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The question often arises about the celebration of Halloween by Catholics. Is it, for instance, "pagan" to dress up and go about as ghosts and goblins? The question arises because many modern Christians (mostly non-Catholic ones) believe that Halloween has something to do with worshipping the Devil and participating in witchcraft. The truth is that the origins of Halloween are rooted deeply in the theology and popular customs of Catholics.
It was the Irish Catholics who came up with the idea to remember somehow those souls who did not live by the Faith in this life. It became customary for these Irish to bang on pots and pans on All Hallow's Eve to let the damned know that they were not forgotten. In Ireland, then, all the dead came to be remembered.
During the 14th and 15th centuries in France, the period of the Bubonic Plague, or the Black Death, Europe lost half of her Catholic population. Artists depicted this catastrophe on walls to remind Catholics of our own mortality. These depictions are known as the "Dance of Death" or "Dance Macabre" and were commonly painted on cemetery walls, showing the Devil leading a daisy chain of Catholics into the tomb.
Halloween can still serve the purpose of reminding us about Hell and how to avoid it. Halloween is also a day to prepare us to remember those who have gone before us in Faith, those already in Heaven and those still suffering in Purgatory. Halloween is a time to let people know about our Catholic roots and significance.
Catholic parents who are not comfortable with the worst secular aspects of Halloween, which are admittedly increasing, can avail themselves of alternative activities on that day: family prayer and fasting for the Vigil of All Saints Day, visitations of houses in the garments of non-devilish personae, the reading aloud of stories of the Saints or of seasonal literature such as Edgar Allen Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death" and Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," and the playing of seasonal music such as Saint-Saens "Danse Macabre," Modest Moussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain," and Sergei Rachmaninoff's "Isle of the Dead".
We must remember too the the Prayer to St. Michael against "Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo." As in all things, parents must be sure to teach their children the proper balance in such matters, erring neither on the side of defect or excess.
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the section "Halloween" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
Maybe once -- but not twice! Newcardinal Roger Etchegaray broke his leg on October 25, 2015, when processing with Francis-Bergoglio in St. Peter's Archbasilica. On December 24, 2009, Etchegaray broke his leg when processing with Bergoglio's predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, supposedly under the watchful eye of St. Peter in his archbasilica. Etchegaray, who is currently Vice Dean of the College of Newcardinals, was rushed to Policlinico Gemelli in Rome, where he will undergo an operation.
True Catholics, is God trying to tell us something about how lethal these Newpopes are? It is downright dangerous to be in the company of these Newpopes!
Early in 2015, in a lecture that was recorded and made available on line, Bishop Richard Williamson caused a scandal in traditional Catholic circles about Williamson's refusing to condemn outright the invalid New Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service of 1969, which is Newchurch "Ordinary" Mess, per the 2007 Summorum pontificum decree of Benedict-Ratzinger. The fabricator of this Mess, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, openly admitted in detail in his 1980 thousand-page book, La riforma liturgica (1948-1975), how he and his committee of six Protestant ministers, aimed to design a "New Mess" at "any Hindu, Buddhist, or Protestant could attend and feel perfectly at home."
One would think that Williamson, who has been in the Traditional Catholic Movement since the early 1970s, would have long ago thought this matter through and reached a definite conclusion. Yet, when asked a question about the Novus Ordo Mess at his lecture, Williamson seemed befuddled and to have difficulty stating a clear position. Later, in his Bulletin, instead of clarifying the anti-Catholic essence of the Novus Ordo, doubled down and confirmed the confusion of his answer, quoting poetry! Traditional Catholics deserve a considered, Catholic answer from a supposedly traditional Catholic bishop. Williamson utterly failed in this task on this occasion, sounding more like the prevaricating Novus Ordo-bent Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX.
Now, in his October 24, 2015, weekly bulletin, Williamson compounded suspicion about whether his thinking is starting to lean, at least to some degree, toward the New Order, just as his former colleague, Bernie Fellay, head of the Neo-SSPX has, to a more serious degree. In commenting on the New Order's Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family (October 4-25, 2015), which has scandalized true Catholics by veering toward outright acceptance of sodomistic homosexuality and rejection of the Biblical, and thus Catholic, teaching on marriage.
In that bulletin, Williamson denied the fact that "there is nothing Catholic left in the mainstream Catholic Church." First of all, it is not the "mainstream Catholic Church" at all. Williamson's consecrator, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre clearly stated that. Rather, it is the Newchurch of the New Order, which was founded on November 21, 1964, by the Vatican II Anti-council's document Lumen gentium, which substituted for the "institutional Church," in place of the Catholic Church, a Newchurch of the New Order, based upon Newdoctrine different from Catholic and Apostolic teaching. Williamson claims that some are "doing their best to uphold God's moral law." But even if that is what they are doing -- Williamson is quite naive here -- these Newbishops are willing to accept corrupt doctrine in other areas of Catholic morality, and certainly have accepted false doctrines, and a phony Protestantized "worship service."
True Catholics, Bishop Williamson seems to be arguing that these "conservative" Newbishops are morally acceptable because they are putting a smaller amount of arsenic in his tea, so death comes a little more slowly than if they put the whole dose in a once, as the "liberalists" have done. But the reality is that death comes just the same. Moreover, these Newbishops are bereft of grace, as they simulate the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, devoid of grace, which sinks them in sacrilege, blasphemy, and idolatry.
Since the heretical Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the stain of grievous sin has come to touch every order within Newchurch. Fr. Malachi Martin exposed the corruption of the Newjesuit Order in the 1960s and, a Jesuit himself, left the order and wrote his expose, The Jesuits, in 1988, which linked the nefarious Newjesuit order to murderous "Liberation Theology" and even Satanism in Newvatican.
Then Marciel Maciel, leader of the Legionaries of Christ, was exposed in 2006 as perhaps Newchurch's worst paedophile and rapist of all time, who broke his vows to father six illegitimate children, whom he raped and sodomized, along with numerous other boys and girls, as well as men and women. Meanwhile, the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla excused Maciel and gave him his "blessing." It took Newvatican years to deal with Maciel because he was so embarrassing to Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger. He was never penalized for his crimes in any significant way, but merely hidden away in a monastery, out of sight, where he died in 2008 and faced the judgment of God for his predations of innocent children.
Now, in October 2015, a book has been published by a journalist in Lima, Peru, Mitad Monjes, Mitad Soldados, which documents that Luis Fernando Figari, Founder and Superior General of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, or Christian Life Society, assaulted and sodomized boys. In December 2010, Figari had resigned as Superior General, alleging health reasons. In reality, he resigned because of his imminent exposure as a paedophile who had sodomized numerous young boys.
Figari and the Sodalitium were New Order all the way, founded in 1971, just after the invalid Novus Ordo service of 1969 spread throughout Newchurch, and approved by the Newpope of the Anti-council, Paul VI-Montini, in 1977. The Sodalitium operates not only in Peru but also in the United States, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, and Ecuador. In an October 21, 2015, statement, the current Superior General has all but admitted that the Sodalitium's Founder and former Superior General was a rampant pervert and paedophile.
