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Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Thank you for exposing Newchurch's "Divine Mercy" fraud. I've noticed that it is commonly advanced by the Novus Ordo "Indult" Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and at many Newdiocesan Half Novus Ordo "1962 Messes." This is just another reason what true Catholics should shun anything associated with the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order. When the Vatican II Anti-council's revolution came in the 1960s, truly Catholic devotions were stamped out or, when that was not possible, mangled.
The devotion to the Five Sacred Wounds has been eliminated, for example. So have that of the Holy Face of Jesus, which was designed to combat Communism. In their place, we have this "Divine Mercy" flotsam. The Stations of the Cross were replaced by socialist Stations featuring modern art. Five fake "Luminous" New Age mysteries were added to the Newrosary by the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla. Nothing traditional has been allowed to remain standing in Newchurch.
I have managed to convince some people in my area to abandon the "Divine Mercy" propaganda and to embrace traditional Catholic devotions, especially that of the Five Sacred Wounds.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We wish to mention especially as an antidote to the "Divine Mercy" fabrication the traditional devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is an ancient devotion, having grown in the early Middle Ages through the efforts of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a Doctor of the Church, and St. Gertrude. However, it was in the latter half of the seventeenth century that news of three private revelations to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque concerning the Sacred Heart swept the Catholic world and shortly led to the establishment of a feast on the Friday after the Octave of Corpus Christi (the Friday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost).
The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was extended to the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX in 1856, became a feast of atonement for human ingratitude toward God in spite of the supreme sacrifice of Calvary. The theme for the new Mass and the Divine Office was taken from the words of Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary: "Behold the Heart which has loved men so greatly, but which has been given so little love in return." Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus has been richly indulgenced by the Church, and a Litany of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of only five approved for public recitation.
Although Mohammedans persecute Christians with death, anti-Christian Francis-Bergoglio constantly defends Infidel Islamism and throws Christians under the bus. In fact, Bergoglio has become "one of Infidel Islam’s loudest boosters." What is worse, some clueless Newchurchers treat this man Bergoglio, a heretic Modernist, as if every drool from his Marxist mouth is "infallible." Newchurchers who believe that are heretics themselves, as they are holding to the heresy of Papolatry and hercontradicting what the dogmatic Vatican I Council (not II) taught giving the papacy divine attributes.
Bergoglio, a Marxist Newjesuit, "oozes enthusiasm for every religion except his own" -- assuming that he was ever a Catholic. After jihadists cut off the head of a French presbyter in July 2016, yelling "Allahu Akbar" over the presbyter's slit throat, Bergoglio rushed to the defense of Infidel Islam. The Marxist Bergoglio proclaimed that the murder was not due to Islamic terrorism, but to Western capitalism, which he had the temerity to call "the first terrorism." This faker told the French daily La Croix: "When I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful."
On his Newpapal junket to Egypt starting on April 29, 2017, Bergoglio will not be visiting the Coptic Pope and the Christian Coptic Churches that have been destroyed by the Infidel Mohammedans. No, he will visit the Islamic Azhar center. Bergoglio will push the heresy of Oecumenism, which teaches that all "relgions are equal." He wants to have an "inter-religious dialogue with the Islamic world," following up on the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla's kissing of the Mohammedan Koran, which lays the obligation upon Mohammedans to murder Christians if they do not convert. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the American Spectator.]
True Catholics, the true Popes have regarded Islam as a font of poisonous heresies. Dante Alighieri, the great Catholic epicist, placed Mohammad in Hell. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Catholic Church, said that Mohammad peddled "fables and doctrines of the greatest falsity." Islam remains as violent as it started, but one thing is new: the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, most especially under Francis-Bergoglio, has become one of Islam's loudest boosters.
Ever since the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, the Newchurch of the New Order replaced with a phony "Divine Mercy Sunday" the traditional Sunday in White, the High Feast of the Octave Day of Easter (in 2017, April 23). It is a typically false Novus Ordo devotion that should be completely shunned by traditional Catholics. Here is its illegitimate history.
A local devotion under this title, which is associated with one Sr. Faustina and a chaplet of the Divine Mercy, was approved by the Ordinary of Vilnius, Poland, in 1936 and from there spread rapidly, especially after World War II in the United States. It appears that Sr. Faustina could not write, except for a few lines phonetically. Most of her "diary" was concocted by her sisters after her death.
Because of the incongruities of the dairy (different handwriting, different use of terms), the devotion was suppressed, and the book of her diary was placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum [Index of Forbidden Books]. This decision was upheld by Pope John XXIII on November 28, 1958. Moreover, after Pope John XXIII's suppression, deliberate mistranslations began to be circulated that "oecumenized" the original diary. For example, the confirmation of the Catholic doctrine that Jews need to convert to Christianity was eliminated. Prophecies warning of a new order were expunged.
In early 1978, a Polish cardinal petitioned the Vatican to remove the suppression of the devotion, which was being practiced without sanction in his diocese, and the Vatican replied in the negative, confirming the suppression. By this time the original devotional prayer that Sister Faustina composed in 1935 had been illegally replaced by an oecumenized version framed in New Order terminology -- with substantially changed prayers to promote non-Catholic beliefs and the heresy of universal salvation. Among other things, it omitted Sister Faustina's quotation of Our Lord's words condemning "pagans, heretics, and schismatics." Later in 1978 a Polish pope was elected, and the now modernized version, twice condemned, was now entered onto the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar on the Octave of Easter. The "Feast of Divine Mercy" is strictly Novus Ordo and has no basis in the traditional liturgy.
The Octave Day of a feast, particularly of the greatest feast, Easter, is a significant day in itself. The Divine Mercy cult is thus in contravention of the focus of the Catholic liturgy for that day, which is on the Resurrection of Our Lord and faith in His Divinity. As Dom Gueranger, the noted Benedictine liturgical scholar, commented in his fifteen-volume Liturgical Year: "Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of greater double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it."
That is the Roman Catholic attitude, which the New Order has spurned.
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "'Divine Mercy' -- A False Devotion."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX have scandalized the world by perpetrating a public sacrilege. They supposedly preach to laypeople to stay away from the Novus Ordo Mess and instead attend their own Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+, but they are hypocrites like the Pharisees of the Old Temple. Fellay refuses to state the reality that the Novus Ordo Mess is invalid.
