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It seems that over the last seven years, virtually only the TRADITIO Network has reported honestly and openly on the fraud and corruption that is Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order, and, like modern-day St. Malachys, predicted its downfall. Now, on this last day of the Benedict-Ratzinger Newpapacy, as the Newchurch of the New Order and its corrupt leader, the "Paedophile Pope," drown, the world has finally come to see, and to admit, what the TRADITIO Network has predicted all along: the "Paedophile Pope" is paying the Biblical penalty that Our Lord Jesus Christ prescribed: "It were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
There are so many revelations coming out in these last few days, just as we predicted, that it is hard to keep up with them. Newcardinals exposed as the criminals they are, some (like Keith O'Brien) resigning, some (like Roger "Rogue" Mahony) remaining stubborn in their criminality. More cover-ups from Benedict-Ratzinger in his last days. He changed his mind and now won't show to the Newcardinals of his Newchurch the devastating dossier prepared by the Cardinalatial Commission to Investigate "Vatileaks," documenting corruption in Newvatican from the Newpope himself down.
While for seven years the TRADITIO Fathers have consistently exposed the Ratzingerian menace for what it was, we were called every name in the book by the agents of Josef Ratzinger and his lieutenant Bernie Fellay. We leave it to our readers to judge now who was telling them the truth and who was trying to put over on them a stream of lies and cover-ups. Outside of the leading TRADITIO Network, a few French web sites, and precious few other sources, virtually everyone associated with the Newchurch of the New Order, and many outside of it, became apologists for the most vile pope who has sat since the "Bad Pope," Alexander VI-Borgia, whose crimes are currently being featured in a timely Showtime Cable Series.
First of all, you have the apologists for Ratzinger: the pseudo-traditionalists, Motarians, and Neocons, who tried falsely to characterize Ratzinger as a "traditionalist," the greatest pope since sliced bread. These sellouts knew full well that Ratzinger is an committed Modernist, a principal leader of the Modernists at Vatican II, and a life-long proponent of that execrable council. They have hypocritically remained in the New Order sect, which they know is not the Catholic Church. They have remained "in communion" with a fraud. But under Benedict-Ratzinger, whom they falsely termed a "traditionalist," the rift actually got wider.
But even more to be condemned than these manipulative supporters of the "Paedophile Pope" is the man who claimed to be the successor of the traditional Catholic archbishop Marcel Lefebvre -- Bernie Fellay. Learning deception at the foot of his mentor, Ratzinger, Fellay has destroyed the Society of St. Pius X, making it into a Novus Ordo-leaving organization, the Neo-SSPX. He worked hard over the last seven years to sell it out to the very New Order sect and its leader, Ratzinger, who the Archbishop publicly condemned as "not Catholic." It is now clear beyond doubt that the Archbishop was dead right about Ratzinger!
Fellay, ever devious, has tried to manipulate his organization in just the same way as Ratzinger manipulated his sect, by lies and cover-ups. The evidence is clear beyond dispute that Fellay wanted to sell out his organization to become part of the New Order, but, much too little and much too late, some Neo-SSPX clergy and laity put a stop to it. Now Fellay is telling the Big Lie to his organization, that he never wanted to sell out in the first place. Too late, Bernie. You have been exposed! One out of every ten of your priest-presbyters have left you, including your senior bishop.
Good Catholics, what have you learned from all of this? We TRADITIO Fathers hope that you have learned the wisdom of the Church's Doctor, St. Augustine, when he said: "It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up." We hope that you have learned the lesson that St. Martin of Tours taught when the Church of his time was infested with heretical Arian bishops. He simply would have nothing to do with them. He didn't "negotiate" with them, as Fellay did. He told them: Don't set foot in Catholic Tours! Thus, God and St. Martin kept Tours Catholic, while most of the "Catholic" world of the time became heretical.
Good Catholics, you have to take personal responsibility. You have to fight without compromise for the traditional Catholic Faith in what St. Paul calls "the good fight." If you good Catholics promise to be unequivocal advocates of the truth -- the full truth -- even when it hurts, we TRADITIO Fathers will promise to give you the ammunition you need to fight with!
It seems that the pseudo-traditionalists, Motarians, and Neocon Newchurchers, with the imminent departure of Benedict-Ratzinger, are finally coming around to the realization that we TRADITIO Fathers have been stating from the beginning of the Ratzingerian Newpapacy in 2005. We have consistently warned that any notion Ratzinger was a "traditionalist" was simply a scheme of deception on the part of the besuited Modernist "Fr." Ratzinger, who played a leading role of destroying the traditional Catholic Faith at the Second Vatican Council. Even Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, seems to have forgotten that the Modernist notions of "oecumenism" and "religious liberty" that Fellay claims to despise were introduced at the Council by none other than Ratzinger himself!
In 2005, when Ratzinger was elected to the Newpapacy with the false reputation of being "God's Rottweiler," the Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists were ecstatic, thinking that he would usher in an anti-Modernistic regime. Now, with Ratzinger's abdication imminent on February 28, 2013, these groups are admitting that they were deluded. The Rottweiler turned into a pussycat, or worse, a snake. They tick off his failures:
One of Ratzinger's erstwhile supporters had to admit after he announced his abdication: he was "as bad as a pope has been for 200 years." The pseudo-traditionalists, Motarians, and Neocon Newchurchers were snookered because they attempted to impose their own desires on what Ratzinger was writing and doing rather than taking an objective perspective on what the reality was: he was simply an older version of the besuited "Fr." Ratzinger of Vatican II, a leader of the Modernists and destroyer of the traditional Catholic Faith there. The irony is that his most ardent fanatics, rather than his liberal foes, apparently did not want to see reality.
As just a concluding example of the direction in which Ratzinger led his New Order sect, recently a Novus Ordo Mess was held in a Newparish in a Newdiocese in which an infidel Mohammedan imam processed with the presbyter to the altar, upon which the blasphemous Koran was placed instead of the Missal. After all, if a Newpope can kiss the anti-Catholic Koran as a "holy book," how can anyone who retains any connection whatsoever with Ratzinger's New Order sect validly object?
We TRADITIO Fathers predict that after Ratzinger is out of the Newpapacy, a flurry of criticisms and revelations will come to light that craven Newchurchers and Newclergy were afraid to state publicly while the "Paedophile Pope" was pontificating in office.
After the Newarchbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rembert Weakland, was exposed in 2002 as shacking up with a young "gay" prostitute, who blackmailed Weakland for half a million U.S. dollars, which Weakland proceeded to steal from the Newdiocesan collection plates, Weakland resigned in disgrace -- Benedict-Ratzinger did not fire him. A little known auxiliary Newbishop of just one year's experience was sent to head the Newarchdiocese of Milwaukee -- Timothy Dolan. That Dolan is now the Newcardinal of New York and President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops. Now it is Timothy "Thug" Dolan himself who is now in the hotseat, being investigated and deposed on February 20, 2013, about what crimes against children he was involved with during his tenure in Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009.
On March 2, 2013, another Newcardinal, Roger "Rogue" Mahony, of Los Angeles, California, will be deposed about his association with crimes against children, revealed in 12,000 pages of court-released documents, who show that Mahony maneuvered behind the scenes to hide criminals from the police and abetted their escape across the border into Mexico in an "unground railroad." Benedict-Ratzinger is also exposed in these documents as a participant. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, with the recent exposure of a "Gay" Network of Newprelates operating out of Ratzinger's offices in Newvatican, one can see the ugly picture now coming together. No wonder Ratzinger won't leave Vatican City in fear of being arrested for crimes against children, and the corrupt Dolan and Mahony will elect Ratzinger's successor as Newpope.
One of the possible successors of Benedict-Ratzinger as Newpope openly advocates the abolition of holy celibacy, which was practiced by Our Lord and recognized as the norm even from the early Church. Many New Order sect leaders want to take the further step to turn their presbyters, who have already lost the validity of the Catholic priesthood, into Protestant look-alike "ministers." The Newcardinal-Primate of Great Britain, Keith O'Brien, on February 22, 2013, publicly stated that Novus Ordo presbyters should be allowed to violate Christian celibacy and instead marry and have children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Characteristic of the Newprelates who have become abysmally ignorant of the Catholic Faith, O'Brien claimed that holy celibacy was not of "divine origin." Presumably, O'Brien is an Neo-Arian heretic, who denies that Jesus Christ is God, Who Himself lived the example of holy celibacy. And haven't we already had enough violations of holy celibacy from Newchurch presbyters to make us sick to our stomachs? For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Clerical Celibacy."
Italy's largest-circulating daily newspaper, La Repubblica, has shocked the world with the revelation in its February 21, 2013, edition that Benedict-Ratzinger abdicated from the Newpapacy because of imminent revelation that he was running a network of "gay" prelates in Newvatican, some of whom were being blackmailed by their "johns" outside the Newvatican.
The revelation was contained in the documents that his whistleblowing butler, Paolo Gabriele, brought out of the secret Newpapal files and gave to a respected Italian journalist. When the Cardinalatial Commission to Investigate the "Vatileaks," of which Gabriele's documents were a part, secretly warned Ratzinger on December 17, 2012, what was going to come out, Ratzinger decided on the spot to abdicate. Another of Italy's leading daily newspapers, the respected Corriere della Sera, confirmed La Repubblica's account.
