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The U.S. Conference of Catholic [New]bishops, forced by the courts to reveal the extent to which paedophilia has ravaged its 197 New Order dioceses, has reported that between 2004 and 2015, Newchurch has paid out over three billion dollars in penalties for suborning sodomy, rape, and sexual assault upon children by its presbyters and Newbishops. The amount was shockingly higher than expected and does not include penalties incurred before 2004.
Some 150,000,000 of those penalties were paid in just the last recorded year, revealing that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated. The official report revealed that in the last 12-month period, 123 Newdioceses of the 197 total were implicated in paedophile crimes. In that one past year, 903 more child victims came forward. Four out of five of these crimes were perpetrated against boys aged 10 to 14. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's "Zero Tolerance Policy" is a fraud, used to deceive Newchurchers and the international press, who now catching on to the game that Bergoglio is playing to trick them. Without going back centuries, it is hard to think of a pope (or, in this case, Newpope) who has presided over a more filthy papacy. The consequences of Newchurch's loss of Sacramental graces starting in 1964 with its invalid New Mess and its invalid "communion cookies" have now become vivid and undeniable to the world. It is only too bad that innocent children have to the pay the price for moral crimes of graceless Newchurch and its indecent Newpopes.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You speak of Fatima as a "private revelation." It is not. The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima reported to have been witnessed by thousands. That takes it out of the private revelation "box" and makes it public revelation.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You are speaking from a shocking ignorance of basic principles of the Catholic Faith, which, we Fathers are sad to say, is epidemic these days, even among those who call themselves Catholics. What you have stated, although you don't realize it, is heresy.
You have no understanding of what the term "Private Revelation" means in Catholic theology. It has nothing to do with how many people purportedly saw something. The term "Private Revelation" comprises anything occurring after the Apostolic Age, anything that is not recorded in Sacred Scripture or Sacred Apostolic Tradition as one of the miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ or His Apostles. Only Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition comprise "Public Revelation."
It has been the constant teaching of the Church that no Catholic is required to place credence in any revelation except what is in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Apostolic Tradition. Some "Fatimists," like you, go so far as to equate Fatima with Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Such a notion is heretical. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the sections "Apparitions, Miracles, Private Revelations, Visions" and "Fatima" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
We strongly advise you to put aside any obsession with Fatima and instead spend the time restudying your traditional Catholic catechism. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files - FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department. There are three traditional catechisms available there: the Baltimore Cathechism, the Catechism of St. Pius X, and the Catechism of the Council of Trent.
The Neo-Society of St. Pius X (NSSPX)'s Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, has been gallivanting around lately on a propaganda tour like a crass secular politician, giving interviews in which he claims that Newvatican is coming to him, wanting to accept his pseudo-traditional organization into the Newchurch of the New Order. But on May 25, 2016, Newvatican's Doctrinal Prefect put to the lie Fellay's recent statements that Newvatican is going to allow him to question the Vatican II Anti-council's heretical teachings.
In an interview in the June 2016 edition of the German publication Herder Korrespondenz, released on May 24, 2016, Newcardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, Francis-Bergoglio's head of Newchurch doctrine, has publicly laid down the law. Fellay must swear to:
The original traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, along with Bishop De Castro Mayer, condemned all of these anti-Catholic propositions. However, Fellay has broken from the Archbishop's SSPX to organize a Neo-SSPX that is eager to become part of the heretical Newchurch of the New Order.
Newvatican's Prefect of Doctrine stressed that "one cannot discount Vatican II as only pastoral chatter" and discounted the force of some "homily from a bishop or pope. Only the magisterium, which is a declaration of faith, needs to be accepted." Fellay, proclaimed Mueller, must recognize the declarations of Vatican II "without reservation." Mueller stated that this was Francis-Bergoglio's stance as well. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Fellay speaks with a deceitful tongue. He is so consumed with ambition to be an "approved" Newbishop of the Newchurch of the New Order that he spews propaganda like a Conciliarist. He has completely broken from the traditional Catholic principles that led Archbishop Lefebvre to found the original Society of St. Pius X. Bernie's Neo-SSPX is a Modernist-leaning organization, which the traditional Catholic Archbishop would throughly condemn were he alive.
Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch just becomes more and more anti-Catholic, more and more sacrilegious, more and more silly. Traditional Catholics have to wonder why anyone pays any attention to Newchurch, which is certainly not the Catholic Church, but a money-grubbing, heretical, immoral stupidity, which should be thrown out with the dirty bathwater. Any true Catholic should shun it 100 per cent.
The latest inanity surfaced in Italy when the rector of the Palermo, Sicily, Newcathedral, Canal Ella, decided to use the nave (the center aisle) of the church -- more accurately termed a Novus Ordo temple -- as a car-parking stall. This pastor didn't want to entrust his car, which he prized above the God Whom he feigns to serve, to street parking because he doesn't have a personal parking stall. So he parked it in the Newcathedral, right in from of the "eucharistic dinner table" (Novus Ordo temples no longer have altars for their invalid Messes). The Newcathedral is no longer Catholic, having been renamed "Santa Maria La Nova" -- the New Holy Mary.
Perhaps the Novus Ordo pastor was just too stupid to know any better. Ella was merely installed in 1980 under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 "to preside over the Novus Ordo assembly of the people," never ordained under the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead." He was appointed by the Unsaint Newpope JPII-Wojtyla as his chaplain in 1999.
The traditional Holy Mary weeps in what was once the cathedral of her Divine Son, built in 1570 over an older Marian church. The frescoes of the nave and the reredos of the high altar were painted by the noted Flemish painters Wilhelm Borremans and his son. The cathedral's patrons when it was Catholic used to be the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael. Both of these abandoned the cathedral when it was taken over by the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the German News Agency Katolisches.]
True Catholics, the heretical Newchurch of the New Order and its denizens do not worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. They worship the God of the Autombile. They don't know reverence from sacrilege. They have abandoned the Catholic Church and now merely hang onto its buildings for their real-estate value. They are modern Philistines, trashers of the cultural heritage that they have seized. They are to be ridiculed, and certainly not followed.
Here goes Francis-Bergoglio again with the hypocrisy. This man is supposed to be a "Mr. Frugality," who fired a Newbishop because he renovated an historic church in Germany for his Newdiocese and for the world. But nothing is too good for Bergoglio and his pampered presbyters. St. John Vianney Manor Presbyters' Retirement Home in East Carnegie, Pennsylvania, was already a virtual Taj Mahal and is now undergoing 5,000,000 dollars' worth of upgrades. The pampered presbyters are even greeted by the gobbles of wild turkeys that are maintained, at considerable expense, on the approach to the entrance.
