March 2016

TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network, including the Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses
Directory Front Cover

For answers to many questions, consult the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.

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The TRADITIO Network has now been furnishing information about all facets of traditional Roman Catholicism, answering questions both privately and publicly, for over twenty years now, longer than any other traditional site on the Internet. When we started, even the Vatican site didn't exist! We wish that we could show you all of the personal letters we have received from troubled souls who have found here clear, traditional, and honest answers to their questions, free of organizational bias. Thousands of these have reverted or converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith as a result. Our work has always been done free of charge, but at this time of year, we like to remind you, particularly if you have benefited personally from the TRADITIO Network, to remember to make a donation to TRADITIO as part of your almsgiving at this time of year. You may most easily make a donation to TRADITIO's work by using the convenient Make a Donation box above.

March 31, 2016 - Easter Thursday
Semidouble Feast

A Reader Asks: "Did the Church after Vatican II
Actually Have Three Papal Claimants?"

From: John
Pope and Anti-pope

From 1378 to 1417 No One Knew Who the Real Pope Was
During the Great Western Schism, a Period of Forty Years
Even the Saints Disagreed on Who the Real Pope Was
Nevertheless, the Church Survived
And Eventually Pope Martin V Resolved the Controversy

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I have heard that recently there were three claimants to the papacy: in addition to the post Vatican II Newpopes (Giovanni Battista Montini, Albino Luciani, Karol Wojtyla, and Jorge Bergoglio), two other claimants: Pope Pius XIII (Lucian Pulvermacher, obiit 2009) and Pope Gregory XVII (Clemente Dominguez y Gomez, obiit 2005). There may be others.

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

The situation is perplexing, to be sure, but those who know Church history know that it is nothing new; it has all happened before. There were actually three papal claimants during the Great Western Schism. From 1378 to 1417, a period of almost forty years, even the Saints could not agree on who the real pope was! No, in almanacs there are "purified" lists of popes, but these cover up the fact that at the time there was no agreement on who was the pope and who was the anti-pope. Nevertheless, the Church survived and was eventually righted.

For further information, click on HISTORY: A History of the Catholic Church, From Its Beginning to the End of the Sixteenth Century and POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

March 30, 2016 - Easter Wednesday
Semidouble Feast

Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger Is "Close to Death"
Ratzinger Is the Modernist Who Destroyed Catholic Doctrine and Suborned Paedophilia

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Benedict-Ratzinger and Georg Gaenswein

Benedict-Ratzinger's Longtime Private Secretary
Georg Gaenswein (Right) Says that the Modernist Ex-Newpope Is "Close to Death"
Ratzinger Is a Truly Despicable Figure, even for a Corrupt Newpope
Not only Did the Modernist Deliberately Destroy Catholic Doctrine
But He Also Headed, from 1981 to 2013, the Newvatican Congregation
That Suborned Sodomy, Rape, and Sexual Assault upon Children
By Newcardinals, Newbishops, and Presbyters

Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger's longtime private secretary, Newarchbishop Georg Gaenswein, has revealed to the press that the 89-year-old Modernist Newpope, who recently confessed that the Vatican II Anti-council's destruction of the Catholic Church by its heretical new doctrines, doctrines that he himself had written, is "close to death." Newvatican's propaganda machine moved fast to deny the obvious reality, confirmed by his decrepit condition at a recent public appearance.

Ratzinger was far from the "traditionalist" that many clueless Newchurchers think that he was. In fact, Ratzinger was from the start a rapid Modernist, who was personally responsible for formulating Vatican II's Oecumenical Heresy, the doctrine that "all religions are equal" and "we all worship the same god, in the Anti-council's 1964 Lumen gentium document, which replaced the Catholic Church with the Newchurch of the New Order as the "institutional Church." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]

True Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is truly a despicable figure, even for a corrupt Newpope. Not only did the Modernist deliberately destroy Catholic doctrine, but he also headed, from 1981 to 2013, the Newvatican congregation that suborned paedophilia by sodomy, rape, and sexual assault upon children by Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters. Large numbers of the filthy Newchurch clergy, under Ratzinger's aegis, literally got away with murder. It was this immoral conduct forced him to abdicate from the Newpapacy.


Courageous Custodian Cuts down Newbishop's Sacrilege
He Destroyed Images of Mary Poppins and Buddha in the Newcathedral

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Mary Poppins in Newcathedral

Mary Poppins, Not the Blessed Virgin Mary, Is Suspended
In Omaha Newarchbishop George Lucas's Newcathedral
When Lucas Turned His Newcathedral over to Secular Sacrileges
The Newcathedral's Custodian Took Matters into His Own Hands
Mark Kenney Cut Down Mary Poppins and Destroyed a Cardboard Buddha
The Newarchbishop Was So Embarrassed at the Exposure of His Sacrileges
That He Didn't Even Want Recompense from the Courageous Custodian

The custodian of a Newchurch cathedral had enough of Novus Ordo sacrilege and decided to do something about it. When the Newcathedral was decked out to stage not the true Mass, but a campy secular "Night at the Movies," Mark Kenney flipped. On January 29, 2016, he took a pair of bolt cutters, walked onto a catwalk high above the main sanctuary, and cut a steel cable, sending a suspended figure of Mary -- not the Blessed Virgin Mary, but Mary Poppins -- crashing to the floor. After that, Kenney went downstairs and destroyed a cardboard Buddha figure. He threw the Buddha out one door and proceeded to toss costumed secular mannequins out two other doors.

So embarrassed was Newarchbishop George Lucas that he wanted to downplay the sacrileges perpetrated by his New Order sect and declined to have Kenney pay for the $6,000 damages, though Kenney told the misdemeanor court that he was more than willing to pay for the privilege of clearing out Newchurch's sacrileges from the Newcathedral. Kennedy had told the press that Newarchbishop Lucas had committed what amounted to sacrilege and idolatry. Kenney said that his actions had brought attention to the sacrileges that Newchurch has been committing in turning its churches over to secular purposes. The court said that it could well understand Kenney's motivation. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Omaha, Nebraska World Herald.]

True Catholics, this case shows what one individual can do to throw a monkey wrench into the corrupt cogs of the Newchurch of the New Order. And note that the Newarchbishop here backed down. He didn't want to be exposed to any more ridicule -- but that is exactly what he deserves for his sacrileges. If there were a dozen more courageous custodians, the anti-Catholic Newchurch machine might be shut down permanently!


The "Heretic" Newpope Is "Boiling the Frog"
Francis-Bergoglio Is Preparing to Overturn Catholic Doctrine on the Sacraments

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio "the Clown," as He Appeared in St. Peter's Square
The Italian Press Is Roiling with the News
That Bergoglio's Document Concluding the Anti-synod on the Family
Which Is Signed and Is Scheduled to Be Released in Mid April 2016
Will Use a "Battering Ram" to Overturn Catholic Doctrine on the Sacraments
Several Newchurch Leaders, Shocked at Francis-Bergoglio's Heretical Policies
Are Publicly Confronting Him with the Teaching of the Church
That If He Does So, He Is No Pope

The Italian press is reporting that the document just signed, but not to be published until the middle of April 2016, by Francis-Bergoglio to conclude the Anti-synod on the Family, held October 2015, could reveal Bergoglio to the world as a public heretic. The press is dubbing him "the [New]pope who wants to put himself in God's place." The Anti-synod stirred up much hostility against Bergoglio, who wanted to soften the Christian position on sodomy and marriage. Seventy-five percent of the Synod vetoed Bergoglio's notions, and several Newcardinals and Newbishops personally confronted him with a formal demand to cease and desist. Many lay groups also attacked Bergoglio as a sodomite supporter and a destroyer of Catholic marriage.

In his Ides of March document (March 15, 2016), yet to be released, Francis-Bergoglio is reported to be using the issue of giving the New Order cookie to the divorced and remarried because he wishes to use the issue as a "battering ram" to overturn Catholic doctrine on the Sacraments. His action is reported to violate Catholic dogma from the founding of the Church and show him as an open heretic, even worse than a Protestant. After the Anti-Council Vatican II, Newchurch lost five of its sacraments. Like the Protestant sects, Newchurch, under certain circumstances, may confer a valid Baptism and Matrimony, but it has lost, also like the Protestants, the Sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction.

In order, however, to dupe his clueless Newchurchers, Francis-Bergoglio is trying to use the "boiled frog" method, that is, to introduce the heresies with shrewdness and calculation, in the same way that after Vatican II the Mass and Sacraments were not voided all at once, but gradually, as a frog is boiled not all at once, but gradually, so that he does not know to jump out of the pot. Bergoglio, it is reported, will introduce the heresies under the guise of "pastoral care," not doctrine -- the same ruse that was used to introduce the invalid Protestantized "New Mess" and "New Sacraments" after Vatican II. He will also delegate power over these invalid "sacraments" to the unconsecrated Newbishops of the New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Il Giornale of Milan, Italy.]

Several Newchurch leaders, shocked at Francis-Bergoglio's planned heresies, are publicly confronting him with the teaching of the Church. For example:

True Catholics, Newchurch is sinking fast, just as did the Church of the fourth century, when most of the bishops and some of the popes as well became public heretics, affirming the Arian heresy denying the divinity of Christ. But in that century God saw that His Church had the greatest Saints to defend it: St. Athanasius, St. Basil the Great, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Martin of Tours, and many others, who courageously stood up to heretic popes and bishops, at peril to their own lives. The differentiating feature of the Modernist-Vatican II heresy of our age is not the existence of heresy, but the fact that there are no courageous Saints to defend Christ's true Church.

