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The good news is that Hispanics are leaving behind the Novus Ordo Mess in droves. The bad news is that although some are finding their way to Traditional Latin Mass sites, many more are going over to the paganism of the Protestant Evangelical or Pentecostal or Charismatic movements, according to a report released April 25, 2007, by the Pew Hispanic Center and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.
Newchurch in the United States, for political purposes, likes to throw around the number of 67,000,000 Newchurchers in that country. The number is greatly inflated because studies show that only a fraction of that number, about 15%, or 10,000,000, ever set foot in a Novus Ordo temple for Mess. Included in the inflated figure is 42,000,000 Hispanics, both legal and illegal. Without them, Newchurch in the United States would have tanked to 25,000,000 nominal Newchurchers.
As Newchurch is losing a large percentage of those 42,000,000 Hispanics, it is in real trouble. Figures show that 20%, or almost 10,000,000 of Newchurch Hispanics have already converted out of Newchurch. 23,000,000 of the remaining Hispanic Newchurchers describe themselves as part of the pagan "Charismatic" movement. Only 5,000,000 non-Charismatic Hispanics remain in Newchurch, nominally.
Eric Bergman, of Scranton, is the latest married Protestant minister that Newvatican has allowed to flip-flop to become a presbyter of the Protestantized Newchurch. His wife and four kids will likely become part of that Protestant Church within Newchurch called the "Anglican Use," which is essentially the Protestant Anglican service for Newchurchers. JPII in 1980 decided to receive married Anglican ministers into Newchurch as Novus Ordo presbyters.
Just how deluded these converts are is demonstrated by the statement: "The Roman Church hasn't changed with the culture; that appealed to us." Are these people daft, or just ignoramuses when it comes to history? Just what do they think happened in the 1960s when the Roman Catholic Mass of twenty centuries was replaced with a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service fabricated by a Freemason and six Protestant ministers? When Catholic theology was replaced by a Masonic New Order philosophy? When Catholic morality was replaced by institutionalized child rape and embezzlement, aided and abetted by Newchurch prelates right up to the top?
Sorry, Bergman, you have just jumped from the frying pan into the fire!
Things are not going well, it seems, with William Levada, Benedict-Ratzinger's Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Reports from Newrome indicate that after just two years, Newpope thinks that "things are not working out so well." Levada, for his part, is supposed to be dissatisfied with the post. Newpope is reportedly considering replacing Levada with the current Secretary of the Congregation, Archbishop Angelo Amato. [Source: UK Universe]
It seemed that Benedict-Ratzinger appointed Levada to the New Order Faith post as a cover to get him out from under the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, in which Levada was mired in two archdioceses: Portland, Oregon (which is now in bankruptcy) and San Francisco. Levada was under U.S. federal subpoena to be interrogated as to his role in these affairs before Benedict-Ratzinger whisked him off to Newrome in May 2005 with a diplomatic passport, giving Levada immunity from prosecution of any crimes that he may have committed -- as long as he doesn't set foot in the United States again.
If a person dies in unrepented mortal sin and is wearing the Brown Scapular (of Mount Carmel) at the time of his death, what happens?
The Fathers Reply.
He goes to Hell. Sacramental are not pagan amulets with magic powers. Such a belief would be idolatry. Sacramentals are supposed to remind you not to sin and to help you overcome sin. If you sin, no Sacramental will save you from the moral consequences of that sin. Catholic doctrine is that it is your exercise of your God-given free-will in moral acts that is the critical thing.
Just think of how you would feel. Your father has just died. He has been a faithful Roman Catholic all his life. You request what is the right of every Roman Catholic, a traditional burial. Your father had already purchased his grave plot in the parish cemetery. All that remained was for the traditional Requiem Mass and Absolution to be pronounced. Replied Nienstedt's Vicar General: "The Bishop will not give permission for a Tridentine [sic] Requiem Mass to anyone." Saith Newchurch bishop Nienstedt to the Faithful Departed: "SCHISMATIC! NO BURIAL!
