1. Sacerdos Sacramentum Extremæ Unctionis ministraturus, quatenus fieri poterit, parari curet apud infirmum mensam mappa candida coopertam, item que vas, in quo sit bombacium, seu quid simile in sex globulos distinctum, ad abstergendas partes inunctas; medullam panis ad detergendos digitos; et aquam ad abluendas Sacerdotis manus; ceream item candelam, quæ deinde accensa ipsi ungenti lumen præbeat. Denique operam dabit, ut quanta poterit munditia ac nitore hoc Sacramentum ministretur.

2. Deinde convocatis Clericis seu ministris, vel saltem uno Clerico, qui crucem sine hasta, aquam benedictam cum aspersorio, et librum Ritualem deferat, ipse Parochus decenter accipit vas sacri Olei infirmorum sacculo serico violacei coloris inclusum, illudque caute deferat, ne effundi possit. Quod si longius iter peragendum, aut etiam equitandum sit, vel alias adsit periculum effusionis, vas Olei sacculo, aut bursa inclusum, ut dictum est, ad collum appendat, ut commodius et securius perferat. Procedat autem sine sonitu campanulæ.

3. Cum perventum fuerit ad locum, ubi jacet infirmus, Sacerdos intrans cubiculum, dicit:

V. Pax huic dómui.

R. Et ómnibus habitántibus in ea.

4. Deinde deposito Oleo super mensam, superpelliceo, stolaque violacea indutus, ægroto crucem pie deosculandam porrigit; mox in modum crucis aqua benedicta eum, et cubiculum, et circumstantes aspergit, dicens Antiphonam: Aspérges, me, Dómine, etc. Quod si ægrotus velit confiteri, audiat illum, et absolvat. Deinde piis verbis illum consoletur, et de hujus Sacramenti vi, atque efficacia, si tempus ferat, breviter admoneat: et quantum opus sit, ejus animam confirmet, et in spem erigat vitæ æternæ.

5. Postea dicit:

V. Adjutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini.

R. Qui fecit cælum et terram.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

Orémus. Oratio

Intróeat, Dómine Jesu Christe, domum hanc sub nostræ humilitátis ingréssu, ætérna felícitas, divína prospéritas, seréna lætítia, cáritas fructuósa, sánitas sempitérna: effúgiat ex hoc loco accéssus dæmonum: adsint Angeli pacis, domúmque hanc déserat omnis malígna discórdia. Magnífica, Dómine, super nos nomen sanctum tuum; et béne+dic nostræ conversatióni: sanctífica nostræ humilitátis ingréssum, qui sanctus et qui pius es, et pérmanes cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto in sæcula sæculórum.

R. Amen.

Orémus, et deprecémur Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, ut benedicéndo bene+dicat hoc tabernáculum, et omnes habitántes in eo, et det eis Angelum bonum custódem, et fáciat eos sibi servíre ad considerándum mirabília de lege sua: avértat ab eis omnes contrárias potestátes: erípiat eos ab omni formídine, et ab omni perturbatióne, ac sanos in hoc tabernáculo custodíre dignétur: Qui cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto vivit et regnat Deus in sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.

Orémus. Oratio

Exáudi nos, Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérnæ deus: et míttere dignéris sanctum Angelum tuum de cælis, qui custódiat, fóveat, prótegat, vísitet, atque deféndat omnes habitántes in hoc habitáculo. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.

6. Quæ Orationes, si tempus non patiatur, ex parte, vel in totum poterunt omitti. Tunc de more facta confessione generali, latino vel vulgari sermone, Sacerdos dicit in singulari numero: Misereátur tui, etc., Indulgéntiam ... tuórum tríbuat tibi, etc.

7. Antequam Parochus incipiat ungere infirmum, moneat astantes, ut pro illo orent, et, ubi commodum sit, pro loco et tempore, et astantium numero, vel qualitate, recitent septem Psalmos Pœnitentiales cum Litaniis Sanctorum, vel alias preces, dum ipse Unctionis Sacramentum administrat. Mox, extensa manu dextera super caput infirmi, dicit:

In nómine Pa+tris, et Fí+lii, et Spíritus + Sancti, extinguátur in te omnis virtus diáboli per impositiónem mánuum nostrárum, et per invocatiónem gloriósæ et sanctæ Dei Genitrícis Vírginis Maríæ, ejúsque ínclyti Sponsi Joseph, et ómnium sanctórum Angelórum, Archangelórum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Vírginum, atque ómnium simul Sanctórum. Amen.

