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Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
As many of your readers are by now aware, even the few "semi-traditionalist" orders left in Newchurch are getting "visitations" from Francis-Bergoglio's inquisitors. This process began even before his July 16, 2021, decree "Traditionis custodes," but since then it has ramped up into an inquisitorial fury.
The inquisitors are individuals appointed by Newrome to review and study what is going on in "semi-traditionalist" communities, such as the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the Institute of Christ the King (ICR), and the Carmelites. The process hands over to Newrome the financial assets of the communities under inquisition. The inquisitors can confiscate property and funds for Newchurch coffers and evict the "semi-traditionalists."
It is clearly a matter of faith that prevents any true Catholic today from submitting to the Newchurch dioceses or Newrome, which is not the Catholic Church. In 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, Newchurch expelled the Catholic Church and took over its former edifices and places of worship. We cannot obey a sect that is not Catholic, that does not stand completely for the true (traditional) Catholic faith and morals.
Yet all is not lost. The good God has provided for His true (traditional) Church with numerous traditional Catholic priests and bishops independent of the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order -- more than enough to continue the true faith, for centuries if necessary, until the fake interloper Newchurch crashes. Even now the statistical studies show that Newchurch has not long to live. In the meantime, we must have nothing to do with Newchurch, but hold on to the true Catholic faith --and hold on to our wallets!
On November 21, 2021, the blood of the Novus Ordo "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Woytla was stolen from the Basilica of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which was taken over by the Newchurch of the New Order and thus no longer has the Most Blessed Sacrament. Newchurch since 1968-1969 has only the invalid (fake) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid and fake "Unsaints."
Wojtyla was no "saint," but a Modernist heretic and pagan, who did not hesitate to "preside" over semi-nude Messes, to be "anointed" by a Hindu priestess with cow dung, to be smeared with incense by aboriginal pagans, and to participate in over 100 documented sacrileges, blasphemies, and idolatries. His complicity in paedophilia is by now well known. He supported the notorious Newcardinal Bernard Law, whose complicity in paedophile crimes triggered the public revelation of Newchurch Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. He publicly favored his intimate, the infamous presbyter Marciel Maciel, who raped and sodomized children all over the world. He supported the half-Hindu Theresa of Calcutta, who in turn supported her order's "confessor," Donald McGuire, even after he was exposed as rampant paedophile. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, after Wojtyla's death his secretary, Stanislaws Dziwisz (later made a Newcardinal), started divvying up his body parts to favored Newchurchers like some kind of bazaar. Numerous "relics" of his blood have been placed on the black market by Satanists The whole affair is sickening, not least the fact that the subject of this nonsense, Karol Woytyla (aka Newpope John Paul II) was an outright Modernist heretic with propensities toward paganism, is worshipped by Newchurchers as if he were a god. He most certainly isn't -- and wasn't!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The Neo-SSPX has failed to reach a deal with Newrome on doctrine because the doctrinal team, led by NSSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarretta, refused to budge from perennial teaching. In fact, at the time, one of the participants commented that Newchurch of the New Order not only embraced and advanced heterodox doctrine but also that it did not even speak the same language as the Neo-SSPX participants.
The undergirding for traditional Catholic teachings is the ancient philosophical-theological system as elaborated by the great doctors of the Church, such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, St. Bernard, St. Anselm, St. Robert Bellarmine, and, indeed, the Eastern fathers as well, whereas the undergirding for the Modernist heretics of Newchurch, such as Josef Ratzinger (aka Newpope Benedict XVI), is Hegel and Marx and Sartre and subjectivism and God only knows what else.
The Modernist heretics of Newchurch create ugly architecture, write revolting music, compose disgusting literature, create meaningless paintings and twisted sculpture. Their theology and politics and worldview are of the same piece. Hence they champion collectivism and socialism, for example, which are only code for Communism.
The participant-commentator, to my recollection, said that talking with Newchurch theologians was like carrying on a conversation in two different and mutually-incomprehensible languages. The Neo-SSPX participants had no idea what the Newchurch Modernist heretics were talking about, and vice versa. If anyone preach a doctrine besides that which we have preached to you, saith St. Paul, let him be anathema (Galatians 1:8/DRV). As for the language of the Newchurch Modernists, it is to theology what the Tower of Babel was in Holy Writ: a source of misdirection and confusion.
Newchurch is not Catholic. Newchurch is not Christian. Newchurch is pagan one day and secularist the next. Newchurch is unmoored from the Truth, Who is Christ Himself. So Newchurch is completely lost. True Catholics must have nothing to do with Newchurch. It is time for Fellay & Co. to stop tempting God by trying to deal with the Devil of the Newchurch. Their holy founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, found that out and thenceforth eschewed Newchurch completely. It is time for the Neo-SSPX to stand fast against this new evil. They have not done so. God will not make manifest His work though fools -- or heretics.
What is surprising to us is the degree to which the Newchurchers are so clueless as not to see that simple fact: Newchurch is not the Catholic Church. We don't think that they want to see it, because if they admitted that Newchurch is not the Catholic Church, they'd have to leave. They'd rather stay in a fraud then leave. No wonder Newchurch gets away with battering them so badly. The Newchurchers are enablers of the deadly fentanyl that the Newchurch leaders pander.
The Midnight Mass of Christmas (In Nocte, At Night) is the most ancient and traditional Catholic celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as tradition tells us that the Nativity actually took place at midnight. The two day Masses, In Aurora (At Dawn) and In Die (In the Day), are later additions. Now Newchurch has started to suppress the Traditional Midnight Mass. It had already taken some steps in this direction, first moving its celebration off midnight to the evening -- entirely vitiating the reason for the traditional practice.
Now Robert Guglielmone, Newbishop of Charleston, South Carolina, has started what will undoubtedly become the worldwide suppression of the Midnight Mass of the Nativity because of Francis-Bergoglio's July 16, 2021, decree "Traditionis custodes," which essentially suppresses the Half Novus Ordo "Extraordinary" New Latin Mess of 1962. Guglielmone decreed on November 12, 2021, almost the entire abolition of this Mess. He attacked Neocon Newchurchers for "relegating the Novus Ordo to a lesser expression of the prayer of the [New]church."
