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Bernie Fellay's only two remaining bishops in the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais and Alfonso de Galarreta, are starting to waver in their loyalty to Fellay and may soon jump ship to join Bishop Richard Williamson in the loosely-bound independent group known as the Traditional Catholic Resistance. In January 2016 these two NSSPX bishops, particularly Tissier de Mallerais, have in 2016 made hardline statements that are opposed to Fellay's overtures to selling out the NSSPX to the Newchurch of the New Order.
How many NSSPX priests and laymen would defect to independent traditional Catholic status if Fellay pursues his desire to broker a deal with the Newchurch of the New Order, currently led by the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio? Should they choose to do so, they may find that they can rely on as many as five bishops to offer them Sacramental support: Richard Williamson, Jean-Michel Faure, Dom Tomas Aquino, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, and Alfonso de Galarreta, with at least two more to come, as announced by Bishop Williamson.
On January 31, 2016, in Saarbucken, Germany, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais could not have been more clear. In the NSSPX's dealings with Newrome, Tissier said, Fellay may never go in for compromise or double-dealing. He may never "negotiate" with Newrome as long as the representatives of the Newchurch cling to the errors of the Vatican II Anti-council. Any talk by Fellay with Newrome must be unambiguous and have as its purpose the conversion of the Newchurch representatives back to the one and only truth of Catholic Tradition. Newchurch and Francis-Bergoglio must first overcome their Conciliar errors and converted back to the true Catholic Church. On January 17, 2016, in Bailly, France, Bishop Galarreta stated that Newrome's latest proposals for a Newrome/Neo-SSPX agreement remain unacceptable.
True Catholics, the words of Bishops Tissier de Mallerais and Galarreta are correct, but in the past they have failed to put their words into action. Instead, they have shown themselves to be cowards. At least Bishop Williamson had guts enough to leave Bernie Fellay's sellout Neo-SSPX, which continues to betray the memory of the saintly Archbishop Lefebvre.
The Mohammedan Grand Imam of al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt, Amhed al Tayeb, on February 24, 2016, asked the question that Francis-Bergoglio refuses to answer: "What will the heads of churches in that accept gay marriage say to Jesus?" The Grand Imam went on: "The West is spreading homosexuality, and unfortunately some heads of churches [e.g., Francis-Bergoglio] accept same-sex marriages. I wonder what is left of the Bible in those churches. And what will they say in front of Jesus Christ?" In so saying, the Grand Imam showed himself more in tune with Christianity that its Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio!
The Grand Imam hit the nail on the head with his question. It is ironic that the Mohammedans' moral doctrine is more Christian than Newchurchers', whose Newpope, rather than condemning the sin of sodomy, one of the biblical Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, simply asks "Who am I to judge?" With that question, Francis-Bergoglio has indicated that he does not believe that he is the pope of the Catholic Church -- only the Newpope of the Newchurch of the New Order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agenzia Fides, an organ of Newvatican's propaganda department.]
True Catholics, this is not "sede-vacantists" saying this about Francis-Bergoglio. It Bergoglio saying it about himself! It is truly embarrassing to Newchurchers that their own Newpope is exposed as being less Christian in his moral doctrine than the Grand Imam of Mohammedanism. But that should surprise no thinking Catholic, when Bergoglio does everything he can to support de facto his paedophile clergy in their predations of children, making Bergoglio a criminal accomplice to one of the four most mortal of sins, a sin that St. Paul declares to be "worthy of death" (Romans 1:32/DRV).
Francis-Bergoglio's long-time secretary has been found dead on February 19, 2016, in her apartment on the outskirts of Rome. Miriam Wuolou was seven-months pregnant when her body was discovered. She had worked closely with Bergoglio at the Domus Sanctae Martae since his election to the Newpapacy on March 13, 2013. Wuolou was Bergoglio's ostiarius, or gatekeeper, controlling who got access to him.
Rome police were suspicious enough to perform an autopsy and to carry out DNA tests on the foetus to determine its paternity. Francis-Bergoglio has declined to claim paterianity of the foetus. This incident occurred shortly after news reports reopened the case against the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, who has been reported in the French press to have had an illegitimate child. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Rome newspaper, Il Messaggero.]
True Catholics, Bergoglio's papacy is seeming more and more like that of the Bad Pope, Alexander VI (r. 1492-1503), who was known for immoral malefactions so bad that Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, later Pope Julius II, endeavored to instigate the convocation of a Council to depose the pope for notorious and public lechery -- technically the crime of luxuria, one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Historians generally hold the Bad Pope's papacy to be one of the principal causes of Martin Luther's revolt and the Protestant Deformation.
Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican was rocked to its foundation when it was revealed on February 19, 2016, that the the Victoria State Police are investigating Bergoglio's own Finance Chief, Newcardinal George Pell, former Newarchbishop of Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Pell is being investigated for "numerous" crimes of sexually assaulting children, perpetrated when he was a presbyter and a Newarchbishop of Melbourne, Australia.
Victoria State Police have interviewed "numerous" child victims as part of a 12-18 month-long investigation of crimes that occurred at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne between 1996 and 2001, when Pell was Newarchbishop there. Before that, Pell was a presbyter in Ballarat, about 100 kilometres northwest of Melbourne and lived with the notorious paedophile presbyter Gerald Ridsdale. Pell has been summoned to testify before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which was convoked to investigate rampant crimes against children by Newchurch clergy in Australia. The investigation centers on charges that 14-year-old boys were sexually assaulted at the cathedral. Detectives have executed search warrants on buildings linked to Pell.
The child victims and their supporters have raised enough money to attend Newcardinal Pell's testimony in Rome, which is being taken by video link because Pell claims that he is too ill to travel -- but not to ill to head Francis-Bergoglio's entire Finance Department! A room at the Hotel Quirinale will be the remote venue for the February 29, 2016, hearing, which is expected to run for three to four days. It will be streamed live to the Royal Commission's hearing rooms in Sydney and Ballarat Town Hall. The child victims have raised some 150,000 U.S. dollars for the trip. One of the victims said that it would be an "arduous journey" to Rome, but that Pell "should have to see people and look into their eyes." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Melbourne Herald Sun.]
True Catholics, Pell on various pretexts has tried to squirm out of answering in full these charges of sexual assaults upon children. Just how serious and aggrieved these victims are is proven by the inconvenience and costs that they have gone to in order to confront him personally in Rome. Francis-Bergoglio is once again exposed as appointing and associating with the worst sort at the top levels of his regime. As the aphorism puts it: "Birds of a feather flock together."
When the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla tried to play the anti-Catholic card against capital punishment, there was incredible pushback against him around the world. Traditional Catholics in the United States even published at the time a full page advertisement in the New York Times, clearly demonstrating through Sacred Scripture, the Catholic Doctors of the Church, and his predecessor popes that Wojtyla's teaching was not Catholic. Wojtyla caved in like rancid cheese and changed his bowdlerized, anti-Catholic Newcatechism of the Catholic [Sic] Church to accept capital punishment.
