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Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Would it be all morally correct for children and adults to dress up like their favorite cartoon or games character (Spider-man, Cinderella, etc.) for Halloween as long as it's not an occult character like a witch or devil?
The question often arises about the celebration of Halloween by Catholics. Is it, for instance, "pagan" to dress up and go about as ghosts and goblins? The question arises because many modern Christians (mostly non-Catholic ones) believe that Halloween has something to do with worshipping the Devil and participating in witchcraft. The truth is that the origins of Halloween are rooted deeply in the theology and popular customs of Catholics.
It was the Irish Catholics who came up with the idea to remember somehow those souls who did not live by the Faith in this life. It became customary for these Irish to bang on pots and pans on All Hallow's Eve to let the damned know that they were not forgotten. In Ireland, then, all the dead came to be remembered.
During the 14th and 15th centuries in France, the period of the Bubonic Plague, or the Black Death, Europe lost half of her Catholic population. Artists depicted this catastrophe on walls to remind Catholics of our own mortality. These depictions are known as the "Dance of Death" or "Dance Macabre" and were commonly painted on cemetery walls, showing the Devil leading a daisy chain of Catholics into the tomb.
Halloween can still serve the purpose of reminding us about Hell and how to avoid it. Halloween is also a day to prepare us to remember those who have gone before us in Faith, those already in Heaven and those still suffering in Purgatory. Halloween is a time to let people know about our Catholic roots and their significance.
Catholic parents who are not comfortable with the worst secular aspects of Halloween, which are admittedly increasing, can avail themselves of alternative activities on that day: family prayer and fasting for the Vigil of All Saints' Day, visitations of houses in the garments of non-devilish personae, the reading aloud of stories of the Saints or of seasonal literature such as Edgar Allen Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death" and Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," and the playing of seasonal music such as Saint-Saens "Danse Macabre," Modest Moussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain," Sergei Rachmaninoff's "Isle of the Dead," and the like.
We must remember also the Prayer to St. Michael, Sancte Michael Archangele, against "Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo." This prayer is the last of the Leonine Prayers traditionally recited after non-solemn Low Masses, e.g., those not preceded by the Office of Terce of the Divine Office or by the Asperges or followed by some devotional exercise. All Catholics would be well advised to teach this prayer to their children and to pray it themselves daily. As in all things, parents must be sure to teach their children the proper balance in such matters, erring neither on the side of defect or excess.
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the section "Halloween" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
To a world that had long forgotten that Christ is King not only over individuals in their spiritual lives but also of all creation, Pope Pius XI in 1925 instituted with Quas primas this feastday of Christ the King on the last Sunday of October. This encyclical letter is an explicit rebuke to the concept that the civil authority is somehow outside or immune from His reign.
Every individual, organization, association, group, people, nation, authority, and state is subject to His Divine jurisdiction. Tragically, and to mankind's detriment, this feastday has been ignored by the wider world, and since the Second Vatican Anti-Council (1962-65), it has been downplayed by the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, but was founded in 1964 at that Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church. This feastday is in stark contrast to what Newchurch stands for: a man-centered, fabricated sect, which rejects the Savior's suzerainty.
In commenting on Quas primas, Dom Prosper Gueranger, in his magisterial, multi-volume work, The Liturgical Year, gives a description of the world and its relationship with its King at the time the encyclical was issued:
Today we sadly behold "a world undone," largely paganized in principles and outlook, and, in recent years, in one country even glorifying in the name "pagan." At best, governments mostly ignore God: and at worst, openly fight against Him, as we of today are witnessing in the Old World and in the New ... that Christ is kept out of the State schools and seats of higher education; and the rising generations seem to be taught anything and everything save to know, love, and serve him. Art and literature all too frequently reflect the same tendencies [The Liturgical Year, vol. xiv, 475].
To say the least, things have not improved since Pope Pius XI's time, as human society has deteriorated in every sense because mankind, which once knew the Truth, has now chosen with every effrontery to ignore it:
And since the spirit of evil reigns inevitably whenever the spirit of Christ has ceased to reign, in public and private men are flouting the moral laws of God, and some of the worst abominations of ancient paganism are becoming matters of every-day life. . . . There is now an intense, positive hatred of Jesus Christ in the militant atheist, which differs in kind from the attitude of the fiercest Roman or Eastern persecutor: "If I had not come and spoken to them . . ., if I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin: but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father" [Ibid., 475-76]
Those who lament civilization's decline often seek political remedies, but ignore the one and only solution for its rectification:
Even the statesmen's well-meant efforts to find a remedy for present ills and, above all, to secure world peace, prove futile because, whereas peace is from Christ, and possibly only in the Kingdom of Christ, his name is never mentioned throughout their deliberations or their documents [Ibid 475].
Newchurch clergy's sex crimes against children are so out of control, with continuing cover-up of presbyter crimes, that the state and federal courts have ordered the State of New York to take partial control of the Newdiocese of Buffalo, New York, because it obviously can't control itself. Outside audit firms are being sent in by the New York State Attorney General to oversee the Newdiocese's conduct and restructure its administration. These audits will be in addition to the current court-ordered annual audit by an outside firm that will be supervised by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. The Newdiocese has been in bankruptcy since February 29, 2020, and has been found to have "misappropriated" charitable funds.
On October 26, 2020, the court determined that the Newdiocese had routinely covered up cases of presbyters' sex crimes against children and of misappropriating donations by Newchurchers intended for charitable use to paying off lawyers to defend the paedophile presbyters. A Supervision Program has been implemented to ferret out presbyters that were surreptitiously removed without notifying parents and Newparishioners. Newbishop Michael Fisher has been ordered to publish the names of all presbyters accused of crimes and refer the accused criminals directly to the police. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the courts have also expelled from the Newdiocesan board of directors the notorious former Buffalo Newbishops Richard Malone and Edward Grosz, both of whom have been accused of sex crimes and of covering up the sex crimes of their presbyters upon children. The court expelled both Newbishops from the Newdiocesan board of directors, and they have subsequently wasted no time in resigning from the Newchurch ministry. It was under the leadership of these two that paedophile crimes and their cover-up raged out of control. Moreover, what goes in in Buffalo does not stay in Buffalo. Most of the other 300 Newdioceses in the United States, not to speak of the Newdioceses in Germany, France, Australia, around the world, that are just as corrupt.
Contrary to his constantly vociferous declarations, U.S. President J.R. Biden is neither "devout" nor a "Catholic." At best Biden is a member of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church. But now he cannot even lay claim to that affiliation.
