MAY 2023


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May 31, 2023 - Pentecost Wednesday - Ember Wednesday of Pentecost
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch Pseudo-traditionalist Fraternity Implicated in Paedophile Sex Crimes
Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) Presbyter Goes on Trial for Child Pornography

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
James Jackson

Presbyter James Jackson
Pastor in the Newchurch Pseudo-traditionalist
Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP)
Goes on Trial for Trafficking in Child Pornography
So Addicted Was He that He Violated Court Orders
Prohibiting Him from Pornography while on Bail
Jackson Was Rearrested and Imprisoned
Now He Faces 40 Years in U.S. Federal Prison
And a 500,000 USD Fine
Jackson Is only One of FSSP Pseudo-traditionalists
Associated with the Apostate Newchurch
And Its "New Latin Mess" of 1962
Which Is Not the Traditional Latin Mass

When on June 30, 1988, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre rejected what he called the "Conciliar Church," that is the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, and proceeded to consecrate four traditional Catholic bishops to serve his original Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), the "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla panicked. The only thing that he could think to do quickly was to "approve" for Newchurch purposes the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) to draw Catholics away from traditional Catholicism and into the bosom of the apostate Newchurch.

The FSSP was founded as a Newchurch organization intended to draw Newchurchers away from the Traditional Latin Mass. It follows the dictates of the apostate Newpopes and uses not the Traditional Latin Mass, but the Half New Order "New Latin Mess" of the 1962 Vatican II Anti-council. As the years since 1988 have gone by, the FSSP has become more and more the captive handmaiden of the New Order sect, even to the point of engaging in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.

One of the FSSP's presbyters is James Jackson, pastor of the FSSP's St. Mary's Church in Providence, Rhode Island. On May 24, 2023, Jackson's trial date was announced for June 20 in United States federal court, not merely state court. Jackson had been arrested in 2021 at his Newchurch parish, his headquarters for trafficking in child pornography, according to police. Jackson faces 40 years' imprisonment and 500,000 USD in fines. After his federal trial, Jackson faces trial on state charges.

Although Jackson was allowed out on bail, he violated the federal court order which prohibited him from “possessing any materials including videos, magazines, photographs, computer-generated depictions, or any other forms that depict sexually-explicit conduct involving children." Jackson was also prohibited from operating more than one internet-connected device (to prevent his sex-trafficking). Jackson essentially admitted to violating the court order and to trafficking in new child pornography. He was therefore rearrested and imprisoned for the last two years awaiting his trial.

Traditional Catholics, the Jackson case, one of several involving Newchurch pseudo-traditionalists, indicates clearly that those who associate with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, its Newpopes and other personnel, come away tainted with the same vile crimes with which Newchurch itself has become widely associated around the world. The Newpopes (JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio) have done essentially nothing to stem the increasing tide of these crimes, including those associated with pseudo-traditionalist organizations like the FSSP. These Newpopes have in most cases let off Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters with barely a slap on the wrist. The Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church and should be completely shunned by true Catholics.


A Reader Asks: "Newchurch Is Now Promoting an 'Incorrupt' Novus Ordo 'Nun'
Is there Any Legitimacy to This Kind of Thing Traditionally in the Catholic Church?"

From: Mary
Wilhelmina Lancaster

Even a Photograph of the Cadaver
Of Newchurch "Nun" Wilhelmina Lancaster
Shows Apparent Corruption in the Hands
And Admitted Infestation by Mold
Newchurch Is Sinking So Fast
That Its Remaining Adherents
Are Desperately Clinging to Any Fantasy
To Exonerate Their Corrupt Newchurch
Even to Pushing for a Fake Con-anization
Of the Newchurch "Nun"
By the Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

On May 22, 2023 claims were being made that a Newchurch "nun," Wilhelmina Lancaster, who founded an order of Newchurch "nuns," was discovered to be "incorrupt" when her cadaver was transferred to Maryland to Missouri. Naturally, the Newchurchers, who will desperately cling to any fantasy to exonerate their corrupt Newchurch of the New Order, are already calling for her Novus Ordo con-anization by the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, the whole charade being ginned up by "(anti)-social media." Is there any legitimacy to this kind of thing traditionally in the Catholic Church?


The Catholic Church traditionally does not accept "incorruptibility" in itself as a miracle. A true Saint is marked by heroic virtue in pursuing the True Faith. That leaves out heretics associated with the Newchurch of the New Order, who are objectively heretics, just like the Protestants. Wilhelmina Lancaster was objectively such a heretic, embracing the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

Pope Benedict XIV in his authoritative five-volume work entitled De Beatificatione Servorum Dei et de Beatorum Canonizatione decreed the use of medical science to analyze cases of incorruptibility. He held that in cases of purported "incorruption," cadavers received help against corruption from the environment rather than supernatural explanations. This prescient pope came to that conclusion already in the early eighteenth century.

Even current medical science can explain cases of "incorruption." In fact, there has never even been a generally concurred in definition in the Catholic Church as to what "incorruption" is, partial or total, complete or incomplete. Preservatives have been used on corpses since before the Ancient Egyptians and often leave no residue. Often the devotees of an individual use preservatives on the cadaver. In fact, Wilhelmina Lancaster's devotees admitted that they did just this on her cadaver. The body of Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was reported to be incorrupt, and no one is proposing to make him a Catholic Saint!

Our Lord pointedly warns us that Satan uses false "miracles" to deceive (Matthew 24:24). We have often quoted the sage counsel of the Church's greatest mystic, St. John of the Cross, who warned us: "STAY AWAY FROM VISIONS, APPARITIONS, AND MIRACLES AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. BE CAREFUL OF VISIONS, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE AUTHENTIC." This counsel is particularly salient for a confused age such as our own, which is maniacally fascinated by suns spinning in the sky or magical waters or "incorrupt" cadavers, but pays scarce attention to the greatest miracle of all, the incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Bishop, Bishop, Does Anyone Really Need Another Do-nothing Traditional Bishop?
Richard Williamson Has Now Consecrated Eight Bishops, but What Are They Actually Doing?

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Richard Williamson

Quo Vadis, Episcope Richarde?
"Nice Guy" Richard Williamson
Formerly Senior Auxiliary Bishop
In the SSPX and Neo-SSPX
Has Consecrated His Eight Bishop
Several of Them "Secretly"
But Williamson Has Been a Disappointment
Instead of Organizing a Traditional Catholic Movement
He Seems Content to Consecrate a Passel
Of Episcopi Vagantes, Most of Them Doing Nothing
Of Any Note beyond Their Own Little Backyards
Instead, Williamson Is Earning in the 21st Century
The Dubious Reputation of an Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc

Bishop Richard Williamson is now earning in the 21st century the dubious reputation of Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc (1897-1984) of the 20th century. Thuc, who was a "nice guy" by all accounts, became known for his multifarious consecrations, some good, some bad. He was not always the exemplar of the Cardinal Moral Virtue of Prudence.

Williamson was the senior auxiliary bishop from 1998 to 1991 in Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's original Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), then senior auxiliary bishop from 1991 to 2012 in Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, the organization that Fellay took over and reorganized after the Archbishop's death, with the hope of making it an arm of the Newchurch of the New Order. The situation of the Neo-SSPX is exactly the same as that of the Newchurch of the New Order, which took over the "institutional" Catholic Church in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council and reorganized it for different purpose.

Williamson left Bernie Fellay's Neo-Society of St. Pius X (Neo-SSPX) in 2012 after a dust-up involving Williamson's imprudent remarks about the World War II "holocaust," which ended up with his being tried and fined in a German court. This contretemps ended up scaring Josef Ratzinger (who later styled himself Newpope Benedict XVI) away from any association with Fellay's Neo-SSPX, as Ratzinger had a skeleton in his own closet, which was then inconveniently revealed, that he was, according to his own autobiography, was a willing volunteer in the Hitler-Jugend and was placed in a Nazi anti-aircraft unit that shot down Allied planes.

On May 24, 2023, a French source reported that Williamson had "secretly" consecrated a seventh and eighth bishop, two former district superiors of the Neo-SSPX, Paul Morgan of England and Michal Stobnicki of Poland. He had already consecrated Jean-Michel Faure (2016), Tomas Aquin (2017), Gerardo Zendejas (2017), and Giacomo Ballini (2020). The other two are still secret. Williamson kept secret Ballini's consecration for two years, until December 31, 2022.

Truth be told, Williamson, who, like Archbishop Thuc, also a "nice guy" by all accounts, has been a great disappointment to many in the Traditional Catholic Movement, who thought that he would take on the mantle of the courageous Archbishop Lefebvre and carry on his energetic public work against the Newchurch of the New Order. The Archbishop did not hesitate publicly to call the Newpopes of the Newchurch heretics, as they in fact are, and to call their Newchurch the "Conciliar Church," not the Roman Catholic Church. When asked specifically about Newpope Ratzinger, the heretic Modernist leader at the Vatican II Anti-council, the Archbishop, who knew Ratzinger well at the Anti-council and thereafter, in his usual forthright way said of him simply: "He's not a Catholic."

Traditional Catholics, if Richard Williamson were actually trying to organize a Traditional Catholic Movement, as the industrious Fr. Gommar DePauw did almost singlehandedly in the 1960s, it would be one thing. But this does not seem to be Williamson's purpose. Instead, he is simply generating a passel of Episcopi Vagantes wandering about, most of them doing nothing of any note beyond their own little backyards. Are they merely playing dress-up? If Williamson wanted to promote the Traditional Catholic Faith openly and honestly, why would he cloak his putative bishops in so much secrecy? Didn't Our Lord tell the example by telling the corrupt High Priest Caiphas: "I have spoken openly to the world.... and in secret I have spoken nothing" (John 18:20/DRV).

