Feria secúnda ad Matutínum
Ante quam inchoetur Officium, laudabiliter dicitur, sub singulari semper numero, sequens Oratio; pro qua Summus Pontifex Pius Pp. XI sub die 17 Novembris 1933 Indulgentiam trium annorum concessit.
APERI, Dómine, os meum ad benedicéndum nomen sanctum tuum: munda quoque cor meum ab ómnibus vanis, pervérsis et aliénis cogitatiónibus; intelléctum illúmina, afféctum inflámma, ut digne, atténte ac devóte hoc Offícium recitáre váleam, et exaudíri mérear ante conspéctum divínæ Majestátis tuæ. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. R. Amen.
Dómine, in unióne illíus divínæ intentiónis, qua ipse in terris laudes Deo persolvísti, hanc tibi Horam persólvo.
PATER noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.
AVE, María, grátia plena; Dóminus tecum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui Jesus. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.
CREDO in Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, Creatórem cæli et terræ. Et in Jesum Christum, Fílium ejus únicum, Dóminum nostrum: qui concéptus est de Spíritu Sancto, natus ex María Vírgine, passus sub Póntio Piláto, crucifíxus, mórtuus, et sepúltus: descéndit ad ínferos; tértia die resurréxit a mórtuis; ascéndit ad cælos; sedet ad déxteram Dei Patris omnipoténtis: inde ventúrus est judicáre vivos et mórtuos. Credo in Spíritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclésiam cathólicam, Sanctórum communiónem, remissiónem peccatórum, carnis resurrectiónem, vitam ætérnam. Amen.
DÓMINE, lábia mea apéries.
R. Et os meum annuntiábit laudem tuam.
V. Deus, in adjutórium meum inténde.
R. Dómine, ad adjuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. Allelúja.
Invit. Dóminum, qui fecit nos, * Veníte, adorémus.
Psalmus 94
VENÍTE, exsultémus Dómino, jubilémus Deo, salutári nostro: præoccupémus fáciem ejus in confessióne, et in psalmis jubilémus ei.
Repetitur integrum Invitatorium.
Quóniam Deus magnus Dóminus, et Rex magnus super omnes deos: quóniam non repéllet Dóminus plebem suam: quia in manu ejus sunt omnes fines terræ, et altitúdines móntium ipse cónspicit.
Repetitur altera pars Invitatorii.
¶ In sequenti Psalmi versu, ad verba veníte, adorémus, et procidámus ante Deum, genuflectitur.
Quóniam ipsíus est mare, et ipse fecit illud, et áridam fundavérunt manus ejus: veníte, adorémus, et procidámus ante Deum: plorémus coram Dómino, qui fecit nos, quia ipse est Dóminus, Deus noster; nos autem pópulus ejus, et oves páscuæ ejus.
Repetitur integrum Invitatorium.
Hódie, si vocem ejus audiéritis, nolíte obduráre corda vestra, sicut in exacerbatióne secúndum diem tentatiónis in desérto: ubi tentavérunt me patres vestri, probavérunt et vidérunt ópera mea.
Repetitur altera pars Invitatorii.
Quadragínta annis próximus fui generatióni huic, et dixi: Semper hi errant corde; ipsi vero non cognovérunt vias meas: quibus jurávi in ira mea: Si introíbunt in réquiem meam.
Repetitur integrum Invitatorium.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Repetitur altera pars Invitatorii.
Denique repetitur integrum Invitatorium.
SOMNO reféctis ártubus,
Spreto cubíli, súrgimus:
Nobis, Pater, canéntibus
Adésse te depóscimus.
Te lingua primum cóncinat,
Te mentis ardor ámbiat:
Ut áctuum sequéntium
Tu, Sancte, sis exórdium.
Cedant tenébræ lúmini,
Et nox diúrno síderi,
Ut culpa, quam nox íntulit,
Lucis labáscat múnere.
Precámur iídem súpplices,
Noxas ut omnes ámputes,
Et ore te canéntium
Laudéris omni témpore.
Præsta, Pater piíssime,
Patríque compar Unice,
Cum Spíritu Paráclito
Regnans per omne sæculum.
