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Francis-Bergoglio has issued the instrumentum laboris, or working document, for the double Synod on the Family that will take place between October 4-25, 2014, and 2015. It is truly scary. It indicates an openness to gut Christian morality and replace it with a secularized knockoff that rejects Biblical teaching. Among the changes to Christian morality that will be discussed are:
What is most shocking is that Bergoglio doesn't even attempt to justify embracing and the unChristian and immoral practices. The only excuse advanced is that when Newchurchers reject Christ's teachings, it provokes in them "troubled consciences" -- as well it should! Bergoglio wants to relieve his Newchurchers' guilty consciences for doing evil!
For the "troubled consciences," Bergoglio's document does not blame the anti-Catholic Vatican II Council (1962-1965) and the 50 years of Modernism following, but "the economic crisis and the instability of the labor market, migration, a consumerist culture, careerism, and competitiveness." Note: no mention of abortion, contraception, homosexuality, heretical doctrine, corrupt morality, and phony Protestant-Masonic-Pagan worship services.
Good Catholics, you thought that Martin Luther was the greatest bane in the history of the Church. Francis-Bergoglio has him beat six ways to Sunday (or is that Saturday now in the New Order sect?)!
Kate Kelly, a "women's ordination activist," founded the group Ordain Women, which pushes to get women ordained. She was, accordingly, sent a letter, accusing her of apostasy. On June 23, 2014, Kelly learned that she has been excommunicated after a hearing by three bishops held the previous day. Kelly wrote the hearing that she did not want to be excommunicated, but refused to stop her activism for false doctrine. "I will not stop speaking out publicly,"
The Church issued this statement: "In the Church we want everyone to feel welcome, safe and valued, and, of course, there is room to ask questions. But how we ask is just as important as what we ask. We should not try to dictate to God what is right for His Church." The judgment of excommunication stated that Kelly could be readmitted at some point in the future, but she would be required to give up her personal teachings and stop trying to lead others away from true doctrine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Wire.]
The excommunication seems quite appropriate in standing up to someone who publicly advocates doctrine contrary to the Church. The excommunication makes clear what the true doctrine is and makes provision for re-instatement of the excommunicated individual, but not before that individual recants his advocacy of false doctrine. All well and good. But the situation just described did not occur in Newchurch, but in the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons)!
Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch, on the contrary, doesn't excommunicate anyone for false doctrine (except, informally maybe, some unnamed members of the Mafia), so those unCatholic false doctrines spread, many of them, it seems, even with Bergoglio's approval. We are reminded of pro-abortion activists U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the late Senator Ted Kennedy, in addition to many Newchurch members of the Mexican Congress and other similar state officials around the world. There are similar cases of public figures advocating and enacting "gay" marriage. All of these people call themselves "Catholics" to win votes, while denying the basic doctrines and morality of Catholicism.
Good Catholics, here's a thought. Maybe if a few Mormon bishops were put in charge of Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch, they could clean up that doctrine cesspool in a matter of months. Certainly Bergoglio can't. He's too busy proclaiming that some of his "best friends" are Marxists and that he doesn't want to "judge" sodomites.
For the first time ever, Francis-Bergoglio is cosponsoring a "Chrislam" art exhibition in the Emirate of Shajah. "Chrislam" is a sycretistic movement to promote the hybridization of Christianity and Islam, which Bergoglio is gung-ho on promoting. The exhibition, cosponsored by Bergoglio and the Emir of Sharjah, will take place in the giant domed Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization. This is the first collaboration of Newvatican with a Mohammedan country. Some Buddhist art will also be thrown in for good measure.
In the exhibition catalog, Newvatican writes that it will treat the Islamic objects "with the same amount of respect as the Leonardos, Raphaels, and Michaelangelos." The title of the exhibition is "So that You May Know Each Other," which is a verse taken from the Mohammedan Koran. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the German DM News Service.]
Good Catholics, to balance Francis-Bergoglio's anti-traditionalist programme, here we have his pro-sycretistic ("oecumenical") programme, which aims at equating the Christian and Infidel religions. Unlike the popes of the Crusades, which tried to preserve a Christian presence in the Holy Land, Bergoglio's attitude is one of capitulation and a sellout of Christianity ab initio.
Meanwhile, Bergoglio's niece, Cristina Bergoglio, has opened her own art exhibit in Miami, Florida. In spite of the fact that her uncle is Newpope, Bergoglio says she is not religious, but spiritual, and that she doesn't subscribe to any one religion, saying, "I'm not afraid to say I see the Church as outdated."
Francis-Bergoglio met privately on June 10, 2014, with seminarians belonging to the Newchurch Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception, which was placed under the direction of an Apostolic Inquisitor a year earlier for being "too traditional." The Apostolic Inquisitor, presbyter Fidenzio Volpi, has already implemented two of Francis-Bergoglio's directives:
Berogoglio's Newpapal spokesman indicated that the traditionalist bent of the Franciscan congregation was being purged not only in liturgical services but in the "life and governance of the congregation as a whole." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Good Catholics, Bergoglio is playing the usual deceptive Newvatican games about this situation. Naturally, he doesn't want to come out directly against traditionally-bent Newchurchers, because they have been deluded into providing money and numbers. But beneath all the expressed "concern" for the seminarians, who have essentially lost their congregation, is the anti-traditionalist reality of Bergoglio that has shut down their seminary and suppressed the "Motu/aka Extraordinary" Mess.