Allen Cain's family pleaded on his behalf -- you may remember this, as it was covered in the national press. But to no avail: Nienstedt's hatred of the Catholic Faith and his total embrace of the New Order left him no charity for the Faithful Departed. And what grievous sin did Allen Cain commit? Was he a flaming homosexual advocating the "equality" of that lifestyle? No. Was he Congressman thrice divorced in civil court? No. He was just a father, a family man. Saith Newchurch bishop Nienstedt to the Faithful Departed: "SCHISMATIC! NO BURIAL!
After the national press was all over him, Nienstedt issued a letter in which he tried to "spin" his denial of a traditional funeral for Allen Cain. Oh, in a letter of March 24, 2005, he maintained that he loved the "Tridentine" Mass, enough to schedule zero -- count them zero -- such Masses in his Newchurch diocese of New Ulm, Minnesota. The "Tridentine" Mass was "replaced," he said, "and the Novus Ordo Missae, or the commonly-called Missal of Paul VI, became the standard liturgical rite of the Universal Church" of the New Order. Saith Newchurch bishop Nienstedt to the Faithful Departed: "SCHISMATIC! NO BURIAL!
Nienstedt countered that he had offered to permit an (invalid) Novus Ordo Mess of the Resurrection in Latin, but the family didn't want it. (Now that's hard to understand, isn't it!) We don't have enough presbyters, Niensted pontificated. He had only 42 presbyters for 82 New Order parishes. These poor presbyters "with four to five weekend liturgies,... have all they can do to meet the spiritual needs of their English- and Spanish-speaking congregations. (If all the Masses were Traditional Latin Masses, he wouldn't have that problem, would he?) Maybe that's why it has been reported to the TRADITIO Network that Newchurch presbyters are charging upwards of a $500 fee to perform a Novus Ordo Mess of the Resurrection! The pope gives me the authority to decide, so saith Newchurch bishop Nienstedt to the Faithful Departed: "SCHISMATIC! NO BURIAL!And this is the man that the "conservative" Benedict-Ratzinger appoints to succeed Harry Flynn, the current Newchurch archbishop of Minneapolis-St. Paul, who sponsors "gay and lesbian" Messes. Good Catholics, what further evidence do you need that Benedict-Ratzinger is perhaps the most devious pope to sit in St. Peter's Chair in recent memory? He's no "conservative," let alone "traditionalist." He's a radical Modernist out and out, and for him the only purpose of the "Indult" Mass is as a deception, a ruse, with which to deceive "conservative" Newchurchers into supporting his Rape-the-Children Fund for Needy Presbyters. Have no doubt: Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of Hate is alive and well!
You indultarians of St. Augustine's in St. Paul, be prepared to have your long-standing "Indult" Mass yanked by Nienstedt. All "Indult" Masses rest on a slippery slope and can be yanked on a moment's notice, with no reason given. And many have been so yanked.
Dear Fathers:
I would like to know whether it is correct or good for the faithful to participate with responses to the celebrant at a so-called Dialogue Mass. Isn't it better to be present and unite internally with the Great High Priest and Victim of the Mass by keeping silence?
The Fathers Reply.
The so-called Dialogue Mass is a very late form, which was condemned by the Holy See, but when the Liturgical Revolution was gearing up in the 1950s, it started to be used in some places. It is really not a traditional practice, but was used by the liturgical revolutionaries to usher in the Novus Ordo service. The traditional form of Holy Mass has the server at Mass make the responses.
Photographs have been released by the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) of the consecration of the newest traditional Roman Catholic bishop, Fr. Joseph Santay, CSPV, earlier reported in the TRADITIO Commentaries. The consecration took place, on an Ember Wednesday, as canonically prescribed, February 28, 2007, in the St. Pius V Chapel at Society's headquarters at Oyster Bay, New York. The Society of St. Pius V celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office as before the "modernizing" revisions of 1956, 1960, and 1962.
It is not widely known that Catholic theology teaches that a pope can fall into heresy, even apostasy, and Ecclesiastical History teaches that several have. One example of a papal apostate is Pope Marcellinus (296-304).
