April 2020

TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network, including the Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses
Directory Front Cover

For answers to many questions, consult the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.

For information about the protocol for sending messages to the TRADITIO Fathers, click on Ask the Fathers. First, here are some hints for locating items that have already been covered. The TRADITIO Network has the most varied and extensive repository of traditional Catholicism, collected over the 20 years of our existence on the internet, the longest of any traditional site. (1) Check the 16 departments listed in the TRADITIO Network's Web Site Map on our home page, www.traditio.com. (2) Check the 14 FAQs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, which answers your most common questions. (3) Use the Search engine on the TRADITIO Network's home page, www.traditio.com.

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The TRADITIO Network has been informed by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses that the new April 2020 Revised Edition of the 25th Annual Edition (2020) of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America has been published. For further information, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses. The annual use fee is now due for those who wish to use the new 2020 Original Edition and its monthly Revised Editions. Site representatives, be sure to check your traditional site's listing for correctness.


The TRADITIO Network recommends the Gregorian chant recordings of the St. John Schola, which is recording a CD series consisting of live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels. It makes no pretense to being professional, but to what is achievable, with a little work, by the average small lay choir. The hope is that this series will serve as a practical guide for the wider use of Gregorian chant in the traditional Roman Catholic liturgy. For ordering and descriptive information on the CD series, click on A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant. This month's featured Gregorian Chant CD is: APRIL: 4TH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER (VOLUME VI).

St. John Schola Volume VI


The TRADITIO Network has now been furnishing information about all facets of traditional Roman Catholicism, answering questions both privately and publicly, for over 25 years now, longer than any other traditional site on the Internet. When we started, even the Vatican site didn't exist! We wish that we could show you all of the personal letters we have received from troubled souls who have found here clear, traditional, and honest answers to their questions, free of organizational bias. Thousands of these have reverted or converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith as a result. Our work has always been done free of charge, but at this time of year, we like to remind you, particularly if you have benefited personally from the TRADITIO Network, to remember to make a donation to TRADITIO as part of your almsgiving at this time of year. You may most easily make a donation to TRADITIO's work by using the convenient Make a Donation box on this page.


St. John Schola Volume IX
It is most unfortunate that many traditional Catholics do not have access to the Solemn Rites of Holy Week and Easter in the fully-traditional rites before they were "modernized" in 1956. Even some of the so-called "traditional" groups scandalously use the "modernized" version instead of the traditional rites going back to the early Church. Fortunately, the St. John Schola has made available to the traditional Catholic faithful these significant rites on CD. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department for Volume IX of that Gregorian schola's recordings of Holy Week and Easter. For you traditional Catholics who do not have the opportunity to attend these singular rites in person, at least you can participate in them spiritually through these recordings. Do not lose the opportunity. These rites are an essential part of your traditional Catholic Faith.


These three days -- Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday -- are the most sacred in the entire liturgical year. For this 72-hour period, the Church, and we, meditate upon the truths most central to our Roman Catholic Faith: the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord. The drama of these days is transfixing as we hear the various Evangelists' versions of the treachery of the Church establishment (Annas, Caiphas, the Sanhedrin), the abandonment of Christ by the first pope (the three denials of Peter) and the Apostles, the Faith beginning to touch the Gentiles (Pontius Pilate, the centurion Longinus), and the small number who stood by Christ in the end (the Marys and St. John). The liturgy of these days is the most ancient in the Church. Much is preserved from the very time of the Apostles, including the use of Greek in the Good Friday service. Up until a few hundred years ago, these were Holydays of Obligation, and no Catholic would think to miss them. Traditional Catholics should make even heroic efforts to be present at these solemn rites of Holy Week, in their traditional Catholic Latin form, the ancient form that existed before 1956. Those who do not have access to the traditional Latin rites should take ample time during this period to read the solemn rites in their missals, listen to the marvelous chant appointed for these days available on recordings, perform the Via Crucis, read the Passions in Scripture, review the Imitation of Christ, and engage in other such practices.

April 30, 2020 - St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin
Double Feast

Once-Catholic Poles Fabricate a Video "Game"
In Which Every Individual Can Make Himself Newpope

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Pope Simulator

"Pope Simulator," a New Video Game
Purports to Make Every Individual His Own Newpope
The Newchuurch of the New Order
Founded on November 21, 1964
At the Vatican II Anti-council
Has So Trivialized the Newpapacy
Newchurch's Newpopes Are Neither Ordained as Priests
Nor Consecrated as Bishops
Under the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders
Since the New Ordinal of 1968
Newchurch Presbyters and Newbishops Are Fakes

The Newchurch of the New Order, founded on November 21, 1964, at the Vatican II Anti-council, has so trivialized the papacy by installing Newpopes, who are neither ordained as priests nor consecrated as bishops under in the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, that now even the Newpopes are being replaced in a "make-yourself-pope" video game, called "Pope [sic] Simulator," in which the individual dresses himself in papal vestments, chooses a coat of arms, and gives phony "blessings."

The video game is "coming soon" from once-Catholic Poland. A preview of the software is available now. The individual will do what Modernist/Marxist Newpopes do: perpetrate financial schemes, interfere in international politics, meet with corrupt political leaders, and peddle Newvatican influence around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail.]

True Catholics, one could imagine a video in which true Catholic theology is taught and practiced, but Newchurch has so corrupted its Newpapacy that the Newpapal office has become nothing more than a game. Francis-Bergoglio, the current Communist Newpope, and his predecessor "Unsaint" JP-Wojtyla, who interfered in Polish secular politics, are perfect models for the fake Newpapacy.


A Reader Asks: "When the Spanish Flu Pandemic Struck in 1918
Did the Catholic Church Quickly Close Down Its Churches and Masses?"

From: Carolyn
Churches Closed

Catholic Churches Were Closed for up to Five Months
During the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic
The Hierarchy Supported the Public-Health Emergency Orders
And the Few Scofflaw Priests Were Apprehended
And Their Churches Barred Shut
From October 1918 to February 1919 in the United States
Essentially No Masses Were Celebrated around the Country

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Some people think that Catholic churches were closed too quickly in response to the Chinese Virus pandemic. When the Spanish Flu pandemic struck in 1918, did the Catholic Church close down its churches and Masses in accordance with civil orders to stop the spread of the deadly virus? I have seen a documentary that mentioned that churches were in fact closed then.


Yes, Catholic churches were closed for up to five months during the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic. The hierarchy supported the public-health emergency orders, and the few scofflaw priests were apprehended, and their churches barred shut. From October 1918 to February 1919 in the United States, for instance,, essentially no Masses were celebrated around the country.. Catholic pastors said that the closure orders would be followed "to the letter." One priest addressed his congregation as follows:

A situation unprecedented in the history of our state presents itself to you today. By order of the civil authorities, and by the advice of your religious leaders, you will not assemble, as you were wont to assemble on Sundays, in your various Catholic churches to assist at Holy Mass. That you may have some words of uplift and cheer, you are for the first time in your lives deprived of the opportunity of hearing Mass on Sunday, and you will, I trust from this very circumstance, appreciate more thoroughly what Holy Mass is for the Catholics....
The Mass, the unutterable sweetness of the Mass. Nothing human could draw, but the Mass is the God-given sacrifice offered the Creator, it is Holy Thursday come down and Calvary made present today. Mass is God really and truly present on our Catholic altars, a living unbloody victim offered again for the sins of men, offered, too, in thanksgiving for all the wondrous graces that unceasing flow from God’s great mercy throne on high....
Ah, brethren, let us today reflect on the meaning and the history of that great sacrifice at which we may not assist, a sacrifice that links us with the saints and sages of every age from Christ’s time till now, and let us beg God in his mercy to remove from us that sickness that keeps us deprived of the great sacrifice, so that soon we may again with glad, worshipful hearts, meet in our churches and assist in offering to the All High that clean oblation, seen by the prophet Malachy in vision, that sacrifice that is offered in every place from the rising to the set of sun [verse 11 of chapter 1 of the prophet Malachias has traditionally been understood as referring to Christ's sacrifice as perpetuated through Holy Mass.]