Double Feast of the First Class

The days of violet are gone. The voices of the Old Testament prophets Isaias and Jeremias are stilled. The Alleluias and Glorias that have been missing since Septuagesima return once more, in profusion. "Hence it is that at the Gloria today the bells are rung, the organ peals forth, the statues and pictures are uncovered, and a few moments afterward the glad Alleluias, silenced for nine weeks past, are heard again in jubilant tones, soaring in their triple repetition higher and higher until they seem to mingle with the songs of the angels in heaven." As the great drama of our redemption draws to an end, let us join in the joy of Holy Mother Church today as she specially sets before us after Communion the great psalm of praise to our risen Lord: "Praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise him, all ye people. For his mercy is confirmed upon us; and the truth of the Lord remaineth forever" (Psalms 116:1-2/DRV). Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gregorian Chant of Easter Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Easter Oratorio [BWV 249]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Omnibus Lectoribus Internexus TRADITIONIS

Ex: Reverendis Patribus Internexus TRADITIONIS
Resurrexi Chant

S. Maria Mary Magdalene Ovum Habet, Resurrectionem Repraesentans

"Venit Maria Magdalene ... Videre Sepulchrum"
Ex Antiphona Cantici "Magnificat"
Pro-Vesperis Primae Missae Resurrectionis Cantandis
Traditonaliter Meridie Sancti Sabbati



Through these rites of Holy Saturday, historically and devotionally so gripping, from ancient ages the most solemn of all Vigils of the year, we see Our Lord revealed to us in specific ways, and we in turn are called upon to reflect Him in those ways in our own lives. Together, on this, the "Mother of All Holy Vigils," as St. Augustine calls it, we hear the Lessons that teach us the history of our Faith, the Old Law before the fulfillment of our redemption under the New. We come through the darkness of Our Lord's Passion and Death into the light, as together we now celebrate His glorious Resurrection.
Gregorian Chant of Holy Saturday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Holy Saturday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Holy Saturday Tenebrae
William Byrd: Music for Holy Saturday
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI "MOTU/EXTRAORDINARY/1962+" FALSE RITES. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Holy Saturday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) eliminating two of the three ancient prayers blessing the new fire; (2) replacing the traditional ceremony for inscribing and blessing the Paschal candle with a new one, completely fabricated by the Modernists; (3) eliminating the ancient procession of the triple candle into the church while Lumen Christi was thrice invoked; (4) eliminating eight of the twelve Old Testament prophecies foretelling the coming of Christ; (5) directing that the Collects be chanted at the sedilia rather than the altar, in the manner of the Novus Ordo "presider"; (6) dividing and partially eliminating the traditional Litany of the Saints; (7) introducing a spurious "Renewal of Baptismal Vows" in the vernacular, the first time that the vernacular is explicitly permitted as an integral part of a liturgical rite; (8) eliminating in their entirety from the Mass the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar and the Last Gospel, as does the Novus Ordo service; (9) moving the entire service to nighttime instead of before noon with the First Mass of Easter immediately following at noon, in contravention of the traditional principle that during Lent, in both Western and Eastern rites, there is a symbolic inversion of time as a consequence of the Fall, with the restoration of normality coming only with the victory of the Lord on Easter morning.

Nadal's Christus Descendens ad Inferos

What Transpired when Christ Descended into Limbo
On Holy Saturday

A Reader Asks: "Could You Explain why the Lenten Fast Ends
At Noon on Holy Saturday?"

From: Denise

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I have been attending Easter Vigil since about 1967, and I never recall there being Mass on Holy Saturday during the day. We were taught that there could be no Mass on Good Friday or Holy Saturday because the Lord was on the cross or in the tomb. Easter Mass could only begin at midnight. I realize that I have probably never attend a traditional Catholic Holy Saturday because I had the misfortune to enter the Church after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which destroyed the Catholic Faith and instituted the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964, with its invalid New Mess in 1969. Could you explain what are the truly traditional Catholic rites of Holy Saturday? Also, could you explain why the Lent fast traditionally ends at noon on Holy Saturday?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

The rites of Holy Saturday morning up to noon are not a Mass, but comprise the blessing of the new fire, the lighting of the Paschal candle with the chanted Easter proclamation Exsultet, the reading of the twelve Prophecies, and the chanting of the Litany of the Saints. If there are baptisms, the baptismal font is blessed, and the baptisms conducted.

At noon -- the time having gradually grown earlier over more than a millennium as the extended rites became abbreviated over time and could therefore accomplished finished in the morning -- the First Mass of Easter is celebrated. Lent and the Lenten fast ends, and Paschaltide begins. In 1956 the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini destroyed the ancient Holy Week rites of the Church and replaced them with a Protestantized New Order form, which is used in Newchurch to the present day, almost without modification, so far had they become New Order in 1956. You will find a summary of these major Protestantizing changes above.

Traditional Catholics should shun Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized rites of 1956 like the New Order plague that they are. They were never approved by Pope Pius XII. Instead, Bugnini published them under his own "authority" in a separate book outside the Missale Romanum while Pius XII was thought to be on his deathbed. Note that the 1956 edition of the Missale Romanum itself was not touched, so these anti-Catholic rites can easily be ignored. Therefore, it is a shame that some priests who call themselves Catholic still use Bugnini's Protestantized rites. Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, which is conniving to become an arm of the New Order sect uses these anti-Catholic rites exclusively.

March 25, 2016 - GOOD FRIDAY

There are few scenes liturgically more impressive than the appearance of the church at the beginning of the rites of Good Friday. The bare floor, the dismantled altar, the veiled crucifix, the unlighted candles. Then, when the procession of the celebrant in black vestments with servers has silently made its way to the sanctuary, the sudden prostration before the altar, where the celebrant annihilates himself in abject penitence -- all these are things that can hardly fail to produce an effect upon each one of us. Then follow the sorrowful lessons and tracts and the reading of the Passion of Our Lord, producing a sense of desolation that no other service in the liturgical year approaches. On this day the Church gives her churches an appearance of desolation and clothes her clergy in mourning. Today the Church, and we who enter the church, are in mourning because Our Lord has died to redeem us.
Gregorian Chant of Good Friday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Good Friday Tenebrae
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Good Friday
Tommaso Luigi da Vittoria's Popule Meus
William Byrd: Music for Good Friday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Johannes Passion [BWV 245]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI "MOTU/EXTRAORDINARY/1962+" FALSE RITES. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Good Friday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) changing the one aliturgical day, on which no Mass was celebrated because "the Apostles hid themselves for fear of the Jews," into a full-scale communion service; (2) directing that the "presider" conduct the first part of the service from the sedilia rather than from the altar in Novus Ordo style; (3) directing that the Litanical Prayers be chanted from a book at the center of the altar in contravention of the Roman rite; (4) changing the litanical Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics into a "Prayer for the Unity of Christians"; (5) commanding that a genuflection be made in the litanical Prayer for the Jews, which was anciently omitted because the Jews genuflected to mock Christ during His Agony; (6) allowing the crucifix to be held up for a brief adoration, as in the Novus Ordo, rather than having the people approach the Communion rail to kiss it; (7) suppressing the Solemn Procession from the Repository with the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the ancient hymn Vexilla Regis; (8) eliminating the offertory, incensation, and elevation of the Blessed Sacrament; (9) directing that the congregation recite the Pater Noster with the priest in Novus Ordo style; (10) allowing Communion to be received this day, which was anciently prohibited on Good Friday; (11) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion.

After the celebration of Good Friday at the University of Durham, England, one year, Rev. Dr. T.C.G. Glover, JCD, a former priest of the Roman Oratory, who continued to celebrate the Sacred Triduum in the traditional Roman form, not in the Conciliar-Bugnini "Motu/Extraordinary/1962+" false rites, was asked why he didn't celebrate the New Rite of Holy Week introduced into the New Order church by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini. His answer was pure Dr. Glover at his very best: "I would rather get drunk in a brothel than celebrate that crap."
Nadal's Post Erectam Crucem

What Transpired after the Erection of the Cross
Before Christ Gave up His Spirit
On Good Friday

A Reader Asks: "Is It Forbidden for the Laity
To Receive Holy Communion on Good Friday?"

From: Ron

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

It has come to my attention that it is forbidden for the laity to receive Holy Communion on Good Friday. However, in some circles claiming to be "traditional" communion is, nevertheless, offered. What is the truly traditional Catholic practice?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Communion is forbidden on Good Friday. From the early Church Good Friday has been an aliturgical day (one without a Mass). Only the priest consumes the one extra Host consecrated on Maundy Thursday without a Mass. You may remember that when you attended Mass and services on Maundy Thursday, the one remaining extra Host was carried in procession to the Sepulchre and there reserved for the priest's consumption at the end of the Good Friday service. At that point there is no Sacramental presence in the church.

Some groups that falsely call themselves "traditional," such as Bernie Fellay's Neo-Society of St. Pius X, use the Protestantized service engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in 1956. This was the first wave of "modernizing" changes made by the New Order functionaries to destroy the traditional Sacred Liturgy. It started with the Protestantization of the most ancient sacred traditional rites of Holy Week and led some ten years later to the full-blown invalid "New Mass" -- which is not a Mass, but a Protestant worship service. The 1956 Holy Week rites are an untraditional abomination. They are unCatholic, heretically-based services that are shunned by true Catholics.


We have today to consider a great and awful mystery of betrayal. This betrayal is commemorated in the special Canon used only at this Mass of Maundy Thursday. Judas, one of the twelve chosen disciples of Our Lord, taught by Him for three years, confirmed in the faith by so many miracles, loaded with graces, becomes the tool of those who plot the death of Our Lord. He traitorously sells His Lord to the high priest for the ancient price of a slave, thirty Roman denarii. But Judas here is not only an historical figure of some 2000 years ago. He is spiritually each one of us, sinners, for whom Christ so grievously began His suffering and death this night. Let us consider the betrayal of Judas and what it forces us to confront in our own spiritual lives.
Gregorian Chant of Maundy Thursday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Maundy Thursday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Maundy Thursday Tenebrae
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI "MOTU/EXTRAORDINARY/1962+" FALSE RITES. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this holiest week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Maundy Thursday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) cutting out the Credo and the Last Gospel; (2) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion; (3) importing the Maundy (washing of feet) into the Mass, as in the Novus Ordo; (4) directing that the Collect following the Maundy be chanted "facing the people," as in the Novus Ordo; (5) eliminating the adornment and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Repository; (6) the fabrication of a new "Chrism Mass," which separates the function of the blessing and consecration of the Sacred Oils for the Sacraments from the one Mass of Maundy Thursday.
Nadal's Sacratissimi Sacramenti

The Institution of the Blessed Sacrament
And of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
On Maundy Thursday

Francis-Bergoglio Orders St. Peter's Shrouded in Darkness
Bergoglio's Secular Political Action Actually Signals His Newchurch's Demise

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

On St. Joseph's Feastday, March 19, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio ordered St. Peter's Archbasilica to be shrouded in darkness to serve the purposes of secular interests. By this blasphemous action Bergoglio has actually signaled the demise of his Newchurch of the New Order. Bergoglio commanded that the lights of the dome and facade of the archbasilica and the colonnade of the Piazza San Pietro be shut off from 21:30 to 22:30 UTC to serve the political interests of secular global warmists. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Information Services.]

