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As Francis-Bergoglio is exposed publicly almost daily as an open Marxist, whose purpose is to convert NewChurch from a Protestant sect into a fully pagan syncretistic religion, some "conservatives" in Newchurch are finally seeing the light and realizing that they've been had for decades. Some presbyters in pseudo-traditional organizations -- such as Bernie Fellay's Neo-Society of St. Pius X, the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, the Institute of the Good Shepherd, and the Society of St. John Vianney -- have finally realized that they must defect from Newchurch to save their souls and stay Catholic.
But -- and this is a bit "but" -- such people should not jump from the frying pan into the fire by embracing the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "1962 Mess," together with its Modernistic calendar, erroneously termed the "Extraordinary" Mess by the New Order. The "1962 Mess" is most certainly not the Traditional Catholic Mass. This Mess was fabricated to attack the constant Catholic liturgical tradition and pave the way for the "New Mess" of 1969, which was imposed in Newchurch just seven years later.
I mention here just 102 of the abominations that that the 1962 Mess, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, implements against Catholic tradition:
Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, which has all but sold out to the Newchurch of the New Order, uses the Vatican II "1962 Mess" rubrics and calendar. Morever, there is evidence that Fellay has been quietly suppressing the pre-Ratzinger traditional prayer for the Jews in the Good Friday Office, which is detested as "anti-Semitic" by Newchurch. Curiously, Archbishop Lefebvre, the Founder of the Society of St. Pius X (which is a different organization from Fellay's Neo-Society), after 1988 started a move to a pre-1962 Mass, as indicated by his biographer and several statements of his.
Some independent priests and some of those in "The Resistance" use the "1962 Mess." The Congregation of Mary Immaculate, which is one of the better traditional organization, uses an earlier version of the Mass (1956), but retains, in some cases, Bugnini's Protestantized New Rite of Holy Week. However, it seems that the CMRI bishop is backing off this practice and allowing his priests to use the traditional rites of Holy Week, in part because of a demand to do so by many of his priests and laypeople..
Traditional Catholics are now realizing, as the TRADITIO Fathers have realized from the beginning, that the "1962 Mess" is a corrupt compromise with Modernism and Leftism. There are now rumors here in Rome that the head of Novus Ordo Worship, Newcardinal Robert Sarah, with the backing of Francis-Bergoglio, is planning on forcing the propers and calendar of the invalid "New Mess" Missal into the 1962 Missal to create a "New 1962 Mess."
Meanwhile, the Newchurch Fraternity of St. Peter is busy promoting fake devotions such as the Divine Mercy fraud. The intention is to replace traditional devotions with fake Newchurch deforms: the Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary replaced by twenty; the Sacred Heart and other devotions to Jesus replaced by the Divine Mercy fraud. Why do we not see FSSP presbyters promoting such traditional devotions as those to the Five Sacred Wounds, the Holy Face of Jesus, the Holy Cross, the Holy Name of Jesus and, above all, the Sacred Heart? Because the FSSP has abandoned Catholicism for Newrome.
In a tug-of-war, the contestant who merely tries to stand fast will be pulled along the ground in the mud. To win, you must pull with all your might in the opposite direction to that taken by your opponent. We need priests, bishops, and laymen who proclaim the opposite of the Modernists, not merely men who decline to agree with them. And the Sacred Liturgy, including Jesus Christ's Holy Mass, is the most important locus in this war. And it is indeed a war, a real war -- a war for the hearts and souls of men.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You would be aware that the circumstances that lead to the act of suicide and the circumstances in which suicide occurs vary widely. For example, one such circumstance is that in which a person commits suicide when death is imminent and inevitable, whether by illness or at the hands of others. Are there any circumstances in which the act of suicide is not a mortal sin? What can be said to the family of suicides? What would be a reliable Catholic source for information on the immorality of suicide?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The act of suicide is always objectively a mortal sin as a grave offense against God. So serious a sin is it that suicides are prohibited from ecclesiastical burial. Like all sins, however, the subjective gravity can be mitigated. If the person, for example, did not commit the act with full consent of the will. Such cases would include insanity, the unintended side effect of an otherwise moral administration of a drug, serious mental deficiency, etc., not, however, in the cases that you mention, which amounts to self-euthanasia or murder by others.
It would not be proper for a Catholic to attempt to mitigate the seriousness of such a sin simply to give false comfort to others. However, one can never know completely the soul of another, so it would be perfectly proper to say -- whatever the externally apparent circumstances are -- that we must leave final judgment in the hands of God.
The best source, as usual, is the Universal Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, who writes in the Second Part of the Second Part of his great Summa Theologica, Article 64 - Murder, Question 5 - Is It Lawful to Kill Oneself?:
It is altogether unlawful to kill oneself, for three reasons. First, because everything naturally loves itself, the result being that everything naturally keeps itself in being, and resists corruptions so far as it can. Wherefore suicide is contrary to the inclination of nature, and to charity whereby every man should love himself. Hence suicide is always a mortal sin, as being contrary to the natural law and to charity.
Secondly, because every part, as such, belongs to the whole. Now every man is part of the community, and so, as such, he belongs to the community. Hence by killing himself he injures the community, as the Philosopher [Aristotle] declares (Ethics v.11).
Thirdly, because life is God's gift to man, and is subject to His power, Who kills and makes to live. Hence whoever takes his own life, sins against God. For it belongs to God alone to pronounce sentence of death and life, according to Deuteronomy 32:39, "I will kill and I will make to live."
The talk of Newrome during the 2017 Christmas season is that for the first time, Newvatican's Christmas tree has nothing specifically Christian on it. It looks just like one of those vapid secular "season's greetings" monstrosities. Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's conception includes secularist peace symbols and pagan Daolist yin-yang signs, but nothing specifically Christian: no depictions of angels, no Magi, no Mary.
The star is such a universal symbol that it cannot be regarded as specifically Christian. However, this particular star is reminiscent of the fallen star of the Apocalypse 8:10-11, which caused men to die, just as the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order has been responsible for causing millions to die spiritually.
The tree came from Poland, stomping-grounds of the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, who brought Christmas trees to Newvatican. Like the Irish, the Polish used to be known for their Catholicism. Not any more. Since the Vatican II Anti-council, they have gone the way of the anti-Catholic Newchurch, just as did the "Unsaint" himself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, it seems that Newchurch just can't get it right about the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In 2012 Benedict-Ratzinger caused world controversy by stating that he wasn't sure that there were any animals at the Nativity. In spite of the fact that the creche was in a cave where animals were sheltered from the cold. In spite of the fact that the early Church spoke in detail of the symbolism of the animals present (the dumb ox standing for the unconverted Jews, the shepherds standing for the priests, etc.). In spite of the fact that the word in Latin used for the creche is praesepium, an enclosed area, specifically a crib or manger. In fact, the English word manger itself comes from the Latin word manducare, to eat, thus a place where animals eat. But Ratzinger was too "wise" to see the obvious, just as Christ predicted: "Thou [God] hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones" (Matthew 11:25/DRV).
The belief of the Catholic Church for the last millennium is that popes are more likely to be in Hell or Purgatory than Heaven. Why? Because most of them, having great power and many prayers, fail Christ. Only two popes in over half a century were canonized: Pope St. Pius V, who canonized the Traditional Latin Mass for all time, and Pope St. Pius X, who suppressed the Heresy of Modernism, which came back at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) with a vengeance.
