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Former U.S. President J.R. Biden, who ironically described himself as a "devout Catholic," has been excommunicated from the Catholic Church because on January 19, 2025, one day before the U.S. voters turned him out of the presidency, he joined a Freemasonic lodge. Traditionally, anyone who joins the Freemasons incurs latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication.
Biden was publicly received into the Freemasons as a "Master Mason cum Laude" at the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of South Carolina, as announced by the Conference of Grand Masters. Biden became the 16th president in American history to become a Freemason. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daily Caller.]
Traditional Catholics, the Freemasons are a secret society, practicing secret rituals and customs, many of them vehemently anti-Catholic. The Newarchdiocese of Washington, D.C., and its Marxist/Modernist Newcardinal Robert McElroy are now forced to bar from receiving the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid or any of the other spurious non-sacraments of the Newchurch of the New Order.
Former senior bishop of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Richard Williamson, who in 2012 went independent and consecrated several Traditional Catholic bishops for the Traditional Catholic movement, was hospitalized following a cerebral haemorrhage in his frontal lobe and received the Traditional Catholic Sacrament of Extreme Unction at Broadstairs Hospital in Kent, England. Later, a death announcement was issued by a member of the staff of Williamson's episcopal seat, Regina Martyrum House in Broadstairs, Kent, near Canterbury, not far from London. The announcement read:
Regina Martyrum House, Broadstairs, Kent
Announcement about Bishop Williamson
It is difficult to announce that at around 12:00 PM [1200 hours Greenwich Mean Time, January 25, 2025], our greatest champion, Richard Williamson, has passed away from a haemorrhage on his frontal lobe. It is deeply troubling to every single one of us. Due this event we are closing our house temporarily and ask that you keep us in your prayers. God bless you.
Apparently, the death announcement from the bishop's own household was premature. It later turned out that he had not passed away, but was in fact unconscious and unresponsive, as a result of which condition his doctors suspended treatment and gave him only a few days to live. The good bishop then passed away at 23:23 Greenwich Mean Time on January 29, 2025. Williamson was just short of his 85th birthday. It is entirely fitting that Our Lord should have taken him at the Hour of Matins for the Double Major Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, as Williamson was himself a convert from Anglicanism and himself converted many souls.
Bishop Williamson consecrated eight bishops for the Traditional Catholic Movement:
On June 23, 2011, Bishop Williamson, who was at the time in the midst an imbroglio with Bernie Fellay, then Superior General of the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, took the time to write the TRADITIO Fathers, conveying his "respect for you and your work on the TRADITIO site." That imbroglio with Fellay finally led to Williamson's abandoning the Neo-SSPX because it had strayed from the Traditional Catholic principles of its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and had made overtures to join the apostate Newchurch of the New Order
Although Bishop Williamson disappointed many Traditional Catholics by not taking on the mantle of SSPX Traditional Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and vigorously carrying on the Archbishop's work in contrast to Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, which fell away from those principles, Williamson was a very decent man and did much for the Traditional Catholic movement.
It has been abundantly clear that Francis-Bergoglio, for all his propaganda talk, clearly has no concern for the victims of paedophile crimes perpetrated by his presbyters. The most recent confirmation of this fact comes from his own backyard, the Newdioceses of Italy itself. For years most Newdioceses in Europe and North America have been forced to list publicly the criminal paedophiles in their midst. But not the Italian Newdioceses, of which the Newpope is patriarch.
On January 20, 2025, Bolzano-Bressanone became the first Italian Newdiocese to release an independent report on sex crimes that its presbyters have committed. Since the founding of the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, in this one Newdiocese alone there were 67 criminal cases and 59 victims of 70 presbyters (since 1968 Newchurch has not ordained valid Catholic priests, but uses a New Ordinal to "install" what amounts to Protestant ministers).
One case among many documented a presbyter who sexually assaulted little girls since 1964 under the Newpapacy of Paul VI-Montini (later con-anized as a "(New)saint" by Bergoglio), which transferred the criminal presbyter from one Newparish to another until 2010. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, curiously, in Italy a bare majority of victims (51 per cent) were girls and women, unlike the United States, Germany, and elsewhere, where the vast majority of the victims suffered homosexual assault.
On January 15, 2025, it was announced that Francis-Bergoglio had thrown in the towel. The "Lawless" Newpope, who does not respect national borders in other countries, is now experiencing an overwhelming influx of illegals so numerous that he is lashing back with backbreaking penalties to stop the influx.
Now it seems that illegal entry into Bergoglio's own "country" (Newvatican) will henceforth be met with draconian measures. Backbreaking fines of 10,000-25,000 USD are being levied against illegals. And Newvatican admits that some of these illegals are violent and threatening and that they deceptively attempt to bypass border controls and security systems. Moreover, some of the illegals have been caught with firearms. In the worst cases, the offender can be consigned to the dank mediaeval Vatican jail for up to five years. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio constantly shows evidence that he flunked Catholic theology, since national borders are described as essentially a natural law by the Church's Universal Theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas. Now Bergoglio has learned the meaning of the motto: "What goes around, comes around." Maybe he will henceforth keep his tongue restrained from badmouthing countries like the United States, Italy, and Germany for having taking the same action as other counties have been forced to do.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What are your views on the innumerable latter-day prophecies predicting great catastrophes for mankind, followed by the appearance of a good king/pope, etc.?