True Catholics, once again we have Francis-Bergoglio defining himself not as the pope of the Catholic Church, let alone the Newpope of the New Order sect, but as a secular politician, the head of the Vatican City State, a non-country of less than one square kilometre created by the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. In reality, Newchurch and its heads are secularists, having no longer a connection with religion, let alone the Catholic religion.

March 23, 2016 - Wednesday in Holy Week - "Spy" Wednesday
Privileged Ferial Day

Today is known as "Spy Wednesday," in remembrance of the traitorous deed of Judas Iscariot. The Introit gives us a foretaste of what is to come after the passion and death of our Lord: "That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" (Philippians 2:10/DRV). But immediately juxtaposed to this acknowledgment of divine glory is the other side of the equation. This is the refrain that will be repeated at every Hour of the Divine Office beginning tomorrow: "He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Wednesday of Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Lukas Passion [BWV 246]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

A Reader Asks: "Because the Clueless Newchurchers Believe
That They Are Receiving the Real "Eucharist" Make Their Pseudo-sacrament Valid?"

From: Steve

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Can it be correctly argued that the Novus Ordo Mass and pseudo-sacraments valid by virtue of the doctrine "Ecclesia supplet" or because the clueless Newchurchers believe that they are receiving the real "eucharist," forgiveness of sins via the Novus Ordo "rite of reconciliation," and other phony "sacraments"?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Certainly not, and this is bedrock Catholic theology, to deny which is be a heretic. The Catholic principle, fully stated Ecclesia supplet iurisdictionem, applies only to technical problems of jurisdiction, and absolutely does not apply to the validity of Sacraments. The Catholic Church -- and, in any case, the heretical New Order organization instituted in 1964 is not the Catholic Church and has no jurisdiction of its own -- can supply only jurisdiction, not validity. The Church has absolutely no power to make an invalid Sacrament valid or an invalid Mass valid.

Whatever Newchurchers happen to believe makes absolutely no difference as to the validity of the Sacraments. You can believe that an orange is a piece of chocolate, but that does not make it so. A Lutheran may believe that he is receiving the "eucharist" at his "Mess," but that doesn't change the fact that he is munching on a mere piece of bread. This is bedrock Catholic theology from St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's principal theologian, and from all Catholic theologians. To hold otherwise makes one an objective heretic. What Newchurchers believe changes the reality not one iota.

March 22, 2016 - Tuesday in Holy Week
Privileged Ferial Day

Today we turn our sights to the Cross. The Introit consists not of the usual psalm, but with the words of St. Paul, putting the meaning of the Cross into perspective for us: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Galatians 6:14/DRV). Holy Mother Church then adds: "In Whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection: through Whom we have been saved and set free."
Gregorian Chant of Tuesday in Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Markus Passion [BWV 247]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Benedict-Ratzinger Would Recant Vatican II Anti-council
The Man Who Promoted Heresy for Fifty Years Now Claims It Was a "Deep Hole"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

On March 16, 2016, Benedict-Ratzinger, disgraced and abdicated Newpope, publicly stated that the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) had brought Newchurch into a "deep crisis." Ratzinger, who was a full throated supporter of the heretical Vatican II Anti-council, which in 1964 replaced the Catholic Church with the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, is now, on the verge of his own death, having second thoughts about his role in destroying the Catholic Church as the institutional Church. He said that when Vatican II rejected the "formerly indispensable Catholic conviction of the possibility of the loss of eternal salvation, or that people go to Hell," the result was a "deep crisis." "Without this attentiveness to salvation, the faith loses its foundation," Ratzinger now says.

Benedict-Ratzinger also now criticized the "profound evolution of dogma" against the Catholic doctrine: "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus," there is no salvation outside the Church. Ratzinger here shows that, whatever may be his current misgivings, he apparently remains an objective heretic because dogma, by infallible Catholic teaching, cannot evolve. Ratzinger does, however, rightly state that the Church's missionary work has collapsed as a result of this heresy and that Newchurchers are falling way in droves from the faith and morality of Christianity.

Poor Ratzinger! The man who was famously pictured swilling beer with the heretic Karl Rahner, a leader of the Protestant rebellion at the Anti-council, now refutes Rahner's theology that Ratzinger then accepted. Ratzinger now even seems to want to reject the Oecumenist heresy of Vatican II, which Ratzinger himself wrote, under which "all religions are equal" and "we all worship the same god." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Avvenire, the Daily Newspaper of the Italian [New]bishops' Conference.

True Catholics, do not be fooled. As always, Benedict-Ratzinger is all talk and no action. This discredited, abdicated Newpope was prancing around the halls of Vatican II in secular suit, boot, and tie. It was he himself who formulated and had introduced the Oecumenical heresy. It was he who pushed this heresy, and others, all through his Newpapacy. It is very late for this founder of Newchurch to be having second thoughts about all the heresies that he promoted his entire life, even as Newpope. Ratzinger must now be staring at a very deep hole of his own that is scaring the Hades out of him.

March 21, 2016 - Monday in Holy Week
Privileged Ferial Day

Today we begin by placing our trust firmly in God. In the Introit psalm (Iudica, Domine, nocentes me, expugna impugnantes me), we call upon the Lord to battle against those who are impugning us. We call upon the Lord to take up arms and shield, and we call upon Him as the strength of our salvation. The Collect acknowledges how many adversities we face and how we fail from human infirmity. It is only through the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ that we are given life again (respiremus).
Gregorian Chant of Monday in Holy Week
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Francis-Bergoglio to Fire His Anti-"Gay Marriage" D.C. Nuncio
Newarchbishop Vigano to Be Sacked for Arranging Anti-"Gay Marriage" Meeting

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

When Francis-Bergoglio made his junket to the United States in September 2015, he met in his nunciature in Washington, D.C., the county clerk, Kim Davis, who was imprisoned for refusing to issue "gay marriage" licenses. Bergoglio's nuncio, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, had arranged the meeting. Later, Bergoglio's Modernist friends criticized him for meeting with Davis. Now the homophiliac Bergoglio is expected to fire Vigano before Easter 2016 for arranging the meeting.

Vigano was vocally opposed to "gay marriage" throughout his five-year tenure as nuncio, while Bergoglio shocked the Catholic world by cozying up to sodomy, instead of calling it what it is, One of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. Bergoglio had no problem hugging and kissing his homosexual waiter buddy, together with his "gay" partner, at the same D.C. nunciature on the same day.

In place of the conservative Vigano, Francis-Bergoglio is expected to appoint the liberalist Newarchbishop Christophe Pierre, a French-born Newchurcher, who is currently the nuncio to Mexico. Reliable sources expect Vigano to be fired and Pierre to be installed before Easter 2016. Pierre is expected to push in the United States Bergoglio's agenda to promote unlimited illegal immigration, a position for which U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump called Bergoglio to task, as a result of which Bergoglio was forced to apologize and back off. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by America.]

True Catholics, once again we see Francis-Bergoglio exposed as not a Newpope but as a secular politician. The man consistently rejects Catholic doctrine to promote a Marxist political agenda. As such, he is no pope, but merely the president of Vatican City State, a postage stamp of a pseudo-country constituted by the Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini, which comprises less than one square kilometer.

March 20, 2016 - Palm Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

AS HOLY WEEK, THE MOST SACRED WEEK OF THE YEAR, BEGINS, true Catholics traditionally complete the daily chores that might be an obstacle to participating in the ancient, traditional rites of Holy Week. All true Catholics should attend the traditional sacred rites on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, if at all possible. On Maundy Thursday we commemorate the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the First Mass, and the Ordination of the Apostles. The priesthood and the holy Eucharist are living events that should remind us of the continuing value of Christ's act of redemption for the sin of man. Good Friday is an unforgettable reminder to all of us of the price of being a follower of Christ. We have to give something of ourselves to be followers of Christ. The Holy Saturday Vigil is the most solemn memorial of the central mystery of our redemption: Christ's saving death and glorious resurrection. We are reminded that we are obligated as Catholics to carry Christ into our world.

Palm Sunday

The Fully-Traditional (Pre-1956) Palm Sunday Rites
As Celebrated at Westminster Cathedral, London, 1919
The Traditional Holy Week Rites Were Gutted in 1956
By the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini
It Is These Half Novus Ordo Rites
That Are Used in the "Motu/Extraordinary Liturgy"

WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI "MOTU/EXTRAORDINARY/1962+" FALSE RITES. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Palm Sunday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) directing that red vestments be used, as in the Novus Ordo service, instead of the traditional violet vestments; (2) eliminating the Introit, Collect, Epistle, Responsory, Gospel, Preface, and Sanctus of the First Mass, after which the palms are blessed; (3) directing the priest to leave the altar and face the congregation Novus-Ordo style while blessing the palms; (4) eliminating four of the five ancient prayers of blessing; (5) eliminating the prayers and ceremonial of re-entering the church after the procession of the palms; (6) directing that the priest chant the final Collect facing the congregation Novus-Ordo style with his back to the Holy Tabernacle; (7) eliminating entirely the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar; (8) eliminating the beginning and end of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew; (9) eliminating the Last Gospel, as in the Novus Ordo service.
All the ceremonies of Palm Sunday -- the blessing of the palms, the procession, the chanted Hosannas -- are instituted by Holy Mother Church to recall the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem on this day. What a contrast, at only six days' interval, between the honors rendered to Our Lord today and the affronts and blasphemies that will greet Him five days hence on Good Friday! Let us learn these three things from the great lesson taught us by Our Lord on Palm Sunday. First, to be content to rely not upon man, but upon God alone for consolation and the witness of our sorrows and sufferings. Second, to detach ourselves from earthly possessions, which often come at our soul's cost. Third, to set no store by earthly greatness, notice, fame, or applause. "For after all these things do the heathens seek" (Matthew 6:32/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Palm Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Mattaeus Passion [BWV 244]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Francis-Bergoglio Publicly Supports a Notorious Abortionist
Does This Act Signal the Marxist Newpope's Coming Approval of Abortion?

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The news of Francis-Bergoglio's praise on March 11, 2016, for Italian abortionist Emma Bonino has caused a stir among Newchurchers worldwide. The demented Bergoglio has issued unqualified praise of Italy's leading abortion advocate, calling her a "forgotten great."