During the upgrade half the presbyters will be relocated to Newparish rectories. One has to wonder why this arrangement is not the standard for Newchurch retired presbyters. Traditionally, retired priests lived in rectories, there to fill in on occasion celebrating Mass, hearing confessions, visiting the sick -- in short, continuing their priesthood at a reduced level.
The New Order sect that replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional Church" in 1964 has been a total flop. Because there are almost no "vocations" to the phony Novus Ordo presbyterate, an average U.S. Newdiocese now has one retired presbyter for every two active presbyters. And the situation is going to get far worse. Half of all presbyters currently in active ministry are over age 60, and a significant number these expect to retire by 2019 or earlier. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Post-Gazette.]
True Catholics, it is truly disgusting that Newchurch is shutting down churches right and left for its laity, but when it comes to its retired Newclergy, it can find 5,000,000 dollars. Newchurch is hypocritical, and Marxist Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio is no "Mr. Frugal." He's "Mr. Fraud"!
Clown presbyter Jerry Hogan, vested in a clown shirt adorned with cartoon giraffes, elephants, and a circus ringmaster, "baptizes" and hands out First Cookie and Konfirmation to circus performers. Consider what people would think if Christ had worn a clown suit on the Via Dolorosa to Calvary. Of course, Novus Ordo presbyters are not alteri Christi, but Protestantized ministers.
Before simulating the phony "sacraments," Presbyter Hogan said, "It's showtime! It's a three-ring circus!" And that's all it was -- a fake show. Of course, the Novus Ordo "sacraments" are just as silly as circus acts, not to say invalid and sacrilegious. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Daily News.]
True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is downright silly. It is a three-ring circus and spits in the face of Divinity. Those who condone the New Order sect, let alone participate in it, are purely and simply pagan idolaters.
In an interview given to Newchurch's National Catholic Register on May 13, 2016, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay sounds as if it were scripted straight out of the Vatican II Anti-council, which was known for its "nuanced," even deceptive language -- remember "The use of the Latin language ... is to be retained in the Latin rites" (Sacrosanctum Concilium 36.1)?
Fellay has been associating with Newchurch leaders to such an extent that their anti-Catholic mode of expression is obviously rubbing off on him. There is no indication, however, that Newchurch pashas have become any more "traditional" from the association. In the interview Fellay again made it clear that he was more than willing to sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order, even though it has become more corrupt than ever, and to bend his knee to the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio.
True Catholics, we like traditional Catholic bishop Richard Williamson's comment. Remember that when Fellay had abandoned traditional Catholic Archbishop Lefebvre's original Society of St. Pius X and had indicated his desire to sell out to the heretical New Order sect (the Archbishop must be turning over in his grave to think that he "consecrated" this traitor Fellay), Williamson, then the SSPX's senior bishop, abandoned Fellay and his Neo-SSPX in 2012 to stand with the original traditional Catholic principles of the Archbishop. Williamson said: Fellay is seeking "reconciliation" with the New Order sect at any cost and has come under the influence of the "Modernist cuckoos" occupying Newvatican!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I want to summon my fellow traditional Catholics to a greater appreciation of their obligation to evangelize the True Catholic Faith, Mass, and Sacraments and to educate those with whom they come into contact that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church and that its Mess and sacraments are invalid, graceless, and phony. All too many traditional Catholics just sit in their pews and shut out the world outside, a world in which many souls are being lost to Hell because they are not having the True Catholic Faith preached to them, because they are not receiving the graces of the True Mass and True Sacraments.
Such inaction on the part of traditional Catholics is actually sinful. Just last Sunday we heard the end of St. Matthew's Gospel, calling upon us: "Teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19/DRV). The consequence of traditional Catholics' inaction to spread the True Faith will be declining numbers attending the Traditional Latin Mass and practicing the True Faith. Like St. Benedict in the sixth century, we must commit to preserving the true Faith, or it will die in the hearts of men. After St. Benedict the Church sank into the Dark Ages for half a millennium.
Just look at how Newchurch is sinking. Attendance of self-declared Newchurchers at their invalid New Mess is now at about 10 per cent in the Americas and Europe. Before all the anti-Catholic nonsense of the Vatican II Anti-council of the 1960s and its New Mess, attendance at the True Mass was about 80 per cent. Evangelization matters. Newchurch is doing none. Newchurch and its Newpopes say that all religions are the same. It's just a matter of culture and personal preference, they say. This is outright heresy -- and certainly not Catholic! Effectively handing on the faith to the next generation matters. Attending the True Mass each Sunday and Holyday matters. Evangelizing the True Faith and the True Mass matters.
Look at the poor pseudo-traditionalists in Newchurch who have in very limited cases the invalid Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+ as simulated by New Order presbyters, who haven't been ordained as Catholic priests since 1968. And that includes pseudo-traditionalist groups like the Fraternity of St. Peter and the Institute of Christ the King. When the "1962 Mess" fraud was perpetrated upon Newchurch by Benedict-Ratzinger's Motu Proprio in 2007, there was an uptick for a year or so, but now that is long past, and many of these "Motu" Masses are being shut down right and left. The "Newpapally-approved" Fraternity of St. Peter hasn't opened a new site in twenty years. They're lucky to hang on to their current Mess sites.
The pseudo-traditionalists who became excited in 2007 are now almost nowhere to be found. "I don't like the parking arrangements." "The 'Motu' Messes are too far away." "The Mess times are inconvenient." No wonder Newchurch and its phony "Latin Messes" are sinking. Imagine if Christ had said: "This cross is too heavy. I'm going to the taverna. Mankind be damned!"
If traditional Catholics thought that the Traditional Latin Mass would do its own evangelizing, they were mistaken. Only it is beautiful and worthy of God, but in a world of passing pleasures and diversions, we must show others the perennial value of not only the True Mass but also the True Faith. The True Faith calls for sacrifice, just as Christ sacrificed himself, and for rejecting the immediate pleasures of sin for the eternal glories of Heaven. We must often make the case to a skeptical and unrefined world. Evangelization is hard work, but it is work that matters if we want to the True Mass and True Faith to survive. Traditional Catholics must evangelize, or the True Mass and True Faith will close down and die.
On May 9, 2016, 100 international pro-life groups took over Rome to protest Francis-Bergoglio's anti-Catholic and anti-family March 19, 2016, Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia" (The Joy of Sex). The challenge was issued in the keynote address of the annual Rome Life Forum. The international pro-life groups have essentially branded Bergoglio as anti-life. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LifeSite News.]
