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Francis-Bergoglio has taken the ridiculous position that he is not responsible for the sodomy, rape, and torture by his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals against children -- outside of the tiny Vatican City State, that is. Accordingly, the United Nations Commission against Torture has announced another hearing to follow up on the unsatisfactory eight-hour hearing conducted in January 2014.
The Commission will question Bergoglio's mouthpieces on why Newchurch did not stop rampant child abuse in its clergy around the world. The hearing scheduled for May 5-6 in Geneva will look at whether Newvatican's record on child protection violates the U.N. Convention against Torture, to which Newvatican is a signatory. Newvatican is charged with torturing and inhuman treatment of children by his failure to stop the sodomy, rape, and abuse by its clergy of tens of thousands of children around the world.
After the January 2014 hearing, the U.N. Commission for the Rights of the Child issued a scathing report, accusing Newvatican officials of systematically placing their own interests over those of the child victims. In 2013 the International Criminal Court was petitioned to investigate former Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger and Newvatican cardinals for crimes against humanity. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, the world at long list is incensed against this paedophile Newchurch and its Newpopes. Phony "apologies" and Francis the Fraud's legal quibbles are not going to make the stigma of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust go away. Heads must roll, including the Newpopes. Instead, the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, wants to make a Novus Ordo "Unsaint" out of the Second Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla!
It is amazing that Newrome and its cultish Newchurchers continue to ignore the signs from Heaven that JPII-Wojtyla is no "Saint" and should not be made into a Novus Ordo "Unsaint":
And now this. Wojtyla's crucifix crushed to death a pilgrim on April 24, 2014, just three days before his Novus Ordo con-anization. The 30-metre crucifix, constructed to commemorate Wojtyla's September 1998 visit to Brescia, Italy, suddenly collapsed on April 24, 2014, and killed the pilgrim instantly. The Italian news agency ANSA reported that the 21-year-old victim was visiting the 600-kilogram sculpture with a group of young Newchurchers. Another victim was rushed to hospital. A group of children were horrified to witness the event. Nor was this the first time that Wojtyla's image has killed. In 2004 a 72-year-old woman was crushed by a 2-metre metal crucifix in a town in southern Italy.
Good Catholics, what does the pseudo-traditional Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay now have to say about the Novus Ordo con-anization of the Second Paedophile Newpope? Well, he has "doubts." That's all: "doubts." Not condemnation, not rejection, just "doubts." Fellay obviously still drools to join the anti-Catholic Newchurch under Francis-Bergoglio. Because of that, Fellay has been emasculated. He can't speak the truth because then he wouldn't be able to wear the purple of a phony New Order bishop.
A thirty-year Newchurch presbyter-pastor and a Newchurch laywoman conspired to steal nearly one million dollars from a Newparish in Troy, Michigan, to spend on a Florida condominium and other amenities for themselves. Apparently, they were aping how New Jersey and Georgia Newarchbishops John Myers and Wilton Gregory had spent collection money on their own luxury. The five-count indictment involved money stolen from one bequest and from Mother's and Father's Day collection-plate between 2004 and 2014. The presbyter-pastor, Edward Belczak, and the laywoman, Janice Verschuren, face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
Newchurch has repeatedly claimed that such problems have been fixed. That is a gross propagandistic lie. Newchurch took nine years to figure this one out! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Detroit News.
Good Catholics, you will not be surprised to learn that this presbyter-pastor remains "in good standing" with Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch. With the explicit approval of Newarchbishop Allen Vigneron, who used to run the Newdiocese of Oakland, California, where he built the anti-Christian Newcathedral of Christ without Thorns, this presbyter-pastor continues to simulate the invalid New Mess in public all over the area. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues in full swing under Francis "The Fraud" Bergoglio.
The Newchurch Curia is already getting fed up with Francis-Bergoglio after just a year. His latest faux-pas was making a personal telephone call to an Argentinean woman who is a public adulteress in an invalid marriage and telling her to continue receiving the invalid Novus Ordo cookie. At a press conference on April 24, 2014, Bergoglio's own press spokesman, presbyter Federico Lombardi, wigged out. He told the international press that Bergoglio's imprudent conduct has become "a source of misunderstanding and confusion."
Because of such antics on the part of Bergoglio, the Curia that elected him is already starting to turn away from him after just a year of Bergoglio's antics. He has been derisively dubbed "The Cold Call Pope" by the newspapers. Newcardinal Rodgriguez-Maradiaga, head of Bergoglio's Council of Newcardinals, admitted on April 8, 2014, that there was growing opposition to Bergoglio in the Curia. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Good Catholics, it seems that "Mr. Popularity" is rapidly becoming "Mr. Has-been." If he gets the hook because of his anti-Catholic, anti-Christian Marxist Modernist shenanigans, it couldn't happen to a more deserving "Mr. Fraud"!
While Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican desperately tries to whitewash JPII-Wojtyla's involvement in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, a trove of 212 documents was recently published, demonstrating that Wojtyla was well aware that his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals were raping, sodomizing, and otherwise sexually assaulting children and seminarians in his name.
Wojtyla also was informed that Marcial Maciel, the pervert who headed the Legion of Christ, was a rampant paedophile, and yet placed him in positions of honor and defended the paedophile to the end. When Wojtyla took over the Newpapacy in 1978, he was informed by the Legion's superior in the United States that twenty seminarians by that time had been tortured and sodomized by Maciel, who also forced his clergy to procure morphine for him. Maciel was documented as running "drug-related and homosexual activity" in the Legion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Another document described the Legion of Christ, which was beloved even of some pseudo-traditionalists, as "a 'cult' of regimented and indoctrinated followers dependent slavishly on s central dependent-figure." Sounds just like the cult that Bernie Fellay now runs in the name of the Neo-Society of St. Pius X!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
Did the Newchurch of the New Order really suppress the Minor Orders? Do Novus Ordo presbyters not even have the order of Exorcist, as traditional priests all do? When did this happen?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The anti-Catholicism of the Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order that was substituted for the Catholic Church after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) was far more widespread than merely the introduction of the vulgar tongues into the New Order sect's invalid "New Mess."
