September 2006

TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network

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September 30 - St. Jerome, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Newpope Makes U-turn; Palavers with Mohammedans

From: The Fathers
JPII Kissing Koran

Conciliar Pope JPII Spurns the 260 Popes Preceding Him
And Kisses the Mohammedan Koran "as a Sign of Respect"
At a Papal Audience on May 14, 1999
Having Previously Bowed to What Is Known as the "Infidels' Holy Book"

To mark the start of the month of Ramadan, holy to Islamism, the "peaceful" Mohammedans have marked the start of the month of Ramadan in Iraq, the land of Mecca, by violence. An Orthodox church in Mosul was sprayed with 80 shots by Mohammedan gunmen. An Orthodox church in Bagdad was bombed, killing the sexon and injuring many.

Benedict-Ratzinger, seeing the Newchurch facade of "oecumenism" crashing around him, has been panicked into taking a U-turn from Catholic doctrine and has met at his Castel Gandolfo summer-vacation palace with Mohmammedan leaders of Italy and diplomats from 21 Mohammedan countries to pander once again to the false "oecumenism" of Vatican II, which has led to little more than the numerous deaths of Christians throughout the world and the torching of numerous Christian churches.

In a statement that would have shocked his papal predecessors who condemned the "darkness of Islamism," which has been proved to the Christian world over and over again not only historically but now in our own time, Benedict-Ratzinger indicated "respect" for the Mohammedans, who "worship the one God." His statement could not but recall to the minds of Catholics the scandalous incident in which JPII actually kissed the Mohammedan Koran, a deed that would have condemned him as not a Catholic in the eyes of his 260 papal predecessors.

What's Going on with the Fraternity of St. Peter?

From: George

Dear Fathers:

I got a bulk mailing today from the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the "indult" organization that Newvatican made up to butt heads with the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), when Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre consecrated four traditional bishops on June 30, 1988. The mailing, which looks like it was made up by Madison Avenue, blares in a big red headline: "We are faced with a grave crisis!" And what is that crisis? Their U.S. seminary is too small. Yet I have carefully inspected the Official Traditional Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses in the U.S. and Canada, and I can't find that the FSSP has grown at all in Mass sites for several years. What's going on? Is this a ruse?

The Fathers Reply.

Yes, the Fraternity of St. Peter was a ruse perpetrated by Newvatican when Archbishop Lefebvre took his courageous action. All the facts indicate that Newvatican was shaken to its core. Never did it believe that an Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly one as eminent as Marcel Lefebvre, who had served as a Papal Nuncio and head of one of the Church's largest missionary congregations, would actually take his traditional consecration oath seriously and not sell out to the New Order, as all the other bishops had. After all, the hierarchy, even though it might have its differences, was a gentlemen's club, wasn't it?

When he heard that Archbishop Lefebvre had proceeded with the consecrations that he had announced many days in advance, JPII, according to members of his Curia, became possessed by a delirious anger, which explains why he never dealt with the Archbishop for the next sixteen years. Protestants, Mohammedans, Buddhist, pagans -- yes; a Roman Catholic bishop -- no.

Action had to be taken swiftly. Paragraphs were ransacked from various computer files and jury-rigged together. Anyone who reads the Latin of the Letter Ecclesia Dei of June 30, 1988, can see that it was a paste job of at least three different Latin styles. The next day Newvatican hastily concocted an "indult" group called the Fraternity of St. Peter. Originally, the impression was left that it was exclusively traditional. Later, Newvatican stated that it was never exclusively traditional, that adverb having been deliberately omitted from the creation document.

Flush with its newness, the FSSP in the early 1990s tried to disseminate the Modernized Mass of 1962. It quickly learned, however, that the U.S. bishops didn't want it, except in a few dioceses as a "token." Finally, in 1999 the infamous Protocol 1411 was issued, in which the Ecclesia Dei Commission told the FSSP that:

  1. it could not forbid its priests to concelebrate the New Mess when requested by a Newchurch bishop
  2. any FSSP priest could have access, if he wished, to the 1965 liturgical books, which included the changes just preceding the New Order Mess
  3. even those priests who use the 1962 books could begin the Mass at the chair rather than at the foot of the Novus Ordo "table"

FSSP Superior General Joseph Bisig protested and was fired by Newcardinal Hoyos in July 2000. Arnaud Devillers, a Newvatican lackey, was installed in his place. (The firing of Bisig, conveniently forgotten by the indultarians, proves that Hoyos is not friend of traditional Catholics.)

In December 2006, the FSSP seminary in Elmhurst, Pennsylvania, which had been "too traditional" under Bisig, was removed to Denton, Nebraska, there to remain under the watchful eye of Fabian Bruskewitz, the Newchurch Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, who apparently has a portfolio from Newvatican to suppress the FSSP as a traditional poseur. That is one of the reasons why the FSSP has added virtually no "indult" Mass sites since its transfer to Denton.

Since 2000 the FSSP has become more and more Novus Ordo. It has given communion in the hand at Providence, Rhode Island; Vienna, Austria; and many other sites. Bruno LePivain, a friend of Fr. Arnaud Devillers, concelebrated the New Mess while studying for an advanced degree in Rome [source: The Latin Mass Magazine]. The FSSP now uses the New Mess at several of its sites [source: Catholic World Report].

Although originally the FSSP Mass was the Modernized Mass of 1962, reports to the TRADITIO Network indicate that many of these "Masses" have now become Novus Ordo hybrids. In addition, Novus Ordo cookies are distributed at several sites, with recipients standing in the New Order fashion; altar girls and "eucharistic ministers" are used at several sites. The FSSP itself has distributed a video in which a deacon, not a priest, handed out communion.

In the early 1990s, Newchurch Cardinal Antonio Innocenti stated publicly that his mission from JPII was to shut down the Ecclesia Dei "indult" Commission. Although the dead carcass of that Commission still exists under Hoyos, in effect the "indult" has become a dead letter -- or, worse yet, rolled out when necessary to butt heads with the SSPX or other traditional groups, such as the recent scandal with the Good Shepherd Institute of Bordeaux, France.

So, John, the upshot is: save your money. Donate it instead to the local site that actually provides you with the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments.

September 29 - Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel
Double Feast of the First Class
Complete Friday Abstinence

Twelfth Anniversary of the TRADITIO Network

From: The Fathers
TRADITIO Logo St. Michael Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel
Heavenly Patron of the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network
Which Today Celebrates Its Apostolate's Twelfth Anniversary on the Internet
As the First of All the Traditional Catholic Sites
Antedating even the Newvatican Web Site

Today, the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, TRADITIO's heavenly patron, is the twelfth anniversary of the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network. We have well passed reaching 4,500,000 participants in that time. The TRADITIO Network is the most popular traditional Roman Catholic site on the internet, as determined in a statistical survey performed by an search subsidiary.

TRADITIO was also the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the internet. We appeared on September 29, 1994 -- even before the Newvatican web site appeared. What we did not understand when we started was the vast number of traditional Catholics who were cut off from the Traditional Latin Mass, but discovered the Traditional Catholic Movement through the TRADITIO Network.

It is humbling to realize that we have now touched well over four and a half million souls, many of whom would never have learned about Traditional Catholic Movement except from TRADITIO. Our file bulges with thousands of messages from participants who have found the true Roman Catholic Faith, or have re-found it, because of TRADITIO's direct and uncompromising presentation of the traditional Roman Catholic Faith in increasingly confusing times.

During our twelve years here, we have tried to focus on the "Big Picture" of what is going on in the Church. Our subtitle tells our mission: "An independent, balanced voice of traditional Catholicism, avoiding heresy on the left and schism on the right." There are some differences of opinion in the Movement, but these pale in comparison with the essentials of the Big Four on which all traditional Roman Catholics are united: the Traditional Latin Mass, the Traditional Latin Sacraments, and Traditional Roman Catholic Faith, and Traditional Roman Catholic Morals.

We thank the Lord for our correspondents all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations such as Society of St. Pius X, and at the many Traditional Latin Mass sites in North American and around the world. To this raw data, the TRADITIO Network gives what no other site does: not the perspective of some johnny-come-lately convert of the New Order, but decades of knowledge, analysis, and perspective extending to before Vatican II.

The truth is not to be found in mere "data" or "sources," but in the seasoned and sagacious analysis and interpretation of the raw material from long experience and observation. That is what the TRADITIO Network alone presents: the classical Catholic approach.

If TRADITIO has been of assistance to you over these many years, please remember us on this our anniversary date, and say a prayer for the intercession of our powerful patron St. Michael, for all the traditional clergy, for the true Church as a whole, and for our Roman Catholic civilization:

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.

Archbishop Milingo Excommunicated for Consecrations

From: The Fathers

Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo was excommunicated for consecrating four presbyters as bishops on September 24, 2006, in Washington, D.C., without Newpope's approval. Newvatican said, therefore, that it "did not recognize" the four, but did not claim that the consecrations are invalid. Milingo is on record as trying to force Newchurch to ordain (and consecrate) non-celibate, that is, married, clergy. Milingo himself married a Korean woman from Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, and Newpope did not excommunicate him for that act. [Source: Reuters]

Although the state of marriage does not invalidate a consecration per se, these consecrations were apparently performed in the Novus Ordo rite of 1969, the same rite on whose validity debate continues. This debate has a direct bearing on the status of Newpope's own consecration in 1977, since he is the first Bishop of Rome not to have been consecrated in the valid traditional rite, but in Novus Ordo rite, which more theologians are now arguing is invalid.

Newvatican seems to be quite sensitive on the point about whether Benedict-Ratzinger was validly consecrated, as during the "negotiations" of late 2005 with Bernard Fellay, of the Society of St. Pius X, Newvatican presented Fellay with a demand to sign a document proclaiming Benedict-Ratzinger a valid pope.

September 28 - St. Wenceslaus, Martyr
Semidouble Feast

Newchurchers Won't Fast for Lent, but Will for Ramadan
Meanwhile, the Mohammedans Torch Christian Churches
And Promise to "Slit Their [the Christians'] Throats"

From: The Fathers

The Emblem of Newrome's Joining with Islamism
In a Perversion of "Oecumenism" This Year
Pax Christi Gave up the Catholic Lenten Fast
But Will Fast on Ramadan with the Mohammedans
It Seems that Newchurchers Are Becoming
More Protestant, Jewish, Mohammedan, and Buddhist Every Day

An indication about how far Newchurchers have abandoned the Catholic Faith is that they have given up the Lenten fast, which goes back to the early centuries of the Catholic Church, but will fast for Ramadan, the high holydays of the Mohammedans.

Starting on September 23, the members of Pax Christi USA (ironic that the Newchurch organization should have a Latin name!) will "enter into the discipline of the Ramandan fast as an effort to better and more deeply prepare a space in our own spirits to dialogue with our Muslim brothers," said the group's Executive Director.

Why should we be surprised that a Modernist New Order group posing as Catholic has abandoned Catholicism and embraced the "darkness of Islamism," as Pope Pius IX put it? What would surprise us is if the group would announce that it proposes to enter into the discipline of the Catholic Church! [Source: RNS]

And how are the Mohammedans paying back the Newchurchers? In the Nigerian city of Duse, a dozen Christian churches and scores of houses and shops owned by Christians, including the house of a Christian bishop, have been burned and hundreds of people forced to seek refuge in a police station by Mohammedans. The torching of the churches destroyed two-thirds of all Christian churches in the area, including St. Peter's Cathedral. Al Qaida in Iraq has publicly threatened Christians, saying:

We will destroy the Cross; then all that will be accepted will be conversion or the sword. May God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the mujahideen [Mohammedan guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad, or holy war].

The director of a Christian aid fund said, "Muslims are always saying that Islamism is a religion of peace, but many Christians in the Muslim world know differently. For them, Islamism has been and remains a religion which metes out violence."

Meanwhile, the Italian Adista news agency has complained about Newvatican's policy to exact a fee for publication of the pope's words (this new policy was covered in a previous TRADITIO Commentary). The news agency stated that it wanted to publish Benedict-Ratzinger's discourse at Ratisbon, Germany, concerning the Mohammedan religion and the violence of Mohammed. However, it was prevented from doing so by the pope's new fees. It seems that once again Newvatican has shot itself in the foot.