The pro-life groups demanded the outright repeal of Bergoglio's flawed document, which deviates from true Catholic doctrine and morality and teaches error:
True Catholics, the Neocon Newchurchers are now beginning to realize what a homewrecker this Francis-Bergoglio is, and the home that he is wrecking is the true Catholic Church, which he openly despises in favor of an immoral Marxist Newchurch. The real question, then, is: why do these Neocon Newchurchers still pander to this man instead of following the Biblical prescription and shunning him entirely? At least the demented Bergoglio is faithful to his Marxism. The hypocritical Neocon Newchurchers are not faithful to true Catholicism.
Newparishioners have maintained a constant vigil outside St. Francis X. Cabrini Newparish in Scituate, Massachusetts, for nearly twelve years in defiance of Newcardinal Sean O'Malley, of Boston, who has been trying to board up the place for its real estate value in order to pay off for his presbyters' sex crimes against children. On May 16, 2016, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear a final appeal, so the Newparish has decided to go independent, a technique that traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories around the world learned to do after the heretical Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) and its Newchurch of the New Order, in order to get out from the death-dealing grip of the anti-Catholic Newchurch.
Since 2004, one hundred Newparishioners have kept vigil in shifts to prevent O'Malley from seizing the church. St. Frances Cabrini was one of more than a dozen churches that O'Malley wanted to board up. There have been a few other cases where some courageous Newchurchers have stood up to the corruption and paedophilia in Newchurch. TRADITIO readers may remember the case of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in St. Louis, Missouri, a traditional-leaning parish, which had been given a charter by the Archbishop in the mid 19th century to operate financially independently of the Newarchdiocese and consequently never took a dime from Newchurch in over 150 years.
When St. Louis's Newcardinal Raymond "Bully" Burke tried to steal the church's 11,000,000 dollar property to pay out for the sex crimes of his paedophile presbyters, the church went independent of Newchurch control. Burke was censured by the court and was ignominiously scuttled off to Newrome, where he could be watched. He has now been demoted to serve as chaplain on the little island of Malta. Other Newparishes have been formed by Newchurchers disillusioned by Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, we know that these Newparishes going independent are Modernistic and are not Catholic, but it is interesting to see that traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories found the solution fifty years ago to being preyed upon by the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order. In fact, Newchurchers have much for which to thank traditional Catholics, even though they won't admit it, because ingratitude is just one of the many sins endemic to the New Order sect.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Why do some traditional Catholics behave as though Francis-Bergoglio were the Anti-Christ one day, but the Vicar of Christ on the next day?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Because such people not traditional Catholics at all. They are Neocon Newchurchers. They can't get beyond idolatrous papolatry (pope-worship, in this case, Newpope worship) to see that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church. Their contradictory statements expose them for being clueless and foolish, to use St. Paul's word. As a result, they are paying the price for being foolish: they are being led by the Marxist-Modernist Pied Piper of Newrome to their spiritual death like the fabled lemmings off the precipice.
Francis-Bergoglio spoke once again with forked tongue about the "reintegration" of pseudo-traditionalist Neo-SSPX into the anti-Catholic New Order sect, a goal that Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay drools for. He can't wait to wear the Novus Ordo purple!
In a May 9, 2016, interview published on May 16, 2016, in the French daily La Croix, Bergoglio made a revelation that will startle true Catholics, and even members of Fellay's Neo-SSPX. Bergoglio revealed that in Buenos Aires, even before the Argentinean Marxist Bergoglio became Newpope, the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters were only too eager to bend their knee to him, literally.
Bergoglio also stated in the interview that Fellay is "a man with whom we [the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order] can dialogue," meaning that Fellay has already accommodated himself to the heretical Newchurch and its Marxist Newpope. "We dialogue well together," said Bergoglio of Fellay. At the same time Bergoglio took the opportunity to swear his -- and apparently Fellay's -- allegiance to the Modernist Vatican II, which traditional Catholics reject as an anti-council. "The Second Vatican Council has its value," says Bergoglio.
On the other hand, Bergoglio castigated by name traditional bishop Richard Williamson, who abandoned Fellay and his Neo-SSPX when Fellay made overtures to Newchurch. Williamson "and others" have been "radicalized," stated Bergoglio. That is certainly a strange term to use of confirmed traditional Catholics, who are not radical, but, on the contrary, conservative, in accord with the true 2,000-year Catholic Faith. If anybody is a "radical," it's the Marxist Bergoglio himself!
True Catholics, if you had any doubt that Bernie Fellay is in the grip of Newchurch and its Marxist Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio's own statement should end any such doubts. Fellay's Neo-SSPX is New Order. It spits in the face of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the original, traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X, which Fellay long ago abandoned for greener Novus Ordo pastures.
Francis-Bergoglio the "Hypocrite" Newpope has come out for paedophiles -- again. He has voiced support for his French Newcardinal, Philippe Barbarin, of Lyon, France, who stands accused in court of covering up cases of paedophile priests in his Newarchdiocese. Yet Bergoglio doesn't want Barbarin to resign. Bergoglio claims that his subordinate "has taken things well in hand." Sure, to the tune of two criminal investigations!
Barbarin, one of Newchurch's most high-ranking officials in France, is now the target of two separate investigations for not reporting to judicial authorities cases of sodomy, rape, and other sexual assaults against children by his presbyters to judicial authorities. Barbarin has acknowledged "mistakes in handling and appointing" some presbyters. Other Newchurch officials have been also investigated in what appears to be a den of paedophile Newchurch clergy operating in Lyon and elsewhere in France, as well as around the world.
True Catholics, the hypocritical Francis-Bergoglio still maintains that he has a "zero tolerance" policy toward his paedophile Newclergy. Apparently, the Unholy Father, who doesn't know a true Mass when he sees one, and preaches heresy and immorality at ever turn, is also mathematically compromised. He has no concept of what "zero" means!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Can you enlighten me as to when the form and intention of the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders was changed into invalidity? I know a presbyter who was installed in the Newchurch of the New Order in 1976.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The traditional Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders was jettisoned in Newchurch on June 18, 1968, by Paul VI-Montini's Constitutio Apostolica, Qua Novi Ritus Approbantur ad Ordinationem Diaconi, Presbyteri et Episcopi [Apostolic Constitution, in Which New Rites Are Approved for the Ordination of Deacons, Presbyters, and Bishops]." The use of the New Ordinal was made mandatory as of Easter Sunday, April 6, 1969. The New Ordinal implements Protestantized rites that are altogether invalid from a Catholic perspective. That is why Newchurch does not have the Holy Eucharist, the Most Blessed Sacrament, but only cookies and Kool-Aid. Nor does it have the valid Sacrament of Penance, but merely a spurious "reconciliation." In short, Newchurch presbyters have no more power to confer the valid Catholic Sacraments than Protestant ministers.