Ant. 4 Díligam te.
Psalmus 17, i
[DÍLIGAM te,] Dómine, fortitúdo mea: Dóminus firmaméntum meum, et refúgium meum, et liberátor meus.
Deus meus adjútor meus, et sperábo in eum.
Protéctor meus, et cornu salútis meæ, et suscéptor meus.
Laudans invocábo Dóminum: et ab inimícis meis salvus ero.
Circumdedérunt me dolóres mortis: et torréntes iniquitátis conturbavérunt me.
Dolóres inférni circumdedérunt me: præoccupavérunt me láquei mortis.
In tribulatióne mea invocávi Dóminum, et ad Deum meum clamávi.
Et exaudívit de templo sancto suo vocem meam: et clamor meus in conspéctu ejus, introívit in aures ejus.
Commóta est et contrémuit terra: fundaménta móntium conturbáta sunt, et commóta sunt, quóniam irátus est eis.
Ascéndit fumus in ira ejus: et ignis a fácie ejus exársit: carbónes succénsi sunt ab eo.
Inclinávit cælos, et descéndit: et calígo sub pédibus ejus.
Et ascéndit super Chérubim, et volávit: volávit super pennas ventórum.
Et pósuit ténebras latíbulum suum, in circúitu ejus tabernáculum ejus: tenebrósa aqua in núbibus áëris.
Præ fulgóre in conspéctu ejus nubes transiérunt, grando et carbónes ignis.
Et intónuit de cælo Dóminus, et Altíssimus dedit vocem suam: grando et carbónes ignis.
Et misit sagíttas suas, et dissipávit eos: fúlgura multiplicávit, et conturbávit eos.
Et apparuérunt fontes aquárum, et reveláta sunt fundaménta orbis terrárum:
Ab increpatióne tua, Dómine, ab inspiratióne spíritus iræ tuæ.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Díligam te, Dómine, virtus mea.
Ant. 5 Retríbuet mihi Dóminus.
Psalmus 17, ii
MISIT de summo, et accépit me: et assúmpsit me de aquis multis.
Erípuit me de inimícis meis fortíssimis, et ab his qui odérunt me: quóniam confortáti sunt super me.
Prævenérunt me in die afflictiónis meæ: et factus est Dóminus protéctor meus.
Et edúxit me in latitúdinem: salvum me fecit, quóniam vóluit me.
Et retríbuet mihi Dóminus secúndum justítiam meam, et secúndum puritátem mánuum meárum retríbuet mihi:
Quia custodívi vias Dómini, nec ímpie gessi a Deo meo.
Quóniam ómnia judícia ejus in conspéctu meo: et justítias ejus non réppuli a me.
Et ero immaculátus cum eo: et observábo me ab iniquitáte mea.
Et retríbuet mihi Dóminus secúndum justítiam meam: et secúndum puritátem mánuum meárum in conspéctu oculórum ejus.
Cum sancto sanctus eris, et cum viro innocénte ínnocens eris:
Et cum elécto eléctus eris: et cum pervérso pervertéris.
Quóniam tu pópulum húmilem salvum fácies: et óculos superbórum humiliábis.
Quóniam tu illúminas lucérnam meam, Dómine: Deus meus, illúmina ténebras meas.
Quóniam in te erípiar a tentatióne, et in Deo meo transgrédiar murum.
Deus meus, impollúta via ejus: elóquia Dómini igne examináta: protéctor est ómnium sperántium in se.
Quóniam quis Deus præter Dóminum? aut quis Deus præter Deum nostrum?
Deus, qui præcínxit me virtúte: et pósuit immaculátam viam meam.
Qui perfécit pedes meos tamquam cervórum, et super excélsa státuens me.
Qui docet manus meas ad prælium: et posuísti, ut arcum æreum, bráchia mea.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Retríbuet mihi Dóminus secúndum justítiam meam.
Ant. 6 Vivit Dóminus.
Psalmus 17, iii
ET dedísti mihi protectiónem salútis tuæ: et déxtera tua suscépit me:
Et disciplína tua corréxit me in finem: et disciplína tua ipsa me docébit.