MAY 28, 2023 - PENTECOST

Yet Another Newbishop Has Called out His Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Joseph Strickland Has Declared Publicly that Bergoglio Is a Heretic because of His "Program of Undermining the Faith"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Joseph Strickland

Newbishop Joseph Strickland Schmoozes
With the Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
But after Accepting Bergoglio's Handout
Has Now Called Bergoglio Out
For Being the Heretic that He Is
Yet Strickland Is, in the End
Just Another Newchurch Hypocrite
Like Newprelates Vigano, Schneider, and Burke
Who Don't Have the Courage to Leave
The Vatican II Anti-council's Fake Newchurch
Which Is Most Certainly Not the Catholic Church
Because They Don't Want to Lose
Their Money and Power

On May 12, 2023, yet another Newchurch bishop called his Newpope Francis-Bergoglio a heretic. Joseph Strickland, of Tyler, Texas, declared publicly that Bergoglio is a heretic because of his "program of undermining the Faith." In July 2022 Strickland had already agreed with the statement that Bergoglio is a "diabolically disordered clown." Strickland also joined in an open letter signed by several Newchurch prelates that Bergoglio taught heresy in his liturgical 2022 Apostolic Letter "Desiderio Desideravi."

But, like all Newchurch apostates, Strickland does not have the courage to follow his belief to its logical conclusion. Although he considers Bergoglio a heretic, he still pretends that he is the "pope." To the contrary, St. Robert Bellarmine, one of the Church's greatest theologians, particularly on the nature of the papacy, famously proclaimed: "Papa hereticus depositus est," an heretical pope is ipso facto deposed. Strickland is too invested in his position and perks from Newchurch to do what the courageous Archbishop Lefebvre did and dissociate from the Newchurch of the New Order, founded at the Vatican II Anti-council in 1964, which the Archbishop maintained is most certainly not the Catholic Church. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic news sources.]

Traditional Catholics, Newbishop Joseph Strickland is just another pusillanimous hypocrite like Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, Newbishop Athanasius Schneider, and Newcardinal Ray Burke. Instead of breaking with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, Strickland and these others want to keep their money and power by pretending to recognize Bergoglio as their Newpope while calling him a heretic. They cannot have it both ways.

May 27, 2023 - Vigil of Pentecost

Some Greek Catholics Are Moving back from Christianity
And Embracing Again the Classical Gods of Western Civilization, from Which Christianity Arose

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Ancient Greek Festival

Some Greek Catholics Are Spurning
The Greek Rites of the Eastern Church
And Embracing Again the Classical Gods
Of Ancient Western Civilization
Which Led under the Influence of Providence
To the Supremacy of the Roman Catholic Religion
Catholics, Especially the Popes
Of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Accepted the Classical Gods as Metaphors
In the Sublime Latin Poetry Used in the Hymns
Of the Fully Traditional Latin Mass
And Most Especially in the Hymns of the Divine Office
Some of Which Were Composed by Catholic Popes

Curiously, some Greeks are spurning the Greek rites of the Eastern Church and are embracing again the classical gods of ancient Western civilization. At least this is a return to the natural gods of classical paganism, which led ultimately under the influence of Providence to the supremacy of the Catholic religion, rather than to the elephant "gods" of Hinduism or the worship of the squatting fat man Buddha.

Several classical pagan organizations are resuscitating the celebration of festivals and rituals around the classical Greek gods, which were taken into ancient Rome pretty much wholesale with only a change of their names from their Greek forms to their Latin forms. Catholics, especially the popes, of the Middle Ages and Renaissance accepted the classical gods as metaphors in the sublime Latin poetry used in the hymns of the fully Traditional Latin Mass and most especially in the hymns of the Divine Office, some of which were written by Catholic popes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Greek Reporter.]

Traditional Catholics, these organizations are also educating the public and promoting the use of the religious music from the Greco-Roman period, from which the Catholic Church's Gregorian chant emanated in the purity of the Pythagorean modes used to this day in the Church's sacred music, now experiencing a rebirth in the proliferation of Gregorian scholae singing at the fully Traditional Latin Mass. As usual, the Newchurchers seem to be entirely ignorant of the classical Greco-Roman Tradition that Providence used to kickstart the Roman Catholic Church and that is evident particularly in the Epistles of St. Paul, the highly-influential Apostle to the Gentiles.

May 26, 2023 - St. Philip Neri, Confessor
Double Feast

Newchurch Has Killed the Sisters of Charity
This Order Is the Latest to Be Destroyed by Newchurch and Its Newpopes

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Sisters of Charity

Before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965)
The Sisters of Charity Were 1,300 Strong
Happy in Their Traditional Habits
Now, under the Newpopes of the New Order
Their Numbers Have Fallen by 90 per Cent
And They Are Closing up Shop
Too Late They Regret that They Ever Went Along
With the Soul-destroying Newchurch
But Now It's Too Late
Newchurch Has Killed Them

On April 27, 2023, yet another religious order has bitten the dust under the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes. This time it is the Sisters of Charity. This order had existed for more than two hundred years, operating orphanages, schools, hospitals, colleges, and missions abroad from the time of the American War Between the States. But the order has fallen under hard times during Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio. Not a single new sister has joined the group under these Newpopes.

Before the Vatican II Anti-council the order boasted 1,300 nuns. Under Newpope Bergoglio that number has fallen by 90 per cent to just 154. The median age of the sisters now is 85. Under Newchurch the sisters gave up their traditional habits and started wearing modern clothes. Many of the sisters blasphemously wanted to be priestesses. Now the remaining sisters, who are old enough to know better, regret the "modernizations" of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic news sources.]

Traditional Catholics, one of the sisters openly asked: "What did we do wrong? I’m sure that there were many times when we questioned all those changes that we made back in the seventies — [giving up] the habit, leaving schools, going into other various 'ministries.'" But now it's too late. Newchurch has killed the Sisters of Charity. If any of them have any vocation left, they can still abandon the Newchurch of the New Order, which most certainly is not the Catholic Church, and find an independent Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory headed by a Traditional Catholic priest who was smarter than these sisters and got out of Newchurch before it corrupted everything in sight.

May 25, 2023 - Octave Day of the Ascension of Our Lord
Double Major Feast

Francis-Bergoglio's Order of Newjesuits in Bolivia Charged in Paedophile Sex Crimes
Attorney General Calls Newjesuits' Activities "Crimes against Humanity"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
'The Jesuits'

Francis-Bergoglio, a Proud Member
Of the Newjesuit Order
Professing Murderous Liberation Theology
Has Stood by while the Order
In His Native Argentina
And in Neighboring Bolivia
Has Sponsored the Sexual Assault and Rape
Of Children as Young as Seven Years of Age
The General Prosecutor Has Condemned
Bergoglio's Newjesuits for Perpetrating
"Crimes against Humanity"

The Bolivian government on May 17, 2023, began an investigation of Bergoglio's own order of Newjesuits in Argentina, where he was Newarchbishop from 1998 to 2013, for paedophile sex crimes. Serial sex crimes against 89 victims have been documented for at least seven perpetrator presbyters on the basis of diary and photographs of the victims kept by one of the perpetrators. These cases led the Bolivian prosecutor's office to a number of new cases of sexual assault and rape. The victims range in age from 7 to 12.

Even the Newarchbishop of the capital Newarchdiocese of La Paz, Bolivia, one Alejandro Metre, has been implicated. In September 2022 Newrome threw in the towel and admitted that the charges were true. Bolivia's Attorney General officially condemned "the negligence that this [Newchurch] organization perpetrated by not reporting these incidents." Bolivia's General Prosecutor condemned the paedophile crimes committed by the Newchurch clergy and denounced Newchurch for a "systematic cover-up" and for "crimes against humanity." The Bolivian President personally called for "severely punishing" cases of paedophilia in the Newjesuit order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, these crimes are going on in Francis-Bergoglio's own backyard in Argentina. Bergoglio himself is a member of the Newjesuit order, which took over the Newjesuits in the 1960s, around the time of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). It preaches "liberation theology," which involves taking up arms against conservative political governments in Latin America. It also sponsored at the time of the Anti-council, and probably even now, "Black Messes," that is, "Satanic Messes," as exposed by the noted Vaticanologist and former Jesuit Malachi Martin in his 525-page 1988 blockbuster The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.

May 24, 2023 - Within the Octave of the Ascension of Our Lord
Semidouble Feast

Did a Disgruntled Newchurcher just Attempt to Kill Francis-Bergoglio?
As amid Scandal after Scandal, Hatred of the Apostate Newpope Is Rising

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Had to Be Shocked
To Learn that It Was Likely
One of His Own Disgruntled Newchurchers
Who Crashed the Newvatican Gate with His Car
And Sped near Where Bergoglio Was
Purportedly to Kill Him
It Is Unknown whether the Man Was Motivated
By Bergoglio's Complicity in Paedophile Crimes
Embezzlement of Charitable Funds
Or Destruction of the Catholic Church
Newvatican Has Provided a Cover Story
That the Man Had a Mental Problem
But So Does Bergoglio Himself
With Clinical Narcissistic Personality Disorder
And Associated Paranoia

The man who crashed at full speed through the Newvatican gate on May 18, 2023, may have been a Newchurcher so disgruntled with Francis-Bergoglio that he intended to kill the apostate Newpope. Bergoglio has been increasingly exposed as complicit in paedophile crimes by high Newvatican officials, in embezzlement of funds for his failing Newvatican, , in shutting down religious houses and eradicating every vestige of true Catholicism around the world, and, just this last week, in the takeover of Caritas Internationalis, a mega-charity whose funds are supposed to go to the needy, not into the coffers of Bergoglio and his corrupt Newchurch of the New Order.