This New Ordinal, whose work the infamous Freemason Hannibal Bugnini led, as he led the work on the "New Mass" of 1969, implemented a Protestantized intention not of "ordaining priests," but of "installing presbyters," the Newchurch term for what the Protestants call "ministers." Their job is to "preside over the assembly of the people." These Protestantized presbyter-ministers do not receive, as the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders gives Catholic priests, "potestatem offerre Sacrificum Deo, Missasque celebrare tam pro vis quam pro defunctis, in nomine Domini" [the power to offer Sacrifice to God, and to celebrate Masses both for the living and for the dead, in the name of the Lord].
Nor are Newchurch presbyters given the power to forgive sin in the valid Catholic Sacrament of Penance. That Sacrament was done away with in Newchurch and replaced by a spurious "Rite of Reconciliation." The New Ordinal completely omits mention of the power, found in the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders: "Accipe Spiritum Sanctum; quorum remiseris peccata, remittuntur eis; et quorum retinueris retenta sunt" [Receive the Holy Ghost; whose sins you shall forgive, they shall be forgiven to them; and whose sins you shall have retained, they have been retained].
The New Ordinal's rite for "installing" Newchurch bishops is even worse, if that were possible. Newchurch bishops since 1968 have not been "consecrated" as true bishops, but merely "installed" like Protestant bishops. Therefore, they in no wise have the power to ordain true priests, only Protestantized presbyter-ministers.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I read a book about "the secrets of the Jesuits," which made me wonder whether the Society of Jesus is authentically Catholic. Any insights would be helpful.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Jesuits undeniably have a very troubled history. The Societas Jesu was suppressed for 41 years (1773-1814) by the popes because of its involvement in secular political action. That tendency for the Jesuits to become involved in secular politics continued into the 1960s, when Jesuits in South American took up arms and fought in what is known as the violent and Marxist "Liberation Theology."
The most famous Jesuit of that time, Fr. Malachi Martin (1921-1999), very publicly left the order in 1964 because it had become corrupt and unCatholic. In fact, Fr. Martin concluded that the Newchurch of the New Order, which replaced the "institutional Church" in that same year was equally corrupt and unCatholic. Fr. Martin courageously left Newchurch and became an independent traditional Catholic priest, carrying the message of traditional Catholicism to the airwaves, becoming a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM, a syndicated late-night talk program in the United States.
Fr. Martin wrote many best-selling books about the corruption after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), when the Newchurch of the New Order replaced the Roman Catholic Church as the "institutional Church." His 1988 exposé, The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church is a hard-hitting and factual from a man who knew intimately the inside of the Society and the Church.
On a most inauspicious day, Friday, May 13, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio called for a commission to study the installation of deaconesses in Newchurch. Female deacons have long been considered the "camel's nose" for the Modernist heretics to get priestesses into Newchurch. Bergoglio will ask the Congregation for [New Order] Divine Worship to "study" the issue -- which, in Newchurch talk, means to implement the proposal after some jaw-flapping for appearance's sake.
Bergoglio also engaged in his trademark bad-mouthing of opponents to his Marxist and Modernist changes, calling any who would agree with the long-standing tradition of the Catholic Church "anti-feminists" and "clericalists." Bergoglio has already bad-mouthed traditional Catholics as "doctrinaire, ideologue, rigid, ritualistic, rigorous, scary, closed in the past, Pelagian, Donatist, neurotic, pious, fundamentalist, obstinate, rebels." That is what Sacred Tradition looks like to a Marxist Modernist like Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, here we go again! In 2002, Newchurch's own International Theological Commission examined the possibility of deaconesses and concluded that it was probably not possible to install women as deaconesses. But Francis-Bergoglio won't let that stop him. Those Marxist Liberalists never give up their efforts to destroy the Church, the family, and society.
The Newchurch of the New Order has become merely a paper-tiger, to which even once-Catholic Italy will no longer listen. On May 11, 2016, Italy's parliament told Francis-Bergoglio to pound sand as it legally recognized "gay unions." The vote wasn't even close. The Chamber of Deputies voted 372 yea, 51 nay, 99 abstentions in favor of the legislation.
How much Bergoglio's infamous "Who am I to judge?" statement factored into Italy's decision is unknown. Several previous attempts, before Bergoglio's anti-Catholic statement, foundered in the face of opposition even by the Newchurch of the New Order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, once-Catholic nations in Europe included "gay rights" into the European Convention on Human Rights. Of course, "gays" have no rights qua "gays," any more than murders have rights qua murderers. No wonder Europe is being taken over by Mohammedans, who are entirely opposed to "gay rights," and even criminalize sodomy and other such immoral activities.
More and more details are beginning to leak out about a supposedly "imminent" deal between Conciliar Rome, which is not Catholic, and the Neo-Society of St. Pius X. Newarchbishop Gerhard Mueller, the Secretary of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei," is now saying that the Society's refusal to accept controverted passages from Vatican II "is no barrier to a canonical and juridical recognition" of the Society.
Notice the subterfuge here. The sentence is structured so as to imply that the difficulty all along has been how to effect a "canonical recognition" for Fellay's Neo-SSPX, that it is the NSSPX that needs Conciliar Rome; Newrome does not need (or want) the Catholic Faith. But that is not what the difficulty was at all. The problem is that the so-called controverted passages from Vatican II contradict eternal Church teaching.
In fact, the goal had been to reach an agreement on doctrine, not to secure a canonical structure for the Neo-SSPX. The goal was not to realize that they needn't agree on all the Vatican II positions. It was to resolve outstanding issues. When they could not be resolved in 2012, there was a distancing between the two parties and, Fellay agreed not to attempt an agreement on doctrine or to secure any structure for the Neo-SSPX.
In fact, the parties continued to "negotiate" on doctrine in secret. They have reached the old trick position: if we cannot agree on all doctrine, we can agree that we needn't agree on the outstanding issues, as they are not essential. The Anglicans pulled this trick in the nineteenth century. They tried to separate essential from non-essential issues. Then the liberals whittled away at the essentials until there were few left anyway. Today, one can believe that Mohammed was an avatar of Jesus and still qualify as an Anglican!
It gets worse. Mueller talks about how the controverted passages are open to "study and discussion." In other words, the Neo-SSPX needn't agree on them today, but, fifteen years from now, for example, Newrome could define some of these issues, and the clarifications might deny the perennial teachings of true Catholicism in favor of liberal errors. These "clarifications" in error would then be imposed on Fellay's Neo-SSPX. By then, the Neo-SSPX would be dependent on Newrome and would be unable to escape.
Remember Protocol 1411-99? Rome sucked in the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) in 1988, planted moles in the Fraternity to create an issue, and then used that issue to remove the FSSP founder and to guarantee a "right" of FSSP presbyers to preside at the New Mess, which is a Protestant pagan service. Remember the Institute of the Good Shepherd (IBP)? Newrome promised it a "right" to use the Half New Order Vatican II Mess of 1962 exclusively and then revoked the grant after the deal was signed. Even the mafia are more subtle than that!