Yes, the New Order sect in 1972 did do away with those ancient and traditional Minor Orders, together with the Major Order of the Subdiaconate, in 1972, shortly after the invalid New Mess was introduced in 1969. The traditional Minor Orders, which each true priest must to receive before ordination to the priesthood, are: Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte. Since 1972 Novus Ordo presbyters haven't even empowered to open the door of the church, without the Order of Porter! Moreover, they have no powers of exorcism, even for the exorcisms contained in the traditional Sacrament of Baptism.
Even Newchurch now admits that it is infested with Satan. Italy has been particularly infested, according to the reports of Newchurch bishops there. When you consider the fact that Newchurch has had no priests since 1968, when the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal began to be used merely to "install" presbyters, not to ordain priests, and that these presbyters have never received the Order of Exorcist, you will not be surprised to hear that the "smoke of Satan around the altar," which even the Modernist Newpope Paul VI-Montini smelled, has now invaded all of Newchurch, which reeks with the stench of heresy, immorality, and invalid Messes.
Good Catholics, there is nothing left of Catholicism in the Newchurch of the New Order except a little crust maintained to maintain tourism. Even the "Motu/Extraordinary/1962" Mess can't save it, as that fabrication of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, is not offered by ordained priests, but by powerless "installed" presbyters in Novus Ordo temples.
Francis-Bergoglio's complicity in the rape, sodomy, and sexual assaults on children by his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals was again exposed, when it was announced that he had cleared a Puerto Rican Newbishop who had been implicated in sex crimes. Bergoglio's Apostolic Delegation in Puerto Rico announced Bergoglio's whitewashing on April 11, 2014, of Arecibo Newbishop Daniel Fernandez.
But the truth of the matter was quite the opposite. It turns out that the victim, who was raped when a child, was never interviewed before Bergoglio's whitewashing. Fernandez had tried to fight a request from Puerto Rico's justice department to obtain confidential documents related to an ongoing sex-crime investigation at his Newdiocese. Fernandez had filed a lawsuit arguing that he should not have to turn over the information because he had already provided sufficient details. But a judge found otherwise and gave Fernandez two weeks to hand over the information. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, Bergoglio has gone from cover-up to whitewash of his criminal clergy's sex crimes against children. He is in fact worse than the "Second Paedophile Newpope," Benedict-Ratzinger and has amply earned, in less than a year, his own monicker, the "Third Paedophile Newpope."
After Francis-Bergoglio persecuted the traditional-bent Newbishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, of Limburg, Germany, for spending too much money restoring historic churches instead of tearing them down, and for constructing an efficient multi-purpose Newdiocesan center instead of a Quonset hut, it is Bergoglio who is now being vilified in the Italian press as a hypocrite for his profligacy.
Bergoglio is feathering a luxury estate for his ex-Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone. No simple apartment this, but rather a 600-square-metre estate. When the secret plans were discovered, the Italian daily La Repubblica raked Bergoglio over the coals. Bertone's estate includes a 100-square-meter roof terrace for sunbathing. Bergoglio has signed off on extensive building work for Bertone's move-in by summer. Bertone left his office on October 2013 in a general shake-up. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Good Catholics, if you're going to play "Mr. Miser," you have to live like a miser. Bergoglio himself lives in brand new Apostolic apartments with a personal sitting room, a dining room, a private chapel, and many other amenities. He's sure not living on a busman's salary! Nor is his ex-Secretary of State. Nor is his Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, John Myers, who gets a multi-million-dollar retirement spa. Nor is his Archbishop of Atlanta, Georgia, Wilton Gregory, who gets a million-dollar castle of his own, paid for out of school funds. "Mr. Miser?" Hardly. Bergoglio is in reality Francis "The Fraud"!
Benedict-Ratzinger tried an end run around his negotiations with the Anglicans and issued on November 4, 2009, the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, which purported to offer traditional Anglican-Episcopalians instant Novus Ordoization. Ratzinger's was a tawdry attempt to cuckold Anglicans who didn't like the way their Anglican-Episcopalian sect was going, with the "ordination" and "consecration" of prebyteresses, bishopesses, and practicing homosexuals. So Ratzinger allowed Anglicans to flip from their Protestant sect to the equally Protestant New Order sect -- abracadabra!
Of course, the whole program was a fraud because neither the Anglican sect nor the New Order sect have a valid Mass or a valid priesthood. Thus, traditional Anglicans gained nothing. The traditional Anglicans, however, aren't as dumb as the Newchurchers, and most of them didn't fall for Ratzinger's ruse. Most stayed with their traditional Anglicanism, and some of the groups were even valid because they had Anglo-Catholic bishops, who were consecrated through the valid Old Catholics. (Non-traditional Anglican bishops are merely "installed," like Newchurch bishops, in an invalid New Ordinal by non-ordained Anglican bishops.)
Now, five years later, with Ratzinger abdicated and Francis "Mr. Marxist" Bergoglio installed as Newpope, Newvatican is admitting that the whole Ratzinger ruse was a flop. The Newchurch leader of the Newchurch Anglican "ordinariate" admitted on April 17, 2014, that traditional Anglican interested in the ruse has "waned" and that the number of Anglicans entering Newchurch has "fallen short of expectations."
"We have to be honest and say that the ordinariate has not increased as much as we hoped it could," said Msgr. Keith Newton. He conceded that the ordinariate had not yet stirred widespread interest among the Anglican clergy. "The project was not welcomed," he said, and Newchurch needs to show "more vigor" and "more enthusiasm." Worldwide, after five years, the group numbers only 85 presbyters (all invalid, of course) and some 1,500 lay members. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, this failure to attract traditional Anglicans to the Newchurch of the New Order is like the handwriting on the wall for the inevitable failure of trying to admit Bernie Fellay's Neo-Society of St. Pius X into the New Order sect. If it ever happens, it too will fail, interest will "wane," and most Neo-SSPXers won't go. You see, Fellay wants to be the head of a Protestant Newchurch "ordinariate" for pseudo-traditionalists, just like the failed ordinariate for Protestant Anglicans.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
At the Good Friday rites at my traditional Catholic chapel, which is not affiliated with Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, there was no Communion of the faithful. In years past at the Neo-SSPX chapels that I used to attend, there was always Communion of the faithful. Why does Fellay and his Neo-SSPX not practice the Catholic and Apostolic tradition of Good Friday?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Traditionally in the Roman rite, Good Friday is an aliturgical day, as it is in the Apostolic Eastern rites. An aliturgical day is one on which the Mass is not celebrated. The reason for this Catholic and Apostolic practice was explained by Pope Innocent I in the fifth century: it was a day on which "the Apostles hid themselves for fear of the Jews."