The Swiss Guards were caught flatfooted, but the Newvatican police did shoot at the car, yet were unable to disable it before it approached where Bergoglio was. Fortunately for Bergoglio, the driver eventually gave up. Newvatican was close-mouthed as usual, but did not deny that Bergoglio may have been nearby. This was not the first time that a Newpope embroiled in scandal was attacked. On December 24, 2009, another disgruntled Newchurcher attacked Benedict-Ratzinger, who also was at the center of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. The "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, also embroiled in that Holocaust, was shot and gravely wounded in 1981. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]

Traditional Catholics, Newvatican has, of course, tried to downplay this incident with its billion-dollar propaganda machine, the Vatican News Service conglomerate, funded by Francis-Bergoglio at least in part from "charity" funds, by claiming that the Newchurcher had a mental problem. Ironically, Bergoglio himself clearly has a mental problem, diagnosed as clinical Narcissistic Personal Disorder (NPD) with Associated Paranoia.

May 23, 2023 - Within the Octave of the Ascension of Our Lord
Semidouble Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Is Being Denounced for His Takeover of Caritas Internationalis
As a "Brutal Power Grab" and an Embezzlement of Charitable Funds by the "Dictator Pope" [Sic]

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

"The Dictator Pope"
As He Is Known in Europe
After Illegally Taking Over
The Knights of Malta
An Independent Organization
Under International Law
Has Now Gone on to Take Over
Caritas Internationalis
A Mega-charity
Bergoglio's Motivation Seems to Be --
Other than His Mania
To Control Personally
Every Lever of Power --
To Embezzle Charitable Funds
To Sustain His Bankrupted Newvatican

It seems that Newvatican's financial position is getting worse since its Chief Auditor announced in 2017 that it was on the brink of bankruptcy. Francis-Bergoglio has now taken over Caritas Internationalis, a mega-charity doing charitable projects around the world, and its charitable funds. It was the same story with the Knights of Malta, which Bergoglio illegally took over in violation of international law. Newvatican is going bankrupt, and Francis-Bergoglio has to embezzle funds from wherever he can get them.

But many Newchurcher leaders are now getting sick and tired of the machinations of Bergoglio, known in Europe as "Il Papa Dittatore" (The Dictator Pope [Sic]). On May 9, 2023, the Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis publicly denounced Bergoglio for his "brutal power grab" of the 162 national chapters of the mega-charity. His predecessor Secretary General denounced Bergoglio for the same reason. Even Bergoglio publicly admitted that there was no evidence of financial wrongdoing or sex crimes -- a statement that Bergoglio cannot truthfully make about his own regime. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican News.]

Traditional Catholics, this whole scandal is redolent of Francis-Bergoglio's illegal takeover of the Knights of Malta, a long-standing independent body under international law. As a result, the Knights, who had conducted particularly effective charitable works around the world since mediaeval times, has been irreparably compromised. The embezzled funds can now flow into Bergoglio's Vatican Bank, reportedly run by the Mafia, from charitable organizations and projects to support the apostate Marxist/Modernist Newpope's personal dictatorship.

May 22, 2023 - Within the Octave of the Ascension of Our Lord
Semidouble Sunday

As Newchurch Collapses in Germany, It Will Lose One-third of Its Churches
In Less than Forty Years, Some 20,000 Newchurches Are Expected to Close

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Walking out of Newchurch

The German Newchurch
Is Now Paying the Price
For Destroying the Catholic Church
As the "Institutional" Church
At the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965)
And Founding in 1964
The Newchurch of the New Order
To Replace the Catholic Church
Now the German Church Is Set to Lose
One-third of Its Newchurches
In Less than Forty Years
German Newchurchers Are Walking Out
Of Newchurch at an Ever-accelerating Rate
Attendance at the Novus Ordo Mess
Has Now Fallen Below Five per Cent

In the largest European country, the decline in Newchurch membership is stunning. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has hit Germany hard. Over 200,000 Newchurchers are leaving every year, and the rate is increasing. Many former German Newchurchers are so angry at Newchurch, with its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, that they are going to their respective city halls and formally deregistering and even trying to void their baptisms. Fewer than five per cent even bother to attend the Novus Ordo service on Sundays, and the percentage is going down each and every year.

With the departing congregations goes the money. Newchurch in Germany is heading toward bankruptcy, as Newvatican itself is, according to its Chief Auditor. With the continuous decline in membership, there is little money to maintain and support existing Newchurches. On May 23, 2023, it was reported that one-third of these New churches, around 20,000, are expected to be abandoned permanently in less than forty years. The future portends mass demolition of Newchurches. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic (sic) Association of German Dioceses.]

Traditional Catholics, the Germans and adjoining Germanic countries were the leaders of the heretical Modernist movement at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which founded the apostate Newchurch of the New Order in 1964 and relegated the true Catholic Church to Traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories operating independent of Newchurch. One of the leaders of that destructive Mondernist movement was the German Josef Ratzinger himself (who later styled himself as the Modernist Newpope Benedict). Even the Modernist Newpope "Unsaint" Paul VI-Montini had to admit the truth not even ten years after Newchurch's founding in 1964:

We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan (fumus Satanae) has entered the temple of God.... We thought that after the [Anti-]council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties.
Now the Germanic Newchurch is paying the price for its treason against the true Catholic Faith.

May 21, 2023 - Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension
Semidouble Feast

No Presbyter Installations at All for Nine Years in Francis-Bergoglio's Argentine Newdiocese
Argentina Was Bergoglio's Power Base before He Became the Apostate Newpope

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Alexis Oser

Alexis Oser Stands Next to His
Fake Novus Ordo "Eucharistic" Dinner Table
He is the First Presbyter in Nine Years
In One of Francis-Bergoglio's Argentine Newdioceses
Even in Bergoglio's Native Country
Interest in Newchurch Is So Low
That No Young Men Want to Risk
Subjecting Themselves to Sexual Assault
In Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust
Because Many Newseminaries Have Been Shut Down
In Once-Catholic Latin America
Oser Had to Travel 1,000 Kilometers
To Get His New Order Indoctrination at Buenos Aires

In one of Francis-Bergoglio's former Argentine Newdioceses, there have been no presbyter installations in nine years! (Newchurch has not ordained Catholic priests since its adoption of the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which merely "installs presbyters" like Protestant-style ministers.) The last "installation" for the Argentine Newdiocese of Alto Valle de Rio Negro was of presbyter Vincente Alberto Bo in 2014. He died in 2021 of the Red China Virus.

In 2023 one young man, Alexis Oser, came forward, but because there is no Newseminary in Rio Negro, as there are no Newseminaries in most Newdioceses now since they have been shut down for lack of candidates, Oser had to go almost 1,000 kilometres to Buenos Aires for his Newchurch indoctrination. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register..]

Traditional Catholics, Newchurch is dying from a thousand wounds. One of these is that young men, terrified at Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which preys upon the few remaining young candidates for the Novus Ordo presbyterate, find far more salubrious careers than that of a minister for the fraudulent and moribund Newchurch, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

May 20, 2023 - St. Bernadine of Siena, Confessor
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch Resorts to a Fake "Eucharistic Miracle" to Regain Lost Members
However, without a Valid Mass, It Is Impossible for Newchurch to Have a Valid Eucharist

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Novus Ordo 'Communion' Cookies

There Is No Catholic Mass in Newchurch
Because There Are No Priests in Newchurch
Since 1968 when It Adopted a Protestantized
New Ordinal merely to "Install Presbyters"
Like Protestant Ministers
In Addition, Invalid Matter Is Used
In the Form of Cookies
That Have Been Adulterated
With Salt, Baking Powder
Even Cinnamon, Vanilla, Butter
And Other Invalidating Substances
Thus, without a Valid Mass and Sacrament
It Is Impossible for Newchurch
To Have a "Eucharistic Miracle"

With its stunning drop-off in membership and donations since its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust became public in 2002, with Francis-Bergoglio's sharply declining popularity, with the massive closings of churches in Newdioceses up to 50 per cent, and with the complete absence in many Newdioceses of any young men going to Newseminaries, the Newchurch of the New Order is understandably panicking.

One of the stratagems to which Newchurch is now desperately resorting to bring lost Newchurchers and their donations back is the concoction of "eucharistic miracles." The problem with this approach is that in recent surveys up to 80 per cent of Newchurchers respond that they don't believe in the Novus Ordo "eucharist," that they go to Newchurches only because of the social element, which itself is rapidly disappearing as Newchurchers themselves are disappearing.

We know for a certainty that Newchurch doesn't have valid Sacraments, "eucharist" or otherwise, so by definition it is impossible for Newchurch to have "eucharistic miracles." We must conclude that either these "miracles" are a desperate ruse or that they come from Satan. Our Lord warned of the danger of false "miracles" used by Satan to deceive: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect" (Matthew 24:24/DRV).