It gets even worse. Part of this deal will be a "grant" of a personal prelature. Some grant! It is like giving someone the "gift" of a poisonous spider as a birthday present. Newcanon 297 makes it crystal clear to anyone who is capable of reading in any language: with a personal prelature, Fellay's Neo-SSPX would need the permission of the local Newbishop to implant a first or new apostolate in his Newdiocese. Accepting this condition is pure suicide. Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional Society of St. Pius X succeeded in the first place only because he did not seek permission from the local Marxist Newbishops to plant apostolates. And I add that Francis-Bergoglio is appointing new Communist bishops at a breakneck speed.
What could Fellay possibly gain from all of this? First, a large transfer of money to an offshore account in his name. Secondly, it gives him the excuse not to have to send his presbyter-priests all over the countryside. Instead of heroic lives to serve the faithful, they can live lives of luxury in their priory castles: Oh, we wanted to establish a mission in your Newdiocese, madam, but your Newbishop wouldn't let us. So sorry. We advise you to pray for him to change his mind. Good luck!
If Conciliar Rome had been honorable, it could have offered the Society provision of a personal and international Newdiocese under Section 2 of Newcanon 372. Why has this not happened? It's because Newrome wants to put the Neo-SSPXers on a short leash. Time to walk this Neo-society doggy off to the left, to the Paradise of Modernism. Even better when the victim puts the handcuffs on his own hands for the victor!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How can one tell whether a Newchurch parish that is, basically, traditionalist but somewhat liberal, is going Novus Ordo?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
All Newchurch parishes are already servants of the Novus Ordo. By the laws of Newchurch, no Newchurch parish can be "traditionalist." They must all use the invalid New Mess (at least sometimes), profess the heretical Newdoctrine, accept the Anti-council Vatican II, and accept the immoral Newmorality of the Newchurch of the New Order. A few Newparishes on occasion may use the Half New Order Vatican II "Latin Mess" of 1962+, but that is not traditional, but a handmaiden of the Vatican II Anti-council.
True Catholics must avoid all Newchurch parishes like the plague they are. They are not Catholic, but heretical. A little Latin thrown in doesn't make anything "traditionalist." In Newchurch, a little Latin is used to mislead the clueless Newchurchers. For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend Newchurch's "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary" Messes? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department. FAQ03.
Newarchbishop Bruno Forte is an intimate of Francis-Bergoglio and considered to be the ghost-writer of much of Bergoglio's material. Now Forte has let the cat out of the big, confirming widespread suspicions about Bergoglio's dishonesty. Forte, who served as Bergoglio's Special Secretary at the November 2015 Synod on the Family, revealed to the Italian press on May 3, 2016, that Bergolio, using the well-known technique of Newjesuit obfuscation, was deliberately intending to lie about his true plans when he issued his March 19, 2016, Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitita, The Joy of Sex, which has still not been issued in its official Latin form.
Bergoglio admitted to the Synod in secret that he intends to violate Christ's own teaching in Sacred Scripture by giving the invalid New Order cookie and Kool-Aid to divorced and civilly "remarried" Newchurchers (who are actually bigamists and excommunicates), but he doesn't want to say so openly. Forte has revealed that Bergoglio boasted openly to the Synod's Newbishops about his perpetrating a lie and deception upon Newchurch: "You do not know what a terrible mess we will make, so we won't speak plainly. We will do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions [later]." In other words, Bergoglio wants to lay the groundwork to reject Christ's teaching, but not appear to do so -- yet.
Bergoglio's man Forte is now stating publicly that Bergoglio "intentionally manipulated the synodal process -- against the will of the [New]bishops -- to get an outcome that he knew would not be otherwise acceptable." Bergoglio's deception parallels the modus operandi of the Vatican II Anti-council by sneaking in an Invalid "New Mess" into Newchurch without at first appearing to do so. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian Zonalocale News Service.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has now revealed to his Newbishops in secret that he was a liar and a deceiver. But now his own hand-picked lieutenant, perhaps because he has a swelled head, has revealed Bergoglio's statement to the public. Traditional Catholics will only be confirmed in their judgment about Bergoglio, whom they already shun as a fraud and a heretic. But they will be delighted to know that their opinion is not based on mere personal suspicion, but now confirmed as hard fact by Bergoglio's own hand-picked lieutenant.
One has to laugh at the ignorance of the clueless Newchurch Neocons and their leaders. They are so out of it that they don't even know what happened in the Catholic Church. So now there are reports that they want to do two things to the invalid Novus Ordo Mess: (1) introduce a prayer at Mess for Persecuted Christians and (2) add the prayers after Mess.
The Traditional Latin Mass, which Newchurch killed for itself, already has both. First, the Collect (Prayer) Against the Persecutors of the Church was killed in the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's Second Great Wave of liturgical destruction in 1960. In the Traditional Latin Mass, almost every Sunday Mass (depending upon the liturgical rank of the Sunday) has as its Third Collect the following prayer:
Ecclesiae tuae, quaesumus, Domine, preces placatus admitte: ut, destructis adversitatibus et erroribus universis, secura tibi serviat libertate. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
[We beseech Thee, O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of Thy Church: that, all adversities and errors having been destroyed, she may serve Thee in secure liberty. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of the ages.]
The Prayers after Low Mass, which were introduced by Pope Leo XIII in 1888, were killed by the Vatican II Anti-council in 1965 at the start of widespread Modernistic changes that eventually produced the invalid New Order (Novus Ordo) Mess of 1969. At the Traditional Latin Mass, immediately following the Last Gospel, the priest and his altar servers kneel on the first step before the altar and say aloud, with the congregation, three Aves and the Salve Regina. The priest then recites a prayer for the conversion of sinners and for the liberty and exaltation of Holy Mother Church. The priest (and in some places the congregation) recites the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for protection against the malice and snares of the Devil. Finally, the versicle and response to the Sacred Heart of Jesus are recited thrice. These prayers are all properly said in Latin, as they take place in the Sanctuary, from which the vulgar tongues are traditionally banned. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, no wonder Newchurch is so filled with the Devil! It has lost the protection of God's grace. It has killed the true Mass and joins the Protestant heretics in using an invalid Mess/worship service. It has killed the prayer against the persecutors of the Church. It has killed the prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel. As a consequence, Newchurch's loss of Sacramental grace has produced a rampant wave of the worst immorality for decades, in which the Newpopes themselves have participated with their complicity.