True Catholics, as the Scripture teaches us, when the foolish man builds his house upon the sand -- the anti-Catholic New Order that dares to call itself "Catholic" -- the rain falls, the floods come, the winds blow, and they beat upon that house, and it falls, and great is the fall thereof (Matthew 7:26-27/DRV). That is why you see the justice of God taking down the perverted, anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order before your eyes. Newchurch is simply experiencing the fall that it has brought upon itself because it has rejected Christ's true Mass, doctrine, and morality.
On October 24, 2015, the penultimate day of Francis-Bergoglio's Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family (October 4-25, 2015), Newcardinal Tomash Peta, of Kazakhstan, stood up and told the assembled Newprelates that they were doing the "Devil's work ... having the scent of infernal smoke." Some Newprelates thought that he was describing Bergoglio as the Devil and reacted with demonic laughter. Peta bitterly chastised Francis-Bergoglio's scheme to fabricate "a more-inclusive Church" to include unrepentant, practicing homosexuals of both sexes, bisexuals, and the transmutilated.
As the Synod of 270 Newprelates from 122 countries comes to its close on October 25, 2015, Francis-Bergoglio's Liberalist/Modernist agenda lies in tatters. Rejected are his attempts to make "gay" morally good and to hand out invalid Novus Ordo cookies and Kool-Aid to Newchurch bigamists (civilly-divorced and remarried). If Bergoglio tries to override those rejections, he may face rejection himself. Some Newprelates are openly questioning whether he is representing Catholicism. Newbishop Marcello Semeraro, of Albano, Italy, told the press that he sensed among the Synod Newprelates a "sense of disgust" for the anti-Catnolic Modernism that Bergoglio is pushing, which has led to calling his Newpapacy the "Failed Francis Pontificate." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Washington Post.]
True Catholics, after just two years, Francis-Bergoglio's attempt to push Newchurch farther along the road to open apostasy from the Catholic Church, particularly by denying God's Natural Law on sodomy and marriage, is getting major pushback. But don't rejoice, thinking that Newchurch might become Catholic again. Not at all! It still worships a false "oecumenical" god and worships that false god with an invalid and anti-Catholic Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service that constitutes outright idolatry, sacrilege and blasphemy. At this point there is nothing Catholic left in the "institutional Church" of the New Order.
Except for an Italian newspaper, the TRADITIO Network reported on Francis-Bergoglio's ill health two days before others jumped on the bandwagon. There is still some question as to whether Bergoglio's disease is apoplexy, namely, a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA, or mini-stroke) or cerebral carcinoma (brain cancer).
Our colleague, Andrea Cangini, editor of Quotidiano Nazionale, a Milan newspaper, has adamantly refused to withdraw his report that Bergoglio is suffering from cerebral carcinoma, in spite of a full-scale attack upon him by Newvatican. In fact, Bergoglio's press mouthpiece, presbyter Federico Lombardi, has claimed that Cangini is "part of a conspiracy" against Bergoglio. To the contrary, our experience indicates that the more Newvatican denies a statement, the more likely that statement is to be true.
Cangini reports that Francis-Bergoglio has been treated by a Japanese doctor for a small brain tumor. Dr. Takanori Fukushima is known to have visited Newvatican in October 2014 and January 2015, as shown in photographs of a meeting between the doctor and Bergoglio. Newvatican has recently forced Fukushima to remove photographs of his visit from his web site. Dr. Fukushima is a neurosurgeon, regarded as an international authority in the treatment of cerebral carcinoma, currently practicing at Duke University Medical Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Sacred Scripture tells us: "Magna est veritas, et praevalet" (1 Esdras 4:41). Our colleague aptly paraphrases the Scripture: "time will tell who is right." Our money is on our colleague, whose honestly has never before been questioned, rather than on Francis-Bergoglio, whose well-deserved eponymn, "Mr. Hypocrisy," tells you all that you need to know about his honesty!
Traditional Catholic author Patricius Anthony provides no-holds-barred articles with a traditional Catholic perspective on current events. For his latest article, timed to coincide with the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King, click on the TRADITIO Network's Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other) department.
We Indians were scandalized when Newcardinal Oswald Gracias, Newarchbishop of Bombay, India, said of sodomites in a October 18, 2015, interview: "The [New]church embraces you, wants you ... needs you." The interview was given to a Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender group that claims to be "Catholic." Gracias is a virtual spokesman for Francis-Bergoglio, as he is a member of Bergoglio's nine-man executive committee that runs Newchurch and is a member of the committee to draft the final report of the Anti-synod on the Family (October 4-25, 2015).
Gracias went much farther to embrace sodomy and other perversions, saying that Newchurch "must be all-embracing, inclusive." Gracias goes so far over the edge as to advocate getting get rid of terms such as "disorder" and "evil" when referring to sodomy. He suggested that Newchurch would eventually accept sodomy.
True Catholics, there is nothing Catholic about Oswald Gracias, Francis-Bergoglio, or the Newchurch of the New Order. The fix is in, and shortly Newchurchers will be seeing priestesses simulating the invalid and anti-Catholic Novus Ordo Mess and homosexual "couples" chomping the phony and invalid Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid.
Corruptio optimi pessima is the Latin aphorism. And Newchurch certainly taints with its corruption every good thing that it touches. Take the case of the relic of St. Maria Goretti, who was canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Goretti refused to submit her virginity to a rapist, who stabbed her fourteen times. She died, but not before forgiving him and praying for his contrition.
The Saint's remains have never before left Italy, but are now traveling in the United States in order to promote Francis-Bergoglio's anti-Catholic "Year of Mercy." The false propaganda that Newchurch is perpetrating by abusing the Saint's cadaver -- which is a sacrilege in itself -- involves remaining silent about the virtues of purity and chastity, which are, after all, the heroic virtues that Goretti practiced. Moreover, Bergoglio has omitted the Saint's cry to her rapist: "No, Alessandro, it is a sin." This message of virtue and sin were clearly expounded when the account of the Saint's life was published in 1950 in conjunction with her canonization.
This false propaganda coming from Newchurch about Maria Goretti is similar to that about Sister Faustina, who is associated with a false cult of "Divine Mercy." Because of fraud, the devotion was suppressed, and the book of her diary was placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. This decision was upheld by Pope John XXIII on November 28, 1958. From that time the cultists continued to corrupt the documents to an "oecumenized" form, for example, eliminating Faustina's confirmation of the Catholic doctrine that Jews need to convert to Christianity and expunging her prophecies of a coming "New Order."