The Roman rite celebrates on Good Friday the "Mass of the Pre-sanctified," which is not really a Mass, as there is no Offertory, Consecration, or Communion. The term "pre-sanctified" refers to the fact that the day before, on Maundy Thursday, the priest consecrated two Hosts. He consumed one of the Hosts on that day and, at the solemn Maundy Thursday procession (at which we trust all traditional Catholics participated), placed the second Host in the Repository, after which the altar was stripped and was devoid of the Sacramental presence.
From Apostolic times the Church has forbidden the reception of Holy Communion by the faithful. On that day the priest brings back from the Repository the one remaining, pre-consecrated Host in solemn procession, and that Host, which was pre-sanctified, that is, pre-consecrated, is consumed by the priest at the end of the Good Friday rites. The priest performs some of the non-consecratory rites of the Mass at the altar (including an elevation) at the end of the Good Friday rites, after which he consumes the Host.
At that point the church is without Christ's Sacramental presence, just as Peter and the other Apostles (except St. At that point the church will be without Christ's Sacramental presence, just as Peter and the other Apostles (except St. John) deserted Christ and ran away for fear of the Jews. That fact is made liturgically vivid by the fact that there is no Communion of the faithful on this day.
On Good Friday you listened to the Passion according to St. John, in which Peter denied Christ three times. St. Matthew's Gospel, proclaimed on Palm Sunday, includes another detail: Peter denied Christ under oath. Thus, Peter not only was a traitor to Christ but also a perjurer and blasphemer as well. Those who worship the Newpopes as "Peter" should well understand that Bergoglio & Co. reflect Peter in more ways than even most traditional Catholic realize! Peter later repented and became a Saint. Bergoglio & Co. have not repented.
When the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini was put in charge of "modernizing" the Sacred Liturgy gradually into a Protestant service, Bugnini imposed in 1956 the violation of the Catholic tradition from Apostolic times that there be no Communion Good Friday. He made it like any other day of the year, expressing in liturgical terms what amounted to a rejection of Catholic doctrine on the Passion of Christ.
The Neo-SSPX accepts the "modernized," Protestantized rites of Hannibal Bugnini and thus seriously violates Catholic and Apostolic tradition. These are the same unCatholic rites that are used by the "Motu aka Extrordinary aka 1962" Newchurchers. True Catholics will stand with the Apostles and have no participation with the unCatholic Neo-SSPX and "Motu aka Extraordinary aka 1962" rites. You have taken the correct step by disaffiliating yourself entirely from Fellay's Neo-SSPX.
It appears that Newchurch and Newpope Francis-Bergoglio have shot themselves in the foot with promotion of the heretical feast of "Divine Mercy," which corrupts a once-traditional devotion. A prophetess calling herself Maria Divine Mercy has come to prominent attention of late, but she does not prophesy in favor of Bergoglio, but against him. "Divine Mercy" Sunday, April 27, in 2014, has been selected by Bergoglio for the Novus Ordo con-anization of the Conciliar Newpopes John XXIII and JPII-Wojtyla. For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the section "Divine Mercy."
Maria Divine Mercy, who predicted that Benedict-Ratzinger would abdicate, claims a private revelation from Christ and the Virgin Mary that Bergoglio, his successor, is the "False Prophet." She claims that Bergoglio is an "antipope ... who will bring God's children under the rule of the little horn [the Devil]." Actually, she is not far off when she says of Bergoglio: "seated in the Chair of Peter, this imposter will shout aloud and proudly proclaim his solution to unite all churches as one. Hailed as a modern innovator, he will be applauded by the secular world because he will condone sin. He will bring in new laws, which will, not only contradict the Teachings of the Catholic Church, but which will go against all Christian laws." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Good Catholics, all this may seem bizarre, something like the Medjugorje hoax. However, it is the Newchurch of the New Order that has brought such things about. Its Newclergy and Newpopes, by straying from Catholic and Apostolic Doctrine and Tradition, have opened the floodgates to every prophetess and false Mess, whether called "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary." The farther the Newpopes depart from the Catholic Faith and Tradition, the more of this unCatholic craziness the world will see possessing the Newchurch of the New Order.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Concerning Bernie Fellay's priest-presbyter who raped three schoolteachers at the Neo-SSPX primary school outside of Paris under the guise of an "exorcism," I have to say that there is not only something desperately wrong with this priest-presbyter but also something desperately wrong with these women. Why would they subject themselves to an "exorcism"? Tortured with scissors and a broomstick? Are they, Fellay, and his Neo-SSPX nuts? Why didn't they say to the priest-presbyter, "What are you, some kind of nut?" and report him to Fellay. Probably because they figured that Fellay would act just like his bosom-buddy Benedict-Ratzinger and do nothing.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We are not as surprised by you at this turn of events. We have warned for almost two decades about the Superior Dictator Fellay, who turned Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic SSPX into a Neo-SSPX that is subservient to the New Order mindset. We have called Fellay a tyrant, and a tyrant he is. The highest virtue in Fellay's Neo-SSPX sect is not charity, not even faith or hope, but obedience -- blind obedience to whatever Fellay our his gauleiters order, without question. Practically one hundred of Fellay's own priests have now denounced him as a tyrant and left his corrupt Neo-SSPX.
All too many Neo-SSPX laypeople have bought Fellays "Obedience über Alles" doctrine and refuse to question anything that he or his gauleiters order. These women thought that they were being "obedient," doing what Fellay's priest-presbyter ordered them to do. The very same technique was used by Newchurch's presbyters on their child victims. In effect, Fellay's false-obedience policy turned these women into children -- and they obeyed, subjecting themselves to torture, rape, and "barbaric acts," according to the French prosecutor.
