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Francis-Bergoglio told Newcardinal Gerhard Muller in 2013 to stop investigating sex-crime charges against British Newcardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, who as a member of the St. Gallen Group, played a central role in illegal politicking to get Jorge Bergoglio elected Newpope in the same year. Murphy-O'Connor was under investigation by Newvatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the [Novus Ordo] Faith for raping a 13-year-old girl.
Francis-Bergoglio committed (objective) sacrilege when he stopped the Novus Ordo service being simulated by Newcardinal Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation, to demand that the investigation against Murphy-O'Connor be stopped. According to longtime Newvatican reporter Marco Tosatti, the conversation went as follows in June 2013:
[Mueller's Secretary, interrupting Mueller at the Novus Ordo "altar"]:
The pope wants to speak to you.
[Mueller] Did you tell him I am celebrating Mass [sic]?
[Secretary] Yes, but he says he does not care. He wants to talk to you all the same.
Mueller then went to the sacristy. Bergoglio, in a very bad mood, gave Mueller orders to treat Murphy-O'Connor as above the law and to stop investigating one of his friends. The victim had filed a formal charge with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and had been awarded a settlement from the Newarchdiocese of Westminster, England, which Murphy-O'Connor headed.
Murphy-O'Connor, as a member of the illegal St. Gallen Group to get Jorge Bergoglio elect as Newpope, was tasked with lobbying Commonwealth and North American Newcardinals. Murphy-O'Connor also advised Bergoglio personally of the operations of the St. Gallen Group. After his election Bergoglio twice pointed to Murphy-O'Connor and joked: "You're to blame!," indicating that Murphy-O'Connor was his chief promoter -- in violation of even the so-called "New" Code of Canon Law (1983). Murphy-O'Connor also called Bergoglio "my man."
True Catholics, Christ's millstone around Francis-Bergoglio's neck is getting heavier and heavier. Far from the "merciful" guy portrayed by his propaganda machine, Bergoglio has been exposed in reality as a liar (several times), an accomplice to paedophilia, and an influence peddler. Can the depths of the sea (Matthew 18:6/DRV) be far from Bergoglio's future?
Even his own Leftists are now deserting the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio. Der Spiegel, Germany's longtime, largest-circulating Leftist publication had previously supported the Marxist Newpope, but now has broken with him, pronouncing that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is "increasingly about [New]pope Francis."
In a stunning September 22, 2018, cover article entitled "Du Sollst Nich Lügen" [Thou Shalt Not Lie] Der Spiegel exposed Francis-Bergoglio as a gross hypocrite: "He preaches mercy, but in reality he is an ice-cold, cunning Machiavellian, and, what is worse – he lies." The periodical also denounced his refusal to answer questions about what and when he knew about the predatory paedophile Newcardinal, Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C. "He has been railing against global capitalism for years, but, like his redecessors, he took in millions from McCarrick. The pope praises the value of the traditional family, but surrounds himself with counselors and workers who display the opposite — in more or less open concubinage with representatives of one sex or the other."
The eight-page Der Spiegel story contends that "the pope and the Church [is] in her greatest crisis." It documents Francis-Bergoglio's failures and states that he "will eventually go down in history as the one who split the Church." It documents his lack of meting out justice to the victims of sex crimes by his own Newclergy against children, who lament: "We wish to reach the pope, but he is not interested in us." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Der Spiegel.]
Three days after the Der Spiegel article was published, the Justice Ministry of Germany released a horrifying report, covering mainly the Vatican II Anti-council period from 1962 to 2014, indicating that at least 3,677 children were sexually assaulted by about 1,670 Newclergy and that this number may be just the "tip of the iceberg." Among these cases were some one hundred that were presided over by ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger's elder brother, Georg Ratzinger, who headed the Domspatzen Boys School in Regensburg from 1964 to 1994.
The report detailed how 60 percent of presbyters eluded punishment and how many were systematically moved to other Newparishes in the hope their crimes could be hushed up. The report found that more than half of the victims had been younger than 13 the first time they were assaulted. On average, the assaults happened numerous times over a period of at least 15 months. Every sixth attack involved rape.
True Catholics, it is ironic that the perpetrator of this gross hypocrisy and the leader of these crimes, Francis-Bergoglio, "sees himself as a victim." Bergoglio is deep into his Narcissistic Personality Disorder. But the Leftists of Der Spiegel and the Neocon Newchurchers bear the responsibility too. They lauded this Marxist/Modernist Newpope at the beginning, who praised sodomy, wished to undercut marriage, and took pride in the fact his closest friends were atheists. All the signs were there, as we TRADITIO Fathers have pointed out from the beginning of his corrupt regime. Only now are the clueless expressing surprise at how easily they allowed themselves to be blinded.
Chicago Newcardinal Blase Cupich, a radical Leftist henchman of the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, has fired presbyter-pastor Paul Kalchik for allegedly burning the "gay pride" rainbow flag that hung over the Newparish's Novus Ordo dinner table, which had been put there by his predecessor when the Newparish had been designated as Chicago's "Gay Parish." Cupich was reported to have sent out agents against the presbyter, who instigated burning of rainbow flag because of its blasphemous associations with one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Justice.
In fear for his life, presbyter Kalchik on September 16, 2018, fled the Newparish and went into hiding to escape Newcardinal Cupich's vengeance. Cupich's hit men were heard speaking of Kalchik's "death" if he will not submit to psychiatric treatment. Kalchik's situation parallels numerous cases in the late 1960s, when Newchurch forceably committed priests and nuns who refused to go along with the anti-Catholic New Order.
Ironically, it was not presbyter Kalchik who burned the flag, but several of his Newparishioners, who described the depiction of the Cross wrapped in the rainbow flag to be blasphemy. Kalchik knows of what he speaks. He was twice a victim of homosexual assault, once by a sodomite presbyter at age 19. Kalchik published his testimony in an open letter to Francis-Bergoglio on September 6, 2018, without getting a response, as is Bergoglio's usual blow-off job. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by U.S. News & World Report.]
True Catholics, even the Mafia has rules, but at this point, under the Marxist "Papa Dittatore" (Dictator Pope) as a new book documents Francis-Bergoglio, Newchurch is now completely lawless. Even Novus Ordo "canon law" is routinely ignored. Novus Ordo court decisions are routinely corrupted. In 1991 the Soviet Union inexplicably fell, arguably by the hand of God after nearly a century of Leonine Prayers after Mass for the "conversion of Russia." One can only hope that Almighty God has the same catastrophic overthrow planned for the heretic Bergoglio. In the meantime, Chicago Newchurchers are working for the removal of Newcardinal Cupich.