Guglielmone wants full implementation of the Vatican II Anti-council's (1962-1965), liturgical heresies, such as the introduction of the vulgar tongues into what was once a sacred liturgical service and the transfer of once priestly duties to the unordained men and women, boys and girls. Guglioelmone has further restricted the use of the New Latin Mess of 1962 to almost nothing:
Traditional Catholics, Newbishop Guglielmone admits that the "charge of the [Anti-]council for 'active' participation has not been fully accepted and realized." That is a stunning admission in view of the fact that sixty years have now passed, and the four Newpopes (Montini, Woytyla, Ratinger, and Bergoglio) have been mercilessly ramming the Anti-council's liturgical heresies down the throats of Newchurchers since 1962. But the New Mess has never gelled, even among Newchurchers. It has been constantly revised. Recent studies from Pew Research and Newchurch's own Georgetown University have shown that Newchurch baptisms (now called "initiations"), marriages, funerals, and Mess attendance have plummeted in the last decade. That has forced the wholesale shuttering of Newchurches, in some places up to more than half.
According to an October 2021 report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is expanding its "invasive and comprehensive system of control and surveillance on clergy." Newchurch bishops, presbyters, and laity have been particularly singled out because they "engage in religious activities under foreign influence," i.e., Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican. Yet, while his own Newbishops, presbyters, and laity have been killed in front of his eyes, Bergoglio has remained mute.
And why not? The international press has reported that the Marxist/Modernist Newpope is in the pocket of the Dictator Xi Jinping's atheistic Communists and is being paid off to the tune of 1,000,000,000 USD. According to Newchurch's Chief Auditor, Bergoglio's regime is on the verge of bankruptcy, so he has sunk to taking bribes from Communists to shore up his dying regime. Even the Communist government's supported version of Newchurch, alled the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, is being subjected to "even tighter state control and surveillance." This is the Communist group into which Bergoglio has forced Chinese Newchurchers as part of his sell-out concordat of 2018, renewed in 2020.
In October 2021 Red China started even more ruthlessly applying its "Measures on the Management of Religious Clergy," imposing penalties for clergy who violate a complex web of anti-religious state rules and policies. Those Newchurchers who have not joined Bergoglio's and Jinping's Patriotic Association are the particular targets of persecution. Newchurch clergy and laity must support the Chinese Communist Party and eschew "foreign infiltration using religion," i.e., Bergoglio's Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, if the Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio put into saving his own Newchurchers that he puts into trying to impose political "climate control" on the secular world, the tables might start to turn against the Communist Chinese. But instead he has twice signed a sell-out concordat with Xi Jinping, which allows the Communist dictator even to appoint Newbishops in Bergoglio's name. No wonder the corrupt Newchurch of the New Order is sinking rapidly into ruin, as recent Pew Research and Newchurch's own Georgetown University studies have proven.
With the reports in November 2021 that Francis-Bergoglio is gutting the contemplative orders, like the Carmelites, in his Newchurch, even Newchurchers are trying to figure out why. Of course, the Marxist/Modernist Newpope detests the traditional contemplative life, but there is more. He is getting a financial kickback when the contemplative orders are disestablished by his Newchurch. Now that he has taken a more-than-one hundred million USD bath for his embezzlement in a London real-estate scam involving his own Newchurch's charitable donations, he is maniacal for ever more funds to support his crumbling regime.
Bergoglio issued in 2016 the apostolic constitution "Vultum Dei querete," which began the disestablishment of contemplative orders in his Newchurch. Bergoglio put in charge of the disestablishment the Secretary for the Congregation of Religious, his intimate, Newarchbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, who is known to hate the Carmelites and other contemplative orders as not being Modernistic enough.
Now every monastery and convent is required to join a bureaucratic "federation." The monasteries and convents have lost their autonomy to the New Order bureaucracy. Just like the national Newbishops' conferences, a concept thought up originally by the Arch-heretic Martin Luther, have essentially taken power over every individual Newdiocese and Newbishop in Newchurch, the bureaucratic religious "federations" now have unchecked power over every Carmelite and other contemplative monastery or convent in Newchurch. That power of Newchurch includes the confiscation of donations made by Newchurchers to the contemplative orders.
Bergoglio has encouraged the shutdown of contemplate monasteries and convents by requiring that the assets be split between the Newchurch "federation," the Newchurch diocese, and the Newpope. Bergoglio's scam sounds just like the Roman soldiers at the foot of the cross, casting lots to steal Our Lord's clothing. With such a financial incentive, Bergoglio and his Newchurch has closed hundreds of monasteries and convents around the world and pocketed their assets. Even the Franciscans are now teetering on the verge of bankruptcy because of widespread embezzlement of funds, which the Franciscans are trying to re-coop, in some cases, by engaging in drug and arms trafficking. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Crisis Magazine.]
Traditional Catholics, the solution is simple. The Carmelite monasteries and convents should leave Newchurch and go independent. Then they can have the fully Traditional Latin Mass that they desire, not the phony "Extraordinary" Half New Order Mess of 1962, which Bergoglio is even now shutting down. They can take their assets with them and fight Bergoglio's embezzlement tooth and nail in the secular courts, which tend to side with locals against embezzling Newrome. Unfortunately, the Modernist Newchurch Carmelites, if they even deserve the name, do not have the courage of their foundress, St. Teresa of Avila, who was so gutsy as to denounce even the corruption of popes to their face.
The 79th Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta, Matthew Festing, who was illegally expelled by Francis-Bergoglio, died on November 12, 2021, and is to be buried with solemnity in spite of Bergoglio on December 3 in the Grand Master's Crypt. The crypt was reopened in 2020 after thirteen years of restoration. Festing will be the first in hundreds of years to be so buried.
The ancient order, which was founded in the twelfth century to minister as hospitallers to the Catholic Crusaders in the Holy Land, is independent under international law, but Bergoglio illegally interfered in the conduct of the order. When Bergoglio tried to force him out of office, Festing eventually capitulated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, in spite of Francis-Bergoglio's illegal interference in conduct of the order, the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta has ordered its flags around the world to be flown at half-mast on the day of the funeral. It is reprehensible that the Knights did not stand up to the tyranny of the Newpope Bergoglio when they had exhibited such courage over the centuries in ministering during the Holy Crusades.
