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On October 27, 2013, on the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King, in the nineteenth year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 20,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 20,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, including lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
In just seven months, Francis-Bergoglio's public statements that reject Catholic doctrine and morality have "driven a wedge into the powerful political alliance between conservative Catholics [sic] and Evangelical Christians" on such common enemies as abortion, sodomy, contraception, and "gay marriage," according to Bryan Fischer, of the American Family Association. "It raises questions in our mind because the Catholic [Sic] Church has always been a faithful shoulder-to-shoulder ally to social conservatives in the fight to protect unborn human life and heterosexual-only marriage. We simply have questions of whether we'll be able to count on the Catholic [Sic] Church to be comrades-in-arms to continue to fight these battles."
The unCatholic Bergoglio has indicated that abortionists and sodomites can't be judged -- at least by him. Those Newchurchers who stand firm on traditional Catholic morality have been viciously termed by Bergoglio as "doctrinaire" and "ideologues." One Evangelical Christian astutely comments on Bergoglio: "That man needs to read his Bible."
Liberalists, on the other hand, are deliriously happy. Bergoglio, who is characterized by some as a secular socialist, if not a Marxist Communist from South America, is breaking down the effective coalition between conservative Newchurchers and Evangelicals, which has effectively fought common moral enemies. Even conservative and pseudo-traditional Newchurchers have to admit, as did John Zmirak at The American Conservative: "The [New]pope's most controversial statements seem to arise from a single motive: He doesn't like 'right-wing' Catholics [sic], and wants to make it clear to all the world that he's not one of them." The Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay is sunk! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Week.]
How wise the early practice of the Church was to limit reception of Holy Communion under the Species of Wine to the celebrating priest only. There were many reasons for this limitation: profanation of the Sacred Species in a liquid form and transmission of contagion being among them. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Communion under One Species." The New Order sect (which, in any case, isn't Catholic) violated this traditional practice, and now it is paying the price for offering the "cup," like the Protestants, to Newchurchers.
Hepatitis A is a disease of the liver, which can have life-threatening consequences. John Folda, Newbishop of Fargo, North Dakota, contracted that disease and, after he was diagnosed, spread the contagion by the faecal-oral route, transmitted from person to person by direct contact. Hepatitis A is found in the faeces of infected people, according to the health department. How Newbishop Folda's faeces contaminated the Novus Ordo cup that he spread around is not known for certain, but an educated guess can be made. Hepatitis A is most often spread when people with the disease fail to wash their hands thoroughly and then touch other people -- or in this case slobber into the "shared" Novus Ordo cup.
The North Dakota Department of Health has tagged the Newbishop as a source of contagion, when it was discovered that he was drinking from the Novus Ordo cup and then passing the same cup along to others in the congregation, who consequently came into contact with the virus. During September and October 2013 Folda purveyed the poisoned Novus Ordo cup at five churches and hundreds of Newchurchers before his activities became known to health authorities. One occasion was a convention of presbyters, so the Department of Health fears that Novus Ordo presbyters may start falling like flies.
The health department encouraged people who drank the Novus Ordo cup from Folda to notice whether it made them sick. Of course, we are talking here about physical sickness. There is no question that the Novus Ordo cup makes Newchurchers spiritually sick! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, the Newbishop's spread of hepatitis comes on the heels of an Austrian study that found that most Novus Ordo "holy water" was contaminated with faecal matter. Moreover, bacterial "scum" is not infrequently found in the big Novus Ordo "pools" where babies and adults are "dunked," i.e., "initiated" into the New Order sect instead of being aspersed with water poured over the head in the usual traditional form. Apparently, Newchurch is as contaminated physically as it is spiritually. Just more reason to stay as far away from Newchurch and its Novus Ordo temples as possible.
The rates of Newchurch's "Rite of Initiation," formerly the Sacrament of Baptism, has taken a nose dive in the United States. Newchurch "initiation" rates have plummeted from more than 1,000,000 in 1970 down to just 793,103 in 2011.
So-called "mixed marriages," in which a Newchurcher marries someone of an heretical religion, rose from 15 per cent in 1988 to 25 per cent in 2006. Parties to such "mixed marriages" usually avoid practicing the religion of either spouse to avoid contention. Divorce in such families is 300 per cent higher that when the spouses are of the same religion. This condition leaves the children of these "mixed marriages" confused or indifferent about God, the Sacraments, or the path to salvation. One can easily conclude that this condition also leads to drugs, suicide, fornication, rampant clinical depression, and many other societal banes of the present age.
Newchurch is also losing child "initiates" because their parents failed to marry in church in front of a presbyter. If the parents "got married" at a country club or the beach -- Francis-Bergoglio is particularly enamored of Copacabana Beach -- the parents are unlikely to take seriously their responsibility to baptize their children. Marriages in Newchurch have fallen from 426,000 in 1970 to 164,000 in 2011; from being 20 per cent of all U.S. marriages to being only 8 per cent of all marriages.
Also factoring into the condition is the rising number of illegitimate children issuing from Newchurchers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service.]
Francis-Bergoglio has told the world that he is not particularly troubled by abortion, homosexuality, or "gay marriage." Now his Newdiocese of Augsberg, Germany, has decided follow his lead and continue funding its pornography press, even after the Newchurch pornography operation was exposed to the world over a year ago. Newchurch is proven again as being not carelessly negligent, but willfully evil.
On October 24, 2013, Konrad Zdarsa, the Newbishop there, announced that his Newdiocese is going to pump almost 20,000,000 U.S. dollars into its "Pornographic and Esoteric Book Store" called Weltbild [World Image], in which the Newdiocese holds a 12 per cent interest. Zdarsa's other partners in pornography have as yet not forked up as princely as sum as the Newbishop.Even the publishing group's Vice Chairman criticized the German Newbishops Conference's support and funding of the porn industry, especially the violent porn industry. Pornographic books are sold by Weltbild without age verification. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Augsburger Allgemeine.]
Francis-Bergoglio won't fire any Newbishop for sex crimes, but he "temporarily" suspended a Newbishop for spending funds on a Newdiocesan headquarters complex, which included offices, living quarters for the Newbishop and orders of nuns, a chapel, a conference room, and a museum, as well as the preservation and renovation of historic church buildings. On October 23, 2013, Bergoglio "temporarily" suspended Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, Newbishop of Limburg, Germany, from his Newdiocese.
Tebartz-van Elst is being investigated by Newvatican for spending 43,000,000 U.S. dollars on his Newdiocesan headquarters complex. Other Newbishops have spent far more than that for their cathedrals, residences, and other perquisites. One Newdiocese in a city on the west coast of the United States spent well over 175,000,000 USD, on its Newcathedral after telling Newchurchers that they didn't even need a cathedral! The Newbishop in that city robbed the school fund to build his Novus Ordo Taj Mahal. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Good Catholics, Teartz-van Elst is hated because he is a pseudo-traditionalist, who prefers the Half New Order Vatican II Mess of 1962+. So, out he goes under Bergoglio's new anti-traditionalist policies. You other pseudo-traditionalists in Bergoglio's New Order sect had better get out of Bergoglio's New Order sect before your own demise.
It is becoming clear that Francis-Bergoglio's "Mr. Humble" pose is merely a hypocritical fraud. Recently, Bergoglio suspended a German Newbishop for spending too much money on his Newdiocesan headquarters, but Bergoglio has now taken over the "whole floor" at the Domus Sanctae Marthae -- bigger than the traditional papal apostolic apartments of his precessors overlooking St. Peter's Square.
