FAQ 5: WHAT TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC RESOURCES DO YOU RECOMMEND? TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network E-mail: traditio@traditio.com, Web: www.traditio.com Copyright 1994-2023 CSM. Reproduction prohibited without authorization. Last Revised: 12/30/24 ********************************************************************************************** For current contact information, refer to the latest edition of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory. See www.traditio.com/nat.htm for further information. ********************************************************************************************** GENERAL WARNING It is safest to rely on works that were published before 1950, except in the case of later authors who are explicitly traditional. In cases of unknown authors, consult your traditional priest or confessor for guidance. Many books written after those years are infected with the errors of Modernism or of Papolatry (idolatry pertaining to the pope, contrary to the Roman Catholic dogma of Vatican Council I) and should be studiously avoided by traditional Catholics, as they contain particularly gross errors and even deliberate disinformation. The Warning List below contains some of the most virulent examples. THREE WORDS TO BEWARE OF: "NEW," "REVISED," "REPRINTED." "New" represents a product associated with the heretical Newchurch (think of "New" Mess, "New" Sacraments, "New" Doctrine, "New" Morality, "New" Bible, "New" Catechism, "New" Canon Law. Also, one must be careful of books originally published before the heretical Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), but "reprinted" afterwards. Unless these are photographic reproductions of pre-Vatican II, they are not faithful reprints, but newly re-typeset editions that are "revised" to Newchurch specifications. Yet most editors not clearly mark these editions as such. That is why we give a prudent rule of thumb: if a book is "reprinted," it can be "revised" or "updated" to heretical post- Conciliar practices and beliefs. Sometimes you can discover this information on the reverse title page or in a new preface or in the end-matter. Many times you can't, because the Novus Ordo and even "Indult" presses don't want you to know that they have tampered with the original, traditional text. When these books are re-titled with Novus Ordo terminology, such as "Extraordinary Rite" or "Mass of 1962," you can be certain that the content has been "revised" to post-Vatican II heretical standards. For example, Canon Francis Ripley's "This is the Faith: A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith" was originally published in 1951. However, it was "reprinted" with the text being changed to "update" it to practices and beliefs after Vatican II. This is also the case with many post-Conciliar editions of the "Baltimore Catechism," the "Catechism of Pope Pius X," and other original, traditional books. Avoid "reprints" and instead secure used copies of versions published before 1950. ========================================================================= INDEX AUCTORUM PROHIBITORUM (LIST OF PROHIBITED AUTHORS) LEADING MODERNISTS AT THE TIME OF VATICAN II Note that the majority were Jesuits, the most extreme proponents of the Modernist heresy. Cardinal Agostino Bea (1881-1968), S.J., fired for his liturgical excesses Louis Bouyer (1913-2004), whose Protestant-based "assembly" theology and false "real" presences undermined the dogma of Transubstantiation and greatly influenced the Modernist Vatican II Council. Raymond Brown (1928-1998), S.S., who taught heretical views about Sacred Scripture Annibale Bugnini "Luther Resurrected" (1912-1982), C.M., who was dismissed by Pope John XXIII as teacher of Liturgy at the Pontifical Pastoral Institute of the Lateran University. Pierre Teilhard "Toxic" de Chardin (1881-1955), S.J., silenced in 1925 by the Holy Office and banned from publishing on religious matters for promoting the Modernist heresy; condemned by Pius XII and John XXIII Yves Congar (1904-1995), O.P., whose works were condemned by Pius XII Charles Curran (1934-), whose license to teach theology was revoked by Paul VI and who now teaches at a Protestant university Henri De Lubac (1896-1991), S.J., whose works were condemned for heresy by the Holy Office Gerald Ellard (1894-1963), S.J., who proposed already in 1948 the heretical, invalid "New Mass" of 1969 Joseph Jungmann, S.J. (1889-1975), whose works presenting a corrupted Modernist view of a "pastoral" liturgy greatly influenced the Modernist Vatican II Council. Hans Kung (1928-2021), whose license to teach theology was revoked by Paul VI; later he joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself Thomas Merton (1915-1968), once a Trappist monk, who embraced Buddhism John Courtney Murray (1904-1967), S.J., whose works were condemned for heresy by the Holy Office Karl Rahner (1904-1984), S.J., silenced by John XXIII; declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office Joseph Ratzinger (1927-2022), later aka Newpope Benedict XVI, declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office; his book, "Introduction to Christianity" (1968) was banned because of heresy by Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009), O.P., who received official Notifications of heretical views from Paul VI Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988), S.J., declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office and banned from teaching ========================================================================= WARNING AGAINST AUTHORS OF THE NOVUS ORDO SECT The works of the following authors, inter alios, are associated with the Newchurch of the New Order, which is not the Catholic Church, and filled with errors and even calumnies against traditional Catholicism. David