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The Newdiocese of Oakland, California, is now paying the price for its crimes associated with Newchurch's ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Evidence was presented on December 11, 2024, to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court that the Newchurch officials of that Newdiocese embezzled funds to avoid paying just recompense to the child victims of the Newdiocese's paedophile presbyters. 106,000,000 USD was illegally diverted into a secret Newdiocese fund to avoid payment of damages to, so far, 345, child victims.
According to the evidence, the Newchurch diocese of Oakland "perpetrated a fraudulent scheme to funnel substantial assets away from what would soon become its bankruptcy estate" into the coffers of a secret fund, fraudulently named "Oakland Parochial Fund." The evidence indicates that the transfers were "fraudulent under California state law” and that it is "beyond dispute that all corporate property of Oakland Parochial Fund is operated, supervised, or controlled by the (New)diocese" in order to "obtain a litigation advantage over survivors of sexual abuse" and "to place the assets it owns and controls beyond the reach of those (child) claimants." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order has learned nothing from its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which burst into public knowledge in 2002 and is still continuing. Criminal Newbishops and Newpopes have now learned how to manufacture crocodile tears over the crimes against children that they have suborned, and continue to suborn, but the crimes of embezzlement and paedophile sodomy continue unabated. The child victims' lives have been ruined by these vile Newchurch "clergymen." Up to one-third of the children over the years have committed suicide as a direct result of their despair. What these Newchurch clergymen, all the way up to the Newpopes JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and now Francis-Bergoglio, have done is far more serious than abortion. St. Paul says that they are worthy of death (Romans 1:32).
On December 18, 2024, a Newchurch presbyter, having pled guilty to kidnapping and raping a teenage boy, was sentenced to the Louisiana State Penitentiary, where he will do penance for the rest of his life, for his vile crimes, suborned by Newchurch authorities. Presbyter Lawrence Hecker raped his child victim repeatedly for a period of two years. However, Hecker had already confessed to committing sex crimes against numerous other boys over almost a decade.
The judge in the case thought the presbyter's crimes so "horrible" that she wept during imposition of the life sentence with no possibility of parole for aggravated rape, aggravated kidnapping, an aggravated crime against nature, and theft. The Newchurch presbyter had committed two of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, sodomy and oppression of children. The presbyter's crimes were so vile that the district attorney had pledged to "roll him in on a gurney" to try him, if he had to. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, on and on Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust goes, from "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, the First Paedophile Newpope; Benedict-Ratzinger, the Second Paedophile Newpope; and now Francis-Bergoglio, the Third Paedophile Newpope. Thousands of children each year are added to the hundreds of thousands already violated principally under the Newchurch of the New Order since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). The only way to eradicate the endemic corruption is to destroy the Newchurch and let the true Catholic Church come out of the catacombs to bring back justice and true mercy, particularly for God's children.
Thank the Lord that you were not invited to Francis-Bergoglio's annual Christmas Party. If you were, your Christmas would have been ruined, as it was for the Newcardinals, Newbishops, presbyters and even the lay employees and their families ever since he became the apostate Newpope some ten years ago. Bergoglio loves to take the opportunity of Newvatican's annual Christmas party to rail against what he calls "gossip" on the part of those who know him best. After all, they have to suffer working with him every day.
Once again this "Gossip in Chief" ruined Newvatican's Christmas party with a screed against his bugaboo, "gossip." This English word doesn't even map well to any of the precise Latin theological Latin terms, like calumnia (calumny) and detractio (detraction). That is typical of fake Newchurch theology, which is most certainly NOT Catholic. Like so many other things, Bergoglio has perverted the meaning of this term to: "saying anything bad about me, even though it is the truth." Yet Bergoglio himself is the Gossip in Chief against people who courageously speak the truth, like the Saints of former times, to denounce him for his heresy and apostasy from the Catholic Faith.
We have documented over fifty terms that Bergoglio uses against his Neocon Newchurchers who are attached to the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly NOT even the Traditional Latin Mass. Some of the terms that he uses against conservative Newchurchers are quite vile, like "fomentors of coprophagia" (literally, "shit-eaters"), the "stench of the Devil," and "smarmy idolaters." Next time the Neocon Newchurchers, who have sold out to the apostate Synodal Newchurch of the New Age and its Newpopes, they should remember how their own Newpope constantly degrades them.
In fact, what Bergoglio calls "gossip" is actually the common social exchange of information that has gone on in human society from time immemorial. Because his (New)vatican News Service is merely "fake news," trying to portray the apostate Newpope as the greatest thing since sliced bread, true information has to be circulated by other means. One of which is common social conversation, which has been documented at least as early as the ancient Greek poet Homer, in Book VI of the primordial Odyssey.
In fact, this time Bergoglio was so consumed with narcissism that he could hardly speak coherently. Just turned 88, he wheezed and coughed through his screed against the people whom he had appointed to head his Synodal Newchurch of the New Age. Bergoglio himself is the prime representative of the hypocritical "holier-than-thou" attitude that he purports to condemn in others. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, if these Newchurchers had any guts, they would turn their backs on the pretender Newpope and walk out on him. But instead they allow Bergoglio, who clearly exhibits the sickness of full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder, to bully and badmouth them. Whatever petty sins his underlings have committed, Bergoglio's apostasy from the Catholic Faith is about the worst sin that any human being can commit. He should turn his microscope on his own monumental failings and sins before it is too late.