It isn't just abortion that Francis-Bergoglio has been promoting lately. He also has turned a blind eye to sodomy, One of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. He exchanged gifts with a pro-sodomite Novus Ordo presbyter in Italy, he publicly embraced his bosom-buddy and the buddy's homosexual "partner." He apponted to the 2015 Extraordinary Synod on the Family Newbishops and Newcardinals openly at odds with Catholic teaching on life and family.

Suggestions that Francis-Bergoglio did not know about Bonino’s controversial stances are dismissed by Italians because she was famously arrested for illegal abortions and then became a politician who has led the fight for the legalization of abortion in Italy. For many years she has also promoted euthanasia, homosexual "marriage," legalization of recreational drugs, graphic sex education, and more. Beyond that, Bergoglio has been acquainted with Bonino and the Radical Party leadership for years and has been openly criticized for his warm relations with them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life Site News.]

True Catholics, not only in his public approval of abortionist Emma Bonino, but in other actions and statements previously reported, including calling those Newchurchers opposed to abortion "doctrinaire," Francis-Bergoglio seems ready to soften his New Order sect's opposition to the murder of children. Bergoglio is once again exposed as working on the side of Satan, not of Christ and his true Catholic Church.


Francis-Bergoglio to Con-anize Theresa "the Heretic"
Calcuttese Novus Ordo Nun Supported a Paedophile Presbyter and Syncretism

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Theresa of Calcutta Funeral

Theresa of Calcutta's 1997 Hindu-esque "White" Funeral
Newchurch Has Admittedly Invested Millions of Dollars in Propaganda
To Make This Heretical Woman a Newsaint of Newchurch
Who Supported a Notorious Paedophile as Her Spiritual Director
Who Openly Advocated the Equality of the Mohammedan Sect with Christianity
And Who Took Large Donations from a Murderous Latin American Dictator
Newchurch Doctored up a "Miracle" for This Woman
Which Even Her Own Physicians Publicly Stated Was a Fraud

On the murderous Ides of March, March 15, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio announced that he was ignoring the fact that he admitted taking bribes up to 1,000,000 U.S. dollars to "create" phony Newsaints and proceeded with the invalid con-anization of the paedophile-supporter and public heretic-syncretist Theresa of Calcutta on September 4, 2015. Bergoglio's action was scandalous on a number of fronts, among them:

  1. Theresa is the first Newsaint to be con-anized after Francis-Bergoglio & Co. admitted that they had been taking bribes of up to 1,000,000 U.S. dollars to "create" these phony saints. Bergoglio's fraud and corruption were exposed by Italian journalists in two devastating 2015 books, aptly entitled Merchants in the Temple and Avarice, based upon actual Newvatican documents.

  2. Bergoglio, well aware of the scandalous past of the Hindu/Novus Ordo "nun," deliberately rushed through the invalid con-anization not even twenty years after Theresa's death, before the nun's scandalous past could become widely known and derail the "poster-girl" of the New Order sect.

  3. The "miracle" that supposedly proved Theresa's sanctity was publicly exposed as a fraud by Theresa's physicians, who wanted to come to Newrome to testify to the truth. Newrome told them to stay home and not to derail the phony con-anization with the truth.

  4. Theresa supported a notorious paedophile as the spiritual director of her congregation. Even when indisputable proof was reported publicly that this presbyter had taken boys on foreign trips and raped them there, Theresa stood behind the paedophile, ignoring the words of St. Paul the Apostle: "They who do these things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them (Romans 1:32/DRV).

  5. Theresa was practitioner of syncretism, condemned by Catholic popes, because its purpose is to mix heretical beliefs and practices with the true Catholic Faith. Theresa was substantially a Hindu pagan who posed as a Newchurch "nun." She was exposed as a public heretic from her own mouth on September 7, 1997: "Some call Him [God] Allah, some simply God," she proclaimed, equating infidel Mohammedanism with Christianity. She went on to say: "Of course I convert [not to the true Catholic Faith]. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you've found God, it's up to you to decide how to worship Him." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

True Catholics, Newchurch "canonizations" are actually "cons," con-anizations. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's principal theologian, already allowed for this possibility, and now it has come to fruition almost a millennium after he foresaw it. Theresa of Calcutta now joins corrupt individuals like JPII-Wojtyla of Krakow, also a syncretist and public heretic, in the pantheon of anti-saints of the Newchurch New Order. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section " 'Canonizations' - New Order" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

March 18, 2016 - Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Double Major Feast

Newmonsignor Who Exposed Francis-Bergoglio Claims:
A Beautiful Female Spy Made Me Do It with "Sexual Tension"!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Emiliano Fittipaldi, Gianluigi Nuzzi & Francesca Chaouqui

Two Italian Journalists and a Courageous Administrator in the Newvatican Dock
Francis-Bergoglio Wants to Throw Them into His Newvatican Dungeon
For Revealing that Bergoglio Has Been Siphoning off 80 per Cent
Of Charitable Donations Made by Newchurchers to "Peter's Pence"
Bergoglio & Co. Spent the Money from the Poor Box on Personal Extravagances
Bergoglio Has Already Admitted to Graft, to Being Paid Off
In Some Cases up to 1,000,000 U.S. Dollars, to Create Phony Newsaints

Can Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican become even more ridiculous than it is? The answer, given current events, is a definite yes! Bergoglio's Newmonsignor Angel Vallejo Balda, whom Bergoglio has jailed in Newvatican and is putting on trial for telling the truth about the Newpope, claimed on March 14, 2016, from the Newvatican dock that he spoke up because he was "manipulated" by a beautiful female spy. The irony of it all is that Francesca Chaouqui is an agent for none other than Bergoglio himself, having been appointed, along with Balda, to Bergoglio's powerful Economic Reform Commission.

In the so-called "Vatileaks II" trial, Francis-Bergoglio is prosecuting Balda, his assistant, Chicoqui, and the two Italian journalists, who were courageous whistleblowers depicting in their two 2015 best-selling books a Bergoglio Newvatican plagued by graft. Recently, Bergoglio himself admitted to graft, indicating that he had been paid off, in some cases up to 1,000,000 U.S. dollars, to create phony Newsaints.

The two journalists also documented in their 2015 best-selling books that Francis-Bergoglio & Co. have been taking an 80 per cent cut out of all donations made by Newchurchers to the "Peter's Pence" charity fund headed by Bergoglio. This 80 per cent was used by Bergoglio & Co. to subsidize their luxurious lifestyles. Any notion that Bergoglio is penurious is pure Newvatican propaganda, swallowed by clueless Newchurchers all over the world.

The ridiculous Newmonsignor Balda claimed that he saw "no way out" of giving in to pressure from Chaouqui and her husband, and he so spilled the beans on Bergoglio. Balda admitted that all the pregnant Chaouqui had to do was to tell him that she was a spy and offer to use her connections to get him a meeting with Barack Obama when he visited Newvatican in 2014. Balda confessed that he had been an easy mark because Chaouqui applied "sexual tension" to him! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

True Catholics, the Vatileaks I scandal, which revealed in detail, though official Newvatican documents, the gross corruption of the Benedict-Ratzinger regime, forced Ratzinger to abdicate the Newpapacy, the first to do so in more than half a millennium. Now Francis-Bergoglio is facing Vatileaks II. For merely telling the truth about him, Bergoglio wants to throw the five courageous whistleblowers into his Newvatican dungeon for eight years. Before that happens, Bergoglio, Deo adiuvante, may be forced to abdicate, just as his predecessor did. Bergoglio has already said that his Newpapacy is almost over.

March 17, 2016 - St. Patrick, Bishop & Confessor
Double Feast

Gregorian Chant for Holy Week and Easter
The Chant Helps Us Direct Ourselves toward God in This Holiest Season

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Holy Week and Easter CD

To Help Us Direct Our Whole Being, Soul And Body, toward God during Lent
Praying with the Sacred Chant of This Season
Is an Excellent Way to Help Set a Recollected and Prayerful Mood
To Rejuvenate Our Spiritual Lives
As We Embark on the Holiest Season in the Church's Liturgical Year

As human beings, we need to make use of material things to help us direct our whole being, soul and body, towards God: beautiful statues, pictures, music, incense, books, the Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Scripture -- the list goes on. Playing Gregorian chant in your home is an excellent way to help set a recollected and prayerful mood, for example, playing Gregorian chant every Sunday morning gets us get ready for Mass, and the especially beautiful chant for Holy Week and Easter.

The TRADITIO Fathers acknowledge the contributions of the St. John Schola as an international leader in the practice of the Sacred Chant, providing to traditional Catholics live recordings of the type of chant pieces that they might hear in their own traditional church or chapel rendered by a small lay choir. The St. John Schola, an independent organization separate from the TRADITIO Network, for many years has provided as a courtesy to our readers information, resources, and recordings of the Sacred Chant that has been the proper music of the Roman Catholic Church for 2,000 years. We particularly draw TRADITIO readers' attention to the following CD, so necessary for a true appreciation of this holiest season in the Church's liturgical year:

Holy Week and Easter (Volume 9)
This CD includes significant excerpts from the Rites of Palm Sunday, the Sacred Triduum, and Easter. It includes the Procession of the Palms to the tolling of the carillon and the Gloria Laus, alternating inside and outside at the closed door of the church; the polyphonic Popule Meus for Good Friday by Vittoria, sung a duetto by the cantors; the Pro-Vespers from the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday morning; the Kyrie Eleison, troped by the cantor in the mediaeval style; the special Paschal Gradual Haec Dies, sung by the cantors; the Easter Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes; and the Paschal Ite, Missa Est with distinctive doubled Alleluia.

For ordering and descriptive information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.

