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February 11, 2025 - Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes
Double Major Feast

Scientists Have Reconstructed the Countenance of St. Thomas Aquinas from His Skull
The Brilliant Aquinas Is the Authoritative Universal Doctor of the Catholic Church in Doctrine and Morality

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Thomas Aquinas Old Thomas Aquinas  New

Scientists' Reconstruction of the Countenance
Of the Universal Doctor of the Church
St. Thomas Aquinas
Shows a "Kindly and Humble" Visage (Right)
As Opposed to the Common Somewhat Harsh
And Intimidating Depiction (Left)
The Saint, Who Expressed His Work
In the Clearest of Latin Prose
Has Had an Unrivaled and Persistent Impact
Upon Not only the Catholic Church
But Western Civilization as a Whole

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) is the Universal Doctor of the Catholic Church, whose work is regarded as authoritative in matters of doctrine and morality, particularly as explicated in detail in his Summa Theologica, a stellar work of almost 3,000 pages in small Latin type. The Dominican "Angelic Doctor" was of a meditative nature and did not show off in class his brilliant mind, which had memorized the entire Latin Vulgate Bible, together with many of the works of the Catholic theologians.

Thus, some of the Saint's fellow students called him Bos Mutus the "Dumb Ox" ("dumb" in the sense of not speaking). However, the Saint's teacher, himself a Saint, Albertus Magnus, prophesied: "You call him the dumb ox, but in his teaching he will one day produce such a bellowing that it will be heard throughout the world." As indeed it was. At the dogmatic Council of Trent, the Saint's Summa Theologica was given pride of place beside the Latin Vulgate Bible, so authoritative was his great work regarded. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]

Now, after 750 years, scientists using 3D imagining of the Saint's skull as preserved in Toulouse, France, have reconstructed the Saint's countenance, which differs from the usual depictions. It has been described as "kindly and humble," as opposed to the common depiction, which is a somewhat harsh and intimidating. The scientists also concluded that the Saint was not the portly friar generally described, but "handsome and noble-looking."

Traditional Catholics, most important is the Saint's brilliant and comprehensive theology, based on reason and logic, with major inspiration from the similarly brilliant man whom he called merely "Philosophus" (The Philosopher), the ancient Greek polymath Aristotle. The Saint, who expressed his work in the clearest of Latin prose, has had an unrivaled and persistent impact upon not only the Catholic Church but Western civilization as a whole.

February 10, 2025 - St. Scholastica, Virgin
Double Feast

The New Orleans Saints Were Anything but Saints
The National Football League Team's Owner Colluded with Newchurch in Covering up Paedophile Sex Crimes

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
New Orleans  Saints

Newchurch Is Now So Corrupt
That It Has Involved an NFL Team Owner
In Its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust
The Owner of the Inaptly-named
New Orleans Saints
Is a Newchurch Woman
Who Was Lending Aid in a Cover-up
Of Presbyters' Paedophile Sex Crimes
She Is even Accused of Pressuring
The District Attorney to Remove
Presbyters' Names from the List of Offenders
And Was Conniving with the Newarchbishop
To Pull the Wool over the Eyes of the Press

It is breathtaking how the corrupt Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, has involved so many organizations into suborning its Newclergy's sex crimes against children, i.e., its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. The latest organization involved is a surprising one: the National Football League (NFL) New Orleans Saints.

A cache of 300 leaked E-mails revealed on February 4, 2025, showed that the owner of the team was deeply involved in suborning paedophile sex crimes by helping the Newarchdiocese of New Orleans to conceal the crimes against children by providing "public-relations assistance" to Newarchbishop Gregory Aymond. A media firestorm erupted after the collusion was revealed, especially as the Saints owner, Gayle Bensel, herself a Newchurcher, had already admitted her team's collusion in the scandal. Bensel's support for the corrupt Newchurch was described in a Saints' statement as "unwavering." She was also accused of pressuring the New Orleans District Attorney into taking some of the paedophile presbyters off the list of offenders.