Armstrong Bill Basile Terence Boyle Thomas Bottenkotter William Grossklas Scott Hahn E. Michael Jones Steven Hand Karl Keating Peter Kreeft James & Paul Likoudis F. John Loughnan Taylor Marshall Peter Stravinskas Robert Sungenis Peter Vere Gary Wills Thomas Woods ========================================================================= WARNING AGAINST TAN BOOKS This publisher once purported to publish traditional Catholic books. However, it routinely reprints pre-Vatican II books with New Order "updates" in the text, often with no notice at all to the reader. We have found that books from this publisher cannot be trusted to be authentic. Tan has also announced dropping from its catalog some of the most significant works of traditional Catholicism because they criticize the invalid Novus Ordo Protestantized service, including Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci's "The Ottaviani Intervention: Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass" and Fr. James Wathen's "The Great Sacrilege." More recently, it has begun to stock the New Order sect's "New American Bible," a Modernist paraphrase (not even a "translation") of the Bible, which is used in heretical New Order churches. ========================================================================= WARNING AGAINST THE EWTN CABLE NETWORK "Cooperates in burying landmarks of the Faith, even as it presents itself as a bastion of rock-solid Catholic Tradition, EWTN's mixture of certain aspects of traditional Roman Catholicism with absolutely appalling novelties invented during the past 40 years would have reduced the pre-conciliar popes to a state of apoplexy" (Ferrara). Replete with "Charistmatic" hosts and a Novus Ordo spin; populated with typically anti-traditional "lay theologians," who often express erroneous and unCatholic views; features the Novus Ordo counterfeit service with a veneer of Latin. Mother Angelica, the original foundress, has been sidelined for several years by a stroke. ========================================================================= RECOMMENDED BOOKS APOLOGETICS Information on this topic will be found in the Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department of the TRADITIO Network, www.traditio.com. Information on this topic is covered there in FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" Duran, Fr. Alphonsus Maria & Vota, Fr. Paul Mary: WHY APOLOGIZE FOR THE SPANISH INQUISITION? Provides the facts of the Inquisition, which are quite different from the commonly-believed myth, drawing on the first- time- ever study by historians of the actual cases taken from the archives of the Inquisition itself. 31 pages, pamphlet, February 2000. $5.95 paperback + $2.00 shipping from Loreto Publications. Whitcomb, Paul: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS THE ANSWER. This excellent booklet answers from the Catholic perspective the most common questions that non-Catholics have about the Catholic Faith: the existence of one true faith, the indulgences, papal infallibility, the seven Sacraments, the Bible, the need of good works for salvation, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints, Purgatory, the priesthood and celibacy, transubstantiation, Latin, the title "Father," infant Baptism, birth control, divorce, and other topics. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as CATHANSR.HTM. BIBLE MODERN SO-CALLED "CATHOLIC" TRANSLATIONS, SUCH AS THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE AND PARTICULARLY THE NEW AMERICAN BIBLE, WHICH IS THE MODERNIST BIBLE OF THE NEW ORDER SECT, ARE DEFINITELY NOT ACCEPTABLE, AS THEY DELIBERATELY INTRODUCE INTO THE TRANSLATION MODERNISTIC CONCEPTS AT THE WHIM OF THE TRANSLATOR. MODERN "CATHOLIC" TRANSLATIONS ARE IN FACT NOT TRANSLATIONS AT ALL, BUT PARAPHRASES, WHICH ALLOW THE TRANSLATORS TO USE PERSONAL CONCEPTIONS OF WHAT THE TEXT MEANS AND TO INJECT THEIR OWN MODERNISTIC THEOLOGICAL IDEAS. THESE "TRANSLATIONS" SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY TRADITIONAL CATHOLICS AS LEADING TO PERVERSION OF FAITH. THEY ARE NOT CATHOLIC, BUT NEW ORDER CORRUPTIONS OF SACRED SCRIPTURE. THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC BIBLE: BIBLIA SACRA IUXTA VULGATAM CLEMENTINAM. This is the only version of Sacred Scripture accepted by the Church as being dogmatically error-free. It is called the Vulgate, sometimes the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate, after the two popes under whom the text was re-edited in Renaissance times. At the behest of Pope St. Damasus I (304-384), St. Jerome (342-420), the scholarly patron saint of translators, undertook the task of translation, having not only a command of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues that escapes modern translators but also access to manuscripts of the Bible that have long since perished. 1255 pages (including introductions, indices of key words, Old Testament texts found in the New Testament, and maps of the Holy Land, all in Latin), $59.95 (#B728) from the American Classical League. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM VULGATAE EDITIONIS JUXTA PP. CLEMENTIS VIII EDITUM / THE NEW TESTAMENT RHEIMS VERSION REVISED BY BISHOP RICHARD CHALLONER. The Latin Vulgate of the New Testament printed side by side in double columns with the Rheims version. 