Now the cat is out of the bag, explaining why Francis-Bergoglio canceled the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962 (aka erroneously at "Extraordinary"): Benedict Ratzinger with his sham 2007 motu proprio "Summorum pontificum," permitting the New Latin Mess under temporary and limited circumstances, was "unsuccessful" in bringing the Neo-SSPX into the Newchurch of the New Order. The Neo-SSPX's Superior General at the time, Bernie Fellay, wanted to sell out his organization to Newchurch, but he was repulsed by his District Superiors and was eventually replaced as Superior General.
On November 14, 2021, Newarchbishop Arthur Roche, Bergoglio's Prefect of Newchurch Worship, stated that because Ratzinger's motu proprio was "unsuccessful" in bringing the Neo-SSPX into Newchurch, Bergoglio is now going "back to what the [Anti-]council required of the [New]church." Because Ratzinger failed, and the Neo-SSPX has not as yet completely joined the Newchurch of the New Order -- although the NSSPX has already gone some distance in that direction--, Bergoglio is henceforth going to enforce the Anti-council's purpose: to disestablish the Catholic Church and replace it with a Newchurch of the New Order, which is based upon the oecumenical heresy that "we all worship the same god" and "all religions are true." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by TV Swiss.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio hates the Catholic Church -- after all, he is an admitted Marxist -- and wishes to destroy anything in his Newchurch that smacks of true Catholicism, but he also clearly dislikes Benedict-Ratzinger and judges him a failure. This is clear from Bergoglio's Letter to his Newbishops that accompanied his "Traditionis custodes" of July 16, 2021. Ratzinger was, in fact, a failure, in that he was "unsuccessful" in schmoozing the Neo-SSPX into Newchurch fold, even though Bernie Fellay and many of his henchmen wanted to sell out. They still do.
Newchurch is so confused -- and certainly not Catholic. At its December 18, 2021, biannual meeting, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, once again changed the rite of what since 1972 it has called "Initiation," having dumped the "Baptism" mentioned numerous times in Sacred Scripture. In that year it changed the traditional, valid Sacrament of Baptism into something it called a "Rite of Initiation," as if the person were being initiated into the Freemasons, and not into a sacrament at all. The sacrament then became doubtful, even more doubtful than Protestant baptisms, which the Catholic Church has recognized as valid, though sacrilegious and imperfect, if and only if the Biblical sacrament form is used (Ego te baptizo in nomine Patris, etc. - I baptize thee in the name of the Father, etc.).
Now the Newchurch bishops have dumped even their concocted "Rite of Initiation" and substituted a presumptively invalid (fake) new "Order of Initiation." Even Newchurch itself admits that many of its presbyters are using invalid, non-Biblical forms, but can't seem to stop its renegades. Thus, recent "initiations" are presumptively invalid, i.e., null and void. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, in less than forty years, Newchurch has moved from valid Baptisms to doubtful "initiations" to presumptively invalid "initiations." Baptism and Matrimony are the two Sacraments that are the hardest to make invalid, but the corrupt Newchurch has managed to do it. Even Francis-Bergoglio has been photographed administering invalid "initiations." But none of this is surprising, given that Newchurch is not the Catholic Church and rejects Catholic teaching and practice, even more so now than the Protestants. The clueless Newchurchers are being cheated of Divine grace and are not receiving the sacraments they think they are.
Never before has a pope been implicated in complicity in embezzlement before a Newvatican tribunal. But on November 17, 2021, Bergoglio became the first. Newvatican's London real-estate scam embezzled 404,000,000 USD from the Newpapal "charity" known as Peter's Pence, to which Newchurchers contribute each year. This charity is currently under investigation by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation for fraud, and the 300 U.S. Newbishops have likewise been sued for fraud . Although Bergoglio put his Deputy Secretary of State, Angelo Becciu, on trial for the offence, Bergoglio himself was cited in testimony as the mastermind behind the embezzlement, being, after all, the head of the Newchurch of the New Order.
It was revealed in the Newvatican court hearing the case that Bergoglio himself was interrogated by prosecutors about his role in the embezzlement. Defense attorneys have moved to dismiss the case against Newcardinal Becciu. The judge has already dismissed indictments against four other defendants. The legal principle is Respondeat superior - Let the head respond. Bergoglio is the head of Newchurch and is thus responsible for his subordinates' actions, in addition to the fact that it is inconceivable that Bergoglio himself was ignorant of a financial transaction involving practically half a billion U.S. dollars. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, defense attornies have also charged that Francis-Bergoglio has been having prohibited discussions with the prosecutor. One witness testified that Bergoglio himself gave orders to commit the embezzlement. In fact, Bergoglio himself admitted that he signed the authorization. It may be that the case against Becciu will be dismissed, and Bergoglio will be left holding the bag as Embezzler-in-Chief for Newchurch.
On November 17, 2021, the U.S. Newbishops wimped out yet again. By an anonymous vote of 222-8, they played Pontius Pilates and washed their hands of refusing the invalid (fake) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to those politicians and others who publicly advocate abortion and the public funding thereof, like self-proclaimed "devout Catholics" U.S. President J.R. Biden and U.S. Speaker of the House Representatives, N.E. Pelosi. Biden and Pelosi have even advocated going farther, opening the funding of abortions outside U.S. territorial limits, by repealing what is known as the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment prohibits the U.S. from funding any abortions around the world.
The cowardly Newbishops, who have never been consecrated as bishops in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" like Protestant bishops, enacted a document titled "The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church." The document was initially supposed to prohibit anti-Catholic hypocrites, like Biden and Pelosi, from munching the fake New Order cookie and Kool-Aid, but in the interim the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio intervened forced his Newbishops to keep their hands off such ilk as Biden and Pelosi. The Newbishops instead decided to turn tail and speak about "evangelizing" the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid.
The Newbishops thus proved -- as if any further proof were needed -- that their Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church. Newchurch won't even enforce is own Newcode of Canon Law, which was a dead letter ever since it was issued under the Second Paedophile "Unsaint" Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla, in 1983. It may as well be displayed in a coffin, for all the attention the Newpopes and Newbishops pay to it. [Some information for this Commentary has been contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, "Nolite errare: Deus non irridetur": Be not deceived: God is not mocked (Galatians 6:7/DRV). In 1968 it seems that God Himself intervened to deprive Newchurch of the priesthood, when Newchurch dumped the Sacrament of Holy Orders and adopted an invalid Protestant New Ordinal to "install ministers." In 1969 it seems that God Himself intervened to deprive Newchurch of a valid Mass, when Newchurch dumped the Traditional Latin Mass and adopted the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service. Even the Vatican II Anti-council's New Latin Mess of 1962, sacrilegious as it is, is invalid (fake) because it is being simulated by non-priests. Thus, Newchurch has no "eucharist" to "evangelize"!