Some readers may be wondering what happened to the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the "Indult" society that the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla founded in 1988 to counter Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X, when the Archbishop finally rejected Newchurch and consecrated four bishops for traditional Catholicism. The Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla panicked and issued a hasty document titled "Ecclesia Dei," a pastache of various drafts over the years, whose official Latin version exposed the fact that several hands were involved and that there was no time to clean up the final version to make it one whole.
So the FSSP supposedly had the full backing of the Unsaint and Newchurch. Yet the FSSP is now moribund, having failed to expand in any significant way since 1994, even after Benedict-Ratzinger's own version of "Ecclesia Dei," issued in 2007 as "Summorum pontificum." Why? Because all of this was a Newchurch fraud. Wojtyla and Ratzinger issued their documents because they didn't want to lose completely the bodies of pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers and their considerable money. Neither of these Newpopes -- and certainly Francis-Bergoglio -- have no love for what they term the New Order's "Latin Mass," which is most definitely not the Traditional Catholic Latin Mass of 2,000 years. Moreover, the FSSP does not have priests, but Protestantized presbyter-ministers, as its ordaining bishops were never validly consecrated in the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders, merely installed as Newbishops in the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968.
The FSSP in the United States was originally headquartered in Elmhurst, Pennsylvania, under Newbishop James Timlin, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, who was later associated in paedophilia scandals, which affected members of the FSSP as well. So in 1994 the FSSP was uprooted from Elmhurst and moved to Denton, Nebraska, under Newbishop Fabian Bruskewicz, of Lincoln, Nebraska, who was known for marching in the annual Masonic parade and loaning out his Newcathedral for Protestant "ordinations." It is clear that Newchurch engineered the 1994 move to Nebraska in order to reduce the FSSP to nothingness after an initial propaganda scam to keep the considerable money of pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers. The FSSP's presence in the United States, especially in view of the fact that it is supposed to be "Newpapally approved," is insignificant and stunted.
The FSSP, like all other clueless "Indult" (1998) and "Motu" (2007) organizations -- Institute of Christ the King, Institute of the Good Shepherd, Faternity of St. John Vianney, etc. -- was taken for a ride by Newchurch. First of all, they were deprived of the Traditional Latin Mass and forced to use the Half New Order Vatican II "Mess of 1962." Even worse, the "Ecclesia Dei" Commission's infamous Protocol 1411 of 1999 ordered that FSSP presbyters must use the Novus Ordo Mess when asked to do so by their Newbishop, usually every Maundy Thursday at the invalid Novus Ordo "concelebrated Mess" on that day. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the California Catholic Daily.]
True Catholics, one statement from a Newchurch source spills the beans: "Because the [New]diocese has historically been so conservative, there has never been a great battle cry from traditionalists for the exclusive return of the [Traditional] Latin Mass. Many within the community can even be seen at various Novus Ordo parishes participating fully within the [invalid Novus Ordo] liturgy." In other words, Newchurch deceived "traditionalists" in Lincoln to accept the demi-Mess of 1962 and the invalid New Order Mess of 1969 and stop fighting for the true Mass. Also, unlike other Newdioceses which require school Messes only once a week, or in some cases once a month, each grade school in the Newdiocese of Lincoln requires New Order presbyters to force daily Mess down the throats of the entire school each day. No wonder the poor kids are not Catholics, but little Protestants!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
With Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger -- no traditionalist he -- introducing altar girls to his Newpapal Messes, and pseudo-traditional organizations like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) using altar girls (can Bernie Fellay's Novus-Ordo-bent Neo-SSPX be far behind?), I am afraid that no altar boys means no vocations. Where altar girls are introduced, presbyter vocations are almost non-existent. It's a fact that 80 of recently ordained presbyters in Newchurch were altar boys. Let's bring the altar boy back. He is the future of the Church.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
And what "Church" is that, pray tell? The heretical Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order currently led by the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio? Why would any true Catholic care about the future of that anti-Catholic organization? It is not the Catholic Church -- far from it! It is what traditional Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre correctly termed heretical "Modernist Rome," not Catholic Rome.
You are merely trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic of the New Order. What true Catholic cares whether boys or girls do the nasty service of what is essentially an invalid Protestant worship service, which has no valid "communion" and no valid priests. Newchurch tossed out the Catholic priesthood in 1968, when the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized New Ordinal replaced the valid Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders in Newchurch In 1969, the valid Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Pope St. Pius V, and Pope St. Pius X was dumped and in its place was substituted an invalid "New Mess" that hands out only invalid cookies and Kool-Aid in Newchurch.
The trouble with Neocon Newchurchers is that they fail to see that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church. The New Order replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional Church" in 1964. The only possible response for a true Catholic is to reject and shun Newchurch completely as the heretical, immoral, and Protestant organization that it is.
In 1891 Katherine Drexel left her gilded-age Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, family and poured her 20,000,000-dollar inheritance into a religious congregation called the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People. Over decades, Drexel's congregation grew to more than 600 sisters. But the traditional Catholic passion of Drexel, who died in 1955, couldn't shield the congregation from the Newchurch plague: tanking membership. Drexel's congregation, which once numbered more than 600 sisters, has shrunk under Newchurch to a mere one-fifth of that number, a number that is continuing to shrink. About half of the remaining 104 sisters are inactive. One of the remaining sisters said, "We haven't had any women enter [as novices] in several years."
So the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament will sell off its Bensalem, Pennsylvania, motherhouse, shrine, and Drexel's tomb. Two schools that the congregation once ran were demolished years ago. The irony is that the sisters have not had the Blessed Sacrament in fifty years. After the New Ordinal of 1969 and the New Order Mess of 1969, there has been no "Blessed Sacrament" in Newchurch because there have been no priests ordained or valid Masses in the New Order sect. The Novus Ordo "Blessed Sacrament" is in reality a mere piece of bread -- or more likely a cookie -- no different from invalid and graceless Protestant "communion." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Philly News.]
True Catholics, since the Newchurch of the New Order replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional Church" in 1964 and brought in a lot of anti-Catholic Modernist claptrap, very few women want to become sisters of the New Order. Most congregations are dying, and the few yet surviving will probably all be dead in twenty years.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Did some pope actually demand that we pray the so-called Fatima prayer during the Holy Rosary? My perception is that too much of the Fatima stories rely on Sister Lucy. She is not a priest, a bishop, nor a pope.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The so-called Fatima prayers are not of obligation. The Dominican Rosary consists simply of 150 Aves and the 15 meditations. The Rosary is the layman's Divine Office, the official prayer of the Church recited or chanted by the clergy, religious, and devout faithful, which includes the 150 Psalms over the course of a week. This is the original of the 150 Aves, which was used by clergy traveling in days when Office books (Breviaria) were not available. Since 1479 Pope Sixtus IV has accorded the recitation of a third part of the Rosary (50 Aves and 5 meditations) the same indulgence as for the full Rosary. Over the years some have added various prayers before and after the body of the Rosary, but none of these is required.