546 pages, c. 2007, hardcover, $39 from Loreto Publications. THE MOST TRADITIONAL TRANSLATION: DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE. This is the traditional version of St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate in English, the "Catholic King James." It was originally published in 1582/1609 (about the time of the King James Bible of 1611, which is substantially based upon it) and revised in 1750 by Bishop Challoner. It is a literal translation of the St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible, the only official Bible of the Catholic Church, and diligently compared with the original Hebrew and Greek. $39.95 plus $7.00 shipping from Loreto Publications. DOUAY-RHEIMS AUDIO BIBLE. Available in both MP3 audio format or MP3/MP4 audio/visual format, which includes the text that can be read as you listen. Narrated by Steve Webb. Available as an instant download in compressed (ZIP) format (MP3 $21.99, MP4 $24.00) or MP3/MP4 on an 8-GB USB memory stick, or on DVD ($22.00). www.douayrheimsaudiobible.org. THE NEXT-BEST TRANSLATION: THE NEW TESTAMENT - CONFRATERNITY VERSION. A reprint of the Confraternity edition, first published in 1941. An update of the Douay-Rheims, upon which it is based, with more modern English than that of the 17th century. Pocket size (8 x 13 cm) with ribbon marker, $14.45 from Scepter Publishers. ADEQUATE: THE HOLY BIBLE, REVISED STANDARD EDITION - CATHOLIC EDITION. A modern (1946/1952/1957/1966) literal translation, but faithful to the Hebrew and Greek texts rather than to the official Latin Vulgate. BEWARE of the New Revised Standard Version (1989, 2022), which introduces inclusive language and other aberrations, and of the Second Catholic [sic] Edition, put out by the St. Ignatius Press (2024), a Newchurch-affiliated publisher, which introduces aberrations that smack of the Novus Ordo. Available as a used book on Amazon, eBay, and other used-book outlets. BIBLICAL COMMENTARY: THE HAYDOCK BIBLE, THE DOUAY-RHEIMS OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS WITH COMMENTARY AND DICTIONARY OF BIBLICAL TERMS AND NAMES. In the 1840s Fr. George Haydock collected extensive commentary from many of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and used them as footnotes to the Douay- Rheims text. Leather hardcover with satin ribbon marker, 22 x 28 cm), $125.00 + $10.00 shipping from Loreto Publications. CALENDAR & ORDO THESE ARE BASED ON THE MOST TRADITIONAL FORM OF THE ROMAN RITE, BEFORE THE RUBRICAL CHANGES OF 1951 TO 1962, WHICH LED UP TO THE NOVUS ORDO SERVICE OF 1969. THIS IS THE FORM USED BY FULLY-TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC PRIESTS. See the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar page (www.traditio.com/cal.htm) for further information. Calendar: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Publications, $10.00. Ordo: St. Lawrence Press, $15.00. CATECHISM AND DOCTRINE ONE MUST BE CAREFUL OF CATECHISMS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BEFORE VATICAN II, BUT REISSUED IN "UPDATED" FORM TO PRACTICES AFTER VATICAN II. OFTEN THESE "UPDATES" ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED, BUT INCLUDED IN THE TEXT WITHOUT WARNING, FOR EXAMPLE, IN THE SECOND PRECEPT OF THE CHURCH ON FASTING AND ABSTINENCE. O'Connell, Francis J., ed.: THE NEW CONFRATERNITY EDITION, REVISED BALTIMORE CATECHISM AND MASS NO. 3 (1949). This is the text of the official revised edition of 1949 with Scriptural citations, annotations, and study helps. The Baltimore Catechism resulted from the Baltimore Councils of the last century. $14.95 (paperback) from Seraphim Company. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as CATBALT.PDF. St. Pius X: CATECHISM OF ST. PIUS X (1910). Pope St. Pius X desired to fill the need for a simple catechism that could be easily understood by laymen and that would be uniform throughout the world. Provides the catechumen with a Catholic vision of faith, prayer, Commandments, the Sacraments, and virtue. Beautiful in its simplicity. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as CATPIUSX.HTM. CATECHISM FROM THE DECREE OF THE COUNCIL OF TRENT (1566). This is the superb traditional catechism issued by Pope St. Pius V and composed principally by St. Charles Borromeo. For advanced study, there is no better. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as CATTRENT.HTM. O'Connell, Francis J., ed.: THE NEW CONFRATERNITY EDITION, REVISED BALTIMORE CATECHISM AND MASS NO. 3. This is the text of the official revised edition of 1949 with Scriptural citations, annotations, and study helps. The Baltimore Catechism resulted from the Baltimore Councils of the last century. $14.95 (paperback) from Seraphim Company. St. Pius X: CATECHISM OF ST. PIUS X. Pope St. Pius X desired to fill the need for a simple catechism that could be easily understood by laymen and that would be uniform throughout the world. Provides the catechumen with a Catholic vision of faith, prayer, Commandments, the Sacraments, and virtue. Beautiful in its simplicity. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as CATPIUSX.HTM. CATECHISM FROM THE DECREE OF THE COUNCIL OF TRENT. This is the superb traditional catechism issued by Pope St. Pius V and composed principally by St. Charles Borromeo. For advanced study, there is no better. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as CATTRENT.HTM. LITURGICAL BOOKS FOR THE TRADITIONAL ROMAN RITE THESE ARE BASED ON THE MOST TRADITIONAL FORM OF THE ROMAN RITE, BEFORE THE FREEMASON PRESBYTER HANNIBAL BUGNINI'S MODERNIST CHANGES OF 1951 TO 1962, WHICH LED UP TO THE FULL-BLOWN PROTESTANT-MASONIC-PAGAN INVALID NEW ORDER SERVICE OF 1969. TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC PRIESTS USE THE TRADITIONAL 1950 FORM. DIVINE OFFICE & BREVIARIES. The TRADITIO Network provides in its Traditional Divine Office, Mass & Sacraments department each Hour of each Day of the traditional Divine Office in the traditional Latin version (with an English translation to assist those who are still learning Latin). Be aware that many versions floating around in books and on the internet are not the traditional Divine Office, but the "Liturgy of the Hours," a Novus Ordo product that is even more filled with Modernism than the Novus Ordo worship service. OFFICE OF COMPLINE. This handy little booklet contains the text of the Office of Compline