Cum tempus advenerit, quo Sacerdos, utens facultate sibi ab Apostolica Sede, ut supra, tributa, administrare Confirmationem intendit, superpelliceo et stola, vel etiam pluviali albi coloris indutus, stans ante Altare versus ad populum hinc inde dispositum (masculis a dexteris, feminis vero a sinistris), circumstantes admoneat, quod nullus alius, nisi Episcopus, Confirmationis ordinarius Minister est; se vero collaturum esse illam jure per S. Sedem delegato.

2. Mox, si hujusmodi delegatio per indultum facta fuerit, delegationis Decretum lingua vernacula legatur alta et intelligibili voce; deinde Sacerdos moneat astantes, quod nullus confirmatus discedat, nisi benedictione accepta, quam ipse post omnium Confirmationem dabit. Item, quod infantes, si quos in prima ætate justa de causa (juxta superius dicta I, n.3) confirmandos existimaverit, per patrinos teneantur in brachiis dexteris, et quod adulti ponant pedem suum super pedem dexterum atrini sui; vel patrinus ponat manum suam dexteram super humerum dexterum confirmandi, sive infantis sive adulti.

3. Hac altera monitione completa, pariter stans versa facie ad confirmandos, junctis ante pectus manibus, confirmandis vero genua flectentibus et manus ante pectus junctas tenentibus, dicit:

V. Spíritus Sanctus supervéniat in vos, et virtus Altíssimi custódiat vos a peccátis.

R. Amen.

4. Deinde signans se a fronte ad pectus signo crucis, dicit:

V. Adjutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini.

R. Qui fecit cælum et terram.

V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.

R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

5. Tunc extensis versus confirmandos manibus, dicit:

Orémus. Oratio

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui regeneráre dignátus es hos fámulos tuos ex aqua, et Spíritu Sancto, quique dedísti eis remissiónem ómnium peccatórum: emítte in eos septifórmem Spíritum tuum Sanctum Paráclitum de cælis. R. Amen.

Spíritum sapiéntiæ, et intelléctus. R. Amen.

Spíritum consílii, et fortitúdinis. R. Amen.

Spíritum sciéntiæ, et pietátis. R. Amen.

Adímple eos Spíritu timóris tui, et consígna eos signo Cru + cis Christi, in vitam propitiátus ætérnam. Per eúmdem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte ejúsdem Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.

6. Postea Sacerdos confirmat illos per ordinem genuflexos, primo mares, secundo feminas. Uno ordine confirmato, illi surgunt, et alii genuflectunt, et confirmantur, et sic usque in finem. Inquirit autem singillatim de nomine cujuslibet confirmandi, et summitate pollicis dexteræ manus Chrismate intincta, confirmat eum dicens:

N. Signo te signo Cru + cis quod dum dicit, imposita manu dextera super caput confirmandi, producit pollice signum crucis in fronte illius, deinde prosequitur: et cornfírmo te Chrísmate salútis. In nómine Pa + tris, et Fí + lii, et Spíritus + Sancti.

R. Amen. Et leviter eum in maxilla cædit, dicens: Pax tecum.

7. Ligantur mox vittis lineis recenter confirmatorum frontes. Quod sicubi hujusmodi vittæ non adhibeantur, Sacerdos, postquam frontes confirmandorum linierit sacro Shrismate, eas gossypio, postea comburendo, diligenter abstergat.

8. Omnibus confirmatis, Sacerdos tergit cum mica panis, et lavat pollicem et manus super pelvim; deinde aqua lotionis cum pane fundatur in piscinam sacrarii, in qua reponi debent etiam supradictorum gossypiorum cineres.

9. Interim dum lavat manus, si adsint ministri, cantatur, vel legitur ab iis sequens Antiphona; alias post lotionem ab ipso Sacerdote dicitur:

Confírma hoc, Deus, quod operátus es in nobis, a templo sancto tuo, quod est in Jerúsalem. V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto: Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum.

Amen. Et repetitur Antiphona: Confírma hoc, etc.

10. Qua repetita, Sacerdos stans versus ad Altare, junctis ante pectus manibus dicit:

V. Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam.

R. Et salutáre tuum da nobis.

V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.

R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

Junctis vero adhuc ante pectus manibus, et omnibus confirmatis devote genua flectentibus, dicit:

Orémus. Oratio

Deus, qui Apóstolis tuis Sanctum dedísti Spíritum, et per eos eorúmque successóres céteris fidélibus tradéndum esse voluísti: réspice propítius ad humilitátis nostræ famulátum, et præsta; ut eórum cdorda, quorum frontes sacro Chrísmate delinívimus, et signo sanctæ Crucis signávimus, idem Spíritus Sanctus in eis supervéniens, templum glóriæ suæ dignánter inhabitándo perfíciat: Qui cum Patre, et eódem Spíritu Sancto vivis et regnas Deus, in sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.

11. Deinde dicit: Ecce sic benedicétur omnis homo, qui timet Dóminum. Et vertens se ad confirmatos, ac faciens super eos signum crucis, dicit:

Bene + dicat vos Dóminus ex Sion, ut videátis bona Jerúsalem ómnibus diébus vitæ vestræ, et habeátis vitam ætérnam. R. Amen.