The latest Newchurch concoted "miracle" occurred at St. Thomas "the Doubter" Newchurch on March 5, 2023, involving an alleged "multiplication" of cookies. (Newchurch does not have a valid Catholic Mass to confect a "eucharist," and in addition uses instead of wheaten bread a recipe for cookies, including salt, baking powder, even cinnamon, vanilla, butter, and other invalidating substances. Moreover, the "lay minister of eucharist" involved has no sacramental power whatsoever. The whole dirty business is a fraud. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Hartford Courant.]

Traditional Catholics, it appears that this "lay minister of eucharist," quite full of himself, had a large imagination and likely influenced the small number of other Novus Ordo parishioners to join in the delusion. Even the Newchurch bishop was skeptical and has refused immediately to forward the case to Newrome, which, in any case is most certainly not the Catholic Church and thus has no standing to make any judgments.

May 19, 2023 - St. Peter Celestine, Pope & Confessor
Double Feast

Neocon/Pseudo-traditionalists Are Tricked again on the "New Latin Mess" of 1962
Rare "Dispensations" to Simulate Such Messes Have a Short Time-limit, after Which the Messes Are Canceled Forever

From: Petrus Romanus, The TRADITIO Network's Roman Correspondent
Arthur Roche

No, You Don't
Says Francis-Bergoglio's Liturgy Czar
Newcardinal Arthur Roche
About Getting a "Dispensation"
To Simulate a New Latin Mess of 1962
Dispensations Are Rare
And Expire in a Matter of Months
After Which the Messes
Are Canceled Forever

It turns out that Francis-Bergoglio & Arthur Roche, Newpope and Liturgy Prefect, respectively, have combined to trick the Newchurch "bishops" who seek to continue in their Newdioceses the Half New Order Vatican II "New Latin Mess" of 1962. These Newbishops are told that, in order to continue such messes in Newparish churches, they must seek a "dispensation" from Bergoglio's decree "Traditionis custodes" via Roche's "Dicastery Supreme."

But Roche has already stated that he will not give such dispensations as a matter of policy. Hence, those Newbishops who apply to Roche for a dispensation are consigning those Masses to extinction. It's another Newchurch Catch 22. Quite a shrewd trick on the part of Bergoglio and Roche!

There may be a very few dispensations that slip through, but these will be given a short time-limit. When the time-limit expires, the New Latin Mess must be canceled forever or moved to a "no man's land" secular room with no Newparish connection and without any publicity being permitted. Such a "dispensation" has already been foisted upon the Newarchdiocese of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States. The time-limit imposed is June 30, 2023, less than two months, at which time the New Latin Mess of 1962 is entirely canceled on Sundays and weekdays.


A Reader Asks: "Why Has Fellay's Neo-SSPX Resurrected from the Mothballs Its Discredited
2005 Thesis about the Validity of Newchurch 'Orders' to Recognize and Use a Novus Ordo 'Bishop'?"

From: Francis (U.K.)

Vitus Huonder, of Switzerland
Is the Neo-SSPX's Leader, Bernie Fellay
A Swiss Himself
Grooming This Novus Ordo "Bishop"
Who Isn't Even Consecrated
To Grasp the Place of the Next "Bishop"
Of the Fellayite Neo-SSPX Group
Which Has Broken Away
From the Saintly Archbishop Lefebvre's
Original Society of St. Pius X?

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

TRADITIO readers will recall the Fellay-sponsored 2005 thesis on the invalid Novus Ordo "orders," by a Fellayite associated with a Neo-SSPX religious order in France. It produced the manufactured result that the Novus Ordo "orders" are valid because they are purportedly based on "various Eastern Rite orders."

But why on earth would the Roman Catholic Church, whose Holy Orders descend from the time of Saints Peter and Paul, exchange these priceless gifts from Heaven for a mess of Eastern pottage? Why was this question never asked? Hasn't the Church always taught that doubtful sacraments are not to be accepted?

It is no surprise that the 2005 thesis has been resurrected from the mothballs and spider webs to be bandied about now by Fellay's Neo-SSPX to justify its recognition and use of a Novus Ordo "bishop" in German Switzerland, Vitus Huonder.


That 2005 thesis was widely discredited at the time as obvious ruse and sellout. There was great controversy within Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX before it was published, because the original author, a Dominican, had come to the opposite conclusion (invalidity of Novus Ordo "orders") from what Fellay wanted. Fellay had the Dominican's authentic version thrown out and had the manufactured one published to uphold the invalid Novus Ordo "orders," in order to suit his own ambitions.

Obviously, if Fellay's Neo-SSPX held Newchurch "orders" invalid, the Neo-SSPX could not be recognized by Newchurch, the result that Fellay has longed for since at least 1991 when the Archbishop died. Fellay obviously still has delusions of grandeur for himself, of being the Newcardinal in charge of all of Newchurch's pseudo-traditional sects. Moreover, the Novus Ordo "orders" are not in fact based upon the Eastern rites, but upon the clearly invalid Protestant rites, even to the use of the term "presbyter" rather than "priest" and "installation" rather than "ordination." Newchurch's invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 was fabricated under the presidency of the infamous Hannibal Bugnini, the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan presbyter, the "Father of the Novus Ordo."

With the death of Archbishop Lefebvre, the original Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) died too. What exists now is a "Neo-SSPX," dictated over by Bernie Fellay and his personal designees. The situation with the Neo-SSPX is the same as that with the Newchurch of the New Order itself. These organizations have not been merely "taken over temporarily" by wicked leaders, but are, at their core, new and radically different organizations.

Thus, the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, is not the Catholic Church, any more than Fellay's Neo-SSPX is the Society of St. Pius X founded in 1970 by Archbishop Lefebvre. In fact, there are credible reports that just before his death, the Archbishop had concluded that Newchurch had, over the years, just like the Protestant Anglican sect, whose orders were declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII in 1896, "gone sour" and no longer had a valid Mass and Orders. For further information on this topic, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter "Apostolicae Curae" [On Anglican Ordinations], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.

May 17, 2023 - St. Paschal Baylon, Confessor
Double Feast

The Once-famous Mundelein Seminary near Chicago Has Been Infected
With Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, Now among Lay Officials Too

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Mundelein Newseminary

A Few Remaining Newseminarians
Gather around the Newchurch Dinner Table
(Formerly Known as an Altar)
At Mundelein Neweminary outside Chicago
Like So Many Other Newchurch Seminaries
The Once-famous Mundelein Has Been Infected
With Sex Offenses
The Most Recent and Notorious
By a Lay Teacher of Church Architecture
As Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust
Spreads from Newbishops and Presbyters
And Now Involves Lay Officials Too

The corruption of Newchurch's seminaries is continuing to spread. Most Newchurch seminaries around the First World have closed, and the few that remain are still mired in sex crimes. After children, it seems that Newchurch's sex targets are its own young Newseminarians. These were, for example, a prime target of the infamous Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C. To date, most of the crimes have been perpetrated by presbyters teaching in the Newseminaries, but now the crimes of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust have spread to involve lay officials.

One of the most recent and notorious cases that started to come to light in early 2023 is that of Denis McNamara, who was implicated in sex offenses against the young Newseminarians, according to a letter from the rector of the once-famous Mundelein Newseminary outside of Chicago, Illinois. McNamara taught church architecture and was the Director of the Center for Beauty and Culture. He has now left the Newseminary and is incommunicado. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News.]

Traditional Catholics, the arch-paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick was allowed to commit sex crimes for decades in the United States under the aegis of apostate Newpopes JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio because McCarrick was such an effective fund-raiser for the activities, many of them fraudulent, associated with the Newchurch of the New Order. No wonder Newchurch serminaries are closing right and left, and almost no young men want to become Newchurch presbyters.

May 16, 2023 - St. Ubaldus, Bishop & Confessor
Rogation Tuesday - Lesser Litanies
Semidouble Feast

Are the Eastern Rite "Traditionalists" on the Verge of Splitting from Francis-Bergoglio?
The Easterners Courageously Refuse to Obey Bergoglio's Edict to Turn around Their Altars Novus-Ordo Style

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Eastern-rite Rumble

Eastern-rite Traditionalists Reject
Francis-Bergoglio's Newcardinal
Who Was Sent to Force Them
To Turn Their Altars around
Novus-Ordo Style
The "Traditionalists" Blocked the Newcardinal
From Entering St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica
And Sent Him Running away in Fear of His Life
He Has Requested Police Protection
The Eastern Traditionalists Have Held Tough
And Are Expected to Split from Bergoglio's
Newchurch of the New Order Soon

The second-largest Eastern-rite church that still remains associated with the Newchurch of the New Order, the Syro-Malabar rite, based mainly in India, to which St. Thomas the Apostle brought the faith, and boasting a membership of nearly 5,000,000 souls, has had it with the "Dictator Pope [Sic]," Francis-Bergoglio, who is trying to force the Eastern church to turn around its altars to face the congregation, Novus-Ordo style.

So adamant are the Eastern traditionalists to maintain Tradition that they have chased Bergoglio's Newcardinal and Major Archbishop George Alencherry out of St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica and guarded the gate so that he cannot re-enter. There have been demonstrations and fights in the street and the burning of Bergoglio's man in effigy. The Newcardinal has been granted police protection because he claimed that he had reason to fear for his life at the hands of the Easterner traditionalists. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News.]

Traditional Catholics, on May 4, 2023, a meeting is to be held in Newrome, but most hold out little hope for a resolution and expect the Easterner traditionalists to split from Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order. Whereas the cowardly Western Neocons and pseudo-traditionalists play sycophants to the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, the Eastern traditionalists display the courage of their faith to fight against Newchurch, which is certainly not the Catholic Church, and are willing, if necessary, to fight for the true faith, like the early Martyrs, of whom their Patron Saint, Thomas the Apostle, was one.