in Latin (1950) for every day of the year, with an English translation. $15.95 from Confraternity Books. BREVIARIUM ROMANUM - FULLY TRADITIONAL FOUR-VOLUME EDITION OF 1942. Complete, with Vulgate Psalter. Check with the used book sources in the Traditional Catholic Suppliers chapter of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory. Information on downloading this breviary in its entirety in PDF format will be found in the Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department of the TRADITIO Network in the section "The Divine Office" of the TRADITIO Network, www.traditio.com/off.htm. MISSALE ROMANUM - FULLY-TRADITIONAL EDITIONS BEFORE 1950. Currently out of print. Check with the used book sources in the Traditional Catholic Suppliers chapter of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory. OFFICIUM PARVUM BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS (LITTLE OFFICE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY). The Little Office is a shorter form of the Divine Office in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Roman Breviary, for use by certain religious orders, as well as the laity, particularly those who have the obligation of saying the Little Office through their enrollment in the confraternity of the Brown Scapular (Mt. Carmel). It has the same elements as the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Roman Breviary. This is a bilingual Latin/English edition according to the traditional pre- 1950 rubrics with the traditional Vulgate Psalter. 118 pages, hardcover, $18.00 + $5.00 shipping from St. Bonaventure Publications. PONTIFICALE ROMANUM - FULLY-TRADITIONAL EDITION OF 1934. Currently out of print. Check with the used book sources in the Traditional Catholic Suppliers chapter of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory. RITUALE ROMANUM - FULLY TRADITIONAL EDITION OF 1944. 24o, 582 pages, hardcover, $75.00 + $9.00 shipping from Preserving Christian Publications. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH Hughes, Msgr. Philip: A POPULAR HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. An excellent, readable summary of the significant events and the great personalities of the Church from the era of early Christianity to the modern times, ending before the Modernistic period of the 1950s and 1960s. 1947, 320 pages, MacMillan Publishing. Laux, Fr. John: CHURCH HISTORY: A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE PRESENT DAY. A concise, clear, traditional history of the Catholic Church for the Catholic layman. The author intersperses the history with many brief, interesting biographies of famous people, and at the end of each chapter, he quotes briefly from a famous writing of the era, blending a medley of elements into a comprehensive historical composition that is at once brilliant and fascinating. A traditional history of the Church unparalleled in its scope, depth, variety, and impact. Originally a textbook for Catholic High School students in the 1930s, now this would be at about the upper- division collegiate level. 1930, 621 pages, Benziger Brothers, available in reprint in hardcover, $19.99, from Amazon.com. Principe, Lawrence: SCIENCE AND RELIGION. This course of twelve 30-minute lectures presents the most rational summary of the interaction between theology and science that we have heard. The lecturer is a professor both science and the history of science. The lectures amply support the Catholic Church's historical role as the principal supporter of science throughout the ages. They dispel much of the atheistic and Protestant propaganda that the Church is the enemy of science, as the lectures present clearly and in detail the overwhelming counter-evidence through copious references to the theology of St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and other Church Fathers. The lectures demonstrate the traditional relationship of science and religion that is too often obscured by the divisive, hot- headed rhetoric and the gross oversimplifications we often see in today's headlines. They treat the current anti-evolution furor, for example, which centers on the fixation that Genesis I should be taken literally, a view that had been rejected by the Fathers of the Church already from St. Augustine on. Course #4691, two DVDs $199.95, six audio CDs $134.95, MP3 or MPEG-4 audio download $89.95, transcript book $19.95 + $10.00 shipping. LATIN INSTRUCTION BOOKS Gavin Betts: LATIN: A COMPLETE COURSE. A comprehensive treatment of Classical Latin in 31 units. Short sentences and some exercises are given with a Key to the Exercises provided. Vowel quantities are marked. 1986, 361 pages, $8.50 paperback, from Amazon.com Baumeister, Edmund J.: THE NEW MISSAL LATIN: A TWO-YEAR COURSE BASED ON THE SUNDAY MISSAL, BOOKS ONE AND TWO. This is a reprint of a book that was originally a high-school text used by the Marianist Fathers in their schools in the 1940s. The vocabulary is based on the Sunday Masses in the Missale Romanum, but two-thirds of that vocabulary is shared with classical authors like Cicero and Vergil, so those who afterward might wish to go on to sample the great works of classical Latin literature will not be at a disadvantage. Vowel quantities are not marked, nor are accent marks given. Book One consists of short lessons, vocabulary, exercises, and reading passages. Book Two is a continuation of the Book One set for an advanced study of the Latin of the Roman Missal, which includes the entire Traditional Latin Mass with full vocabulary on the left-hand page and the Latin text on the right-hand page. Supplementary manuals, keys, and audiotapes are also available. 