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The corrupt and bankrupt Newdiocese of Buffalo, New York, has decimated the number of its Newparishes, as Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated. Newdioceses around the world are being shut down as the prices of Newchurch's complicity with its criminal paedophile Newbishops and presbyters, with that complicity extending to and including the pretender Newpope Francis-Bergoglio.
Well, "decimated" isn't really the correct word. "Decimated" means to lop off one out of every ten (from the Latin decem for "ten"). In fact, Buffalo is committing virtual suicide, as more than half of its Newparishes will be slammed shut in the faces of its Newchurchers, who have knowingly supported the crimes with their contributions.
Before September 10, 2025, Buffalo had 155 Newparishes. Afterwards, only 79 remain, leaving fewer than half. Before the Vatican II Anti-council created the Newchurch of the New Order to replace the "institutional" Catholic Church with a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan fake in 1964, that number was 260. 13 more Buffalo Newparishes are on a "watch list" for the chopping block. The closures are expected to envelop Newchurch schools as well, which stopped teaching Catholicism in 1964. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, adding to court judgments in favor of the numerous child victims, Buffalo's problem is exacerbated by the fact that Newchurchers are themselves walking out in large numbers, disgusted with the crimes and teachings of the fake Newchurch. Moreover, since the Anti-council, the number of men who want to be presbyters (Newchurch stopped ordaining priests in 1968 when it adopted the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal) has dropped from 637 to 276 since 1964, a decline of 57 per cent. Newchurch is dying -- as well it should, as it is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church.
On September 29, 2024, the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network celebrates its 30th anniversary. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the internet and was founded on the Feastday of the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our more than 34,000,000 readers over these past 30 years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read fully-traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is the TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (Neo-SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers, lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide over a terabyte of resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly appreciative of the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including former "1962 Mess" Modernists in Newchurch, who say that they have been converted to the fully-traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
If one is pressed for time when traveling, is it permitted to leave Holy Mass, just after the priest finishes distributing Holy Communion?
Normally, it would be scandalous and sinful to "eat and run," as it were. It would be like going to your birthday party; then, once you had received the presents, you rushed away without a proper "Thank You."
After Holy Communion you are obligated in justice toward God to make an appropriate thanksgiving. Then you listen to the wisdom of the Communion Antiphon from the Holy Gospels or the Psalms; and hear the Postcommunion prayers, one of the Sunday and often one or more of a commemorated Saint or of the season. Finally, on usual Sundays you hear one of the most beautiful and important parts of the Holy Gospels, the Prologue to St. John's Gospel, describing the mystery at the heart of our Christian Faith, the Incarnation of God as man, so solemn that the entire congregation genuflects at the words: "ET VERBUM CARO FACTUM EST." Thus, you leave with the Great Mystery of your Mass complete, not ended abuptly.
The expression "pressed for time" is much too vague. It is hard to imagine a situation in which you could not spend those ten minutes in thanksgiving to God for the Holy Sacrament that you have just received. If you foresee not being able to give your reception of Holy Communion the proper preparation AND thanksgiving, or if your time is so short that you would miss an airplane connection, it would be better not to receive Holy Communion that Sunday rather than to receive unworthily.
Although the Newcarmelites of Arlington, Texas, were courageous in standing up to their apostate Newbishop Michael Olson, who wanted to shut down their traditional-leaning monastery, it turns out that courageous people can be dimwitted as well. On September 14, 2024, Mother Superior Teresa Gerlach took her nuns out of the frying pan of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order into the clutches of Bernie Fellay and his New Order-leaning Neo-Society of St. Pius X.
So the Discalced Newcarmelites of Arlington will leave one tyrant, Olson, to embrace another, Fellay. They had embraced Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano's recent public proclamation that Francis-Bergoglio is a fake Newpope, really an apostate from the Catholic Church. In that, they were right, but Bernie Fellay, the autocrat of the Neo-SSPX, is himself of dubious quality because of his collusion with the apostate Newchurch, even as paedophile scandals are brewing around the world involving his Neo-SSPX, including the imprisonment of two Neo-SSPX officials.
The nuns had publicly stated that in the past few years they have found "much joy and spiritual renewal in the rediscovery of the riches of the immemorial liturgical tradition of the Church," which includes the Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office, and Sacraments. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, be smarter than the Arlington Newcarmelites. What no one else will report to you is the fact that Fellay and his Neo-SSPX are deceitfully gobbling up independent Traditional Catholic sites, often intimidating elderly priests on their deathbed to take over their Mass properties, just like the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Beware the Neo-SSPX wolf!
Why did Francis-Bergoglio take a junket to the South Pacific September 2-13, 2024? To get money. Singapore is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. When he returned to Newrome, it was only a week before, on September 20, he proclaimed a virtual economic shutdown of Newvatican expenditures and services. "The economic resources of the mission are limited," he lamented.
Bergoglio has announced that Newvatican "needs to embrace a spirit of essentiality, avoiding the superfluous and carefully selecting our priorities, fostering mutual collaboration and synergies." What that word salad means is that Bergoglio's Newvatican is broke. The Newpope's bank is busted, it seems. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Italian ANSA News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, ironically, Bergoglio has put no limit on his own profligate expenditures. In the middle of catastrophic deficits, Bergoglio has announced yet another junket -- not to the reopening of Notre Dame de Paris in adjoining France on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, but to, of all places, the Canary Islands. He is now literally taking the apostate Newchurch sect to the dogs, as the word "canary" comes from the Latin canis for dog. At this rate his next junket will be to the Red Plant to take the false Newchurch gospel to the Martians!