Now it can be said officially. Bernie Fellay, former Superior-general of the Neo-SSPX and current member of its Executive Committee, is a heretic. He has personally embraced the heretical Novus Ordo by serving as an Official hired by the heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's administration.
Fellay publicly admitted the truth at a press conference on September 3, 2018 -- not, however, from the Neo-SSPX headquarters at Menzingen, Swizerland, but from a much more distant land, the Philippines. Yet the news these days is worldwide, and his admission of heresy did not escape the notice of the international press. Fellay admitted that he had served officially in several cases as a Novus Ordo judge. He even used a kangaroo Newvatican court to punish one of his own priests. By these acts, Fellay recognized the legitimacy of the heretical Newchurch of the New Order.
Fellay admitted that his heresy may have been in vain. Francis-Bergoglio has stated that Newchurch will not "recognize" the Neo-SSPX until it "accepts the Novus Ordo and the Second Vatican [Anti-]Council." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Dutch newspaper, NL News.]
True Catholics, just as the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church, the Neo-SSPX, founded in 1994 by Bernie Fellay, is not Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's original traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). One out of every five priests has left the Neo-SSPX because they reject any association with the fake Newchurch; more are continuing to leave. "God is not mocked," wrote St. Paul (Galatians 6:7/DRV). As we TRADITIO Fathers have said all along, Fellay has acted as a puppet of the Newpopes, the latest of whom, Francis-Bergoglio, has now been outed personally as a paedophile accomplice and is expected to be forced out of the Newpapacy within a year, just as was his paedophiliac predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger.
The Neo-SSPX continues to sink under the Superior-generalship of Davide Pagliarani, the creature of the Newchurch sellout Bernie Fellay. On September 22, 2018, just as predicted by the TRADITIO Fathers in these Daily Commentaries, the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio essentially sold out the appointment of Newchurch bishops to Communist China, spitting in the face of his own "underground" Newbishops, several of whom have given their lives for the fake Newchurch.
Even Newcardinal Joseph Zen, of Hong Kong, has castigated Francis-Bergoglio for his sellout and has called for the resignation of his co-conspirator Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin. But where is Davide Pagliarani, new head of the Neo-SSPX as the puppet of the former Superior-dictator, Bernie Fellay, who wants to sell out Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's once-traditional Society of St. Pius X to Bergoglio's Newchurch. Where is Pagliariani's roar against this Satanic newpope?
In additional to Newcardinal Zen, one underground Chinese Newbishop, Peter Zhuang Jianjian, has refused to accept Francis-Bergoglio's sellout to his fellow Communists. Zhuang refuses to submit to the evil Newpope Bergoglio and his henchman Secretary of State Parolin. Therefore, Bergoglio has appointed Zhuang's Communist rival as co-adjutor Newbishop with right of succession. All it will take now is for the Communist Chinese to kill Zhuang for his Communist co-adjutor to take over.
There is hope for the underground Chinese Newchurchers, however. The future is to go independent and accept only traditional Catholic bishops and priests from the West, who can supply them with the real traditional Roman Catholic Sacraments. It can be done. It must be done.
In Francis-Bergoglio's heretic Newchurch, "gay" is good. So it is no surprise that presbyter Paul Kalchik was attacked by Newarchbishop Blase Cupich, of Chicago, Illinois, when Kalchik announced that he was going to burn the blasphemous "gay pride" rainbow flag, depicting the Cross intertwined with the flag, that was hanging over his Novus Ordo dinner table. The presbyter had a vested interest: he himself at age 19 had been sexually assaulted by a presbyter.
When presbyter Kalchik announced his intention, Cupich, of Chicago, ordered him not to burn the flag and threatened that if he did so, he would face prosecution. So the presbyter backed down. But his Newparishioners didn't. They took matters into their own hands and burned the blasphemous flag on September 14, 2018, in an "exorcism" ceremony, saying: "We put an end to a depiction of our Lord's Cross that was profane. To use the image of the cross as anything other than a “reminder of our Lord’s passion and death is what we consider a sacrilege." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NBC News.]
True Catholics, maybe there was enough Catholicism left in these Newchurchers to recognize blasphemy when they saw it. Yet they continue to "walk in darkness," worshiping at the heretical, blasphemous, and idolatrous New Mess, "presided over" by presbyter-ministers, not ordained priests. They follow a Newpope who seems to advocate one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to God for Retribution. And even now God seems to be taking retribution on the fake Newchurch of the New Order for its grave sins.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I think that one of the contributing causes to the large number of Newchurch clergy, including Newbishops and Newcardinals, who commit paedophile crimes or are accessories to them is that Newchurchers have been deceitfully trained to believe that Newchurch officials cannot err. This is a false extension of the greatly-misunderstood doctrine of "papal infallibility," which most Newchurchers do not understand and therefore commit -- at least materially -- idolatry. Many of these Newbishops and Newcardinals are old enough to have been truly ordained in the valid, traditional Roman Rite, so one cannot absolutely claim that these sin began in 1965, when the horrible Vatican II Anti-council ended. Such sins did occur decades before.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your premise is erroneous. Actually, there are very few high Newclergy left who were ordained and consecrated in the Sacrament of Holy Orders under the valid traditional Roman Ordinal. The few who remain were ordained as priests, but not consecrated as bishops (an example is Benedict-Ratzinger). Francis-Bergoglio is another example. He was installed as a presbyter, not validly ordained as a priest, in the year after the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 came into effect. So he is neither a valid priest nor a valid bishop. Thus, it is argued that neither Ratzinger nor Bergoglio could be the Bishop of Rome.
There is always sin, and even popes are not immune. That is the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church. The point is that before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the true Catholic Church placed a much tighter control on these clergy. Clergy were not let "off on their own" with no supervision, free to rape, sodomize, and embezzle Church funds. They were monitored better, and there were more clergy around to catch any aberrations.
Did a few rotten apples slip through the cracks before 1962? Of course. But when Vatican II replaced the Catholic Church with the Newchurch of the New Order as the "institutional" Church on November 21, 1964, it institutionalized sin within the Newclergy. It is now clear to all, as it was clear to us TRADITIO Fathers from the beginning, that the higher Newchurch clergy, including the Newpopes, have been deeply involved in the grave sins themselves.
From a spiritual point of view, Newchurch lost the valid Catholic priesthood in 1968 with the Protestantized New Ordinal. Newchurch lost the valid Catholic Mass in 1969 with the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess. Newchurch invalidated most of the other sacraments in the early 1970s. Newchurch for more than five decades has had no source of sacramental grace, so naturally the Newclergy have been helpless in fighting against their sinful natures, and they have succumbed "like men having no God."
Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has swept through the world, devastating what before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) were once some of the most Catholic countries on the face of the earth. such as Ireland, Germany, Chile, the United States, and Australia. Now France and the Netherlands can be added to that list, which now spans six continents. As yet, Newchurch has not been accused of sex crimes against children on the continent of Antarctica, where there are no children. The Sex-crime Holocaust is now being described as Newchurch's "own 9/11" (referring to the attack that destroyed the Twin Towers in New York City and killed several thousands of souls).
More than half of the Netherlands' Newcardinals and Newbishops have been accomplices sex crimes against children by Newchurch clergy. According to an NRC-Netherlands report published on September 15, 2018, 20 of 39 Dutch Newcardinals and Newbishops "covered up sexual abuse, allowing the perpetrators to cause many more victims." Four of the Newcardinals and Newbishops sexually assaulted children, and 16 others engineered the transfer of paedophile presbyters to continue their assaults in other Newparishes.
Meanwhile in France, a Newchurch presbyter has been charged with sexually assaulting with "unspeakable acts" upon four brothers aged from 3 to 17, who were in the Newparish choir there. On September 12, 2018, it was announced that leaders of Francis-Bergoglio's own boys' choir, the Sistine Choir in Newrome, is under investigation for embezzlement and money-laundering. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has yet to comment upon the August 22, 2018, Vigano Memorandum, which documented Bergoglio's knowing complicity in protecting the predatory paedophile sex criminal Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick. Newchurch got away with Phase One of its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust in 2001 by promising that the situation would not recur. But, as we TRADITIO Fathers have consistently documented since that time, the Newpopes did nothing but release press propaganda. Bergoglio will not escape this Phase Two of the Sex-crime Holocaust. He has lied to his Newchurchers, and this time they are fighting back against him. Yet, until the fake Newchurch of the New Order created at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church is destroyed, the situation will never be corrected.
When Jorge Bergoglio, later known as "Francis," was Newchurch archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 1998 to 2013, it seems that a Hell of corruption broke out under his regime. The murderous "Liberation Theology" Newjesuits took over the place (Bergoglio himself is a Newjesuit) and sex and other crimes went on in his Newarchdiocese that were covered up by Bergoglio personally.
Now a secret report commissioned by Bergoglio on Argentina's most celebrated predator presbyter has been exposed by the Associated Press, which each week seems to find yet another incriminating document against now Newpope Francis. Argentina's most famous case of presbyteral sex crimes lends further confirmation to the fact that Bergoglio personally covered up sex crimes by his presbyters. The purpose of the 2,000-page report that Bergoglio commissioned in 2010-2013, when he was President of the Argentine [New]bishops' Conference, was to exonerate a convicted "celebrity" presbyter, Julio Grassi, who ran street homes for children, where he assaulted a 13-year-old boy by fellatio and other means.
Bergoglio claimed that the charges, now upheld in full by Argentina's Supreme Court were simply "viciousness against him [Grassi], a condemnation by the media." Similarly, Bergoglio had in January 2018 startled the world when he told the press that no children had been sexually assaulted in Chile, even though the Associated Press recovered a letter in which he acknowledge that fact to the Chilean Newbishops.
In Chile, Bergoglio repeatedly defended a Newbishop whom he appointed, Juan Barros, charged with covering up for the country’s most notorious predator, presbyter Fernando Karadima. The President and First Lady of of Chile, the Congress of Chile, and many of Chile's Newchurchers attempted to prevent the installation of Barros as Newbishop of Osorno. The people pelted Barros with cow-dung and interrupted the installation ceremony in the Newcathedral to the point that the police had to escort Barros out a side door to prevent him from being set upon by the angry Newchurchers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio was charged in the August 22, 2018, Vigano Memorandum with knowingly promoting and facilitating Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., whom Bergoglio and his predecessor Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, knew to be a paedophile criminal. Bergoglio has not denied the charges. Now the Argentina affair confirms the fact that Bergoglio was a long-time cover-up artist for paedophile presbyters.
In the United States, where Newchurch's Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has hit badly, as well as in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and numerous other countries, the "Francis Effect" has now turned sour. In the five years of Francis-Bergoglio's regime, his popularity has fallen by almost one half, both among all Americans and even among his own Newchurchers.
Now fewer than half of Americans, 48 per cent, say that they have a favorable view of the Marxist/Modernist Newpope, down from over 80 per cent who bought into his Leftist, anti-Catholic propaganda just after he was elected. Among his own Newchurchers, he has sunk from 83 per cent favorability a year and a half ago to 63 per cent now -- a 20-point drop. Among conservative American Newchurchers, the drop is to a catastrophic 36 per cent. It has been the conservatives Newchurchers to cough up most of the money to support the corrupt Francis-Bergoglio. Apparently, no longer. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
True Catholics, the heretic Francis-Bergoglio has finally been exposed as the fraud that he has been from the beginning. His anti-Catholic Marxist/Modernist programme is now clear for all to see -- and even his own Newchurchers reject it. Add the fact that he has now been fingered personally as a paedophile accomplice, along with his predecessors, the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla and the Nazi Benedict-Ratzinger, and you have the recipe for the heretic, immoral, and fake Newchurch of the New Order flushing itself down the Roman sewer, where it has belonged for the last 56 years.
By the end of September 2018, the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is expected sign an agreement to sell out Newchurch to Communist China. This sellout has been one of the closest to his anti-Catholic heart; he has been working on it since the advent of his Newpapacy. The sellout will provide that Bergoglio will recognize the Communist Newbishops that the Red Chinese government has already appointed, and in the future Newpopes will have only limited veto power over Newbishop appointments that the Red Chinese will make.
The Concordat with the Communist Chinese dictator is reminiscent of that with the Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini, which the Vatican made in 1929. Bergoglio's successors as Newpope will be bound to accept Communist appointments of Newbishops in future. Bergoglio is flat-out betraying the Newbishops already appointed by the Newpopes, the so-called "underground" Newbishops, some of whom have been killed for their loyalty to Newchurch. Several Newcardinals have already condemned Bergoglio for his planned sellout to the Communists. [Some information for this Commentary as contributed by the Wall Street Journal.]
True Catholics, after five years of negotiations with the Chinese Communists, Francis-Bergoglio will do anything to seal the deal. The Marxist/Modernist Newpope wants to do the deal with Marxist/Communist China before he leaves. And Bergoglio sees the handwriting of his imminent departure from the Newpapacy on the wall. His clock is rapidly running out.