On June 29, 2014, the Feastday of Sts. Peter & Paul, cities around the world will stage their annual "gay" pride parades. In New York City, the parade will be supplemented at St. Francis of Assisi Newparish with a "Pre-Pride" Mess. The Newparish, using the multicolored flag of the homosexual movement, published an invitation to come to a Pre-Pride Mess on the preceding Saturday at 17:15 -- one of those Novus Ordo "Golf" Messes. The Mess is open to those "regardless of sexual orientation ... especially if they are gay or lesbian."
Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan, the Newarchbishop of New York, has refused to comment on or put a stop to this travesty. Dolan earlier in 2014 praised a U.S. National Football League player's announcement that his is "gay." At that time duplicitous Dolan claimed that he "was not intending to support homosexuality with his statement." Of course not! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
Good Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's public pro-"gay" attitude ("who am I to judge") is feeding this kind of immorality. The "Pre-Pride" Mess is just another example that Newchurch does not teach Catholic, or even Christian, morality.
Does Francis-Bergoglio's purported Novus-Ordo "excommunication" of the Calabrese Mafia, or is it all mafiosi, as obiter dicta in another one of his off-the-cuff "homilies" on June 21, 2014, mean anything? There is no formal document, as would be required so that the purported excommunicandi would know specifically who they are and what their condition is.
However, a pope did formally excommunicate Communists. Pope Pius XII issued the Decree against Communism in 1949, which excommunicates all Catholics collaborating with Communists. The document resulted in one of the largest formal excommunications in the history of the Catholic Church, including several million Catholics. Pope John XXIII (whom Newchurchers consider a Novus Ordo "saint") confirmed the decree in 1962, when he announced that Cuba's Communist dictator Fidel Castro was excommunicated for embracing Communism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Ironically, Francis-Bergoglio himself has told the world that some of his best friends are Communists, and, even from his origins in Latin America and the Newjesuits, heavily tainted by Communism, his words seem to be collaborating with the Communist principles that Pope Pius XII condemned. If the shoe fits....
Independent traditional Catholic bishop Richard Williamson reports in a June 21, 2014, bulletin that a Headquarters of the Traditional Catholic Resistance, newly purchased in Kent, England, is being readied for those who have rejected Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX and have gone independent (or been expelled) from his Neo-SSPX.
This headquarters is just five minutes from the sea. The location is near where T.S. Eliot wrote his most famous poem, "The Wasteland" (1922), where Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (1798), swam, and where Charles Dickens wrote The Pickwick Papers (1836).
The headquarters is currently being set up by Fr. Stephen Abraham, who has abandoned Fellay and his Neo-SSPX to go independent traditional Catholic. On January 26, 2014, Fr. Abraham celebrated Mass for the first time for The Resistance in London. The facility for the headquarters is described as being "spacious."
On June 10, 2014, forensic scientists revealed their reconstruction of the face of St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231), Friar of the Franciscan Order. St. Anthony of Padua is one of the most popular and influential Saints of the Church. But he was not some effete lovey-dovey guy, but the Malleus Hereticorum, the Hammer of Heretics. He hated what the corrupt bishops of his time were doing and began his public reproofs of such bishops with: "And as for you, there, in the miter." If you're looking for false "charity" and "respectfulness" toward false prelates, you won't find it in St. Anthony. Nor should you find it today.
From only the skull, the Saint's face and its features were reconstructed with a high degree of objectivity. It turns out that St. Anthony was six or eight centimetres taller than the average height of that time, about 1.7 metres. He had a long and narrow face, and strong and developed legs, as befitted someone who walked great lengths to evangelize the world as the Doctor Evangelicus. His knees bore traces of prolonged prayer. His teeth, while completely healthy and normal, show signs of a vegetarian diet and one that was anything but plentiful. He was a handsome man of Atlanto-Mediterranean descent, with a noble and refined profile. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Seven presbyters of Tijuana, Mexico, have been charged with sex crimes against children. These are not crimes from years ago, but from 2012. So significant were the charges that Newvatican, usually reticent to get involved, sent inquisitors.
The children involved are said to be in their teens. This led Tijuana's Newarchbishop Rafael Romo Munoz to claim -- shockingly -- that "there is no case of abuse of children." Apparently, in Romo's mind, teenagers aren't children! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the San Diego Union-Tribune.]
Good Catholics, Newchurch has learned nothing from the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal that embroils it. Newchurch is still trying to excuse these horrific cases, as in the case of the U.S. Newarchbishop who claimed that he didn't know that adults having sex with minors was a crime. Or in this case, that no "children" were abused, because the victims were teenagers. If that isn't Philadelphia lawyering, we don't know what is!
All Rome is abuzz with speculation on Francis-Bergoglio's health. We TRADITIO Fathers have reported openly on this in the past, and now it seems that the international press is catching up and is no longer trying to excuse the reports as "a minor indisposition."