On October 22, 2022, the Newchurch archbishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Charlie Chaput, Biden's fellow apostate Newchurcher, has publicly declared that Biden is an excommunicate from Newchurch, that he "is not in communion with the Catholic Church [he refers to the anti-Catholic "Newchurch"']." Chaput went on to declare that "any priest who now provides communion [he means the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid] participates in this hypocrisy," that is, participates in the excommunication. Chaput went on to declare Biden an "apostate." (It takes one to know one!) [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
In fact, Biden is the very opposite of "devout." He publicly and obstinately supports foeticide at least until the point of birth. He also advocates that all citizens be forced to fund these abortions, whether they approve of such killing or not. Moreover, Biden has now advocated legal freedom for parents to butcher their children surgically to make them into a sex other than what God created. Thus, Biden advocates unheard-of gross immoralities that are the very opposite of Catholic teaching, as well as contradicts God's Natural Law, which applies not just to Catholics, but all human beings.
Traditional Catholics, J.R. Biden has joined fellow apostates from the Catholic faith, including U.S. House Speaker N.E. Pelosi, another self-declared "devout Catholic," who shares Biden's apostasy, and Newpope Francis-Bergoglio himself, who at this point has denied more tenets of the Catholic faith than can be counted. He has also publicly embraced the public worship of pagan gods and goddesses (Pachamama, Atacama, etc.) At this point the Arch-heretic Martin Luther looks orthodox by comparison!
Once it would have been inconceivable: a man, Francis-Bergoglio who presumes against all reason to call himself a "pope," turns his weekly Wednesday audience to supporting the pagan butchery of children's (and adults' for that matter) bodies, and the use of foreign hormonal chemicals forced into their bodies, to make them into a sex other than what God created. With pagans, and that must include the Pachamama-worshipping, Atacama-worshipping, Ganesha-worshipping Bergoglio. the Fifth Commandment of God simply doesn't exist. This farce has now entered its fifth Wednesday performance at Newvatican.
L'Osservatore Romano, once a distinguished publication of the Vatican, now turned by Bergoglio into his own personal propaganda rag, announced on October 20, 2022, that every Wednesday now, Bergoglio will receive "people confused about their own sex." In effect, Bergoglio has been playing Abnormal Psychiatrist-in-Chief to supplement his role as the Third Paedophile Newpope, who, to this day, excuses and lets off scot free his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters who engage in sexual assaults against children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Infovaticana.]
Traditional Catholics, if Newchurchers were actually Catholic -- which they are obviously not -- they would follow the example of their predecessors in the Catholic Church with respect to evil popes and toss the degenerate Francis-Bergoglio into the Tiber River before he can pollute more poor unfortunates. Yet the Newchurchers will stand by silent while Francis-Bergoglio makes fools of them.
Traditional Catholics, the good news is that most of the Newchurchers have already left the corrupt and fake (invalid) Newchurch of the New Order, which most certainly is not the Catholic Church. Recent statistics from objective research groups have shown that Newchurch, contrary to the propaganda financed by Bergoglio's hundreds of million USD, is now down into the single digits in attendance, with invalid initiations (formerly valid Baptisms), invalid reconciliations (former valid Confessions), invalid confirmations, installations (former valid Ordinations), questionable marriages, and heretic funerals all showing precipitous drops since the Vatican II Anti-council, particularly after the turn of the millennium.
Francis-Bergoglio has met his self-imposed October 1, 2022, deadline to gather all funds through Newchurch under his personal control. These funds now reside in the Institutum Operum Religionis, or Institute for Religious Works. This official title covers up the true corruption of this organization, commonly known as the "Vatican Bank." It has often been investigated for money-laundering and other financial crimes. At one point the financial arm of the European Union was on the verge of expelling Newvatican and shutting down its ATM machines, through which Newvatican raked in funds from unsuspecting tourists.
Bergoglio has never given an explanation for his unprecedented takeover, but plain old greed (avaritia), one of the Seven Capital Sins, appears to be at its base. Bergoglio is running out of money, and he needs, like a corrupt Caesar, to replenish his coffers. That was the ultimate purpose behind his embezzlement 350,000,000 USD of donors' funds in the 2014 Great London Bank Fraud. Management of the funds will be operated by his patrimony office, APSA, under the control of his financial accomplices. Bergoglio has been fingered by several witness in the ongoing Newvatican trial as the mastermind behind the embezzlement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, it is no wonder that after he masterminded, according to Newvatican court testimony, the 2014 embezzlement of some 350,000,000 USD in the Great London Bank Fraud and now with his greedy covetousness in taking personal possession of all Newchurch monies, donations to his Newchurch are sinking further every day, according to Newvatican's own Chief Auditor, bringing it ever closer to the bankruptcy.
This is a complex topic, on which all too many laypeople, many of them attached to the heresy of Feeneyism and known as Feeneyites, presume to pontificate. Therefore, we offer the informed commentary on the subject of the eminent (traditional) Catholic theologian Fr. Francis J. Connell, in his 1958 tome treating Moral Questions.
The doctrinal phrase "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus," first used by St. Cyprian (ca. 210-258) and approved by the Council of Florence (1438-1445), and its associated doctrine, baptism of "desire" (flaminis, or de voto), is a complex subject that many laypeople are apt to misconstrue by taking the flat statement out of its proper context within the balance of traditional Catholic teaching since the early centuries of the Church.
It is easy to err on either side of the question: to believe that no one who is not a formal, practicing Catholic can be saved (Feeneyism) or to believe that all men are saved, no matter what their belief and practice may be (Universal Salvation). It is impossible to be saved outside the Church, because the Church is the rule or measure of faith, without which faith it is impossible to attain Heaven. Natural goodwill is not enough to be saved. Anyone who dies with natural good will alone cannot be saved. However, if God gives the grace to embrace the True Faith, and one accepts -- that is, Baptism "de Voto," often inaccurately translated as "desire" -- he is truly a member of the Church by means of his desire of being united to the Church by sacramental Baptism, were it in his power. He can thereby be saved "inside" the Church, even though he cannot receive Sacramental Baptism of water.
Thus, baptism of "desire" and baptism of blood (through martyrdom for the Faith) can supply the chief effects of the baptism of water in certain cases. A person is not necessarily "outside" the Catholic Church merely because he is not an actual member. But, in order to be saved, one must be united to the Catholic Church at least by desire, either explicit or implicit. Through such a desire one whose lack of actual membership in the Church is not due to any fault on his own part can be "inside" the Church, and, if he joins to his desire an act of faith and an act of Divine charity, he can be saved.
The doctrine of Baptism of "Desire" is clearly taught by the dogmatic Council of Trent. The Council declares that contrition is sometimes perfected by charity ("perfect contrition") and reconciles man to God, before the Sacrament of Penance is received. In speaking of the necessity of Baptism, the Council declares that men cannot obtain original justice "except by the washing of regeneration or its votum. ("desire"): "Translatio ab eo statu, in quo homo nascitur filius primi Adae, in statum gratiae ... post evangelium promulgatum sine lavacro regenerationis." There are other declarations from the Council of Trent on Baptism of "Desire" to the same effect.
Salvation is, of course, ultimately for Almighty God alone, knowing a man's interior mind and heart, to judge. In this life we can know only exterior "hints," as it were, as to the state of soul of an individual. For anyone else to judge, as the Feeneyites and the Universal Salvationists do, is sinful presumption.