On September 14, 2024, Newcardinal Mauro Piacenza celebrated his eightieth birthday and therefore lost his vote in the College of Newcardinals. He was considered to be one of the most Neocon (read Protestant, not pagan) Newcardinals. In 2007, Benedict-Ratzinger appointed him Secretary of the influential Congregation for the Newclergy, and then he was promoted to Prefect in 2010. He would normally have had a five-year term.
However, Bergoglio replaced Ratzinger as Newpope in 2013, and one of the early acts of his Newpontificate was to demote Piacenza, making him that same year Apostolic Penitentiary, a mostly pro forma position. Piacenza served as Apostolic Penitentiary for two full terms, retiring earlier this year. He would have likely voted against the pagan party in any future conclave.
Another appointee of Ratzinger to the College of Newcardinals will expire on September 25, 2024, when Newcardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard passes his eightieth birthday. As Newarchbishop of Bordeaux, France, he was retired by Bergoglio just days after he turned 75 in 2019. In the language of diplomacy, that was a clear insult, as he was both a Newcardinal and a Newarchbishop.
Meanwhile, Bergoglio may well announce a new consistory this autumn. That would put his appointees up to over eighty percent of the Newcardinals. Only 67 per cent is necessary for election. The hopes of the Neocon Newchurchers are irreparably dashed. The days of the Protestant Church of the Vatican II Anti-council are quickly disappearing, to be replaced by a syncretist and pagan NewNewchurch, because Bergoglio is a robust appointer, whereas Ratzinger was too busy writing his arcane Modernist books to run the ship of Newchurch, which is now a shipwreck, mostly as a result of his Modernist and moral incompetencies. No "traditionalist" he!
The Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio reminds us of the current Leftist/Marxist candidate for President of the United States, C.D. Harris, who has been ridiculed as a flip-flopper for her ever-changing positions to suit the political winds. Just so on September 19, 2024, Bergoglio flip-flopped on the highly-disputed 1981 and later "apparitions" allegedly occurring in the village of Medjugorje, Bosnia, which he previously ridiculed, following the opinions of almost all his Newprelates. In fact, he told reports as recently as 2017: "I do not think Mary is the head of a telegraph office." Even now he is not "approving" of them, but -- and notice carefully these weasel words -- the "apparitions" had some "positive fruits." He is now trying to have it both ways. Flip-flop.
The pretender Newpope is every day becoming more of a laughing-stock around the world. In any case, even the true Church has no power to declare any purported "apparitions" or miracles to be a part of the Faith. Only miracles in Sacred Scripture can hold that place. All post-Apostolic "miracles," even Lourdes and Fatima, cannot be bound upon the faithful. One can disbelieve these and remain a good Catholic, not a heretic.
But why after so many Newpopes, including himself, declaring that the "apparitions" were clearly fake has Bergoglio now decided to issue this worthless statement. One good reason is that he's losing so much money in his Newvatican bankrupted from all of his prodigal foreign junkets to jungles around the world that he has to try somehow to recoup the funds. And Medjugorje is decidedly a money-maker. The Bosnian village has become a tour destination, attracting hundreds of thousands of "apparitionists" each year, as if they were going to Area 51 in Nevada, where "aliens" supposedly landed in their space ship.
Even we TRADITIO Fathers have been offered first-class flights, five-star hotel rooms, and lucrative remuneration to lead tours to Medjugorje, but, like Our Lord, we can't be bought, and so we spit the offers back into the faces of those who use the Faith like a harlot being bought in the Roman markets. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newsmax.]
Traditional Catholics, the apostate Bergoglio is again spouting heresy: evil produces good, God's truth can be imparted through deceit. This Faker Newpope failed both theology and logic. For him, as he told the world coming back from his South Pacific junket on September 13, even Islam and Atheism produce "positive fruits." That statement provoked outcries against him as a heretic. Even the Leftist secular press is itself now ridiculing its Marxist/Modernist Newpope!
You give the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio a microphone and you're likely to get heresies aplenty. Exactly that happened on September 13, 2024, when Bergoglio was returning from Singapore on his 12-day Newpapal junket to the South Pacific. Although some Newprelates in Bergoglio's pocket tried to excuse the heretical statements as "not what he meant" (which honest people term a "lie"), the statement is totally in accord with false teachings of the heretic Vatican II Anti-council, which Bergoglio worships above all, and is totally in accord with similar statements that he has uttered in the past.
What he is spewing comprises the condemned Heresies of Oecumenism, Indifferentism, and Syncretism. These statements clearly mark him as not a Christian of any stripe, certainly not a true Catholic, let alone a pope, but a pagan, maybe even an atheist. After all, he himself claims that some of his "best friends are atheists." Here are his words:
[Religions] are like different languages in order to arrive at God, but God is God for all. Since God is God for all, then we are all children of God. If you start to fight, "my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't," where will that lead us? There's only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths.
