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With the Feast of the Epiphany, the season of Christmastide ends, and the season of Epiphanytide begins. It is now appropriate to take down Christmas trees and other decorations, although some leave them up until the Octave Day of the Epiphany onJanuary 13, and others leave them up even to the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary (Candlemas) on February 2.

Adoration of the Magi

"The Adoration of the Magi" (1832-1837)
Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra (1638-1688)
Oil on canvas, 62 x 43.5 cm
National Museum of Sculpture, Valladolid, Spain

Ecce Magi ab oriente venerunt Hierosolymam...
Et apertis thesauris suis obtulerunt ei munera
aurum, tus, et murram.

[Behold there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem...
And opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts,
gold, frankincense, and myrrh.]

Matthew 2:2,11
From the Gospel of the Feast

The Twelfth Day of Christmas (Twelfth Night)

The Holy Name

"Adoration of the Holy Name of Jesus" (1577-1579)
By El Greco (1541-1614)
Oil on Canvas, 140 x 110 cm
Monasterio de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain

Vocatum est nomen eius Iesus
quod vocatum est ab Angelo
priusquam in utero conciperetur.

[His name was called Jesus,
which was called by the angel
before he was conceived in the womb.]

Luke 2:21
From the Gospel of the Feast

January 4, 2024 - Octave Day of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs
Simple Feast
The Eleventh Day of Christmas

Paedophile Newcardinal McCarrick Is Consigned to the Judgment of God
The Judge in his Paedophile Sexual-assault Trial Refuses to Close the Case until His Death

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Theodore McCarrick

Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick
Whose Sexual Assaults upon Children
Were Ignored by JPII-Wojtyla
Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio
Because McCarrick Raised Gobs of Money for Them
Has Remained Impenitent to the End
He Claimed that He Is Demented
And Cannot Stand Trial
A Wisconsin Judge Bought the Argument
But Refuses to Close the Case
Until He Passes on to a Higher Judgment

You remember the case of Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick. Three Newpopes looked the other way as he raped and sodomized children and Newseminarians up and down the East Coast of the United States. These pretender Newpopes did so because McCarrick bought them off by raising gobs of money for them, even from the atheist Communist Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping.

In 2019 McCarrick was found guilty, even by a Newvatican court, much too little and much too late, of numerous crimes of the sexual abuse of children. McCarrick has remained impenitent about ruining the lives of numerous children by stating: "I am not as bad as they paint me." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]

Traditional Catholics, just when the child victims were about to get justice, McCarrick claimed that he was demented and not competent to stand trial. The court bought his argument, even though some experts thought that he was in fact competent. On December 30, 2024, a Wisconsin judge, upon motion by the prosecutor, ruled that McCarrick's sexual-assault trial will not be closed, but will remain open until McCarrick passes on to a higher judgment.

January 3, 2024 - Octave Day of St. John, Apostle & Evangelist
Simple Feast
The Tenth Day of Christmas

Newchurch and French President Macron Continue the Desecration
Of the Once Traditional Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Traditional Notre Dame Stained Glass Modernistic Notre Dame Stained Glass

The Original Mediaeval Stained Glass
Decorating Notre Dame Cathedral (Left)
And Modernistic Effluvium the Likes of Which
Will Replace It (Right)
After the Connivance of Newchurch
And French President Macron
To Violate the Intention of the Donors
And Embezzle the Donations
For Modernistic Detritus

The desecration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, after its "restoration" after a major fire on Holy Monday 2019, continues unabated. Funds were received from donors around the world to restore the cathedral to its original state before the fire, but instead Newchurch and the French President have essentially embezzled these funds and spent them on the most sacrilegious Novus Ordo fatuity not intended by the donors.