Bensel was even writing "talking points" for bankrupted Newarchbishop Gregory Aymond, who is at the center of the controversy. Aymond took the Newarchdiocese into bankruptcy in 2020 because of sex crimes committed by his presbyters against children. Aymond then coerced money from "parishes, schools, and ministries" to protect his bankrupted Newarchdiocese, which is being sued for $1,000,000,000 USD for the child victims. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, why was an NFL team involved with Newchurch at all? As the Latin saying goes, "Corruptio optimi pessima." Newchurch's crimes have infiltrated presbyters, Newbishops, Newcardinals, and even Newpopes. Now Newchurch has even involved a sports team. And isn't it the height of irony that the sports team involved is named "The Saints"?!

February 9, 2025 - Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Semidouble Sunday

Newchurch Closings Are Accelerating
The Lastest Report Shows that There Are No Newclergy to Run Them

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Church Closed

Newchurches Are Closing
At an Ever-increasing Rate
With Newchurch's Continuing
Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust
Virtually No Young Want to Risk
Entering a Newseminary to Be Sodomized
The Latest Survey Shows
That Newdioceses Are Falling Far Short
Of "Installing" Enough New Presbyters
To Keep Newchurches Open

Not one of the largest Newdioceses in the United States numbering more than 750,000 Newchurchers has admitted enough Newseminarians to replace the presbyters who are leaving, retiring, or dying. Newchurch is so infected with paedophile Newclergy, doctrinal heresy, and disgusting "liturgies" that only the rare exception will even consider entering a Newchurch seminary, where the probability of his being sodomized is high, as Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

A January 29, 2025, report on "The State of P(resbyter) Vocations [Sic] in the United States" found that of the some 200 Newdioceses in the U.S., fewer than 20, or 10 per cent, could even maintain a "replacement level." For example, New York has "installed" only 23 per cent of the replacement level. (Since 1968 Newchurch has not ordained priests, but merely "installed presbyters," who are like Protestant ministers, with the use of an invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal.)

Other examples falling far short, where 100 per cent indicates attainment of the replacement level:

  1. Phoenix, Arizona: 23 per cent
  2. San Diego, California: 24 per cent
  3. Brownsville, Texas: 24 per cent
  4. Sacramento, California: 24 per cent
  5. San Antonio, Texas: 31 per cent
  6. Rockville Centre, New York: 33 per cent
  7. Los Angeles, California: 33 per cent
  8. Fresno, California: 35 per cent
  9. San Bernardino, California: 36 per cent

Traditional Catholics, Newchurch leaders are already discussing the possibility of merging Newdioceses, just as they have been merging Newparishes. Such action would be yet another clear sign that Newchurch is sinking into the abyss. Newchurch marriages fell by 25 per cent in the last decade, and even the few young men that are foolish enough to enter a risky Newchurch seminary experience as much as a 50 per cent dropout rate.

February 8, 2025 - St. John of Matha, Confessor
Double Feast

Report: Newchurch in the Philippines Is Awash in Sex Crimes by Its Clergy
Once a Jewel of Catholicism, the Philippines Has Sunk into Paganism

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Philippine Paedophile Presbyter

Newchurch's Great Sex
& Embezzlemen Holocaust
Has Now Spread
Into the Once Deeply-Catholic Philippines
Rapes, Sodomies, and Sexual Assaults
Against Children and Others
Are Routinely Being Covered Up
By Philippine Newbishops
Some of Whom Themselves Are Paedophiles
Serving the Third Paedophiliac
Newpope Francis-Bergoglio

In spite of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the Philippines remained Catholic far longer than Europe and the Americas. No more. The first report issued on the extensive sex crimes being perpetrated on children and others by Newchurch clergy was released on January 29, 2025. It shows Newchurch as a paganized sect under the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio and his Newpope predecessors. The report documents Newbishop and presbyters awash in sex crimes. Bergoglio's vaunted "zero tolerance" policy simply doesn't exist; it is only mendacious propaganda.