Francis-Bergoglio has already himself admitted in his own book that he is a Marxist (Communist). In addition, he is undeniably a Modernist, defined by Pope St. Pius X in his 1907 Encyclical Letter "Pascendi Dominic gregis" as the "synthesis of all heresies" (summa omnium heresum), holding that there is no objective truth, no true Church, no true doctrine, and no true morality, but that everything is to be judged according to the subjective opinion of each individual.
Now the contents of an intercepted telephone call, reported on November 17, 2019, on Argentine television has shown that Bergoglio is a Freemason as well. The recording of the call had "disappeared," but has come to light again. The call was intercepted during an Argentine corruption investigation. In the intercepted call, Bergoglio's Newvatican Chief of Intelligence in Argentina states that he is a Freemason and so is Bergoglio. Jorge Bergoglio was born in Argentina, worked in Argentina, studied in Argentina, and was Newarchbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by News from Rome.]
In 1949, Pope Pius XII, through his Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, issued the "Decree Against Communism," declaring Catholics who professed Communist doctrine to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith. The Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law) similarly provides:
CANON 2335. Nomen dantes sectae massonicae aliisve eiusdem generis associationibus quae contra Ecclesiam vel legitimas civiles potestates machinantur, contrahunt ipso facto excommunicationem Sedi Apostolicae simpliciter reservatam.
[Those giving their name to the Masonic sect or other associations of the same kind, which operate against the Church or legitimate civil powers, contract automatically (ipso facto) excommunication reserved simply to the Apostolic See.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is prima facie is thus thrice excommunicated, once for professing Communist doctrine, once for association in the condemned Masonic sect, and once for professing Modernism. An excommunicate from the Catholic Church cannot validly receive any dignity, office, or responsibility in the Church. You draw for yourself the obvious conclusion.
Francis-Bergoglio, having established the cults of the pagan fertility goddess Pachamama and the pagan sky god Atacama in Latin American Newchurches, has now moved on to instituting pagans into his Newvatican commissions, the latest being oxymoronically a pro-abortion and pro-contraception atheist to his Newpontifical Academy for "Life." On October 18, 2022, through his Academy president, he appointed the notorious Mariana Mazzucato. She joins the thirteen other members on Bergoglio's "Life" Academy, some of whom overtly reject Catholic moral teaching.
After all, Bergoglio, a self-admitted Marxist/Modernist, has publicly stated that his best friends are atheists, and Communists by definition are atheists. He is quite buddy-buddy with the head of the Chinese Communist Party and the murderous Dictator of Red China, Xi Jinping, to whom he has turned over control of Newbishop appointments there since 2018.
Traditional Catholics, the maniacal Mazzucato has effused, like a silly schoolgirl: "As an atheist, never thought I would love a pope [sic] this much. What a star!? Like her Marxist mentor Francis-Bergoglio, Mazzucato is a dedicated proponent of Leftist shibboleths, such as universal basic income, green politics, illegal invasions into sovereign countries, and CoVid lockdowns. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
When it comes to rampant paedophilia in Newchuch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holicaust, it seems that the "conservative" [sic] Newbishops are often the worst. But one of their number became the subject of a public protest demonstration on September 29, 2022. Protestors against San Francisco Newarchbishop Salvatore Cordileone's secrecy policy have made public a list of 312 credibly-accused presbyters whose names Cordileone has refused to publish, according to the child-victim advocacy group Survivors Network of Those Abused by Pr[esbyters].
SNAP revealed that Cordileone is one of only 15 out of some 300 U.S. Newbishops who refuse to publish the names of the paedophile presbyters operating in their Newdioceses. He maintains dossiers on hundreds of criminal presbyters in "secret" files and refuses to inform children, parents, and Newparishioners of the danger from these individuals.
In addition, Newbishops often try to conceal the sex crimes against children perpetrated by their presbyters by shuffling the presbyters across Newdioceses. Thus, maintains that it is important to publish the names of credibly-accused presbyters in order that they cannot hide under anonymity in another Newdiocese. "It's rare that the [the accused criminal presbyters] have only one victim," says SNAP. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated because it has not been addressed systemically within Newchurch. Even Francis-Bergoglio has been caught many times concealing sex crimes against children perpetrated by his Newbishops and Newcardinals. Only when public pressure becomes too great to resist will Bergoglio give his Newbishops and Newcardinals a slap on the wrist, or let them off scot free. This same policy of criminal cover-up was enforced by Bergoglio's predecessors, the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger. In this holocaust the old adage rings true, "The fish stinks from the head."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
During the Arian heresy of the fourth century and the Great Western Schism of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, did faithful Catholics turn to sede-vacantism, the belief that there was no true pope in the Roman See, as the answer to these problems?
The popes of the Arian period were, except in a couple of cases, not Arian heretics themselves, but were very weak, or semi-Arians. The great Saints and Doctors of the Church that Our Lord deigned to provide during that time to the faithful (totally lacking in the present time) rejected and publicly denounced any Arian sympathies on the part of the popes and local bishops. In fact, those popes were cut off entirely. Among these Saints were some of the greatest names in the history of the Church: St. Augustine, St. Basil the Great, St. Athanasius, St. Jerome, St. Martin, and many others.
According to Henry Cardinal Newman in his definitive work on the period, The Arians of the Fourth Century, it was the faithful, working in concert with these great orthodox Saints, who saved the Church from one of its darkest periods. Unfortunately, the faithful in today's deplorable state of the Church, have, in the vast majority, been as unconscionably weak as the popes of the Arian period.
In the case of the Great Western Schism of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, it was not a question of sede-vacantism, but just who the real pope was. Even Saints and theologians disagreed on who the true pope was. St. Vincent Ferrer, together with most of the people of both France and Spain, supported the man who, after the fact, was considered to be an antipope. All of the cardinals of the Church and most of the theologians recognized an anti-pope, who ruled at Rome.
For further information on this topic, click on POPELIM: THE ORTHODOX SAINTS AGAINST THE ARIAN HERESY OF THE FOURTH CENTURY in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it true Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Liturgy," made the statement that when he was interviewed by Pius XII, he saw his dossier file on the pope's desk and was totally surprised that Pius XII would appoint him in 1948 to head the Liturgical Reformation Commission, which began to destroy the Mass, Divine Office, and Sacraments starting in 1951?
That story could well be true. To this day, it remains a puzzlement exactly why Pius XII, if he was supposed to be so traditional, would appoint Bugnini, the heretical Modernist presbyter, to head the Liturgical Reformation 1948. Traditional authors have never come to grips with this contradiction because they have swallowed the caricature, not easy to justify historically, that Pius XII was perfectly traditional, "last traditional pope."
