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In Newrome on January 26, 2020, Francis-Bergoglio appointed three brand-new auxiliary bishops for the Newarchdiocese of Mexico City, doubling the number of these "helpers" from three to six. These shiny new leftists are aged 46, 49 and 64, so they will be around for just long enough to see the complete decimation of Newchurch.
Yet again, it's all chiefs and no Indians; it's all colonels and no corporals. The number of Newbishops is mushrooming while the number of presbyters is declining so precipitously that the Newchurch "vineyard" will soon be bone dry. These new auxiliaries are, in effect, new Newbishops-in-waiting to spread out to Newdioceses around the world like a Coronavirus, and you can bet that they are all Marxist/Modernist Bergoglians.
Meanwhile, Neocon Newbishops like "Bully" Burke, Muller, Schneider, Eick, Brandmuller, Strickland, and company stand by as Bergoglio liquidates their Neocon/Protestant comrades and replaces them all with his outright pagans, who worship the Pachamama goddess. Bergoglio's Marxist/Modernist successor, perhaps Newcardinal Luis Tagle, will simply promote all these auxiliaries to major Newsees. It's all in a bad day's work!
Ratzinger, by way of contrast, was too busy writing his Protestant/Modernist tomes to appoint more than a small number of Neocon Newbishops, and many of his appointees were old to begin with. Hence their rapid disappearance from the scene. In any case, he was no traditionalist; he was the leader of the Modernists before, during, and after the Vatican II Anti-council. His Newpapacy, together with the fantasies of the Neocon pseudo-traditionalists, will disappear in the next puff of smoke that comes from the Sistine chimney.
The Vatican II Anti-council fabricated the Newchurch of the New Order on November 21, 1964, and immediately began to dismantle everything in it that is Catholic. The Mass was the first target. Already scandalously tampered with by Pope Pius XII in 1956 and by Pope John XXIII in 1960-1962, who specifically stated that he was implementing Pius XII's own work, Hannibal Bugnini's Conciliar Implementation Commission immediately began to issue decrees to corrupt the Mass.
Meanwhile, other Newvatican organs were rapidly corrupting all things Catholic. One of the most celebrated of these actions was to attempt to suppress the Friday abstinence from fleshmeat that had been obseved since Apostolic times. The Newchurch functionaries tried to pass the Friday abstinence off as merely a "disciplinary" matter, but in fact it was a major rejection of Apostolic Tradition, an action that was tantamount to heresy.
In fact, explicit mention is made of the practice of abstaining from fleshmeat on Fridays in a document from the end of the first century A.D., the "Didache [Teaching] of the Apostles," as well as by St. Clement of Alexandria, one of the early Apostolic Fathers, and Tertullian in the third century. The perpetual tradition of the Church is clear beyond possibility of mistake on this matter. The Friday abstinence was the universal custom from the very beginning, as Friday was dedicated to the memory of the Passion of Our Lord as a day on which we should make a special effort to practice penance. It is in recognition of the fact that Christ suffered and died, and gave up his human flesh and life for our sins on a Friday that Catholics do not eat fleshmeat on Fridays. Also the Friday abstinence reminds us of Adam and Eve's sin, and the Blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary in atonement of the Original Sin.
By our abstinence on Friday, we recall, and participate, in some small way, in the great sacrifice of Our Lord for us on that Good Friday. Moreover, by abstaining from fleshmeat, we give up what is, on the whole, the most pleasant, as well as the most nourishing food, and so make satisfaction for the temporal punishment due to sin even when its guilt has been forgiven. The law of abstinence forbids under pain of Mortal Sin fleshmeat those over seven years of age. All other kinds of food are allowed.
The abstinence from fleshmeat on Fridays is an ecclesiastical law with associations to Divine Positive Law, as expressed, for example, in St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians (9:25) and Second Epistle to the Corinthians (6:5). It has long obliged under pain of Mortal Sin, since Pope Nicholas I in the ninth century. Pope Innocent III at the beginning of the 13th century confirmed this teaching, and Pope Alexander VII anathematized those who would minimize the character of a breach as only venially sinful. Traditional Catholics know full well that they have a grave obligation of maintaining this immemorial practice since the Apostles. They must confess a knowing and willful breach as a Mortal Sin.
The Church does not forbid certain kinds of food on the ground that they are impure (the Jewish belief, disputed by St. Paul in 1 Timothy 4:4). The abstinence required is a reasonable one and is not exacted from those whom it would injure in health or incapacitate for their ordinary duties. Abstinence is a means, not an end, and is meritorious only insofar as it proceeds from faith and love of God (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, IIa IIae, q. 146, a. 1). Abstinence promotes our spiritual health by enabling us to subdue our flesh (1 Corinthians 9:27).
What does it say when the Newchurch of the New Order turns its back on such an Apostolic practice of the Church? It says that Newchurch is not the Catholic Church. Can we not do such a little self-mortification for our spiritual health by abstaining from fleshmeat on that one day of the week, which so many non-Catholics do so do anyway for reasons of mere bodily health or "to save the whales"?
The fifteenth century masterpiece, known as the Ghent Altarpiece or "The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb," has been restored to its original design, eliciting gasps in the art world. The large work by the Flemish brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck was displayed in December 2019 after restoration to its original design. It depicts Jesus Christ as the Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God, being sacrificed on an altar. The eyes of the Lamb are extremely lifelike and intense in vivid, detailed, and brilliant colors. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
True Catholics, the Lamb of God should be shocking. It represents the bloody sacrifice of Christ to take away the sins of the world. Traditional Catholics for two millennia have struck their breast thrice while the priest at Mass declares: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis." It seems that the now irreligious art world has just had a glimpse of this eternal truth, which the van Eycks clearly understood.
Notorious presbyter Bernard Preynat, a self-confessed paedophile criminal, revealed at his French trial that his Newbishop knew of his multitudinous paedophile crimes, but refused to do anything, instead choosing to keep his many crimes under wraps. He functioned as a Newchurch scout chaplain, in which position he committed sexual assaults upon over 75 boys. Preynat testified that he assaulted up to two boys ?almost every weekend? and as many as four or five boys each week he led one-week scout camps.