The original devotional prayer that Sister Faustina composed in 1935 has been illegally replaced by an "oecumenized" version framed in New Order terminology -- with substantially changed prayers to promote non-Catholic beliefs and the heresy of universal salvation. Among other things, it omitted Sister Faustina's quotation of Our Lord's words condemning "pagans, heretics, and schismatics." The Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla nevertheless rejected the fact and the judgment of traditional popes and concocted the Novus Ordo "Feast of Divine Mercy."
Further proof that Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church comes from Chicago, Illinois, on October 16, 2015, when his Newcardinal Blase Cupich advocated giving the (phony) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to "gay couples." He confirmed his statement publicly at a news conference on October 16, 2015, in conjunction with Francis-Bergoglio's Anti-Synod going on in Newrome (October 4-25, 2015).
The anti-Catholic Cupich, who apparently is totally ignorant of Catholic doctrine, falsely preaches that "conscience" is inviolable. That is not Catholic doctrine -- at best it is a half truth. Conscience must be informed, and it is the job of confessors, pastors, and clergy to inform consciences. Catholics must accord their consciences with the moral and doctrinal teachings of God. These "gay couples" cannot plead ignorance any more than they can say that when they murdered their mother for the insurance money, it was morally right because their conscience didn't tell them that murder is wrong!
Newcardinal Cupich is an equal-opportunity libertine. He advocates giving the phony Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to divorced and remarried couples, who have violated Christ's clear words in Scripture. Although "gay couples" would be free to munch and swill the Novus Ordo fraud, Cupich has forbidden Newchurchers to take part in a pro-life prayer vigil. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
True Catholics, this havoc in Newchurch is all for the good. Finally the anti-Catholic nature of Francis-Bergoglio and his lieutenants is becoming too obvious for a sane person to deny. Newchurch is being run by a group of anti-Catholic frauds, paedophiles, homosexuals, and apostates. Even Francis-Bergoglio admitted that his Newchurch was being run by a "gay lobby." It appears that Cupich is part of that lobby, as are many of the other Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters.
Actor Kelsey Grammer, best known for his portrayal as radio psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane in the long-running Frasier television series, runs counter to most of the Hollywood crowd, in that he is a member of the United States' Republican Party rather than the Liberalist Democratic Party. He campaigned for Republicans George W. Bush, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, none of them conservatives, but at least not crazed Liberalists.
Grammer's own personal life is hardly conservative. He is a trigamist, having been married to a dance instructor, an exotic dancer, and a Playboy model, then he took up with a flight attendant 25 years his junior. From all of these liaisons, he fathered children. Yet somehow this trigamist, bordering on quadrigamist, espouses conservative positions.
Grammer was recently photographed wearing a pro-life T-shirt reading, "Would it bother us more if they used guns?" The words wrap around a handgun, and the message of the shirt suggests that murders by gun are no worse than murders by abortion. In other words: "Babies' Lives Matter." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNSNews.]
Rumors are circulating here in Rome, the truth of which is as yet unconfirmed, that Francis-Bergoglio may have suffered a mild apoplexy (mini-stroke), after a confrontation with Newbishops at his Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family (October 4-25, 2015), which is closed to the public. Newvatican has been keeping information very close to the vest. A mini-stroke, or transient ischemic attack, is a temporary ischemia, or blockage of blood flow to a cerebral artery. The symptoms usually last 10-20 minutes. Other reports indicate that the condition is a small cerebral carcinoma.
Information is now leaking out of the October 12, 2015, 17:00 UTC, closed session that when Bergoglio was addressing the now-public letter hand-delivered by thirteen of his top Newcardinals criticizing his anti-Catholic slant in the Synod, Bergoglio angrily shouted: "If this is the case, they can leave. The Church does not need them. I will throw them all out!" Bergoglio then seemed to become ill and left the Synod.
True Catholics, whether or not this particular report turns out to be correct, the TRADITIO Network had reported two years ago that even the Modernist officials in Newvatican were finding Bergoglio's outright Marxism and anti-Catholic revolutionary impetus to be too much. Thus, a "conservative" backlash has been building. Francis-Bergoglio has on several occasions predicted a short reign as Newpope, perhaps even shorter than Benedict-Ratzinger's eight years. We know that Bergoglio had most of one lung excised. Perhaps his health problems are even more serious.
Francis-Bergoglio must be miserable these days. After two years of being popularly hailed as a demigod, he has stepped off a cliff. His "modernizations" of Newchurch doctrine have encountered substantial opposition, and his own Newprelates are openly upbraiding him, particularly for his anti-family, pro-sodomite, pro-"Franciscan divorce" attitudes at his Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family, being held October 4-25, 2015.
Francis-Bergoglio's September 8, 2015, Newmotu Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus, which concocts a "Franciscan divorce" for Newchurchers, has encountered strong resistance. It has been criticized by many Newcardinals as anti-Biblical and anti-family. In fact, the outspoken opposition has been so strong that Bergoglio's Council for Legislative Texts has rolled back one of its major provisions, declaring that Bergoglio's so-called "fast-track divorce" procedure can be used only in "exceptional cases." Moreover, the process "cannot cannot be used if the respondent remains silent, does not sign the petition or declare his consent." Such cases, in which one partner seeks a "Franciscan divorce" and the other partner does not participate in the process, account for roughly half of all the marriage cases heard by Newchurch.
But opposition to Francis-Bergoglio is much broader than criticism of his anti-Catholic "Franciscan divorce" process. Yet another Newcardinal, Charlie Chaput, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who was prominent during Bergoglio's September 2015 junket to the United States, has openly proclaimed that Bergoglio, with his Anti-synod on the Family, "risks doing serious harm to the Catholic Faith." Chaput revealed that many Newbishops feel "anxiety" and "worry" about Bergoglio's anti-Catholic initiatives to redefine marriage and give the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to divorced and civilly-remarried adulterizing Newchurchers.
Earlier during the Synod thirteen Newcardinals hand-delivered a letter to Bergoglio, criticizing how he is commandeering the Synod in a direction that parallels the way of the "collapsed" Protestant churches, which "abandoned core Christian beliefs in the name of pastoral 'accommodation.'" [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Wall Street Journal.]
True Catholics, the same justification, "pastoral accommodation," was used by the Vatican II Anti-Council to justify destroying the Catholicism in the institutional Church and creating a Newchurch of the New Order in 1964, which is not the Catholic Church. Yet all this is much too little and too late from these hypocritical anti-Catholic Newbishops, like Charlie Chaput. Remember, Chaput simulates the anti-Catholic and invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess wearing an Indian headdress (because he claims that he is an Indian)!
At his October 14, 2015, general audience, Francis-Bergoglio engaged in "gesture apology," an empty statement uttered only for political purposes without true contrition. He mentioned "scandals" in Newrome, but didn't say what they were. Even Bergoglio's own press mouthpiece, Federico Lombardi, claimed not to know to what "scandals" Bergoglio was referring -- there are so many of them!