Every Newpope of since Vatican II has been declared by the Protestant Newchurch as a Newsaint, or on the way to getting there. John XXIII and the First Paedophile Newpope "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla are already Newsaints. Even the 33-day Newpope JPI-Luciani is on the way, and now too the "Unblessed" Paul VI-Montini, who promulgated every single one of the heretical documents of the Vatican II Anti-council. When they go to their eternal judgment, the ex-Nazi, Second Paedophile Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger and the Marxist, Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio will probably get the same treatment, so as not to break the series of baseball cards.
The "miracle" that is being used to claim that Montini is a Novus Ordo Newxaint was recognized on December 13, 2017, by Newchurch's Congregation for the Causes of [New]saints. After the Vatican II Anti-council and with the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla's 1983 document that does away with the careful canonization process of many centuries, Wojtyla substituted an "any Tom, Dick, or Harriet" approach. In 2000 Wojtyla was seriously considering accepting the Arch-heretic Martin Luther for Newchurch con-anization.
These purported "miracles" are politically motivated and notoriously phony. The one used for Mother Theresa of Calcutta was denied by the recipient's own physicians, who said that her survival for an extra year was naturally and easily explained by the anti-carcinogenic drugs given her. Yet when the physicians offered to testify to tis fact in Newrome at their own expense, Newvatican told them to stay home and not derail the fait accompli. Truth be damned! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian weekly magazine La Voce del Populo.]
True Catholics, Paul VI-Montini has to be con-anized. It is the only way that Newchurch can cover up the disaster that he perpetrated in destroying the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church and replacing it in 1964 with the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order. The sad thing is that Montini came to understand his horrific in promulgating Vatican II. Reliable reports from European journalists at the time indicated that Montini had essentially gone mad from guilt and wandered around the Apostolic apartments saying Credo, credo, as if to persuade God that he was not a heretic.
The author is still pseudonymous, but Il Papa Dittatore released on November 18, 2017, in Italian and on December 4, 2017, in English as The Dictator Pope documents just how deliriously ecstatic Jorge Bergoglio, later to become Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, was when Benedict-Ratzinger announced his abdication on February 11, 2013.
The meticulously-documented bestseller that documents Francis-Bergoglio's past, almost completely unknown to the public at large and to even his own Newchurchers, reveals Bergoglio as a "power-hungry, manipulative dictator; arrogant, dismissive of people, prodigal of bad language, and notorious for furious outbursts of temper which are known to everyone from the [New]cardinals to the chauffeurs."
The Dictator Pope reveals that Jorge Bergoglio was ecstatic when Benedict-Ratzinger abdicated on February 28, 2013. Bergoglio was privy to all the behind-the-scenes machinations that were going on to make him the next Newpope, machinations that had not finally succeeded in 2005 when Ratzinger was elected instead, but were certain to succeed in 2013.
Then-Newcardinal Jorge Bergoglio's communications with Newrome just before Ratzinger's abdication were "abruptly stepped up, rising to hectic levels as the date [of Ratzinger's abdication] approached." Sure enough, on February 11, 2013, Ratzinger made his public announcement to the Newcardinals. It took almost the whole world by surprise, but not Bergoglio and his henchmen. According to eyewitnesses, "On the day of the announcement itself, the rector of Buenos Aires cathedral went to visit his [New]cardinal and found him exultant. During their interview, the telephone never stopped ringing with international calls from Bergoglio's allies, and they were all calls of personal congratulation. One Argentinian friend, however, less well informed than the others, rang up to ask about the extraordinary news, and Bergoglio told him: 'You don’t know what this means.'" [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian daily newspaper La Stampa.]
True Catholics, the "scheming Jorge Bergoglio" documented in The Dictator Pope is a startling contrast to the false picture of the "humble Pope Francis," which has been sold by the Newvatican propaganda machine to the public from the date of his election in 2005. The book, which is so meticulously documented that Vaticanologists declare it to be incontrovertible, simply agreed with what we TRADITIO Fathers have been revealing to you in these Commentaries from the beginning of Bergoglio's corrupt regime.
Francis-Bergoglio is a proven bad judge of character. After he dissed his Newcuria, he appointed a "reform" (always fear that word: it means revolution to a Marxist) committee to run Newchurch, called the Council of [New]cardinal Advisors, or C9, because of the nine Newcardinals that Bergoglio hand-picked to sit on it. Bergoglio appointed to head the group Honduran Newcardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, a zealot in favor of the Vatican II Anti-council's Heresy of Oecumenism, which calls for constant "dialogue" (read: "sellout") to Protestant sects and denounces forthright statements that the Catholic Church (which is not the Newchurch, of course, but he doesn't admit that) is the true Church.
Now it turns out in the latest Newvatican scandal that Francis-Bergoglio picked a crook to head his Executive Committee. On December 21, 2017, respected Vaticanologist Sandro Magister from the Italian weekly newsmagazine, L'Espresso outed Maradiaga for running an influence-peddling operation, in which he receives "enormous financial payoffs" for using his influence in Newvatican and with Bergoglio. The amount involved is conservatively estimated at 2,000,000 USD.
And whom does Francis-Bergoglio support? The accused criminal, of course. "I'm sorry for all the evil they [?] have done against you, but do not you worry," Bergoglio publicly stated to Maradiaga. No statement even about an investigation. Maradiaga is one of Bergoglio's henchmen, and so he is automatically innocent, just like Bergoglio's Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters, who continue to go on a rampage of rape and sodomy against children.
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has known about his Newcardinal leader's crimes since May 2017, when he received an investigative report on him. The Honduran government has also been investigating Maradiaga. Yet, as usual, Bergoglio has done nothing in over half a year to remove the crook from the top leadership of his Newchurch. The thought is that Bergoglio will not publicly denounce him for his crimes, but will let him resign on his 75th birthday this December 29, 2017. Bergoglio fires only his hated Neocon leaders like his Newcardinal Prefect of New]doctrine, his Chief Auditor, and his Deputy Director of the [New]vatican Bank. In Catholic theology, that makes Bergoglio as much of a crook as Maradiaga, an accessory after the fact.
Francis-Bergoglio, who previously submitted himself to psychological treatment for six months, has again been showing overt symptoms of his continuing Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) psychosis. On December 21, 2017, he lashed out against his own Newcardinals in the Newcuria who are resisting his Marxist "reform" programme.
The meeting was officially billed as an exchange of Christmas greetings, but instead Francis-Bergoglio delivered scalding criticisms against the Newcuria. Bergoglio, who has a proven foul mouth, using words against people in public that we hesitate to quote here. On this occasion he called his Newcardinals "traitors"," "unbalanced," and "debased" because some have resisted his heretical Newdoctrines, like his approval of bigamy and sacrilege by divorced and remarried Newchurchers.
Bergoglio has recently dismissed like a tyrant Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, Newvatian's Auditor General, and the Deputy Director of the Vatican Bank, all good servants of Newvatican, without any explanation to them or others. At the Newcardinals' meeting Bergoglio's remarks, even an attempted joke, were met with stone-cold silence. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is losing it in front of the world. He is now 81, and irrational hostility is one of the symptoms of senile dementia. Years ago we TRADITIO Father predicted that Bergoglio would be unseated because of his tyrannical methods. Benedict-Ratzinger was already forced to abdicate as a result of pressures inside Newvatican, but that was for cause, when it could no longer be denied that he had been actively supporting the paedophile activities of thousands of his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters.