We try to stay away from such latter-day prophecies, emphasizing rather Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, the two fonts of the Public Revelation of Christ and the center of the Faith. One can easily be misled by getting lost in false prophecies, as Our Lord specifically warns, as recorded in the 24th chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel.
If one studies Church history, one finds that similar prophecies have always been in the air. The important thing for the true Catholic is to attend the true, Traditional Latin Mass every Sunday and Holyday, receive the true Traditional Latin Sacraments, obey God's Commandments, practice the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, and love the Lord your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole mind (Matthew 22:37).
Like his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, Francis-Bergoglio appears to be increasingly accident prone. On January 16, 2025, he contused his arm from a fall and was placed in a sling. In December 2024 he had contused his chin and suffered a large haematoma. His medical history at age 88 indicates a number of serious conditions: [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, at age 85 Benedict-Ratzinger abdicated because of, as he said in his Declaratio, "gravescente aetate" (age weighing heavily), yet he lived another ten years to the ripe old age of almost 96.
On January 21, 2024, Newvatican dissolved the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae on account of sex crimes, the latest victim of Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. The Sodality was an early product of the Vatican II Anti-council, having been founded in 1971. It was the first Lay Society of Apostolic Life to receive Newchurch "approval." It just goes to prove that in Newchurch laypeople can be just as corrupt as clergy. The Sodality eventually came to include Newclergy and women.
The bankrupted Newvatican will appropriate the significant assets of the society, as a result of which speculation has arisen that Newvatican may also have pecuniary motives for the dissolution. In the early 2000s the Sodality's founder was implicated in sexual, physical, and psychological "abuse" of minors and adult victims that was coercive and manipulative. By 2017 eighty victims had been identified.
The old guard was thrown out, and a younger group was elected, but it turned out that the younger leaders were just as corrupt as the older ones had been. The only difference was that instead of committing sex crimes, the young leaders committed financial crimes. The evil of the Newchurch group spread from Peru to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Italy, then Denver and Philadelphia in the United States. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae is not the only corrupt group currently being investigated by Newchurch. The founder of the Incarnate World and the Servants of the Lord, founded by a presbyter from Francis-Bergoglio's area of activity, Argentina, before he became Newpope, has been found guilty of sexually assaulting Newseminarians. It's the same charge: "spiritual and psychological manipulation" of postulants and members. The corrupt Newchurch's rapes, sodomies, and other sexual assaults continue unabated. Always remember that the Newchurch of the New Order, which became in 2005 becoming the Synodal Newchurch of the Pagan New Order, is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church.
Francis-Bergoglio can be counted on to be hypocritical in secular as well as religious matters. He poses as Catholic, whereas he is a notorious apostate from the Catholic Faith. As a Marxist, he detests the United States and its new U.S. President Donald Trump, who is a confirmed Christian, but Bergoglio's actions show that his primary concern now is money for his bankrupted Newvatican.
And whence does Bergoglio get most of its funds? Granted, he is documented as taking large payoffs from the Communist Chinese Party and Communist China's dictator Xi-Jinping. But by far most of his funding comes from the clueless Newchurchers in the United States, so Bergoglio cannot afford, literally, to be too critical. Moreover, the new U.S. President, who is known to demand reciprocation from other nations, has appointed as his Ambassador to Newvatican Brian Burch, described as a "sharp papal critic," who has written critically against Bergoglio for his anti-Catholic and Marxist positions, such as his approval for blessings of sodomite "couples" in his 2021 decree "Fiducia supplicans" and his policies encouraging violation of national borders by illegal invaders, such as drug-dealers and felons.
Burch has also denounced Bergoglio's "pattern of vindictiveness." Burch ran CatholicVote, which turned Newchurch in the U.S. from abortion advocate J.R. Biden to Donald Trump, who was instrumental in getting the pro-abortion Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade decision reversed. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, in recent years donations and collections from the United States to Newvatican have been plummeting amidst continuing reports of Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which the Francis-Bergoglio, together with his Newpope predecessors Benedict-Ratzinger and JPII-Wojtyla, supported and colluded in. Thus is the apostate Newpope stuck between a real-world Scylla and Charybdis.
On January 12, 2025, violence once again broke out in the Kochi Newarchdiocese against Bergoglio in the second-largest rite in the Eastern Newchurch, the Syro-Malabar. Large protest processions in front of St. Mary's Basilica broke out into violence against Newchurch officials associated with Bergoglio. An even larger rally of thousands was staged on January 19, 2025, which attracted a surprisingly large number of Novus Order nuns and other religious.
Even the Eastern Newchurch's presbyters demanding an end to Bergoglio's "unresponsive curia" got into a fight with police, who, at the behest of Bergoglio's officials, violently attempted to restrict their access to the Basilica. On January 9, 2025, the presbyters began a sit-in protest in front of the Bergoglian Newarchbishop's house. The presbyters are asking why Bergoglio is causing such brutality against them. One presbyter's hand was fractured, and another's leg was broken. Hundreds of laymen rushed to the attacked presbyters' aid and tore down barricades. The Basilica has been shut down for services for two years. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Kochi Newarchdiocese, only one of 35 Syro-Malabar Newdioceseses, has 600,000 members, 330 Newparishes, and 450 presbyters. The controversy is reminiscent of the contretemps among Neocon Newchurchers regarding the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962, sometimes erroneously termed "extraordinary." If only the Western Catholic Church had fought so hard against Newpope Paul VI-Montini's Novus Ordo directives to turn the altars around in 1969! The Eastern Church is far more faithful to Tradition than the fickle Westerners.