September 27 - Sts. Cosmas & Damian, Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch Cardinals Sued for Helping Sex Criminals Escape

From: The Fathers
Roger Mahony

Los Angeles' Newchurch Cardinal Roger "Rogue" Mahony
Hangs His Head in Shame, Dishonoring the Cross of Christ
Already Implicated in a Mortuary Extortion Scheme
Now He Is Accused of Aiding a Sex-criminal Presbyter
To Escape Justice in Mexico

Just like the Watergate Scandal involving U.S. President Richard Nixon, involvement in the crimes of Newchurch is rising higher and higher. Now two Newchurch cardinals have been sued for their involvement is helping sex-criminal presbyters escape justice. It is just a matter of time before Benedict-Ratzinger will be left holding the "smoking gun."

Newchurch Cardinals Roger Mahony, of Los Angeles, and Norberto Rivera, of Mexico City, stand accused of allowing a presbyter wanted for multiple sex crimes to flee California for Mexico. A Mexican child, 12 years old at the time, contends that he was raped by Newchurch presbyter Nicolas Aguilar in Mexico in 1994. He further contends that Mahony had facilitated Aguilar's flight to Mexico in 1988, when a U.S. warrant was issued for his arrest. Mahony failed to notify law enforcement in Los Angeles. Prosecutors were investigating allegations that Aguilar had committed sex crimes against more than 20 children in the Los Angeles archdiocese run by Mahony.

Evidence is mounting that the U.S. Newchurch hierarchy has been making Mexico a haven for criminal presbyters fleeing justice. One advocacy group for victims contains that it knows of 46 mostly U.S. presbyters hiding out south of the border. Mexico is a secure place for presbyter criminals to hide out because Mexican authorities don't track them down and arrest them. Mexican presbyter criminals, who number five times more than in the U.S., to a lesser degree flee across the border into the United States. And this criminal network is operated by U.S. Newchurch bishops like a "mafia," according to one of the bishops' own investigators. [Source: News Australia]

Newcardinal Hoyos Publicly Admits Correctness of the TRADITIO Network's Reports

From: The Fathers

In all the controversy criticizing the creation of the "indult" Good Shepherd Institute to incorporate five ex-SSPX priests who had been expelled from the Society, Newcardinal Hoyos, President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, was challenged by French I-Media to answer why this act doesn't "put in danger the negotiations with the Society of St. Pius X." Hoyos answered that he didn't see why such a group "accomplished under the sign of reconciliation and of a full communion restored with the Church" puts the other in question.

It is interesting, first of all, that Hoyos admits that "negotiations" of the SSPX with Newchurch are going on. Remember when SSPX Superior General Bernard Fellay denied that fact when the TRADITIO Network reported it? Now, even Newrome is admitting it. The truth has come how to roost, hasn't it -- and it isn't with Bernard Fellay!

Secondly, Hoyos, as Benedict-Ratzinger's hit-man to destroy traditional Catholicism, unless it sells out to the New Order, admits here that sees no problem in taking actions to undermine the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass and to pit traditional Catholics against indultarians beholden to the New Order.

There is nothing really new here, but now Hoyos has publicly confirmed as true what the TRADITIO Network has been reporting all along.

September 26 - Sts. Cyprian & Justina, Virgin & Martyrs
Simple Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger's "Circus"

From: Hugh

All Smoke and Mirrors
Benedict-Ratzinger Performs the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Service
The Fact that Newpope Has Never Celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass
Speaks Louder than Any Words
Indultarian and Conservative Sleepers, Awake!

Dear Fathers:

With regard to this Newvatican circus on the "Latin Mass" (which could just as well refer to the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service all or partly in Latin), all any pope would need to do to put an end to the nonsense is to celebrate a Pontifical High Mass over the satellite TV links and telecast it internationally. That is not going to happen; there will be no "deal" with Newvatican.

The Fathers Reply.

This is a point that we have made in the past. We have often said that Newvatican's and Newpope's acts tell the story, not their words. In Newchurch, words mean nothing but propaganda.

The idea that Benedict-Ratzinger is "conservative," let alone "traditional," shows just how mesmerized the indultarians and "conservatives" are. The man is a Modernist and always has been. He hands out the Novus Ordo cookie to Protestants in full view of the international cameras. He always says the invalid Novus Ordo service, most often using one of the new "Eucharistic prayers" invented by Hannibal Bugnini from origins in the Jewish synagogue. When Newpope leaves Rome, he uses the vernacular service, not even the Latin Novus Ordo, as he did on his recent trip to Germany.

This is a man who purports to be a Mozart lover. Well, if that is true, why didn't he invite the Berlin Philharmonic and Chorus to join him in Regensburg for a Papal High Mass in the traditional rite with Mozart's Coronation Mass in C-major or his Great Mass in C-minor?

As usual, all talk and no action from Benedict-Ratzinger. What is sad is how the papolators are taken in by the false facade of Newpope and Newchurch. Well, what can we expect? These people are desperate to put their trust in a man rather than God, whereas the Scriptures wisely advise us:

Bonum est confidere in Dominum, quam confidere in homine. Bonum est sperare in Domino quam sperare in principibus.
It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man. It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes.

September 25 - Ferial Day

French Newchurch Hierarchy Is Rebelling against New "Indult" Group

From: The Fathers
Jean Rouet

Vicar General Jean Rouet, of the Archdiocese of Bordeaux
Has Publicly Objected to the Creation of the "Indult" Good Shepherd Institute
Has Accused Newchurch Cardinal Hoyos of "Disinformation"
And Has Called on Cardinal Archbishop Ricard to Confront Benedict-Ratzinger

Just as the TRADITIO Network predicted, there is so much hostility amongst the Newchurch hierarchy against the Traditional Latin Mass that although it has been just three weeks since Newvatican's creation of the Good Shepherd Institute, an "indult" group headquartered in Brodeaux, France, for five priests expelled from the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), a virtual rebellion against the "indult" group has arisen amongst the Newchurch hierarchy and presbyters.

In a September 15 public statement published by the Archdiocese of Bordeaux, the Newchurch Vicar General Jean Rouet has lashed out against the sudden erection of the "indult" group. Moreover, Rouet claims that Cardinal Hoyos, President of Newvatican's Ecclesia Dei Commission, placed "disinformation" ( désinformation) in the decree of the Institute's erection about the agreement of the Cardinal Archbishop of Bordeaux to the project. He has called upon Newchurch Cardinal Ricard of Bordeaux to meet with Pope Benedict to object. Rouet has essentially called Hoyos a deceiver and has publicly called upon his own cardinal to go give Newpope a piece of his mind.

The Vicar General is also quite virulently opposed to the Traditional Latin Mass, even in the form of the Modernized Mass of 1962. He states that the expression "Mass of All Time" (Messe de Toujours) for the 1962 Missal is an historical hoax (une supercherie historique).

Other information about the specious "Institute" has subsequently come to light.

As to the possibility of a further "indult" from Benedict-Ratzinger, one must remember that in 1978 such a document was to be released after the meeting of Archbishop Lefebvre and JPII. It was never released. Six years later a restrictive 1984 "indult," Quattuor annos, was issued, which required a "loyalty" oath to Vatican II and the New Order. In 1986, JPII's ad hoc cardinalitial Commission concluded that the Traditional Latin Mass had never been suppressed and that any priest could celebrate it at will. JPII, under threat of open schism from North European bishops, refused to publish the conclusions of his own commission.

In a 2003 speech, Cardinal Hoyos opined that the Traditional Latin Mass was "a legitimate rite," but the March 2004 Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum (March 2004) did not confirm this opinion. After the election of Benedict-Ratzinger, the rumor mill continued, but the history of Newvatican's consistent inaction because of episcopal opposition is clear. And the Eleventh Commandment in Newchurch is that Newvatican shalt not oppose its bishops!

The TRADITIO Network has frequently pointed to how Newpope and Newvatican simply play politics with this issue and have no intention of seeing the Traditional Latin Mass fully restored to the Roman Catholic Church. Yet they know that "conservative" Newchurchers and indultarians and "indult" societies will still pander to the New Order because they are afraid to do the right thing independent of that New Order. Too bad, because that is the only thing that will jar Newvatican to do anything -- as Archbishop Lefebvre's courageous action proved conclusively.

September 24 - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Semidouble Sunday

More Hypocrisy from a Newchurch Bishop

From: The Fathers
Sex-Crime Victim & Tod Brown

Newchurch Bishop Tod Brown, of Orange, California
Listens to a Victim of Sex Crimes
Brown Paid out a Record $128,000,000 for Sex Crimes by His Presbyters
He Has Spent Millions of Diocesan Money on His Personal Comfort
But in a Recent 17-page Letter Lashes out against Pew Newchurchers

Compared to the hypocrisy and crimes of the post-Vatican II period, the hierarchy during the papacy of Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) was a model of virtue!

Take Newchurch Bishop Tod Brown, of Orange, California. This is the guy who got into a national contretemps because he refuses to let Newchurchers kneel for the Novus Ordo cookie, let alone for the Agnus Dei. This is the guy who persecutes even the "conservative" Newchurchers in his congregations that want him to leave the architecture of their historic churches alone. This is the guy who describes himself as a "middle of the road" gay-rights activist.

This is the guy who added a second story to his already massive episcopal mansion in Santa Ana worth $1,145,632. And two years ago he admitted to purchasing a gated-community lot on which he is building a new multimillion-dollar mansion for himself near the proposed site of -- yes -- yet another cathedral in Santa Ana to be built to the tune of $100,000,000. As if that weren't enough, this Newchurch bishop has provided a $2,000,000 house to a retired monsignor. Meanwhile, this exemplary bishop of the "Newchurch of Love" transferred to his charitable arm a puny total of $398,500. This amount is one-third of what Brown's Santa Ana house costs and doesn't even provide one-tenth of his charitable arm's operating funds. [Source: Orange County Weekly]

Hardly an example of Christian virtue himself, Brown has now taken his congregations to task in a 17-page letter, decrying them for the very vice that he himself has: a tepid, secularized faith. A better example of the "pot calling the kettle black" would be hard to find!

"Indult" Mass in Trouble: Indultarians, Watch Your Rear!

From: The Fathers

Great generals know that you can't get so wrapped up with your front line that you ignore being attacked in the rear. This, it seems, is what's going on with the so-called "Indult" Mass. While all the "conservative" Newchurchers play up minutiae like the Good Shepherd Institute for five expelled SSPX priests, already-existing "Indult" Masses are being dismantled. Here, for example, is a published report on some Newchurch shenanigans to suppress the "Indult" Mass in the Boston area:

What's going on with Boston's "Indult" Mass? For the past couple of years, the congregation at Holy Trinity Church in the South End has been fighting the Archdiocese of Boston's plans to close the parish, but during that whole time "Indult" Mass has never been in question. But the new parish administrator, Presbyter Thomas Naughton, has twice in the past month celebrated an invalid English-language Novus Ordo service in place of the regularly scheduled "Indult" Mass.
On August 13, six parishioners walked out of the service when they heard that the service would have to be given in English rather than Latin. On September 17, attendance at the "Indult" Mass, which was again substituted for by the English Novus Ordo service, was down by more than 100 regular attendees. Most parishioners seemed to believe that the scheduling errors were deliberate. "Three of them left because they said, 'Oh, this is just the beginning.'"

This is such a common ploy by Newchurch bishops that we are surprised that so many "indultarians" are blind to it. There is an "indult" organization that puts out a quarterly pamphlet listing "Indult" Masses. It lists the added ones, but never lists the equal number of such services that have been canceled. Nor does it indicate which of these services are actually "Indult" Masses and which are Novus Ordo hybrids where the indultarians are forced to eat Novus Ordo cookies instead of the Corpus Christi. Interestingly, the size of this pamphlet has not increased in ten years.

Let's face it: the Newchurch bishops are not interested in the "Indult" Mass. And be clear about this: the "Indult" Mass is not the "Tridentine" Mass; often it is not even a Modernized Mass of 1962, but a Novus Ordo hybrid. If the Newchurch bishops wanted it, after almost twenty years of the "indult," they would have far more than the few paltry hundred or so "Indult" Masses in only about half of the dioceses in the United States, for example.

Good Catholics, we all know the truth. Make no mistake about it: the "Indult" Mass is a Novus Ordo ploy to keep hold of the bodies and money of the indultarians to support Newchurch, which reduce them to a dry turnip and spit them out for the greater glory of the New Order and Newpope.