Good Catholics, if we have learned anything from Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, we have learned that a great cesspool of filth was covered up, and by the highest officials. This incident will give even more credence to the rumors that had already been circulating about what was going on under the surface of Fellay's Neo-SSPX. You can bet that if crimes like this were going on in Fellay's Paris school, moral corruption is going on all over the world at his sites. Just watch how he handles it now. We strongly expect that he will remain silent, or condemn everyone else but himself and his immoral regime. Fellay learned much from the New Order sect, primarily from Benedict-Ratzinger, the "Second Paedophile Newpope," which Fellay has put into effect in his Neo-SSPX.
Francis "Mr. Narcissist" Bergoglio used the solemn opening of Holy Week, Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014, to focus not on Christ, but on himself. He rushed through an abbreviated New Order ceremony, cut out the "homily" and substituted a few off-the-cuff remarks, then plunged into the crowd in St. Peter's Square to stage a "selfie" fest. Instead of holding up palm branches and singing Hosannas to the Lord Jesus Christ, the crowd held up their "dumb" phones to take pictures of "Mr. Narcissist."
Nor did this supposedly "humble" man Bergoglio show any discomfort about being the center of attention instead of the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom he purports to serve. Is this man a Christian, or really an atheistic Marxist at this point, deftly covered with a smile?
Symbolic of the false direction that Bergoglio is taking his Newchurch is the fact that the solemn Palm Sunday rites were conducted not in St. Peter's Archbasilica, as they were conducted before the New Order, nor even in front of the archbasilica, where they have been conducted in New Order times, but in front of the obelisk of pagan Egypt. Just as Bergoglio has turned his Newchurch more and more from Christianity to paganism, the crowd turned its back on St. Peter and his archbasilica to do honor to a pagan pharaoh.
Good Catholics, the pagan crowds, no longer Catholic, worship a self-absorbed Marxist, who leads them farther and farther away from Christ to the blasphemous worship of a man who deceives them with a smiling face. These Newchurchers once called themselves Christian. Now they are no better than the pagans that ruled Rome before the Bergoglians and martyred 14,000,000 Christians.
On April 9, 2014, one of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters was charged with rape and torture for acts committed during a 2010 "exorcism" upon three schoolteachers. The priest-presbyter, whose identity has not been released to protect the victims, is being held without bail, according to the prosecutor, on charges of aggravated rape, torture, and cruelty, or "committing barbarous acts," on the three teachers at Fellay's Neo-SSPX primary school, the Ecole Notre-Dame de la Sablonniere in Goussonville, a suburb west of Paris, which the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyter was running for Fellay at the time.
In an account published in the Paris daily, Le Parisien, which reeked of the modus operandi of the manipulative paedophile rapes of children perpetrated by Newchurch clergy, the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyter is said to have first raped one teacher during an exorcism to purge her of the "evil" from a previous rape. He then used his "spiritual influence" to convince two other female teachers to undergo similar "exorcisms." The Le Parisien account stated that the victims had been tortured with a broom, a toothbrush, and scissors during the "exorcism." Already the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyter has admitted to "simulating sex acts." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Good Catholics, it will be revealing to see how the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator will handle the matter. Will Bernie Fellay ape the Newpopes that he wants to join, by resorting to denials and cover-ups? Or will Fellay act like a man and tell the truth to his Neo-SSPXers and to the world? So far, days after the arrest, Fellay has remained incommunicado in his Menzingen, Swizerland, palace headquarters. Is this the kind of priest-presbyters that Fellay is going to turn out in his new, New Order-bent "Taj Mahal" seminary in Virginia, being built from the wallets of the clueless Neo-SSPXers in the United States?
On April 10, 2014, international wire services reported that Newvatican, embarrassed by seagulls and ravens attacking the doves that Francis-Bergoglio periodically releases from his window into St. Peter's Square and horrifying the crowds below, had hired a trained hawk to protect the doves. Newvatican functionaries hope that the "Dusky" Hawk, known in zoological Latin as Parabuteo unicinctus and bearing similarities to trained falcons, will scare off the other predatory birds.
The hawk, when mature, will have a wingspan of a meter and a quarter and weigh several kilograms. The use of such birds of prey to scare off unwanted pests is not new: they are often used at airports and football stadia to get rid of pigeons and have even been deployed at Rome's historical monuments, such as the Colosseum, to preserve them from pigeon droppings.
Although the Newvatican's hiring of a hawk to protect the Newpapal doves' attackers was supposed to set Newchurchers' minds at ease from future in-flight avian slaughter, it seems to be having the opposite effect. The idea of a predatory hawk attacking seagulls and ravens has stirred up its own controversy. So, Bergoglio's functionaries have resorted to their usual response to anything embarrassing to them: denial. Now Newvatican claims that the whole story was an April Fool's joke, even though it was widely reported by such international wire services as Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, and Reuters.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is there any possible explanation for the total blindness of the Newchurchers, who seem to believe that the Newchurch of the New Order is the "Catholic" Church? I just listened to two New Order presbyters on television, one of whom "blessed" blessed conference attendees with the blood of the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla. How can it be possible that he and the attendees have never seen the photographs of Wojtyla kissing the infidel Koran, allowing a Hindu priestess to place the mark of pagan Hinduism on his forehead with cow dung, and so many other instances of participation in pagan worship? These Newchurchers now worship Francis-Bergoglio, who has previously sported a red clown's nose, as their pope. What on earth is wrong with the clueless Newchurchers?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
At bottom, there is a very practical explanation. If New Order presbyters preach the true Catholic Faith, they're out of a job: no 50,000-dollar salary, no free room and board, no 7,000-dollar car allowance, no free health insurance, no free retirement plan, no extra fees for "special work" (these are published figures for presbyters in the United States). On the contrary, it takes courage to profess the true Catholic Faith. Christ told us that in no uncertain terms. Nor does toying with a Half New Order "Motu/Extraordinary" Mess, engineered by a Freemason presbyter, excuse the presbyters in service to the New Order. That is just another fraud that shows they have prostituted themselves to a false New Order religion.