Paths to where? If what the pretender "pope" Bergoglio says is true, he should strip off his deceitful white duds, close down Newvatican and all Newchurches around the world, admit that his Newchurch is a fraud, and return to Marxist Argentina whence he comes. The courageous martyrdoms for the faith of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Holy Martyrs (many of whom he has stricken from the Newchurch liturgical calendar) mean nothing to him, only his programmes of illegal "migrant" invasions and a Green Goddess universe. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, in truth not all religions seek the same god. Only the true religion founded by Christ Himself seeks the true God through the true Catholic and Apostolic faith, as Our Lord Himself proclaimed: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me” (John 14:6/DRV). So blatant have Bergoglio's heresies become that even the normally-clueless talking heads of television are openly calling their beloved Marxist/Modernist a fake pope.
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio can travel over 10,000 kilometres to Jakarta, but he is too busy to travel one-tenth that distance to go to Paris for the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, which has been "restored" since it was gutted by fire on Holy Monday of 2019. Bergoglio should be happy because, contrary to promises made by the French government and the Newarchbishopic of Paris, the cathedral was not restored to its original splendor, but was "modernist" into a Novus Ordo nightmare.
On September 13, 2024, returning from his Newpapal junket to Indonesia, he pontificated: "I will not go to Paris!" Perhaps he was scared away by reports that it was one of his Newchurch started the fire that consumed large parts of the eight-centuries-old mediaeval cathedral. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, Bergoglio does, however, have time to junket to the Canary Islands "to visit the migrant population." It seems that in his old age, Bergoglio wants to undertake world travel on the dime of the clueless Newchurchers, whose Sunday collections are purloined from the poor to support the travel profligacies of a Narcissist. No wonder Newvatican is bankrupt!
It was announced on September 12, 2024, that finally Mel Gibson's long-awaited sequel to his blockbuster Traditional Catholic 2004 Academy Award-winning "The Passion of the Christ" will begin filming in February 2025. "The Passion" was the highest-grossing independent film of all time and netted Gibson's production company 612,000,000 USD. Much of these proceeds Gibson donated to his Traditional Catholic Holy Family Church, which he built in Agoura Hills in Southern California. Gibson, as was his father Hutton, is committed to the Traditional Catholic Movement and puts his money where his mouth is. He has openly called the apostate Vatican II Newchuch and its Newpopes not the Catholic Church.
Titled "The Resurrection of the Christ," the sequel to "The Passion" will be shot in Malta, and Gibson is currently in discussions with the Maltese Prime Minister about the arrangements. James Caviezel, who portrayed the Christ in the original film, has already agreed to play the starring role again. The major hang-up has been the writing of the screenplay. Gibson wants to get it just right and has gone through at least six drafts already with the screenwriter on his 1995 "Braveheart," Randall Wallace, which was also a blockbuster, taking five Academy Awards that year, including Best Picture and Best Director for Gibson himself.
The Bible provides very little information about the subject of the sequel: what happened after Christ's entombment and the rolling back of the stone on Easter Sunday. Gibson has hinted that the sequel will be more philosophical and straightforward than the mystical original and will portray the Christ "going into other realms." It may in fact be a kind of Harrowing of Hell, as prefigured by Homer's Odyssey and Vergil's Aeneid. Given Gibson's Traditional Catholicism, it is possible that he may turn to Dante Alighieri's famous "Inferno" from his "Divina Commedia" for inspiration. Dante's work was highly praised by many popes, and he himself was called "Aquinas in verse," referring to the Church's Universal Theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by World of Reel.]
On September 10, 2024, the Newcardinal of Vienna, Austria, Christoph Schonborn, declared the death of Europe, along with the moribund Newchurch, "as an undeniable continental movement." He went on to say that "if Catholics [sic - he means Newchurchers] have left the Church, we should not be surprised that they are in the minority." He admitted the growth of Islam in many historically-Christian nations, which Newchurch has done nothing to oppose.
Schonborn was so desperate that he blasphemed by saying that the dwindling number of Christians now had to cooperate with the infidel Muslims, who are taking over Europe according to a directive of Francis-Bergoglio, who told leaders of European states that they must take in illegal invaders. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, Angela Merkel, once a citizen of Communist East Germany, followed Bergoglio's directive and brought Germany's economy to the brink and saw a soaring increase in its crime rate, culminating in a notorious incident on New Year's Eve 2015 in front of Cologne Newcathedral, where some 1,200 Christian women were raped by the infidel Muslims. In 2021, the Germans had had a belly full of Merkel and threw the former Communist bedmate out.
Newjesuit Marko Rupnik, the notorious presbyter "artist" intimate of Francis-Bergoglio who has been charged with sex crimes against children and Novus Ordo "nuns," continues to be openly favored by the apostate Newpope. Rupnik was given a feature article on Newvatican's web site, and on August 16, 2024, that Bergoglio was caught displaying Rupnik's "art" on the walls of the Newpapal apartments. Rupnik has spread his mosaic "art" all over the world through the patronage of Bergoglio.
Bergoglio's efforts to cover up Rupnik's crimes was so blatant that at Bergoglio's own October 2023 Synod on Synodality (aka Vatican III), several of the members of his own hobbled Commission on Crimes against Children publicly denounced him for returning Rupnik "in good standing" to a Newchurch post involving children, even though the mendacious Bergoglio had promised to sideline Rupnik permanently. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Newchurch presbyter Marko Rupnik had already been convicted in January 2020 of one of the worst sins a cleric can commit, the Crimen Sollicitationis, and excommunicated from Newchurch. Bergoglio then proceeded to lift the excommunication and reinstated the notorious paedophile to run a Newchurch school in Croatia. While many Newchurch sites around the world are hastily removing Rupnik "art" from their walls, the apostate Newpope Bergoglio is busy hanging them in his own apartment.