On December 10, 2024, Francis-Bergoglio's Director and the Manager of the Sistine Chapel Choir and the wife of the Manager were all found guilty of embezzlement and misappropriation of choir funds. Newmonsignor Massimo Palombella, S.D.B., will serve over three years in jail and pay a fine of 9,400 USD. Business Manager Michelangelo Nardello will serve almost five years in jail and pay a fine of 7,200 USD, and his wife will serve two years in jail and pay a fine of 5,100 USD.
The court also confiscated almost 300,000 USD that the troika stole from their embezzlement, which derived from profits of Sistine Choir concerts. No such scandal has occurred since the founding of the Sistine Chapel Choir by Pope Sixtus IV in 1471, one of the oldest in the world, now composed of about 20 men and 30 boys. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, the corruption in Francis-Bergoglio's administration has completely taken over the top ranks of Newclergy and officials in both paedophile crimes and embezzlement. It was the TRADITIO Network that coined the term "Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust" in January 2002, when the corruption became public knowledge. The two, sex crimes and financial crimes, go together in the Newchurch of the New Order, which in 2025 is being transformed into Bergoglio's openly-pagan Synodal Church of the New Age.
The fake news has given the Modernist "upgrading" of Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, gutted by fire on Holy Monday 2019, the usual Leftist praise for anything destroying true Catholicism. Yet stories have leaked out of ecclesiastics, artists, and rank-and-file Frenchmen outright condemning the Vatican II "reckovation." The French were lied to. They were told that their money would go to restoring the 12th-century cathedral to its original state before the fire. Instead, it was subjected a Vatican II Anti-council "wreckovation."
Instead, the French people were told that they couldn't enter the cathedral without a QR code. Many of them didn't even know was a QR code is. Boos resounded across Ile de Cite upon which the mediaeval Gothic cathedral stood. An anonymous loudspeaker boomed: "If you do not have a QR code, you will not be allowed to enter." The rector-archpresbyter of Notre-Dame had previously lied to the French, saying: "There will always be a queue on the forecourt outside." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.]
Traditional Catholics, the French people outside, including many elderly Newchurchers, practically overran the security guards in their anger at the Newchurch "rule." They say that the great cathedral is no longer a religious monument, but is now a mere tourist trap. Those who wanted to pop in to say a few prayers had always been given priority to go in and out as they pleased, but the new technology employed by Newchurch makes that impossible. Now you can pray only if you have a QR code. No wonder Frechmen are leaving Newchurch in droves and going around the country wrecking any church that once bore the name "Catholic."
Of all the pagan religions, Hinduism has to be one of the worst. Among its many false gods, it worships one with an elephant head and one with four arms and one a hermaphrodite. Yet Francis-Bergoglio has singled out pagan Hinduism for special praise. Of course, we know that Bergoglio is not a Catholic. His own book says that he is a Marxist. His best friends are atheists, he says.
While Neocon Newchurchers are refused an audience with the apostate Newpope, Bergoglio welcomed a swarm of swamis of Hinduism, who were in Newvatican an "oecumenical" conference on December 2, 2024. Oecumenism is a condemned notion, pushed by the Vatican II Anti-council, that essentially holds that we all worship the same gods and that all religions are true.
Bergoglio celebrated the centenary of the first "All Religions Conference," organized by a Hindu swami. Such conferences are condemned by the Catholic Church as being suffused with syncretism and indifferentism, strongly condemned already by Pope Pius IX, People Leo XIII, and Pope St. Pius X. But because the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, it has no problems with these heretical philosophies. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by (New)vatican Press Office.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio, himself suffused with the odor of heresy, has directed that his Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue support the Hindu initiative. Is the "pope" Catholic? Clearly this one is neither a pope nor a Catholic, nor were his post Vatican II predecessors.
On December 9, 2024, Newcardinal Gregory Wilton announced that the United States' capital Newarchdiocese, Washington, D.C., is joining the Newvatican in sinking into bankruptcy. After the Vatican II Anti-council attendance at the New Mess has fallen drastically and since the regime of the notorious paedophile D.C. Newarchbishop Theodore McCarrick, promoted by the paedopohile Newpopes JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio, collections and donations have dried up. The pension fund for presbyters is likely also at risk. Gregory has, therefore, cut pension contributions by 50 per cent.
The Newarchdiocese has is now over 100,000,000 USD in deficit because of incompetent financial management. Newarchbishop Gregory Wilton has declared virtual "martial law" in the Newarchdiocese. All donations, gifts, grants, and Newparish income will henceforth be confiscated for his own chancery coffers, known euphemistically as the "Pastoral Center."
As a result of the financial mismanagement, Gregory and his predecessor Donald Wuerl have come under scrutiny for possible criminal activity. A spokesman for the Newarchdiocese was quick to put out an exonerating statement that "no laws were broken, and no money was stolen." The spokesman also assured the D.C. Newchurchers that elephants fly. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newchurch news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, there has been no accountability for the mismanagent that caused the deficit. No one has been disciplined, let alone the top man responsible: Wilton Gregory himself, a favorite of the bankrupted Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. Wilton has been accused of gas-lighting his clueless Newparishioners. Many of these put money into collections with the understanding that 100% stayed in the Newparish. Now that the Newarchdiocese will confiscate those funds for its own purposes, more Newparishioners are likely to leave Newchurch and take their contributions with them. "God is not mocked."