Now Fellay and his Neo-SSPX have been exposed publicly to have used a Newchurch heretical temple in Buffalo, New York, on April 8, 2017, for a Solemn Requiem Mass for the pseudo-traditionalist John Vennari, in a sacrilege perpetrated with the cooperation of the unconsecrated Novus Ordo bishop there. Seven Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters officially participated, together with Neo-SSPX brothers and laypeople. This is without a doubt a sacrilege.
I am reminded of Our Lord's denunciation of the Jews of His time: "Hypocrites, well hath Isaias prophesied of you, saying: This people honoreth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men" (Matthew 15:7-9/DRV).
True Catholics, John Vennari was once an independent, but in his later years he bought into Bernie Fellay's Novus Ordo-leaning Neo-SSPX -- which most certainly is not Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X -- and from there the newspaper became more and more bent to the New Order sect. This sacrilege provides more evidence that Fellay has already sold out to the Novus Ordo sect. It is just a matter of his signing off on Newchurch's paperwork.
A noted Newvaticanologist, Andrea Tornielli, has reported on April 14, 2017, that on the basis of discussions he has had with top officials in Francis-Bergoglio's residence in the Domus Sanctae Marthae and contrary to common scuttlebutt, Bergoglio has no intention of making Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX a "personal prelature" of Newchurch. It was speculated that Bergoglio personally had fed this information to Tornielli.
Tornielli reported that in fact the situation between Fellay and Bergoglio had not changed in the last months. The regional superiors of the Neo-SSPX have refused to let Fellay sign the doctrinal statement offered by Newvatican, which requires the Neo-SSPX to profess its faith in the Newchurch of the New Order. Tornielli reports that Newvatican is in no hurry to accept Fellay into Newchurch, particularly because there is so much dissension within his Neo-SSPX. One of its bishops left, 100 of its priest left, and many of its district superiors reject a sellout to the New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Insider.]
True Catholics, for his own purposes the perfidious Fellay likes to gin up news stories on himself. Like his master, the Modernist Francis-Bergoglio, Fellay is a narcissist to an extreme. If only Archbishop Lefebvfe had not died in 1991, one could see the resources of the original traditional Society of St. Pius X being used to bring droves of disaffected Newchurchers back to the true Catholic doctrine and morals and to the true Catholic Mass and Sacraments. Fellay, to the contrary, has wasted the Neo-SSPX's money and resources by playing useless political games with the anti-Catholic Newchurch and its anti-Catholic Newpope.
The Newchurch diocese of Limerick, Ireland, announced on April 1, 2017, that it will have a Mess-less day on April 25, 2017, the feastday of St. Mark, Evangelist. There just aren't any presbyters in the Newdiocese to simulate the Mess. The presbyters will all be away at a Novus Ordo "formation gathering." Newbishop Brendan Leahy was quite forthright in saying that he has pulled this trick to prepare Newchurchers for a future in which they "will need to rely on laypeople to lead services because of an acute shortage" of presbyters.
Of course, the Irish, as all Newchurchers, have not had a real Mass since 1969, when the invalid "New Mess" of 1969 was substituted in the Newchurch of the New Order for the Catholic Mass. Before 1969, the last time there was no Mass occurred before the Catholic Emancipation of 1829.
In Ireland, beset with paedophile crimes perpetrated by Newchurch presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals, vocations to the Novus Ordo presbyterate have drastically fallen off. Newbishop Brendan warned in November 2016 that "a chronic shortage of presbyters, coupled with falling Mess attendances, could lead to some Novus Ordo churches having Mess "every second Sunday or one Sunday a month." The Limerick Newdiocese has a population of 184,340 Newchurchers in 60 Newparishes. It has 83 active presbyters, with just ten of them under the age of 50. The Dublin archdiocese does not have a single Novus Ordo presbyter under the age of 40. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Irish Times.]
True Catholics, the Vatican II experiment in heretical Modernism has undeniably flopped. After fifty years, the New Order is rapidly going down the tubes. No man wants to be a presbyter for a phony Mess, phony Sacraments, anti-Catholic doctrine, and anti-Catholic morality. The Marxist and Modernist heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is noticeably accelerating the death of Newchurch. Within a few years it will fall upon independent traditional Catholic priests and congregations to rebuild the Catholic Church from the catacombs.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Every Eastertime Newchurch hauls out its Lutheran Cross with what looks like a beach-towel wrapped around it. Newchurch puts this low-class monstrosity in the Novus Ordo "sanctuary" in a prominent place. It looks as if, once Christ was resurrected, He went over to a beach on the Sea of Galilee and got a suntan on the sands there. Then He decided that He had to hang the towel somewhere, so He returned to Calvary and wrapped it around the bare Cross.
I did some research on this business. Apparently, the "resurrection cross" began its life in Germany among the Lutherans. The beach-towel is actually supposed to be the shroud (although Jesus never wrapped the shroud around the Cross either). The crucifix symbolizes the fact that Christ has conquered sin and death, so the Cross is bare, and the shroud is discarded on the Cross, as a risen Christ no longer needs it.
This Protestant Easter cross that is now so popular in the Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order entered America from Germany and became, in time, the emblem of the Pentecostalist preacher named Robert Schuler. He was the chief demogogue at his Crystal Cathedral in Southern California. After he retired, his children argued over his will, and his denomination disintegrated. Newchurch bought the Crystal Palace in 2012, which is perfect for the Protestantized New Messes. The Crystal Palace was built for sing-along services, whether those of Luther or the New Mess or the Schuler shindigs.
We now see the Lutheran Schuler "resurrection cross" popping up like a rank weed in Newchurch sanctuaries all over the world. It appears on Easter Sunday and fades from view some weeks later. I was always taught that one cannot separate Jesus from the Cross, or the Cross from Jesus. I never remember seeing this saccharine version before Newchurch replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church in 1964.
Here he goes again! In order to promote tourism and to turn the attention of the world away from His Newchurch's paedophile Crims and Immoral Doctrines on Marriage and Sodomy, Francis-Bergoglio is going to con-anize two of the "seers" of Fatima, Portugal. It is not as if these con-anizations are being done in regular order. Instead, they have been carefully coordinated to coincide with the Marxist Newpopes junket to Fatima on May 13, 2017. It was only on April 20, 2017, that the con-anizations were announced, just in time for his junket.