Dilatásti gressus meos subtus me: et non sunt infirmáta vestígia mea:
Pérsequar inimícos meos, et comprehéndam illos: et non convértar, donec defíciant.
Confríngam illos, nec póterunt stare: cadent subtus pedes meos.
Et præcinxísti me virtúte ad bellum: et supplantásti insurgéntes in me subtus me.
Et inimícos meos dedísti mihi dorsum, et odiéntes me disperdidísti.
Clamavérunt, nec erat qui salvos fáceret, ad Dóminum: nec exaudívit eos.
Et commínuam eos, ut púlverem ante fáciem venti: ut lutum plateárum delébo eos.
Erípies me de contradictiónibus pópuli: constítues me in caput géntium.
Pópulus, quem non cognóvi, servívit mihi: in audítu auris obœdívit mihi.
Fílii aliéni mentíti sunt mihi: fílii aliéni inveteráti sunt, et claudicavérunt a sémitis suis.
Vivit Dóminus, et benedíctus Deus meus, et exaltétur Deus salútis meæ.
Deus, qui das vindíctas mihi, et subdis pópulos sub me, liberátor meus de inimícis meis iracúndis.
Et ab insurgéntibus in me exaltábis me: a viro iníquo erípies me.
Proptérea confitébor tibi in natiónibus, Dómine: et nómini tuo psalmum dicam.
Magníficans salútes Regis ejus, et fáciens misericórdiam Christo suo David, et sémini ejus usque in sæculum.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Vivit Dóminus, et benedíctus Deus salútis meæ.
V. Confitébor tibi in natiónibus, Dómine.
R. Et nómini tuo psalmum dicam.
Post Versum dicitur.
Pater noster secreto usque ad V. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem. R. Sed líbera nos a malo.
PATER noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo.
IPSÍUS píetas et misericórdia nos ádjuvet, qui cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
V. Jube, Dómine, benedícere.
Sermo sancti Gregórii Papæ
Homilia 30 in Evang., post med.
Bened. Deus Pater omnípotens sit nobis propítius et clemens. R. Amen.
Lectio iv
SCRIPTUM est: Spíritus Dómini ornávit cælos. Ornaménta enim cælórum sunt virtútes prædicántium. Quæ vidélicet ornaménta Paulus enúmerat, dicens: Alii datur per Spíritum sermo sapiéntiæ, álii sermo sciéntiæ secúndum eúndem Spíritum, álteri fides in eódem Spíritu, álii grátia sanitátum in uno Spíritu, álii operátio virtútum, álii prophetía, álii discrétio spirítuum, álii génera linguárum, álii interpretátio sermónum. Hæc autem ómnia operátur unus atque idem Spíritus, dívidens síngulis prout vult.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias.
R. Vidi conjúnctos viros, habéntes spléndidas vestes, et Angelus Dómini locútus est ad me, dicens: * Isti sunt viri sancti facti amíci Dei. V. Vidi Angelum Dei fortem, volántem per médium cælum, voce magna clamántem et dicéntem. Isti sunt viri sancti facti amíci Dei.
Bened. Christus perpétuæ det nobis gáudia vitæ. R. Amen.
Lectio v
QUOT ergo sunt bona prædicántium, tot sunt ornaménta cælórum. Hinc rursus scriptum est: Verbo Dómini cæli firmáti sunt. Verbum enim Dómini Fílius est Patris. Sed eósdem cælos, vidélicet sanctos Apóstolos, ut tota simul sancta Trínitas ostendátur operáta, repénte de Sancti Spíritus divinitáte adjúngitur: Et Spíritu oris ejus omnis virtus eórum. Cælórum ergo virtus de Spíritu sumpta est: quia mundi hujus potestátibus contraíre non præsúmerent, nisi eos Sancti Spíritus fortitúdo solidásset. Quales namque doctóres sanctæ Ecclésiæ ante advéntum hujus Spíritus fúerint, scimus; et post advéntum illíus, cujus fortitúdinis facti sint, conspícimus.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias.