U.S. President Donald Trump has appointed a bedrock Traditional Catholic as his Special Envoy to Hollywood to raise that motion-picture center from the moral morass in which it has fallen. Producer/director/writer Mel Gibson, known for many elevating films, including the blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ," will join morally conservative A-list starts Jon Voight and Sylvester Stallone, both named after Catholic Saints, in that task.
Gibson publicly rejects the validity not only of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio but also of the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson was likewise a bedrock Traditional Catholic, who rejected the Newpopes and the Newchurch after 1964. Hutton Gibson until his death in 2020 at age 97, published a Traditional Catholic newsletter entitled "The War Is Now."
On January 10, 2025, Mel Gibson appeared on the highly-popular Joe Rogan Podcast, the number one podcast in the world, reaching 50,000,000 people, and took the opportunity to educate Rogan about the fraud of the Newchurch of the New Order. Rogan was receptive to Gibson's argument and was unaware that there is a significant number of Traditional Catholics who do not accept the validity of Bergoglio and the other Newpopes or of the Newchurch of the New Order as the Catholic Church.
Gibson responded to his appointment by saying: "I heed the call. My duty as a citizen is to give any help and insight I can." Gibson lost his home in the still-raging wildfires in Southern California. He exhibited a traditional Catholic frame of mind at his loss, saying that his home can be rebuilt, but he thanked God for protecting his family. The Traditional Catholic Church that Gibson built in Southern California from the proceeds of his film "The Passion of the Christ" survived the fires, even though it was right in the middle of the blaze area. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Hollywood Reporter.]
Traditional Catholics, your numbers are markedly growing around the world, as the fake New Order sinks into perdition. Mel Gibson is currently working on a new film, a sequel to "The Passion of the Christ," entitled "The Resurrection." He had also been reported as working on a film about the Machabees, a freedom-fighting family who took back the Temple that the Jews had let fall into ruin and who restored the sacrifice at the Temple, which had ceased. The Machabees situation in the second century before Christ. as related in the four books of Machabees in the Old Testament, mirrors that of Traditional Catholics today. As the Machabees won against their enemies then, so --quod Deus auxiliet -- will Traditional Catholics win today against the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch of the New Order, which has officially become in 2025 the Synodal Church of the Pagan New Age.
The Italian Episcopal Conference changed its norm to admit sodomites to its Newseminaries, then, when the fact came out on January 9, 2025, the Conference attempted to lie its way out of the truth. The news was splashed on the front pages of newspapers around the world that the Italian Newchurch, which is under the direct control of Francis-Bergoglio, was taking steps to install sodomites as presbyters. (Newchurch since 1968 has not ordained priests, but merely "installs" presbyters (ministers) like the Protestants.)
The new norm 44 prescribed that "in the formative process, when referring to sodomitic tendencies, it is also appropriate not to reduce discernment only to this aspect, but, as for every candidate, to grasp its meaning in the global framework of the young person's personality." It was understood that Francis-Bergoglio's Dicastery for the (New)clergy had approved the new norms. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian (New)bishops' Conference.]
Traditional Catholics, caught red-handed, the Conference denied that its policy had shifted. The Newbishop-Chairman of the Conference tried to explain away the new norm as aimed at "putting the person at the center beyond immediate categorizations in order to be able to accompany him in making truth about his sexual orientation" and to bring "full awareness of himself even in the affective-sexual sphere." That wagon of gobbledegook failed to satisfy objections and even made it look as if the Conference were trying to cover up its true intent.
In his new book Francis-Bergoglio has admitted his collusion with Benedict-Ratzinger in the cover up of the most vile sex crimes by Newclergy in the Newchurch of the New Order. It has been now become clear that it was this report that led Ratzinger to abdicate the Newpapacy, not so much "gravescente aetate" (age weighing me down) that he proffered in his Declaratio Abdicationis of February 13, 2013, as he lived another nine and a half years after that.
In 2012 a special commission of three senior Newcardinals investigated Newvatican's sex crimes against children and the "lavender mafia," the homosexuals running the Newvatican. Secret documents concerning the scandal were leaked to the public in what was called the "Vatileaks Scandal." The commission's secret final report, contained in what has been described as a "huge, thick dossier," was presented to Benedict-Ratzinger in December 2012, and less than two months later Ratzinger was out as Newpope.
In March 2013 Ratzinger presented the report to Francis-Bergoglio when the latter became Newpope. Bergoglio was supposed to clean up Newvatican corruption, as Ratzinger had been unable, or unwilling, to do. Bergoglio's February 14, 2025, autobiography Hope essentially confirms this fact, as Bergoglio admits receiving documents "relating to the most difficult and painful situations: cases of abuse, corruption, dark dealings, wrongdoings." Bergoglio said that Bergoglio told him: "it's your turn to confront the mess." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, to the contrary Bergoglio merely continued Ratzinger's cover-up, doing absolutely nothing to root out the criminality and corruption. In fact, Bergoglio quickly became an accomplice to all of it himself, and the criminality and corruption became endemic in the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church any more than is Luther's apostate sect.