Marcellinus, during the persecutions of the Emperor Diocletian in 303-304, offered incense to the idols of the pagan gods. Therefore, he apostatized, left the Catholic Faith, and left the Catholic Church. Catholic theology teaches that it is possible for this to happen with a pope as with any other man, as a pope is a man and has freewill to accept or reject God and His Church.
The Catholic faithful were so scandalized by the pope's apostasy that, following the example of St. Paul upbraiding St. Peter for the latter's error in Judaizing, they accosted Marcellinus and reproached him severely. Under pressure from the Catholic faithful, Marcellinus recanted his error and deposed himself. He declared himself unworthy of Christian burial and excommunicated all who might presume to bury him. His body lay above ground for 35 days rotting.
Popes historically judged to be heretics or apostates from the Catholic Faith include:
In conjunction with the report that the Jewish Central Committee and the Mohammedans on April 23, 2007, publicly condemned the "Indult" Mass as "rolling back the advances of Vatican II" and "fostering negative stereotypes," one must consider the recent campaign of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to condemn traditional Catholicism as "anti-Semitic" and the bill (H.R. 1592) in hearing before the U.S. Congress to define the preaching of traditional moral principles as criminal "hate speech." Representative Louie Gohmert pointed out to the House Judiciary Subcommittee that, if passed, H.R. 1592 would put clergy in prison for "politically incorrect" sermons on immorality. Canada has already passed a similar law and has prosecuted even laypeople who have expressed their "politically incorrect" opinions on morality to radio call-in shows.
It seems to be prefect timing on the part of Newchurch to stir up talk about a new "indult" just when the "Indult" Mass is tagged as "anti-Semitic" and "hate speech." When the smoke clears, there will probably be some effort on the part of Newchurch to manufacture some hybridized version of the "Indult" Mass with the invalid Novus Ordo service in Latin, a version that has been gutted of any offensive traditional Catholic doctrine.
These "coincidences" happen for a reason. There has been constant pressure for the "Indult" Mass to move away from the "Mass of 1962" to the Mass of 1964 or to the Mass of 1965 or to the Mass of 1967 or some hybridized form with the invalid Novus Ordo Latin service. In fact, as the TRADITIO Network has reported in past Commentaries, the Ecclesia Dei Commission has already authorized the beginnings of such hybrids: "Indult" services with the Novus Ordo "greeting rite" instead of the traditional Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, the use of vernacular readings from the New Lectionary, etc. The National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses has reported that many, if not a majority, of "Indult" Mass sites use hybridized forms of the "Mass of 1962" with the Novus Ordo service.
On Saturday, April 14, 2007, the Newchurch Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Joseph Adamec, gave an emphatic No! to an "Indult" Mass in the Newchurch diocese, even if a new "indult" were issued by Newvatican. Expressing the opinion of the bishops of the United States, Adamec said that the "Indult" Mass is only a concession to the schismatic Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Adamec said that he might be willing to make available a Novus Ordo service partially in Latin, but not the "Indult" Mass. He said that if the "Indult" Mass were made available, it would signal a reversion to an outdated religion.
In what is probably the death-knell for further talk of an imaginary, not to say phony, new "indult" for the "Indult" Mass, Jews and oecumenical Newchurchers from the Central Committee of German Catholics, from where Benedict-Ratzinger hails, have issued an April 23, 2007, declaration condemning the "Indult" Mass because it contains a theology abhorrent to Jews. Benedict-Ratzinger, a Modernist/Oecumenist coming from a heavily Jewish area of his native Germany, has particularly sought to appease Jews, even more so than his predecessor, JPII, who called them "elder brothers."
The Jewish Central Committee charged that "a return of the Tridentine [sic] missal would cause a lasting disruption to the Catholic-Jewish dialogue that began so hopefully at the Second Vatican Council." Adding its rejection of any new "indult," the Centre for the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations at Cambridge University in England charged that any reversion to the "Indult" Mass would be "getting back to negative stereotypes." These groups have stated that they are concerned that "neo-conservatives" in Newchurch want to roll back Vatican Council "reforms" that promoted oecumenism.