8. Deinde, intincto pollice in Oleo sancto, in modum crucis ungit infirmum in partibus hic subscriptis, aptando proprio loco verba formæ in hunc modum:

Ad oculos

Per istam sanctam Unctió + nem, et suam piíssimam misericórdiam, indúlgeat tibi Dóminus quidquid per visum deliquísti. Amen.

9. Minister vero, si est in Saccris, vel ipsemet Sacerdos, post quamlibet Unctionem, tergat loca inuncta novo globulo bombacii, vel rei similis, eumque in vase mundo reponat, et ad ecclesiam postea deferat, comburat, cineresque projiciat in sacrarium.

Ad aures

Per istam sanctam Unctió + nem, et suam piíssimam misericórdiam, indúlgeat tibi Dóminus quidquid per audítum deliquísti. Amen.

Ad nares

Per istam sanctam Unctió + nem, et suam piíssimam misericórdiam, indúlgeat tibi Dóminus quidquid per odorátum deliquísti. Amen.

Ad os, compressis labiis

Per istam sanctam Unctió + nem, et suam piíssimam misericórdiam, indúlgeat tibi Dóminus quidquid per gustum et locutiónem deliquísti. Amen.

Ad manus

Per istam sanctam Unctió + nem, et suam piíssimam misericórdiam, indúlgeat tibi Dóminus quidquid per tactum deliquísti. Amen.

10. Et adverte, quod Sacerdotibus, ut dictum est, manus non inunguntur interius, sed exterius.


Ad pedes

Per istam sanctam Unctió + nem, et suam piíssimam misericórdiam, indúlgeat tibi Dóminus quidquid per gressum deliquísti. Amen.

11. Hæc autem unctio ad pedes, ut dictum est, ex qualibet rationabili causa omitti potest.

12. Quibus omnibus peractis, Sacerdos pollicem fricat cum medulla panis, manus lavat linteoque abstergit; aqua vero lotionis cum pane, suo tempore, mittatur in sacrarium, vel, si hoc desit, in ignem. Deinde dicit:

Kýrie eléson. Christe, eléison. Kýrie eléson.

Pater noster secreto usque ad

V. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónesm.

R. Sed líbera nos a malo.

V. Salvum (-am) fac servum tuum (ancíllam tuam).

R. Deus meus, sperántem in te.

V. Mitte ei, Dómine, auxílium de sancto.

R. Et de Sion tuére eum (eam).

V. Esto ei, Dómine, turris fortitúdinis.

R. A fácie inimíci.

V. Nihil profíciat inimícus in eo (ea).

R. Et fílius iniquitátis non appónat nocére ei.

V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.

R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

Orémus. Oratio

Dómine Deus, qui per Apóstolum tuum Jacóbum locútus es: Infirmátur quis in vobis? indúcat presbýteros Ecclésiæ et orent super eum, ungéntes eum óleo in nómine Dómini: et orátio fídei salvábit infírmum, et alleviábit eum Dóminus: et si in peccátis sit, remitténtur ei; cura, quæsumus, Redémptor noster, grátia Sancti Spíritus languóres istíus infírmi (infírmæ), ejúsque sana vúlnera, et dimítte peccáta, atque dolóres cunctos mentis et córporis ab eo (ea) expélle, plenámque intérius et extérius sanitátem misericórditer redde, ut, ope misericórdiæ tuæ restitútus (-a), ad prístina reparétur offícia: Qui cum Patre et eódem Spíritu Sancto vivis et regnas Deus, in sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.

Orémus. Oratio

Réspice, quæsumus, Dómine fámulum tuum N. (fámulam tuam N.) in infirmitáte sui córporis fatiscéntem, et ánimam réfove, quam creásti: ut, castigatiónibus emendátus (-a), se tua séntiat medicína salvátum (-am). Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.