R. Beáti estis, cum maledíxerint vobis hómines, et persecúti vos fúerint, et díxerint omne malum advérsum vos, mentiéntes, propter me: * Gaudéte et exsultáte, quóniam merces vestra copiósa est in cælis. V. Cum vos óderint hómines, et cum separáverint vos, et exprobráverint, et ejécerint nomen vestrum tamquam malum propter Fílium hóminis. Gaudéte et exsultáte, quóniam merces vestra copiósa est in cælis.
Bened. Ignem sui amóris accéndat Deus in córdibus nostris. R. Amen.
Lectio vi
CERTE iste ipse pastor Ecclésiæ, ad cujus sacratíssimum corpus sedémus, quantæ debilitátis quantæque formídinis ante advéntum Spíritus fúerit, ancílla ostiária requisíta dicat. Una enim mulíeris voce percúlsus, dum mori tímuit, Vitam negávit. Et pensándum, quia eum comprehénsum Petrus negávit in terra, quem suspénsum latro conféssus est in cruce. Sed vir iste tantæ formídinis qualis post advéntum Spíritus exsístat, audiámus. Fit convéntus magistrátus atque seniórum, cæsis denuntiátur Apóstolis, ne in nómine Jesu loqui débeant; Petrus magna auctoritáte respóndet: Obœdíre opórtet Deo magis quam homínibus.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias.
R. Isti sunt triumphatóres et amíci Dei, qui contemnéntes jussa príncipum, meruérunt præmia ætérna: * Modo coronántur, et accípiunt palmam. V. Isti sunt, qui venérunt ex magna tribulatióne, et lavérunt stolas suas in sánguine Agni. Modo coronántur, et accípiunt palmam. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Modo coronántur, et accípiunt palmam.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
(ex Commune Festorum beatæ Mariæ Virginis)
CONCÉDE nos fámulos tuos, quæsumus, Dómine Deus, perpétua mentis et córporis sanitáte gaudére: et, gloriósa beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis intercessióne, a præsénti liberári tristítia et ætérna pérfrui lætítia. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
V. Benedicámus Dómino.
R. Deo grátias.
V. Fidélium ánimæ per misericórdiam Dei requiéscant in pace.
R. Amen.
Deinde dicitur Pater noster totum secreto.
PATER noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.
Monday Matins
Before the Office is begun, it is commendable to say the following Prayer, the singular number being used throughout; for which Pope Pius XI granted an indulgence of 3 years (S. Ap., November 17, 1933).
OPEN my mouth, O Lord, to bless thy holy name: cleanse also my heart from all vain, evil and distracting thoughts; enlighten my understanding, inflame my will, that I may worthily recite this Office with attention and devotion, and deserve to be heard in the presence of thy divine Majesty. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
O Lord, in union with that divine intention with which thou didst praise God on earth, I offer to thee this Hour.
OUR Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.
HAIL, Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee: blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
I BELIEVE in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in JESUS CHRIST, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried: he descended into hell; the third day he arose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven; sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty: from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
O LORD, thou wilt open my lips.
V.And my mouth will announce thy praise.
V. O God, come to my assistance.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia.
Invit. Come, * Let us rejoice unto the Lord.
Psalm 94
COME let us praise the Lord with joy: let us joyfully sing to God our saviour. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.
The whole Invitatory is repeated.
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. For in his hand are all the ends of the earth: and the heights of the mountains are his.
The second part of the Invitatory is repeated.
¶ In the following verse of the Psalm, genuflect at the words "Come let us adore and fall down: and weep before the Lord."
For the sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. Come let us adore and fall down: and weep before the Lord that made us. For he is the Lord our God: and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.
The whole Invitatory is repeated.
To day if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts: As in the provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness: where your fathers tempted me, they proved me, and saw my works.
The second part of the Invitatory is repeated.
Forty years long was I offended with that generation, and I said: These always err in heart. And these men have not known my ways: so I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.
The whole Invitatory is repeated.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The second part of the Invitatory is repeated. Then the whole Invitatory is repeated.
OUR limbs refreshed with slumber now,
And sloth cast off, in prayer we bow;
And while we sing thy praises dear,
O Father, be thou present here.