Indeed it is true that even the "Indult" Mass reflects the 2000-year traditional theology of the Roman Catholic Church before the Modernists at Vatican II (1963-1965) "nuanced" it out of existence. This Mass, even in its Bugninized/Modernized 1962 form, includes prayers for converting the Jews to Christianity. It also includes passages consistent with Christian Scripture and Tradition, that the Jews live in "blindness" and "darkness" and prayers "that the Lord our God may take the veil from their hearts and that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ." This prayer was just chanted at the traditional Good Friday liturgy less than three weeks ago.
It is not just the Jews who are rejecting any new "indult." The Boston College Centre for Christian-Jewish Learning issued a public warning that the "Indult" Mass would also offend the Mohammedans because it calls for their conversion as "infidels." And the whole world knows that Benedict-Ratzinger has been left with egg on his face for his own faux pas in quoting a Christian emperor against Mohammed. To make up for his un-oecumenical statement, Benedict-Ratzinger later stooped so low as to pray to Allah in the traditional Mohammedan pose in the Blue Mosque. [Source: Reuters and European Jewish Press]
Benedict-Ratzinger, who has shown little courage in standing up unambiguously for anything Catholic, has a long-standing record of Modernism and Oecumenism and of being perfectly comfortable with manipulating teaching to the point that Jews and Mohammedans are just as accepted in the Church of the New Order as are the Newchurchers.
The Newchurch bishop of Syracuse, New York, James Moynihan, has admitted that because Newchurch clergy are deserting his diocese and because the Newchurchers aren't kicking into the collection plate as much since Newchurch has abetted the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, a plan to close numerous churches across Central New York State will be implemented August 16, 2007. Moynihan admits that attendance at the Novus Ordo Messes in his diocese is "low." Two of the churches in jeopardy are the only sites of the "Indult" Mass in the Newchurch diocese. The pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes intimated the death-knell of the "Indult" Mass there when he said: "Our worship will become more lively," "lively" being a code-word for Novus Ordo. [Source: New 10]
It was predicted, and now it has happened. In accepting the recommendations of the International Theological Commission (how many Protestants and Freemasons sit on this one?), Benedict-Ratzinger on April 19, 2007, publicly took a major step toward embracing the heresy of Universal Salvation, that those in Original Sin are saved. Such an opinion spits in the face of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the unanimous opinion of the Fathers, which constitutes Catholic dogma. You see, in the One-world Religion of the New Order, there is no sin, there is no Hell, no Purgatory. Now Benedict-Ratzinger seems to have bought into the "Divine Mercy" nonsense that everyone is "saved," and sin makes no difference. Will Benedict-Ratzinger next con-onized Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin?
In this conciliar pope's newest foray into the odor of heresy, it seems that he has virtually rejected a de fide dogma of the Catholic Church, as defined in several Dogmatic Councils: that the sin of Adam and Eve, the progenitors of the human race, mankind lost Sanctifying Grace through the Original Sin and that this sin dwells in every unbaptized human soul. Thus, souls who depart this life in the state of Original Sin are excluded from the Beatific Vision of God. You will hear from the clueless press that the Limbo of the Infants is not a dogmatic teaching. Yet this teaching was codified at the Sixteenth Council of Carthage in 418, the Second Council of Lyons in 1274, the Council of Florence in 1438-1445, and finally the Council of Trent (1546) and is based on the dogma of Original Sin. For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics) in the article "Limbo."
Note the date; it is significant. April 19, 2007, is the second anniversary of Benedict-Ratzinger's election. The Vatican's choice of dates for issuing documents usually bears a message. It appears that Newpope sees this new statement against the traditional theology of Limbo and its implied rejection of Original Sin and the Sacrament of Baptism as a significant theological legacy.
Benedict-Ratzinger did give himself a little wiggle room. He did not proclaim the heretical dogma, but said that "these are reasons for prayerful hope, rather than grounds for sure knowledge." Hope in heresy? Of course, the clueless media will miss this pettifogging distinction. They will conclude: why fight abortion if unbaptized infants are going to Heaven anyway? Essentially, Benedict-Ratzinger is saying that you are doing God a favor to abort your child. Why take the chance that the child will grow up and lose his salvation? Abort early and send him to Heaven!