I had commented correctly that Francis-Bergoglio failed yet again to take the traditional holiday from appointments, which normally begins on July 2 of each year, the Feast of the Visitation. In fact, Bergoglio continued in July at breakneck speed with his appointments of Newbishops for his Newchurch of the New Order.
Then, finally, the Bergoglian summer arrived in August 2018. Or did it? Bergoglio's appointments slowed down to a trickle in August, then they altogether stopped. They have not resumed in September. What has happened? It would seem that Francis-Bergoglio has too much on his mind to appoint Newbishops now. It would seem that the looming departure of Newcardinal Donald Wuerl, exposed as a paedophile accomplice in the August 14, 2018, Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, and the previous departure of Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, exposed personally as a paedophile predator, has put a great strain on Bergoglio's Newjesuit network for appointment of Marxist/Modernist Newbishops.
On September 5, 2018, Bergoglio broke the pattern by appointing just one Newdiocesan bishop, for Serbia, which has very few Newchurchers in it. This was the only appointment of a Newdiocesan bishop in the previous thirty days, and there were only two appointments made in the first eighteen days of August (Asti, Italy, and Rheims). By way of contrast, July was yet another month of rapid appointments: suddenly, appointments have ground to a halt. There are now almost no appointments of Newdiocesan bishops. Bergoglio has appointed one or two Newpapal nuncios, the sostituto, and some apostolic administrators to serve where Newbishops have been forced out early. That's all.
Obviously, something is preying upon Francis-Bergoglio's mind in recent weeks. Is the Marxist Newpope pereparing to exit as Newpope after he saddles his successor with a deal in Red China that hands over all appointments of Newchurch bishops to the Communist government, with the Newpope having only a limited veto? After that, Bergoglio can go, and his hand-picked Newcardinals can then replace him with someone who will hardly be much better -- and could even be much worse.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I noticed from the heading of your Daily Commentaries that September 14, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, is celebrated in red vestments. I think that this color is also for other feasts of Our Lord. You may be aware that in the Newchurch of the New Order, the color for Good Friday is not the traditional Catholic black, but red. Also, the color of vestments for a Requiem Mass -- now called the Mass of Resurrection -- is not black, but white. What is the significance of these changes?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The significance of the changes is that the Newchurch of the New Order is not Catholic, but Protestant. The changes signify that Newchurch has modified its doctrine to embrace the Protestant heresy.
The traditional colors of vestments, which the Roman Catholic Church has used for many centuries and which are indicated in the traditional Missale Romanum, indicate that feasts of Our Lord are celebrated in white vestments, indicative of the purity of the Son of God, e.g., the Feast of the Nativity. The only exceptions are those feasts of Our Lord that are related to the sacrifice of Calvary, at which His blood was shed, e.g., the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and of His Most Precious Blood.
Like the Protestants, Newchurch rejects the Holy Sacrament of Penance (which in 1973 it morphed into an invalid Protestant "Rite of Reconciliation"). Newchurch also rejects the dogmatic teaching on Purgatory and Hell. Instead, Newchurch embraces the Protestant heresy of Universal Salvation. In the true Roman Catholic Church, Good Friday and Requiem Masses are celebrated entirely in black vestments, indicating the very somber nature of these days.
When Newchurch uses white vestments for its replacement for the Catholic Requiem Mass, the invalid Protestantized service that it calls the "Mess of the Resurrection," at which the deceased is supposed to be "resurrected" directly into Heaven, it proclaims the heresy of Universal Salvation and presumes to preempt God's Judgment by teaching that all are saved, regardless of the deceased's state of soul. The Roman Catholic Church celebrates Requiem Masses in black, as the true Church does not presume to know God's judgment upon individual souls.
Remember that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church. It is a branch of Protestantism and is founded upon Protestant models and teaching. Everything it does reflects the fact that it is heretical, blasphemous, and idolatrous. No true Catholic can have anything to do with it, any more than he can join an heretical Protestant sect. One can only wonder whether this phony theology isn't conveniently concocted by the likes of heretical and unrepentant paedophile Newchurch clergy of all ranks, including the Newpopes after the Vatican II Anti-council.
Preceded by 300 white-clad children, 3,000 Roman Catholic traditionalists from various European countries marched across Rome and into St. Peter's Basilica in protest against the Novus Ordo Mess, Novus Ordo "Liturgy of the Hours," and other destruction of Roman Catholic worship. When the procession crossed St. Peter's Square, the marchers looked up challengingly to the windows of the private apartment of Paul VI-Montini while chanting traditional Latin hymns and reciting traditional Latin prayers.
Paul VI-Montini was too frightened to make an appearance. He stealed up his windows and hunkered down in his apartment. Thousands of participants in the two-day pilgrimage had spent all night in St. Peter's Square in a torch-light vigil to pray for the return of the Traditional Latin Mass, which had been replaced at the instigation of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) and Montini by an invalid "New Mess" of 1969 based on heretical Protestant doctrine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
In the same year, 58 distinguished writers, musicians, scientists, and statesmen, many of them not Catholic, including author Agatha Christie, violinist Yehudi Menhuin, actor Ralph Richardson, opera diva Joan Sutherland, and historian Arnold Toyneee, signed a letter opposing the "New Mess" and denouncing Paul VI-Montini for "the appalling responsibility [he] would incur in the history of the human spirit were [he] to refuse to allow the Traditional [Latin] Mass to survive."
True Catholics, this pilgrimage of May 30, 1971, against the Novus Ordo Mess, similar to that in 1536, when 42,000 Englishmen took up arms against King Henry VIII in the Pilgrimage of Grace to put down that corrupt monarch's similar attempt to replace the Traditional Latin Mass with a vulgar Protestant service. Yet the first heretic Newpope Paul VI-Montini, slated to be made an Unsaint of the Newchurch in October 2018, refused to recant his heresy, which has led to the current crisis, in which many members are deserting the fake Newchurch like lemmings from a sinking ship.
Even Francis-Bergoglio's Sistine Choir has not been able to escape Newchurch Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. The choir is now being investigated for fraud. Bergoglio let the fraud go on in secret, until the Italian daily La Stampa published a stinging exposure of Bergoglio's actions. Bergoglio had no choice but to proceed with an investigation, announced just hours after the La Stampa article appeared on September 12, 2018.
The Sistine Choir of men and boys, founded in 1491 to sing at papal ceremonies in the Sistine Chapel, fell on hard times after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Once world-renowned, the choir's singing quality sank so far that when it went on tour, it couldn't even fill concert halls. The choir was supposed to tour the United States in 2018, but that tour was cancelled without explanation in July 2018. Now we know why. The choir is under investigation for embezzlement, fraud and money laundering.