In an Advent Novus Ordo "homily," Newpope Francis-Bergoglio encouraged Newchurchers to "go to confession." The problem is that Newchurch since 1968 has not ordained priests to hear confessions and since 1973 has not had a Sacrament of Penance.
True Catholics, no wonder it is the rare Newchurcher that even bothers to go to the Novus Ordo "Rite of Reconciliation." Newchurchers in their heart know that their New Order, Newpope, Newdoctrine, Newmorality, and Newliturgy are fake and even laughable. Attendance at the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service has fallen below 10 per cent in many areas of the world where half a century ago it was 80 per cent!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Thank you so much for keeping true Catholics updated on everything going on in the fake Newchurch and the true (traditional) Church. Also, thank you for making available the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses' publication, Official Traditional Catholic Directory. I recently moved and in the Directory, I found a fully Traditional Latin Mass (1950), not the Vatican II "New Latin" ("Extraordinary") half Mess of 1962 or the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969.
I just assisted at my first mass at my new local traditional Catholic chapel, and it was incredible. The priest is also amazing, and this independent traditional Catholic priest travels three hours to offer the true Mass at this chapel, before returning home to offer the True Mass in his home town.
Thank you again for all you do for traditional Catholics. You are an example of why the true Church will always survive. The true Church is headed by our Lord Christ, who is eternal, and as long as true traditional Catholic priests are willing to follow the true head of the Church, the true Catholic Church will live on, no matter what the numbers.
UPDATE: Law did in fact go to his eternal judgment on December 20, 2017.
The Newcardinal most associated with Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is dying. Bernard Law, 86, was exposed as a paedophile supporter of his corrupt Newchurch clergy in Boston, Massachusetts, by a 2001 series of investigative articles by the Boston Globe, featuring Law's colleague, the serial predator John Geoghan, whose sexual assaults against 130 boys across several Newchurch parishes resulted in convictions shortly after the articles made print. In 2003, Geoghan was murderered by his cellmate, who could not tolerate Geoghan's attempts to sodomize him.
In just a few years, three Newpopes were to be outed as paedophiliacs: the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyola, the former Nazi Benedict-Ratzinger, and the Marxist Francis-Bergoglio, together with thousands of Newchurch prelates and presbyters. Law resigned as Newarchbishop of Boston in 2002, in the wake of 550 lawsuits against him totaling penalties paid out of practically $100,000,000 in that one year. In 2004 the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla disgusted the world by giving Law the "honor" of appointing Law Newarchpriest of St. Mary Major Archbasilica in Newrome together with lavish apartments and stipend.
Newrome and Newchurch in America are said to be shaking in their boots at the dreaded day of Law's demise that will splash once more across the international media the fact that Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch is a disgusting cesspool of sodomites and paedophiles and paedophile supporters, from Newpopes, to Newcardinals, to Newbishops, to presbyters in every Newdiocese and in Newrome itself. Law is the icon of all the Newbishops who continue to this day to cover up their criminal Newchurch presbyters.
True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order, headed by its Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, is a disgustingly immoral institution -- and is certainly not the Catholic Church. To this day, Newchurch's predations of children continue unabated, according to impartial reports, and Francis-Bergoglio is the worst, having done nothing in five years to establish and organize the promised Child Protection Committee that he had promised to the Newcardinals who elected him in 2013.
For seven years now Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio have both tried to force a flawed Newbishop, Peter Ebere Okpaleke, on Nigeria, Africa. But the Newchurchers have expelled Okpaleke by force. On December 1, 2017, one of Bergoglio's own Newbishops, Joseph Danlami Bagobiri, backed the Nigerian resisters and urged them to dump Bergoglio's Newbishop altogether. It's a major civil war in Newchurch that has already seen Newcardinals calling Bergoglio a heretic for his March 19, 2016, document Amoris laetitia, (The Joy of Sex).
The Nigerian Newchurchers have rejected "installations" of Newchurch presbyters (ministers). They have encouraged fifty Newseminarians to abandon the Newseminary. They have prevented Opaleke's "installation" as a Newbishop (Newchurch has not consecrated bishops under the Sacrament of Holy Orders since the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968). One Newchurch presbyter in the area has stated that Francis-Bergoglio has now brought the situation to the point "where it could easily degenerate into bloodshed." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, once again Francis-Bergoglio is shown up as the narcissistic tyrant that has been documented in the new bestseller, The Dictator Pope." In that book the author, writing under a pseudonym to avoid threats of violence by Bergoglio's henchmen, exposed Bergoglio's programme to push his Marxist philosophy to destroy the Catholic and Christian Faith. In reality, Bergoglio is no "merciful" Newpope, as his propaganda tries to portray him, but a Marxist dictator who thinks that he outranks Jesus Christ Himself!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I just found out that our company Christmas party will be Friday, December 22, 2017, and the company has decided to have barbecue catered in. On Fridays, of course, I eat vegetarian at lunch and have salmon or some other type of fish for dinner. That date is the vigil (almost) of the Nativity of Our Lord, so is it not a day of penance as such? Am I permitted to eat barbecue that Friday, or should I abstain and go for the side dishes as unobtrusively as possible? St. Paul said: "If any of them that believe not, invite you, and you be willing to go: eat of any thing that is set before you, asking no question for conscience' sake" (Second Epistle to the Corinthians 10:27/DRV). I have no wish to give offense, but I also have no wish not to commit Mortal Sin.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Friday is a day of penance, reflected in the Catholic's sacrifice of abstaining from fleshmeat on that day. This grave obligation under pain of Mortal Sin is even graver in Advent, which is a penitential season. In addition, the Friday that you mention happens also to be an Ember Day of Advant. So the Friday that you mention is one of the most penitential days possible, of "triple penance," if you will.
If someone slathered a barbecued pig in front of you, and that is all the choice you had, maybe you could advert to St. Paul's advice. However, as you yourself have said, there will be many other food dishes available, and you can be sure, in any case, that there will be several co-workers who won't want to eat meat, as they are vegetarians or for health reasons (barbecued meat is one of the worst things for your health, after all).
It escapes us TRADITIO Fathers why a company would be so insensitive as to serve something that devout Catholics, vegetarians, and those concerned about their health would not be able to eat. Yet these days many people in business are pretty clueless. We would recommend that you speak up. I doubt that the company is deliberately trying to mock your religion and health. Your managers are probably just ignorant.
It's too late for this year, but what about suggesting for next year a pizza party? These are very popular with employees, and you can have a wide variety of pizzas with and without meat, full fat and lo-cal. Would the company throw pork in front of Jews and Muslims? If it did so, it would probably be out of business the next day. Wimply Catholics need to follow the lead of the Jews and Mohammedans and speak up for their True Faith. At least these people are serious about their beliefs. You should roll up your sleeves and volunteer to be on the Christmas-party committee next year so that you can work out something that everyone can enjoy.
If you want to know where Newchurch is headed, the guide is always the direction taken by the heretical Anglican and Lutheran Sects, the Protestant covens of humanist respectability. It has been announced that His Royal Highness The Prince Henry of Wales will wed Mrs. Rachel Meghan Engelson in England next year. How can this be? Mrs. Engelson is a divorcee. She contracted civil marriage with Mr. Trevor Engelson in 2011 and obtained a civil divorce from him in 2013. Hence she is not free to marry anyone.