"What do you mean 'new modesty'?" a Newcurial official is quoted as saying. "Now he has a whole floor in the Domus Sanctae Marthae." The official drew attention to the hypocrisy and fraud of "Mr. Humble," who talks about not locking himself away from the people, but in reality Bergoglio has issued orders that "in Santa Martha, no one is to approach the [New]pope or even greet him."
Nor does "Mr. Humble" Bergoglio apply to himself the same requirements of modesty that he applies to others. He has allocated the funds to field a Newvatican Cricket Team, called St. Peter's Cricket Club. An October 22, 2013, match will pit the Newchurchers against Anglicans. The best Newchurch players from that match will be constituted into a more professional team called "The Vatican XI." The goal is to challenge anybody in the world, including the professional Italian National, British, Pakistani, and South African teams. The Bergoglio professionals will wear not only the official colors of the Vatican City State, yellow and white, but the seal of the papacy, two crossed keys. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, as we TRADITIO Fathers have been pointing out for the last seven months. Bergoglio is clearly a fraud. He is so unhumble as to trumpet his own feigned "humility"! He spends Newvatican funds on expensive clothing and accommodations that he denies to others. He disparages anything Catholic: the true Catholic Mass, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic morality. "Mr. Humble" has quickly turned out to be "Mr. Hypocrite."
On October 15, 2013, the day after Francis-Bergoglio "entrusted" the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, commemorating the so-called Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal, on October 13, 1917, Heaven appeared to reject Bergoglio, who, as the latest Newpope of the Newchurch of the New Order, has managed in six months to reject completely Catholic practice, doctrine, and morality.
When the Philippines, once one of the most Catholic countries in the world, was struck by the 7.2-magnitude earthquake, the people noticed a strange pattern in the destruction: the main buildings to collapse were the temples used by the New Order sect for their Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service. In several of these churches, the only thing that remained standing, without blemish, were two statues of Mary, in the former Newparish of Our Lady of Light in Loon. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Philippine Daily Inquirer.]
Good Catholics, it would be no surprise to true Catholics that even Heaven would wish to destroy the Newchurch of the New Order, led by the unCatholic Newpope Bergoglio, who has disgusted many here on earth with his refusal to condemn abortion, "gay marriage," and other abominations, instead instructing his Newchurchers that they should not be concerned with Catholic doctrine. The recent earthquake so devastating to New Order temples should remind us of Our Lord's parable in Scripture:
And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof" (Matthew 7:26-27/DRV).
On Air Force One, the Johnsons tell Kennedy's widow, Jacqueline, about the plans to swear in Lyndon Johnson immediately, on the aircraft. Johnson feared that Kennedy had been assassinated as the result of a Communist plot, and Johnson didn't want the United States to be without a legitimate president. The Johnsons leave Jackie, who was in the back of the plane, where she had been keeping vigil over the body of her husband.
Sara Hughes, a local federal judge, is on the plane, ready to administer the Presidential oath to Lyndon Johnson, but a Bible is still being sought, which is traditionally used for the administration of the oath. John Kennedy's campaign manager, Lawrence O'Brien, found a Catholic missal in a nightstand drawer of the Kennedys' bedroom on the plane. The missal has a soft black leather cover embossed with a cross, still in its original box. Lyndon Johnson proceeds to swear the Presidential oath, with his right hand on the Catholic missal, held by his wife, Lady Bird, as he utters the traditional phrase, "So help me God."
After the oath Lady Bird puts the Catholic missal in her purse. Lyndon Johnson was a member of the Disciples of Christ Protestant sect, and Lady Bird was a Protestant Episcopalian. Lady Bird later was privately concerned that her Protestant husband has sworn the Presidential oath on a Catholic missal. Today, that Catholic missal is at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas, still in pristine condition.
So, that is the story of how a Protestant swore the U.S. Presidential oath on a Catholic missal.
How Bergoglio thinks that he can get away with teaching such nonsense, we don't know. What we do know is that no "vicar of Christ" can teach a doctrine different from what his Principal teaches. A "vicar," by definition, is a subordinate to his principal, in this case Christ. Whatever Bergoglio's state may be as Newpope, it is clear from Catholic doctrine is that no pope is to be followed in false teaching.
The Church Fathers, Doctors, and theologians make this clear beyond a moral doubt, teaching that popes can themselves become heretics and schismatics. For further information, click on POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
What does Bergoglio have against Catholic doctrine? As he himself puts it, it "chases away the people. It creates distances between people, and it distances the Church from the people." For example, Catholic doctrine (and God's Natural Law, for that matter) teaches that homosexual acts are immoral. But that teaching puts off "gay" Newchurchers. Catholic doctrine (and God's Natural Law) teaches that abortion is immoral. But that puts off Newchurchers for "choice." Thus, Bergoglio doesn't want his Newchurchers to talk about doctrine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Rome Reports.]
What Bible is Bergoglio reading? The one that he describes is certainly not the one that the Catholic Church reads. Bergoglio describes Christ only as "tender, loving, and meek." But that is only half the truth. Christ is also just, righteous, and zealous for His Father's house. This is the Christ Who told paedophiles that they should be "drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV). This is the Christ Who called the Church authorities of his time "a brood of vipers" (Matthew 3:7/DRV), "hypocrites" and "whited sepulchres ... of all filthiness" (Matthew 23:27/DRV). This is the Christ Who took up a whip and violently beat the moneychangers out of the temple (John 2:15).
We are to follow Christ, regardless of the difficulty. St. John (6:61-67/DRV) reports that many of Christ's disciples left Him because they found His teaching too hard to conform themselves too. Apparently, Bergoglio is one of the disciples who "went back and walked no more with Him."
On October 15, 2013, a riot broke out around 17:30 Rome time as Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX attempted to hold a funeral for Erich Priebke, who had died at age 100 in Rome on October 11, 2013. He had been living under house arrest in Rome since his 1998 conviction for retaliating at Fosse Ardeantine during World War II, when 33 German soldiers were killed by a bomb set off by the Italian Resistance.
Priebke's body was transported from Rome to the Neo-SSPX's church in Albano Laziale, a town 25 kilometres southeast of the capital. Police in riot gear had to use tear gas to keep NSSPX sympathizers and Nazi sympathizers away from anti-Priebke demonstrators. Even the town's mayor turned out to block the hearse's arrival. Some of the Italians tried to attack an NSSPX priest-presbyter who struggled to enter the church as the crowd jostled and jeered at him. By 24:00 the tension was so high that the funeral was suspended, and the body was taken by police to parts unknown.
Ironically, the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, had in 2012 expelled his senior Bishop Richard Williamson from the NSSPX, in part because Williamson had expressed some doubt about one controverted detail of the World War II "Holocaust."
When on October 12, 2013, Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch had denied its practicing member, Erich Priebke, a New Order funeral in a Rome church, a Newvatican spokesman commented: "The [New]church is full of mercy toward everyone, even the greatest sinners," even toward a notorious presbyter who ran a Newchurch orphanage in the United States where he raped some 200 children.