April 28, 2020 - St. Paul of the Cross, Confessor
Double Feast

Newchurch Is Gradually Sinking to Nothingness
As Francis-Bergoglio's Programme of Gradually Abolishing What Little Is Left of Catholicism Is Completed

From: Petrus, The TRADITIO Network's Roman Correspondent
 Newchurch Sinking

Newchurch Is Sinking into Nothingness
As Bergoglio's Programme of Gradually Abolishing
What Little Is Left of Catholicism Is Completed
The New Mess and the Newchurch Are Themselves
Headed for the Dustbin of History
Nobody Really Wants Newchurch's Pathetic and Boring
Novus Ordo Protestantized "Liturgy"
Newchurch Is Already Having to Close Down
Its Temples One by One
But Have Faith: The Fully Traditional Latin Mass
Will Survive because Quality and Truth Will out in the End

If Francis-Bergoglio, as is reportedly even now being engineered in Newrome, abolishes the 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum and withdraws permission for the New Latin Mass of 1962, that half Novus Ordo Vatican II 1962 Mess will presumably revert to the status given to it in 1984 and 1988 by JPII-Wojtyla. In a nutshell, that means that the local bishop will be able to abolish it at will in his territory. Because Bergoglio is quickly filling the Newdioceses with his Communist fellow-travellers and because the vast majority of Newbishops hate anything that is at all suggestive of the Traditional Latin Mass, it doesn't take much imagination to see where that action will lead. Bergoglio's programme of gradually abolishing what little is left of Catholicism from is completed.

Bergoglio's problem is that the New Mess and his Newchurch are themselves headed for the dustbin of history. Nobody really wants Newchurch's pathetic and boring :Novus Ordo Protestantized "liturgy." Newchurch is already having to close down its temples one by one. But, have faith: the fully Traditional Latin Mass will survive because quality and truth will out in the end. The solution is simple: let the Newchurch gradually sink to nothingness, so that traditional Catholic bishops, priests, and people can restore the true Church.

April 27, 2020 - St. Peter Canisius, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

The New Latin Mass of 1962 Is on Track to Be Abolished
Francis-Bergoglio Has Now Started the Official Process of Review

From: Petrus Romanus, the TRADITIO Network's Roman Correspondent
New Latin Mess

More Signs that the New Latin Mess of 1962
Sometimes Erroneously Termed the "Extraordinary Mess"
Will Soon Be Abolished
Francis-Bergoglio Has Started the Official Process of Review
By Newchurch Bishops, Most of Whom Are Opposed
To the Use of This Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess
They Want only the Full-blown New Mess of 1970

Francis-Bergoglio has now taken a major new step in his campaign to suppress the New Latin Mess of 1962 (sometimes erroneously termed the "Extraordinary Mess") and the 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum that purports to give it some limited permission. At the outset let us make clear that this Mess is not the Traditional Latin Mass and, furthermore, is simulated in Newchurch by non-ordained presbyters (not priests). Thus, it is invalid, a fake Mess, just like a Protestant service.

Bergoglio has now sent two letters to all the Newbishops of the world pertaining to Summorum Pontificum to ask a number of obviously-loaded questions. The character of the questions is designed to produce a pretext for withdrawing the document and its permissions for the New Latin Mess. The Newbishops are directed to respond to the questionnaire of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith by July 31, 2020. This is the modus operandi of Bergoglio, as seen in his numerous "commissions" sent to shut down pseudo-traditionalist religious orders and societies.

Of course, Bergoglio does not need this questionnaire, and nobody in Newvatican will read the Newbishops' responses, which are expected to be almost universally hostile to the 1962 Mess. The purpose of the questionnaire is only to provide the excuse that, "after careful consultation" with all the parties concerned, Bergoglio has come to the conclusion that the 1962 New Latin Mess has not been widely or well received and that, therefore, the document and its permissions have been abolished.

The abolition of 1962 New Latin Mess may come into effect this Advent or Advent of 2021. Then the pseudo-traditionalists will have to convert their 1962 Messes into full-blown 1969 Novus Ordo Messes, what Newchurch of the New Order calls the "Ordinary Mess," i.e., the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess.

April 26, 2020 - Second Sunday after Easter
Semidouble Feast

Neo-SSPX Responds to Internet Article "SSPX: Sympathetic to Perverts"
By Vilifying the Authoress while Essentially Admitting Her Charges

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The Neo-SSPX Is in Deep Trouble Again
An Article Was Released on April 22, 2020
Which the Authoress Entitled
"Spotlight -- SSPX: 'Sympathetic to Perverts'"
The Neo-SSPX Immediately Issued a Press Release
Attempting to Defend Itself against the Charges
But the Press Release Essentially Admitted the Charges
Stating: "The [Neo-]SSPX Does Not Deny
That there Have Been Serious and Tragic
Individual Cases of Abuse Committed
By a Discrete Number of Clergy and Employees"

Finally admitting to reports that have been swirling for years that the [Neo-]SSPX has had to deal with paedophiles among its clergy, the Neo-SSPX USA issued a press release on April 22, 2020, to respond to an article published that same day on the internet entitled "Spotlight -- SSPX: 'Sympathetic to Perverts.'" The Neo-SSPX in its press released admitted that the article "took private internal correspondence, which was accidentally sent" to the authoress of the article.

The Neo-SSPX press release attempted to defend itself against the internet article, which charged that the Neo-SSPX has nurtured a "culture of cover-ups regarding sexual abuse and immorality within the Society." True to its modus operandi under Bernie Fellay's regime since 1994 (and now his protege, Davide Pagnliarani), the press release is filled with paragraphs viciously attacking the authoress of the article, claiming that she relied on "hearsay, conjecture, and factual misstatements -- the standard defense of the Neo-SSPX against any and all charges against it.

If one reads further down in the press release, the Neo-SSPX states: "Justice and charity demand that the Society not disclose publicly the nature of any investigations." It appears, however, that the Neo-SSPX's vaunted "charity" does not extend to the authoress of the article, who was vilified with every vile epithet that the Neo-SSPX had at its disposal.

The clincher in the Neo-SSPX's own press release is the admission that the Society has for "decades" had cases of "abuse," presumably sexual abuse of children, "including the U.S. District" and "in Belgium." The press release states: "The [Neo-]SSPX does not deny that there have been serious and tragic individual cases of abuse committed by a discrete number of clergy and employees." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the [Neo-]Society of St. Pius X.]

True Catholics, it appears that the Neo-SSPX, in attempting to defend itself, has essentially admitted the charges of the authoress against the Society. That fact, together with the vilifying language in the press release against the person of the authoress, is completely typical of the duplicitous morality of the Neo-SSPX under Bernie Fellay, but not of the original SSPX under its late founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who was universally known for his gentlemanliness.


On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the New Age "Earth Day" Movement
Francis-Bergoglio Invokes the Pagan Goddess of Nature to Forgive Sins

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Pachamama Idol

Francis-Bergoglio Worships
The Nude Fertility Goddess Pachamama
With His Newcardinals
In the Vatican Gardens on October 5, 2020
Bergoglio Went on to "Bless" the Pagan Idol
While One Newcardinal Worshipped
The Idol with a Deep Bow
Bergoglio Has Now Invoked
The Pagan Goddess of Nature
On the Fiftieth Anniversary
Of the Leftist "Earth Day" Movement

On April 22, 2020, the fiftieth anniversary of "Earth Day," associated with the pagan New Age Movement called "Environmentalism," the Marxist/Modernist/Pagan Newpope Francis-Bergoglio invoked not the true God of the Universe, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, but the pagan Earth Goddess. Bergoglio preached that Nature will not forgive our trespasses, including his fabricated list of "ecological sins." Yet it is not some abstract pagan goddess of nature, but the true God to Whom one must turn for forgiveness. Bergoglio already wrote a paean to the pagan Goddess of Nature in his Encyclical Letter of May 24, 2015, entitled Laudato si'.

Bergoglio, exposing his Communist roots, went on to praise the Leftist political movement known as "Environmentalism" and encouraged "young people to take to the streets." "Environmentalism" is now wedded to the even more highly-politicized "Green Movement," which has financed and sponsored such street protests that already have turned violent in France, the United States, and other countries.

With his pagan mentality, Bergoglio stirred recollections of the Pachamama fiasco in October 2019, when he "blessed" an idol of the nude fertility goddess of the Amazon in the Vatican Gardens and then installed the idol in St. Peter's Basilica. Even Newchurchers were so offended at Bergoglio's paganism that two of them stealthily absconded with the idol under cover of darkness and tossed it into the depths of the Tiber River. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Reuters News Service.]

True Catholiics, Francis-Bergoglio continues to expose himself as a pagan, a Communist, and a member of the New Age movement and a worshipper of the Pachamama Goddess. The sins that offend him are his own fabricated "ecological sins," not the sins that offend God, of which he is publicly guilty: heresy, sacrilege, idolatry, and apostasy. Conservation is prudent and in accord with Biblical and Catholic teaching. "Environmentalism" is a pagan Leftist political movement that worships with violence Nature as its Supreme Goddess.