Orémus. Oratio

Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus, qui, benedictiónis tuæ grátiam ægris infundéndo corpóribus, factúram tuam multíplici pietáte custódis: ad invocatiónem tui nóminis benígnus assíste; ut fámulum tuum (fámulam tuam) ab ægritúdine liberátum (-am), et sanitáte donátum (-am), déxtera tua érigas, virtúte confírmes, potestáte tueáris, atque Ecclésiæ tuæ sanctæ, cum omni desideráta prosperitáte, restítuas. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.

13. Ad extremum, pro personæ qualitate, salutaria monita breviter præbere poterit, quibus infirmus ad moriendum in Domino confirmetur et ad fugandas dæmonum tentationes roboretur.

14. Denique aquam benedictam, et crucem nisi aliam habeat, coram eo relinquat, ut illam frequenter aspiciat, et pro sua devotione osculetur et amplectatur.

15. Admoneat etiam domesticos et ministros infirmi, ut, si morbus ingravescat, vel infirmus incipiat agonizare, statim ipsum Parochum accersant, ut morientem adjuvet, ejusque animam Deo commendet: sed si mors immineat, priusquam discedat, Sacerdos animam Deo rite commendabit.

16. Quæ autem pertinent ad visitationem, curamque infirmorum, et ad juvandos morientes, ad commendationem animæ, et ad exsequias, infra suis locis præscribuntur.





1. The priest who is to administer the sacrament of extreme unction should see that the following preparations are made, to the extent possible, in the room of the sick person: a table covered with a white cloth; a dish with cotton or something similar, in six separate pellets, to wipe the places anointed; a little bread to cleanse the priest’s fingers; water to wash his hands; and a wax candle to be lighted during the anointing. Finally, the priest shall see that everything is clean and bright for the administration of this sacrament.

2. Then the clerics or ministers are summoned, or at least one cleric who will carry the cross, without its staff, the holy water and sprinkler, and the ritual. The pastor himself reverently takes the vessel of the holy oil of the sick, enclosed in a small silk container of violet color, and carries it carefully lest it spill. If the distance is great, if the priest must ride, or if there is any other danger of spilling the oil, he should hang the vessel of oil, enclosed in its burse or sack, as already mentioned, from his neck, so that he may carry it more conveniently and securely. The bells are not rung.

3. When he has arrived at the place where the sick person is, the priest enters the room and says:

V. Peace to this house.

R. And to all who dwell herein.

4. Then the priest places the holy oil on the table and, vested in surplice and violet stole, presnts the cross to to the sick person for him to kiss devoutly. Next he sprinkles the sick person, the room, and those present with holy water, in the form of a cross, while saying the antiphon Asperges me, Domine, etc. If the sick person wishes to confess his sins, the priest should hear his confession and absolve him. Then he offers the sick person spiritual consolation and, if there is time, explains briefly the power and efficacy of this sacrament. The priest should encourage him, as much as is necessary, to have hope of eternal life.

5. Next the priest says:

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.

R. Who made heaven and earth.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. Prayer

As I enter here with a sense of my own unworthiness, O Lord Jesus Christ, let abiding happiness enter with me; may the blessings of God and unmixed joy accompany my visit; may fruitful charity and lasting good health come with me. Let no evil spirit gain entrance here. May the angels of peace be present, and may all harmful discord leave this house. Strengthen me with your divine power, and bless + what I am about to do. Unworthy though I be, may my entry be blessed by you who are holy, you who are merciful, you who abide with the Father and Holy Ghost forever and ever. R. Amen.

Let us pray and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to fill with his + blessings this house and all who dwell herein. May he give them his holy angel as their guardian; may he prompt them to serve him, mindful of the wonders of his law; may he ward off every hostile power; may he save them from fear and from all anxiety, and keep them safe and sound in this house. Who lives and reigns with the Father and Holy Ghost, God, forever and ever.

R. Amen.

Let us pray. Prayer

Hear us, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, and graciously send your holy angel from heaven to watch over, to cherish, to protect, to abide with, and to defend all who dwell in this house. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

6. If time does not permit, these prayers may be omitted in whole or in part. After the Confiteor, said as usual in Latin or in the vernacular, the priest says, using the singular form: Misereatur tui, etc., Indulgentiam . . . tuorum, etc.