One must not forget that Newchurch is still embroiled in its continuing Great Sex AND EMBEZZLEMENT Holocaust. Now Newchurch has run afoul of the United States Government, by filing fake Hurricane Katrina claims. On November 15, 2021, the U.S. Department of Justice fined Newchurch 1,000,000 for its fraud.
Newchurch was charged with fraud, in that it "knowingly signed certifications for FEMA funding that contained false or fraudulent damage descriptions and repair estimates." Newchurch submitted claims of damage to a central air conditioning unit that never existed and lied about the area of its property affected. Newchurch had been perpetrating the fraud over a period of six years. The whistleblower who turned in the corrupt Newarchbishops also implicated in the fraud Newchurch's Xavier University, run by Bergoglio's Newjesuits. Xavier already paid a fine of 12,000,000 USD for its fraud. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.
Traditional Catholics, this despicable fraud was perpetrated under the leadership of New Orleans, Louisiana, Newarchbishops Alfred Hughes and Gregory Aymon. Aymon is still Newarchbishop and is yet to be fired by Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, who rarely punishes his henchmen for their paedophile and embezzlement crimes. How can he? Bergoglio himself has been caught perpetrating the same crimes! The Newarchdiocese is currently in bankruptcy because of numerous claims of children against its presbyters and Newbishops for sex crimes upon them. Apparently, the Newarchbishops decided that the only way out of their desperate financial situation was to perpetrate fraud against the United States.
The results of a new religious study of the United States published on November 8, 2021, from interviews gathered through 2019 -- before the Red China Virus pandemic -- confirms other studies showing a dismal picture for the future of Newchurch. The Centiment research firm conducted online interviews with 2,653 members of its nationally representative research panel. The study showed an accelerating demise of the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Second Vatican Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church.
Overall, the study found that those in the United States identifying themselves as Newchurchers has fallen to just 24 per cent of the U.S. population, outnumbered by Protestants/Christians at 45 per cent and atheist/non-religious at 26 per cent. Newchurch affiliations thus do not constitute even one-quarter of the population.
At the younger end of the spectrum, the study found that 33 per cent of U.S. children born in 1965 received Newchurch baptisms, while only 15 per cent of those born in 2019 were "initiated" in Newchurch. (In 1972 Newchurch replaced the Sacrament of Baptism with a Protestantized rite of "initiation.") In 1960 there were 52,000,000 (traditional) Catholic infant baptisms. In 2019 the number of Newchurch "initiations" had fallen from that number by 60 per cent to 21,000,000.
At the older end of the spectrum, the total number of U.S. Newchurch funerals fell 25 per cent since 2000. In 2000 21 per cent of U.S. deaths received a Newchurch funeral. In 2019 only 13 percent did. It seems that even Newchurchers place no belief in the fake New Order non-sacraments of their Newchurch. Instead, Newchurchers, now just like pagans, are incinerating their bodies to a crisp, turning themselves into compost, or, most recently, dissolving their bodies into liquid goo. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.]
Moreover, the study showed just how heretical Newchurchers are -- and certainly are not Catholic:
Traditional Catholics, it is a wonder that Newchurchers go to Newchurch at all. They don't believe in it, so why bother? Maybe that realization has finally struck Newchurchers and is the observed cause of the precipitous decline in Newchurch attendance below 5 per cent. For all the autocracy of the paedophile Newpopes and Newbishops, they represent now an ever declining number. Meanwhile, the traditional Catholic numbers grow in comparison.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Jesus said at his crucifixion: " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). In your opinion, to whom was Jesus referring: the Pharisees, the Jewish common folk, or the Romans? I find this quotation constantly being cited by non-Catholics and Newchurchers as a tactic to lead true Catholics to pacifism and lower their guard. To do so would be completely contrary to our Confirmational duty to be soldiers of Christ. Isn't righteous indignation called for, and failure to defend our faith a sin of omission, if not outright cowardice?
The Roman centurion, who later proclaimed: "Indeed this was the Son of God" (Matthew 27:54/DRV) was standing at the foot of the cross throughout the crucifixion. We believe that Christ's words were directed to the Romans. God had given to the Jews the Law and the Prophets, but most of the Jews rejected Him.
The Romans, on the other hand, did not have the benefit of the Old Covenant and did not know what was transpiring. Unlike the Jews, the Romans were invincibly ignorant and therefore not culpable. Unlike the Pharisees of the Jewish Temple, who manipulated that "Jesus should die for the nation" (John 11:51/DRv), the representative of the Romans, the procurator Pontius Pilate, tried to free Christ until the Jews personally threatened to denounce him to Caesar.
Historically, it was the Romans who brought the Christian faith to the world, not the Jews. In 313 the Roman emperor Constantine I the Great issued the Edict of Milan, which freed Christians from persecution. In 380 the Roman emperor Theodosius I the Great issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Catholicism the official religion of the Roman Empire, which continued for eleven hundred years thereafter. Meanwhile, the Jews as a nation were still persisting in their rejection of Christ as their Messias.
Embarrassed by Newvatican's 2015 London real-estate swindle, Francis-Bergoglio has decided on November 10, 2021, to sell off the property in question and take a bath of 135,000,000 USD. The money was embezzled from donations of Newchurchers to Bergoglio's supported charity, known as Peter's Pence, which goes directly into the pocket of Bergoglio. The swindle has been described as "massive fraud" on the part of Bergoglio's Newvatican.
Newvatican originally invested 350,000.000 of Newchurchers' donations intended for charitable purposes into the London swindle. Newvatican claims that Peter's Pence funds are used "for the relief of those most in need," but instead the charitable funds have been used by Bergoglio and his accomplices to play financial games benefitting themselves.
Rather than taking personal responsibility as the head of Newchurch, Bergoglio has tried to palm the blame off onto Newcardinal Angelo Becciu, Sustituto (Deputy Head) of the Secretariat of State and onto former Italian banker Rafaele Mincione. These prosecutions have not gone well for Bergoglio. Even Newvatican's own court, responsible to Bergoglio personally, has stopped Becchiu's trial because of malfeasance on the part of the Newvatican prosecutors, and an Italian judge has ruled in favor of Mincione against Bergoglio. Mincione produced evidence that Bergoglio and his Newvatican knew about the fraudulent transactions every step of the way. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Financial Times of London.]