Four times already Bergoglio has canceled his scheduled meetings, most recently for a two-day period. Now Newvatican has announced that he has canceled his public morning New Order Messes in St. Martha's palace. These were the ones where he was accustomed to give his off-the-cuff "homilies," so many of which contradicted Catholic teaching. In addition Newvatican has announced that he has canceled his Wednesday general audiences. Nor will Bergoglio process the half kilometre from St. John Lateran to St. Mary Major on the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Bergoglio is now reported to have trouble breathing and to have gained ten kilograms in a year, suggestive of congestive heart problems, which are common among victims of significant lung disorders, as Bergoglio has lost most of one lung. This condition challenges his immune system, which makes him more subject to viral infections. Bergoglio's closest advisors state that he looks "very tired and fatigued." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the International Business Times.
Just when you thought that the Newchurch of the New Order couldn't get any worse, along comes St. Louis, Missouri, Newarchbishop Robert Carlson, who testified under oath in May 2014 that he wasn't sure whether it was illegal for presbyters to have sex with children. Carlson served as chancellor of the St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, Newarchdiocese and is answering charges that the Newarchdiocese created a public nuisance by keeping secret the information on sex criminals in the clergy.
Since Carlson was "transferred up" by Benedict-Ratzinger to St. Louis as its Newarchbishop in 2009, he also faces a massive clergy sex-crime lawsuit there. One document made public by the court shows more than 100 presbyters and Newchurch employees there have been accused of sex crimes against children.
Victims' attorneys questioned Carlson under oath whether he knew in 1984 that it was illegal for presbyters to have sex with children. Carlson's unbelievable response was: "I'm not sure whether I knew it was a crime or not. I understand today it's a crime." However, documents released June 16, 2014, showed clearly that Carlson perjured himself, that he clearly understood that sex abuse was a crime when he discussed incidents with Newchurch officials during his time in Minnesota. Carlson never reported any of the crimes to police. After hundreds of children had been raped under his auspices, Carlson summed up: "I think we did a pretty good job." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Minnesota Public Radio.}
Good Catholics, here we have a current Newarchbishop quite comfortable in taking the name of the Lord in an oath and lying outright. We have all heard by now that New Order seminaries are a joke. It is certainly obvious that these Newbishops are getting no instruction in the Ten Commandments!
When the Newchurch of the New Order took over after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) and abolished the traditional Latin Mass and priesthood in 1969, it shot itself in the foot. Now all Hell is breaking loose as presbyters refuse to use the "New Mass." They want a Newer "Mass," and they want to make it up themselves, just as the Protestants did. In fact, Newchurch has not had a valid Mass or priesthood since 1969, when the Mass and Ordinal were Protestantized into an invalid "New Mess" and a "New Ordinal."
Over the last several years, there have been many rumblings around the world -- from Australia to the United States, and now Ireland -- that the Newchurchers want to drop the "New Mess," that is, what Benedict-Ratzinger called the "Ordinary" Mess, and replace it in Newchurch by an even more Protestant service of their own fabrication.
Now, in once-Catholic Ireland, four out of five presbyters wants to dump the "New Mess," according to the "Survey of Clergy: Views on the New Missal 2014," commissioned by the Association of Catholic Pr[esbyters]." Even those who now go along with the "Ordinary" Mess want it revised "in a few years." The main objection is that, wigged out as the "New Mess" is, it still isn't Protestant enough for the Newchurchers, who want a more Evangelical/Charismatic version.
One big problem is that Newchurchers don't understand the Collects (Prayers) and the Preface, a few of which are still loosely based on versions prayed for 2,000 years. The presbyters are so ignorant of Catholicism that they are said to "stumble throught he Collect and the Preface." Duh.
Good Catholics, Newchurch clergy and laity are by now completely out of control. Francis-Bergoglio can't control them, nor does he want to. He simply fans the flames of more Protestantism, Marxism, and homosexualism in Newchurch. The 2014 survey reports the dissatisfied New Order presbyters are simply making up "Messes" as they go along, mixing and matching in Chinese-menu style from various "missals" and "translations" to make up an even more Protestantized hybrid. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Tablet.]
On June 11, 2014, one presbyter was killed and second "Motu/aka Extraordinary" presbyter was seriously injured in an attack at a Newparish of Phoenix, Arizona, run by the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). A felon who had previously been imprisoned for aggravated assault, burglary, and drug charges was arrested for using the pastor's gun to kill the other presbyter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
Unfortunate as this incident is, the publicity provides an opportunity to set the record straight about which even some traditional Catholics are confused. The Fraternity of St. Peter is not a traditional Catholic organization, but an offshoot of the invalid New Order sect. It was purports to offer the Half New Order Vatican II Protestantized "Latin Mess" of 1962+ -- most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass -- under New Order auspices. The "Masses" are invalid because clergy of the FSSP are not priests, but New Order presbyters, who are not ordained, but merely "installed," by invalid New Order bishops, who themselves are unconsecrated. Some clueless Newchurchers are fooled by this Great "Motu" (aka "Extraordinary) Mess Hoax, which was perpetrated in 2007.