The Commission's secret report to Ratzinger was rendered in a dossier comprising "two volumes of almost 300 pages, bound in red" and consigned to a safe in Ratzinger's apartments, to be delivered to his successor. The pages described a faction in the highest levels of Newvatican who were "united by sexual orientation," i.e., homosexual orientation. The contents of the report obtained by La Repubblica indicated that these homosexual prelates were being blackmailed by their "johns" outside Newvatican. A similar case was exposed in 2002 in the United States when Newarchbishop Rembert Weakland, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was blackmailed by his homosexual "john" for half a million U.S. dollars, which Weakland proceeded to steal from the Newdiocesan collection plates. Ratzinger did not turn his thieving Newbishop over to the police, nor even force Weakland to return the money that he stole from Newchurch's congregations.
The report describes in detail the places where the homosexual Newvatican prelates met their "johns" in and around Rome: a villa outside Rome, a sauna in a Rome suburb, a beauty parlor in Rome's city center, and the residence of an Italian Newarchbishop. So non-plussed was Ratzinger's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, over the report that he was rendered mute.
The reality that Newvatican is being run in significant part by a cadre of homosexuals was partially revealed in 2007, when a senior churchman was suspended from his Newvatican duties when he was filmed propositioning a local "john." In 2010, a member of Ratzinger's personal household was dismissed for running an "escort service" that procured male prostitutes for "gentleman-in-waiting" in Ratzinger's own household. Also in 2010, an Italian weekly news magazine photographed presbyters "doing it" on the floors of gay bars.
Good Catholics, didn't we predict that it would be only a matter of days before the true reason behind Ratzinger's abdication would come clear? Considering that only ten days have passed, more intrigue and filth have risen to the surface than even we could have predicted. We TRADITIO Fathers will make yet another prediction: after Ratzinger is out of office, even more shocking details of his personal involvement in the paedophilia holocaust will be revealed. We can only say with St. Augustine: "It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up." Let's get it all out into the light of day so that the world will learn once and for all that the Newchurch of the New Order is not Catholic.
Roger "Rogue" Mahony, the Newcardinal-archbishop of Los Angeles, California, who has been revealed as an accessory in paedophile crimes since his accession in 1985, has become the target of a movement to bar him from the upcoming conclave to elect a Newpope. Mahony was recently exposed in 12,000 pages of documents that the Superior Court ordered published, as being personally and intimately involved in hundreds of cases of complicity in and subornation of child rape, in several cases in collusion with the administrations of JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger in Newrome.
An association of Newchurchers, Catholic United, has launched a petition drive to keep Mahony from taking part in the conclave. Cardinal Mahony: Stay Home, the petition reads, adding: If a Cardinal is stripped of public ministry in his diocese, why should he be rewarded with being allowed to vote for the next pope? Cardinal Mahony would further increase the scandal and shame in our Church by attending the Papal Conclave. Mahony was one of those who elected the "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger, in 2005.
Proving once again that in the Newchurch of the New Order, criminal prelates always stick together, Mahony's successor, Jose Gomez, is fully in support of Mahony's participation in the conclave. Gomez further dubbed paedophiliac Newcardinal Mahony to be "in good standing" with Newchurch. No surprise there. That's what Newchurch always says about the filthiest of its Newclergy.
And you thought that the New Order sect under Benedict-Ratzinger was more conservative! Not at all. The same Modernism that he advocated as "Fr." Ratzinger at the Vatican II Council continued alive and well under his Newpapacy. The latest in his Newchurch's habadashery: the Superman Chasuble. On Mexican presbyter Humberto Alvarez's Novus Ordo chasuble, the symbol of Jesus Christ has been replaced with a new god: Superman. To keep in character (?), Alvarez uses a water pistol to "bless" the congregation.
Raul Vera, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newbishop of Saltillo, who is responsible for the presbyter, has not lifted a finger to stop this nonsense. True to form, Ratzinger himself is too busy with his own personal problems to do anything. Even when his papacy was new, he refused to do anything about the worst travesties. Ratzinger was truly the "do-nothing" Newpope. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Die Welt.]
On February 4, 2013, a week before Benedict-Ratzinger announced his abdication, he received a note from a European government advising him that it was planning to issue a warrant for his arrest. Ratzinger then hastily arranged a meeting with the President of Italy to plead for personal immunity against prosecution on charges of child rape. Such an appeal appears to be illegal, as the treaty pertaining to the competent International Tribunal calls upon the Italian President to deny help to Ratzinger in a case of criminality.
In addition to charges to be placed by the yet-unnamed European government, a New York based organization, the Center for Constitutional Rights, has accused Ratzinger and his Newcardinals of crimes against humanity for sheltering paedophile presbyters. The legal group has requested an International Criminal Court to begin an inquiry on behalf of the child victims' Survivors Network, citing Ratzinger's "long-standing and pervasive system of sexual violence" against children.
On February 19, 2013, a Newvatican official admitted that Benedict-Ratzinger is seeking refuge within Vatican City after his abdication on February 28, 2013, rather than returning to live with is brother in Bavaria, because "his continued presence in the Vatican is necessary; otherwise, he might be defenseless. He wouldn't have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security if he is anywhere else." Newchurch officials have a real fear that if Ratzinger steps outside of Vatican City after that date, he could be arrested on sex crime cases around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Thus, Newvatican officials are shown to continue the corruption and criminality that has characterized their complicity in the rape and sodomy of children under Ratzinger's Newpapacy. Apparently, it doesn't occur to these Newchurch scoundrels, let alone to Ratzinger, that he should, in justice, face these charges openly and defend himself publicly in a court of law outside Vatican City.
Newchurch officials think that Ratzinger should have a "dignified existence" in his remaining years. Why? The tens of thousands of children who were raped and sodomized with his active complicity and responsibility certainly aren't living a dignified existence. Most of them are now broken psychiatric cases. Many of them have committed suicide from the shame that is not theirs, but Ratzinger's and his employees'.
The priest-presbyters of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX have turned a cold shoulder to Benedict-Ratzinger's February 15, 2013, ultimatum that if the Society does not capitulate to the New Order sect's Modernist "Doctrinal Preamble," by February 22, 2013, its priest-presbyters would be picked off individually for the New Order, just as Ratzinger had done with the Anglicans. The Preamble requires unqualified acceptance of the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, the Modernist Second Vatican Council, and the Newpopes' Modernist "magisterium."
Those priest-presbyters contacted by the French Newchurch daily La Croix indicated that Ratzinger is now old business, and they will wait to see who the new Newpope is. "The resignation of Benedict has suspended everything," they said. Several priest-presbyters told the daily that they were "fed up" with Fellay and are considering leaving his Neo-SSPX. One of the four bishops and about one-tenth of the NSSPX clergy have done so already. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Even though Benedict-Ratzinger became responsible for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust since 1981 and solely responsible since 2001, it seems that now he is just a tired old man. He is said to have numerous health problems, in addition to age. Is he now to be pitied like any other person? On the other hand, leaders of organizations are in justice held to a much higher standard than others in the conduct of their office.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
God is a God of justice as well as of mercy. Thus, justice must been seen to be done. Otherwise, other potential sinners may not be dissuaded from their evil actions. This is what Catholic theology terms "medicinal punishment." Would you take the same approach to, let us say, the American gangster Al Capone? Sure, Al machine-gunned his enemies and caught quite a few innocent citizens in the crossfire as well. But since Al is dying, let's pity him and let him off the hook for his vicious crimes.
Curiously, your argument is exactly what Benedict-Ratzinger himself used in the case, for example, of his criminal presbyter who raped and sodomized some 200 deaf-mute children in a Newchurch orphange. Ratzinger's decree was: leave him alone, let him die in peace. So, the presbyter retired for many years to a nice private cottage with full salary and health benefits -- benefits that few of his child victims never got.
What Benedict-Ratzinger did in suborning the rape of children by his Newchurch employee-clergy made him at least an accessory after the fact, if not a co-conspirator. In civil law, if a gang robs a bank, and one of the gang kills a teller, the criminal who merely drove the get-away car gets the death penalty along with the criminal who pulled the trigger.
Just consider how many children would have been saved from rape and sodomy if only Ratzinger had made it clear from the beginning that even one such vicious crime would excommunicate the presbyter (or Newbishop) from Newchurch and all benefits, and would require that the criminal be turned over immediately to the civil authorities for prosecution. Instead, the worst Newchurch criminals learned that they could get away with not only rape and sodomy of children, but even murder, and get off scot free, as far as Ratzinger was concerned.
Pity Ratzinger, if you will, but that doesn't exonerate him from paying the just penalty for his crimes. As the Good Thief paying the death penalty on the cross rightly put it to his fellow criminal on the cross: "We indeed justly [pay the price], for we are receiving what our deeds deserved" (Luke 23:40-41).
If you were the new Newpope, would you want to have this albatross, Benedict-Ratzinger, living in your garden? It may well be that the new Newpope will give the presumptuous Ratzinger his marching orders to return to his family home in Germany to live for the rest of his life in Bavaria with his brother. In any case, it is the height of presumption for Ratzinger to build himself a "retirement villa" in the Vatican Gardens before the new Newpope has a chance to weigh in.
