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The new appointments for Newchurch officials came in on November 25, 2019, the day after Newcardinal Robert Sarah's term supposedly expired, and there is no new Prefect named for the Novus Ordo "Divine Worship" Congregation. It is possible that Sarah's time was extended to finish publication of the New, New Edition of the New Mess, plus the disaster said to be imminent for the New Latin Mess of 1962 (erroneously called "Extraordinary") of 1962 -- to be renamed the Mess of 2020? The New Edition will combine the New Mess's Protestantized calendar and propers into the 1962 New Latin Mess.
If Sarah has been given a second term, Francis-Bergoglio lied when said that there is a new policy, under which each prefect would be appointed for one five-year term only. As we all know, transparency and honesty are not qualities for which the heretic Newpopes are known.
If Sara's term has been extended in order to publish the New, New Edition of the New Mess and the New Edition of the New Latin Mess, these actions should happen quite soon. The common practice is that an announcement is made before the First Sunday of Advent in order that, at least in theory, the new edition can be used by that time. Its use would then be made mandatory one year or two years hence.
An international warrant was issued on November 21, 2019, for the capture of Newbishop Gustavo Zanchetta, an intimate of Francis-Bergoglio from Bergoglio's native Argentina. Zanchetta is charged with "aggravated continued sexual assault" and financial fraud when he was Newbishop of Oran 2014-2017.
Argentinean prosecutors have called Zanchetta a "cult minister." Francis-Bergoglio has shielded him behind the walls of the Vatican City State on a ruse that he is "employed" there. Zachetta is now a fugitive from justice, as he was supposed to face trial in Argentina on November 20, 2019. A psychiatric report found that Zanchetta had a "psychopathic personality," but is competent to stand trial. Yet Francis-Bergoglio has aided and abetted his crimes by harboring the fugitive.
Zanchetta was caught retaining pornographic images on his cell phone, including "selfies" of his naked self. Zanchetta was charged as a deviant for entering the rooms of young seminarians at night, requesting "massages" from them and becoming intoxicated with them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Bergoglio, ever the aider and abetter of his paedophile Newclergy, did nothing but show favor to his immoral Newbishop, just as did his paedophile Newpope predecessors JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger, in similar cases. Bergoglio was even caught twice in public lying for his intimate. Newchurch and its Newpopes are rotten to the core, and now the wrath of God in the form of the international police is now breathing down Bergoglio's and Zanchetta's necks.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Why did Newchurch move the Feast of Christ the King from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of November? This is just another example how Newchurch is out of phase with the Catholic Church.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Revolution in Germany. The Protestant sects thus celebrate their "Reformation" Day on the last Sunday in October, so Pope Pius XI in his Apostolic Brief Quas primas of October 11, 1925, set the Feast of Christ the King on this Sunday to counter Protestantism.
In its Oecumenical Heresy, the heretical Newchurch of the New Order wanted to be accepted by the Protestant sects, so, it issued its Novus Ordo calendar of 1969 to go along with the invalid (fake) "New Mess," which is based upon Protestant models.
Even many traditional Catholics are unaware of just how far the "New Mess" and its accompaniments became part of the Protestant heresy. It was not just the Mess that was changed, but also the traditional calendar, parts of which go back to the early Church, the Divine Office, the rubrics (genuflecting and kneeling virtually eliminated, profane hands touching the Most Holy Eucharist, and many, many other blasphemous changes).
In consequence, no true Catholic can have anything to do with the Newchurch of the New Order. It is now Protestant, and even pagan -- in fact, far worse than Protestant sects.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it sinful to pray in a Novus Ordo church, as the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross)? Our traditional Catholic chapel is somewhat remote.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, it is a sin against the First Commandment of God. The general rule is to treat Novus Ordo churches as Protestant. That rule makes answering such questions as yours easy. Would you go into an Protestant Episcopalian church to pray the stations there? Certainly not. Instead, you would respect the First Commandment of God and also recognize the scandal that you would produce by praying in a Novus Ordo church. In any case, Newchurch has changed the Stations of the Cross, just as it has changed the Rosary, from the traditional form to a kind of New Age knockoff.
Many Catholics are unaware that for the Stations of the Cross devotion, no physical stations are actually required. You need only meditate upon each station. You can do that at home in the following way, as granted by Pope Clement XIV on January 26, 1773):
Hold in your hand a Crucifix, blessed by a (traditional Catholic) priest, and recite devoutly with a contrite heart and with a pious reflection on the Passion of Our Lord, the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, and Gloria Patri twenty times, namely, one for each Station, five in honor of the Sacred Wounds of Our Lord, and one for the Apostolic See.
You might be on your watch for a change that could come after November 24, 2019. On that day the term of Newcardinal Robert Sarah as Prefect of the Congregation for the Novus Ordo Congregation of "Divine Worship" ends. When Francis-Bergoglio "fired" Newcardinal Gerhard Mueller, his excuse was that Muller's term had ended and that he was simply not being re-appointed, owing to a new Bergoglian policy that each prefect would serve for only one term.
Hence if Sarah is given a second term, it will prove that Francis-Bergoglio's decrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Moreover, Sarah has been stonewalling the publication of the New, New Edition of the New Mess, as well as the New Edition of the New Latin Mess (erroneously called "Extraordinary") of 1962 -- to be renamed the Mess of 2020? The New Edition will combine the New Mess's Protestantized calendar and propers into the 1962 New Latin Mess.
If Francis-Bergoglio throws Sarah out, he might be empowering him as a Neocon candidate for the next Newpapacy. But when Muller was fired, he was succeeded by his Secretary, Newcardinal Ladaria Ferrer. And who is Sarah's Secretary? He is one of the most dangerous Modernists in Newchurch, Newarchbishop Arthur Roche, of England. Roche terrifies the Neocons and pseudo-traditionalists in Newchurch. He is their worst nightmare: a wild has-been Modernist from the spirit of the 1970s, installed as a Novus Ordo presbyter-minister 1975.
A Novus Ordo "nun" was told by French authorities that she can't wear her "habit" in a secular retirement home. The nun chose to leave her convent to live in a secular retirement home not far from Dijon. However, the home told her that “all ostentatious signs of belonging to a religious community cannot be accepted in order to guarantee everyone’s serenity.” She should have stayed in the convent where she belongs! But Novus Ordo "nuns" don't always do that.
