AT HIGH AND LOW MASS

N.B.  The official rubrics for the Mass pertain to the celebrating 
priest.  There are virtually no rubrics indicated in the traditional 
liturgical books for the congregation.  Thus, some variations may be 
found between localities.  This file gives a description of 
postures that will commonly be found at many sites around the world.

EVENT                                                HIGH MASS LOW MASS
When bell rings and schola processes in              Stand     Stand
Psalm 118 (when priest sits)                         Sit       Sit
Chapter (when priest rises)                          Stand     Stand
After Terce (when priest sits)                       Sit       Sit
When priest processes to the altar                   Stand     Stand
Asperges (then sit when priest sits)                 Stand     Stand
Prayers at foot of the altar                         Kneel     Kneel
Gloria (sit when priest sits at High Mass)           Stand     Kneel
Collects                                             Stand     Kneel
Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia/Tract                     Sit       Sit
Dominus Vobiscum before Gospel                       Stand     Stand
Announcements and Sermon                             Sit       Sit
Credo (genuflect and sit when priest does so)        Stand     Stand
After Oremus before Offertory (stand for incense)    Sit       Sit
Per omnia saecula saeculorum (before Preface)        Stand     Sit
After the priest recites the Sanctus                 Kneel     Kneel
Per omnia saecula (before Pater Noster)              Stand     Kneel
Agnus Dei                                            Kneel     Kneel
Priest's ablutions after Communion                   Sit       Sit
Dominus Vobiscum before Postcommunion Prayers        Stand     Sit
Last Blessing (make Sign of the Cross)               Kneel     Kneel
Last Gospel (genuflect at Et verbum caro factum est) Stand     Stand
Priest recesses out of the sanctuary                 Stand     Stand