As we all know, when King Edward VIII tried to wed a thrice-divorced woman, he had to abdicate the throne as a result. So what has changed? Well, as it turns out, in 2002, the Protestant Sect of England decided that the teaching of Christ on marriage was antiquated and inadequate. So it changed Christ's teaching to allow divorcees to remarry in their faux churches "in exceptional circumstances."
Well, if this is the case, why did the Protestant Sect of England refuse to allow His Royal Highness The Prince Charles of Wales to simulate marriage in "church" with Mrs. Andrew Parker Bowles in 2005? The reason is that the previous Archlaic (aka heretic Archbishop) of Canterbury, the woolley-headed Mr. Rowan Williams (who was also a Druid) did not approve of the Prince's adultery. In the case of the new Archlaic, Mr. Justin Welby, that scruple apparently does not apply -- or, at least, it is not being admitted to.
Therefore, we may all heave a sigh of relief: the happy couple will soon wed, right? Well, not quite. Jesus Christ does not approve, and He will not recognize this union as marriage, as it is not marriage. Never mind: the new Archlaic of Canterbury outranks Jesus Christ, just as Francis-Bergoglio the new Archlaic of the Newchurch of the New Order, outranks Jesus Christ. Mr. Justin Welby is fine with this, so we should be too. The press is on side, so who could doubt it?
It was precisely the issue of marriage that led the Anglican Sect out of the One True Church in 1534 under the Archadulterer King Henry VIII. Today, the issue of marriage leads the Anglican Sect out of Christianity and into paganism. Similarly, Newchurch under Bergoglio is also leading his false sect out of Protestantism and into paganism over the issue of ... marriage. And so the blind follow the blind, and both fall into the pit. And it is ultimately the pit of Hell that they fall into. But they have good press, and the world will be able to "celebrate" the "wedding" of the playboy Prince to the starlet in the Chapel Royal of Windsor Castle. What message does that convey to the world? Indecency is celebrated and virtue is despised.
I see no future for the British monarchy once the present reign ends, as the Prince of Wales also lives with another man's wife. Similarly, the various Protestant sects have no future. Certainly the Newchurch of the New Order has no future, as its head is currently destroying his sect by forcing acceptance of anti-Christian bigamy on his members. But God hath loved justice and hated iniquity, and He will have the last word on everything.
A psychotic narcissist doesn't like to be unmasked, and Francis-Bergoglio has admitted that he was under the treatment of a psychologist for Narcissist Personality Disorder. No wonder Bergoglio has flown into a rage at the anonymous author of The Dictator Pope. He has sent out his Newvatican henchmen to uncover the pseudonymous author, and one of the six possibilities has already received threats from Newrome. Bergoglio, trained at the feet of Marxist Communists, doesn't play around. His history as a vindictive tyrant has been well documented, in these Commentaries and elsewhere.
The author of the new book published in Italian on November 18, 2017, and in English on December 4, 2017, has stripped the mask off Bergoglio's plastic smile has stated that he fears he will be unmasked eventually. He is using the pseudonym Marcantonio Colonna, an admiral of the papal fleet at the Battle of Lepanto that saved the Catholic world from a Mohammedan invasion. But he has stated: "Under the present [New]pope, the [New]vatican machine has taken espionage to a new level."
The author believes that his book has exposed Francis-Bergoglio's big propaganda lie that he is universally beloved instead of the truth that he is disdained by many for pushing his Marxist philosophy to destroy the Catholic and Christian Faith. The author states that his book has "hit a vein of disillusionment with Francis’s papacy, which the mainstream media have missed." He also reveals unsavory truths about Bergoglio's past and his psychological disorder.
The author tells the inside story of the "most tyrannical and unprincipled papacy" of modern times, who had long been known in his native Argentina as a "manipulative politician and a skillful fraudster." Behind his mask of a genial "man of the people," says the author, Bergoglio has "consolidated his position as a dictator, who rules by fear and has allied himself with the most corrupt elements in the Vatican."
The author reveals that when Jorge Bergoglio was proposed in 1991 to become a Newbishop in Argentina, his Newjesuit superior tried to veto the notion, stating that "Fr. Bergoglio is unsuitable for such an appointment because he is a man of devious character, lacking psychological balance, and had been a divisive figure as Provincial of the [New]jesuits in Argentina." Yet Newchurch "installed" him anyway as a "presbyter" (minister) (Bergoglio was never ordained as a priest in the traditional Sacrament of Holy Order, but only under the Protestantized New Ordinal if 1968). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, the evidence presented in this book about the "Dictator Newpope," Francis-Bergoglio, is no surprise to us TRADITIO Fathers. We have had this Marxist's number from the first day of his regime and have frequently exposed the truth about this fraudster in these Daily Commentaries. After just four years, anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that Bergoglio is, as has always been, a Marxist operative and an anti-Catholic and anti-Christian fraud. And now the whole world knows it.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am relatively new to traditional Catholicism. I do not have a Traditional Latin Mass available to me, so I attend a New Order parish. The Newpastor there claims to love tradition, but he hasn't even brought back an altar rail. Am I sinning by going to the Novus Ordo service when there is no Traditional Latin Mass available?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, you are sinning, objectively committing Mortal Sin. The Protestantized Novus Ordo service ("New Mess") is heretical, and you are causing scandal to others and seriously risking your own faith. The New Order is completely antagonistic to traditional Catholicism. For further information, click on FAQ 3: Should I Ever Attend Newchurch's "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary" Messes? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department. Rule 1 there states:
Your Newpastor is providing what is called in the high Protestant sects "smells and bells." The New Order sect, which still fraudulently presumes to call itself "Catholic," is in fact heretical, its "sacraments" are invalid, and its clergy are not ordained priests, but "installed" "presbyters" (ministers). Yet this heretical New Order sect spreads around the incense and rings the bells so that many people are deceived.
When you study FAQ 3, you will understand that your New Order pastor was never ordained as a Catholic priest, but merely "installed" as a Protestantized New Order "presbyter" (minister) and that he merely "simulates" an invalid service, just like the Protestants. The poor fellow has no choice. He can't kick the New Order habit, as it were, because he would lose his car allowance, room and board in the Newparish rectory, housekeeping services, health insurance, and retirement plan. In 2012, the average salary of a New Order presbyter in the United States, in addition to all those benefits, was 47,000 USD, way above that of most of their congregants!
In the end, it is not just a question of the true Mass only, important as that is. It is a question of the entire Catholic Faith as a whole: valid Mass, Sacraments, doctrine, and morality. You shouldn't waste your time in Newchurch. If you want just the "smells and bells" of an invalid service, you're no worse off going to an invalid high Anglican/Episcopalian Protestant service. Actually, they put on a better performance!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am a recently-converted traditional Catholic. Where can I find a source for the text of the fully Traditional Latin Mass? I want to be sure that I get the right text, as I understand that a lot of the texts out there are for the corrupted "New Latin" service of 1962, not the Traditional Latin Mass (1950 and earlier).