September 23 - St. Linus, Pope & Martyr
Ember Saturday - Fast & Partial Abstinence
Semiouble Feast

Married Newchurch Archbishop Is Threatened -- but Not with Excommunication

From: The Fathers
Emmanuel Milingo and Wife

Newchurch Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo and "Wife" Maria Milingo
Milingo, Who Pals around with the Quack Preacher Sun Myung Moon
And "Married" the Woman Picked out for Him by Moon
Is Threatened with a Mere Slap on the Wrist
While the Courageous Catholic Archbishop Lefebvre Is "Excommunicated"

The hypocrisy of Newchurch is unbelievable! On the one hand, you have an archbishop of impeccable reputation, head of a large Catholic missionary order and a papal nuncio to boot, who remained faithful to his episcopal oath to guard and teach the true Catholic Faith. That was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

On the other hand, you have an archbishop who has consistently defied Catholic teaching and practice, who has publicly advocated a married clergy in defiance of Jesus Christ and His Church, who in fact himself "married" a South Korean acupuncturist selected for him by the quack preacher Sun Myung Moon. This is Newchurch Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo.

Milingo, moreover, recently performed the Mess for 120 presbyters-cum-wives for his advocacy group, Married Priests Now! Milingo's "wife" wore a name-tag that read "Mrs. Maria Milingo." For years Milingo has maintained a connection with the quack Moon, head of the "Unification Movement," and traveled to Korea this year "to join the many Catholics and Catholic married priests [sic] who are in the Unification movement."

This is an easy one, isn't it? You excommunicate Milingo. But Newchurch is perverse. It excommunicated the Catholic Lefebvre and is threatening Milingo with mere "suspension." Meanwhile, everyone knows which of the two is really not in communion with Christ's Church, whatever fancies Newchurch may have.

September 22 - St. Thomas of Villanova, Bishop & Confessor
Ember Friday - Fast & Complete Abstinence
Double Feast

Mel Gibson's Daughter Weds in Traditional Catholic Latin Ceremony

From: The Fathers
Gibson & Shepherd Gibson & Shepherd

Hannah Gibson & New Husband Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Exchanged Their Wedding Vows in Latin in a Traditional Catholic Ceremony
As Her Father, Mel, Looked On
In the Mission-style Traditional Catholic Church that He Built

Away from the eyes of the paparazzi, Mel Gibson's daughter, Hannah, 25, married platinum-selling and Grammy-nominated blues guitarist Kenny Wayne Shepherd, 29, in a private traditional Catholic ceremony on September 16, 2006. The ceremony took place in Holy Family Church, the mission-style traditional Catholic church that Mel is building on his estate at Agoura Hills outside Los Angeles.

Hannah Gibson, the oldest and only daughter of Mel Gibson's children, once considered becoming a traditional Catholic nun. The bride and groom had been betrothed on New Year's Eve 2004, since which time Shepherd, raised as a Methodist, had been studying to convert to traditional Catholicism. Apparently, Hannah is just as traditional a Catholic as her father, if not more so, and had insisted that her husband-to-be convert before the wedding.

One friend described Hannah as follows: "She is beautiful. She is just a young lady with a sweet personality. She is very sincere. Very mannerly. I think it is a perfect match. It is a special relationship."

Why Won't Conciliar Popes Apologize for Their Mistakes?

From: The Fathers

The TRADITIO Network has always suspected that the reason the conciliar popes never apologize for their errors, whether they be the phony Novus Ordo Mess, the phony Novus Ordo sacraments, the false "excommunication" of Archbishop Lefebvre, the rampant sex crimes perpetrated by their Newchurch clergy, or any other errors -- is that Newpope feels that it would undercut the "authority" of the pope, whom many Newchurchers think is infallible on everything from the way he parts his hair to his choice of Prada shoes!

Of course, true Catholics (of whom there are fewer and fewer around) know that papal infallibility is very limited. Vatican I was very careful to draw narrow limits to its exercise. At that, many of the Council Fathers were so troubled by the danger of papolatry (pope-worship) that they left Rome rather than have to vote on the proposition. And the Council Fathers were right. We have seen the error of papolatry become so rampant in Newchurch that the "conservatives" in particular have made of the conciliar popes virtual gods walking upon earth, not, as the Council said, "religious guardians and faithful expounders of the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles." Just look at the nonsense perpetrated about the late JPII, who did more than anyone else to destroy the true Catholic Faith than any other pope, except perhaps Paul VI.

Of course, the conciliar popes don't believe in papal infallibility themselves. JPII said that he was quite willing to lay it aside to further "oecumenism." Benedict-Ratzinger has said that he will make no pronouncements without the concurrence of the bishops. Both John XXIII and Paul VI refused to invest Vatican II with the usual mark of infallibility.

Yet the conciliar popes are quite well aware that many people attribute more authority to them than they actually have. Since this error on the part of many people furthers Newvatican's political ends, it does not correct the error publicly. It was pretty much for the same reason that the issue of papal infallibility even arose on the agenda of Vatican I. Pope Pius IX didn't put it on the agenda. Most of the cardinals didn't want it on the agenda. But the Ultramontanists, who wanted to give back to the papal office some of the authority for secular purposes that it lost with the papal territories, forced it upon the pope and council. Thus, even in 1870, the issue came up in the context of secular politics, not with a true religious purpose.

There are, unfortunately, because of ignorance of the Catholic Faith and connivance by Newvatican, those who think that any musings of the pope, such as those in Regensburg, are "infallible." In fact, in a recent BBC News story, the question is asked: "How can a man believed by Catholics to be 'infallible' make a mistake?" And that is at the heart of why Catholics are still suffering from the predations of the post-Vatican II New Order and a big part of the reason why the conciliar popes, including Benedict-Ratzinger, don't simply roll back the proven errors of Vatican II.

September 21 - St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
Double Feast of the Second Class

Why Did Benedict-Ratzinger Apologize for the Truth?

From: The Fathers
Crusader Effigy

Benedict-Ratzinger Is Burned in Effigy
As a Crusader Wearing the Cross of Christ
Why Would an Experienced Diplomat Make Such a Faux Pas?
Does Newpope Have a Subconscious Death Wish?

These conciliar popes are harder to understand than a Ouija board! Benedict-Ratzinger correctly intimated in a speech during his recent Regensburg trip that Mohammed was "only evil and inhuman," who commanded that the Mohammedan sect be "spread by the sword." When that quotation caused an international outcry in the Mohammedan world, Newpope issued a kind of apology, stating that he was "deeply sorry" about the angry reaction to his speech. (Source: Associated Press)

Now in Mohammedan Iraq, Newpope and is being burned in effigy as a crusader and a "worshippper of the Cross." al-Quida has warned him that he and the West are "doomed" and that its holy war against the West will continue. Well, a Mohammedan tried to assassinate one conciliar pope -- and almost succeeded. Is Benedict-Ratzinger next in line? Already an Italian nun was killed at a children's hospital in Mogadishu on September 17, 2006, in an attack that was immediately linked to Muslim anger over Newpope's recent remarks on Islamsim.

As one correspondent put it:

Let's face it: the words he [Benedict-Ratzinger] spoke were true. But in the ensuing apologies he and Newvatican maintain their esteem for Islamism. Now how can that be? To criticize Mohammed is to criticize Islamism. I just cannot help wondering whether this was a calculated action. B16 is no dummy. But now he is denying that these thoughts were held by him. Then why read the quote? What about the atrocities the Mohammedans committed against Catholic churches? Something is not right.

So why did Newpope apologize? The quotation that Newpope used, from a Christian Byzantine emperor, was right on the mark. The Mohammedans as a group support the Koran's call for violence to impose their sect. And on June 1, 1999, kissed the Koran that contained the death instructions, giving his papal "blessing" to the killing of Christians contained in that book, in which Mohammed says:

It is hard to imagine that a Newvatican diplomat of Benedict-Ratzinger's experience would make such a faux pas, or that the Newvatican vetters of his speech would not have caught it. Is it just possible that Newpope has a subconscious death wish? Thrice he asked JPII's permission to leave Newvatican and retire to Germany to write, dialogue with his students, and play his beloved Mozart on the piano. Thrice he was denied.

He was elected at age 78 and is now only a year short of 80, the mandatory retirement age for cardinals. Although at one time he might have wanted to be pope, probably he no longer had that desire by 2005. Yet, he probably felt that he had to accept election so that Newchurch would not be torn apart by feuds between Modernists and "conservative" Novus Ordinarians.

Remember, the man has had two strokes in some ten years, and his own brother Georg has publicly informed the press that Newpope has a heart condition. Every photograph one sees of Newpope shows him with an unhappy expression or a sardonic smile. The only photograph really showing Benedict-Ratzinger happy was the one, published here on the TRADITIO Network, in which he and his brother were discussing a point of Mozartean interpretation over the piano.

Certainly Newpope knows how lethal these Mohammedans are. They tried to kill his papal predecessor. They blew up two of the greatest buildings in the West and sacrificed over 5000 souls in them. The Mohammedans have attacked London and Spain. They recently tried to launch another attack against the United States from London. Newpope's faux pas with the Mohammedans is undoubtedly the most puzzling act of his papacy.

As another correspondent summed it up:

So the Pope has apologized for his remarks concerning Muslims. Is anybody surprised? The martyrs who died rather than burn incense to the false Roman Gods must be amazed to see Christ's vicar groveling to another false religion. One thing we can be sure of, there are no potential martyrs in Newvatican today, nor in the rest of the Novus Ordo. I glad that I'm not connected in any way with that bunch of traitors to the Faith.

Fellay & Co. Stir up Another Hornet's Nest

From: James

Fellay and his SSPX liberalist faction, like Benedict-Ratzinger, are stepping into more and more hornets' nests -- and getting stung. As Fellay commissions articles for his house organ implying, more or less, that those traditional Catholics who argue the Sede-vacantist Hypothesis, are not Catholic, he is getting hit aside the head by more and more of those who formerly gave him the benefit of the doubt. Previously, Fellay had used the SSPX house organ for a two-issue series in an attempt to prove the validity of the 1969 Novus Ordo rite of episcopal consecration. Now it is clear these days that the Fellayites are finding themselves more "union" with the Newchurch of the New Order than with the principles and causes of traditional Catholicism. And it doesn't seem to be washing in the traditional Catholic community.

More and more traditional Catholic theologians, including priests from the SSPX, are stepping forward, particularly in France and the United States, to counter the Fellayite doctrinal positions favoring the New Order. For example, one of the most eminent traditional Catholic theologians strongly rebutted the badly-researched and badly-presented articles on the episcopal-consecration issue. The SSPX writer hired by Fellay barely mentioned Pope Pius XII's essentially infallible pronouncement on the form of ordination to the Major Orders in his Sacramentum ordinis of 1947!

Certainly, the traditional Catholic community has not reached consensus on the Sede-vacantist Hypothesis, but just as certainly those who hold such an hypothesis, based in the theological works of Giacomo Cardinal Cajetan, an eminent theologian of the Church from the 16th century, and St. Robert Bellarmine, a Doctor of the Church of the 17th century, are just as Catholic (if not more so) than the Fellayites who cater to the unCatholic New Order! The confusing theology of Fellay & Company, trying to be traditional and Novus Ordo at the same time, has increasing been coming under strong attack by significant elements of the traditional Catholic community.

Like many traditional Catholics who respected Archbishop Lefebvre for his courage in fighting the New Order, I have to ask: what has been the point of the SSPX's holding out these many years if it now finds more in common with the Modernist Newchurchers than with traditional Catholics? Fellay and his faction are just trying to make the traditional square peg fit into the New Order round hole that Archbishop Lefebvre decried.

For whatever reason, the Fellayites have been suckered into a Novus Ordo mentality. They now spend more time attacking traditional Catholics -- including many in their own SSPX clergy -- than the Modernist Newchurchers and their false clergy! These acts simply confirm the steps that were promised to Newpope and his ministers to facilitate the eventual sellout of the Society to Newrome.