And now we learn another reason why Ratzinger manipulated his retirement villa in the garden instead of doing the natural thing and return to his family home with his brother in Barvaria. Ratzinger is scared to death that he will be hauled before the World Criminal Court to face charges for his subornation of crimes against humanity by his corrupt Newclergy around the world. Moreover, in the United States and elsewhere, more and more cases are making their way up the judicial ladder to charge Ratzinger personally as the employer of these criminals. Under U.S. law, even foreign heads of state -- although it is legally debated whether Ratzinger is that under the 1929 Lateran Accord scheme entered into with the Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini -- lose diplomatic immunity when they are charged as employers.
In 2010, for example, Ratzinger was personally named as a defendant in a lawsuit charging that he failed to take action as Newcardinal-in-Charge in 1995 when he was officially informed about the presbyter who had raped some 200 deaf boys at a Newchurch school. There have been repeated calls for Benedict's arrest over sexual crimes in Newchurch. When Ratzinger took a Newpapal junket to Britain in 2010, some British parliamentarians called for Ratzinger to be arrested. In 2011, victims of assault, rape, and sodomy by Ratzinger's clergy filed suit with the International Criminal Court to investigate Ratzinger and three of his close lieutenants for crimes against humanity. He has been charged with being an accessory after the fact in moving presbyter rapists of children from Newchurch parish to parish instead of defrocking them and handing them over to authorities. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
All of this may turn out to be moot. There is a 50/50 chance that Ratzinger will be dead by the time he can ever take up residence in the contrived Vatican Gardens "retirement villa," which has not been completed. A German journalist who visited Ratzinger at length in 2010 reported to the press that he had visited Ratzinger again just ten weeks ago. Ratzinger told him: "I'm an old man, and the strength is ebbing. I think what I've done is enough." (He sure got that right!) The German journalist, Peter Seewald, said that he was "alarmed" about Ratzinger's health, describing his rapid deterioration as follows:
His hearing had deteriorated. He couldn't see with his left eye. His body had become so thin that the tailors had difficulty in keeping up with newly fitted clothes.... I'd never seen him so exhausted-looking, so worn down.
The new Newpope could set quite a precedent by turning Ratzinger over to the authorities for due punishment for his crimes -- exactly the course of action that Ratzinger himself would not do in the case of his own criminal Newclergy -- in Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, the United States, Australia, and many other countries around the world.
The lawless Newchurch officials are already talking about violating that phony Newchurch "canon law" again. 1975's Apostolic Constitution prescribes a sane period of 15-20 days after the death (or its equivalent, abdication) of a Newpope before a conclave can begin. But the Newcardinals are already scheming to move the time earlier. Even Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman had to admit that such an action would violate a "strict reading of the law." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
All of this turmoil is the result of Benedict-Ratzinger's grossly faulty decision to abdicate in Lent, right before the most solemn days of the liturgical year. It is as if Ratzinger were playing God in telling the world: "My personal problems are more important than focusing upon Jesus Christ's redemptive suffering to redeem humanity."
More than any other source, we TRADITIO Fathers have consistently covered in detail in our past Daily Commentaries the "good fight" of Pauline proportions that the traditionalist-leaning pastor and congregation of St. Stanislaus Kosta Church, of St. Louis, Missouri, waged against the totalitarian regimes of the Newchurch archbishops there. When Newarchbishop Raymond "Bully" Burke, then his successor, Robert Carlson, tried to steal the traditional church from its congregation in order to sell off its property worth more than 10,000,000 U.S. dollars, to pay off for the sex crimes of his Newarchdiocesan clergy, the pastor and his large congregation revolted and uttered a thunderous No!
The lovey-dovey Newchurch bishops will in fact not brook any challenge to their assumed totalitarian authority, so "Bully" Burke Novus-Ordo "excommunicated" St. Stanislaus's pastor, Marek Bozek, and several members of the church's board of trustees. So, with his large congregation backing him virtually unanimously in a public vote, the courageous pastor and his congregation took the Newarchdiocese to court. Bozek also had earned the respect and support of the wider religious community in St. Louis, which Newbishops Burke nor Carlson had not.
It has been a long ten years, during which these traditionalist-leaning Catholics never gave up. They are a public example of the fact that the true Church of Christ wi1l be victorious, if only its members persevere. In the face of such perseverance by the traditionalist-leaning church, the Newarchdiocese backed down; it completely withdrew its appeal and acquiesced in the trial court's decision in March 2012 to maintain full control of St. Stanislaus in the hands of St. Stanislaus's pastor and board of trustees. When the trial court had ruled 100 per cent against the Newarchdiocese, "Bully" Burke's successor, Robert Carlson, threatened that he would appeal the decision "all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary." But in the end, like all bullies, Novus Ordo archbishop Carlson backed down.
St. Stanislaus has willingly agreed not to represent itself as affiliated with the Newchurch of the New Order, Incorporated. Why would it even want to be affiliated with that corrupt organization? It is now fully independent of that organization, as confirmed by the court's decree. It retains complete control over its over 10,000,000-dollar traditional property.
In a very traditional response, the victorious pastor Bosek said that his congregation would not be celebrating its victory "in deference to Ash Wednesday." Newarchbishop Carlson was so non-plused that he wouldn't even make a public comment and went into seclusion. Of course, Ash Wednesday means nothing to the New Order sect, which, in its unCatholic delusions, rejects virtually all forms of penance because it pridefully views itself as perfect and above the law.
And what happened to Raymond "Bully" Burke, who had made such a mess of the situation? Benedict-Ratzinger was forced to pull him out of St. Louis in 2008 and put him in a sinecure in Newrome, where Burke could be carefully monitored and controlled, so as not to cause more embarrassment to the New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Louis Post Dispatch.]
Good Catholics, learn a lesson from the courageous traditional-leaning pastor and congregation of St. Stanislaus Kosta. Never give up the fight for the Faith. All these Novus Ordo bishops are just bullies who think that all they have to do is throw their weight around and make empty threats, and traditional Catholics will back down like cowards. The pastor and congregation of St. Stanislaus clearly show that in the Newchurch of the New Order, all is vain huffing and puffing, and that traditional Catholics indeed can and will blow down the rickety house of the unCatholic Newchurch, if they have but the courage.
On February 15, 2013, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, revealed just how clueless he is about the Novus Ordo. In response to a question from Nouvelle de France about the "New Mass" -- which is not in fact a Mass at all, but an invalid, Protestantized worship service fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, Fellay said, "We know very well that it is very difficult to ask the authorities to condemn the New Mass. In reality, if what needs to be corrected were corrected, it would already be a big step."
Notice first of all that Fellay acknowledges that the New Order sect comprises "the authorities" and have the power to manipulate the "Mass" in any way they want -- a position that contradicts traditional Catholic doctrine. Moreover, Fellay doesn't acknowledge the other elephant in the room. Tweaking a few words in the Novus Ordo Mess cannot make it valid. Its overall intention is invalid under the conditions stated by Pope Leo XIII in his Bull Apostolicae curae, which declared invalid the High Anglican service that many in the Roman Curia at the time thought was valid. The Novus Ordo service is far inferior to the High Anglican service -- far more Protestant, far more heretical.
Fellay fails to acknowledge that it is a fact the New Order sect no longer ordains priests "to celebrate Mass both for the living and for the dead," as the traditional Pontificale Romanum explicitly states. The Novus Ordo sect uses the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized invalid New Ordinal of 1969 merely to install presbyters to "preside over the assembly of the people." Moreover, the Newbishops installing the presbyters have not been validly consecrated, but have themselves been merely "installed."
And why doesn't Fellay acknowledge this fact? Probably because he himself is using these invalid presbyters at several of his Neo-SSPX sites around the world. Fellay also falsely calls the Half Novus Ordo, Vatican II "Mess of 1962" the "traditional Mass." It is clearly not. It is a gutted form, full of Modernistic provisions introduced through the same Hannibal Bugnini who later fabricated the Full-blown Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service of 1969.
Good Catholics, it is now clear beyond doubt that Bernie Fellay is not a traditional Catholic. He now sounds like a pseudo-traditionalist. After seven years of associating with the "Paedophile Pope," what St. Paul called "the filth" has soiled Fellay's own Half Novus Ordo garments and corrupted his vision of what is truly Catholic. On the same day that Ratzinger announced his departure, the TRADITIO Network issued a press release, calling upon Fellay to depart together with him. Fellay has just a few days left to do the right thing.
Benedict-Ratzinger, even in his last days, remains the Modernist, duplicitous schemer that has been ever since he was the Modernist leader, "Fr." Ratzinger, at the Second Vatican Council. There is a report from France that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith has just sent a letter with an ultimatum to the [Neo-]Society of Saint Pius X from Ratzinger: Capitulate to the New Order sect or be prepared to have your priest-presbyers cherry-picked by the sect, just as I did with the Anglicans. Ratzinger's specific ultimatum is that he will offer "reconciliation" and "full communion" with the New Order sect to all "individual" SSPX priest-presbyters.
In essence, this is the same scheme that Ratzinger used with the Transalpine Redemptorists in Scotland; the Society of St. John Vianney in Campos, Brazil; the Institute of the Good Shepherd in Bordeaux, France; and several others. All of these once-traditional organizations were courted by the New Order sect, were lied to, and, in the end, were destroyed as traditional organizations.