To thee our earliest morning song,
To thee our hearts' full powers belong;
And thou, O Holy One prevent
Each following action and intent.
As shades at morning flee away,
And night before the star of day;
So each transgression of the night
Be purged by thee, celestial light!
Cut off, we pray Thee, each offense,
And every lust of thought and sense;
That by their lips who thee adore
Thou mayst be praised forevermore.
Grant this, O Father ever One
With Christ, thy sole-begotten Son,
And Holy Ghost, whom all adore,
Reigning and blest forevermore.
Ant. 4 I will love thee.
Psalm 17, i
David's thanks to God for his delivery from all his enemies.
[I WILL love thee,] O Lord, my strength:
The Lord is my firmament, my refuge, and my deliverer.
My God is my helper, and in him will I put my trust.
My protector and the horn of my salvation, and my support.
Praising I will call upon the Lord: and I shall be saved from my enemies.
The sorrows of death surrounded me: and the torrents of iniquity troubled me.
The sorrows of hell encompassed me: and the snares of death prevented me.
In my affliction I called upon the Lord, and I cried to my God:
And he heard my voice from his holy temple: and my cry before him came into his ears.
The earth shook and trembled: the foundations of the mountains were troubled and were moved, because he was angry with them.
There went up a smoke in his wrath: and a fire flamed from his face: coals were kindled by it.
He bowed the heavens, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.
And he ascended upon the cherubim, and he flew; he flew upon the wings of the winds.
And he made darkness his covert, his pavilion round about him: dark waters in the clouds of the air.
At the brightness that was before him the clouds passed, hail and coals of fire.
And the Lord thundered from heaven, and the highest gave his voice: hail and coals of fire.
And he sent forth his arrows, and he scattered them: he multiplied lightnings, and troubled them.
Then the fountains of waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were discovered:
At thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the spirit of thy wrath.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. I will love thee, O Lord, my strength.
Ant. 5 The Lord will reward me.
Psalm 17, ii
David's thanks to God for his delivery from all his enemies.
HE sent from on high, and took me: and received me out of many waters.
He delivered me from my strongest enemies, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.
They prevented me in the day of my affliction: and the Lord became my protector.
And he brought me forth into a large place: he saved me, because he was well pleased with me.
And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and will repay me according to the cleanness of my hands:
Because I have kept the ways of the Lord; and have not done wickedly against my God.
For all his judgments are in my sight: and his justices I have not put away from me.
And I shall be spotless with him: and shall keep myself from my iniquity.
And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes.
With the holy, thou wilt be holy; and with the innocent man thou wilt be innocent.
And with the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.
For thou wilt save the humble people; but wilt bring down the eyes of the proud.
For thou lightest my lamp, O Lord: O my God enlighten my darkness.
For by thee I shall be delivered from temptation; and through my God I shall go over a wall.
As for my God, his way is undefiled: the words of the Lord are fire tried: he is the protector of all that trust in him.
For who is God but the Lord? or who is God but our God?
God who hath girt me with strength; and made my way blameless.
Who hath made my feet like the feet of harts: and who setteth me upon high places.
Who teacheth my hands to war: and thou hast made my arms like a brazen bow.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. The Lord will reward me according to my justice.
Ant. 6 The Lord liveth.
Psalm 17, iii
David's thanks to God for his delivery from all his enemies.
AND thou hast given me the protection of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath held me up:
And thy discipline hath corrected me unto the end: and thy discipline, the same shall teach me.
Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; and my feet are not weakened.
I will pursue after my enemies, and overtake them: and I will not turn again till they are consumed.
I will break them, and they shall not be able to stand: they shall fall under my feet.
And thou hast girded me with strength unto battle; and hast subdued under me them that rose up against me.
And thou hast made my enemies turn their back upon me, and hast destroyed them that hated me.
They cried, but there was none to save them, to the Lord: but he heard them not.
And I shall beat them as small as the dust before the wind; I shall bring them to nought, like the dirt in the streets.
Thou wilt deliver me from the contradictions of the people: thou wilt make me head of the Gentiles.
A people, which I knew not, hath served me: at the hearing of the ear they have obeyed me.