Since 1905 France has gone secular. Its laws are based on the concept of laïcité, a policy of state secularism. Countries remaining Catholic after the Vatican II Anti-council were forced to secularize. Newpope Paul VI-Montini (1963-1978) threatened them with Novus Ordo "excommunication" if they didn't take Catholicism as a state religion out of their constitutions. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, real "nuns" are non-existent in the Newchurch of the New Order. Newchurch's own statistics for 2018 show that their numbers have taken a plunge, and the ones that remain are servants to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order, not the true Catholic Church. Thus, it is no surprise that all but the largest orders remaining in Newchurch have gone out of existence.
The courageous man who threw into the Tiber River on October 21, 2019, the nude pagan fertility goddess idols of Pachamama that Francis-Bergoglio blasphemously "blessed" in the Vatican Gardens before his heretical "Vatican III" (aka Amazon Synod) has revealed his identity on November 4, 2019. He is an Austrian, Alexander Tschugguel, who said that he was moved to reveal himself by the "millions of rosaries" said for him and his associates. A week after Francis-Bergoglio's blasphemous Amazon Synod, held in Newvatican October 6-27, 2019, this hero of the affair confronted Bergoglio as Paul confronted Peter for the latter's heresy:
We are ready. We want to face them. We wanted to show them there are some laymen [that] stand up, and we no longer accept things like that happening in the [New]church.
Tschugguel explained that he had returned to Rome from Austria after investigating the idols and had determined to take a stand for the First Commandment by removing the idols from the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, after the fashion of Christ Himself cleansing the Temple. Newcardinal Walter Brandmuller praised Tschugguel and his associates as "courageous prophets of today." Newcardinal Leo "Bully" Burke stated: "I can only express my respect for him and my gratitude for his courageous witness to the faith." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the CCI News Service.]
True Catholics, the actions of the courageous Alexander Tschugguel and his associates seem to have significantly fired up the denunciations of Francis-Bergoglio as a heretic and a pagan. Now paedophile crimes have been brought to Bergoglio's personal doorstep, and his No. 2, Newvatican Secretary of State Giovanni Becciu, and another top Newcardinal have been raided and are under criminal investigation by police for their involvement in a real-estate scam. Tschugguel inspired a Mexican presbyter to immolate publicly a group of Pachamamas. We suspect that more Newchurchers will now take up the cudgel to beat back the Marxist/Modernist/Pagan idolator Bergoglio.
Francis-Bergoglio has been increasingly beset with charges of heresy, paganism, immorality, and embezzlement of charitable donations. At a November 18, 2019, "Interreligious Dialogue" with Mohammedans, Jews, and other sectarians in an Interreligious Dialogue, he lost it again and lashed out maniacally against those whom he regards as his arch-enemies, traditionalists. He took the opportunity again to promote the Vatican II Anti-council's Oecumenical Heresy (we all worship the same gods; all religions are the same) and said that heretical Indifferentism (the sin that treats all religions as equally true) is not a weakness, but a strength. Such a position has been condemned by the Catholic Church from the beginning and by numerous popes through John XXIII.
Francis-Bergoglio denounced traditionalists, who hold with the Catholic Church that there is only one true faith of Jesus Christ, and that is the (traditional) Catholic Church (not the Newchurch of the New Order which falsely calls itself Catholic). He stated that such a position is a "plague." He was also dumping on Biblically-based fundamentalist Protestants. On the other hand, Bergoglio loves to hang out with so-called Evangelicals, like Joel Osteen, who doesn't even carry a Bible at his Sunday services. Bergoglio further adverted to the syncretistic document, widely condemned by Christians, which he publicly signed with an Infidel imam on February 4, 2019. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, Newchurch Indult groups like the pseudo-traditionalist Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Fellay-Pagliarani Neo-Society of St. Pius X (Neo-SSPX) should be shaking in their boots. Like King Baltasar, who foresaw his demise in the handwriting on the wall, they need to wake up and see that they are being played for fools. Newchurch is no religion, but now just a power and money game that Francis-Bergoglio is playing, while children are being raped and sodomized and while charitable donations to his Newvatican are being embezzled in real-estate scams. Morally, no true Catholic can have anything to do with the corrupt Newchurch of the New Order and its corrupt Newclergy.
Newarchbishop Fulton Sheen's body was hardly "cold" from being absconded from St. Patrick's Newcathedral by court order to Peoria, Illinois, his hometown and -- poof! -- now Sheen is going to be made another Novus Ordo "Unblessed," with con-anization undoubtedly to follow very soon. It was the same ploy that was pulled by the Polish Tourist Bureau in demanding the "subito" (immediate) Novus Ordo con-anization of JPII-Wojtyla. Newchurch couldn't wait to con-anized the First Paedophile Newpope.
But JPII-Wojtyla's background as a heretic, involved not only in the Protestant New Order sect but also as an active participant in over 100 documented pagan rites (such as his being blessed with cow dung by a Hindu priestess and his presiding over a Novus Ordo Mess while a bare-breasted woman read the Epistle), would traditionally have taken centuries to investigate, but it was rushed through for publicity purposes on behalf of a Newchurch under fire for being led by paedophiles and embezzlers. Now a number of Newchurchers are demanding that Wojtyla be "Desanctified" because of the sheer number of paedophile crimes that have subsequently been discovered during his Newpapacy.
Now Newchurch is falling further and faster. Its membership is literally walking out by the millions around the world. So it needs another poster boy Novus Ordo "Saint." Fulton Sheen thus became a handy tool for Newchurch. After all, he was a TV celebrity! Following a contentious court battle in New York, Sheen's corpse was unceremoniously moved to Peoria, Illinois, his hometown, under cover of darkness, so that the fake process to con-anize him as an Unsaint of Newchurch using the corrupted process instituted by Newchurch to allow in the likes of the Communist revolutionary Oscar Romero, con-anized in 2018 by his fellow Communist revolutionary, Francis-Bergoglio.
Within days of the corpse's return, voila! - the Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio fabricated a "miracle" for Sheen, just as he had for the Communist revolutionary Romero, and shoved him into the state of Novus Ordo "Unblessed." So fast is all this happening -- the Novus Ordo beatification is supposed to take place on November 21, 2019, in Peoria -- that the arrangements are being very hastily thrown together. November 21, 2019, Ember Friday of Advent, a penitential season, violates all traditional standards of true Catholicism. (Oops, the Protestantized Newchurch rejects traditional Catholic Ember Days, which go back to the early Church.)