You can see that Pius XII was flip-flopping already in 1947 in his Encyclical Letter "Mediator Dei," which is hardly uncompromisingly traditional. In fact, it can be argued that the Pius XII planted the seeds of the New Order in that document, whether unwittingly or not is for history to decide. And it was in 1948 that Pius XII organized the Liturgical Reformation Commission to bypass the highly traditional Sacred Congregation of Rites, which would never have permitted a hint of the Modernist heresy to intrude into the Holy Mass and other Roman rites. Pius XII does object to certain liturgical aberrations, but he does nothing to stop the Modernist heretics from implementing them. In fact, Bugnini implemented several of them, and the rest he implemented in the fake (invalid) Novus Ordo of 1969.
In many ways, John XXIII was more traditional than Pius XII, at least as far as the Traditional Roman Catholic Liturgy was concerned. Remember that it was John XXIII who immediately fired Bugnini as a heretic. It was then the first heretic Newpope of the Newchurch of the New Order, Paul VI-Montini, the Grand Destroyer of the Catholic Faith, who immediately reappointed Bugnini after the death of John XXIII.
We've all heard it pushed by the oecumenical (syncretistic) Newchurch of the New Order, the supposed "Prayer of St. Francis," also called the "Peace Prayer": "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace," etc. Even many Traditional Catholics might be surprised to learn that the prayer is suprious, just like the supposed prayer of Sister Faustina associated with the Novus Ordo-concocted "Mercy Sunday." It just goes to show: nothing in the apostate Newchurch of the New Order can be believed.
The "prayer" was never written by St. Francis of Assisi, who died in 1226. Scholars have found that he earliest version of the prayer was concocted in 1913, seven hundred years later! That version is in French, not in Latin -- a dead giveaway of its suspicious provenance. No authentic original in Latin has ever been found. Moreover, St. Francis was known to have encouraged Catholics, including laypeople, to pray in Latin, particularly the Rosary and other official prayers of the Church.
Far from being of an "oecumenical" mindset, St. Francis personally accompanied the Fifth Crusade (1217-1219), inaugurated by Pope Innocent III, and attempted to convert the Mohammedan leader Sultan Malek-el-Kamil, saying, "We have come to preach faith in Jesus Christ to you, that you will renounce Mohammed, that wicked slave of the devil, and obtain everlasting life."
In place of this spurious "prayer," the traditional hymn, "Iste confessor Domini" [Illustrious Confessor of the Lord], may be prayed by Traditional Catholics:
Iste confessor Domini, colentes
Quem pie laudant populi per orbem
Hac die laetus meruit beata
Vulnera Christi
The illustrious confessor of the Lord
Venerating whom, people piously praise throughout the world
On this day happily merited
The blessed wounds of Christ
The other six stanzas of the hymn may be found in the Breviarium Romanum (Roman Breviary) under his September 17 feastday, commemorating the impression upon St. Francis of the stigmata of the five Holy Wounds of Christ.
One of Francis-Bergoglio's primary goals now is to push his Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order into outright paganism. His chief goddess in this programme is the nude pregnant pagan fertility goddess Pachamama. Now this disgusting idol, depicting the "eucharist" in the goddess's womb, was being used on October 4, 2022, as a blasphemous, idolatrous, and sacrilegious monstrance in Newchurches in Mexico and throughout Latin America to hold the fake (invalid) Novus Ordo "eucharistic" cookie.
There has been some pushback by Newchurchers against the idol. The Newpastor of St. John Macias Newparish near Guadalajara, Mexico, when he faced criticism for the idolatry, removed his publicity for the idol and refused to comment. It is this disgusting idol that is used for "exposition and adoration" of the fake Novus Ordo Most Unblessed Sacrament. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, this is the pagan idol that the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio solemnly blessed before the high altar of St. Peter's Archbasilica in Rome, in the presence of many Newcardinals, who bowed in adoration of the pagan goddess. Subsequently, Bergoglio has been seen vested in an albo-chasuble with an image of the pagan god of the sky, Atacama, associated with drug-infused hallucinations, and the pagan Hindu elephant god, Ganesha. Obviously, Bergoglio's paganization programme is proceeding quite fast in the Newchurch of the New Order.
In Francis-Bergoglio's latest diplomatic blunder, his President of the Dicastery for Christian Unity, Newcardinal Kurt Koch, has been barred from speaking at the German Newbishops' oecumenical conference. The October 4, 2022, rejection of Bergoglio's representative is the latest in the German Newchurch's schism from the Newchurch of the New Order. The whole affair sounds like the beginning of the Protestant Revolution itself, though at that time the German Arch-heretic Martin Luther and his followers were attacking the Catholic Church. The German Newbishops are attacking the fake Newchurch of the New Order, founded at the Vatican II Anti-council in 1964 and currently headed by the apostate Newpope Bergoglio.
Koch, who is supposed to be promoting Christian Unity for Newchurch, has joined Bergoglio himself in becoming persona non grata in Germany because the Newcardinal "diplomat" Koch compared the German Newchurch to the Nazi Movement. For Germans, it is hard to think of more offensive fighting words. Koch, Bergoglio, and the rest of the incompetent Newchurch high officials seem all to gone manic, now that they are being denounced on all sides for their perversions and heresies.
The President of the German [New]bishops' Conference, Newbishop Georg Batzing, rightly demanded an apology from Koch, who refused to give one. As a result, Koch's invitation to come to Germany to speak at the oecumenical conference was withdrawn because Koch's statement was so offensive to the German people that Koch could not be protected from violent relaliation. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, the German incident was reminiscent of the hatred of Ireland against Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger for his complicity in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. In 2012 Prime Minister Enda Kenny launched a blistering attack on Ratzinger in the Irish parliament and told him not to enter Ireland, as he life could not be protected, so irate were the Irish against the Second Paedophile Newpope, under whose complicity tens of thousands of Irish children were raped, sodomized, and otherwise sexually assaulted by Newchurch clergy.
The Newbishops of the Newchurch in the United States are blowing their financial wad on a July 17-21, 2024, "eucharistic" Revival (Newchurch prefers not to capitalize "Eucharist" because it must know that it is an invalid fake) in an effort to stop the downward spiral of attendance and donations to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch of the New Order. But a new internal poll shows that they are heading entirely in the wrong direction.
According to an EWTN News Poll (EWTN is the cable arm of the Newchurch in the United States), only 50 percent of Newchurchers even believe that the Novus Ordo "eucharist" is the Body and Blood of Christ (not to believe which is a defined heresy and excommunicates the heretic), whereas 77 per cent believe in Angels. Without a valid Mass, there is no Holy Eucharist, so it seems that at least half of Newchurchers have realized that their "eucharist" is fake, as, therefore, must be the "New Mess" that is supposed to effect it. Perhaps that is why so many Newchurchers are abandoning the Protestantized New Order sect and converting to real Protestantism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is, as usual, barking up the wrong tree. The Newchurchers' failure to believe in their own "eucharist" is a major driver in the precipitous decline in Novus Ordo Mess attendance in Newchurch. Only about one-third of Newchurchers report attending the fake (invalid) Novus Ordo Mess even weekly. So, yet another pointless effort to get Newchurchers back by a "eucharistic" Revival is simply wasted money from Newchurch collections. True Catholics simply must kick the Newchurch habit, which is spiritual Fentanyl, and get themselves to a Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory that preserves the fully Traditional Latin Mass -- and certainly not the Half New Order Vatican II New Latin Mess of 1962.