On January 14, 2025, the world found out that the Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio had been unceasingly working to have the repressive atheistic Communist State of Cuba taken off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list in the waning hours of J.R. Biden's U.S. presidency. Biden and Bergoglio attempted to spin the action as a "goodwill" action toward the atheistic Communist state. Cuba was ecstatic.
Biden and Bergoglio may be thwarted, however. President Donald Trump in January 2021 had designed Communist Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, and he can just as easily repeal Biden's desperate move as soon as he is inaugurated U.S. President for a second term starting January 20, 2025. Biden's action was immediately denounced by Senator Marco Rubio, who will become Secretary of State in the new Trump administration.
Senator Cruz should know, as he is of Cuban descent. He castigated Biden's action, saying: "The terrorism advanced by the Cuban regime has not ceased. I will work with President Trump and my colleagues to immediately reverse and limit the damage from the decision." It will appear that that will happen before the ink dries on Biden's document, which Cruz described as "pathetic." Rubio has advocated a hardline policy against the Communist regime in Cuba. In 2019 Trump had reinstated the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act to clipple the atheistic regime. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NBC News.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio, who essentially admitted his own Marxism in his original autobiography, has a particular fondness for Cuba, as being an outpost of revolutionary Communism and terrorism in the Western Hemisphere. He even went so far as to stage a (fake) Novus Ordo Mess sacrilegiously in front of a giant image of the Communist Cuban terrorist Che Guevara, who was executed in Bolivia in 1967, where he was attempting yet another violent Communist revolution. Atheist to the end, the terrorist, so beloved of Bergoglio, just before his execution thought not of God, but proclaimed: "I'm thinking about the immortality of the [Communist] revolution."
On January 14, 2025, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio released his new book Hope: The Autobiography. Aside from the fact that true popes never publish books during their papacy because of the theological confusion it would cause, Bergoglio's book should have been entitled Despair, as there is nothing Catholic in it. It is a product of Bergoglio's Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, which he announced after the Great Synod of October 2024 to replace even the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Evening Standard.]
Bergoglio constantly lies when he states that his "Synodal Church" is a "listening Church," but he listens to no one but those who agree with his schismatic, heretical, and apostate Unholiness self. Already Bergoglio is rightly being lambasted in the press for his book as a "Leftist Control Freak," who:
In his new book Bergoglio -- so charitable he -- reviles his own Neocon Newchurchers who cluelessly cling to the corrupted New Latin Mess of 1962. Obviously, even the New Latin Mess raises his vituperative hackles, as in no uncertain terms he pontificates:
It has now been ruled that the possibility of celebrating Mass [sic] in Latin, following the missal prior to the Second Vatican Council, must be expressly authorized by the Dicastery for Divine Worship, who will allow it only in special cases.... It is curious to see this fascination for what is not understood, for what appears somewhat hidden, and seems also at times to interest the younger generations.
Traditional Catholics, here is probably the real fear of Bergoglio and his Modernist apostates: that the true Mass will not die with the pre-conciliar generations, but live on in the young, who love it more. He tells the story of two young presbyters (who unfortunately were never ordained as priests, but merely installed like Protestant ministers under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968) that approached an apostate Newcardinal to simulate the New Latin Mess and were prepared to learn Latin to do so. Rather than encouraging them, the Modernist Newcardinal told them to learn a vulgar tongue instead!
More evidence that Newchurchers are being played for fools when they put anything into the Newchurch collection plate was revealed on January 10, 2025, when it was reported that the U.S. Catholic (New)bishops' so-called charity fund, Catholic Relief Services, was being allocated not to relieve the needy, as donors assumed, but to Newchurch anti-Catholic "wok" projects. Only half of the donated funds were actually going to relief work, according to public audits.
Newchurch in the U.S. raked in over 30,000,000 dollars and allocated less than 50 per cent to relief work. The rest was siphoned off ("embezzled" would be a better word) to go into "offices" of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops. These shady "offices" included support of illegal invaders (which the USCCB euphemistically terms "migrants") into the U.S. Undoubtedly, there were foreign felons in that number: murderers, rapists, and child traffickers.
Other money went to an "office" to promote "cultural diversity." What does that have to do with religion? Money went to hiring lawyers for illegal invaders, while citizen Newchurchers don't have money for lawyers. The rest was taken out of the United States and transported off to the bankrupted and corrupt Newvatican for whatever nefarious purposes those funds will be used. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, the clueless Newchurchers remaining -- and there are fewer and fewer of them each year -- still seem ignorant that they are being played for fools, as more and more audits find that Newchurch collections are not going to the charitable purposes to which the Newchurchers think that they are contributing. Instead, money is being siphoned off to go to immoral purposes like supporting criminals and anti-Catholic "woke" projects. Who knows but that some of this money is going to abortions for illegal aliens and "diverse" persons?
Outgoing U.S. President J.R. Biden is well known for being a rabid supporter of LGBTQXXX ideology, anti-biological gender theory, abortion, infanticide, and uncontrolled invasion of national borders contrary to Catholic Thomistic theology. Biden also dares to call himself a "devout Catholic" at the same time that he is a Modernist apostate from the Catholic Faith and an outspoken proponent not only of abortion but the government funding thereof.
Biden's true colors are blazing out in the last days of his evanescent administration (as if there were ever any doubt about his true character). The addled President, who had to cancel a junket to Newrome to do obeisance to the Modernist/Marxist Francis-Bergoglio, because of the Southern California wildfires that are raging out of control owing to Biden's incompetent management, instead awarded to the apostate Newpope on January 11, 2025, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, with the novel added "cum laude" embellishment.