Benedict-Ratzinger's giant step into the unCatholic New Theology of the New Order reminds us of how the New Order was sneaked in after Vatican II (1963-1965) to replace the true Faith: gradually, turning the heat up on the frog's water little by little so that he never was inspired to jump out to save himself, and so his goose was cooked (to mix a metaphor). Once one denies the consequences of the dogma of Original Sin, the next step is to deny all sin, then to deny the Sacrament of Baptism, and then to embrace the heresy of Universal Salvation. Even most of the Protestants don't buy that! What has happened to the fabled "oecumenism" of Benedict-Ratzinger?
No one should be surprised at this latest of Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernistic forays. Ratzinger as a Newcardinal had been was president of the Commission when it began nuancing the question of limbo to a Modernist approach in 2004. Now Benedict-Ratzinger's henchman, William Levada, the escapee from the heavy hand of U.S. justice in the sex-crimes scandal, heads the Commission. The opinion that Benedict-Ratzinger is "conservative," let alone "traditional," is ridiculous. He has been a Modernist from his teaching days in Germany and as a conciliar pope has continued to embrace the errors of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X proclaimed the summit of all heresies.
In the midst of the follow-the-leader reports that are so typical of the religiously-clueless press, the UK's Sunday Telegraph on April 15, 2007, took a different position on the close of two years of Benedict-Ratzinger's pontificate today. As a matter of fact, the conclusions of the article could have been taken right directly the TRADITIO Network's Commentaries from the Mailbox:
Dear Fathers:
The historic St. Stanislaus Church and Shrine in Cleveland, Ohio (which was completely wreckovated by Newchurch a few years ago) has now blasphemously placed an icon of "Saint" JPII above its pagan altar table. Newchurch in this Polish area is sacrilegiously hailing JPII as a demigod.
You can't talk sense to these fanatic Newchurchers, who are also infected with that condemned Divine Mercy charismatic wackiness that JPII introduced into Newchurch after his papal predecessors had condemned it. The Newchurchers here have regular visits from a crazy faith-healing "doctor," Issam Nemeh, who performs charismatic services for one and all. Even the Newchurch bishop, Richard Lennon, attends them!
Meanwhile, Lennon is "clustering" all the Newparishes and closing historic churches faster than you can run through a Novus Ordo Saturday night service. Once Newchurch has fallen this low, the closing curtain can't be far behind. I'll be glad to see the New Order farce end!
One wonders where Newchurch is going to get these presbyters to celebrate the imaginary new "Indult" Mass when it can't even staff its Novus Ordo services!
Across the United States, where already in several dioceses most of the Newparishes are run by lay ministers, Newchurch bishops are planning to dump presbyter-pastors for lay ministers/ministresses, after the Protestant theology. For example, John Steinbock, Newchurch bishop of Fresno, California, has announced that he is establishing a type of Newchurch lay "seminary," in which lay ministers and ministresses will be "certified" to take over Newchurch parishes in place of presbyter-pastors.
The lack of vocations (as if anyone could have a real "vocation" to the fabricated, man-made religion of the New Order) is being used as an excuse to introduce "lay ministers" into Newchurch. It is just another slick ruse by Newchurch to introduce more Protestantism under arguments as specious as those formulated at Vatican II. Already in various Newchurch dioceses, lay ministers and ministresses are being made pastors even when presbyters are available for Newchurch pastorates. [Source: California Catholic]
Bishop Richard Williamson, the senior SSPX Bishop, consecrated in 1988 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Founder of the Society of St. Pius X, revealed in an April 15, 2007, radio interview in the United States the possibility of the SSPX's consecrating more bishops to counter the crisis in Newchurch, which he described as melting into a pool of Modernistic Freemasonry.
Bishop Williamson, who has been the most outspoken and independent of the SSPX bishops, stands with SSPX Bishops Tissier de Mallerais and Alfonso de Galarreta against the Fellay administration's tendency to sell out the SSPX to the New Order administration in Newrome.