1962 was a bad year for the proto-Newchurch of the New Order. It was in that year that the most horrific crime was committed when it presumed to touch the Sacred Canon of Holy Mass, which goes back to the very early Church and had been untouched since the pontificate of Pope St. Gregory the Great in the year 600. Many true popes, when asked to add St. Joseph's name to the Canon, said that they had not the power to do it. Pius IX specifically answered: "Who am I to do that? I'm only the pope!" Now that is a truly Catholic pope!
This corruption, though it might seem insignificant to those who have not studied the Sacramental Theology of the Church, kicked off the Vatican II Anti-council's (1962-1965) Liturgical Revolution. The "1962 Missal" was announced just a few weeks before the Anti-council began and established the principle for the Newchurch of the New Order that anything could be tampered with, even the Sacred Canon.
Once the ball got rolling with the "New Latin Mess" of 1962, it was only five years before three new "canons" were added, and even what the Newchurch then called Canon I, the original one, as corrupted, was further gutted. Now there are over one hundred of these "eucharistic prayers," as they call them now, because there was no standard (Greek "canon"), which have no power to confect the Most Holy Eucharist. Just two years later, the 1962 and 1967 Messes were dumped in favor of the full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969.
The whole situation is reminiscent of Matthew 4:10, in which the Devil challenges Christ to do one, just one, evil thing, and Our Lord roars back: "Vade, Satana - Begone Satan!" Those prophetic words can readily be applied to the phony Newchurch, its phony Mess, its heretic doctrines, and its pig-sty morality.
Newchurch is getting so desperate that now it seems to be installing presbyters who are paedophile right out of the gate. Remember as you read this account that Newchurch presbyters are not Catholic priests, because they have never been ordained, as Newchurch adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. Moreover, in 1972 Newchurch did away with the Sacrament of Penance and replaced with a non-sacramental "rite of reconciliation." Of course, this "rite" is invalid (fake) too.
Fr. Marty Nyberg couldn't wait five months after his installation as a presbyter in May 2024 before he was sexually assaulting children in the "confessional" during a "Confirmation" retreat in August 2024. Confirmation as a sacrament was reduced to invalidity in Newchurch in 1971. The crimes are being investigated as of September 6, 2024, as "child exploitation and child molestation" by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Nyberg has been sidelined ad interim.
It was alert parents who reported their children's accounts of Nyberg's predations to St. Josaphat School. The Newarchdiocese of Chicago and its flaming heretic Newarchbishop Blase Cupich, an intimate of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, refused to give any details and remained close-mouthed about the incidents that have shocked Chicago's Newchurchers.
The Illinois Attorney General's Office in May 2023 released a nearly 700-page report documenting some 2,000 cases of paedophile sex crimes perpetrated by Newchurch bishops, presbyters, and religious. It identified 451 Newchurch clerics and religious brothers who had perpetrated the crimes, an average of four rapes, sodomies, and other sexual assaults per cleric. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Our Sunday Visitor.]
Traditional Catholics, any notion that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is in the past is just part of the mendacious propaganda that Newchurch spreads around. In fact, Newchurch's holocaust is continuing unabated, as Bergoglio refuses to take serious disciplinary action against these vile paedophiles, whom he personally supports, like the notorious Newcardinal Roger McCarrick, who was given a pass because he raised funds for Bergoglio from the Communist Chinese and other unsavory sources.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You often remind us that true Catholics are obligated to stay away from the 1962 "New Latin Mess." Could you list some of the many reasons why the 1962 Mess is NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but is a corrupted Half New Order Vatican II service to deceive the faithful?THE TRADITIO FATHERS REPLY.
In 1948 a "Reformation Committee" (Pontificia Commissio pro Generali Liturgica Instauratione) was constituted specifically to "modernize" the Roman Mass, what is now often called the Traditional Latin Mass, much as the Arch-heretic Martin Luther "modernized" the Roman Mass to become the worship service of his new Protestant sect.
A new Committee had to be constituted because the Sacred Congregation of Rites, which had had been given authority over the Sacred Liturgy since the pontificate of Pope Sixtus V in 1588, immediately after the dogmatic Council of Trent, and was zealous in maintaining Tradition in the Sacred Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, refused to cooperate in the "modernization."
As head of the Committee, General Secretary Hannibal (Anibale) Bugnini, a known Freemason, was appointed. Starting in 1951, Bugnini and his Reformation Commission began to introduce into the Traditional Latin Mass the most blasphemous and sacrilegious corruptions, based in the spirit of the Heresy of Modernism, so condemned as heretical by, inter alios, Pope Pius IX, Pope St. Pius X, and Pope Pius XI.
The purpose of these corruptions was gradually to introduce flawed changes into the Mass and Office, like poison pills, that would lead to the demise of the True Mass and the substitution of it in the Newchurch of the New Order, by the New Mess, or New Order (Novus Ordo) Mess of 1969. The Half New Order (Novus Ordo) Vatican II "New Latin Mess" of 1962 was also called the "Transitional Mess," because its purpose was to deceive the faithful into transitioning to the full-blown New Mess.