In addition to these organizations, Ratzinger has exposed the public division of Fellay's Neo-SSPX into pro-Novus Ordo and anti-Novus Ordo factions. Since Fellay's "negotiations" to become a member of the New Order sect, one-tenth of his priest-presbyters have left him and either joined the SSPX of the Strict Observance or simply gone independent, as has the Neo-SSPX's former senior Bishop Richard Williamson. It is all too obvious that everyone who comes into contact with the "abomination of desolation" that is Ratzinger's New Order sect becomes sick unto death.
If you're Newpope, you sure don't want to have a brother like Newmonsignor Georg Ratzinger, who runs off at the mouth about your private matters. Georg seems to crave the spotlight and has now revealed two more things about his younger brother, Benedict-Ratzinger, that the world did not know before: his brother has worn a heart pacemaker "for years," and in March 2012 on his Mexico junket he cracked his head for a second time. Benedict-Ratzinger's pacemaker battery had to be replaced a few months ago, and the operation to accomplish this was conducted "in secret."
Georg Ratzinger told the press that perhaps the chief reasons for Josef's abdication were his failures that preyed upon him:
Georg Ratzinger said that Josef would have resigned on his 85th birthday on April 16, 2012, if Josef's personal-corruption scandal known as Vatileaks had not occurred. Ratzinger presumably did not want to abdicate in ignominy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NBC News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Are Catholics supposed to take seriously the prophecies of St. Malachy on the series of popes, which are so much in the press after the abdication of Benedict-Ratzinger? Is the next pope really going to be the last?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
None of these latter-day prophecies require any belief on the part of Catholics. The traditional teaching of the Church is clear: no prophecies, apparitions, etc., must be accepted after the close of the Apostolic period, which ended with the death of St. John the Apostle around the year 100. This is what is called Public Revelation. Everything else is, at best, private revelation, not required for Catholic belief. Malachy is no different from Nostradamus.
Moreover, it seems that there is no lack of authors of books to prey upon people's insatiable appetite for this latter-day nonsense. What these authors and the people who follow them conveniently ignore is that what they are doing contradicts the specific condemnation of such things by the Man Whom they claim to follow, Jesus Christ, in His own words reported in the very first chapter of the New Testament's Acts of the Apostles.
As Newrome plans to go officially sede-vacantist on March 1, 2013, revelations are coming out about what Benedict-Ratzinger's "retirement" will look like. First of all, just as we TRADITIO Fathers predicted over a year ago, Ratzinger was going to abdicate on or around his 85th birthday, April 16, 2012. Now it has been revealed that construction on Ratzinger's retirement villa, currently called Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, where Novus Ordo nuns currently live, has been going on since October 2012.
The monastery where Ratzinger will live is a four-story building on the northern edge of the Vatican Gardens. Ratzinger has once again deluded his New Order sect and the world about his plans. Only a handful of Newvatican officials knew the nuns' monastery would one day become Ratzinger's retirement villa. Construction materials still litter the front lawn of the villa, and plastic tubing snakes down from the top floor to a dump truck. Can this man ever tell the unadulterated truth?
On February 12, 2013, the day after Ratzinger's abdication announcement, his Newpapal spokesman tried to convince the international press that Ratzinger would not be "pulling strings behind the scenes" of the Newconclave and, to the incredulity of the press, claimed that Ratzinger would have no influence on the election of his successor. "The pope will surely say absolutely nothing about the process of election," the spokesman claimed to reporters.
The Newpapal spokesman also stated that Ratzinger would most likely be referred to as "Bishop of Rome, Emeritus." Ironically, Ratzinger was never consecrated as a bishop. He was merely installed in 1977 under Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1969. The spokesman also stated that Ratzinger will not return to his native Bavaria to live with his older brother. Reportly, Ratzinger fears threats on his life, perhaps even from one of the tens of thousands of fathers whose children were raped by Newchurch bishops and presbyters while Ratzinger officially protected his criminal Newclergy from the police. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Wouldn't you know it? Already the clueless Newchurchers and their lemming-like followers are making Benedict-Ratzinger out to be a Novus Ordo "saint." The disastrous state of Newchurch is not his fault, they say. He's only its plenipotentary leader. Isn't he supposed to be getting special graces from God -- or maybe not if, as many have come now to think and state, he was not a real pope to begin with.
Who was responsible, then? According to these clueless spin-meisters, it was Ratzinger's "own top aides." And who appointed these homophiliac, corrupt fraudsters? Who listens to their advice? None other than Ratzinger himself, of course! Isn't a leader significantly primary judged by the people whom he appoints to surround him, to advise him, and to run his realm? Thus, the buck still stops at Ratzinger.
Moreover, the press is still reporting how "stunned" virtually all of the Newchurch leaders were that Ratzinger would abdicate. We TRADITIO Fathers seem to be among the few that had over a year ago predicted his abdication. To be fair, Ratzinger himself told them over a year ago, but they were too wrapped up in exercising their petty power under his shadow to listen to reality. This gives us just another indication how dysfunctional the Newchurch of New Order really is. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Meanwhile, Newchurch officials are making preparations for the Newconclave to elect the next Newpope. JPII-Wojtyla's Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici gregis of February 22, 1996, with certain amendments made in 2007 (De aliquibus mutationibus) and 2012 (Normas nonnullas) by Benedict-Ratzinger, which is the governing Newchurch document, provides:
37. Praecipimus praeterea ut, ex quo Apostolica Sedes legitime vacat, Cardinales electores praesentes exspectent absentes quindecim solidos dies, facta tamen Cardinalium Collegio potestate electionis initium adhuc proferendi per aliquot dies, si graves obstant causae; tamen viginti diebus ad summum elapsis ab initio Sedis vacantis, cuncti Cardinales electores praesentes ad electionis negotium procedant.
Thus, the Conclave must start between 15 and 20 days after the time when Newchurch officially becomes sede-vacantist, in this case, February 28, 2013, 19:00 UTC. The exact date will be set at the first Newcardinals' meeting after that time.
Has God Himself signaled his condemnation of Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect in the traditional Roman way, by a Jovian thunderbolt? On February 11, 2013, the day that the abdication of the "Paedophile Pope" was announced, a frightful thunderbolt struck the cross atop St. Peter's Basilica, the headquarters of the Newpopes.
The classical Romans, from whom the Roman Catholic Church derives most of its traditions and practices, believed that the King of the Gods, Jove, signaled his divine will chiefly by thunderbolts. A special Roman priesthood, the augurs, among whom was numbered the famous Roman philosopher and author, Marcus Tullius Cicero, highly respected by the early Christians, was constituted to interpret the divine signs. Cicero would have had a field-day interpreting this one!
This omen occurred just two weeks after another incident at Ratzinger's noon Angelus of January 27, 2013. Ratzinger had just released a dove, symbolic of the "Spirit" of the Modernist Vatican II Council, whose fiftieth anniversary Ratzinger, one of the Council's Modernist leaders, is now celebrating. Immediately, from out of nowhere, as thousands looked on from St. Peter's Piazza, a seagull swooped down for the kill and attacked Ratzinger's "Spirit" of Vatican II, then attacked Ratzinger himself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. News.]If you thought that a more "traditionalist" Newcardinal would succeed Benedict-Ratzinger, you are bound to be gravely disappointed. The Newchurch crowd simply feeds on itself, a congeries of Modernists that even Pope John XXIII would have called heretics.
What is perhaps more telling is that none of the preferiti following, one of whom is regarded as most likely become Ratzinger's successor, has even been consecrated as a bishop and thus arguendo cannot become Bishop of Rome. All have merely been "installed" as Newbishops under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized invalid New Ordinal of 1969. In fact, only two of them have even been ordained as priests (Ouellet and Arinze). The rest are merely been "installed" as Novus Ordo presbyters "to preside over the assembly of the people." They have not been validly ordained as priests "to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead."
Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, 64, of Ghana
Turkson is an avowed racist who wants a Black pope. He advocates condoms.
Marc Ouellet, 68, of Canada
Ouellet was outed for refusing assistance to a woman raped and impregnated by one of is presbyters -- until a DNA test proved the presbyter guilty. Ouellet was charged in 400 cases of suborning child rape by his presbyters.
Francis Arinze, 80, of Nigeria
Arinze is an unabashed Modernist, who has declared, contrary to Catholic doctrine, that "change" is an essential component of the Church. For further information, click on ARINZE: Cardinal Arinze's Changing Church in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Angelo Scola, 71, of Italy
Scola was a bald-faced liar for Benedict-Ratzinger, claiming that charging Ratzinger with aiding and abetting the rape of children by Newbishops and presbyters, was "iniquitous humiliation." Scola was the editor of the journal Communio, founded by three declared Modernist heretics: Henri de Lubac (whose works were condemned for heresy by the Holy Office), Hans Urs von Balthasar (declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office), and Josef Ratzinger, who later assumed the name Benedict (declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office). Scola is a virtual infidel, dedicated to integrating Mohammedans into Newchurch.
Leonardo Sandri, 69, of Argentina
Sandri is a virtual Marxist, who claimed that the Mohammedan dictator-terrorist, Saddam Hussein, made Christians in his country "free."
Christoph von Schonborn, 68, of Austria
Schonborn is an out-and-out Modernist who promotes acceptance of homosexuality, a non-celibate clergy, and condoms as a "lesser evil."
Good Catholics, there you have it. The next Newpope is likely to be either a racist, a paedophile supporter, a Modernist heretic, an infidel-supporter, a Marxist, a homophiliac, or something worse. Take your pick!