The children that are strangers have lied to me, strange children have faded away, and have halted from their paths.
The Lord liveth, and blessed be my God, and let the God of my salvation be exalted:
O God, who avengest me, and subduest the people under me, my deliverer from my enemies.
And thou wilt lift me up above them that rise up against me: from the unjust man thou wilt deliver me.
Therefore will I give glory to thee, O Lord, among the nations, and I will sing a psalm to thy name.
Giving great deliverance to his king, and shewing mercy to David his anointed: and to his seed for ever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. The Lord liveth and blessed be the God of my salvation.
V. I will give glory to Thee, O Lord, among the nations.
R. And I will sing a psalm to thy name.
After the Versicle, Our Father is said silently as far as
V. And lead us not into temptation. R. But deliver us from evil.
OUR Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
MAY his loving-kindness and his mercy help us, who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end.
R. Amen.
V. Pray, O Lord, a blessing.
Sermon of St. Gregory, Pope
Homily 30 on the Gospels
Blessing. May almighty God the Father be gracious and kind to us. R. Amen.
Lesson iv
IT is written: The spirit of the Lord hath adorned the heavens. For the ornaments of the heavens are the virtues of preachers. Which ornaments are thus enumerated by Paul in the words: To one through the Spirit is given the utterance of wisdom; and to another the utterance of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; to another faith, in the same Spirit; to another the gift of healing, in the one Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another the distinguishing of spirits; to another various kinds of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues. But all these things are the work of one and the same Spirit, who divides to everyone according as he will.
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Thanks be to God.
R. I saw men standing together, clad in shining garments; and the Angel of the Lord spoke to me, saying: * These holy men became the friends of God. V. I saw a mighty Angel of God, flying through the midst of heaven, crying out with a loud voice and saying. These holy men became the friends of God.
Blessing. May Christ give us the joys of everlasting life. R. Amen.
Lesson v
THE heavens, therefore, have as many ornaments as preachers have virtues. Wherefore, it is also written: By the word of the Lord the heavens were established. For the Word of the Lord is the Son of the Father. But that we may know that these heavens, that is, the holy Apostles, at the same time display the work of the whole Trinity, there is added at once, in reference to the divinity of the Holy Ghost: And all the power of them by the Spirit of his mouth. Therefore the power of the heavens is taken from the Holy Ghost: for they would not have dared to withstand the powers of this world, if the Holy Ghost had not confirmed them with his fortitude. We know what these Doctors of the holy Church were before the coming of that Spirit, and we see how they were endowed with that fortitude, after he had descended upon them.
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Thanks be to God.
R. Blessed are you when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and, speaking falsely, say all manner of evil against you, for my sake: * Rejoice and exult, because your reward is great in heaven. V. When men hate you, and when they shut you out, and reproach you, and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice and exult, because your reward is great in heaven.
Blessing. May God enkindle in our hearts the fire of his love. R. Amen.
Lesson vi
INDEED, this very shepherd of the Church, near whose most holy remains we are assembled, displayed such great weakness and such great timidity, before the coming of the Holy Spirit, as we may learn if we ask the serving-maid who kept the door. For he was so stricken with terror at the mere voice of a woman that, in fear of death, he denied the Life. And remember too that, though Peter denied him when he was taken captive in the garden, the thief confessed him when he was hanging on the cross. But let us hear how, after the descent of the Holy Ghost, that man behaved who was once so fearful. The rulers and the elders gathered together, and the Apostles were scourged, and forbidden to speak in the name of Jesus; but Peter answered with great decision: We must obey God rather than men.
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Thanks be to God.
R. These are the conquerors and the friends of God, who, despising the orders of princes, merited an everlasting reward: * Now they are crowned, and they receive the palm. V. These are they who have come out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Now they are crowned, and they receive the palm. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Now they are crowned, and they receive the palm.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
(Common of Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
GRANT, we beseech thee, O Lord God, to us thy servants, that we may evermore enjoy health of mind and body: and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, may be delivered from present sorrows, and enjoy everlasting gladness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
V. Let us bless the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
R. Amen.
Then is added Our Father in full said silently.
OUR Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.