The FSSP in Phoenix must take responsibility for dancing to the tune of Newbishop Thomas Olmsted. Olmsted has been involved in many scandals since 2003 when he took over the Phoenix Newdiocese. Two Newchurch presbyters of his were arrested and indicted on charges that they skimmed about $160,000 from a Mesa, Arizona, Newparish's collections. Mesa is a site for another of those Half New Order Vatican II Protestantized "Latin Masses." Another presbyter was charged with fraud and theft at another site.
Good Catholics, these phony "Latin Masses" offered by New Order groups like the Fraternity of St. Peter are in many ways worse than the "Ordinary" New Order Messes. The New Order Mess doesn't pretend to be traditional and is not offered by traditional Catholic priests, but groups like the FSSP deceive clueless Newchurchers into thinking that the phony New Order-sponsored "Latin Masses" are valid. They most certainly aren't! We have received word that another "Motu" group, the Institute of Christ the King, has begun to offer "English Messes" alongside the "Motu/aka Extraordinary" Mess. It was bound to happen, just as we TRADITIO Fathers predicted.
True Catholics need to be careful that they worship at a valid Traditional Latin Mass, offered by a traditional Catholic priest, not a New Order presbyter. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Fifteen months into the Newpapacy of Francis-Bergoglio, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops are publicly mouthing against his hypocrisy. He claims to love poverty, but lives in St. Martha's Palace, with sumptuous cardinalatial suites and an executive dining room. The U.S. Newbishops say: If Bergoglio can live the life of Riley, why can't we have our lavish houses and cars?
The purported shift in tone at Newvatican has angered the U.S. Bishops, who are meeting June 11-13, 2014, in the sumptuous Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, Louisiana. No Motel 6 for these pompous Newprelates! The Newarchbishop of Indianapolis, Joseph Tobin, didn't pull any punches when he openly criticized Bergoglio in these words: "What I've seen is how disruptive [New]pope Francis has been within the hierarchy of the United States. I was talking to a couple of brother bishops a while back, and they were saying that bishops and priests [sic] were very discouraged by [New]pope Francis."
The USCCB was founded in 1966, just after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), and functions as a de facto political organization rather than a religious organization. On its agenda you will not find discussions about the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Blessed Trinity, or devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints. Instead, the big topic for this semiannual meeting is a "Catholic" [Sic] Voter Guide for the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.
Even on political topics, the USCCB is critical of Bergoglio. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, of Louisville, Kentucky, the president of the USCCB, told the gathering that that the Voters' Guide "will not include anything of the teachings of [New]pope Francis." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
Good Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's honeymoon is over. Even the unCatholic Newbishops of the United States have figured out that Francis-Bergoglio is a hypocrite. Of course, people have to say publicly that they love the "[Un]holy Father." But once the lip-service is over, even the Newchurchers admit the hypocritical facade behind which Bergoglio manipulatively hides.Neocon Newbishop Anastasius Schneider, of Astana, Kazakhstan, is at it again. On June 7, 2014, he told the publication of the "Latin Mass" Society of England and Wales -- that is not the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Half New Order "Motu/aka Extraordinary" Mess -- that Newchurch is being consumed by a "new paganism." Apparently, the clueless Schneider is just beginning to figure that fact out. But what he hasn't figured out yet is that, as Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
Schneider is one of those New Pagans who claim to be "traditional," but have in fact sold themselves out to the New Paganism. Schneider and the other hypocritical Neocons have accepted the Newchurch of the New Order, which preaches false worship, false doctrine, and false morality. This Newchurch, fabricated after the Vatican II Council (1962-1965), took over the Catholic Church in the "mainstream." Newchurch is not Catholic. It is barely even Protestant.
Instead of fighting against the takeover in the 1960s, as did Fr. Gommar DePauw, founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in 1964, or Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the original Society of St. Pius X in 1970, Schneider and the other Neocon churchmen and laity today who call themselves "Catholics" are in fact sellouts to what they purport to deplore. Schneider quotes, but ignores, the history of the Church: "Unfortunately there were members of the clergy and even bishops who put grains of incense in front of the statue of the Emperor or of a pagan idol or who delivered the books of the Holy Scripture to be burned." This is what in reality Schneider himself is doing when he worships the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order, whose Newbishop he prides himself upon being.
Good Catholics, no true Catholic can have anything to do with the fraudulent Protestantized Newchurch that poses as "Catholic" to maintain its power and money and sexcapades. No true Catholic can have anything to do with Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax of 2007 that stages Half New Order Messes simulated by unordained presbtyers of the New Order. No true Catholic can have anything to do with Newchurch's corrupted doctrines and morality. It's that simple.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been checking Francis-Bergoglio's recent appointment lists each day. Bergoglio since his election has been appointing Newbishops at a very fast rate -- thrice that of Benedict-Ratzinger and even faster than the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla. Since the end of May 2014, however, I have noticed a substantial decrease in activity:
This is a drastic reduction in appointments from a breakneck speed to almost zero in just ten days! One can also see a slowing generally in late May. I don't think that your words are overdone when you mention a "leave of absence." I suggest that you are right, and something has definitely slowed Bergoglio down, meaning illness.
I wonder whether a second abdication "for health reasons" is on the horizon. Of course, it is too early to predict a second abdication for 2014, but, at the minimum, Bergoglio will have to pace himself, or he might not survive another year with his bad lung and bad back. Even if he does pace himself, he might be too sick for the job and have to abdicate. Soon, there could be a little club of white-clad Newpopes emeriti living in the Vatican gardens!