True Catholics, Fulton Sheen's curriculum vitae is not that of a true Saint, but just the opposite. Many Catholic Saints went from being heretics or pagans to Catholics, but Sheen went in the opposite direction. He was known in the 1940s and 1950s as a fighter against atheistic Communist and for Catholicism, but then the heretic Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) came along, and Sheen welcomed its heresies with open arms. By 1969, though, he had cooled down a good deal and began in part to see the Anti-council for what it truly was. He abruptly quit as Newarchbishop of Rochester, New York, and started to promote "holy hours." By that time, of course, the "New Mess" had wiped out the validity of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and Sheen and his followers were idolatrously worshipping mere bread, as all Newchurchers do to this day, like the Protesants.
Sheen never rejected the heresies of Vatican II and its invalid Mess and "sacraments." He failed to provide the episcopal leadership so desperately needed against the Anti-council and its fake Newchurch of the New Order. That leadership was instead assumed by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. One can only hope that Sheen in his last days repented of the scandal that he had caused and his failure of consecrated episcopal leadership. Deo volente, he may have been saved in his last days. But even a Novus Ordo "saint"?
On November 17, 2019, the Italian investigative television program Le Lene broke the story that Francis-Bergoglio's own boys' seminary has now been implicated in sex crimes. This report now brings the victims of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust within the walls of Vatican City and to the very doorstep of Bergoglio himself. The boys, some as young as 11, have charged that sex crimes were perpetrated against them at Bergoglio's Pius X Junior Seminary, which is the breeding ground for Novus Ordo "altar boys" posted to St. Peter's Archbasilica in Newrome Previous reports indicated that Novus Ordo "altar boys" around the world are being groomed to be victimized by various paedophile presbyters, Newbishop, and Newcardinals around the world.
The boy victims have implicated presbyters, Newbishops, and even a Newcardinal associated with St. Peter's in crimes and cover-ups. Prosecutors are preparing imminent indictments against the rector of Francis-Bergoglio's Junior Seminary. The virtual paedophile bordello is just steps away from where Bergoglio sleeps. Bergoglio has known about the assaults against the boys for more than two years, yet has done nothing to stop them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, as usual, Francis-Bergoglio immediately badmouthed not the criminal Newclergy but the investigators who exposed the crimes as a "violent attack upon the [New]church," in spite of the fact that virtually all of the criminal allegations denied by Newchurch in the past have turned out to be true. Now these crimes against young boys have been brought to the doorstep of the Bergoglio and his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals running St. Peter's Basilica. That Basilica was cursed on November 7, 2019, by Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano because Bergoglio placed a pagan nude fertility goddess statue in its sanctuary. Vigano declared that St. Peter's is thereby polluted and must be reconsecrated, but Newchurch has no valid clergy to do so, as Newchurch has not validly ordained or consecrated clergy since 1968, when it adopted the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal.
The "Hypocrite Newpope" Francis-Bergoglio claims to want to clean up paedophile crimes by his Newchurch bishops and presbyters, but it is all a sham for gullible Newchurchers and news services to swallow. On October 31, 2019, his regime was slated to testify during the England and Wales Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. The United Kingdom is being victimized by Newchurch clergy, who continue to sodomize its school children, as in the Newchurch Benedictine Abbeys of Downside, Ampleforth, and Ealing. In fact, Bergoglio sheltered the paedophile presbyter Laurence Soper, who was imprisoned for his crimes against children when he ventured outside Newvatican's walls.
Yet Bergoglio, who mouths concern, was a no-show when actions, not words, were demanded. Bergoglio refused to provide any evidence for the Investigation. His May 9, 2019, Motu Proprio "Vos estis lux mundi" pretends to be concerned about the .physical, psychological, and spiritual damage done to the child victims of Newchurch's sex crimes. But it is all a fake from Bergoglio's multimillion-dollar propaganda machine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, the extent to which Francis-Bergoglio is embezzling Newchurchers' donations to support his Paedophile Regime is truly scandalous. Oh, yes, he will mouth a few platitudes and issue a toothless document every once in a while to keep up the scam, but he acts as if he were afraid that he himself will be exposed as a paedophile. There is no doubt that he is a massive paedophile accomplice, which is just as morally vicious in Catholic teaching: " They who do such things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them" (Romans 1:32/DRV).
In contrast to the cheap pop tunes used by the heretical Novus Ordo sect, like the campfire song "Kumbaya" for its invalid "communion" and the trite "Leaving on a Jet Plane" for its funeral service, the (traditional) Catholic Faith has been the inspiration for the greatest musicians of all time, including des Prez, Palestrina, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Dvorak -- and Berlioz, a younger contemporary of Beethoven, who celebrates his 216 birthday in December 2019.
Hector Berlioz was raised by a devout Catholic mother, but later abandoned the Catholic faith. Yet Berlioz continued to be inspired by the Catholic faith and composed a group of religious works that are among his masterpieces of the Romantic era of 18th century. Noted for his multifaceted Symphonie Fantastique (1830) and his opera Les Troyens (1858), based on the Roman poet Vergil's Latin epic on the founding of Rome, Berlioz wrote a his Messe Solonnelle (1824), his Grande Messe des Morts - Requiem Mass (1837), his Christmas oratorio L’enfance du Christ (1854), and the magnificent Te Deum (1849).
Even many traditional Catholics are ignorant of the Te Deum, the Church's greatest hymn of thanksgiving. Those traditional Catholics who are blessed to have the traditional Midnight Mass of Christmas and the Matins of the Divine Office in Gregorian chant that precedes it on that holy night will remember the stirring conclusion of that Office with the Te Deum. The text of this cosmic Catholic hymn of praise is so beautiful and stirring that it has been attributed to two of the fourth-century Great Doctors of the Church, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine. The hymn first praises the Almighty God, then the Holy Angels, the Apostles, Prophets, Saints and “white-robed army of Martyrs” among the throng praising God. It addresses Christ as “King of Glory” (a text appropriated by Handel for his Messiah) and evokes the bitter price of the Passion as prelude to the kingdom of heaven. What the Te Deum presents is nothing less than an image of the Beatific Vision.
Berlioz’s Te Deum was composed on a colossal scale: two adult choirs and a children's choir, a large orchestra including no fewer than twelve harps, tenor solo, and an organ placed in a different section of the hall. Berlioz debuted the work at the Church of Saint-Eustache in Paris with 900 singers and musicians. It ends with a supplication to withstand the divine judgment, ending with the crash of cymbals and the blare of trumpets on the final verse: "In te, Domine, speravi, non confundar in aeternum" (In Thee, O Lord, I have hoped: I shall not be confounded in eternity), denoting the final triumph of the soul.