In the history of the Catholic Church, the abdication of a pope is not that rare. Eight others besides Benedict-Ratzinger have abdicated:
It is just another indication of how incompetent the New Order sect's Newcardinals have become that, according to Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman, several of them were so deficient in the immortal language of the Roman Catholic Church that they could not understand Ratzinger's announcement of abdication, made in Latin in consistory on February 11, 2013. At the Vatican II Council held 1962-1965, all the cardinals and bishops had to be fluent in Latin, as all sessions were conducted in the Church's immemorial language. There was no "translation" to obscure the meaning of the speeches and documents. Here is Ratzinger's announcement of abdication, in its original Latin form, just as he delivered it:
Fratres carissimi
Non solum propter tres canonizationes ad hoc Consistorium vos convocavi, sed etiam ut vobis decisionem magni momenti pro Ecclesiae vita communicem. Conscientia mea iterum atque iterum coram Deo explorata ad cognitionem certam perveni vires meas ingravescente aetate non iam aptas esse ad munus Petrinum aeque administrandum.
Bene conscius sum hoc munus secundum suam essentiam spiritualem non solum agendo et loquendo exsequi debere, sed non minus patiendo et orando. Attamen in mundo nostri temporis rapidis mutationibus subiecto et quaestionibus magni ponderis pro vita fidei perturbato ad navem Sancti Petri gubernandam et ad annuntiandum Evangelium etiam vigor quidam corporis et animae necessarius est, qui ultimis mensibus in me modo tali minuitur, ut incapacitatem meam ad ministerium mihi commissum bene administrandum agnoscere debeam. Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commissum renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae, sedes Sancti Petri vacet et Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.
Fratres carissimi, ex toto corde gratias ago vobis pro omni amore et labore, quo mecum pondus ministerii mei portastis et veniam peto pro omnibus defectibus meis. Nunc autem Sanctam Dei Ecclesiam curae Summi eius Pastoris, Domini nostri Iesu Christi confidimus sanctamque eius Matrem Mariam imploramus, ut patribus Cardinalibus in eligendo novo Summo Pontifice materna sua bonitate assistat. Quod ad me attinet etiam in futuro vita orationi dedicata Sanctae Ecclesiae Dei toto ex corde servire velim.
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die 10 mensis februarii MMXIII
The abdication of Benedict-Ratzinger, announced on February 11, 2013, at 12:00 Rome time and effective on February 28, 2013, at 20:00, seemed to surprise everyone but us TRADITIO Fathers. We had his number from the beginning, as a reading of our Daily Commentaries since the April 19, 2005 conclave that elected him shows.
We TRADITIO Fathers have seen now the maneuverings of five conclaves and five Newpopes of the Newchurch of the New Order. This will be our sixth. We are not clueless, johnny-come-lately, Newchurch and lay "bloggers," but knowledgeable and experienced commentators on the ecclesiastical scene with a clear vision about what is going that is to be found nowhere else.
The TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network has been here for nineteen years, longer even than the Newvatican's web site, and much longer those clueless internet "blogs." All along, we TRADITIO Fathers have had Benedict-Ratzinger's number, and in a Commentary to follow shortly, we will give you our very different -- and very accurate -- analysis.
The first question is: Why did Ratzinger abdicate?
Ratzinger's own excuse in his announcement to the Newcardinals assembled in consistory is that his "strength of mind and body" have "deteriorated." Since his election the TRADITIO Network has been almost the only source of candid information about Ratzinger's serious health problems. The secular press rarely mentioned then, but TN drew its readers' attention to the fact that he had had a heart attack, two strokes, and a concussion that knocked him unconscious. Modern medical science indicates that once you have been concussed, your brain never really recovers.
For these reasons, the TRADITIO Network had predicted that Benedict-Ratzinger would abdicate on his 85th birthday, April 16, 2012. TN was almost right. Ratzinger waited a mere ten months, almost to the day, after that predicted date. But although Ratzinger's announcement was true, was it the whole truth?
The second question is: Why now?
Why did Ratzinger decide to leave so hastily? He has not so much abdicated, as abandoned, his office. He is handing over a mess to his successor. His health problems were not so severe that he could not have made an orderly departure. Instead, he gave just seventeen days' notice. CEOs leaving the world's largest corporations, which is what Newvatican has become, typically give several months' notice so that an orderly transition can take place.
Moreover, Ratzinger could have chosen a much better time for his abdication than a few weeks before Easter. His abdication date of February 28, 2013, will force the electoral conclave to begin by March 20, so that it could even run into Easter, falling this year on March 31. If Ratzinger had planned to leave, he should have chosen the low-activity period after Christmas and Epiphany, or waited until after Easter. Ratzinger has now ruined everyone's Lent. Instead of people focusing on the true message of Lent and Easter, now everyone will be embroiled in speculation about who Ratzinger's successor will be.
The TRADITIO Fathers believe that, with their long experience and knowledge of ecclesiastical affairs and history, they have seen more clearly into Ratzinger's soul and character than others. In fact, the TRADITIO Fathers predicted Ratzinger's abdication when virtually everyone else said that it would never happen. That is why they see Ratzinger's decision as a very sudden, very personal decision.
The answers to these questions.
The fact of the matter, which everyone else seems to have ignored, was that Ratzinger never wanted to be pope and couldn't wait to get out of Rome. He asked JPII-Wojtyla no fewer than three times to be able to resign and go back to his teaching in Germany, but Wojtyla wouldn't let him. When Wojtyla died, he wanted to leave Rome, but the conclave elected him Newpope. Consequently, since a consistory had already been scheduled for February 11, 2013, he used that as the vehicle to make his announcement to the Newcardinals, then pack up and get out of town in relative haste.
Finally, Ratzinger woke up one morning and decided: I've had it. I'm going to do what I want for a change. I'm a sick, old, and broken man. I've made a mess of things. The curia hates me, the traditionalists hate me, the liberalists hate me. I just want to go back to Bavaria, live with my brother, pet my cat, and play Mozart on the piano for the rest of my days in peace. As the TRADITIO Network reported in 2005, shortly after Ratzinger was elected, instead of going immediately to the apostolic apartments, he went back to his old apartment, spent the night with his cat, and played his piano.
Ratzinger never wanted to be pope. In 2005, he had wanted to retire to Bavaria, but the Newcardinals needed a caretaker Newpope, so they twisted his arm to stay. He was the oldest pope elected since 1730, at age 78. Ratzinger really didn't want the Newpapacy, but he didn't have the guts to say no, and Newchurch suffered gravely for his cowardice. Time had passed him. Consequently, he made many mistakes in his seven years. He couldn't seem to get along with anyone: traditionalists, Jews, Mohammedans, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans. He constantly stabbed his friends and supporters in the back. Almost everything he touched, he botched.
The only thing that Ratzinger looked forward to was his annual vacation at his summer castle. There he could do the only thing that he really liked, to teach his graduate students. There he could be the professor over his worshipful charges. Thither he invited his old university colleagues, like his excommunicate buddy, the infamous Hans Kung, away from the international spotlight that followed him at Rome. He broke all the papal rules by writing books as Newpope. In fact, he seemed to place more importance on his writing than upon his leadership of the Church.
What do we have to look forward to now?
The TRADITIO Fathers have seen now six of these Newchurch conclaves. First, there will be the euphoria. A new pope! Everything will get better! There will be all the well wishes and optimism that begins a new Newpapacy -- or Presidency, or Prime Ministry. Then reality will set in.
Traditional Catholics will see that nothing has changed. They will see, very gradually to be sure, just as after the Vatican II Council, that the heresy of Modernism continues on in Newchurch. They will see that the Newpope is still the head of the unCatholic New Order sect.
The Novus Ordo Mess (including Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess) will still be invalid. The Novus Ordo sacraments will still be invalid. The presbyters and Newbishops will still be invalid. Catholic doctrine will be further eroded. Criminals will still go to their judgment clothed in the white of purity. The heresy of syncretism, now renamed "oecumenism," will be advanced. Catholic moral precepts will be further eroded. Abortion will be approved, first for the "dubious cases" (we have already seen the beginnings of that in the pronouncement of the Newbishop of Geneva, Switzerland); more acceptance of homosexuality as not traditionally One of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, but as a mere "disorientation"; the implementation deaconesses as the first step to priestesses; the further degradation of the Newclergy into non-celibacy, inter alia.
To be sure, the Newcardinals electing their new Newpope will find a younger face, a more beautiful face, a face that will more easily cover over the corruption of the New Order sect than Ratzinger's old face. (One cannot help but think of St. John's prediction in the Apocalypse of the New Testament about the characteristics of the Anti-Christ -- but we won't go there.) Newchurch will continue to be a corrupt, unCatholic institution that will continue to protect its criminals and frauds. The daily news has documented this fact over and over. The Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues to this day, and will continue -- after Ratzinger tried to deceive everyone by falsely claiming that it was over -- merely because he had changed the phony Novus Ordo "canon law."
18:30 UT (TN) The TRADITIO Network has called for the resignation of Bernie Fellay, Superior-General of the Society of St. Pius X, to synchronize with the abdication of his mentor, Pope Benedict.
According to TN, the pope who has scandalized the Church with widespread and continuing paedophile assaults against children by its clergy, and the superior who has abandoned the principles of his founder, the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, should leave their positions together as of the end of February 2013.