Apparently, Francis-Bergoglio was referring to the case of an open sodomite who worked as a Newmonsignor in Bergoglio's own Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith and taught at Bergoglio's Newpontifical Universities. This Newmonsignor boasted to the Italian press that he had been sodomizing another man for years. This Newmonsignor had been characterized by Bergoglio's people as "irresponsible" -- not because he was committing gravely immoral acts that constitute one of the Biblical Four Sins that Cry out to God for Retribution, but because the Newmonsignor's revelation exerted "undue media pressure" on poor old Bergoglio!
Another Newroman scandal involved a sodomite presbyter who had public encounters with sodomites in a park often frequented by male prostitutes. Bergoglio's people transferred the presbyter to another part of Italy instead of kicking him out. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
True Catholics, doesn't this sound all too familiar? The same tactic was and is still being used to deal with paedophiles raping and sodomizing children. Empty words, but no actions. Transfer the problem to some other location instead of turning the presbyters and Newbishops over to the police for the criminals that they are. Nothing has changed in Newchurch under Francis-Bergoglio. A "gesture apology" from Bergoglio changes nothing. In fact, these crimes are getting worse under Bergoglio than they were under his predecessor -- if such a thing is possible!
Here is another reason not to attend one of these Half New Order "Messes of 1962+," which Newchurch wrongly calls "Extraordinary," even though there is no such thing in the Catholic Church as an "Ordinary" or an "Extraordinary" Mass. Not only is this Mess thoroughly tainted with Modernism. Not only does this Mess degrade the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints. Not only is this Mess invalid because simulated by unordained New Order Protestantized presbyters and Newbishop. But now it is also being used as a cover for paedophile Newbishops.
There is nothing really new about this cover-up fraud. The TRADITIO Network exposed it years ago when the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, came up with his anti-Catholic idea of a Vatican II-style "Latin Mass" in 2007 -- most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass. His purpose was to staunch the haemorrhage of "conservative" Newchurchers from his New Order sect. Ratzinger hoped that by perpetrating his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, he could keep some of these "conservatives" in the pews and extort their money into the Newchurch collection-plate.
Benedict-Ratzinger also allowed his Newbishops to use his phony Vatican II "Latin Mass" to cover over their corruptions, prancing around in Novus Ordoized antique vestments to wow the Newchurch "conservatives." Several prominent Newbishops, among them Newcardinal Dario "Deceiver" Hoyos and Newarchbishop Raymond "Bully" Burke, play this game, and, for the most part, the clueless Newchurch "conservatives" have bought their fraud hook, line, and sinker. Now Francis-Bergoglio's Newbishops have picked up on this fraud. Now we can add Ron Gainer, Newbishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, who is going to simulate one of these anti-traditional "Extraordinary" Messes on November 1, 2015.
When Gainer was appointed Newbishop of Harrisburg in January 2014, the Director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Pr[esbyters] called the confirmation of Gainer's appointment by the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, "the most distressing promotion yet." He characterized Bergoglio's confirmation of the appointment of Gainer, who is publicly associated with covering up cases of paedophilia among his Newclergy, as "signaling the [New]vatican's continued willingness to promote and advance clergy who shield predator priests. The message is: nothing has changed. Church officials who continue putting kids in harm's way continue getting promotions."
Gainer was promoted from the Lexington, Kentucky, Newdiocese, which has in recent years been rocked by several charges of sex crimes against children by Newchurch clergy, where he had served since 2003. Gainer was charged with continuing to protect and refusing to ban from his Newdiocese two particularly egregious paedophiles, or even to warn their flocks. One presbyter has been accused four times of sex crimes against children since 2002. The second presbyter was restored to the Newchurch ministry by Gainer, even though he was twice charged with public indecency and accused of sexually assaulting a boy. In this case, Gainer found the charges "not credible," but a neighboring Newdiocese found them quite credible and paid a six-figure settlement to the assaulted boy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Pennsylvania Patriot-News.]
True Catholics, this is the perverted anti-Catholic Newbishop who is going to flounce around on November 1, 2015, pretending to do an "Extraordinary" Mess. Gainer was neither ordained a priest not consecrated a bishop in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. He was merely "installed" under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which has the power only to create Protestant-style ministers "to preside over the assembly of the people." And you can be sure that those clueless Newchurch "conservatives," who like to call themselves "Catholics" and "traditionalists" -- neither of which they are -- will genuflect to the blasphemy, sacrilege, and idolatry. For that is what the "Extraordinary Mess" is and why it must be shunned in favor of the true Traditional Latin Mass of 1950 and before, when the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council had not polluted and corrupted it into something anti-Catholic and invalid.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I recently found a wonderful Traditional Latin Mass site from the Official Traditional Catholic Directory. This Mass is celebrated using the fully Traditional Roman Rite of 1950, not the Half New Order knockoff of 1962, used in the Newchurch of the New Order. What handmissal do you recommend that I get for this fully Traditional Latin Mass?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There is no question that the best handmissal for the Traditional Latin Mass is Dom Gaspar Lefebvre's Saint Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale.
The Saint Andrew is the most complete truly-traditional missal in print. The Ordinary and the Propers of all daily and Sunday Masses are printed in both Latin and English. Also included is the Latin-English text of the common Sacraments, a treasury of liturgical prayers and litanies, and the texts and music for Vespers and all the chant Masses. This handmissal contains outstanding and detailed traditional commentaries on the liturgical, historical, and spiritual meaning of the Propers for each Sunday and feastday. It is a reprint of the 1945 edition and consists of almost 2,000 pages, in hardbound with gilt page edges and five ribbon markers. It is published by St. Bonaventure Publications, whose contact information will be found in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory.
A detailed review of this handmissal is provided in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other) department, in the section "Reviews."
This handmissal is the real thing for the real Mass, not the Half New Order service of 1962 (sometimes nowadays wrongly called "Extraordinary") or the invalid, full New Order service of 1969. Both of these are based upon Protestant models, according to the presbyter who put them together, the 1969 version specifically with the help of six Protestant ministers, as he himself said.
This presbyter, whose name was Hannibal Bugnini, was the architect of the invalid and anti-Catholic "New Liturgy." Bugnini's purpose was to replace Catholicism with an Oecumenical religion, as he himself admitted throughout his 1000-page book, La riforma liturgica (1948-1975). Bugnini was a Freemason (Freemasons are automatically excommunicated because of their hatred of the Catholic Faith, but that was ignored in Bugnini's case), who received a congratulatory message from the Grandmaster of the Masonic Lodge of Rome, praising Bugnini for his work in "oecumenizing" the the Catholic faith into the New Order sect.
Francis-Bergoglio is ruing the day that he ever called "Vatican III," his planned Modernist revolution in Newchurch, called officially the Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family, being held October 4-25, 2015, in Newrome. The Synod has turned divisive and hostile to Bergoglio in "heated discussions." On October 12, 2015, it was revealed that thirteen Newcardinals hand-delivered a communique to Bergoglio criticizing him for engineering "predetermined results" in favor of Liberalist views to come out of the Synod.