The Philippine Newbishops routinely admit into the Newchurch clergy known sex criminals. Then the Newbishops routinely cover up cases of rape, sodomy, and sexual assault by Newchurch clergy against children. The Newbishops were caught with their cassocks down perpetratng the now well-known ruse with children's lives, by which the paedophile presbyters are suspended or transfered and then reinstated Bergoglio himself has been caught many times perpetrating this ruse, most recently in the case of the notorious paedophile Newjesuit Marko Rupnik. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by UCA News.]

Traditional Catholics, Newbishops in the United States have also been caught trafficking paedophile presbyters to the Philippines, where they can once again operate, with the full knowledge of the corrupt Newbishops. One of the presbyters is being prosecuted for raping a four-year-old girl. It doesn't get much more vile than that. Newchurch's paedopohile presbyters are an equal-opportunity lot: they rape and sodomize girls, boys, men, and women with equal abandon. Who knows but that some of Francis-Bergoglio's own beloved "transsexuals" are to be found in this perverted Newchurch mix?

February 7, 2025 - St. Romauld, Abbot
Double Feast

Presbyters in Italy and around the World Join in Declaring Francis-Bergoglio an "Anti-pope"
Newchurch Is Going Crazy Novus Ordo "Excommunicating" Them Like Whack-a-Moles

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Carlo Vigano

Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano
Was Once Happy to Schmooze
With the Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Bergoglio Later Excommunicated Vigano
For All His Talk, Vigano Has Never Formally
Sworn the Abjuration of Heresy
Has Never Formally Left Newchurch
And Has Never Gone Independent from It

On January 20, 2025, yet another Italian presbyter, Natale Santonocito, of Palestrina, Italy, has been excommunicated for calling the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio an "antipope" He is only one of a growing number of presbyters publicly doing so. Bergoglio has been excommunicating or suspending quite a number of them in recent months. Five Italian presbyters have been excommunicated in 2024 alone, as the number of Newchurch presbyters declaring Bergoglio a fake pope has been increasing around the world.

Santonocito, of Palestrina, Italy, posted a public videos on December 8, 14, and 17, 2024, in which he termed Bergoglio an "antipope." Other Newchurch presbyters publicly declaring Bergoglio a fake pope include the following:

  1. On November 18, 2024, Presbyter Giorgio Faré, was dismissed from the Order of Discalced Carmelites after he posted a video declaring Bergoglio a fake pope.
  2. On January 1, 2024, Presbyter Ramon Guidetti was excommunicated for calling Bergoglio "not the pope" and a "usurper."
  3. On November 13, 2024, Argentinean Presbyter Fernando Cornet was laicized for publishing the book Habemus Papam, arguing that Bergoglio is a fake pope.
  4. In February 2024 a Spanish presbyter was suspended for publishing a twenty-page manifesto that Bergoglio is a "heretic" and is not a real pope.
  5. In December 2024 Costa Rican presbyter was excommunicated in December 2024 after denying that Bergoglio is a true pope.

In addition, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, was excommunicated on July 5, 2024, from Newchurch, although for all his talk, he has never formally sworn the Abjuration of Heresy, has never formally left Newchurch, and has never gone independent from it.

Traditional Catholics, none of these presbyters is a priest, as all of them were merely installed under the Protestantized New Ordinal adopted by the Newchurch of the New Order in 1968, which merely "installs" men as Protestant-like ministers, known in Newchurch formally as "presbyters" (elders). The truth about the pretender status of Francis-Bergoglio and, for that matter, of Benedict-Ratzinger, JPII-Wojtyla, and Paul VI-Montini is getting out. Even Bergoglio knows the truth about himself and once admitted it to the press on the Newpapal airplane and on another occasions to Neo-SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay.