Normally reserved to U.S. citizens, Biden polluted the award to give it to the Marxist Argentinean, allegedly for "exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public, or private endeavors." Biden particularly singled out Bergoglio for climate-control fanaticism and his religious "oecumenism," the heresy that "we all worship the same gods" and "all religions are true," including pagan religions that worship hundred-armed hermaphrodite gods. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, even Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, recently "excommunicated" from Newchurch by Bergoglio, opined that Biden's giving Bergoglio the Medal of Freedom "shows us whom they both really serve." Was there ever any doubt? Vigano is representative of the Newchurch hierarchy that has played dumb for years. He still did not abandon Newchurch, but waited until Bergoglio took the initiative and Novus-Ordo "excommunicated" him. You can add to that Newhierarchical group Neocon Newprelates Newcardinal Ray "Bully" Burke, Newbishop Athanasius Schneider, and Newbishop Joseph Strickland. All these Neocon Newprelates run off at the mouth, but they don't have the guts to do what St. Augustine, St. Eusebius, St. Basil the Great, St. Athanasius, and so many other great truly-Catholic Saints have done: denounced the heretic popes as fakes who were not to be recognized and obeyed.
Newcardinal Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan, of New York, in December 2024 ordered his Newparishes not to restore or newly install communion rails because they might give the impression that Newchurchers are supposed to kneel rather than stand to grab the Novus Ordo cookie and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid. Newchurch wants everyone to stand, not to kneel, and presbyters have even physically jerked "communicants" into a standing position.
"God is not mocked," writes St. Paul (Galatians 6:7/DRV). All this folderol in Newchurch is sound and fury signifying nothing, to use Shakespeare's phrase in Macbeth (V.5). Newchurch doesn't have the power to offer Holy Communion (or "eucharist"), as they like to term it), because Newchurch lost the priesthood in 1968, when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal, and lost the Mass in 1969, when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the (New)archdiocese of New York.]
Traditional Catholics, it wouldn't matter if Newchurchers writhed on the floor like Protestant Pentecostals when they grabbed the fake Novus Ordo cookie and swilled the fake Novus Ordo grape juice. The Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, is sinking fast. In 2025 it has become Francis-Bergoglio's Pagan Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church.
Robert McElroy, Bergoglio's latest heretic Modernist appointment, hasn't even been installed as the pretender Newarchbishop of Washington, D.C., and already the twice-bankrupt, paedophiliac is sticking his nose into secular politics. On January 7, 2025, on day after his appointment by the Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, McElroy claimed that "mass deportations" of illegal criminal invaders is "incompatible with Catholic doctrine." What would McElroy know? He is not a Catholic; he is a Newchurch heretic suffused with Modernism, the heresy called by Pope St. Pius X "conlectio omnium hereseon," the synthesis of all heresies. He wouldn't know true Catholic doctrine from a hole in the wall.
Mass deportations of illegal criminal invaders into any country is, to the contrary, compatible with true Catholic doctrine. Countries have the moral right to protect their borders, teaches the Church's Universal Theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas. The United States is finally trying to address the wholesale violation of its borders by murderers, rapists, and child traffickers by illegal invaders. Bergoglio likes to call them "migrants" instead of the "illegals" they are, among whom are many who invade to commit crimes in the U.S. A significant number of them are coming from atheistic Communist China. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, so, McElroy is already picking a fight with the voters of the United States, including a majority of his own Newchurchers, who voted overwhelmingly for the Republican Party and President Donald Trump, who called for the mass deportation first of illegal invaders who have committed serious crimes, like murder, rape, and child trafficking. It is most likely that this Newchurch heretic is going to get the full brunt not only of the U.S. President, but of many of his own fellow Newbishops, who have denounced McElroy already.
Salvatore Cordileone, Newarchbishop of San Francisco, already embroiled in bankruptcy, has now suffered a second blow to his beleaguered Newarchepiscopy: sex crimes. This isn't the first time that Cordileone has been charged with a cover-up of rape and other crimes perpetrated by his presbyters. He pretends to be a Neocon Newchurcher, but actually is a heretic Modernist when it comes to encouraging sex crimes by his Newclergy.
Cordileone has consistently refused to release a list of credibly-accused paedophile presbyters and has covered up perpetrator presbyters who have sexually assaulted children and other victims. He is the only Newbishop in California not to have published such a list. He is currently facing 400 lawsuits for suborning sex crimes against children.
Several of these victims held a press conference on the steps of Cordileone's Newcathedral on January 7, 2025. The victims have filed formal complaints with Newvatican to have Cordileone removed for malfeasance. One of the victims, a teenage girl, stated that the presbyter raped her over a period of nine years while she was a member of a Newchurch youth group. She reported the crimes to the Newarchdiocese, but the paedophile presbyter was never removed from the ministry. Yet Cordileone dares to say that he takes these crimes "seriously." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NBC Bay Area.]
Traditional Catholics, Salvatore Cordileone is one of the vilest Newbishops in California. He can't handle money (the San Francisco Newarchdiocese went into bankruptcy in 2023) and he can't handle the rapes committed by his subordinate presbyters. He pushed ahead with his own installation as Newarchbishop in 2012, in spite of calls to Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger that he be removed because he had just been convicted of reckless/drunk driving, when he risked the life of his own mother and a presbyter in the car. Ratzinger, the Second Paedophiliac Newpope, did nothing. Francis-Bergoglio, the Third Paedophiliac Newpope, will do nothing. The corruption of the apostate Newchurch has become that perverted -- right up to the top.