The Newcardinals, some being members of Bergoglio's own inner circle, complained that the Synod lacked openness, that the drafting committee for the final document was appointed by Bergoglio, not elected by the Synod's 270 members, and that the overall process "seems designed to facilitate predetermined results on important disputed questions." When the letter became public, four of the Newcardinals chickened out and withdraw their names.
The Newcardinals rejected Bergoglio's efforts to undermine marriage by allowing divorced and remarried adulterous Newchurchers to munch the Novus Ordo cookies and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid and by "welcoming" sodomites. The Newcardinals also reject in advance a "skewed" final report that would not represent the true conclusions of the Synod. Bergoglio has been receiving criticism of his role since the opening of the Synod. On the second day of the Synod, he accused the members of being "spiritually unhelpful" and having a "conspiracy" mindset. In fact, Bergoglio withdrew the credentials of a conservative presbyter because he had questioned a Newarchbishop who stated that there were differences of opinion at the Synod on doctrine.
The Newcardinals stated that a working document intended to be a synthesis of views from a first round of talks last year needs "substantial reflection and reworking" and cannot serve as a basis for a final document in 2015. They attacked Bergoglio's decision that most of the discussions be held in small groups, with the only votes scheduled at the end when it will be "too late in the process for a full review and serious adjustment of the text." And they complained that the committee charged with drafting the document had been "appointed, not elected, without consultation." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian weekly L'Espresso.
True Catholics, wouldn't it be the height of irony if the Synod decided to take over the agenda and proceed to become a Bellarminian synod to declare the Newpapacy vacant because of heresy. The Synod would have plenty of evidence upon which to publish such a declaration. There is little doubt that Bergoglio openly preaches Marxism. He didn't even hesitate to simulate an invalid New Order service in Cuba under a giant portrait of the Communist mass murderer Che Guevara. After all, Pope Pius XII excommunicated for apostasy Catholics who profess the materialism and anti-Christian "doctrines of the Communists."
Recent indications are that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is experiencing financial problems since the departure of some one hundred of his priests, who could no longer tolerate his leanings to sell out to the anti-Catholic New Order sect, now headed by the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. SSPXers have been receiving dunning notices to pony up for his prison-style seminary in the hills of Virginia. (Several NSSPX seminarians over the years have indicated to us how much like prisons Fellay runs his seminaries.) Now they have been told that Fellay's Folly will cost yet another 4,000,000 dollars, while many Newchurchers are not convinced that such an extravagance is even necessary. Far less could be spent on upgrading the existing seminary in Winona, Minnesota.
Most recently, Fellay's bulletin has indicated that the Neo-SSPX cannot afford to make its the October 2015 conference available free on the internet. Instead, it is dunning its members to shell out $75 for streaming the three-day conference. And this from a man who was supposed to hate the internet because sites like the TRADITIO Network exist to expose Fellay's hypocrisy! Apparently, the internet is just fine if Fellay can make a wallet-full of U.S. dollars from it and spew out his pseudo-traditionalist propaganda!
True Catholics, Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX have really fallen on hard times. Fellay has even hired a European public-relations firm to help him figure out how to turn around his failing organization. It may be that his prison Neo-seminary in the hills of Virginia will remain unfinished, unless he infuses vast sums from the corporate contingency funds that he was able to salt away in Swiss bank accounts before his pseudo-traditionalist hypocrisy was publicly exposed.
The moral perversion of these Newchurch prelates, right on up to Newpope Francis-Bergoglio himself, seems unlimited, now that the Modernistic Vatican II Anti-council and its aftermath have taken firm hold of every aspect of the Newchurch of the New Order. Because Catholic morals have been destroyed in Newchurch, founded in 1964 to replace the Catholic Church, the moral perversion, even criminality, of its upper clergy, including Newcardinals, Newbishops, and Newpopes, is easily explained.
It was bad enough to learn (as reported previously in these Daily Commentaries) that a Newchurch presbyter was bilking grandmothers of their pension money, but now we find out that high officials of the Newarchdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, including possibly even Newarchbishop John Myers, were complicit in the predatory larceny. Together with sodomy, murder, and defrauding the worker of their wages, oppression of widows, orphans, and the poor is one of the Biblical Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution.
A whistleblower reports that Newarchdiocese officials knew three years previous that its presbyter, Alex Orozco, was defrauding the elderly ladies of his Newparish, termed "grandmothers," who say that he lied to them to get their pension money for himself. The Newchurch officials, the whistleblower stated, deliberately declined to turn Orozco over to the police, but instead allowed him to continue bilking for himself the grandmothers' cash and property to the tune of more than 250,000 dollars. When Newchurch officials found out about Orozco's fraud, going on since 2012, they did not turn him over to the police, but quietly transferred him in 2014 to a new Newparish -- the same law-flouting modus operandi that Newchurch has used, and continues to use, to hide criminal paedophile presbyters and allow them to continue their predations at a new location.
The County Prosecutor's Office is conducting an investigation of the presbyter's crimes to determine possible charges. Nor has Newarchbishop Myers himself been cleared of complicity in the crimes, as it has not yet been established whether he personally knew of the crimes, or just his No. 2 Man, the Vicar General, who himself was involved in complicity with paedophile presbyters and finally reassigned. The whistleblower stated: "It bothered me so much when I was informed he [presbyter Orozco] was taking this money. Here's this guy coming from nowhere, milking a woman for all these funds. I don't want him getting away with it." Yet top Newarchdiocesan officials turned a deaf ear and allowed Orozco to go on with his larceny.
The corrupt head of the Newarchdiocese, John Myers, is already under fire for what amounts to robbery of his Newparishioners. He is building a Shangri-La palace for his retirement in two years, financed on the backs of his Newparishioners. They are apparently too clueless to know that his Archbishop's Annual Appeal is a bunko operation, with funds not going entirely to charity, but at least in part to his own princely accommodations. He has already spent 800,000 dollars on his palace and recently announced that another 500,000 dollars was being piled on. His three-story Shangri-La measures 700 square metres and is situated on a 33,000 square-metre wooded hillside. Myers claims to need for himself five bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a three-car garage, an Olympic-size swimming pool, a second indoor exercise pool, a hot tub, three fireplaces, a library, and an elevator. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Star Ledger.]
True Catholics, Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, who claims to be offended at excessive spending by his Newcardinals and Newbishops and claims to want a "[New]church of the poor," hasn't lifted a finger against his Newarchbishop Myers and his ilk. This episode is yet another example of Francis "Mr. Fraud" Bergoglio's hypocrisy. One Newparishioner bilked by Newarchbishop Myers and, by his silent complicity, Newpope Bergoglio, asked: "How is this going to go over with the people who put their $10 in the collection basket?" Indeed, anyone who contributes a penny to Newchurch is not only demented and anti-Catholic, but also complicit in fraud.