Now Francis-Bergoglio, on February 21, 2016, who stands publicly embarrassed after U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump's recent highly-publicized chastisement of Berogoglio for turning his back on his office and becoming a secular politician, again demonstrated to the world that he is operating outside the dogmatic bounds of the papacy, clearly defined by Vatican I. His statements and actions are, therefore, null and void. Now Bergoglio is scandalously trying to maintain that capital punishment, approved in Sacred Scripture, is somehow morally wrong.
Francis-Bergoglio has called for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty, claiming that the Catholic Church is opposed to capital punishment. To shore up his anti-Catholic teaching, he maintains that the Commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is absolute and valid for the guilty as well as the innocent. Nothing could be further from the truth. In making that false statement, not only is Bergoglio rejecting the dogmatic Catholic Councils, not only is he rejecting the Fathers and Doctors of the Catholic Church, not only is he rejecting the Papal Allocution of his predecessor, Pope Pius XII, but, most of all, he is rejecting the Biblical teaching of his Lord Jesus Christ.
The principle that capital punishment is moral, and even necessary for the defense of society, is best represented in the words of St. Dismas, the Good Thief on the cross beside Christ, who was being crucified for capital crimes. He says to his fellow criminal on the other side of Christ:
Dost not even thou fear God, seeing that thou art under the same sentence [of crucifixion]? AND WE INDEED JUSTLY, FOR WE ARE RECEIVING WHAT OUR DEEDS DESERVED (Luke 23:40-41).
Bergoglio stands so firmly against teaching of Christ and His Church for 2,000 years that he even rejects life imprisonment, preferring to let the worst murderers into society to kill other innocent people. This Bergoglio "the Unmerciful," has no compassion for innocent victims, but only for the worst criminals. To the contrary, the God, Whose vicar (underling) Bergoglio claims to be, refuses to save the criminals on either side of him, allowing them to pay the capital price for their crimes. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Capital Punishment/Death Penbalty" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
True Catholics, the Marxist Francis-Bergoglio has once again proven himself not to be a Catholic pope. His teaching is full of anti-Catholic errors, which give every evidence of being deliberate, to serve the goals of Modernism, Secularism, and Marxism. True Catholics, in accordance with the example of St. Paul and many other Saints and in accordance with bimillennial teaching of Doctors of the Catholic Church, including the Principal Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, can have nothing to do with Bergoglio's Marxist teachings. Quite the contrary. Bergoglio's anti-Catholic teachings must be denounced and shunned. That is the Catholic way, confirmed by Councils, Popes, and Doctors of the Catholic Church.
I just saw the "funeral" of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a semi-traditional Catholic, on February 20, 2016. It was sad to hear the once-Catholic basilica's bells chiming away as if for a celebration rather than tolling for a departed soul. It was sad to see the justice's son, an invalid New Order presbyter, con-celebrating the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "Mess of Resurrection" in the revolting vulgar tongue. What a disgrace!
Let us all pray that the justice was spiritually consoled by Christ, in spite of the fact that the justice's lack of fortitude precipitated the chance that his soul may have been lost for eternity because, through his own most grievous fault, he did not prepare properly. It is comforting that Our Lord makes these judgments, not us. But we know God's law. Scalia certainly should have.
Surely, this Novus Ordo shivaree was not what Justice Scalia would have wanted, but he was apparently too slothful to provide for himself a fully-traditional Traditional Catholic Latin Requiem in his will. Instead, he got a High Protestant service, presided over by heretical Newcardinal Donald Wuerl, who gave the Novus Ordo cookie to abortion advocates like dead Senator Ted Kennedy and to publicly-declared Lesbians.
True Catholics, what hypocrisy was perpetrated by Newchurch, whose Liberalist/Modernists hated Justice Scalia because he was a conservative! Yet they give him a "White Mess" of deification, specifically condemned by Pope Pius XII in his 1947 Encyclical Letter Mediator Dei. Learn from this fiasco, and be sure that you leave instructions for a traditional Catholic funeral. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Cremation and Traditional Funeral Instructions" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
On February 20, 2016, traditional Catholic bishop Richard Williamson announced that, on March 19, 2016, the Feastday of St. Joseph, he will consecrate a second traditional Catholic bishop for the the Traditional Catholic Resistance, a loosely-bound group of traditional Catholic clergy. This date will mark one year from the consecration in 2015 of Williamson's consecration of Jean-Michel Faure, his first traditional Catholic bishop.
The consecrand is Dom Tomas Aquin, OSB, age 62, Prior of the Benedictine Monastery of the Holy Cross at Novo Friburgo, Brazil, 140 kilometres inland from Rio de Janeiro. Dom Tomas was associated with traditional Catholic Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, of Campos, Brazil, who associated with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and refused to allow the invalid Protestantized New Order Mess in his diocese. Ironically, the Newpopes were too afraid to touch the courageous de Castro Mayer.
Dom Tomas is a fully-traditional Catholic clergyman, 12 years younger than Bishop Faure, a veteran of traditional Catholic resistance against pseudo-traditionalists' efforts to corrupt the Traditional Catholic Movement with approaches to the New Order sect: first against the sellout of the once-traditional monastery at Le Barroux, France; then against the New Order sect's Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney in Campos, Brazil; and now against Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX operation at Menzingen, Switzerland.
Bishop Jean-Michel Faure, the first bishop consecrated by Bishop Williamson, stated upon his consecration in 2015: "It is likely that in maybe one or two years we will have more consecrations" and stated that there were already two candidates to be consecrated, of whom Dom Tomas Aquin is one. Bishop Williamson himself said on February 20, 2016, that there are plans to consecrate "several bishop" for the Traditional Catholic Movement. The intent is to create a "new generation" of fully traditional Catholic bishops. The Traditional Catholic Movement claims to have 1,000,000 followers around the world and a growing number of new priests at a time that the Newvatican faces shortages of its New Order presbyters (who are not priests). Bishop Faure went on to say that the Catholic Resistance groupo would not engage in "dialogue" with Rome, as Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX has scandalously done, saying, "We resist capitulation, we resist conciliation of St. Pius X with Rome." Faure stated that open conflict against the New Order sect could be a catalyst for Newrome to return to Catholicism.
True Catholics, while Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order is sinking at an ever-increasing rate, fully-traditional Catholicism is solidly growing. Fully traditional Catholicism is not associated with the anti-Catholic Protestantized New Order sect, but bases its worship on the 1950 Traditional Latin Mass, not the Novus Ordo Mess of 1969, not the half Novus Ordo "Extraordinary" Mess of 1962+, not the Protestantized, bowdlerized Holy Week of 1956.
U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump has stunned the world by doing no other person has been able to do: he has publicly vanquished Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. Trump, according to polls, has also cut into Bergoglio's feigned popularity. It seems that the unbeatable Trump, who has exposed deep corruption in the U.S. political scene, so long hidden under the guise of "political correctness," has now struck a cord in people who have so far mostly sat silent -- yes, even traditional Catholics -- while Newchurch corruption skyrockets and the true Catholic Faith is destroyed by the Marxist Newpope?