True Catholics, it is a scandal that so many traditional Catholics are almost totally ignorant of the great music that has been inspired by their great Faith. No other religion on the face of the earth has ever inspired the heights of the fine arts that the Roman Catholic Faith has inspired. This Advent would be an excellent occasion to explore and learn about your Catholic musical heritage. Ask your priest to devote at least one sermon this Advent to instructing you about the sublime music of the Catholic Church.
Francis-Bergoglio is losing his mind. He lost any vestige of Catholicism and Christianity long ago. He has also opened his potty-mouth again, calling those who believe the scientific evidence against "global warming" Nazis. Curiously, his own predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, was actually a Nazi as a member of the Hitlerjugend. The hypocritical Bergoglio has consistently calumniated conservative Newchurchers by the most vile terms, such as coprophagiacs (shit eaters). Yet he seems to think that no one can justly call him out for being the heretic that he is, even though the Catholic Church teaches that a heretic prelate may be, even must be, denounced and shunned. This doctrine is based in Sacred Scripture and derives from the fact that the highest officers of the Church can do the most harm because of their positions.
On November 15, 2019, Francis-Bergoglio indicated that he is going to muck with the phony Novus Ordo catechism, issued in 1992 to codify the New Order faith, which is certainly not the Catholic Faith. He himself has been completely incompetent in routing out from his Newchurch one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, namely, sodomy, even the sodomy of children, but now he wants to add to the decalogue an Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not commit the ecological sin. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, why shouldn't Francis-Bergoglio attempt to add a new Commandment? He already attempted to change the Lord's Prayer, to the ridicule of many of his own Newchurchers. He is sinking into madness, believing that he is the Lord God Almighty, that he can rewrite Sacred Scripture, reject Sacred Tradition, and rewrite God's Commandments. Any Newchurchers left who follow this heretic Marxist/Modernist/Pagan Newpope are just as crazy as he is.
As Newchurch seminaries around the world have been turned into virtual bordellos through the agency of complicit Newpopes, such as the current Francis-Bergoglio, attention has recently turned in the United States to Christ the King Newseminary in Buffalo, New York. The Newseminary's rector, its spiritual director, and several other Newdiocesan presbyters have been outed for engaging the Newseminarians in pornography. When the Newseminarians reported their superiors, they were themselves subjected to retaliation by Newdiocese officials.
Several Newseminarians have left, demanding an investigation of the Newchurch seminary, which has been producing presbyters whose actions have embroiled the Newdiocese in sex crimes against children and sex crimes against adults as well. Newchurch bishop Richard Malone was well aware of the crimes, as recordings kept by his secretary-turned-whistleblower confirm, and acknowledged that a "homosexual triumvirate of cat-fighting presbyters" were running his Newserminary. There were also instances of grave sacrilege involved.
Although Francis-Bergoglio purportedly sent an inquisitor to the Newseminary to investigate, it turns out that Bergoglio's Newbishop-Inquisitor, Nicholas DiMarzio, of Brooklyn, New York, has a history of sex-crime charges himself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, because Francis-Bergoglio's internal investigation is flawed with collusion, secular authorities have taken over the investigation through the office of the county District Attorney. What is clear in this latest report, as well as from Poland, Ireland, Australia, and other countries around the world, is that Francis-Bergoglio has come nowhere close to stopping his Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Rather, Bergoglio has increased it. Young men are running out of Newchurch seminaries, which have been turned into virtual bordellos for sodomite presbyters. Even Newvatican's own annual statistics, just reported, show that Newseminaries are emptying out because of the filthy corruption within them. So, it appears that there will shortly be only a small handful of fake Protestant-Masonic-Pagan presbyters to "preside over" the invalid "New Mess," which is not even a Catholic Mass.
It seems that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has hit hardest the once-most-Catholic countries like Ireland, and now Poland. In 2018, 20 per cent walked away from Newchurch seminaries. Since the new millennium, 60 per cent have walked away. Poland's Newchurch Primate, Newarchbishop Wojciech Pokak, reported the disastrous new numbers on November 13, 2019. In May 2019, "Tell No One," a film documenting Newchurch's Paedophile Holocaust in Poland, has shocked Polish Newchurchers to their core.
Newarchbishop Polak said that young Poles are dropping out of the Newchurch of the New Order. Yet Polish young men before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) flocked into the (traditional Catholic) seminaries. Now the whole country of Poland has fewer than 500 Newseminarians. Polak admitted that Newchurch's Paedophilia Holocaust has been the most significant factor. There was an uptick in the 1980s, when the Polish JPII-Wojytla was Newpope. However, by 2001, Wojtyla had been implicated as an accomplice in the Paedopohile Holocaust and earned the title "First Paedophile Newpope."
In an effort to cover up the reality of JPII-Wojtyla's involvement with paedophilia, since his death in 2005, the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, made him "Unblessed," and Francis-Bergoglio made him an "Unsaint," using the corrupted and invalid Novus Ordo con-anization process. The con didn't work, however, as more evidence came to light showing that Wojtyla was personally involved in the Paedophile Holocaust, and Newchurch groups called for his "desanctification."
Newarchbishop Polak admitted that the lack of presbyters is already a "real problem." Newparishes are going without presbyters. Plans are afoot to merge and close churches, as has occurred in the United States and other countries, where half of the churches have been shut down, razed, or turned into pubs since the Vatican II Anti-council. Poland has had to important presbyters from Asia, but there aren't many of these either. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Tablet.]
True Catholics, now that Francis-Bergoglio has shown himself to be not only a heretic Marxist/Modernist but also a pagan, who "blessed" pagan fertility goddesses on Newvatican property, the Newchurch of the New Order is continuing its precipitous decline. What young man would want to associate the rest of his life with a paedophiliac Newpope and Newbishops, prattle an ugly and invalid vulgar-tongued New Mess, and be the spokesman for that Newpope's growing acceptance of homosexuality and abortion? No wonder only the most desperate young men dare to walk through the doors of the phony few Newseminaries left.
Francis-Bergoglio's paganism is getting so bad that even his Newchurch clergy is in open rebellion against him. A Mexico City presbyter publicly burned on November 3, 2019, Bergoglio's idol, Pachamama, the vengeful pagan fertility goddess, whose image Bergoglio "blessed" in the Vatican Gardens to open his Vatican III (aka Amazon Synod), October 6-27, 2019. The presbyter stated that he did it because it was the "law of God" to do so in atonement for the sin of idolatry against the First Commandment of God.