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You are correct. Any "1962 Missal" should be shunned, as it contains the "New Latin" service of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), not the Traditional Latin Mass (1950 and earlier). We would mention two sources for the Traditional Latin Mass:
It is too bad that Catholics in the 1960s did not express the same outrage against Paul VI-Montini's destruction of the Mass that they recently have expressed against Francis-Bergoglio's suggestion to change the Lord's Prayer. Now Bergoglio is being denounced all around the world for even suggesting that he as a purported pope (in actuality, merely a Newchurch Newpope) has the authority to change Sacred Scripture, as previously reported in these Commentaries.
Bergoglio, who admitted that he previously received psychological treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, has been condemned around the world for intimating that he is a god and can change God's own words. The Lord's Prayer as Christ gave it is recorded in St. Matthew's Gospel at chapter 6, verses 9-13. The prayer was originally recorded in Greek, and St. Jerome rendered it literally into the Catholic Church's official Latin Vulgate.
Once again Francis-Bergoglio opened his blasphemous mouth. In an interview (since when do supposed popes give interviews!) on Italian television, Bergoglio approved of his French Newbishops' action to change the Lord's Prayer and recommended that his Italian Newbishops do the same. Bergoglio had previously decreed that the practice of the Arch-heretic Martin Luther should be followed in allowing local bishops to change things at their own whim without being circumscribed by a central authority (true Rome). As a result, Bergoglio is trying to back-pedal his clear preference for changing the Lord's Prayer as he himself expressed it in the Italian interview. It is the same gimmick that secular politicians use when they are caught in wrongdoing with their pants down. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, thank that Lord that you have not fallen prey to the vernacular nonsense introduced at the Vatican II Anti-council. The vernacular in sacred services was condemned by the dogmatic Council of Trent. St. Francis of Assisi, among other Saints, whom the current Newpope pretends to emulate, told Catholics to pray in Latin. Bergoglio has been been shown up once again for the heretic that he is, who, like all Marxists, wants unending change so that God's truth changes from one language to another and from one day to the next. It is a vile modus operandi, and one that has now landed Bergoglio in disgrace.
More evidence is accumulating that the early Roman Christians were correct in the location that they regarded to be Jesus Christ's tomb. Now the results of scientific tests appear to confirm that the remains of a limestone cave enshrined within the venerable Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem are in fact the burial site of Christ. Mortar sampled from between the original limestone surface of the tomb and a marble slab that covers it has been dated to around A.D. 345. According to historical accounts, the tomb was discovered by the Romans and enshrined around 326.
Until now, the earliest architectural evidence found in and around the tomb complex dated to the Crusader period, making it no older than 1,000 years. New dating results, however, put the original construction of the tomb securely in the time of the Constantine the Great (r. 306-337), Rome's first Christian emperor. The tomb was opened for the first time in centuries on October 26, 2016, when the shrine that encloses the tomb, known as the Aediculum (Little House), underwent a significant restoration.
When Constantine's representatives arrived in Jerusalem around 325 to locate the tomb, they were allegedly pointed to a Roman temple built some 200 years earlier. The Roman temple was razed and excavations beneath it revealed a tomb hewn from a limestone cave. The top of the cave was sheared off to expose the interior of the tomb, and the Aediculum was built around it. A feature of the tomb is a long shelf, or "burial bed," which according to tradition was the place where the body of Jesus Christ was laid out following His crucifixion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Geographic.]
True Catholics, you have nothing to fear from science. True faith and true science derive from the same origin: truth. Many details in Sacred Scripture have been confirmed by modern archaeology. Sacred Tradition confirms what has been believed from the early Church. It is only heretics like Francis-Bergolio who are inspired not by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, dogmatically the two fonts of the Catholic Faith. True Catholics have the confirmation of modern science for what they have long believe as a matter of faith.
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2017, Francis-Bergoglio decapitated two of the most prominent Neocon Newprelates in the world, replacing them early with Marxist fellow-travelers of his.
Newcardinal Andre Vingt-Trois of Paris, France, had just turned 75. The normal custom is to give three to five extra years to major Newcardinal-prelates (Paris, Milan, New York, Munich, Madrid, Los Angeles, Brussels, etc.), but only if they've been good Neocon players, avoiding "divisiveness" and advancing the Neocon agenda while deftly covering up rampant sex crimes in Bergoglio's regime. The Neocon agenda is just more heretical Modernism, but in slow motion. Lustiger, Vingt-Trois's predecessor, stayed on past his 78th birthday. So why can't Vingt-Trois? Because Bergoglio wants to put his own Marxists in place to govern the pagan sect that he is fabricating from its current Newchurch Protestantism. He wants to put in place his men who will paganise Newchurch.
Newcardinal Roberto Rivera Carrera, as Newarchbishop of Mexico City, Mexico, was only six months past his 75th birthday. Francis-Bergoglio has already packed the Newarchdiocese of Mexico City with no fewer than an obscene nine auxiliary Newbishops. There is no longer enough parking space to accommodate them all at the local Newchancery!
The Newbishop of Warsaw-East, a prominent Neocon Newprelate in Poland, was ousted just ten days after having turned 75. A Brazilian Newbishop has just been replaced only three days after having turned 75. On the same day as well, an Indian Newbishop was given a coadjutor Newbishop as an early "Christmas present." He's 73, but he won't last to 75. It's a Bergoglian slaughter!
The phony Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers need to wake up and get real. What they are attending now is not Catholic, or even Christian. They attend merely out of habit. They have deceived themselves into thinking that they have a "Catholic [sic] identity" and reminisce about the days when their mothers had them pray novenas. But as for their beliefs, they are pagans, and they might as well worship Mother Earth openly. Then, at least, they would be honest.
Instead, the clueless Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers occupy the Novus Ordo temples that were built by real Catholics before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), and they sell them off to developers just to keep them out of the hands of real Catholics, that is, traditional Catholics. The Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurcherss are pathetic and revolting.
TRADITIO readers are well aware of the fraud of Newsaints, those purported "saints" fabricated after the Newchurch of the New Order took control of the "institutional" Church in 1964. The investigative process was reduced to practically nothing as Newsaints were created for political purposes, like the half Hindu "Mother" Teresa, whose one "miracle" was phony, to quote her own doctors. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "'Canonizations' - New Order."
Now another fraud has been revealed, claiming that certain Newsaints were "incorruptible," that is, that their bodies had been preserved from normal decomposition after death. Of course, "incorruption" can be caused by any number of natural conditions, including manmade mummification. And it now appears that such shenanigans are just what has been perpetrated secretly by Newchurch officials over the last thirty years to create manmade "miracles" of incorruption.
In 1975 Newvatican tasked Newmonsignor Gianfranco Nolli, then director of the Vatican's Egyptian Museum, to put together a team of scientists to mummify newly-dead Newsaints-to-be. That is when the group, the "Death Squad," as it were, discovered that some saints previously considered "incorrupt" had actually been mummified, some on purpose and others by natural causes. From 1975 to 2008, the Death Squad mummified 31 bodies on the path to Newsainthood.
The most famous recent fraud that Newvatican perpetrated about its Newsaints was the attempt by Newvatican officials to insinuate that Pope John XXIII's body was "incorrupt," so desperate was their need to con-anized the convoker of the Vatican II Anti-council. We TRADITIO Fathers covered this fraud at the time in these Daily Commentaries when John XXIII was Novus Ordo-beatified in 2000. After an outside investigation by the Italian press, the fraud was uncovered. The man who performed embalming was located, and he confessed that he had treated the body with formalin, a powerful preservative chemical related to formaldehyde. Only after the fraud was revealed did Newvatican change its tune and admit that John XXIII was not "incorrupt."