Beyond that, in practice the "New Latin Mess" of 1962 in Newchurch is invalid (fake, not a Mass), as it is being celebrated not by priests ordained in the Traditional Roman Rite of Ordination, but by "presbyters" (as Newchurch officially calls them) installed under the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 by similarly unconsecrated Newbishops, who are no more valid than Lutheran or Anglican bishops, since the Protestantized New Ordinal used by Newchurch can make a valid bishop of no man. Thus, no sacrament is confected, and those receiving are eating mere bread.
The following are just a few of the corruptions that were incorporated into the 1962 "New Latin Mess." The official Handbook for the New Rubrics, which was published for priests at the time, contained 203 pages of the aberrations made to the Mass and Divine Office. (The Divine Office too was "modernized" and gutted from four volumes to two. Much of the traditional Office (Vespers, etc.) was trashed.
Any true Catholic is obliged to stay a good Roman mile away from this "wolf in sheep's clothing," to use Our Lord's words, so as not to be involved in the blasphemy and sacrilege of the "1962 Mess."
On September 6, 2024, Newbishop Michael Cote announced that the corrupt Newchurch diocese of Norwich, Connecticut, had thrown in the towel and filed for bankruptcy, the 38th of 195 Newdioceses in the United States. One out of every five Newdioceses in the United States is now bankrupt.
The Newdiocese ascribed the bankruptcy to the 142 lawsuits entered by children against presbyters (Newchurch has not ordained valid Catholic priests since adoption of the Protestantized New Ordinal in 1968) in the Newdiocese who had raped, sodomized, and assaulted them. The Newdiocese does not have enough to pay off all the judgments. On June 2, 2023, the desperate Newdiocese announced that it had sold off almost 460,000 square meters of its property to the pagans, viz., the Mohegan Indian Tribe. The sale includes St. Bernard School. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, the sale netted the Newdiocese 6,550,000 USD, which is a drop in the bucket against the tens of millions of dollars prayed in the children's lawsuits. Newchurch's dioceses in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere are continuing to fall like dominoes There is now such a glut of Newchurches coming onto the market at very competitive prices that most of them are being "repurposed" by commercial buyers into bars, restaurants, grocery stores, apartments, and condominia. Some Newdioceses have had to close more than half of their Newchurches and Newparishes. The good news is that with the closures fewer and fewer people are being subjected to the apostate Newchurch with its blasphemous, sacrilegious, idolatrous fake Messes, its fake Sacraments, its fake presbyters, its fake doctrine, and its fake morality.
Historic Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, ravaged by fire on Holy Monday 2019, continues to be gutted by the Newchurch of the New Order in collusion with the secular government of France, even though President Emmanuel Macron promised to restore it to its original splendor and collected donations for that purpose under false pretenses.
Now Macron and the heretic Newarchbishop Laurent Ulrich are being denounced as art thieves for absconding with the Neo-Gothic "Crown of Light" Chandelier, designed by famed architect Viollet-Le-Duc, refusing to return it to the Cathedral, which is supposed to reopen on December 8, 2024. The chandelier is currently in the possession of Ulrich, who refuses to release it. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, one of France's most noted art experts has accused Newchurch's clergy of "collectively pursuing a progressive erasure of Viollet-le-Duc’s contribution” to the city’s cathedral. Viollet-Le-Duc's original layout provided for reinstating the "Crown of Light" at the transept crossing, "eight chandeliers in the nave and four in the choir." Under French law the Newarchbishop of Paris is not supposed to have any authority over the cathedral, except for its moveable religious furniture.
The apostate Newpope has already approved the pagan Pachamama rites, centering around worship of the nude pagan fertility goddess, which have been sweeping heretic Newchurchers in Mexico. He has already approved the pagan Congolese rites, which have been sweeping heretic Newchurchers in Central Africa. He has approved the Atacama rites, centering around worship of the pagan sun god, which have been sweeping heretic Newchurchers in Peru.
Now the pretender Newpope has formally approved the "Amazonian Mess," which is expected to sweep heretic Newchurchers in Brazil. Next in line is the pagan Mayan Mess and the New New Mess in the United States.
What is the clear message of the Newchurch of the New Order, in 2025 to become the Synodal Church? It has not been better stated than by the Arch-heretic Martin Luther who proclaimed: "Tolle Missam, tolle Ecclesiam" (Destroy the Mass, destroy the Church). The Mass has already been destroyed in the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, when it adopted in 1969 the Pagan-Masonic-Protestant "New Mess," fabricated after the principles of the Vatican II Anti-council and its liturgy czar, the infamous Masonic presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, one year after Newchurch adopted the Protestantized New Ordinal and lost the priesthood.
Bergoglio hates the fully Traditional Latin Mass (1950), which comes from the early Church and was canonized by the Council of Trent. He barely tolerates a few instances of the Half New Order "New Latin Mess" of 1962, which he is in the process of suppressing. But he has ecstatically approved the implementation of the Vatican II Anti-council's (1962-1965) heretical notion of replacing the Catholic Mass with a series of regional Messes "inculturated" to the local Newchurchers.