The most stunning confirmation that John XXIII may have given that he rejected the New Order was that he literally turned over in his grave. On January 16, 2001, his body was exhumed for the recognitio for his possible future Newchurch con-anization (subsequently announced for April 27, 2014). It is a documented fact that when the examiners opened his coffin, they were shocked to find that his body had turned over and was now facing downward. It was as if John XXIII were saying in the most graphic way possible to the Newchurchers: I reject your Newchurch, I reject your hijacking of my Council, I reject your attempt to con-anize me!"
Even most traditional Catholics are ignorant how traditional John XXIII was in doctrine and liturgy, more traditional in many ways that his predecessor Pope Pius XII. Pius XII appointed the architect of the New Order Liturgy, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, who destroyed the Traditional Roman Rite. Pius XII wrote the ambiguous Encyclical Letter Mediator Dei (1947), which did not take decisive action against those Modernists who were already destroying the Traditional Latin Mass. On the other hand, John XXIII fired Bugnini, forbidding him to have any significant position at the Council, even calling him a "heretic." John XXIII also wrote the Apostolic Constitution Veterum sapientia (1962), which strongly defended the exclusive use of Latin in the Roman liturgy and required priests to have 7-9 years of Latin.
Yes, John XXIII convoked the Council, but it did not turn out the way that he had intended. He specifically denied that it had any doctrinal authority. It was supposed to be a ninety-day pastoral council only. Instead, it was strung out by his successor, Paul VI-Montini, to four years! John XXIII's last words, reported by a journalist present at his deathbed, were: "Stop the Council! Stop the Council!" For further information, see FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Moreover, at the time of the exhumation and exposition of John XXIII's body, there was false reporting that the body was "incorrupt." It wasn't. Contrary to traditional procedure, the body had been embalmed, in this case, treated with formalin, chemically related to the preservative formaldehyde used to "pickle" dead animals in jars for biological study. The doctor, Gennaro Goglia, who performed the procedure in secret later admitted publicly what he had been asked to do by Vatican officials.
Moreover, it was discovered that the face had lost so much fat over the intervening 38 years that it was unrecognizable. Therefore, Newvatican authorities decided to apply a sculpted, flesh-colored lifelike mask over the face. The quality of this handiwork was such that some Newchurchers, not knowing that the face was covered by a lifelike mask, erroneously thought that they were looking at the actual face and screamed, "It's a miracle." It wasn't. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by RTE News of Ireland.]
On April 8, 2014, the Georgetown's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate released its new study of 6,000 Newparishes in the United States indicating that Newchurch presbyters and Newparishioners are rejecting the English version in large numbers. A majority of presbyters (54 per cent) object to or refuse to use Newvatican's latest (2011) version. There is open rebellion against Newvatican, and the "vernacular" expressions being used against it are not pretty. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
To sum it up, Newchurch opened a Pandora's box by scuttling the Traditional Latin Mass, and now it is paying the price by linguistic and liturgical pandemonium. To take a page from Sacred Scripture, Newchurch is a perfect example of the "blind leading the blind." Newchurch popes, bishops, presbyters, and laity, now fifty years after the Modernistic Vatican II Council, couldn't recognize a Catholic Mass if it hit them in the face! Nevertheless, every liturgical and linguistic ignoramus has his own unCatholic opinion.
We TRADITIO Fathers haven't a gram of sympathy for the Newchurch of the New Order. It deliberately shot itself in the foot by turning the Traditional Latin Mass into some kind of invalid Protestant worship service in the vulgar tongues, which even the Arch-heretic Martin Luther rejected. Now Newchurchers are rebelling, Newchurch temples are closing, and Newclergy are turning into paedophiles. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of anti-Catholics!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What do you think of Bishop Fulton Sheen? I know that he fell into the New Order trap, even after all his supposedly traditional books and television programme.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Regrettably, Sheen did get caught up in the phony and New Order at the Modernist Vatican II Council. Although he repented of some of his errors before he died, he still persisted in adhering to that unCatholic New Order sect. It is a sad case of how even intelligent prelates can fall when in the midst an age suffused with the odor of heresy, just as occurred at the time of the Protestant heresy of the 16th century and the Arian heresy of the 4th century, which caught up even popes and the vast majority of bishops.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Are your sins and temporal punishment forgiven on "Divine Mercy Sunday" if you go to confession and receive communion. Or is this a lie?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is a lie, and the worst kind of lie: a lie of manipulation. "Divine Mercy" Sunday, which the New Order sect has used to shove out the Great Octave of Easter, is a fabrication of that invalid sect and is tied in with the heresy of universal salvation. You need to get a fully traditional Catholic calendar that doesn't have phony holydays included in it. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Catholic Calendar department. Sister Faustina's 1939 traditional devotion was twisted beyond all recognition by the New Order sect to serve its heretical "oecumenical" purposes, in which "we all worship the same god" and "all religions are equal." Even Pope John XXIII condemned the "modernized" devotion as falsified.
Moreover, since only the unCatholic New Order sect practices this scam, you would not be getting "confession" or "communion" anyway. The New Order sect abandoned the Catholic Mass in 1969 when it replaced the Mass with a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" in the vulgar tongues. It is invalid and offers no graces. Since the Mess is invalid, it has no valid "communion." Instead, participants receive an invalid cookie and swig invalid Kool-Aid. In 1972 the New Order sect replaced "confession" with an invalid "Rite of Reconciliation."
Good Catholics, for the good of your souls, stay away entirely from the New Order's heretical scan of "Divine Mercy Sunday" and worship exclusively at the fully Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by traditional Catholic priests (not invalid "Motu/Extraordinary" presbyters) from before the "modernizations" began after 1950. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments & Divine Office department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
From the objective point of view, the Catholic priesthood ended from April 6, 1969, when Paul VI-Montini's drastically revised ordination rites were implemented unannounced to create presiding presbyters and no longer sacrificing priests, to match the New Mass of 1969, which embraces the heretical "theology of assembly" and not the dogmatic "theology of sacrifice." At that point grace ended with the foundation of New Order sect, just as it had in the Protestant sect. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.
In November 2000, two British Newchurch bishops stated that by the year 2015 there would be practically nothing left of the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom. The Vatican II Modernist Rvolution has fast surpassed the Protestant Revolution of the 16th century and will accelerate with the April Fools' Day 2014 statement of Francis-Bergoglio that regular church-goers are Pharisees. They might as well be non-church-going Protestants!