San Francisco, California's apostate Newarchbishop Salvatore Cordileone, whose name means "heart of a lion," has turned out not to have the courage even of a mouse. And this is someone who falsely claims to be a little more "conservative'" than most. Of course, it's all gas-lighting of the kind for which the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newclergy have become notorious.
Nancy Pelosi, of San Francisco, who used to be the powerful Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, describes herself as a "devout Catholic," but she is neither devout nor a Catholic. She is a heretic Newchurcher who is an unabashed and pertinacious promoter of abortion and federal funding thereof. Cordileone even tried -- not very hard -- to correct her, but she spit the correction back in his face. He told her that she was banned from receiving the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid, but she has ignored him. "It's his problem, not mine," she says. She has even received the cookie at a Mess presided over by the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio himself.
Cordileone won't excommunicate Pelosi because, as a rampant Modernist heretic, he is an apostate from the Catholic Faith, and certainly does not have the grace of consecration as a bishop -- because he was never consecrated, merely "installed" under the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which came into force a year before the invalid (fake)"New Mess." He remains a graceless apostate from the Catholic Faith. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
Traditional Catholics, Cordileone's next step should have been to excommunicate Pelosi from Newchurch. Instead, on December 10, 2024, Cordileone invited Pelosi for another round of "dialogue." What is there to "dialogue" about? Pelosi is rightfully an excommunicate, and that's all there is to it. What is the cowardly Cordileone afraid of? The political power of an aging ex-Speaker? St. Ambrose stood up to the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Theodosius. I "The Great" for a moral principle, risking his life in doing so. St. Ambrose was, of course, a consecrated bishop, with all the Sacramental graces that pertain to that consecration. Cordileone isn't a consecrated bishop, merely a Newchurch "overseer," devoid of Sacramental graces.
We've all heard about those phony "eucharistic miracles," of which the apostate Newchurch is incapable, as a matter of the Catholic faith. Such events, if they occurred, according to Catholic theology, must be the work of Satan, not of God. They cannot be "miracles" any more than what any Protestants or Pagan might concoct.
Newchurch has no Mass, because the "New Mess" of 1969 is a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan fraud based upon Protestant, Jewish, Masonic, and Pagan models, fabricated after the Vatican II Anti-council. Newchurch has no priests, because since 1968 its clergy have been "installed" (Newchurch's official word for it), not ordained, under the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal adopted in 1968. Newchurch has no "eucharist," because it has no Mass and no priests to confect it validly. The species remain mere cookies and grape juice, as Newvatican itself ironically declared in 1978.
Now we have an example of a eucharistic anti-miracle. A Newchurch presbyter was simulating the phony New Mess, and when he drank the grape juice from the chalice, he was poisoned, almost to death. The grape juice had "miraculously" turned into acid that scalded his mouth and esophagus. Authorities have no explanation for the eucharistic anti-miracle. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian La Nazione.]
Traditional Catholics, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked," wrote St. Paul to the Galatians (6:7/DRV). Newchurchers lending their presence to a fake Mess, and Newchurch presbyters are simulating a fake Mess and eucharist. They are coming grave crimes of sacrilege, idolatry, and blasphemy. What is amazing is that more of these anti-miracles have not occurred. The truth is that probably there are many more than we know of because Newchurch is desperate to hide its fakery from clueless Newchurchers, but Newchurchers have no compunction to point to "eucharistic miracles" of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the knothole of a tree or in the irregular shape of a grilled-cheese sandwich!
The Islamic Resistance Movement, known as Hamas, has lauded Francis-Bergoglio for Newvatican's 2025 Nativity creche favoring the terrorist group. Hamas has attacked civilians, has conducted suicide bombings on civilians, and has sent lethal rockets against cities. As part of its disinformation campaign, Hamas has been trying to portray Jesus Christ as a "Palestinian."
On December 7, 2024, the apostate Newpope unveiled a Christmas Nativity creche at Newvatican that showed the Holy Infant wrapped in a kaffiyeh, a well-known symbol of Hamas terrorism. Yet he hypocritically inaugurated the political creche with a screed that, to the contrary, called for peace. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by (New)vatican News.]
Traditional Catholics, sharing in the spotlight with Bergoglio on the occasion was a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which has associations with Hamas. Yet once again Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem, location of the Incarnation and the Nativity, have been canceled for Christians out of fear of Hamas attacks.
In his last years Francis-Bergoglio is going full bore into insanity. He has replaced the apostate Newchurch of the New Order with an even more apostate -- if that were possible -- Synodal Church of the New Age. He has replaced the fake (invalid) New Mess with even faker Pagan Messes: Pachamama, Atacama, Aztec, and Congolese. Now he has officially approved lesbianism, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, and queerness, condemned in Sacred Scripture (the Bible) as one of the Biblical Four Sins that Cry out to God for Vengeance.
Now, on December 7, 2024, Bergoglio has approved officially an LGBTQXXX "pilgrimage" as part of his 2025 "Unholy Year." Incidentally, Holy Years are supposed to be held only on centenary years, but Bergoglio's bankrupt Newvatican needs lots of money, so more rules are being broken to support his corrupt regime.