Preynat said that he would have been turned away from his crimes if his Newchurch bishops and cardinals had taken action. "Had the [New]church sidelined me earlier, I would have stopped earlier," he testified. Preynat's testimony threw new light on the modus operandi of Newchurch's failure to help its own clergy criminals get needed psychiatric hospitalization. Preynat was allowed by Newchurch to continue his crimes for forty years, until 2015. Finally, the secular law caught up with him, and he now faces up to ten years in prison after a trial that started on January 19, 2020. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Newcardinal Philippe Barbarin, of Lyon, France, was already convicted in March 2019 of covering up Preynat's crimes. Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, like his two predecessors, Benedict-Ratzinger and JPII-Wojtyla, has been a notorious paedophile facilitator, and to this day continues to back the convicted Barbarin. Thus, we have further insight into why Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is getting worse rather than better and is sinking Newchurch attendance and donations.
Newchurch in the United States "initiated" ("converted") at least 100,000 adults each year, according to the latest statistics provided by the Center for Research in the [Newchurch] Apostolate of George Washington University. That number has been sinking rapidly since the year 2000 to the point that in 2017, it fell below 100,000 and is continuing to sink. These numbers add up to only five new Newchurch adults each year per Newparish. In one year, from 2017 to 2018 alone, even that number dropped five per cent.
Most of the converts to the Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order sect used to be Protestants from other denominations. Now more "converts" are unbaptized. A so-called "Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults" (RCIA), an invalid Novus Ordo rite that Newchurch substituted for Baptism, was implemented in 1972 after the Vatican II Anti-council and, now that the novelty has worn off, is drawing fewer and fewer numbers. For further information on this topic, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Charismatic Movement."
As marriage has also declined precipitously in Newchurch, non-Newchurch spouses are not converting as they used to, and infant "initiations" are correspondingly declining. These declines parallel news that Newchurch clergy from the Newpopes on down to the local presbyter are engaged in paedophile crimes, either the Mortal Sins of the commission of the crimes themselves or the equally Mortal Sin of supporting the crimes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Newchurch is not the Catholic Church, and it does not draw converts or returnees either in the numbers or in the quality that the traditional Catholic Church did before the Vatican II Anti-council, converts/returnees of the caliber of historian Edward Gibbon, actor Alec Guinness, actor Gary Cooper, golfer Bobby Jones, actor and art critic Vincent Price, actress Loretta Young, baseballer Babe Ruth, actor John Wayne, playwright Oscar Wilde, U.S. President George Washington (according to the accounts of his deathbed conversion by his household Negroes), composer Ludwig van Beethoven, and artist/poet David Jones. The statistics show that Newchurch under Francis-Bergoglio is dying faster than ever.
On January 23, 2020, Francis-Bergoglio forcibly retired Newarchbishop Charlie Chaput, a darling of the neocons in Newchurch. Chaput was only four months past his 75th birthday. In diplomatic terms, this early retirement is an insult to him. A metropolitan Newarchbishop of a major see is customarily given an extra two to five years, provided that his health is adequate to the job. By another custom, if a Newprelate be appointed after the date of his 65th birthday, he is given at least ten years to govern his see.
Chaput was over 66 when he was appointed Newarchbishop of Philadelphia. In fact, he was almost 67. So forcibly retiring him now is a real slap in his face by Bergoglio. Chaput was replaced by Nelson Jesus Perez, of Cleveland, Ohio, a Marxist/Modernist/Leftist like himself, that is, a pagan, whereas Chaput was a stalwart Protestant right down the line! Perez's descent is from Cuba -- don't those Marxists like Bergoglio love Communist Cuba! Perez is a "liturgical anarchist," demanding that Newchurchers remain standing through the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess (which is certainly not the valid Catholic Mass) for the Agnus Dei and all the presbyter's ante-cookie prayers and even during the distribution of cookies and Kool-Aid to the Newchurchers (so much for private prayers of thanksgiving while kneeling).
When will the Newchurch neocons ever learn their lesson? Newchurch is not the Catholic Church, so you can't "fix" it. Even if a traditionally-bent Newpope were ever elected in the fake Newchurch, fabricated at the Vatican II Anti-council, that wouldn't fix the problem, which goes much deeper: Newchurchers have lost the Catholic Faith. Charlie Chaput is a good example of a neocon Newchurcher who lost the Catholic Faith long ago. Remember his sacrilegious, idolatrous, blasphemous Novus Ordo "Indian Feather" Mess of 2003?
Bergoglio is replacing the neocons one by one, and he's lined up his Marxist/Modernist prot?g?, Newardinal Luis Tagle, to finish them off in the next Newpontificate. Whether or not this plan will succeed remains to be seen, but it's looking bleak for the Protestant party of the neocons. Already, a clear majority of the Newcardinals are fellow-travelers in the pagan Marxist/Modernist party of Bergoglio. Newchurch is morphing from Protestantism to paganism even faster than Bergoglio can replace the Protestant Newbishops in it with pagans.
It is long past time for those neocon Newchurchers who have a scintilla of Catholicism left in them to get out and get over to a fully Traditional Latin Mass -- not even the Protestantized Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962, sometimes erroneously termed "extraordinary" -- where they can save their souls. But not to worry. At the current rate of sexual and financial scandal in Newchurch, Novus Ordo churches will soon be sold out from under the Newchurchers to pay off child victims of paedophile Newchurch clergy and to repay the victims for the monies that Newchurch has embezzled for its phony "charities" -- like Bergoglio's Peter's Pence.
On January 22, 2020, a class-action lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. District Court against the National Conference of Catholic [Sic] [New]bishops (USCCB) for defrauding and extorting Newchurchers into donating hundreds of millions of dollars to Francis-Bergoglio's scam charity called Peter's Pence. That slush fund is funded by a special collection throughout the world at Novus Ordo Messes in June, but does not go to the poor as is published, but to maintaining Bergoglio and his agents in Newchurch, which is falling into bankruptcy.
Peter's Pence money has being funneled into reckless private investments, luxury condominium developments, exorbitant fees to Bergoglio's financial agents, including Newcardinals, and most recently to produce a Newvatican film to the tune of almost 4,000,000 dollars about a sodomite musician living with his paramour, complete with explicit homosexual scenes. Nearly 750,000,000 dollars under the control of Bergoglio has been extorted for fraudulent activities, with a mere 10 per cent going to charitable causes. In November 2019 Bergoglio admitted the scam, but tried to exonerate himself of the charges, saying that his fraud "should not bother anyone." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, the USCCB has been charged with common-law fraud, unjust enrichment, and breach of fiduciary duty by actively concealing the true character and nature of Francis-Bergoglio's Peter?s Pence collection and making misleading misrepresentations about the real purpose of the collection. The Newchurchers have asked the court to enjoin the USCCB from soliciting further collections, as well as restitution and damages to pew Newchurchers. Finally, some Newchurchers are getting smart and hitting Bergoglio where it hurts, in his sinking financial coffers, because as a Marxist/Communist he is completely unmoved by Catholic moral arguments.
The invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which Newchurch adopted a year before the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969 (aka "New Mess"), no longer ordains priests under the Sacrament of Holy Orders to "offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead," but merely "installs" Novus Ordo presbyter-ministers "to preside over the assembly of the people." Moreover, the New Ordinal does not consecrate bishops under the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installs" them like Protestant bishops. Thus, Newchurch has not had valid priests or bishops since just after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965).
There are only about forty bishops left alive in Newchurch who were consecrated under the traditional Pontificale Romanum. All of them are retired and all of them are well over 85 years of age. The youngest living Newchurch bishop who was validly consecrated under the traditional Roman Pontifical is Cardinal Francis Arinze, now 87, who retired in 2008 as Prefect for Novus Ordo Worship. Thus, the Apostolic succession in Newchurch will die within two decades. Even the remaining forty valid bishops in Newchurch are explicitly or implicitly heretics by their continuing association with the heretical Newchurch of the New Order and are thereby presumed excommunicates.
The Apostolic succession will then reside exclusively outside Newchurch, in the traditional Catholic organizations that have bishops validly consecrated under the traditional Roman Pontifical by bishops also validly consecrated under the traditional Roman Pontifical. Pseudo-traditional organizations like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the Institute of Christ the King (ICRR) have only invalid Novus Ordo bishops not consecrated, but "installed," like Protestant bishops. Newchurch is already converting from Protestantism to paganism in doctrine and praxis. So it's all of a piece.
Francis-Bergoglio's propaganda machine is going full bore. First, he knocked off his precessor, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, merely for publishing an article upholding the Catholic teaching against a non-celibate clergy. On January 16, 2020, he had a professor at a Newchurch university in the Newpope's native Argentina fired because he reposted the evidence of Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, former Papal Ambassador to the United States, that questions Bergoglio's Newpapacy
Bergoglio is not only a Marxist/Modernist heretic but also a vicious dictator, who brooks no discussion of his heretical views. One only need to remember how he treated the four Newcardinals who all too courteously disagreed with his heretical 2016 document Amoris laetitia on marriage.
Prof. Maximiliano Loria reposted the evidence of Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, former Papal Ambassador to the United States, that Bergoglio has been knowingly suborning paedophile crimes among his top Newchurch clergy. Loria included Vigano's chastisement of Bergoglio for blessing pagan idols for adoration in the Vatican Gardens and inside the Basilica of St. Peter during Vatican III (aka the Amazon Synod) in October 2019. Like the four Newcardinals, Vigano has documented ?material heresies, formal heresies, idolatry, and superficiality of every kind" and stated that Bergoglio "never ceases stubbornly to humiliate the highest authority of the Church" and "violates and disfigures the Catholic faith through duplicity and lies." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, the heretic Modernist Newbishop through whom Francis-Bergoglio is working in the Laria case, Gabriel Mestre, of Mar del Plata, Argentina, has pontificated in favor of homosexual presbyters and of priestesses, even of a woman Newpope. Bergoglio has no problem with professors at Newchurch university teaching all sorts of heresy, idolatry, sacrilege, and blasphemy. Yet, like the Jewish High Priest Caiphas, he cannot bear the truth when he is told it to his face, as Our Lord Jesus Christ did. Bergoglio is a hypocrite who talks dialogue and pluralism, while in fact punishing those who engage in such activities, while he lets his guilty paedophile Newclergy criminals escape all punishment.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it permissible for a Catholic to pray at the Western Wall of the destroyed Jewish Temple at Jerusalem?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Judaism is a dead religion. First, it was spiritually overturned when Our Lord died on the cross. The veil of the temple was rent in two, and an earthquake overturned parts of the temple. Four decades later, the temple was physically destroyed in A.D. 70, while Rome was trying to put down a revolution incited by fanatical Jews. In fact, the Roman general Titus, who was later to become one of Rome's best emperors, tried to put out the fire, but the Jews themselves kept it burning, and Herod's great temple burned to the ground.
All that is left is some of the remaining stones and the part called the Western Wall, the last remaining structure of the Temple Mount (not the Temple itself). The wall was originally erected as part of the expansion of the Second Temple begun by Herod the Great, which resulted in the encasement of the natural, steep hill known to Jews and Christians as the Temple Mount. The large rectangular structure was topped by a huge flat platform, which created more space for the Temple itself and its auxiliary buildings.
We see no reason why it would be inappropriate for a Christian to pray -- outside the area used by the Jews -- to the true God, the "lapis angularis," the cornerstone of the New Covenant and of the true Catholic Faith, Whom the Jews rejected, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Further proving that Newchurch is not Catholic, St. Bede Newparish in Williamsburg, Virginia, announced on January 15, 2020, that it was going to sponsor the installation ceremony of a heretic Protestant bishopess on February 1, 2020. The equally-heretical Newchurch bishop of Richmond, Barry Knestout, backed the local Newparish and called it an "act of charity within the teachings of oecumenism" rather than the act of heresy that it in fact was. Oecumenism is the heresy concocted at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which proclaims that "we all worship the same gods" and "all religions are equally true."
Immediately following the announcement, 2,000 Newchurchers signed a petition entitled ?Stop Ordination of Female Episcopalian 'Bishop' at 'Catholic' Church." The petition quoted Pope Leo XIII, who declared that Anglican/Episcopalian orders are "absolutely null and void." Moreover, the ordination of women is invalid. Even so, the Newparish's pastor sought and received approval from Newbishop Knestout to host this event. But the rank-and-file pushback worked. After the hostility to the event grew into a national scandal, the bishopess-to-be got cold feet. Two days later she notified Newbishop Knestout that she was cancelling the Newchurch "happening." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, these days it's hard to tell which is worse: the Episcopalian sect or Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect. Yet the incident does show the power of a little pushback. The Newchurcher hypocrites, however, did not push back against the fake "New Mess" of 1969, nor are they pushing back much against Francis-Bergoglio, the paedophile supporter and embezzler of charity donations. That is why Newchurch has lost the Catholic Mass, the Catholic priesthood, and the Catholic Faith.
Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has selected a new Newbishop for Hong Kong, Peter Choy Wai-man, a Communist sympathizer of atheistic Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, but Bergoglio has not yet officially announced the appointment out of fear that Hong Kongers will riot in the streets against Bergoglio himself. In accordance with Bergoglio's 2018 sellout of Newchurch in China, it is the Communists who now have the power to propose, in essence, to appoint all Newchurch bishops in that atheistic government. Because Hong Kong is technically under Communist China's control, it appears that the Communist government selected Choy, and on January 17, 2020, Bergoglio approved the appointment of the Communist sympathizer in order to appease Dictator Xi Jinping.
Bergoglio is well aware that his appointment will rightly provoke strong pushback, possibly even riots in the streets of Hong Kong. He knows full well that his appointment will be taken as a rebuke of ongoing protests against Communist Chinese control on the island province. Choy is known to be close to the Communist Chinese government and to be an opponent of the pro-Christian, pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.
A local Newchurch source has commented that Choy's elevation is just further proof of how Bergoglio is selling Newchurchers down the river. Choy is described as a "pro-Beijing hawk" and a "sworn enemy of [Newcardinal] Zen." Joseph Zen Ze-kiun was the Newcardinal of Hong Kong 2002-2009, who has been and remains a fierce opponent of the Communist Chinese and of Bergoglio's 2018 sellout of Newchurch to the Communists. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio may be heading to another riot, like that in Osorno, Chile, when he tried to appoint a paedophile presbyter as Newbishop of that Newdiocese in 2015. The people, including top members of the Chilean government, interdicted the installation of Juan Barros Madrid, pelting him with dung and shouting profanities against him as he tried to enter the Newcathedral. Then they prevented the installation of the Barros, who had to be escorted out a side exit by police. A similar uprising occurred when Benedict-Ratzinger tried to install a former Nazi, Stanislaw Wielgus, as Primate of Poland. In addition to being heretics, the Newpopes are just bad managers, who are dragging the fake Newchurch of the New Order down to rapid oblivion.
Money donated by Newchurchers to Newvatican for charitable works has been embezzled to sponsor a 2020 New Year's Eve party in Rome featuring homosexual acts, liquor, and drugs, a so-called "rave." The property on which the rave occurred is owned by Newvatican. Not only adults, but children were present. Francis-Bergoglio's Apostolic Alimoner, or charity manager, Newcardinal Konrad Krajewski, claimed that the rave was a ?humanitarian gesture.?
In fact, the rave was described by Italian media as a ?triumph of degradation, drugs and crime" involving "queer, gay, lesbian, and transsexual" performers. Several of these immoral events have been staged with money donated by Newchurchers for charitable purposes. Yet Bergoglio has not paid the restitution to the donors for the embezzlement, as required by Catholic moral theology. Thus, Bergoglio, as knowing head of the operation, remains in a state of objective Mortal Sin. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, this incident was only one of many cases of charitable donations being embezzled by Francis-Bergoglio and his lieutenants for immoral purposes. Another recent case involved charitable funds donated by Newchurchers to Bergoglio's fake charity, Peter's Pence, to produce a film on a homosexual musician living with his paramour and featuring explicit sodomite scenes. It seems that now any Newchurcher who puts a penny into the Newchurch collection plate is an accomplice in Mortal Sin. These incidents are now too public for anyone to claim ignorance.
The Jezabel who is considered a Novus Ordo Unsaint, "Mother" Theresa of Calcutta, who ran the so-called Missionaries of Charity, appointed as "confessor" for her corrupt organization a Newjesuit presbyter, Donald McGuire, who holds the record in Newchurch for having sodomized, raped, and otherwise sexually assaulted children -- over one thousand. Now yet another victim has come forward, charging that McGuire sodomized him and raped his disabled sister over a thousand times around the world.
McGuire started assaulting the boy and his disabled sister from age 11. The boy, now a man, reveals in a lawsuit filed on December 30, 2019, made possible by a three-year suspension of the statute of limitations in California, that he was made a virtual slave of McGuire, serving as a "child valet" and being assaulted ?more than 1,000 times, in numerous states and countries.? While the boy carried McGuire's briefcase and ran errands during McGuire's sojourns to spiritual retreats throughout the United States and Europe, he endured daily assaults that included sodomy and fellatio.
McGuire was associated with Newjesuits in San Francisco, California, whence he promoted a "roving ministry" of religious retreats for wealthy Newchurchers, who coughed up large donations to the paedophile. Named as defendants in the lawsuit are the Newjesuit order in the United States and the "Black Pope, i.e., the head of the Newjesuits stationed in Newrome. It is documented that "Mother" Theresa knew about McGuire's vile crimes and that Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch deliberately covered up those crimes so as not to embarrass Theresa or Bergoglio.
The half Hindu/half Novus Ordo "Mother" Theresa, whom the Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio Novus Ordo con-anized in 2016, personally twisted the arms of Newjesuit authorities to overlook the fact that McGuire was an uncontrollable paedophile criminal. The Unsaint Theresa facilitated McGuire's "openly traveling with young boys as his companions." Theresa even rolled out her Novus Ordo "nuns" to lobby for McGuire, sacrilegiously wearing buttons on their supposedly religious habits that said: ?I support Fr. McGuire.? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, the arch-paedophile presbyter Donald McGuire went to his eternal judgment in 2017 while he was serving a 25-year federal prison sentence. He left a virtual parade of thousands of sodomized and raped boys and girls behind him. Meanwhile, "Mother" Theresa is considered a Novus Ordo "saint" by Newchurch, and Francis-Bergoglio personally perpetrated the sacrilege of so designating her. (Of course, Newchurch, a Protestantized sect fabricated at the Vatican II Anti-council [1962-1965], is not the Catholic Church and thus has no power to declare anyone a Saint.) Thus, McGuire is not the only villain in this scenario; he has accomplices in high places in Newchurch.
On January 14, 2001, Newvatican looked more like Bellevue Mental Hospital, popularly known as the Booby Hatch, than anything resembling a sane organization, let alone a religious one. As our British correspondent reported, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger co-authored a book, Che cosa ? L'uomo? Un Itinerario di Anthropologia Biblia (What Kind of Thing Is Man? A Journey of Biblical Anthropology), that hypocritically purported to stand by Apostolic Tradition on a celibate priesthood. Ratzinger admits that he did write the book, but now he wants his name taken off!