In May 2017 Francis-Bergoglio sent his Sistine Choir to perform at the blasphemous opening of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York called "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination." The opening featured discredited Hollywood celebrities wearing religious vestments and offering parodies of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Even Bergoglio's Newchurchers denounced his choir's involvement in the blasphemy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Stampa.]
True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order, founded by the Vatican II Anti-council in 1964 to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, is so poisonous that it kills every good thing that it touches. The Sistine Choir had roots going back to Pope St. Gregory the Great, who codified the Sacred Chant, which now goes by his name, Gregorian Chant. Such great popes as this must be spitting down from heaven upon the heretic and filthy "brood of vipers," to use St. John the Baptist's words of the leaders of the Church of Christ's time, including the current Marxist Newpope Bergoglio.
Francis-Bergoglio and his henchmen have been pretending that they were like the Three Monkeys -- blind, deaf, and dumb -- about Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick's sexual attacks upon children and young seminarians throughout the course of some fifty years. But now CNN has found the smoking gun in a letter indicating that Newvatican, then under the regime of the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla and his plenipotentiary for sex crimes, Josef Ratzinger (later Benedict), knew that McCarrick was a sex criminal. Francis-Bergoglio also had access to this information.
That McCarrick was a sex criminal was known by the Three Paedophile Newpopes, even before he was appointed a Newcardinal in 2001. Thus, the missing piece of evidence has been found, and Newarchbishop and Newpapal Nuncio headquartered at Washington, D.C., Carlo Vigano and his 11-page August 22, 2018, Memorandum is proven. The "smoking gun" letter was sent in October 2006 by Newarchbishop Leonardo Sandri of Newvatican's Secretariat of State during the regime of Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger.
McCarrick resigned as a Newcardinal in July 2018, after a sex attack upon a teenage altar boy came to light. The Newchurch Archdiocese's review board found the charges to be "credible and substantiated" and turned over the case to prosecutors in New York. Subsequently, numerous other victims came forward to accuse McCarrick of sexually attacking them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Cable News Network.]
True Catholics, Newcardinal McCarrick had also been accused of sex crimes in Metuchen and Newark, New Jersey, his previous postings as a Newbishop. Newchurch settled with the victims out of court on condition of secrecy. The three Paedophile Newpopes, the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, Nazi Benedict-Ratzinger, and the Marxist Francis-Bergoglio, all knew about the sex crimes of Newcardinal McCarrick "for years and did nothing about it," as the smoking-gun letter has now proven. Not only are these three Newpopes guilty of complicity in sex crimes, but their moral guilt is also shared according to Catholic Moral Theology by all Newchurch clergy and laity, who have been shamelessly facilitating and funding Newchurch officials.
When an anonymous author published the 2017 devastating critique of Francis-Bergoglio entitled Il Papa Dittatore [The Dictator Pope], reports from Newvatican indicated that bergoglio flew off the handle and sent his spies out to expose the individual. In the end, the man revealed himself. It turned out to be Sir Henry Hyde, one of the most respected journalists in the United Kingdom.
On August 22, 2018, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, Francis-Bergoglio's ambassador to the United States, headquartered in Washington, D.C., issued a similarly devastating critique of Francis-Bergoglio in an 11-page memorandum. Vigano, an experienced Newvatican official since 1992, stated publicly that he feared Bergoglio's spies (euphemistically called "security services") and would go into hiding. And so he has.
On September 6, 2018, reports from Newrome indicated that Francis-Bergoglio has sent out his spies to find Vigano's hiding-place. Bergoglio is described as afraid that Vigano has more of the goods on him and will do even worse damage to Bergoglio's already destroyed reputation. Bergoglio is said to be trying to arrest and imprison him for revealing "state secrets," just as the "Nazi" Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger did to his long-time butler, who became so scandalized at Ratzinger's paedophile complicity that he gave the Italian press copies of incriminating confidential documents. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Corrispondenza Romana.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's Narcissistic Derangement Syndrome (NDR) is now completely out of control. The truth is coming out about Bergoglio's personal paedophile associations, and it will not be stopped. Currently, the Buenos Aires, Argentina, police are sifting through the raided records of his 21-year Newarchiepiscopal regime in that city. To regard what Vigano told the world as a "secret" is absurd. Only the fact that Vigano is still breathing prevents him from receiving the honor that he so richly deserves: Novus Ordo con-anization!
Much of the pseudo-traditionalist horde seems to think that Newcardinal Ray Burke is "traditionalist." Certainly he has shoveled out enough false propaganda on that account to choke a horse. The fact is that Burke has been a Novus Ordo fanatic from the beginning. Because the Novus Ordo officials in Newrome don't give him the respect he thinks he deserves, he created the traditionalist persona to keep the publicity and pesos rolling in.
Recently, the Newchurch's Novus Ordo cable television station, EWTN, which itself has been steeped in sex scandals, broadcasted a Mess on the Tenth Anniversary of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The Mess was simulated by Burke, who performed the invalid New Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess in Spanish, not the Traditional Latin Mass in Latin.
Actually, the Unsaint JPII-Wojtla kicked Burked out as Newbishop of LaCrosse in 2003, when Burke perpetrated what was known as the "Immaculate Deception," in which he consecrated as a Newchurch "nun" a surgically-transgendered man. Joel/Judy Green eventually dumped Burke and Newchurch, as well as his/her God-given sex, to become a heretic Protestant minister.
Burke was also a paedophile accomplice in LaCrosse. Local Newchurcher relate that Burke was notorious for keeping sex crimes in his Newdiocese secret. Several child victims who claimed that they were sexually attacked by his presbyters were stonewalled by Burke, who refused to report their allegations to local police. He insisted on keeping the names of his criminal presbyters secret and instead persecuted the child victims and their families. All in all, he reflected perfectly the "mercy" that Newchurch and its Newpopes have shown toward children.
True Catholics, Newchurch, from the top down, is a cesspool of false propaganda. Even the few Newchurch "prelates" who, like Burke, pretend to be "traditionalist" in order to be "respected" and to continue to receive money from clueless Neocon Newchurchers, are steeped in heresy and crime. Burke is surely one of the worst. He even pretends to support "traditional marriage," and then consecrates a surgically-transgendered man as a "nun." Hypocrisy like that even Francis-Bergoglio would have to work hard to attain!
The so-called "Francis Effect" has turned sour. Sex crimes by Newchurch clergy and the complicity and cover-ups that ensued have been enough to drive away large numbers of Newchurchers. Another significant factor is the closing and de-Catholicization of parochial schools, which now do not teach Catholicism and are run by uncredentialed laypeople rather than by the now-non-existent Catholic priests, brothers, and nuns, as was the case before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965).