Dear Fathers:
Does the SSPX really allow presbyters ordained only in the Novus Ordo rite to offer Mass and other Sacraments to SSPX members? I got a response from the U.S. SSPX General Secretary that "a priest is validly ordained in the New Rite [of 1970] as long as the proper form (that printed in the book, be it in Latin or the vernacular), matter, intention, and minister were used." In other words, the Novus Ordo Ordinal, even in the vernacular is accepted as valid by the SSPX. The response stated that in such cases the SSPX does not re-ordain Novus Ordo presbyters.
The Fathers Reply.
Haven't you answered your own question? According to the SSPX response that you have quoted, a man ordained as a Novus Ordo presbyter by Hannibal Bugnini's Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1970 (the "New Ordinal" that came in simultaneously with the "New Mass"), even in a vulgar tongue, would be fully accepted by the SSPX and could service its sites without any notification whatsoever to the SSPX members of that site. The New Ordinal came in simultaneously with the New "Mass."
That is what is scandalizing an increasing number of SSPXers, who have discovered this "tragic flaw," as it were, as they believe that this flaw in the SSPX is subjecting them to invalid Masses and Sacraments from those ordained not to be Catholic priests "to offer Mass for the living and the dead," but to be Novus Ordo presbyters and "to preside over the assembly."
The correspondence from SSPX members and other reports that we have been receiving indicate that there is a serious tempest brewing over this issue within the SSPX, which has already spilling over into a very public debate. The recent articles commissioned by the Fellay administration for SSPX house organs to attempt to prove that the New Ordinal for bishops is valid and thereby to gain favor with Newpope (who himself was consecrated not as a Catholic bishop, but was ordained to the Novus Ordo episcopate) have stirred quite a public debate, and several telling articles and statements have been published to counter the validity of Bugnini's 1970 Novus Ordo Ordinal.
Dear Fathers:
Since the Jesuit order is an old order, do they follow the traditional ordination rite to the priesthood? Or did they change to the Novus Ordo Rite of 1970? How about the Dominicans, Franciscans, & Benedictines?
The Fathers Reply.
All Newchurch religious orders use the New Ordinal. The Jesuits are actually the worst: much more radical than the New Order religious. There are some courageous religious who refuse to give in to Newchurch and maintain traditional ordination independently from the Church of the New Order. For further information, see the Official Traditional Catholic Directory in the section "Traditional Catholic Religious Orders."
The TRADITIO Network has been one of the few news sources to draw attention to the information that Benedict-Ratzinger before his election had two strokes and one cerebral concussion. His own brother said that he did not expect Newpope to live much more than a year or two beyond his election -- an odd thing for a brother-presbyter to say publicly, isn't it?
Now there is a rumor going around informed European circles that Benedict-Ratzinger has undergone an operation in preparation for an eventual heart bypass. And Newpope has seemed to confirm the essence of the rumor. He said that he was moving up the publication of the first volume of his two-volume work, Jesus of Nazareth, saying "I do not know how much time and strength remains to me." He seemed also to indicate that the second volume would never be finished.
Here we have one more proof that Benedict-Ratzinger is appointing Modernist Immoralists to his cabinet. In May 2005 he yanked William Levada, former Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, out of the middle of two federal subpoenas concerning his i nvolvement in covering up of sex crimes in two archdioceses and ensconced him with a Vatican diplomatic passport as Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith.
It turns out that Levada suborned further sex crimes by pulling the puppeteer's strings from his Newvatican office to get passed with only token opposition the US Catholic [sic] Bishops Conference document Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination: Guidelines for Pastoral Care (November 2006). This document does essentially nothing to address the cesspool in which Newchurch seminaries are mired. From November 2002 until August 2005, Levada had been chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Doctrine, under whose aegis the sex crimes continued.
Levada's document fails to provide direction to the U.S. Newchurch bishops on dismantling "gay"-friendly ministries and replacing "gay"-friendly bishops, like Benedict-Ratzinger's appointee to succeed Levada in San Francisco: William Niederauer. Instead, the document is essentially soft on this form of immorality, one of four enumerate Biblical sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance. Levada was very successful at weasel-wording the document within Newchurch's "New Morality," but it is clear that both Benedict-Ratzinger and his morals appointee Levada are soft on this crime.