These are to be essentially pagan in nature, comprising "community and ecological dimensions" to "evangelize" for the New Age and using "rhythm, the sound of drums, and other musical instruments (that) vibrate, native dancing, and clapping." These new Messes will be made up on the fly by unordained Newchurch presbyters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, next on the chopping block for more butchery is the "New Mess" in the United States, when a "New Lectionary" will be implemented. In 1969 Newchurch dumped the traditional set of Mass readings that went back at least as far back as Pope St. Gregory the Great circa the year 600. In 1969 the single cycle of traditional readings that were associated with each Sunday of the year were replaced by the Protestantized three-year cycle. which to this day still confuses Newchurchers in the pews. If they think they're confused now, just wait until they are required to dance in the aisles to the beat of drums and clapping!
Ireland was once the flower of Europe and the protector of Roman classical and ecclesiastical culture. No more. The Irish devotion to Catholicism turned to anger when the paedophile Newchurch replaced the Catholic Church in 1965. Then, in 2009, the devastating Ryan and Murphy reports were issued, detailing out-of-control rape, sodomy, and other sexual assaults against Irish children by Newcurch's Protestantized presbyters (Catholic priests were not ordained after 1968) and an elaborate cover-up by Irish Newbishops, including the purported Newbishop of Rome, Benedict-Ratzinger. The proud Irish people rejected the fake Newchurch and its pretender Newpopes and began to return to their pre-Roman pagan origins, voting to approve sodomy and abortion.
So angry are the Irish against the fake Newpopes Paul VI-Montini, JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio that they threated to do in any Newpope who dared to set foot on the Emerald Isle. The Prime Minister in 2010 told the Irish parliament that he could not protect the life of Ratzinger, who wanted to come on a Newpapal junket. Ratzinger in fear canceled his proposed junket. No man in the North of Ireland has been interested in becoming a Newseminarian in a paedophile Newseminary in the Newdiocese of Glogher over the last six years, until on August 26, 2024, just one came forward. Whether he will last through the Newchurch predations, no one knows. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish News.]
Traditional Catholics, after sixty years the Newchurch of the New Order is collapsing in once-Catholic Ireland. The national Newseminary in Maynooth has only 20 Newseminarians for the entire country, whereas before the Vatican II Anti-council and the replacement of the Catholic Church with Newchurch in 1965, there had been some 500. From 1950 to 2021 the number of Newdiocesan presbyters fell by more than 53 per cent, to just 64. Once-Catholic Ireland is now sinking into its pre-Roman barbarism..
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio kicked off his Newpapal junket to the South Pacific with worship at the infidel Islamic Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia, on September 4, 2024. The mosque commemorates the end in the 1940s of over 350 years of Christian government of Indonesia. There Bergoglio officially hobnobbed with a congeries of pagans from Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism. Only 2.9 per cent of Indonesia's population are heretical Newchurchers, so one could easily wonder why Bergoglio is blowing the wad of his bankrupted Newvatican on such a junket.
Then the pretender Newpope, together with the infidel Grand Imam, signed the Istiqlal Joint Document, titled "Fostering Religious Harmony for the Sake of Humanity" and named after the infidel Istiqlal Mosque itself. The document calls for the head of Newchurch and the head of Islam to "work together to promote human dignity, interreligious dialogue, and environmental protection." Bergoglio then went on to make a shocking statement that proves he is not Catholic:
Sometimes we think that a meeting between religions is a matter of seeking common ground between different religious doctrines and beliefs no matter the cost. Such an approach, however, may end up dividing us, because the doctrines and dogmas of each religious experience are different. What really brings us closer is creating a connection in the midst of diversity, cultivating bonds of friendship, care and reciprocity.
In other words, Bergoglio pontificated: "Truth be damned." "Christ's true Church be damned." Doctrines and beliefs are unimportant and differ all over the map according to "religious experience. "Diversity," not unity, is the governing principle. There is not one god; there many gods. Bergoglio is an outright pagan and certainly no true pope.
"Interreligious dialogue," also known as syncretism and indifferentism, is condemned by the Catholic Church. "Environmental protection" is a Leftist political term colored with paganism and falls outside the purview of the Church. Bergoglio has now completed his conversion to Islam, condemned by the Catholic Church. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, the Grand Imam of the Islamists in Indonesia is tickled to his very toes by Bergoglio's recognition of the infidel Islamic religion, consistently denounced by true popes, chief among them Pope St. Pius X and Pope Pius XI. The Grand Imam says that Bergoglio "makes the Muslim community proud." Yet Indonesia recently imprisoned Jakarta's Christian governor for purported blasphemy against Mohammed, while Christians can't get building permits for churches. The infidel Grand Imam is happy, but Newchurch prelates and laymen are increasingly calling Francis-Bergoglio a pretender Unpope and his Newchurch itself most certainly NOT the Catholic Church.