The Modernist Vatican II Anti-council perfected the modus operandi of "gradualism," by which anti-Catholic changes in worship, doctrine, and morals were introduced into the New Order sect little by little rather than all at once. It took five years for all the Latin in the New Order services of 1964 to 1969 to be obliterated. Anti-biblical divorce/remarriage has been gradually introduced over decades, by gradually increasing the scope of "annulments," which were rare in 1964, to many hundreds of thousands currently each year. Now at Francis-Bergoglio's Extraordinary Synod being held at Newrome October 4-25, 2015, the path to priestesses in Newchurch is being engineered by installing deaconesses first. This is the method by which the Protestant Anglican/Episcopalians introduced priestesses and bishopesses in that heretical sect.
Newarchbishop Paul-Andre Durocher, the President of the Canadian Conference of [Newchurch] Bishops, told the Synod that women should be installed as deacons, the diaconate being, in traditional Catholicism, the second of the Major Orders in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Some of the Newbishops at the Synod applauded the suggestion.
Actually, women now vastly outnumber men in Newchurch. There are some 700,000 New Order "sisters" and only 415,000 presbyters. What real man would want to be a presbyter in the New Order sect, which even Francis-Bergoglio admits is run by a group of homosexuals and paedophiles? Bergoglio is thought to be sympathetic to the idea of deaconesses. Of course, deaconesses are just as invalid as priestesses in traditional Catholicism. Newpope Paul VI-Montini already contravened Catholic tradition in 1967 by allowing laymen to be installed as deacons. For many centuries previously, only men who were being elevated to the priesthood became deacons. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, the Vatican II Anti-council popped the cork out of the Catholic bottle. By way of its cunning Modernism, that Anti-council has made changeable everything from canonical Catholic and Apostolic worship to unchangeable doctrine to Biblical Christian morality. No wonder the Newchurchers worship like heathens, believe in heresy, and practice the morals of animals!
Here they go again! The Modernist Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) became notorious for inserting "time-bombs" into its documents, in order that their anti-Catholic revolution would not be obvious, but could be detonated in full after the Council, when they were in positions of control in Paul VI-Montini's Modernist regime.
Now it has been revealed that in the current version of the Instrumentum Laboris, or working document, of Francis-Bergoglio's Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family being held at Newrome October 4-25, 2015, provision is being made for Protestant heretics married to Newchurchers to munch on the Newchurch cookies and guzzle the Newchurch Kool-Aid. Of course, we Catholics know that because Newchurch can claim neither ordained priests nor a valid Mass, there is no "Eucharist" or "Communion," but only "bread" (which, according to most Novus Ordo recipes, are actually cookies, baked with adulterating materials) and "wine" (which is usually not wine, but grape juice or Kool-Aid). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
This is the very same ruse by which the Vatican II Anti-council replaced the sacred Latin in Mass with the vulgar tongues and changed the True Mass into the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service, which Benedict-Ratzinger declared officially in 2007 to be the "Ordinary" Mess of his Newchurch of the New Order.
The Vatican II Anti-council's liturgy constitution Sacrosanctum concilium provided: "Linguae latinae usus, salvo particulari iure, in Ritibus latinis servetur [The use of the Latin language, particular law being retained, is to be preserved in the Latin rites] (Sec. 36.1). One has to read down further to find the "time-bomb": "Est competentis auctoritatis ecclesiasticae territorialis ... etiam, si casus ferat ... de usu et modo linguae vernaculae statuere" [It is for the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority ... to decide even if the circumstances bear, about the use and manner of the vernacular language] (Sec. 36.3). Thus, it was that the Protestant-style "National Bishops' Conferences" expunged Latin entirely and substituted vulgar tongues, against the decree of the dogmatic Council of Trent and against Catholic and Apostolic Tradition.
True Catholics, as each day passes, Newchurch and its Newpopes are shown up for being the conniving anti-Catholics they truly are. There is nothing Catholic about giving Holy Communion (which is, of course, not even what Newchurch really has) to heretics. This is outright sacrilege. But sacrilege is not new to Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch predecessors, or to all the phony presbyters and Newbishops in Newchurch, which has neither ordained priests nor consecrated bishop since its implementation of the Protestantized and invalid New Ordinal in 1968.
Francis-Bergoglio's Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family, being held October 4-25, 2015, is not surprisingly becoming known as the the Synod "Soft on Sodomy." On October 6, 2015, Bergoglio gave the Synod its marching orders: shun derogatory remarks about sodomites and find ways to "welcome them as sons and daughters of the [New]church." Bergoglio also wants the Synod documents to use "inclusive language" for homosexuals.
In a move reminiscent of the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the immoral position is to be put forced upon Newchurch by "a new form of language, in particular in speaking of homosexuals.... We do not pity gay persons, but we recognize them for who they are. They are our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors and our colleagues." Even Newchurch, before Bergoglio, taught, in accordance with Scripture and Catholic morality, that homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered."
Francis-Bergoglio, who has publicly admitted that more and more Newchurchers are questioning whether he is even a valid pope, made a statement that flies in the face of the dogmatic Vatican I Council (1870), which declared that the pope has no power to change the Catholic Faith or Morals, but only to follow Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Yet Bergoglio declared: Newchurch is "not a museum to keep or preserve," a statement that was widely interpreted as rejecting Sacred Tradition. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
True Catholics, it seems that Providence Itself intervened to blow to smithereens Francis-Bergoglio's plans for his Synod to reject traditional Catholic moral teaching, when a "gay" scandal in his own household erupted one day before the Synod's start. Ironically, a member of Bergoglio's own Congregation for the Doctrine of the Newfaith publicly exposed himself as a "gay," actively involved with his partner in sodomy. Bergoglio, who desperately wanted to come across as "soft on sodomy," was forced out of embarrassment by the scandal within his own household to fire the official.
Just as Christ viewed the Church leaders of His day, the High Priest and the Pharisees, so have Francis-Bergoglio and his lieutenants been exposed once again as no better than a "den of robbers" (Luke 19:46/DRV), stealing the Catholic Mass, doctrine, and even basic morality from the people, to the point of defending the paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals whom Bergoglio has admitted populate his upper councils.
In an explosive confidential video released on October 1, 2015, by the Associated Press, Bergoglio, who describes himself as a Newpope "of the people," is shown as cursing Newchurchers who protested to him his appointment as Newbishop of Osorno, Chile, Juan de la Cruz Barros Madrid, a man known throughout Chile as a cover-up artist for the presbyter described as the "most notorious" sex criminal in Chile: Fernando Karadima.
The Chilean Newchurchers couldn't believe that Francis-Bergoglio would appoint the hated paedophile accomplice as their Newbishop. When Bergoglio's appointee appeared at the cathedral to be installed as the Newbishop, the people revolted, pelted him with garbage and forced the premature ending of the installation service. Police scuttled Barros out of a side door. So much for Francis-Bergoglio "listening to the people."