March 16, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

Traditional Catholic "Resistance" Ordains New Clerics
At Its New Traditional Seminary under New Traditional Bishop Faure

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Resistance Ordinands

Independent Traditional Catholic Bishop Jean-Michel Faure
Poses in Front of the Traditional Catholic Benedictine Monastery
Near Avrille, France, with the Eight New Ordinands
From the Traditional Catholic Seminary of St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort
And with Some of the More than Sixty Traditional Catholic Friars of the Monastery
Who in 2015 Abandoned the Neo-SSPX's Misleader, Bernie Fellay
When Fellay Tried to Sell out His Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect

In his March 12, 2016, weekly bulletin, independent traditional Catholic Bishop Williamson announced that on February 5, 2016, independent traditional Catholic bishop Jean-Michel Faure, who had been consecrated by Williamson for the independent traditional Catholic movement on March 19, 2015, had ordained five young men, three from France, one from England, one from Italy, and one from Brazil, into the traditional Catholic clergy at a Pontifical Mass celebrated at the Dominican Friary in Avrille, France. Bishop Williamson had previously announced that the informal association of traditional Catholic priests known as "The Resistance" had opened a traditional Catholic seminary in the autumn of 2015 near Angers, France, the Seminary of St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort. Eight seminarians entered the seminary at that time.

In 2015 the Avrille Dominicans, comprising eleven priests and fifty religious of the the Dominican Monastery and the Dominican Convent, abandoned Fellay and went independent when Fellay tried to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect. Before the recent ordinations an informal meeting of the priests of the Priestly Union of Marcel Lefebvre (USML), co-ordinated by Fr. Bruno, OSB, and presided over by Bishop Faure, met. These members of The Resistance needed no formal structure to pledge their fidelity to Christ and his (traditional) Catholic Church.

True Catholics, since the disaster of the invalid New Mess and the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) to the present day, most traditional Catholic priests have not needed to affiliate themselves with any formal structure, chastened by the corruption of the Newchurch of the New Order and the treason of Bernie Fellay, who turned Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional Catholic organization into a New Order-leaving Neo-SSPX, which is, as Bishop Williamson correctly writes "Hell-bent for Conciliar Rome."

March 15, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent - The Ides of March

A Reader Asks: "Can the Traditional Latin Mass
Be Validly Celebrated in the Vulgar Tongue of English?"

From: Michael
Titulus Crucis

The Title of the Holy Cross, in the Three Sacred Languages
The Dogmatic Council of Trent Decreed as an Excommunnicate
Anyone Advocating the Use of the Vulgar Tongues in the Mass
It Isn't a Matter of Mere "Rubrics"
It Is a Matter of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith and Sacred Tradition
Vulgar (Profane) Tongues by Their Nature Are Excluded from Sacred Worship
Only a Sacred Language (Latin in the West, Greek in the East)
Can Be Used Validly so as Not to Offend God Almighty in the Worship Due Him

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I was asked by a relative if the Traditional Latin Mass can be celebrated in the vulgar tongue of English. I said that I didn't think it was permissible according to the rubrics. Can the Traditional Latin Mass be celebrated in English? If not, is there a specific place where that is stated?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

No, the Traditional Latin Mass cannot be celebrated in the vulgar tongue of English. To suggest such a thing incurs anathema (excommunication) by the decree of the dogmatic Council of Trent (Sess. XXIII, Can. 9). In fact, the Anglican heretics tried to do just this in the 16th century. Nor is it a matter of mere "rubrics." Rather, it is a matter of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith and of Sacred Tradition. Vulgar (profane) tongues, such as English, by their nature are excluded from Sacred Worship. Only a Sacred Language (Latin in the West, Greek in the East) can be used (cf. Luke 23:38, John 19:20).

Moreover, any "translation" would lose the exact meaning of the original and so would make the Mass doubtful, and thus invalid for use. Languages are not interchangeable. The notion that one language can be put into some "translation" machine and pop out in another language is absurd. The very notion of a "translation" is flawed, as anyone who is familiar with languages knows. All that can be produced is a kind of limited paraphrase. That is not good enough for a valid Sacrament, which requires the precision and tradition of the original languages.

The Modernists who replaced the Catholic Church with the Newchurch of the New Order as the "institutional Church" in 1964 knew this fact only too well. They knew that they could not introduce their heretical, Protestantized (and worse) notions in Latin. They would have to overcome 2,000 years of the most precise Traditional understanding of the Latin theological texts, worked over by such geniuses as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the other Fathers and Doctors of the Church. No, the Modernists could perpetrate their fraud only in the vulgar tongues, and it was in this way that they fabricated the anti-Catholic Newchurch with its invalid "sacraments" and theology.

So, the 2,000-year precision of Catholic Latin texts was dumped in Newchurch, and ambiguous and erroneous "translations" into modern vulgar tongues was introduced. As an example, take the word spirit. In Latin, its meaning is carefully defined. But in English, the word can have more than a dozen different meanings, from the excitement at a football game to the soul to a leprechaun to a goblin to the gist of a phrase. The validity of a Sacrament or of precise theological teaching cannot survive in such a linguistic state.

For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Sacred Languages: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

March 14, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

Newvatican Admits that It Has Taken Bribes to Create Newsaints
But Francis-Bergoglio Still Arrested the Two Journalists Who Revealed the Scam

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Gianluigi Nuzzi and Emiliano Fittipaldi

Francis-Bergoglio Arrested Italian Journalists
Gianluigi Nuzzi (Left) and Emiliano Fittipaldi
For Exposing that Newvatican Has Been Taking Bribes
Of Up to One Million Dollars
To Create Phony Newchurch "Saints"
Among These are the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla
And the Syncretistic Newsaint Designate Teresa of Calcutta
Wojtyla Himself Created 482 Phony Newsaints

Just as the TRADITIO Fathers have been reporting for years, Newchurch's process for designating Newsaints is thoroughly corrupt and phony. In revelations that have astonished the international press, Newchurch itself has now admitted that it has been taking bribes of up to one million U.S. dollars to make these phony Newsaints -- among them the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla and the Syncretistic Newsaint Designate Teresa of Calcutta.

Newvatican has revealed that it has been taking bribes averaging of 750,000 dollars to create phony New Order "saints." Francis-Bergoglio's regime, contrary to the falsely rosy picture often portrayed in the press, is actually sinking fast, as more and more Newchurchers abandon Bergoglio's New Order sect because of his continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and his Marxist teaching. Gross mismanagement and corruption has became rife under Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio, whose process favored Newsaint candidates from wealthy countries.

When Italian journalists Gianluigi Nuzzi and Emiliano Fittipaldi documented the bribes in their books Merchants in the Temple and Avarice, respectively, Francis-Bergoglio had the two journalist put on trial within Newvatican for publishing supposedly "confidential" documents. In one case, one official involved in the cause of a Newsaint charged one million dollars. Bergoglio issued new regulations on March 10, 2015, to cap the money required, but did nothing to stop the phony Newsaint-making process and did not dismiss the cases of journalist Nuzzi and Emiliano Fittipaldi, who exposed the corruption.

The corrupt new Newsaint-making process initiated by JPII-Wojtyla in 1983, under which Wojtyla himself became an Unsaint in 2014, is notorious for phonying up "miracles" for politicized choices. Wojtyla during his quarter-century regime phonied up 482 Newsaints, more than all of his 2000 years of predecessors combined. His corruption was depicted in the 2015 Academy Award-winning Best Picture, Spotlight. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters and the Associated Press.]

True Catholics, all of this money is being extorted by Newpopes and Newvatican for a process that doesn't even declare valid Catholic Saints. The process is null and void, like everything after the Vatican II Anti-council replaced the Catholic Church as the institutional Church in 1964 with the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section " 'Canonizations' - New Order" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

March 13, 2016 - Passion Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

Passion Sunday marks the beginning of the last two weeks of Lent, the period called Passiontide. It is the more solemn part of the Lenten season, concentrating our attention on Christ's Passion and Death on the Cross for us. Even more so than in the first four weeks of Lent, the Church relinquishes any signs of joy. Today's Gospel uses the words: "Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple" (John 8:59/DRV). Thus derives this Sunday's most striking aspect: the altar crucifix and statues are veiled in the wrappings of violet, the color of penitence and an outward sign of the inward sorrow of the season. In the Divine Office and Holy Mass, yet another layer of joyfulness is stripped back. Since Septuagesima, we have not heard the Alleluia. Now, with Passiontide, we no longer hear even the Gloria Patri at the Asperges, at Mass, or at the Hours of the Divine Office, except to conclude the Psalms. Even that remainder will be stripped back when we enter the Sacred Triduum, the last three most solemn days of Lent and of the entire Church calendar.

Francis-Bergoglio Has Chosen the Unholiest Day of the Year
To Con-anize Teresa of Calcutta as a Phony Newsaint of the New Order

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Teresa of Calcutta

Teresa of Calcutta Caught in the Objective Act of Sacrilege
Touching What Is Supposed to the Most Blessed Sacrament
With Her Unconsecrated Hands
And Handing out the (Invalid) Novus Ordo Cookie to Her Novus Ordo Nuns
This New Order Pseudo-saint Practiced Mohammedanism Mixed with Christianity
Publicly Supported a Notorious Paedophile as the Spiritual Director of Her Congregation
And Took Money from Murderous Dictators
Newchurch Had to Concoct a Phony Miracle for Her

There it is in the traditional Martyrologium Romanum, the hefty book containing the names of all the Saints canonized by the Church. Each day at the Divine Office of Prime, the first hour of the day, just after sunrise, traditional Catholic monasteries and convents around the world hear the Martyrology for the day chanted, after the confession and before the prayer to Holy Mary and the Saints. The Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) expurgated the traditional Hour of Prime.

The true Catholic liturgy is so traditional that the Roman Martyrology still designates dates by the ancient Roman calendar using Kalends, Nones, Ides. And there it is, under March 15: Idibus Martii, the Ides of March, that most unholy of days, on which the Perpetual Dictator of the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar, was brutally assassinated in 44 B.C. with 33 knife wounds by Roman Senators, led by Junius Brutus, who cut down the autocrat crying, Sic semper tyrannis!

The Ides of March 2016 is the day on which Francis-Bergoglio will announce that the syncretist, sacrilegious Newnun is a Newsaint. It is as if God were laughing at Francis-Bergoglio and his whole anti-Catholic New Order, as well as at the pseudo-saint Teresa, who practiced infidel Mohammedanism mixed with Christianity; the pseudo-saint Teresa, who publicly supported a notorious paedophile as the spiritual director of her congregation; the pseudo-saint Teresa, who took money from murderous Latin American dictators far worse than Julius Caesar. Yet Newchurch, desperate to ram through another phony Newsaint, doctored a phony "miracle" for her, which Teresa's own physicians said was not a miracle, but merely a medication that allowed her to live for only another year, after which she expired. When Teresa's physicians wanted to go to Newrome to testify as to the truth, Newvatican told them: Stay home. We don't want the truth to stop the Teresa bandwagon.