According to a September 8, 2018, report by the respected Pew Research Center, more Americans have left Newchurch behind than any other sect in the United States. About 13 per cent of American adults are former Newchurchers -- people who were raised in Newchurch, but now say they have no religion, or converted to Protestantism or other sects or heathenism. Only 2 per cent of U.S. adults report converting to Newchurch from other sects. Overall, there are 6.5 former Newchurchers for every convert to Newchurch in the U.S. –- a far higher ratio of losses than that of any other sect in the country. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail.]
True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is dying fast by its own anti-Catholic poison. It has taken some fifty years since its foundation in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, but Newchurchers are finally waking up to the fact that Newchurch is not the Catholic Church. However, for most, it is too late. They simply walk out and become heathens. The true Catholic Church around the world does remain, and even grows, that is, those Mass sites and organizations outside the "institutional" Newchurch that celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments, preach traditional Catholic doctrine, and practice traditional Catholic morality.
On September 6, 2018, police in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where Francis-Bergoglio ruled for over fifteen years (1998 to 2013), raided Bergoglio's School for the Deaf, at which his Newclergy were complicit in sexual assaults against the deaf children.
The police are gathering evidence for the crimes against particularly vulnerable deaf children that have shocked Bergoglio's homeland and renewed calls for him to abdicate. Police seized documents from deaf schools in La Plata and Mendoza, as well as at other locations, including Verona, Italy. The crimes, involving dozens of students, were known at least since 2009, when Bergoglio was Newarchbishop of Buenos Aires. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Paedophile crimes against children are bad enough -- but deaf children? This is not the first time that handicapped children have been sexually assaulted by Newchurch presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals. Similar reports have come from Ireland, the United States, and elsewhere. Newchurch's actions are truly Hellish and supported by the Three Paedophile Newpopes, "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, "Nazi" Benedict-Ratzinger, and "Marxist" Francis-Bergoglio.
Traditional Catholics may remember the name of James Timlin, who was Newbishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, from 1984 2003. At that time the pseudo-traditionalist and Neocon Newchurchers loved him because he approved of an "Indult" organization in his Newdiocese. ("Indult" organizations, named after the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla's 1998 "Indult" for the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Latin Mess of 1962, which attempted a fraud to counter Archbishop Lefebvre's consecration of four traditional bishops in that year.)
The "indult" organization that Timlin approved was later outed as a paedophile front group, which was expelled from the Newdiocese as the first order of business by Timlin's successor. Because of circumstances surrounding this sordid affair, it was widely believed that Timlin was personally and deeply involved in the fraud.
Timlin also presumed to reissue a new edition of the Missale Romanum of 1962 with a new preface granting his "approval." Timlin, however, was a fraud in more ways that one. He was so incompetent in the Latin language of even the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Latin Mess of 1962 (aka "Extraordinary") that he issued his preface in English, not the Latin required since long before the Council of Trent. Every edition of the Missale Romanum is authoritatively issued only in Latin. Traditional editions even put all the publication data on the title page and the reverse title page in Latin only.
Now Timlin has been exposed and denounced as a paedophile accomplice in the Fortieth Statewide Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report of August 22, 2018, which revealed that Timlin covered for a presbyter who raped a 17-year-old girl and then forced her to have an abortion.
As a result, current Newbishop Joseph Bambera took the unprecedented action of turning his predecessor over to the Independent Review Board, whose recommendation was submitted to Bambera. On September 6, 2018, Bambera took the unprecedented action of prohibiting his predecessor Newbishop from "representing the [New]diocese of Scranton at all public events, liturgical or otherwise." Bambera went on to declare:
This is the fullest extent that my authority permits me to act relative to another bishop. I have, though, also referred this matter to the [New]vatican Congregation for Bishops, which has jurisdiction over additional aspects of [New]bishop Timlin’s ministry. This was not a decision that was taken lightly.... He mishandled some cases of abuse [i.e., sex crimes against children]. He presided over the [New]diocese of Scranton for nearly 20 years -- a time in which the [New]diocese fell short of its duty to protect children.
True Catholics, those pseudo-traditionalists and Neocon Newchurchers, that is those who play at the New Latin Mess of 1962, but still swear their allegiance to the heretical and morally corrupt Newchurch of the New Order and its corrupt Newpopes, have now been shoved face to face with the reality they have made a pact with the Devil. They personally have become part of the diabolical corruption that is Newchurch in exchange for a little Latin -- and it isn't even the Traditional Latin Mass!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have heard that the Holy Ghost actually directly chooses the pope. That idea sounds like blasphemy to me because so many popes have been bad popes: heretics and immoral men, even murderers. Is this really Catholic doctrine, or just more ignorant nonsense from people who haven't the vaguest idea of what Catholic teaching is?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The notion that the Holy Ghost "picks" the pope is absurd and is not the teaching of the Catholic Church. Currently, the College of Cardinals elects the pope, but this was not the process until 1059. Before that, the priests of Rome elected the pope, with the acclamation of the Roman people.
Moreover, the College of Cardinals is a human creation, not a divine one. Therefore, it operates under no divine promise. As you correctly say, the notion that the Cardinals are essentially gods in their section of a leader is no less than blasphemous, as there have been some very bad popes, most mediocre, and a few Saints, like Pope St. Pius V, the Guardian of the Catholic and Apostolic Latin Mass, and Pope St. Pius X, the Foe of Modernism.
Two conspirators -- Francis-Bergoglio, Newpope, exposed for paedophile complicity in the now-famous Vigano Memorandum, and Donald Wuerl, Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., outed in a Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report for running a "Circle of Silence" for a homosexual prostitution ring in his Newdiocese -- met in Newrome on August 30, 2018, to figure out how to get Wuerl off from paedophilia-related criminal charges that are breathing down his neck.
Francis-Bergoglio himself has lost all moral authority because of the Vigano Memorandum. But instead of firing Wuerl publicly, he simply did what the First Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla, did with the paedophiliac Newcardinal of Boston, Massachusetts, Bernard Law: he sent him back home without so much as a reprimand, but within a week the Bostonian Newchurchers forced him to abdicate. According to Bergoglio, Wuerl is merely supposed to "talk to his presbyters."
When Wuerl got back, he ran right into protestors who are boycotting his annual back-to-school Mess, calling for his abdication, and demanding his submission to an outside investigation. At a September 3, 2018, meeting of Washington's presbyters, Wuerl was charged with not coming totally clean on all he knows about the case of his predecessor, Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was forced to abdicate in July 2018 after being accused of sexually assaulting two boys, as well as numerous young seminarians. Many of his presbyters believe that the public damage to Wuerl is irreversible and that "we're past the point of no return." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Washington Post].