We say "con-anize," because Newchurch in 1984 replaced the traditional process of canonization with a politically-motivated "con" that shovels more and more disputed Newsaints into the mud of Newchurch. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "'Canonizations' New Order."
Traditional Catholics, of course, know of the fraud inherent in his matter. Fatima has been corrupted by a New Age mindset that has become obsessed with "secrets." Traditional Catholics, however, who attended the solemn rites of Holy Week, heard proclaimed on Good Friday the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John, in which Our Lord specifically responded to the corrupt leader of the Church at that time, Caiphas, with these words: "I have spoken openly to the world ... and in secret I have spoken nothing" (John 18:20/DRV). The notion of "secrets" is part of the heresy of Gnosticism, which was condemned by the Church in its early centuries. Yet that heresy persists to this day: that there is secret knowledge to be found outside Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Whatever the truth of Fatima or the two "seers" may be, one thing is certain: Fatima is not, and can never be, a dogma of the Church. It is, however, dogma that no purported miracles, except those by Our Lord and His Apostles as related in Sacred Scripture, require the assent of any Catholic. One Novus Ordo presbyter, now deceased, scandalized the true Church when he declared that the "secrets" of Fatima were to be believed on the same level as Sacred Scripture. Such a statement is outright heresy.
It is interesting to note that the "institutional" Church, before it was replaced by the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964, refused to consider the two "seers" for traditional canonization because it was held that non-martyred children do not have the capacity to understand heroic virtues. Arbitrarily, without any authority to do so, Newpope JPII-Wojtyla, the "Unsaint" who was himself con-anized in a flawed manner in 2014 by the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, wiped away traditional Catholic theological objections.
True Catholics, the old maxim corruptio optimi pessisa gets it exactly right. The anti-Catholic Newchurch and its corrupt Newpopes have soiled the highest things and dragged them down into the Novus Ordo muck, including canonizations, which, before the advent of phony New Order sect, took the most meticulous care to ensure that no one would ever be called a "Saint" without absolute certainty. Often, repeated reviews of the evidence were performed for centuries until a final conclusion was reached. Now Newchurch con-anizations are simulated merely to encourage tourism and to provide propaganda for a dying Newchurch, mired in moral, financial, doctrinal, and liturgical decomposition.
On April 18, 2017, Mohammedans attacked the area around St. Catherine's Monastery on the Sinai peninsula at the foot of Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. One police officer was killed, and four men wounded. St. Catherine's is the oldest active Catholic monastery in the world. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack. The infidels were driven into retreat before they could do damage to the monastery.
St. Catherine's Monastery is a priceless site on account of its Byzantine architecture, its priceless collection of icons, and its collection of ancient manuscripts. Built between 548 and 565, the site contains the world's oldest continually operating library, possessing many unique books including one of the four earliest sources of the Bible, the Codex Sinaiticus, discovered in 1846 and generally considered to be the best source for the original Greek New Testament. Fortunately, most of the codex now resides safely in the British Library in London. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed from the News Agency Fides.]
True Catholics, Islam does not mean "peace"; it means "submission." The Mohammedan Infidels, with rare periods of exception, have throughout history worked hard to destroy Christianity. The situation is no different in our time. That is why Pope Pius Xi ordered in 1926 the annual prayer on the Feast of Christ the King, which contains the words: "Rex esto eorum omnium, qui in tenebris idolatriae aut islamismi adhuc versantur, eosque in lumen regunumque tuum vindicare ne renuas' [Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God]. Naturally, Newchurch abrogated the pope's decree and has become subject to increasing attacks by the infidels.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been studying about the Catholic Church for a few years now and am ready to make the jump to the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, all of the local RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) programs are Vatican II-oriented and far from the traditional Catholic faith. Should I go ahead and take the Modernist RCIA class, or is there another option?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There is most certainly another option. RCIA is not Catholic at all. First of all, no one aspiring to be baptized as a Catholic can have anything to do with RCIA. It is a New Order sect, Protestant-based programme that should be avoided like the heretical plague against the Catholic Faith that it is. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Charismatic Movement."
What you need to do is speak to a traditional Catholic priest, who will arrange for your instruction. Sometimes there may be a group of catechumens, but often you will receive individual instruction, which the priest can direct according to your level of previous knowledge.
For a local traditional Catholic priest, see the current Monthly Revised Edition of this year's Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America, linked at the top of this Daily Commentaries page. Look for sites that bear the "Recommended" icon, which are truly traditional Catholic sites.
On Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger turned 90. His secretary since 2003, Georg Ganswein, in a pre-birthday interview, admitted, though he tried mightily to gild the truth, that the Second Paedophile Newpope is a shell of a man, who can barely receive visitors any longer.
Ratzinger abdicated from the Newpapacy on February 28, 2013, in the midst of a great paedophilw scandal, in which his non-plussed butler of many years, Paolo Gabriele, turned over to the Italian press evidence of his boss's corruption. It was widely reported at the time that Ratzinger had abdicated because evidence of his involvement in supporting paedophile among Newchurch clergy would be revealed to the world if he did not abdicate altogether.
Ratzinger had been in charge of investigating and punishing paedophile Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters since 1981 and had signally failed to perform is duty. It was principally due to his corruption that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust was finally exposed to the public in 2001. After his abdication in 2013, Ratzinger has been placed under virtual house arrest, only rarely allowed to leave his villa in the Vatican Gardens because of the scandal that it creates when the international press then has to mention the corruption of his regime.
True Catholics, it is notable that to his ninetieth year, Benedict-Raztinger has never celebrated a true Mass since the New Order was decreed throughout Newchurch in 1969. His 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum, which supposedly permitted the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962 to be simulated under very limited circumstances, was a scam to make pseudo-traditional and Neocon Newchurchers embrace the New Order sect. Ratzinger is known to this day as the Father of Modernism, the heresy that he introduced into the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Ratzinger was, and remains, a scandal, and thus has to be hidden away in the tool-shed of the Vatican Gardens, like a crazy uncle in the attic.