How can I answer the arguments of the Newchurchers against traditional Catholicism? In one form or another, this is the most frequent question that the TRADITIO Fathers receive. Sometimes stumped correspondents send us lengthy arguments formulated by Newchurchers who don't know what they're talking about, hoping that we will be able to answer the propaganda.
Most of the debate of the Newchurchers these days consists of empty words of New Order propaganda that they themselves don't understand. Before Vatican II words meant something, and often those words were expressed, for religious topics, in the crystal clarity that the Latin language affords and in which the vulgar tongues are so deficient. Now words have been perverted to ambiguity and meaninglessness. Therefore, we suggest a different approach to Newchurchers, who have next to no understanding of the basic principles of Catholic theology, no matter how many empty words they use to cover up this fact.
The best presentation that we have seen demonstrating the phoniness of the New Order and confirming traditional Catholicism is a videotape produced by the In the Spirit of Chartres Committee entitled What We Have Lost ... and the Road to Restoration: A Critical Look at the Changes in the Catholic Church. This 50-minute VHS videocassette is beautifully produced, with historical footage of the Traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments, and papal ceremonies, as contrasted with the inanity of the Novus Ordo Mess and other rites. The contrast will truly be shocking to those who have gradually slipped into the Novus Ordo service without realizing its unCatholicity.
For those Newchurchers who will actually read, we know of no better explanation of the difference between the unCatholic New Order and traditional Roman Catholicism than the clearly-written treatment by Frs. Dominic & Francisco Radecki entitled What Has Happened to the Catholic Church? This is a methodical study of the unCatholic changes in the Newchurch since Vatican II. It contains detailed comparisons of the Mass and Sacramental formulae between the true Mass and the phony Novus Ordo Mess, and provides full references.
For further information about these two "best of breed" resources, see FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Good Catholics, you will encounter all too many Newchurchers who are "walking in darkness," so mesmerized by the propaganda of the New Order that you will not succeed in convincing them of what true Catholicism is. Don't be disheartened. The Apostles experienced the same blindness to the truth of Christ, Who advised those Apostles: "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house or city shake off the dust from your feet" (Matthew 10:14/DRV). From that point you must stop pointless arguing and pray that God's grace will eventually enlighten those Newchurchers. You have done all that you can. They are from that point responsible for their own vincible ignorance.
Dear Fathers:
I wrote sometime ago about the imaginary "new indult." If such a thing ever did come about, what are traditional Catholics supposed to do about "Indult" Masses?
The Fathers Reply.
Avoid them like the plague! Look at the history of the "Indult" Mass of 1988. Within a couple of years Newvatican was giving permission for mixing in the Novus Ordo "readings." Then Newvatican was allowing the first part of the Mass to be conducted from the chair, just like the Novus Ordo innovations of 1965.
A lot has changed since 1988. The "Indult" Mass is no longer even the Bugninized/Modernized "Mass of 1962." It is ordinarily a hybrid with the Novus Ordo service, making some use of the vulgar tongues, using cookies from Novus Ordo services, using the Novus Ordo "readings," and other aberrations. For further information, see the Official Traditional Catholic Directory in the section "Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services."
But the worst thing about the "Indult" Mass is that it is a child of heretical Modernism. It is ordinarily staged in a Novus Ordo temple in the environment of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Church of the New Order. No true Catholic can have any part of that. The issue of the Newchurch of the New Order is far more than a few words in Latin. It is a wholesale destruction of Catholic doctrine, practice, and morality in favor of a Protestantized, Masonized, paganized religion. The Newchurchers can ignore the facts all they want, but the facts remain facts, but Newchurchers are sharing in the moral guilt against the First Commandment for supporting a sham that is not Catholicism.
Moreover, what sane human being would choose to be associated with the Church of the New Order that encourages, from the top down, the raping of children, the embezzlement of funds for profane purposes (remember it was a Newchurch university that revealed 80% of Newparishes are being embezzled from), and the embracing of heretical theologies and practices? Anyone who participates or contributes to such things is no better than a criminal accessory after the fact.