May 15, 2023 - St. John Baptist de la Salle, Confessor
Rogation Monday - Lesser Litanies
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Commits Yet Another Blasphemy and Sacrilege
By Adding to the Newchurch Martyrology the Names of 21 Heretics from the Coptic Oriental Sect

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Twandros II & Francis-Bergoglio

Tawandros II and Francis-Bergoglio
Which Claimant Is the Real "Pope"?
Or Is Neither One a Pope?
Bergoglio Has Now Added
To Newchurch's Book of Martyrs
21 Heretics from Tawandros II's
Coptic Oriental Sect
Which Does Not Recognize
The Dogma Define the Oecumenical
Council of Chalcedon (451)
On the Divine and Human Natures of Christ
Which Is Believed
Even by the Greek Orthodox Sect
And the Protestants

The Martyrologium Romanum is one of the most sacred liturgical books of the traditional Roman rite. Its entry for each day of the year is read or chanted at the Hour of Prime of the Divine Office (the Vatican II Anti-council "suppressed" the ancient Hour of Prime, the first Hour of the day after sunrise). First thing in the morning the traditional Catholic clergy are reminded of the many Saints, most of them Holy Martyrs, who died in fidelity to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His true Faith. For each day of the year the entry is prefaced with the date in the Gregorian calendar and in the ancient Roman calendar (because the true Church, after all, is the Roman Church), after which a list of the various Saints commemorated on that day is recorded with their geographic provenance. An example of such an entry is that which appears first under the date of January (the Roman Kalends of January):

Romae passio sanctae Martinae, Virginis et Martyris; quo, sub Alexandro Imperatore, diversis tormentorum generibus cruciata, tandem, gladio percussa, martyrii palmam adepta est.
[At Rome the passion of Saint Martina, Virgin and Martyr, by which, under the emperor Alexander, tortured by various kinds of torments, at the last struck with the sword, she attained the palm of martyrdom.]

This sacred book of the Roman Catholic Faith was blasphemously and sacrilegiously polluted on May 11, 2023, by Francis-Bergoglio, when he purported to add to Newchurch's much-corrupted version of the Roman Martyrology, the names of 21 heretics from the Coptic Oriental sect, which rejects the dogmatic teaching on the Divine and Human natures of Christ. These heretics were killed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2015. The apostate Newpope of Newchurch, Francis-Bergoglio, also turned over the foremost Church in the Catholic Faith, the Church of the Popes, St. John Lateran Archbasilica, known as "Omnium Urbis et Orbis Ecclesiarum Mater et Caput" (the Mother and Head of All Churches of the City and of the World), to the so-called "Pope" of the Coptic Oriental sect, Tawandros II, to perform his heretic "rites" there. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, the Coptic Orientals are heretical because the reject the dogma on the natures of Christ, as defined by the Fourth Oecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451, directed by Pope St. Leo the Great. Even the Eastern Orthodox schismatics and the Protestants accept this doctrine. The apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes, which is most certainly not Catholic Church, now officially recognizes heretics, schismatics, and even pagans, but not true (traditional) Catholics, whom Newchurch hates because they remain faithful to the Roman Catholic Faith and dare to denounce Newchurch and the Newpopes as the frauds they are.

May 14, 2023 - Fifth Sunday after Easter
Rogation Sunday
Semidouble Sunday

The four days before Ascension Thursday are the Rogation Days, and this period is known as Rogationtide. The word rogation comes from the Latin rogare, meaning "to beseech." This tradition comes from the early Church, even before the reign of Pope St. Gregory the Great (ca. 600), when St. Mamertus, the archbishop of Vienne in France, was faced with many calamities in his diocese. There were wars, earthquakes, fires, and attacks by wild animals. One Easter night, when a serious fire was about to destroy the city, the archbishop began to pray zealously, and the fire was immediately extinguished.

Canada Spurns Its Christian Heritage, with the Approval of the New British King
It Has Removed All the Crosses from Its Coat of Arms to Go "Oecumenical"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Former Canada Arms New Canada Arms

Canada Has Removed Christian Symbols
From Its Traditional Coat of Amrs
And Replaced Them with "Oecumenical"
Snowflakes and Maple Leaves
Canada in Recent Years
Under Justin Trudeau
Has Become More and More Pagan
And Has Officially Persecuted Christians
Because of Their Opposition to Abortion
And "Transsexual" Mutilation

Christians have been noticing with concern the degree to which Canada, once a Christian nation, has been turning pagan. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government has been conducting a pogrom against Christians by claiming that they are guilty of "hate speech" when they speak out against perversions such as abortion and "trans-gender" mutilation of children and adults.

On May 6, 2023, Canada made its rejection of its Christian heritage official. Trudeau himself proposed, and the new British king Charles III approved, a new coat of arms for Canada that removes its Christian symbols. The cross that had topped the crown is now replaced with a snowflake and the fleur-de-lis crosses at the base of the crown is now replaced with maple leaves. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, no longer does Canada even pretend to be in submission to the dominion of Jesus Christ. The anti-Christian change is part of the "oecumenical" mania ("we all worship the same god; all religions are true"), to show the formerly Christian nation now embracing Muslimism, Judaism, Paganism, and even Atheism.

May 13, 2023 - St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor

Oakland, California, Is the 33rd Newchurch Diocese to Go Bankrupt in the United States
It Now Has 330 Paedophile Sex Crimes Charged against It and Cannot Pay

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Oakland Newcathedral

The Newdiocese of Oakland, California
Lied and Raided Its Schools
To Build the Monstrosity Known As
Christ the Light Newcathedral
Now, Charged with 330 Paedophile Sex Crimes
Bankrupted Oakland May Have to Sell
Its Illegitimate Newcathedral
Worth over 200,000,000 USD
Which Shouldn't Have Been Built in the First Place

The Newchurch in Oakland, California, which has for decades lied, cheated, and stolen, is now paying the price for its malfeasance. On May 9, 2023, it declared bankruptcy and may have to sell off the monstrosity that it promised it would never build, the so-called Cathedral of Light. Lawsuits from 330 sexually-victimized children have finally brought justice to this Newchurch fraud, which the former Newbishop of the Newdiocese, John Cummins, promised would never be built because Oakland didn't need a Newcathedral. 33 of the 194 Newdioceses in the United States are now in bankruptcy. This number amounts to more than one out of six Newdioceses in that country.

Current Newbishop Michael Barber has been accused of trying to perpetrate a fraud upon the child victims by the noted child victims' group, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Pr[esbyters]. SNAP points out that Newbishops have consistently tried to squirm out of their responsibilities to the child victims and to cover up their crimes by using bankruptcy tactics. Newbishops have tried to prevent access to criminal files and secrets that involve the Newbishop and their seconds-in-command, the Vicars General.

SNAP has also called Barber, a fellow "Liberation Theology" Newjesuit henchman of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, a liar when he says that the Newdiocese doesn't have the money to cover the child victims' lawsuits. SNAP has conducted an independent audit and discovered that the Oakland Newchurch corporation worth 3,000,000,000 to 4,000,000,000 USD, including the disreputable Newcathedral worth alone over 200,000,000 USD. SNAP is calling for a full investigation of Barber's Newdiocese by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the California State Attorney General before any bankruptcy is allowed to proceed in the Federal Bankruptcy Court. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by KRON-TV.]

Traditional Catholics, it seems that the All-just God is really shaking the apostate Newchurch of the New Order to its very foundations. Its phony "Mess" and "sacraments," its outright pagan doctrine, and its pig-sty morality are finally doing it in -- by the just vengeance of God. The prayers of Traditional Catholics are being answered. All it took was a little patience and the realization that the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

May 12, 2023 - St. Nereus & Companions, Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Francis-Bergoglio's Secret Meeting with Hungarian Newjesuits Leaked
He Doubles down on His Suppression of the New Latin Mess of 1962 (Which Is Not the Traditional Latin Mass)

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Again Denounces
The Newchurch Neocons and Pseudo-Traditionalists
Charging Them with Being "Ass Backwards"
For Clinging to the New Latin Mess of 1962
(Which Isn't even the Traditional Latin Mass)
He Further Charged Them with Deliberately Abusing
JPII-Wojtyla's and Benedict-Ratzinger's Clear Intent
To Advance toward Modernism
Not to "Backslide" from the Vatican II Anti-council
To Tradition

On April 29, 2023, Francis-Bergoglio gave another one of his secret meetings with Newjesuits that have become part of his Newchurch routine when he goes on his Newpapal junkets. In this meeting he told the Newjesuits that the Half New Order Vatican II New Latin Mess of 1962 (which is not the Traditional Latin Mass) is dead. The content of the secret meeting was leaked by the Newjesuit periodical, La Civiltà Cattolica.

He further denounced the Neocon and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers, who are desperately clinging to this 1962 Mess, which used to be erroneously termed "Extraordinary," as "ass backwards" (indietrismo) in wanting to cling to Tradition. He stated that traditionalists had deliberately abused JPII-Wojtyla's and Benedict-Ratzinger's clear intent to advance toward Modernism, not to "backslide" from the Vatican II Anti-council to Tradition. Therefore, said the apostate Newpope Bergoglio, no Newchurch presbyter can use the 1962 Mess without explicit permission from Newrome. (In reality, we know that Newchurch presbyters are not even ordained priests since 1968, when Newchurch adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal. Newchurch clergy have no more power to celebrate a valid Mass than a Protestant minister has.

Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's position is, of course, heretical, as Catholic dogma, to reject which is heresy, derives from, among other places, St. Paul's clear teaching in the New Testament (2 Thessalonians 2:14), that the Church must be based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and only these, as the two fonts of Christ's public revelation.

May 11, 2023 - Ferial Day

Newchurch Is Pushing Perversion Ever Faster under Francis-Bergoglio
Now Its Newparishes Are Openly Promoting Self-mutilation by Those Afflicted with Trans-mania

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Newchurch Perverted 'Art'

A Newchurcher Enters the Violated "Sanctuary"
In St. Paul the Apostle Newchurch
To View Lewd Pictures Next to the "Altar"
Promoting Self-mutilation
By Those Afflicted with Trans-mania
Newchurch "Authorities," even the Newcardinal
Turn a Blind Eye to the Blasphemy and Sacrilege
While the Clueless Neocon and "New Latin Mess"
Newchurchers Support the Grave Sins "Worthy of Death"
According to the Same St. Paul the Apostle
With Their Bodies and Their Money

The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has been promoting perversion at such a rate that it takes one's breath away. A year ago he started giving weekly Wednesday audiences to support the "transgendered." Meanwhile, the Neocon and "New Latin Mess" Newchurchers have been trying for years to get even one audience, and they have teen coldly turned away. Now Bergoglio's push to accept gross immoralities -- sodomy. bigamy, abortion, and the rest -- is, as he planned, taking root in the Newchurch parishes.

The latest example occurred on May 7, 2023, at St. Paul the Apostle Newchurch in New York City, which is pushing sex-change mutilations by its "God Is Trans; There Is No Devil" promotion, complete with "art" depicting the perverted "trans" lifestyle, placed next to the Novus Ordo "dinner table" (formerly altar). Most Newparishioners there, who themselves are apostates from the Catholic Faith, were tickled to death about the perversion. They openly embrace what they call the "queer" community. Sure, there were a few Newparishioners who mumbled some opposition, but they acutally did nothing. These clueless Newchurchers are still attending the phony (invalid) New Order Mess there and putting their farthings into the collection plate, which are spent on God-knows-what. Newchurch "authorities," like New York's Newcardinal Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan, claimed that they were "not aware" about what was going on, even though it has been prominently features in the news. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Post.]

Traditional Catholics, Neocon and "New Latin Mess" Newchurchers, who dare to call themselves "Catholics," are just as mortally guilty of perversion because they support the perversion of Newchurch with their bodies and their money just by remaining in Newchurch. For as St. Paul the Apostle himself states unequivocally: "They who do such things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them" (Romans 1:32/DRV). The Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, is most certainly not the Catholic Church, any more than is Luther's church or Joel Osteen's church, which is so beloved of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio.

May 10, 2023 - St. Antoninus, Bishop & Confessor
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Spends Millions on a New Personal Press Office for Himself
The Narcissist Newpope Didn't Think His Own Billion-dollar Vatican Information Service Featured Him Enough!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Vatican Information Service

Francis-Bergoglio's Billion-dollar
Vatican Information Service
Has Been Demoted
And He Has Set Up for Himself
A New Multi-million-dollar
Personal Newpapal Press Office
All because the Narcissist Apostate
Bergoglio Did Not Think
That the VIS Was Featuring Him
And His Activities Enough
Bergoglio Is No Catholic Pope
But a Marxist/Modernist
U.N. Secretary General Wannabe

Francis-Bergoglio's latest "rip-off" of his Newchurchers is his recent expenditures from his ever-dwindling-to-bankruptcy Newvatican Bank to pay for a new personal Newpapal Press Office for himself. Wait a minute, doesn't he already have one, you ask? Didn't he spend hundreds of millions of funds donated by Newchurchers, who were told that their donations would go to the most destitute poor and needy, on a Vatican Information Service to spread propaganda around the world by press, radio, television, and shortwave about his apostate Newchurch of the New Order?

The behemoth VIS, however, was not enough. The narcissist Bergoglio didn't think that it was featuring him and his activities enough, so on April 28, 2023, he announced that he would run his own press with the help of the highly-funded new office. The VIS will be relegated to transcribing official documents. Bergoglio has gutted its funding so badly that it has, by its own admission, fallen far behind in publishing official documents and, according even to Newcanon Law, nothing Bergoglio announces is official until it is published in the official register, which is now going on a year behind.

Yet Bergoglio keeps spouting off and pays no attention to writing the careful verbiage required for legal documents. The narcissist Newpope prefers to play "Mr. Celebrity," the apostate head of the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church. He flies around the world on expensive junkets instead of staying in Rome, where he is supposed to reside, to do his job. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the weekly Italian L'Espresso..]

Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio, according to his own autobiography, is a Marxist and, as some even think, an Argentinean atheistic Communist. Bergoglio's Newpapacy has become a joke worldwide He is no Catholic, no Christian, no pope. Instead, he is a Marxist/Modernist U.N. Secretary General wannabe. Pity the United Nations. Pity the world!

May 9, 2023 - St. Gregory Nazianzus, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Corrupt U.S. Federal Judge Booted from New Orleans Archdiocese Bankruptcy Case
When Outed as a Shill for the Newchurch to the Tune of 50,000 USD in the Case of 500 Child Victims

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Greg Guidry

U.S. Federal Judge Greg Guidy
Has Been Exposed as a Shill for Newchurch
He Was Ruling for Two Years
In Favor of Newchurch
In a Major Bankruptcy Case
Originating from the Sexual Assault
Of 500 Child Victims
Before He Was Exposed
As Having Subsidized the Newchurch Crimes
To the Tune of 50,000 USD
And as Having Served on the Newchurch
Board of Directors for Eight Years

The fix was in. Almost. The Newchurch Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, went into bankruptcy in May 2020 because it could not pay off penalties assessed against it for sex crimes against 500 child victims. Things were going well until the U.S. federal bankruptcy judge who was hearing the case was outed as a shill for Newchurch.

It turns out that Judge Greg Guidry had personally subsidized the Newarchdiocese to the tune of 50,000 USD. Guidry had even been a member of the Newdiocesan board of directors for eight years. Thus, it is no surprise that he had been consistently ruling for the corrupt Newarchdiocese against the child victims -- until he was exposed as a shill for Newchurch. Then all Hell broke loose.

When Guidry's complicity with the Newarchdiocese was exposed by an Associated Press investigation, the corrupt judge fought to stay on to the bitter end, but on May 5, 2023, he was forced off the case. Every ruling that he has made in the case is now vitiated. One New Orleans law professor bluntly summed up the situation: "This was a clear and blatant conflict that existed for some time." Another New Orleans law professor stated: "It is utterly reasonable to question Guidry’s ability to be impartial under these circumstances." Guidry is now facing possible impeachment charges before the United States Congress. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

Traditional Catholics, it is horrifying how deep the corruption of Newchurch and its accomplices goes that it has infected even the secular courts of the world. The Newchurch of the New Order has often been exposed as infested with the Mafia, who is said to run its Vatican Bank. Mafia tactics have become a particular hallmark of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's regime and have become a major contributing factor to the mass exodus of Newchurchers from Bergoglio and his Newchurch. Thus does Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continue unabated.

May 8, 2023 - Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel
Double Major Feast

A Reader Asks: "What Is the Real Story behind the New Fellayite Neo-SSPX "Immaculata" Church
A Gargantuan, Extravagant, Exorbitant Monument to Vanity?"

From: Judith
'Immaculata' Church

The Fellayite Neo-SSPX Seminary in Dellwyn, Virginia
Which Looks Like Nothing More than the Cells
Of the Infamous San Quentin Penitentiary
The Dour California Prison Where Criminals Are Put to Death
The "Immaculata" Church Is Built in the Same Style
Eschewing Traditional Classical, Romanesque, or Gothic Style
Meanwhile, Traditional Catholics All over the World Are Crying Out
For even a Small Chapel in Their Area
And Are Having to Go without the Traditional Latin Mass Entirely
While This Gargantuan Taj Mahal Was Built
In the Middle of Nowhere at an Exorbitant Price Tag
For Which the Perplexed Neo-SSPXers Will Be Paying for Centuries

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

The Neo-SSPX organization, which was reorganized in 1991 after the death of Archbishop Lefebvre to fit into the Newchurch of the New Order, will host the consecration of its new "Immaculata" church on May 3, 2023. When I saw the photograph of the altar, I immediately thought: "This looks like a Novus Ordo table to me." The Neo-SSPX must have spent a mint on this gargantuan structure and is already dunning its members to cough up more money, even though the Neo-SSPX is reputed to have hundreds of millions of dollars salted away in a dozen Swiss bank accounts. What is the real story behind this structure?


There is much about the Fellayite Neo-SSPX "Immaculata" church that could be viewed with skepticism, being, as you say, more reminiscent of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order than of anything with a truly traditional Catholic spirit.

The architects for the project must have been the same who designed the Neo-SSPX seminary in Dillwyn, Virginia, which looks like nothing more than the cells of the infamous San Quentin Penitentiary, the dour California prison where criminals are put to death. No traditional Catholic classical, romanesque, or gothic structure for the Novus Ordo-bent Fellayite Neo-SSPX!

Whereas the Immaculate Virgin is biblically honored for her humility, this structure is more reminiscent of the pagan Mughal emperor Shah Jahan's Taj Mahal or Babylonian King Nebucodonosor's extravagant Hanging Gardens. The structure seems rather, like these, to be a monument to vanity, funded in part by the hundreds of millions of dollars the Fellayite Neo-SSPX has connived from its members over the last three decades and has purportedly stashed in numerous Swiss bank accounts.