Is the foot-washing ceremony on Maundy Thursday a traditional practice? I have seen one traditional Catholic site that celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the morning hours and then the washing in the evening. Others celebrate the Holy Mass only. Is there a choice here? What's the traditional practice?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This ceremony, known as the Mandatum from the Gospel of St. John (13:34) that is chanted on Maundy Thursday before the ceremony: Mandatum novum do vobis, ut diligatis invicem [A new commandment I give unto you], is optional. It may be performed after the Stripping of the Altar and Vespers.
If the Mandatum is performed, naturally it is done in the traditional Catholic way of centuries, not in the politically-obsessed way of the Novus Ordo, which rejects the Catholic practice. The ceremony calls for thirteen Catholic men, based on the Apostles and one stranger -- not women, not Protestant heretics, not Mohammedans infidels.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Development and Peace (D&P) is the Canadian Newbishops' official "charity." It has been caught yet a second time (the first time was in 2010) funding abortion, sexual perversion, and Marxism. This fact is about to cause a major shake-up in Newchurch, as Newchurch have just raked in the collections for this gang of Marxist murderers on Palm Sunday. You can be sure that the money will be forwarded to D&P before the Newbishops claim to know anything. I predict that the Canadian Conference of [Catholic] Communist Bishops (CCCB) will deny all knowledge that D&P. has been funding abortion, sexual perversion, and Marxism. It will claim that these facts are all news to them.
But now the Newchurch bishops have been caught the lie a second time. They've been caught with their cassocks down, except that they no longer wear cassocks. On the earlier occasion they claimed that they would monitor D&P for this fraud and formed a "standing committee" to do so. Obviously, this was a ruse to deceive their clueless Newchurchers. Then D&P removed all listings of its funding "partners." At that point the Canadian Newbishops lost whatever pathetic excuse they had to continue funding D&P.
Clueless Newchurchers have been told that Newchurch charities help the poor, and nothing more. They were not told that it funds leftist and anti-family advocacy groups. They were not told that it advocates the murder of babes in the womb. And this situation pertains not just to Canada, but to Newchurch dioceses around the world.
I predict that, owing to the firestorm to come, the Canadian Newbishops will need to defund D&P. Will they then support a truly Catholic charity, or at least one that is not vehemently anti-Catholic? Of course not! They will found and fund a new charity and will hire many of the pagans from D&P to run it. But Newchurchers need to know this and know it well: you cannot and must not trust your so-called Newchurch "bishops" or your presbyters. They are working for the Devil. Get as far as possible away from them and attend a fully Traditional Latin Mass that is not under their control. You cannot morally put one red cent into a Newchurch collection plate, let alone attend any of its idolatrous, sacrilegious, and blasphemous Protestantized services.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Francis-Bergoglio has indicated his departure on several previous occasions as well. An old Mafia trick is to exaggerate illness or frailty in order to put one's enemies off guard and to bring them out into the open. For when a leader truly is nearing his end, rivals for his succession are forced to take action to secure their future. Then the old fox knows who his own rivals are.
What we do know is that while Begoglio occasionally predicts his own end, he is appointing Newbishops at breakneck speed. While everyone is focusing on his health, he is putting his fellow-travelers in place as quickly as possible so that the next Newpope, whenever he may come, will be another Marxist and Modernist heretic, just like the present one. I don't think that Bergoglio will want to go until he holds another consistory. He needs to stack the decks in the College of Newcardinals before he can depart securely.
Of course, there is another possibility, which is that senior Newcardinals are now forcing his exit, which he will accept on the false grounds of poor health. But that is only speculation.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I know that the presbyters (ministers) of Newchurch are not priests, as they have not been ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders since the Protestantized New Ordinal was ordered to be used from 1968. But shouldn't the "intent" of a Novus Ordo presbyter to act as an ordained priest count for anything?The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
No, it doesn't count at all. The Catholic Church's official theology is Thomism, which, based on classical Aristotelianism, is a philosophy of Realism: an apple is an apple no matter how much you "intend" for it to be an orange. The contrary philosophy, in which the Protestant heresy is based, is Subjectivism, or Relativism: everything depends upon one's personal interpretation. Thus, truth is not an objective reality, but different for each individual, depending upon what he personally intends for reality to be. There is no universal truth; there is no objective good and evil. You can see how that philosophy is heretical has led to the most dire consequences in doctrine and morals.
Likewise, in Newchurch, which has adopted Protestant Subjectivism, a Protestant minister can fancy himself a "priest" and say "Mass." In fact, that is exactly what Novus Ordo presbyters are doing: they are Protestantized ministers (the Novus Ordo no longer uses the term "priest," except in colloquial reference), but now uses instead the term "presbyters," meaning literally elders) simulating a false and invalid Protestantized service. No matter what they "intend," the reality is the very opposite.
This Catholic Realism applies to the theology of all the Sacraments. Thus, it doesn't matter what Newchurch "intends" concerning its Protestantized "eucharist"; it remains bread (or a cookie, as adulterating ingredients are added to the wheaten flour and water, such as baking soda, butter, cinnamon, sugar, etc.) and Kool-Aid (as it is often unfermented grape juice), and most especially as its Protestantized presbyter-ministers are not priests and have not the power to confect the true Catholic Sacraments.
Reality is reality. Only God has the power to change the nature of reality -- certainly not man, and certainly not heretical Newchurch ministers!
On April 8, 2017, the Saturday before Palm Sunday, which Francis-Bergoglio simulated not even in the Novus Ordo Latin rite, but in a vulgar Italian, Bergoglio caused a stir in the crowd standing in St. Peter's Square by announcing that he might not survive two more years. He seemed doubtful about his being alive in 2019, the next Novus Ordo "World Youth Day" shivaree in Panama.
The 80-year-old Bergoglio told the by-standers, in an unusually formal statement using the royal "we," which he has pretty much abandoned for the colloquial "I": "We are getting ready to leave the scene." Speculation immediately arose again about Bergoglio's health, as he is finding it increasingly difficult to survive on only one lung, and reports of cerebral carcinoma persist. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, the quicker Francis-Bergoglio's regime ends, the easier it will be do undo it, just as in the secular world the new U.S. President Donald Trump is rapidly undoing most of Barack Obama's Liberalist programme. Be that as it may, we must remember that Bergoglio is not Catholic, his Newchurch of the New Order is not Catholics, and the "institutional" Church, which falsely calls itself "Catholic," isn't Catholic. It hasn't been Catholic for over fifty years since the Vatican II Anti-council established the Newchurch of the New Order on November 21, 1964, to replace it..