408 pages + 383 pages, $24.95 paperback (Book One), $24.95 paperback (Book Two) paperback from St. Mary's Publishing Co. Collins, John F.: A PRIMER OF ECCLESIASTICAL LATIN. This book's goal is to teach the student ecclesiastical Latin in a period of one year. 35 units with associated drills, vocabulary, and extended passages from the Gospel of St. Mark are provided. Vowel quantities are marked. 1988, Catholic University of America Press, 451 pages. $24.95 paperback from Amazon.com. An ANSWER KEY TO "A PRIMER OF ECCLESIASTICAL LATIN" by John Dunlap is also available, 2006, 168 pages, $19.95 paperback, from Amazon.com. McInerny, Ralph: LET'S READ LATIN: INTRODUCTION TO THE LANGUAGE OF THE CHURCH. A somewhat simplified approach to Ecclesiastical Latin with the goal of reading selected passages from the Psalms and Gospels (in the deprecated "New" Vulgate of the Vatican II Anti-council) and from the Church Fathers. Vowel quantities are not marked, nor are accent marks given. 1995, Dumb Ox Books, 170 pages, $16.00 paperback from Amazon.com. Scanlon, Cora & Charles: LATIN GRAMMAR: GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY, AND EXERCISES IN PREPARATION FOR THE READING OF THE MISSAL AND BREVIARY. Basic grammar and vocabulary for the reading of the Roman Missal and Roman Breviary in a year through 20 lessons focusing on the text of the Mass and the traditional text of St. Jerome's Vulgate New Testament Vowel quantities are not marked, but accent marks are given. 1944, B. Herder, 329 pages, $25.00 hardback from Amazon.com. Scanlon, Cora & Charles: SECOND LATIN: PREPARATION FOR THE READING OF PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY AND CANON LAW. Continues the Scanlons' LATIN GRAMMAR for a second year, focusing on traditional works of philosophy, theology, and canon law. Vowel quantities are not marked, and accent marks are not given. 1947, 270 pages, $??.?? paperback, from Amazon.com. Seidl, Fr. Suitbert H., O.C.D.: COURSE ON THE LIVING LATIN LANGUAGE, SECOND EDITION, AMENDED AND ENLARGED. This course is the fruit of a nearly lifetime-long experience in teaching and using Latin as a spoken language. It is entirely different from other available instructional materials in method and approach to the language. You learn from the beginning to think in Latin and to avoid the usual method of translating by grammatical analysis. Moreover, this course is based on the obvious assumption that language is an acoustic phenomenon and has to enter into our mind through the ears and not through the eyes, and that our memory has to keep the sound of the words and not the image of a printed text; therefore, the cassettes which go with the Cursus are an essential part of this method. 13 audiocassettes, $61.00 + $7.05 shipping from Editiones Familiae Sancti Hieronymi. Sharpley, G.D.A.: BEGINNER'S LATIN: AN EASY INTRODUCTION. A light introduction to Classical Latin, using composed Latin set at a monastery in northern Europe around the ninth century. The grammar is introduced gradually, but by the end you should have enough knowledge to understand Vulgate Latin fairly well. A Key to the Exercises is provided, together with a Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary. Vowel quantities are not marked, nor are accent marks given. 1997, 216 pages, Teach Yourself Books, $11.95 paperback, from www.amazon.com. Sweet, Waldo: ARTES LATINAE CD-ROM. For those who prefer a spoken approach to learning Latin, the "Sweet" method has been a standard approach for many years. Artes Latinae uses Latin for everything: to define words, explain structures, ask questions, describe pictures, interpret stories, and talk to people. This CD-ROM contains the course as spoken in the Ecclesiastical (Italianate) pronunciation, as well as the American Scholastic (as used in most schools) and the Restored Classical (a more accurate version of the Scholastic). Package (manual, graded reader, reference notebook, unit test book, and unit test guide) for Levels I $99.00, Level II $111.00, Level III $88.00 from Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. Wheelock, Frederick M. (Richard A. LeFleur, ed.): WHEELOCK'S LATIN, 7TH EDITION. This the standard college text for Classical Latin, consisting of 40 chapters with grammatical explanations and readings based on ancient Roman authors. It is well suited for self-study, with exercises, an answer key, and an English-Latin/Latin-English vocabulary. Assumes some familiarity with grammatical concepts and terms. 2011, 608 pages, paperback, $14.15, from HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd St., New York, NY 10022, ISBN 0-06-199722-6. Wheelock, Frederick M. (Paul Comeau & Richard A. LaFleur): WORKBOOK FOR WHEELOCK'S LATIN, 3RD EDITION REVISED. Contains additional exercises for WHEELOCK'S LATIN. 2000, 335 pages, paperback, $17.00, from HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd St., New York, NY 10022, ISBN 0- 06-095642-9. MARRIAGE MARRIAGE 101: A CATHOLIC MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE. This work expresses the traditional teachings and values of the Sacrament of Matrimony, based on the Marriage Preparation Course developed by the Marriage Preparation Service in 1946 at the University of Ottawa. It has been adapted, without changing the structure, to issues facing the sacred union of marriage in the 21st century, with the additional of other material necessary for today's Catholic couples, all taken from approved sources. It is meant to be read by those preparing for this holy state or by couples who would like a thorough review of their duties as Catholic spouses and parents. 