12. Absoluta hoc modo Confirmatione, Sacerdos sedens patrinos et matrinas monet, quod instruant filios suos bonis moribus, ut fugiant mala, et faciant bona: et doceant eos Credo in Deum, et Pater noster, et Ave María, quoniam ad hoc sunt obligati.









When the time shall have arrived at which the priest, using the faculty granted to him by the Apostolic See, as above, intends to administer Confirmation, he, having vested in surplice and stole, or also a cope of a white color, standing before the altar turned toward the people arranged on one side and the other (men on the right, and women on the left), should instruct those standing about that no one other than a bishop is the ordinary minister of Confirmation; but that he is going to confer the Sacrament by law delegated through the Holy See.

2. Next, if a delegation of this kind has been made by indult, he should read the Decree of Delegation in the vernacular language in a loud and intelligible voice; then the priest should instruct those standing about that no one confirmed should depart unless the blessing has been received, which he himself will give after the Confirmation of everyone. Likewise, if he thinks that any infants in their first period of life should be confirmed for just cause (according to what was said above in I, n. 3), they should be held by their sponsors on their right shoulders, and adults should place their foot over the right foot of their sponsor, or the sponsor should place his right hand over the right shoulder of the confirmand, whether an infant or an adult.

3. When this second instruction has been completed, likewise standing with face turned toward the confirmands, with hands joined before his breast, and the confirmands kneeling and holding their hands joined before their breast, he says:

V. May the Holy Ghost come down upon you, and make the power of the Most High keep you from all sin. R. Amen.

4. Then, signing himself with the sign of the cross, he says:

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.

R. Who hath made heaven and earth.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.

R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

5. Next, with his hands extended toward the confirmand, the priest says the following:

Let us pray. Prayer

Almighty, everlasting God, Who hast vouchsafed to regenerate these Thy servants by water and the Holy Ghost, and hast given them remission of all their sins; send forth upon them from heaven Thy sevenfold Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. R. Amen.

Thy Spirit of wisdom and understanding. R. Amen.

The Spirit of counsel and fortitude. R. Amen.

The Spirit of knowledge and piety. R. Amen.

Fill them with the spirit of Thy holy fear, and sign them with the sign of the cross + of Christ in mercy unto eternal life. Through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Ghost, God, forever and ever. R. Amen.

6. Afterward the priest confirms those kneeling according to rank, first the males, then the females. When one rank has been confirmed, they rise, and the others genuflect and are confirmed, and thus to the end. Then he inquires one by one about the name of each confirmand and, with the tip of the thumb of his right hand dipped in the Chrism, confirms him saying:

N., I sign thee with the Sign + of the Cross, and while he says this, with his right hand placed on the head of the confirmand, he makes with his thumb the Sign of the Cross on his forehead, and then proceeds: and I confirm thee with the chrism of salvation; in the name of the Father +, and of the Son, + and of the Holy + Ghost.

R. Amen. And he lightly strikes him on the cheek, saying: Peace be with thee.

7. Then he should bind the foreheads of those recently confirmed with linen bands. Wherever bands of this kind may not be supplied, the priest, after he shall have anointed their foreheads with Sacred Chrism, should diligently wash them with cotton, afterwards to be burned.

8. After all have been confirmed, the priest wipes his thumb and hands with bread crumbs and washes them over a basin; then the water from the washing, together with the bread, should be poured into the bowl of the sacrarium, in which the ashes from the cotton mentioned above should also be discarded.

9. Meanwhile, while he washes his hands, if assistants should be present, the following Antiphon should be chanted or read by them; otherwise, after the washing, by the priest himself.

Confirm, O Lord, what Thou hast wrought in us, from Thy holy temple which is in Jerusalem. V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. And the Antiphon is repeated: Confirm, O Lord, etc.

10. And after it has been repeated, the priest, standing facing the altar, with hands joined before his breast, says:

V. O Lord, show us Thy mercy.

R. And grant us Thy salvation.

V. O Lord hear my prayer,

R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

And with his hands still joined before his breast, and with all those confirmed devoutly kneeling, he says:

Let us pray. Prayer

O God, who didst give Thy Holy Ghost to Thy Apostles, and hast willed that through them and their successors the same gift should be delivered to all the faithful: look graciously on the service we humbly render to Thee; and grant that the same Holy Ghost coming down upon those whose foreheads we have anointed with the Holy Chrism, and signed with the Sign of the Holy Cross, may by His gracious indwelling make them a temple of His glory, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end. R. Amen.

11. Next, he says: Behold, thus shall every man be blessed who feareth the Lord: And turning toward those confirmed, and making the Sign of the Cross over them, he says:

May the Lord bless + you out of Sion, that you may see the good things of Jerusalem all the days of your life, and have life everlasting. R. Amen.

12. After the Confirmation has been completed in this manner, the priest, sitting, instructs the male and female sponsors that they should instruct their spiritual children in good morals, that they may avoid evil and do good: and that they should teach them the Credo in Deum, and Pater noster, and Ave María, since they are obligated to do this.