Obviously, Francis-Bergoglio got to Ratzinger. Bergoglio started the push toward a non-celibate (married) clergy at his Vatican III, aka Amazon Synod, in October 2019. Ratzinger's book undercuts Bergoglio's scheme. There is little doubt that Bergoglio, who is described as being "furious" at the Ex-Newpope, put the screws to Ratzinger, who, after all, is under virtual house arrest in the Old Newpope's Rest Home on Newvatican property. Thus, in the end, he had to dance to his puppeteer, Bergoglio.
Ratzinger was charged with "destabilizing" Bergoglio, who, we must note, is quite unstable already, as he goes around slapping women and pushing a Marxist/Modernist agenda in his fake Newchurch of the New Order. Meanwhile, Ratzinger's co-author, Newcardinal Robert Sarah, denied accusations that Ratzinger had not given his permission to be listed as a co-author -- even though he wrote the book! Said Sarah: "I solemnly affirm that Benedict XVI [Ratzinger] knew that our project would take the form of a book. I can say that we exchanged several texts to establish the corrections." Even Ratzinger's private secretary, Newarchbishop Georg Ganswein, admitted that the chapter in the main part of the book is "100 percent Benedict." On November 19, 2019, Ratzinger was sent a complete manuscript of the book, comprising the cover, the common introduction and conclusion, and the individual texts.
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Georg Ganswein, who serves as a private secretary to both, were all caught with their cassocks down to their ankles in yet another Newchurch fraud. Maybe Pontius Pilate was uncertain of the truth, but Bergoglio, Ratzinger, and Ganswein all certainly know what the truth is in this case. And that truth, like the Devil, has bit them in the posterior.
A book co-authored by the ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger (r. 2006-2013) and Newcardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the New Order Worship Congregation, purports to back celibacy for Newchurch clergy against Francis-Bergoglio's moves toward a married Newclergy. "From the Depths of Our Hearts was released on January 15, 2020. Yet here Ratzinger's screed is being denounced as hypocritical. In fact, British Newchurchers know full well that Ratzinger attempted to introduce a non-celibate Protestantized Newclergy into the Newchurch of the New Order. That attempt has fallen flat.
Ratzinger was never a traditionalist. From the beginning he was a Modernist heretic, who personally engineered some of the worst heresies into the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), specifically the Oecumenical Heresy ("we all worship the same gods," "all religions are true"). While he was Newpope, he belied the thesis of his new book by setting up in 2009 Newchurch's so-called Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, into which Protestant Anglicans from Great Britain and Protestant Episcopalians from the United States were admitted, including Protestant clergy and their Protestant congregations and allowed to use for their "liturgies" the Protestant Book of Common Prayer.
Actually, Ratzinger's purpose was not religious, but political. At the time the Anglican/Episcopalian traditionalists were breaking away from their Leftist "mainstream" organizations to form traditional churches. Ratzinger couldn't tolerate such traditionalist motives, so he set up the sham of Walsingham with its married clergy and Protestant congregations. Thus, Ratzinger allowed Anglican/Episcopalian Protestants to become Newchurchers without rejecting their heretic Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, who implemented Martin Luther's Protestant heresy and fake "liturgy" in England under the excommunicate King Henry VIII.
In other words, Protestant Anglican/Episcopalians could continue their Protestant beliefs and practices, but now the Modernist Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger would allow them to call themselves Newchurchers. Within a few years, however, Ratzinger's bubble has exploded, having devolved to a mere thousand adherents with a top-heavy married clergy of eighty.
Francis-Bergoglio is playing God again: he's rewriting the Bible through his Pontifical Biblical Commission. His latest rewrite denies that the sin which destroyed Sodom was actually sodomy. Genesis 18-19 tells the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed for their grievous wickedness, which the Fathers of the Church have traditionally associated with the sin whose name goes by the name of the city destroyed by God.
Bergoglio, however, is introducing the acceptance of sodomy into his Newchurch of the New Order -- remember his infamous "Who am I to judge?" -- so he must deal with the Biblical prohibition that led to the destruction of Sodom, a fact that his been confirmed by modern archaeology. So, Bergoglio's Newchurch has turned his back on Catholic theology in denying that the sin of Sodom was in fact sodomy. As the Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica interpreted Bergoglio's Commission: "sodomy is not to be condemned.?
Now Bergoglio's own Newpontifical Biblical Commission is trying to assert an old homophiliac theme that the sin of Sodom was not sodomy, but inhospitality. This ruse is contained in the Commission's latest book, Che cosa ? L'uomo? Un Itinerario di Anthropologia Biblia (What Kind of Thing Is Man? A Journey of Biblical Anthropology). So God, instead of destroying the city for one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution annihilates the city because its citizens committed a breach of etiquette! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, it is clear that the Marxist/Modernist heretic Francis-Bergoglio is attempting to construct a fabricated justification, contrary to clear Catholic and Apostolic teaching, to approve sodomy, paedophilia, and other grievous vices that even now consume his Newchurch of the New Order. To true Catholics there is no surprise in this. Bergoglio has been supporting sodomitic and paedophile crimes by his Newchurch clergy for years. He refuses to denounce such crimes, but quietly scuttles off any of his criminal clergy whose crimes he cannot cover up, such as the notorious Theodore McCarrick, Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., who conducted a rampage against children up and down the East Coast of the United States for decades. There is undisputed proof that Bergoglio personally was informed of McCarrick's criminality and yet chose to promote him, as he has promoted other paedophile prelates in his anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order.
The Black Hermits of Orkney island in Scotland have left the Newchurch of the New Order after declaring Francis-Bergoglio a "great heretic." In April 2019 they had signed a declaration that under Bergoglio, Catholicism is ?being transformed inexorably into [a] False Church? and that Francis-Bergoglio, "by his utterances, his behaviour, his teaching and his actions, has shown himself to be ... a great heretic." Newchurch confirmed that the Black Hermits had in fact severed their association with the New Order sect (which poses as the Catholic Church, but is most certainly not).