Presbyter Hugo Romero incinerated the idol to show "our repudiation of Idolatry and to ask God for forgiveness for so many sacrileges and profanations" committed by Bergoglio and his henchmen. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, "Be not deceived. God is not mocked," writes St. Paul (Galatians 6:7), even by the man who claims to be the Newpope. The Marxist/Modernist, and now Pagan, Francis-Bergoglio, is now so far from the Catholic Faith -- which he never had -- that even a number of his own Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters, not to speak of laymen, are taking matters into their own hands, as is their right under traditional Catholic theology, to save the Newchurch of the New Order from gross heresy at the top.
Their efforts will be of no avail. The paganized Newchurch -- which is most certainly not the Catholic Church -- is now much worse than the heretical Protestant sects and is, as the Newvatican has admitted in its own statistics, on a precipitous fall in adherents and donations. Deo volente, the fake Newchurch will be substantially annihilated in another generation.
Several Newbishops and presbyters in the United States have barred Ex-Vice President Joseph Biden and 2020 Presidential candidate, who is a public proponent of abortion and sodomy. In fact, Biden performed a "gay marriage" as his first such act as U.S. Vice President. Yet Francis-Bergoglio has handed him the fake Novus Ordo cookie. When U.S. news sources carried the story that he was refused the cookie at a South Carolina Newchurch on October 27, 2019, Biden pridefully retorted: "The [Un]holy Father ... gives me [invalid Novus Ordo] communion." Even the press called out Biden for lying when he said that the South Carolina incident was "the only time it's ever happened." In fact, several other cases of Newbishops and presbyters refusing Biden the Novus Ordo cookie have been published.
When Bergoglio handed Biden the fake Novus Ordo cookie, he was spitting on his own Newcanon Law (915): "Ne admittantur ... alii in manifesto grave peccato obstinate perseverantes (They must not be admitted who obstinately persevere in manifest grave sin). The teaching of the Church from Natural Law is that abortion is always gravely immoral because it kills an innocent human being, a fact that is now admitted by genetic science. Sodomy and other homosexual acts are also gravely immoral from Natural Law and " under no circumstances can they be approved." Biden's 2020 presidential platform includes taxpayer-funded abortion on demand and enshrining into law the many demands of the sodomite and perversion lobby. Biden also favors punishing physicians who, on moral grounds, refuse to commit abortions. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, like all pagan Newchurchers, Joseph Biden wants to play both ends against the middle. He wants to claim to be a "Catholic" in order, as he thinks, to win Newchurchers' votes. At the same time he wants win the votes of the abortion and sodomite lobbies. Newchurch politicians like Biden, who include current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are truly déspicable hypocrites. If Francis-Bergoglio were a true pope, he would by law publicly excommunicate Biden and Pelosi, as well as their fellow abortionists and deviants, just as Pope Pius XII excommunicated the atheistic Communists.
The "personal prelature" that the Neo-SSPX's Reconciliation Party is working to sell out to is the Novus Ordo structure under which local heretic Newbishops would be able to stop the Neo-SSPX from entering a Newchurch diocese or, where it was already present there, stop the Neo-SSPX from founding new apostolates in the same Newdiocese. And, like all Newchurch structures, a personal prelature would subordinate the Neo-SSPX to Newrome under the pagan Newpope, a Marxist/Modernist who in interviews has rejected the dogmata of the bodily Resurrection of Christ and of the divinity of Christ, just like the virulent Arian heretics of the fourth century.
Yet it may be that the personal prelature is too ambitious for the Reconciliation Party to attempt right now. It may be so objectionable as to send too many Neo-SSPX priests to independent traditional Catholic Bishop Jean-Michel Faure. Enter the provisional personal prelature, which can (theoretically) be dissolved by either party. Once granted, however, not even a more conservative Neo-SSPX leader will have the will to dissolve it, and it will lead inexorably to a permanent personal prelature. Under the provisional structure, however, Davide Pagliarani, current Superior Dictator, and Christian Bouchacourt, current Second Assistant, could get their Novus Ordo purple socks. The Neo-SSPX would then be relegated to issuing a few moderately-critical comments against current Newpope Francis-Bergoglio and his likely successor, Newpope Gerhard Marx or Newpope Luis Tagle.
Some Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters will decamp to Bishop Faure, but most will pusillanimously stay put, hoping for a better day, cheered by the provisional nature of the personal structure. But then, when they least expect it, it will become a permanent jurisdiction. At that point, they will be so dependent on the heretical Newchurch and the Neo-SSPX that most of them will be too weakened to depart. Now is the time to leave. Now.
Davide Pagliarani, the Neo-SSPX's Superior Dictator, the puppet of former Superior Bernie Fellay, who couldn't get himself re-elected in 2018, has sent three new "negotiators" to Newrome to restart "doctrinal discussions." The hypocritical Pagliarani took this action secretly while publicly condemning Francis-Bergoglio's recent blessing of the idol of a naked pagan fertility goddess in the Vatican Gardens -- in what has become known as the "Pachamama Scandal."
The three negotiators are Bernie himself, together with his two ousted assistants, Niklaus Pfluger and Alain Nely. Neo-SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta, now First Assistant, who was largely responsible for refusing to compromise on doctrine with Newchurch, was cut out by Pagliariani from reprising his role, as was the other Neo-SSPX bishop, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, biographer of the original traditional Catholic SSPX's archbishop-founder, Marcel Lefebvre.
Speculation is that Galarreta and Tissier are beginning to realize how desperate the situation in the Fellay-Pagliarani Neo-SSPX has now become and may be planning to defect to independent traditional Catholic bishop Jean-Michel Faure, consecrated by Bishop Richard Williamson in 2015, the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, who abandoned Fellay's Neo-SSPX in 2012 because of Fellay's cozying up to the heretical Newchurch of the New Order.
Once again the "Reconciliation Party" in the Neo-SSPX, that is, the party that wants to join Francis-Bergoglio's heretical Newchurch of the New Order, persists in its determination to join the Newchurch heresy formally, even though its Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has exposed himself not only as a Marxist/Modernist heretic and paedophile accomplice but also as a pagan idol worshipper. The leaders of hat party consist of Fellay, Pagliarani, Pfluger, Nely, and the Regional Dictator Franz Schmidberger, and Second Assistant Bouchacourt.
Meanwhile, Francis-Bergoglio is continuing to appoint Newbishops at a fast rate. While his personal paganism is being blathered about at great length in the Neoconservative and Pseudo-traditionalist press, Bergoglio is actually acting to assure a pagan future for Newchurch.
On November 7, 2019, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, former Newvatican Ambassador to the United States, stated that St. Peter's Archbasilica had been profaned on October 27, 2019, when Francis-Bergoglio set up idols of the vengeful pagan goddess Pachamama in the sanctuary there. Vigano declared that as a result of the Sacrilege and Idolatry, which he called in the words of Daniel the Prophet, the "Abomination of Desolation," St. Peter's must be reconsecrated.