Traditional Catholics, because of fraud and embezzlement, 135,000,000 USD donated by Newchurch donors to go to charitable purposes has been siphoned off by Newvatican officials and their financial agents. Francis-Bergoglio's Peter's Pence charity scam is being investigated for fraud by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a class-action suit has been filed against all 300 U.S. Newbishops for complicity in the fraud.
On November 9, 2021, Newcardinal Blaise Cupich indicated that he intends to shut down the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962 (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary") in the Newarchdiocese of Chicago, Illinois, the third-largest Newarchdiocese in the United States, proclaiming that Newchurchers would be forced to "leave behind" the traditional liturgy because of Francis-Bergoglio's "Traditionis custodes" decree. The shutdown could affect the Institute of Christ the King, a pseudo-traditionalist organization, which has its headquarters in Chicago.
Cupich indicated that Newchurch pseudo-traditionalists would be forced to accept the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969, which Ratzinger declared in 2007 to be the "Ordinary" Mess of Newchurch. They would be forced to embrace the Vatican II heresies. And Cupich means what he says. In one case, he locked the doors of a Newparish church to prevent celebration of the New Latin Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, it is obvious that Francis-Bergoglio and Benedict-Ratzinger did not expect the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962 to hang on for so long. That was not Ratzinger's intention with his 2007 document, "Summorum pontificum," which, contrary to the disinformation spread by Newchurch pseudo-traditionalists, was to have only temporary and limited effect.
Traditional Catholics should rejoice that the perverted 1962 Mess will be suppressed, and thus the confusion that it has caused will be remedied.The New Latin Mess is not the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Mess of the apostate Vatican II Anti-council. In any case, Newchurch has not ordained priests since 1968 that could validly celebrate it, as Newchurch since then has only "installed" presbyters in the Protestant rite. Fortunately, the Traditional Latin Mass is being maintained only outside the apostate Newchurch of the New Order at hundreds of sites around the United States and thousands of sites around the world.
On November 9, 2021, a U.S. Federal Judge in Cleveland, Ohio, condemned Newchurch presbyter Robert McWilliams to life behind bars on eight counts of the sex-trafficking of children, with additional charges of child pornography and child expoitation. The judge, in pronouncing the severe sentence against the presbyter, declared: "His conduct is beyond serious and demands an appropriately lengthy sentence." Hundreds more cases are pending in the United States, not to speak of the rest of the world, against current presbyters ultimately reporting to the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio.
McWilliams is representative of the new crop of Newchurch presbyters, who are far worse than the previous generations. He was "installed" (Newchurch has not ordained priests since the 1968 adoption of a Protestantized ordinal) in 2017 and was originally arrested in 2019. Thus, it took only two years for the presbyter to use his fake "installation" to prey upon children. Federal investigators had raided St. Joseph Newchurch, where they found 128,000 photos and videos of child pornography. McWilliams was found to be paying children to engage in sex acts to produce the contraband.
Worse than these crimes, however, was McWilliams' commission of the most grievous crime of all for a clergyman, almost unforgiveable, that of "solicitation," by which he used the fake Novus Ordo non-sacramental Rite of "Reconciliation" to ensnare the children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Third Paedophile Francis-Bergoglio and his Newbishop henchmen have pandered for years to the worst scum acting in their names as Newchurch presbyters. In fact, as just recently reported in these Daily Commentaries, Bergoglio personally let off four German Newbishops accused of crimes against children, when even their own fellow Newbishops turned them in. The Newchurch of the New Order, led by the Newpopes, is an apostate, immoral organization that continues to be complicit in the most vile crimes against children while the Newchurchers still call blasphemously call Bergoglio the "Holy Father." Newchurchers cannot plead ignorance. They are now just as guilty under Christ's law as the apostate Newpopes to whom they bend the knee.
As Newchurch continues its shutdown of the Vatican II New Latin Mess of 1962 (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary") -- which is not the Traditional Latin Mass -- Francis-Bergoglio, in a decree of October 7, 2021, released on November 10, 2021, has severely limited the use of the "1962 Mess" and sacraments throughout Newchurches in Rome:
Bergoglio announced the shutdown in accordance with his July 16, 2021, decree, "Traditionis custodes" through his Vical General of Newrome, Newcardinal Angelo De Donatis. None of Bergoglio's actions is surprising; he is an apostate from the Catholic religion. What is surprising is the rapidity with which these suppressions and bans are being implemented [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the Neocon Newchurchers have now been frozen out. If they wish to have their rosaries or scapulars or medals blessed, they are barred from doing so in Newchurch. In any case, Newchurch has not ordained valid priests since 1968, but only Protestantized presbyter (ministers) having no power to bless anything. Newchurchers must go to independent traditional Catholic priests operating outside the apostate Newchurch -- the same priests to whom Neocon Newchurchers must now go to worship at the Traditional Latin Mass and to receive the Traditional Latin Sacraments, as the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church.
Given the recent deliberately-leaked August 4, 2021, letter of "Liturgy" Prefect NewArchbishop Arthur Roche (previously mentioned in these Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers), we can now see clearly the next steps to be implemented by the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio:
Step One. Abolish the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962 Mess (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary") in Latin and replace it with the invalid (fake) full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess of 1969 in Latin.
To ease the transition to the New Order, the few remaining pseudo-traditional societies like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) will be allowed to offer, for a "very limited time," the New Order Mess in Latin, along with -- a là the High Anglicans -- some "smells and bells" and some Gregorian chant. At Newchurch may deign to allow some of these Novus Ordo Messes to be simulated versus solem orientem and allow participants to munch the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-aid in lingua whilst kneeling at the altar rails (if there are any left).
Now that Bergoglio's henchman, Arthur Roche is in charge, even those vestiges will disappear one by one. Moreover the "readings" -- probably the Novus Ordo set of three rather than the traditional Epistle and Gospel -- will be read aloud at the "eucharistic dinner table" (formerly altar) not only in the vulgar tongues but also in the distorted mistranslations of every Tom, Dick, and Harry local Newbishop in accordance with the false linguistic theory of :"dynamic equivalence," which renders Sacred Scripture not in a literal way, but changes the sacred words of Jesus Christ into what heretics like Roche wished that He had said.