This abomination is being pushed by the Marxist/Modernist Newjesuits, of whom Bergoglio himself is one. It will take place on September 6, 2025, from the Il Jesu church of the Newjesuits. where the body of St. Ignatius of Loyola is buried. The "pilgrimage" is being dedicated "to the rainbow world." There was significant opposition to the "pilgrimage," but Bergoglio overrode it. The "pilgrimage" will pass through the Unholy Door of St. Peter's Archbasilica for a blasphemous, idolatrous, and sacrilegious, not to sake fake (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Breitbart.]
Traditional Catholics, the hypocritical Newpope is again speaking out of both sides of his mouth. On the one hand, he once condemned the "faggotry" (Bergoglio's word) that has infested his Newpapacy, but on the other hand he officially approves of the perversion. It is just more of the notorious doublespeak that is a hallmark of Newchurch since the Vatican II Anti-council. Not one word that comes out of Bergoglio's mouth can be trusted, nor from the mouth anyone association with the mendacious and anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order.
The Newchurch of the New Order, and its members, whether they know it or not, whether they admit it or not, are at least material schismatics, heretics, and apostates. They can't be that far from the True Faith without opening themselves to the predations of the Evil One. Already their leader, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, has introduced overt paganism into their Messes, which are most certainly NOT Masses at all, in the form of worship of the pagan fertility goddess Pachamama, the pagan gods of the Aztec Mess, and the pagan Andean sun god Atacama -- all now "approved" Novus Ordo Messes.
Now, it seems, Newchurch is beginning to turn away from the God-become-man to a non-human god in the form of electronic bits. On December 5, 2024, the Newchurch parish of Lucerne, Switzerland, inaugurated its AI-generated "digital god" to hear confessions in the three-centuries old St. Peter's Chapel. To be sure, Newchurch does lip-service to the fact that these are not a real confessions (Newchurch turned the Sacrament of Penance into an invalid (fake) non-sacramental "Rite of Reconciliation" in 1973), but it still lets people go into the booth and believe that they are making true confessions. Newchurch even goes so far as to call the fake "Jesus" digital image "Deus in Machina." Within a week 900 deluded people have "confessed" to the AI "god" on a computer screen. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NBC News.]
Traditional Catholics, although some on the anti-social media have called the project "blasphemous" or the "work of the Devil," Newchurch has done nothing to dismantle the travesty. In fact, Newchurch has turned on its own people who criticize the project, calling them -- not the travesty -- "scary." Newchurch just seems to get sicker and sicker. No sane person can any longer possibly deny that the Newchurch and its Newpopes are in no way Catholic, but are openly carrying water tor the Evil One. All Newchurchers are by now thoroughly contaminated apostasy, as if with a new outbreak of the Red China Virus.
The pajama "vestments" and Novus Ordo "liturgy" were not the only ugliness at the "re-opening" of the New Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral on December 7-8, 2024. The visual arts were not the only arts that were assailed by the Vatican II Anti-council. They also went after our Catholic musical tradition so as to destroy it. Even professional organists were dissing the disastrous performances of the opening ceremony, played on the cathedral's restored world-renowned Grand Organ.
Even those probably not too familiar with church organ music were instinctively repulsed by the cacophony. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has better taste in music than his predecessors, having featured at his rallies the incomparable Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria" (in Latin!) by the operatic tenor Christopher Macchio, spoke volumes of pain and disgust by his facial expression while the Newchurch organist hammered away on some incomprehensibly- jarring modernistic piece. Host French President Emmanuel Macron, seated next to Trump, looked similarly disgusted. The organ programme for the re-opening of the cathedral was a turgid disaster. The guests were bombarded by a sewer of sound.
Even by the late 1960s, the American Society of Church Musicians maintained that the Vatican II Anti-council had destroyed Catholic music. Actually, there had still been going on a vibrant renaissance of Gregorian chant, following Pope St. Pius X's strong support of chant in the parishes. Then came Pius XII's "Instructio de Musica Sacra" of 1958, which began the undermining of sacred music, just as he, with his execrable Liturgical Reformation head, had started the undermining of the Mass and Divine Office in the late 1940s and 1950s.
Finally the Vatican II Anti-council dealt the death blow to Catholic music in 1963 with the apostate Newpope Paul VI-Montini's promulgation of the destruction of the Traditional Latin Liturgy with the Conciliar decree "Sacrosanctum Concilium." Deo gratias, we don't have to rely on Newchurch for sacred music on the Great Organ. We have excellent recordings by many fine organists on the cathedral's organ before the 2019 Holy Monday Fire.
We have followed U.S. President-elect Trump's association with better music with great interest. Ex-President Clinton was fond of the crass saxophone, Obama's taste skewed toward odious rock, the Bushes didn't seem to have any musical sensitivities at all. Trump's tastes are somewhat eclectic, but he seems to have a strong preference for grand opera and even religious music like Bach-Gounod's "Ave Maria." He is close to Christopher Macchio, an opera-quality tenor, who has sung for Trump at Mar-a-Lago events, the Republican convention, and White House events.
It was remarkable how often Trump had the "Ave Maria" sung at the end of his rallies, while he listened intently and the audience was dead silent out of respect. This work made a big impression on many who had never heard it before -- including Evangelicals! St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C., even bent the rules in 1963 at the personal request of Jacqueline Kennedy, to have an opera tenor sing the "Ave Maria" at the Offertory of the funeral of President John Kennedy, saying that it was a favorite of the assassinated President.
None of the once-great Catholic universities before the founding of the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council remains Catholic. Take the once-illustrious Notre Dame, of South Bend, Indiana, which long ago went pro-abortion and pro-homosexual, and started arrested its own presbyters who stood up for morality.
