Feria sexta ad Nonam
Ante quam inchoetur Officium, laudabiliter dicitur, sub singulari semper numero, sequens Oratio; pro qua Summus Pontifex Pius Pp. XI sub die 17 Novembris 1933 Indulgentiam trium annorum concessit.
PERI, Dómine, os meum ad benedicéndum nomen sanctum tuum: munda quoque cor meum ab ómnibus vanis, pervérsis et aliénis cogitatiónibus; intelléctum illúmina, afféctum inflámma, ut digne, atténte ac devóte hoc Offícium recitáre váleam, et exaudíri mérear ante conspéctum divínæ Majestátis tuæ. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.D
ómine, in unióne illíus divínæ intentiónis, qua ipse in terris laudes Deo persolvísti, hanc tibi Horam persólvo.P
ATER noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.A
VE, María, grátia plena; Dóminus tecum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui Jesus. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.V.
Deus, in adjutórium meum inténde.R.
Dómine, ad adjuvándum me festína.Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. Allelúja,
vel Laus tibi, Dómine, Rex ætérnæ glóriæ.Hymnus
ERUM, Deus, tenax vigor,Immótus in te pérmanens,
Lucis diúrnæ témpora
Succéssibus detérminans:
argíre lumen véspere,Quo vita nusquam décidat,
Sed præmium mortis sacræ
Perénnis instet glória.
ræsta, Pater piíssime,Patríque compar Unice,
Cum Spíritu Paráclito
Regnans per omne sæculum.
Misericórdia et véritas.Psalmus 88, i
ISERICÓRDIAS Dómini in ætérnum cantábo.In generatiónem et generatiónem annuntiábo veritátem tuam in ore meo.
Quóniam dixísti: In ætérnum misericórdia ædificábitur in cælis: præparábitur véritas tua in eis.
Dispósui testaméntum eléctis meis, jurávi David, servo meo: Usque in ætérnum præparábo semen tuum.
Et ædificábo in generatiónem et generatiónem sedem tuam.
Confitebúntur cæli mirabília tua, Dómine: étenim veritátem tuam in ecclésia sanctórum.
Quóniam quis in núbibus æquábitur Dómino: símilis erit Deo in fíliis Dei?
Deus, qui glorificátur in consílio sanctórum: magnus et terríbilis super omnes qui in circúitu ejus sunt.
Dómine, Deus virtútum, quis símilis tibi? potens es, Dómine, et véritas tua in circúitu tuo.
Tu domináris potestáti maris: motum autem flúctuum ejus tu mítigas.
Tu humiliásti sicut vulnerátum, supérbum: in bráchio virtútis tuæ dispersísti inimícos tuos.
Tui sunt cæli, et tua est terra, orbem terræ et plenitúdinem ejus tu fundásti: aquilónem, et mare tu creásti.
Thabor et Hermon in nómine tuo exsultábunt: tuum bráchium cum poténtia.
Firmétur manus tua, et exaltétur déxtera tua: justítia et judícium præparátio sedis tuæ.
Misericórdia et véritas præcédent fáciem tuam: beátus pópulus, qui scit jubilatiónem.
Dómine, in lúmine vultus tui ambulábunt, et in nómine tuo exsultábunt tota die: et in justítia tua exaltabúntur.
Quóniam glória virtútis eórum tu es: et in beneplácito tuo exaltábitur cornu nostrum.
Quia Dómini est assúmptio nostra, et Sancti Israel, regis nostri.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Psalmus 88, ii
UNC locútus es in visióne sanctis tuis, et dixísti: Pósui adjutórium in poténte: et exaltávi eléctum de plebe mea.Invéni David, servum meum: óleo sancto meo unxi eum.
Manus enim mea auxiliábitur ei: et bráchium meum confortábit eum.
Nihil profíciet inimícus in eo, et fílius iniquitátis non appónet nocére ei.
Et concídam a fácie ipsíus inimícos ejus: et odiéntes eum in fugam convértam.
Et véritas mea, et misericórdia mea cum ipso: et in nómine meo exaltábitur cornu ejus.
Et ponam in mari manum ejus: et in flumínibus déxteram ejus.
Ipse invocábit me: Pater meus es tu: Deus meus, et suscéptor salútis meæ.
Et ego primogénitum ponam illum excélsum præ régibus terræ.
In ætérnum servábo illi misericórdiam meam: et testaméntum meum fidéle ipsi.
Et ponam in sæculum sæculi semen ejus: et thronum ejus sicut dies cæli.
Si autem derelíquerint fílii ejus legem meam: et in judíciis meis non ambuláverint:
Si justítias meas profanáverint: et mandáta mea non custodíerint:
Visitábo in virga iniquitátes eórum: et in verbéribus peccáta eórum.