The Death Squad's most recent job was the mummification of 24-year-old Pier Georgio Frassati, a "political" Newsaint candidate, who was Novus Ordo-beatified in 1990. When Benedict-Ratzinger wanted to show off the cadaver in 2008 at World Youth Day, he had the Death Squad perform its ministrations. But the shady Death Squad eventually paid the price for its frauds, as the mummification chemicals were so potent that most of the Death Squad died of tumors, cancers, and other maladies resulting from their shady work, and nobody new was willing to take up the dangerous work. Thus, there may be no more of these Newchurch mummy frauds. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Ranker Digital Media.]
True Catholics, it seems that there are no lengths to which Newvatican will not go to destroy faith in the true Church, even to fraud involving cadavers. True Catholics need no phony "miracles" to shore up their faith. Their faith is in Jesus Christ, in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and in the true Mass and the Sacraments. Those who believe in these have no further need of "miracles."
Any notion that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which burst into flame under the First Paedophile Newpope, the "Unsaint" JPII-Woytla, and the Second Paedophile Newpope, "The Abdicated" Benedict-Ratzinger, has abated under the Third Paedophile Newpope, "The Fraud" Francis-Bergoglio, would be grossly in error. The Newchurch Holocaust goes on just as before, and Bergoglio hasn't lifted a finger to stop it, only opened his mouth to utter vapid propaganda. The Romans had a saying: "Facto, non verbo," which Bergoglio has totally disregarded -- not surprisingly, because he doesn't have one iota of Romanness in his bones, Catholic or otherwise.
Now we find out that Newchurch has the ignominy of seeing the first Newabbot convicted since the reign of King Henry VIII of England (1509-1547). Newabbott Laurence Soper was convicted on two counts of buggery on children, one count of indecency with a child, and 16 counts of indecent assault on boys at the 22,000 USD-school run by Newchurch's Ealing Abbey at St. Benedict's posh London, England, private school. He also he made himself "Head of Discipline," and in that capacity caned pupils for the thrill of it and subjected pupils to "sadistic" punishments for minor infringements. The Newchurch abbot may spend the rest of his life in prison.
Newabbot Soper was truly running a Newchurch School for Sodomy. Two former staff members of his have already been convicted of buggery against the children at the school, and the former head of the school has been convicted of sexually assaulting five boys, and the school deputy head was jailed in 2016 on pornography charges. In fear of what a trial would reveal, Soper fled to Kosovo to escape prosecution, but the British brought him back under force to face trial. During the trial it was revealed that the Newchurch school was actively covering up the crimes by its presbyters. It had already paid out 182,000 USD in a settlement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Scottish Sun.]
True Catholics, birds of a feather flock together, they say. This is what Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch is: a flock of perverts, who pervert the Catholic Faith, Catholic Morality, and the Catholic Mass and Sacraments. And what has the Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio done? Nothing. He is the silent accomplice in these crimes. The time is long overdue for him to suffer the ancient punishment that the Romans inflicted upon the vilest of their criminals: drowning in the Tiber River. It may have been this Roman precedent that Christ was thinking of when he decreed that paedophiles should be "drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
Francis-Bergoglio's frenetic pace of replacing Newbishops continues unabated. He often cannot find excuses for removing Neocon Newbishops. In such cases, he sends them Leftist "auxiliary" Newbishops. These appointments are happening fast, in particular, in Argentina, where he knows the players, as he himself hails from there. For example, since All Saints' Day, he has appointed auxiliaries in the following Argentine Newdioceses: Quilmes, Comodoro Rivadavia, Lomas de Zamora, Mendoza (Newarchdiocese), and Buenos Aires (of course). If you look back at his record for 2017, you will find many more examples. Leftist auxiliary Newbishops are being appointed everywhere in minor Newdioceses, where they have never appeared before.
Bergoglio is also targeting more and more Newdioceses headed by Newbishops who are known to be Neocon opponents of his. Examples include the United States of America and Poland. The Polish Newbishops have been especially resistant to his Marxist regime, probably because they know full well what a Stalinist ideology means. Recently, the Polish Newdiocese of Kielce has received a Leftist auxiliary. There are several more examples for Poland and also many for America over the course of 2017. Bergoglio is particularly interested in neutralizing resistance to his Marxist cult in the USA. Very quickly, the American hierarchy is turning Leftist. There are a few Neocons left -- but not for long!
Recently, other Newdioceses have been cursed with Leftist auxiliaries: Brownsville (U.S.A.), San Jose (Costa Rica), and especially Newrome, Bergoglio's new base of operations. Bergoglio has now filled Newrome with auxiliaries. There are so many Newbishops there that they have to line up for seats at cafes. Seven Leftist auxiliaries have been named for Newrome, five of them having been appointed by Bergoglio in just the last four years. Bergoglio's Leftist army is starting to look like a Latin American dictatorship, in which there are far more colonels than corporals.
Francis-Bergoglio has even been appointing Leftist auxiliaries in minor Newdioceses in the middle of Africa. What is the purpose of all these appointments? It is to undermine the authority of the sitting Newdiocesan Newbishops. Presbyters and the office secretaries and "readers" who run Newchurch will now look to these auxiliaries as future men of power. They will try to curry favor with them, and they will disdain the ageing Newprelates appointed by JPII-Wojtyla (and the very few named by Benedict-Ratzinger, who was too busy writing books about Jesus to govern Newchurch).
Newchurch will have to promote these Leftist auxiliaries in the future because it cannot afford to support so many auxiliaries. So Bergoglio is establishing his pagan Marxist Newchurch sect for the future. He's not thinking so much about today as he's minding the Newchurch Titanic for tomorrow.
We can now see the Heretical Hell where the Modernist/Leftists and their false Vatican II Anti-council are taking the Newchurch. They created a Protestant sect from 1950 to 1970 (the date of its foundation coming in 1964) and now they are converting it into a pagan one. The Neocons are conservative Protestants, much like a few elderly ladies in northern Sweden who still read the Bible, or like some Anglican ministers who still follow their old prayer book for an audience of one old tomcat who curls up on a windowsill and falls asleep during it. They are dead in the water. Bergoglio was hired by the Modernist College of Newcardinals to conform Newchurch completely to the world of our times. And the world of our times worships Mother Nature as God -- if it believes that there is any God at all!Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What response should we give to those extremists who advocate "staying home," the notion that there are no valid Sacraments from anyone in the present situation of the Church. I believe that such extremists lead many Catholics away from the valid Mass and Sacraments that are still available in thousands of sites around the world, mostly offered by independent traditional Roman Catholic priests who are independent of the heretical Newchurch.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There is no theological support for the notion of "staying home." Outside the Newchurch of the New Order, there are thousands of valid independent traditional Roman Catholic priests who are making available the valid Mass and Sacraments, often at great inconvenience to themselves. In effect, they are the vicars of God in maintaining the Catholic Church, while the "institutional" Church (the Newchurch of the New Order) has become Protestant -- and worse.