But for Priebke, who violated not so much the rules of war, but who had denied the gassing of the Jews by the Nazis (but not their persecution), there is no forgiveness. Priebke had committed Newchurch's Most Mortal Sin: that against Political Correctness. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
On October 11, 2013, Erich Priebke died in Rome at age 100. He had been living under house arrest in Rome since his 1998 conviction for retaliating at Fosse Ardeantine during World War II, when 33 German soldiers were killed by a bomb set off by the Italian Resistance. Priebke, as a practicing Newchurcher, had been allowed to attend services at Santa Maria Immacolata di Lourdes. The church's pastor, presbyter Antonio Curcio, had announced that a private funeral, to be attended only by close friends and family, would be held there on October 15, 2013.
When Rome's mayor objected, Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican denied Priebke a Newchurch funeral -- in spite of the fact that Bergoglio has recently been prattling on and on in his recent "homilies" about how Newchurch welcomes everyone, including atheists. But not Priebke, a practicing Newchurcher, who attended the New Order service every Sunday. Bergoglio's Newvicar for Rome, Newcardinal Agostino Vallini, issued an unprecedented ban, prohibiting any church of the New Order sect in Rome from holding Priebke's funeral.
Priebke's lawyer insisted that his client, as a practicing Newchurcher, was entitled to a Newchurch funeral. He cited the Lateran Treaty between the Italian fascist government and the Vatican in 1929 and commented: "The Lateran Treaty provides for each person to practice his religion in the seat that permits it. Thus, even Priebke has a right. The church belongs to the faithful, and Priebke was a worshipper."
Benedict-Ratzigner, Bergoglio's predecessor, had, on account of old age, excused from any punishment a notorious presbyter of a Newchurch orphanage in the United States, who had raped some 200 deaf-mutes. But not Priebke. In politically-correct Newchurch, raping 200 deaf-mutes is a forgivable crime, but denying elements of the World War II "Holocaust" is not. Priebke in fact admitted that Jews were persecuted, but denied that they were gassed.
In this impasse Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX stunned everyone by announcing that it would hold a funeral in its own church in the small town of Albano Laziale, south of Rome. Ironically, Fellay had in 2012 expelled his senior Bishop Richard Williamson from the NSSPX in part because Williamson had expressed some doubt about a controverted detail of the World War II "Holocaust." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
A lead story in the Washington Post tells the dirty truth: even conservative Newchurchers are slamming Francis-Bergoglio for being unCatholic. They object to his calling their concern about abortion, sodomy, "gay" marriage, and Newchurch doctrine an "obsession." The Newchurch conservatives and pseudo-traditionalists were happier with Benedict-Ratzinger, but he was just as much an unCatholic Modernist as Bergoglio. He was just sly enough to cover it up better with his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax and a Santa Claus hat.
Newchurch conservatives and pseudo-traditionalists are now said to be "skeptical" of Bergoglio -- much too little and much too late. They disparage his lax mouth, which in six months has completely confused Newchurchers -- perhaps deliberately -- on exactly what it is their sect stands for and even whether it even remains "Catholic." When an abortion-"rights" group sent Bergoglio a thank-you note, the conservative Newchurchers knew that their goose had been cooked. NARAL supports abortion and supports lobbying the U.S. Congress to support the "right" to choose to kill foetuses.
But those cuckolded worst by the unCatholic Bergoglio are the pseudo-traditionalists -- those who were taken in by Ratzinger and are now ruing the day that they ever sold out to his Great Hoax. Even Bernie Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, now lies that he didn't want the sellout to the New Order that he publicly said that he id want in 2013. In 2013 the worm has turned.
Good Catholics, you who read these Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers, you are not surprised by any of these developments. All of this was exactly what we TRADITIO Fathers have been predicting since 2005, and before. The handwriting was on the wall for anyone who opened his eyes. The Biblical King Nabucodonosor couldn't read it and lost his kingdom. That is exactly what is happening to the conservative and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers now.
In the Newchurch of the New Order, every Newpope gets to compose his own Mess, corrupting the valid Traditional Latin Mass. Now it seems that Newpopes have turned to composing their own rosaries, corrupting St. Dominic's traditional form. In 2002 JPII-Wojtyla attempted to add five decades called the "Luminous Mysteries." Now an associate of Francis-Bergoglio wants Bergoglio to add five more decades called the "Hidden Mysteries." Both "Luminous" and "Hidden" are redolent of the Gnostic heresy started in the early church and the New Age paganism of our times.
Juan Villa Larroudet, an associate of Bergoglio at the Buenos Aires, Argentina, Newcathedral and a member of the infamous Opus Dei sect, has advocated to Bergoglio that the "Hidden Mysteries" be added, specifically to pander to non-Catholics. He calls it an "oecumenical" rosary, using the favorite term of the Modernist Vatican II Council, which has led to outright heresy and sacrilege in recognizing infidel and pagan religions as partaking in grace. Bergoglio recently seemed to include the oxymoronic atheist religion to that category as well. Villa Larroudet maintains that St. Dominic's Rosary is "incomplete" because it doesn't contain the five "Hidden Mysteries."
All of this desecration of the Most Holy Rosary not only reeks of sacrilege, but arises from ignorance of the Rosary itself. There is a reason why the Rosary consists of 150 Aves. The Rosary is, after all, a simplified Divine Office for laypeople, and 150 is the number of Psalms, which are recited over the course of a week in the Hours of the Divine Office. When Catholics got lazy, the pope allowed them to count 50 Aves in place of the traditional 150.
Villa Larroudet's Newrosary would add these five "Hidden Mysteries" as the fifth decade:
Villa Larroudet claims that the Rosary should not be "bounded and rigid," as it has been since St. Dominic brought it to its current form in an effort to defeat heretics. Will Bergoglio add to Newchurch's Newrosary this "Hidden" decade, as Wojtyla added the "Luminous" decade? It all sounds like the corruption of the Catholic Faith that led in the 1960s to an invalid New Order Mess, the Mess of Paul VI-Montini, what Benedict-Ratzinger officially proclaimed in 2007 to be the Ordinary Mess of the New Order sect. No wonder that Newchurch and its Newpopes for the last fifty years have wandered, as the prophet Isaias put it, in darkness of worship, doctrine, and morals, devoid of grace, without the Lord, unblessed -- the opposite of the characteristics of the Blessed Virgin Mary as described in the Ave.
The TRADITIO Network's sources indicate that Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, has up till now only requested that NSSPX priories put up a portrait of the Newpope on their walls, but this request was not obligatory. Each prior did what he pleased, and some priors did not honor Fellay's request. Since about October 13, 2013, however, Fellay has made the posting of a portrait of Francis-Bergoglio strictly obligatory on all priories.
Fellay is thus honoring the most unCatholic, even anti-Catholic, Newpope yet. In just six months, Francis-Bergoglio has committed the following acts:
Bernie Fellay, always the great hypocrite, now orders that Bergoglio's portrait be hung up in Neo-SSPX priories, while at the same time he was telling the Angelus Press Conference on October 11-13, 2013, "we have been preserved from any kind of agreement from last year." The "agreement" to which Fellay is referring was his sellout agreement to Benedict-Ratzinger, so that his Neo-SSPX could become part of the Newchurch of the New Order. Bernie, how long will continue to dupe your Neo-SSPX with lies and hypocrisy? The Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance (clergy), informally headed by Bishop Richard Williamson, now gone independent from Fellay, and The Resistance (laity) now have your number and are drawing your priests and laity away from your Neo-SSPX, now gone sour, back to the traditional Catholic principles of Archbishop Lefebvre.
