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October 2, 2024 - Holy Guardian Angels
Double Major Feast

On November 27, 2024, All Hell Will Break Loose in Newchurch
When English-speaking Countries Will Be Faced with the New, New Fake Mess

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
New Missal

The Vulgar-tongued New, New Missal
That Will Hit Newchurchers between the Eyes
On November 27, 2024
Yet Again Newchurch Has Mucked with Its Mess
Which Is Most Certainly NOT a Mass
Any More than the Presbyterian Service Is
Wasn't it Divine when Virtually the Whole World
Prayed in Latin, the True Church's Sacred Tongue
Consecrated by the Martyrdom
Of Sts. Peter and Paul in Rome

Yes, it's true, On November 27, 2024, Newchurch is going to impose yet another "translation" of the New Mass upon the English-speaking countries of the world. The New, New Mess will hit the English-speaking world on the First Sunday of Advent. And it's all so pointless. Newchurch lost the true Mass in 1969 when it substituted the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan invalid, i.e., fake, New Mess in the vulgar tongues. That is why there is a growing desire for a return to the Traditional Latin Mass, which is valid, and One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, bearing the marks of the true Church.

And this new "translation" is considerably different from the one that was introduced in 1973. Newchurch is warning its ever-dwindling congregations to get used to a big change. Newchurch's officials have begun to lay the groundwork for the shock that the few remaining Newchurchers will experience. These Newchurch officials basically admit that more Newchurchers will walk out because of never-ending changes. More Newchurches will close. More Newchurch schools will close. Good riddance!

Not only the fake and invalid Novus Ordo Mess will be changed but also the "Lectionary," the Novus Ordo book that contains the "readings" for its Mess. This book in 1969 threw out the traditional Epistles and Gospels read from apostolic times and substituted for them the Protestant "readings" on a three-year cycle instead of the traditional Apostolic one-year cycle. A big part of the changes will consist of confusion between male and female pronouns. By fiat of Francis-Bergoglio, Newchurch has to be "transsexual friendly." Who knows when Newchurch will begin to call God "she"!

And to put the cherry on top of the dung heap, even the wording of the non-sacrament of "reconciliation," formerly the Sacrament of Penance, will be mucked with. Not that it makes any difference. Newchurch did away with the Sacrament in 1972 when it dumped Confession and substituted a form of Protestant "reconciliation." Confessionals have substantially disappeared in favor of open arrangements or psychiatric couches. Since 1968 Newchurch has not ordained priests to hear confessions when it substituted a Protestant-style "installation" of presbyters. The power to forgive sins in the name of Christ, which was specifically conferred upon priests before 1968, was specifically removed from the post-1968 "installation" of "presbyters." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.

Traditional Catholics, wasn't it Divine when, before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), virtually the whole world prayed in Latin, the true Church's Sacred Tongue, consecrated by the martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul in Rome. Wasn't it Divine when each year the familiar Epistles and Gospels going back to Apostolic times returned each year as familiar friends? Wasn't it Divine when one could go to confession to a priest instead of telling one's sins to a presbyter out in the open and not even get valid absolution? Newchurchers may as well leave the corrupted Newchurch entirely. It is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Its Mess is fake. Its presbyters are fake. Its non-sacraments are fake. Its doctrine is fake. And most certainly its pig-sty morality is fake.

October 1, 2024 - St. Remigius, Bishop & Confessor
Simple Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Is Bound and Determined to Fabricate Deaconesses
Two Theological Commissions Have Rebutted Him, so He's Pushing the Subject a Third Time

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Is Ramming Deaconesses into Newchurch
But the Catholic Church Teaches
That the Diaconate Is One of the Holy Orders
Which Are Reserved by Divine Law to Men
In Reality, Newchurch Lost its Holy Orders in 1968
When It Adopted the Fake (Invalid)
Protestantized New Ordinal
Since then, Newchurch Doesn't Have Priests
Any More than the Anglicans or the Presbyterians Do

As if lay deacons weren't bad enough -- one of the Vatican II Anti-council's innovations -- Francis-Bergoglio now wants to push deaconesses. “We already know that the (New)pope is very much in favor of deaconesses," said Bergoglio's representative. Twice already two special theological commissions has rebuffed Bergoglio, telling him that deaconesses are contrary to (what is left of) Tradition. But the "Dictator (New)pope" is bound and determined to be as anti-traditional as possible. No surprise there: he is, and has been since his days with the Newjesuits in Argentina, an apostate from the Catholic Faith. It is clear now that the fix is in for deaconesses.

So back the question goes to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the (New Order) Faith, now headed by Bergoglio's Modernist/Marxist toady, Newcardinal Victor "Tucho" Fernandez. Bergoglio apparently intends to shoehorn deaconesses into the final Synod on Synodality in October 2025, which will replace the Newchurch of the New Order with Bergoglio's Synodal Church. The agenda item is entitled "On Theological and Canonic Questions around Specific Ministerial Forms" and includes the questions of deaconesses because of "a growth in the pastoral responsibilities entrusted to them [women] in all areas of the life and mission of the (New)church." That sounds like presbyteresses is the next step. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]

Traditional Catholics, the Catholic Church teaches that the diaconate is one of the Holy Orders, which are reserved by Divine law to men. In reality, Newchurch lost its Holy Orders in 1968, when it adopted the fake (invalid) Protestantized New Ordinal. Since then, Newchurch doesn't have priests, any more than the Anglican/Episcopalians or the Presbyterians do.

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