate to figure out a scheme so that he can sell out to the "Paedophile Pope" without being cast out by his membership. His senior bishop, Richard Williamson, already came out publicly on March 19, 2012, against him and his sellout plans.

April 1, 2012 - Palm Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

Palm Sunday

The Fully-Traditional (Pre-1956) Palm Sunday Rites
As Celebrated at Westminster Cathedral, London, 1919
The Traditional Holy Week Rites Were Gutted in 1956
By the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini
It Is These Half Novus Ordo Rites that Are Used in the "1962 Liturgy"

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Palm Sunday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) directing that red vestments be used, as in the Novus Ordo service, instead of the traditional violet vestments; (2) eliminating the Introit, Collect, Epistle, Responsory, Gospel, Preface, and Sanctus of the First Mass, after which the palms are blessed; (3) directing the priest to leave the altar and face the congregation Novus-Ordo style while blessing the palms; (4) eliminating four of the five ancient prayers of blessing; (5) eliminating the prayers and ceremonial of re-entering the church after the procession of the palms; (6) directing that the priest chant the final Collect facing the congregation Novus-Ordo style with his back to the Holy Tabernacle; (7) eliminating entirely the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar; (8) eliminating the beginning and end of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew; (9) eliminating the Last Gospel, as in the Novus Ordo service.
All the ceremonies of Palm Sunday -- the blessing of the palms, the procession, the chanted Hosannas -- are instituted by Holy Mother Church to recall the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem on this day. What a contrast, at only six days' interval, between the honors rendered to Our Lord today and the affronts and blasphemies that will greet Him five days hence on Good Friday! Let us learn these three things from the great lesson taught us by Our Lord on Palm Sunday. First, to be content to rely not upon man, but upon God alone for consolation and the witness of our sorrows and sufferings. Second, to detach ourselves from earthly possessions, which often come at our soul's cost. Third, to set no store by earthly greatness, notice, fame, or applause. "For after all these things do the heathens seek" (Matthew 6:32/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Palm Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Mattaeus Passion [BWV 244]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Newchurch Monsignor Is Exposed in Court as a Liar
He Lied to His People about a Presbyter Whom He Knew to Be a Paedophile Criminal

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
William Lynn

An Unhappy William Lynn, Newchurch Monsignor, of Philadelphia
Lynn Is on Trial for Felony Child Endangerment
In Court It Was Revealed that He Lied to His Newparishioners
Telling Them that He Had Not Heard "Anything but Compliments"
About a Presbyter Whom He Knew to Be a Paedophile Criminal
That Presbyter Has Pled Guilty before Trial and Is Now in Prison
Leaving His Co-Defendant Lynn Dangling in the Wind

At the felony trial of Newchurch's Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Monsignor William Lynn, head of Clergy for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, archdiocese under Newcardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, evidence was entered on March 28, 2012, that showed Lynn to be a liar. When Newparishioners got suspicious of presbyter Edward Avery, who had taken a sudden, unexplained leave of absence, Lynn lied to his own people, saying that he had not heard "anything but compliments" about him. Lynn knew well that Avery had been spirited off because of paedophilia charges.

Presbyter Avery was slated to be tried with Lynn as a co-defendant. However, before the trial started, on March 22, 2012, Avery pled guilty to assaulting a ten-year-old altar boy in a Newchurch sacristy in Philadelphia. According to the Grand Jury report, "When Mass [sic] was ended, Fr. Avery took the fifth-grader into the sacristy..., [where] oral sex and digital penetration followed." Avery pled guilty to deviate sexual intercourse and conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child. He was immediately sentenced to 2.5 to five years in prison. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Philadelphia Inquirer.]

Good Catholics, more and more evidence piles up that Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newclergy engaged in an international cover-up of crimes by Newchurch clergy against children, in what is known as the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.

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