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The persecution of Coptic Christians has been in the news a good deal lately. Who are they? Are they Catholic?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Copts -- the word derives from the Greek Aigptios meaning Egyptian) -- constitute one of the earliest Christian communities in the Middle East. According to ancient tradition, Christianity was introduced in present day Egypt by St. Mark in Alexandria, shortly after the Ascension of Christ and during the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius around (ca. A.D. 42). The Copts are Catholic and Apostolic, and valid, but formally schismatic (because of disagreements on the authority of the papacy).
The Copts practice an early Apostolic Eastern rite, which uses the ancient Coptic language rather than Koine Greek, the language of the Bible. Coptic is a descendant of the ancient Egyptian language once rendered in hieroglyphics, whereas the Coptic language uses an expanded Greek alphabet. There are important early texts of the Bible in Coptic. Coptic was very important to Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832) in his decipherment of the ancient Egyptian language, which opened to us the hieroglyphic writings of 3,000 years, roughly from 3,000 B.C. (Old Kingdom) to the turn of the Christian millennium.
The head of the Coptic Christians is called the pope. Most Catholics don't realize that historically there are actually two popes.
On April 6, 2017, Francis-Bergoglio thanked the Newchurch bishops of Malta for admitting active adulterers and bigamists to the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid. He said that his March 19, 2016, document, Amoris laetitia (The Joy of Sex) allows that, as long as the adulterers and bigamists feel "at peace" with their adultery and bigamy.
Bergoglio's anti-Biblical teaching has earned him the moniker "heretic" from dozens of Newcardinals and Newbishops. He doesn't care. He doesn't even pretend to be Catholic any longer. To date, Bergoglio has refused to answer the charges of heresy and has now publicly admitted in a letter to the Maltese bishops that there is no doubt about his heretical teaching. He meant it!
The Newarchbishop of Malta openly told Maltese Newseminarians who don't agree with Bergoglio's anti-Biblical teaching can get out. Moreover, he threatened to defrock -- not paedophile presbyters -- but presbyters who refuse to hand out the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to adulterers and bigamists. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the LS News Agency.]
True Catholics, given the fact that in the four years of Francis-Bergoglio's regime, Novus Ordo seminaries are already losing large numbers of men, Newvatican is as good as saying: we don't want presbyters any more. Let's have frenzied eucharistic ministresses dance around the eucharistic table passing out the phony Novus Ordo cookies and Kool-Aid.
It seems that there isn't any Catholic tradition that the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio doesn't want to blow to smithereens. The most recent instance is his change of the Vatican dress code for state visits. On April 4, 2017, Bergoglio received Prince Charles of England with Duchess Camilla, whom he bigamously "married" while his wife was still living. Long-standing Vatican protocol for such meetings was black with a black head covering. Camilla, to the contrary, was dressed in gold with bare head. Charles at least had the dignity to wear a dark suit and dark tie.
When Camilla made a state visit in 2009, under the previous Newpope, however, it was a different story. Then she wore the traditional black dress with long sleeves and a black lace mantilla, or veil, the dress code observed by women for centuries.
True Catholics, such traditions may not seem important to some, particularly when the Marxist Francis-Bergoglio has embraced far more destructive things: an invalid "New Mess" and sacraments, heretical doctrine, and anti-Christian morality. Yet it is exactly characteristic of Marxists to attempt to destroy tradition in order to destabilize institutions, with an eye eventually to establishing their own tyranny in the confusion.
On March 18, 2017, Newcardinal Reinhard Marx, President of the German Bishops' Conference and Francis-Bergoglio's Financial Council Coordinator, stunned Newchurch bishops when he announced that Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch was in much worse condition than anyone had imagined: only one -- count him -- one Newsemarian had entered the Munich Newseminary in 2016, formerly the home Newarchdiocese of the disgraced and abdicated Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger. Munich has a total population (2013) of 3,603,361, of whom 1,755,844 (48.8 per cent) are supposed to be Newcurchers. And yet only one Newchurcher was interested in becoming a Novus Ordo presbyter.
The Munich experience is being repeated in Germany as a whole, in Eureope as a whole, and around the world. Francis-Bergogio's Newchurch of the New Order is widely recognized as a fraud as a "Catholic" institution, and no sane man wants to devote his life to a fraud. When the "institutional" Church was Catholic, before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), Newchurch couldn't build seminaries fast enough to accommodate the men who wanted to become (traditional) Catholic priests.
The situation in Munich is also a slap in the face to Neocon Newchurchers who think that the adoption of "conservative" practices, outside traditional Catholicism, will turn around the situation. Munich is one of the most conservative Newchurch dioceses. It does not use altar girls or lay deacons and simulates the (invalid) Novus Ordo service with the presbyter facing the crucifix (ad orientem). It has welcomed the "indult" Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), a pseudo-traditionalist group.
At the present time in Munich's Novus Ordo seminary, the Priesterseminar [sic] München, there are a total of 37 Newseminarians for almost two million Newchurchers. That figure makes it clear that Newchurch will shortly be dead, and even now it is in its death-ratttle. Even in the junior Newseminary, called the Propaedeutikum, the next-younger generation, there is only one student studying to become a Newseminarian.
Then, on April 6, 2017, Newvatican released its Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae documenting even worse statistics for Newchurch. The number of major Newseminarians worldwide has declined for the fourth straight year. In just four years under Francis-Bergoglio, the number of Newseminarians has declined by 3 per cent (3,773) -- a loss of 7.5 per cent and some 10,000 Newseminarians per decade. It seems that the fabled "Francis effect" is to turn off men from having anything to do with the Marxist Newpope! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Munich, once the home Newdiocese of the disgraced and abdicated Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, the Second Paedophile Newpope, is just another example of how corrupt Newchurch has become and why no one in his right mind would want to give up his life for it. Newchurch will eventually go for Protestantized deaconnesses and presbyteresses, and even that will not save it, any more than similar measures in the Anglican sect have saved that sect. Newchurch is clearly moribund, and anyone who considers himself a true Catholic long ago abandoned the sham that it pretends to be the Catholic Church.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I warned all who would listen (and the TRADITIO Fathers were among the few who did listen) that a major problem with the "personal prelature" structure for Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is that permission would be needed from the local Marxist Newbishop to allow Neo-SSPX supporters to be confirmed, married, and even, in some cases, buried, given other provisions of Newcanon Law. Now we can see how this turning out to be exactly true in the case of marriages.