The Black Hermits are activists for Catholicism. They have sent mail denouncing a prominent Episcopalian priest and invading two Scottish Presbyterian services. The hermits do not accept the Vatican II Anti-council's heretical doctrine of Oecumenism ("we all worship the same gods"; "all religions are true"). In the case of Bergoglio, Fr. Stephen de Kerdrel, founder of the Black Hermits, explained that he and his hermits had broken with Newchurch only because he felt there was no other way to draw attention to Bergoglio's "outright heresies." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Tablet.]
True Catholics, as a result of the Black Hermits' declaration on Bergoglio's heresies, vocations to the hermit community have skyrocketed. In fact, every time a traditional Catholic leader has stepped forth, many have followed. The best example was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the original traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). For two decades true Catholics flocked to his churches, chapels, and oratories. He had even Newvatican and its Newpopes dancing to his tune because he would not compromise the traditional Catholic Faith. Now his successors, Bernie Fellay and Davide Pagliarani, who after the Archbishop's death created a Neo-SSPX that desires to sell out to the heretical Newchurch and its Newpopes, rush off like little children to Newrome whenever their papa summons them.
The real story about what was behind Francis-Bergoglio's slapping of a Chinese Newchurcher in St. Peter's Square on December 31, 2020, has finally come out some days afterward. It turns out that the woman was actually protesting Bergoglio's 2018 sellout of Newchurch in China to the atheistic, totalitarian Communist government there, which has been killing Newclergy and closing down Christian churches in a Great Persecution, after the Marxist/Modernist Bergoglio entered into a deal with the Communists in September 2018.
The woman railed at him: "Wait! Wait! Look out for the Chinese people. They are losing the faith." It was after these words that Bergoglio became furious and slapped the woman. She had revealed the truth to the world about Bergoglio's sellout of Chinese Newchurchers. Under the Bergoglian sellout Newchurch clergy and laity must join the Communist-run "Patriotic" Church Association. Bergoglio also gave in to the Communist government's demands that the government should henceforth appoint Newchurch bishops. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is not interested in Chinese Newchurchers. As a Marxist himself, he was only too happy to place the Chinese Newchurch into the hands of the murderous Communists. Actually, the sellout began with the "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla and continued under the "Nazi" Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. In fact, Bergoglio's slap of the woman was a slap in the fact to the millions of Chinese Newchurchers whom he sold out. And, like the Chinese Newchurcher whom he slapped, the Chinese now know the truth about the Communist Newpope.
A "charitable" foundation that funds the enterprises of Francis-Bergoglio is being investigated by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Manhattan, New York District Attorney's Office for complicity in the sex crimes of the disgraced Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., Theodore McCarrick. The Papal Foundation, as it is called, once had McCarrick on its Board of Trustees. Foundation staff members are actively being questioned by the top U.S. investigative body. One staff member interviewed by the FBI said: ?There?s no question at the foundation [of McCarrick abusing funds]."
McCarrick was recently revealed to have operated a slush fund posing as a "private charity," which funneled payoffs to Newpopes JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio. It is believed that these payoffs were in effect hush money to cover up McCarrick's sex crimes up and down the East Coast of the United States against children and young Newseminarian. Recently as well, Bergoglio's "Peter's Pence" has been revealed to be a scam "charity," with the funds going into Newchurch pockets, not principally into charitable projects.
The Papal Foundation scam has dished out over 100,000,000 dollars as directed by Francis-Bergoglio and his Newpope predecessors. Every American Newcardinal is a member of the Board. The situation gives every evidence of being a vehicle for payoffs, hush money, and other fraudulent expenditures. One of the most recent payoffs was a 25,000,000-dollar bailout for an Italian hospital bankrupted to the tune of almost one billion dollars because of fraud and embezzlement by Bergoglio's Newcardinals. McCarrick intervened to silence opposition to the bailout and to fund the corrupt desire of Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, if a full federal and state investigation is underway, American Newchurch leaders conspiring with Francis-Bergoglio could find themselves facing prison under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. In any case, it is long past time for a complete investigation to be conducted into what the TRADITIO Network has called since 2001 "Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust." There has always been a connection between the money and the sex crimes from the Paedophile Newpopes on down through the Newcardinals, Newbishop, and presbyters.
During the entirety of his Marxist/Modernist Newpapacy, Francis-Bergoglio has been working through his Pontifical Biblical Commission to take another step closer to recognizing homosexuality/sodomy, "homosexual unions," and even "gay marriage." The Commission has now issued a new book that has been read by many as giving cover to Bergoglio to move in this direction. The title,What Is Man? An Itinerary of Biblical Anthropology, already sounds objectionable from a Catholic perspective.
The Commission admitted that its document is "designed as a launching pad for further biblical, theological, and philosophical study." There is no need for further study; the issue is settled by Sacred Scripture in both the New and Old Testaments, as the Catholic Church has consistently taught. The cat is out of the bag, so a Newvatican mouthpiece, of course, was sent out to deny the obvious conclusion. If the document were unambiguous on the point, no denial would be necessary.
True Catholics, this "plausible deniability" is the usual modus operandi of the heretical Newvatican since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). It is the same technique used by Leftist political groups, with which Francis-Bergoglio as a Marxist and Newjesuit is quite familiar. The first step is to publicize an heretical position so that people can get used to it. Gradually, that position becomes commonplace and accepted. In the interim, an empty face-saving statement is issued so that those who object to the heretical position (e.g., Novus Ordo Neocons) will be comfortable and duped into silence. In 1960, the very idea of a vulgarized "New Order" Mess to replace the Traditional Latin Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul was unthinkable, except to the worst Modernist heretics. Now Newchurchers have become comfortable with an invalid (phony) Mess, which produces no grace and offers only common bread and grape-juice like the Protestants.
Alexandre had had enough, and now there is one fewer paedophile presbyter in France. Presbyter Roger Matassoli had sexually assaulted the boy in 2019, who defended himself by giving the presbyter an ironic taste of his own medicine. He rammed a crucifix down the presbyter's throat and thus suffocated him. The presbyter assaulted both the boy and his father, and at least four other boys as young as six years of age, since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). And Newchurch knew all about the assaults, but merely shifted the criminal paedophile to another Newdiocese and kept him on the Newchurch payroll.