September 20 - Sts. Eustace & Companions, Martyrs
Ember Wednesday - Fast & Partial Abstinence
Double Feast

Newpope Still Speaking out of Both Sides of His Mouth on Mohammedans

From: The Fathers
Mohammedan Fanatics

Screaming "Down with the Infidel Benedict!"
Violent Fanatic Followers of Mohammed
Torch Newchurch Temples on the West Bank
The Honeymoon Is over for Benedict-Ratzinger
As He Pays the Price of Vatican II's Phony "Oecumenism"
Which He Helped to Engineer

As Newchurch temples burn in the Mid East, torched by Mohammedan terrorists who are retaliating at Benedict-Ratzinger for quoting a Christian Byzantine emperor's critical words about Mohammedad as being "evil and inhuman," Newpope is not issuing the apology demanded with one voice by the Mohammedan world, but had his Secretary of State, Newchurch Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, claim that "the pope's position on Islamism is unmistakably in line with Vatican teaching that the Church regards Muslims with 'esteem.'" You can't have it both ways, Benedict. Either Mohammed was evil and inhuman, or he is to be esteemed. Make up your mind!

Benedict-Ratzinger had also quoted Mohammed as commanding the Islamic faith to be "spread by the sword." It is hard to understand why the Mohammedan world rejects that statement, as Islamism has consistently spread its doctrines by force and violence. When a Danish newspaper recently published caricatures of Mohammed, violent Islamic protests occurred. On September 16, 2006, the "peace-loving" Mohammedans blew up Newchurch temples on the West Bank by firebombs, and an Islamic group claiming responsibility said specifically that it was protesting Benedict's words. [Source: AP]

Newrome "Gave Birth to a Mouse" with the New French "Indult" Institute

From: The Fathers

We have received the following bulletin from the Union des Nations de l'Europe Chretienne, commenting upon the recent formation of an "indult" Good Shepherd Institute for five priests that were expelled from the Society of St. Pius X:

At first glance one should be shocked by this new organization. Where are, for these five priests, the high objectives fixed by Archbishop Lefebvre, who asked of John Paul II four bishops for Tradition and a theological commission to verify the orthodoxy of every document Vatican Council II according to the 2000-year Tradition of the Church?
Why have the objectives requested by Bp. Fellay, Superior of the SSPX, from the Holy Father been forgotten: to annul the unjust excommunications of the bishops of the SSPX and to give back to all the priests of the Universal Church the possibility to continue the traditional pre-Vatican II liturgy? All this was forgotten, and [New]rome gave birth to a mouse. [New]rome conceded that five priests can celebrate the Traditional Mass [actually the Modernized Mass of 1962] in Latin and that they can a criticize Vatican II a little bit, "but in a constructive way."
One could have the impression that these five priests procured for themselves, a bit egoistically, as the Barroux monastery did previously, the bread to eat, while leaving the immense herd of the Church in its hunger. Naturally, [New]vatican is exulting. Archbishop Lefèbvre, at the time of the separation of Barroux and the Fraternity of St. Peter from the SSPX, used these words: "One doesn't quit the boat in full battle!"

It seems that the Archbishop's words could just as readily be used of the recent efforts of Bernard Fellay himself and the liberalist faction of the SSPX to sell out to the New Order and the modernist Newpope.

Have Popes Become 20th-century Dictators?

From: Clare

Dear Fathers:

I have been very interested in the idolization of the pope by his Newchurch fans and the public in general since John XXIII became the darling of the press. While the comparison most often cited is the adulation showered upon a rock star, there are others worth noting. For instance, the image of the pope is now ubiquitous: Catholic bookshops aggressively promote their writings, and glossy, coffee-table table books detailing their supposedly holy lives sell briskly in chain stores.

One can't escape the picture of the reigning pontiff in any place with even a distant connection to the New Order Church. While sorting through nick-knacks for a church bazaar at my Newchurch parish years ago, I noticed that we ladies were laboring under a giant portrait of John Paul II in the parish basement. The connection to a dictator's practice of requiring a picture of himself in every public place and business, no matter how modest, was obvious. Today, an enormous sculpture of John Paul II stands to the right of the entrance to my old parish in Brooklyn, New York. When this statue was erected, its size and grandeur eclipsed the beautiful and heart-rending crucifix opposite it. John Paul II stood with his arms reaching out in the same manner as the traditional statues of Our Lord that one used to find on side altars.

Scandalous, but insufficient. The presbyters of the parish still found recusants kneeling -- and sometimes crying! -- the foot of the old crucifix. They therefore treated the cross and the corpus with the same sepia color, thereby making the crucifix barely distinguishable. One cannot but feel the leaden foot of the totalitarian state and its closed society in the practices of the New Order Church.

Two Traditional Priests Critically Ill

From: The Fathers

The TRADITIO Network has been informed that Fr. Francis LeBlanc, an independent traditional priest, who has for many years waged a courageous battle for traditional Catholicism, has suffered a heart attack on September 14, but was moved from the Intensive Care Unit on September 17.

Fr. LeBlanc has been rector of Our Lady of the Sun International Shrine in Sun City, Arizona. Fr. LeBlanc was also the compiler of the Directory of Tridentine Latin Masses, which was the predecessor of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, its authorized successor, whose first edition was 1994/1995.

Recently, Fr. LeBlanc had been the subject of a vicious attack by the agents of the Modernist Newchurch diocese of Phoenix, which is one of the most corrupt in the United States, whose bishop (1882-2003), Thomas O'Brien, is a convicted felon. One can only hope that this attack was not the immediate cause of Fr. LeBlanc's heart attack. If so, it would be just another example of how the Newchurch of Hate operates.

The TRADITIO Network is also informed that Fr. Gallagher, who for many years celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass in a mortuary chapel before Fr. LeBlanc took over the office, is also very ill.

September 19 - Sts. Januarius & Companions, Bishops & Martyrs
Double Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger Admits that He Was Wrong -- or Did He?

From: The Fathers
Mohammed in Hell

Mohammed (right) Showing His Entrails to Vergil and Dante
In This Illustrated Manuscript of the Inferno
In Which Mohammed Is Depicted as One of the Sowers of Discord
Whose Punishment Is to Be Mutilated (Canto XXVIII)

One thing we know about the popes after Vatican II is that they can't make a clear statement about Catholic doctrine. The problem is that they're trying to please men, not God. Often, after George Orwell, they will use incomprehensible Newvatican-speak to conceal any real meaning. Or they will resort to statements that contradict each other, so that people can pick whichever position they themselves prefer. But it seems that Benedict-Ratzinger has more often than his predecessors been putting his foot in his mouth.

Take his statement on his recent German tour during his lecture in the Aula Magna of the University of Regensburg. He cited criticisms of Mohammed by a 14th century Byzantine Christian emperor, Manuel II Palaeologos: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Newpope's use of the statement was widely interpreted as being critical of Mohammedanism and its violence.

Oops! That wasn't very oecumenical. Mohammedan Pakistan's parliament on September 15, 2006, unanimously adopted a resolution, supported by both government and opposition lawmakers, condemning Newpope for "insulting Islam and the Prophet Mohammed and hurting the sentiments of the entire Muslim world by making derogatory remarks." He demanded an apology from Newpope personally. Too bad! The Americans are still waiting for an apology for the Mohammedans for blowing up two great buildings in New York and killing over 5,000 people.

A party leader of the Turkish Prime Minister charged of Newpope: "He has a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the Middle Ages.... It looks like an effort to revive the mentality of the Crusades. Benedict, the author of such unfortunate and insolent remarks, is going down in history for his words. He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini."

There it is: that old "Crusades" card! All Catholics are supposed to cringe at that instead of taking pride in their defending the Holy Land from the murderous Mohammedans. Even St. Francis backed the Crusades and told the Mohammedan leader of his time: "We have come to preach faith in Jesus Christ to you, that you will renounce Mohammed, that wicked slave of the devil, and obtain everlasting life." (For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Crusades.")

But instead of hanging tough with the Catholic Saints, Catholic history, and Catholic belief, Newpope, through his Press Office, backpedaled. He didn't mean any criticism of Mohammedanism! Then why did he include the critical comment in the first place? More speaking out of both sides of the mouth that is so characteristic of Conciliar popes? In contrast to Newpope, a traditional pope, Pius IX, had expressed in one clear and memorable phrase the Catholic position on Mohammedans as "those who are still involved in the darkness ... of Islamism" [Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1925].

Newpope, your honeymoon is over. If you try to please Mohammedans, Protestants, and pagans instead of the Christian God whom you are supposed to be serving, you're just going to keep getting hit by the side of the head like the fabled horse that wouldn't pay attention.

Newchurch Presbyter Engineers Sacrilegious Sex Trap, but Snares Himself!

From: The Fathers

In this latest page from the crazy Newchurch, a Romanian presbyter (yes, good Catholics, the corruption of Newchurch is worldwide) planned to discredit a local councilor by filming him having sex in church. Presbyter Florea convinced a local 17-year-old girl to prostitute herself to the councilor on the altar of a local Novus Ordo temple. The presbyter filmed the sex session and then planned to show it to parishioners in order that he could discredit the councilor and take his job. But his parishioners were so horrified that they chased him out of the church and called police. The presbyter now faces charges of attempted blackmail. [Source: 7 Plus]

This is just further proof that to Newchurch and even Newpope, children are simply sex toys to be used for their own purposes, whether political or lustful. Until the legacy of JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger can be expurgated from the Church, no "reform" is possible. That the "indult" crowd and the liberalist Fellayites of the SSPX play up to these men and their ongoing corruption is totally unconsionable.

September 18 - St. Joseph Cupertino
Double Feast

Conciliar Popes Have Become Little More than Rock Stars

From: The Fathers
Canine Pope

Newchurchers Are Becoming Crazier and Crazier with Papolatry
In Germany during Newpope's Recent Visit
Papal Regalia Were Being Sold to Invest Canines

One of the most disgusting -- and unCatholic -- developments after Vatican II is "the pope as rock star" syndrome. The Conciliar popes are not treated as human beings, but tantamount to entertainment figures. Certainly this nonsense developed worst under JPII, who did very little to suppress it.

A report from Germany indicates that those who lined the routes of Benedict-Ratzinger's popemobile or waited for hours for his "Messes," seemed to think they were meeting God himself, rather than a mere mistake-prone mortal. Paparazzi wept and ran into the sanctuary where he was saying "Mess" to get a closer look. They screamed his name, with the kind of frenzy that is normally reserved for a media-hyped pop or film star. Amidst comments about Newpope's prada shoes, the fanatics even stole soil and "holy" hose water from the house he still owns in a suburb of Regensburg. [Source: UK Telegraph]

Newchurch and Newchurchers are just plain bonkers!

September 17 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Semidouble Sunday

Newchurch Nun Attempts to Kill and Burn Presbyter

From: The Fathers
Presbyter & Nun

One of Benedict-Ratzinger's Nuns Tried to Kill One of His Presbyters
She Caught Him In Flagrante Delicto with a Married Woman
After She Herself Had Been with Him for Four Years and Had Two Abortions for Him
Benedict-Ratzinger and His Newchurch Are out of Control -- and a Joke!
Why In the World the Indultarians and the SSPX Fellayites Want to Have Any Part
In this "Divine Comedy" Escapes Us

Newchurch is little better than a soap opera now. It certainly isn't a serious religion, and attempts by the indultarians and Fellayite SSPXers to sell out to the head of the New Order are becoming more and more laughable.

On September 13, 2006, Newchurch nun Silvia Gomes De Sousa, 39, tried to kill Newchurch presbyter Carmelo Mantarro after catching him in flagrante delicto with "another" woman, and a married woman at that. The nun was armed with a machete and also set fire to Mantarro's house using matches and candles on curtains and furniture. Sister De Sousa admitted that she herself had been in flagrante delicto for four years with the presbyter and had had two abortions for him. So Mantarro was a "bigamist." And all this occurred not far from right under Benedict-Ratzinger's nose, near Messina, Sicily.

Since Newchurch is so far out of control, and Benedict-Ratzinger is so totally incompetent as an administrator, why do the indultarians and the liberalist Fellayites of the SSPX think that he can do anything successfully, including making a sellout deal with them that would stick? These groups better wake up and smell the coffee. They're going to be sold down the river, just like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). They might as well sign a sellout with Mephistopheles as with Newpope! Sooner or later, it will be time for them to pay the Enemy. [Source: Daily Mail]

September 16 - Sts. Cornelius, Pope & Cyprian, Bishops & Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Good Shepherd "Indult" Institute Is Already Being Attacked by Newchurch

From: The TRADITIO Network's SSPX European Correspondent Pool
Dario Hoyos

Newchurch Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos, Head of the Ecclesia Dei Commission
His Wry Smile Says to SSPX's Fellay: "Gotcha!" in the Good Shepherd Ploy
Hoyos Is Benedict-Ratzinger's Hit-man to Suppress Traditional Catholicism
And to Move the Indultarians into the New Order Church

Though formed hardly a week ago, the Good Shepherd "Indult" Institute, composed of five ex-SSPX priests headquartered in Bordeaux, France, is already being attacked by French Newchurch authorities.