Now the Catholic University of America, once the jewel of Catholic education in the United States, founded in 1887, announced on December 2, 2024, that is facing a 30,000,000 USD deficit and will have to slash costs and the programmes that go with them. Tuition revenue has been decreasing over the last five years, as CUA as parents and students increasingly realize that CUA is no longer Catholic. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newchurch news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, Catholic University of American tuition revenue is down 24 per cent since 2018. A CUA spokesman refused to comment on whether CUA would stop operating as a result. CUA has been living on borrowed time and has now depleted its financial reserves. As the Newchurch population continues to sink as a result of a rejection of its "woke" culture and the widespread closing of its churches because of bankruptcies caused in large part by its continuing Great Sex and Embezzlement Holocaust, fewer and few parents and students want to be associated with Modernist/Marxist Newchurch organizations.
I just saw what was supposed to be the "liturgical" reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral on December 7, 2024. The whole "event" was a travesty. It was not religious at all, but had more of the atmosphere of a political convention. Heads of state wandered around chatting each other up on politics. What little "liturgy" took place was pronounced in vulgar French, not cultured Latin. I didn't catch any Gregorian chant at all.
The French Benedictine liturgist Dom Gueranger would have been pricking his soul with pins and needles to see the monstrosity of this "liturgy. Newchurch's "bishops" and "presbyters" dressed as what they really are: clowns in pajamas from another planet. The ablo-chasubles of the New Order clergy looked like ponchos made out of tablecloths by a kindergarten class. Seen from the camera's perspective from above, when they processed, they looked like some kind of strange worms walking down the nave. Yet the spendthrift Newchurch, whose Newvatican is going bankrupt and whose employee pension fund has been raided almost to zero, blew the wad on 2,000 of these new "pajamas."
If the texts and vestments were a travesty, one could have hoped that the music at least would be a highlight. After all, Notre Dame has one of the finest organs in the world, played by the likes of Camille Saint-Saens and Gabriel Faure. Instead, most of the music was of a cacophonous modernistic strain. No Bach, let alone Saint-Saens or Faure, Charles-Marie Widor or Louis Vierne. So ugly was the organ music that the camera picked up the faces of heads of state like Presidents Trump and Macron noticeably wincing.
The stunning 14th-century altar depicting the Pieta seemed relegated into a corner, while the new "modernized" object (it cannot really be called an altar) looked like a displaced artifact from an alien civilization. The bowl-like structure was redolent of something used during the Christian persecutions to boil martyrs inside. Newchurch was careful to eliminate much of the beautiful traditional Catholic art that had existed for 800 years.
Millions around the world donated their hard-earned money to restore the great cathedral to its original glory before the 2019 Holy Monday Fire, which some evidence indicates that a Newchurcher started. But the donors were cheated. Their generous donations were instead embezzled to build a Novus Ordo parody. It seems, unfortunate that Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral will be relegated to the same New Age trash-heap as the pagan 2024 Paris Olympics.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Although many Traditional Catholics say that Pope Pius XII was the last traditional pope, I have read that he did many things that were far from traditional, particularly in the arena of the Sacred Liturgy, the Holy Mass and Divine Office. To the contrary, I have read that Pope John XXIII condemned the vernacular 'Mess' and decreed "in perpetuity" that the Latin language be used for the Sacred Liturgy and in the training of priests. What is the truth here?
Yes, it is true, contrary to the pseudo-traditionalist propaganda often heard, that Pope John XXIII was often much more traditional than Pope Pius XII. This fact was particularly true in the case of morals and liturgy. In Catholic morals, John XXIII issued the 1962 decree "Crimen sollicitationis," which cut off at the knees sexual perverts and paedophiles among the clergy, declaring them outcasts from the faith and subject to the most severe penalties. If John XXIII's decree had continued to be enforced after his death, the perversions under the Newpopes Montini-Paul VI, JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio would not have occurred, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of children could have been spared.
In the liturgical arena, Pius XII, from 1943, started eating away at the Traditional Latin Liturgy, in concert with the man he appointed in 1948 to head the "Liturgical Reformation Commission," the infamous Freemason Hannibal Bugnini, as follows:
Even the corrupted "NewLatin Mess" of 1962, which had been promulgated by John XXIII, to be sure, had been fabricated under the reign of Pius XII, and it was only because of John's respect for Pius XII, as John XXIII himself said, that he even promulgated Pius XII's "New Latin Mass."
As witness to John XXIII's rock-solid traditional Catholic stance on the Traditional Latin Mass, we have the eyewitness report of the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in 1964, Fr. Gommar DePauw, who was a peritus (expert) at the first session of the Vatican II Anti-council, at which he was so scandalized that he left the Anti-council and founded the CTM. Here is Fr. DePauw's own statement in Chicago, 1967, about the Anti-council and Pope John XXIII:
And then came 1962, with Pope John XXIII occupying the Chair of Peter, "Good Pope John." Never has the Church known a pope who was more traditional in his doctrine and in his liturgical outlook than the good Pope John XXIII, who is now being abused to justify the monstrosities which he detested and which he never authorized.