The "oecumenical" patriarch Bartholomew I may have posed syncretistically with Francis-Bergoglio in Israel on June 1, 2014, but now two Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Bishops have publicly declared Francis-Bergoglio a heretic because of his false teaching, neither catholic nor apostolic, during his first year in office. The Greek Orthodox Church is formally schismatic because they do not accept the decree of Vatican I Council (1870) on the papacy, but the Greek Orthodox Church is part of the catholic and apostolic Church and is not heretical.
The two Greek Metropolitans, Andrew (of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani, and Konitsa) and Seraphim (of Piraeus and Faliro) have written a harsh 89-page letter to the "Head of State of the Vatican City," asking Bergoglio to renounce his "Satanic pride" in teaching and/or supporting the following "heresies":
The two Greek Metropolitan Bishops state to Bergoglio that their letter is addressed to him with "sincere love" and motivated by the need to remind heretics to return to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian daily La Stampa.]
Good Catholics, it is untrue to think that the world is "oecumenical" and that all faiths buy into condemned syncretism and the other false teachings. Although the Greek Orthodox church has its own problems, the two Metropolitan Bishops are correct in their condemnation of Bergoglio's errors against the catholic and apostolic church.
Right after presiding over, for the first time in history, Mohammedan prayers and readings from the infidel Koran in the Vatican itself on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014, Newpope Francis-Bergoglio was stricken ill. After thus desecrating one of the holiest Catholic feastdays with the grave sin of syncretism, Bergoglio had to cancel all his meetings on Pentecost Monday to recover. This is the fourth time in Bergoglio's short Newpapacy on which Bergoglio's health has forced the cancellation of scheduled meetings.
Syncretism is a grave sin condemned by the Catholic Church, but repackaged as "oecumenism" and embraced after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), which proclaimed: we all worship the same god, all gods are equal. On Pentecost Sunday Bergoglio had committed sycretism with Jewish and Mohammedan infidels, as well as the schismatic Oecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian News Agency ANSA.]
Good Catholics, just days ago, Bergoglio's advisors had urged the 77-year-old Newpope to take a leave of absence this summer because of his declining health. Is the hand of God at work here to rid Newchurch of a Newpope who has brought nothing but embarrassment, confusion, and even criminality to the Catholic Faith in one short year? Heaven only knows.
The visa of one of the world's most recognized traditional Catholic bishops to enter Australia during June 2014 to conduct an episcopal visitation at the invitation of traditional Catholics in rural Victoria has been canceled. The liberalist/secularist Australian Jewish News contacted Australia's Department of Immigration and Border Protection because the Jewish organization doesn't like the fact that Williamson has questioned a detail about a controverted point of World War II history. Instead of standing up for Bishop Williamson's religious liberty, the DIBP capitulated to the Jewish organization and cancelled Williamson's visa, which had already been issued. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Australian Jewish News.]
Good Catholics, in a age when the revered United States Constitution's First Amendment protecting free speech and freedom of religion is being rapidly eroded; in an age when Newvatican mouths platitudes about "oecumenism" and the "basic rights of the human person," yet hypocritically joins with anti-Catholic forces to subvert those very rights, Bishop Williamson, a highly-educated and eloquent spokesman for traditional Catholic values, has been singled out for persecution.
There should be no surprise that Christian persecutions around the world have been accelerating at a rapid pace, especially against traditional Catholics, who refuse to bend the knee to once-religious organizations turned to serve the Gods of Secularism, Oecumenism, and Modernism. Our Lord warned explicitly that his followers were not supposed to have an easy time standing by Him: "They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God.... But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them" (John 16:2,4/DRV). Traditional Catholics need to find the kind of courage that led the 12,000,000 boys and girls, men and women of the early Church to stand up for Christ in martyrdom -- and saw Christ conquer the whole world through them.
Increasing concern about Francis-Bergoglio's failing health has caused his advisors to press him to take a leave of absence during the summer. Bergoglio is 77 years old, just ten years younger than Benedict-Ratzinger who resigned at 85 for, as he claimed, reasons of health.
Bergoglio's Coordinator of the College of Newcardinals, Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, describes Bergoglio as "very fatigued," who is increasingly compromised by the loss of his lung. Now the Religious News Service has revealed that Bergoglio has to wear orthopaedic shoes to reduce chronic pain in his lower back. The service did not indicate whether Bergoglio was taking the powerful narcotic drugs that are often prescribed for such maladies.
Good Catholics, if Bergoglio is in fact taking drugs for his chronic back pain, that could explain his sometimes manic appearances at which he shows himself more of a buffoon than a pope, and his constant rambling in unprepared "homilies," often overtly contradicting Catholic teaching. He himself as already started hinting to the international press about abdicating and becoming a second "emeritus" with Benedict-Ratzinger.
For the first time in history, Mohammedan prayers and readings from the infidel Koran will ring out from the Vatican itself, sponsored by Newpope Francis-Bergoglio on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014, thus desecrating one of the holiest Catholic feastdays. The event will be one of those condemned sycretistic shivarees, in which Protestants, Jews, and Mohammedans will engage in the grave sin of syncretism, condemned by the Catholic Church, but repackaged as "oecumenism" and embraced after the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), which proclaimed: we all worship the same god, all gods are equal.