True Catholics, you don't have to worry about the phony con-anization by the Marxist Newpope and his New Order sect of the syndicalist heretic Teresa. It is all null and void. We have this on the highest theological authority of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, who, from his perspective in the thirteenth century, foresaw the corruption of the Modernist Newchurch in the second half of the 20th century onward. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "'Canonizations' - New Order" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

March 12, 2016 - St. Gregory the Great, Pope, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Rome Has Gone to the Rats in More Ways than One
The Newchurch Infestation Has Spread to All of Rome

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Rats Have Taken over Newvatican and Rome Itself
We Know that since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965)
The Metaphorical Rats Have Taken over the Newchurch of the New Order
But the Infestation and a "Stink" Have Now Spread to All of Rome Itself
Francis-Bergoglio and the Stink Of Heresy and Immorality
That He Has Brought to Newrome in just Two Years of His Newpapacy

Newchurch's infestation with rats has spread to all of Rome itself. The National Roman Museum near Rome's central Termini station had to be shut down on March 2, 2016, because rat blood had polluted the place. Rome's Superintendent of Archaeology, Francesco Prosperetti, said that an operation to control the vermin, which are now being found all over the city, would be undertaken. He did not say whether the eradication of rats would extend to the Newvatican and whether Newchurch rats like Francis-Bergoglio would also be eradicated in the operation. Prosperetti said that "big rats" were coming out of the ground. It was uncertain, given the recent exposure of Francis-Bergoglio's personal involvement in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, whether Francis-Bergoglio and his corrupt lieutenants were meant to be included in Prosperetti's description.

One of the museum's workers said: "We realized yesterday morning that a stink was emanating from Rome," perhaps from Newvatican. Rome's mayoral candidate, Guido Bertolaso, said: "Rome is a city in ruins, where degradation is the norm." Traditional Catholics immediately understood that Bertolaso was referring to Francis-Bergoglio and the stink of heresy and immorality that he has brought to Newchurch in just two years of his Newpapacy. Bertolaso called for "zero tolerance for every form of degradation." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the ANSA Italian News Service.]

True Catholics, even God's rats know that Newrome and its Newpopes stick to high heaven. One can only hope that the extermination planned will include getting the Newchurch vermin as well as the other rats. Traditional Catholics will recall Francis-Bergoglio as Psalm 21:6 is recited as the altars are stripped at the end of the Maundy Thursday ceremonies in their traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories: "Ego autem sunt vermis, et no homo: opprobrium hominum, et abjectio plebis" [But I am a worm, and no man: the reproach of men, and the outcast of the people].

March 11, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio Snubs Child Sex Victims of His Presbyters
The Newpope of "Mercy" Has No Mercy for the Children His Officials Raped

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio and Child

Francis-Bergoglio Is Implicated by His Newcardinal Pell's Testimony
As a De Facto Accomplice in Paedophile Crimes
Bergoglio Has Refused to Meet with the Child Victims
Of Rape and Sodomy by His Presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals
The Victims Had Come to Newrome to Tell the "Unholy Father" Their Story
Bergoglio Sent Them Back Unheard to Australia
Because They "Had Not Made Their Request through the Proper Channels"

The child victims of Francis-Bergoglio's paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals who traveled to Newrome at their own expense to tell Bergoglio personally how he and his officials have ruined their lives, were denied an audience. The reason Bergoglio's spokesman gave was that the victims "had not made their request through the proper channels." But this was just another lie on the part of Bergoglio's lieutenants. In fact, the child victims had faxed their request to the Prefecture of the Papal Household.

The victims, still ignorantly kowtowing to Newchurch's own High Priest Caiphas, should not have let Bergoglio off the hook. The victims should have sat in front of Bergoglio's ritzy private hotel, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, until he met with them. That is what the persistent woman in the Bible did, and Christ praised her for it in the Parable of the Unjust Judge and the Persistent Woman:

There was a judge in a certain city who feared not God, nor regarded man. And there was a certain widow in that city, and she came to him, saying: Avenge me of my adversary. And he would not for a long time. But afterwards he said within himself: Although I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow is troublesome to me, I will avenge her, lest continually coming she weary me (Luke 18:2-5/DRV).

All too many traditional Catholics fail to follow Christ's teaching in this parable. Instead of persisting, that is, displaying the Cardinal Moral Virtue of Fortitude (Courage), they knuckle under to phony Newchurch officials, committing the sin of false obedience.

Francis-Bergoglio's Chief Financial Officer, Newcardinal George Pell, whom he personally appointed in 2014, has been exposed in three days of public testimony as being a paedophile accomplice in 138 crimes against more than 50 children in Australia. No wonder Bergoglio is too ashamed to meet with the child victims! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's hypocritical words can no longer cover up the reality that he is an accomplice and accessory both before and after the fact in paedophile crimes. This modern-day hypocritical High Priest Caiphas, about whom we hear much this Passiontide, must already have a space reserved for Bergoglio in you-know-where!

March 10, 2016 - Forty Holy Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Francis-Bergoglio's Lobbyist Spills the Beans
She Implicates Bergoglio and His Newcardinal Pell in a Cover-up Plot

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francesca Chaouqui

Francesca Chaouqui, Benedict-Ratzinger's Lobbyist Has Spilled the Beans
"Una Bomba" Implicates Bergoglio and His Newcardinal Pell in a Plot
To Spirit the Newcardinal out of Australia
Where a Royal Commission Is Investigating Him
For Complicity in Sex Crimes against Hundreds of Child Victims
Pell Now Has a Newvatican Diplomatic Passport and Has Refused a Subpoena
Fearing Leave Rome to Testify before the Royal Commission in Australia

Francesca Chaouqui, Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's lobbyist, known familiarly as "Lady Vatican," has publicly charged that Newcardinal George Pell, whom Bergoglio appointed in 2014 to head all of Newchurch's finances, influenced Bergoglio to rush an investigation of his complicity in paedophilia, in order that Pell could become Chief Financial Officer of Bergoglio's Newvatican. Bergoglio did, in fact, appoint Pell to the top position on February 24, 2014.

Chaouqui, a member of Francis-Bergoglio's "reform" commission, said that Pell was angling to get out of Australia, where the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was investigating his role in hundreds of paedophile crimes, in order that he could hide in Newvatican with a diplomatic passport that gave him immunity. Pell's "strong record of tackling incompetence, corruption, and cover-up in [New]church life in Australia is precisely the reason he was asked to come to Rome" by Bergoglio.

Chaouqui, scandalized by Francis-Bergoglio's complicity, joined with Spanish Newmonsignor Angel Vallejo Baldo and Italian journalists Emiliano Fittipaldi and Gianluigi Nuzzi to expose secret documents that revealed waste, greed, and mismanagement at the highest levels of Newchurch, right up to Bergoglio. Nuzzi's expose of Bergoglio, entitled Merchants in the Temple, is a best seller in Rome and around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sydney Morning Herald.]

True Catholics, the noose is tightening around Francis-Bergoglio. Even his own appointees are now fingering him as the mastermind managing Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Newcardinal Pell has fingered Bergoglio. Chaouqui has fingered Bergoglio. Fittipaldi and Nuzzi have fingered Bergoglio. No wonder Bergoglio claims that his Newpapacy will last less than five years!

March 9, 2016 - St. Frances of Rome, Widow
Liturgical Rank

Newchurch Presbyter Steals from the Dead
With Ten Accomplices He Desecrates "Campo Santo" Cemetery

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
'Campo Santo' Cemetery

"Campo Santo" Cemetery, a Philippine National Cultural Treasure
Was Desecrated by a Newchurch Presbyter and Ten Accomplices
Out to Rob the Tombs of the Faithful Departed
After Newchurch Stopped Ordaining Priests in 1968
And Started Installing Protestantized Presbyter-Ministers
All Hell Broke Literally Loose In Newchurch
And Many Presbyters, Not Speak Of Newbishops, Newcardinals, And Newpopes
Turned Into Paedophiles, Grave Robbers, Money-Launderers, and Criminal Accomplices

A Newchurch presbyter in the Philippines has been arrested for robbing the dead in the ancient "Campo Santo" cemetery of San Joaquin in The Philippines. Nelson Silvela not only attempted the thefts himself, but as pastor of San Joaquin Newparish, allowed a group of ten men to desecrate the cemetery, which has been declared a national cultural treasure under the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009.

Police caught presbyter Silvela and his ten henchmen red handed on February 24, 2016, when they were in the process of excavating a 15-metre hole inside the cemetery, which dates back to the Spanish colonial period. The presbyter and his henchmen are now inhabitants of the San Joaquin jail. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by UCA News.]

True Catholics, before the Vatican II Anti-council in 1964 replaced the Catholic Catholic Church with the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, priests protected Catholic cemeteries and the bodies of the faithful departed interred there. When after 1968 the New Order sect no longer ordained priests, but merely installed Protestantized presbyter-ministers, all Hell broke literally loose in Newchurch, and many presbyters, not speak of Newbishops, Newcardinals, and Newpopes, turned into paedophiles, grave robbers, money-launderers, and accomplices of such criminals.

March 8, 2016 - St. John of God, Confessor
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Tries to Steal Martyr-Saint's Treasure
But Thousands of Newchurchers Take over Naples Cathedral to Stop Him

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Naples Cathedral Take-over

Thousands of Neopolitans Took Possession of St. Januarius Chapel
In the Ancient Cathedral of Naples, Italy
To Stop Francis-Bergoglio
From Stealing the Treasure of the Martyr-Saint
To Fill His Newchurch Coffers, Depleted by a Precipitous Falloff
As More and More Newchurchers Now See Bergoglio
For the Teacher of Heretical Doctrine
And the Paedophile Supporter that He Is

The people of Naples, Italy, are calling Francis-Bergoglio a thief for trying to steal the sacred treasure of their city's Saint Januarius. Thousands of protesters on March 5, 2016, took possession of St. Januarius Chapel in the ancient Cathedral of Naples in an effort to prevent Bergoglio from taking control of sacred treasure displayed in the Naples's San Gennaro Museum, which is reportedly worth more than the British Crown jewels. The treasure was donated by kings and nobility in honor of the Saint. As well as silver busts of Saints, there are heavily-jewelled necklaces and earrings, as well as golden bishop's mitre, which is studded with 3,326 diamonds, 164 rubies, and nearly 200 emeralds.