Bergoglio has been an outspoken enemy of Catholicism. He hates the valid Traditional Latin Mass -- and that is not the Half New Order "Motu/Extraordinary" Modernist Vatican II Mess of 1962. He has cozied up to homosexuals, atheists, and gays. He calls true Catholics "Pelagians," that is, heretics who deny grace, while it is actually Bergoglio who has a graceless, invalid Protestantized Mess and "sacraments."
Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch is so unCatholic, so phony, that even the secular press has picked up on the joke that it has turned into. The noted satirical journal, The Onion, on March 6, 2014, published an article entitled Desperate Catholic [Sic] Church Now Offering Sainthood to Anyone Who Regularly Attends Weekly Mass [Sic]:
VATICAN CITY - Alerting faithful around the world to changes regarding its process of beatification and canonization, Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi announced today that the Roman Catholic Church will now bestow sainthood on any man or woman who attends weekly mass [sic] on a regular basis. "After careful deliberation and prayer, the Church has elected to enter any believer into the Canon of Saints [sic] so long as he or she is pure of heart and shows up to mass once a week, or even three out of four times a month," Lombardi wrote in a statement distributed to all dioceses worldwide, noting that the Congregation for the Causes of Saints will promptly begin taking up the cases of any parishioner who arrives on time and stays for the whole thing. "We are also waiving the requirement that individuals be dead before attaining sainthood. As long as you take communion [sic] and stick around for a few minutes after the service, you're pretty much in. You can be patron saint of anything you want -- good health, food, music, whatever -- as long as you're sitting in that pew." Lombardi said that in addition to revising canonization procedures, the Vatican would now allow anyone who attends mass to put on the priest's vestments at the end of the service and play the church's organ if they want.
Truth is often found in humor: in satira veritas. In one paragraph The Onion has correctly perceived these facts about Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order:
The Onion missed one important point, however. Bergoglio's "Subito Santitą" [Immediate Sainthood] is available only to those who populate the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess or the Half New Order "Motu/Extraordinary" Mess of the Modernist Vatican II Council. (Traditional) Catholics are specifically excluded from Subito Santitą!
Isn't this cute? On March 21, 2014, Francis-Bergoglio walked in public holding hands with Communist presbyter Luigi Ciotti, right into Chiesa di San Gregorio VII Papa a Gelsomino. Ciotti is closely associated with the work of another presbyter named Andrea Gallo, a Communist and supporter of homosexuality and drugs.
Bergoglio apparently has no problem whatsoever with giving his public "blessing" to such people. He admitted to the Italian daily La Stampa: "I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people." Yet he calls (traditional) Catholics: "doctrinaire, ideologue." Yet on July 15, 1948, Pope Pius XII excommunicated all those who propagate "the materialistic and anti-Christian teachings of Communism." The decree was presumed to include several million Catholics at the time, and countless more in the future. In 1962 Pope John XXIII confirmed his predecessor's decree and announced that the Communist dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro, was excommunicated for embracing Communism.
In 2011 Gallo was given the "honor" of being named "Gay Character of the Year" by Gay Italy. This homophiliac is quite clear in his anti-Christian beliefs: "A homosexual pope would be a magnificent thing.... A homosexual priest [sic] should be free to express his or her identity and his/her sexuality." He wants to call a Third Vatican Council to abolish celibacy and ordain women.
Good Catholics, these two presbyters -- God has been merciful in depriving the New Order of priests because of the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 that they use -- are morally depraved. Yet this is the ilk with whom Jorge "Mr. Fraud" Bergoglio chooses to be seen in public, holding hands yet! The conclusion is pretty obvious. In just one year Bergoglio has associated himself with atheists, Maxists, paedophiles, and homosexuals, praising them as "good," while condemning (traditional) Catholics for practicing the Catholic Faith. As they say, birds of a feather....
It seems that every time Francis-Bergoglio opens his mouth these days, he sticks his foot in it. If a pope should think himself happy, what do you think the reason would be? Because he is able to remain close to Jesus Christ? Because he can "perform Mess" (we know that his Messes are invalid because they are neither the true Mass nor is he consecrated as a priest or bishop) in some of the most beautiful churches ever created? Because he has the privilege of living in Eternal Rome, where 12,000,000 Christians were martyred?
For Bergoglio, none of these is even close to the answer. He told some young people from Belgium on April 1, 2014, that he's happy to have a "job." Any job, not a vocation, let alone anything associated with the Divine! The Office of the Papacy has now become a job. The papacy is barely better than no "job" at all for him. Remember, he told the international press shortly after his election that he didn't really want the "job" and that Rome made him physically sick. It is appropriate that Bergoglio made this ridiculous statement on April Fool's Day. It all figures. Newchurch itself is ridiculous. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, Newchurch has its "Clown" Mess. Now it seems to have its first "Clown" Newpope? Or maybe the soon-to-be Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla already grabbed that title. Newchurch seems bound and determined to con-anaize a man who never missed a chance to participate in silly pagan rites around the world: being anointed with cow-dung in India, having pitch smeared on his face by Australian aboriginals, being initiated into the cult of the goddess in the sacred grove in Togo, and many more. Yes, Wojtyla is the perfect Unsaint for Bergoglio's Uncatholic Newchurch of the New Order, and Bergoglio is the perfect Newpope.
Francis-Bergoglio has chastised those who work against abortion to be "doctrinaire" and "ideologue." So it is no surprise that one of the United States' most vocal supporters of abortion, U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a Newchurcher, received a rosary from Bergoglio via Barack Obama, also a vocal supporter of abortion. Pelosi is a heretic, who draws upon her feigned "Catholic" status to garner votes.
Bergoglio gave the rosary "blessed" by Bergogio to Obama, a Protestant (or Mohammedan, depending upon the sources), during his visit to Newvatican on March 30, 2014. Obama then gave the rosary to Pelosi, a fellow pro-abortionist. Both are supporters of immoral homosexual "marriage," which Bergoglio has not approved, but has moved in that direction with his statements that he cannot "judge" homosexuals and might personally support "civil unions," which are just homosexual "marriage" under another name.