February 6, 2025 - St. Titus, Bishop & Confessor
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Suffers Third Trip-up/Fall Incident in Two Months
Such Accident-proneness Led His Predecessor Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger to Abdicate

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Caretakers

For the Third Time in a Month
Francis-Bergoglio, Aged 88
Has Suffered a Trip-up/Fall
The Morbidly Obese Newpope
Broke His Walking Cane
As He Was Entering the Audience Hall
And Two Caretakers Had to Prop Him Up
To Stumble into His Oversized Chair

Francis-Bergoglio at age 88 has become noticeably accident prone in recent months. On December 7, 2024, he fell onto his nightstand and badly contused his chin. The black bruise was quite noticeable the next day. In January 2025 he fell and injured his right arm, which was put into a sling. On February 1 he broke his walking cake under his morbidly obese weight lost his balance. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's predecessor as Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, also suffered a nighttime fall, a period of unconsciousness when he fell against a radiator, and an incident in which he fell out of bed. These accidents led the apostate Newpope to abdicate the Newpapacy. His apostate successor Bergoglio contends that he is not abdicating. He still has more heretical Marxist/Modernist goals to achieve as he develops his apostate Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, which he kicked off in late 2024 after his Great Synod on Synodality in October 2024.

February 5, 2025 - St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr
Double Feast

The Sex Criminal Presbyter Marko Rupnik Is "Still in Good Standing" with Francis-Bergoglio
The Newpope Has an Obsession with This Man, Who Is So Bad that even the Newjesuits Have Expelled Him

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Sexually-assaulted Newchurch 'Nun'

A Newchurch "Nun" Sexually Assaulted
By Francis-Bergoglio's Presbyter Intimate
The Notorious Marko Rupnik
Whose Lurid Mosaics Used to Be Placed
In Newchurches throughout the World
Holds a Photograph of Her Assailant
Although Rupnik Has Been Expelled
From the Newjesuits for His Crimes
Against Thirty Newchurch "Nuns"
Bergoglio and His Henchman Fernandez
Refused to Expel Rupnik from Newchurch
And Hold the Criminal to Be
A "Presbyter in Good Standing"

Marko Rupnik, the Newjesuit sex offender so bad that even the Newjesuits have expelled him, keeps coming back like a bad penny. Francis-Bergoglio is so obsessed with the man that he cannot seem to expel him from Newchurch as well. Rupnik has fashioned lurid mosaics for Newchurches in Newvatican, Europe, Latin America, and the United States, but because of his persistent scandals, his mosaic have been torn down.

Rupnik has been found guilty by Newvatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the (Novus Ordo) Faith and excommunicated for sexually assaulting some 30 Newchurch "nuns," as well as for blasphemous acts of sexual assault associated in the design of his filthy mosaics. He was also expelled in 2023 by the Newjesuits after an extensive investigation, but through the intervention of Bergoglio, he was reinstated. as a "presbyter in good standing." Bergoglio's action reinstating him spurred a public outcry of corruption against the apostate Newpope.

On January 23, 2025, the new Prefect of the Dicastery, Newcardinal Victor Fernandez, who is an intimate of Francis-Bergoglio, has again taken up the case and downplayed the sex crimes against thirty Newchurch "nuns," stating that "other cases are worse." Fernandez has also been pilloried for dragging his feet on the Rupnik case. Fernandez had an abysmal record as Newarchbishop of La Plata, Argentina, for failing to deal seriously with presbyters' sex crimes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

Traditional Catholics, it is clear that Francis-Bergoglio and Newcardinal Fernandez are just playing games with the Rupnik case so that the sex criminal can escape punishment. It isn't the first time that the apostate Newpope has let sex criminals among his clergy go, acting only when the public outcry is so loud that he cannot ignore it. Fernandez is his henchman in these cases.

February 4, 2025 - St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop & Confessor
Double Feast

The Apostate Newchurch Is Now Openly Playing Politics in the United States
But the Newchurch Marxist/Modernists and Neocons Can't Agree on What Newchurch's Politics Should Be!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Blase Cupich & Francis Bergoglio

The Newcardinal of Chicago, Blase Cupich
Is a Groupie and Intimate
Of the Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Cupich Is a Marxist/Modernist Secular Politician
Who Is Being Taken on in the United States
By the EWTN Television Network
Which Has Called Bergoglio's Newpapacy
A "Lawless Regime"

A battle royal is developing in the United States, pitting Newchurch Marxist/Modernists and Neocons against each other. Of course, these have no business getting involved in secular politics at all, but because they have lost the Catholic Faith, what else is there for them to do?