Donald Trump, who is a master at stripping away "political correctness" to expose the truth and at controlling the topics of the news cycles, has -- stunningly -- forced Francis-Bergoglio to issue an apology to him for calling the declared Presbyterian "not a Christian" and for his remarks against a border wall. On February 19, 2016, just one day after Trump denounced Bergoglio for interfering in secular affairs, Bergoglio was forced publicly to apologize to Trump, saying that "in no way" was he attacking him personally or trying to sway voters. In effect, Bergoglio gave the U.S. Presidential candidate his Newchurch blessing!
True Catholics, we knew that Francis-Bergoglio was anti-Catholic, but, we had previously thought, a wily one. Now Donald Trump has exposed Bergoglio as a "fool" in the political realm, to use the term of St. Paul in his Second Epistle to the Corinthians (11:19). Bergoglio must be chagrined by the irony that he has been put in his place on morality and Christianity by a Newchurch-beloved "oecumenical" Presbyterian!
Given the scandal created by Francis-Bergoglio on his Mexican junket (February 12-17, 2016), all Catholics must give serious consideration to the question whether Bergoglio considers himself a Newpope or whether de facto he has abandoned any claim to being a Newpope and has instead become a secular politician. No Newpope has cast aside his purported religious role and entered secular politics to the degree that Bergoglio has. What makes the situation even worse is that Francis-Bergoglio is an avowed Marxist who promotes notions that have been condemned by many popes as being heretical.
Francis-Bergoglio's Mexican junket had nothing to do with religion. It was all secular politics. His goal as a Marxist was to advocate for a borderless United States, even though Mexico and other Latin American countries have stringent immigration policies to keep foreigners out of those countries -- or, for that matter, his own Vatican City-State.
It seems that Francis-Bergoglio has shot himself in the foot on this one. Many voices are now being raised calling this Caiphatic high priest -- actually, he is not a priest, having merely been installed as a presbyter under the invalid New Ordinal of 1968 -- a "hypocrite." While Bergoglio pushes for the U.S. to open its borders, his own Vatican City-State has massive walls, started by Pope St. Leo IV (r. 847-855) and added to since then. Voices around the world are now challenging the hypocritical Newpope: "Tear down that Vatican wall!"
Francis-Bergoglio dove spread eagle into secular politics. On February 18, 2016, in response to a question on his private airplane returning to Rome from his Mexican junket, Bergoglio directly addressed leading U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump's promise to build a U.S.-Mexico boarder wall, stating: "This man [Trump] is not a Christian." In his own response, Trump declared himself a "proud Christian," rightly denounced Bergoglio and termed Bergoglio's comments "disgraceful":
For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful. The [New]pope heard only one side of the story [from the Mexican government on his junket]. He didn't see the crime, the drug trafficking, and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States.... They [the Mexican government] are using the [New]pope as a pawn.... If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIL, I can promise you that the [New]pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened.
Although Donald Trump said only that Francis-Bergoglio was a "pawn" of the Mexican government's scam, he deftly suggested -- without saying it overtly -- that Bergoglio, like the United States' elite establishment politicians, so rejected by American voters in the current Presidential election, is one of the elites who is complicit in scamming the American people, either through corruption or weakness or stupidity.
U.S. Presidential candidate, Senator Marco Rubio, who openly proclaims himself to be Newchurcher, came out for Donald Trump and against his own Newpope, saying that the Vatican City-State has a right to control its borders, and so does the United States. Another Newchurcher candidate, Jeb Bush, also denounced his own Newpope's characterization that securing the U.S. border with Mexico by a wall is "unChristian."
True Catholics, yet again Bergoglio is exposed as a hypocrite. He famously said that he could not judge sodomites -- although the basis for that judgment rests solidly on the Bible--, but apparently can judge conservative Christians. Indeed, Bergoglio's hatred of anything conservative or traditional is palpable. One wonders whether the Council of Presbyterian Churches will be courageous enough to condemn Bergoglio publicly on behalf of its famous member. Donald Trump has said on numerous occasions that he is a Presbyterian Christian. Francis-Bergoglio is Marxist anti-Christian.
In spite of the fact that Newchurch struck the Catholic Priest and Martyr St. Valentine from its Newcalendar in the 1960s, now, following Francis-Bergoglio's encouragement, the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France, with the Shrine of Fatima in Portugal soon to follow, was opened on February 14, 2016, to a Gay Couples Weekend. Bergoglio's officials at Lourdes proudly announced:
Married or not, straight or gay, you and your sweetheart will be welcome in Lourdes for Valentine's Day. Come to Lourdes to say "I love you."
TRANSLATION: Fornicators, homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, and transgenderds are all welcome in anti-Catholic love zoo of Francis-Bergoglio's New Newchurch of the New Order.
Other than the fact that Francis-Bergoglio is an anti-Catholic Marxist, why is this happening? you ask. It's simple: in spite of all of the false propaganda that Bergoglio is so beloved, Newchurchers are abandoning Bergoglio in droves. Bergoglio's feigned "Year of Mercy" is a bomb. Bergoglio's Remedy: Dig up Padre Pio's corpse and parade it around Newvatican to boost tourism for empty hotels, restaurants, and bars.
Visits to once-sacred Marian shrines, now under the control of the anti-Catholic Newchurch, are "dwindling" according to local officials in Lourdes, who are concerned that the town of around 15,000 may be losing its appeal, with a recent study concluding that its some 220 souvenir shops and 159 hotels are "doing steadily worse." The study found that arrivals decreased by about a quarter between 2009 and 2014. Local officials also report a drop in religious fervor among the visitors, more now coming out of curiosity than Catholicism.
Bergoglio's Remedy: Turn Marian shrines into hostels for "Couples Weekends open to all -- married, unmarried, and homosexual," as advertised on official flyers put out by Bergoglio's Lourdes Newdiocese. Bergoglio's Newchurch is drowning in red ink because a severely dwindling Newchurch membership means lower income. No wonder he's stripping back. It's not at all because of humility, but because his purse is empty of euros. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has even given his vile and immoral programme a name: "Operation Valentine." Well, at least we can be relieved a jot by the fact that he didn't call it "Operation Saint Valentine"!
Francis-Bergoglio as a propaganda measure for Modernism during his Mexico junket prayed on February 15, 2016, at the tomb of dead radical Newbishop Samuel Ruiz, of San Cristobal de las Casas Newdiocese in Chiapas Province. Ruiz, as well as Bergoglio, have strongly supported the Anti-council's introduction of vulgar tongues into the New Mess, which Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger declared in 2007 to be the "Ordinary Mess" of Newchurch.
When Ruiz died in 2011, even Newchurch had been horrified by his radicalism. It stopped his installation of married laydeacons and his use of the pagan rites of "indigenous" Indians in the New Mess. Recently, Bergoglio reversed this ban and reintroduced the phony laydeacons and the pagan rites. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is yet again revealed as a radical anti-Catholic and a full-throated supporter of the Vatican II Anti-council, which expelled the Catholic Church and replaced it on November 21, 1964, with the Newchurch of the New Order as the "establishment Church."