April 24, 2020 - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr
Double Feast

President of Newchurch EWTN Cable Network Sees Chinese Virus
As God's Chastisement for Newchurch's "Irreverence and Gross Sins"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Dan Burke

Dan Burke, President of the Apostate Newchurch's
EWTN Cable Network
Came Back from the Chinese Virus
With a Jot of Religion
He Thinks that Newchurch Is Being Chastised by God
For Its Irreverence and Gross Sins
He Thinks that Receiving the Novus Ordo Cookie
In the Hand is Sacrilegious
But He Is Blind to the Fact It Is No Sacrament
But the Product of a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Non-Mass
And Newchurch's Non-ordained (Fake) Protestant Clergy

Dan Burke, President of Newchurch's EWTN Cable Network, came close to death from the Chinese virus and as a result got a jot of religion. He made a public statement on April 9, 2020, that the virus was God's chastisement of Newchurch for its "irreverence and gross sins." He admitted that Newchurch had perpetrated sacrilege and irreverence at the New Order Mess and had not kept Sunday holy. What he still doesn't understand, however, is that the Mess is not the Catholic Mass, but a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan knockoff that is invalid (fake). He wants to restore "communion" on the tongue for "reverence," but he doesn't realize that what Newchuch has is no more "communion" than the Protestants have. It is no more than cookies and Kool-Aid.

The EWTN Cable Network that Burke headed is a virulent propaganda arm of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which shovels out the fake (invalid) New Mess with its Protestant cookies and Kool-Aid. Although Burke is no longer president of the network, he continues to host a program on the network. Moreover, Burke made it clear that he doesn't even go to the New Latin Mess of 1962, which is a ploy of Newchurch to keep Neocon Newchurchers associated with the apostate Newchurch and its unordained (fake) presbyters by throwing in a little Latin. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]

True Catholics, Burke may have gotten half the story correct. The Newchurch of the New Order is irreverent and sacrilegious. But, like many clueless Neocon Newchurchers, Burke misses the logical moral consequence: he needs to get out of the apostate Newchurch and have nothing further to do with it. But then he would have to give up his position and his program. Like the rich lawyer whom Christ invited to leave everything and join Him, Burke cannot give up his lucrative association with the fraud of Newchurch.

April 23, 2020 - St. George, Martyr
Double Feast

Newcardinal Blase Cupich Joins His Fellow Apostate
Francis-Bergoglio In Worshipping a Pagan Idol

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

French Baroque Painter Nicholas Poussin's Depiction
Of “The Adoration of the Golden Calf” (1633-4)
Exodus Tells Us that God Grievously Punished the Jews
For Worshipping This Idol
Now Newcardinal Blase Cupich Has Followed
His Apostate Newpope, Who Worshipped the Pagan
Pachamama Fertility Goddess in Newvatican
Cupich Publicaly Blessed and Worshipped
A Pagan Chinese Idol
In Front of a Group of Newchurch High-schoolers
Even Now Newchurch and Its Adherents Are Suffering
The Consequences of Their Own Idolatry

Francis-Bergoglio worshipped a pagan fertility goddess, Pachamama, and blasphemously installed her in St. Peter's Archbasilica. Now Bergoglio's bosom buddy, Blase Cupich, Newcardinal of Chicago, Illinois, blessed in his Novus Ordo "sanctuary" a pagan Chinese lion idol on January 7, 2020, before impressionable children at his Newchurch high school. Part of the pagan ritual simulated by Cupich consists in offering food and incense to the idol. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]

After performing the blasphemous blessing and the pagan ritual, Cupich offered a "prayer" to the idol:

Good fortune upon your head, miraculous light glittering to your eyes, your ears capturing sounds from all directions. May the most favorable auspicious big fortune and great profit be to you throughout the whole year, from the beginning all the way to the end.

True Catholics, we used to say that the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes were Protestants. Under Francis-Bergoglio, however, Newchurch has become even worse than that: it has become downright pagan. The apostate Bergoglio and now his lieutenant Cupich are publicly engaging in worship of idols. Such actions are a grave violation of the First Commandment of God: "Ego sum Dominus Deus tuus: non habebis deos alios coram me [I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me]. Just as God grievously punished the Jews for worshipping the golden calf, so Newchurch and its adherents are even now suffering the consequences of their own idolatry.

April 22, 2020 - Sts. Soter & Caius, Popes & Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Head of the Protestant World Council of Churches Outs
The Heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio as a Protestant

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Olav Tviet & Francis-Bergoglio

Francis-Bergoglio, the Heretic Newpope
Worships in Public with Olav Tviet (Left)
Head of the Protestant World Council of Churches
Tviet Outed Bergoglio as a Protestant
Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order
Is Based on Protestant Theology
And on Heretical and Invalid (Fake)
Protestant Worship Services

There is no question that by his public acts and statements, Francis-Bergoglio is already a Protestant. He despises and persecutes anything Catholic and identifies with heretical Protestantism, especially the extremist Evangelicals. One of his favorites is the Evangelical fraud Joel Osteen, who has essentially no training (he simply took over his monied megachurch from his father), who does not carry a Bible, and who preaches, at best, a completely watered-down Christianity known as the "prosperity gospel," in which there is no sin, and all followers go directly to Heaven. Even mainline Protestants disavow Osteen, whereas Bergoglio freely associates with him, even in Newvatican.

Lutheran Olav Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, an heretical oecumenical group of partial and pseudo- Christians, in an interview on June 21, 2020, admitted that Bergoglio is one of them, buying into the WCC's mission statement to “seek visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship.” Bergoglio even went to the Oecumenical Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2018 to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the WCC. It is widely reported that Bergoglio wants Newchurch to join the WCC formally. It now has only partial representation.

True Catholics and heretical Protestants, including members of the Protestant Newchurch of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) do not share "one faith" and do not have "one eucharistic fellowship." The heresy of Oecumenism teaches that "all gods are equal" and that "all religions are true," including those that worship elephants and that fat squatting man. To the contrary, it is the dogma of the Catholic Church, and only logical, that there is only one true Church, and that is the Church of Jesus Christ as defined in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, which the heretical Protestants reject. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]

True Catholics, it is no surprise that Francis-Bergoglio has been outed as a Protestant. His Newchurch of the New Order is based on Protestant theology and heretical and invalid (fake) Protestant worship services. That Bergoglio loves hanging out with heretics, just as his predecessor Benedict-Ratzinger famously did, should be no surprise to anyone. As the Romans, in their pithy Latin way, put it: Noscitur a sociis, i.e., one is known by those with whom he associates, in other words, "birds of a feather flock together" -- heretics with heretics, true Catholics with true Catholics.

April 21, 2020 - St. Anselm, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Virginia Presbyter Tells the Truth about Francis-Bergoglio's Paedophile Support
He Is Removed from His Two Newparishes and Is Threatened with Defrocking

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Barry Knestout & Mark White

Presbyter Mark White Dared to Tell the Truth
Against Francis-Bergoglio's Paedophile Support
So Newbishop Barry Knestout Removed Him as Pastor
And Threatened to Defrock Him
Yet Thousands of Newchurch Presbyters and Bishops
Charged and Convicted of Sex Crimes against Children
Have Not Been Removed from Their Positions
In Any Case, White Vows that He Is Not Going Anywhere

In Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch, if you tell the truth, you lose your job and may be defrocked. That is what Presbyter Mark White found out when he dared to criticize on his web site Bergoglio's response to Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. He also criticized Barry Knestout, Newbishop of Richmond, Virginia, for his failure to respond take action against paedophile presbyters. White reported on a suit filed in December 2019 against Francis-Bergoglio and the Newarchdiocese of New Jersey by a victim of sex crimes perpetrated by Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., and the 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Investigation, which fingered hundreds of Newchurch presbyters and Newbishops for paedophile crimes.

On Easter Monday, April 13, 2020, Knestout removed White as pastor of his two Newparishes. Knestout also threatened to defrock the presbyter for speaking the truth about what is going on in Bergoglio's regime. In the words of Knestout, White, by telling the truth, was being "divisive" and "working against the unity of the [New]church." Yet thousands of Newchurch presbyters and bishops charged and convicted of sex crimes against children have not been removed from their positions. In any case, White vows that he's not going anywhere, but will stay with his Newparishes while he appeals Knestout's order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]

True Catholics, the Great Cover-up of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated. Francis-Bergoglio has built, apparently allocated from funds donated for charity, a Novus Ordo propaganda empire to suppress the truth about what a paedophile regime Bergoglio is running. Yet, with all the propaganda, Bergoglio is sinking further and further into disrepute and is now being openly called a heretic by his own officials. Bergoglio is daft if he thinks that he can suppress the truth, for as Scripture teaches: "Magna est veritas, et praevalet [Great is the truth, and it prevails] (1 Esdras 4:41).