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's programme to convert the Newchurch of the New Order from its current Protestant-Masonic form into full-blown paganism has now tainted Our Lady's Shrine at Lourdes, France. This is to be considered the principal apparitional shrine of Our Lady, preceding Fatima by almost a century. Lourdes was popularized by a beautiful Academy-Award-winning film (when Hollywood actually made serious films), "The Song of Bernadette," the story of St. Bernadette of Lourdes.
On October 5, 2022, an area next to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, already desecrated by the New Order, was given over to the construction of an "eco-village," tainted with Bergoglio's paganism in worship of the Earth Goddess Gaia, as developed in his 2015 Encyclical Letter "Laudato si'." Naturally, the eco-village will be "welcoming and respecting" religious differences, in accordance with Bergoglio's heretical teaching that God created the false religions. Benedict-Ratzinger also got into the act with his as-always obfuscatory (meaningless) notion of "human ecology." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's programme to paganize the Newchurch of the New Order, already Protestant and Masonic, has become crystal clear. Not only does he worship the Earth Goddess Gaia, as panegyrized in a pagan-dipped poem concluding his 2015 encyclical letter, but he has introduced the worship of the nude fertility goddess Pachamama, which is spreading in Latin America, particularly Mexico, and the worship of the pagan hallucinogenic-crazed sky god Atacama, not to speak of Indian worship of the Hindu elephant god Ganesha. The Newchurch of the New Order is going down the Biblical privy faster than anyone could have imagined. And it hasn't even been in existence for sixty years. Next to be paganized will be Fatima, which has already been deconstructed.
Francis-Bergoglio has managed to sabotage one of the most distinguished Catholic orders, the Knights of Malta, which protected Christians by the Holy Crusades and later became an noted international charitable organization, which is considered under international law sovereign and with a delegation at the United Nations, no differently from the Vatican City State itself. The order, is designated a state without territory having diplomatic ties with 112 states and as having sovereignty from the Papal See, as confirmed in perpetuity by Pope Paschal II in 1113. Perhaps because of the Knights' innate conservatism and historicity, the order has become a target of the apostate Newpope. Also, Bergoglio has his eyes on the charitable funds of the Knights, as his own Newvatican coffers are now depleted and almost bankrupt.
Bergoglio fired the Knights' Grand Chancellor in order that he could take personal control of the organization. More recently, he is working to impose a new, Modernistic constitution upon the order. Both of these actions seriously violate international law. Unfortunately, the Knights of old, who were known for their courage, are not reflected in the modern-day Knights, who have, albeit reluctantly, bent the knee to the apostate Newpope. The Knights should have hauled him before international bodies and denounced him as the international criminal and illegal invader that he is.
The backlash may have surprised Bergoglio and has started to cut into the monies that he had hoped to steal from the Knights. Just as one-third of Catholics walked out when Newchurch tried to impose its Protestant-Masonic-Pagan invalid (fake) New Mess of 1969 in the vulgar tongues instead of the Sacred Latin, so Knights have now been showing him their backside and walking out of the order -- and out of the Newchurch of the New Order itself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, in a panic Francis-Bergoglio rolled out the former Grand Chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager, a henchman of Bergoglio, to issue a desperate letter made public on October 6, 2022, imploring the Knights not to abandon the order and the apostate Newpope and his Newchurch. Yet von Boeselager in his letter openly criticized Bergoglio and his new Modernistic constitution for the order. He said that he had received many communications from members of the Order who are livid and now consider Bergoglio little more than a liar and a petty dictator. This is just another instance of Bergoglio's Newchurch dissolving before his eyes -- and the eyes of the world.
Since 1982 a group of pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers have been staging an annual shivaree, which it calls a "pilgrimate," from Paris to Chartres Cathedral to witness a Vatican II Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962. The 1962 Mess is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass. It is the "Sellout Mess" for those who kowtow to the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its apostate Newpopes and includes a large dollop of deceit in labeling it as "traditional." It isn't. It is full of perversions of the true Mass introduced by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the head of Pius XII's "Liturgical Reformation Commission."
But now it seems that the truth has caught up with deception, and the Chartres fraud is now coming to its just end. In accordance with Bergoglio's 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes," the Archbishop of Paris, Laurent Ulrich, an intimate of Bergoglio, has prohibited Newcardinal Robert Sarah from simulating a 1962 Mess in Paris for the Chartres-sponsoring group. Sarah used to be Prefect of the Dicastery of [New Order] Divine [sic] Worship until he was forcibly retired by Bergoglio in 2021. Thus has Bergoglio walloped a big slap in the face to pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the New Latin Mess of 1962 was used by former Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger as a fraud to keep the pseudo-traditional Newchurchers furnishing their bodies and money in the service of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, at which Ratzinger played a significant role pushing Modernist heresies, even though he had been declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office, and his book, Introduction to Christianity was banned because of heresy. The hypocritical pseudo-traditionalists are in lock step with all the heresies that they claim to hate when they chose to worship at the New Order "eucharistic dinner table." They have in fact become "useful idiots" to Francis-Bergoglio's paganization of Newchurch.
Francis-Bergoglio's plan to take over and destroy the Catholic Church has become so obvious in recent months that one of Newchurch's leading Newcardinals, Gerhard Muller, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, has publicly accused him of attempting "a hostile takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ."
Yet Muller fails to recognize the obvious truth that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Church of Jesus Christ; it is not the Catholic Church at all. The Modernist leader, Josef Ratzinger (who later styled himself "Benedict XVI) personally formulated the Vatican II Anti-council's (1962-1965) heresy ("Lumen Gentium," cap. I, sec 8.2) that the Catholic Church is not the Church of Christ, but that the Church of Christ merely "subsists in" (subsistit in) the Catholic Church, along with the Protestant sects, the infidel Jews and Muslims, the Hindus, Buddhists, and other pagans.
Muller declared on October 6, 2022, that Bergoglio is attempting this takeover by means of his Anti-synod, called for October 2023. He has declared war on Bergoglio by declaring: "We must resist!" This is actually the Vatican III Anti-council, and a "pop culture" one, to use Muller's words, under another name. A synod is just as powerful in Newchurch and can be managed completely by Bergoglio, who has learned the lesson of the Vatican II Anti-council, which was supposed to be traditional, but got out of the control of John XXIII because he was afflicted with fatal stomach cancer.