185 pages, $17.00 (including shipping) large-format spiralbound from OLG Press. Sheen, Fulton J.: THREE TO GET MARRIED. Marriage from the traditional Catholic perspective, as explained by one of the greatest Catholic prelates of the 20th century. $9.95 paperback + $4.50 shipping from Stella Maris Books or Scepter Publishers. Vaillancourt, Fr. Kevin. LIVING AND LOVING TOGETHER IN CHRIST. An audiocassette review on Christian marriage and modern sexual ethics. $22.00 + $5.00 shipping from Catholic Research Institute. Wickens, Paul: HUSBAND & WIFE: JOYS, SORROWS AND GLORIES OF MARRIED LIFE. Information and advice from the author's experience over a period of 35 years, especially through pre-Vatican II Cana conferences. $5.00 paperback from Neumann Press. MASS -- GENERAL Cekada, Fr. Anthony: WORK OF HUMAN HANDS: A THEOLOGICAL CRITIQUE OF THE MASS OF PAUL VI. A detailed treatment of the insidious errors of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service of 1969 and its origins going back to the late 1940s and the unCatholic liturgical modifications of 1956 and 1960-1962. 468 pages, paperback, $24.95 from Philothea Press. Daniel-Rops, Henri: THIS IS THE MASS. A beautifully illustrated and explicated "coffee table" book on the Traditional Latin Mass. The photographs are of Bishop Fulton Sheen celebrating Mass with explanations of each part of the Mass by Daniel-Rops. 159 pages, 1958, hardcover, Hawthorne Books (from used-book sources). Gamber, Msgr. Klaus: THE REFORM OF THE ROMAN LITURGY: ITS PROBLEMS AND BACKGROUND. Offers a devastating critique of the New Mass by a chaplain to Pope Paul VI and a convincing proof that the Traditional Latin Mass is an irrevocable part of Sacred Tradition that cannot be abrogated even by a pope. An addendum demonstrates how the "for all" translation of the all-English canon is in error. 198 pages, paperback, $19.95 from Catholic Treasures. Vaillancourt, Fr. Kevin: THE TRIDENTINE MASS: AN EXPLANATION AND COMMENTARY. A series for those who wish to increase their devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Particularly useful for those who are just beginning to attend the Traditional Latin Mass or those who wish to refresh their basic knowledge about the content of the Mass. Three audiocassettes, $22.00 + $5.00 shipping from Catholic Research Institute. MASS - DVDS For DVDs of various forms of the Traditional Latin Mass (Low, High, Solemn), many with the best of classical polyphonic music, consult the catalog of Catholic Counterpoint. IMMEMORIAL TRIDENTINE MASS: LIVE 1940 RECORDING. This VHS videocassette or DVD of the Solemn Easter Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Chicago is narrated and explained by Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen. It is absolutely the best recording of the Traditional Latin Mass, for although it is in black and white, it comes from the learned grace of a period where this was the only form of Mass celebrated daily in every Roman Catholic church in the world. $24.99 from Amazon.com. THE TRIDENTINE CATHOLIC MASS: THE ROMAN CATHOLIC HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. This Low Mass, in the fully-traditional rite (1950) was celebrated on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 2009. Several professional high-definition cameras help you experience the Mass as never before and give you an amazing unobstructed view of the Offertory, Consecration, and Elevation. The Latin prayers by the priest and server are recorded in digital clarity and can be followed with the Latin or English subtitle option. A Mass booklet entitled the "Tridentine Latin Mass Little Missal" and a catechetical tract on the Mass are also provided. 40- minute DVD with booklet and tract, $20.00 from St. Joseph's Media. MASS -- HANDMISSALS Lefebvre, Dom Gaspar: THE ST. ANDREW DAILY MISSAL WITH VESPERS FOR SUNDAYS AND FEASTS AND KYRIALE (1945). The most complete truly traditional missal in print. The Ordinary and the Propers of all daily and Sunday Masses are printed in Latin and English. Also includes the Latin-English text of the common Sacraments, a treasury of liturgical prayers and litanies, and the texts and music for Vespers and all the chant Masses. Contains outstanding and detailed traditional commentaries on the liturgical, historical, and spiritual meaning of the Propers for each Sunday and feastday. Reprint of the 1945 edition. 1978+ pages, hardbound with gilt page edges and five ribbon markers, $68.00 + $11.00 shipping from St. Bonaventure Publications. Stedman, Fr. Joseph: MY SUNDAY MISSAL. This is a faithful reproduction of the 1940 edition of the classic "pocket missal" with larger type, edited by Fr. Stedman and used by soldiers in the fields of World War II. It has red and black ink on each page and provides a Table of Moveable Feasts until 2018. It contains the Latin and English for the Ordinary of the Mass, English Propers for all Sundays of the year, explanations for the layman, and Novenas to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. A unique numbering system explains how to follow the Mass. Excellent for a child or new traditional Catholic. 354 pages. $9.00 from Preserving Christian Publications. MASS -- MUSIC Benedictines of Solesmes, eds.: LIBER USUALIS WITH INTRODUCTION AND RUBRICS IN ENGLISH. Since the turn of the century, the Liber Usualis has been the indispensable handbook for church choirs singing Gregorian chant. It contains virtually all the Gregorian chant for the Mass and the Divine Office -- antiphons, psalms, hymns, etc., according to the 1953 traditional rubrics with the traditional Vulgate Psalter. Since most of the Divine Office is included, it could serve secondarily as an equivalent to the Breviary. The introduction includes a full description of notation, interpretation, and pronunciation. 1921+ pages, hardcover, $107.00 + $14 shipping from St. Bonaventure Publications. Gregorian Institute of America, eds.: LIBER BREVIOR. Since the turn of the century, the Liber Usualis has been the indispensable handbook for church choirs singing Gregorian chant. It contains virtually all the Gregorian chant for the Mass and the Divine Office -- antiphons, psalms, hymns, etc. In 1954 an abridged version was issued, which includes only the schola's parts without the priest's parts (Collects, Epistle, Gospel, etc.), according to the 1954 traditional rubrics with the traditional Vulgate Psalter. The introduction includes an abridged description of notation, interpretation, and pronunciation. 