The fact of the matter is that St. Peter's had already been desecrated since at least 1969 when the invalid (fake), sacrilegious, blasphemous, and idolatrous "New Mess" has been staged there. Newarchbishop Vigano also pointed to the pagan elements and worship introduced after the Vatican II Anti-council as "inculturation," i.e., the incorporation of local pagan elements into the New Order service, so that the "New Mess" has been "transformed into an idolatrous cult." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, such necessary reconsecration cannot be effected until the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch of the New Order is entirely driven out of St. Peter's Archbasilica. Moreover, none of the heretic Newchurch clergy, including Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, has the power to reconsecrate the archbasilica. They are part of the Sacrilege and Idolatry that have polluted St. Peter's since 1969 and even before.
A new Pew Research Center study reports that most U.S. Newchurchers seem more concerned about others' abortions than about their own souls. Moreover, they have given the Sacrament of Matrimony (which is on very shaky ground in Newchurch anyway) a kick in the derriere while they're about it. St. Paul, in addressing the Corinthians, who were a particularly immoral lot, writes: "Do not err. Neither fornicators nor idolators nor adulterers ... shall enter the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10/DRV). Yet the Pew study, released on November 6, 2019, reports that nearly three-quarters of Newchurchers turn their back on the teaching of the Catholic Church from Sacred Scripture to approve of (and practice) fornication between unmarried persons. Among Newchurchers, cohabitation and breeding bastard children is now the "in" thing.
According to the study, only 14 per cent of Newchurchers accept Catholic teaching that fornication is mortally sinful. 86 per cent of Newchurchers approved of cohabitation, even with no intention of marriage. These figures are similar to those of Newchurchers on abortion. In a 2009 Pew study, 84 per cent of Newchurchers approved of abortion in at least some cases. Lending further proof to the contention that Newchurchers are Protestants, 74 per cent of mainline caucasian Protestants also approved of fornication.
Yet another 2019 Pew study found that in addition to losing Heaven, fornicators are less happy in this life and more distrustful of their cohabiting partners. The moral seems to be that if you cheat outside of marriage, you lose trust even with your shack-up co-conspirator. Pew found that Newchurch presbyters and Newbishops are doing a singularly incompetent job of teaching Christian morality -- perhaps because they themselves are no longer Christian. Now half of the children born to working-class Newchurchers are bastards. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
In any case, Novus Ordo Matrimony, already suspect, came into serious question when Francis-Bergoglio issued the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus, in which marriage was substantially redefined by his creating "Newchurch divorce" in everything but official name. As of December 8, 2015, he added a provision (1683) to Newcanon Law, by which all the limits on the causes for a so-called "Newchurch annulment" are removed under a new "Briefer Matrimonial Process before the Bishop." Thenceforth it has been left up to the local Newbishop to invent any causes for divorce that he pleases. In exchange, the marriage tribunal gets a pay-off from the applicant(s) for the Newchurch "annulment."
True Catholics, it is the same failure to follow Christian morality that has led to the takeover of the Newchurch of the New Order by paedophile and embezzling clergy. The Newchurch leadership itself has become corrupt under the First Paedophile Newpope, "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla; the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger; and the current, Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio. Any notion that Newchurch is Catholic is completely senseless.
In his November 2, 2019, weekly bulletin, Bishop Richard Williamson gives a useful history of what has been going on in Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) since its takeover after the death of the Archbishop by Bernie Fellay in 1994 as Superior Dictator of what Fellay restructured to become the non-traditional Neo-SSPX. Bishop Williamson is intimately familiar with this history, as he was the first bishop appointed by the Archbishop and remained senior bishop until 2012, when he abandoned Fellay's Neo-SSPX, when it was going to sell out to what the Archbishop called the heretical "Conciliar Rome."
Archbishop Lefebvre did not see his original traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X as having any mission "to monopolize all traditional Catholic organizations and sites." However, under Bernie Fellay that policy was totally reversed. Newrome and Felly began to "plot jointly to sweep together under the Society all presently independent traditional groupings, and then to restructure the Society and replace it by a Personal Prelature under Conciliar Rome's complete control."
Bishop Williamson states that this Newrome/Fellay plot would have two advantages for Newrome's war on the (traditional) Catholic Faith. First, the plot would wipe out the last traces of Archbishop Lefebvre from the Neo-SSPX. Second, the plot would work to strangle "in one fell swoop" all traditional Catholic organizations, which will have nothing to do with the fraud that is Newrome and the Neo-SSPX.
We can add a third goal for this Devil's bargain between Fellay and Newrome, now represented by the Marxist/Modernist/Pagan Francis-Bergoglio: Fellay and Bergoglio could satisfy their insatiable lust for personal power and control. Fellay couldn't serve a third term as Superior Dictator, so he installed his puppet Davide Pagliarani and continues to pull the strings. Just as Bergoglio is no successor to Pius XII, or even John XXIII, Fellay is no successor to Archbishop Lefebvre. The line of succession has clearly been broken, and both Fellay and Bergoglio should be altogether shunned as phonies by all true Catholics.
On November 5, 2019, Francis-Bergoglio's Chief Auditor, Libero Milone, has outed the Newpope as a fraudster. Milone previously went public to expose Francis-Bergoglio's secret slush fund of millions of U.S. dollars salted away in Swiss accounts "off the books." In 2015 Bergoglio hired Milone, a highly-respected financial auditor, but Milone did his job too well. He quickly discovered that Newvatican was involved in numerous financial scams, speculating with money donated by Newchurchers to him for charitable works. Milone did his job, but Bergoglio wanted merely a figurehead, not someone who would actually find out the truth.
Milone says that because he got too close to the truth about Francis-Bergoglio's financial scams, Bergoglio fired him. One of the scams that he discovered is the London property fraud that led to the October 31, 2019, raid by Newvatican police on the Newvatican Secretary of State's office. Police seized computers and documents from the Secretariat of State. Bergoglio was enraged that the raid had occurred and, just as he had fired Milone for getting too close to the truth, fired Newvatican's Chief of Police, a man with an unblemished record of over two decades of service to Newvatican, for the same reason.