TRADITIO readers may remember reports commented upon here about the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla's relationship with a married woman, revealed first in the French press. Wojtyla had many skeletons in his closet that needed to be covered up. That is why Newchurch rushed to make him a phony Newsaint before the truth could come out. Francis-Bergoglio didn't even wait ten years to con-anized him, whereas traditionally most true Saints wait centuries.
Now more evidence has come to light that JPII-Wojtyla carried on an immoral relationship with this married woman -- evidence so compelling, in fact, that the respected British Broadcasting Corporation will air an investigative documentary about it on February 15, 2016. The relationship began in the 1973 when the then Polish Newcardinal Karol Wojtyla met the Polish-born Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.
The revealing letters of JPII-Wojtyla to Tymieniecka were sold to the National Library of Poland in 2008. The married woman continued her relationship with Wojtyla after he became Newpope. She had revealed to him in four letters that she was consumed with passion for him. Instead of breaking off the relationship cold, as he should have, he allowed the woman to visit him until the day before his death on May 2 (some say May 1), 2005. Further suspicion was cast upon Wojtyla when he granted the woman's husband a Newpapal knighthood. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, what leads to the belief that there is smoke here, if not fire, is the fact that Newvatican's agents have so vociferously denied the obvious immorality of JPII-Wojtyla's relationship with this married woman. Why should a true Saint need Newvatican's propaganda machine to back him up? His sanctity should never be in question. Moreover, clergy traditionally are warned against such close relationships with women because they open themselves to proximate occasions of sin and scandal.
On the morning of February 13, 2016, when U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at a west Texas hunting preserve, John Poindexter, that afternoon someone called a Novus Ordo presbyter from Presidio to administer non-descript "rites" to the justice, who is being described in the press as a "devout Catholic."
Thus, the semi-traditional Scalia received whatever these invalid "rites" were from a Novus Ordo presbyter. Even if a traditional Catholic priest had been summoned to administer the valid Sacrament of Extreme Unction, it would have been too late because the 79-year-old Scalia was reported officially to have died in his sleep many hours before, probably of a myocardial infarction.
On Sunday, February 14, 2016, the Feastday of the Catholic Priest and Martyr, St. Valentine -- which the Newchurch of the New Order has stricken from its Protestantized calendar -- Scalia's body was taken by a caravan of 20 U.S. Marshalls three hours west from Cibolo Creek Ranch, a hunting preserve near Marfa, Texas, to the Sunset Funeral Home in El Paso, arriving at 07:30 UTC. Because there was no autopsy, the body was embalmed at 11:00 UTC for transport out of state, as required by Texas law, and flown on Monday around 01:00 UTC in a private plane from El Paso International Airport to the northern Virginia suburb where the justice lived.
A local county judge, who stepped in when two coroners were absent from duty, declared Scalia's death to be of "natural causes" over the telephone when she didn't even see the body or the room, yet signed the death certificate. No physician was involved, nor was an autopsy performed. Because of this irregular procedure, questions are being raised about just how "natural" the death was.
True Catholics, as of Monday, February 15, 2016, funeral rites were still pending. It remains to be seen whether Scalia will receive even a semi-traditional funeral, or whether an invalid Novus Ordo "White" Mess will be simulated by Scalia's son John, who his a Novus Ordo presbyter. That would indeed be a sad end for a man who was at least semi-traditional, but could have been much more, as he lived only 35 kilometres from a fully traditional Catholic church in Vienna, Virginia, a headquarters of the Traditional Catholic Resistance.
The semi-traditionalist Catholic who sat on the United States Supreme Court for a few months short of twenty years died during the night of February 13, 2016. Antonin Scalia, who has a Novus Ordo presbyter son, was somewhat more "traditionalist" than his other Newchurch colleagues. But not enough. Scalia was "uncomfortable" with the aberrations that occurred in the aftermath of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), but he never attended the fully Traditional Latin Mass, which was available a mere 35 kilometres away in Vienna, Virginia, a headquarters of the Traditional Catholic Resistance. He compromised, occasionally attending the half New Order Vatican II Mess of 1962+ (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary"), as well as the full-blown, invalid Novus Ordo Mess of 1969 in English and in Latin.
It is tragic that leading "conservatives" -- for example, former U.S. Presidential Candidate Patrick Buchanan, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, television hosts Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly -- seem so incapable of discovering what many traditional Catholics were able to see coming since the late 1960s and early 1970s, thanks to the timely warnings about the pernicious effects of Vatican II preached by such prescient men as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Fr. Gommar DePauw, and Fr. Francis Fenton, to name only three.
Once Scalia stood up for traditional Catholic morality, when the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla wanted -- illegally, of course -- to censure capital punishment. When Wojtyla issued in 1992 drafts of his so-called "Catholic Catechism" -- which is anything but Catholic -- stating that the death penalty is immoral, there was considerable push-back by Buchanan and Scalia, who took out a full-page ad to explain how Wojtyla's Newcatechism viiolated Catholic teaching. Scalia's pushback against Wojtyla earned him opprobrium from a number of Newchurch leaders, even though Scalia's position was solidly Roman Catholic, in accordance with the teaching of the Church's principal theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, and with the Church's Greatest Doctor, St. Augustine -- a position confirmed by 241 Catholic popes up to Wojtyla.
All five Newchurch justices of the United States Supreme Court (Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas), joined by John Paul Stevens and Stephen Breyer, taught Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger some Catholic theology on April 16, 2008, while he was dallying in President George W. Bush's Rose Garden. The high court handed down then its 7-2 decision clearing the way for the reinstatement of the death penalty in the states. Benedict-Ratzinger had been deviating from Catholic teaching to promote his personal notion against the death penalty.
True Catholics, why do leading "conservatives" so rarely stand up for the (traditional) Catholic Faith? The answer seems to be that they lack the cardinal moral virtue of courage. They talk and write books, but in their actions they fall short of their self-proclaimed Catholicism. In the end, they cling to the person of the corrupt Newpopes. A few console themselves with the phony "Extraordinary Mess," which came from the pen of the same Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini who introduced the invalid New Order service of 1969. We have a suspicion that, in the end, these "conservatives" are more interested in human respect than in God's. They are afraid that if they proclaimed that they were true traditional Catholics, they would be vilified and shunned by their political comrades in the secular political "conservative" movements.
No one can deny that Donald Trump is one of the gutsiest U.S. Presidential candidates to appear in a long time. He speaks directly and courageously, and lets the chips fall where they may. He has now become one of the few public voices to take on publicly the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, whose extremist liberalist opinions on such topics as purported "global warming," illegal invasion/immigration, and capitalism fall far outside the limits of the papacy as dogmatically defined by Vatican Council I.
On February 11, 2016, Donald Trump declared: Bergoglio "doesn’t understand the danger of 'open borders.'" Trump thus pre-empted Bergoglio's sleazy propaganda campaign on behalf of illegal invaders by visiting Mexico February 12-17, 2016, and standing on the U.S. border with Mexican invaders. Trump, in his direct way, unmasks the real Bergoglio, as being not the false figure portrayed by Newvatican and the press:
I think the [New]pope is a very political person. I think he doesn't understand the problems our country has. I don't think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico, and I think Mexico got him to do it because Mexico wants to keep the border just the way it is because they're making a fortune, and we're losing.