Needless to say, the perversion of the Unsaint John Paul II-Wojtyla, who added the New Age "Luminous Mysteries," is to be completely shunned by traditional Catholics as entirely contrary to Tradition and to the fundamental nature of the Rosary.
Fatima is not an official teaching of the Church, nor can it ever be, because it occurred after the Apostolic age. To accord Fatima the same status as Sacred Scripture is heresy, but if you are not convinced about Fatima, you are in no wise a heretic. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Fatima" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
The evidence that the Newchurch of the New Order has gone completely bonkers continues to pile up, even faster under the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. Now it seems that two presbyters have kidnapped and beat up their Newbishop, Prasad Gallela, of Cuddapah, India. They were arrested for kidnapping for ransom, banditry, attempted murder, assault, and criminal conspiracy, motivated, according to police, by "greed for money and power." The presbyters demanded 75,000 U.S. dollars from the Newbishop. The two presbyters organized a gang of twelve to commit the crimes. They confessed to attempting the crimes on four separate occasions before they finally succeeded on May 2, 2016. As each charge carries prison terms of ten years to life, the two presbyters will probably die in prison.
And why did the Newchurch presbyters commit these crimes, other than being morally corrupted by the New Order sect? It seems that the Newbishop transferred them when they were unwilling to go. But the presbyters may have had another excuse. They claimed that the Newbishop was actually the criminal, having pocketed money donated from overseas for a network of homes for the poor. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News Asia.]
True Catholics, amongst presbyters and Newbishops, it is hard to find a single good man. In this case, the presbyters and the Newbishop were apparently all criminals. The Newbishop got off scot free for his theft of money donated for the poor, but the presbyters were arrested. As the proverb says, the fish stinks from the head. When one looks at Francis-Bergoglio, who operates a corrupt bank that he refuses to have audited and a large ring of paedophiling clergy, whom he refuses to stop, it is no surprise that Newpope and Newchurch stink.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
My niece entered a Newchurch-affiliated, pseudo-traditional "Carmelite" convent nearly three years ago. This convent states that it is traditional; that is, it has the Traditional Mass, but only most of the time. Sometimes it has the Novus Ordo Mess when there isn't a Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) presbyter to offer the Traditional Mass. This convent prays the Divine Office in Latin, but the Vatican II Half New Order Office of 1960, not the traditional Office. Some of their Carmelite practices look on the surface to be traditional, but the convent accepts the Vatican II Anti-council.
I was opposed to my niece's entry into a Newchurch-affiliated convent, especially as there is nearby one that is devoted unreservedly to fully traditional Catholicism, but her mother claims that the fully traditional convent is not "with Rome." I opposed the Newchurch convent strongly and told my sister so. Now there is a fracture in the family. I pray that my niece receives the grace to see that Vatican II and the Norvus Ordo are poison to her soul and has the courage to leave to enter a fully-traditional convent.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The convent that you are describing is not traditional Catholic. First of all, the FSSP is not traditional, but an arm of the Newchurch of the New Order and swears allegiance to that sect. The FSSP uses the Half New Order Vatican II Mess of 1962, which was halfway along the way to becoming the full-blown New Order Mess just seven years later. A true Catholic can never have anything to do with the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess." For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend Newchurch's "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary" Messes? in the section "Five Practical Rules for Dealing with the New Order Sect" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
It seems that a fraud was perpetrated upon your niece. These pseudo- (that is, false) traditional Newchurch organizations are very deceitful. They throw on a little Latin and a few old customs to delude the clueless into thinking that they are traditional, whereas they are actually full-throated members of the New Order sect.
The reality is that Newchurch itself is not "with Rome." Instead, it is a false "Modernist Newrome," not the Rome of the Catholic Church. Just ask your sister: what true Catholic would ever want to be "with" this phony, man-made Newrome, which is not Catholic, whose current Newpope is a patent Marxist who hates Sacred Tradition (which makes him a putative heretic) and allows his Newclergy to continue to rape, sodomize, and otherwise sexually assault children while he sits by doing nothing but issuing press statements. With an invalid Mess, filthy morality, and corrupt doctrine, Newchurch is no more "Rome" than the Lutherans or Presbyterians! A fully traditional Catholic convent is per se "with Rome" -- the Catholic Rome of 2,000 years.
You yourself obviously have good instincts. It is a pity that your niece didn't listen to you when she had the chance. If you are confronted on this matter in the future, put the unCatholics on the defensive. You yourself have nothing to defend. You are simply following the Catholic Church of 2,000 years. It is the unCatholics who must defend to you the perversion of the traditional Catholic Faith into some kind of "New Order." Otherwise, for peace in the family, you don't have to bring the subject up again. You've already made your point. Now the heavy burden of moral responsibility falls upon your sister and your niece.
U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump was correct when, on February 19, 2016, he warned Francis-Bergoglio that he shouldn't be so "soft" on Mohammedans. They're coming after you, Trump said. Just as Donald Trump had predicted, Italian authorities on April 28, 2016, arrested four Mohammedan terrorists actively involved in a plot to destroy Newvatican. The Italian authorities said that one of the terrorists is a Moroccan-born national living in Italy who had received orders from the Islamic State of Syrian and the Levant (ISIL) to attack Newvatican during Bergoglio's fabricated Holy Year of "Mercy," which extends in his New Order sect from December 2015 to November 2016.
One of these Mohammedan terrorists received a direct orders from ISIL command: "Dear brother Abderrahim, I send you ... the bomb poem ... listen to the sheik [ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] and strike." Another one of the terrorists, who had been appointed to secure bombs to blast Bergoglio's Newvatican out of existence, responded to ISIL command: "I swear I will be the first to attack ... the Vatican with the will of God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian ANSA News Agency.]
The ISIL terrorists have regularly used the symbolism of Rome, the Roman Empire (which had brought peace to the Middle East at the time of Christ), and the Roman Catholic Church (which the terrorists erroneously think is headquartered in the Newvatican), and the Holy Crusaders to represent the target of its intended destruction.
True Catholics, one has to wonder whether the anti-Catholic, Marxist Francis-Bergoglio even cares about Rome any longer. He showed no particular outrage when ISIL destroyed priceless Roman archaeological monuments in Palmyra, Syria. He's more interested in violating the European Union's laws (which he supposedly supports, as did his predecessor, the abdicated Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger) and bringing terrorist invaders into Europe from the Isle of the Lesbians.