In fact, if you study Church history, as we TRADITIO Fathers strongly urge that all Catholics do, you will discover that the current situation of the Church is not that unusual, either as a whole, e.g., in the Arian heresy of the fourth century, when some popes and most bishops became heretics) or in part, e.g., in the wilderness areas of North America or after the expulsion of the Church from Japan, and, more recently, China.
Catholic theology from the early Church and beyond provides a "release valve," as it were, to ensure that truly Catholic priests and bishops continue in the all too frequent times of persecution, heresy, etc. The Official Traditional Catholic Directory lists many these sites for North America and contacts for sites in other areas (see the link at the top of the Daily Commentaries page).
No Catholic can lightly excuse himself from worshipping God as the Third Commandment of God and the First Precept of the Church, let alone one's essential obligation to one's Creator, require. It is one thing if there is no valid Mass in a wide area, but when there are close to 1,000 in North America, and thousands more in other areas of the world, there can be no general excuse for the vast majority of Catholics to "stay home," thereby depriving themselves of the limitless graces of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the Divine act of our redemption and salvation, and to which no private prayer, including the Litanies, the Penitential Psalms, the Stations of the Cross, or the Rosary, hold a candle.
On December 4, 2017, Francis-Bergoglio, who couldn't be bothered to respond to his Newcardinals who denounced his March 19, 2016, document Amoris laetitia (The Joy of Sex) as heretical, has now confirmed his heresy by publishing it in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, now the official organ of Newchurch of the New Order. Not only does the organ include Bergoglio's endorsement of the heretical policy of the Newbishops of the Province of Buenos Aires, but also publishes the Argentine guidelines themselves. This publication means that Newrome now officially endorses false teachings that directly contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Now it is no secret why Bergoglio remained silent in the face of his Newcardinals' denunciations of his heresies. It appears that all along he was intending to snooker them by officially publishing the Protestant heresy that divorced and remarried Newchurchers can commit bigamy. Francis-Bergoglio has now openly pleased the Marxists and Leftists of Newchurch by finding the teaching of Christ to be "imperfect" and "in need of correction."
As yet, I have not heard of a single Newcardinal resigning because he cannot perjure his oath and serve a heretic, even huffing-puffing Newcardinal Ray "Bully" Burke. While Burke moves more slowly than grass doth grow, Leftists don't hesitate for an instant. By publishing the Argentine Bishops' heretical guidelines with an endorsement from Bergoglio and the latter's affirmation that there is "no other interpretation possible" of his Amoris laetitia, the conflict is now direct and official. There is no place left for Newcardinals Burke and Brandmuller and Sarah and Muller to squirm to. There is no rabbit-hole or warren left where they can take shelter.
Newcardinal Muller and others are now talking openly about a coming "schism." The problem is that one group of heretics, the Neocons, are about to separate from another, the Leftists. There are schisms and divisions of every kind in Hell also, just as there have been in the Protestant heresy: Methodists break with Anglicans and then Evangelicals break with Methodists, et cetera. The demons agree only in hating God. In this case, it is the Most Blessed Trinity and the Catholic Faith that the Newchurchers all repudiate, when they reject the dogmata and Sacred Liturgy of Holy Mother Church, for it is God the Holy Ghost Who teaches us all things through the Sacred Tradition that Leftists and Neocon Newchurchers both reject.
The catalog of countries hurt by Newchurch's subornation of paedophilia among its Newclergy is legion: Ireland, Australia, the United States, Italy, the Philippines, Germany, among them -- and Chile. Now Chile's revered former First Lady Marta Larraechea (1994-2000) has openly railed against Francis-Bergoglio's proposed junket to Chile, January 15-18, 2018. She has denounced his subornation of paedophilia: "He just pays lip service" to stopping it. "I do not want to catch sight of him because I do not like paedophiles," Larraechea added. This is one lady who has Bergoglio's number when so many immoral men pander to him and his New Order!
The First Lady lashed out at Francis-Bergoglio's appointment of a paedophile as Newbishop of Osorno, Juan Barros Madrid, who personally witnessed the sodomy of young boys by his Newclergy. Bergoglio defended his vile Newbishop and bad-mouthed his own Newchurchers in Osorno. So irate were the people of Chile against Barros that they physically stopped his "installation" (since 1968 Novus Ordo bishops have not been validly consecrated under the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" under the New Ordinal of 1968 as Protestantized overseers of their Newdiocese), pelting Barros with dung and curses, so that the police had to be ushered out a side door from the Newcathedral. Chile's National Congress passed a censure of Bergoglio for his failure to eject his paedophile Newbishop.
Speaking in Osorno, First Lady Larraechea expressed her support for the local Lay Organisation, a group that has opposed Barros from the time of Bergoglio's appointment of him and has staged continuous protests in the Newcathedral when he simulates the New Order Mess. Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch are under fire in Chile because of their subornation of paedophilia. Larraechea said that she wants Bergoglio to cancel his junket to Chile. The Second Paedophile Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger was forced to cancel his planned junket to Ireland in 2012 when Ireland was rocked by widespread reports of the most vile sex crimes against children there by Newchurch presbyters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agencia UNO.]
True Catholics, as the United States is rocked by reports of sex crimes in its Congress, its media, and its film industry, the just hand of God -- true Catholics can only hope -- will cross the Atlantic and finally hang a millstone around the neck of the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, and drown him in the depth of the sea, which is Christ's stated punishment for paedophiles (Matthew 18:6).
After Newchurch changed the Mass and made its "new" version invalid. After Newchurch changed the Sacraments and made its "new" versions invalid. After Newchurch changed the millennial devotions of the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross. Now Newchurch is changing the basic prayer of Christianity, the Lord's Prayer (Pater Noster), at least in vulgar versions in the French language throughout the world: in France, Belgium, French Oceania, and other Francophone countries.
The sentence involved in the Catholic Church's official Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome is: "Et ne nos inducas in tentationem." As usual, St. Jerome renders into Latin as literally as possible the original Greek. The Douay-Rheims and the King James versions of the 15th-16th centuries rendered this invocation into English as "And let us not into temptation." After the Vatican II Anti-council, the French Newbishops in 1966 "revised" the sentence and changed the vulgar-language rendering -- thank God they cannot touch St. Jerome's original Latin -- to "Ne nous soumets pas à la tentation," in which "lead" has been changed to "submit."
The French Newbishops have "revised" the sentence yet again, not just in one word as before. Now they have been so presumptuous as to change the entire invocation! As of December 3, 2017, Newchurch's fake Lord's Prayer will be rendered: "Ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation" [do not let us enter into temptation]. The Newchurch bishops were careful to get approvals from all the French Protestants for the revision. Traditional Catholics in France were not consulted. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
The meaning of the sentence in the original Greek and in the Latin based upon it indicates that we recognize that our human efforts alone are not sufficient to cope with temptation (or trial) and that we need to have recourse to God's graces. The 2017 rendition subtlety seems to diminish the power of God and increase the power of man.
True Catholics, Newchurch has yet again attempted to change the meaning of Sacred Scripture, which -- it is a matter of dogma -- no one in the Church, not even a true pope, has the power to do. Such desecrations of Sacred Scripture are made all the more possible by the Vatican II Anti-council's introduction of vulgar tongues into sacred services. Traditional Catholics have avoided such desecrations by maintaining the Church's traditional Latin language and following the advice of St. Francis of Assisi and other Saints to pray the common prayers of the Church in Latin even when saying private prayers.