Step Two. New Order practices such as altar girls (or transsexuals) will be employed.
Step Three. Latin will be dumped, and the vulgar tongues will be used. Thus, the Newchurch pseudo-traditionalists will become full-blown heretics like their Newchurch masters.
It is foolish for anyone to cling to the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962. This transitional version was designed to lead rapidly to the fake New Mess of 1969. In fact, the "1962 Mess" lasted only two years, as Newchurch replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council. Newchurch began as a Protestant sect and has now become mostly pagan, complete with Bergoglio's personally-blessed worship of the nude pagan fertility goddess, Pachamama, which has now spread beyond Newrome to Latin America in particular.
Bergoglio and Roche are not pulling any punches. Anyone remaining in Newchurch should take them seriously and dump them to worship at the thousands of churches, chapels, and oratories around the world that have independently remained Catholic with the real Traditional Latin Mass (up to 1950), but rejected the apostate Newchurch and its corrupt officials.
On November 5, 2021, a letter dated August 4, 2021, has been leaked that exposes Newchurch's plans to abolish entirely the New Latin Mess of 1962 (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary) . The author of the letter is Newarchbishop Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, who was appointed in May 2021 by the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio to further Bergoglio's abolition program. Roche has shown himself to be completely in line with the abolition program, kicked off in Bergoglio's July 16, 2021, decree "Traditionis custodes." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.
Cutting through all of Newvatican's newspeak , we can dissect for you the guts of Bergoglio's plan for abolishing entirely the Vatican II Anti-council's New Latin Mess of 1962 (aka "Extraordinary"), which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass. The Neocon Newchurchers, who have been illegally promoting this Mess, have now been cut off at the knees.
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio, for all his apostasy from the Catholic faith, is a man of his word. He said that he would suppress the New Latin Mess of 1962, and he is rapidly doing just that. He was right in condemning the Neocon Newchurchers for deliberately misinterpreting Benedict-Ratzinger's limited permission and promoting it into something never intended. Now the Neocon Newchurchers have been justly called to account for their lies.
All the while, traditional Catholics have known that the "Extraordinary" New Latin Mass of 1962 is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass, but in reality a Half New Order Mess. The Neocons should likewise have found the fortitude to disown that perverted New Latin Mess and deserted the apostate Newchurch of the New Order from the beginning. They didn't, and now they are paying a steep price for their infidelity. But at least the world will be relieved of the deliberate fraud and confusion perpetrated by the New Latin Mess, which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass.
The FBI always gets its man, so the saying goes. Now a Fraternity of St. Peter pastor, presbyter James Jackson, has been arraigned on new U.S. federal charges of trafficking in child pornography. It was previously reported in these Commentaries that Jackson had already been arrested by Rhode Island state prosecutors on three counts of disseminating child pornography.
On November 4, 2021, federal prosecutors filed additional child pornography charges against Jackson. At St. Mary's Newparish in Providence, Rhode Island, Jackson was found to have disseminated and exchanged with thousands of other computers over a peer-to-peer file sharing network over the internet, run from his rectory, hundreds of pornographic images, as well as videos.
On November 10, 2021, Jackson was arraigned in U.S. District Court in Providence. He has fled Providence and is now at an undisclosed location in Kansas where he is being electronically monitored. He is to be arraigned in Rhode Island state court on November 15, 2021, on the three state counts. In addition to the 21 years in state prison that Jackson faces, the federal charges involve an additional 40 years in the federal penitentiary.
The Fraternity of St. Peter purports to be a "traditionalist" organization, although run by the apostate Newchurch of the New Order. Although this type of incident is not new to the FSSP, it has more than the previous ones rocked the organization. The pseudo-traditionalist Neo-Society of St. Pius X (under the Bernie Fellay and Davide Pagnliarani administrations), which is already partially affiliated to Newchurch, is also being investigated by state authorities for similar incidents. These purportedly "traditionalist" organizations affiliated with Newchurch have been particularly secretive about such incidents. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the public exposure that the Jackson affair is receiving is extraordinary and has rocked the FSSP to its foundation, especially in view of the restraints that on July 16, 2021, Francis-Bergoglio imposed on the "Extraordinary" New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly not the immemorial Traditional Latin Mass. These pseudo-traditionalist organizations like the FSSP and the Neo-SSPX try to straddle the fence, not embracing the traditional Catholic Faith, Mass, Sacraments, and morality, but compromising them to the apostate New Order in order that they may get a trivial seat in the back of the Newchurch corporation.
A Franciscan chaplain has charged that Francis-Bergoglio's plan is to destroy contemplative religious life in Newchurch. Even so, Newchurch does not really have contemplatives, because all its religious orders are beholden to and run by the apostate New Order.
On October 4, 2021, Fr. Maximilian Mary Dean charged that Bergoglio's shutdown of the Discalced Carmelite pseudo-traditionalist nuns in Pennsylvania is just the beginning. Bergoglio's plan, announced in 2016, is to "overhaul completely" cloistered women’s communities. Bergoglio is having his henchman, Modernist Newcardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, head of Newchurch's Congregation for Religious, send out Inquisitors from Newrome for a "visitation," whose result is the closure of the convents. Some of these convents simulate the "Extraordinary" New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly not the immemorial Traditional Latin Mass., now essentially banned by Bergoglio in his July 16, 2021, Motu Proprio "Traditionis custodes."
Just like the predations immediately after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) , the traditionalist-leaning contemplatives are being told by Newrome that "the times have changed and [contemplatives] need to adapt. to the times." The grates and grills of the cloisters are unceremoniously ripped out, and the Carmelites in the United States are already being merged in with Novus Ordo groups. Carmelite convents are being turned into museums.
The next victims are to be the Poor Clares of Alabama, the order founded by Mother Angelica, who also founded the EWTN Cable Network for Newchurch. The convent has been forced to go "gay-friendly." Newbishops friendly to the beleaguered pseudo-traditionalist nuns have been removed. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the LS News Network.]
Traditional Catholics, pseudo-contemplative nuns and monks will rapidly disappear in Newchurch, as they won't fight back, but, like all Neocons, will remain "obedient" to the apostate Newpopes. They will send their petitions, faxes, and E-mails to Newvatican, but they will all be useless. The Newchurch juggernaut has been rolling along to this outcome ever since Vatican II. It has been aptly termed "terrorism," but that is how Marxist/Modernists operate. No surprise there, except to those who blind themselves, like the pseudo-traditionalist nuns, to the reality that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church.