Meanwhile, traditional Catholics all over the world are crying out for even a small chapel in their area and are having to go without the Traditional Latin Mass entirely, while this Taj Mahal in the middle of nowhere consumes an exorbitant amount of money, 42,000,000 USD! In the end, as the Fellayite Neo-SSPX seems determined to sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order, this structure will likely end up under the control of Francis-Bergoglio and his successors, and may thus be shut down like so many Newchurches now being permanently shut down around the world because fewer and fewer souls desire to have anything to do with the Newchurch of the New Order. We know that Bergoglio has already tried to find out where Fellay connived the money.

May 7, 2023 - Fourth Sunday after Easter
Semidouble Sunday

Francis-Bergoglio Caught in a Whopper of an International Political Lie
The Newpope Who Wants to Be a U.N. Secretary General just Committed Political Suicide

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
The U.N. Secretary General Wannabe
Really Put His Foot in his Mouth This Time
He Fabricated a Story for the International Press
Returning with Him
From His Newpapal Junket to Hungary
When He Claimed that He Was a Secret Agent
For a Secret Peace Mission
With the Ukranian Government
Ukraine Was Quick to Deny
Bergoglio's Self-serving Fable
And Has Made Bergoglio the Laughing Stock
Of the International Political Community

The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio doesn't want to be Newpope of the Newchurch. In his autobiography he admits that he is a Marxist activist, who wants to be something like the Secretary General of the United Nations. That is the reason why he never speaks with any conviction about Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Lady, the Holy Archangels, or the Blessed Martyrs and other Saints of the Catholic Church. All he talks about is politics, or affairs through the prism of politics.

Moreover, Bergoglio suffers from the psychopathology known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), colored by paranoia. One of the presentations of this mental affliction is the propensity to make oneself always the center of attention and the telling of what are called "pathological lies." Well, Bergoglio just told a whopper of an international political lie, and he was publicly embarrassed when the head of state involved called him out publicly as a liar.

During an in-flight press conference on April 30, 2023, when he was returning from a Newpapal junket to Hungary and giving one of his infamous off-the-cuff ramblings, Bergoglio said that he was an agent (à la Maxwell Smart!) of a secret peace mission with the Ukranian government. The Ukrainian government was quick to deny Bergoglio's self-serving fable, stating on May 2: "President Zelensky [of Ukraine] has not consented to any such discussions on Ukraine's behalf. If talks are happening, they are happening without our knowledge or our blessing." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]

Traditional Catholics, it seems that the Narcissist psychopath Francis-Bergoglio just makes up lies as he goes along to suit his clinical Narcissistic Personal Disorder (NPD) and to make himself out always as the "star of the show." This time, however, he shot himself in the foot and made himself the laughing stock of the international political community. Sorry, folks, no U.N. Secretary Generalship for Bergoglio!

May 6, 2023 - St. John, Apostle & Evangelist before the Latin Gate
Double Major Feast

Catholic Traditionalist Movement Founder Died 18 Years Ago Today on May 6
Fr. Gommar DePauw Started the Traditional Catholic Movement Six Years before the SSPX Existed

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Gommar DePauw

Fr. Gommar DePauw (1918-2005)
Had Attended the Vatican II Anti-council as a Peritus
But Went Independent in 1964
When That Anti-council Founded the Newchurch in 1964
Fr. DePauw Founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement
When there Was Virtually Nothing Left
For (Traditional) Catholics in the 1960s
Except Fr. DePauw's Traditional Latin Masses on Radio
And His Periodical Sounds of Truth and Tradition

If you ask most traditional Catholics who the founder of the Traditional Catholic Movement was, most of them wouldn't have an clue. Some of them might say Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in 1970. But they would be dead wrong. Such ignorance is a scandal to the Traditional Catholic Movement, as every important movement commemorates and lauds its founder, and certainly knows his name! In fact, May 6, 2023, marks the eighteenth anniversary of the death of the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Fr. Gommar DePauw. Fr. DePauw was a noted Catholic priest, having received a Triple Major Licentiate, in Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Church History, from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium (when it was Catholic), thereby exceeding Fulton Sheen, and having served as Academic Dean at the Primatial Seminary of the United States in Baltimore, Maryland.

Already in 1963, Fr. DePauw, who viewed the debacle of the Vatican II Anti-council sessions first hand as a peritus (theological expert assisting a bishop), was scandalized by the promulgation of Vatican II's "Sacrosanctum Concilium" (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) and saw, before practically anyone else, clergy or lay, the devastation that this document would impose upon the Church. In 1964 Fr. DePauw left his Deanship at the Primatial Seminary and founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, courageously going independent of the Newchurch of the New Order. 1964 was the year in which the Vatican II Anti-council and Paul VI-Montini apostatized from the Catholic Faith and founded the apostate Newchurch of the New Order to replace the Catholic Church with the heretical Constitution for the [New]church, "Lumen gentium." This was six years before Archbishop Lefebvre founded the Society of St. Pius X.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Fr. DePauw's anti-Modernist movement was that this remarkable priest founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement before the Vatican II Anti-council had even ended! Long before Archbishop Lefebvre, SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, SSPV, the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla's "Indult" of 1988, and Benedict-Ratzinger's "Extraordinary" New Latin Mess of 2007, it was Fr. DePauw who first saw that the flowery talk of a "new springtime" for the Church was a ruse being deceptively used to befuddle the faithful while the revolutionaries enacted their heretical Modernist anti-Catholic agenda, which began with the destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass in their Newchurch of the New Order.

In the aftermath of the Vatican II Anti-council, there was virtually nothing left for traditional Catholics in the early 1960s except Fr. DePauw's Traditional Latin Masses on radio in major metropolitan areas and his Catholic Traditionalist Movement periodicals and recordings, broadcasted all over North America from his Ave Maria Chapel on Westbury, Long Island, New York, to put the lie to Newchurch's claim that the two-thousand-year Traditional Latin Mass no longer existed. For those who lived through the early Novus Ordo period, it was a bleak time, yet, because of Fr. DePauw's courageous apostolic work, countless souls were inspired to resist the New Order, and thus he laid the groundwork for the current traditional Catholic movement. He continued to be an outspoken critic of Newchurch and its phony (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" until his death in 2005.

Fr. DePauw, with the eye of a prophet seeing far ahead of his time, did not grovel to the Novus Ordo to seek "permission" of apostate Newchurch bishops or send petitions to apostate Newpopes to grant an "indult" for what he and every Catholic priest has the Apostolic right and duty to do: to dispense the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Latin Sacraments for the salvation of souls, and to offer the immemorial True Mass for the glory of Almighty God.

Traditional Catholics, get down on your knees today and pray a Requiem aeternam for this courageous traditional Catholic priest who showed us all the right way, the traditional Catholic way, and refused to back down to the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, with its Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" or its "New Latin Mess" of 1962. If you have the fullyTraditional Latin Mass and Sacraments today in your independent Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory, you would not have them unless Fr. Gommar DePauw had courageously paved the way to give them to you.

May 5, 2023 - St. Pius V, Pope & Confessor
Patron Saint of the Traditional Catholic Church
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Has Approved His Newarchbishop's Support of Euthanasia (Murder)
And there Are Signs that Bergoglio's Next Approval Will Be in Cases of Abortion, on Which He Has Vacillated

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Vincent LaPaglia

Francis-Bergoglio Congratulates the President
Of His Newpontifical Academy for Life
Newarchbishop Vicenzo Paglia
For Coming out in Favor of Murder
In the Form of Euthanasia
Which Is Condemned by the Catholic Church
Neither Bergoglio nor Paglia Are Catholics
They Are Newchurch Marxist/Modernists
Out to Extirpate the True Catholic Church
Together with Its True Morality, Doctrine, and Worship
From the Face of the Earth

Francis-Bergoglio, by applauding the President of his Newpontifical Commission for Life, Newarchbishop Vincenzo Paglia, for coming out on April 19, 2023, in favor of euthanasia (legal murder) and assisted suicide, has taken yet another step in his programme to extirpate Catholic moral doctrine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]

However, the backlash against Paglia and Bergoglio was so severe that they had to create a cover story for their moral heresy, saying that they were merely talking about the Italian civil law. Yet that was not what Paglia proclaimed on April 19, when he had said:

It is not to be ruled out that legal mediation is feasible in our society that would allow assisted suicide.... I understand that legal mediation may be the greatest common good concretely possible under the conditions in which we find ourselves.

Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has already refused to state unequivocally that abortion is immoral. He has also applauded radical sodomite and "trans-sexual" activists, who spurn God's Natural Law and Catholic moral teaching. In fact, Bergoglio favors this crowd with a weekly personal audience at Newvatican.

May 4, 2023 - St. Monica, Widow
Double Feast

Newpope Francis-Bergoglio Shuts down yet Another Carmelite Convent
The Newchurch "Nuns" There Committed the Sin of Simulating the "New Latin Mess" of 1962

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Savannah Carmelites

The Savannah Carmelites Are No More
Francis-Bergoglio Has Shut Down
Their Convent, Which Had Existed since 1958
After a Newpapal Unholy Inquisition
Against Those Convents that Use
The "New Latin Mess" of 1962
Which Isn't even the Traditional Latin Mass
The Newchurch "Nuns" from Age 95 to 17
Were Tossed out to Rely
On Their Own Resources
With No Help from Newchurch
After More than Sixty Years of Service

Francis-Bergoglio has been sending his Newpapal Inquisitors all over the world, focusing particularly on "Latin Mess" communities (this is the "New Latin Mess" of 1962 not the Traditional Latin Mass, whose congregations operate independently of Bergoglio and the Newchurch of the New Order). The latest victim of Bergoglio's Unholy Inquisition is the Carmelite Convent in Savannah, Georgia, which committed the "sin" of having a New Latin Mass for its ""nuns."