The cathedral of Naples was built in the thirteenth century and houses a chapel to honor the city's patron Saint, Januarius, an early Martyr of the Church, who was beheaded in 305 during the persecution of Christians by the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Not only was the chapel built with the city's money but also it has been presided over by a council made up of twelve lay citizens and the mayor, and came to house one of the world's most important collections of religious treasures. It is also the site of the ceremony performed thrice annually, at which the coagulated blood of the Martyr-Saint, contained in a glass vial, is displayed and miraculously, as some say, liquefies.

The museum's director publicly denounced Bergoglio's attempted theft: "We are protecting a centuries-old institution; we will not stand for interference from either the Church or the government." Naples's mayor and head of the council declared that he would do whatever it takes to "make sure what San Gennaro gave us is not diminished." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]

True Catholics, as Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order continues to crumble, it needs to steal money from wherever it can get it. No wonder the Marxist Newpope of Newchurch wants to get his filthy hands on the treasures of the true Catholic Church. Newchurch collections have fallen off precipitously as more and more Newchurchers now see Bergoglio for the teacher of heretical doctrine and the paedophile supporter that he is.

March 7, 2016 - St. Thomas Aquinas, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Reeling from Charges of Supporting Paedophilia
Now Ludicrously Claims that Newchurch's Sex Crimes against Children Are "a Misunderstanding"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Covers His Face in Shame
As He Is Attacked by Child Victims of His Paedophile Presbyters
Bergoglio, with His Back Now up against the Wall
And His Propaganda on Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust
Now Being Exposed as a Fraud for All the World to See
Now Claims that the Rapes, Sodomies, and Sexual Assaults
Perpetrated by His Newchurch Presbyters and Newbishops against Children
Are Merely "a Misunderstanding"!

After Newcardinal George Pell's revealing three days of testimony in Rome before Australia's Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse and after the U.S.'s Academy Award for Best picture going to "Spotlight," a film that documents the 2002 Boston Globe investigation into Newchurch clergy's sex crimes against children, which exposed to the world the corruption of Newchurch, including the active complicity of its Newbishops and Newpopes, Francis-Bergoglio's back is now up against the wall, and his propaganda on Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is now being exposed as a fraud for all the world to see.

On March 4, 2016, after Pell's testimony was completed, described by witnesses in the hearing room as "appalling" and "ghoulish," Francis-Bergoglio, through his spokesman, tried to excuse the continuing rape, sodomy, and other sex crimes against children perpetrated by his Newchurch clergy as merely a "misunderstanding." Bergoglio is increasingly being portrayed in the international press as the real villain of the piece.

The fact of the matter is that Bergoglio has done little but talk about rampant paedophilia in his New Order sect. In his March 4, 2016, statement he attempted to point to the committee that he set up, not to do anything, but only to look into the matter -- again. However, what Bergoglio's deceptive press release did not indicate is that over the last three years he has failed to appoint the committee and give it its operational go-ahead. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

True Catholics, what Francis-Bergoglio has deliberately not done is to issue the simple decree demanded by the child victims, that whenever a presbyter is accused of a sex crime against a child, the Newbishop should immediately turn the matter over to local police to investigate and prosecute. Instead, Bergoglio still encourages his Newbishops to cover up the crimes. Bergoglio's lieutenant Newcardinal Pell did tell one truth to the Royal Commission investigating his crimes. Pell said: "We all answer to the [New]pope." Yes, Bergoglio is the real culprit; the fish stinks from the head.

March 6, 2016 - Fourth Sunday after Lent - Laetare Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

As All Hell Breaks Loose for Bergoglio and His Pell
Sydney's Largest Newspaper and Child Victims Demand Bergoglio Fire His Newcardinal

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
George Pell

Public Opinion in Rome Is Turning Ugly
Against Francis-Bergoglio and His Lieutenant Newcardinal George Pell
Pell's Three Days of Video Testimony before Australia's Royal Commission
Into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse Have Stunned the Public
Pell Accepts No Responsibility for Rampant Sex Crimes against Children
While He Was Newarchbishop of Melbourne and Sydney
Instead, Pell Has Thrown Francis-Bergoglio under the Bus, Saying:
"We All Answer to the [New]pope"

As the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse took videotaped testimony over three days in Rome from Newcardinal George Pell, Pell is looking more and more like the paedophile accomplice that the child victims accuse him of being. Pell had claimed that he was too ill to go to Australia to face his accusers, so many of the child victims traveled to Rome, in order that they could face him during his three days of testimony, carried on television and the internet around the world, bringing his evil deeds much more notoriety than if he had given the testimony in Australia.

Pell shocked the hearing room when he claimed that he has the "full backing" of Bergoglio, even as he told the Commission inquiry that he absolved himself of any responsibility for sex crimes against children in connection with Australia's most notorious paedophile presbyter, Gerald Ridsdale, with whom Pell shared a room in Melbourne. Pell disgusted the hearing room when he said that sex crimes against children were not "of much interest" to him.

When the Commission asked Pell point-blank whether he accepted any responsibility as Newarchbishop of Melbourne and of Sydney for the paedophile presbyter Ridsdale being moved from Newparish to Newparish to conceal his crimes from Newchurcher parents in these Newdiocese, Pell responded, "No, I don't." Pell's denial was so contrary to the evidence that his statement was termed "implausible deniability." When the Commission asked Pell whether there was anything he did as Newbishop in dealing with sex crimes against children that he considered wanting or deficient in any way, Pell replied: "I don't believe there is." One witness to the testimony in Rome stated: "Pell was appalling in the witness box. Watching him give evidence felt almost ghoulish at times, like standing across the road from a car crash. How can any thinking, feeling, responsive Christian -- for heaven's sake, human being -- respond the way Pell did."

As Pell is looking guiltier than Hell, the victims on March 1, 2016, demanded an audience with Francis-Bergoglio and declared that if Bergoglio wants to play "the people's Newpope," he must fire Pell. After all, it was Bergoglio who personally appointed Pell on February 24, 2014, to be his Chief Financial Officer. Pell himself threw Bergoglio under the bus when he told the Commission: "We all answer to the [New]pope." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sydney Morning Herald.]

True Catholics, Australia and the world are following the Pell video testimony on television and on the internet. Public opinion has turned sour against Pell, Francis-Bergoglio, and Newchurch. Newchurch leaders in Australia are publicly stating that as previously in Ireland, Germany, the United States, and in many other countries impacted by Newchurch's sex crimes against children, Newchurch in Australia "is going to bleed numbers indefinitely." Francis-Bergoglio's statements about Newchurch's sex crimes against children are now being seen for what they really are -- as nothing but more words from a Newpope whose standing has been gutted on the issue, shockingly so over the three days of Pell's testimony. As to Bergoglio's seamy role in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, as the last fifty years have shown, hypocrisy is the lifeblood of Newpopes.

March 5, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio Is About to Violate the Holy Bible Yet Again
He's Floating a Trial Balloon to Allow Women Preachers

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Woman Preacher

Contrary to the Holy Bible, Women Will Be Preaching from the Pulpit
In Francis-Bergoglio's Anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order
Catholic Teaching since Apostolic Times Provides that Preaching
In connection with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Is Reserved to a Priest
Or, in Extraordinary Circumstances, to a Deacon in Holy Orders
(Not One of Those Phony New Order "Laydeacons")

Not a few already doubt whether Francis-Bergoglio is a true pope. Now more are beginning to doubt whether he is even a Christian. He certainly doesn't seem to be a "Bible believing" Christian, and a Christian who doesn't believe in the Holy Bible is no Christian, but a heretic according to the teaching of the Catholic Church. Bergoglio's Newpapal newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, has published a series of essays urging that women be allowed to preach from the pulpit at Newchurch's Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service. Such advocacy is absolutely against Biblical prohibitions and is entirely against Catholic doctrine since Apostolic times:

Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith (1 Corinthians 14:34/DRV).
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man; but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:11-12/DRV).

Catholic teaching since Apostolic times provides that preaching in connection with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is reserved to a priest (or, in extraordinary circumstances, a deacon in Holy Orders -- not one of those phony New Order "laydeacons"). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious New Service.]

True Catholics, when Bergoglio's own Newpapal newspaper dedicates so much space to the issue of women preachers, you know that he is trying to soften up Newchurchers and get them thinking against the Holy Bible and against the teaching of the Catholic and Apostolic Church. As one Newchurch spokesman put it: "I think it is a big signal." The Marxist Newpope is rejecting Catholicism yet again.

March 4, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Traditional Catholic Bishop Writes:
Bishop Williamson Is Mortally Wrong in His Novus Ordo Sacramental Theology

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Richard Williamson

Bishop Richard Williamson Seems to Be Suffering from Dementia
Caused by the Concussion that He Experienced a Few Years Ago
However that May Be, It Is Clear that Williamson Is Now Becoming
A More Effective Advocate for the New Order than for Traditional Catholicism
A Traditional Catholic Bishop Has Dissociated Himself from Williamson's Errors
And Stated the Bedrock Traditional Catholic Principle of Sacramental Theology:

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

As an independent traditional Catholic bishop, I wish to dissociate myself completely from and denounce the comments of Bishop Richard Williamson, formerly of the Society of St. Pius X, formerly of the Neo-SSPX, in his February 27, 2016, weekly bulletin concerning the Novus Ordo rite of "installation" for its Newbishops as "valid enough to get themselves accepted by nearly all Catholics in the short term, but ambiguous enough to invalidate the sacraments in the long term." To the contrary, these New Order rites are directly null and void, false and invalid, not according to me, but according to the traditional Catholic teaching of the Popes and Councils, Father and Doctors of the Catholic Church.

While I most certainly do not accept the validity of the Novus Ordo rites -- they are not Catholic -- I wish to remind Bishop Williamson, who seems to think that the rites just might, occasionally, be "ambiguous" enough to be valid, of the bedrock traditional Catholic principle of Sacramental Theology: A DOUBTFUL SACRAMENT IS NOT A SACRAMENT.

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Thank you, bishop, for speaking out. Traditional Catholics need to be assured of that certainty. Ironically, Williamson's argument for the New Order is rejected by the New Order itself! Since the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which was authored by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers, even the Newchurch of the New Order admits that it no longer consecrates bishops. It officially doesn't use that term. It "installs" or "ordains" them.