No wonder the number of Newchurch clergy and religious is tanking. Francis-Bergoglio calls them all sorts of vile names and disparages their work. At the annual Newvatican Christmas party for Newcardinals and others who work at the Newvatican, he spent an hour telling them that they were a bunch of "gossips" -- meaning that they told the truth about him! The champagne and cake must have tasted pretty bitter after that. It's a wonder that they didn't have the gusts just to walk out on him.
On January 4, 2025, the foul-mouthed Newpope took on Newchurch Dominican sisters. He lambasted their personalities and called them "vinegar faces" criticizing them for having "dialogue with the Devil." Yet Dominican sisters are some of the most kindly religious whom you would ever want to meet. Whence does Bergoglio come up with these vile phrases? He demands lovey-dovey from others, but then conducts himself in a signally uncharitable and hateful way toward others. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by MSN News.]
Traditional Catholics, more and more Newchurchers are denouncing the pretender Newpope for being not Catholic, hardly even Christian. The man particularly hates Newchurchers having any traditional tendencies. He rounds them up and expels them from his Newchurch, as recently he did the elderly Newbishop Dominque Rey, who is quite beloved in his own Newdiocese.
Newchurch's crusade against anything traditional Catholic continues unabated. The latest incident occurred when Francis-Bergoglio expelled Newbishop Dominique Rey from his Newbishopric for using the traditional Catholic pre-1968 Ordinal. The valid, traditional Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders, including ordination to the priesthood and consecration to the episcopacy, were dumped by the Newchurch of the New Order in 1968, when it adopted the invalid, Protestantized "New Ordinal of 1968." In that year Newchurch stopped ordaining priests and began "installing" (its term) presbyters like Protestant ministers, and stopped consecrating bishops and began "installing" Newbishop Overseers, like Protestant bishops.
Many theological investigations have been conducted since 1968, when Newchurch adopted the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which is used for presbyters (no longer priests) and Newbishop Overseers (no longer bishops). Those investigations have indubitably concluded that the Novus Ordo non-sacramental rite is invalid, having many defects of form, in that the texts used have an invalid Protestant form and theology. The conclusion is that any presbyter or Newbishop "installed" (to use Newchurch's new term) in the Novus Ordo 1968 Ordinal is invalid, i.e., not a valid priest or a bishop, but a Protestant minister. Bergoglio had already halted Rey's installations in 2022 and sent another Newbishop to take over most of the functions of Rey's Newdiocese.
Newbishop Domique Rey, of Frejus-Toulon, France, apparently believes that the Novus Ordo New Ordinal of 1968 is invalid, as that is what he used to ordain purported priests in his Newdiocese. For this Novus Ordo "sin" under Bergoglio's 2023 decree "Traditionis custodes" suppressing traditional Catholic rites in Newchurch, Bergoglio has expelled Rey from his Newdiocese bishopric on January 7, 2025. The irony is that Rey himself was neither validly ordained a priest nor consecrated as a bishop, as he was merely "installed" under in the Novus Ordo Protestant rite. Thus, he cannot himself validly ordain or consecrate anyone. In the end, the cowardly Rey has knuckled under to the pretender Newpope Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the clear conclusion is that Newchurch does not have new priests or bishops since 1968. Now, only a few elderly priests remain who were validly ordained or bishops who were validly consecrated before 1968. Francis-Bergoglio was neither ordained nor consecrated before 1968. Thus, he is neither a priest nor a bishop, nor the Bishop of Rome (pope). The Newchurch of the New Order has no power to administer the Sacraments. Only Baptism and Matrimony, which do not ultimately require a priest, may be valid in Newchurch, but even these in many cases are defective, and their validity can no longer be presumed.
Newchurch is Catholic? Don't you believe it! It would be more accurate to say that it is Communist. Francis-Bergoglio has described himself as a Marxist in his own book, he accepts millions of USD a year from the Communist Dictator of Red China, Xi Jinping, and has turned over to Xi the de facto power to appoint Newchurch bishops for Communist China.
Now, on December 20, 2024, word comes that Portuguese Newcardinal Americo Aguiar has publicly taken part at a Communist Party "to grow closer to people of differing ideologies." Aguiar was elevated to Newcardinal by Bergoglio in 2024. "We are together," he said of the atheists. When he was appointed, Bergoglio knew that Aguiar had been a Communist party official and said that he was "proud of having done so." The Communist party in Portugal had always been pro-Soviet. Aguiar is commonly known as a "red bishop," i.e., a Communist sympathizer. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, before Francis-Bergoglio's pretended accession, the true Catholic Church's teaching rejected Communism for its members, under pain of excommunication because of Communism's atheistic materialism, rejection of private property, promotion of class conflict, and history of religious persecution. Pope Leo XIII called Communism "an abominable sect." Pope Pius XI declared Communism to be a threat to the very existence of the Church. Pope Pius XII declared all Catholics who professed Communism to be excommunicated.
A twice-bankrupted Newcardinal Robert McElroy, currently Newbishop of San Diego, California, has been appointed by the pretender Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, on January 6, 2025, to replace the aging Wilton Gregory, an affirmative-action appointment, who lasted only five years.