Three of Francis-Bergoglio's top Newcardinals are at the center of a growing money-laundering and fraud investigation: Giovanni Becciu, Giuseppe Versaldi, and the now-disgraced and deposed paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C. Milone stated: “Some people got worried I was about to uncover something I shouldn’t see. We were getting too close to information that they [Bergoglio & Co.] wanted to be secret. They fabricated a situation for me to be thrown out.” [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by London's Financial Times.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's hands are filthy with financial fraud and other crimes. He fired his Chief Auditor for discovering his crimes. He fired his Chief of Police for discovering his crimes. He essentially expelled Newcardinal George Pell for daring to conduct an audit of his crimes. Bergoglio has much to answer for his complicity in paedophile crimes, but he has also been embezzling the charitable donations of millions of his Newchurchers. Truly, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated under the regime of this Unpope.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Last week I went to Novus Ordo "reconciliation" against my better instincts. The presbyter said that the "penitential act" at the beginning of the (Novus Ordo) Mess removed sin, and it has always been that way. I have never heard this from any other presbyter or priest in all my 77 years. What is he talking about?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The presbyter's statement is completely false with respect to the invalid (fake) Novus Ordo service. It is only partially true with respect to the Traditional Latin Mass.
But there is a much graver matter at issue here. Your association with the heretical Newchurch of the New Order, whose Mess and "sacraments" are heretical, blasphemous, idolatrous, and sacrilegious, is destroying your spiritual life and making you an accomplice to those grave sins against the First Commandment of God. The service that you are attending is not a Mass at all. The "rite of reconciliation" is invalid and not even a sacrament. Newchurch did away with the Catholic sacrament in 1973, when it was replaced with that Protestantized, unsacramental "rite of reconciliation."
We implore you to get away from the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, and find a traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory independent of Newchurch. For that kind of information, consult the Current Monthly Revised Edition of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. If you go to a Newchurch, you are no better than a Protestant going to a heretical Protestant service, with all the sinfulness that that involves.
Newchurch capitulated to the Polish Travel Agency, inter alia, and Novus Ordo con-anized Newpope JPII-Wojtyla in 2014 at the hands of the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio, even though there was serious concerns about him. He participated in over one hundred heretical and pagan ceremonies and was implicated in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlment Holocaust as an accomplice to paedophilia, particularly in the case of the notorious Bernard Law, of Boston, Massachusetts.
As if this fakery with JPII-Wojtyla were not enough, Newchurch is now starting the con-anization of Wojtyla's parents, as announced by the Polish Bishops' Conference on October 10, 2019. Apparently, the luster of Wojtyla himself has worn off. Actually, Wojtyla's parents seem to have been quite devout and taught their son the traditional Catholic Faith, which he spurned later in life to embrace the fake Newchurch of the New Order and even pagan sects. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Zenit News Agency.]
True Catholics, so questionable was the Novus Ordo con-anization (the long-standing traditional Catholic process of traditional canonization was corrupted after Newchurch was founded in 1964) that in recent years a number of leading voices in Newchurch have demanded Wojtyla's de-con-anization. Wotyla is known as the First Paedophile Newpope because it was under his regime that the largest number of paedophile crimes were committed by Newchurch clergy, eventually bursting into worldwide infamy in 2001, when the story of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust broke very publicly in an investigative report by the Boston Globe.
All too many Catholics sat on their hands while the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) attempted to destroy Catholicism, the Mass, the Sacraments, doctrine, and morality. Most of them chose simply to leave. According to a secret 1981 study, "Converts, Dropouts, Returnees," commissioned by the U.S. Newbishops, within a few years of Newchurch's imposition of the "New Mess," almost one-quarter of Catholics quietly walked out the door, never to return.
Now a French Newchurch paper on November 1, 2019, claims that Francis-Bergoglio's Vatican III (aka Amazon Synod) signals the "end of the Tridentine Church." Of course, there is no such Church. There is only the true (traditional) Catholic Church and heretical sects, of which the Newchurch of the New Order is one, a combination of heretical Protestantism and Paganism. Instead, so the paper claims, Newchurch will dump the priesthood, implement innumerable pagan Messes around the world, and "install" non-celibate ministers, deaconesses, and priestesses.
In other words, Newchurch will become an openly Protestant sect and join the other Protestant sects that are going out of existence as fast as venerable religious orders have died in Newchurch. This is exactly what Francis-Bergoglio planned at Vatican III. But the natural consequences of his and his Newchurch's phony Novus Ordo Mess, heresy, and immorality will finally -- and is already -- sinking it. Corruption of the worst sort: rampant paedophilia and complicity in paedophilia from the Newpope on down, epidemic financial fraud at the Vatican Bank that has already caught Newprelates in crimes, and pagan Messes that are worse than Protestant are taking over. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix.]
Now with Francis-Bergoglio's Vatican III, even many Newchurchers are standing up against the madness. Newcardinals have publicly called Francis-Bergoglio a heretic for his anti-Catholic doctrine. Two courageous laymen dumped Bergoglio's pagan statues into the Tiber river. Charitable organizations have cut the paedophiliac Bergoglio off from their usual annual donations. Vatican III is already boosting the (traditional) Catholic Church. It is in fact the Newchurch of the New Order that is sinking to its demise with its fake Novus Ordo Mess attendance plummeting and donations reaching such a low that Newchurch, awash in financial fraud, has reportedly been considering bankruptcy.
Newchurchers are getting fed up with Newchurch's anti-Catholicism. They can't go to the "1962 Mess" because that is just another arm of Newchurch. Thus, more and more Newchurchers are finding the fully Traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments, and Faith at thousands of independent traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories around the world. They have dumped their 1962 Missals in favor of pre-1950 Missals. They have dumped vulgar Novus Ordo music and are buying Gregorian chant at an accelerating rate. They have dumped the fabricated Novus Ordo "Liturgy of the Hours" and returned to praying the pre-1950 Divine Office.
True Catholics, more and more Newchurchers are starting to realize what we TRADITIO Fathers have maintained all along, that THE NEWCHURCH OF THE NEW ORDER IS NOT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Newpopes of that Newchurch, including Marxist/Modernists and even one Nazi/Modernist, are not true popes, but heretics. The Catholic Church is alive and well, better than ever, not in the fabricated anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, but in the thousands of churches, chapels, and oratories around the world that adhere to the fully traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments, traditional Catholic doctrine and morality. Newchurch is justly in its demise, for, as St. Paul taught, "Be not deceived: God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7/DRV).
The Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio has been pushing with a vengeance the Oecumenical Heresy (we all worship the same gods; all religions are equally true). As a result, his henchmen have been quick to sell off property to infidel Mohammedans and other non-Christian sects.