Because when good Pope John XXIII convoked the Oecumenical Council for October 11, 1962, he was told by some of his advisors that he made a mistake in convoking a council which would not be a "happy meeting of a couple of weeks," where bishops from all parts of the world would get together and change a few niceties and then jointly make a declaration to the world that the Catholic Church, unchanged in its fundamental doctrines, was now willing to make a few adaptations in some non-essential, external things.
When he was told, for instance, that the first attack of the Modernists would be against the Traditional Latin Liturgy, Pope John XXIII, who took responsibility when there was need for it, convoked all the Cardinals living in Rome and all those within reasonable traveling distance, and ordered them to come to Rome on February 22nd of 1962 -- eight months before the opening of the Vatican Council.
And most solemnly, personally leaving the Vatican to go and stand on top of the grave of St. Peter in Rome with all the Cardinals standing next to him and a score of bishops right underneath him, Pope John, in the form of an Apostolic Constitution, which is the highest form of papal intervention next to an infallible dogmatic definition, declared that there was nothing -- no council or no bishop -- that could touch the Traditional Latin Liturgy. He came out, and on February 22nd, the Feast of St. Peter's Chair (he selected it just for that) with the constitution "Veterum Sapientia," made it clear that this wasn't just a quick talk from the pope. He promulgated this perpetual decree with the words: "In the full awareness of Our office and of Our authority, We decree and order "Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam" (in perpetuity) this Our constitution. We will and command that this Our constitution remain firmly established and ratified, notwithstanding anything to the contrary.
And that constitution said that Latin had to stay in the liturgy and that the bishops had the obligation to see to it that no one under their authority work for the elimination of the Latin from either the liturgy or the studies for the priesthood in our seminaries. That was eight months before the Vatican Council opened. And the Pope made it clear that this was "Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam," for all perpetuity, that this must remain. In the fullness of Our authority We make this decision, he said. And he made it quite clear why: "A universal religion needs a universal language."
Here in the city of Chicago between April 10 and April 13 of this year [1967], our American bishops met in a luxury hotel and decided among other things that they would appeal to Rome (they still felt like going through that motion) for permission to use an all-English Mass, including the Canon of the Mass, including the most solemn part of the Canon, the Consecration. Twenty-one bishops fought against it and voted against it. Out of more than 250 American bishops, 21 were still Catholic enough to warn their fellow bishops not to destroy the Traditional Latin Mass altogether -- particularly, not to fool around with the "form" of Consecration, which affects the validity of the Mass.
I received the information of that exact number (which was supposed to be kept secret) two weeks ago from the Cardinal Office of our bishop in Washington, who told me that he was one of the three Cardinals who fought against it. The other two were Cardinal Spellman [of New York] and Cardinal MacIntyre [of Los Angeles], and 18 other bishops. They voted "no" because they knew it was wrong. I expected the next sentence to be: "and that's why at least in 21 dioceses you will still have a valid Mass available." But no. That is not what I heard next. What I heard next was: "but once the majority of the American bishops decided to go for an all-English Mass, we, who voted against it, decided not to break ranks and to go along with them."
The question may arise: why Latin? Certainly it is not that there are not other liturgical languages. But there is no liturgy said in the common language. Aramaic, Greek, ancient Slavic -- all have not changed with the modernization of the language. It shows the permanence of the faith and the liturgy. The use of Latin among Roman Catholics transcends all national and ethnic boundaries that unite all Catholics in the one worship given to God. And, if I may be bold, it also indicates that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, therefore, partaking in that faith that is common to their faithful children.
To say the Mass in the various common languages is to divide the people, bring in disputes as to common understanding of the faith, and deny that worship is primarily to give glory to God, not entertain man. Now, after nineteen hundred years, those who attended the Council were going to be bold enough to [presume to] judge the decisions of the Apostles, Apostolic Fathers, and Doctors of the early Church.
For further information on this topic, click on LATNECES: "The Necessity of Latin for the Roman Catholic Church, From the writings of Roman Catholic Saints, Popes, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com).
Neocon Newchurchers who want to straddle the apostate Newchurch and the untraditional "New Latin Mess of 1962" have been dealt yet another blow. These unfortunates play the sycophants to the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio to be able to use -- very occasionally -- the "New Latin Mess" of 1962, which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass. Now Bergoglio has told him that when he issued his 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes," essentially banning the New Latin Mess, he meant it. In doing so, he is following the original proscription of Benedict-Ratzinger's 2008 decree "Summorum pontificum."
Bergoglio's Dicastery for Divine Worship [Sic] is now arranging to ban the New Latin Mess at the Neocons' annual Pentecost pilgrimage to Chartes Cathedral in France. The dicastery has charged that the Neocons have been violating Bergoglio's decree and therefore have lost any standing whatsoever. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix.]
Traditional Catholics, of course, Francis-Bergoglio is right. The Neocon Newchurchers, who protest that they recognize the apostate Newpope, but disobey him, have in fact been violating both the letter and the spirit of Bergoglio's decree. They want to have their cake and eat it too. But the Newchurch cake is rancid, and they have been too clueless or cowardly to recognize this fact. Now, Bergoglio will smash the rancid cake into their face so that they cannot avoid reality. Their proper course of action is and has always been to get out of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, but since its founding in 1964 has become not only Protestant and Jewish, but now Pagan as well.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The movie "Conclave" is causing quite a stir. Do you have any comments on it?