On October 12, 2013, Bishop Richard Williamson, the former senior bishop of the Neo-SSPX, who is now operating independently of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, has announced the founding of a headquarters for the Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance. The headquarters is an eight-room structure in southeast England, not too far from London, which will serve as the headquarters for those who wish to continue the traditional Catholic work of Archbishop Lefebvre outside of Bernie Fellay's New Order-leaning Neo-SSPX.
The headquarters was founded, announced Bishop Williamson, because "with the SSPX..., things are not getting any better, alas." Bishop Williamson goes on:
And so just as the Archbishop can only have wished that Conciliar Rome would come back to its Catholic senses so that there would be no further need for his Society to maintain Tradition, so too one might now wish that the present SSPX leaders would come back to the Archbishop's way of thinking about Conciliar Rome, so that resistance to their virtual conciliarism would be unnecessary. But wishes do not make reality go away, and that reality is that just as Conciliar Rome is obdurate in its apostasy, so too the SSPX leaders have not stopped promoting their own authority to do what they like with the Archbishop's legacy -- authority over truth. That is why some bricks and mortar have become a necessity for the on-going service of the true Church.
Bishop Williamson is operating under the St. Marcel Initiative, named after an early Martyr-Pope of the Church and the Christian name of Archbishop Lefebvre. Pope St. Marcellus was particularly troubled with the cases of the cowardly Catholics who had lapsed from the Catholic Faith during the Roman persecutions. Pope Marcellus stood firm in his requirement that the lapsed Catholics must do public penance for their perfidy to Almighty God and His Church before they could be readmitted into the Church.
For contact information on the St. Marcel Initiative, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
We know that the Novus Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service is not a Mass, but Francis-Bergoglio doesn't know that. Nevertheless, Bergoglio committed one the gravest sacrileges possible: he stopped a Mass already in progress. The teaching of the Church is that once the Offertory of the Mass has begun, the Mass is not to be interrupted except for the gravest of reasons: war, earthquake, etc.
An Italian journalist for Italy's La Stampa daily newspaper has revealed that in late June 2013, Francis-Bergoglio committed the grave sacrilege by dispatching a member of the Congregation for the [New Order] Faith to pull Gerhard Mueller out of Mess at Rome's Santa Monica Church to answer a bureaucratic question. Bergoglio demanded to speak to Mueller "immediately," so the messenger interrupted the Mess and forced Mueller to speak to Bergoglio right then and there by telephone.
The journalist posited that Bergoglio threw a conniption fit because Mueller's Congregation was investigating a close friend of Bergoglio, a Newcardinal, for paedophile crimes. It appears that the "reformer" Bergoglio gives his criminal friends special treatment -- even in preference Almighty God. And what was Bergoglio's excuse for the sacrilege? He has admitted to being "impulsive." Add another grievous public Mortal Sin to Bergoglio's ledger of sins before God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Stampa.]
Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect has rolled out a new version of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, this one based directly upon the invalid service of Thomas Cranmer, Heretic Archbishop of Canterbury, who colluded with English King Henry VIII in the imposition of an invalid Protestant service on the English Catholic people and in the murder of St. Thomas More, Catholic Chancellor of England.
The newly-approved invalid rite, used for the first time on October 11, 2013, contains sections of the Protestant Church of England service. Originally fabricated for use by Benedict-Ratzinger's "ordinariate" for Anglicans, Newmonsignor Andrew Burnham, a senior cleric in the ordinariate at the inaugural Novissima Ordo service, admitted that something that was until now "merely Anglican" had become part of the Newchurch of the New Order. The inaugural Mess was accompanied by music in the English vulgar tongue. This "ordinariate" was similar to the one proposed for Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX.
The new invalid and heretical service was given the Novus Ordo seal of approval by Newvatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the [Non-Catholic] Faith and the Congregation for [New Order] Divine Worship and fully approved by Newchurch. Newmonsignor Burnham specifically praised the Arch-heretic, who composed the Protestant Book of Common Prayer to replace the Roman Missal. After the accession of the Catholic Queen Mary, Cranmer was finally put on trial for treason and heresy and, after several cowardly vacillations and recantations, was hismelf executed after the fashion of St. Thomas More, whose execution he helped engineer just a few decades before.
One curious aspect of the rollout of the spurious Novissima Ordo was the fact that there were four times as many women attending as men. Men, it appears, have quickly sized up the Newchurch of the New Order for being an effeminate sham, rife with paedophiles and homosexuals, culminating in the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, who claims that he can't "judge" homosexuals. Accordingly, men have been walking out in droves in the post-Vatican II decades, drawing down Novus Ordo "vocations" close to zero and making Newchurch truly Womanchurch. Newmonsignor Burnham admitted the "feminization" of the Church of England, which is now spilling over into the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order.
Good Catholics, as good people rapidly abandon the Newchurch of the New Order, that unCatholic institution is being left with the dregs: paedophiles, homosexuals, libbers, and their like. The Church of England is about to be disestablished by parliament and now numbers fewer than an average of ten people, mostly women, at its services. Newchurch is rapidly heading in the same direction.
It seems that Francis-Bergoglio's Newpapacy is so incompetent that on over 6,000 commemorative medals, it couldn't even spell the name Jesus correctly. The medals -- 200 in gold, 3,000 in silver, and 3,000 in bronze -- were recalled after being put on sale in St. Peter's Square. Newvatican will now embark on the fool's errand of trying to get these medals back, which will be clung to all the more because the mistake will make them numismatic rarities, worth far more than their purchase value. The medals were supposed to commemorate Bergoglio's election and feature his face on the obverse.
The Vatican Information Service admitted the error on the coins that were produced for Bergoglio by the Italian State Mint to commemorate the beginning of Bergoglio's Newpapacy. The medal features the face of Bergoglio on the obverse, and on the reverse, around the edge, a Latin quotation from Venerable Bede, from which Bergoglio took his Newarchiepiscopal and Newpapal motto: Vidit ergo Jesus publicanum et quia miserando atque eligendo vidit, ait illi sequere me.
Bergoglio uses the words miserando atque eligendo as his motto, loosely translated, "He took mercy on him and selected him," even though Bergoglio has stated publicly that he never wanted to be Newpope and seriously contemplated turning the office down. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ABC News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
May the laity use unblessed candles as votive candles? Are there any provisions about what these candles must be made from? For example, are paraffin candles okay? Also, may the laity use the drippings from votive candles to make new votive candles at home?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You can use anything you want for non-liturgical candles. Liturgical candles, on the other hand, must be made of at least 51% beeswax to conform to many Biblical scriptures and to the Apostolic tradition of the Church. You will see such candles used invariably at all true Masses, that is, fully Traditional Latin Masses (not the half New Order erroneously-termed "Extraordinary" Mess). In many churches of the New Order sect, paraffin and even Crisco is used. This is totally unCatholic, as is the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service itself.
As if to prove conservative Newbishops or devotees of the erroneously-termed "Extraordinary Form" of the New Order service, that is, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Mess of 1962+," which Benedict-Ratzinger used in his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax of 2007, are just as corrupt as their "Ordinary Form" Newbishops, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, Newbishop of Limburg, Germany, has been charged by German authorities with double perjury. Apparently Franz-Peter morally reeks to High Heaven, just as the smelly cheese that issues from the region of his Newdiocese!
On October 3, 2013, the Chief Hamburg Prosecutor charged Newbishop Tebartz-van Elst with filing two false affidavits in a court case. Francis-Bergoglio, who, as every day goes by, is being exposed as a more corrupt Newpope even than his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, cleared his Newbishop "of all wrongdoing." The German civil court will not be as forgiving of the Newbishop's lies. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Deutsche Welle.]