Instead of rescinding his despicable appointment, openly protested by his own Newchurchers, Francis-Bergoglio instead cursed them as "stupid" for protesting his paedophile Newclergy in nationwide protests. For protesting his appointment of a paedophiliac as their Newbishop, Bergoglio was caught on the video cursing the protesters as having lost their head. The people have no business judging paedophiles, he said -- this from the man who publicly said of sodomites: "Who am I to judge?"
Bergoglio claims that those Chileans who protested his paedophiliac Newbishop are "Leftists" -- this from the man who himself simulated the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service in Cuba under a giant portrait of the Communist mass murderer Che Guevara. Clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black! Yet three witnesses testified that Bergoglio's Newbishop was personally present when the "notorious" paedophile presbyter Karadima was sodomizing boys. Newchurchers in Osorno have staged marches against Barros and boycotts of his Messes.
The leader of the Newchurchers who opposed Barros' appointment as Newbishop said that Francis-Bergoglio's comments showed his "true face" on sex crimes by his Newclergy and explains why in two and a half years of his regime, he has failed to act against his paedophile presbyters and Newbishops. Bergoglio has claimed that his Newclergy will be held "accountable," but he has not in fact done so. Nor does Bergoglio ever speaks about holding himself accountable as the head of Newchurch, apparently ignorant of the legal principle, Respondeat superior! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press, who secured a copy of the video that was being hidden by Bergoglio and his subordinates.]
True Catholics, what a liar Francis-Bergoglio is! On the one hand, he claims in word to condemn his paedophile Newclergy, in action he does nothing to stop them. On the other hand, when his Newchurchers condemn his paedophile Newclergy, Bergoglio curses his Newchurchers. Is there anyone in Newchurch more morally degenerate than Bergoglio himself -- a publicly-exposed liar, hypocrite, and paedophile facilitator? It makes you marvel how demented Newchurchers have now become that they support such an immoral man as Francis-Bergoglio to be their leader.
We have received so many reports of Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals conducting themselves as paedophiles or paedophile accomplices that we present here another example of how cuckoo Bergoglio's Newchurch is. This is the case of a New Jersey presbyter who threw an eight-year-old up against the wall and threatened to shoot him while shocked Newparishioners witnessed the episode.
On October 3, 2015, the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office announced that presbyter Kevin Carter, of St. Margaret of Cortona Newparish in Little Ferry, New Jersey, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and aggravated assault by pointing a gun at an eight-year-old boy just before he was supposed to simulate the invalid New Order service. The presbyter was jailed before he could conduct the sacrilege.
The presbyter took the child into a side room, told him to stand against a wall, pointed a gun at him, and threatened to shoot him. The incident was witnessed by several Newparishioners, who were standing outside of the room and reported the incident erroneously not to the police, but to John Myers, the notorious Newarchbishop of Newark, New Jersey, who infamously assisted his paedophile presbyters to continue their sodomies and rapes of children with impunity. The Newdiocese's Newclergy demanded in August 2015 that Francis-Bergoglio fire Myers, but Bergoglio has been too busy flying all over the world on propaganda junkets to take any action.
Newarchbishop Myers dragged his feet for three days before reporting the matter to police. Even so, when authorities searched Carter's room at the rectory, they found the weapon in question, as well as gun powder, ammunition, and associated items for the gun. Myers has remained silent on the matter instead of discharging his criminal clergyman immediately.
True Catholics, because Newchurch has lacked a true and valid Mass and has lacked true and valid Sacraments for fifty years now, since the Newchurch of the New Order replaced the Catholic Church in the "Institutional Church" on November 21, 1964, Satan has clearly ensnared Newchurch and its Newclergy, just as Newpope Paul VI-Montini publicly admitted on June 29, 1972, in his famous "smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God" sermon on the ninth anniversary of his coronation.
Francis-Bergoglio was spinning like a top on October 2, 2015, not knowing whether to come out solidly against "gay marriage" or not. It all started when he met informally on September 24, 2015, during his U.S. propaganda junket, with Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who chose jail rather than violating the Biblical doctrine against "gay marriage" by issuing "gay marriage" licenses.
At first Bergoglio wouldn't even admit that he had met with Davis. He had even asked her to change her hairdo in order not to be recognized. Then, when the meeting could no longer be denied, he admitted meeting with her, but stated that the meeting "should not be considered a forma of support of her position" against "gay marriage."
After he was forced into this admission, he agreed to please the pro "gay marriage" faction of his Newchurch by meeting -- this time in formal audience -- with a caterer "gay" buddy from Argentina, who was accompanied by his "partner." Bergoglio threw in a bear hug and a kiss to round the "gay" audience out. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio functions hardly as even a Newpope, but rather as a secular head of state, the Vatican City State. He seems in heart, mind, and soul unable to condemn sins against Christ's Gospel, such as homosexuality, paedophilia, "gay marriage," divorce/remarriage. What's the use of a Newpope who represents a quasi-country not even half a square kilometre.
The stink of paedophilia came even closer to Francis-Bergoglio personally when, on October 1, 2015, a Newcardinal sitting on his nine-member Executive Committee, the so-called Consilium Cardinalium Summo Pontifici, to run Newchurch while he gallivants all over the world, was grilled for over five hours by a Chilean court concerning his cover-up of paedophilia in his Newarchdiocese of Santiago. Francisco Errzuriz Ossa is one of Francis-Bergoglio's closest personal advisors, a Newcardinal whom he personally appointed.
Errzuriz, who headed Newchurch's operations in Santiago from 1998 to 2010 before being spirited away to Newrome by Bergoglio in 2013 to become a member of his Executive Committee, has been fingered as an accomplice in covering up sex crimes against children by his presbyter Fernando Karadima, who is known as Chile's most notorious sex criminal. Karadima has already been found guilty in 2011 of sodomizing boys and has been hidden out of public sight by Benedict-Ratzinger, the Second Paedophile Newpope, who refused to turn him over to Chilean police for criminal prosecution. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, while Francis-Bergoglio, during his September 2015 junket to the United States, was knocking paedophilia among his Newchurch clergy, it was being learned that paedophiles were in Bergoglio's highest councils and were personally appointed by Bergoglio. Extreme is the hypocrisy of Bergoglio, known as the Third Paedophile Newpope, who has taken no action in two and a half years to purge paedophiles from his administration, only prattled with empty words. Children have met their real enemy, and he is the ever-smirking and baby-kissing Bergoglio!
Presbyter Alex Orozco was a con man, reputed to be able "to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge." His background before becoming a presbyter of Newchurch was as a television actor, male model, and salsa dancer. After his assignment in 2010 to St. Rose of Lima in Short Hills, New Jersey, he used his charm and smile, just as Francis-Bergoglio recently did on the Americans, to perpetrate a fraud.