On April 26, 2023, at his weekly general audience, Bergoglio hypocritically stated: "In reality, monks and nuns are the beating heart" of the Church. Then he proceeded to throw out the remaining nuns and told them to find a home somewhere else on their own.

Bergoglio thus canceled the Newcarmelites, their "New Latin Mess," their convent, and their vows to God in one fell swoop, after the convent had been in existence since 1958. One of the nuns thrown out was a 95-year-old woman who was one of the original traditional nuns that came to Savannah in the 1950s. The youngest thrown out was 17. Bergoglio's vicious hatred was lambasted by one of the Savannah community: "You can sacrifice your entire life and be kicked to the curb in your dotage, and no effort to retain you in the prime of your life.... Our Lord Jesus Christ identifies Himself with our Carmelite sisters because they are abused, vulnerable, and forgotten. Whatever ... the [New]vatican does to them, they do to Him." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Standard.]

Traditional Catholics, in addition to the vicious hatred that Francis-Bergoglio displays to the "New Latin Mess" Neocons, his motivation includes the theft of as much of their real estate as he can grab. His Newvatican is falling into bankruptcy according to its Chief Financial Officer, so Bergoglio is stealing and embezzling money from whatever sources he can.


Newchurch Lied to Its Members when It Said that the Question of Priestesses Was Closed
Newchurch Is Still Pushing for Priestesses, and Francis-Bergoglio Is Baiting the Issue

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Georgetown Heretics

"They Are Blind and Leaders of the Blind"
In Our Lord Jesus Christ's Famous Words
A Gaggle of Leading Academics and Officers
Of Leading Newchurch Georgetown University
Is Still Pushing Priestesses for Newchurch
Just Like the Anglican-Episcopalians
Newchurch, Which Is Most Certainly Not
The Catholic Church, Is a Total Fraud
It Doesn't even Listen to Its Own Newpopes

Divine Positive Law, based upon Sacred Scripture and the invariable Tradition of the Church, holds that the Sacrament of the Priesthood can be validly received by a baptized person of the male sex only. The fact that Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes seem hesitant to state this simple doctrine only provides further proof that Newchurch is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

In his 1994 Apostolic Consitution for Newchurch "Ordinatio sacerdotalis," Newpope JPII-Wojtyla confirmed "the reservation of priestly ordination to men alone" and declared that "the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women" Of course, since 1968 Newchurch no longer has a priesthood, having substituted an invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal that merely "installed presbyters to preside over the assembly of the people" like Protestant ministers.

On April 17, 2023, one of the leading Newchurch universities, Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., openly held a public "discussion" on what it called the "unfinished" question of priestesses in Newchurch. One of Newchurch's "theologians" openly spoke of installing not only women as priestesses but also "non-binary persons," whoever in the world such people are! An officer of the university claimed that she "has been discerning a call" to become a priestess herself. A female dean openly rejected the authority of Wojtyla's apostolic constitution. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]

Traditional Catholics, Newchurch doesn't even recognize the pronouncements of its own false Newpopes, who took over since the Vatican II Anti-council. Even though Newchurch claims that Wojtyla is a Newsaint and almost a Newdoctor of the Newchurch of the New Order, Newchurch pays no attention to him, not to speak of paying any attention to Christ through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Newchurch simply makes up its own Modernist/Marxist "doctrine" for itself as it goes along. The Newchurch of the New Order is exposed once again as a total fraud.

May 2, 2023 - St. Athanasius, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Attendance at the "New Mess" Has Fallen 78 per Cent in 30 Years in Pennsylvania
More Newchurch Closings Are Announced, as the "Great Newchurch Shutdown" Continues

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Lawrence Persico

Are You There, God?
Newchurch Is Falling down around Me
And I Can't Get It Back Up
Vamps Lawrence Persico
Newbishop of Erie, Pennsylania
Who, Like Many Newbishops around the World
Has Seen Attendance at the Once-vaunted
Invalid "New Mess"
Fabricated after the Vatican II Anti-council
Practically Disappear in Front of His Eyes

The Newdiocese of Erie, Pennsylvania, is like so many Newdioceses in the United States and around the world. Attendance at the invalid (fake) "New Mess" has fallen by almost 80 per cent in thirty years. During the same period, more than 60 Newparishes have been closed in his Newdiocese. There was already shutdown of 23 Newparishes in 2016. yet the fall of Newchurch has continued unabated. Newbishop Lawrence Persico admitted: "The number of practicing Catholics [sic; they are not Catholics, but Newchurch heretics] in our diocese has declined steeply [by 46 per cent], as has the number of active pr[esbyters] available to serve in parishes."

The irony of the situation is that the population of Erie has declined only 7 per cent over the period, while the number of Newchurchers attending the "New Mess" declined 78 per cent. This is not a matter of population loss, much less of the Red China Virus. Large numbers of Newchurchers are increasingly walking out on the fraud that is the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church and has no valid Mass or Sacraments. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

Traditional Catholics, in a message dripping with wokeness, Newbishop Persico talked about "extending a sense of welcome and belonging to all," undoubtedly including sodomites, lesbians, trans-sexuals, bigamists, and heretics. Persico apparently hopes, as does Francis-Bergoglio, it seems, to replace the hordes walking out of Newchurch with the moral dregs of society.


The May 1 Feast of "St. Joseph the Worker" is not traditional. It was concocted by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the head of "liturgy" for the nascent Newchurch and placed in the calendar in 1955, in conjunction with Communist May Day. The concocted new feast shockingly displaced on May 1 the traditional Feast of Sts. Philip & James, the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and suppressed the traditional Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor and Patron of the Universal Church, which had long been celebrated on the Wednesday after the Second Sunday after Easter. The new May 1 Feast of St. Joseph the Workman ("Worker" in genderless "modernized" English) was widely reviled in the Church at the time by the highest authorities, and was derisively called the Feast of "Joe the Worker" or the "Pseudo-feast of San Giuseppe Comunista" by the Romans and others, as it fell on Communist May Day. The traditional Sacred Congregation of Rites rejected Bugnini's new feast, and there was open opposition in the Church to it. Opposition to the new feast was so strong that the Sacred Congregation of Rites refused for four years to formulate the Gregorian-chant Mass and Divine Office for the new feast.

Newchurch's Latest Crisis: Sex Crimes against Adults by Newclergy
Is Growing So Fast that even Francis-Bergoglio Had to Admit the Crisis Publicly

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Jacob Bertrand

Presbyter Jacob Bertrand Was Convicted
Of Sexual Assault against a Woman
Whose Spiritual Advisor He Was
In Addition to the Civil Crime
He Committed Blasphemy and Sacrilege
Against the Woman
When He Claimed that His Sexual Assault
Was the "Second Holiest Sacrifice
Next to Jesus and Mary on Calvary"
The Depravity of Newchurch Clergy
Knows No Bounds

The Newchurch of the New Order has already established a well-deserved notoriety for its Newclergy raping, sodomizing, and otherwise sexually assaulting children, with tens of thousands of presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals around the world being perpetrators with the complicity of the Newpopes. Moreover, the world has gotten the message about the utter corruption and criminality of the Newchurch, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church. In fact, in the United States, more than one out of six Newdioceses has had to declare bankruptcy and sell off its churches.

Yet the depravity of Newchurch clergy knows no bounds, so now Newchurch is ramping up its sex crimes against adults. First it targeted barely adult Newseminarians. The notorious Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., was charged with hundreds of such crimes, with JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio facilitating his crimes because he raised obscene amounts of money for them. Now the crimes are spreading fast against all kinds of laymen. Even Bergoglio himself on March 25, 2023, in his most recently-updated document, "Vox Estis Lux Mundi," has admitted that his Newclergy's sex crimes are out of control against "vulnerable persons," i.e., "any person in a state of infirmity, physical or mental deficiency, or deprivation of personal liberty which, in fact, even occasionally, limits his ability to understand or to want or otherwise resist the offense." In the update he noted that now Newchurch's lay leaders are also getting into the criminal activities.

For example, one presbyter in the San Diego, California, Newdiocese, was convicted in January 2018 of sexual assault against a woman whose spiritual advisor he was. In addition to the civil crime, he committed blasphemy and sacrilege against her when he claimed that his sexual assault of the woman was the "second holiest sacrifice next to Jesus and Mary on Calvary." The civil law provides that when the perpetrator is a clergyman, it makes no difference whether or not the victim consents. It is a situation similar to statutory rape, in which an adult sexually assaults a consenting minor. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Our Sunday Visitor.]

Traditional Catholics, ironically, sexual assault by Newchurch presbyters and Newbishops is covered up even more when it is perpetrated against adults than when it is perpetrated against children. In cases of Newclergy assaulting adults, almost always Newchurch lies and says that the criminal presbyter is on "medical leave" or some such fabrication -- if, that is, the presbyter is removed at all. Of course, if the presbyter is criminally convicted, the reason is a matter of public record, and Newchurch cannot cover up the truth.

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