At least Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla keep these syncretistic doings out of the Vatican and held them in Assisi, which was bad enough. In hosting this grave offense to God's First Commandment, Bergoglio has ordered a live feed of the event to be broadcast by television around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Al Arabyia News.]
Good Catholics, Bergoglio hasn't a clue what Catholicism is or what a Catholic pope is. He condemns traditional Catholics and exalts infidels. No true Catholic can have anything to do with his detestable desecrations of the Catholic Faith or with his Newchurch of the New Order, which is not Catholic, not even Christian.
Francis-Bergoglio is an avowed traditional Catholic hater. He had no problem meeting on June 2, 2014, with Newchurch Protestant Charismatics, who swing and sway like pagans to the "spirit," but just three days later he was taking yet another swing against traditional Catholics as being "Uniformist." The Nicene Creed talks about the four marks of the Church as being one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, but Bergoglio rejects the mark of being "one" as he rejects uniformity of worship, doctrine, and morality.
On June 5, 2014, Bergoglio gave another of his infamous thoughtless "homilies" at his invalid Mess at his St. Martha's Palace. "Uniformists are rigid," he said. Such people would be traditional Catholics who, according to the dogmatic Council of Trent, want the perfected, canonized Traditional Latin Mass, by which all Catholics, the world over, can worship their Creator in one voice, not the babel of a congeries of vulgar tongues, pandered by the unCatholic Newchurch as "diversity." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Radio.]
Good Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is a Catholic hater. In a little over a year he has fabricated his own sect, which is not only unCatholic, but anti-Catholic, embracing atheistic Marxists, murderous dictators, homosexuals, and the like. It took the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini twenty years to corrupt completely the true Mass to invalidity, but it has taken Bergoglio only one year to corrupt the entire Catholic Faith!
The drug "pimp" for Newmonsignor Kevin Wallin, of Hartford, Connecticut, was sentenced on June 4, 2014, to more than five years in federal prison. Chad McCluskey provided a kilogram of methamphetamine every month for three years to the Newmonsignor's drug operation. Dubbed "Monsignor Meth," Wallin has pled guilty to federal drug charges and is awaiting a sentence of 11-14 years in federal prison for selling large quantities of metamphetamine out of his rectory apartment. The Newmonsignor had two other men working for him to distribute the deadly drug throughout Connecticut. Methamphetamine produces psychosis, kidney failure, and cerebral haemorrhage, which can lead to death.
"Monsignor Meth" started his drug operation out of the rectory in early 2009 and continued to run it, with the assistance of two other men working for him, to distribute the drug throughout Connecticut, until late 2012, when the feds arrested all involved. The Newmonsignor, while moonlighting as a drug dealer, also held down the position of Newpastor at St. Augustine Newparish in Bridgeport. In 2011 he resigned as Newpastor to practice his illegal-drug operation full time. In order to launder his drug profits, Wallin had bought an adult video and sex-toy shop. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, is there ever an end to the grossest of immoralities in which these Newchurch presbyters have been engaged since the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) destroyed the Catholic priesthood in the New Order sect and substituted for it in 1968 a Protestantized presbyerate? Meanwhile, the Newpopes, including Francis-Bergoglio, whistle through the Newchurch graveyard claiming that everything is a bowl of cherries. It seems that maybe Bergoglio and his ilk have been partaking of "Monsignor Meth"'s drug stock, which is known also to cause a psychotic euphoria. That would explain a lot about Jorge "The Party Newpope" Bergoglio!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am not yet affiliated to a specific traditional Catholic site yet, so my question is this: Am I fulfilling the Sixth Precept of the Church when I contribute to the support of the Church by giving a 10 per cent tithe in contributions to Newchurch organizations or operations? If not, where should I make my contributions?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
In justice, you should give most of your contributions to the traditional Catholic church or chapel that provides you with the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments. If you don't support these, they will be gone, and you will have only yourself to blame. You need to get off the fence and join immediately with a traditional Catholic site for the true Mass and Sacraments.
You should, of course, be donating no money at all to any organization or operation associated with the Newchurch of the New Order. That would be just as sinful as contributing money to a Protestant Church, as the New Order sect is, since the Modernist Vatican II Council, indistinguishable from the heretical Protestant churches. Moreover, many Newchurch organizations and operations, like secular organizations and operations, are sponsoring, overtly or covertly, immoral goals, such as sex crimes against children, homosexuality, and abortion.
Francis-Bergoglio is on the propaganda track again. He announced on June 2, 2014, that he will meet with half a dozen child victims of sex crimes by his Newchurch clergy. But Bergoglio didn't even organize the meeting. Boston Newarchbishop Sean O'Malley did. Bergoglio hasn't even set a date for the meeting!