On October 18, 2021, the Chinese Communist Party and its President, Xi Jinping, has ramped up its persecution of Newchurchers to show "absolutely no mercy." Those also in the crosshairs include other Christians, Muslim Uyghurs, Tibetans, and even Taoists and Buddhists. The atheist Communist Jinping views any religion as a "threat" and has ordered some 3,000,000 religionists to be "rounded up" into concentration camps for atheistic "re-education."
According to the United Nations, religionists in Red China are being targeted for organ harvesting, and those eligible are then killed and their organs harvested and shipped around the world for profit. Religionists are being herded into slave labor camps to manufacture, for example, sports shoes for Nike, Inc. The Communists get a good cut of the revenue from such slavery.
Moreover, Red China has bought off Newvatican officials. Bergoglio himself gets roughly 1,000,000,000,000 annually for his fake "charities," which are under government investigation. His bosom-buddy, the paedophile criminal, Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, traveled to Red China on Bergoglio's behalf eight times. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the irony is that the heretic Oecumenist Francis-Bergoglio has remained entirely mute on this religious holocaust, while he chases his secular "global warming." Newchurchers, including the U.S. President, J.R. Biden, who calls himself a "good Catholic [Newchurcher] , yet pushes for public funding of abortion and performs "gay marriages," don't want to admit the truth about their (Un)holy Fathers, but blindly continue to bend the knee to the perverted paedophile Newpopes, while Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust against the children of the world continues unabated.
The Newchurch of the New Order, particularly under the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, is not a religious organization. It has sold its soul to become just another secular corporation devoted to politics. Bergoglio's priority is not Christ, but his political "global warming." crusade, featured in his 2015 screed of an encyclical letter, "Laudato si.'" On October 4, 2021, Bergoglio organized a group of dozens of schismatics, heretics, infidels, pagans, and fellow apostates to force governments to commit to political "targets" at the October 31-November 12, 2021, political "global warming" conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
As it turned out, Bergoglio failed to attend, as did the world's biggest polluters, Russian President Vladmir Putin and Communist China's President Xi Jinping. Even the Dalai Lama, who supports every Leftist cause possible, didn't bother to show up. The beleaguered U.S. President J.R. Biden, who did show up, caused international embarrassment when he fell asleep at the conference. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is a secular corporation run by secularists, not Catholics. Francis-Bergoglio himself virtually admitted in his own book that he is a Marxist, trained by Marxists, having attended a Marxist seminary where he kept under his pillow Marxist books. Newchurch is not a religion, deluding a diminishing number of its followers by playing pretend religion for political goals.
On October 25, 2021, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio completed his illegal takeover of the Knights of Malta, in violation of the order's constitution, which prevents the Vatican from interfering in the Knights' internal affairs. The Knights, in fact, hold, under international law, the same status as the Vatican. They have independent relations with nations, issue passports, and enjoy Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. Neither the Vatican nor the Knights are nations. Vatican City is still beholden to the Concordat signed in 1929 with the Fascist Italian dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini.
The Knights eventually bent the knee to Francis-Bergoglio's power play to "reform" the constitution of the 1,000-year-old order rather than fighting like soldiers they are supposed to be for their independence against the illegal interloper Newpope. "Reform" was the same cry heard from the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-65), which destroyed the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church and replaced it with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order led by heretical Newpopes.
The Knights' Grand Chancellor has resisted Bergoglio's efforts to eliminate millennial traditional elements in the order. The religious character of the order is being undermined by Newvatican's push to make it essentially a secular corporation. To that end, Bergoglio empowered a Grand Inquisitor, Newcardinal Silvano Tomasi, to take over the independent order's internal affairs. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the Knights of Malta were responsible for their own demise. When Francis-Bergoglio in 2016 first tried to interfere in their elections and operations, the Knights should have insisted upon their independence, which was recognized by international law and the United Nations. Instead, they bent the knee to the apostate Newpope, so now the order has lost its independence -- and its soul -- through their most grievous fault.
A pastor of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), which poses as a traditional organization, but is in fact an arm of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, was arrested and charged on October 30, 2021, on three counts of trafficking in child pornography. He was actively involved in a ring that was sharing the illegal materials. If convicted, FSSP presbyter Jackson faces 21 years in prison.
Jackson is being held in prison pending arraignment. In response to presbyter Jackson's arrest, an aggrieved member of the St. Mary's Church FSSP congregation in Providence, Rhode Island, threatened the Newparish's replacement pastor with a gun two days later for complicity with the corrupt FSSP.
The FSSP tried to cover its own culpability in the matter by claiming that Jackson had "a sterling record of priestly [sic] service." That is the typical mantra used when Newchurch presbyters are caught in paedophile crimes. They are always the most innocent-seeming, outstanding presbyters. The FSSP has failed to own up to its complicity in the matter and has been caught in such cases before. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register..]
Traditional Catholics, the FSSP has been an arm of the apostate Newchurch from its beginning. Thus, it is no surprise that the FSSP has become a full participant in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, according to the principle enunciated by the Roman philosopher Seneca: "Qui cum canibus concumbunt, cum pulicibus surgent" (he who lies with dogs will get up with fleas." Any notion that the Newchurch crime Holocaust has been remedied is entirely false. In fact, it has gotten worse under Francis-Bergoglio even than under Benedict-Ratzinger.
On October 31, 2021, two days after the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio met with U.S. President J.R. Biden, who proclaims himself a "devout Catholic," i.e., Newchurcher, even though he publicly supports abortion and the public funding thereof, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, former papal nuncio (ambassador) from Newvatican to the United States, excoriated Bergoglio for duplicity and intimated again that Bergoglio is not a true pope, a charge that Bergoglio has admitted many have leveled against him.
Vigano became so scandalized by Bergoglio's apostasy that he has been revealing since 2018, from an insider's knowledge, the crimes in which Bergoglio and his Newvatican have been engaged. Vigano issued his latest public statement condemning Bergoglio in these words:
The most serious scandal is given to the faithful not only by Joe Biden as a convinced supporter of abortion but also by Bergoglio himself, who is recognized as holding the authority of Supreme Pastor of the Church [sic]. His work of demolition knows no respite before the astonished silence of the [New]cardinals and [New]bishops.