Francis-Bergoglio has now given the local Newbishop the "authority" to grant to Newchurch presbyters the primary right to "preside" at Neo-SSPX weddings. Look at all these imaginary new rights that are being created out of air, out of thin air, and then sold to the clueless Neo-SSPX supporters.
Notice how Francis-Bergoglio has put Newbishops in charge of the Neo-SSPX already. But almost all of the Newbishops are openly hostile to the Neo-SSPX. That's a giant monkey-wrench, no? And this is happening just as surely as Bergoglio is forcing Newchurch presbyters to give the invalid Novus Ordo cookie to those who simulate marriage after receiving a civil divorce.
Under the "personal prelature" structure, the supporters of the Neo-SSPX can be "members" of the "prelature," but they also remain subjects of the local Newbiship. Ah, there's the rub! Similarly, the Neo-SSPX will no longer be allowed to establish first or even additional apostolates in a local Newdiocese without permission being given by the local leftist Newbishop. The "personal prelature" structure is a trap, which will reverse everything that Archbishop Lefebvre fought for. Soon, the Neo-SSPX's network of churches, chapels, oratories, priories, schools, seminaries, retreat houses, and shrines will all be turned over to Newchurch, which will have the power to remove Bernie Fellay when he becomes an inconvenience and to replace him with one of Bergoglio's fellow Marxists.
Newrome could have offered the Neo-SSPX the international and personal Newdiocese structure as provided for by Newcanon 372.2. This was the structure given to the Campos priests, but Rome nullified its benefits by restricting it to the territory of one tiny Newdiocese (out of 264) in Brazil-- a gilded cage out of which they cannot fly unless they "preside" at the (invalid) New Mess. In fact, the Newrome-appointed Newbishop for the structure did just that -- in front of international cameras. The personal Newdiocese structure would exempt the Neo-SSPX from all the power of the local Newbishops without exception -- at least in theory. So why wasn't this structure offered to Fellay? Because the partisans of the Modernist revolution in Newchurch will never allow that and because the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church.
Fellay is not really being tricked by Newrome because this "personal prelature" poison is obvious. No, Fellay is complicit in this subterfuge. I wonder what he gets in return for his co-operation, other than Novus Ordo purple socks and the transfer of some funds to an offshore account in the Cayman Islands? Well, for one thing, he won't have to face a challenge to his leadership at the Neo-SSPX chapter meeting next year. Bergoglio could give him the standard term (until he turns 75 in 2033).
But, on the other hand, Bergoglio could pull the rug out from under Fellay's feet at any time and replace him when the moment is just right, as Bergoglio has fired bishops for being "too conservative," even though they had not reached the retirement age. That's just what happened to the head of the Fraternity of St. Peter, Josef Bisig, in 1999 when he stood up to the New Order and said that the FSSP would not simulate the (invalid) New Mess. He was fired outright!
Bernie Fellay is misleading his own people, and Newchurch is misleading Fellay. The blind are following the blind, and both are falling into the pit. And it is a deep pit indeed. It is the pit of Hell, if they're not careful, for both Fellay and for his followers.
It seems that Divine Providence just doesn't want the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay to sell out to the heretical Newchurch of the New Order. In January 2009, rumors were rife that Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger had entered into a "deal" by which Fellay would sell out his Neo-SSPX, probably the following Pentecost. (The Neo-SSPX is no longer the same Society of St. Pius X founded by traditional Catholic archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970.)
But Divine Providence intervened. On January 21, 2009, a previously-recorded interview was aired on a SVT Swedish National Public Television, given by the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop at the time, Richard Williamson, involving a World War II historical controversy, which offended certain Jewish leaders. Ratzinger, who had served as a member of Hitler's Youth Corps, decided to save himself first and bailed on the sellout. Fellay's Neo-SSPX thereby became "damaged goods."
In early 2017 rumors were again rife that a Fellay sellout to the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio was imminent. In fact, on April 4, 2017, Bergoglio had announced that he would recognize marriages at which Fellay's Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters had officiated. Archbishop Lefebvre's SSPX had always maintained that his priest-presbyters had full authority under traditional Canon Law in the emergency situation since the Vatican II Anti-council and that it was in fact the Newchurch presbyters (who have not been ordained as Catholic priests since the New Ordinal of 1968) whose marriages were questionable.
Bergoglio's "authorization" requires an (invalid) Newchurch presbyter in the first case to receive the vows of the couple, although the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyter may perform the Mess of 1962 afterward. It is not stated whether the couple will receive the cookie from the Novus Ordo tabernacle or from the Neo-SSPX 1962 Mess. Moreover, Fellay's priest-presbyters are obligated to function as agents of Newchurch in recording documents with the local Newbishop. Bergoglio's "authorization" is despicable, and Fellay should have rejected it out of hand, but, of course, he, hankering after Novus Ordo purple, instead "expressed his deep gratitude to the [Un]holy Father." Archbishop Lefebvre, if he were alive, would have rejected such a sellout to the invalid Newchurch of the New Order and would have "de-consecrated" Fellay.
But Divine Providence has intervened yet again. The next day, April 5, 2017, Swedish Television broadcasted an "explosive" report on its programme entitled "Uppdrag Granskning" (Mission Investigation) that Fellay had covered up sex crimes against children by at least three of his Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters, identified by SVT as Frs. P, S, and M, and, like the Newchurch that he wants to join, Fellay had failed to enforce a "zero tolerance" policy against his priest-presbyters for sex crimes against children. Two of the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters involved in the Swedish Television report are identified as French, one as English.
All three of Fellay's priest-presbyters remained active in the Neo-SSPX. Swedish Television's reports that the sexual assaults involve twelve children over the span of three decades, in France, Germany, Australia, Ireland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. A fourth man, a former Neo-SSPX seminarian, has been sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting seven boys over the course of a decade.