Even Newchurch leaders are now recognizing that Francis-Bergoglio is spouting heresy and schism. The latest to speak out, on April 29, 2016, is Professor Robert Spaemann, a prominent Newchurch theologian, who has warned that Francis-Bergoglio has endangered the unity of the Church by contradicting Sacred Tradition in the so-called Apostolic Exhortation of March 19, 2016, entitled Amoris laetitia, which has still not been released in its official Latin version. The doctrine of the Catholic Church, solemnly defined at Vatican I (1870), is that no pope has the authority to change either Sacred Scripture or Sacred Tradition.
Stated Spaemann: "The consequences are already foreseeable: uncertainty and confusion, from the [New]bishops' conferences to the small [New]parishes in the middle of nowhere." Then Spaemann went on to forecast the dire consequences of the schism contained in Francis-Bergoglio's document:
Each pr[esbyter] who adheres to the until-now valid discipline of the Sacraments, could be mobbed by the faithful and be put under pressure from his [Newchurch] bishop. [New]rome can now make the stipulation that only “merciful” bishops will be named, who are ready to soften the existing discipline. The [New]pope must have known that he would split the [New]church with such a step and lead toward a schism -- a schism that would not be settled on the peripheries, but rather in the heart of the [New]church." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Even traditional Catholics may be unaware of the fact that it is the teaching of the Church that popes may go into schism. Among many other traditional theologians of the Church, Juan Cardinal de Torquemada, the uncle of the Grand Inquisitor, upon whom the title "Defender of the Faith" was bestowed by Pope Eugene IV, wrote:
In this way, the Pope would, without doubt, fall into schism: ...He would do that if he did not observe that which the Universal Church observes in basing herself on the Tradition of the Apostles, or if he did not observe that which has been ordained for the whole world by the universal councils or by the authority of the Apostolic See. Especially is this true with regard to the Divine Liturgy, as, for example, if he did not wish personally to follow the universal customs and rites of the Church. This same holds true for other aspects of the liturgy in a very general fashion, as would be the case of one unwilling to celebrate with priestly vestments, or in consecrated places, or with candles, or if he refused to make the sign of the cross as other priests do, or other similar things which, in a general way, relate to perpetual usage in conformity with the Canons.... By thus separating himself apart, and with obstinacy, from the observance of the universal customs and rites of the Church, the pope could fall into schism.
True Catholics, it was Pope Innocent III who decreed in no uncertain terms how Catholics should act with respect to such a schismatic pope. "Should a pope go against the universal customs of the church, he ought not to be obeyed." One cannot think of a man to whom that decree should be applied more than the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio who hates Sacred Tradition and traditional Catholics, and delights in violating every tradition and custom of the Catholic Church.
It's getting to the point that these anti-Catholic Newbishops don't even know the Roman Catholic Church's Latin language. Either that, or they are outright violators of the Eighth Commandment of God, engaging in fraud, as the following report indicates.
An order of elderly Newchurch nuns, the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Newarchdiocese of Los Angeles, California, has taken on Newarchbishop Jose Gomez, who they claim is trying to steal 15,500,000 dollars from them, the value of their motherhouse. They maintain that Gomez is trying to swindle the elderly nuns because he needs to satisfy a 600,000,000-dollar court judgment against him because of sex crimes perpetrated by his Newclergy. The nuns, all in their late 70s or older, say that the sale of the property is their sole means of providing for their medical and housing needs. (Because Newchurch no longer practices the Catholic Faith, the number of young nuns is virtually non-existent. Many Newchurch orders of women have become defunct.)
But that is only part of the story. The rest of the story concerns how the swindle was attempted. On April 25, 2016, the nuns accused Newarchbishop Gomez of fraud in California Superior Court, maintaining that he deliberately provided a "false translation" of a Newvatican decree in order to convince the judge regarding their right to retain the property. The elderly nuns are so irate against Gomez's swindle that they have taken to national television new to denounce his fraud.
The document in Latin from the Roman Rota, which had to approve any sale of Church property, stated in no uncertain terms that the dispute was still being decided in Newrome, the motion states, but Gomez's agents provided a "false translation" implying that Newvatican had reached a final decision disapproving the nuns' sale of the property for the needs of their order. If the judge finds that Newarchbishop Gomez deliberately falsified the "translation," he could find himself behind bars. The court had based its ruling substantially upon the Newvatican document. Apparently, the judge was ignorant of Latin, so she imprudently deferred to Gomez, who had an partisan interest in the case. Newarchbishop Gomez's spokesman explained the swindle of the elderly nuns' property as constituting part of the "care and well-being of all the IHM sisters." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Newchurch constantly prattles on about its charity, but it practices charity in word only. In deed, it will swindle even elderly nuns of their property. The moral of this story is that people who study their Latin well prevail. That is how the nuns caught Newarchbishop Gomez's attempted swindle.
Latin songs based upon one of the most important works written during the Patristic Period of the Roman Catholic Church by the noted Roman philosopher Boethius (ca. 480-524), entitled De Consolatione Philosopiae, [On the Consolation of Philosophy], were performed for the first time in 1,000 years on April 23, 2016, at Cambridge, England. The work, written by Boethius when he was in prison, is one of the most influential works of the Late Latin period, but had been partially lost when a German scholar purloined a key leaf from the Cambridge University Library in 1840.
Boethius worked as an official of the Roman government to heal the disagreements that were then beginning to split the Eastern and Western Church -- disagreements that eventually led to the Great Schism of 1054, when the Eastern Church went into schism from the Roman Catholic Church and became known as the Eastern Orthodox.
The hymns, written in the 11th century, are derived from Gregorian chant, the Roman Catholic Church's own proper music, which is the basis of all Western music. They are written in a predecessor of modern musical notation, called neumae, in which were recorded between the 9th and the 13th century songs based on passages from such other Classical authors as the Roman lyric poet Horace and the Roman epic poet Vergil. Those Catholics who sing in a Gregorian schola (small choir) will recognize neumae from their later transcription in the Church's liturgical books or extracts found in, for example, the Liber Usualis.
The hymns feature music set to the poetic portions of Boethius's magnum opus, which has both prose and poetic sections. During the Middle Ages until the end of the 12th century, it was common for great works such as Boethius's to be set to music as a way of learning and ritualizing the texts for Catholic Church services. In England, many prominent figures, including King Alfred the Great, Chaucer, and Queen Elizabeth I were devotees of Boethius's work. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Archaeology News Network.]True Catholics, we must never forget that the Roman Catholic Church, and the Roman Empire that preceded it, were Providence's Divine instrument to advance Western culture. No other culture has ever achieved the musical development that the West did. In addition to music and philosophy, the Roman Catholic Church has educated the world culturally in such areas as law, government, architecture, painting, sculpture, science, technology, and medicine, to name just a few. Never cease to remind your family and friends that without the Roman Catholic Church, all the benefits of Western culture that they take for granted would not even exist.