APRIL 2025


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April 2, 2025 - St. Francis of Paula, Confessor
Double Feast

Traditional Catholic Producer-Director-Actor Mel Gibson Has Announced that Production
On the Sequel to His Blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ" Will Finally Begin In August 2025

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
'The Resurrection

Mel Gibson's Traditional Catholic Sequel
To His Blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ"
Will Be Entitled "The "Resurrection of the Christ"
And Will Finally Start Production in August 2025
It Will Cover from the Fall of the Angels in Hell
To the Death of the Last Apostle, St. John
And Will Focus on the Events that Occurred
During the Three Days between the Crucifixion
Of the Christ and His Resurrection

The long-awaited sequel to Traditional Catholic producer-director-actor Mel Gibson's 2004 blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ" will finally begin production in August 2025, as announced on March 26, 2025, by Rome's Cinecitta Studios, where it will be entirely shot. The epic will again be produced by Gibson's own independent film company, Icon Productions.

The sequel is entitled "The Resurrection of the Christ" and will require many theaters and stage constructions. Gibson has revealed that the gamut of the film will be "super ambitious," covering the fall of the Angels in Hell to the death of the last Apostle, St. John. The film will focus on the events that occurred during the three days between the crucifixion of The Christ and His Resurrection. James Caviezel will again star as The Christ.

Gibson snubbed Hollywood to produce "The Passion of the Christ" independently. Gibson courageously persisted in spite of a vile campaign against the Christian film by the extremist group B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), led by Abraham Foxman. Gibson overcame all opposition to produce the biggest-grossing independent film of all time, making 370,000,000 USD, from which he built his Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church in Agoura Hills in Southern California. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, Gibson is almost the only significant producer left that can produce major-release films depicting courage and faith, including 1995's "Braveheart," 2000's "The Patriot," and 2006's "Apocalypto." This Traditional Catholic, who has publicly denounced the post-Vatican II Newpopes as fakes and apostates from the Catholic Faith, is simultaneously working on a new limited television series on the Christian victory over the Mohammedans at the 1565 Great Siege of Malta. This siege led to the famous naval Battle of Lepanto in 1571, when the outnumbered Christian forces, under the leadership of Pope St. Pius V and with the suffrages of the Confraternities of the Most Holy Rosary, decisively defeated the infidel Mohammedans to thwart for centuries Sultan Suleiman's plan to take over Catholic Europe.

April 1, 2025 - Ferial Day

King and Queen of England Cancel Their Audience with Francis-Bergoglio
Also Canceled Is the Scandalous Oecumenical "Shivaree" that Had Been Planned

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

A Sickened Francis-Bergoglio
Upon His Return to Newvatican
From Rome's Gemelli Hospital
The Bloated Appearance of His Face
And His Morbid Obesity
Are Likely the Result
Of Taking Steroid Drugs
For a Long Period of Time
To Treat His Lung Disease

On March 25, 2025, two days after Francis-Bergoglio returned to the Newvatican, King Charles and Queen Camilla of England canceled their Newpapal visit. The highly-publicized visit was scheduled for April 8, 2025.

Perhaps Providence intervened, as the event was supposed to be similar to that when heretic "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla scandalously allowed an image of the Buddha to be placed on top of the Novus Ordo tabernacle at the 1986 Assisi Oecumenical Conference. Bergoglio had planned a "oecumenical service" in the sacred Sistine Chapel, in which he was going to push his "green" paganism in concert with the king, who is the head of the heretic Church of England. The king is also known to be a "greenie" extremist and perhaps not even a committed Anglican Christian, but toying with Buddhism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, the king and queen decided to cast Bergoglio aside and proceed with their state visit to Italy. The canceled visit with Bergoglio was designed to "mark a significant step forward in relations" between the apostate Newchurch and the heretic Church and Church of England. Now it has been canceled.

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