The movie "Conclave" was released on October 25, 2024, with a cast featuring Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, and John Lithgow as cardinals of the Newchurch of the New Order in conclave to elect a Newpope of the Newchurch amidst secrets and scandals. Compared to most of the drivel released to the screen these days, "Conclave" has generally strong acting. The depiction of the extreme politicization of the conclave process was accurate, as confirmed by several inside accounts of previous conclaves. Only the ending was confusing and out of character.
We have not read the 2016 novel of the same name by Robert Harris, a well-known historical novelist, upon which the film script was based, so we can't say whether the controversial end of the film represented the book in that regard. We have read Harris's three-part historical novel series on the Roman orator, politician, and priest Marcus Tullius Cicero, which we found to be excellent. If the ending of the film accurately reflects the ending of Harris's novel, we can only say that, like most writers today, he had no concept of true Catholicism.
It is interesting to note a clear dichotomy in the tenor of the reviews by secular reviewers as compared with Newchurch reviewers. Most secular reviewers praised the quality of the film, whereas most Newchurch reviewers panned it. It seems that the Newchurchers felt that it depicted the conclave process as too political. They wanted it to be more "divine" -- this coming from the Newchurch, which, ironically, has taken everything divine from the Mass and Sacraments and reduced them to the point of invalidity in their Protestant-Masonic-Pagan sect, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church.
There seems to be belief on the part of naive Newchurchers that the process of selecting a pope is somehow "divine." Traditional Catholics are well aware that the true Church has never made such a statement. If it did, the Church would be a laughing-stock, because many of the true popes, not to speak of the pretender Newpopes, were nefarious, immoral, and impious -- not the sort that God would ever select. Some of them were even heretics.
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's statement that his best friends are atheists has again been proven true with his appointment of a member of the Chinese Communist Party as is Newbishop of Shanghai. On November 6, 2024, Joseph Shen Bin openly proclaimed that he is going to adapt Newchurch in China to atheistic Communist Party agenda, by promoting a "Chinese-style modernization," a Sinacized Newchurch.
Bergoglio doesn't care; he has essentially admitted in his own book that he too is a Marxist. He has already announced the establishment of his Synodal Newchurch of the New Order on October 26, 2024. This Newchurch accepts schismatic, heretical, apostate, pagan, and now even atheistic Communist beliefs in lieu of Catholic beliefs (which Newchurch itself does not have). Shen has ignored Bergoglio entirely as irrelevant. Shen will be working with the United Front Work Department, the arm of the Communist Party that controls all religions in Red China.
Shen supports the Communists' removing crucifixes from churches, replacing the images of the Blessed Virgin Mary with images of the Chinese Communist Dictator Xi Jinping, and displaying Communist slogans within churches. Shen has emphasized that Newchurch teaching should "align" with Communist Party ideology. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio couldn't have proclaimed himself a better Communist than by appointing one of Red China's most radical Communists to run Newchurch in China's largest city. Several Newcardinals and Newbishops, including the distinguished Joseph Zen, have vehemently denounced Bergoglio's actions favoring atheistic Communism and called Bergoglio a pretender Newpope, not to be recognized.
Poor France! Once it was called la fille aînee de l’Eglise (the eldest daughter of the Church) because the Frankish King Clovis I first embraced Catholicism from paganism in 496. Now, France's Catholic patrimony is being laid bare since 1964 by the Newchurch of the New Order.
411 churches and chapels have fallen into disuse and have been deconsecrated in 87 Newdioceses up to 2023. This is 300 per cent greater than a 2015 study indicated, which listed 137 churches deconsecrated. 149 churches have been demolished since 2000. The report was written in response to a Senatorial request for an inventory of France’s church buildings. After the French Revolution the state owns France's cathedrals, whereas local authorities own its churches. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed Newchurch news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, to maintain the remaining churches, a plan is being floated to charge admission for services at Notre-Dame Newcathedral. That fee could be extended to other Newchurches as well. That would be the death-knell of Newchurch in France. Few Newchurchers even now bother to attend the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess. Most will decline the "privilege" of having to pay to attend the fake (invalid) service!
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio tried to "suppresse" a group of traditionalist Discalced Carmelite nuns in Arlington, Texas, but he was too late. Far from being "suppressed," the order is alive and well, with ample funding coming in from Traditional Catholics who have called out Bergoglio for the pretender Newpope that he is. Bergoglio was so desperate that he lied about the cause of the "suppression," claiming that the group was "extinct." In truth, the group is far from extinct, as the nuns retain possession of and continue to operate their Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, which is not the property of the corrupt Newbishop of Fort Worth, Texas, Michael Olson, nor of the Newpope Bergoglio.
Bergoglio's abortive action against the nuns on December 2, 2024, is just another move on the part of a Newpope who is increasingly despised and being outed as a fake. The nuns have joined several Newcardinals, Newarchbishops, Newbishops, and presbyters who have publically called Bergoglio a pretender, who, far from being a pope, is a pagan. Newvatican's auditors say that his Newppacy is on the point of bankruptcy. Moreover, Newvatican's pension fund for its 4,500 employees is depleted -- perhaps raided by Bergoglio to shore up his bankrupted Newvatican. He is so powerless now that he has been bested by a group of savvy traditionalist nuns! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, these traditionalist nuns will not be stopped. They have given the apostate Newbishop Olson the proverbial thumb to the nose, maintaining that they remain traditionalist Carmelite Catholic nuns, and Olson has no legal power to stop them. He has thrown in the towel, admitting that the nuns "continue to occupy the premises." Meanwhile, the nuns have sued Olson for "violations of privacy and harming the physical and emotional well-being of the sisters." At this point it seems that Bergoglio and Olson are on the defensive, not the courageous nuns. St. Theresa of Avila, Foundress of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, would be proud of them.