April 20, 2020 - Ferial Day

Francis-Bergoglio Scandalizes the World
By Blasphemously Calling Whiskey "the Real Holy Water"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Scotch Whiskey

Scotch Whiskey
"The Real Holy Water"
According to Francis-Bergoglio
Who Scandalized the World
With His Blasphemy
His Own Newvatican Officials
Violated Their Agreement
By Censoring the Blasphemy
From a Documentary on Newseminaries
That Was Promised to Be Released Unedited

As a Modernist/Marxist, Francis-Bergoglio does not have the Catholic Faith. So it is not surprising that the most offiensive blasphemies should emanate from his mouth. He has already supported sodomy and abortion. Now he ridicules the Sacramentals of the Catholic Church, to which he does not belong.

On April 16, 2020, at a reception for Scottish student presbyters in Newvatican's Apostolic Palace, Bergoglio received a bottle of whiskey and proclaimed that whiskey, of which the Newpope is reportedly quite besotted, is "la vera acqua santa," the real Holy Water. So blasphemous was the statement that the Newvatican press office censored it out of the footage, even though the complete footage of the documentary had been cleared in advance of the reception. The incident occurred last year and was to be featured in a film about the Scots College in Newrome to be broadcasted on April 19, 2020. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mirror.]

True Catholics, Newvatican officials told the documentary's producer that, in spite of their agreement to broadcast the film in its entirety, they didn't want Francis-Bergoglio to be seen to be endorsing whiskey. The producer strenuously objected to Newvatican's reneging on its agreement. But we shouldn't be surprised. Bergoglio and his Newchurch officials have established a record of lying, concealment, and fraud that has shocked the conscience of the world in a way that we have not seen since the Renaissance.

April 19, 2019 - Sunday in White on the Octave of Easter / Low Sunday / Quasimodo Sunday
NOT the False "Divine Mercy" Sunday, Fabricated by Newchurch
Greater Double Feast

Traditional Catholics Reject "Divine Mercy" Sunday
Fabricated by the Cult of Heretical Newchurch "Oecumenists"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Faustina Kowalska

A Private Devotion of One Sister Faustina Kowalska
Has Been Turned by the Newchurch of the New Order
Into the Feast of "Divine Mercy"
Reeking of the Vatican II Heresy of Oecumenism:
"We All Worship the Same God," "All Religions Are Equal"
Is It Any Wonder that the "Divine Mercy" Cult in Newchurch
Has Overtaken the Great Feast of Our Lord's Resurrection
And Is Pushed in Its Invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess?

This Sunday goes by many names. The official one given in the Roman Missal is Dominica in Albis in Octava Paschae (Sunday in White on the Octave Day of Easter). Those baptized on Easter would still be wearing their white baptismal robe to Holy Mass. The day is commonly known, in English-speaking countries only, as Low Sunday, in contrast to the "High" Sunday of the Resurrection, or Easter Sunday. It is also known, as all Sundays are, by the first word(s) of its Introit, by the name Quasimodo Sunday, as we are said to be "born like (quasimodo) infants" in the waters of Baptism.

What this Sunday is not is "Divine Mercy Sunday." The cult of "Divine Mercy," which arose in Poland just before World War II, was condemned by the Church because it was suffused with the odor of heresy. In 1958 John XXIII suppressed the cult outright. By 1978 the cult had resurfaced, now clothed with the heresies of Oecumenism and Universal Salvation. The "Divine Mercy" cult, twice condemned by the Church, has no basis in traditional Catholicism. The Octave Day of a Feast, the eighth day after a great feast, as this day is the eighth day after Easter, is a significant day in itself. The great Benedictine scholar Dom Gueranger commented on this day in his monumental fifteen-volume Liturgical Year series: "Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of Greater Double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it." The Octave Day of Easter is the feast that true Catholics keep.

The "Divine Mercy" cult associated with one Sister Faustina Kowalska is false in many ways. Before the founding of the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964 to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional Church," this false cult was condemned. Most of Faustina's "diary" was concocted by her sisters after her death. The cult was suppressed, and her diary was placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, [Index of Condemned Books], so Catholics were prohibited from even reading the corrupt book. This decision was upheld by Pope John XXIII on November 28, 1958. Moreover, after Pope John XXIII's suppression of the cult, deliberate mistranslations began to be circulated that "oecumenized" the original diary, to preach the Vatican II Heresy of Oecumenism: "we all worship the same god," "all religions are equal." Faustina's original diary condemned "pagans, heretics, and schismatics." Those and similar statements were expunged by Newchurch as not "oecumenical." The "Divine Mercy" cult is strictly Novus Ordo and has no basis in traditional Catholicism.

True Catholics, is it any wonder that the "Divine Mercy" cult in Newchurch has overtaken the Great Feast of Our Lord's Resurrection (Easter) and has associated itself with the condemned cult of Charismaticism, a derivative of the Protestant heresy? Is it any wonder that the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes push this heretical cult of "Divine Mercy" in its Protestant-Masonic-Pagan invalid Mess?

April 18, 2020 - Easter Thursday
Semidouble Feast

Notre Dame Reconstruction Grinds to a Standstill
It Seems that Our Lady Wants Nothing to Do with Newchurch

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Notre Dame Burnt

An Aerial Photograph of Notre-Dame Cathedral
In Paris Shows the Extensive Damage
To Notre-Dame Cathedral
From the April 15, 2019, Conflagration
On Holy Monday
Which Prevented Sacrilegious and Fake
Novus Ordo Services
From Being Simulated There
Now Reconstruction Has Halted
And the Five-year Goal of Reconstruction
Will Be Missed, if ever Accomplished

It was as if Our Lady did not want the negligent anti-Catholic Newchurch to have anything further to do with the once-Catholic cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, which was consumed by conflagration on Monday of Holy Week, April 15, 2019. Thus, the unholy Newchurch of the New Order was prevented from simulating Holy Week rites in the invalid New Order and from thereafter simulating the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo Mess.

The first phase of the reconstruction, to secure the structure, wasn't proceeding that fast anyway. Then the Chinese Virus hit, and now reconstruction has completely stopped. If the first stage is ever completed, the second stage will put a wooden roof on the structure, so that restoration activities can begin in the third stage. The goal of completing the restoration within the five years that French President Emmanuel Macron promised has been given up. Fake Novus Ordo Messes will not be simulated there for many years, if ever. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]

True Catholics, Modernists in Newchurch and elsewhere are still trying to "modernize" the structure, just as Newchurch tried to "modernize" the true Mass and ended up destroying both it and the Catholic Faith in Newchurch. So far Our Lady seems to have, won by halting construction by the tainted hands of the New Order. If the Modernistic restoration is ever finished, it will be a corrupted work of Newchurch, not of the Catholic Church.

April 17, 2020 - Easter Friday
Semidouble Feast

A Reader Asks: "Does Genesis Really Prohibit
The Eating of Fleshmeat?"

From: Kristen
Kosher Meat

Genesis Makes It Clear
That God Has Given Man
All Things of Earth to Use
Including Animals for Eating
That Is How the Hebrews Themselves
Understood Their Scriptures
That Said, There Is Nothing in Scripture
That Requires the Eating of Fleshmeat

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

My 26-year-old daughter has decided that it is not God's intention for us to eat animals. She claims that this prohibition is stated specifically in Genesis 1. She also claims that one of the Ten Commandments prohibits killing, including the killing of animals. To the contrary, I thought that Scripture taught that we are allowed to eat fleshmeat. My daughter is currently engaged to a young man who says he's agnostic, but acts more like an atheist, so maybe her confusion is coming from him, not from her Catholic upbringing.


Your daughter seems out of her depth. No doubt she is ignorant of Biblical Hebrew, so why does she think that she is in a position to interpret the detailed meaning of those Scriptures in the way that she attempts to do? The Hebrew verb involved applies to murder, not other forms of killing, including animals.

To the contrary, Genesis 1 makes it clear that God has given man all things of earth to use. Verse 30 makes it clear that this gift includes animals for eating. Obviously, the Hebrews understood their own Scriptures in this way, as they eat animals. Is your daughter so presumptuous that she thinks she understands the Biblical Hebrew language better than the Hebrews themselves?