Bergoglio has in just a year turned out to be more of a Paedophile Newpope than his predecessor, the Second Paedophile Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger. He has publicly questioned the motives of the child victims, not those of his paedophile presbyters. He has set up a commission to hear appeals by presbyters, but not from the child victims. Doing anything to help the children whose lives have been ruined by his agents is lower on his priority list than taking an "oecumenical" junket to Israel to meet with schismatics, heretics, and infidels. Bergoglio and O'Malley couldn't even get their story straight. Bergoglio said that the meeting would take place early in July, but O'Malley said that the meeting wouldn't take place until "the coming months."
The founder of the victims' group Survivors Voice said that the meeting was going to be just another "dog-and-pony show." All propaganda, no action. "I believe it's always going to be [New]church first, children second," he said. The head of the Survivors Network for Those Abused by Pr[esbyters] said that the meeting is a "public relations ploy." Bergoglio has not held a single one of his Newbishops accountable for covering up sex crimes and not reporting them to the police. Under the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and now Francis-Bergoglio, not a single Newbishop has been stripped of his office for either participating in the crimes or covering them up.
In May 2014 Bergoglio told the United Nations Anti-torture Commission that he was not responsible for any crimes except those committed within the half square kilometre Vatican City State. Bergoglio said that he had no control over what the Newbishops whom he appoints and controls do. In effect, said Bergoglio, I am not the pope. The United Nations Commission rightly called him a liar and laughed him to scorn.
On May 29, 2014, it was announced that the only full-time Half New Order Vatican II "Motu/Extraordinary" Mess in the New York Newarchdiocese is being cancelled, and the church where it was being staged is being closed. However, the Newarchdiocese says that the Gay/Bisexual/Lesbian/Transsexual church in New York will remain open, "as we are all Eucharist for each other" -- whatever that means! The presbyter at the shuttered church announced from the pulpit that Newcardinal Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan is making "no provision for a new home" for the pseudo-traditionalists who cling to the Half New Order "Extraordinary" Mess simulated by unordained presbyters. For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend the "New Mass" and "New Sacraments"?
One other New Order church that had a Half New Order "Extraordinary" Mess was shut down in 2011. The method by which that objective was accomplished is an interesting study. The Mess was simulated by the 32-year pastor-presbyter. Then the Newbishop assigned a new pastor who hated that Mess. The first step was the moving of the "Motu" Mess from the morning to an illegal mid-afternoon time. This move was intended to thin out the congregation. In the new time-slot there were a couple more "Motu" Messes. Then, when the former pastor-presbyter-simulator had to go into the hospital for an operation, the Mess was suspended. That was three years ago, and it is now dead.
You pseudo-traditionalist and Neo-con Newchurchers who are still clinging to the phony Half New Order Vatican Mess of 1962+ in the New Order sect are long overdue for getting out of hoax into which you have been duped and get to a truly Traditional Latin Mass sponsored by courageous traditional priests and organizations outside the unCatholic and liturgically, doctrinally, and morally corrupt Newchurch of the New Order. Newchurch has no valid "Eucharist" anyway because its presbyters, who have not been ordained priests since the New Ordinal of 1968, have no power to offer a valid Mess, "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary." If you don't get out, you can count on seeing the "Gay" Mess coming into your Newdiocese and replacing your invalid Half New Order hoax of a Mess with the invalid "Gay" Mess!
Charismaticism. It's that crazy version of Protestantism in which the fanatics swing and sway, pray "in tongues," conduct "faith healings," and prophesy. There is nothing even Biblical about it. It began in 1901 when a group of Pentecostalists claimed to "experience the spirit." This Protestant phenomenon caught on among Newchurchers who were possessed by the "spirit" of Vatican II. Although toyed with by JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger because Newchurchers in Latin America are leaving in droves to join Protestant Charismatic Pentecostalism, Francis-Bergoglio will be the first to swing and sway with the best of them at the 37th National Assembly of Charismatics in Rome June 1-2, 2014. Newchurchers will do the snake-dance there with Protestant Evangelicals and Pentecostals in one big "oecumenical" danse macabre.
Bergoglio is described as an "enthusiastic" Pentecostalist participant. According to Begoglio and his henchmen, these Protestant crazies, together with their Newchurch crazies, are of the same "faith." Whatever "faith" that is, it is not the Catholic Faith. It represents an almost complete abandonment of even nominally Catholic practices, beliefs, and modes of discourse. The participants, including Bergoglio, will engage in "charistmatic prayer." Whatever that is, it is not the Catholic Faith.
Archbishop Dwyer, of Portland, Oregon, in a scathing criticism of the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement, warned already in 1974: "We regard it bluntly as one of the most dangerous trends in the Church in our time, closely allied in spirit with other disruptive and divisive movements threatening grave harm to unity and damage to countless souls." One author sums up the error and danger of the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement as: "a blighted tree bearing poisonous fruit, sown by the Devil among Protestants and transplanted into the [New]church after Vatican II." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Charistmatic Movement."
Good Catholics, here again we have Francis-Bergoglio spinning off into some anti-Catholic world. It should be no surprise to you that Bergoglio is not only a Marxist, a homophile, and an anti-traditionalist; he is a Protestant Charismatic Pentecostalist too!
The international press has now got Francis-Bergoglio's number. It is becoming clear that Bergoglio's facade is neither Catholic nor honest. In fact, the European press is now calling him "cunning," according to Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the three top international press agencies, together with Associated Press and Reuters. Headquartered in Paris, France, AFP transmits news in French, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, and German.