The right of free speech that Benedict-Ratzinger proclaims as a Vatican II "right of the human person" is once again being assailed as traditional Catholic bishop Richard Williamson faces yet a fourth trial in Ratzinger's Germany on charges of "holocaust denial." And Ratzinger, the great Modernist, has raised not one word in defense of Williamson's human rights. Ratzinger would not even go as far as did the atheist philosopher Voltaire, who proclaimed: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
In his Bulletin of February 9, 2013, Williamson explained that he was first tried in 2010. It was a kangaroo trial, as the Regensburg judge rendered her verdict within a few minutes in a multipage document that could hardly have been written in that time. It was at the time reported in the German press that the German Chancelloress, Angela Merkel, had personally orchestrated the guilty verdict. Williamson hadn't even denied the World War II "holocaust," but simply questioned a point of detail on the controverted issue as a very small part of an interview for Swedish Public Television.
In a second trial, a higher court in Nuremberg overturned the verdict on appeal and required the state to pay all of Williamson's legal expenses. But in a third trial, the local Regensburg judge, the district where Benedict-Ratzinger has his home, again convicted Williamson on January 16, 2013. Friends of Bishop Williamson have offered to pay his fine, now reduced to 2,400 U.S. dollars, but Williamson would not capitulate to the corrupt verdict because "much more than just money is at stake." He has appealed again for a fourth trial, quoting Our Lord's powerful words: "For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth" (John 18:37/DRV).
What else could a true Catholic bishop do?
Isidore Fernandes, the Newchurch Bishop of Allahabad, India, "consecrated" a Protestant bishop, Rajendra Lal, on November 4, 2012. Fernandes was assisted by two presbyters of his own Newdiocese and con-celebrated a Novus Ordo Mess of Consecration with Protestant bishops drawn from the Evangelical, Lutheran, Anglican, and Methodist sects as "co-consecrators." The invalid 1969 Novus Ordo consecrating rite was fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini upon Protestant Anglican models.
What is really hypocritical is that Benedict-Ratzinger didn't excommunicate Fernandes, as were Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Bishop Antonio de Castro Meyer for consecrating a traditional Catholic bishop. It took Ratzinger three months to accept the resignation of Fernandes, and the whole matter was essentially covered up. Ratzinger, the cover-up artist, claimed that the reason was Fernandes's "ill health." It seems that only traditional Catholic bishops get the full condemnatory treatment by the New Order sect. Fernandes, far from being excommunicated by Ratzinger, remains "in good standing" with the New Order sect and is now titled a Bishop Emeritus.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I pray that things will turn around for Newchurch, and I believe you want that, too. I hope that you will speak out and say that the Neo-SSPX's Fellay should return to holiness. But I want to ask you to please be more respectful about Fellay.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We are convinced that in our times true Catholics are called upon to speak out courageously for the true Faith and against its enemies. The Saints in times similar to ours did not mince words. St. Catherine of Siena called the cowardly Avignon pope of her time a "murderer of souls." St. Thomas More and Venerable Erasmus of Rotterdam ridiculed with biting satire the Bad Pope of their time. These Saints were following well-founded Catholic moral theology is doing so, as the Church's Universal Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, clearly taught.
You can't debate these Modernist and Novus-Ordo-bent people rationally. Given the rampant Modernist error of our times, they are essentially beyond reason, crazed with false power that leads them even to justify even the rape of children in the name of "respect for the Church." About the only thing that works these days is to call out traitors to the true Faith publicly and by name, and to embarrass them rightly for causing millions to lose the true Faith.
Here is a point of history, of which the pseudo-traditionalists of the post-Vatican II era are ignorant: the Protestant Revolt was caused by the same kind of false "Catholics" that infest the Church today. If Catholics at that time had stuck to the true Faith, and provided true and responsible leadership, Martin Luther would not have gotten to first base with his Protestantism. If Catholics at this time stuck to the true Faith, Josef Ratzinger would not have gotten to first base with the founding his Modernist New Order sect.
The Church has not taught that we are to "respect" those, particularly clergy, who cower and "negotiate" with heretics. That is just Modernistic Vatican II talk intended to protect the guilty from censure. Rather, such people are to be publicly condemned for the damage that they do to the Church. Fellay has done a dastardly thing, for which he reeks with the "odor of heresy" like the Modernists of Vatican II, in his attempts to sell out to the unCatholic New Order sect and to the "Paedophile Pope," and in his actions to expel faithful priests and bishops from his organization.
Fellay needs to be castigated in the strongest terms, not given some contrived "respect," in the same way that Paul castigated the errant Peter before the Church, when Peter was falling into heretical practices. It was only when Paul castigated him that Peter came to repent his grave sin. Fellay is one of the worst: a traitor to Archbishop Lefebvre and his traditional principles, a dictator far worse than Julius Caesar, and a cover-up artist for evil who apes in this his mentor the Modernist leader "Fr." Ratzinger. If anything, the timid Catholics of our times haven't been outspoken enough against these men who have almost destroyed the Church in our time, far worse than Protestantism, which lost to the Church half of the world's Catholics.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I can't argue complex theology with people. Could you give me a practical way to promote traditional Catholicism to the people around me?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes; in fact there is an ideal opportunity just coming up. Already the commercial interests have been bombarding people about "Valentine's Day," February 14. In Novus Ordo times the "Saint" has been dropped off the day's name. We checked and confirmed this: Hallmark has dropped all its Saint Valentine's Day cards. Hallmark and the pagan commercial interests would have you believe that the only import of the holyday is some phony "romantic" one -- to buy, buy, buy: cards, candy, flowers, etc.
So, you want a practical way to promote traditional Catholicism? Here it is.
Good Catholics, if you take these little actions, you will jolt people into an understanding that you are a religious person, a knowledgeable person, and a generous person. You'll be surprised at the stunned reaction that the pagans around you will have, just as they had in Saint Valentine's own time.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Isn't His Excellency Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General, correct when he says, pointing to the corruptions of the New Order sect in Ireland and throughout the world, that "there can be no contradiction between the reality that we apprehend and the Faith"?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
If that is the case, then it is hypocritical in the extreme for His Non-Excellency Fellay to be negotiating feverishly over the last seven years to join the Novus Ordo sect that he condemns. Or do his words in reality reflect an acceptance of that sect? His Non-Excellency Fellay is much less than excellent, a patent hypocrite, and a traitor to the traditional Catholic principles of his founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, thereby leading thousands astray to the unCatholic New Order.
The fact that Fellay's Novus-Ordo-bent Neo-SSPX is a different organization from Archbishop Lefebvre's original SSPX has become so clear that already one out of ten of Fellay's priests and bishops worldwide have deserted him and his untraditional Neo-SSPX. It is high time that, having been set an example by the clergy faithful to their Archbishop-Founders's traditional Catholic principles, the Neo-SSPX laity showed some guts and dropped their false obedience to His Non-Excellency Fellay!
More evidence that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is far from over and that Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants are still placing paedophiles over children came to light when a convicted sex criminal/presbyter in the Newark, New Jersey, archdiocese was appointed to a top post in that archdiocese. Fugee was convicted by a jury in 2003 of aggravated sexual assault upon a child. He admitted that he was "bisexual or homosexual."
Many have expressed outrage against the "breathtaking arrogance" of Newarchbishop John Myers, who, ironically, has made Fugee Director of the Office of Formation of [Presbyters]! Moreover, a spokesman for the Newarchdiocese expressed compassion not for the violated child, by for the presbyter-assailant, who, he said, had been through a "terrible ordeal." Investigators found that Newarchbishop Myers had on at least four occasions shielded presbyters accused of sexual crimes against children, presbyters who later pled guilty to sex crimes. Myers wrote a letter of recommendation for one of the guilty presbyters one week after he was charged with breaking into a woman's home and assaulting her.
A victims' advocate states that Myers' action runs counter to the "one strike and you're out" rule that the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops claims to impose since 2002. "It is unconscionable that a [presbyter] who admitted to touching a young boy -- but who later got off on a technicality -- is deemed to be fit for ministry. He still gets to wear his collar. He will at some point have access to children regardless of where he is assigned." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Star-Ledger.]
On January 29, 2013, the Monastery of Santa Cruz in Novo Friburgo, Brazil, once affiliated with Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, issued a Declaration of separation from Fellay's increasing Novus Ordo-bent organization. The Declaration, entitled Ut fideles inveniamur [That we should be found faithful], signed not only by leaders of the Monastery, but by other priests and a bishop who associated themselves with the separation from Fellay's Neo-SSPX, included the following points:
The Bishop and Fathers appeal "to all those who share the same ideal to unite with us, so that the movement going toward a disastrous submission to Modernist Rome may not prevail in the bosom of Tradition," declaring that "this direction toward Modernist Rome has been clearly manifested in the letters, declarations, and other documents from the actual superiors of the Society of St. Pius X [Bernie Fellay and his lieutenants] in recent months."
The signatories to the Declaration are:
Remember that you had heard it first on the TRADITIO Network. While pseudo-traditionalists and Neoconmen were trying to tell you how the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger was so "traditional" on moral issues (except paedophilia, of course, which he suborns on the part of his Newbishops and presbyters), we predicted some years ago that Ratzinger would soften his unCatholic New Order sect's position on (1) abortion and (2) "gay marriage."