A dirty little secret that Newchurch has been hiding is that under the Vatican II Anti-council's Heresy of Oecumenism ("we all worship the same gods"; "all religions are true"), Newchurch has been allowing heretics and schismatics to use Newchurch temples. An earlier case in point saw Francis-Bergoglio was caught lending out St. Bartholomew's Basilica in Rome for an heretical Protestant Anglican "eucharist," "presided over by the chief Anglican heretic Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
It was revealed that at Newchurch's St. Vincent Basilica in Labrobe, Pennsylvania, a group of hundreds of heretics in the Anglican Church of North America were allowed to take over the once-Catholic basilica. Hundreds of Anglican clergy, including "priestesses" and "deaconesses," took over the oldest Benedictine monastery in the United States from June 25 to June 28, 2024. The meeting included the election of a new Protestant "archbishop" for the Anglicans. Of course, Anglicans are totally invalid and cannot confect any "eucharist" whatsoever. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, Greenville, Pennsylvania, Newbishop Larry Kulick feigned ignorance of the highly-publicized event that went on for four days in his Newdiocese. He claimed to be deaf, dumb, and blind to the sacrilege, and took no punitive action on those Newchurchers involved at the basilica who permitted the sacrilege. Obviously, he knew -- and probably Bergoglio knew too -- what was going on and permitted it. No surprise here. Newchurch's Newpopes and Newbishops since 1968 have not been consecrated as Catholic bishops, but instead are fake pretenders, merely "installed" as non-clerical "overseers" (episcopoi) under the invalid Protestant Ordinal.
The U.S. Federal Judge overseeing the bankruptcy of the Newarchdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, indicated on August 23, 2024, that the Newchurch archdiocese does not have the wherewithal to continue to exist. If so, this will be the first time that a Newchurch diocese not only goes broke, but goes out of existence as a "going concern."
The New Orleans Newarchdiocese is so mired in sex crimes against children perpetrated by its presbyters and Newbishops that there are now 500 sexually-assaulted children with cases pending before the courts. The judge indicated that he was going to take away Newarchbishop Gregory Aymond's authority over the archdiocese, which would thereby become the first to fall into a new kind of "sede-vacantism" on October 8, 2024.
The New archdiocese desperately tried to argue that the U.S. Constitution's alleged separation of church and state prevents a bankruptcy court from removing the Newarchbishop or any of his appointees as the manager of the church’s business operations. But lawyers for the 500 child victims argue that under the Constitution the bankruptcy court has plenipotentiary power over all aspects of the case. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]
Traditional Catholics, Newarchbishop Aymond has been accused of wanting to have his cake and eating it too. He wants the court to protect him from bankruptcy, but not to have the power to make Aymond pay the penalty for his malfeasance. Isn't that typical of the immoral and corrupt Newchurch of the New Order, which refuses to take real responsibility for the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of children's lives that have been ruined by its paedophile clergy from the Newpopes on down.
While Francis-Bergoglio continues to deny an audience to the clueless Neocon Newchurchers associated with the Half New Order 1962 "New Latin Mess" of the Vatican II Anti-council, he rolled out the red carpet on August 13, 2024, to two LGBTQXXX activists from Africa, which tends to be much more conservative on homosexual activity, whereas these two activists oppose the African Anti-Homosexuality Act, which criminalizes gay and lesbian sex acts.
The two activists represent GLAAD, the world’s largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer media advocacy organization, which describes itself as "focused on LGBTQ advocacy and cultural change" through creating "national and local programs that advance LGBTQ acceptance." That goal is totally at odds with the teaching of the real Catholic Church, but not with the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Yet the two homosexual activists praised Bergoglio for his "progressive stance" in favor of homosexuality. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by "The Blade."]
Traditional Catholics, in a world increasingly mired in paedophilia, homsexuality, lesbianism, and other gross immorality, one might ask whether Bergoglio, who calls himself a "pope," gives priority to pushing the homosexual agenda. The answer is simple: Bergoglio is not a true pope; he is a Marxist/Modernist apostate, ipso facto an excommunicate from the Catholic Church.
In English for centuries the abbreviation for years after Christ was "A.D.," the Latin abbreviation for "Anno Domini" (In the Year of the Lord), and "B.C." for "Before Christ." After the time of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the Leftist radicals in academia, government, and the Jews suppressed the use of these abbreviations, substituting for them the neologisms "BCE" for "Before the Common Era" and "CE" for "(In) the Common Era."
Now the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, not to be outdone by the Marxists in "woke" grammar as it is in "woke" liturgy, doctrine, and morals, has begun to follow the "woke" anti-Christians with the new abbreviations in English "translations." Newchurchers themselves have accused Bergoglio of betraying Christ and of once again showing his Marxist/Modernist stripes. Ironically, the new "woke" abbreviations appeared in an Newapostolic Letter "On the Role of Literature in Christian Formation," dated July 17, 2024, and released on August 28, 2024.
"Removing the name of Christ from official documentation is a complete betrayal" of Christ by Bergoglio, said a British minster of government. The use of the "woke" abbreviations represents a major betrayal of the true Catholic Church’s perspective of history, which hinges on the birth of Christ. The term BCE was used from the 1800s by Jewish scholars who did not acknowledge Christ as the Messias. The "woke" abbreviations denote an atheistic and infidel rejection of Christ. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Herald.]
Traditional Catholics, Newchurch's "woke-isms" were reserved for perverted English speakers. In the other "translations" into Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and Arabic (?) -- the equivalent of "Before Christ" and "After Christ" are maintained. Actually, it is ironic that the "woke" English abbreviations can just as easily be expressed as "Before the Christian Era" and "(In) the Christian Era." So once again the anti-Christians are foiled by the very Christ that they tried to blot out!