True Catholics, as an example of how badly Wuerl's and Bergoglio's propaganda is going, one longtime Newchurcher in Wuerl's congregation interrupted his Sunday sermon with a cry of "Shame on you!" Later, the Newchurcher told the press: "It's a little galling to be lectured on transparency by people who are lying to us. I wish he would talk to us as a pastor and not a politician."
Arch-heretic Martin Luther loved synods. Protestants love synods, not councils. Why? Because the Council of Trent (1545-1563) was so effective that for 400 years it put down the Protestant heresy, and no other council needed to be held (except the brief and abortive Vatican I in 1869-1870). There may never be another council because the Newpopes prefer to call synods because they're easier to control.
Francis-Bergoglio has called a "Youth" Synod of Newbishops for October 2018. It may never be held. Even the youth are calling for his abdication, or at least for a cancellation of the synod and an extraordinary assembly to eradicate paedophilia from Newchurch clergy, including Bergoglio. At least five Newcardinals have now been implicated in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, and Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, Newpapal Nuncio in Washington, D.C., has outed Francis-Bergoglio himself, as well as Benedict-Ratzinger, personally and knowingly in the holocaust.
Bergoglio is personally charged with knowingly appointing a paedophile, Juan Barros, as Newbishop of Osorno, Chile, and then lying about it. It took three years of pressure by the President of Chile, the First Lady of Chile, the Congress of Chile, and the people of Osorno to force the paeophiliac Bergoglio to fire Barros. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, now Newchurch's corruption is clear for all to see. When the Boston Globe first revealed the depth of Newchurch's Paedophile Holocaust in 2001, many Newchurch leaders claimed that it was an "American problem." Then Ireland and Australia happened. So Newchurch leaders claimed that it was an "English-speaking problem." Then Germany happened. So Newchurch leaders claimed that it was a Western or First World Problem. Then Chile happened. So it became a Third World Problem. Now Africa and Asia are starting to expose problems. So finally Newchurch has been forced to recognize it as a World Problem. Yet many Newchurch leaders are still obstinate and won't admit the problem -- including the head of the Newchurch Corporation, Jorge Bergoglio-Francis.
We now know that Newpope Francis-Bergoglio and at least eleven of his Newcardinals, plus many other Newarchbishops and Newbishops who have wielded most of the power in his Newvatican, knew all along about the paedophile Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., Theodore McCarrick. While Benedict-Ratzinger did impose some secret, limited sanctions on McCarrick, he failed to enforce any of them. Even worse, Bergoglio then repealed these secret, limited sanctions and even invited McCarrick the Sodomite to become a kingmaker in the appointment of major Newbishops around the world.
Then Francis-Bergoglio fired Newcardinal Gerhart Muller, No. 3 man at Newvatican, who, although a heretic of the worst kind as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, did have some moral fiber. Now we know why Bergoglio fired him and his three assistants: they were trying to protect children from serial rapists and paedophiles in Bergoglio's Newcuria. One of these monsters committed over one hundred crimes on five boys aged twelve to sixteen. And Bergoglio let him off!
Meanwhile, a Grand Jury in Pennsylvania has found that over 300 Newchurch presbyters in six of the eight Newdioceses there were sexually assaulting children and adolescents. Other vile crimes were being committed in Chile, Australia, Honduras, England, and elsewhere. Newcardinal Wuerl is now said to be awaiting rescue by the Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio to Newvatican because the United States Government can come after him for his complicity in paedophile crimes, as revealed in the Pennsylvanian Grand Jury Report. One filthy scandal in Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch follows another, and from Bergoglio, the Stinking Head of the Fish, we get only Sir Humphrey Applebee's infamous "no comment comment."
But the real question is this: where is Davide Pagliarani, Bernie Fellay's puppet as Superior-general of the Neo-SSPX? How would Archbishop Lefebvre have reacted to these events? Obviously, Pagliarani needs to condemn and denounce Bergoglio. He needs to cut all ties to Newchurch to avoid contamination.
Instead, Pagliarani apes his puppeteer Bergoglio in his silence in the face of the Most Mortal of Sins, one of the Biblical Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Justice. Yet Pagliarani does nothing, says nothing, and has no policy except silent approval of Bergoglio's complicity. Even Newcardinal Ray Burke and Newbishop Athanasius Schneider have objected far more to Bergoglio than has Archbishop Lefebvre's successors, Fellay and Pagliarani. Shame and damnation!
It's time for the Italian government to close its border with Newvatican, a fake "country" created by the Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini in 1929. How long could that enclave survive if nobody were allowed to cross into it or out of it? Meanwhile, the governments of other countries should start rounding up those Newprelates, including Francis-Bergoglio, who have assaulted children, committed sodomy upon them, and/or have covered up other Newchurch officials' crimes against them. It's long past time to shut down Newchurch and raze it to the ground!
Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is not a homosexual problem. It is a heterosexual problem as well. Boys, girls, men, women -- Newchurch doesn't discriminate in its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, suborned full blown by Francis-Bergoglio.
A Columbia, South Carolina, presbyter sexually assaulted a girl at a wave park and was arrested in mid July. Javier Heredia worked at St. John Neumann Newchurch in Columbia from mid-2014 until the end of 2016. Newbishop Robert Guglielmone, of Charleston, South Carolina, is remaining mute about the details of the assault. Heredia is being investigated further by the York County Sheriff's Department.
Guglielmone thought that there would be a "quick resolution" to the charges, so he didn't inform his Newdiocese's parishes. Given that over a month has passed since Heredia's arrest, Guglielmone had to come clean and make a public announcement.
True Catholics, it is obvious that Newchurch has learned nothing from the international scandal caused by its immoral crimes and their cover-up. Francis-Bergoglio himself has now been outed as an accomplice to paedophile crimes and has remained mute. Bergoglio's policy is not "Zero Tolerance" for Newchurch's criminal clergy, but in fact "100 per Cent Tolerance." Bergoglio's silence screams to Heaven for the Biblical vengeance upon him and his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters, who are accomplices in one of the four worst sins possible. Bergoglio's power as Newpope is dead. He is now, as the popular song goes, merely "blowing in the wind." His Newclergy and people are now publicly ignoring his teaching and directives.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers.
There seem to be various stories circulating over the last five years about why Benedict-Ratzinger abdicated from the Newpapacy in 2013. What is the real reason that you would assign?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We have published before that Ratzinger was deep into complicity in paedophile crimes for more than thirty years. His long-time personal aide became so scandalized that he copied the documentation and gave it to the international pressin 2012. For that, Ratzinger imprisoned him in solitary confinement for months in a small cell.