The victim's father had committed suicide when he learned that his son had been sexually assaulted by the same Newchurch presbyter who assaulted him. His son too attempted suicide, but then decided to exact justice directly from the rampant paedophile presbyter. Before his own suicide, the victim's father, also a victim of the presbyter, told the press that the Matassoli had "shattered a whole family." According to the victim's sister, "everyone knew, but no one took any action." The presbyter took naked photographs of himself and invited young boys to his house every Thursday. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail.]
True Catholics, Newchurch continued to pay its presbyter for ten years after the first charges of sexual assault. Now Newchurch claims that he was paid because of "ecclesiastical errors." The real "error" here is the fake Newchurch of the New Order itself and its Newpopes, who condone paedophile crimes and let off their perpetrators. The evidence is now incontrovertible that three Newpopes in particular had guilty hands in tens of thousands of these cases: the First Paedophile Newpope, JPII "The Unsaint" Wojtyla; the Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict "The Nazi" Ratzinger"; and the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis "The Marxist" Bergoglio.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
When a person sins gravely in regard to a theft committed and confesses that sin, in regard to restitution, if it isn't possible, financially speaking, to restore the money stolen, is one still then forgiven that confessed sin? Similarly, if in Confession the penitent is advised not to buy anything else until the debt is paid, and it is impossible to repay, is the sin forgiven?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The intent of restitution is necessary in justice for the sin to be forgiven. One must take all reasonable steps to make restitution, as by a payment plan. The situation would be rare in which it is truly "impossible to pay" something, even over a period of time. Obviously, in the interim, one must be able to buy goods necessary for living, but some money must be set aside, in simple justice, to restore to the victim what has been stolen from him..
In its broadest sense, the Traditional Movement is not confined just to Catholicism. Even Protestants have realized that the "mainstream" version of their sects have turned to paganism. Just as traditional Catholics have realized that the Newchurch of the New Order is not Catholic, so traditional Anglican/Episcopalians realized over a decade ago that the "mainstream" version of their sect, which embraces homosexuality, lesbianism, divorce, abortion, and priestesses, had gone pagan. Thus, they renounced the "mainstream" Anglican/Episcopalian sect and founded the (traditional) Anglican Catholic Church and other such groups.
Now the United Methodist Church, the largest mainline Protestant denomination in the United States, has announced that it is no longer united. Traditional Methodists have rejected the "gay" mainstream version of their sect, and now plan in May 2020 to found a Traditional Methodist Church after a years-long, contentious fight over "gay marriage." About half of American Methodists share the traditional doctrine with the African Methodists, who oppose homosexuality and "gay marriage" as contrary to Scripture, just as traditional Catholics do, but not many in the New Order sect under the control of Newrome and its Newpopes do. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, in June 2019 the worldwide Methodist conference was expected to adopt either local control or full-blown support of "gay marriage." Instead, the option called the ?Traditional Plan? was adopted, which provided for not only a continued ban on "gay marriage" but also harsher penalties for those clergy who disobey church doctrine. Traditional Catholics should be aware that they have been instrumental in encouraging the return of even Protestants to the most central doctrines of Christianity. Traditional Catholics are the true evangelists.
How silly can Newchurch get? Apparently, there is no end. Newchurch is so drowned in evils: heresies, idolatries, blasphemies, sacrileges, embezzlement, and paedohile crimes by its Newclergy that nothing can help it any more. It is simply not the Catholic Church and has no sacramental power.
Recently a silly presbyter (Newchurch has not ordained priests or consecrated bishops since 1968, when it adopted the Protestantized Ordinal of 1968, which merely installs presbyter-ministers) attempted fruitlessly to "bless" a Louisiana town by dumping 400 litres of "Unholy Water" on it from a crop-dusting aeroplane. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.]
True Catholics, being the equivalent of a Protestant minister, the presbyter of the Newchurch of St. Anne of the Cow had no sacramental power to bless anything. Thus, the fake blessing was simple superstition and blasphemy, which had no effect, any more than it would have if a Methodist minister had attempted the sacrilege. Remember: the Newchurch of the New Order is not Catholic, has no sacramental power, cannot confer any grace. It is a fraud that any true Catholic must completely shun.
A December 27, 2019, analysis by the Associated Press has discovered that more than 900 sex criminals among the Newchurch clergy in the United States were missing from lists released by the Newdioceses and religious orders where they served. The names of 400 more sex criminals have not been reported because those Newdiocese refuse to release lists. These Newchurch sex criminals, all, of course, ultimately reporting to the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, engaged crimes such as rape and child pornography.
Anne Burke, now chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, was part of Newchurch's scam of a "National Review Board," upon whose recommendations the Bergoglio regime never followed up. Says Burke: That was the final nail in the coffin as far as we were concerned in terms of the bishops ever being able to pull themselves away ? from the bureaucracy and be transparent." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is not really interested in addressing Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. He is simply perpetrating a propaganda hoax to lead people to believe that Newchurch is coming clean when it is not. Meanwhile, Newvatican is being overwhelmed by over 1,000 new cases of sex crimes perpetrated by Newchurch clergy against children in 2019, yet Bergoglio has cut the investigative office's budget. Thus, the Newchurch Holocaust is continuing to rage out of control.
More evidence is piling up that Newchurch rushed into con-anizing JPII-Wojtyla, the First Paedophile Newpope, who, it turns out, led the paedophile crimes in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. On December 23, 2019, more evidence came out that Wojtyla's "favorite," whom he publicly praised, preferred, and blessed, Newchurch presbyter Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, sexually tortured at least sixty boys and girls, including his own illegitimate children. He even introduced his illegitimate children personally to Wojtyla at an audience in Newrome.
While Newpope JPII-Wojtyla was alive, Newvatican denied all of the public reports that Maciel had sexually attacked numerous children, some as young as 11. Now, however, Maciel's order (Marciel himself having died in 2008) has now contradicted the Newpope's lies and has publicly admitted that its founder was thoroughly perverted. Not only did Maciel assault the children, he had illegitimate children with two women whom he also assaulted.
In addition to Maciel's own record, at least 108 presbyters and Newseminarians in the order assaulted at least 115 other children. 43 percent of these presbyters were in positions of authority in the order. Although Marciel's Legionaries organization was exposed as rotten to the core, Benedict-Ratzinger, the Second Paedophile Newpope, refused to dissolve it, as Pope Clement XIV did the Jesuits in 1773. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
True Catholics, Marciel Marciel, Newchurch's beloved, was a druggie, who ran the Legionaries like a cult, with rules forbidding any criticism or questioning of his motives. Maciel gave huge contributions to JPII-Wojtyla as hush money to keep his sex crimes secret and unpunished. As reports continue to come out, Wojtyla appears to be one of the most corrupt (New)popes in the history of the Church -- and certainly no "saint."