What is the difference between the Latin pronunciation that my kids learn in school and Church Latin pronunciation? Why is there the difference?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The standard pronunciation of Latin used in schools is the Classical Roman Pronunciation, which is an approximation of the pronunciation used during the Golden Age of Latin Literature (Cicero, Vergil, Horace, etc.) about 50 B.C. to A.D. 50. In this pronunciation, c and g are always hard, v is pronounced as a semivowel (like w), etc.
There is really no standard Church pronunciation. Throughout the last century people generally pronounced Latin in the Church the way they would if it were their own modern Romance language, as those languages (Italian, Spanish, French, etc.) began to diverge from Latin at that time. Since there are only a few differences between the pronunciation of consonants in those languages, and a virtually identical pronunciation of vowels, the pronunciations were similar and mutually understood.
In the last century or so, with the restoration of Gregorian chant, the pronunciation used in Italy tended to take precedence, so most often now you hear Latin in Church sounding like Italian. That pronunciation is not exclusive, however. The Austro-Germanic pronunciation is still heard on recordings produced in the German countries.
Oops! Now the full truth is out. Francis-Bergoglio revealed to Italy's largest-circulating daily newspaper, La Repubblica, that in the conclave that elected him as Newpope in March 2013, when the Cardinal Deacon asked him the question: Acceptasne electionem de te canonice factam in Summum Pontificem?, Bergoglio did not immediately accept the election. In what was undoubtedly the first instance of such a thing, Bergoglio revealed that he had an anxiety attack and rushed form the Sistine Chapel. Bergoglio told La Repubblica that he seriously contemplated refusing the Newpapacy.
Bergoglio's admission prompted an immediate "counter-spin" from an official in Newvatican's Department of Media Relations, who denied the story. Yet the La Repubblica disputed Newvatican's spin, maintaining that Bergoglio's words were reprinted "verbatim" and that Bergoglio was given a copy of the transcript to review before publication and had approved it. Moreover, Bergoglio himself has said previously and in public: "I didn't want to be pope." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Given Bergoglio's clownish, anti-Catholic behavior in the last six months, he should have rejected the Newpapacy! He seems ignorant of Catholic doctrine, promotes an invalid, sillier New Mess, and has done nothing to excommunicate sodomite Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters from his New Order sect. He's a complete fraud -- and now he himself admits it.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I was wondering why the Protestants and the Newchurchers say that Mary was never full of grace and that this is not scriptural. In their translations, such as the King James or New King James versions, as well as the Newchurch Bibles, "full of grace" is replaced by "highly favored one." In my Douay-Rheims version, Luke 1:28 uses "full of grace." Why did the Protestants and the Newchurchers reject the traditional Catholic understanding?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
After the Modernist Vatican II Council, the New Order sect proceeded with the issuance of "new" English "translations" of the Bible. Like all the New Order "translations," these were not really translations, but deceits to introduce new doctrines. The phony New Order claim is that "hail, o highly favored one" is merely a better "translation" than "hail, full of grace." This is the same false claim of "authenticity" that the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, used to justify all of his liturgical innovations, culminating in the invalid New Ordinal of 1969 and the invalid New Mess of 1969, by which no valid priest is ordained, and no valid Mass is celebrated.
The Greek word kecharistomene, which is used in Luke 1:28, rendered by the literalist St. Jerome in the Latin Vulgate as gratia plena (full of grace), is a perfect middle participle. English does not have a middle voice for its verbs, which indicates the action of the verb as acting upon or belonging to itself. A literal awkward rendering of the middle voice in English would be "suffused with grace," but even that doesn't convey the sense of the perfect tense, which indicates the perfection, or completion, of the verbal action. This is clearly how St. Jerome, the most gifted of translators, rendered the sense in Latin (which has no middle voice either) as gratia plena.
The Greek verb from which the participle comes is charistoo, whose root is charis, the specially Christian word for the grace of God. The rendition "highly favored one" in place of "full of grace" conveys neither the sense of the Greek middle voice nor the sense of the Greek perfect tense nor the specifically Christian meaning of the Greek word for grace. One might sum up this pedantic Protestant and Newchurch rendition as "graceless"!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is engaging in extreme sports sinful because you place yourself in unnecessary risk, as amateur skydivers do? But some skydivers create charities and give to the poor.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is a sin against the Fifth Commandment of God to place one's life at risk without grave reason (such as firemen have). The "charity" practices that you describe are just a cover for sinful action. There is no need to risk your life to perform charity. These "charity" events are in reality self serving. Remember the aphorism, "Charity is big business." Commercial events are often veiled as "charity." How many of these events actually accomplish much? Couldn't a better result be achieved in other ways?
The question should rather be asked: how does a true Catholic perform charity? Not by risking his life, but traditionally by performing the seven Spiritual and seven Corporal Works of Mercy. The highest form of charity is the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy: to admonish the sinner (including popes!), to instruct the ignorant, to counsel the doubtful, to comfort the sorrowful, to bear wrongs patiently, to forgive all injuries, to pray for the living and the dead. Following these are the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy: to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to visit the imprisoned, to shelter the homeless, to visit the sick, and to bury the dead.
None of these works of mercy has as its excuse jumping out of an airplane or risking one's life unnecessarily.
Popes have never given press interviews, for very good reason. Such a format lacks the precision required for expressing clear and precise Catholic doctrine. Breaking this, as so many other wise traditions, Francis-Bergoglio's radical and thoughtless statements in interviews to Italy's largest-circulating daily newspaper, La Repubblica, have caused worldwide concern about whether this Newpope is actually Catholic. Answering the multitudinous complaints, Bergoglio's press spokesman, presbyter Federico Lombardi, was forced to come up with a truly flakey answer.
Bergoglio, says Lombardi, doesn't speak as other popes, with precision and clarity about Catholic doctrine. Bergoglio's statements are not to be taken literally. Instead, Bergoglio "represents a new genre of papal speech that is deliberately informal and not concerned with precision." In other words, Bergoglio is some kind of unPope, separating himself from 2,000 years of precision in Catholic doctrine.
Even many Newchurchers have been shocked at Bergoglio's break from Catholic practice. Some have even suggested that Bergoglio will be too lazy to write serious encyclicals; he will just give incoherent press interviews. One of these has described Bergoglio's speech as "wholesale, unadulterated lunacy; it is dangerous and flat out irresponsible." It has been broadly denounced as disrespecting the the Sacred Deposit of Christian Doctrine, which demands a very deep concern for precision in matters of the Faith. But Bergoglio's New Order sect does not have the Catholic Faith. We already knew that.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
One point of discussion in the present state of the Church is the need to be "in communion with Rome." I was recently asked by some Newchurchers if the traditional chapel I attend was "in communion with Rome," because, according to them, even if a pope turns his back on Catholic doctrine and practice, no one can ignore "Rome" and its authority. Granted, these Newchurchers' definition of "Rome" is confused. To them, if a pope, such as Francis-Bergoglio, seems willing to accept abortion, homosexuality, and "gay marriage," he still represents "Rome."