Yet another interview has emerged recently of Gerhard Newcardinal Muller. It turns out that he has a fantasy that "traditionalist" groups want him to lead the opposition against the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. He joins several other pseudo-traditionalists in this fantasy, like Newcardinal Ray "Bully" Burke, who is no traditionalist, but an outright Newchurcher; Neo-SSPX Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay, who is no traditional Archibishop Lefebvre, but a sellout to Newchurch; and Benedict-Ratzinger, the Ex-Newpope who abdicated because of threats by the international press to reveal his suborning of thousands of paedophile Newclergy.
At the same time the newcardinal pseudo-traditionalist wannabe protests that he is "with" the Marxist Newpope. Muller lives in a fantasyland in which Amoris laetitia, Bergoglio's "Joy of Sex" document, is perfectly orthodox and causes no problems at all. Oddly, however, the Newbishops of Malta, Germany, Argentina and San Diego interpret the document one way, while other Newbishops go directly against them.
Can opposites both be true simultaneously? Ever heard of the law of non-contradiction? But that was Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's Universal Doctor. Newchurch is 100 per cent adherent to the Modernist heresy, which holds that everything is subjective, that the same thing can be right and wrong and the same time. Catholics can be Protestants, Masses can be Protestant services, and marriages can be divorced.
No truly traditional Catholics have ever looked to Newcardinal Muller for leadership. He is a heretic who denies the perpetual virginity of Mary and thinks that a cat would not have "seen" the Resurrection. The truth is that it is Muller himself who is now being ignored even by house pets of the New Order. He is a disgraced and discharged Newprelate with no job to go to.
The Traditional Catholic Movement, on the contrary, is being led by Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, and the entire company of the Saints, especially by the likes of Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope St. Pius V, and Pope St. Pius X. We put our trust in them as these supreme Saints followed Christ, as well as Catholic doctrinal and moral teachings, on marriage and on everything else.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have a question about attending "Christmas parties" during Advent. It is my understanding that Advent is a time of penance and quietly awaiting the advent of the birth of Christ. How is a Catholic to respond about Christmas parties before December 25?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This is one of those areas in which a Catholic must make a prudential decision based on the individual circumstances. As you say, the true Catholic wants to keep the pre-Christmas season as essentially a preparatory penitential season. St. Paul in his Epistle read for the First Sunday of Advent (Romans 8:11-14/DRV) sets such a tone: "Let us walk honestly, as in the day: not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and impurities, not in contention and envy: but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ." As a prudential matter, practical circumstances can be accommodated to a reasonable extent in accordance with general principles of Catholic moral theology.
For example, in the pre-Christmas season, workers' companies sometimes hold Christmas parties for their employees. These generally consist of a meal and speeches. Such parties are essentially employee meetings, so one might, as an employee, reasonably participate as an accommodation to work requirements. Of course, a Catholic would not use such an occasion as an excuse for gluttony and drunkenness, but would eat and drink in a deliberately temperate way. Raucous, highly secularized revels ("rioting"), whose very purpose is hedonism, gluttony, and drunkenness, would be sinful.
Catholics should note that in 2017, for the first time in ten years, the Vigil of Christmas, December 24, falls on a Sunday. Consequently, Advent is only three weeks in length, as the Vigil of Christmas traditionally takes precedence over the Fourth Sunday of Advent. The very brevity of Advent this year is an admonition to observe it fervently, and to benefit from its many graces.
Because the Vigil of Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, the usual fast and total abstinence from fleshmeat for the Vigil do not bind, as every Sunday is a day of joy commemorating the Resurrection. However, the fast and total abstinence do binds on the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception, December 7, in many countries. The Ember Days of Advent are observed with their respective fast and abstinence, this year on December 20, 22 and 23. Watch your calendar, and these days of preparation faithfully. The Abstinence applies to children after their seventh birthday and to all adults of whatever age.
TRADITIO readers may remember the scandal caused some years ago when a secular art museum in New York displayed a portrait of the Virgin Mary splattered with cow dung. Now Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch has joined in the anti-religious craziness. On November 23, 2017, a dead cow weighing 500 kilograms, dubbed the "Crucified Cow," has been installed in the "sanctuary" of a Novus Ordo temple in Kuttekoven, Belgium.
The local Newbishop of Hasselt, Patrick Hoogmartens, who is, of course, not Catholic, has done nothing to remove it. The dead cow is claimed to be art. But this is no Giotto or Raphael or Michelangelo. This is pagan filth. It has been described as a "satanic image and a disgusting insult to God." But the Newchurchers are so paganized in the fifty years after the Vatican II Anti-council that there was barely an outcry. Only twelve bothered to protest the desecration. Meanwhile, inside the Newchurch temple, visitors to the Dead Cow were welcomed with beef and cheese appetizers.
The "artist" of this blasphemous monstrosity got one thing right. He said that he was seeking to attract attention to the "innumerable" churches in Belgium that remain empty on Sundays because Belgians are no longer interested in "insufferably tedious" Novus Ordo services. Attendance at Newchurch services in Belgium has sunk to less than 5 per cent. Before Vatican II these same churches were filled to overflowing with Catholics worshipping at the Traditional Latin Mass, described as "the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, the dead cow is actually an apt representation of Newchurch. Newchurch is a dead cow. Newchurch no longer has churches, but pagan temples. Newchurch no longer has sanctuaries, but pagan icons. Newchurchers no longer have a valid Mass, but an invalid Mess. And the Newchurchers have no one to blame but themselves. They have welcomed the paganization that the New Order sect brought.
Francis-Bergoglio, once again showing himself to be a Protestant, celebrated the Feast of Christ the King on the wrong day, the last Sunday of November. Pope Pius XI had instituted this feast in 1925 to be a public, social, and official declaration of the royal rights of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Word Incarnate and as Redeemer -- as the King of kings and the crown of all the Saints. This feast acknowledges Christ's complete dominion over us and our complete dependence upon Him.
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther had posted his his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Revolt in Germany. "Reformation" Day is thus placed on the last Sunday in October, so Pope Pius XI in his Apostolic Brief Quas primas of October 11, 1925, set the Feast of Christ the King there to counter Protestantism's heresies. But Newchurch in its New Order calendar of 1969, which was based upon Protestant models, violated this Catholic principle by moving the feast to the last Sunday in November to avoid embarrassing the Protestant heretics.
By the decree of Pope Pius XI, the Act of Dedication of the Human Race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is to be recited on this day before the Most Blessed Sacrament exposed, to be followed by the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Arch-heretic Martin Luther detested both of these devotions. He denied the doctrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and hated the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. [Some information for this Commentary as contributed by the Zenit News Service.]
True Catholics, what an irony! Francis-Bergoglio, as a Newchurch Protestant, performs "Messes" that are invalid, as lacking Catholic form, matter, and intention, any one of which defects is enough to invalidate the "Mess." Moreover, Bergoglio was never ordained as a Catholic priest, but merely installed as a Novus Ordo presbyter in the Protestantized rate that replaced the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders in 1968. Nor was Bergoglio ever consecrated as a Catholic bishop. Newchurch stopped consecrating bishops in 1968 under the Sacrament of Holy Orders and now merely "installs" them as administrative overseers of New Order dioceses. At least Martin Luther, heretic that he was, was ordained as a Catholic priest.