On January 21, 2025, Newcardinal Blase Cupich, of Chicago, Illinois, an intimate of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, spoke out against U.S. President Donald Trump's programme to deport criminal invaders legally and repatriate them to their country of origin. It is estimated that there are as many as 20,000,000 illegals now in the U.S., a significant number of them being felons, But Cupich does not dare to talk about the innocent citizens who have been raped, murdered, and assaulted by illegals, not to speak of the citizens who have been defrauded of government services for which they have paid.

Cupich's dicta were immediately drowned out by the EWTN Network, the largest religious media network in the world, which was once the official cable network of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] (New)bishops, but lost that designation because it was "too conservative." EWTN has been denouncing the former U.S. President, J.R. Biden, who on January 19, 2025, automatically excommunicated himself by joining the condemned Freemasonic Lodge. EWTN called the Biden presidency a "lawless regime," which let in some 20,000,000 criminal illegal invaders.

EWTN's broadcasters also pointed to the new Trump administration's moves to give back control of children's education to their parents, in accordance with Natural Law recognized by the true Catholic Church, instead of to a governmental Department of Education. Moreover, the new administration has defined that legally and officially there are only two sexes, male and female, not intersex (I), transexaual (T), or any number of other fabricated unnatural "sexes." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, the Church's Universal Theologian St. Thomas Aquinas defines an unjust law as "a code that is not rooted in Eternal Law and Natural Law.” The Saint's definition aptly describes everything about the Newchurch of the New Order, which became in 2025 the Synodal Newchurch of the New Age and which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Rather, it is the epitome of lawlessness, as it is of apostasy from the Catholic Faith.

February 3, 2025 - St. Blase, Bishop & Martyr
Simple Feast

Independent Traditional Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson Has Passed to His Eternal Rest
Formerly the SSPX Senior Bishop, Gone Independent, He Did Much for the Traditional Catholic Movement

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Richard Williamson

Bishop Richard Williamson
As He Was on June 30, 1988
When He Was Consecrated
By Traditional Catholic Archbishop
Marcel Lefebvre at Econe, Switzerland
Williamson Was the SSPX's Senior Bishop
But Abandoned Fellay's Neo-SSPX
In 2012 Because It Had Strayed
From the Traditional Catholic Principles
Of Its Archbishop-founder
And Had Made Overtures to Join
The Apostate Newchurch of the New Order

Former senior bishop of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Richard Williamson, who in 2012 went independent and consecrated several Traditional Catholic bishops for the Traditional Catholic movement, was hospitalized following a cerebral haemorrhage in his frontal lobe and received the Traditional Catholic Sacrament of Extreme Unction at Broadstairs Hospital in Kent, England. Later, a death announcement was issued by a member of the staff of Williamson's episcopal seat, Regina Martyrum House in Broadstairs, Kent, near Canterbury, not far from London. The announcement read:

Regina Martyrum House, Broadstairs, Kent
Announcement about Bishop Williamson
It is difficult to announce that at around 12:00 PM [1200 hours Greenwich Mean Time, January 25, 2025], our greatest champion, Richard Williamson, has passed away from a haemorrhage on his frontal lobe. It is deeply troubling to every single one of us. Due this event we are closing our house temporarily and ask that you keep us in your prayers. God bless you.

Apparently, the death announcement from the bishop's own household was premature. It later turned out that he had not passed away, but was in fact unconscious and unresponsive, as a result of which condition his doctors suspended treatment and gave him only a few days to live. The good bishop then passed away at 23:23 Greenwich Mean Time on January 29, 2025. Williamson was just short of his 85th birthday. It is entirely fitting that Our Lord should have taken him at the Hour of Matins for the Double Major Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, as Williamson was himself a convert from Anglicanism and himself converted many souls.