In its May 28, 2014, dissemination, AFP reported on Bergoglio's staged "impromptu" press conference on his airplane returning to Newrome from his Israel junket two days previous and noted that European journalists are now calling the Newpope "cunning." He is deliberately deceptive, not only to his own Newchurch members, but to the world. AFP's direct criticism is surprising, considering that in Bergoglio's first year the press fawned on him. Obviously, the international press agencies has now learned their lesson and are intelligent enough to realize that they have been duped by "Mr. Humble."
AFP criticized Bergoglio openly for toying with questions, while being "light on concrete details" on a range of issues: what he is going to do, if anything, to his his criminal paedophile Newbishops, whether he will in fact soon abdicate after the example of his predecessor, whether he will destroy Catholic and Apostolic celibacy in his New Order sect, whether he will hand out the invalid Novus Ordo "cookie" to remarried divorcees. The AFP report called Bergoglio out on his deception: "It suits him not to go too much into detail. He knows that that would annoy people."
Good Catholics, Bergoglio is no follower of Christ, Who greatly annoyed the hypocritical and immoral leaders of the Church in His own time. So much did He annoy them that they hatched a plot to kill Him. Bergoglio consistently throws doctrine out the window and substitutes his own off-the-cuff prattle that is patently not Catholic.
It was as if Heaven itself could not wait to purify its Holy Shrine of the scandalous doings of Francis-Bergoglio, Modernist, Marxist, and Oecumenist. Like a desecrated church, the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, built by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century over the very spot where tradition holds that the Blessed Virgin gave birth to the Holy Infant, was purified by fire.
Bergoglio on May 25, 2014, had conducted disgusting oecumenical doings with schismatics and infidels in the Holy Shrine. Just hours later, before dawn the following day, in a scene reminiscent of the destruction of the Temple on that Good Friday of the Crucifixion, fire seared up the wall tapestries. Although religious personnel attempted to play down the fire, photographs published by the German Katholisches shows a different story. In fact, the fire broke out in the very cave where tradition holds that Christ was born into this world. Icons of the Virgin holding the Holy Infant were blackened beyond recognition. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, when Francis-Bergoglio plays with the fire of the true Church, many are burned. In just over a year, he has given his Newchurchers a new morality that implicitly embraces homosexuality, sodomy of children, atheist Marxism, and an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan worship service in place of the true Mass. No wonder that even Heaven can't tolerate this man and his false teachings!
At the May 13, 2014, National Catholic [Sic] Prayer Breakfast, Princeton University law professor Robert George delivered a speech entitled "Ashamed of the Gospel." In it, George proclaimed:
The days of socially acceptable Christianity are over. The days of comfortable Catholicism are past. It is no longer easy to be a faithful Christian, a good Catholic, an authentic witness to the truths of the Gospel. A price is demanded and must be paid. There are costs of discipleship -- heavy costs, costs that are burdensome and painful to bear. Of course, one can still safely identify oneself as a "Catholic," and even be seen going to Mass. That is because the guardians of those norms of cultural orthodoxy that we have come to call "political correctness"¯do not assume that identifying as "Catholic"¯or going to Mass necessarily means that one actually believes what the Church teaches on issues such as marriage and sexual morality and the sanctity of human life. And if one in fact does not believe what the Church teaches, or, for now at least, even if one does believe those teachings but is prepared to be completely silent about them, one is safe -- one can still be a comfortable Catholic [sic].
If, Jesus said, anyone wants to be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me. We American Catholics, having become comfortable, had forgotten, or ignored, that timeless Gospel truth. There will be no ignoring it now.... Yes, there are costs of discipleship -- heavy costs. Will we muster the strength, the courage, the faith to be like Mary the Mother of Jesus, and like John, the apostle whom Jesus loved, and stand faithfully at the foot of the cross? Or will we, like all the other disciples, flee in terror? If we deny truths of the Gospel, we really are like Peter, avowing that "I do not know the man." If we go silent about them, we really are like the other Apostles, fleeing in fear.
Now, all that is well and good and true. But does Professor George himself even have a clue to the fact that he has joined the false Gospel that he is condemning others for following? He himself is, of course, not a Catholic, but a Newchurcher of the New Order.
Professor George is just another one of those Neo-con Newchurchers who follow the false Gospel of a Newpope who will not condemn sodomity as one of the traditional Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. A Newpope who will not lift a finger in act (oh, yes, he emits plenty of propaganda words) to protect children from the crimes perpetrated upon them by his paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals. A Newpope who states that Marxists, that is, condemned Communist atheists, are among his "best friends." A Newpope who persecutes even the Half New Order Mess of 1962 (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary") because he wants 100 per cent obedience to to the Modernist Vatican II Council's rampant errors. Yes, this is the Francis-Bergoglio that Professor George follows -- a Newpope who rejects Catholic worship, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic morality.
Neo-con Newchurchers like Professor George are the type of leaders that Our Lord condemned as "whited sepulchures, which outwardly appear to men beautiful but within are full of dead men's bones and of all filthiness. So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just: but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity" (Matthew 23:27-28/DRV).