It is being reported here in Europe that Newchurch Cardinal Hoyos, the head of the Ecclesia Dei "Indult" Commission and Benedict-Ratzinger's hit-man to wipe out traditional Catholicism unless it kowtows to Vatican II and the New Order, sold Fr. Laguerie, who had been canned by SSPX Superior General Fellay in 2004, to Benedict-Ratzinger by stating that the appointment of Laguerie, a known ultra-liberalist, is more likely to destabilize the SSPX. This fact lends further evidence to the contention that Ratzinger created this "indult" institute to destroy the SSPX and the fight of Archbishop Lefebvre.

Moreover, the Newbishop of Chartres, where the "indult" institute is supposed to set up a seminary, is totally rejecting the priests of the new group, and he has so informed Papal Nuncio Fortunato Baldelli in Paris and Newcardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard in Bordeaux. This fact signifies that this institute is already running up against the same opposition of the Newchurch hierarchy that has been faced by the other "indult" groups, such as the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), which have been de facto suppressed.

Now Bernard Fellay himself is beginning to experience the same deceptions from Newvatican that Archbishop Lefebvre experienced. At the same time that Fellay was making nice noises about "negotiating" with Newchurch, Hoyos was choosing Fr. Laguerie, Fellay's dire foe, as the superior of a new "indult" institute to spite Fellay. How can Fellay trust Hoyos and Ratzinger after such obvious duplicity? We here in Europe are waiting for the next shoe to drop on Fellay and the SSPX.

St. Bonaventure on the Death of the Mass

From: The Fathers

Tolle hoc sacramentum de ecclesia, et quid eris in mundo, nisi error et infidelitas? Et populus Christianus erit quasi grex porcorum dispersus et idolatriae deditus, sicut expresse patet in caeteris infidelibus.
[Take this Sacrament [of the Holy Eucharist] from the Church, and what will there be in the world, except error and unfaithfulness? And the Christian people will be scattered like a herd of pigs and given over to idolatry, as is patently clear among the rest of the unfaithful.]

So stated St. Bonaventure (1221-1274), Doctor of the Church and the Franciscan Order's greatest theologian. His statement explains why the Newchurchers are so consumed by false theology, false morality, a false service and sacraments. The Newchurchers are now really no different from the non-Christians around them, worshipping not the true God, but themselves, mankind, and mammon.

September 15 - Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Complete Friday Abstinence
Double Feast of the Second Class

What Is Really Behind the New "Indult" Good Shepherd Institute?

From: The TRADITIO Network's SSPX European Correspondent Pool
Jean-Pierre Ricard

Newchurch Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, of Bordeaux, France
A Happy Camper since Benedict-Ratzinger Stabbed the SSPX in the Back
And Created a New "Indult" Institute of Five Ex-SSPX Priests
Who Have Sworn Allegiance to the New Order and to the Newchurch Cardinal

On September 8, 2006, as the TRADITIO Network has already reported, Newvatican created a new French "indult" group called the Good Shepherd Institute and named one Fr. Philippe Laguerie as the Superior of new group of five expelled SSPX priests, located in Bordeaux, who have now signed on to the New Order and have accepted Vatican II.

Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, in September 2004 had fired Fr. Laguerie, formerly a priest at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris, because he organized a revolt against Fellay. Laguerie has been a prominent fighter for a sellout to Newrome. This was before Fellay himself started negotiations for a sellout to Newrome in August 2005. Apparently, Laguerie was considered a "loose cannon," since he was working for the same things as Fellay, but independent of him. The SSPX hates independence! The other four former SSPX priests in the group, who were expelled in 2005, are all ultra-liberalists, like Fr. de Tanouarn, who accepts the unorthodox religious-freedom errors of Vatican II.

So, this ultra-liberalist wing of the SSPX has been received by Newvatican as "a part of the SSPX that has already reconciled with [New]rome." Newcardinal Hoyos, of Newvatican's "indult" commission, is supposed to come to Bordeaux at the beginning of October 2006 to ordain as an "indult" priest the deacon Prieur, aged 60, whom Archbishop Lefebvre had refused to ordain because he considered him too unstable to be a priest. Moreover, Hoyos himself is under the same cloud as Benedict-Ratzinger as far as his consecration is concerned, since Hoyos was merely "ordained" as a bishop of the New Order, not consecrated as a bishop in the traditional rite.

One thing is sure: Newrome has started, in complicity with the liberalist faction of the SSPX, a big fight to capture the SSPX or to destroy it. If Fellay refuses to sign on, Newrome will push Laguerie and his Good Shepherd Institute to lure the priests and the seminarians of the SSPX and break the Society. At the same Fr. Schmidberger, formerly First Assistant Superior, will be pushing Fellay to sign, despite the opposition of the other three bishops. We have also received information that Bishop Tissier de Mallerais will never sign the sellout and is more and more moving away from the position of Fellay, as is Bishop Williamson.

Did Archbishop Lefebvre Go Along with the Liturgical Innovations of 1956?

From: John

Dear Fathers:

I received the latest issue of an SSPX organ, which implies that Archbishop Lefebvre was in favor of Bugnini's liturgical innovations of 1956. I had always understood that the archbishop had serious reservations. Isn't that correct?

The Fathers Reply.

Archbishop Lefebvre was not a happy camper when it came to the Modernized Missal of 1962 and its predecessors back to 1956. On May 28, 1948, the "Commission for the Reform of the Liturgy" was established in the face of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, a highly conservative and traditional body that had existed since Pope Sixtus V had founded it on January 22, 1588. Immediately the Modernists took control of the Commission in the persons of Ferdinando Antonelli as General Director and Hannibal Bugnini as Secretary. Yet the Commission, according to one historian, was "protected from on high by eminent [Modernist] prelates; the new liturgists took control little by little of the Commission for Reform of the Liturgy."

Archbishop Lefebvre accepted the 1962 Missal as the last traditional missal, but with serious reservations. He refused to eliminate the Confiteor before the Communion of the people, if any, since he rightly held that this Communion is not strictly a part of the Mass, but comes from the rite of Communion outside Mass. To regard the optional Communion of the people as an essential part of the Mass would be to weaken the role of the priest and the Holy Sacrifice itself, he maintained. How right about this he was, given subsequent developments! He also refused to eliminate the historical "perfidis Iudais" ["unfaithful Jews"] from the litanical prayer on Good Friday. Again, he correctly foresaw where this mentality would lead: directly to the false oecumenism of Vatican II

The changes introduced by Bugnini and the Modernists into the traditional and ancient rites of Holy Week in the Missale Romanum were staggering. The 1956 changes involved not only these innovations, but also significant changes in the Divine Office, the ranking of Feastdays, the Roman Calendar, as well as provided for the near elimination of the traditional and Apostolic Eucharistic Fast (which was essentially eliminated by Paul VI).

Bugnini moved the traditional celebration of Tenebrae (Matins and Lauds) from the evening to the mornings of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. He eliminated the only Mass of the Presanctified in the Roman rite, which has been retained in the Eastern rites for Ember Days as well (the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass never took place on Good Friday until 1956). On Good Friday, he added the genuflection at the litanical prayer for the Jews, whereas previously the genuflection was omitted, because Scripture tells us that the Jews mocked Our Lord with a genuflection during his Passion. On Holy Saturday, he eliminated the consecratory nature of the Exsultet, or Easter Proclamation, since now the Paschal Candle is already blessed before the Exsultet is sung, and that in a modified form.

Priests in Europe were scandalized by these rampant innovations and rebelled against them. They were never approved in forma specifica by Pope Pius XII. European priests, therefore, concluded that they were not bound by the Bugnini innovations and that they had every right to continue to use the traditional Holy Week ceremonies. Certainly in England the new Holy Week was ignored by a significant number of priests. Catholic parishes in London were still using the traditional Holy Week rites, until the Novus Ordo of 1969 came in.

September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Double Major Feast

Hindus Attack Newchurch "Occult" School

From: The Fathers
Lucknow, India

At a Newchurch Convent School in Lucknow, India
The Nuns Organized an "Occult" School Assembly
For the Students' "Spiritual Development"
Righteous Hindus Then Went on a Rampage against the Newchurch School

By now the madness of Newchurch's New Order has spread all over the world.

On Sunday, September 10, 2006, at the Loretto Convent School in Lucknow, the Newchurch nuns organized a special "occult" school assembly. Some students fainted when one of the teachers, Nobo Kumar Mondol, appeared in front of the assembly saying that he was Jesus Christ!

This perversion incensed a Hindu group, who went on a rampage at the school, accusing the school of influencing children in the name of Christianity. The Hindus were on the wrong track: the Newchurch "occult" assembly had no connection to Christianity, let alone Catholicism!

The school's community leader, Newchurch Sister Tressia said that the nuns' intention was the "spiritual and emotional development of children. It was a prayer experience." She added that "they just wanted their students to experience the power of God as the spiritual development would help children." The benighted Newchurch students claimed that this was merely a "spiritual event."

Occultism is pure paganism. Have Newchurchers now fallen so low that they need to indulge in such Satanic activities in the name of "invoking" Jesus Christ? Has the New Order sect embraced Simon Magus so thoroughly? Sadly, yes.

Has the SSPX Done an Aboutface on Altar Girls?

From: Carl

Dear Fathers:

On Wednesday, April 13, 1994, when Newchurch legitimized its usage of altar-girls, the SSPX under its then Superior-General, Fr. Franz Schmidberger, issued a statement, extracts of which are given below:

With great sorrow the Priestly Society of St. Pius X learns today, Wednesday, April 13, 1994, of the publication of the official approval by the highest authorities in the Catholic [sic] Church of girls being altar-servers at Mass. With great sorrow, because it is absolutely contrary to Holy Scripture, to twenty centuries of Catholic Tradition, and to the Church's practice in the East as in the West, for girls or women to enter the sanctuary of God and perform liturgical functions.... Taken together with the anti-Catholic mania for ecumenism and the suicidal secularizing of Christian society, this new step towards the abyss will still further discredit the Catholic Church in the eyes of the highest authorities in the Catholic [sic] Church of girls being altar-servers at Mass.

Has Newchurch in any since 1994 backed away from further "new steps toward the abyss"? Certainly not! So what, may I ask, has Newchurch done in the year 2006 to merit an SSPX sell-out advocated by the same Schmidberger and the others in the SSPX's Fellayite liberalist faction?

September 13 - Ferial Day

Newpope in Germany Shows Himself a Rabid Practitioner of the New Order

From: The Fathers
Papal Altar

The Papal Shanty "Altar" in Regensburg
With the Gothic Catholic Cathedral in the Background
This Slap-dash Tent Was just One Novus Ordo Feature
Of the September 10, 2006, Papal Mess

What did we learn from the papal Mess on Sunday, September 10, 2006, in Regensburg, Southern Germany? That Benedict-Ratzinger is a rabid practitioner of the New Order. Any notion that this man is "traditional" is pure fantasy.

Although Newpope might throw in a little Latin at Rome, when he went to Germany, he performed a Mess that even Martin Luther would have found far too modernist. Virtually everything in the Novus Ordo service, including most of the music, was in the vulgar tongue. Altar girls were conspicuously present. Eucharistic ministresses played a major role in handing out the Novus Ordo cookie, even though there were scads of presbyters on the altar who could have done so. Reception of the cookie in the hand was almost invariable.

Wasn't Benedict-Ratzinger supposed to change all this? Obviously not. He just as much a Modernist now as he was at Vatican II -- and ever since!