Misericórdiam autem meam non dispérgam ab eo: neque nocébo in veritáte mea:
Neque profanábo testaméntum meum: et quæ procédunt de lábiis meis, non fáciam írrita.
Semel jurávi in sancto meo: Si David méntiar: semen ejus in ætérnum manébit.
Et thronus ejus sicut sol in conspéctu meo, et sicut luna perfécta in ætérnum: et testis in cælo fidélis.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Psalmus 88, iii
U vero reppulísti et despexísti: distulísti Christum tuum.Evertísti testaméntum servi tui: profanásti in terra Sanctuárium ejus.
Destruxísti omnes sepes ejus: posuísti firmaméntum ejus formídinem.
Diripuérunt eum omnes transeúntes viam: factus est oppróbrium vicínis suis.
Exaltásti déxteram depriméntium eum: lætificásti omnes inimícos ejus.
Avertísti adjutórium gládii ejus: et non es auxiliátus ei in bello.
Destruxísti eum ab emundatióne: et sedem ejus in terram collisísti.
Minorásti dies témporis ejus: perfudísti eum confusióne.
Usquequo, Dómine, avértis in finem: exardéscet sicut ignis ira tua?
Memoráre quæ mea substántia: numquid enim vane constituísti omnes fílios hóminum?
Quis est homo, qui vivet, et non vidébit mortem: éruet ánimam suam de manu ínferi?
Ubi sunt misericórdiæ tuæ antíquæ, Dómine, sicut jurásti David in veritáte tua?
Memor esto, Dómine, oppróbrii servórum tuórum (quod contínui in sinu meo) multárum géntium.
Quod exprobravérunt inimíci tui, Dómine, quod exprobravérunt commutatiónem Christi tui.
Benedíctus Dóminus in ætérnum: fiat, fiat.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Misericórdia et véritas præcédent fáciem tuam, Dómine.Capit. 1 Petri 1, 17-19
N timóre incolátus vestri témpore conversámini: sciéntes quod non corruptibílibus auro vel argénto redémpti estis, sed pretióso sánguine quasi Agni immaculáti Christi.R.
Deo grátias.R. br.
Rédime me, Dómine, * Et miserére mei. Rédime me, Dómine, et miserére mei. V. Pes enim meus stetit in via recta. Et miserére mei. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Rédime me, Dómine, et miserére mei.V.
Ab occúltis meis munda me, Dómine.R.
Et ab aliénis parce servo tuo.K
ýrie, eléison. Christe, eléison. Kýrie, eléison.Pater noster
secreto usque adV
. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.R.
Sed líbera nos a malo.V.
Dómine, Deus virtútum, convérte nos.R.
Et osténde fáciem tuam, et salvi érimus.V.
Exsúrge, Christe, ádjuva nos.R.
Et líbera nos propter nomen tuum.V.
Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.R.
Et clamor meus ad te véniat.V.
Dóminus vobíscum.R.
Et cum spíritu tuo.Orémus.
(ex Commune Festorum beatæ Mariæ Virginis)
ONCÉDE nos fámulos tuos, quæsumus, Dómine Deus, perpétua mentis et córporis sanitáte gaudére: et, gloriósa beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis intercessióne, a præsénti liberári tristítia et ætérna pérfrui lætítia. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.V.
Dóminus vobíscum.R.
Et cum spíritu tuo.V.
Benedicámus Dómino.R.
Deo grátias.V.
Fidélium ánimæ per misericórdiam Dei requiéscant in pace.R.
ATER noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.********************************************************************************************
Friday None
Before the Office is begun, it is commendable to say the following Prayer, the singular number being used throughout; for which Pope Pius XI granted an indulgence of 3 years (S. Ap., November 17, 1933).
PEN my mouth, O Lord, to bless thy holy name: cleanse also my heart from all vain, evil and distracting thoughts; enlighten my understanding, inflame my will, that I may worthily recite this Office with attention and devotion, and deserve to be heard in the presence of thy divine Majesty. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.O
Lord, in union with that divine intention with which thou didst praise God on earth, I offer to thee this Hour.O
UR Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.H
AIL, Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee: blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.V.
O God, come to my assistance.R.
O Lord, make haste to help me.Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia,
or Praise be to Thee, O Lord, King of eternal glory.Hymn
STRENGTH and stay upholding all creation,Who ever dost thyself unmoved abide,
And day by day the light in due gradation
From hour to hour through all its changes guide;
rant to life’s day a calm unclouded ending,An eve untouched by shadows of decay,
The brightness of a holy deathbed blending
With dawning glories of the eternal day.
ear us, O Father, gracious and forgiving,And thou, O Christ, the coeternal Word,
Who, with the Holy Ghost, by all things living
Now and to endless ages art adored.
Mercy and truth.Psalm 88, i
HE mercies of the Lord I will sing for ever.I will shew forth thy truth with my mouth to generation and generation.