McElroy has expressed support of the anti-Catholic notion of deaconesses and priestesses in Newchurch. He also supports Bergoglio's 2018 document "Amoris laetitia," admitting divorced and remarried Newchurchers to grab the Novus Ordo cookie and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid. He also wants sodomites to do the same. He supports Bergoglio's 2024 document "Fiducia supplicans," permitting the blessing of sodomite "couples." In 2024 McElroy barred conservative Newchurcers from using Newparish facilities for homeschooling. But McElroy's most full-throated support is for illegals and drug-dealers invading the countries of Europe and the United States. At the same time he wants to downplay the horror of abortion and euthanasia.
McElroy is in the line of the notorious paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, who preceded Wilton Gregory as Newarchbishop of Washington, D.C. McCarrick's shadow rests on McElroy, who has been a full-throated supporter of the notorious McCarrick, who was expelled in 2019 and, like Gregory, is not likely to make public the account books of the filty lucre in McCarrick's secret D.C. slush fund, used to bribe and intimdate Newchurch prelates, including the Newpopes. At the same time the D.C. Newarchdiocese is on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Thus, McElroy will likely become a "three strikes" Newcardinal, as his current Newdiocese of San Diego, California, has twice declared bankruptcy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, it may be that, as the D.C. Newarchdiocese sinks into financial and moral ruin, the de facto archbishop of Washington, D.C., will be newly-elected Donald Trump. Trump's conservative, even traditional, moral positions are closer to Catholicism than McElroy's. Even McElroy's fellow Newbishops have denounced him for his anti-Catholic positions. McElroy, together with his fellow heretic Modernist extremists Blase Cupich, of Chicago, Illinois, and Joseph Tobin, of Newark, New Jersey, met in October 2024 with Bergoglio to co-found the Pagan Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, which replaced the Protestant-Masonic Newchurch of the New Order in 2025.
On December 20, 2024, the courageous U.S. President-elect, Donald Trump selected for his Ambassador to the Newvatican an open critic on several occasions of the pretender Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio. Brian Burch is a truth-teller who has denounced Bergoglio's defamations of his Neocon critics and his "progressive Catholic [sic] cheerleading" (wokeism) in the following stark words: "The pattern of vindictiveness and punishment seems to fly in the face of what [Bergoglio] says about being an instrument of mercy and accompaniment."
Burch also denounced Bergoglio's slander against his Neocon Newchurchers that they "breed like rabbits." Burch mocked the Bergoglio-approved December 18, 2023, decree "Fiducia supplicans," which permitted, even encouraged, the blessing of sodomite "couples." Burch has come to the defense of Neocon Newarchbishop and former Newpapal Nuncio Carlo Vigano, also a severe critic of the pretender Newpope.
Bergoglio long ago gave up his Newpapacy to become a secular politician, sticking his ample nose into politics well outside his Newpapal office. Trump may be expecting a necessary head-to-head confrontation with the Communist/Globalist Bergoglio and knows that Burch will not hesitate to lay Bergoglio out when necessary. Bergoglio is, after all, a suborner of paedophile crimes by his Newclergy, a supporter of drug cartels sending illegal invaders into to the United States to traffic women and children, all of which the President-elect stands four square against. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
Trump has crossed swords with Bergoglio before -- and won. When Bergoglio attempted to take on the U.S. President during his first term, Bergoglio had to hobble away with his tail between his legs. Like the bully that he has shown himself to be, the lawless Bergoglio traveled to the Mexican side of the U.S. border and attempted to taunt Trump, saying that he should "build bridges, not walls." At the time Trump was building a wall at the border to stop the illegal influx of drugs, the trafficking of women and children, and the illegal invaders, many of them from Muslim and Communist countries. Trump, in one of the greatest comebacks ever, retorted to the pretender Newpope, "that's surprising talk from a man who has a big wall around his own city!" True enough, the ancient Roman Aurelian Wall partially encircles Bergoglio's own Newvatican.
Traditional Catholics, Donald Trump may be the smartest president that the United States has had in a long time. He understands that Bergoglio's popularity is sinking catastrophically among the Newchurchers who voted for Trump and who do not want the U.S. to kowtow to the corrupt Newpope. It could just be that Trump could do what all the Newcardinals and all the Newbishops in the Newchurch couldn't do: in the words of King Henry II "rid (the world) of this middlesome" pretender Newpope!
Back in January 2002, when Newchurch's corruption in committing paedophile crimes against children burst onto the front pages of the Boston Globe, it was the TRADITIO Network that first termed the scandal "Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust." Most outlets still haven't caught up to that reality.
Since then, time and again, the connection between Newchurch's sex crimes and embezzlement has been proven. The record for "Worst Paedophile Criminal in the United States" is held by Theodore McCarrick, formerly the powerful Newcardinal of Washington, D.C. He deflowered children and Newseminarians up and down the East Coast of the United States, while JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio stood by and watched, doing little to nothing to stop McCarrick, because he surreptitiously raised money for them, held in an infamous slush fund hidden among the assets of the Newarchdiocese of Washington, D.C.
McCarrick was more than a paedophile criminal, a rapist and a sodomite. He was an Embezzler Extraordinaire. The current Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., Wilton Gregory, who himself played fast and loose with his Newparishioners' money, pledged, "I will always tell you the truth." Now it looks as if Gregory is leaving in February 2025, with a record of being just another of Newchurch's lying Newprelates.