The aliens have landed in the "New" Notre Dame Cathedral. These are not invading German aliens as in the first century of the Christian era. These aliens might as well have from outer space. Their 21st-century space ship stands at the entrance of the Newcathedral. It is what is known now in the apostate Newchurch of the New Order as a "dunking pool." You see, Newchurch no longer performs Baptisms; they are now called "initiations," as if the victim were being initiated into the Freemasons.
French President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Newarchbishop Laurent Ulrich revealed to an advance group of reporters and photographers the "new" Notre-Dame Newcathedral in advance of its official opening on December 8, 2024, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has already announced that he is boycotting the event.
Contrary to their promises to donors after the 2019 Holy Monday fire that the cathedral would be restored to its original state, both Macron and Ulrich lied, instead stealing the money, in effect, to rebuild the cathedral "incorporating modern design elements." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newsmax.]
Traditional Catholics, the original cathedral was built in the twelfth century, when devout Catholic builders knew how to build cathedrals like Chartres, whereas Macon's and Ulrich's pagans have no clue. Macron openly admitted to "reinventing" the cathedral. What would he know. He's no Catholic. At best he's a lapsed Newchurch, actually more of a pagan. The same can be said of Ulrich.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
A relative of mine says that Baptism should always be done by triple immersion, rather than by infusion (pouring), because that is the way that Our Lord was baptized. He even went so far as to assert that baptisms done by pouring "don't count." Is this relative ignorantly pontificating on subjects of which he has no real knowledge?
Three methods of Baptism are documented in Sacred Scripture: infusion (pouring), immersion (dunking), and aspersion (sprinkling). Any of these methods is, therefore, valid. Infusion has been the common practice in the West, probably because of its practicality.
The apostate Newchurch of the New Order tried to switch to immersion and installed "dunking pools" in their Novus Ordo temples, but ran into practical problems when they were unable to suppress the pond scum that naturally formed in such pools! When even St. Peter's Archbasilica has been reported to be filthy because of lack of cleaning, one can hardly expect that local Novus Ordo temples to be scrupulous about cleaning these pools.
More evidence -- if any be needed -- that Francis-Bergoglio is not a pope and doesn't even regard himself as one, is indicated by his rejection, announced on November 20, 2024, of a traditional papal funeral. He doesn't even want to be entombed in St. Peter's Archbasilica with the other Newpopes. No, he wants to be buried where he desecrated with a soccer ball the high altar of St. Mary Major Archbasilica in Newrome.
According to the "new" (Newchurch is identified by the heretical rejection of Catholic tradition and its replacement by always something "new") second edition of the Ordo Exsequiarum Romani Pontificis, released on November 21, 2024, Bergoglio does he want to be buried in the traditional three coffins of cypress, lead, and oak. Nor does he want to have his corpse placed on a raised bier, but placed in an open wooden coffin, perhaps not even on a bier at all. Newchurch has lately been throwing its Newcardinals' coffins on the ground in some kind of a pagan ceremony. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by (New)vatican News.]
Traditional Catholics, the new rite is said by Newvatican to emphasize that the funeral is not that of a pope, but of a man. Finally, Newvatican has gotten it right: Bergoglio is no pope, but an apostate from the Catholic and Christian religion, a multitudinous heretic, who does not deserve a papal funeral. He can rest in eternity with the soccer ball with which he desecrated the high altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary's archbasilica in Rome.
Just when you thought that the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio couldn't sink any lower, on November 20, 2024, he announced the fake Novus Ordo con-anization of "The Boy in the Glass Coffin," Carlo Acutis, for April 27, 2025, during the Unholy Year of 2025. Bergoglio's Newvatican is rapidly sinking in to bankruptcy, so he violated yet another Catholic tradition since 1300: Holy Years fall on centennial years, starting in the year 1300.
For further information on the topic of Newchurch's fake con-anizations, which are most certainly NOT Catholic canonizations, but "cons," i.e., fakes), click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com) in the section "'Canonizations' - New Order."
This whole disgusting matter stinks to High Heaven. The boy, a child of 15 when he died, is obviously being abused to serve as a poster-boy Unsaint of Newchurch to appeal to the "millennial" crowd. He is being used as a tool by the corrupt Bergoglio as a perverted ploy to draw more tourists to Newrome for the Unholy Year of 2025.
The boy's corpse was decked out in a sports-team's jump suit and sneakers, then grossly exposed since 2006 in a glass coffin for public gawking. The charade is reminiscent of the corpse of the Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin, exposed in a glass coffin in Moscow since his death in 1924. Even the Ancient Egyptians, a very moral people despite being technically pagan, at least had the decency to bury their pharaohs in a sealed tomb! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, whether this boy is a Saint in Heaven or not, we don't know, and the apostate Newchurch and Newpope has not the competence or the power to weigh in on this question. The boy had no experience of the true Catholic Faith, the true Mass, or the true Sacraments. Instead, he was deluded, probably through no fault of his own, into the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, as of 2025 the Synodal Newchurch of the New Age. What we do know is that this poor boy and his corpse have been abused to serve the perverted purposes of Newchurch, which is losing members and money hand over fist.