Four days earlier, on March 27, 2014, Pelosi had accepted Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Award for Pelosi's work supporting abortion. Sanger was a despicable "eugenicist" who wanted to sterilize Blacks so that they could not pollute the human race. Pelosi took the occasion to condemn those object to abortion as being "dumb."
Good Catholics, the case of Pelosi shows that Bergoglio and his Newchurch have no testicula to defend Catholic morality. But why should he? He has shown himself to favor atheists and Marxists over traditional Catholics, whom he condemns as "doctrinaire" and "ideologue" for defending the worship, doctrine, and morality of the Faith going back to the Apostles. In fact, Bergoglio is just as unCatholic as Pelosi!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How is it possible for the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the Institute of Christ the King (ICRSS), and other "Indult/Motu" organizations to accept the Half New Order 1962 Modernist Vatican II "Extraordinary" Mess and the invalid full-blown New Order Mess of 1969 instead of the Traditional Latin Mass. What is going on here? Are these organizations not Catholic?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The "Indult"/"Motu" organizations sold out to the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order to become "recognized" by that unCatholic fraud. With some weak souls, the pressure to be part of the "establishment" is very strong, even if that establishment is erroneous and immoral.
In the fact of this, the traditional Archbishop Lefebvre was a rare individual. If anyone should have clung to the "establishment," it was he. He was a papal nuncio for Pope Pius XII and head of one of the largest missionary orders in the Church. Yet he saw through the errors and corruption of the Modernist Vatican II Council and its Newpopes starting with Paul VI-Montini. Remember: Lefebvre knew all these Newpopes intimately. He particularly knew Ratzinger (later Benedict-Ratzinger) and, in his characteristically direct speech, called Ratzinger "not a Catholic." The Archbishop certainly hit that nail on the head about the Modernist leader of Vatican II!
The Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, and other such "Indult/Motu" organizations sold out to the unCatholic New Order. They do not have priests because their ordinations are invalid, deriving from New Order Newbishops, who were never consecrated in the valid traditional rite, but merely "installed" to service the New Order under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968.
These "Indult"/"Motu" organizations, with their Modernist Vatican II "Extraordinary" Mess, wanted to be recognized by the New Order sect, just like Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, who turned traitor to their founding traditional Catholic Archbishop Lefebvre. And what has been the result? Greater recognition of these "Indult/Motu" organizations by the Newchurch with which they longed to associate? No! These organizations have been been mummified in scandal and are now drying up into dust. They have essentially been suppressed and are not allowed to grow. Such are the fruits of trying to be the friend of Newchurch false worship, heresy, and immorality.
Now these untraditional, sellout "Indult/Motu" organizations have to deal with the most unCatholic Newpope yet, Francis-Bergoglio, who touts atheists, Marxists, and homosexuals and who considers traditional Catholicism "doctrinaire" and "idealogue," and who continues the Newchurch immorality of raping children on the part of its clergy. What evil the "Indult/Motu" sellouts to the Newchurch of the New Order have sown, they are now reaping a hundredfold in their suppression and dismantling.
After the TRADITIO Network and others, even outspoken Newchurchers of the Atlanta, Georgia, archdiocese, raked Newarchbishop Wilton Gregory over the coals for spending over 2,000,000 dollars on his new episcopal palace instead of using the money to keep open his schools and to aid the poor, Gregory has now backed down in a last-ditch effort to save face in a growing scandal.
Gregory, who had previously been the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishop Liturgy Committee Chairman to impose the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess and "Sacraments," recently moved into a new episcopal palace. The purchase was made from a bequest on condition that the money be used for "general religious and charitable purposes." An episcopal palace is neither religious nor charitable, unless one considers the Least Holy Gregory his own charity!
Gregory admitted in a statement issued on April Fool's Day 2014 that he is now recanting, not because what he did was tantamount to theft, but because it was now affecting "my own integrity and pastoral credibility." He will refer the matter a committee of his own appointment. No investigation, no accountability, no sin. Just like Francis-Bergoglio and his Newclergy paedophilia ring. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
The Modernist/Liberalist press is all abuzz about the fact that Francis-Bergoglio "did Reconciliation" -- the New Order sect since 1972 has abandoned the valid Sacrament of Penance -- in a public confessional. Of course, it was a propaganda "photo op." The whole charade was reported by eyewitnesses as lasting only three minutes, 180 seconds. The actual accusation of sins lasted less than 60 seconds. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditionally, the Sign of the Cross and even the abbreviated Confiteor would take a minimum of 30 seconds. The absolution, including the Misereatur, would take at least 90 seconds with the Misereatur, the formula of Absolution, and the Passio Domini Nostri prayer to ensure the efficacy of the penance. That leaves barely 60 seconds for the accusation of sins. And we're not even counting the time that the confessor is required to spend "ad vitam emendandam ac melius instruendam inducet, remediaque peccatorum tradet [induce the penitent to amend and better conduct his life, and to hand down remedies for sins] to accuse himself of sins..
You would think that Bergoglio, being a man who has excused paedophilia, colluded with atheists and Communists, given encouragement to homosexuality, abortion, and fornication, called serious Catholics "doctrinaire" and "ideologue," and celebrated countless invalid Messes would need more time than that it takes to cook an egg!
Obviously this was a scandalous farce, fabricated for base propaganda purposes, to perpetuate the false "Mr. Humility" myth. According to he eyewitness reports, even the presbyter involved chuckled so loudly that those around could hear.
Fr. Martin Fuchs, who recently abandoned Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX to join some 100 Neo-SSPX priests and a dozen religious communities who have now done so, has made some interesting revelations about the future of the Neo-SSPX in a March 30, 2014, interview with a Czech News Agency amplifying the reasons for his resignation from the Neo-SSPX. Fr. Fuchs was a noted priest of the Neo-SSPX in Austria and the pastor of the Neo-SSPX chapel in Budapest, Hungary, before he announced his departure from that organization on December 30, 2013. Fuchs now serves at an independent traditional Catholic chapel in Aigen, Austria.