Muller declared that Bergoglio's notion of the Church is that its doctrine "is like the program of a political party, which can be changed by votes." This approach reeks of the heresy of Modernism, in which doctrine and morality are all "relative" and can be fabricated and changed at a moment's notice. It is through synods that the Lutheran sect operates, as originally laid out by the Arch-heretic Martin Luther. It is through synods that the Anglican (Episcopalian) sect operates, as originally laid out by the heretic King Henry VIII. It is through synods that the Newpopes have been controlling their fabricated Newchurch since 1967. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
The Newchurch of the New Order will be radically reorganized to turn its back on Christ's institution by putting laypeople in charge, installing priestesses and deaconesses contrary to Catholic teaching, giving divorced-and-remarried people the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid, and blessing "marriages" of "gay" and Lesbian "couples." These heresies, and many more, are being pushed in the national meetings leading up to the Anti-synod. Primarily laypeople, not Newcardinals, are drawing up the draft document (instrumentum laboris) to be discussed, with a view to destroying the Catholic Church.
Traditional Catholics, now that the Catholic Church was replaced as the "institutional" Church by the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964, Francis-Bergoglio has now shown his intent to take the next step, its deconstruction and conversion into the pagan New World Order Church. Thank the Lord, the true Catholic Church does survive in thousands of Traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories around the world, independent of Newchurch, and these independent bishops and priests have maintained the true Church in exile.
The pan-African monthly news magazine Jeune Afrique in its issue released October 5, 2022, reported that it completed a lengthy investigation of the Neo-SSPX's activities in the capital city of Libreville, Gabon, and determined that clergy of the Neo-SSPX had raped children at a school it operates there and that then the leadership of the Neo-SSPX had covered up those crimes by transferring or secreting the accused clergy. The charges originally had been raised in March 2022.
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) had originally been founded by traditional Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970, but in 1992 the Archbishop died, and in a coup by Bernie Fellay, a last-minute appointment as bishop, a reorganized "Neo-SSPX" having a goal of joining the apostate Newchurch of the New Order took charge. In July 2022 the children who claim that they have been victims of Neo-SSPX clergy formed a network to cooperate in gathering testimony and evidence. The victims have now publicly called for the Neo-SSPX clergy to be put on trial. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the French daily La Croix..]
Traditional Catholics, we previously reported on the sex-crime charges made against the clergy of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), an arm of the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 to replace the Catholic Church.. Now the Neo-SSPX, which has had extensive contacts with Newchurch in order to become a part of that Newchurch, which Archbishop Lefebvre condemned as not Catholic, has been similarly charged. It seems that anything Newchurch touches becomes corrupted and perverted. Nor is this is not the first time that the Neo-SSPX has been charged with concealing paedophile crimes on the part of its clergy. In fact, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) has been investigating possible crimes in that state, where the Neo-SSPX has its headquarters.
On October 5, 2022, a man was able to damage two irreplaceable portrait busts from Roman antiquity that the Newvatican Museum was supposed to be protecting. Newvatican certainly poaches enough money from tourists to hire sufficient guards. The man knocked the busts from their pedestals, to which they were supposed to be attached by security cables. He was supposedly irate because Bergoglio refused to give him an audience.
In 1972, within a decade of the Vatican II Anti-council's (1962-1965) deconstruction of the Roman Catholic Church, Michelangelo's irreplaceable Renaissance masterpiece, the "Pieta," was attacked by a vandal with a sledgehammer and the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary defaced. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Traditional Catholics, it is clear that the fake Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Roman Catholic Church. It can't even protect the Roman art heritage that it is supposed to be guarding and from which it poaches large amounts of money from six million tourists annually. This is just one more area in which Newchurch is utterly failing.
Just as Francis-Bergoglio hardened his position to force members of the Eastern Church immediately to turn around their altars to face the congregation, in direct contravention of the teaching of the Catholic Church, but in capitulation to the apostate Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the Eastern Church fought back -- literally -- by attacking Bergoglio's Apostolic Administrator of the Syro-Malabar (Eastern) Church, Newarchbishop Andrews Thazath. Thazath had dissolved the presbyteral council on September 27, 2022, and appointed ultra-Modernist councilors who followed Bergoglio's apostasy, just as Bergoglio has been appointing Newcardinals to make sure that his successor will be Marxist/Modernist like him, with no attachment to Catholic beliefs and practices.
In fighting back against the apostate Newpope Bergoglio, the Easterners have burned Bergoglio's representatives in effigy and have rioted in the streets. So riotous in fact did the situation become that police had to escort Thazath out of danger of attack by scuttling him down the back stairs. On August 7, 2022, Bergoglio had fired the previous Archbishop, Antony Karriyil, beloved of the Syro-Malabar congregations, because he stood against Bergoglio's dictatorial attempts to overturn Catholic teaching and practice. 50,000 Easterners took to the streets and rioted on that occasion as well.
The Syro-Malabar Church is the largest Eastern Church after the Ukrainian Greek Church. Unlike Westerners who have stood by while the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, i.e., the Traditional Latin Mass coming from the Apostles and early Church Fathers, was corrupted to invalidity in the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church, the Eastern Church takes the Divine Liturgy very seriously indeed. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, Newchurchers in the West long ago gave in to the Newchurch apostasy. How many billions of dollars have been wasted turning around altars, now called "eucharistic dinner tables," to face the congregation instead of God? The best that a few pseudo-traditionalists could do is make a little noise recently in favor of the corrupted Half New Order "New Latin Mess" of 1962, which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass. On the other hand, the Easterners have been courageously fighting "Il Papa Dittatore" Bergoglio for the entirety of his Newpapacy, because the apostate Newpope intends to destroy the Eastern Church just as he has the Western Church.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In 2022 October 2 falls on a Sunday, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. In the fully Traditional Catholic Mass (not the corrupted Vatican II Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962), would the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels be suppressed, transferred, or observed only privately? Could the Collect, Secret, and Postcommunion Prayers of the Holy Guardian Angels be added as Accessory Prayers following the Sunday Prayers?
This is a common situation that occurs on most Sundays after Pentecost and during Epiphanytide, when a Saint's feastday falls on a Sunday. In this case, the Sunday takes precedence, and the feastday is commemorated as the Second Collect, Secret, and Postcommunion (and Third Collect, Secret, and Postcommunion, if more than one Saint's feastday falls on the Sunday) after the Collect of the Sunday.
If there is no Saint's feastday falling on a Sunday, the Seasonal Collect(s), referred to after the Sunday in the Missal, are said. Feasts of Angels have a special prerogative, in that if the Gospel is that of the Sunday, the Gospel of the Angelic feast is said as the Last Gospel instead of the usual Prologue to St. John's Gospel (In principio erat Verbum....).
This is yet another major area in which the Half New Order Vatican II "New Latin Mess of 1962" differs radically from the Traditional Latin Mass:. Seasonal Collects and Proper Last Gospels are entirely done away with. In addition, many Marian, Angelic, and Sanctoral feastdays were derogated or eliminated entirely. These corruptions occurred in 1956, when the first corruptions of the true Mass came into play under the control of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, who seemed to have the sick Pius XII wrapped around his fingers.
