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Pseudo-traditionalists apparently missed an announcement by Francis-Bergoglio in his controversial interview recently with La Civilta Cattolica, in which he proclaimed: "What is worrying, though, is the risk of the ideologization of the Old Mass; it's exploitation." The "Old Mass" referred to is the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962-2007, which Benedict-Ratzinger erroneously called in his 2007 Motu Proprio the "Extraordinary" Mess. This is the Mess engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini. But what is even more stunning is that Bergoglio called the "Ordinary Mess" of Newchurch, that is, the Proteestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service of 1969, to be "absolutely irreversible."
Carrying on Bergoglio's theme, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship [Sic] had the gall recently to issue a statement called "Stewards of Tradition," in which they tried to "spin" their destruction of the True Mass after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) as an Act of Tradition. George Orwell outed these guys almost a century ago in his essay Politics and the English Language. The Committee obviously comes from that river in Egypt, DeNile. In 1958, over 80 per cent of Catholics were worshipping their Creator at the Traditional Latin Mass. In 2013, that number has fallen, according to many surveys, to less than 10 per cent. (Of course, these are no longer Catholics, but Newchurchers.)
The Committee, of course, lauds the corruption of the sacred Latin tongue into the vulgar tongues, "making the words of the liturgy more understandable to those present." What the Committee will not tell you is that the use of the vulgar (vernacular) tongues is anathematized by the dogmatic Council of Trent. Moreover, many studies have indicated that Newchurchers don't understand the Catholic Faith. They are essentially dumb when it comes to anything doctrinal. Many of them can't even recite the words of the Hail Mary (even in the vernacular), let alone the Apostles' Creed.
The Committee goes on to praise "the development of a repertory of vernacular music for the Liturgy over the past fifty years." Obviously, these U.S. Newbishops haven't talked to Church musicians and composers, who, already within a decade of invalid New Order Mess, proclaimed at their convention that sacred music had been killed by Vatican II. Unless, that is, you consider "Kumbayah" and "Leaving on a Jet Plane" to be sacred music!
Good Catholics, the Motarians' goose is cooked -- their just punishment for selling out to the New Order sect for a few words of Latin. Faust got more than than when he sold out to the Devil! Too bad they didn't listen to the experienced and wise words of us TRADITIO Fathers who predicted years ago exactly what would happen to them for their perfidy to the Catholic Faith.
On September 29, 2013, the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network celebrated its nineteenth anniversary. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our 20,000,000 readers over these past nineteen years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers, lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
The TRADITIO Network has been advised by The Resistance, the worldwide movement of priests and laity returning from Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX to the traditional Catholic principles of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, that Bishop Richard Williamson, formerly the senior Bishop of the SSPX before it was reorganized by Bernie Fellay to become a puppet of the New Order sect, at that time headed by Benedict-Ratzinger and now by Francis-Bergoglio, has designated Fr. Jean Michel Faure as Coordinator of The Resistance.
On January 29, 2013, Bishop Williamson and sixteen other Resistance priests, formerly of Fellay's Neo-SSPX, issued a Joint Declaration, which restated the opposition of The Resistance to Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. The Declaration stated that the signers were scandalized by the Newrome of the New Order sect and, in opposition to Newrome and to Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, were determined to follow the original traditional Catholicism of Archbishop Lefebvre. Since that time, Newrome has been taken over by Francis-Bergoglio, who has, in the six months of his regime, shown himself even more infected with the Modernism condemned as a heresy by the Catholic Church than his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, who was one of the leaders of Modernist wing at the Vatican II Council and has remained a committed Modernist to this day.
Fr. Faure is uniquely qualified to perform this role being, like Bishop Williamson, a close associate of the Archbishop. Fr. Faure was one of the first SSPX priests ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre and, therefore, is one of the longest-serving members of the SSPX. He has participated in every Chapter of the Society. He served as the right arm of the Archbishop in Latin America for decades and enjoyed the full confidence of the Archbishop. Fr. Faure has extensive pastoral experience, being the founder of the SSPX Mission in Latin America, Superior of the South American District, Founder and Superior of La Reja Seminary (where Bishop Williamson also served), and founder and Superior of the SSPX District of Mexico.
In fact, the Archbishop thought so highly of Fr. Faure that he wanted to consecrate him as a bishop, but Fr. Faure refused for reasons of humility. The state of the traditional Catholic world and the Neo-Society of St. Pius X would be vastly better if Fr. Faure had been consecrated instead of Bernie Fellay, who was a last-minute addition, pushed on the Archbishop by the moneyed Swiss traditionalists.
Fr. Faure has hit the ground running in his new role. He has announced as his first objective to surround Bishop Williamson with two or three priests and to put at his disposal a house with a Secretariat somewhere in England. The Resistance has grown significantly since the founding on August 10, 2012, in the United States, of what has commonly been called the Society of Pius X of the Strict Observance, provisionally headed by Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer. In fact, Fr. Pfeiffer is currently in Europe where he is meeting with many former Neo-SSPX priests and Resistance groups. He neatly dovetails with Fr. Faure, who is resident in France. The United States and France are the two principal countries from which The Resistance has gained a growing strength since Fellay's aborted sellout to the New Order sect.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have recently found Mr. V. on the internet. While he sounds traditional at times, I still get the impression that he is very much a part of the New Order establishment and is in reality a pseudo-traditionalist, not a true traditional Catholic, or perhaps not even really Catholic at all. What is your impression of such people?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You cannot be follower of the New Order sect and be considered traditional, or even really Catholic. As Our Lord Jesus Christ quite directly put it: "No man can serve two masters.... You cannot serve God and Mammon" (Matthew 6:24/DRV). These Neocons are choosing to bind themselves to a sect that had essentially abandoned the Catholic Mass and Sacraments, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic morality.
These are people who do not wish to show the courage of the Catholic Martyrs, who refused to put even one pinch of incense in the thurible to worship Caesar. They want to "have their cake and eat it too." Sure, sometimes they might seem to have a "traditionalist" bent, but that is all within the context of worshipping Caesar. Our Lord had good word for such people, whom He saw in the Church in his own time: "hypocrites."
Their unCatholic "Extrordinary Mess" (most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass), fabricated for the Modernist Vatican II Council by the Freemason presbyer Hannibal Bugnini and performed by presbyters installed under the invalid New Ordinal, but not ordained in the valid traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders, is just another example of this hypocrisy, which true Catholics shuns like the spiritual plague that it is.
Francis-Bergoglio is now shown to be just as much as a pro-paedophile Newpope as his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger. With no public condemnation, Bergoglio allowed Peruvian auxiliary Newbishop Luis Bambaren to "retire" quietly after he was implicated in the rape of children. Neither Bergoglio nor the local Newbishops' conference announced the "retirement," although Bambaren was a former President of the Peruvian Newbishops Conference. Barbaren is currently incommunicado. Showing that it doesn't matter with you are liberalist or conservative in the New Order sect, Bambaren was associated with a "conservative" Newchurch group associated with Opus Dei.
Although Bergoglio may have tried to keep the matter quiet, the Peruvian attorney general is not. He is expected to announce criminal charges against Bambaren "soon." Meanwhile, Bergoglio met warmly with the Peruvian presbyter Gustavo Gutierrez, a founder of the Communist Liberation Theology Movement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, in just six months, it has become all too clear where Francis "The Flake"'s sympathies lie: against New Order "traditionalists," and with paedophiles and Communists.
Many will remember the Grammy-award winning compact disc, Chant, which hit the music market in 1994 and became an overnight sensation. Chant was sung by the Benedictine monks of Santo Domingo de Silos and was found to appeal to traditional Christians and New-Age listeners alike. It was considered the perfect antidote to a stressful, workaholic world exacerbated by putrid pop music. The perennial qualities of traditional Latin plainchant became self-evident to the listener of these recordings.
But for the monks, plainchant was more than a musical expression; it was essential to their life of prayer. The monks explained in the jewel-case insert for Chant how they had become physically ill, suffering fatigue and exhaustion, after they had been forced to implement the vulgar, vernacularized Novus Ordo music for the modernized "Liturgy of the Hours," which replaced the traditional Divine Office when the New Order was imposed in the Newchurch of the New Order in the late 1960s.
For a while the monks did not know why they had become so physically sick. It didn't occur to them immediately that it was the New Order imposed upon them that was making them physically sick. Eventually, they summoned a physician, who asked them whether there had been any changes in their normal routine. When the physician learned about the New Order music and vernacularized service that had been imposed upon them, he gave Doctor's Orders that they return to the traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office. As a result, the monks rejected the New Order sect and became traditional again. Within a week they were well.
The wise early Fathers of the Church attacked pagan instrumental music because of its inseparable connection to paganism and lewdness. The Great Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, called this music "the devil's garbage." As much as the Fathers despised "popular" music, they simultaneously acknowledged "classical" music as an important discipline for Christian students, having an edifying, religious impact upon the soul. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Newchurchers ignorantly think that music is just a matter of personal taste. It isn't. Aesthetics have rules, just like doctrine and morality. The pre-Christian philosopher Aristotle understood that, teaching that music has a distinctly moral character. He also taught that good music has a good effect on man's character, while bad music has a bad effect. The Newchurchers, who are less Christians than pagans, don't understand that truth. They subject their souls to musical garbage, so that it is no wonder that the "religion" of their sect has turned to garbage. "Garbage in, garbage out" is the modern expression of Aristotle's ancient philosophical principle.
On September 21, 2013, Francis-Bergloglio demoted the only "traditionalist" left in his administration, from the No. 4 spot to the bottom. Newcardinal Mauro Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, who, though New Order like all of Newvatican, was perceived by the pseudo-traditionalists as "highly traditional on matters of liturgy and the question of priestly celibacy." Piacenza was demoted to the Penitentary, which is not even a department of Newvatican. At the same time, Bergoglio demoted the "conservative" to the bottom rung, he maintained openly Modernist/Liberalist/Oecumenist Newcardinal Gerhard Mueller in the No. 3 spot as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith.
It was also announced that Bergoglio would on September 30, 2013, set the date to Novus Ordo con-anize arguably the first Modernist Newpope, John XXIII, and the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla, who, as the First Paedophile Newpope, presided over the institutional cover-up of Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters who raped and sodomized children. Wojtyla allowed the notorious paedophiliac Newarchbishop, Bernard Law, of Boston, Massachusetts, to retain his position. However, Law's people rejected Wojtyla's cover-up action and threw Law out themselves. The scuttlebut is that Bergoglio may desecrate the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception in 2013 to perpetrate this "unsaintly" con-anization fraud. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, one can easily interpret Bergoglio's actions to mean that what passes for "traditionalism" is being expunged from his Newchurch of the New Order and that Modernist/Liberalist/Oecumenists are being promoted to the highest places in his administration. Specifically, Bergoglio is removing those who object to a Protestantized married Newclergy and the "Motu" Pseudo-Latin Mess of 2007. The pseudo-traditionalists, like Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, are now moribund -- as their hypocritical sellout to the New Order richly merits.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX stand directly contrary to the teachings of the dogmatic Council of Trent that invalidate the Novus Ordo service, defined in 2007 by Benedict-Ratzinger as the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch. Fellay's line is that this Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, which is not a Mass and which is not even valid, has been "legitimately promulgated and can be valid." The Council of Trent says ANATHEMA to Fellay!
It is the definition of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that has been changed to invalidity, not just the words and intention of the Novus Ordo service. The Novus Ordo cannot be a valid legitimate rite of the true Catholic Church, as the true Catholic Church cannot foist upon the faithful an invalid rite of Holy Mass. The mission of the true Church is to save souls, not to teach error and lead souls to Hell. True Catholics can make no compromise with the Vatican II sect that is masquerading as the Catholic Church.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We notice that in his September 20, 2013, Open Letter, the former senior bishop of Fellay's Neo-SSPX, Richard Williamson, draws attention to the fact that Archbishop Lefebvre denounced the "Indult" Latin Mess of 1984-1988, followed by the Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Pseudo-Latin Mess of 2007. The Archbishop told Catholics that they could not morally attend such Messes and remain Catholic, as such participation in the New Order sect is "tantamount to accepting Vatican II" and would lead anyone attending these services to "risk sliding into the new Conciliar religion."
Contrary to his Archbishop-Founder, the New Order-leaning Bernie Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, makes the untenable claim, says Bishop Williamson, that the New Mess was "legitimately promulgated." The Bishop, therefore, tells Catholics that "attending [Neo-]SSPX Masses should be ruled out ... because the [Neo-] SSPX is being remolded" to the Conciliar religion, that is, the unCatholic New Order sect.
Bishop Williamson concludes: "The fact remains that the trunk of the [Neo-]SSPX is mortally stricken, without hope, humanly speaking, of recovery. Like the Synagogue between the death of Our Lord on the Cross and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, it is carrying death within it... If a Catholic can see today that throughout the body of the [Neo-]SSPX, from the head downwards, the deadly virus of a disguised Conciliar mentality is coursing, he must take action to help rescue as many souls as possible" from Fellay's pseudo-traditional Neo-SSPX.
Like a crazed animal caught in the headlights, Francis-Bergoglio is toying with the moral doctrines of his New Order sect, further confirming to the world that it is not the Catholic Church. In doing so, he is attempting to divert attention from his own personal corruption, which taints everything he does. While he calls on others to tell the truth, he himself lies. Bergoglio cannot mimic Pontius Pilate and wash his hands of his hand-picked lieutenant, Newmonsignor Nunzio Scarano. Bergoglio personally appointed this scoundrel to be the chief accountant of the Vatican Bank and head of a committee "reform" the Vatican Bank.
Newmonsignor Scarano, now arrested and lingering in a Salerno jail, is going to trial on December 3, 2013, charged with masterminding a corruption plot to smuggle millions of dollars out of Switzerland for a Mafia organization under the authority of Bergoglio's Institute for Works of Religion, aka the Vatican Bank, which has often been tied to money-laundering operations. Scarano's malfeasances are so wide-reaching that his trial will be conducted on an accelerated basis, as a so-called rito immediato. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, Bergoglio refuses to do anything to clean out the Augean stable of his Newvatican, preferring instead to issue outrageous statements against Catholic moral teaching to make himself the "golden boy" of "gays," lesbians, and paedophiles.
Speaking like a crass politician who wants to win votes, not to do good, Francis "The Flake" Bergoglio declared on September 19, 2013, that he is ready to change major doctrines (as if he had the authority) on such Catholic, not to say Christian, such as abortion, homosexuality, and contraception "to make it [Newchurch] a merciful, more welcoming place for all." He says that Newchurchers, not to say Catholics, are "too obsessed" on "gay marriage, abortion, and contraception."
Bergoglio's stated goal is overtly anti-Christian, as Christ fearlessly taught the Divine truth, hard as it was. Truth is mentioned as often in the New Testament as "love." And the Biblical definition of "love," by the way, is obeying the Commandments (John 14:15/DRV et al.). For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Love or Charity?"
Bergoglio knows that his Newchurch of the New Order is sinking fast because of the rampant paedophiliac crimes by his Newclergy, which he refuses to stop, but wants "forgotten" and because daily the corruption of his administration, particularly its handling of money, is exposed. He told Civilta Cattolica, the Italian Newjesuit magazine, that his Newchurch's moral structure might "fall like a house of cards" if it doesn't let up on its opposition to abortion, homosexuality, and contraception. In his remarks, he even presumes -- in an unheard of statement from a purported pope -- to dump on his predecessors JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger for being too "doctrinal."
This was too far even for the Liberalist-Modernist Newbishops of the United States, where some are already publicly voicing public dismay that Bergoglio hasn't hammered home Newchurch teaching on abortion, contraception and homosexuality. The interview was conducted in secrecy, with even some Newvatican officials unaware of its content, and distributed under a tight embargo. So much for the "transparency" that the Newcardinal-electors demanded of him!
Bergoglio was elected in March 2013 with a mandate to reform an institution that has been tarnished in recent years by corruption, financial scandal, and accusations of intrigue and infighting, not so say the continuing rape and sodomy of children by its officials. Bergoglio has made no headway in resolving any of these problems. Instead, posing with the false humility of a Dikensian Uriah Heep, he babbles on in such an incompetent way that one has to question whether he was ever Catholic. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, Francis "The Flake" is making all of this up as he goes along. There is nothing Catholic about it. He certainly has no authority to change any teaching. The dogmatic Vatican I Council stated emphatically: "For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles." So what Bergoglio says is dogmatically null and void. True Catholics should pay no attention to him, any more than they would pay attention to any other heretic.
Traditional Catholics know that the Newchurch of the New Order is filthy, but now we have scientific proof! Austrian scientists have determined that "Unholy Water" from the New Order's shrines and churches is "often contaminated with fecal matter and bacteria." But, in particular, it seems that Novus Ordo "Unholy Water" can harbor the brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri.
The scientists have cautioned Newchurchers not to drink their sect's "Unholy Water," as many of them do at Marian and other shrines, falsely thinking that it has some kind of healing power. Scientists at Vienna University Medical School's Institute of Hygiene and Applied Immunology came to the conclusion after analyzing the water quality at 21 of Newchurch's "holy" springs and 18 fonts at churches and chapels at various times of year. 86 per cent of the "Unholy Water" samples showed fecal contamination, along with disease-producing bacteria that cause inflammatory diarrhoea and the brain-eating amoeba. Drinking the "Unholy Water" is not the only danger. The amoeba may access the brain through other orifices.
Several people each year are killed by the brain-eating amoeba, which thrives in warm water. Human body temperature, 37 degrees Celsius, is quite warm enough to harbor the deadly bug. The brain-eating amoeba is microscopic: 8-15 micrometres in size. By comparison, a human hair is 40-50 micrometres wide. The symptoms may not appear for up to 14 days, and the victims usually die in 3-7 days after showing the first symptoms of the disease, which is called Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, there you have it: Newchurch is literally filthy. Not only is its doctrine, morals, Mess and Sakraments contaminated by the disease of Modernism, but even its "Unholy Water" seems to be writhing with deadly bugs -- as if its doctrinal, moral, and liturgical bugs weren't already lethal enough. The general rule is: stay away from anything connected with the New Order sect. It's lethal to your soul and body!
Francis-Bergoglio, having failed utterly to clean up his Mafia-based Vatican Bank, has been hit with yet another financial scandal on September 16, 2013, as his chief bank accountant, Newmonsignor Nunzio Scarano, under arrest by Italian police for attempting to launder 27,000,000 U.S. dollars for the Mafia on an Italian government flight from Switzerland to Italy, has now turned state's evidence against Bergoglio and his predecessor Benedict-Ratzinger.
In addition to the Vatican Bank, Bergoglio runs the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See. This Newpapal organ handles all the money that comes into Newvatican, such as Peter's Pence, and administers its all Newvatican's expenses, salaries, real estate, and purchasing contracts. It also manages Bergoglio's stock portfolio. Benedict-Ratzinger has already been exposed by the whistle-blowing Archbishop-Mayor of Vatican City in a contract-fraud deal.
Scarano has confessed to the Roman police that the Bergoglio-Ratzinger Administration has been secretly providing accounts to outsiders and illegally disbursing money to them. Scarano has also confessed that the Newpopes, through their Newvatican organs, have been involved in tax evasion and disguising illegal sources of income. One of the illegal "outsider" account-holders was an Italian banker who is being investigated by Italian authorities for market-rigging. Another "outsider" receiving money from Bergoglio-Ratzinger was "a long-time Vatican benefactor."
And what has Francis "The Fraud"'s response been? He has merely appointed two phony commissions to advise him and appointed to the first commission the thief Newmonsignor Scarano himself! Meanwhile, the European Union has announced that it is no longer going to stand for the Newpopes' financial crimes. The E.U. Financial Commissioner has stated that Bergoglio's Vatican Bank will be shut down unless it meets strict financial regulations for transparency and international standards against money-laundering. Already the Vatican Bank's ATMs were shut down for six weeks at the beginning of 2013. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
You Newchurchers out there, if you are still putting your money into the Newchurch collection-plates and other financial sources out there, you can no longer plead ignorance. You are accomplices with Bergoglio in funding the Mafia and lining the pockets of Newvatican "benefactors."
Amazing, isn't it, how these unCatholic Newpopes try to twist true doctrine to support their crimes? It seems that Francis-Bergoglio is now obsessed with "gossip." Still hiding out at St. Martha's Home and still refusing to take possession of the Apostolic Apartments, he gave a "homily" at his September 13, 2013, invalid Novus Ordo Mess, in which he deplored "gossip" as "criminal."
Traditional Catholic theology has regarded "gossip" as, at best, a venial sin, or no sin at all, depending upon its motivation. However, the great sin that Bergoglio himself publicly commits, subornation of child rape by his paedophile Newclergy, is taught by the Church to be not just a Mortal Sin, but One of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. What is Beroglio's teaching on paedophile sodomy and rape? He told the international press on July 28, 2013, that his presbyters', Newbishops', and Newcardinals' criminal actions should be "forgotten." Yes, just forgotten -- along with their child victims. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]
There is not a Catholic theologian who would agree with Bergoglio that "gossip" is "criminal." But we TRADITIO Fathers would bet you that every Catholic would consider paedophile acts of sodomy and rape against children, especially when compounded with sacrilege in being committed by clergy is definitely a crime! Don't forget: Bergoglio and his Newclergy have been perpetrating and covering up these vile acts even on babies as young as six months of age.
The Principal Theologian of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, teaches that if a reviling statement is made for correction, there may be no sin at all. Why? Because, particularly with a public figure, whose acts influence others, truth and justice take precedence. In fact, St. Thomas openly approves of the criticism of high clergy, including the pope, in these famous words:
Some say that fraternal correction does not extend to the prelates either because man should not raise his voice against heaven, or because the prelates are easily scandalized if corrected by their subjects. However, this does not happen, since WHEN THEY SIN, THE PRELATES DO NOT REPRESENT HEAVEN, and, therefore, must be corrected.
Good Catholics, if we have have learned anything in these last years since Vatican II, it is that these unCatholic Newpopes, Newcardinals, and Newbishops will use any means to cover up their vile crimes, crimes that St. Paul said "are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them." So, Frankie, don't worry about a little "gossip". Worry about whether you are one of those "rotten bishops," whose skulls, so the Great Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, teaches us, "pave the floor of Hell"!
Promises, promises. Francis "The Fraud" Bergoglio has failed on yet another promise. He promised to clean up the paedophile rape and sodomy of children by his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals. Instead, he told the international press that he wanted these vile crimes to be "forgotten." He promised to clean up his corrupt Vatican Bank. Instead, he appointed a criminal money-launderer, Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, to be its chief bank accountant. Now Scarano is in prison.
It took only five months for Bergoglio to foul up on his Vatican Bank promise, and his Newcardinal electors are not happy. Who knows whether another abdication is in the works? As a personnel manager, Bergoglio is utterly incompetent. He has appointed numerous scoundrels to run his Newvatican operation: money-launderers, Mafiosi, and paedophiles. After fresh accusations of corruption, the fraudulent Francis has taken the coward's way out by announcing yet another phony "investigating commission." Heads of state often appoint such do-nothing commissions to throw the blame off themselves.
Benedict-Ratzinger was just as incompetent as Bergoglio. Ratzinger's butler, Paolo Gabriele, obviously operating for a high Newvatican official, probably Secretary of State Newcardinal Tarcisio Bertone, leaked to the Italian press reams of documents showing that Ratzinger was a patsy of the Mafia, as was his predecessor, the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla, running a dysfunctional Newvatican drowing in petty turf wars and corruption.
The Vatican Bank, technically the Institute for Religious Works, was founded in 1942 by Pope Pius XII to manage assets destined for religious and charitable works. After Pius XII it became an instrument of the Mafia, through which large sums of "dirty" money were laundered under the guise of "religion." Bergoglio's chief bank accountant, Newmonsignor Scarano, was recently arrested for illegally trying to launder 27,000,000 dollars on an Italian-government flight from Switzerland to Newvatican. Scarano tried to conceal the money under the guise of a transaction for a religious organization, L'opera del Gregge del Bamin Gesù [The works of the Flock of the Infant Jesus], which has known connections to the Mafia.
Good Catholics, Newvatican is drowning in red ink because fewer and fewer Newchurchers are contributing to its paedophiliac collection-plates. It has to fund its unCatholic activities any way it can, so it relies upon its "bank" to continue purveying its false documents, corrupt morality, and Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "liturgy." In 2012 the Vatican Bank earned Newchurch 115,000,000,000 U.S. dollars on 10,000,000,000 dollars of assets. That's almost a 12 per cent return, virtually unattainable elsewhere on stocks and bonds! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Mail.]
Starting at Vatican II and continuing for fifty years thereafter, Shawn Ratigan, Newchurch presbyter and pastor, started using little girls to produce what has been described as "lurid" child pornography. On September 12, 2013, the hand of the civil law made the presbyter pay for his crimes when the Newchurch of the New Order wouldn't. Ratigan, aged 47, was sentenced to 50 years in a U.S. federal prison, where he will most likely die. There is no parole in the U.S. federal prison system.
At his trial federal prosecutors portrayed the presbyter as "an arrogant and reckless man," who flagrantly disregarded his presbyteral vows (do they have any in Newchurch?) and "used young girls as sexual objects." Ratigan was charged on 13 counts of production, attempted production, and possession of child pornography involving five girls ranging in age from 2 to 9. Good Catholics, read that again: aged 2 to 9. Some of those incidents occurred in the Newparish choir loft, another in his Newparish rectory on Easter Sunday.
The Newchurch presbyter, finally realizing the consequences to himself of his vile crimes, pleaded with the judge to reduce his sentence to a mere fifteen years. "I hope that you won't sentence me to a life of hell on earth," said Ratigan, who choked with emotion as he spoke. "Prison is hell, and I know I deserve 15 years. But 50 years? Come on, I don't think so." No wonder the judge threw the book at him! He had absolutely no remorse for the little girls, whose lives of more than fifty years he has turned into a life of hell on earth.
Ratigan found an accomplice in the current Newbishop of Kansas City, Missouri, Robert Finn, an appointee of the Second Paedophile Newpope, the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla, in 2004. Finn supported Ratigan in a massive cover-up, for which Finn became the first Newbishop to be convicted of failure to report paedophile-related crimes to police. Finn too is typical of Newchurch's filthy (to use St. Paul's term) bishops. Finn too showed no remorse or compassion for the little girls whose lives he had ruined, but issued a lengthy self-serving statement touting the good work he was doing and palming off one of those "political apologies." If Finn were sincere, he would have resigned on the spot, but these corrupt Newchurch bishops will simply not give up their power. And Francis "The Fraud" Bergoglio has not demanded the resignation of this convicted criminal!
Maybe Finn's Least Reverend self didn't have a shred of Catholic morality, but his computer technician did. When the technician discovered child-pornography on the presbyter's laptop in December 2010, he immediately reported it to police. {Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Kansas City Star.]
You may not have noticed, but as of the election of Francis-Bergoglio, that Newpope has stopped naming monsignors for Newchurch. In its September 12, 2013, issue the Rome daily Il Messsagero has noted this fact. Apparently, Bergoglio's move is supposed to be some "popularizing" notion of his because he claims that the recognition promotes "careerism" in Newchurch. And all this time we thought though that the ministry was a presbyter's lifetime career, so what's wrong with that?
Monsignori have traditionally been divided into two groups: Domestic Prelates and Papal Chamberlains. The former wore the mantelletta, a sleeveless, knee-length, vest-like garment, and were formally addressed as "Right Reverend Monsignor." The latter traditionally wore the mantellone, a sleeveless, floor-length, vest-like garment, and were formally addressed as "Very Reverend Monsignor."
All organizations have ways of recognizing continued service. The title "monsignor" has been an honorific traditionally granted to priests (in Newchurch, to presbyters) as a reward for service or as a sign of some special function they serve in Church governance.
Good Catholics, this is just another Francis "The Flake" ruse. Although he won't give a little deserved recognition to his peon presbyters, you can be sure that he will make his new No. 2 guy, Pietro Parolin, who has already announced a radical Modernist agenda, a "Your Eminence" Newcardinal at the first opportunity, just because of his office. Bergoglio's recognition is reserved for his most corrupt and immoral top-dogs!
Pietro Parolin, Francis-Bergoglio's recent appointee to be his No. 2 guy as the Newvatican Secretary of State, wasted no time in furthering Bergoglio's programme to dismantle what is left of anything Catholic in the Newchurch of the New Order. Parolin told El Universal, a newspaper of Venezuela, which is run by a coalition of Communists and Socialists and Communists, that he and Bergoglio are open to changing the Catholic and Apostolic Tradition of celibacy for clergy. Sounding like a good Communist himself, Parolin claimed that such a change would "reflect the democratic spirit of the times." We TRADITIO Fathers are scouring our Bible and have yet to find any teaching of Christ that charges his Apostles to "reflect the democratic spirit of the times."
As a good non-reader of the Bible, Parolin claimed that it was not clear to him when celibacy for clergy was "ordered." Bergoglio, before he became Newpope, has stated that celibacy is a major reason for the worldwide shortage of presbyters. It is not. 2,000 years of Catholic clergy had no institutional problem with celibacy. Now, very few want to become clergy in the Newchurch of the New Order because it is an unCatholic fraud, which no sane man would devote his life to.
Let's get some things clear at the outset. First of all, the Newchurch clergy does not have priests ordained under the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but mere presbyters (elders), like Protestant ministers. As the years go by, the Newchurch of the New Order will become indistinguishable from the Protestant sect. Secondly, rejection of celibacy is worthless as a purported solution to paedophilia. Many paedophiles are married: Jewish rabbis, Protestant ministers, school sports coaches, Boy and Girl Scout leaders. All of these have high rates of paedophilia. It is all too easy to hide paedophilia under the guise of marriage. As usual, Newchurch and the secular world to which it wants to belong has got everything backwards.
It may be that Francis-Bergoglio's new Secretary of State Parolin isn't clear about -- or simply wants to ignore -- Christ's teaching in favor of celibacy, St. Paul's clear teaching in the same direction, and Catholic doctrine and practice for 2,000 years, but that teaching is there for any true Catholic to study. You certainly can't expect Catholic doctrine from the unCatholic Newchurch, devoid of the graces of the true Mass and Sacraments. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Priestly Celibacy."
Good Catholics, clearly Bergoglio and his stooge Parolin are "softening up" clueless Newchurchers to accept yet another unCatholic practice, just as the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini didn't introduce the invalid "New Mess" of 1969 overnight, but began softening up Catholics as early as the 1950s.
Newchurchers can take solace in the fact that under Francis-Bergoglio, the crazy New Messes continue unabated. An outdoor "Polka" Mess is to be performed on September 8, 2013, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Springfield, Illinois. Polkas at Mess will be rendered by the Bobby Remack Band. "Polka" Messes were introduced in Newchurch in the 1970s, after the Catholic Mass was dumped in 1969 and replaced with a New Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
Those who might think an untraditional "outdoor" Mess would be difficult to arrange, have no fear. One of the organizers explains: "We make a church out of the yard. We have a portable altar [sic] and people bring their lawn chairs." At first blush lawn chairs might seem sacrilegious, but Francis-Bergoglio had half-naked kids cavorting in ocean off Copacabana, Brazil, during his Newpapal Youth Day Messes there in August 2013. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the State Journal Register.]
By now we should all be familiar with the Newchurch ploy: "give with one hand, take away with the other." Benedict-Ratzinger throws up a "Latin Mess," but it turns out not to be the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Bugnini-Roncalli Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+. In any case, Bergoglio is in the process of suppressing it.
Now Bergoglio says that he will "consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." But has already "consecrated" the world to St. Michael. Who's on first? Maybe next he should "consecrate" the world to All Saints. In any case, Bergoglio is not even a consecrated bishop himself. Benedict-Ratzinger and he are the only two Newpopes claiming to be the Bishop of Rome without ever having been consecrated a bishop, but merely "installed" as a Newbishop under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized and invalid "New Ordinal" of 1969.
On October 13, 2013, the statue from Fatima's Little Chapel of Apparitions will be hijacked to Newrome for the "consecration." Our Lady will be truly weeping when Francis "The Flake" will use her holy statue to kickstart his desperate programme to get more members for his New Order sect, in what is officially known as the "promotion of the New Evangelization." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Information Services.]
Maybe Bergoglio will please the extreme Fatimists, like presbyter Nichola Gruner and his crowd, who have made Fatima into their religion in place of Jesus Christ, but, true to Newchurch's standard duplicitous dealing, Bergoglio at the same time put down "private revelations" like Fatima. On September 7, 2013, Bergoglio in his "homily" publicly rejected "the practice of focusing more on devotions than on Christ himself." He rejected those who seek "private revelations" like Fatima. He called them "Christians without Christ." He rejected "false piety" like Fatima. It is hard to take this as other than a criticism of those like Gruner and his extreme Fatimists.
Yet the "consecration" is expected to bring hoardes of Newpilgrims to Newrome to help fill Newchurch's coffers, which have been seriously depleted by a steep drop in reaction to the paedophile crimes continuing to be committed by Bergoglio's criminal Newchurch clergy. Well, maybe the extreme Fatimists won't be happy, because this is not why they want their "consecration." So, they will be out there again pushing for a "re-consecration."
Good Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes are consummate game-players. They are not Catholics. They know just what buttons to press to get clueless Newchurchers out to back their unCatholic programmes. Let's face it: Newchurch and its leaders are interested not in the true Mass and Sacraments and Catholic doctrine, not in morality that even a good pagan would recognize as true, but money and power. As usual, St. Paul hit the truth on the head: "For the desire of money is the root of all evils: which some coveting have erred from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:10/DRV).
You may have seen Newchurch lay leader Bill Donahue prancing around on television and elsewhere claiming to be "conservative," or even "traditionalist." Some years ago we caught him making denigrating statements about traditional Catholicism and called upon traditional Catholics to withhold donations to his Catholic League. Within days, when donations started slackening off, Donahue published a retraction of his vile words against truly traditional Catholicism.
Now it turns out that the New Order sectarian Donahue doesn't slam traditional Catholics just because he believes in his words. The Bishops Accountability organization, which is best known for exposing in detail the paedophiliac crimes of Newchurch bishops and presbyters, revealed that Donohue takes 408,000 dollars each year from "conservative" Newchurchers' donations to manage a small-budget nonprofit group. He pays his top aide 206,000 dollars per annum. The figures indicate that Donohue's salary is a whopping 340 per cent above the median for nonprofits of his Catholic League's budget size and puts him in the top one per cent of all wage earners in the United States
Good Catholics, don't forget: "Charity is big business." Do yourself and true Catholicism a favor: withhold your money from all those phony Newchurch organizations, as well as the abortive and "gay" secular organizations like the March of Dimes and the United Way. Give what is reasonable to maintain your local traditional Catholic Mass site. After all, it is that site that is giving you what is truly priceless: the true and valid Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Latin Sacraments.
Francis-Bergoglio has dispatched Newcardinal Giovanni Lajolo to investigate Franz-Peter Tebartz-van-Elst, Newbishop of Frankfurt, Germany. It seems that the Newbishop has been promoting the "Motu" Mess, alias the Mess of 1962+, alias the "Extraordinary" Mess," alias the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Latin Mess." The one thing it certainly isn't is the Traditional Latin Mass. Since Francis-Bergoglio's Protocol 52741/2012 of July 11, 2013, the erroneously-termed "Extraordinary" Mess has been derogated.
The brief against the "traditionalist" Newbishop is that he has "spent lavishly on staging pompous church services," as well as overspending on his residence. Because of these expenditures Tebartz-van Elst has been dubbed the "Luxury Bishop" by German newspapers.
An open letter by 22 presbyters in 2012 accused the Newbishop of "putting orthodoxy before pastoral care," and a September 6, 2013, open letter with 4,500 signatures of lay Newchurchers denounced Tebartz-van-Elst for provoking "a crisis of confidence in his leadership" and "straining unity" because of his "traditionalism." As a result of Tebartz-van-Elst's preference for the Half Novus Ordo Vatican Mess of 1962+, Bergoglio has despatched the Cardinal-Inquisitor to reign in the "traditionalism" of this Newbishop and to be sure that all of Newchurch gets the message: the "Latin Mass" is dying in the Newchurch of the New Order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, it is clear that, just as we TRADITIO Fathers predicted, Francis-Bergoglio will quickly dismantle the "Motu" Mess of Benedict-Ratzinger and Vatican II. After all, Ratzinger intended the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax only to deceive pseudo-traditionalists into staying in his New Order sect. Bergoglio doesn't like "traditionalists" in the New Order sect, so he is closing down the "Latin Masses" that a few of them have been trying. True Traditional Latin Masses before the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's modernizations starting in 1956 must, as always, be sought outside the Newchurch of the New Order, as identified in the the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
The Liberalist-controlled California State Legislature has passed some despicable bills, but the one thing that it did right this year was to beat back a full-press offensive from the New Order bishops to prevent children from suing their Newbishop and presbyter sodomists and rapists. When a bill was introduced to extend the statute of limitations on these heinous crimes, the California Newbishops went ballistic. Absolutely nothing has improved in their thinking under the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, and the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio. The California Newbishops were like addicts on heroin: they just couldn't get enough cover-up. The Newbishops "fiercely lobbied" against the bill, saying that a flood of new suits could cripple the New Order sect economically, forcing Newparochial schools to close."
Well, good riddance! Close these Newparochial schools down. They are not Catholic schools, but bordellos for the sodomizing of little boys and the raping of little girls. To call these New Order institutions "Catholic" is utter blasphemy. Only a demented parent would even consider sending his child to such an institution. Better to home-school the children, or even send them to one of the better public charter schools.
But even with the corrupt Newchurch bishops using their "political muscle" against fairness for the child victims and in favor of a free pass for their criminal presbyters and themselves, the California State Senate and California State Assembly, on September 6, 2013, in what has to be considered an unusually-courageous move, sent to the Governor a bill that would give child victims more time to sue employers of private and non-profit corporations, including the Newchurch of the New Order. Victims for whom the statute of limitations has expired would get a new, one-year window during which they could bring a lawsuit against paedophiliac Newbishops and their Newdioceses.
One legislator eloquently argued: "Nobody believes that someone who has perpetrated sexual abuse, especially against a child, should escape accountability for that kind of behavior." The bill was passed even in the face of the recent announcement by Stephen Blaire, Newbishop of Stockton, California, that his Newdiocese would be filing bankruptcy because lawsuits against the paedophile crimes perpetrated by his Newclergy had drained his coffers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Times.]
On September 6, 2013, the Italian daily newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano [The Daily Fact] revealed that after attempts by the Bank of Italy to get the Vatican Bank to abide by the new Italian financial-transparency regulations, specifically, to stop the Vatican Bank from doing secret money-laundering deals, some involving the Mafia, Benedict-Ratzinger ordered that Italian accounts should be moved from the Vatican Bank to his home country of Germany. During the period from October 2009 to September of 2012, almost 5,000,000,000 U.S. dollars were reported to have been secreted into Germany's Deutsche Bank.
At one point the Italian authorities were breathing down Ratzinger's neck so closely that he attempted to evade the Bank of Italy and Rome's prosecutors by laundering its money through the only JP Morgan Bank branch in Milan. JP Morgan profited by almost 2,000,000,000 dollars. Ratzinger was determined not to let even a single dollar remain under the Bank of Italy, so all account balances were reset to zero. In the face of such financial lawlessness on the part of Ratzinger and his bank, the Bank of Italy refused to process transactions on Newvatican's ATM machines for six weeks at the beginning of 2013. The European Union's Finance Minister even announced an investigation of Ratzinger's Vatican Bank and threatened even stiffer sanctions.
Newvatican has been under investigation by Italy's Guardia di Finanza (Financial Police), under the leadership of General Giuseppe Bottillo, who has unearthed huge transfers, especially money laundered from the Vatican Bank to the German Deutsche Bank. Three of Rome's prosecutors are already investigating Ratzinger's violations of anti-money laundering regulations.
Any notion that Francis-Bergoglio is any better have been shot to Hades by the revelation that on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 2013, Bergoglio's Vatican Bank accountant, Newmonsignor Nunzio Scarano, was placed under arrest in Italy for illegally trying to launder 27,000,000 dollars on an Italian-government flight from Switzerland to Newvatican. Scarano tried to conceal the money under the guise of a transaction for a religious organization, L'opera del Gregge del Bamin Gesù [The works of the Flock of the Infant Jesus], which has known connections to the Mafia.
Newmonsignor Scarano was working for Bergoglio in his Newpapal Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, the organization that handles Bergoglio's Vatican funds. Ironically, Bergoglio appointed Scarano to be a member of a new commission for reforming the gross illegalities at the Vatican Bank -- while Scarano was himself perpetrating them! Scarano is also being investigated by Italian prosecutors for converting funds from the Vatican Bank to pay off his personal home mortgage and for opening accounts for his friends, to which Vatican Bank funds were illegally transferred as part of an international money-laundering crime syndicate.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger was not the first pope to abdicate in 700 years because he was physically sick, but because of his moral cancer that he feared would be exposed. The evidence is piling up that Ratzinger was one of the most corrupt popes in many centuries, whose crimes involved not only the financial arena but also the subornation of the rape of children by his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters, whom he allowed to operate with impunity. And Bergoglio, fraudulently posing as a "reformer" of the Vatican Bank, has actually appointed personnel who are even more criminal than Ratzinger's! The moral of this story is that if anyone contributes one penny to Newvatican and its agencies, including its Newparishes around the world, he ought to have his head -- and his Faith -- examined.
As we just heard Our Lord proclaim in the Gospel pericope for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost: "You cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 8:24/DRV). The Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes have been doing just that, and so God is dismantling their sect, just as certainly as the Son of God dismantled the Jewish Temple with an earthquake after the Crucifixion.
On August 31, 2013, the Newdiocese of Gallup, New Mexico, announced its bankruptcy. Not even a week later, Stephen Blaire, the Newchurch bishop of the diocese of Stockton, California, announced that he saw no alternative but to declare bankruptcy because of the paedophile crimes by clergy against children in his Newdiocese. Stockton is four times bigger than Gallup. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by FOX40 News in Stockton.]
With Stockton, the Sin of Newchurch will now have taken down ten dioceses in the United States alone, with more to come: Davenport, Iowa; Fairbanks, Alaska; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; Tucson, Arizona; San Diego, California; Wilmington, Delaware; and Gallup, New Mexico. The divine justice is dragging down the child-raping New Order sect and its paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, Newbishops, and Newpopes to oblivion.
And these Newchurch criminals cannot say that they were not warned. Our Lord Himself told them:
But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
Good Catholics, we know well that these bankruptcies are not bankruptcies merely of money, but, more importantly, of the true Faith, which is absent from the New Order temples, now converted to unCatholic places services by men devoid of the grace of the true Sacraments. We heard Our Lord's warning about this too through His Apostle to the Gentiles, whose words just rang out in the Epistle pericope for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost: "Be not deceived: God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7/DRV).
Newchurch cardinal Francis George, of Chicago, Illinois, has been implicated in yet another paedophile scandal. George has personally been charged with negligence, and willful and wanton conduct in the case of a paedophile presbyter who was already convicting of raping five children. The suit charges that George knew his presbyter was a paedophile, but nevertheless deliberately placed children in harm's way under the paedophile's "tutelage."
It seems that George appointed his presbyter Daniel McCormack not only to be the pastor at St. Agatha's Newparish, but also to be boys' basketball "coach" there. These "coach" positions are well-known to be seedbeds of paedophile crimes on the part of presbyters. The "presbyter-coaches" have unparalleled access to boys, which is not as easy in the classroom.
In 2007 McCormack fessed up to raping five children while he was a Newparish pastor appointed by Newcardinal George to St. Agatha's. McCormack was sentenced to five years in prison. Now another student out of West Side Catholic [Sic] High School has come forward to charge the presbyter with assaulting him physically on two occasions in 2003 and 2004, when the boy was 11.
The charges against McCormack maintain that Newcardinal George already knew that McCormack had assaulted children, but did nothing to stop him. So far, George has remained dumb on the charges. George has already shelled out 3,200,000 dollars to another victim of McCormack, who was also around 11 at the time. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Chicago Sun-Times.]
Good Catholics, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. George was appointed by the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla to clean up after the scandal of the "gay" Newcardinal Joseph Bernardin, who was implicated in three cases of paedophilia. Bernardin's case took center stage nationally when he was outed by none other than presbyter Andrew Greeley, an internationally-known author of more than fifty fiction and non-fiction books. There is no doubt whatsoever that Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is being directed from the top down: from the Newpope, and the Newbishops. The presbyters are often the fall-guys for the Newhierarchs.
The Dominican Republic's Attorney General on September 4, 2013, appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Francis-Bergoglio's Newpapal Nuncio there, Newarchbishop Josef Wesolowski. The Second Paedophile Pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, appointed Wesolowski to be his representative in 2008.
Like all the paedophile "diplomats" in Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order, Wesolowski may be immune to prosecution. Wesoloski's predations of children over the last six years was called by one of Bergoglio's officials "missteps." Of course, Newchurch did not initiate the denunciation of Wesoloski. It was only when two local television stations in Santo Domingo reported his paedophile crimes that Newvatican yanked him. Wesolowski paid for sex from children.
But the Attorney General is not going to allow Wesolowski to get off on "diplomatic immunity" for his crimes against children. She said that Wesolowski "must be investigated and punished in the [Dominican Republic] and not in the Holy See." Meanwhile, Wesolowski has gone missing, probably secreted by Bergoglio since August 2013 in Newvatican. Advocates for the violated children denounced Bergoglio as being just as corrupt as his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger:
Like all of his predecessors, Pope Francis is acting belatedly, secretively and recklessly. Catholic [sic] officials act only when forced to do so by media pressure. When they do act, they act secretively -- in this case, by not disclosing the allegations, the suspension or the reason for the suspension. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters and Agence France-Presse.]
Good Catholics, any notion that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is over is absolute nonsense. Co-newpope Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio are still running a paedophile sect. Bergoglio personally told the international press that he wants the crimes perpetrated against children by his Newclergy to be "forgotten." Meanwhile, Bergoglio himself has been photographed on many occasions kissing boys on the lips. Two and two equals....
What is this penchant that Francis-Bergoglio has for bowing deeply to the worst sort? A true pope is not supposed to give the deep bow to anyone, except his Lord Jesus Christ. We heard that on August 29, 2013, Bergoglio bowed deeply to Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, a Mohammedan Infidel. Now it has come out that earlier Bergoglio had bowed deeply in Newvatican on March 19, 2013, to Robert Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe, who has been under a European Union travel ban since 2002 because of crimes against humanity and vote-rigging.
Mugabe has unleased horrific violence among his people, including genocide, ethnic cleansing, and a rape campaign involving a reported 380 rapes committed by 241 perpetrators. An international report on the campaign details Mugabe's own complicity in the rapes, explaining how he not only knew about the campaign, but also refused to prevent it or punish those responsible. It sounds exactly like Bergoglio's Newchurch Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, doesn't it?
The Third Paedophhile Newpope, Bergoglio, who announced to the international press that he wants the assault, rape, and sodomy of children by his Newclergy to be "forgotten," was apparently unphased by genocide, ethnic cleansing, and a rape campaign. Bergoglio singled the criminal Mugabe out for a personal greeting and deep bow and gave him a seat in the VIP section during Bergoglio's installation ceremony in St. Peter's Square.
Newvatican officials tried to claim that no personal invitation had been issued to Mugabe before the ceremony. But this claim was exposed as a lie when it came to light that Bergoglio personally sent a Newvatican presbyter to Rome's airport specifically to welcome the criminal to Newvatican. That presbyter greeted Mugabe with these words: "On behalf of Pope Francis, welcome to the Vatican, welcome to the Holy See." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Mail.]
Good Catholics, in the words of the old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together." And the bird to whom Bergoglio bowed low in reverence was a genocidist, ethnic cleanser, and rape campaigner. The unCatholic Francis "The Flake" strikes yet again!
Citing the mounting number of sex-crime cases in which his presbyters assaulted, raped, and sodomized chidren, Newbishop James Wall announced on August 31, 2013, that his Newchurch diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, was going into bankruptcy. And it's not going to be pretty for the 55 presbyters, 56 Newparishes, and 60,000 Newchurchers in the Newdiocese. The Newdiocese of Gallup includes Newparishes in six counties in New Mexico, three counties in Arizona, and seven Indian reservations.
At least 13 cases of sex crimes by presbyters against children are still pending against the Newdiocese, even after dozens of secret settlements were made with other victims. Wall suspended in 2011 the Lay Review Board mandated by the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This Charter was a farce, intended by the USCCB to put a positive propaganda spin on its paedophiliac activities, which should rightly be prosecuted under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
While his presbyters were raping children and his Newdiocese was sinking into bankruptcy, Wall left the country to enjoy a vacation (at Newdiocese expense?) in sunny Spain. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Gallup Indepdendent.]
Good Catholics, the unCatholic and graceless Wall was invalidly "installed" as a New Order presbyter in 1998, never ordained as a priest in the valid traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders. The perpetrator of the "installation" was none other than Newbishop Thomas O'Brien, of Phoenix, Arizona, who admitted that he had sheltered paedophile presbyters and was forced to resign his Newbishopric. In fact, he was the first Newbishop convicted of a felony, that of killing a man in a hit-and-run incident that he deliberately tried to conceal from police. During the trial the court noted that he had expressed not one iota of remorse, even though the wife and children of the man he killed were sitting right behind him during the trial.
The poisoned fruit of the New Order does not fall far from the tree!
In an August 29, 2013, interview for the upper Austrian newspaper, Oberoesterreichische Nachrichten, Newcardinal Kurt Koch, whom Francis-Bergoglio appointed to be his head of his Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, intimated that the Neo-Society of St. Pius X may be contemplating consecrating new bishops "soon." Koch is known to be tight with Bergoglio, as Bergoglio appointed Koch just three days after his election as Newpope, but it took Bergoglio over five months to appoint his new No. 2 Man/Secretary of State. Koch stated: "The Society is faced with the difficult decision of soon consecrating new Bishops. If that happens, the end of any form of dialogue [with Newchurch] has come."
Good Catholics, it is curious that Koch is so worried about this possibility, as the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, has given no indication of doing anything against the New Order sect now led by Bergoglio. However, Koch might well fear that now-independent traditional Catholic bishop Richard Williamson will consecrate new traditional Catholic bishops and draw even more members away from Fellay's no-longer-traditional sect into traditional Catholicism. One-sixth of Fellay's clergy have already left him to join Williamson in becoming independent of the NSSPX and the New Order sect. It is apparent that the New Order sect's leaders are still terrified of traditional Catholicism.
By long-standing protocol, visitors bow to the pope when they meet him in the Vatican. But Bergoglio, who has previously said that he doesn't want to be Newpope, upon meeting the infidel queen of Jordan, Rania Al Abdullah, in Newvatican on August 29, 2013, bowed deeply -- whereas a deep bow is reserved in the Catholic Church for God alone.
It is not the first time that Bergoglio has conducted himself in contravention of Catholic protocol. When Cristina Kirchner, Argentina's president, met him in March 2013, he scandalously kissed her. Shocked, Mrs. Kirchner exclaimed: "Never in my life has a Pope kissed me!" Bergoglio also kisses boys -- on the lips--, which is not only inappropriate, but outrageous, considering the fact that his Newchurch is filled with paedophile clergy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Telegraph.]
Good Catholics, Bergoglio acts like a child, not an adult. He acts out of whim, not of prudence. He obviously doesn't read his Bible: "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child" (1 Corinthians 13:11/DRV). Bergoglio simply hasn't grown up yet. He's still a child, like so many New Order brats.
Francis-Bergoglio is a fraud. He promised that he would clean up Newchurch's rank corruption, make it more transparent, and bring in new blood. Now, after five months after his election, he has appointed as his No. 2 man Pietro Parolin, who turns out to be no new blood at all, but an "insider" Italian Newarchbishop, who was serving as Newvatican's Undersecretary of State, the No. 3 man to outgoing Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone. Bertone has been exposed in several Italian investigative press reports as "corrupt." He was at the center of crimes by Newchurch clergy, reaching to the highest ranks of the hierarchy, involving the assault and rape of children and mafioso money-laundering by the Vatican Bank.
It's the same old thing -- picking from the corrupt Old Newchurcher's Club, the "insider" group, several of whom have been charged with crimes and imprisoned. Yet Bergoglio, who has quickly allied himself not with "reformers" of Newchurch corruption, but the "insiders," will formally praise Bertone and his fellow corruptors in an audience on October 15, 2013, when the changeover will officially take place.
Moreover, Bergoglio has decided to reappoint the corrupt Bertone's four chief assistants in office: the Sostituto, or Deputy Secretary of State, and his deputy, together with the Deputy Foreign Minister, or Secretary for Relations with States, and his deputy. In addition, Newarchbishop Georg Gaenswein, Ratzinger's "movie-star" personal secretary, who some journalists have claimed associated with Ratzinger in a suspicious way, Gaenswein will serve in that capacity both Bergoglio and Ex-pope or, as some style it, Co-pope Ratzinger, who now lives in a sumptuous private villa in Bergoglio's gardens. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, we see beyond doubt what Francis is: "The Fraud." Like his predecessor Ratzinger, Bergoglio is all talk and no action. Bergoglio claimed that he would bring in a new wind to blow out the corruption in his Newchurch of the New Order and make it more "transparent." In actuality, he has reappointed essentially the same crooks whom Ratzinger originally appointed and, as many say, whose crimes forced Ratzinger to become the first pope to abdicate in 600 years.
Traditional Catholic Stephen Brady got sick and tired of the paedophile crimes being committed and supported by Newchurch officials from the Newpopes on down. In the late 1990s Brady was instrumental in exposing the corruption in the Newchurch diocese of Springfield, Illinois, which led to the resignation in 1999 of the corrupt Newbishop Daniel Ryan, who was the agent for covering up Newchurch crimes there. At the time Brady was largely ignored and even treated with contempt by Newchurch officials, until he was ultimately vindicated in 2002, when Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust made national headlines in the mainstream media.
Stephen Brady has now announced that he will be pursuing the Republican nomination for the office of Menard County Sheriff in the upcoming 2014 March general primary. Brady was trained as a military police officer. While in the Army, he received a "secret security" clearance from the FBI. He was then sent to northwestern Illinois on special assignment for just over a year.
Thereafter, Brady spent 13 years as lead investigator for the not-for-profit organization Roman Catholic Faithful, which investigated child exploitation and other abuses of authority. Brady received death threats for his investigation of the March 1998 still-unsolved murder of Fr. Alfred Kunz, a noted traditional priest of Dane, Wisconsin, who had been assisting Brady with his investigations into Newchurch's clergy corruption and homosexual perversion. Kunz was found on the floor of his rectory with his throat slit.
Some traditional Catholics wonder when God will send a traditional pope to restore the Catholic Church. He already did -- in 1978. On August 26, 1978, John Paul I-Luciani was elected as Newpope. There is evidence that if had lived longer than the 33 days of his aborted reign, the Catholic Church would have been restored in place of the Newchurch fraud that replaced it in the mid 1960s.
There are informed sources who relate that the traditional pope was murdered to prevent him from restoring the Catholic Church. Luciani, who was an enemy of the Mafia and Freemasons and their allies in the Newrome Curia, caused shock worldwide when he died just 33 days after his election. At the time Newvatican was caught in several lies about his death. In addition, Newvatican authorities had his body embalmed -- a violation of Papal law -- before an autopsy for poison could be conducted.
According to one account, JPI-Luciani wanted to restore the Catholic Church away from the Newchurch of the New Order, which had taken it over in the mid 1960s after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965). Luciani reportedly wanted to restore the Traditional Latin Mass and the traditional priesthood. To help him in this task, he called upon the founder in 1964 of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Fr. Gommar DePauw. Shortly after August 26, 1978, when Luciani was elected, he personally telephoned Fr. Gommar DePauw in New York to come to Rome to head a Vatican Commission to repeal the Novus Ordo and to restore the Traditional Latin Mass to the Church. But before Fr. DePauw could answer the call, and before Luciani could announce the Commission, the Newpope was dead.
Fr. DePauw's educational credentials rivaled those of the noted Bishop Fulton Sheen. DePauw held the Triple Major Licentiate in Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Church History. He was also a magna cum laude Diplomate in Classical Humanities and a Doctor of Canon Law. Fr. DePauw was a man of action. He broke off his studies to fight as a combat medic at the Battle of Dunkirk in World War II and was taken prisoner by the Nazis, whom he bested when he figured out how to escape from their prison camp. Fr. DePauw emigrated to the United States, where he had family going back to the American Revolutionary War. After receiving his Doctorate in Canon Law, he became a professor and Dean of Studies at the United States' primatial seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, outside of Baltimore.
Between 1962 and 1965 Fr. DePauw participated as a peritus, or expert theological advisor, and as a procurator at Vatican II. He was promoted there to Monsignor, but in his humility he never used the title or wore the purple piping. But Fr. DePauw heard loud alarm bells at the Vatican II Council. He saw firsthand how the Modernists took over the Council. He left his prestigious position, determined to fight what he prophetically saw as the coming storm of the New Order replacing the Roman Catholic Church. Fr. DePauw was also prophetic in seeing the gradual takeover of his seminary by the perverts who were eventually to infiltrate all Novus Ordo seminaries, where they promoted sodomy and paedophilia.
When Fr. DePauw left his prestigious position at the seminary, he went to New York and there in the Pan American Building took the courageous step of regularly and publicly celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass in defiance of the Novus Ordo "authorities." As a Doctor of Canon Law, Fr. DePauw was the first to publicize the fact that the Novus Ordo service was invalid and unCatholic under Pope St. Pius V's Papal Bull, Quo primum, a position that has become the hallmark of traditional Catholicism ever since.
Four years later Fr. DePauw established the Ave Maria Chapel, in Westbury, Long Island, New York, which at its opening on June 23, 1968, became the first and only publicly-functioning traditional Roman Catholic parish in the United States, operating outside the Novus Ordo structure. Through his long life, Fr. DePauw never sold out to the New Order in any way, no matter what the personal consequences to himself. Fr. DePauw never had any association with the SSPX. He was an independent traditional Catholic priest for his entire life after he broke with the New Order sect.
Fr. DePauw was a genius in his use of modern communications media to publicize the Catholic Traditionalist Movement. Signally, it was his brainstorm to place the Traditional Latin Mass as a half-hour advertisement on more than a dozen radio stations in metropolitan areas across the United States. In those dark days after Vatican II, the "Sunday Radio Mass brought to you from Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury, Long Island" became the salvation of traditional Catholics. This Mass was eventually broadcast worldwide via radio, short-wave, and internet.
This remarkable priest, the founder of our Traditional Catholic Movement, six years before Archbishop Lefebre founded the SSPX, whom that SSPX and pseudo-traditionist publications hardly ever mention, but instead despise for his independence, would have changed the face of the Church, had JPI-Luciani lived and implemented his plan to appoint Fr. DePauw to head the Traditional Latin Mass Restoration Commission. This courageous priest would not have let Newvatican bureaucrats hinder his restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass. After all, Fr. DePauw had fought, and defeated, the Nazis! Make no mistake -- Fr. DePauw would have mowed down the effete Novus Ordo paedophiles at the Newvatican just as effectively as Julius Caesar mowed down the European barbarians to bring them under the civilization of Rome.