The international press became so scandalized about Ratzinger's complicity in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust that the journalists threatened to publish everything that they had on him if he didn't abdicate. Thus, Ratzinger suddenly and without notice abdicated, effective February 28, 2013, rather than be exposed.
Benedict-Ratzinger, of course, did not admit the real cause of his abdication. He claimed ill health, but his predecessor, JPII-Wojtyla, did not abdicate, and his health was far worse. Suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease, Wojtyla could barely speak or walk in his last years. Ratzinger is still alive, speaking with all and sundry, and walking around the Vatican Gardens. more than five years after his own abdication.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been wondering why the traditional priests whom I regularly go to for Confession do not say the Absolution loud enough to be heard by the penitent. My understanding is that the penitent should be able to hear the words of Absolution of the priest. Is my understanding correct?
The TRADITIO Fathers reply.
Traditional priests are to say aloud the complete prayers of absolution, including the Misereatur, Indulgentiam, Dominus Noster Iesus Christus Te Absolvat, and the Passio Domini Nostri Iesu Christi. All of these prayers are to be said as part of the Absolution, as without them the penitent does not receive the full benefit of the Sacrament.
The traditional Rituale Romanum does provide that for "just case" -- and priests should be careful to apply this phrase according to its strict canonic definition -- the Misereatur, Indulgentiam, and Passio may be omitted, but the full form of Absolution, i.e., "Dominus Noster Iesus Christus" through "et Spiritus Sancti. Amen" must be uttered, except in case of necessity, as in the case of a dying person.
We might mention here a bad practice that some penitents have fallen into, saying an Act of Contrition on top of the priest saying the prayers of Absolution. Such a practice borders on sacrilege, because no one should be speaking on top of the priest. Moreover, the traditional Roman Catholic Rituale Romanum does not require the penitent to recite an Act of Contrition at all. According to Catholic moral theology, the act of confession implies contrition on the part of the penitent.
As the Francis-Bergoglio regime unravels thread by thread, more and more high Newchurch officials are spilling the beans about the skullduggery in which Bergoglio has been engaging since his election in 2013. The latest revelation, released August 29, 2018, indicates the reason why Bergoglio fired Newcardinal Gerhard Muller as the No. 2 Newcardinal at Newvatican on July 1, 2017. At the time Bergoglio gave no notice and no explanation why the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith was unceremoniously cast out.
Now we know why. Muller was enforcing Bergoglio's "zero tolerance" policy against paedophile crimes among his Newchurch clergy. You see, Bergoglio's policy is not supposed to be enforced; it is stated only for propaganda purposes. In one case, Muller resisted the Newpope's desire to reinstate sexual assaulter of many boys as young as 12, convicted both in civil and ecclesiastic courts. The Newvatican reporter of this information stated: "[New]cardinal Muller had always decidedly and most sharply followed up on these abuse cases, and that is why he was dismissed."
Francis-Bergoglio, as we TRADITIO Fathers have previously commented, seems to be suffering from a paranoia, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He allowed the convicted paedophile to resume his presbyterate with the words: "I am the pope [sic]. I do not need to give reasons for any of my decisions." As we TRADITIO Fathers have also previously warned, Bergoglio's emphasis on "mercy" -- with a Yaar of Mercy, for example -- over justice is a cover to allow for his paedophile Newclergy to get off scot free.
A second report, released August 30, 2018, revealed that Francis-Bergoglio's Newpapal Nuncio Carlo Vigano, who six days earlier shocked Newvatican to its core by revealing that both Bergoglio and Benedict-Ratzinger knew well in advance of press reports about the sex crimes of Washington, D.C.'s Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick against children and young Newseminarians.
In 2015, while Newpapal Nuncio at Washington, D.C., Vigano did a good deed. He invited a staunch critic of "gay" marriage to greet Bergoglio in Washington during a visit to the United States. This critic challenged Bergoglio's approving attitude toward homosexuality and prompted a controversy that nearly overshadowed the trip. It is well known that Bergoglio, being a Marxist heretic, essentially approves of one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, sodomy. Bergoglio specifically told one of the child sex-crime victims that he believed Vigano nearly sabotaged his visit by inviting the critic, Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses to sodomite couples. As a result, Bergoglio fired his Nuncio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's heretical morality has taken over his psyche at this point. He has become, for all the world to see, a petty tyrant who favors paedophiles over innocent children. It is as if God Himself were openly teaching the world how bad the Newchurch of the New Order is, established in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church. If the corrupt Newchurch clergy and laity close their minds to the truth revealed before their very eyes, they themselves now bear the weight of the grievous sin of complicity in serious moral crimes.
Noted Italian journalist and author of several books on the Newvatican, including Come la Chiesa Valli [As the Church Ends], Aldo Valli, has published an article in which he states that Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, who recently outed Newpopes Francis-Bergoglio and Benedict-Ratzinger as liars in paedophilia, has stated that he fears for his life from Bergoglio's hit squad and will go dark.
Vigano, who was the Newpapal Nuncio to the United States, issued an 11-page August 22, 2018, report to document the fact that both Newpopes knew full well, long in advance, that Washington, D.C.'s Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick was sexually assaulting boys and young Newseminarians, even though they have both Newpopes lied in denying their advance knowledge.
Valli reported in his article that Vigano had
already purchased an airplane ticket. He will leave the country [Italy]. He cannot tell me where he is going. I am not to look for him. His old cell phone number will no longer work. We said goodbye for the last time.
Edward Pentin, a journalist for the U.S. periodical National Catholic Reporter, has confirmed that Vigano fears for his safety and that his life is in danger. Newarchbishop Vigano, 78, is widely respected for his professionalism and decency. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
Newarchbishop Vigano's colleague, Newmonsignor Jean Francois Lantheaume, publicly confirmed the veracity of Vigano's report, adding:
These may be the last lines I write. If I am found chopped up by a chainsaw and my body sunk in concrete, the police and the hacks will [falsely] say that we have to consider the hypothesis of suicide!
True Catholics, this is no joke. Francis-Bergoglio had previously sent out a hit squad to track down the anonymous author of 2017's Il Papa Dittatore [The Dictator Pope], later identified as Sir Henry Sire, a noted British author and historian. We TRADITIO Fathers have identified Bergoglio as a Marxist, even a Communist, and do they know how to get their enemies! Vigano did a courageous thing in documenting the paedophile corruption of Bergoglio and Ratzinger, and it would not be unthinkable for him to have to pay the ultimate price for his honesty about the corrupt Newpapacies.