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has again snubbed child victims raped, sodomized, and otherwise sexually assaulted by his perverted Newclergy. Bergoglio has been reveling in his latest Newpapal junket, to East Timor, an island state in Southeast Asia, which, from the 16th century to 1975, was under Catholic Portuguese influence. That all came to a crashing end, as Newchurch clergy took over and committed sex crimes against the natives of East Timor. There are continuing accusations against several Newchurch presbyters, so Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated in East Timor, as it does elsewhere all over the world.
Hatred against Newchurch came to a head when it was revealed in 2022 that Newbishop Carlos Ximenes Belo had sodomized young boys. Bergoglio's response to these crimes was his usual: abject silence. Belo was apparently permitted to retire with no public punishment for his crimes. But on his junket Bergoglio will stare with his own criminal silence into the faces of the child victims of his perverted Newchurch regime. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, the Marxist/Modernist Newpope Bergoglio, who himself has been charged by Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano for perpetrating the same vile crimes against young Newseminarians in Argentina when he was running the Newjesuit seminary there, has refused to meet with East Timor's child victims, who have demanded that he admit to the world how he and his Newpope predecessors failed to protect vulnerable children. The man who falsely claims to the "Vicar of Christ" won't even talk about the paedophile crimes and his complicity in them. Yet the Christ Whose vicar Bergoglio claims to be has prejudged the penalty for such criminal ilk as Bergoglio, to suffer the Biblical penalty appointed for child molesters, "that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
A Newchurch Capuchin "friar" from New York swindled clueless Newchurchers for 650,000 USD for non-existent Middle Eastern missions. In fact that funds were spent on liposuctioning the obese "friar," numerous vacations to exclusive Hamptons resorts, an expensive gym membership, dinners at expensive New York City restaurants, and upscale secular clothing at a New York City boutique. He also gifted himself outright with 50,000 USD in cash.
Pawel Bielecki, whom the Newcapuchins called "Friar Paul" had expensive tastes for a Newchurch Capuchin "friar" who took a vow of poverty. Religious orders are a joke in the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. He was charged on August 17, 2024, with wire and mail fraud by the U.S. Attorney's Office for defrauding clueless Newchurchers by claiming that he was a diplomaed medical doctor operating Middle-Eastern missions. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Post.]
Traditional Catholics, even the Newchurch Capuchins finally wised up after years of his arceny and turned him in to the U.S. Attorney. The 48-year-old faces 40 years in the federal penitentiary, where he can do "lots" of penance. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is alive and well through the connivance of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio and his henchmen and through the cluelessness of lay Newchurchers.
On December 2, 1973, the Newchurch of the New Order did away with the Sacrament of Penance and substituted for it the non-sacramental Novus Ordo "Rite of Reconciliation," administered not by Catholic priests but by New Order presbyters, who are not ordained (since Newchurch's adoption of the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, a year before the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" was introduced.) Thus, no sins are forgiven in Newchurch, and no sacramental grace is imparted by Newchurch, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church.
Now the incoming Newchurch archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, Richard Henning, has admitted in an August 22, 2024, interview the truth: these Newchurch reconciliations are being used by presbyters for sex predation. Several of them have been caught already, as we have previously documented in these Commentaries. Confessionals have been essentially done away with, and "reconciliations" are being routinely staged not in a church, but on "psychiatric" couches or in presbyters' bedrooms. Henning now readily admits that "the reconciliation room is a problem" and that predator presbyters are exploiting them for nefarious purposes, in fact for one of the most serious crimes a priest can commit (except that New Order presbyters are not priests). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Our Sunday Visitor..]
Traditional Catholics, the real problem is not, in the end, the configuration of "reconciliation rooms," but in the fact that Newchurch since 1973 has not administered valid confessions, and Newchurch presbyters have no power to forgive sin. In fact, that power has been specifically stricken out of the Protestantized Rite of Installation of Presbyters, used in Newchurch since 1968. True Catholics must seek an independent Traditional Catholic priest not affiliated with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order for a valid confession.
Even the worldwide medical profession is warning Newchurchers that new guidance from the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio will lead to outright murder of patients. Bergoglio's "updated" guidelines, ironically issued through his Newpontifical Academy of Life on August 8, 2024, makes euthanasia (mercy-killing) acceptable in certain circumstances. Such a position is entirely against Catholic moral theology, which holds that euthanasia is never moral. But, then, Bergoglio is not a Catholic pope, but a pretender Newpope, and his dicta must be entirely rejected by true Catholics.
Bergoglio's new guidelines are already being taken up by morally-corrupt secular organizations such as the World Health Organization, as a way of saving money in elderly care, often by depriving the sick of water and nutrition, which is grossly immoral and tantamount to murder. Causing death by starvation or dehydration is entirely against traditional Catholic moral practice. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Cathoic Herald.]
Traditional Catholics, Catholic moral theology clearly teaches that causing death by starvation or dehydration is grossly immoral and entirely against traditional Catholic moral practice. Bergoglio has become complicit in murder. His "updated" guidelines were condemned even by Newpope JPII-Wojtyla, who decreed that euthanasia, under whatever rubric, is always "a serious violation of the law of God because it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person." Bergoglio is no pope of the Catholic Church, but a fraudster, perpetrating immorality, false doctrine, and fake "liturgies" upon the clueless Newchurchers, who know not the true Faith.