As you faithful readers of these Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers will already have read, our first prediction has come true. Recently, a Newchurch hospital in Colorado, USA, has argued in court that a foetus is "not a person." Then the Newchurch bishop of Geneva, Switzerland, has declared that the abortion pill is moral in the case of rape.
Now our second prediction has come true. Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican is now starting the process of approving "gay marriage." It will not come all at once, of course, just as Hannibal Bugnini and Paul VI-Montini cunningly introduced the unCatholic New Order not all at once, but gradually, so that Catholics would not be jolted into immediate opposition.
The new head of Benedict-Ratzinger's Pontifical Council for the Family, Newarchbishop Vincenzo Paglia, on February 4, 2013, shocked the world by indicating Newvatican's approval for "legal protection" of homosexual "civil unions," apparently only because these immoral arrangements are not actually called "marriage." He also expressed Newvatican's opposition to declaring sodomy as a crime, as it still rightly is in 20-25 countries around the world. Nor did Newpope's representative express any opposition to Biblically-condemned fornication, in common parlance, "living together."
For Ratzinger, it seems that "family" now includes "relationships" based in fornication, homosexuality, sodomy, and, at least in some cases, countenances abortion. Paglia wants the world to "help individuals who live in non-matrimonial relations ... to make their life easier." Ratzinger's hypocrisy on the issue has led the once-Catholic French to proceed with the legalization of "gay marriage." Ratzinger's French Newbishops even sold out by approving sodomistic "civil unions." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service.]
Good Catholics, it doesn't matter what you call it -- "civil unions," "gay marriage," "living together" -- it is all a grave sin against the Law of God and Biblical doctrine. But the Newchurch of the New Order is used to playing with words to approve evil. Remember, Newchurch calls the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan invalid Novus Ordo service a "Mass." Thus, millions of people who wrongly think that they are Catholic are deprived of Sacramental grace and are left on their own to deal, without any help to combat the secular influences that are leading them to Hell.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
We get the Church and government leaders we deserve. The United States started falling apart in the 1960s. In the secular world it started with druggies, mini-skirted bimbettes, topless bars, R-rated movies, and the like. The shootings of the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, and George Wallace. "Blue Laws" that respected Sunday as the Lord's Day were repealed. Laws against homosexual acts, sodomy, and adultery were repealed. "Gay" Messes were legitimized. Abortion was legalized.
In Newrome we got the Church that we deserved. We got the Modernist Vatican II Council. Catholic doctrine was "nuanced away." Catholic morality was watered down to the point that eventually Newchurch institutionalized criminal paedophilia for its clergy. Excommunication for heresy was eliminated, except for true Catholic bishops. A raft of Modernists and excommunicates who led and inspired that Council were restored to "good standing" by their fellow Modernist, Paul VI-Montini:
While all this was going on, one-third of Catholics just gave up and left the Church in the first few years after the Council. The rest accepted the damnable and unCatholic New Order without a fight. Now these have become Protestants within a Newchurch lead by the Conciliar Modernist leader, "Fr." Ratzinger, and are drowning in their own offal, exemplified by the paedophiliac Newcardinal Roger Mahony.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I was wondering about the "indulgences" given for the Novus Ordo's so-called Year of Faith are even valid. Could you review the situation with "indulgence" in the New Order sect, and the requirements for traditional indulgences?The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is ironic that Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect, which doesn't believe in Hell or Purgatory (except on paper), should offer "indulgences" to avoid them. Since the New Order sect doesn't teach the doctrine of temporal punishment (except maybe on paper), there is no point for that sect to offer "indulgences." Why then does Ratzinger offer them? Merely to spread Modernist propaganda and to extort money for his unCatholic sect.
We hardly hear from Newchurch these days about Christ, Mary, and the Saints (except for those phony and flawed propaganda "saints" created after Vatican II), but we sure hear about the Year of Faith, World Youth Day, the New Evangelization, etc., etc. It all sounds as if Ratzinger views himself as the Modernist equivalent to the Marketing V.P. of Coca Cola rather than a real pope.
In 1968 the Modernist pope Paul VI-Montini, who worked hand in glove with the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, gutted "indulgences" for the New Order in the Novus Ordo's Enchiridion Indulgentiarum and adopted at that time essentially a Protestant outlook. So, for all intents and purposes, there are no "indulgences" in Newchurch -- except for promoting expensive travel to Newrome and conniving donations to shore Ratzinger's failing unCatholic sect. Like everything else about the Newchurch of the New Order, true Catholics should reject it outright.
For further information about traditional indulgences, consult the "Traditional Indulgences" chapter in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, available in the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Bernie Fellay, a Swiss, is red-faced again today, as Switzerland's Newbishop-Primate, Charles Morerod has banned his Neo-SSPX outright from Newchurch churches and chapels. Morerod, in a January 20, 2013, decree has welcomed Calvinists, Lutherans, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglicans to use his churches for their unCatholic services, has banned outright Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. Ironically, Morerod had been one of the negotiators with the Neo-SSPX in the 2009-2011 failed negotiations get the Neo-SSPX to sell out to the New Order sect.
Morerod confirmed Benedict-Ratzinger's own decree of March 10, 2009, on Fellay's Neo-SSPX that as long as the Neo-SSPX does not have a "canonical status" in the New Order sect, "its ministers do not exercise legitimate ministries." Ratzinger's decree seems to regard Fellay and his priest-presbyters as equivalent to Protestant ministers!
Morerod goes on to decree: "It is forbidden to the priests of the [Neo-] Society of Saint Pius X to use the Catholic [sic] churches and chapels for all priestly service, in particular for the dispensation of the sacraments.
Good Catholics, Fellay's grand designs to sell out to the New Order sect have come back to bite him on the derriere. He is worse off now than ever before. That is what happens when you are prideful enough to think that you can negotiate with the Devil. It's that lethal pointed tail that will get you every time -- in the rear!
In a follow-up to the case of Benedict-Ratzinger's "Catholic" hospital in Canon City, Colorado, calling a seven-month-old foetus "not a person," the Newcardinal-archbishop of the largest German diocese, Cologne, with which Ratzinger is particularly associated, has given his okay for his Newchurch hospitals to prescribe pills to cause abortions.
Newcardinal Joachim Meisner accepts the abortion pill to kill an innocent foetus who happens to be the product of a rape. Ironically, Meisner's immoral decree permitting murder contradicts even modern science, which has determined that unique DNA, i.e., life, exists at the moment of conception. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Deutsche Welle.]
In one of the clearest indications of the perversion of the New Order sect, Newcardinal Roger "the Rogue" Mahony, exposed in over 12,000 pages of internal documents ordered published by a Los Angeles court as an accomplice to paedophile New Order sect clergy for 25 years, is so perverted that he has issued a statement characterizing himself as a "protector of children and youth." This is raw Modernism, a total perversion of truth by a pervert. Mahony made this outrageous claim in a public letter of February 1, 2013, to his successor, Newarchbishop Jose Gomez. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by United Press International.]
For a career in which Mahony consistently covered for hundreds of presbyters who had raped and sodomized children and then shipped the most embarrassing ones via an "underground railroad" to Newchurch officials across the border in Mexico, Mahony received merely a slap on the hand by his former understudy, Gomez. On January 31, 2013, Gomez suspended the retired Mahony from "administrative and public duties," with pay, of course. Gomez's spokesman admitted Mahony is still considered a presbyter "in good standing," who could continue to simulate the invalid Novus Ordo service.
In case you're wondering who unleashed Mahony on over 10,000 child victims, it was the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla, who appointed Mahony in 1991, the same Wojtyla whose disciple, Benedict-Ratzinger, wants to make a Novus Ordo "saint." It's enough to make you vomit. Newchurch's own report indicated that 4,000 presbyters in the United States alone were involved in these crimes -- that's one out of every ten presbyters -- against more than 10,000 children. The lesson of the post-Vatican II period is clear: If you want to be a criminal, join the New Order sect. You can commit the most vile, and you'll get off with, at worst, a slap on the wrist.
Mahony is a sex criminal, together with the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops as a group. They should all be hauled up there on criminal charges as conspirators under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. Mahony's boss, Benedict-Ratzinger is the mastermind of the crimes and should be hauled up on charges for crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Court at the Hague. Several European parliamentarians have already started this process.
Benedict-Ratzinger's new appointee as Newchurch archbishop of Portland, Oregon, Alexander Sample, was attacked at his first press conference by the press for his support of sex criminals amongst his Newclergy. The most prominent child victims' rights group characterized him as "having done nothing to distinguish himself from the overwhelming majority of Catholic [sic] officials who continue to minimize and hide clergy abuse crimes."
Although Sample refused to speak about the case of his presbyter, Angel Perez, who was charged as recently as August 2012 for first-degree sex crimes against children, Sample did have something to say about Benedict-Ratzinger's Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007. Sample admitted that where the "Latin Mass" was concerned, he was an ignoramus. He said, "I am completely a product of the Second Vatican Council. It is part of who I am." It wasn't until college that he even knew about the Roman Catholic Mass and Gregorian chant of 2,000 years. In his opinion, the "Motu" Mess is simply a tool to "enrich an understanding of the Ordinary, or English, Mass [sic]." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Portland Oregonian.]