Gregory has been widely criticized for stubbornly refusing to release the financial records of Theodore McCarrick's secret slush fund, which was used to buy other Newdiocesan bishops, Newvatican officials, and his own paramours' and victims' silence. Among those Newvatican officials, according to their own words, are the three Newpopes JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio. The Newpopes and other high Newbishops are petrified that if these financial records were to be released, those who suborned and protected the paedophile Newcardinal and those clergy who joined him in rampant sex crimes against children would themselves be publicly implicated -- up to the highest echelons of Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, as TRADITIO was the first to nail, there is a definite connection between Newchurch clergy's paedophile crimes and embezzlement. The chickens are now coming home to roost. The Newarchdiocese of Washington, D.C., as well as the Newvatican itself, is on the verge of bankruptcy. One quarter of the Newdioceses in the United States have gone bankrupt. Newchurches are closing right and left, up to half of all of them. And the "root cause" is rampant paedophile crimes on the part of the Newchurch clergy continuing to this day with the continued support of the Newpopes, currently Francis-Bergoglio. "They who do such things are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them" (St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, 1:32/DRV).
You remember the case of Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick. Three Newpopes looked the other way as he raped and sodomized children and Newseminarians up and down the East Coast of the United States. These pretender Newpopes did so because McCarrick bought them off by raising gobs of money for them, even from the atheist Communist Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping.
In 2019 McCarrick was found guilty, even by a Newvatican court, much too little and much too late, of numerous crimes of the sexual abuse of children. McCarrick has remained impenitent about ruining the lives of numerous children by stating: "I am not as bad as they paint me." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, just when the child victims were about to get justice, McCarrick claimed that he was demented and not competent to stand trial. The court bought his argument, even though some experts thought that he was in fact competent. On December 30, 2024, a Wisconsin judge, upon motion by the prosecutor, ruled that McCarrick's sexual-assault trial will not be closed, but will remain open until McCarrick passes on to a higher judgment.
The desecration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, after its so-called "restoration" after a major fire on Holy Monday 2019, continues unabated. Funds were received from donors around the world to restore the cathedral to its original state before the fire, but instead Newchurch and the French President have essentially embezzled these funds and spent them on the most sacrilegious Novus Ordo fatuity not intended by the donors.
We have previously described the alien baptistry, the pagan egg "altar," the pajama-style vestments. Now word has come December 23, 2024, that the desecration has not stopped. In six side chapels the traditional stained glass will be replaced by modernistic detritus, expressly "intended to add a modern flourish to the 12th-century masterpiece." That is not what the donors paid for. The undamaged original stained glass windows will be removed. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Traditional Catholics, opposition to Newarchbishop Laurent Ulrich and President Emmanual Macron has been heating up and has earned the public ire of artistic conservation groups. A legal intervention to block the installation of the modernistic effluvium in the ancient cathedral is being forwarded by by the French architectural conservation group Sites and Monuments. Macron's government has fallen, and many think that his Presidency is not long for this world. Ulrich is sinking along with the precipitous depopulation of Newchurch in Europe. Ulrich has been so beleaguered that he is now blaming Macron for the plan to introduce the offensive modernism into the Gothic cathedral at a price tag of over 4,000,000 USD.
The ambitious buzzards of the corrupt Newchurch are already circling above Francis-Bergoglio, vying to become the next pseudo-pope of the Pagan Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. None of the 140 Newcardinal electors is Catholic. None of them has been consecrated as bishop under the Sacrament of Holy Orders. They have simply been installed in the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Order adopted by Newchurch in 1968 for Newbishops/overseers, presbyters, and Newdeacons.
Reports here indicate that Bergoglio's own favorite is Luis Tagle. Tagle is widely described in the Philippines, where he comes from, as a Marxist, even a Communist, favoring the Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. Bergoglio is of the same mind. Perhaps that is why Bergoglio is pushing for Tagle to become his successor. Tagle was already running in the 2013 Newconclave.
Already in 2015 Tagle advocated softening Newchurch's position toward homosexuals, fornicatrices with children, and divorced and remarried Newchurchers. He now is a directing member of two of the most corrupt Newvatican institutions, the Institute for Works of Religion, popularly known as the "Vatican Bank") and the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy [Sic] See, which has control over all of Newvatican's real estate around the world. Both organizations have come under fire by the European Union and other agencies for widespread corruption.
Tagle holds a radical view of the Vatican II Anti-council. He rejects the Rupture Theory held by Traditional Catholics, that the Catholic Church before 1962 is disconnected from the present New Order (Novus Ordo) sect, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Tagle has denounced Neocon Newchurchers attached to the Half Novus Ordo New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass. Tagle has stated that the Neocon Newchurchers "need to let go of the desire to witness to Christ in some idealized past that they long for with nostalgia." He is a directing member of Newchurch's Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and supports Bergoglio's severe restrictions on the New Latin Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newsmax.]
Traditional Catholics, the Newchurch Neocons are going to be very disappointed with the next Newpope. They should long ago have gotten out of the Newchurch of the New Order. The Newchurch cardinal electors are all unconsecrated supporters of the New Order sect, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. They will never elect a true pope. Their Half Novus Ordo New Latin Mess of 1962 will most likely be finally put out of its misery -- as it should, as it is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but merely a deceit to lead the Neocon Newchurchers astray