For thou hast said: Mercy shall be built up for ever in the heavens: thy truth shall be prepared in them.
I have made a covenant with my elect: I have sworn to David my servant: Thy seed will I settle for ever.
And I will build up thy throne unto generation and generation.
The heavens shall confess thy wonders, O Lord: and thy truth in the church of the saints.
For who in the clouds can be compared to the Lord: or who among the sons of God shall be like to God?
God, who is glorified in the assembly of the saints: great and terrible above all them that are about him.
O Lord God of hosts, who is like to thee? thou art mighty, O Lord, and thy truth is round about thee.
Thou rulest the power of the sea: and appeasest the motion of the waves thereof.
Thou hast humbled the proud one, as one that is slain: with the arm of thy strength thou hast scattered thy enemies.
Thine are the heavens, and thine is the earth: the world and the fulness thereof thou hast founded: the north and the sea thou hast created.
Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name: thy arm is with might.
Let thy hand be strengthened, and thy right hand exalted: justice and judgment are the preparation of thy throne.
Mercy and truth shall go before thy face: blessed is the people that knoweth jubilation.
They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance: and in thy name they shall rejoice all the day, and in thy justice they shall be exalted.
For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy good pleasure shall our horn be exalted.
For our protection is of the Lord, and of our king the holy one of Israel.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 88, ii
HEN thou spokest in a vision to thy saints, and saidst: I have laid help upon one that is mighty, and have exalted one chosen out of my people.I have found David my servant: with my holy oil I have anointed him.
For my hand shall help him: and my arm shall strengthen him.
The enemy shall have no advantage over him: nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him.
And I will cut down his enemies before his face; and them that hate him I will put to flight.
And my truth and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted.
And I will set his hand in the sea; and his right hand in the rivers.
He shall cry out to me: Thou art my father: my God, and the support of my salvation.
And I will make him my firstborn, high above the kings of the earth.
I will keep my mercy for him for ever: and my covenant faithful to him.
And I will make his seed to endure for evermore: and his throne as the days of heaven.
And if his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments:
If they profane my justices: and keep not my commandments:
I will visit their iniquities with a rod: and their sins with stripes.
But my mercy I will not take away from him: nor will I suffer my truth to fail.
Neither will I profane my covenant: and the words that proceed from my mouth I will not make void.
Once have I sworn by my holiness: I will not lie unto David: his seed shall endure for ever.
And his throne as the sun before me: and as the moon perfect for ever, and a faithful witness in heaven.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 88, iii
UT thou hast rejected and despised: thou hast been angry with thy anointed.Thou hast overthrown the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his sanctuary on the earth.
Thou hast broken down all his hedges: thou hast made his strength fear.
All that pass by the way have robbed him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours.
Thou hast set up the right hand of them that oppress him: thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
Thou hast turned away the help of his sword; and hast not assisted him in battle.
Thou hast made his purification to cease: and thou hast cast his throne down to the ground.
Thou hast shortened the days of his time: thou hast covered him with confusion.
How long, O Lord, turnest thou away unto the end? shall thy anger burn like fire?
Remember what my substance is: for hast thou made all the children of men in vain?
Who is the man that shall live, and not see death: that shall deliver his soul from the hand of hell?
Lord, where are thy ancient mercies, according to what thou didst swear to David in thy truth?
Be mindful, O Lord, of the reproach of thy servants (which I have held in my bosom) of many nations:
Wherewith thy enemies have reproached, O Lord; wherewith they have reproached the change of thy anointed.
Blessed be the Lord for evermore. So be it. So be it.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Mercy and truth shall go before thy face, O Lord.Little Chapter 1 Peter 1, 17-19
ONVERSE in fear during the time of your sojourning here. Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb unspotted.R.
Thanks be to God.Short response:
Redeem me, O Lord, * And have mercy on me. Redeem me, O Lord, and have mercy on me. V. For my foot hath stood in the right way. And have mercy on me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Redeem me, O Lord, and have mercy on me.V.
From my secret sins cleanse me, O Lord.R.
And from those of others spare thy servant.L
ord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.Our Father
(silently) as far as:V.
And lead us not into temptation.R.
But deliver us from evil.V.
O Lord, God of hosts, convert us.R.
And show thy face, and we shall be saved.V.
Arise, O Christ, help us.R.
And deliver us for thy name’s sake.V.
O Lord, hear my prayer.R.
And let my cry come unto thee.V.
The Lord be with you.R.
And with thy spirit.Let us pray.
(Common of Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
RANT, we beseech thee, O Lord God, to us thy servants, that we may evermore enjoy health of mind and body: and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, may be delivered from present sorrows, and enjoy everlasting gladness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.V.
The Lord be with you.R.
And with thy spirit.V.
Let us bless the Lord.R.
Thanks be to God.V.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.R.
UR Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.********************************************************************************************