7. Before anointing the sick person, the pastor urges those present to pray for him. Where it is possible, in the circumstance of time, place, number and capacity of those present, all should recite the seven penitential psalms with the Litany of the Saints or other prayers during the administration of the sacrament of anointing. The priest, extending his right hand over the head of the sick person, says:

In the name of the Father +, and of the Son +, and of the Holy + Ghost, may all the power of the devil over you be destroyed by the imposition of our hands, and through the invocation of the glorious and holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, her illustrious spouse, St. Joseph, and all the holy angels, archangels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, and all the saints together. Amen.

8. Next, dipping his right thumb in the holy oil, the priest anoints the sick person in the form of a cross upon the parts indicated below, using the appropriate words as follows:

Of the eyes

By this holy + anointing and his most loving mercy may the Lord forgive you whatever wrong you have done through sight. Amen.

9. The server, if he is in sacred orders, or the priest himself after each anointing wipes the anointed places with a fresh pellet of cotton or something similar. He places the cotton in a clean vessel and afterward takes it to the church where he burns it and throws the ashes in the sacrarium.

Of the ears

By this holy + anointing and his most loving mercy may the Lord forgive you whatever wrong you have done through hearing. Amen.

Of the nostrils

By this holy + anointing and his most loving mercy may the Lord forgive you whatever wrong you have done through the sense of smell. Amen.

Of the mouth with closed lips

By this holy + anointing and his most loving mercy may the Lord forgive you whatever wrong you have done through taste and speech. Amen.

Of the hands

By this holy + anointing and his most loving mercy may the Lord forgive you whatever wrong you have done through the sense of touch. Amen.

10. The hands of a priest are anointed on the back, not on the palms.

Of the feet

By this holy + anointing and his most loving mercy may the Lord forgive you whatever wrong you have done through the power to walk. Amen.

11. The anointing of the feet may be omitted for any reasonable cause.

12. When the anointing has been completed, the priest rubs his thumb with bread, then washes his hands and dries them with a towel. The water and the bread are later thrown in the sacrarium or, if there is none, into the fire. Then the priest says:

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.

Our Father (silently) as far as:

V. And lead us not into temptation.

R. But deliver us from evil.

V. Save your servant.

R. Who trusts in you, my God.

V. Send him (her) help, O Lord, from your sanctuary.

R. And sustain him (her) from Sion.

V. Be a tower of strength for him (her), O Lord.

R. Against the attack of the enemy.

V. Let the enemy have no power over him (her).

R. And let not the son of evil dare to harm him (her).

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.

R. And let my cry come to you.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. Prayer

Lord God, you have spoken through your apostle James: "Is anyone sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him." Cure, we ask you, our Redeemer, the sickness of this sick man (woman) by the grace of the Holy Ghost, heal his (her) wounds, forgive his (her) sins, and drive from him (her) all pain of mind and body. In your mercy restore him (her) inwardly and outwardly to full health, so that, having recovered through the help of your mercy, he (she) may return to his (her) former duties: who with the Father and the same Holy Ghost live and reign, God, forever and ever. R. Amen.

Let us pray. Prayer

Look with favor, we ask you, O Lord, upon your servant N., growing weak from bodily sickness, and revive the soul that you created, so that, purified by sufferings, he (she) may find himself (herself) restored by your healing. Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

Let us pray. Prayer

Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, by pouring the grace of your blessing upon sick bodies, you guard your creature with generous love. In your kindness come at the invocation of your name, raise up by your right hand your servant, free from sickness and restored in health, strengthen him (her) by your power, protect him (her) by your might, and give him (her) back to your holy Church in all his (her) desired well-being. Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

13. After administering the sacrament, the priest may offer the sick person salutary counsel, depending upon his condition, so that he may be strengthened in the Lord and avoid the temptations of the devil.

14. Then the priest should leave holy water and a cross, unless another is available, for the sick person to look upon and to kiss and embrace devoutly.

15. The priest should instruct the family or members of the household that, if the sick person grows worse or begins his last agony, the pastor should be summoned immediately to assist him and to commend his soul to God. If death is close, the priest should recite the commendation of the soul before he departs.

16. Those things that pertain to the visitation and cure of the ill and to assisting the dying, to the commendation of the soul, and to the exsequies will be prescribed in their own places.