This is not the first time that Donald Trump has courageously stood up against Francis-Bergoglio. Before Bergoglio's visit to the United States in the summer of 2015, Trump also described Bergoglio as "very political." Trump said that if Bergoglio were ever to lecture him on the evils of capitalism -- a particularly whipping-boy of the Marxist Bergoglio -- Trump would fire back at Bergoglio that the Islamic State wants to invade Bergoglio's Newvatican. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daily Caller.]
True Catholics, Donald Trump is exactly right. That reality fits Bergoglio's phony propaganda that he will simulate a phony New Order Mess on the U.S.-Mexican border, most probably in the vulgar tongue of Spanish rather than even in Novus Ordo Latin, although Spanish is just a vulgar form of Latin, and Mexicans are known as "Latins"!
In new guidelines released in February 11, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio has given paedophile presbyters a pass. He said that their Newbishops don't have to report their crimes against children to police. Their only duty is to deal with cases internally. Child-victims organizations are livid at Bergoglio, who even bypassed his own Commission for the Protection of Minors, which after more than two years he still hasn't filled or given its charter. "It is not necessarily the duty of the [Newchurch] bishop to report suspects to authorities, the police or state prosecutors, in the moment when they are made aware of crimes," decreed Bergoglio.
Those advocates who had retained a scintilla of hope that Francis-Bergoglio would actually do something to protect children from his predatory Newclergy have now publicly stated that he has betrayed them and the children. One child-victims advocate summarized the deplorable situation: Bergoglio's "systems function to protect the interests of the institution [Newchurch]. They don't put the protection of children first."
Child-victims organizations ridiculed Bergoglio's feigned "zero tolerance" policy toward paedophile crimes on the part of his presbyters and Newbishops. The Survivors Network for those Abused by Pr[esbyters] stated that it is a myth that Bergoglio's Newbishops are changing how they deal with sex crimes against children. There are just as many sex crimes going on now under Bergoglio's regime as there were in 2002, when Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement was publicly outed in headlines across the world in 2002. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by United Press International.]
True Catholics, as a Marxist, Francis-Bergoglio is highly skilled in the use of the propaganda lie and has succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of many Newchurchers, who don't want to believe that their Newpope is a paedophile accomplice. But he is. No doubt about that. St. Paul states the Catholic doctrine in no uncertain terms: "They who do such things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they who also consent to them that do them" (Romans 1:32/DRV).
Far from "spinning in his grave," as a London newpaper had it, King Henry VIII (1491-1547) is laughing at Newchurch, probably from the infernal regions. Some 500 years after the Heretic King's death, Newchurch tried to stage a "Catholic" service in his royal chapel at Hampton court. The rub is that since 1969, Newchurch doesn't perform "Catholic" services. After replacing the Catholic Mass with a Protestantized service in 1969, Newchurch, unbeknownst to many Newchurchers and even traditional Catholics, destroyed the Divine Office, the seven Hours of daily prayer (Matins/Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline) and replaced them in 1970 with a Protestantized "Liturgy of the Hours," complete with readings from the "Quack Monk" Thomas Merton and the Pagan Squatter, Buddha.
On February 9, 2016, Newcardinal Vincent Nichols simulated the Hour of Vespers in the Heretic King's royal chapel at Hampton Court Palace. But it wasn't the traditional Catholic Vespers. It was the New Order Vespers fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini to make it more Protestant. As if to punctuate the point, the heretic Anglican bishop of London, Richard Chartes "co-simulated." The one thing that the two had in common was Catholic Church's traditional Latin language and the traditional Latin settings of the Tudor sacred polyphonic composers William Cornysh, John Taverner, and Thomas Tallis. All Western Christians used the traditional Latin texts before the Protestant Deformation of the sixteenth century. By the way, those of you who have trouble believing that the New Order service is heretical and invalid because so many Newchurchers attend them, and couldn't all be wrong, think again. Half of Europe's 70,000,000 souls at the time turned heretics during the Protestant Deformation of the sixteenth century. God cares not one iota about numbers, only about quality -- true Faith.
Hampton Court was built up by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, but seized by Henry VIII when the pope, who had not the power, refused to annul Henry's marriage to his legitimage wife, Catherine of Aragon, at the beginning of the Deformation in order that Henry could marry the harlot, Anne Boleyn. While Francis-Bergoglio's Protestant Newchurch played the hypocrite, Protestants outside Hampton Court, showing at least honesty, held up signs against "a reversal of the Reformation." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, although you know that Newchurch's Mess is heretical and invalid, you probably didn't know that Newchurch's daily prayer, the so-called Liturgy of the Hours," is also heretical, not to say impotent. As are Newchurch's sacraments. As is Newchurch's doctrine. As is Newchurch's morality. As is Newchurch itself.
Newvatican has become the "safe haven" for a number of despicable Newchurch prelates whom the Newpopes shelter there under the supposed protection of "diplomatic immunity." Newvatican is not even a country, but merely a territory set up in 1929 by the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini "Il Duce" for the atheist to make political points with his Catholic citizens. Newcardinal Bernard Law, he of the Boston paedophile scandal that exposed Newchurch's perverted presbyters to the world for the first time, is housed within the protection of Bergoglio. Newarchbishop Raymond "Bully" Burke, he who consecrated a transgendered man as a Newchurch "nun," is also housed within the protection of Bergoglio.
Now, on February 8, 2016, Newcardinal George Pell, who has been summoned to appear before the Royal Commission convoked in Australia to answer to charges of complicity in the paedophile crimes of his presbyters there when he was Newarchbishop of Sydney, is pleading ill health. The man claims that he is too ill to fly beyond of the boundaries of Newvatican, but he is not too ill to continue to head Francis-Bergogio's Economic Secretariat and deal with the European Union's charges against the Vatican Bank for money-laundering, fraud, and embezzlement.
True Catholics, people with the conditions that Pell has can fly long distances -- but not Pell. What a convenient "illness"! Pell just doesn't want to escape the diplomatic immunity afforded by him if he stays within the boundaries of the pseudo-state that Francis-Bergoglio is only too happy to provide Pell, Law, Burke, and all the other paedophile accomplices and perverts that populate Bergoglio's Newchurch hierarchy.
Bergoglio has appointed Steven Lopes as the "Ordinary" to head Newchurch's Protestant Anglican wing. On February 2, 2016, the Anglicanized Lopes was "installed" as a Newbishop in Houston, Texas. Newchurch since the Protestantized 1968 New Ordinal no longer validly consecrates bishops in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It merely "installs" Newbishops as Newchurch administrators.
It was Benedict-Ratzinger, far from the "traditionalist" that he is wrongly painted to be, who opened the door to admitting Anglican heretics, known as Episcopalians in the United States, into the Newchurch of the New Order by his 2009 Anglicanorum coetibus document of November 4, 2009, which and retain their Protestant Anglican "Mess," which had already been formally declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII on September 18, 1896. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.] For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter "Apostolicae Curae" [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
True Catholics, it all figures, doesn't it, when the Francis-Bergoglio will be flying to Sweden to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Deformation with a bunch of Lutherans heretics? Now he receives the Anglican heretics into his heretical Newchurch. As the old saying goes, Birds of a feather flock together. What more do you need to know to conclude that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church? It is, in fact, a Protestant sect -- but much worse.