The Neo-SSPX of Bernie Fellay and Davide Pagliarani is reaping the poisoned fruits of its ongoing sellout to Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order. The Neo-SSPX had previously been granted "permission" to stage its New Latin Mess of 1962 in the Newarchdiocese of Saragossa, Spain. That "permission" recently ran out, so the Neo-SSPX applied for a renewal. The Newarchbishop of Saragossa, Vincente Zamora, replied that he had known nothing about the permission and denied any extension to the Neo-SSPX.
The question has naturally arisen why the Neo-SSPX even asked for permission from a Newchurch bishop. The whole point of the original traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X under Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was to refuse to obey Newchurch and its heretic prelates. When Bernie Fellay took over the SSPX in 1994 and converted into a new organization, the Neo-SSPX turned its back on the Archbishop's founding principles and has gradually been attaching itself to the heretic New Order sect in Newrome -- what the Archbishop called the fake "Conciliar Rome."
A second question has arisen: how many other Neo-SSPX superiors are seeking "permission" for such Messes? Is this a new policy concocted by Fellay and his puppet Superior General, Davide Pagliarani? Meanwhile, Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch itself is morphing from a Protestant sect into a pagan one as the process continues. In the end, Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters will find that they are members of a pagan cult, but it will then be hard to extract themselves from the Novus Ordo, as they will be dependent on it, and they will have made known their adherence to it. They will not want to admit how foolish they have been!
If you thought that paganism had passed from Francis-Bergoglio's Marxist/Modernist regime, think again. On December 14, 2019, at Newvatican's Christmas Concert in the Newpapal Audience Hall, Newcardinals and Newbishops seated in the front row crossed their arms over their chests to worship the vengeful pagan Earth Goddess of the Amazon, Pachamama. Bergoglio had outraged even his own Newchurchers when he blessed a Pachamama idol in the Vatican Gardens on October 6, 2019, to kick off his Vatican III Anti-council (aka Amazon Synod). So irate were two young Newchurchers that they purloined the idol and threw it into Rome's Tiber River, for which act they received millions of expressions of support from around the world.
At the concert a woman droned on about the attributes of the pagan goddess Pachamama, who appears to be a resurrection of the pagan Goddess Gaia, whom many of those associated with the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) worshipped. The woman presumed to teach the Newcardinals and Newbishops to "feel the spirit that allow you to hear the message of Mother Earth." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Christian.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's heretical Newchurch was not talking about Our Lord Jesus Christ and his Incarnation celebrated on December 25, but about a pagan Earth Goddess to replace Him. And Newchurch cardinals and bishops went right along with the idolatry Bergoglio is quickly ramping up his campaign to destroy any remnant of the Christian Faith and to replace it with silly pagan mumbo-jumbo before even his Newchurchers get so fed up with him that they throw him into the Tiber, as the Romans did an earlier pope.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest conducts a "Latin Mass" in my area. Before a sermon the priest removes his maniple and chasuble and wears his biretta. What is the significance of this action? I was told two things: (1) it represents the stripping of Our Lord's clothes from Him on the way to the Crucifixion; and (2) it is a symbol of humility and being an "ordinary" person when addressing the faithful. These explanations don't seem quite right to me. Can you explain the significance of this action?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
First of all, let us make clear that the Institute is not a traditionial Catholic organization, but is associated with the Newchurch of the New Order. One must be careful about the term "Latin Mass," which can describe anything from the invalid (fake) Novus Ordo Mess to the fully Traditional Latin Mass before all the unCatholic changes gradually introduced in the 1950s and 1960s by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, head of the "Reform Commission," to culminate in the invalid (fake) full-blown Protestant/Masonic/Pagan New Mess of 1969.
The Institute does not use the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Half Novus Ordo New Latin Mess of 1962. In itself, the 1962 Mess may barely be valid, but it is being celebrated not by priests, but by presbyters (Protestantized ministers) "installed" by invalid (fake) Novus Ordo Newbishops. The Newchurch of the New Order has not since 1968 ordained priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead," when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. The New Ordinal merely "installs" in the Protestant fashion "presbyters to preside over the assembly of the people" for the invalid (fake) New Mess.
Now to answer your question, a traditional Catholic priest removes his maniple and chasuble (usually the maniple only for reasons of convenience) because these two vestments are properly Mass vestments. The sermon is not part of the Mass, but in fact an interruption of it. That is why there are no rubrics in the Missale Romanum for it, why the priest leaves the altar to deliver it, and why the sermon is normally given in a vulgar tongue rather than the sacred Latin language. Therefore, it is not proper to wear during a sermon these vestments specific to celebrating Mass. The amice, alb, and cincture, and stole are not specifically Mass vestments.
Many now think that the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio is a fraudulent pope, so the 69-year-old gentleman who appeared on Christmas Eve 2019 at the gates of Newvatican looking like a dead ringer of Bergoglio in a white cassock was no more fraudulent. Perhaps that was the gentleman's point.
The gentleman announced himself: "Sono il papa," I am the pope. The gentleman was one of those whom Bergoglio claims he cares for, a poor, elderly pensioner. Perhaps he was mentally compromised. No matter. Bergoglio's regime, which lets its rampant paedophile Newclergy off without as much as a slap on the hand, sentenced the unfortunate man to three months in the Hell Hole that is Newvatican's prison.
This is the same "dungeon" where Benedict-Ratzinger imprisoned his friend and aide de camp of many years, Paolo Gabriele, who told the press God's truth about Ratzinger's all-encompassing cover-up of rampant paedophile crimes under his aegis. Gabriele said that his cell was so small that when standing, he could barely stretch out his arms. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Il Messagero.]
True Catholics, like all Leftists, Francis-Bergoglio has no real compassion, and certainly no sense of humor. He could easily have let the gentleman go -- he wasn't sodomizing children after all. But, no, the hypocritical Bergoglio, who claims to love the poor and elderly, quickly found a Newvatican "dungeon" for the gentleman. Bergoglio knows that there are many who consider him not to be a valid pope. Perhaps the gentleman got too close to God's truth -- and Bergoglio made him pay for it with vengeance.