We have previously described the alien baptistry, the pagan egg "altar," the pajama-style vestments. Now word has come December 23, 2024, that that desecration has not stopped. In six side chapels the traditional stained glass will be replaced by modernistic detritus, expressly "intended to add a modern flourish to the 12th-century masterpiece." That is not what the donors paid for. The undamaged original stained glass windows will be removed. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]

Traditional Catholics, opposition to Newarchbishop Laurent Ulrich and President Emmanual Macron has been heating up and has earned the public ire of artistic conservation groups. A legal intervention to block the installation of the modernistic effluvium in the ancient cathedral is being forwarded by by the French architectural conservation group Sites and Monuments. Macron's government has fallen, and many think that his Presidency is not long for this world. Ulrich is sinking along with the precipitous depopulation of Newchurch in Europe. Ulrich has been so beleaguered that he is now blaming Macron for the plan to introduce the offensive modernism into the Gothic cathedral at a price tag of over 4,000,000 USD.

January 2, 2025 - Octave Day of St. Stephen, Proto-martyr
Simple Feast
The Ninth Day of Christmas
Philosophus Romanus Marcus Tullius Cicero Natus Est CVI A.C.

Next Newpope of the Apostate Newchurch May Be an Communist
Who Denounces Neocon Newchurchers and Their New Latin Mess as "Nostalia Fanatics"

From: Petrus Romanus, The TRADITIO Network's Roman Correspondent
Luis Tagle & Francis-Bergoglio

Are Francis-Bergoglio and Luis Tagle
Conspiring to Make the Marxist Tagle
The Next Newpope of Newchurch?
So Reports in Newrome Would Indicate
Francis-Bergoglio, Like Tagle
Supports the Regime of the Communist
Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping
And Both Hate the New Latin Mess of 1962
So Beloved of the Neocon Newchurchers

The ambitious buzzards of the corrupt Newchurch are already circling above Francis-Bergoglio, vying to become the next pseudo-pope of the Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. None of the 140 Newcardinal electors is Catholic. None of them has been consecrated as bishop under the Sacrament of Holy Orders. They have simply been installed in the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Order adopted by Newchurch in 1968 for Newbishops/overseers, presbyters, and Newdeacons.

Reports here indicate that Bergoglio's own favorite is Luis Tagle. Tagle is widely described in the Philippines, where he comes from, as a Marxist, even a Communist, favoring the Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. Bergoglio is of the same mind. Perhaps that is why Bergoglio is pushing for Tagle to become his successor. Tagle was already running in the 2013 Newconclave.

Already in 2015 Tagle advocated softening Newchurch's position toward homosexuals, fornicatrices with children, and divorced and remarried Newchurchers. He now is a directing member of two of the most corrupt Newvatican institutions, the Institute for Works of Religion, popularly known as the "Vatican Bank") and the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy (Sic) See, which has control over all of Newvatican's real estate around the world. Both organizations have come under fire by the European Union and other agencies for widespread corruption.

Tagle holds a radical view of the Vatican II Anti-council. He rejects the Rupture Theory held by Traditional Catholics, that the Catholic Church before 1962 is disconnected from the present New Order (Novus Ordo) sect, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Tagle has denounced Neocon Newchurchers attached to the Half Novus Ordo New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass. Tagle has stated that the Neocon Newchurchers "need to let go of the desire to witness to Christ in some idealized past that they long for with nostalgia." He is a directing member of Newchurch's Dicastery for Divine Worship [Sic] and the Discipline of the Sacraments and supports Bergoglio's severe restrictions on the New Latin Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newsmax.]

Traditional Catholics, the Newchurch Neocons are going to be very disappointed with the next Newpope. They should long ago have gotten out of the Newchurch of the New Order. The Newchurch cardinal electors are all unconsecrated supporters of the New Order sect, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. They will never elect a true pope. Their Half Novus Ordo New Latin Mess of 1962 will most likely be finally put out of its misery -- as it should, as it is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but merely a deceit to lead the Neocon Newchurchers astray

The Eighth Day of Christmas

'The Circumcision'

Simon Bening (ca. 1483-1561)
"The Circumcision of Christ" (ca. 1525-1530)
Flemish Altarpiece Painting
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, California

Postquam consummati sunt dies octo, ut circumcideretur puer:
vocatum est nomen eius Iesus, quod vocatum est ab angelo
priusquam in utero conciperetur.

[After eight days were accomplished, that the Child should be circumcised:
His name was called Jesus, which was called by the angel
before he was conceived in the womb.]

Luke 2:21
From the Gospel of the Feast

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