Good Catholics, is it possible that we have here a Newbishop who tells the truth about Ratzinger's phony "Motu" Mess scheme? That Benedict-Ratzinger has no intention in Newchurch to restore the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by valid, ordained priests, not phony "installed" Novus Ordo presbyters? That Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess is intended only to deceive the clueless Newchurchers with a phony Vatican II Mess, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his stooge, Paul VI-Montini?
The Catholic News Agency featured an article on January 30, 2013, in which the "Fr." Josef Ratzinger, a leader of the Modernists at the Vatican II Council, was recalled as saying that he envisioned a day when there would be a "smaller, more faithful Church." Ratzinger's vision has in fact come true in the Newpontificates of himself and his post-Vatican II precedecessors, but in a place that the Modernist Ratzinger never expected: in the traditional Catholic Church, whose members stand courageously by the true Faith against those Modernist Newpopes and their corruption of the true Catholic Faith.
Ratzinger's vision equates amazingly closely with the traditional Catholic Church that his own New Order sect attacks. He describes the "smaller, more faithful Church" as having to "start afresh more or less from the beginning." He describes it as "no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices built in prosperity." He describes it as having to "lose many of its social privileges." He describes it as having to "make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members." He describes it as "a more spiritual Church, not presuming upon a political mandate." Finally, he describes it as having to suffer "hard-going." Bernie Fellay's Neo-Society of St. Pius X, which has deserted the traditional Catholic Faith in favor of cozying up to Ratzinger's New Order sect, even though Fellay was temporarily thwarted from completing the sellout in 2012, is patently not part of that "smaller, more faithful" traditional Catholic Church.
But, thank the Lord, from Fr. Gommar DePauw's founding of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in 1964, there have been thousands of priests and bishops, and millions of laypeople, who have fought tooth and nail to this day against the post-Vatican II fabrication of the New Order sect by Paul VI-Montini, JPII-Wojtyla, and Benedict-Ratzinger. It is to the pioneers of the Traditional Catholic Movement and their courageous successors that the continuance of the true Faith for the millions who are forced to practice it outside the Novus Ordo sect should be eternally grateful from the depths of their souls.
On February 3, 2013, the Feastday of St. Agatha, in the nineteenth year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 18,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 18,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, including lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
A traditional Catholic priest from California reminded us that January 27, 2013, marked the 257th anniversary of the birthday of one of the most celebrated composers of Catholic Church music. He was baptized in St. Rupert's Cathedral in the Archbishopric of Salzburg in the Holy Roman Empire with the name Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. The Chrysostomus in his name honored the Saint's day of his birth, John Chrysostom, the celebrated Eastern Doctor of the Church.
After the anonymous composers of the Gregorian Chant, which some say is so sublime that it was given to man by the Angels who sing it before the throne of God. After the great Johann Sebastian Bach (arguably a closet Catholic who wanted to move from his Lutheran employers at Leipzig to move to the Catholic court of the king of Poland), who composed a only single High Mass running two hours -- that one Mass so sublime that many musicologists regard it as the greatest piece of music ever written.
After the chant and Bach, then, the most celebrated composer of Catholic Church music is Mozart. From 1773 to 1781 Mozart was in the employ as a court musician of the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, for whose cathedral he poured out 60 pieces of church music in all the Catholic forms: 17 Masses, a Requiem Mass, three Kyries, three Regina Coelis, a Te Deum, two Vespers Services, four Litanies, as well as numerous Offertories, psalms, and motets. Mozart's most sublime motet is the familiar Ave Verum Corpus, a meditation on the Most Blessed Sacrament. This hymn is available, recorded live by the St. John Schola in our most highly-recommended series for traditional churches and chapels. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
It has been said that the Angels, when they play for God, play Bach, but when they play for each other, they play Mozart. Yet Mozart himself had a much more humble view of his Church music. He once said that he would gladly exchange all his music for the fame of having composed only the Gregorian chant for the Preface of the Mass.
Sometimes the question arises about Mozart's Masonic affiliation. The facts are these. Mozart joined the Freemasons in 1784 and remained an active member until his death. His choice to enter the lodge was influenced by his attraction to the lodge's "shared devotion to Catholic tradition." Mozart's particular lodge in Austria was a specifically Catholic one rather than a merely deistic one. He was in the same Masonic Lodge as another great Catholic composer, Franz Joseph Haydn. Mozart's last opera, Die Zauberflöte, includes Masonic themes and allegory, and he wrote a piece of Masonic Funeral Music. It seems quite peculiar that if Freemasonry were condemned by the Church then, the world's two most notable Catholic composers, prominently working under Catholic archbishops and kings, would be Freemasons.
The explanation is this. Freemasonry had been banned by the Papal Bull Eminenti apostolatus specula, issued by Pope Clement XII on April 28, 1738, but the ban was promulgated only in the Papal States, Spain, Portugal, and Poland. It was not promulgated in Austria, where Mozart lived, until 1792 (after Mozart's death in 1791). Hence, in Austria during Mozart's lifetime a good Catholic could perfectly well become a Mason, and it is clear that Mozart saw no conflict between these two allegiances. In 1784, before the French Revolution, which intervened five years later, Freemasonry in Austria obviously didn't include the anti-Catholic fanaticism which then became obligatory and which was later solemnly condemned by the Church, but was considered rather as a humanitarian organization compatible with Catholic Faith. It wasn't until the mid 1790s, in the turmoil of the war with France that the Austrians grew concerned about secret societies, and in the mid 1790s Masonry was officially forbidden in Austria, after Mozart had died.
Sure, you've all seen those professional football players making what is supposed to be the Sign of the Cross, which looks more like swatting a fly. We've all heard about the "Hail Mary" pass. Yet do any of these people set foot in a true church where they make the Sign of the Cross at Holy Mass or say the Hail Mary in the Leonine Prayers after Mass? Very, very doubtful. Truly faithful people don't wear their religion on their sleeve, let along in some piece of jewelry hung around their necks, much less with a tattoo etched into their arm, or neck, or derriere!
According to a new survey of over 1,000 Americans by the Public Religion Research Institute, the United States may have gone even farther down the tube that you might have thought. With Sunday church attendance plummeting and with more pseudo-Christians advocating anti-Christian immoralities such as "gay" marriage and abortion, it seems that one out of four of these pseudo-Christians do still believe that God has one remaining power: to determine the outcome of professional sports events! Yes, the modern pseudo-Christian has reverted back 3000 years to the notion of a Zeus who sits on Mount Olympus above the Trojan War and determines which side will win, Greeks today, Trojans tomorrow.
Moreover, after half a century of New Age "Prosperity Gospel" pseudo-Protestant preachers like pretty boy Joel Osteen, who runs a megachurch in Houston, Texas, who rarely mentions the Bible and deliberately refuses to acknowledge sin publicly, more than a quarter of Americans now believe that God "rewards those who have faith [pick a "faith," any "faith"] with good health and success." Osteen's false gospel has its roots in the Protestant rebel John Calvin and, in more recent times, was introduced into Protestantism by doctrine-avoiding preachers like Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller, and, on the Novus Ordo side, even Fulton Sheen.
Good Catholics, you may not be surprised to learn that Newchurchers turned out to be even more affected by this pagan pseudo-Christianity than Protestants. 29 per cent of Newchurchers bought into this nonsense as compared to only 19 per cent of mainline Protestants. The trouble is that if God makes your team lose, you have not choice but to become a godless Buddhist! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
On January 19, 2013, the Palace of the Popes at Avignon, France, was consecrated as the Grand Masonic Lodge of France. The consecration ceremony was announced by the Masonic Press Agency and was conducted in the Conclave Hall of the Popes' Palace.
Even most traditional Catholics are unaware that it is not just in post-Vatican II times that the popes have abandoned the Church. In fact, between 1309 and 1376 six papal conclaves sat and elected six popes, who never took possession of their Papal See at Rome, but remained in Avignon, France, having sold out to the secular French king. It was only when St. Catherine of Siena threatened the last of these, Gregory XI, with the wrath of God that he finally acquiesced to go to Rome.
But it was too late; the damage had already been done. The faithlessness of the Avignon popes produced the Great Western Schism, which lasted for 39 years (1378-1417), during which there were as many as three popes. What you now read in the history books is a retroactive guess. AT THE TIME EVEN THE SAINTS ARGUED ABOUT WHO WAS THE REAL POPE AND WHO WAS THE ANTI-POPE. Included amongst these popes/anti-popes were the current Newpope's predecessors, Benedict XII and Benedict XIII. Eventually, the faithlessness of the Avignon popes and of Alexander VI-Borgia, known to history as the "Bad Pope," led to Protestantism, which took half the members out of the Church.
For further information, click on POPELIM: The Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians.
On January 27, 2013, Benedict-Ratzinger received a very bad omen, similar to many received by the leaders of ancient Rome. Augustus Caesar, so the Roman historians tell us, received such an omen and died within a hundred days. The following recounts how Ratzinger received his bad omen.
After his noon Angelus, Ratzinger released a dove, symbolic of the "Spirit" of the Modernist Vatican II Council, whose fiftieth anniversary Ratzinger, one of the Council's Modernist leaders, is now celebrating. Immediately, from out of nowhere, as thousands looked on from St. Peter's Piazza, a seagull swooped down for the kill and attacked Ratzinger's "Spirit" of Vatican II, then attacked Ratzinger himself. Reading the meaning of this omen does not require a soothsayer. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. News.]