Traditional Catholics around the world are writing to the TRADITIO Fathers, expressing concern that Bishop Williamson seems to be suffering from dementia caused by the concussion that he experienced a few years ago when falling down his London-apartment stairs. As one Canadian analyst put it: "It is becoming increasingly obvious from his messages that he is descending into senility." However that may be, it is clear that Williamson is now becoming a more effective advocate for the New Order than for traditional Catholicism.

The man that Newvatican and its Marxist Newpope denounced as a "holocaust denier" has become, in part, the supporter of their New Order, which was publicly denounced, in full, by Archbishop Lefebvre, who once consecrated them. We think that, were he alive today, the Archbishop would denounce all four of his traitorous progeny, including the Neo-SSPX's pseudo-bishops Bernie Fellay, Alfonso de Galarreta, and Bernard Tissier de Mallerais. If anything, the Archbishop became more traditional, not less, as he grew older and even wiser. In fact, his biographer indicates that in the last year of his life, he had decided to dump entirely the Half New Order Mess of 1962 (aka "Extraordinary"), with the traditional modifications that he had required, to return to the fully traditional Catholic Latin Mass of 1950.

Even Williamson admits that the Novus Ordo rite of episcopal installation is "a new rite." According to the traditional Catholic principles of Pope Leo XIII's Apostolic Letter Apostolicae curae, because the New Order rejected and the traditional Catholic rite has been rejected, just as the heretical Protestant Anglicans did, the Novus Ordo rite of episcopal installation must be considered not valid, but invalid. Pope Leo contradicts Williamson's false argument, because that traditional pope decreed that when a non-traditional rite is used, the intention must be presumed defective, and therefore no Sacrament is conferred. What Pope Leo said of the Protestant Anglican heretics applies equally to the Newchurch heretics. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

Williamson also corrupts Catholic Sacramental doctrine by stating that all one has to do with these false Novus Ordo Newbishops is to spin them around three times, as the ancient Romans did to divorce their wives, and "conditionally" make them real priests and bishops. Dear Richard, the Catholic Faith is not a magic act. Traditional Catholics know that the true Sacrament of Holy Orders is not one that can be validly conferred more than once, any more than can Baptism or Confirmation. To do otherwise is sacrilege.

Thus, we are shocked that Williamson would use the terms "re-ordained" and "re-consecrated." These phony presbyters and Newbishops have to be treated de novo, not sub conditione. That is, they have to start all over again, recant their heresy, be accepted, if they are sincere and qualified, into a training program of three or more years and only then, if they pass muster, ordained for the first time -- not "re-ordained" or "re-consecrated," as that would sacrilege.

March 3, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

U.S. Presidential Candidate Outs Francis-Bergoglio
As a "Socialist Like Me," That Is, a Marxist

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Bernie Sanders

U.S. Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders
Has Outed Francis-Bergoglio as a "Socialist Like Me," That Is, a Marxist
Sanders Is Also a Secular Jew
Whereas Leading U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump
Is a Professed Presbyterian Christian
Bergoglio Confirmed the Truth of What Sanders Said
When He Simulated the Invalid New Order Service under a Giant Image
Of the Marxist/Communist Mass Murderer Che Guevarra in Cuba

U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, known for his straight talk, on February 21, 2016, publicly proclaimed the truth that everyone knows about Francis-Bergoglio: "[New]pope Francis is a socialist like me." And we all know that "socialist" in this context is a code word for Marxist. Sanders, a "secular Jew," is a leading Democratic Party candidate for the U.S. Presidency. The Republican Party's leading candidate, Donald Trump, is a professed Presbyterian Christian.

Sanders has previously lauded the Marxist Newpope, but labeling him a "socialist" (Marxist) is a step further than he has gone before. Francis-Bergoglio admits: "some of my best friends are Marxists." Sanders, like most Marxists, is a strong supporter of abortion and "gay rights." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service.]

True Catholics, one Marxist can easily recognize another, just as a true traditional Catholic can recognize another. Sanders is at least honest in tagging Francis-Bergoglio as a fellow Socialist/Marxist. Bergoglio confirmed the truth of what Sanders said when he simulated the invalid New Order service under a giant image of the Marxist/Communist mass murderer Che Guevarra on Bergoglio's Newpapal junket to what Catholic U.S. President John Kennedy called "that imprisoned island" of Cuba.

March 2, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent

Neo-SSPX Bishop Flip-flops on the New Order Sect
Galarreta Now Advocates Joining Newchurch and Recognizing the Protestantized "New Mess"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Alfonso de Galarreta

Alfonso de Galarreta, One of Three Remaining Neo-SSPX Bishops
Galarreta Recently Flip-flopped on His Attitude toward the New Order Sect
In a January 2016 Speech He Indicated that He Now Accepts the "New Mess"
And the "New Sacraments" that Came out of the Vatican II Anti-council
He Now Says that a Sellout to the New Order Sect Would Have a "Beneficial Effect"
Traditional Archbishop Lefebvre Would Have Disowned Fellay, Galarreta, and Tisser
For Betraying the Traditional Catholic Principles of His Original SSPX
These Three Are the Bastard Children of a Truly Catholic Father

In a speech on January 17, 2016, in Bailly, France, Neo-SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta admitted that Bernie Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, had in fact lied when he said that he had no contact with Newrome. In fact, Fellay has been aggressively pursuing his programme to sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order and making the Neo-SSPX a subsidiary of the New Order.

Galarreta stated that part of the sellout would be the Neo-SSPX's acceptance of the invalid, Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" and "New Sacraments" of the New Order. Shockingly, Galarreta stated that the Neo-SSPX already recognized the "New Mess" and the "New Sacraments". This admission is further proof that the Neo-SSPX is no longer a traditional Catholic organization since Fellay took over from Archbishop Lefebvre in 1994.

Galarreta also admitted that Fellay's Neo-SSPX has no essential problem with accepting the false doctrines of the Vatican II Anti-council, as long as the sellout is couched in vague terms that admitted of contradictory interpretations. He said that in this way the Neo-SSPX is different from the Traditional Catholic Resistance, loosely bounded under former SSPX senior bishop Richard Williamson, which refuses to sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order "on principle."

Galaretta even went on to say that a Neo-SSPX sellout to the New Order sect would have a "good, beneficial effect." What he fears is that the sellout will tear the Neo-SSPX apart. Fellay has already lost almost 20 per cent of his clergy, who abandoned him over his sellout program. Some of these clergy went over to the Traditional Catholic Resistence; others went independent.

Galarreta dished out the dictatorial Neo-SSPX's usual line. Laypeople and even clergy are not to question the Neo-SSPX's leadership, saying that the leadership has some kind of "supernatural power" to engineer a sellout of everything that traditional Catholic Archbishop Lefebvre stood for. Galarreta was at least honest enough to admit that the New Order demon poses a "risk ... many risks." Bishop Richard Williamson, formerly a close associate of Galarreta's, addressed to Galarreta in his February 19, 2016, weekly bulletin these remarks about his cockeyed approach to the issue:

Menzingen [Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX headquarters] has now for many years been doing all it can by political negotiation to arrive at official recognition by [New]rome, and its eventual "unilateral" arrival would be a mere pretence to deceive traditionalists so as to sell out the [Neo-]SSPX under cover of claiming, no doubt with [New]rome's permission behind the scenes, that it was all [New]rome's fault. But the fact would remain that the Archbishop's Society would finally be betrayed, and you with your own "No, no, a thousand times no ... but possibly, yes" would have to answer for not having done all you could and should have done to block its betrayal.

True Catholics, you are probably wondering what Satanic mindset has struck these truly demented bishops of the Neo-SSPX. Certainly Archbishop Lefebvre would have disowned them all for betraying the traditional Catholic principles of his original Society of St. Pius X. The Archbishop's perceptions and speech were direct and true. These Neo-SSPX bishops -- Bernie Fellay, Alfonso de Galarreta, and Tissier de Mallerais -- constantly speak with a forked tongue. They are the bastard children of a truly Catholic archbishop. They are to be condemned and shunned by traditional Catholics for the traitors that they are to Archbishop Lefebfve and to traditional Catholicism.

March 1, 2016 - Ferial Day of Lent
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio, Sick Yet Again, Cancels Schedule
Evidence Mounts that Bergoglio May Abdicate because of Mortal Health

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Can Barely Make It, Stumbling, up the Steps
Of His Private Jet to Return to Newrome
Yet Again He Has Canceled His Appointments because of Ill Health
The Italian Press Reports that He Suffered a Mini Stroke in October 2015
And Also Reports that He May Have a Cerebral Carcinoma
Bergoglio's Morbid Obesity Is Also Putting a Strain
On the 79-year-old's Already Compromised Pulmonary and Circulatory System

On February 25, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio canceled his schedule because of bad health. He was reported to have been suffering a fever. Newvatican declined to say how serious and tried to play down his condition -- never a good sign. Bergoglio is turning 80 years of age in 2016 and has lost most of one lung. He is physically incapable of chanting the necessary parts of Newpapal services. Reports are also circulating in the Italian press that Bergoglio has cerebral carinoma, for which a world-renowned neurosurgeon was secretly called in to Newvatican. Bergoglio also suffers from morbid obesity, which puts a strain on his already compromised pulmonary and circulatory system.

On several past occasions Bergoglio has canceled his schedule because of ill health. Recently, reports have indicated that he suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack (mini stroke) at the October 2015 Extraordinary Synod on the Family, when he lashed out against the Newcardinals and Newbishops there for thwarting his desire to welcome homosexuals and divorced/remarried to the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid.

On the latest occasion Bergoglio was reeling from a public-relations nightmare when he attacked U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, and Trump denounced Bergoglio for interfering outside his authority into secular politics. Many political analysts stated that they believe Trump's strong stance against the out-of-control Newpope helped him to win the Presidential Primary in South Carolina. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]

True Catholics, you know that something is afoot when Newvatican's propaganda machine tries to downplay Newpapal illnesses. Newvatican has become one vast cover-up machine. Bergoglio is turning 90 years of age in 2016 and has lost most of one lung, which prevents him from chanting the necessary parts of Newpapal services. Reports are also circulating in the Italian press that he has cerebral carinoma, for which a world-renowned neurosurgeon was called in. Bergoglio also suffers from morbid obesity, which puts a strain on his already compromised pulmonary system.

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