It was announced on October 21, 2019, that the Newarchdiocese of Florence, Italy, is negotiating with the Infidels to sell 8,000 square meters of its property for the building of a mosque and Islamic "cultural center." Newarchbishop Giuseppe Betori has no shame. He publicly declared: “With the signing of this protocol, the Florentine Church has given concrete expression to the affirmation of the principle of religious liberty promoted above all beginning with the Second Vatican Council and continually restated by the Pontifical Magisterium."
First, note the terminology "Florentine Church." The Roman Catholic Church no longer exists for Newchurch, which is merely a conglomeration of various local communities all babbling their vulgar dialects, practicing their own local "liturgies," and concocting their own pagan doctrines and moral,, as we saw at Vatican III (aka Amazon Synod), October 7-27, 2019.
For the Newpopes after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the Catholic Church -- which is not to be identified with the Newchurch of the New Order -- is not the "one true Church of Christ," as Catholic dogma declares. In this, as in so many things, Newchurch and the Newpopes are heretical and not Catholic. Thus, the Oecumenical Heresy has nothing to do with the "Pontifical Magisterium." The Magisterium not a person, but the teaching authority of the true Church from Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. No person, even a valid pope, has the authority to change one iota of these. So declared the dogmatic Vatican I Council (1870). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Times.]
True Catholics, a heretical cannot represent the teaching authority of the Catholic Church and cannot change any Catholic doctrine whatsoever. That would make no logical sense. Moreover, in the words of St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church: "Papa hereticus ipso facto depositus est," (A HERETIC POPE IS AUTOMATICALLY DEPOSED).
Once again Newrome is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the Novus Ordo conservatives by tricking them with word games. It has been reported that Newcardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera, the former Prefect of the Congregation for [Novus Ordo] Divine Worship has "ruled out" over and over again "priestly [sic] ordination for women." One needs to note these expressions that he uses, as well as "the male priesthood." But Vatican III (aka Amazon Synod) did not mention priestesses directly. It did not even mention deaconesses directly, but only under a general rubric appended to a call for women to be Novus Ordo "acolytes" and "lectors."
So why does Neocon Newcardinal Llovera insist so vehemently that women cannot become "priestesses"? Because he wants to make a division between the Novus Ordo diaconate and the presbyterate. Never once does he even suggest that women cannot be "installed" as deaconesses. Subterfuge is being used here. Newchurch hauls out a Neocon has-been Newprelate to demand that women not be "installed" as priestesses. Thus the Leftists can insist that they be "installed" as deaconesses.
It is just another Newchurch trick. The former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, has several times pointed out that the (invalid) Novus Ordo orders is one "sacrament" in three degrees. Therefore, if women can be "installed" as deaconesses, they can be "installed" as priestesses. Llovera is being used as a distraction to promote the fake "installation" of deaconesses.
It is all a vile game. Only the traditional Ordinal validly ordains under the Sacrament of Holy Orders anyone a cleric in any degree in the Roman Rite In 1968 Newchurch adopted an invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal one year before the "New Mess" went into effect. By the time the Neocons wake up and realize that they have been Protestants all along, they will then realize that they have gone on to become pagans in all but name. Thus is explained Francis-Bergoglio and his henchmen publicly performing idol worship in Newrome's Vatican Gardens on October 5, 2019, to kick off Vatican III.
Why would any sane young man want to become a presbyter in Newchurch -- and that includes both Novus Ordo clergy, as well as "Indult" clergy like those of the Fraternity of St. Peter, Institute of Christ the King, Society of St. John Vianney, and the rest? Newchurch hasn't ordained priests under the Sacrament of Holy Orders since its adoption of the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which merely "installs" presbyters (ministers) to "preside over the assembly of the people," not "to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead."
Apparently, young men have figured out that the Newchurch presbyterate is an invalid fraud, as Newvatican's annual clergy figures for 2017, just reported, have dropped yet again. Now Newchurch has only one presbyter-minister for about each 15,000 Newchurchers. A further steep drop is expected for 2018 and 2019. Newchurch "nuns" plunged almost two percent in just the one year. Newchurch seminarians dropped almost one percent in the same period, for a drop of over ten percent over the last decade. Remarkably, the only category that increased was Newchurch bishops. This is one of Newchurch's problems: too many useless chiefs and no hardworking Indians! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Press Office.]
True Catholics, these statistics show that the Newchurch of the New Order is continuing to sink badly. And why shouldn't it? It has become undeniable that the head of Newchurch, Francis-Bergoglio, is a pagan Marxist/Modernist who is not Catholic -- is actually hostile to Catholicism. He claims that he can't judge sodomy, one of the four Biblical sins that cry out to Heaven for retribution. He claims that his best friends are atheists. He was trained by Marxist/Communist Newjesuits in Argentina. As the High Pirest Caiphas said, "What further need have we of witnesses?" (Matthew 26:65/DRV).
On October 14, 2019, the top journalist on Newvatican, Gianluigi Nuzzi, published a new blockbuster entitled, Universal Judgment, which documents that Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican is on the verge of bankruptcy. Bergoglio already admitted that Newvatican expenditures are now double income, but Nuzzi demonstrates that the situation is far worse than Bergoglio has admitted.
Francis-Bergoglio has broken yet another promise by failing to publish a budget since 2015, and he has fired all the auditors. For example, a failed 166,700,000 U.S. dollar real-estate deal in London recently became public. Bergoglio's Newvatican has been implicated in fraud, money laundering, and abuse of office. The money involved is supposedly part of 722,400,000 dollars in "charity" money that Newchurchers have donated to Newvatican from around the world thinking that it is being spent in charitable activities. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Independently, it was reported on October 30, 2019, that two of Francis-Bergoglio's top Newcardinals are at the center of a growing scandal, in which Giovanni Becciu, Prefect of Bergoglio's Congregation for the Causes of [Novus Ordo Un]saints, and Giuseppe Versaldi, Prefect of Bergoglio's Education Congregation, in league with the now-disgraced and deposed paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, Newarchbishop of Washington, D.C., were outed as involved in thefts and money laundering in connection with an Italian hospital. The hospital's president has already been imprisoned by the Italian government, and the two Newcardinals are under active investigation.
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's financial officers are trying to paper over the reality, which is that Bergoglio has made no progress with his promise to his Newcardinals upon his election to clean up his Vatican Bank, which is rife with mafiosi and criminal money laundering. Newvatican has been caught denying the reality by claiming that the situation is not a "catastrophe." But Newchurchers disgusted at Bergoglio's heresies and paganism and at his support of his paedophile Newclergy are walking out of Newchurches all over the world and cutting off both personal and corporate donations. The barque of Newvatican is sinking like a rock.