That said, there is nothing in Scripture that requires the eating of fleshmeat. If your daughter prefers not to do so, that is up to her. But it is immoral on her part to try to rewrite Sacred Scripture and impose her individual preference on others. This is a common intellectual failing on the part of Newchurchers and atheists. That is why such an impressionable girl should have the sense to avoid such company.

April 16, 2020 - Easter Thursday
Semidouble Feast

A Woman Is Installed as a Priestess (Presbyteress)
In Newchurch's Fake Novus Ordo Rite

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Shelley Ray Gilchrist Was Installed
Under Newchurch's (Invalid) New Ordinal of 1968
As a Presbyteress of a New Order
Just as Newchurch's Fake Presbyters Are Installed
Although Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch
Claims that It Didn't Approve of This Installation
It Certainly Didn't Speak Loudly against It
At the Same Time that Bergoglio
Is Trying to Foist Fake Deaconesses Off
On His Newchurch of the New Order

Newchurch has fake presbyters; now it has fake presbyteresses. Although Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch claims that it didn't approve of Shelley Ray Gilchrist's installation as a presbyteress, it certainly didn't speak loudly against it, and it was in fact Newchurch's invalid (fake) New Ordinal of 1968 that was used to install this presbyteress. It is the same Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Ordinal that has been used to install (not ordain as priests under the Sacrament of Holy Orders) fake Newchurch presbyters since 1968, just after the heretical Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965).

In what looked like the meeting of a witches' coven, on March 14, 2020, near Daytona Beach, Florida, Shelley Ray Gilchrist was installed as a Novus Ordo presbyteress by "bishop" Bridget Mary Meehan. This madness started with a load of seven presbyteresses installed in Europe in June 2002 on a boat on the Danube River. The group sponsoring Gilchrist's installation welcomes Lebsians as presbyteresses. Homosexuals have been likewise let through into the ranks of Newchurch clergy by Francis-Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daytona Beach, Florida News Journal.]

True Catholics, Gilchrist claims that she was "called" to the den of presbyteresses. Perhaps that is correct -- if one considers that the calling came from below, not from above. This installation gives that much more evidence that the only true path is through the Catholic Church, as Catholic and Apostolic Tradition defines it forever. That Catholic Church is maintained in tens of thousands of independent traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories around the world, whose ordained priests and congregations refused to follow the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its Judas Newpopes. ]

April 15, 2020 - Easter Wednesday
Semidouble Feast

A Reader Asks: "Can the TAN Books Catechism of the Council of Trent
Be Trusted to Be Free of New Order 'Revisions'?"

From: Ron
Roman Catechism

Not All "Traditional" Catechisms Are Traditional
Many Publishers Use the Term "Traditional"
To Lure Unsuspecting Readers
To Buy "Reset" Versions with New Order "Revisions"
Another Ploy Is to Use Familiar Titles
Of Formerly Traditional Books
Like Baltimore Catechism
Or St. Joseph Catechism
To Inject "Revisions" of the Heretical New Order

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I have a paperback copy of The Catechism of the Council of Trent, published in 1982 by TAN Books. Can it be trusted as being free from any New Order "revisions"? It purports to be the McHugh-Callan translation.


TAN Books cannot be trusted. It purports to publish "traditional Catholic" books. Yet, in fact, it routinely reprints pre-Vatican II books with "updates" to the text to correspond to the New Order, often with no notice at all to the reader. We have found that books from this publisher cannot be trusted to be authentic. Tan has also announced dropping from its catalog some of the most significant works of traditional Catholicism because they criticize the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service, including Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci's The Ottaviani Intervention: Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass and Fr. James Wathen's The Great Sacrilege.

More recently, TAN has begun to stock the New Order sect's New American Bible, a Modernist paraphrase (not even a "translation") of the Bible, which is used in heretical New Order churches. Several other presses purporting to be "traditional" are actually arms of the New Order sect, which immorally changes traditional texts at will.

The McHugh-Callan English "translation" has been criticized for inaccuracies to the extent that it would be best to avoid this version. St. Charles Borromeo's original Latin has been praised for its clarity, readability, and style. If you know your basic Latin, you should try to deal with the original, even if it takes a little extra effort. At least you know that you are not getting a corrupted "translation."

Remember the wise Italian adage: "TRADUTTORE, TRADITORE" [A TRANSLATOR (IS) A TRAITOR]. It is under the guise of "translation" that the New Order has injected heretical theology intp the "New" Mess, the "New" Bible, the "New" Catechism, etc. Newchurch relies on Newchurchers' -- and that includes Newchurch unordained clergy -- ignorance of the original Latin sources to teach anti-Catholic doctrine under the guise of "translations."


Francis-Bergoglio Appoints Yet Another Commission
To Approve the Anti-Catholic Installation of Deaconesses in His Newchurch

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Desperately Wants to Embrace the Protestant Heresy
By Installing Deaconesses in His Newchurch
As the First Step toward Priestesses and Bishopesses
But Bergoglio's Own Commissions Have Called His Plan
Contrary to Catholic Scripture and Tradition
So Bergoglio Has Created a Third Commission
Stacked with Women, to Give Him
The Anti-Catholic Result that He Drools For

If you can't perpetrate a scam the first time, try, try again. That seems to be Francis-Bergoglio's attitude after the Commission he appointed himself in 2016 to investigate the installation of deaconesses actually had the guts not to approve Bergoglio's efforts in contravention of Catholic Scripture and Tradition. Previously, in 2002, Newchurch's International Theological Commission had found no authority for deaconesses in Scripture and Tradition. Nevertheless, on April 8, 2020, Bergoglio appointed a third Commission in an effort to overturn the first two verdicts.

This latest Commission Bergoglio has stacked to get the outcome he wants. Two of the ten members are lay deacons, the phony order that was set up in 1967 after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), and five are laywomen. In October 2019 the pagan Amazon Synod, engineered by Bergoglio, which included the erection of a fertility goddess's statue in St. Peter's Archbasilica, again pushed the idea of phony deaconesses. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order has been pushing from the time of the Vatican II Anti-council to follow the Protestant heretics and install priestesses and bishopesses. Deaconesses are seen as the first step to achieving this heretical goal. But Bergoglio's own commissions aren't supporting him. So now the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio is trying to stack the latest commission to give the answer that he wants. It is a typical mendacious ploy of the phony Newchurch and its Newpopes.


Melbourne's Newcathedral Is Trashed by Enraged Australians
Lashing out against Newcardinal Pell's Release after Guilty Verdict on Paedophilia

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Melbourne Cathedral

Workers Hastily Try to Cover Up
The Blood-red--stained Doors
Where Australians, Enraged
By Newcardinal Pell's Acquittal
After a Jury's Conviction of Pell
On Paedophile Crimes
Against Two 13-year-old Choirboys
Trash Pell's Melbourne Newcathdral
Where the Crimes Took Place
The Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio
Has Consistently Refused to Investigate
The Crimes and Defrock Pell
His Chief Financial Officer
Out of Embarrassment to His Corrupt Newchurch

On April 7, 2020, the Australian High Court released on a technicality Newcardinal George Pell, convicted by a jury of paedophile crimes perpetrated in his Melbourne Newcathedral. Immediately thereafter, enraged Australians trashed St. Patrick's Newcathedral, where the jury found that Pell had sexually assaulted two thirteen-year-old choirboys. Previously, a Royal Commission had found that Pell had been involved in suborning paedophile crimes. Pell has spent only a year in prison.

Francis-Bergoglio, the Third Paedophile Newpope, used the court's decision to excuse his complete failure to investigate the case from the ecclesiastical point of view. His corrupt Newvatican won't even bother to investigate the matter further. The result has been that Australians are flooding out of Bergoglio's Newchurch as from the sinking Titanic. Australians painted an upside-down cross, dripping with blood-red paint, on the Newcathedral that Pell had desecrated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Australia's The Age.]

True Catholics, as a result of Pell's predations and his release after a jury verdict against him, a worldwide movement against Newchurch and its paedophile clergy, all the way up to Francis-Bergoglio, has been galvanized into action by the court's decision. Bergoglio has been strongly denounced for his interference in the judicial process, including his phony New Mess staged against "unjust sentences."