Fr. Fuchs now reveals that he knew for at least fourteen years (from the year 2000) that something was going sour in Archbishop Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X after it was taken over by Bernie Fellay, Lefebvre's bookkeeper, who became the SSPX's Superior in 1994 and proceeded to take it over completely and convert it to what was in fact a new organization, the Neo-SSPX, whose goal was to sell out Lefebvre's organization to the Newchurch of the New Order. "There is no doubt" of this, says Fuchs.
Fr. Fuchs, from his long-time knowledge of the internal politics of the Neo-SSPX, stated that he does not see things "changing or improving quickly" in organization with Fellay as its dictatorial head. Fuchs states that "a great part of the priests" believe that Fellay's course is "disastrous." NSSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais wants to wait until the general chapter meeting in 2018 to do anything, and NSSPX Bishop Galarreta remains mute. However, Fr. Fuchs predicts that the 2018 General Chapter meeting will fail to accomplish what the NSSPX priests are hoping for: Fellay's abdication and an end to plans to sell out the organization to the New Order sect. Fuchs states that Fellay & Co. continue to want the sellout, and they will not be dissuaded from that programme.
Fr. Fuchs recalled that Fellay was never supposed to have been consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Lefebvre in the first place. He, a Swiss, was a last-minute replacement for an unwilling candidate, selected to represent the monied interests of Switzerland, which he still represents with his consigliere and fund-raiser for Jewish causes, Maximilian Krah. Fellay's primary concern, says Fuchs, is not souls, but money and property. That is his background as a bean-counter. His clergy barely takes second place. He has no hesitation using the most unChristian means possible to keep them in line: threats, intimidation, threats of expulsion, even bread and water (as occurred with one religious in the Philippines). The Neo-SSPX laypeople he treats even worse, and yet these are the people who fund his operation.
Fr. Fuchs states that the 2008 General Chapter's six "preliminary" conditions, providing for the consecration of only one bishop, meant "the end of the Society." He added: "Trust in the Superiors is now shaken; it is destroyed." The atmosphere in Fellay's Neo-SSPX is now described as "poisoned with fear, mistrust, spying, and denunciation."
You may have heard about the so-called "Bishop of Bling," Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, of the Limburg, Germany, Newdiocese, who was removed after a propaganda campaign against him by Francis-Bergoglio and his lieutenants. Tebartz-van Elst was not a paedophile. He wasn't a criminal at all. If he had been, Bergoglio would have kept him in his position, because in over a year Bergoglio has removed not one paedophile Newbishop from his position. No, Tebartz-van Elst's restored historical churches and built a multi-purpose diocesan complex with room for groups of nuns, a room or two for himself, Newdiocesan administrative offices, meeting and conference rooms, classrooms, and other practice functions. But Tebartz-van Elst's real "crime" was that he advocated the "Motu" Latin Mess.
What you probably have not heard of is that at least two Newbishops in the United States have done similar things and have not gotten even a slap on the wrist from Bergoglio. You have previously read in these Daily Commentaries that Newarchbishop John Myers, of Newark, New Jersey, has built for himself a some 2,000,000-dollar retirement lodge, which boasts bedrooms with fireplaces, an exercise pool, a massage spa, an Olympic-size swimming pool, and many other amenities in two multi-storied buildings for Myers's Least Reverend self. Bergoglio has said and done nothing.
Now we find out that another Newarchbishop, Wilton Gregory, of Atlanta, Georgia, built a 2,200,000-dollar episcopal palace for himself. The palace, in a posh suburb of Atlanta, extends over a spacious 575 square metres. The money should have been used for Newdiocesan schools and to assist the poor. But Gregory justified cheating the schools and the poor in favor of building his new palace, saying that he "can now more easily entertain church members"! Although Newchurchers in Atlanta have denounced Gregory as leading an "excessive lifestyle," Bergoglio has remained hypocritically mute on Gregory.
Good Catholics, why did Bergoglio oust Tebartz-van Elst, but not Myers and Gregory were not? Tebartz-van Elst built for the practical use of the people; Myers and Gregory built for their own pleasure. The answer is simple. Tebartz-van Elst was an advocate and practitioner of the "Motu" Latin Mess, aka erroneously as "Extrordinary." Bergoglio wants to suppress this Mess. Myers and Gregory are full-throated devotees of the Modernist Vatican II Council and Newchurch's invalid New Mess of 1969. Gregory was even chairman of the U.S. Newbishops' Liturgy Committe to push the invalid New Order in Newchurch.
In the battle between a courageous British religious reporter and the disgraced Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, the reporter has paid the penalty exacted by the Newchurch propaganda machine. It seems that freedom of speech in Great Britain's religious press extends only as far as the necessary acceptance of the Newchurch myth that the post-Vatican II Newpopes are all good guys, clothed in the white of innocence. What the cuckolded newspapers won't admit -- but what the whole world now knows -- is that the Newchurch of the New Order is filled with pagan worship, false doctrine, and pig-sty morals. And its leaders -- Newpopes JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio -- have deservedly earned their monikers "Paedophile Newpopes No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3.
One British religious reporter, Robert Mickens, Newrome correspondent for The Tablet, whose editor claims that the journal is "a place where orthodoxy is at home, but ideas are welcome," was suspended because he cut through Newchurch propaganda to call a spade a spade or, in this case, a rat a rat. Apparently, The Tablet doesn't welcome direct, truthful talk. It is common knowledge in Newrome and around the world that Benedict-Ratzinger abdicated primarily because of the exposure of his paedophile administration, which was involved in thousands of child rapes, sodomies, and sexual assaults. Ratzinger talked about doing something, but actually did next to nothing. (Francis-Bergoglio is even worse. He tries to justify the crimes.)
So, on March 27, 2014, Mickens was suspended because he appropriately called the Second Paedophile Newpope "the Rat." There are tens of thousands of child victims who call him much worse than that! Moreover, Mickens dared to deride the myth of JPII-Wojtyla, the First Paedophile Newpope, as a "saint." Mickens readily admitted his contempt for the two. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Good Catholics, the Newpopes and their propaganda machine, official or unofficial like The Tablet, can't bear to have their true nature and actions exposed. Therefore, it never answers legitimate questions, but badmouths and quashes the truth-tellers. If you think that the cover-ups are over with Francis-Bergoglio, think again. They're just getting started!