September 12 - The Most Holy Name of Mary
Double Major Feast

"I Attended Mass at Mel Gibson's Church"

From: Robert
Holy Family Church

Holy Family Catholic Church
Funded by Mel Gibson's Foundation
Built in Mission Style in the Hills outside Los Angeles
For the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments

Dear Fathers:

I just wanted to let you know that I recently had the privilege of attending the traditional Latin Mass at Holy Family Catholic Church, the church building that Mel Gibson built in mission style in the hills outside of Los Angeles. This experience alone led to my conversion to the traditional Catholic Faith from the Newchurch of the New Order. I was very moved by the reverence of the entire Mass. I plan on having my confession heard, and then will return to the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in the valid traditional Catholic form.

The Fathers Reply.

Thank you for the first-hand report. Gibson funded at $5,000,000 the building of the 900 square-metre church near the Gibson family's home (sorry, we have been asked not to publish the exact address of this church or Mel Gibson's personal address because of understandable problems with paparazzi). Construction is expected to be completed in 2008.

September 11 - Sts. Protus & Hyacinth, Martyrs
Simple Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger Attempts to Break up the Society of St. Pius X

From: The Fathers

Benedict-Ratzinger Modeling Yet Another of His Fancy Hats
(But No Papal Tiara Yet!)
Newpope Has Now Taken Steps to Undercut the SSPX in France
Bernard Fellay of the SSPX Must Now Be Ruing the Day
That He Ever Started Negotiating with This Janus-faced "Vixen"

Oh, that Benedict-Ratzinger is, as Our Lord called Herod Antipas, "that fox" (actually, the Greek means "that vixen"). Out of one of his Janus faces, he mouths "reconciliation" with the Society of St. Pius X (note: not with fully traditional Catholics). Out of the other of his Janus faces, he has just set up another one of those New Order "indult" societies, like the Society of St. Peter (FSSP), to undercut the SSPX and to set up Mass sites butting heads with the SSPX. It's an old trick. (Of course, the SSPX does the same thing to fully traditional Mass sites that it wants to butt heads with.)

On September 8, 2006, Newvatican (Decretum N. 118-2006 of the Commissio Pontificale Ecclesia Dei) announced that it had approved yet another "indult" organization, the Good Shepherd Institute, for a mere five French priests who left the SSPX. In return, these ex-SSPX priests swore on to the legitimacy of Newchurch, its New Mess and New Sacraments, its New Theology and New Morality. In exchange for this sell-out on their part, they will be given limited "permission" to celebrate the Modernized Mass of 1962, the traditional nature of which remains in question.

The funny thing about this move of Newpope is why he didn't send this little handful of French ex-SSPX priests to the FSSP to be integrated into this already-existing "indult" organization. Is it just possible that Benedict-Ratzinger is smart enough to realize that the more little splinter "indult" groups are created, the more any movement toward real traditional Catholicism will be fragmented?

There are a number of "gotchas" in Newchurch's recognition of the "indult" group. It is approved only ad experimentum, for a period of five years, and it has to answer to a Newchurch bishop, Jean-Pierre Ricard. Moreover, it cannot celebrate the fully traditional Mass, Office, and Sacraments, but must settle for the Modernized Version of 1962.

And why did these five priests leave the SSPX now? Why didn't they wait until the SSPX sellout to Newrome was completed? Is it just possible that they know something that the SSPX leaders don't? That, just as the TRADITIO Network has said many times, Newrome may lead the SSPX on to water, but won't ever let it drink of real traditional Catholicism. At this point Fellay should be ruing the day that he ever started "negotiations" for a sellout to Newrome, now that he has been played for the fool.

Newvatican announced that the new "indult" society would be located in Bordeaux, so it appears that when the five ex-SSPX priests wake up to reality and discover, as has the FSSP itself, that their sell-out to the New Order will deprive them of their traditional Catholic Faith and their priesthood, they will have plenty of French red in which to drown their sorrows! [Source: French I-media News Agency]

"Catholic" University Goes Masonic

From: The Fathers

DePaul University in Chicago, which claims to be the largest Catholic university in the nation, donned a Masonic fez to sponsor this year's annual meeting of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. More than 2,000 Thirty-third Degree Masons and their ladies from 15 northeastern states are expected to descend upon the "Catholic" university at the meeting on August 26-30.

A highlight of the meeting will be the Masonic (not Catholic) Vespers Service. Masonic Sovereign Grand Commander John McNaughton will preside over the General Sessions of the Supreme Council, in which prominent leaders from other Masonic organizations in the United States and throughout the world are expected to be in attendance. A Masonic Marketplace on the "Catholic" campus will allow vendors to display Masonic-related items.

Good Catholics, if you don't believe that the Freemasons have not thoroughly infiltrated Newchurch with their Novus Ordo Seclorum, just remember that at one time if you a Catholic was even suspected of associating with Freemasons, he was excommunicated!

"Conservative" Rabbis Go "Gay"

From: The Fathers

The Jews have their "conservatives" too, who are not traditional as their "Orthodox." Now it appears that the Conservative Jews will accept "gay" rabbis. The Jewish "Conservative" branch numbers about 750 synagogues and more than 1,000 North American rabbis.

Rabbi Jerome Epstein, Executive Vice President of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, says that a committee of scholars who interpret Jewish law for the "Conservative" branch of Judaism, which sits midway between the secular Jews, known as the "Reform" branch, and the traditional Jews, known as the "Orthodox" branch will likely loosen the prohibition on "gay" rabbis when they vote in December 2006. The "Reform" branch already openly ordains "gays" and even Lesbians and accepts Jew-Gentile unions. The Orthodox branch has become more popular in recent years because it strictly adheres to traditional interpretations of Mosaic law and prohibits "gays" and women from becoming rabbis. Epstein says that "Conservative" congregations would be able to pick and choose "gays" or non-"gays" as they wished without reference to Mosaic Law or the Old Testament.

What would Moses have said about that? He certainly wouldn't call the "Conservatives" Jews!

At the same time, Epstein expects that the scholars will endorse a policy aiming to keep more traditional congregations within the fold. Synagogues that believe Jewish law bars "gay relationships" still would be able to hire rabbis who share their view. The vote by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards will test what Conservative leaders call their "big umbrella" -- allowing diverse practices within the branch. It will also signal to the wider community how far the Conservative branch will go to reinterpret Mosaic law. [Source: Associated Press]

Doesn't this sound just like Newchurch? To the liberalist Newchurchers, give the Novus Ordo Mess and the New Theology. To the "conservative" Newchurchers, give a limited "indult." What does Newchurch care what is right or wrong in the Divine perspective? For Newchurch, its all a game of club politics.

September 10 - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Semidouble Sunday

Benedict-Ratzinger Embroiled in Latest Newchurch Phony "Conversion" Scandal

From: The Fathers
Brother Schutz at Taize

Brother Roger Schutz at the Thrice-daily Charismatic Rites at Taize
Did This Protestant Minister Convert to Newchurch or Not?
It Is Clear that He Never Made a Public Abjuration of Heresy
Yet Newcardinals Ratzinger and Kasper Gave Him the Novus Ordo Cookie Anyway
This Is Not Newchurch's First "Conversion" Scandal

Benedict-Ratzinger must be playing the Mozart Requiem on his piano in the Apostolic apartments this week! He has become embroiled in the midst of a new scandal that has unexpectedly exploded into the European press. And it all has to do with the "oecumenical" farce that he played in knowingly giving a Protestant minister the Novus Ordo cookie at JPII's funeral service in April 2005. Later that year, Benedict-Ratzinger, now pope, permitted Walter Newcardinal Kaspar, the "Oecumenical-friendly Ghost," to preside at a Newchurch funeral service for Schutz.

When the European press first latched onto this scandalous charade, Newvatican tried to invent a "cover story" for the faux pas, namely, that Brother Roger Schutz, a noted Protestant minister and leader of the French Protestant Taize charismatic community, had converted to Newchurch. But now the facts are starting to come out -- and they don't look good for Newchurch.

It seems that Schutz met, shortly after the New Order came in at Newrome, with the Newchurch bishop of Autun, France, Armand Francois Le Bourgeois, who "simply gave him communion for the first time without asking any more from him than the Credo recited during the Eucharist and which is common to all Christians," according to Brother Alois, the current Taize leader. In fact, this sacrilegious Newchurch bishop, a few months later, "came to Taize, and he also gave communion [sic] to all the [Protestant] brothers in the community." (For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Charismatic Movement.)

In other words, Schutz never publicly abjured his Protestant heresy, so he remained a public Protestant, who received the Novus Ordo cookie from a sacrilegious bishop. It was all just another one of those deceptions, with which we are all familiar by this point as S.O.P. for Newchurch. Alois admits that Schutz perpetrated his charade "without any rupture whatsoever" from his Protestantism. In fact, says Alois, Schutz's path was "progressive and totally new," not traditional. [Catholic News]

But what all the news sources have missed to date is that this is not the first Newchurch phony "conversion" scandal. Don't forget the "Brother Thurian Scandal."

On May 12, 1988, the French daily Le Monde reported that Thurian, subprior of Taize, had not only become a Newchurcher, but had been ordained to the Novus Ordo presbyterate by Cardinal Ursi of Naples, without being received into Newchurch and without making the public abjuration of heresy. This was a known scandal in Rome at the time.

Good Catholics, when is Benedict-Ratzinger going to stop playing the piano long enough to make a clear statement that the traditional Catholic Church is the one and only true Church of Christ? Until he makes that statement, clearly and unequivocably, Newchurchers are going to remain confused, Newchurch will continue to play ecclesiastical political games with religion, and Newpope's beliefs will remain in question. It is certainly clear that Newchurch does not have a Catholic sense of the one and only true Faith.

September 9 - St. Gorgonius, Martyr
Simple Feast

JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger Were Two Modernist Peas in a Pod at Vatican II

From: The Fathers
Bishop Wojtyla

As Bishop Karol Wojtyla at the Second Vatican Council
The Man Who Was Later to Become JPII Was of the Same Mind
With the Noted Modernist Peritus Fr. Joseph Ratzinger
In Pushing the False Oecumenism that Is Now So Much a Part of Newchurch

It is well known that Fr. Joseph Ratzinger (later Benedict XVI) was one of the Modernist leaders at the Second Vatican Council and personally introduced at that Council the concept of false oecumenism, that the Roman Catholic Church is not the only true Church. It is not as well known that Bishop Karol Wojtyla (later Pope John Paul II) shared Ratzinger's Modernist opinions at the Council.

Bishop Wojtyla made the astounding statement during Vatican II: "It is not the Church's place to teach unbelievers. She must seek in common with the rest of the world" [source: Henri Sesquet, The Drama of Vatican II, 1967, p. 44]. Moreover, he stated: "Going further, it is necessary ... to develop ecumenical ideas on a scale unknown until now in the History of the Church" [source: Mieczyslaw Malinski, Mon Ami Karol Wojtyla, Paris: Centurion, 1980, pp. 190-191].

It is clear that Newchurch and the post-conciliar popes have lost their connection with Our Lord's teaching: "Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20/DRV).

Bishop Wojtyla wasn't a Roman Catholic either, supporting that false "inculturation" notion of Vatican II. He unabashedly advocated going against the unified Roman Catholicism that was encouraged by Constantine, Blessed Charlesmagne, and Pope St. Pius V: "It is necessary to de-Westernize Christendom.... The Africanization, Indianization, Japonization, etc., of Catholicism reveals itself necessary."

Good Catholics, why should we wonder that Newchurch doesn't know what it is any more? It and the post-conciliar popes certainly don't believe that it is the one true Church of Christ or that it is Roman. As at Assisi recently, it hobnobs at "prayer meetings" on an equal footing with the ecclesiarchs of Protestant, Jewish, Mohammedan, and even pagan sects. Such meetings have always been condemned by Catholic popes.

Rather, Newchurch is a tool of a New Order, which extends far wider than just the Church, into the political and social realms. Whatever Newchurch is, it certainly isn't Catholic by any traditional definition of that term recognized by 260 popes, thousands of Catholic Saints, and twenty dogmatic councils of the Catholic Church.

September 8 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Double Feast of the Second Class
Complete Friday Abstinence

"Not the Motions of the Heavens, but the Way to Heaven"

From: Katherine
De Revolutione

In His De Revolutione Orbium Coelestium (1566)
The Catholic Monk Nicolaus Copernicus Brought the Heliocentric Theory
To the Catholic World
From the Work of the Ancient Greek Astronomer
Aristarchus of Samos (ca. 220-ca. 140 B.C.)

Dear Fathers:

Are Catholics required as a matter of the Faith to believe in a geocentric universe? Has the Catholic Church ever infallibly declared that belief in a heliocentric system is heretical? Thank you for any information and clarification you can provide, as this debate seems to continue to rage among traditional Catholics.

The Fathers Reply.

As the ecclesiastical aphorism goes: Sacra Scriptura ostendit non motus caelorum, sed viam ad caelos [Sacred Scripture shows not the motions of the heavens, but the way to heaven].

Granted, some "fringe" sectarians are Philistines when it comes to science, taking a kind of Luddite approach that turns its back on the great Catholic tradition of scientific inquiry after St. Isidore of Seville, St. Albertus Magnus, and St. Thomas Aquinas, all Doctors of the Church, which sees the investigation of God's great creation as laudable. In fact, most of the world's great scientists have been Catholics. Remember that the quadrivium, or course of four advanced studies taught in the Catholic universities, included the science of astronomy and two mathematical sciences. Moreover, Sacred Scripture teaches us:

Caeli enarrant gloriam dei, et opera manuum eius adnuntiat firmamentum (Psalms 18:2/DRV)
[The heavens shew forth the glory of God: and the firmament declareth the work of his hands]

Geocentrism or heliocentrism is ultimately a matter for astronomy, not religion. It was a Catholic monk, Nicolaus Copernicus, who advanced the heliocentric theory in the Catholic world, although Aristarchus of Samos, a Greek astronomer before the Christian era, originally posed it. Galileo's well-known problems were not so much with his science as with his approach. Pope Urban VIII and St. Robert Bellarmine had no intellectual problem with the heliocentric theory and Galileo's astronomical work. Pope Urban even wrote a panegyrical poem in classical Latin praising Galileo's scientific work. Bellarmine and several other cardinals purchased telescopes from Galileo and studied the heavens themselves.

In reality, the vaunted "Galileo problem" was the opposite of the common erroneous belief that the Church somehow persecuted Galileo for his scientific work. On the contrary, it was Galileo who made the mistake of advancing heliocentrism as a religious doctrine rather than as a scientific theory! That approach, of course, exceeded Galileo's authority into the religious realm and could not be tolerated by the Church because of the confusion that it created, a confusion that exists, as your question states, to this day. Many of Galileo's scientific colleagues similarly condemned his "doctrinal" approach. (For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Galileo.")

The true Church has nothing to fear from true science. Pope St. Pius X put it best: true science and true religion can never be in conflect because both are based upon truth.

September 7 - Ferial Day

Benedict-Ratzinger Continues JPII's Assisi Scandal

From: The Fathers
Buddha at Assisi

The Buddha Sits above the "Tabernacle" In the Church of St. Peter at Assisi 2002
Where JPII, and Now Benedict-Ratzinger, Have Sponsored "Oecumenical" Desacrations
To Occur in What Are No Longer Catholic Churches, but Pagan Temples

On October 27, 1986, JPII participated in an "oecumenical prayer meeting" of 150 false sects, including the New Order, at Assisi, Italy. At this meeting the Church of St. Peter was given over to the Buddhists, who placed a golden statue of Buddha on top of the tabernacle on the main Novus Ordo "table," together with a banner displaying the words "I go in for Buddha's law." The Dalai Lama sat with his back to the Most Blessed Sacrament (at least that is what it was supposed to be) removed to the side, and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima was denied entrance to the church. [Source: Il Giorno]

At this meeting the Church of San Giorgio was given over to the American Indians, who proceeded to introduce witch-doctors "shaking their enormous feathered headcloth and invoking Manito, blessed men and women, by rubbing their heads and backs with a white-feathered fan," while Catholic religious and presbyters participated. [Source: Il Messaggero]

The outcry against JPII for this sacrilege and apostasy from the one true Faith that it implied, was severe. Yet, JPII was not to be quashed in his "oecumenical" outrages. On January 24, 2002, he hosted yet another "oecumenical prayer meeting" at Assisi for "peace." This time the leaders included not just the usual Eastern Orthodox, Protestants, and Jews, but also leaders of "Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Jianism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and followers of Tenrikyo and African tribal religions." [Source: Associated Press]

But Benedict-Ratzinger, the "traditionalist pope," would put an end to all of this, right? WRONG! Newpope is no more a "traditionalist" than Herod Antipas was chaste husband. Benedict-Ratzinger has allowed yet another Assisi travesty to take place and even sent a papal message to the 200 leaders of heretical, pagan, and New Order sects gathered there, including Buddhists, Jews, Mohammedans, and Shintoists. [Source: Associated Press] (For further information, see Benedict-Ratzinger: Ecumenist Pope by traditional writer Patricius Anthony in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.)

And now for the Janus-faced duplicity of Newpope. Would you believe that on the same day that he recognized and sent his greetings to this pagan "prayer meeting," he sent a message to the Newchurch archbishop of Assisi that "syncretism" must be avoided. "Sycretism" is the mixture of true and false religions, essentially, the error of Indifferentism, condemned by the pre-Vatican II popes.

It is so typical of the post-Vatican II Newchurch and Newpope. If Benedict-Ratzinger were serious about grave error of syncretism, he would stop and recognizing these meetings entirely. He can't recognize them and send them a welcoming message out of one side of his mouth, and out of the other side of his mouth warn about syncretism! It's just more duplicitous Janus-faced Newchurch-talk. No wonder the Newchurchers are confused about whether there is a true Church or not, and, if so, which Church that is!

Good Catholics, don't forget Benedict-Ratzinger's Primum Nuntium [First Address], delivered to the cardinals immediately after his election. He made it very clear that he was a child of Vatican II and all its false teachings, including false oecumenism, known to his Catholic predecessors as the error of "Indifferentism." Don't be deceived: Newpope is as out of step with true Catholicism as was his predecessor in sponsoring this "oecumenical" offal.

September 6 - Ferial Day

Newrome Loves the "Law of Scandal"

From: The Fathers
Bernard Law

Bernard Law's Dirty Skirts in His Sex-crime Cover-up Exposed in a Cartoon
Yet Benedict-Ratzinger Has Allowed This Moral Bankrupt to Sit on Eight Papal Commissions
And to Choose New Bishops for the American Newchurch!

To the rest of the world, Bernard Law is the Newchurch cardinal who allowed his presbyters to turn the diocese into a moral cesspool, while he obstructed civil justice and aided and abetted their sex crimes. His immoral actions were so egregious that the secret corruption of Newchurch finally burst forth upon the attention of the world. When the Newchurchers of his diocese, despairing of JPII and Card. Ratzinger, his Sex-crimes Czar, ever taking any action, ran Law out of office and out of town themselves, Law eventually escaped to Rome, where JPII and Card. Ratzinger didn't lift a finger to punish him for his crimes against Newchurch youth, whom they were supposed to be protecting.

They didn't send him to a monastery to do penance in isolation for the rest of his life. No, they gave the moral bankrupt a plush sinecure of a job as archpresbyter of Rome's St. Mary Major Archbasilica! Said Barbara Blaine, of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by P[resbyters], at the time: "If things had happened differently in the United States, he might well have landed himself in jail."

Now, four years later, the Law of Sex Crimes prances down the aisle of the archbasilica and has the gall to wear the crosier and mitre that he desecrated. When the St. Mary Major appointment became official in May 2004, most of Boston's Newchurchers blasted the action, accusing Newvatican of continuing the cover-up of predator presbyters and bishops and rewarding the criminality of Newchurch bishops, who aid and abet the crimes and, in not a few cases, personally participate in them.

In payment for his criminal incompetence, Law now lives in a fancy seven-room apartment in the ritzy Esquiline district and receives a stipend of $60,000 per annum. He hautily attends diplomatic and social events and dines at expensive restaurants, where the meals run around $75.

Instead of being banished to a monastery to do penance for life for being involved in what Christ said was a crime so great that "it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV), Law continues to dish out his filthy morality on eight of Newpope's own top-level commissions that run Newchurch! For example, as a member of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Law will be able to forward his agenda for inclusive language and altar girls in the Novus Ordo service. This bankrupt also is one of a handful of men in charge of choosing the hierarchy of Newchurch in America -- after his own immoral kind, presumably.

We all know that JPII was addled mentally in his last years, perhaps not even compos mentis enough that his papal actions were legal, but Benedict-Ratzinger now bears 100% responsibility for coddling Law's crimes. Is it any wonder that Newpope was named as complicit in two sex-crimes federal cases in the United States? His own "secret" document sent to the Newchurch bishops is evidence in these cases for his complicity.

Good Catholics, can you imagine Pope St. Pius V or X keeping a moral bankrupt of this kind around? No, they would have routed him out of the Church. Ratzinger has never come to grips with the moral enormity of the crimes that he has permitted as cardinal, and now as pope, to occur in the name of Newchurch. Instead, he dresses in Santa caps and Prada shoes, and retreats from reality to play Mozart on the piano. As the old saying goes, Newchurch "stinks from the head."

September 5 - St. Lawrence Justinian, Bishop & Confessor

Is It Possible to Be a "Secret" Convert?

From: James
Ratzinger & Schutz

Benedict-Ratzinger Gives the Novus Ordo Cookie
In the Hand Yet
To Brother Schutz, A Protestant Minister

Dear Fathers:

When Brother Roger Schutz, a Protestant minister and the founder of the Taize oecumenical community in France, received the Novus Ordo cookie from Card. Ratzinger at the funeral service for JPII, there was quite a scandal. Now, it appears, a "cover story" has been developed that Schutz had converted to Newchurch in "secret." If this is true, can conversion be done like this in secret?

The Fathers Reply.

Formal adherence to a Protestant sect, as Schutz obviously did for all his life, is heresy and carries with it the penalty of excommunication. The traditional method of receiving an excommunicate heretic into Church involves the abjuration of heresy in the external forum, with a profession of faith that is quite detailed insofar as its rejection of non-Catholic beliefs. It cannot be done entirely "secretly," as the heresy was public; therefore, the abjuration of faith must be formally public.

After the excommunicate heretic makes his abjuration, touching the Evangelarium (the Book of Gospels), the priest, vested in violet stole, in the external forum, which involves at least two witnesses, after reciting Psalm 50 (Miserere), absolves the convert from excommunication in the external forum according to a rite given in the traditional Rituale Romanum, entitled De Modo Absolvendi ab Excommunicatione extra Sacramentalem Confessionem.

The reason that this abjuration and absolution must take place in the external forum is obvious. The heresy was public, and the scandal caused is public. In the Schutz case, what a sacrilege would be perpetrated if a man, acting in public as a Protestant minister, should actually be a "secretly Catholic"! Even his Protestant colleagues would be rightly affronted, since he is functioning as one of them publicly, but is "Catholic" interiorly? The logic of such a contention is absurd.

September 4 - Ferial Day

Newchurch Parish Embraces Recently "Ordained" Priestess-Presbyteress

From: The Fathers
Regina Nicolosi

Regina Nicolosi, a New Priestess for the New Order
Presented by Her Husband, a "Lay Deacon"
Vested in a "Gay" Rainbow Stole
This Photo Encapsulates the Future of Newchurch

As the mosaic of Newchurch and its future becomes clearer and clearer, it is certain that one of its next steps will be the reception of priestesses, actually presbyteresses. Not in one fell swoop, of course. Just as the New Mess was implemented gradually (and is still being implemented in more and more radical forms), just as a married clergy was introduced by the reception of Anglican convert priest-ministers in the "Anglican use" New Order parishes, just as lay ministers were introduced through the New Order's "lay deacons" and Eucharistic ministers/ministresses, just so priestesses will gradually be introduced through one excuse or another.

St. Joan of Arc Newparish, of Minneapolis, can't wait to get in the vanguard of the Newchurch's future. It is sponsoring a "Eucharist celebration" offered by Regina Nicolosi, one of six women who in June 2006 received "ordination" as a priestess of the New Order. Mind you, this parish is fully "approved" by the Newchurch archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul; it is only the traditional churches and chapels that are not "approved" by Newchurch. But that only shows that the New Order has no authority to "approve" or "disapprove" anything -- at least in a Catholic sense!

St. Joan Newparish is at the same time in the vanguard of turning Newchurch pink. According to the parish news, "St. Joan of Arc has a vibrant number of gay and lesbian partners with children." These will be going on a retreat led by the Christian Brothers, a now Newchurch order that has seen a 99% decrease in the number of new seminarians in the 35 years after Vatican II. One can only imagine what unCatholic new morality will be taught at the retreat. St. Joan's Parish proudly participates in the annual "Gay Pride" celebration. As one Newchurcher remarked, "This kind of stuff can only go on if the bishop is in on it up to his ears!" [Source: Spero]

This is why traditional Catholics cannot countenance "negotiations," "sellouts," or any other truck with Newchurch. It just isn't Catholic. Why should anyone want to be a part of it? Rather, our obligation is to stand with the Roman Catholic Faith of the millennia, with the Saints, and with the truly Catholic popes of the Church.

September 3 - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Semidouble Sunday

Newchurch Bishops Will Retain Invalid "Consecration" for Novus Ordo Service

From: The Fathers
Novus Ordo Cookie

Benedict-Ratzinger Holds up a Giant Novus Ordo Cookie
As even the Master of Ceremonies Ignores It
The U.S. Newchurch Bishops Won't Correct the Invalid Form
Because They Would Be Admitting to Traditional Catholics the Invalidity
Of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Service since 1967

Last June the U.S. Bishops Conference discussed "new translations" of the Novus Ordo service, as the third edition of the Novus Ordo Latin missal of 2002 has still not been released in the vulgar tongue. One of the big sticking points is the use of the heretical "for all" formulation in the Novus Ordo "consecration" of the wine instead of the orthodox Catholic and Apostolic "for many" formulation, which, among other things, traditional Catholics have held since 1967 invalidates the Novus Ordo service.

It has come to light from the conference that the reason why the Newchurch bishops will not approve the orthodox version, albeit in the condemned vulgar tongue, is that such an action would admit to the world that traditional Catholics were right about the invalidity of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service after all! Of course, the defective "consecration" formulation is not the only thing that invalidates the Novus Ordo Mess. It fails the Catholic theological criteria of form, matter, and intention, let alone the widely-believed defect in Novus Ordo "Orders," in which presbyters are ordained not to celebrate Mass, but to preside over the assembly.

Good Catholics, don't you believe that you have no real clout! You've got the pope's representative indicating that Benedict-Ratzinger is not sure that all Catholics accept that he is a real pope (because of defects in his episcopal consecration in the New Order rite). You've got the whole U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops choosing to keep their Novus Ordo service invalid simply to spite you.

Traditional Catholics have made their point very effectively since Vatican II. We are now on the offensive, and Newchurch and its New Order are on the defensive. What a turnabout after forty years of the New Order! Now is certainly not the time for the Fellayites of the SSPX to sell out to the New Order -- just when victory for traditional Catholicism is finally in sight. They should remember that Hannibal could have conquered Rome, but he failed to persevere to one final battle.

"Revelation" Results in Presbyter's Death

From: The Fathers

A Newchurch presbyter died after trying to demonstrate how Christ walked on water, claiming he had a "revelation" that he could walk on water. False "revelations" can be deadly, as Franck Kabele discovered when he attempted to walk across the Komo estuary from a beach in Libreville, Gabon. [UK Daily Record]

Again we quote St. John of the Cross: STAY AWAY FROM VISIONS, APPARITIONS, AND MIRACLES AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. BE CAREFUL OF VISIONS, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE AUTHENTIC. The Catholic Faith is not dependent upon "private revelations," "apparitions," and "visions." It is dependent exclusively upon Public Revelation, contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

September 2 - St. Stephen of Hungary, Confessor
Double Feast

Why Doesn't the SSPX Leadership Heed the Wisdom of Its Founder?

From: The Fathers
Marcel Lefebvre

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991)
Warned a Few Months before His Death:
"It is, therefore, unthinkable that we should accept or collaborate
with such a [Newchurch] hierarchy."

Archbishop Lefebvre, Founder of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), surely called the Newchurch spade a spade. He aptly called Vatican II the "Third World War of the Twentieth Century." When on the morning of June 30, 1988, the day the consecrations of four traditional bishops for the Society were to take place, JPII sent his personal car and chauffeur to Econe and asked the Archbishop to come to Rome to come to speak with him, the Archbishop responded that there had been time before for talk; now was too late.

The Archbishop's knowledge of Vatican politics and churchmen, including personal knowledge of Cardinal Ratzinger from the time of Vatican II, was extensive. Here is what Archbishop Lefebvre told the Society's Fideliter magazine at the end of 1990, a few months before his death:

Fideliter. Since the Episcopal Consecrations in June of 1988, there have been no more contacts with Rome; however as you told us, Cardinal Oddi telephoned you saying, "We must come to an arrangement. Make a little apology to the pope, and he is ready to welcome you." Then why not try this final step, and why does it seem impossible to you?
Archbishop Lefebvre. It is absolutely impossible in the present climate in Rome, which is becoming worse and worse. We must be under no illusions. The principles now directing the conciliar Church are more and more openly contrary to Catholic doctrine.
For his part, Cardinal Ratzinger, in presenting a long document on relations between the Magisterium and theologians, states "for the first time with clarity" that "decisions of the Magisterium may not be the last word on the matter in hand as such," but "a sort of provisional disposition.... The kernel remains stable, but particular aspects on which the circumstances of time have an influence may be in need of further rectifications. In this respect, we may highlight the declarations of the popes of the last century. The anti-modernist decisions rendered a great service..., but they are now out of date." And there you are, Modernism is a closed chapter! These reflections of Cardinal Ratzinger are absolutely senseless.
Lastly, the pope is more ecumenical than ever. All the false ideas of the Council are continuing to develop and be restated with ever more clarity. They are more and more coming out into the open. It is, therefore, unthinkable that we should accept or collaborate with such a hierarchy.

Will Latin Become an Official Language of the European Union?

From: The Fathers

Several Italian newspapers have called for Latin to be made the official working language of the European Union, after attempts by the new Finnish presidency to promote its use in EU departments. "While Latin has been given up as a compulsory subject in schools over recent years, interest in the language is growing in Europe and other parts of the world," L'Osservatore Romano said in a commentary. "In these circumstances, it would constitute a suitable instrument for international communication."

The paper said that a Latin-language news program, Nuntii Latini, [The News in Latin] had been broadcast weekly for the past decade by YLE, Finland's equivalent to the BBC, making the ancient Roman language "potentially contemporary." It added that the flexible Latin language has vocabulary for modern words, a new dictionary having been issued as recently as 1992 by the Foundation Latinitas.

The Finnish government set up a weekly news summary in Latin when it first assumed the EU's rotating presidency in 1999 and has repeated the service since taking over the six-months presidency for its second term on July 1, 2006. Besides Finland, which has a tradition of classical scholarship, other countries have reported a growing interest in Latin, which Newvatican has done precious little in the past to promote.

"Using Latin is a way of paying tribute to European civilization, and it serves to remind people of European society's roots, stretching back to ancient times," explained Mia Lahti, editor of the Finnish presidency's web site. "Latin isn't dead -- it's still very much in use in different forms across the world today. After all, Italians, French and Spaniards all speak a new form of Latin."

Can you imagine Newvatican taking the initiative to broadcast that all over the world? Why isn't Vatican Radio doing more? Why did Finland have to take the initiative to set up a weekly news broadcast in Latin? After all, Finland was never even part of the Roman Empire, whereas Newvatican purports to be both "Roman" and "Catholic."

Newchurch Bishop Approves of Membership in the Communist Party

From: The Fathers

A Vietnamese Newchurch bishop has told a gathering of 60,000 young people that they have the right to join the Communist Party. Bishop Joseph Nguyen Chi Linh replied that from Newchurch's standpoint, religious freedom is part of human nature and inherent from birth, since religion covers the relationship between a person's soul and God. "Whether to join the Communist Party or not is your right," he continued.

Good Catholics, this is just further evidence that Newchurch, the New Order, Modernism, the Communism -- in fact, all "liberalist" philosophies -- are part of the same Big Picture. On the contrary, Pope Pius XII was alarmed by the resurgence of Communism in Italy. In 1949 he excommunicated Italian Catholics who joined the Communist party. In retaliation for the political persecution of the Church in Communist Eastern Europe, Pius excommunicated the political leaders of Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Poland. In 1958, he addressed the problem Communism and the Church in China in his encyclical Ad Apostolorum Principis.

September 1 - St. Giles, Abbot
Simple Feast
Complete Friday Abstinence

A Turtle Shall Save You (in Newchurch)

From: The Fathers
Turtle Apparition

The Belly of a Turtle Holds a Marian "Apparition"
For Fanatics Who Are Relying More on "Apparitions, Private Revelations, and Visions"
Than Upon the True Mass, the Sacraments, Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition

The latest Marian "apparition" (it just goes on and on, doesn't it?) is on the underbelly of a turtle! That's where some demented woman from Burbank claims to have found the "Blessed Mother." But maybe she's not so demented after all. The woman who claimed that her grilled-cheese sandwich sported an "apparition" sold the sandwich on eBay for $28,000! [Metrowest Daily News

As St. John of the Cross (1542-1591), the Church's greatest mystic, commented about such mass hysteria (or crass commercialism):

The desire for private revelations deprives faith of its purity, develops a dangerous curiosity that becomes a source of illusions, fills the mind with vain fancies, and often proves the want of humility, and of submission to Our Lord, Who, through His public revelation, has given all that is needed for salvation. We must suspect those apparitions that lack dignity or proper reserve, and above all, those that are ridiculous. This last characteristic is a mark of human or diabolical machination. STAY AWAY FROM VISIONS, APPARITIONS, AND MIRACLES AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. BE CAREFUL OF VISIONS, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE AUTHENTIC.

French Leaflet Exposes SSPX "Spiritual Bouquet" as a "Deception"

Exclusive to the TRADITIO Network
From the TRADITIO Network's SSPX European Correspondent Pool

Here in France we have been inundated with a leaflet that denounces the "spiritual bouquet" announced by the SSPX's Superior General Bernard Fellay as "a Machievellian and sacrilegious deception." The Italian press is reporting that Fellay already knows that Newrome is (and has always been) ready to agree on some form of the prerequisite conditions for the sellout to the New Order. It has been the Society, particularly its founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, who refused to sell out.

The question for Newrome is now (and has always been) how to get the maximum number of SSPX bishops, priests, and members to sign on the dotted line for the sellout to the New Order. Newrome does not want a "broken" Society, fractured into pro- and anti-New Order factions. The leaflets claim that the "spiritual bouquet" got past the July General Chapter meeting, which did not realize the trap, so that when the pre-arranged terms of the sellout are implemented, it will appear that "their prayers have been answered."

Here in France, more and more SSPX priests are getting fed up with the stratagems of the Fellayites to sell out to the New Order and are speaking out: in the press, on web sites, and in leaflets such as this one, which is expected to be translated into Italian, German, and Spanish and to be widely distributed.

View from the Pew: I'm Confused, Says SSPX Member

From: William

Dear Fathers:

Over the past year we have heard a lot about the SSPX compromising with Newchurch. I attend the SSPX Chapel in X and can say from firsthand experience that Newchurch is penetrating the SSPX without shots being fired.

A Newchurch presbyter has come to our chapel. He is saying the Modernized Mass of 1962. He was ordained in the New Order. The SSPX prior informed me that New Order presbyters are actually priests and that their sacraments are valid. Bishop Fellay stated that "it is not a question of sacramental matter and form, but a question of 'evaluating the circus,'" whatever that means!

Given the SSPX officialdom's swallowing of the New Order line, I asked the $64,000 question: "If Newchurch is valid, then why does the SSPX resist it? If Newhurch is valid, there is no state of emergency. Just get in line and be 'obedient.'" I was given no response. It is clear to me that the SSPX is now towing Newchurch's line: "shut up and obey."

The Fathers Reply.

Our Lord said (Matthew 5:28/DRV): "But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart." It is becoming clearer and clear that Fellay and his cohorts have already committed adultery with the New Order, at least in their hearts, and actually much further.

What Is the Divine Office?

From: The Fathers

Columnist Patricius Anthony, who has written for several traditional publications, writes of the history of that "other" public prayer of the Church, the Divine Office, which was butchered to unrecognition by Hannibal Bugnini and his New Order crowd. For further information, see the Special Feature on More Devastation from Vatican II: The Eradication of the Divine Office.

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