I disagreed with the Newchurchers. I responded that Catholics are obligated to oppose heresy and schism even if they emanate from the pope. What should a traditional Catholic's response be?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You have gotten the answer basically correct yourself. Catholic theology for two millennia has taught that Catholics must ignore the teachings, decrees, and practices of a pope if they are against Catholic Doctrine or Tradition. No matter who the pope may be, no Catholic can follow false, or even confusing and dubious unCatholic doctrine, morals, and practices, such as those of Paul VI-Montini, JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio.
The Church Fathers, Doctors, and theologians make this clear beyond a moral doubt, teaching that popes can themselves become heretics and schismatics. For further information, click on POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Day by day, we are learning that Francis-Bergoglio is just a worse doppelganger of Benedict-Ratzinger. On October 1-3, 2013, Bergoglio held secret meetings with his eight insider Newcardinals, whom he appointed as his Privy Council, to "reform" his corrupt Newvatican. We have heard all of this before.
For the seven years of the Ratzinger papacy, that Newpope promised "reform," but to him, reform was not purging his New Order sect of paedophile Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters, but simply "reforming the statutes." So, Ratzinger's reform turned out to be just another of his Great Hoaxes. Pettyfogging with "statues" does nothing to change behavior. Firing these corrupt Newprelates would! But Ratzinger fired not one -- no, not one.
Newchurchers should watch they ask for. "Reform" was also the code word under which the Arch-heretic Martin Luther launched the Protestant revolution and under which the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini launched the "Extraordinary Mess" of 1962, the invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968, and the invalid Novus Ordo Mess of 1969.
Attacked by those even in Newchurch who have called his Privy Council just another insider sham, Bergoglio lashed back at his Newchurch critics, claiming that the eight Newcardinals were "not courtiers." Bergoglio in just six months has made many enemies in the clergy and laity of Newchurch, who have publicly denounced his unCatholic, even anti-Catholic statements. Traditional Catholic clergy have denounced Bergoglio, while the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay has remained mute. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
More and more, day after day, we are finding that traditional priests, bishops, religious, communities, and chapels, are being devastatingly attacked, desecrated, and ripped apart by the Newchurch institution and its associates. Even with Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust still raging as ever before, local civil authorities still succumb to pressure by corrupt Newchurch bishops.
How many more truly traditional priests and Mass sites are going to be lost? I personally know several traditional priests who have been served with Cease and Desist Orders for having small groups of the faithful attend the fully Traditional Latin Mass in their private home chapels.
As one who has myself suffered this kind of persecution from civil authorities in trying to offer the fully Traditional Latin Mass, I bring this problem to the attention of your vast readership: we traditional priests cannot afford civil attorneys to represent us, because retainers for legal service often exceed 20,000 USD. The result will be that the limited number of fully Traditional Latin Mass sites that currently serve the faithful may be closed, and the faithful will be entirely without valid Sacraments.
I am wondering whether there are traditional Catholic attorneys in your vast readership who would be willing to step forward and offer to handle cases for persecuted traditional Catholic priests and Traditional Latin Mass sites pro bono publico, or at least to accept cases on a contingency basis with no up-front funds required. If competent traditional Catholic laypeople sit back and do nothing to help, then they are just as guilty as those who are desecrating our traditional Catholic priests, chapels, monasteries, and convents.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We would be happy to add traditional Catholic attorneys willing to assist to the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Catholic Priests Wanted and Available department in the section "Other Traditional Resources Available." Traditional Catholic attorneys willing to assist, simply send your location and E-mail address to the TRADITIO Network.
As the common phase has it: God works in mysterious ways. Since the partial shutdown of the U.S. Government on October 1, 2013, it seems that the Lord has found a way to shut down Newchurch's invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, as well as the invalid "Motu" (aka "Extraordinary") Phony "Latin Mess" of 1962+ -- at least on military bases in the United States and around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Because few men want to become Newchurch presbyters, and even fewer of these want to become military chaplains, Newchurch's Archdiocese of the Military Services has had to turn to privateers, that is, secular presbyters under government contract. With the shutdown, these contracts are suspended, and Newchurchers are spared from committing their continued sacrilege, idolatry, and heresy in receiving the pseudo "sacraments" of the New Order sect.
In an ironic twist, if these Newchurch presbyters should try to foist off their phony Messes and "sacraments" on military bases during the shutdown, they risk being arrested. This situation is simply a fulfillment of the Biblical principle, so ably articulated by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians (6:7): Nolite errare: Deus non irridetur [Be not deceived: God is not mocked].
Co-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger is not happy that Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is now suppressing his Pseudo "Latin Mass" of 1962+. Ratzinger is telling visitors to his sumptuous retirement villa in the Vatican Gardens that Bergoglio is "wounding" him by his recent decree that the Pseudo "Latin Mess" should be quashed in the Franciscan Order and, by implication, elsewhere as well. Ratzinger, thus, is openly admitting the fact that Bergoglio has effectively banned the Pseudo "Latin Mess." Pseudo-traditionalists had also been admitting the fact of the ban.
TRADITIO readers will remember that in 2007, when Ratzinger was negotiating a sellout of the Neo-SSPX by its Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay, Ratzinger perpetrated the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax my attempting to resurrect the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Pseudo "Latin Mess" of 1962+, which was engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini to replace the Traditional Latin Mass in that year. The TRADITIO Fathers have constantly warned the pseudo-traditionalists not to put their trust in Ratzinger, that he was merely perpetrating a Great Hoax upon them, and that their Pseudo "Latin Mass" would be quashed by his successor. Now, seven years later, the TRADITIO Fathers' prediction has come true -- in spades.
In a recent interview with La Civiltà Cattolica, Bergoglio openly criticized his predecessors, JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger, for being "obsessed" with moral questions like abortion and homosexuality. Now Ratzinger is returning the criticism by claiming that Bergoglio is trying to "wound" him. This vendetta between the Co-Newpopes is unheard of in modern times, in which popes have never criticized their predecessors. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Huffington Post.]
Good Catholics, it bears repeating that what Ratzinger is crying into his German beer about is not the Traditional Latin Mass, which is absolutely prohibited in the Newchurch of the New Order, but Ratzinger's Pseudo "Latin Mess," sometimes erroneously termed the "Extraordinary Mess," which is invalid because it is "performed" by presbyters merely installed to "preside over the assembly" of the New Order and never ordained in the valid, traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead."
Traditionally, it is taught that Judaism is a religion (not a "race"). Thus, the conclusion of the Pew Research Center survey published on October 1, 2013, is problematical: "U.S. Jews are losing their religion." The Pew Survey reports: "Jews in the United States are overwhelmingly proud to be Jewish, yet nearly one in five of them describe themselves as having no religion." Jews over age 85 are religious, but only 32 per cent of "Jews" aged 15-30 actually practice the Jewish religion. The other 78 per cent join the 22 percent of all Americans having no religion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Modern "Jews" are substantially irreligious. About 80 per cent of them never set foot in a synagogue, yet they foment a "Jewish lobby" concerned primarily with the modern State of Israel, not Biblical Israel. But these phony "Jews" are no worse than the phony Newchurchers, like Democratic House of Representatives leader Nancy Pelosi, who claims to be "Catholic" to win votes, yet advocates the gross immoralities of abortion, sodomy, and contraception. But Pelosi isn't as bad as Francis-Bergoglio, who purports to be a Newpope and yet thinks that there is too much of an "obsession" (to use his word) on the immorality of abortion, homosexuality, and contraception!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I understand that attending Messes of whatever kind in New Order churches is a grave sin, but what about just praying in such churches, when no Mess is going on? Is it appropriate to pray there, or rather to conclude, as Henry Cardinal Manning (1809-1892) said of the Anglican Church: God is not there. I understand that the idolatrous Novus Ordo cookie is maintained in the Happy Meal box there, but while most truly traditional Catholic churches have limited open hours, some of the New Order churches, at least the ones that have not been demolished, are open all day long (although not as often as they used to be).