More evidence that Francis-Bergoglio is a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of paedophiles amongst his Newclergy is piling up. Now a full-throated supporter of the child victims against criminal presbyters and Newbishops has been thrown off Bergoglio's Commission for the Protection of Minors, set up as a P.R. exercise to ward off the bad publicity of Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. This is a topic that Peter Saunders personally knows a lot about. He was a child victim of a criminal presbyter himself. In over two years now, Bergoglio has failed to appoint all the members of the Commission and has failed to give it its operating charter. That doesn't sound like someone who is serious about extirpating paedophilia from his Newchurch, does it?
It was announced on February 6, 2016, that Saunders, a well-known British advocate for the children sexually victimized by Newchurch, was being thrown off the Commission because he didn't support Francis-Bergoglio's inaction that is allowing the crimes against children to go on. Saunders, however, has stunned Bergoglio by refusing to step down. This brouhaha has turned into a great scandal for Bergoglio because he doesn't want all this attention to be brought to his total failure to address the problem. Saunders has been critical of Bergoglio's foot-dragging in taking measures to protect children and to punish Newbishops who covered up for paedophile presbyters. Saunders also wanted the Commission to intervene immediately in individual cases, rather than just write long-term policies, which would probably not even be implemented, but used only for window dressing.
Saunders had been undercutting Francis-Bergoglio's efforts to appear -- but not actually to be -- tough on his paedopile Newclergy. Saunders was supposed to sit on the Commission to give it spurious credibility, but to keep his mouth shut about the truth. Instead, Saunders publicly exposed Bergoglio's hypocritical inaction in the face of continuing cases of children being raped, sodomized, and sexually assaulted:
Of course, [New]pope Francis has established he is part of the problem.... He made me lose faith in the process and lose faith in [New]pope Francis. For me, as a survivor, the Commission is a disgrace. They believe that child abuse is behind us, but it is in no way behind us.... I made it clear that I would not be a member of a public relations exercise. The protection of our children is much more important than that. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is a fraud. He has not lifted a finger against his paedophile presbyters and Newbishops, but continues to drag his feet. In fact, he publicly supports the man he appointed to be his Newbishop in Osorno, Chile, who was a notorious paedophile-supporter and cover-up artist. When Bergoglio refused to recall the man, the courageous Newchurchers took over the cathedral and threw him out!
The Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which on November 21, 1964, replaced the Catholic Church with the Newchurch of the New Order as the "institutional Church," has shot itself in the foot once again. On February 5, 2016, the third largest Newarchdiocese in the United States, that of Chicago, Illinois, has announced that in less than fifteen years it will sell off or demolish one hundred churches, about one-third of all its churches. That was in addition to the massive, sudden church closures that already took place in 1990.
The first reason: nobody wants to be a Novus Ordo presbyter. The number of Novus Ordo replacements for 180 presbyters retiring can be counted on ten fingers. Although there are still vocations to the true priesthood, only traditional Catholic institutions outside of Newchurch continue to offer the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Newchurch no longer ordains priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installs presbyters to preside over the assembly of the people" under the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. The role of Novus Ordo presbyter is neither priestly nor sacramental. A presbyter is essentially a Protestant minister.
Vatican II was of course, an anti-Catholic fraud. Even the Modernist Newpope Paul VI-Montini (1963-1978) could not deny the poisonous fruits of that diabolical Anti-council just seven years after it had concluded:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall, the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties (June 29, 1972).The second reason for the massive closures is that the number of Newchurchers is fast dwindling. The newness of Newchurch has worn off. People now want back the tried and true, the traditional. They're sick of changes to the Novus Ordo Mess and doctrine. Newarchbishop Blase Cupich, hand picked by Francis-Bergoglio to shut down Newchurch in Chicago, was too embarrassed to comment publicly on the closures. Instead, he sent a cold memorandum to his people. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ABC News.]
True Catholics, the disastrous results of the anti-Catholic Vatican II Anti-Council are now, after just fifty years, clear to see. If the Newpopes, the Newclergy, and the Newchurchers wanted to shut down the Catholic Church, they couldn't have done a better job. Is it any wonder that on the fiftieth anniversary of that Anti-Council, the sitting Newpope is a Marxist? It all fits.
It seems that there is no limit to how far Francis-Bergoglio will go to promote his anti-Catholic programme. Now he has taken to stealing corpses. In a sacrilegious act that is more reminiscent of Robert Louis Stevenson's macabre 1881 short story "The Body Snatcher" than of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Bergoglio has purloined the corpse of Padre Pio (1887-1968) to pump up Roman tourism, which has not increased as much as Bergoglio desired for his "Year of Mercy."
As has already been reported in these TRADITIO Commentaries, Bergoglio's connived New Order Jubilee Year has fallen flat. Rome's hotels and restaurants and Newvatican's museums have not benefitted from much additional patronage. Therefore, Bergoglio determined to disinter Padre Pio's body to put it on display as a way to attract more Newchurchers to Newrome. Disgusting!
On February 3, 2016, relics of Padre Pio's corpse, said to be "partially incorrupt," arrived in Newrome. Thence the corpse will be shuffled around to various Newroman churches for a week. By the way, there is no "miracle" in the fact that the corpse is said to be "partially incorrupt." Padre Pio was embalmed, and it has been not even fifty years since his death. Padre Pio had never left his Franciscan church of San Giovanni Rotondo from 1916 until his death in 1968. Leave it to Bergoglio to override Pio's devotion to his conventual Capuchin church to serve Bergoglio's own crass purposes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, it should be noted that Padre Pio refused to simulate even the transitional "New Mess" of 1964-1968. Although the full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan version was not imposed upon the Newchurch of the New Order until 1969, its worst features were already imposed between 1964 and 1968. God took Padre Pio off in 1968 before the worst form of the monstrous New Mess had been imposed. In 2007, the infamous Benedict-Ratzinger declared that invalid Mess to be the "Ordinary Mess" of Newchurch. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Padre Pio" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
Here, exclusively for TRADITIO Network readers, are the results of my detailed study of Francis-Bergoglio's appointments of Newbishops, which may shock those Neocon Newchurchers out of their complacency.
Bergoglio, who is no Catholic, has been appointing bishops at a very fast rate. Many of these are auxiliary Newbishops. He's appointing them by the dozens, especially in Latin America, but elsewhere too. Newdioceses which have never had auxiliary Newbishops (mostly because they are not that important and don't need the pseudo-"sacramental" help afforded by them) are getting them in large numbers.