The corruptions continued in 1960-1962 when John XXIII implemented, while stating his own objections, the final corruptions that were already in the pipeline from Bugnini/Pius XII. This is yet another reason to reject the "1962 Mess," which is decidedly less Catholic than the Traditional Latin Mass. The harm that has come to the Newchurch as a result of abolishing these protective prayers for the faithful and the Church itself has been incalculable, as is obvious. The same can be said of the elimination of the Prayers after Mass, including the powerful Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel ("Sancte Michael Archangele" after Low Masses without solemnity (such as those not having an Asperges before or those in which Divine Office is said or chanted before or after the Mass)
For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
As the saying goes, "One rotten apple spoils the barrel." This has been the continuous story of the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church. Every group associated with the rotten Newchurch has eventually suffered the same corruption with which it has been associating. This includes the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), which in a fraudulent "deal" was given limited permission by Newchurch "authorities" to simulate the Vatican II Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962, from 2008 to 2021 called "Extraordinary."
The case of Fr. James Jackson is just the latest example of this principle, of which there have been, and will continue to be, many other examples. Jackson was arrested in July 2021 by U.S. federal and state prosecutors with paedoophile crimes. Jackson was released pending trial by the U.S. District Court on some very stringent conditions. Jackson flagrantly violated those conditions and committed further paedophile crimes. He has now been thrown into federal prison awaiting trial in September 2023.
On October 3, 2022, Jackson admitted violating the conditions of his temporary release, which prevented him from ?possessing any materials including videos, magazines, photographs, computer-generated depictions or any other forms that depict sexually-explicit conduct involving children" and from "having access to more than one internet-connected device." He had also violated his promise to the U.S. District Court to ?notify his supervising probation officer of all computers or electronic data storage devices where he was residing and to report any additional acquisitions." In other words, Jackson perjured himself. Jackson essentially admitted to the court that while on release he had committed further crimes.
In a search of his FSSP rectory, Presbyter Jackson was found to be harboring "large amounts of child sex abuse material found on an external hard drive in an office area near his bedroom." Jackson was also distributing the child pornography. He faces twenty years in federal prison for distributing and selling child pornography
The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) was born out of a fraud. It came into being when Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre told the "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla that Wojtyla's "Conciliar" Church (what we now call "Newchurch") that he could go pound sand. Lefebvre proceeded under traditional Canon Law to consecrate four traditional Catholic bishops on June 30, 1988. (It should be noted that Newchurch itself has not consecrated bishops since 1968, when it adopted an invalid New Ordinal modeled after the Protestants. That is why up to the present day Newchurch bishops are invalid. They are little more than Protestant ministers.)
When Archbishop Lefebvre took his courageous action, he struck fear into the heart of Wojtyla, who panicked and threw together a flawed document known as "Ecclesia Dei," which set up the FSSP to operate in limited fashion against the traditional Archbishop. The FSSP, originally with full Newpapal support, failed to grow as expected. It fell into disfavor in Newrome and was threatened with dissolution by Francis-Bergoglio's 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the FSSP's sister organization, the Institute of Christ the King (ICR), has already had its headquarters near Chicago, Illinois, shut down. The FSSP was given a temporarily and limited reprieve, but had its feathers clipped. Its priories cannot advertise their Messes, nor can anyone outside FSSP clergy and religious attend. Let's face it. Instead of acting courageously like Archbishop Lefebvre in standing against the fake Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes, the FSSP chose to capitulate to it. Now it is suffering the just consequences of its cowardice. No true Catholic can compromise with the fake Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, any more than he can compromise with Protestants, Mohammedans, Buddhists, and the other pagan sects.
A majority of voters in the United States think that U.S. President J.R. Biden is out of his mind -- literally, that the signs of mental dementia become more obvious every day. Be that as it may, Biden is certainly out of his mind when he falsely proclaims himself a "devout Catholic" and claimed on September 19, 2022, that the Catholic Church (whatever he thinks that is) approves abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Biden is not a Catholic, but a Newchurcher of the New Order, and a heretic even from that false sect.
The brouhaha arose after U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham, a Baptist, proposed a bill, the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act, on September 13, 2022, to ban abortion after 15 weeks. Catholic moral teaching is that direct abortion is never morally permitted, as a human life is at stake. Modern science has confirmed this position by its analysis of the human genome and DNA studies. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by "The Hill."]
Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has remained mute throughout the controvery. There are indications that he is attempting to weaken the traditional teaching on abortion in his Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch sect. He has warmly welcomed Biden, who wants widespread abortion and wants taxpayers to pay for it, and has welcomed former President B.H. Obama, purportedly a member of the Calvinist United Church of Christ, but suspected to be a Muslim in pectore, who holds the same pro-abortion position. But Bergoglio has welcomed U.S. President, Donald Trump, a Presbyterian, less warmly, even though Trump has taken, and implemented while President, a very outspoken anti-abortion position. There is no real doubt where the Bergoglio really stands on the issue -- the anti-Catholic position, of course.
Newcardinal Blase Cupich, of Chicago, Illinois, is an intimate of Francis-Bergoglio and is in lock step with Bergoglio's decrees suppressing the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962, which is not even the Traditional Latin Mass, but a severely-corrupted form of it that was used partially as the basis for the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969. Bergoglio has elevated Cupich to the position of Newcardinal and has appointed him as a member of the powerful Dicastery for [New]bishops, which controls the selection of Newbishops around the world, assuring that they conform to Bergoglio's heresies.
Cupich has spilled the beans about why Bergoglio has been so maniacal in pursuing the suppression of the Half New Order New Latin Mess. Bergoglio thinks that this move will secure the Vatican II Anti-council's (1962-1965) "legacy." The Anti-council is in desperate need of being secured. Its creation of the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964 to replace the Catholic Church and its concomitant suppression of the Catholic priesthood, the Catholic Mass, and Catholic doctrine and morality, is sinking fast. New Order presbyter-ministers (Newchurch has not ordained priests since 1968) are abandoning Newchurch in record numbers and attendance at Newchurch Messes, whether in the vulgar tongues or in Latin, is plummeting. The bloom is off the Vatican II rose (though it was never really there to begin with).
Though Bergoglio is usually fingered as the malefactor in this Newchurch liturgical game, Benedict-Ratzinger played his part as well. He wrote a decree in 2008, "Summorum pontificum," which supposedly freed somewhat the anti-traditional New Latin Mess, but he wrote the decree in a deliberately defective form that could easily be repealed, once the pseudo-traditionalists were outed and set up for punishment. Ratzinger specifically noted that his decree would be reviewed, even revised or repealed in the near future. And that is just what Bergoglio did in 2021's "Traditionis custodes." The pseudo-traditionialists tried to defraud Ratzinger and Bergoglio by trying to make the New Latin Mess an equal alternative to the New Order Mess. Emboldened, they even tried -- Heaven forbid! -- to reject the Anti-council's heresies. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Newarchdiocese of Chicago, Illinois.]