The days of violet are gone. The voices of the Old Testament prophets Isaias and Jeremias are stilled. The Alleluias and Glorias that have been missing since Septuagesima return once more, in profusion. "Hence it is that at the Gloria today the bells are rung, the organ peals forth, the statues and pictures are uncovered, and a few moments afterward the glad Alleluias, silenced for nine weeks past, are heard again in jubilant tones, soaring in their triple repetition higher and higher until they seem to mingle with the songs of the angels in heaven." As the great drama of our redemption draws to an end, let us join in the joy of Holy Mother Church today as she specially sets before us after Communion the great psalm of praise to our risen Lord: "Praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise him, all ye people. For his mercy is confirmed upon us; and the truth of the Lord remaineth forever" (Psalms 116:1-2/DRV). Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gregorian Chant of Easter Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Easter Oratorio [BWV 249]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Omnibus Lectoribus TRADITIONIS

Ex: Reverendis Patribus TRADITIONIS
Resurrexi Chant

Introitus Cantandus in Dominica Resurrectionis

"Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum, alleluia"



Through these rites of Holy Saturday, historically and devotionally so gripping, from ancient ages the most solemn of all Vigils of the year, we see Our Lord revealed to us in specific ways, and we in turn are called upon to reflect Him in those ways in our own lives. Together, on this, the "Mother of All Holy Vigils," as St. Augustine calls it, we hear the Lessons that teach us the history of our Faith, the Old Law before the fulfillment of our redemption under the New. We come through the darkness of Our Lord's Passion and Death into the light, as together we now celebrate His glorious Resurrection.
Gregorian Chant of Holy Saturday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Holy Saturday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Holy Saturday Tenebrae
William Byrd: Music for Holy Saturday
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI FALSE NEW LATIN RITES OF 1962. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. They were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated, invalid Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Holy Saturday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) eliminating two of the three ancient prayers blessing the new fire; (2) replacing the traditional ceremony for inscribing and blessing the Paschal candle with a new one, completely fabricated by the Modernists; (3) eliminating the ancient procession of the triple candle into the church while Lumen Christi was thrice invoked; (4) modifying the ancient Paschal Proclamation, the Exsultet; (5) eliminating eight of the twelve Old Testament prophecies foretelling the coming of Christ; (6) directing that the Collects be chanted at the sedilia rather than the altar, in the manner of the Novus Ordo "presider"; (7) dividing and partially eliminating the traditional Litany of the Saints; (8) introducing a spurious "Renewal of Baptismal Vows" in the vernacular, the first time that the vernacular is explicitly permitted as an integral part of a liturgical rite; (9) eliminating in their entirety from the Mass the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar and the Last Gospel, as does the Novus Ordo service; (10) moving the entire service to nighttime instead of before noon with the First Mass of Easter immediately following at noon, in contravention of the traditional principle that during Lent, in both Western and Eastern rites, there is a symbolic inversion of time as a consequence of the Fall, with the restoration of normality coming only with the victory of the Lord on Easter morning.

Nadal's Christus Descendens ad Inferos

What Transpired when Christ Descended into Limbo
On Holy Saturday


There are few scenes liturgically more impressive than the appearance of the church at the beginning of the rites of Good Friday. The bare floor, the dismantled altar, the veiled crucifix, the unlighted candles. Then, when the procession of the celebrant in black vestments with servers has silently made its way to the sanctuary, the sudden prostration before the altar, where the celebrant annihilates himself in abject penitence -- all these are things that can hardly fail to produce an effect upon each one of us. Then follow the sorrowful lessons and tracts and the reading of the Passion of Our Lord, producing a sense of desolation that no other service in the liturgical year approaches. On this day the Church gives her churches an appearance of desolation and clothes her clergy in mourning. Today the Church, and we who enter the church, are in mourning because Our Lord has died to redeem us.
Gregorian Chant of Good Friday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Good Friday Tenebrae
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Good Friday
Tommaso Luigi da Vittoria's Popule Meus
William Byrd: Music for Good Friday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Johannes Passion [BWV 245]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI FALSE NEW LATIN RITES OF 1962. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. They were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated, invalid Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Good Friday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) changing the one aliturgical day, on which no Mass was celebrated because "the Apostles hid themselves for fear of the Jews," into a full-scale communion service; (2) directing that the "presider" conduct the first part of the service from the sedilia rather than from the altar in Novus Ordo style; (3) directing that the Litanical Prayers be chanted from a book at the center of the altar in contravention of the Roman rite; (4) changing the litanical Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics into a "Prayer for the Unity of Christians"; (5) commanding that a genuflection be made in the litanical Prayer for the Jews, which was anciently omitted because the Jews genuflected to mock Christ during His Agony; (6) allowing the crucifix to be held up for a brief adoration, as in the Novus Ordo, rather than having the people approach the Communion rail to kiss it; (7) suppressing the Solemn Procession from the Repository with the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the ancient hymn Vexilla Regis; (8) eliminating the offertory, incensation, and elevation of the Blessed Sacrament; (9) directing that the congregation recite the Pater Noster with the priest in Novus Ordo style; (10) allowing Communion to be received this day, which was anciently prohibited on Good Friday; (11) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion.

After the celebration of Good Friday at the University of Durham, England, one year, Rev. Dr. T.C.G. Glover, JCD, a former priest of the Roman Oratory, who continued to celebrate the Sacred Triduum in the traditional Roman form, not in the Conciliar-Bugnini "Motu/Extraordinary/1962+" false rites, was asked why he didn't celebrate the New Rite of Holy Week introduced into the New Order church by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini. His answer was pure Dr. Glover at his very best: "I would rather get drunk in a brothel than celebrate that crap."
Nadal's Post Erectam Crucem

What Transpired after the Erection of the Cross
Before Christ Gave up His Spirit
On Good Friday


We have today to consider a great and awful mystery of betrayal. This betrayal is commemorated in the special Canon used only at this Mass of Maundy Thursday. Judas, one of the twelve chosen disciples of Our Lord, taught by Him for three years, confirmed in the faith by so many miracles, loaded with graces, becomes the tool of those who plot the death of Our Lord. He traitorously sells His Lord to the high priest for the ancient price of a slave, thirty Roman denarii. But Judas here is not only an historical figure of some 2000 years ago. He is spiritually each one of us, sinners, for whom Christ so grievously began His suffering and death this night. Let us consider the betrayal of Judas and what it forces us to confront in our own spiritual lives.
Gregorian Chant of Maundy Thursday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Maundy Thursday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Maundy Thursday Tenebrae
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI FALSE NEW LATIN RITES OF 1962. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. They were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated, invalid Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Maundy Thursday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) cutting out the Credo and the Last Gospel; (2) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion; (3) importing the Maundy (washing of feet) into the Mass, as in the Novus Ordo; (4) directing that the Collect following the Maundy be chanted "facing the people," as in the Novus Ordo; (5) eliminating the adornment and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Repository; (6) the fabrication of a new "Chrism Mass," which separates the function of the blessing and consecration of the Sacred Oils for the Sacraments from the one Mass of Maundy Thursday.
Nadal's Sacratissimi Sacramenti

The Institution of the Blessed Sacrament
And of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
On Maundy Thursday

April 8, 2020 - Wednesday in Holy Week - Holy Wednesday - "Spy" Wednesday
Privileged Ferial Day

Today is known as "Spy Wednesday," in remembrance of the traitorous deed of Judas Iscariot. The Introit gives us a foretaste of what is to come after the passion and death of our Lord: "That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" (Philippians 2:10/DRV). But immediately juxtaposed to this acknowledgment of divine glory is the other side of the equation. This is the refrain that will be repeated at every Hour of the Divine Office beginning tomorrow: "He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Wednesday of Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Lukas Passion [BWV 246]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Spy Wednesday

Newbishops Orders His Presbyter-Ministers
Not to Simulate the Novus Ordo Mess Facing away from the Congregation

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Boise Newbishop Prohibits Outright
The Novus Ordo Mess
Facing away from the Congregation
This Ad Orientem Position
Is a "Thing" with Neocon Newchurchers
Who Are More Concerned
With the Arrangement of the "Banquet Table"
Than the Fact that Their Novus Ordo Mess
Is Invalid (Fake)
And that Their Unordained Presbyter-Ministers
Are Also Fake

Neocon Newchurchers love to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic that is the foundering Newchurch, sinking into the abyss. One of the pointless little battles that the Neocons have been fighting is to turn the New Order Mess around so that that presbyter faces away from the congregation. No matter that the unordained presbyter is not a priest and that the Novus Ordo Mess is not a Mass. The Neocon Newchurchers will still pointlessly fight to turn the "banquet table" around.

At least one Newbishop in the United States has put an end to those few places that have attempted the so-called ad orientem, or eastwise, position. Peter Christensen, Newbishop of Boise, Idaho, has banned the practice outright. He has ordered all his presbyter-ministers to face the congregation (versus populum) when they simulate the invalid (fake) New Mess. He states -- incorrectly, but that doesn't matter -- that the Vatican II Anti-council and the Novus Ordo Missal demand the facing position. In this, he contradicts a specific interpretation from Newvatican's Congregation for [Novus Ordo] Worship. But the Neocons in Newchurch don't understand that Newvatican can say anything it wants, yet Newbishops are petty potentates unto themselves and do what they please. This is the legacy of the Anti-council.

Christensen, like the other U.S. Newbishops a hater of things Catholic, has prohibited the use of kneelers or rails because it might encourage Newchurchers to kneel for the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid. In that, he is actually doing a service, because kneeling to receive a phony "sacrament" would be an even greater idolatry and sacrilege. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]

True Catholics, in his order Newbishop Christensen was also taking aim at the Fraternity of St. Peter, a Newchurch group that simulates the New Latin Mess of 1962, updated to 2020. There are currently two locations in the Newdiocese of Boise that offer that Mess, erroneously called "Extraordinary." It is expected that these two Messes will shortly be canceled.

April 7, 2020 - Tuesday in Holy Week (Holy Tuesday)
Privileged Ferial Day

Today we turn our sights to the Cross. The Introit consists not of the usual psalm, but with the words of St. Paul, putting the meaning of the Cross into perspective for us: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Galatians 6:14/DRV). Holy Mother Church then adds: "In Whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection: through Whom we have been saved and set free."
Gregorian Chant of Tuesday in Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Markus Passion [BWV 247]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Tuesday in Holy Week

Francis-Bergoglio and Benedict-Ratzinger Show Themselves False Office-holders
As They Renounce the Titles of True Popes

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

In 2006 Benedict-Ratzinger Renounced the Papal Title
"Patriarch of the West"
From the Official Annuarium Pontificium
In 2020 Francis-Bergoglio Has Reounced the Papal Title
"Vicar of Christ"
They Are Simply Admitting the Reality
That They Themselves Do Not Consider Themselves
Popes of the Roman Catholic Church
But Some Kind of Secularist Power-grabbers
Who Have Lost the Catholic Faith --
If They Every Had It

In the 21st century, the Newpopes started admitting to the world that they were not successors of the true popes. It started with Benedict-Ratzinger, who, far from being the "traditionalist" that the clueless termed him, has been a lifetime Modernist heretic. In fact, he was a leader of the Modernist heretics at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). In the 2006 Annuarium Pontificium, the official Newpapal annual, Ratzinger renounced the papal title "Patriarch of the West" in obeisance to the Eastern Orthodox schismatics, who denounced this title.

In the 2020 Annuarium Pontificium, released April 2, 2020, Francis-Bergoglio has now renounced the title "Vicar of Christ." He now describes himself as "Jorge Mario Bergoglio," the name Mario referring to the Roman revolutionary, an "ambitious opportunist" who took control of the Roman Republic essentially by force around 100 B.C. Accordingly, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, Gerhard Muller, denounced Bergoglio as a "theological barbarian." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Die Tagespost.]

True Catholics, the Newpopes like Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio, are simply admitting the reality that they themselves do not consider themselves true popes of the Roman Catholic Church, but some kind of secularist power-grabbers who have lost the Catholic Faith -- if they ever had it.

April 6, 2020 - Monday in Holy Week (Holy Monday)
Privileged Ferial Day

Today we begin by placing our trust firmly in God. In the Introit psalm (Iudica, Domine, nocentes me, expugna impugnantes me), we call upon the Lord to battle against those who are impugning us. We call upon the Lord to take up arms and shield, and we call upon Him as the strength of our salvation. The Collect acknowledges how many adversities we face and how we fail from human infirmity. It is only through the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ that we are given life again (respiremus).
Gregorian Chant of Monday in Holy Week
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Monday in Holy Week

Francis-Bergoglio Uses the Chinese Virus as an Excuse
To Commit Sacrilege against the Most Sacred Rites of Holy Week

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The New Order Is up to Its Diabolical Tricks Again
Francis-Bergoglio Has Laid His Sacrilegious Hands
On Once the Most Sacred Rites in the Roman Missal
Those of Holy Week Itself
Bergoglio Has Again Violated the Dogmatic Council of Trent
That the Rites in the Missal, Coming from Apostolic Times
Are Not to Be Touched, on Pain of Excommunication

You've got to hand it to the diabolical Newchurch. It uses every opportunity to change what was originally the Holy Mass into some unrecognizable Protestant-Masonic-Pagan sacrilege. In 1956 Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the New Order "Liturgy," corrupted to New Order heresies the most sacred rites of Holy Week in the Roman Missal.

The 1969 New Order further corrupted those rites, violating the decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent that the rites in the Missal, coming from Apostolic times, are not to be touched, on pain of excommunication. Nevertheless, the pagan Newchurch dares to commit further atrocities against the Catholic Faith. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

True Catholics, on March 30, 2020, Francis-Bergoglio's Congregation for [Novus Ordo] Worship created a new prayer to be added to these once ancient and traditional rites against the Chinese Virus plague. Such prayers are not appropriate in the rites of Holy Week. The more changes are made to these rites, the more Newchurchers will ignorantly think that the rites can be touched by any sacrilegious hand. Let Bergoglio pray somewhere else with his fellow pagans.

April 5, 2020 - Palm Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

AS HOLY WEEK, THE MOST SACRED WEEK OF THE YEAR, BEGINS, true Catholics traditionally complete the daily chores that might be an obstacle to participating in the ancient, traditional rites of Holy Week. All true Catholics should attend the traditional sacred rites not only on Palm Sunday but also on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. On Maundy Thursday we commemorate the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the First Mass, and the Ordination of the Apostles. The priesthood and the holy Eucharist are living events that should remind us of the continuing value of Christ's act of redemption for the sin of man. Good Friday is an unforgettable reminder to all of us of the price of being a follower of Christ. We have to give something of ourselves to be followers of Christ. The Holy Saturday Vigil is the most solemn memorial of the central mystery of our redemption: Christ's saving death and glorious resurrection. We are reminded that we are obligated as Catholics to carry Christ into our world.

Palm Sunday

The Fully-Traditional (Pre-1956) Palm Sunday Rites
As Celebrated at Westminster Cathedral, London, 1919
The Traditional Holy Week Rites Were Gutted in 1956
By the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini
It Is These Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Rites
That Are Used in the New Latin Missal of 1962
(aka Erroneously as the "Extraordinary Mess")

WARNING AGAINST THE CONCILIAR-BUGNINI FALSE NEW LATIN RITES OF 1962. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. They were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated, invalid Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Palm Sunday, making the 1956-1962 rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) directing that red vestments be used, as in the Novus Ordo service, instead of the traditional violet vestments; (2) eliminating the Introit, Collect, Epistle, Responsory, Gospel, Preface, and Sanctus of the First Mass, after which the palms are blessed; (3) directing the priest to leave the altar and face the congregation Novus-Ordo style while blessing the palms; (4) eliminating four of the five ancient prayers of blessing; (5) eliminating the prayers and ceremonial of re-entering the church after the procession of the palms; (6) directing that the priest chant the final Collect facing the congregation Novus-Ordo style with his back to the Holy Tabernacle; (7) eliminating entirely the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar; (8) eliminating the beginning and end of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew; (9) eliminating the Last Gospel, as in the Novus Ordo service.

All the ceremonies of Palm Sunday -- the blessing of the palms, the procession, the chanted Hosannas -- are instituted by Holy Mother Church to recall the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem on this day. What a contrast, at only six days' interval, between the honors rendered to Our Lord today and the affronts and blasphemies that will greet Him five days hence on Good Friday! Let us learn these three things from the great lesson taught us by Our Lord on Palm Sunday. First, to be content to rely not upon man, but upon God alone for consolation and the witness of our sorrows and sufferings. Second, to detach ourselves from earthly possessions, which often come at our soul's cost. Third, to set no store by earthly greatness, notice, fame, or applause. "For after all these things do the heathens seek" (Matthew 6:32/DRV).

Gregorian Chant of Palm Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Mattaeus Passion [BWV 244]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

April 4, 2020 - St. Isidore, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

A Reader Asks: "Could You Suggest Some Practical Means
To Address the Chinese Virus in Traditional Catholics' Spiritual Lives?"

From: David
Psalm 50 Miserere

Psalm 50, the Miserere
Is the Most Famous of the Seven Penitential Psalms
In Addition to Its Original Form in Gregorian Chant
It Has Been Set in Polyphony Many Times
Today It Is Best Known
In the Setting of Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652)
The Seven Penitential Psalms
Are Particularly Appropriate to Passiontide
And to the Difficulties that the World Is Now Facing

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

With so many traditional Catholics around the world sheltering in place at their homes without the Mass and Sacraments, some suggestions of practical means to address the Chinese Virus pandemic in their spiritual lives would be helpful. Could you suggest some?


Here are some suggestions that we think are particularly appropriate to this difficult time:

  1. Use the Daily News for Prayer. Watch only as much of the daily news as is essential. Don't drown yourself in 24/7 coverage that repeats the same message over and over again, usually with an uninformed, pessimistic, and pagan slant. Then turn that news into your personal prayer the sick and troubled, remaining calm with trust in the Lord and your Catholic Faith.
  2. Use the Extra Time for Spiritual Reading. The possibilities here are almost limitless. In first place, particularly during this Passiontide, you should focus on the significance of these special days by meditating upon the Holy Gospels, particularly the sections narrating the Passion of Our Lord. The Seven Penitential Psalms are particularly appropriate to Lent and Passiontide (this is the Catholic Latin Vulgate numbering, not the Protestant King James numbering):
    1. Psalm 6 (Domine, ne in furore)
    2. Psalm 31 (Beati quorum)
    3. Psalm 37 (Domine, ne in furore)
    4. Psalm 50 (Miserere)
    5. Psalm 101 (Domine, exaudi)
    6. Psalm 129 (De profundis)
    7. Psalm 142 (Domine, exaudi)
  3. Do Not Worry about Tomorrow. Take each day as it comes and trust in the Lord that all will be as it should. Remember Our Lord's prescription: "Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow: for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof" (Matthew 6:42/DRV).
  4. Keep up Your Catholic Outreach. E-mail, write, and phone family, friends, fellow members in your traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory. Think about what others' condition may be more than your own and encourage them to keep the Faith and trust in the Lord.
  5. Use Short Aspirations to Our Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints throughout the Day. When you place your trust in the Lord, there is a calmness and peace about passing problems. Short Psalm verses are ideal to remind us to give ourselves confidence in the Lord, such as:
    1. Deus meus, in te confido; non erubescam (Ps. 24:2). In three, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed.
    2. Dominus, illuminatio mea et salus mea, quem timebo? Dominus protector vitae meae, a quo trepidabo? (Ps. 26:1). The Lord is my light and my salvation: Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: Of whom shall I be afraid?
    3. In te, Domine, speravi; non confundar in aeternum (Ps. 30:2). In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded.
  6. Thank the Lord for All that You Do Have. St. Paul constantly reminds us in his Epistles to be thankful. It is particularly in times of difficulty that we should remind ourselves how much God has given us and how ungrateful we have been for His gifts. The prayer that is appointed for grace after meals is ideal and can be used any time: Agimus tibi gratias, omnipotens Deus, pro omnibus beneficiis tuis. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen. [We give thee thanks, almighty God, for all your blessings. Who livest and reignest throughout all the ages of the ages. Amen.]

April 3, 2020 - Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Double Major Feast

A Reader Asks: "Could You Explain What Perfect Contrition Is?
Is It merely a Matter of Mouthing a Few Words?"

From: John
Sacrament of Penance

The Sacrament of Penance
Requires only Imperfect Contrition
Perfect Contrition Is a Much More Difficult
State to Attain
It Is Far More than Simply Mouthing
A Few Words
Contrition Is a State of Soul
Requiring a Sincerely
"Contrite and Humbled Heart"

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

We hear a lot these days about Perfect Contrition, with the implication that by mouthing a few words (often called an "Act"), a person can wipe away all his sins. Something doesn't sound to me quite Catholic about the way people talk about this. Could you explain what Perfect Contrition is?


You are correct. All too many Catholics (?) seem to think, mistakenly, that a person can wipe away all his sins simply by mouthing a few words, sometimes called an "Act" of Perfect Contrition. This notion is, of course, basically wrong. Contrition, perfect or imperfect, is not a matter of mouthing words; it is a state of soul.

By the same token, a person can feign contrition in Confession, but that is no good either if the person is not sincerely contrite. As the great penitential Psalm 50 puts it: cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies ["a contrite and humbled heart, O God, thou wilt not despise"] (50:19/V). It is the heart, not the mouth, that must be contrite.

Perfect contrition is a state of soul, reflecting sincere contrition one's sins, together with a sincere purpose of amendment. The contrition must arise perfectly out of love for God, Whom we have offended, not imperfectly out of the fear of punishment. It is a state to which we should aspire, but is not so easy to attain. In the Sacrament of Confession, only imperfect contrition is necessary to receive of the graces of the Sacrament.

April 2, 2020 - St. Francis of Paula, Confessor
Double Feast

Scientists Confirm Bible's Description of the Destruction
Of Sodom and Gomorrha by "Brimstone and Fire from Heaven"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Sodom and Gomorrha

As Lot Is Escorted to Safety by God's Angels
Lot Departs the Immoral Cities
Of Sodom and Gomorrha
Which Were Destroyed
By "Brimstone and Fire from Heaven"
According to Chapter 19 of Genesis
Now Scientists Have Confirmed that the Two Cities
Were Literally Destroyed by the Fall of a Meteor
Equivalent to a Ten Megaton Atomic Bomb
As Pope St. Pius X Put It:
True Science and True Religion
Can Never Be Opposed
As Both Rest on Truth

The notion that the Christian religion is somehow unscientific has once again been torn asunder. Now scientists have discovered that the Biblical account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha by "brimstone and fire from heaven" (Genesis 19:24/DRV) is literally correct. According to the scientists, a meteor falling from the skies utterly destroyed the two immoral cities that had earned the wrath of God.

On March 18, 2020, a group of archeologists and scientists of the American Schools of Oriental Research announced that they had discovered that Sodom and Gomorrha were in fact destroyed by a meteor that exploded in the heavens above. The brimstone and fire of superheated matter thus produced rained down on the cities and annihilated them. The scientists found evidence of pottery that had been superheated into glass in the space of milliseconds, as well as lava-like material (brimstone) from a meteoric event. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daily News.]

True Catholics, scientists have now confirmed most of the events related in Sacred Scripture, such as the Great Flood. The Catholic Church through the centuries has been the greatest supporter and benefactor of scientific studies. It has nothing to fear. As Pope St. Pius X put it: true science and true religion can never be opposed because both rest on truth.

April 1, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Reader Asks: "Was Hannibal Bugnini
The Chief Architect of the New Order Liturgy, Really a Freemason?"

From: John
Paul VI-Montini & Hannibal Bugnini

Hannibal Bugnini (Right) Was -- Shockingly
Appointed by Pope Pius XII in 1948
To "Modernize" the Traditional Liturgy
That Shocks People, but It Is the Absolute Truth
It Was Pope John XXIII Who Fired Bugnini in 1962
But He Was Quickly Hired back
By the Modernist Newpope Paul VI-Montini (Left)
To Supervise the Entire Move to the Invalid (Fake)
New Mess of 1969
Documentary Evidence Exists
That Bugnini Was Initiated into Freemasony

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Was Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the New Order liturgy, really a Freemason?


Yes, he was. Hannibal Bugnini was appointed in 1948 by Pope Pius XII to head a brand new Commission to "modernize" the traditional liturgy. That fact shocks people, but it is the absolute truth. The Commission jumped into action and almost immediately implemented one change after another. Two great waves were initiated by Pius XII (enacted in 1956 and 1960), the purpose of which, according to Bugnini in his 1000-page La riforma liturgica (1948-1975) was to lead to the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo Mess of 1969. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department in the section "The Descent into the Black Hole of the Liturgical 'New Order'."

Bugnini's association with Freemasonry was widely known at the Vatican. It led in 1962 to Pius XII's successor, Pope John XXIII, to fire Bugnini "because he wanted to change things that were not to be touched." In 1965, the Modernist (some say Communist and fellow Freemason) Newpope Paul VI-Montini reappointed Bugnini after the Vatican II Anti-council to supervise the entire move to the invalid (fake) New Mess of 1969.

In 1976, the Masonic Register of Italy came to light, and Bugnini's name was recorded with an initiation date of April 23, 1963, together with his code name of "Buan." "Buan" was the name by which the Masonic Grandmaster of Rome addressed him in the infamous note praising his work on the corrupted New Order liturgy.

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