These new revelations of corruption within Fellay's Neo-SSPX -- no surprise to long-time observers, like the TRADITIO Network -- should once again derail Newvatican's approval for Fellay to sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order. Again the Neo-SSPX is exposed as "damaged goods." Reports indicate that Bergoglio and his Newvatican knew of these incidents, but ignored them because they had not become public -- yet. Swedish Television has announced a follow-up broadcast with more details for the next week. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, we TRADITIO Fathers have said all along that Bernie Fellay, in order to sell out to Newchurch, has been sinking into the same moral morass as the very Newchurch authorities to whom he has been playing the sycophant. As the Latin philosopher Seneca put it: Qui cum canibus concumbunt, cum pulicibus surgent (He who lies down with dogs will get up with fleas). It is now clear that both Francis-Bergoglio and Bernie Fellay are flea ridden, "in good standing" (as Newvatican's phrase is), with what Our Lord Jesus Christ called "a den of thieves" (Matthew 1:31/DRV).
You won't hear much in the establishment press about how badly attendance at Newchurch's "New Mess" ("Fake Mess") has sunk, but every once in a while even Bergoglio's mega propaganda machine can't cover over the truth. In 2017 Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body of Christ, held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday since the 13th century, will be postponed for the first time since in the history of the High Feastday. Why? According to Newvatican, in recent years the number of Newchurchers attending the Mess and procession has "decreased considerably." Bergoglio's own popularity, if it ever existed, has sunk that badly in just four years.
The candlelight procession that Newchurch begins after the Mess at the archbasilica of St. John Lateran, travels along Rome's Via Merulana, and ends at the archbasilica of St. Mary Major two kilometres away. But under Bergoglio there haven't been enough Newchurchers attending the Mess to have the procession. Moreover, Bergoglio is too feeble to make the procession. In 2013, the first year of his Newpontificate, he marched behind the (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie, but in 2014 he was already too feeble and began the blasphemous practice of riding in the Newpapal car ahead of the cookie. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Information Service.]
The Feast of Corpus Christi was the very first papally-sanctioned Universal Feast in the history of the Latin Rite. It was established in 1274 by Pope Urban IV's Bull Transiturus. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Church's Universal Doctor, composed the texts for the new feast, which include the famous Sequence Pange lingua and its stanzas beginning Tantum ergo Sacramentum, which are used at Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
True Catholics, evil contains the seeds of its own downfall. And certainly evil are the "New Mess," New Sacraments, New Doctrine, and New Morality, that is, the Newchurch of the New Order, which replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church on November 21, 1964. And certainly evil is the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, now so unpopular that even his own Newcardinals are calling him outright a heretic. It took Rome thirteen centuries to fall. Newchurch is collapsing in just fifty years.
As human beings, we need to make use of material things to help us direct our whole being, soul and body, towards God: beautiful statues, pictures, music, incense, books, the Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Scripture -- the list goes on. Playing Gregorian chant in your home is an excellent way to help set a recollected and prayerful mood, for example, playing Gregorian chant every Sunday morning gets us get ready for Mass, and the chant for Holy Week and Easter is especially beautiful and appropriate.
The TRADITIO Fathers acknowledge the contributions of the St. John Schola as an international leader in the practice of the Sacred Chant, providing to traditional Catholics live recordings of the type of chant pieces that they might hear in their own traditional church or chapel rendered by a small lay choir. The St. John Schola, an independent organization separate from the TRADITIO Network, for many years has provided as a courtesy to our readers information, resources, and recordings of the Sacred Chant, which has been the proper music of the Roman Catholic Church for 2,000 years. We particularly draw TRADITIO readers' attention to the following CD containing the Sacred Chant so necessary for a true appreciation of this holiest season in the Church's liturgical year:
Holy Week and Easter (Volume 9)
This CD includes significant excerpts from the Rites of Palm Sunday, the Sacred Triduum, and Easter. It includes the Procession of the Palms to the tolling of the carillon and the Gloria Laus, alternating inside and outside at the closed door of the church; the polyphonic Popule Meus for Good Friday by Vittoria, sung a duetto by the cantors; the Pro-Vespers from the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday morning; the Kyrie Eleison, troped by the cantor in the mediaeval style; the special Paschal Gradual Haec Dies, sung by the cantors; the Easter Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes; and the Paschal Ite, Missa Est with distinctive doubled Alleluia.
For ordering and descriptive information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
It seems that one Polish member of parliament was apparently so disgusted at Francis-Bergoglio that he came to a Newpapal audience intoxicated. Jean-Claude Juncker on March 24, 2017, was among the leaders of the European Union who met with Bergoglio to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of European Community, which has now lost the United Kingdom, with France and The Netherlands also threatening to leave. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, this latest incident is just another demonstration of the low regard in which an increasing number of people regard the Marxist Newpope. Neocon Newchurchers are disgusted by Bergoglio. Child victims of paedophile Newclergy are disgusted by Bergoglio. International journalists are disgusted by Bergoglio. And now European leaders are disgusted by Bergoglio. It seems that in just four years, his Marxist, anti-Catholic, and immoral statements have disgusted an increasing number of people around the world. The truth can no longer be denied.
Peter Saunders, one of the two child victims of Newchurch paedophile clergy appointed to Newvatican's Child Protection Commission has revealed that Francis-Bergoglio never visited the Commission once. Both victims have been outspoken in denouncing Bergoglio's callousness toward child victims. Saunders was fired, and the other, Marie Collins, resigned in disgust because Newvatican resisted the Commission’s proposals to protect children from Newchurch paedophile clergy.
On March 28, 2017, Saunders told the press: "On the matter of child protection, it is not a matter I will ever stay quiet about, and I remain saddened that the [New]pope has never once visited his Commission.” He stated that Bergoglio wants only "compliant" members who "won't rock the boat." He said that he is a boat rocker, and he will continue to denounce Bergoglio's inaction. Bergoglio has in four years not given the Commission its statues and has not appointed half of the Commission members. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, world scrutiny of Francis-Bergoglio's political games played at the expense of the child victims is increasing. AT this point this purported Child Protection Commission is damaged beyond repair by the denunciations of the only two child victims on the Commission. It is clear that that Bergoglio, the Third Paedophile Newpope, is merely running a cover-up, just as did his predecessors, the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, who was forced to abdicate because of his complicity; and the Third Paedophile Newpope and Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla.