Newcardinal Ray "Bully" Burke, whom many wrongly think is "traditionalist" -- but can hardly be regarded as such, given his consecration of a transsexual man as a "nun" in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and his persecution of a traditional-leaning parish in St. Louis, Missouri -- also issued a condemnatory mealy-mouthed statement on October 29, 2021, the day on which Bergoglio met with U.S. President J.R. Biden. Burke stated that "Catholic bishops" (of course, the apostate Newchurch has no traditionally-consecrated "Catholic bishops") have a “sacred duty” to apply Newcanon law by "advising" pro-abortion politicians not to receive "Holy Communion" (of course, the Novus Ordo cookies and Kool-Aid are not such, as Newchurch has only a fake [invalid] Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess). Note that Burke merely "advises." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic World Report.]
Traditional Catholics, it is noteworthy that Newarchbishop Vigano issued his public statement on "Sunday, October 31, 2021, Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Regis." Newchurch moved the feast of Christ the King from its original date of the last Sunday in October, to contest Protestant Reformation Day, to the last Sunday of November. Thus, Vigano, though he was never consecrated under the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders, asserts his adherence to the traditional Catholic Church, not Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, neither in worship, in doctrine, or in morality.
A layman, perhaps fed up with Newchurch's apostasy and immorality, disrupted a Novus Ordo Mess at St. Frances Cabrini Newparish in Lakewood, Washington, on October 24, 2021. He had tried to make his dissatisfaction known on a previous occasion.
There was, of course, no rail or sanctuary. There was nothing to indicate that anything sacred was going on, as in fact there wasn't, the Novus Ordo Mess being completely invalid. So the man ran up to the "eucharistic" dinner table, and a brawl ensued.
Traditional Catholics, this was not the first such incident. The invalid Novus Ordo Mess seems to be a magnet for craziness, both in front of the Novus Ordo dinner table and behind it. In fact, the Newchurch presbyters behind tend to be crazier than the congregation in front. Suffice it to say that Newchurch has no sacraments and no grace to bestow. It is a pagan sect that now, in more and more places around the world, is worshipping the nude fertility goddess, Pachamama, which the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio installed and blessed in St. Peter's Archbasilica in Newrome.
Aping what is happening in various countries around the world, the New Zealand [Newchurch] Bishops Conference determined on October 19, 2021, that Lutheran baptism and Newchurch "initiation" are essentially the same thing. The joint statement comes from a Newchurch-Lutheran "Dialogue Commission" formed out of the Protestant so-called Reformation, which was actually a revolution against the Church.
The Lutheran "bishop" in charge at least told the truth: The Newchurch and Lutheran rites "have much in common." After the Vatican II Anti-council, which fabricated the Newchurch of the New Order to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church in 1964, led to the Protestantization, and thereby invalidation, of formerly Catholic, now New Order, rites. Newchurch abolished or changed to invalidity five of the seven once sacraments. Only Baptism (now called by Newchurch "initiation") and Matrimony were at the beginning of Newchurch probably still valid. More recently, the validity of Novus Ordo "Initiation" has been exposed as null and void because the text required in Sacred Scripture for validity is not being followed.
Particularly revealing is the joint statement that "a parent couple [is that strange expression meant one day to include "gay marriage"?] that includes both a [Newchurch] and a Lutheran partner are encouraged to bring their child for baptism in the church of their choice. They may seek to have both of their pastors/[presbyters] participate in the baptismal service." So the heretical Newchurch is now openly co-baptizing (or "co-initiating") children into the heretical Lutheran sect, and vice versa.
The joint statement warns Newchurchers and Lutherans not to say that they have been "initiated Newchurch" or "baptized Lutheran," but into the "Christian Church." So, Newchurch is now admitting that there is essentially no difference between the two Protestant sects. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New Zealand [Newchurch] Bishops Conference.]
Traditional Catholics, one has to question the validity of "initiation" (once called baptism) in the Newchurch of the New Order. Newchurch "initiation" is sounding more and more like initiation into a Masonic Lodge. The Revolutionaries of the Vatican II Anti-council openly admitted that they were trying to make the once Catholic Church into a Protestant sect. This they have accomplished, as is Now being officially acknowledged by both sects.
When the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio met on October 29, 2021, with U.S President J.R. Biden, a self-proclaimed "devout Catholic" who publicly advocates abortion and the government funding thereof -- a traditionally-excommunicable offense -- both Bergoglio and Biden abused the occasion for self-serving purposes. The initial reporting of the fiasco was all over the map, so that the truth of the matter -- as always when it comes to the mendacious Leftists Bergoglio and Biden -- was largely indeterminable.
Biden, who is under fire for his lying and immorality, claimed that Bergoglio, far from condemning him for his immorality, told him he was "happy I am a good Catholic,” i.e., Newchurcher (as Bergoglio and his Newchurch are certainly not Catholic) and should keep munching the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-aid. After all, what could Bergoglio say about morality? He himself is under fire for suborning Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and for complicity in the embezzlement of millions of USD through his real-estate scam and his Peter's Pence fake charity, which is under investigation by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. The two Leftists instead spent most of their lengthy 90-minute meeting jabbering about their Leftist "global warming" agenda and the Red China Virus.
But things might not have been as rosy as the two tried to make it out to be. Bergoglio is under heavy fire for his subornation of heretics like Biden, who publicly support abortion. Bergoglio's own position on abortion has been weakening during his Newpapacy, even though there is a significant contingent of U.S. Newbishops who want to deny Biden the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid when the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops meets in mid-November 2021. Biden also has performed "gay marriages."
Out of embarrassment perhaps, Bergoglio abruptly canceled plans to broadcast the meeting and denied independent press access. Another possible explanation is that Biden is known to be mentally compromised, constantly getting information wrong, babbling incomprehensibly, and giving out misinformation. Maybe the exclusion of the press was an attempt to avoid any mishaps that could be immensely embarrassing to Biden (or Bergoglio). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio embraces political leaders who support abortion and public funding thereof and has made it clear that instead of excommunicating them, he wants them to receive the fake (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid publicly. Overall, Bergoglio seems to have used this meeting to show the world that his Newchurch doesn't care about the immorality of abortion or "gay marriage." Rather, it is secular politics and the establishment of the New World Order that is the immoral goal of his Newpapacy