My conclusion is that Bergoglio is trying to control the hierarchy after his exit, as he knows that his time is short. When the next Newpope comes along, he will have a hard time ignoring all these Bergoglian Marxist auxiliaries. He will naturally (and under local pressure from outgoing Newprelates) appoint them from auxiliaries to diocesans. What it means is that the next Newpope, whoever he may be, will find it hard to prevent an ongoing Bergoglian episcopacy. The Bergoglians will oppose so-called "conservative" Newpopes and Newprelates. It's what the conservatives deserve, as a "conservative" Newchurcher is only a liberalist in slow motion.
Benedict-Ratzinger had an eight-year opportunity to prevent all of this. He squandered that time, perhaps deliberately. After all, he's a liberalist too, albeit not a revolutionary. He loved ceremony, but had little use for sound doctrine. It will take a Gregory the Great to right this situation and return Newchurch to Catholicism -- if that is even possible any longer. And there are no Gregories in the College of Newcardinals. Of course, the College could name someone outside of it to be Newpope. It's also possible that a meteor will strike the earth and kill us all in the next ten minutes.
Our Lord will prevail, but not through Newchurch, which is a cesspool of corruption and immorality, of heresy and anti-Catholicism. I don't put my trust in any man, but only in God, as the Psalms prudently advise us. God will surprise everyone, in His own way and in His own time. Traditional Catholics need to get used to this idea and realize that their duty is to preserve the true Catholic Faith in their lives and lives of those around them so that there will be at least a remnant left when the Lord comes. That may not be in their own lifetimes or the lifetimes of their children or grandchildren. After all, it took more than a century to root out the virulent Arian heresy from the papacy and heretic bishops in the fourth century.
Things have gotten so bad in the paedophile Newchurch of the New Order that presbyters are turning down promotions to Newbishop with all its cushy perquisites. Newcardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the New Order Congregation for Bishops, revealed this fact on February 1, 2016. "It is no longer 'exceptional' to have priests turn down an appointment as Newbishop," he said, even when Francis-Bergoglio specifically appoints them. Ouellet refused to provide the actual statistics, probably because they are so high that they would be an embarrassment to Newchurch and Bergoglio
Why the office of Newbishop is so rejected in Newchurch is a matter of debate. It may be that the office of Newchurch is no so connected with paedophilia, either active or supportive, that presbyters don't want to be associated with it. It may be that presbyters don't want to become any more affiliated with Francis-Bergoglio's Marxist New Order than they have to. It is strongly suspected that many of Bergoglio's appointees have paedophile crimes in their backgrounds, which they don't want exposed publicly when their qualifications are inspected by the press and their own Newchurchers.
Since 2010, the confidential questionnaire sent to local Newbishops and presbyters asking about a potential candidate for Newbishop includes a question about whether the potential candidate was ever in a position of having to handle an accusation of sex crimes made against another presbyter or church worker. Curiously, the questionnaire apparently does not ask the candidate whether he himself has committed sex crimes or supported those who have! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
True Catholics, add to all of this the fact that Newbishops in the Newchurch of the New Order have not even been valid consecrated as bishops. Bishops are no longer consecrated in the Sacrament of Holy Orders since Newchurch started using the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. Now, Newbishops are merely "installed" as administrators of Newdioceses. No wonder fewer presbyters want to be officials of Bergoglio's corrupt Newchurch. They don't even get to be real bishops!
Francis-Bergoglio doesn't have a clue. He does admit that religious vocations to his Newchurch have tanked. The number of presbyters and nuns in industrialized countries is in sharp decline. That is no revelation. It is common knowledge, confirmed by numerous surveys over the last decade, that interest in the New Order that Newchurch panders appeals to few dedicated people.
This bad state of affairs for Newchurch has been greatly exacerbated by Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which those surveys -- and even the daily news headlines -- show continue in just as vicious a way as before. Even Bergoglio himself has been caught in covering up the crimes of one of his Newbishop appointees, Juan Barros, of Osorno, Chile, who has now been thrown out of his cathedral by his own Newchurchers. Bergoglio has famously claimed that there is a "Gay Lobby" that runs Newchurch. True, and Bergoglio is at the head of it!
So, if the cause of is not serious Newchurcher's rejection of the New Order or the scandal of Newchurch presbyters and Newbishops raping, sodomizing, and sexually assaulting children, what does Bergoglio himself think is the cause of this tanking in "vocations" to Newchurch -- as if God could in fact call someone to a corrupt and heretical New Order? Bergoglio says -- are you ready for this? -- that the cause is "backbiting pr[esbyters] and nuns"! This from a man who is himself the biggest of backbiters. This is the man who calls his traditional-bent members "doctrinaire, ideologue, rigid, ritualistic, rigorous, scary, closed in the past, Pelagian, Donatist, neurotic, pious, fundamentalist, and obstinate."
This "backbiting" charge is the same phony rationalization used by Bernie Fellay, who heads the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, for explaining why one out of six of his priests have left him. For, you see, Modernists (and this includes at heart the New Order-bent Fellay) want to perpetrate their errors without any criticism from anyone. Bergoglio and Fellay certainly don't want to deal with courageously outspoken people like St. Augustine, St. Basil the Great, St. Athanasius, and other great Saints, all of whom publicly condemned and shunned popes who sank into heresy from the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, Bergoglio did at least admit that in view of the "sterility" of Newchurch "vocations," religious orders are using "artificial insemination" to admit those who are not qualified. So even Bergoglio admits the fundamental corruption of the Newchurch institution that he heads. Thank goodness it is not the real Catholic Church, but the Newchurch of the New Order that replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church on November 22, 1964, when the heretical Vatican II document Lumen gentium was promulgated redefining the Church for the New Order.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I recently found out that one of my customers is on life support. All his organs are failing, and he is in a coma. Alcoholism is about to kill him. I also found out that he was not any type of believer (more than likely an atheist). Could a traditional Catholic priest administer Extreme Unction to him? Because he is in a coma, and the family is ready to pull the plug, the poor guy would have no say whether he could have a "death bed" conversion. So in this sense could priest give to the atheist the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, or at least a final blessing?The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Because the man has never given any indication of even a desire to enter the Church, he is not in a state of soul to receive any Sacraments, even Baptism. Such situations are bracing "teaching moments" to explain to others why it is so important to accept the Catholic Faith while one is yet able to do so. God gives us grace on various opportunities, and if we don't accept it when offered, we can end up in the situation of this unfortunate man. One can certainly pray for him, but ultimately we must entrust him to God's judgment.
Following the typical gutless pattern of post-Vatican II Newprelates, Andre Leonard, former Primate of Belgium, waited until he retired at 75 and couldn't be fired to speak out against Francis-Bergoglio's Extraordinary Anti-synod on the Family (October 2015). Leonard now says that the Anti-synod's final document was "very risky." It opened the door to "welcoming" into Newchurch unrepentant and still-practicing homosexuals and the anti-Biblical practice of allowing divorced and illegally remarried bigamists to munch on the Novus Ordo cookie and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid.
Newcardinal Leonard revealed that Francis-Bergoglio's Anti-synod practiced the same fraud in its final document as the notorious Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). The Newbishops who wrote the final document deliberately formulated the propositions in ambiguous verbiage, in order to leave them open to interpretation in different directions. It is expected that when Bergoglio's own "Apostolic Exhortation" on the Anti-synod is released, probably in late March 2016, he will interpret the verbiage in an anti-Catholic way.