Francis-Bergoglio seems to want to pick a fight with everyone these days. He's got the Newchurch Neocons denouncing him as heretic. He's got the child victims of his paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals denouncing him as a paedophile facilitator. Now he's got the international corps of journalists against him. It seems that Bergoglio is gouging international journalists with extortion payments to accompany Newpapal junkets.
On March 24, 2017, thirty journalists representing the major international news agencies have complained about the 2,000 USD cost that Newvatican has announced for each and every reporter who wishes to travel on the Newpapal plane to Portugal on May 12-13, 2017. And that isn't even for first-class seating. The journalists point out that such a price "seems completely disproportionate," as comparable commercial flights cost about 250 USD. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Breitbart.]
True Catholics, the international journalists have hit Francis-Bergoglio squarely between the eyes by pointing out the hypocrisy between his words and his deeds. Bergoglio prattles on and on about a capitalistic economic system that "devour[s] everything that stands in the way of increased profits." In fact, it turns out that it is Bergoglio himself who is the very type of person whom he detests. This man Bergoglio has much self-hatred, along with his anti-Catholicism and Marxism.
Francis-Bergoglio just makes it up as he goes along. As a Newpope, he has not one whit of respect for Tradition. His latest fable has Catholics tongue-wagging and asking, Where does he come up with his anti-Catholic nonsense?
From the Acta Petri (Acts of Peter), originally written in Greek around the year 200, but surviving principally in a Latin manuscript, comes the generally-accepted account that Peter was crucified upside down. "I beseech you, the executioners, crucify me thus, with the head downward and not otherwise" (cap. XXVIII-Oxford). This work is not part of the Biblical canon, but is considered to have an historical core.
It is from the Acta Petri that the famous account occurs of Peter fleeing from likely crucifixion in Rome. Along the road outside the city he meets the risen Christ. Peter asks Christ: "Quo vadis?" (Whither art thou going?), to which Christ replies, "Romam eo iterum crucifigi" (I am going thither to be crucified a second time). Consequently, Peter finds the courage to return to Rome to face his own crucifixion.
The explanation generally held in the Church through the succeeding centuries is that St. Peter was performing an act of humility, in that he did not consider himself worthy to die in the same manner as His Lord and Savior. However, the remarks that St. Peter makes while being crucified upside down, as reported in the Acta Petri, indicates that he regards the upside-down position as symbolizing fallen humanity, which Christ died on the upright cross to redeem.
Whatever the exact reasons, these explanations, coming from Apostolic times, are completely consonant with the Catholic Faith. But here comes the Marxist Newpope to topple all of that Catholic thinking. On March 27, 2017, Bergoglio rambled on ad nauseam for two and a half hours to a group of Newchurch's Canadian Newbishops making their ad limina visit to Rome. Somewhere in Bergoglio's fanciful anti-Catholic ramblings, he claimed that St. Peter was crucified upside down "so that God could wash his feet." Apparently, Bergoglio is as ignorant of Sacred Scripture as he is of everything else Catholic. Christ already washed the feet of St. Peter at the Last Supper, as recounted by St. John the Evangelist (13:4-12), an eye-witness of the event. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the ACI Stampa News Agency.]
True Catholics, is Francis-Bergoglio becoming senile, or simply demented? Having hit the age of 80 on December 17, 2016, Bergoglio gets farther and farther out. The Newcardinals could do their Newchurch a favor if they committed the Third Paedophile Newpope to house arrest with the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, in the Old Newpopes' Retirement Villa in the Vatican Gardens.
Mother Angelica, Foundress of the EWTN Cable Network, died on March 27, 2016, after a long and debilitating illness. She hadn't had anything to do since 2000 with running the network that she had founded. Rita Rizzo at one time been a traditional nun -- in 1945, when he became a Poor Clare, all nuns were traditional.
In the years after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), Angelica, like her fellow nuns, gave up the Catholic Faith to embrace the New Order sect. In order to continue attracting donations, she posed as "traditionalist," or at least "conservative," just as Newcardinal Raymond "Bully" Burke now does. These pseudo-traditionalists are just as Novus Ordo as the next Newchurcher. They just aren't honest enough to admit that they have embraced the heretical Newchurch.
The "Mass" on EWTN is pure Protestantism -- high Protestantism, but Protestantism none the less. Oh, sure, the network is clever enough to throw a little Latin in to fool the clueless Newchurchers, but thought, word, and action is Protestant.
Angelica proceed to bring onto her network Protestants like Scott Hahn, whose goal seems to be to repackage his virulent Evangelical Protestant books as "Catholic" to milk a new market among Newchurchers. Angelica seemed a particularly bad judge of character. Her network has also featured fallen presbyters like John Corapi and Benedict Groeschel.
What happened to Corapi is instructive about how Newchurch operates. When Corapi was outed, the clueless Newchurchers wouldn't believe his corruption. They publicly maintained that he was the best presbyter ever, who was just being smeared by the Devil. Then, when Corapi's corruption could no longer be denied, he was quietly removed. No statement of the truth, no apology to the viewers. Thus it is that corruption continues in Newchurch and on EWTN.
Corapi too at first claimed that he was being smeared by the Devil, but by 2011 he could deny the facts no longer. He was a drug junkie and an alcoholic, who sent text messages of a sexual nature ("sexts") to various recipients, violated his vow of chastity by having "affair" with a prostitute, and violated his vow of poverty by owning over 1,000,000 U.S. dollars' worth of real estate, luxury vehicles, motorcycles, an All Terrain Vehicle, a boat dock, and several motor boats. To add insult to injury, Corapi, who preached servile false obedience to the heretical Newchurch of the New Order, violated his own vow of obedience by refusing to obey his own superiors to relocate to a religious site where he could be monitored. Instead, having violated all three of his presbyteral vows, he resigned from the Newchurch presbyterate claiming persecution!
True Catholics, EWTN is a corrupt zoo of the worst fraud and false religion. Every true Catholic should turn the off button on EWTN in order to protect himself from the near occasion of the sins of heresy, sacrilege, blasphemy, and idolatry.