800 pages, hardcover, $34.00 + + $9.00 shipping from Preserving Christian Publications. Montani, Nicola A: THE ST. GREGORY HYMNAL AND CATHOLIC CHOIR BOOK, COMPLETE EDITION (1941). This hymnal has been the standard and most popular Catholic choir hymnal in the United States from the 1920s. It contains a complete collection of Latin Masses, motets, hymns and liturgical music for the various seasons of the ecclesiastical years, together with English hymns. The complete edition also contains the four-part music for organ. It contains devotional 450 melodies from traditional sources that are truly Catholic in origin. $35.00 + $4.99 shipping from Neumann Press. MASS -- SERVING Information on this topic will be found in the Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department of the TRADITIO Network, www.traditio.com/off.htm. SERVING AT THE ALTAR: LEARNING TO SERVE A LOW MASS WITH ONE SERVER. Consists of an audiocassette or CD that helps the server learn the correct pronunciation of the Latin responses, a booklet that provides the server with complete and detailed instructions for serving Low Mass, and a laminated card of Latin prayers and responses. 46-page booklet, audiocassette or CD, card, $11.00 + $5.00 shipping from Catholic Research Institute. PERIODICALS (IN ORDER OF RECOMMENDATION) #1 - CATHOLIC VOICE. The best. Excellent articles on traditional Roman Catholicism for the layperson. #2 - ROMAN CATHOLIC. Very good. Very useful articles on the Catholic spiritual life from a traditional point of view. #3 - REIGN OF MARY. Good. A variety of articles on doctrine, practice, history, and devotion from a traditional Catholic perspective. #4 - FOUR MARKS. Good. Articles on traditional Catholic issues. ROSARY ROSARIUM (THE ROSARY). This compact disc contains all fifteen decades of the Most Holy Rosary, with opening and closing prayers, all prayed in Latin. It concludes with the Angelus, also prayed in Latin. Many traditional Catholics are finding that praying the Most Holy Rosary in the Church's sacred languages brings a depth of understanding that repetition in the common vernacular does not afford. The recitation of the Angelus once a day, or better thrice a day at morning, noon, and evening, is a simple traditional devotion that should be taken up actively by traditional Catholics. St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Tapes. SAINTS CATHOLIC HISTORY THROUGH BIOGRAPHY. The best little book on the lives of the saints and their influence on the Church and the world. Sixteen saints are featured, about one for each century. The writing is straightforward and reverent without being saccharine. $12.95 + $2.95 shipping from Roman Catholic books. Schuster, George N.: THE WORLD'S GREAT CATHOLIC LITERATURE. Contains significant excerpts of works by many Catholic Saints and authors representing many centuries from earliest to the modern day. $24.95 + $2.95 shipping from Roman Catholic Books. Williamson, Claude: GREAT CATHOLICS. A book summarizing the life and times of 36 saints and saintly persons, each described by a different author. The list extends from St. Paul to Cardinal Hayes (ob. 1938). $19.95 + $2.95 shipping from Roman Catholic Books. TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC FAITH VS. VATICAN II & THE NOVUS ORDO Coomaraswamy, Dr. Rama: THE PROBLEMS WITH THE NEW MASS: A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE MAJOR THEOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES INHERENT IN THE NOVUS ORDO MISSAE. Dr. Coomaraswamy concisely explains why the "New Mass" of 1969 is actually an invalid Protestantized worship service intended by the Newchurch of the New Order to replace the Traditional Latin Mass considered by Popes and Councils for two thousand years to be essentially unchangeable. He clearly explains what has been deleted and how the "New Mass" has been Protestantized and invalidated. 1990, 86 pages, paperback, $7.00 from CMRI. Coomaraswamy, Dr. Rama: THE PROBLEMS WITH THE OTHER SACRAMENTS, APART FROM THE NEW MASS. In his sequel to THE PROBLEMS WITH THE NEW MASS, Dr. Coomaraswamy exposes the defects in the sacraments of the Newchurch of the New Order. He exposes the planned self-destruction of the Church, as designed and executed by the New Order clergy and their subtle plan to destroy the Catholic Church as traditionally understood by destroying the traditional Sacraments. He documents the specific changes made to the traditional Sacraments other than the Mass by Newchurch that Protestantized and invalidated them. 2010, 292 pages, paperback, $19.95 from Amazon.com. Also available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) as PROBLEM.TXT. Coomaraswamy, Dr. Rama: THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION, UPDATED AND REVISED. The first half of the book consists of a thorough treatment of all the issues concerning the Newchurch of the New Order, including magisterium, Scripture, Tradition, innovation, heretical popes, and obedience. The second half treats the period of Vatican II and its popes, their doctrine, their liturgical revolution, the Novus Ordo service, their destruction of Holy Orders, and Modernism. An addendum on Benedict- Ratzinger is added, and a definite conclusion is reached on what traditional Catholics should do in the current situation. 