Bergoglio's presbyter put the bite on the elderly women in his Newparish, the "grandmas," as he called them, for 250,000 dollars in a Sports Utility Vehicle, a second car, a big-screen television, furniture, new teeth, two houses, in the ritzy Pocono Mountains and in his native Colombia, airline tickets, and cash money. Some of the scammed gifts were duplicate payments for items already given to Orozco by the Newarchdiocese. Although his Newparish was quite wealthy, Orozco lied to the "grannies" and told them that he was destitute. He apparently laundered a substantial amount of the money to Colombia, which is known for being infested with drug runners.
It seems that Orozco was taking a page out of the book of the Newarchbishop who installed him in the Newparish just last 2010 by Newarchbishop John Myers, of Newark, New Jersey, who himself stands accused of spending millions of dollars on his personal retirement palace, complete with spa, two swimming pools, gymnasium, and other accoutrements. It seems that the fruit doesn't fall fall far from the tree. Myers didn't fire Orozco, merely reassigned him to another Newparish, without informing either Newparish of the accusations against presbyter Orozco. Nor did Francis-Bergoglio fire Myers, just a German bishop whose "sin" was to spend money on restoring history church buildings in his Newdiocese.
But, even if Francis-Bergoglio doesn't pay any attention to God's justice, only to unquestioning "mercy" for criminal acts, the Prosecutor's Office in New Jersey does. It is conducting a criminal investigation into whether such transactions rise to the level of fraud or theft. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Newark Star Ledger.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio preaches simplicity to everyone else while he makes expensive junkets to foreign countries at huge expense to the taxpayers of those countries, instead of taking care of business at home, in Rome. Bergoglio's example of anti-simplicity is picked up by his presbyters, such as Alex Orozco, and by his Newbishops, like John Myers. Bergoglio and his Newchurch are an anti-Catholic sham, yet many clueless Newchurchers -- and others -- fall for it.
Just as you TRADITIO Fathers predicted, Bernie Fellay has moved his Neo-SSPX so far from Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's original Society of St. Pius X and so close to the mindset of the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes that here in India some NSSPX priests already jumped off Fellay's sinking ship and are going Novus Ordo now. Hastening this departure from Fellay's NSSPX are his recent deplorable statements praising the Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, whom the Archbishop would be the first to call "not a Catholic," just as he called Bergoglio's predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, whom he knew intimately, "not a Catholic."
The occasion of the Newarchdiocese of Bombay's hosting of Newchurch's National Eucharistic Congress here from November 12–15, 2015, leads me to remind TRADITIO readers that NSSPX seminarians in Australia jumped ship in 2006 to return to the very Novus Ordo seminary where this congress is to beheld. Just three weeks previous to their jumping ship, they had renewed their engagement to the NSSPX and had received Minor Orders, but the NSSPX seminarians had been planning for months to rejoin the Novus Ordo seminary.
True Catholics, the departure of the seminarians from the NSSPX to the Novus Ordo seminary was praised at the time by the President of the "Ecclesia Dei" Commission, who was concurrently in negotiations to get Fellay and his Neo-SSPX to sell out the Archbishop's originally traditional organization to the Newchurch of the New Order. Once again the daft Fellay became a pawn trapped in the politics of the Modernists, but Fellay was too blinded by personal ambition to see that he was being played for a fool.
It was just on September 24, 2015, that Francis-Bergoglio harangued the United States Congress with his Modernist-Liberalist views against capital punishment for the most serious crimes, an anti-Christian position that flies in the face of both the Old and New Testaments. Bergoglio's September 2015 junket to the United States was one of the most elaborately-mounted propaganda campaigns against the Catholic Church that has emanated from the Newchurch of the New Order. Thank God, Bergoglio's fraud didn't work.
Americans are reported to be sick and tired and tired of false propaganda and lies, and many Newchurchers -- of the small percentage of them left -- have begun to realize that they have been had by Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch. Not only have they lost the true Mass -- which they didn't fight for -- but now they are losing their beloved "family values" -- which they are a little more inclined to fight for, even though they are too late. Once you have lost the true Mass, the Sacramental center of the Catholic Faith, morality necessarily sinks.
On September 29, 2015, Francis-Bergoglio asked his Newpapal Nuncio in Washington, D.C., to importune the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles not to execute the murderess, Kelly Gissendaner. And what had Gissendaner done to be adjudged guilty of capital crime? Gissendaner was an adulteress who conspired with her illicit lover for over three months in 1997 to kill her cuckolded husband. Then the two adulterers and murderers torched her husband's car and hid his corpse in the woods. Gissendaner had wanted to engineer the murder in such as way as to receive title to the house and a payoff from a life-insurance policy. More recently, having served several years in prison, she claimed that she "got religion" and wanted to be let off.
True Catholics, here we have a Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, who wants to spare the life of a malicious murderess, but doesn't seem much concerned about the lives of thousands of of Christians being raped and sodomized, decapitated, burned alive, let alone exiled from their native countries in the Middle East by the Mohammedans. Bergoglio has truly lost it. He is now so filled with Liberalism, Modernism, and Marxism that he has clearly gone into the "exterior darkness, [where] there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 25:30/DRV).
On October 2, 2015 in the 22nd year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 25,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 25,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (NSSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, including lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
The Survivors Network for Those Abused by Pr[esbyters], the largest victims-advocate organization for children sodomized, raped, and otherwise sexually assaulted by Newchurch cardinals, bishops, and presbyters, has essentially called Bergoglio a liar in the public statements that he made during his September 2015 junket to the United States about Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. SNAP reveals that, in fact, Bergoglio "continues to ignore and excuse the rampant culture of sexual abuse" within Newchurch.
Instead of firing priests accused of sex crimes, Bergoglio & Co. have simply been moving them to poorer countries, where the crimes are less likely to get media attention. As an example, cases were uncovered of five presbyters who were accused of sexually assaulting children in the United States and Europe on the basis of videotaped evidence. Bergoglio & Co. did not fire these presbyters, but instead quietly moved them to areas of South America: Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru, where Bergoglio & Co. allowed them to leave their crimes behind and enabled them to to prey upon new victims. SNAP reported that this is a widespread tactic that Bergoglio & Co. uses to cover up the sex crimes of its Newclergy.
As developed countries find it tougher to keep predator presbyters on the job, Newbishops in the United States, for example, are increasingly moving them to the developing world, where there is less vigorous law enforcement, fewer independent media, and a greater power differential between presbyters and Newparishioners. Bergoglio & Co.'s tactic of sending its Newclergy sex criminals to South America, Africa, and the Far East is becoming more and more pronounced, according to SNAP. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Pr(esbyters).]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio puts on a smirking, media-friendly, headline-grabbing false face and says things that people like to hear, in order to force Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust onto the back media burner and allow Newchurch's criminal clergy to go unpunished and continue to attack defenseless children all over the world. Bergoglio may be the most cunning Paedophile Newpope yet, far exceeding his predecessors, the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger.