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Apparently, Newcardinal Angelo Becciu's Unsaints were just as fake as his financial transactions. On September 24, 2020, the head of the Newchurch Congregation for the Causes of [Un]saints, which had approved multitudes of heretics, paedophiles, and Marxists to be Unsaints of the Newchurch of the New Order, suddenly abdicated and gave up his rights as a Newcardinal. Bergoglio accepted the abdication without comment.
Newvatican was looking for a fall guy for the Newchurch scandal in which 200,000,000 million U.S. dollars of Newchurchers' donations to the fake "Peter's Pence" charity scam run by the Newpopes. These donations had essentially been embezzled by Newvatican in a London real-estate scam. Becciu had been Sostituto (Deputy Secretary of State) from 2011 to 2018. Newvatican prosecutors have been investigating the case, which now involves six Newvatican officials, but Becciu was exempted. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Newcardinal Becciu and Francis-Bergoglio had been joined at the hip. Becciu had been a "favorite" of Bergoglio because he arranged Bergoglio's sellout to the Communist Cubans and got Bergoglio a meeting in Cuba with the schismatic Russian Orthodox Patriarch, to whom Bergoglio scandalously bowed in submission. It was a Communist shivaree all around!
The long-awaited sequel to the 2004 religious blockbuster The Passion of the Christ has been announced for release in 2022. Its title will be The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection. Its subject will be the events during the days immediately after the Crucifixion. Mel Gibson will again produce and direct and has hired Randall Wallace, the screenwriter for his 1995 film Braveheart, which won the Academy Awards that year for Best Picture and Best Director, as well as three others.
Gibson has arranged to have many of the actors playing characters in the original Passion return for the sequel, including James Caviezel as The Christ, Maia Morgenstern as Mary, Christo Jivkov as Pontius Pilate, and Francesco De Vito as St. Peter. The sequel will portray the three days from the Crucifixion on Good Friday until Easter Sunday and treat in detail the experiences of the Apostles during that period, as well as the palace intrigue involving Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilate, ending with the events of Easter Sunday. The original Passion was filmed in Matera in southeastern Italy. The sequel will be filmed in Israel, Morocco, and some parts of Europe, including Rome. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, Mel Gibson will thus undertake a film that is rare in the last half century: a serious Biblical epic. Such films were common in the 1950s and 1960s, when Hollywood was more Christian, producing such blockbusters as The Robe (1953), Ben Hur (1959), King of Kings (1961), Barabbas (1961), The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), The Bible (1966), and many others. "A" List actors then lined up to play the once-in-a-lifetime roles of famous Biblical figures. Now the Leftist Hollywood actors wouldn't touch a devout religious film with a stick!
When the First Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla, was nevertheless Novus Ordo con-anized in 2014 by the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, as an Unsaint, various interests wanted parts of his cadaver. In the process the Novus Ordo cathedral of Spoleto, Italy, 100 kilometres north of Rome, ended up with some of his blood. But on the night of September 23, 2020, the vial of blood was stolen from the Newcathedral, just one location where vials of blood are stored around the world.
This is just another indication of how incompetent Newchurch officials are. Because almost no one uses Newchurches during the day, they are inadequately guarded. Before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the faithful flocked into Catholic churches throughout the day and thus protected them. The Newpope's blood may have been stolen for ransom, as has happened in the past. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
True Catholics, it is ironic that the traditional Catholic Feast of Our Lady of Ransom, a Double Major feast in the traditional Catholic calendar, whose Vespers would have been chanted that night if the Newcathedral were actually Catholic, was expunged from the non-Catholic Novus Ordo calendar observed by JPII-Wojtyla.
Over the objection of his own Newcardinals and the free nations, Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is set to renew in October 2020 his highly-criticized September 22, 2018, secret agreement with Chinese Communist Dictator Xi Jinping to allow his Communist government to control the appointment of Newchurch bishops. In contrast, Pope Pius XII severed diplomatic relations between Red China and the Holy See in 1951, two years after the Communist dictator Mao Tse-tung took over the government from the nationalist government after the Chinese Civil War.
In the last two years during which the deal has been in force, Red China has greatly increased its persecution of Newchurch clergy and laity, destroying their churches, forbidding the teaching of the Newchurch religion, and arresting Newchurchers. Newbishops and presbyters have been suddenly disappearing, hauled off by the Reds. All it all, the deal has been a godsend for the Chinese atheists. It is estimated that Newchurch has some 12,000,000 clueless members in Red China.
But it seems that Bergoglio has thoughtlessly poked the American Bear, in the person of U.S. President Donald Trump, who has defended the free exercise of religion, particularly Christianity, around the world and has imposed sanctions on nations that do not respect religious freedom. In fact, the dictator Xi has been persecuting not only Newchurchers, but Christians in general, and even the Mohammedan Uighurs. The U.S. Secretary of State has denounced Red China's "horrific treatment" of believers of all faiths in China and expressed the "revulsion" of many nations against that Communist regime's "accelerating violations of human rights." He even went so far as to say that Bergoglio has "endangered his moral authority." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio, a virtually self-admitted Marxist, trained by Marxist Newjesuits, who says that he numbers atheists among his best friends, has no more moral authority to lose. He has lost it with his support for his paedophile Newclergy, like the infamous Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, who continued to rape and sodomize children with abandon. Bergoglio is now clearly a co-conspirator with the Communist atheists. He approved retroactively eight Communists appointed by Xi as Newbishops without his approval and has approved two more Communists as Newbishops since then.
The perfidy against the Catholic Faith by the Newchurch of the New Order has led to unspeakable crimes, religious and even civil. We all know about Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which all Newchurchers support with their continued funding of non-Catholic Newchurch, even after those rampant crimes have been exposed and in which the Newpopes have been exposed as complicit by their refusal to excommunicate and defrock all of their criminal Newclergy, without exception.
Now we have seen in France, in the United States, and elsewhere, the desecration of sacred places. Everyone has heard of the torching of Notre-Dame de Paris in 2019, but there are many, many more. The most recent of these occurred on September 22, 2020, when the Church of Santa' Agata al Collegia in Catania, Sicily, was desecrated by two vandals, who molested the body of the incorrupt Saint Agatha and vandalized artworks depicting the Virgin Mary and the Saints. The Novus Ordo tabernacle was broken into as well, but, of course, it contained only fake cookies from the Novus Ordo, so there was no desecration there, just vandalism of property.
St. Agatha is one of the most highly venerated of the Virgin-Martyrs of the Church, who was martyred in A.D. 251. Her name is enumerated in the catalogue of Virgin-Martyrs pronounced by traditional Catholic priests in the Nobis quoque peccatoribus prayer after the Consecration of the Sacred Canon of the Mass, together with the other Virgin-Martyrs of the early Church: Sts. Felicity, Perpetua, Lucy, Cecilia, and Anastasia. Venantius Fortunatus (ca. 530-ca. 600), composer of the Vexilla Regis hymn quite familiar to traditional Catholics, as it is chanted during the procession on Good Friday, sang of St. Agatha's glory in one of his hymns. The glory of her martyrdom was such that even the Protestant Anglicans recognize her, while the non-Catholic Newchurch has eliminated her from its phony (invalid) "New Mess." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, the internet features comments by Newchurchers who wept over the desecration, but who are themselves responsible because of their adherence to the New Order apostasy introduced at the Vatican II Anti-council and perpetuated by the heretic Newpopes serving the New Order. All Newchurch clergy and laypeople support such desecrations by their attendance at the fake "New Mess," by taking in their filthy hands the fake Novus Ordo cookies and swilling the Kool-Aid, and by perpetrating the Novus Ordo pseudo-sacraments, which recently even Newchurch has admitted are often fake (like the recent "baptism" scandals). St. Paul's dictum is clear about the mortal guilt of all the Newchurchers: "They who do such things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them" (Romans 1:32/DRV).
The 2021 Pew Research Center Study of 1,811 teenagers (ages 13-17) and their parents has confirmed the fact that the non-Catholic Newchurch is dying out with the next generation.
An equal minority of teens and their parents claim to attend the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess (a little more than one-third), but only monthly or so. The problem is that another Pew study showed that Newchurchers lied about how often they attend Mess. The Pew study compared claims of Mess attendance against cars in the parking lot and concluded that maybe 10 per cent of those claiming to be Newchurchers actually attend Mess.
The generation gap was very evident when the teens and the parents were asked whether religion is very important in their lives. Almost half of the parents said yes. Only one quarter of the teens agreed. Half of Evangelical teens said yes; whereas only one quarter of Newchurchers did so. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Pew Research Center.]
True Catholics, the most revealing finding indicated how far the Vatican II Anti-council's heresy of Oecumenism (condemned Syncretism) has corrupted the minds of the teens in the non-Catholic Newchuch. In answer to the question whether truth can be found in only one religion or in many, fewer than one third of Newchurch teens held that only one religion is true, while two-thirds of Evangelicals did so. So, Newchurch teens don't even believe in Newchurch. That is why it is clear that Newchurch will be nearly dead in just a generation.
On September 16, 2020, Newbishop Franco Mulakkal, of Jahandar, India, stood in the dock, on trial for raping a Novus Ordo nun of the Missionaries of Jesus. Newchurch authorities wouldn't listen to their own sister, the Mother Superior of the order, who persisted in her charges that the Newbishop raped her thirteen times between 2014 and 2016 in her very convent. It took two years and going outside the Newchurch of the New Order, but she now has her trial.
Accompanying her is a presbyter who formed a lay movement to support the rape victim. Even the Joint Christian Council is supporting the aggrieved nun, while Newchurch itself won't lift a finger on her behalf. Newchurch strongly supports the Newbishop and even offered to fund his defense, but turned a cold shoulder to its own sister.
The Newbishop, who showed up in court dressed as a layman with a baseball cap, is accused of using his money and power in attempting to get the rape charges against him dismissed. Nevertheless, the High Court and the Supreme Court ordered the Newbishop to stand trial. One of the judges stated: "The case has exposed the non-transparent functioning of the [New]church hierarchy that refused to listen to the pleas of a tortured nun." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
True Catholics, nothing has changed in Newchurch since its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust exploded into public awareness in 2002. Its sex crimes continue unabated, and Francis-Bergoglio has refused to expel Mulakkal from his office or the episcopal residency. When it comes to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch and its corrupt Newpopes, as the French say, "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."
Even the Newchurch Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith has declared it: if a man is not baptized, his "installation" as a presbyter is invalid. (Traditional Catholics, of course, go further in holding that no Newchurch presbyters or Newbishops are valid because of defect of sacramental form and intention.) Newchurch, in fact, no longer even "baptizes." It prefers to call what it does "initiation," as if into a Freemasonic Lodge.
Yet another presbyter, Zachary Boazman, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has now outed himself and admitted that he is a fake. He viewed a videotape of his own "initiation" and discovered that a non-Biblical form was used in the vulgar English translation: "We [not I] baptize you...." This form, traditionally invalid as not indicating what Christ commanded, according to the Bible, when instructing his Apostles, was recently condemned as invalid in Newchurch as well. As a result, all of the Unsacraments that "Presbyter Zak" thought that he was administering are invalid. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Newchurch in fact has no valid sacraments, except in some cases baptism and matrimony, because it introduced invalid, anti-Biblical forms and intentions within the decade after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Traditional Catholics attending churches, chapels, and oratories entirely independent of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order -- and that includes its satellite organizations such as the Neo-SSPX, the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, and the like -- should thank the Lord that they have been spared the fake Unsacraments that Newchurchers have fallen for.
In a September 17, 2020, Fox News television interview, James Caviezel, who played the title role in the 2004 blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ, denounced "collaborator" Newbishops for persecuting the Catholic Church. Caviezel is a traditional-bent actor who attended an independent Traditional Latin Mass every day while filming The Passion, which Producer-director Mel Gibson provided on set for the cast.
Caviezel denounced what he called "lukewarmness," stating: In Newchurch "one can’t tell the difference between a pr[esbyter], a [New]bishop, or a politician.... They are flat out Judases, okay? Or they're Pontius Pilates, or they're the Pharisees, okay? Christ has a very special place for them, and they know it.” Caviezel also reproved "lukewarm" Catholics, what others have termed CINOs (Catholics in Name Only), who have allowed the institutional Church to be destroyed.
Caviezel has a new film just out, "Infidel," which he described as "not some candy-ass Christian stupid film, but rather one about what is really going on today with widespread persecution of Christians in the Middle East, even in the West. He condemned Newchurch pastors, presbyters, and Newbishops for "lying right over" in the face of the destruction of Catholicism, allowing their churches to be burned down all over the world.
Caviezel also condemned politicians' unconstitutional closing of churches in the West in order to deprive people of their Faith. He said that he personally knows of Newchurchers who have committed suicide as a result, because the Newbishops won't stand up to politicians, but are "collaborators" in the "persecution." Caveziel said that his own country, the United States, is a perfect example of such persecution. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
True Catholics, what Caviezel is saying is right out of the Bible, where Christ through St. John the Apostle vehemently condemns the "lukewarm" with these words: "But because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth" (Apocalypse 3.16). No wonder Newchurch is suffering the cataclysm prophesied by St. John for such people.The "New Mess" of 1969 is totally invalid, i.e., fake, no matter what tweaks may be made here and there. You haven't heard of it much lately, but, in the past, Newchurchers argued endlessly about how to translate into the vulgar tongues "pro multis" in the pseudo-consecration of the New Mess. Its clear meaning in Latin, in the Bible, and even in the Biblical Greek used by the Eastern Church, is "for many" (in English) and its equivalent in the other vulgar tongues.
It's all a charade, of course, because no "translation" of the sacred Latin form can be accurate; only an original is truly accurate. Following Catholic and Apostolic Tradition from the early Church, codified in perpetuity by the dogmatic Council of Trent and promulgated by Pope St. Pius V, the Mass is to be said in Latin in perpetuity. (In the Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Divine Liturgy, Biblical Greek is to be used, with minor exceptions, like Biblical Syriac.) But the Modernist crowd, as usual, tried to slip its heretic New Theology into the vulgar-tongued translations, which used "for all" to propagate the heresy of Universal Salvation.
True Catholics, the vulgar Italian translation had remained "per molti," but now, with Bergoglio in charge, the Italian Bishops' Conference has in September 2020 once again gone heretical with its translation "per tutti" for the "New" (Third) Edition of the Novus Ordo Missal. Because Bergoglio eschews Latin and instead uses vulgar Italian in his daily Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess, the apostate Newpope will now be using the overtly heretical and invalid form. It's just another heresy to add to his multitudinous list of heresies.
On the basis of new archaeological evidence reported in the Journal of the Institute of Archaeology, (2019), Pontius Pilate is confirmed as remarkable man of culture, who spent a good deal of time and money embellishing the city of Jerusalem and making the city "renowned across the Roman Empire for holy sites and monumental architecture." Archaeologists have uncovered just south of Jerusalem's walls, a "monumental stepped street" that led to the foot of the Temple Mount on which Solomon's great temple had once stood. This street extends for half a kilometre and is eight metres wide. It was built from no less than 10,000 metric tons of limestone slabs.
Historians had assigned to Herod the Great (ob. ca. 4 B.C.) most of the great construction efforts in Jerusalem, but a cache of coins found beneath the stepped street proved the historians wrong, and dated the monumental project not to Herod, but to Pontius Pilate, who engineered the construction as governor (procurator) of Judaea from circa 26 to 36, one of the two longest-serving procurators.
Pilate was also a generous man toward those whom he ruled as governor of Judaea. According to the contemporary historian Flavius Josephus, when the corrupt leaders of the Jewish Temple embezzled money from the corbona, or Temple treasury, for themselves -- much like Francis-Bergoglio and his Newcardinals have been caught doing in our time with Newchurch funds -- Pilate confiscated the funds and spent them to build a much-needed aqueduct for the people.
True Catholics, several later accounts indicate that Pilate, who, according to St. John's Gospel account, was favorable to Christ, but capitulated to the Jews only in the face of their threat to revolt, converted to Christianity and was martyred for Christ. Pilate's wife, Claudia Procula, who is mentioned in St. John's Gospel, was also converted to Christianity. Both are considered Saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
It seems that once again the ancients had it right: frankincense, in addition to being one of the gifts of the Magi to the Christ Child, representing his kingship, has been used from the earliest times in the Catholic Church for Divine Office and Holy Mass, as it was previously used in the Temple at Jerusalem, to purify, both spiritually and corporally. Even modern science recognizes its power to reduce airborne diseases.
Modern science has confirmed the purifying effects of frankincense, which in the fourteenth century was used as a preventative against the effects of the Black Plague and other epidemics. The essential oil of frankincense when burned acts as a natural antimicrobial agent, reducing airborne bacterial counts by almost two-thirds. Frankincense also has anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Middle-Eastern frankincense is derived from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree. "Frank" (noble or pure) incense is to be distinguished from other varieties (species), like the ignoble Oriental incense used in Buddhism, which has a cheap odor. Moreover, this cheap Asian variety can have harmful effects on the respiratory system. Warning labels are Asian "incense sticks" because of the harmful smoke.
True Catholics, in the Divine Office, Holy Mass, and many other liturgical offices, such as Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Holy Saturday, and certain solemn blessings and exorcisms, the smoke and fragrance of frankincense symbolizes prayer ascending to Heaven. The Church associates frankincense with, to use St. Paul's phrase (Philippians 4:18/DRV), "an odor of sweetness, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God." Our Catholic predecessors knew that, like so many things used in the Catholic Church, frankincense not only has an intimate connection to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass bot also serves as a remedy and balm for the body.
While the Chinese Virus has been raging, Francis-Bergoglio has not paused in his personal takeover of the Newchurch of the New Order by appointing dozens of Newbishops in his Marxist/Modernist packing plan.
For the United States, Bergoglio appointed on September 11, 2020, three more auxiliary Newbishops for Chicago, Illinois, adding to the army of these deputy Newprelates, who will serve the ultra-Modernist Newcardinal there, Blase Cupich, the enemy of the true (traditional) Catholic Faith. In Chicago, as elsewhere, it's all Novus Ordo colonels and no corporals, all chiefs and no Indians. There will now be eight -- count them, eight -- Newauxiliaries in Chicago.
In addition, Bergoglio has now appointed Newauxiliaries for unheard-of mission territories in the middle of the Sahara Desert and on the Islands of the South Pacific. Like the rats of the Black Plague, these fake Newbishops are everywhere. Newchurch may have few presbyters, but it's teeming by the hundreds with Newbishops. Why be a knight when you can be a duke? Why be a presbyter when you too can be a fake Newbishop?
Next down the line will be auxiliary Newpopes. Why not? They already have a Newpopes Demeritus even now!
Further confirming the Marxist connections of Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch, particularly his Newjesuits, public documents have revealed that the infamous Leftist multibillionaire George Soros has funneled almost two million U.S. dollars to three organizations of the Newjesuit Order. In 2011 Soros was convicted by a final decision of the French Supreme Court of insider trading, i.e., fraud.
The Newjesuits are the Order exposed as a Marxist front group in 1988 by Fr. Malachi Martin, a noted Vaticanologist and best-selling author, who in 1965 left the Order because of its corruption. This is the order to which Bergoglio himself belongs, the order that sponsors the murderous Marxist "Liberation Theology" and associates with the like of the terrorist Che Guevarra and the Marxist Newarchbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Romero, who was the first to be Novus Ordo "beatified" and con-anized by Bergoglio as an "Unsaint", even though Bergoglio's predecessor had rejected the move.
Soros is an outspoken abortion and contraception advocate. Many of his donations have been funneled in support of the anti-life cause. He has funneled several millions of U.S. dollars into organizations such as "Catholics for Choice," which not only supports abortion and contraception, but also homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and transsexualism. In the secular world he has also funded the domestic terrorist group calling itself "Black Lives Matter." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CCOrg.]
True Catholics, it is no surprise that the apostate Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has praised the atheist Soros. Bergoglio has been reported to have said that some of his best friends are atheists. St. Paul famously wrote: "For desire of money is the root of all evils: which some coveting have erred from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:10/DRV). Bergoglio exemplifies the truth of the Saint's statement. He associates himself with such ilk as the fraudster George Soros, who shares his Marxist outlook, and with the infamous paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, who escaped being fired for decades because he was a covert fund-raiser for the corrupt Newvatican.
The TRADITIO Fathers announce with sadness the death at age 69 on Friday, September 11, 2020, of Fr. Anthony Cekada, noted traditional Catholic author, and Assistant Pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester (Cincinnati), Ohio. Fr. Cekada had recently suffered a series of strokes. (Unfortunately, he had been a smoker from his early years.) On the previous day, Fr. Cekada was transferred from the hospital to the St. Gertrude rectory, where he passed to eternity the following day, having been strengthened by the traditional Roman Catholic Last Rites. A wake is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16, to be followed by the traditional Catholic Latin Exequies the following day. The TRADITIO Fathers will be offering a Missa Cantata for the repose of his soul.
Fr. Cekada's most recent work was his 2010 magnum opus, Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI, a 445-page theological analysis of the history and invalidity of the invalid "New Mass" used in the Newchurch of the New Order. In 1991 he had published The Problems of the Prayers of the New Mass, which demonstrated that the "New Mass" was not a Catholic Mass by using a devastating side-by-side comparison with the Traditional Latin Mass. Fr. Cekada published numerous other pamphlets and articles, all displaying a careful scholarship, proving that Newchurch is not the Catholic Church and has lost the valid Mass and Sacraments. His introductory booklet for newcomers to the True Mass, "Welcome to the Traditional Latin Mass," has been widely read since its publication in 1995.
Alex Trebek, for 36 years the host of television's premier game show, "Jeopardy," has been fighting stage four pancreatic cancer since March 2019. But he will not have the Catholic Faith to support him in his last days. He has now rejected his Catholic Faith. He is no longer even a Christian, but a clueless pantheist.
Although Trebek, born in 1940, was raised by his parents as a (traditional) Catholic and was schooled at the University of Ottawa in the philosophy -- in Latin yet -- of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, Trebek spurned the Catholic Faith and became a pantheist. In his autobiography, released July 21, 2020, he writes: "I believe we are all part of the Great Soul — what some call God. We are God, and God is us." The typical statement of a pantheist. And how does Trebek know this? No intellectual he: "It's not that I know it. It's that I feel it." That is the typical answer of an irrational Modernist; his (traditional) Catholic education has gone to waste. He rejects St. Thomas Aquinas's timeless Catholic and rational theology for pagan pantheism.
So far has Trebek fallen from the (traditional) Catholicism in which he was taught that his answer about God is truly inane: "Do I pray to a specific god? Do I anticipate a particular version of the afterlife? No, I do not. For all I know I'll wind up coming back in another life as a knitter during the French Revolution sitting there like Madame Defarge watching the executions." So not only is Trebek a pagan and a heretic, he is a believer in condemned reincarnation.
True Catholics, there is still time for Trebek to return to the True Faith. He needs now to remember what he has been taught about the Quattuor Novissima, the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. You'd think that with the Catholic education he got, he would have a grasp on the answers to the big questions of being, but, sadly, it seems that he does not. He will apparently pass to whatever eternity awaits him not having a clue who God is.
How often have you heard that, finally, after numerous victims have come forth, Newchurch finally "suspended" some presbyter for sex crimes? Now we know what Newchurch "suspension" really means. Nothing. It's just another scam run by the paedophile Newchurch institution.
In 2009 presbyter George DeCosta was permanently "suspended" and "prohibited from contact with minors" because six children charged him with sex crimes. But now DeCosta has sneaked back in. Ironically, he gained entry to minors again by associating himself with a noted composer of trash hymns for the "New Mess," David Hass, whom 41 women have accused of sexual assault and battery over a thirty-year period, and by being appointed "adult leader" with the music camp "Music Ministry Alive" run by Newchurch's St. Catherine's University in St. Paul, Minnesota.
As chance would have it, an alumnus of the music camp spotted the paedophile DeCosta "at morning prayer, evening prayer, sitting up front." DeCosta was also present at concerts and meals. Now this alumnus and 112 other participants, parents, and teachers are demanding an explanation from Newarchbishop Bernard Hebda for DeCosta's presence when he is supposed to be "suspended" from contact with minors. The Newchurch music camp allows DeCosta access to 2,200 young music students. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Paul, Minnesota Star Tribune.]
True Catholics, Newchurch officials of the music camp stated that they were "unaware" of the charges of sex crimes against DeCosta. Obviously, DeCosta didn't tell them. Newchurch had covered up his "suspension" by officially listing him as "retired." During the week of August 30, 2020, the announcement was made that DeCosta's "permanent suspension" had been converted to expulsion from the Newclergy. Yet Newchurch's St. Catharine's University pled ignorant. Newarchbishop Bernard Hebda pled ignorant. It seems that when it comes to paedophile crimes by its Newclergy, Newchurch is just plain ignorant.
It was reported on September 9, 2020, that the Newarchdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, was complicit in buying a second "beach house" in 1997 for the infamous paedophile Theodore McCarrick, who was Newarchbishop there from 1986 to 2000. After his stint at Newark, McCarrick was made Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., by the "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla, from which post McCarrick was facilitated to continue his sexual predations.
In this new "beach house" on the Jersey Shore, McCarrick is said to have continued his sex crimes against children, young Newseminarians, and youthful presbyters that were charged to have gone on in his first beach house. In addition, McCarrick was known to have used the second beach house to raise money, mostly for his friend Bergoglio, whose Newchurch is quickly sinking into bankruptcy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Francis-Bergoglio has been sitting for two years on a completed investigative report that would detail his friend McCarrick's sex crimes. Apparently, Newbishops in the United States have persuaded Bergoglio to postpone the likely-devastating report until the criminal statute of limitations runs out. McCarrick has also been charged with unilaterally maintaining a slush fund off the books, which he used to pay bribes to Newchurch leaders, likely including JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio himself.
Almost unknown to the general public, Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch, continuing its shutdown, has been shuttering permanently Newchurch schools at an ever-increasing rate. For example, by September 5, 2020, without much fanfare, about 150 Newchurch schools have been closed permanently in the United States, as Newchurchers have stopped contributing to the perverted Newchurch, whose officials continue to sodomize, rape, and otherwise sexually assault students.
Even Newchurchers with students in the Newchurch schools don't seem to care any longer. The limited number of comments on the shutdown program expressed regret, not at loss of the Catholic Faith (which, of course, no longer exists in Newchurch), but at the closing of basketball programs. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
True Catholics, we TRADITIO Fathers can only emit a "Who cares?" The children are better off outside of the lethal Newchurch schools, which don't teach the Catholic Faith anyway and seem bent on hiring "gay" teachers who dispute God's Natural Law. As for basketball, the children can just as well play in local leagues or at the YMCA. Basketball is not a religious or classical subject, and should not be part of the curriculum.
On August 20, 2020, the United States Navy announced that it was terminating its contract with Newchurch, at its largest aerospace-industrial complex in the United States, the Naval Base Coronado at San Diego, California, home of several aircraft carriers. Henceforth New Order Messes are being almost entirely canceled.
The cause is the ever-sinking number of Newchurch presbyters, which has further declined under Francis-Bergoglio. Few as the number of Newchurch presbyters is now, very few of even these have volunteered to become military chaplains. The few remaining Newchurch contracted chaplain are being fired as of September 30, 2020, and the small number of active-duty chaplains left cannot fill the void. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the San Diego Union-Tribune.]
True Catholics, Protestant services will continue at the U.S. Navy's largest base because there are ample numbers of ministers. The Navy admitted that Newchurch is being hit hardest because of its small numbers. But that is not the fault of the Navy. It is the fault of Newchurch, which, not being Catholic, can no longer attract young men to serve it. What sane young man would waste his life serving an heretical non-Catholic New Order sect that is worse that the Protestant sects? The statistics show that Newchurch will be essentially dead in most areas of the world by 2030.
Francis-Bergoglio, who is sinking deeper and deeper into sex and finance scandals, lashed out on September 6, 2020, against those who, he claimed, are engaging in so-called "gossip." Historically, we have seen that those in Newchurch who want to conceal their vile deeds have resorted to calling the dissemination of information, in full accordance with the Holy Gospels and Catholic theology, to inform others and keep them from being harmed, "gossip." Bergoglio has tried this excuse before. It won't wash. Bernie Fellay, of the Neo-SSPX has tried the same tactic against his own Neo-SSPXers. It won't wash there either. As Scripture teaches: "Magna est veritas, et praevalet (Great is the truth, and it prevails" (1 Esdras 4:41/V).
Bergoglio is desperate. Even his own associates, just as they did with his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, are outing him for the crimes that he has committed: against God and against man, and particularly against children. So now Bergoglio says that "gossiping" is "a worse plague than the coronavirus." He even calls it the "Devil" (if in fact the Marxist/Modernist even believes in the Devil). Bergoglio claims that "gossip" can be used to divide Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
But should Bergoglio himself not rather be called the "Devil," as he has gone into heresy and schism, even apostasy, from the Roman Catholic Church? So, what is Bergoglio's solution for handling his sexual and financial crimes, his heresies and apostasies as a Marxist/Modernist? "Silence." But, to the contrary, Catholic theology teaches: "Qui tacet, consentit" (He who is silent, consents).
True Catholics, the Church's Universal Theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, does not even mention "gossip," which is a vague term easily spun by the Modernists to their own ends. There is contumelia (reviling), detractio (backbiting), susurratio (tale-bearing), derisio (mockery), but none of these is "gossip," and even these, as the Saint teaches, are not always sins. Yet what is clearly a sin is the willful cooperation with paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals, letting them deflower children at will, while protecting paedophile Newclergy. What is clearly a sin is heresy, schism, and apostasy.
An extreme new "gay" sex scandal has been exposed to have taken place under the regime of Benedict-Ratzinger. Ratzinger abdicated from the Newpapacy in 2013 because he was enmeshed so many paedophile cases that his own butler exposed him, and the Italian press threatened to expose him if he didn't abdicate.
On September 5, 2020, the case came before the criminal courts in Ratzinger's home country of Germany, where once he had wanted to retire before he was placed under virtual house arrest by Francis-Bergoglio. The scandal involves one of Ratzinger's top officials in his Secretariat of State, Newmonsignor Christoph Kuhn. Two priests have charged that Kuhn forced them into sado-masochistic acts that were connived in and allowed to continue by Newchurch officials. These charges were first made in 2006, but Ratzinger, who became Newpope in 2005, did nothing about it, even though the acts were charged to have taken place inside the offices of the Secretariat of State, as well as inside the Casa Santae Martae, a Hilton-like residence for Newvatican prelates.
A report on the perverted activities was presented to Ratzinger's Secretary of State, but nothing was done. One of the two presbyters left the presbyterate to become an "gay rights" activist. He is presenting state's evidence for the criminal proceeding now in progress in Germany. That evidence includes witness tampering on the part of Kuhn, who is said to have attempted to bribe the presbyter to perjure himself to get Kuhn off. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, the German Newmonsignor Christoph Kuhn was known to have collaborated closely with Benedict-Ratzinger, also from Germany. Kuhn organized Ratzinger's trips to Germany, traveled with him on the Newpapal airplane, and was often photographed side by side with him at official receptions with secular German leaders. In fact, Ratzinger designed Kühn a “Prelate of Honor of His Holiness [Sic].” According to the old saying, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." At this point deadly smoke is thick around Ratzinger.
On September 2, 2020, Newcardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Newarchbishop of Luxembourg and President of the Commission of [New]bishops' Conferences of the European Union, said that the Chinese Virus had likely driven the coffin nail into the Newchurch of the New Order because the number of Newchurchers attending the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess," already down to one in ten or fewer before the virus, would decrease even further after the virus. He predicted that even activities like Novus Ordo catechism for children and reception of "First Cookies" would be gutted.
Hollerich referred to the number of "cultural" Newchurchers, that is, those who have no faith, but feel a loose connection with Newchurch for cultural reasons. These do not attend the New Mess because, among other things, it is not a cultural experience, as the New Mess is a fabricated service having nothing to do with the true Catholic culture of 2,000 years. Hollerich admitted that "Christianity is becoming weaker in Europe." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Hollerich said that Newchurch needed to put into place "new missionary structures." However, such a solutions is not even in the cards because Francis-Bergoglio has derided missionary work since for him there is no true faith, just a hodgepodge of "oecumenical" sects, all worshipping the same gods with equal authority. Further, Bergoglio has denounced missionary work as "proselytizing," which he has condemned. Thus, Newchurch will sink further along the path of rejecting Catholicism and embracing revolutionary secular Marxism. Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for Newchurch.
Truly Newrome is getting desperate these days. On September 3, 2020, the Vatican News Service carried a story purporting to show that the great traditional Pope St. Pius X (r. 1903-1914) was a "revolutionary," like the Modernist/Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. The article was apparently published to boost Francis-Bergoglio's failing reputation by trying to associate Bergoglio with one of the only two Pope-Saints in the last half millennium (the other being the traditional Pope St. Pius V, who canonized for all time the Traditional Latin Mass).
The comparison between the true Pope Pius X and the heretic Newpope Bergoglio is so ridiculous as to be an outright lie. Pope Pius was the great anti-Modernist pope who, like Christ, beat the malefactors out of the temple. His 1907 Syllabus of Errors, Lamentabili sane, condemned one by one 65 specific Modernist heresies. He follow up the Syllabus with his 2017 Encyclical Letter Pascendi Dominic gregis, which condemned the Heresy of Modernism, which fundamentally denied objective truth, preaching instead a relative truth that reduced everything to each individual's flawed subjective opinion.
But Pius X did not stop with words. He fought the virulent and poisonous Heresy of Modernism with decisive action. He established councils to review diocesan seminary and school curricula for the inclusion of heretical teaching and to root out those who taught heresy. In 1910, he required an Anti-Modernist Oath to be taken by all clergy, religious, and seminary teachers. Although the Anti-Modernist oath was done away just after the heretical Vatican II Anti-Council in 1967, all traditional Catholic priests to this day take the oath. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, what Pius X successfully fought in the first half of the twentieth century flared up like a destructive firestorm at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which produced the invalid "New Mess," the fake "New Sacraments," the perverted "New Morality," and the heretical "New Doctrine," all implemented by the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch of the New Order, which is certainly not the Catholic Church, and by its heretic Newpopes, who have earned the excommunication for heresy imposed by the Pope-Saint.
The Newchurch heretics are trying to muck with dogma again by injecting heresies into purported new "translations" of the Bible to be consumed by those ignorant of the Biblical languages. This modus operandi has become common since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) exalted the vulgar tongues. Before the Anti-council, many Catholics studied Latin, and some even Greek, so they were not so easily tricked.
In the traditional Douay-Rheims English version the word "espoused" (Latin, desponstata) is used to describe the marriage of Mary and Joseph. In Newchurch versions this word has been corrupted into "engaged." Likewise, Mary's statement to the Archangel Gabriel, "I know not man" (Luke 1:34/DRV) has been corrupted into "I have no husband." So, what are the facts?
Mary and Joseph were married ("espoused") before the Annunciation, when they both had signed the marriage contract at the first part of the two-part Jewish marriage ceremony. For first-century Jews, this was the definitive point when the man and woman became husband and wife ("spouses"). The process of Jewish marriage occurs in two distinct stages: kiddushin and nusuin. Once kiddushin is complete, the woman is legally the wife of the man. The relationship created by kiddushin could be dissolved only by death or Jewish divorce.
Because Mary and Joseph had completed kiddushin before the Incarnation, by Jewish law they were married. If Joseph had denounced Mary publicly, she would have been stoned as an adulteress because she was married to Joseph, and the Child was not his. Nusuin, the second part of the Jewish marriage process, when the husband brings his wife into his home, occurs later.
This two-part marriage ceremony is described in the Gospel of Matthew (1:18/DRV): "Now the generation of Christ was in this wise. When his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child, of the Holy Ghost." This verse, by stating that Mary and Joseph were already espoused at the Incarnation, states that the kiddushin had been completed. Joseph was planning to dissolve the marriage privately, when the Archangel appeared to him and explained the true situation: "Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 1:20/DRV). Joseph then completed the nusuin by taking Mary his wife into his house.
True Catholics, the Latin language has been used from the early Church as a protector of Catholic and Apostolic teaching. Every word has been honed and refined to an exact meaning by the Church Fathers like the Great Doctor St. Augustine, the mediaeval theologians like the Church's Universal Theologian St. Thomas Aquinas, and later theologians like St. Robert Bellarmine and Pope St. Pius X. The exactness of the Latin language is one of the principal reasons by the Modernist heretics who took over the Anti-council wanted to do away with Latin. They could not have achieved their apostasy in Latin; it was just too orthodox a tool. Only in the vulgar tongues could they "translate in" their heresies and make it appear that the heresies were being taught in the Bible. That is why Bible "translations" since the 1960s cannot be trusted and must be rejected in favor of traditional versions or, much better yet, the Latin Vulgate, which was declared by the dogmatic Council of Trent as free of doctrinal error, as no Modernist vulgar-tongued "translation" is.
Is God Himself sending a message to Newchurch that the invalid (fake) "New Mess" is sacrilegious, blasphemous, and idolatrous, in contravention of the First Commandment of God? Reports are coming in from all over the world that a number of Novus Ordo presbyters are dropping like flies, struck dead at their Novus Ordo "eucharistic dinner tables," formerly altars. Here are just four examples of what has been happening; several more have been reported.
On August 30, 2020, presbyter Jude dropped dead while giving a Novus Ordo "homily" in French in the pulpit at Douala, Cameroon. Members of the congregation dissolved into screams. The presbyter was not known to have any health problems.
In 2017 presbyter Gaston Hurtubise, while giving a Novus Ordo "homily" in French to a "Charismatic" Congress in Ottawa, Canada, suddenly dropped dead face down on the floor. The "Charismatic" Movement in Newchurch traces its origins in heretical Protestant Pentecostalism, complete with glossalalia ("speaking in tongues"), and names its starting point in Newchurch as the Vatican II Anti-council. The presbyter was not known to have any health problems.
In 2015 Newchurchers in Naivasha, Kenya, saw presbyter Patrick Kuria drop dead in front of them while in the middle of simulating the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess." The presbyter was not known to have any health problems.
In 2013 hundreds of Newchurchers saw New Zealand Newmonsignor Timothy Hannigan, of Napier, New Zealand, drop dead while he was handing out the fake Novus Ordo cookies. He had also just "initiated" a baby into the heretical Newchurch. The presbyter was not known to have any health problems. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Dominion Post.]
One cannot help but think of Nadab and Abiu, as recounted in chapter 10 of the Book of Leviticus of the Old Testament, who violated the liturgical rules prescribed by God. They offered to God something profane, unsanctified, and unconsecrated. "And fire coming out from the Lord destroyed them: and they died before the Lord" (Leviticus 10:2/DRV). In other words, God struck them dead at the altar, which they had profaned. They sinned mortally against the First Commandment of God by presuming to use the sacrilegious, blasphemous, and idolatrous "New Mess," which is heretical.
True Catholics, the worship of God is not to be taken lightly. There are very specific rubrics specified in both the Old and New Testament, which are enshrined in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, that is, the Traditional Latin Mass of Catholic and Apostolic Tradition. Clergy who perpetrate sacrilege, blasphemy, and idolatry by simulating the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" expose themselves to severe punishment, as is only right. They are murderers and perverters of God's Holy Sacrifice.
This summer of 2020, in a series of interviews, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, Papal Nuncio to the United States, has publicly declared the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) to be a "monstrum," a Devil. Vigano would thus consign Vatican II to the list of other councils in the history of the Catholic Church declared to be anti-councils. The Church even has a particular term for such anti-councils: Conciliabula, false councils or, as Vigano calls them, "Devil Councils."
The anti-councils were councils that entirely or in part deviated from the Catholic Faith. For this reason they were condemned and nullified as councils, either entirely or in part:
Like these false councils, Vigano sees the Vatican II Anti-council as schismatic and heretic. Moreover, he has charged Francis-Bergoglio with gross immoralities and Benedict-Ratzinger with heresy for his infamous “hermeneutic of reform and continuity,” the Newvaticanese double-talk describing a Modernist/Marxist revolution for Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Vigano has a history of speaking the plain truth, challenging corrupt Newchurch leaders. In 1998 he was appointed personnel director of Newvatican diplomats. In 2009, he was appointed the No. 2 man in the governance of the Newvatican City State. In that office he vigorously worked to rid Newvatican of the morass of financial and other corruption in which it was (and still is) sinking. In 2011 he became the Papal Nuncio (Ambassador) to the United States, headquartered at Washington, D.C., in which post he served until his retirement in 2016 at age 75.
True Catholics, the support that Newarchbishop Vigano has gotten within Newchurch itself confirms that he has hit the nail on the head, about the schism and heresy of the Vatican II Anti-council, and even about Newpopes Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio. Obviously, he has been one of the few Newchurch leaders to analyze truly the nature of the fake Vatican II Anti-council and to follow courageously the clear consequences of that analysis.
In the fourth century, the heresy of Arianism, named after the heretic priest Arius, who denied the divinity of Christ, swept through the Church. St. Jerome, the Great Western Father of the Church, wrote: "Ingemuit orbis terrarum, se Arianum esse miratus est" [the world groaned and was amazed that it was Arian]. The Saint tells us that four out of five bishops, as well as two out of three priests, were Arian heretics. History tells us that several of the popes fell into the heresy as well. St. Augustine of Hippo, another Great Western Father of the Church, stood in the public square of Milan, the capital of Rome at that time, and proclaimed that he would not follow the pope until he recanted his heresy.
Yet in the horrendous fourth century of the Arian heresy, while the Church was being torn apart, there were many bright lights. God gave us some of the greatest and most heroic Saints in the history of His Church to combat the heresy. Not only Saints Jerome and Augustine but also Saints Athanasius and Basil the Great, both Great Eastern Doctors of the Church, and many others. Not only clergy but also laypeople fought back against the powerful forces who were promoting the heresy, including most of the Church hierarchy and the Roman emperors.
God gave us the greatest early council of the Church, that of Nicaea (325), which fought the heresy and composed the Nicene Creed, which is recited at Holy Mass. From St. Athanasius (ca. 297-373) came the Athanasian Creed, used at Divine Office. These two of the three Great Creeds of the Church (in addition to the Apostles Creed) clearly expresses the dogma of divinity of Christ.
Arius and his numerous followers in the Church, from the pope on down, were far more dangerous than previous heretics. Before this time most heretics who left the Catholic Church founded new churches and physically separated from Catholics. Arians, however, did not physically "leave the Church." They did not build new churches of their own. Arius and his heretical consorts continued to offer liturgical services and preach in Catholic churches. These churches were, therefore, Catholic on the outside, but heretical on the inside. Catholics who opposed Arius by remaining faithful to the teachings of the Church were the ones who had the Faith, even though Arians controlled many of the churches. The Arian heretics worked like termites. They attempted to destroy the Church from within.
Does all this sound only too familiar? The Modernist heretics are using the same modus operandi in the present time to destroy Catholicism. The difference is that God has given us no great and heroic Saints in our period, except perhaps Archbishop Lefebvre. God has given us no great Council in our period, only the heretic Modernist Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965).
The Arian heresy, which denies Christ's divinity, is alive still. According to the 2020 "State of Theology" Survey, one-third of "Evangelical Christians" are not Christian, but adhere to the Arian heresy (as well as many others). Most "Evangelical Christians," according to the survey, believe that Jesus Christ is not God. Almost two-thirds of these "Evangelical Christians" adhere to the equally heretical belief that Christ "is the first and greatest being created by God," whereas Christians believe that (Christ is not created, but is eternal God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newsweek.]
True Catholics, "Evangelical Christians" are an heretical sect about 150 years old, during which time it has strayed wildly even from its founding in the Protestantism. It now follows Bible-less preachers who preach a "prosperity gospel" to the accompaniment of jungle rock music. The Newchurch of the New Order has been following the same path as the heretic "Evangelical Christians," but with a dollop of excommunicated Marxism.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In the indulgenced prayer to one's Holy Guardian Angel, how is our Angel Guardian said to "rule" us?
Angele Dei, qui custos es mei, me tibi commissum pietate superna, hodie (vel hac nocte) illumina, custodi, rege et guberna. Amen.
Angel of God, who is my guardian, do thou today (or this night) enlighten, guard, rule, and guide me, who have been committed to you by the heavenly compassion. Amen.
The Latin verb rege here reflects one of its common meanings, to direct. The Angels, particularly our own Guardian Angel, can by their illumination of our mind direct us toward the path of virtue and salvation, but only if we, of our own free will, accept their direction.
Liberation Theology. It should send a chill down every true Catholic's spine. It is a murderous Communist programme advanced at the time of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) by the Newjesuits, particularly in Argentina, Francis-Bergoglio's native country, by which conservative politicians were murdered in the name of "Social Justice." The Newjesuits actually took up arms and personally implemented the programme. In more current times, Liberation Theology goes by another name, "Social Justice," pushed by the Newchurch of the New Order and its leader, Bergoglio, who advocates, openly and covertly, an economic redistribution by force and violent revolution for revolutionary change.
We know whence the murderous liberation theology pushed by the Marxist/Modernist Bergoglio originated. In a striking revelation in 2015, the highest ranking Cold War defector asserted that the Soviet Union's secret police, the KGB, had created Liberation Theology, exporting it to Latin America as a means of introducing Marxism into the continent. Ion Mihai Pacepa, a three-star general and former head of Communist Romania's secret police, who defected to the United States in 1978, stated in an interview with the Catholic News Agency that the Soviet secret police created Liberation Theology. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
True Catholics, on August 23, 2020, Francis-Bergoglio, true to his Argentinian Marxist Newjesuit roots, publicly lauded the late presbyter Julian Zini, an Argentine propagator of condemned Liberation Theology. Zini, in addition to his political intrigues, insinuated Liberation Theology into Marxist songs for the fake "New Mess." He also insinuated Liberation Theology into the Newchurch presbyterate though a front group called “Movement of Pr[esbyters] for the Third World," founded in 1968, just after the close of the Anti-council. One of the Marxist Newbishops involved, Enrique Angelelli, Bergoglio is pushing for Novus Ordo "unsainthood." Newchurch has evolved much in the last sixty years since the Anti-council -- from a sacrilegious, heretical, and grossly immoral sect into an outright atheistic Marxistic front group under the leadership of its Marxist Newpope Bergoglio.