2006, 438 pages, paperback, $28.95 from Amazon.com. DePauw, Gommar: THE CANONICAL, MORAL, AND DOGMATIC GROUNDS FOR REJECTING THE NEW AND RETAINING THE TRUE MASS. Fr. Gommar DePauw was man who founded the Traditional Catholic Movement from its inception at the Vatcian II Anti-council in 1964. This Doctor of Canon Law explains clearly and succinctly why true Catholics must reject the "New Mass." 1975, 38 pages, $10 including shipping and handling, www.catholicendtimetruths.com. Guimaraes, Atila Sinke, with Michael J. Matt, John Vennari, and Marian Therese Horvat: WE RESIST YOU TO THE FACE. Analyzes the consequences of the adaptation of the Church to the modern world and the consequences of ecumenism, as applied since Vatican II. The authors declare themselves in a state of resistance relative to the teachings of Vatican Council II, Popes John XXIII and Paul VI, and to the teachings of John Paul II that are objectively opposed to the prior ordinary and extraordinary papal magisterium." The authors affirm that this position implies the desire neither to judge the pope nor to declare the Apostolic See vacant. They base their act on Doctors of the Church, among them, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Robert Bellarmine. $13.00 + $3.00 shipping from Tradition in Action. Guimaraes, Atila Sinke & Marian Therese Horvat: PREVIEWS OF THE NEW PAPACY. Practically 500 photographs of what has happened to the papacy since Vatican II: awash in a sea of semi-nudity, engaging in paganistic dance, abandoning the unmistakable symbols of the papacy, schmoozing, often in a religious context, with heretics, schismatics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduists, and, yes, even Voodoists. There is little explanatory text; the photographs speak for themselves. $13.00 + $3.00 shipping from Tradition in Action. "In the Spirit of Chartres" Committee: WHAT WE HAVE LOST ... AND THE ROAD TO RESTORATION: A CRITICAL LOOK AT THE CHANGES IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. This 50-minute videocassette or DVD is beautifully produced, with historical footage of the traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments, and papal ceremonies, as contrasted with the phoniness of the Novus Ordo Mess and other rites. The contrast will truly be shocking to those who have gradually slipped into the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service without realizing its unCatholicity. $15 + $3 shipping from "In the Spirit of Chartres" Committee. Omlor, Patrick Henry: THE ROBBER CHURCH, AN ANTHOLOGY OF THE COMPLETE WRITINGS OF PATRICK HENRY OMLOR FROM 1967-1997. Omlor, the first major traditional author, dropped his first bombshell in 1967, when he wrote a treatise questioning the validity of Masses using the all-English Canon. The current volume incorporates 30 years of research and writing on the errors of the New Mass and the New Theology. 400 pages, paperback, $25.00 + $5.00 shipping from Catholic Research Institute. Ottaviani, Alfredo Cardinal; Bacci, Antonio Cardinal; and a Group of Roman Theologians: THE OTTAVIANI INTERVENTION: SHORT CRITICAL STUDY OF THE NEW ORDER OF MASS. The definitive critique of the New Mass, in which the leading Roman cardinals plead with Pope Paul VI in 1969 to abrogate the New Mass because of its "manifest errors against the integrity of the Catholic Faith." 96 pages, paperback, $8.95 from Philothea Press. Available in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) in FAQ10: Ottaviani Intervention. Radecki, Frs. Francisco & Dominic: WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? An outstanding methodical study of the unCatholic changes in Newchurch since Vatican II. Detailed comparisons of Mass and Sacramental formulae; full references. 348 pages, paperback, $13.95 from Mary Immaculate Queen Gifts & Books. Ruby, G.L.: THE RESURRECTION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: A GUIDE TO THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC MOVEMENT. This book describes how the true Roman Catholic Church is to be found in the traditional clergy and Traditional Latin Mass sites around the United States and the world rather in the Newchurch of the New Order, which is not really Catholic. 481 pages, paperback, $24.95, from Writers Club Press. TWO RITES OBSERVED. This VHS videocassette includes Easter Sunday 1990 in the Traditional Latin rite of Mass and in the Novus Ordo (New Mass) rite, as celebrated in St. John Cantius Church in Chicago. Once you've viewed this video, you'll know why so many true Catholics have abandoned the Novus Ordo and returned to the Traditional Latin Mass, wherever they can find it. $20.00 from Keep the Faith. Trinchard, Fr. Paul: "NEW MASS" CONCLUSIVELY INVALID, ACCORDING TO THE PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. This book presents the theological evidence that the "New Mass" is conclusively invalid, using the principles from Apostolic Tradition reiterated in Apostolicae Curae by Pope Leo XIII declaring the Anglican "New Mass" invalid. Ordained a Jesuit priest and having received his Pontifical Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) just before the institution of the "New Mass," the author celebrated the "New Mass" all the days of his priesthood. After his retirement as a diocesan priest, he undertook a fifteen-year research and study of the "New Mass" versus the canonized Traditional Latin Mass and determined that on the basis of Roman Catholic theology, particularly Pope Leo XIII's Bull "Apostolicae Curae," which declared the Anglican service invalid after 300 years, Fr. Trinchard was shocked to discover that the "New Mass" is conclusively invalid. In this book he presents the evidence of his research and study on the question. Paperback, 2004, $16.00 + $6.00 postage and handling from MAETA. 252 pages, paperback, $16.00 from MAETA. Wathen, Fr. James: THE GREAT SACRILEGE (1971). Fr. Wathen's treatment of the Novus Ordo service shortly after it was imposed was a blockbuster. He argued carefully and convincingly that the Novus Ordo was illegal, immoral, not Catholic, and actually null and void. 181 pages, paperback, available from used-book sources only.