Vatican II was famous for planting what were called "time-bombs" in its documents, in order that the Newbishops there would think that they were voting in a traditional way, whereas in fact the wording was ambiguous and was interpreted in an heretical way after the Anti-council by its follow-up committees. The most obvious example was the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's follow-up committee on the liturgy, which in Newchurch turned the Catholic Mass into an invalid New Order Mess based upon Protestant models.
Newcardinal Leonard also warned of the coming disaster that will result from the Anti-synod's delegating more power to the Newbishops Conferences in the various nations. This concept was an innovation of the Protestant Deformation and was used by the arch-heretic Martin Luther to dissolve the central authority at Rome. Vatican II utilized this text to destroy the Catholic Mass, once unified in Latin throughout the world, but now simulated in every vulgar tongue around the world in its invalid Novus Ordo form, i.e., Benedict-Ratzinger's "Ordinary Form." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the French weekly Famille chrétienne.]
True Catholics, Newchurch has learned well the heretical techniques developed at the Vatican II Anti-council. Francis-Bergoglio cunningly applied them to his Extraordinary Synod of 2015, in order that, just as Vatican II destroyed the Catholic Mass in Newchurch, he could destroy in Newchurch bedrock Christian and Catholic teaching on the family. The Enemy could not have found a more malicious agent than the Marxist Newpope, whom all too many clueless anti-Catholic Newchurchers idolatrously continue to worship as a demigod.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am trying to explain to a dying Newchurcher the difference between Novus Ordo Extreme Unction and the valid Catholic Sacrament of Extreme Unction. My understanding is that Extreme Unction doesn't exist as a sacrament in the Newchurch of the New Order. Am I correct?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, you are correct. Newchurch dumped the Sacrament of Extreme Unction on November 30, 1972. All Newchurch will give you now is a last "Blessing for the Sick." Most Newparish presbyters can't even be bothered with this. The blessing is routinely performed now by a Newparish "lay deacon."
Traditionally, what are known as the Last Rites are three: the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, the Sacrament of Penance, and the Sacrament of Holy Viaticum (Last Holy Eucharist). Newchurchers at death are in a real pickle because they are lacking the graces of all three of these Sacraments, which no longer exist in Newchurch. The Sacrament of Extreme Unction was dumped and a mere "Blessing of the Sick" substituted. The Sacrament of Penance (Confession) was dumped on December 2, 1973, and replaced by a Protestantized, invalid "Rite of Reconciliation." The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Viaticum have been replaced by an invalid cookie, simulated by unordained presbyter ministers since the invalid, Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 during the invalid, Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service of 1969 ("New" or "Ordinary" Mess).
In addition to the three traditional Sacraments of Extreme Unction, Penance, and Holy Eucharist (Holy Viaticum), the traditional Catholic priest imparts the Apostolic Blessing with Plenary Indulgence. Again, Newchurch has dumped this. Newchurchers, even if -- and this is hard to accept in modern times -- they are in a state of invincible ignorance about the true Catholic Faith, go to eternity without any of the Sacramental graces that are available to traditional Catholics.
Sadly, Newchurchers, whether they know it or not, exist in a very precarious state of soul, without the graces of any Sacrament, other than perhaps Baptism or Matrimony.
Poor Bishop Richard Williamson, who rejected Fellay's New Order-bent Neo-SSPX, and went independent. Williamson is a nice man who would make an excellent seminary professor, as he was in the past. He is educated and cultured, loves the best music and the best literature, and speaks passionately on subjects such as Beethoven and T.S. Eliot. The problem with professors, which makes them bad leaders, is that they usually catch the "academic disease." They are inclined to debate everything and often can't come to a practical conclusion on important issues. A similar figure to Williamson is the notorious Benedict-Ratzinger, who wrote three prolix volumes on a Novus Ordo approach to Christ, but could not come to the conclusion that the Nativity, which occurred in a cave for animals, complete with a manger (a feeding-trough for animals), that animals actually existed at the Nativity!
Williamson, who got himself hauled into court when he made in Germany ill-considered remarks on the World War II "Holocaust," has now stuck his foot into his mouth once again. You'd think that someone as intelligent as Williamson, who has studied the Newchurch of the New Order and its Novus Ordo ("Ordinary") Mess from its inception, would have heeded the words of Our Lord -- "Let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil" (Matthew 5:37/DRV) -- and communicated a firm conclusion about its invalidity. But, no, he keeps going round and round on this question. In the process, he has ended up confusing and confounding the sincere traditional Catholics who have asked him for his judgment.
Williamson first couldn't give a direct answer to the question at a religious conference some months ago, but instead hemmed and hawed for ten minutes or so, scandalizing the conference participants. Then, after a few months for (hopefully) reflection, he took three attempts in his weekly Bulletin to explain his position, and ended up only confusing and confounding traditional Catholics all the more. Now, these traditional Catholics are starting to wonder whether Williamson is in fact any better than the discredited Novus-Ordo-bent SSPX leader, Bernie Fellay, who panders to the worst errors of the Newpopes.
Now, more months later, in his January 23, 2016, weekly Bulletin, Williamson has taken his fifth stab to explain his position on the status of the Novus Ordo Mess and is still just as confusing as ever. He seems to choke on coming right out and saying that no true Catholic should ever attend that invalid Modernistic travesty of a "Mass." He does, however, say that it is "the central act of worship of the false man-centered religion of Vatican II." He does say that the Novus Ordo Mess "has enormously contributed to countless Catholics losing their faith." Williamson sees elephant dung in Newchurch, but just like the notorious Benedict-Ratzinger, he can't reach the obvious conclusion that there is an elephant defecating there!
It is truly remarkable that after 50 years, Williamson still can't articulate a clear conclusion on the question! What might have been somewhat foggy in the late 1960s is crystal clear now. Williamson attempts to explain his incompetence to reach a clear conclusion by saying that he is concerned about the "pharisaical scorn of any believers outside of the Traditional movement." Is he really concerned about what Newchurch heretics and apostates think? He himself describes their beliefs as "pure rot." Is he really concerned about what a Marxist Newpope who despises traditional Catholics thinks?
True Catholics, we feel sorry for Bishop Williamson. He could have been an important leader in the traditional Catholic movement, but he reminds us now of U.S. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush, once at the top of the polls and now at the bottom. Fellow candidate, now at the top of the polls, Donald Trump, well characterized the ill-stared Bush by two words: "low energy." We TRADITIO Fathers, while liking Williamson personally, join with many other traditional Catholics in expressing our disappointment that he has signally failed in his episcopal duty to be speak loudly and clearly to traditional Catholics the truth, as did his worthy predecessors Fr. Gommar DePauw and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Instead, Williamson has merely ended up confusing and confounding the traditional Catholic faith of many sincere people.
For a refreshingly clear conclusion and succinct, practical guidance about how traditional Catholics should deal with Newchurch, its Mess, and its presbyters, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend Newchurch's "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary" Messes? in the section "Five Practical Rules for Dealing with the New Order Sect" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.