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The answer to all such questions is easy when one substitutes "Protestant" for "New Order," because the Newchurch of the New Order is now essentially Protestant (or worse). Many Protestant churches are open during the day. Would you pray in them? Of course not. The scandal and confusion that you would be causing to the souls of others, let alone your own soul, is grave.
Moreover, the Novus Ordo Mess, or what the Novus Ordinarians call the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Extraordinary Form," which is performed by unordained presbyters of the New Order (this includes the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, and similar organizations based in the Newchurch) is invalid. It is a soul-destroying sin and a grave scandal to associate oneself with the unCatholic New Order, its unordained presbyters, and its blasphemous Messes, Ordinary or Extraordinary, whether in Latin or any other language. You might just as well attend a Methodist service!
Just think if you were supposedly the pope of the Catholic Church. As you looked around, what would you consider to be the most serious evils that affect the world? False doctrines and religions that are leading the world to ruin: all are saved regardless of their unrepented evil actions? Filthy morals that gravely violate God's Natural Law: sodomy, abortion, "gay marriage." Lack of a reverence for their Creator: blasphemy, idolatry, secularism, wild Protestant-Masonic-Pagan services?
Whatever may be on your list, we bet that you wouldn't pick as the most serious evils what Franci-Bergoglio told Italy's largest-circulating daily newspaper, La Repubblica, on October 1, 2013:
Note that, for this Newpope, there is not a single religious item in the last! Bergoglio sounds more like a Liberalist secular politician or a Liberalist social worker, doesn't he? Perhaps there is a community organizer position still left open for him in Chicago. Does he not see that these secular problems all originate from the vast religious wasteland that the Newchurch of the New Order has created? True Catholics down the centuries have always known that secular problems arise from spiritual problems.
But Bergoglio's thinking is not just unCatholic; it is anti-Catholic. In the same La Repubblica interview, he proclaims: "Proselytism is solemn nonsense; it makes no sense." "Proselytism" is the anti-Catholic's word for "conversion." But Bergoglio will have none of this. His statement seems to contradict directly Our Lord's well-known words: "Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19/DRV). To him, converting people to Catholicism, let alone Christianity, is "nonsense" -- read that again: "nonsense." And this man purports to be a pope? That's getting harder and hard to believe, isn't it?!
And why is "Mr. Humble" giving so many press interviews now? Does he think himself some kind of secular rock star? These interviews are anti-traditional and an abomination. Because he doesn't even serious enough to take the time to prepare for them, but speaks just off the cuff, what he says is confusing and often doctrinally dead wrong. The result of his phony humility will be a general rejection of Newpapal authority and bring to derision the very notion "infallibility." Maybe that's just what Bergoglio is aiming at. He has said that he doesn't believe in the Catholic papacy -- and his actions surely confirm it.
The United States's Barack Obama readily agreed at his October 2, 2013, press conference with Francis-Bergoglio's stated weakening of doctrine on abortion, homosexuality, and contraception. Bergoglio called these essential moral teachings of the Church "an obsession." Obama has been an outspoken crusader for non-existent abortion "rights" and gay "rights." Even his Democratic predecessor, Bill Clinton, didn't do that!
It seems that the clueless Obama, whose Christianity -- or is it Mohammedanism? -- has been seriously questioned -- thinks that Bergoglio's essential embracing of the worst immoralities is "living out the teachings of Christ." Obama conveniently left out the paedophilia of Bergoglio's Newclergy in his remarks. Obama has also been bamboozled by Bergoglio's "incredible humility" (Obama's term) -- a phony humility that pushes him further and further what is really a New Age Narcissism.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Some of the frauds that the New Order sect comes up with in a desperate attempt to justify itself are so-called "eucharistic miracles," such as one that allegedly occurred in Buenos Aires in 1996. How does a traditional Catholic respond to allegations of New Order "eucharistic miracles"?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
By calling them what they are: the deceits of Satan. Our Lord Himself warned us that false "miracles" can be used by Satan to deceive: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect (Matthew 24:24/DRV). St. Paul warns of exactly the same thing:
And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: him Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power and signs and lying wonders: And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish: because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying (2 Thessalonians 2:8-11/DRV).
The New Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, is unquestionably unCatholic and invalid. Therefore, prima facie, any "eucharistic miracle" associated with it must be not from God, but from Satan, intended to deceive. Any true miracle must be in accord with the True Faith. The Devil is very cagy. He would lead astray even the elect.
Here are two other cases that you can use in your response. Cesare Mazzolari, the New Order bishop of Rumbek, Sudan, was struck dead when idolatrously elevating the Novus Ordo cookie on July 17, 2011. The scene was reminiscent of the Old Testament account of the man who was struck dead when committing the sacrilege of touching the Holy Ark of the Covenant. In a second case, a Novus Ordo cookie that was alleged to look like blood turned out to be the result of a red fungus picked up from Newchurchers' shoes on the floor, to which it had fallen. Apparently, the Newchurchers themselves didn't even recognize their own "eucharistic miracle"!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is the Blessing of Animals on St. Francis's feastday a traditional practice or more New Order nonsense? It seems that this is becoming a circus on October 4. I am trying to learn real traditional practices, not New Order or pseudo-traditionalist ones.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There are three blessings for animals in the traditional Rituale Romanum: a general one, one for gravely sick animals, and one against harmful animals (e.g., rabid ones). These may be given at any time by a traditional priest.
You are correct in stating that the fixation over a combined "blessing" on the feastday of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4 (that is one Saint's day that the unCatholic Newchurch hasn't dared to move off the traditional date, as it has perversely done with so many others) is distinctly in accord with the New Order. It is part of the propaganda to make St. Francis into some kind of "eco-saint." There is no reference to the "honor" of St. Francis in the traditional blessings, although some other traditional blessings are stated to be "in honor of" some Saint associated with them.
What Newchurch won't tell you is that St. Francis, far from being some pantywaist "eco-saint," stood up courageously against the Mohammedan Infidels to whom the Newpopes now scandalously pander. St. Francis personally accompanied the Fifth Crusade (1217-1219), inaugurated by Pope Innocent III, and attempted to convert the Mohammedan leader Sultan Malek-el-Kamil to Christianity, telling him in no uncertain terms, "We have come to preach faith in Jesus Christ to you, that you will renounce Mohammed, that wicked slave of the devil, and obtain everlasting life." The current Newpopes are too pantywaist to do what the real St. Francis did!
John Nienstedt, Newarchbishop of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, is the latest of Bergoglio's corrupt Newprelates to get caught up not in past crimes, but in the current 2013 Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, which, much as Newchurch propagandizes that it is all over, is actually accelerating. Here's the story.
Nienstedt and his No. 2 Guy, Vicar General Kevin McDonough, knew of his paedophile presbyter Curtis Wehmeyer's sex crimes against children, but they still kept the presbyter in the ministry. This, after the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops was supposed to have adopted a "no-tolerance" policy in 2001. That policy was window dressing for a clueless public. It is almost totally ignored.
Paedophile presbyter Curtis Wehmeyer, for the last eight years, engaged in sex crimes with children while Nienstedt and McDonough knew about all about it, reports Minnesota Public Radio in its investigative report issued September 23, 2013. Wehmeyer maintained a camper outside his Newparish for six years. In that camper, with the shades drawn, the presbyter got drunk, smoked pot, and lured into the camper two children, plied them with alcohol, turned on pornography, and sexually assaulted the children, according to police records. When police came to arrest the presbyter, he told police that he could not be arrested because "way too many people depend on him." The presbyter is now behind bars at Minnesota State Prison.
As seems always to be the case with these clueless Newchurchers, the families of the children trusted "Fr. Curt." Undoubtedly, he was the best presbyter they had ever known. Isn't that what all the Newchurchers say about these paedophile presbyters? Will they every learn? After fifty years of accepting a phony Mess, Protestant doctrine, and the morality of pigs (and that is doing a disservice to the pigs), we sincerely doubt it. The vast majority of them have now been so corrupted that they are essentially incorrigible.
But filthy as presbyter Wehmeyer was, Newarchbishop Nienstedt and Vicar General McDonough were even filthier. These two instances were only the latest in a decade-long series of sexual assaults of children that the two knew about. Yet the Newarchbishop and his Vicar General left the paedophile in charge of the Newparish and failed to warn the Newparishioners. A May 2011 memorandum was discovered in which Vicar General McDonough specifically write: "I do not want parish employees to know about Wehmeyer's past."
McDonough openly lied when at the same time he was assuring the Newarchdiocese's 800,000 parishioners that the Newchurch was doing everything it could to protect children from abuse. McDonough, in his memorandum, instead showed concern that the perverted presbyter's "sexual identity questions" would be "outed." If a few kids had to be raped because presbyter Wehmeyer was a sexual deviant, that was apparently not a problem for the Vicar General, who was ironically designed as Newchurch's Delegate for a Safe Environment.
Newarchbishop John Nienstedt was personally notified in writing by his Chief Canon Lawyer that Wehmeyer had a sexual addition and that the Newarchdiocese knew about it. Nienstedt had already violated Newchurcher's purported "code of conduct" several times. The Chief Canon Lawyer assumed that Neinsted would can Wehrmeyer and institutionalize him. But the Newarchbishop did not -- even after three more reports from parents. Instead, he covered up Wehrmeyer's crimes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Minnesota Public Radio.]
Good Catholics, Newchurch is so corrupt at this point that it must be entirely flushed down the drain. It cannot be "reformed." The Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, was worse than the First Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla "The Unblessed," soon to become the "Unsaint." The Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, has now turned out to be even worse than Ratzinger. Newrome is a "sewer," to use the term used by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri. The only remedy at this point is to flush the New Order sect, together with its corrupt clergy from the top down, into the sewer. The stink is so bad at this point that even Draino won't work. You have to use the plunger to force the Novus Ordo clog out!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I just learned that there is a problem with a verse from the Vulgate Bible (1 Kings 6:19). One editor says that there is a discrepancy in sources about the number killed. However, the Council of Trent says that the Vulgate Bible does not contain errors and is wholly inspired by God. I wonder how to apply this definition to the above mentioned issues.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You have misquoted the Council of Trent. The dogma on the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture pertains only to the content of questions of faith and morals, not to the accuracy of the text in matters not relevant to those teachings. The Fathers of the Council of Trent were some of the most brilliant men in the history of the Church, who were quite conversant with the science known as textual criticism. To them, the three Sacred Languages (Latin, Greek, and Hebrew) were like native languages. Modern scholars have lost that fluency.
The phenomenon that you are talking about was well known to them. Textual variations in numbers are particularly common because in ancient languages numbers were usually represented by letters and diacritical marks (remember Roman numerals?), which are quite easy to misinterpret. Whatever the correct number is in the passage to which you are referring, you can be confident it has no significance whatsoever on Catholic doctrinal and moral teaching and that Sacred Scripture is inspired by God.
He was the man whom JPII-Wojtyla specifically appointed in 2001 as Prefect to deal with paedophile crimes perpetrated by Newchurch clergy. He was the man who let the world's worst paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals rape and sodomize children with impunity, often burying their pleas for redress for years on his desk. He was the man who became the Second Paedophile Newpope in 2007 and presided over the rampant paedophilia in his New Order sect for eight years. He was the first pope in 700 years to resign, primarily because of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust that had taken place under his regime. This is was the real Benedict-Ratzinger.
In a self-serving defense that child victims called a "Big Lie," Ratzinger recently maintained to the La Repubblica, Italy's largest-circulating newspaper, that he "never tried to cover up" paedophile crimes by his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters. What put the cap on his Big Lie was the fact that even when the criminals operating under his authority were convicted or even admitted their guilt, he did not fire a single one of them in twelve years -- no, not a single one.
A child victims' justice group summarized Ratzinger's Big Lie by stating: "In the Church's entire history, no one knew more, but did less to protect kids than Benedict. As head of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, thousands of cases of predator pr[esbyters] crossed his desk. Did he choose to warn families or call police about even one of those dangerous clerics? No. That, by definition, is a cover up."
Good Catholics, let's be blunt about this. To use St. Paul's term in reference such such ilk, the three paedophile Newpopes, JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and now Francis-Bergoglio, are "filth." Moreover, they are outright liars, attempting to "spin" confirmed facts to their personal aggrandizement. They have not one iota of concern for the tens of thousands of children whose lives they have ruined by their active cover-ups of one of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. The Third Order Franciscan and noted author Dante Alighieri put liars in the eight circle of his Inferno [Hell], of which there are only nine circles. In other words, you can't be looking at a place in Hell much deeper than likely awaits these three Paedophile Newpopes. Already an apparition of JPII-Wojtyla burning in the flames of Hell has been seen by thousands in Poland.
The Newchurch of the New Order hates the Crucifix because it represents the Sacrifice of Calvary and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Newchurch is, after all, fifty years after the Modernist Vatican II Council, essentially Protestant (actually worse than Protestant) and thus hates the Crucifix. Protestants long ago banished the Crucifix and substituted a cross to accord with their invalid services, which, like the New Order service, are not sacrificial, as is the valid Traditional Latin Mass, but merely a meal served on a dinner table.
If you go into a New Order temple, you will usually no longer see a Crucifix on the altar, a requirement of Holy Mass for the better part of 2,000 years according to the Church: "The crucifix is not merely an ornament, it is placed on the altar because of the relation between the sacrifice of the cross and that of the Mass." In many New Order temples now, the Protestant cross is substituted for the Catholic Crucifix.
Francis "The Fraud" Bergoglio, who has in just six months shown himself to be not only unCatholic, but anti-Catholic, is now substituting two Newchurch versions of the Protestant cross for the Catholic Crucifix. The first version is the "Love" Cross, in which the crossbar is not even straight, but crooked (highly suggestive of his crooked Newchurch). At the intersection of the bars is a silly red heart. This "Love" cross is barely Christian, minimally suggested by the two fishes on the ends of the crossbar.
The second Newchurch version of the Protestant cross that Bergoglio is substituting is the "Oecumenical" cross, which is suitable for use by non Christians. This version adds two flaring beams, making the cross look more like a suspension bridge. It is further embellished with a blue curlicue that suggests a cannabis bong. This second version seems particularly fitting to Newchurch, because we all know by now that the Newchurch prelates are "on something"! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Getty.]