LIVES OF THE FATHERS, MARTYRS AND OTHER PRINCIPAL SAINTS TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Internet Site E-mail:, Web Page: Copyright 1997 CSM. Reproduction prohibited without authorization. THE LIVES OF THE FATHERS, MARTYRS AND OTHER PRINCIPAL SAINTS By the Rev. Alban Butler Copyright 1926, reprinted 1997, 4 volumes of over 400 pages each, hardbound St. Bonaventure publications $80.00 for the complete set {no shipping charge) Butler's Lives of the Saints, as it commonly known, first published in 1756, is without peer in its exhaustive coverage of the saints, derived from original documents and other authentic records. Butler prepared himself for his work from an early age, gaining a perfect mastery of Latin and Greek, supplemented with a knowledge of Near Eastern and Romance languages. The text has gone through several editions under various editors since Butler's first edition, including recently some editions that have incorporated the Novus Ordo calendar and a depreciating or bowdlerizing tone, in stark contrast to Butler's traditional reverential attitude. This edition is taken from the 1926 edition as edited by Rev. F.C. Husenbeth, D.D., V.G. Perhaps the greatest tribute to Butler's great work and his life was expressed in the words of his preface: "With all his learning, Butler kept in view that he was not merely writing history, but the history of the Saints. He had molded his own life according to their example."