Bishop Williamson consecrated eight bishops for the Traditional Catholic Movement:

  1. Jean-Michel Faure (2016)
  2. Tomas Aquin (2017)
  3. Gerardo Zendejas (2017)
  4. Giacomo Ballini (2021)
  5. Paul Morgan (2022)
  6. Michal Stobnicki (2022)
  7. two others in pectore

On June 23, 2011, Bishop Williamson, who was at the time in the midst an imbroglio with Bernie Fellay, then Superior General of the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, took the time to write the TRADITIO Fathers, conveying his "respect for you and your work on the TRADITIO site." That imbroglio with Fellay finally led to Williamson's abandoning the Neo-SSPX because it had strayed from the Traditional Catholic principles of its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and had made overtures to join the apostate Newchurch of the New Order

Although Bishop Williamson disappointed many Traditional Catholics by not taking on the mantle of SSPX Traditional Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and vigorously carrying on the Archbishop's work in contrast to Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, which fell away from those principles, Williamson was a very decent man and did much for the Traditional Catholic movement.

Double Feast of the Second Class

The First Italian Newbishop Set for Trial for Perjury in Paedophile Cases
Has Been Highly Praised by Francis-Bergoglio as a "Good and Just Man"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Rosario Gisana & Francis-Bergoglio

Francis-Bergoglio Gives
Sicilian Newbishop Rosario Gisana
The Kiss of Approval
In Spite of the Fact that Gisana
Has Now Been Set for Trial
For Aggravated Sexual Violence
Against Minors
The First Italian Newbishop
To Have Been So Charged

As the French saying goes, "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." It is clear that Newchurch has learned nothing from its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust except how to hide it better. Newpope Francis-Bergoglio was outed on January 21, 2025, for praising Sicilian Newbishop Rosario Gisana, who has been charged by a public prosecutor to stand trial for perjury in the case of a presbyter who was later convicted of aggravated sexual violence against minors" aged 14-19.

Newbishop Gisana dragged his feet in originally investigating the accusations by one of the child victims. As a result, the victim reportedly wrote to Bergoglio personally "expressing frustration at the slow pace of the process." Police intercepted a telephone call in which Gisana admitted to the presbyter that he (Gisana) was in difficulty because had "buried (or covered up) this story." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Rome Il Messaggero.]

Traditional Catholics, Bergoglio had publicly described Newbishop Gisana as "good, this bishop, good, a just man." Bergoglio claimed that it was not the children who were the victims, but Gisana. The laity of the Sicilian Newdiiocese know the case much better than the Newpope and have held protests against Gisana, demanding his abdication. The Italian (New)bishops' Conference already in 2021 had identified 68 paedophile presbyters, but Gisana is the first Newbishop to be brought up on charges and to face trial.

February 1, 2025 - St. Ignatius, Bishop & Martyr
Double Feast

U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance, Himself a Newchurcher, Denounces U.S. Newbishops
Charging that They Are Operating an Illegal Invader Mill to Boost Their Tanking Finances

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
J.D. Vance

U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance
In His Public First Speech
At the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Vance Has Denounced the U.S. Conference
Of Catholic [Sic[ Bishops
For Essentially Operating an Illegal-invader Mill
To Boost Newchurch's Tanking Finances
He Charged that the U.S. Newbishops
Were More Worried about Their Finances
Than Humanitarian Work

Newly-elected U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance, a Newchurcher himself, has denounced the U.S. Conference of Catholic {Sic] Bishops, saying that they are essentially operating an illegal-invader mill to boost Newchurch's tanking finances. He said that the Newbishops were more worried about their finances and humanitarian work.

Vance revealed that Newchurch in the United States receives more than 100,000,000 USD to coddle illegal invaders, indicating that much of that money goes into shoring up the Newchurch administration, not humanitarian work. Vance said that, as a Newchurcher, he was "heartbroken" because the U.S. Newbishops had encouraged the sex-trafficking of children through the open-border policy engineered by former U.S. President J.R. Biden. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daily Express.]

Traditional Catholics, recently both Catholic [Sic] Charities and the Catholic [Sic[ Relief Fund have been charged with running a scam. In fact, Catholic [Sic] Charities is now in court facing fraud charges in its handling of government funds for illegal invaders and has been caught coaching illegals on how to avoid the law. On January 28, 2025, U.S. President Trump cut Catholic [Sic] Charities and other Non-Governmental Organizations that were aiding illegals off from government funding.

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