Traditional Catholics, the pseudo-traditionalists tried to create a "parallel church" within Newchurch. They did not have the honesty to get out of the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Anti-council, and stand by the Catholic Church, wherever it existed independently of the apostasy of Newchurch. A true Catholic's only moral choice is to get out of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church. One cannot play games with the Enemy. His tail gets you in the rear every time, as the dishonest and pseudo-traditionalists have found out, since they have united themselves inexorably with the apostasy of Newchurch.
On September 30, 2022, after a two-month adjournment the Newvatican trial resumed into responsibility for the 350,000,000 USD embezzlement of funds in the 2014 London real-estate scam, in which funds donated by Newchurchers to charity (they thought) ended up in the coffers of Newvatican representatives and officials. The prosecution is now calling 41 more sworn witnesses to the stand. However, attention is now turning away from the supposedly-guilty party, Newcardinal Angelo Becciu, who was Francis-Bergoglio's No. 2 at the Newvatican Secretariat of State and who many say is being made a scapegoat for Bergoglio's own complicity, toward Bergoglio himself as the "mastermind" of the embezzlement.
It was revealed that a bookkeeping swindle was perpetrated to hide the embezzlement, when the Newvatican Secretariat of State "absorbed" the huge loss, which originally had been ascribed to the fake Peter's Pence Fund under the personal and sole control of Bergoglio. This fund was supposed to be reserved for charitable programs to assist the most-desperately poor, not to fill Newvatican's coffers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's auditor-general originally testified that Bergoglio did not know anything about the London fraud, but when cross-examined, fell apart on the stand and retracted his exoneration of Bergoglio,who has already been fingered as the "mastermind" of the fraud by several other prosecution witnesses. In the end, he admitted that he was "shocked by the misuse of funds."
Francis-Bergoglio's Great Anti-synod of October 2023 ("Synod on Synodality") has already stirred a great deal of controversy and open hostility. Bergoglio has been pushing this abomination with all the resources at his disposal, and it is clear that this will be his culminating effort to replace even the Newchurch of the New Order with the foundation of an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, anti-traditional New World Order sect.
The world already got a glimpse of what he has in store when he signed on September 15, 2022, a document in conjunction with 108 pagan religious leaders declaring that "differences in religion ... are expressions of the wisdom of God?s will in creation." In other words, God Himself established false religions to promote "diversity" and confusion. Such a statement that God is the author of lies is unbelievably heretical, contradicting 2,000 years of the teaching of the Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and true popes up to 1963.
The official poster appeared on September 29, 2022, on Newvatican's official Facebook page of the Synod on Synodality and features a group of youths in front of a Newchurch, including a woman vested as a New Order presbyter and an apparently-homosexual man wearing a multicolored LGBTXXX shirt and holding a banner that reads "We Are the Young People." It has been widely rumored that Bergoglio plans to use the Anti-synod to begin planting the notion of (pagan) priestessses into his New World Order sect and of pushing the "blessing" of sodomite "marriage.". [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, already the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has received substantial pushback about his Anti-synod. He is making it so liquid that no one can understand what is happening. This deliberate obsfuscation was also a hallmark of the Vatican II Anti-council after the Modernists took it over. The initial reaction to Newvatican's official Facebook posting showed 87 per cent of Newchurchers responding were "angry" and "sad." Contemporaneously, several studies have shown that more and more Newchurchers are finally abandoning Newchurch as certainly not Catholic and Bergoglio as certainly not a pope.
On September 10, 2022, the Newdiocese of Oakland, California, announced that it was shutting down or merging many of its 81 Newparishes. The five-year average attendance shows that attendance at the fake (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess of 1969 plummeted by almost half, 47 per cent.
In 1955, when the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, did not exist, the only Mass was the Traditional Latin Mass of 1955 -- not even the Half New Order "Latin Mess" of 1962, and 75 per cent of Catholics attended the True Mass weekly. After Newchurch supplanted the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, by 2017 that number had plummeted to 39 per cent. In 2022 it has plummeted further to 17 per cent. The number of Newchurchers who never attend the New Order Mess has increased by 62 per cent.
To add insult to injury, Newchurch presbyters -- Newchurch has not ordained Catholic priests since 1968, when it adopted a fake (invalid) Protestantized New Ordinal -- have been leaving at an accelerated rate. Since 1985, 25 per cent of the Oakland presbyters are gone. The Newjesuit Newbishop of the Newdiocese, Michael Barber, formed a task force to deal with the emergency. Its conclusions and decisions are revealing: [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, the statistics for the Newdiocese of Oakland are repeated in hundreds of other Newdioceses in the United States and many thousands around the world. To the Newchurchers, few of whom remain, they are a disaster, but to Traditional Catholics they show that God's truth is prevailing. At this rate, Newchurch will justly be out of business and money in a matter of a few decades. This result is to be celebrated, not lamented, as the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church and has led, and continues to lead, many souls astray with blasphemous, idolatrous, and sacrilegious fake (invalid) non-sacraments. As Sacred Scripture tells us: "Magna est veritas, et praevalet" [Great is the truth, and it prevaisl]. (3 Esdras 4:41).
All kinds of nonsense has been written about the meaning of "666" in the Apocalypse of St. John, the last book of the New Testament (13:18/DRV): "Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six." Some say that it portends the end times; others, that it stands for the Anti-Christ. Both are incorrect; "666" refers to the past, not to the future.
In the Biblical languages, because letters of the alphabet were used for numerals (alpha = 1, beta = 2, etc.), words and names can be read as numbers. As it turns out, the number "666" has specific reference to Nero Caesar in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Thus, we have all three sacred languages concurring in the interpretation of the "number of the beast" as Nero Caesar, who ruled the Roman empire in the early Apostolic Age (A.D. 54-68) and persecuted Christians for (as he alleged) setting the Great Fire at Rome in 64.
It seems clear that the reference to the "number of the beast" is then the "number of a man," Nero Caesar, the pagan Roman emperor, who serves for the Apostolic Christians as the representative of the pagan Roman empire as opposed to Christian Rome. Nero Caesar was the first Roman emperor to persecute the Christians, as the Roman historian Tacitus reports in his Annales (XV.44):
Ergo abolendo rumori Nero subdidit reos et quaesitissimis poenis adfecit, quos per flagitia invisos vulgus Christianos appellabat"
Therefore, to put an end to the rumor [that he himself had caused the Great Fire at Rome in A.D. 64], Nero falsely accused as the guilty parties and subjected to the most unusual punishments those hated for their crimes, whom the common people called "Christians."
So what is the upshot of all of this? Having the "mark of the beast" meant doing obeisance to the pagan emperors of Rome, after the manner of the Jews, whom St. John the Evangelist quotes as proclaiming before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate (John 19:15/DRV): "We have no king but Caesar." Thus, there is no need to worry about "666," "mark of the beast," and end times. Nero and his pagan empire have already lived and died.