A Southern U.S. newspaper recently reported as follows on a new "Latin Mass":
A dead language is expected to bring new life to a Mass at the Cathedral of St. J. on Sunday. The 11 a.m. Mass will be celebrated largely in Latin with the music done in Gregorian chant.... The Mass had been said in Latin for hundreds of years until the mid-1960s when the Second Vatican Council called for the use of the vernacular language.... In recent months Pope Benedict XVI has more vocally encouraged the use of Latin as a way for the faithful to understand their roots and to bring more unity to the church.This is just another example of a common problem among the religiously-ignorant press: the reporting of erroneous information about the Catholicism. This one paragraph contains at least four significant errors:
However, the biggest error -- really it is a deception -- is that this is a "Latin Mass." This term "Latin Mass" is being used increasingly by Newchurch to supplant even its own "Indult" Mass in favor of the Novus Ordo service partially in Latin. Such a "Latin Mass" is just as phony, just as invalid, as a Novus Ordo service in the vulgar tongues of English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, which the same Novus Ordo cathedral puts on. In fact, it is this Novus Ordo "Latin Mass" form that was the original fabrication by the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini and his "Committee of Six" Protestants. To be sure, if you read carefully down the newspaper's report, you will see the disparaging reference against the Traditional Latin Mass:
Sunday's Mass will not be the pre-Vatican II order, when the priest would turn his back to the congregation and the readings were in a different order. It will be the Mass [sic] as it is currently celebrated, just with the weekly prayers said in Latin [the Ordinary]. The Scripture readings and sermon will all be in English.
Good Catholics, heed well this prediction of the TRADITIO Network, whose predictions in the past about Newchurch have all come to pass. If Benedict-Ratzinger ever releases some phony new "indult," one of the ways the New Order will try to undercut it is to substitute a few Novus Ordo Messes in Latin to fool the Newchurchers. In fact, Newchurch is already gearing up for this ruse. Caveant ignorantes!
The Novus Ordo in any language, even with a little Gregorian chant thrown in, is unCatholic, sacrilegious, irreverent, scandalous, blasphemous, idolatrous, and conclusively invalid, because it fails to meet one or more of the three criteria established in Catholic dogmatic and sacramental theology for a valid Mass and most cogently in Pope Leo XIII's Apostolicae Curae. For further information, see CURAE.TXT: Apostolicae Curae Apostolic Letter in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics). The Novus Ordo service fails the Catholic sacramental tests of validity even more clearly than the High Anglican service to which the pope was originally referring.
On April 13, 2007, Benedict-Ratzinger's biography of Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, was released in German, Polish, and Italian, not Latin or English. From the press reports, it is every bit the political screed that the previous excerpts published by the TRADITIO Network indicate. In it there is little of religion, but mostly Benedict-Ratzinger's abuse of His Lord to make Him into some kind of slimy politician.
Like so many Westerners, Benedict-Ratzinger is an ingrate to the very culture that made his life possible. Capitalism takes a big hit in the book, even though Newpope has benefited much from capitalism and has no compunctions about taking capitalistic money and about accepting the benefit of the salvific deaths of many soldiers from that capitalistic giant, the United States of America. Like so many Europeans, Benedict-Ratzinger doesn't seem to show any gratitude for his temporal salvation. Or maybe, as an admitted member of Hitler's Youth Army, he was rooting for National Socialism to succeed!
As an example, Benedict-Ratzinger deviates from the Catholic teaching of the Fathers of the Church that the parable of the Good Samaritan is not essentially a tract on "neighborly love," but on the love of God for fallen man and Sacraments of God's live, represented by the wine and oil poured on the Samaritan wounded by the Fall. Benedict-Ratzinger turns the parable into a front for aid to the "Third World," now dying in droves from sexual promiscuity (i.e., AIDS) and internecine tribal murders.
Newpope has apparently decided to give up the active exercise of the papacy and to write books instead, contrary to Catholic papal tradition. (It has been the TRADITIO Network's observation that he really didn't want to be pope in 2005, but gave in; he wanted to return to academe.) He is currently writing a second volume to this first volume of some 500 pages. At least Newpope admits that his book is quite fallible. "Everyone is free to contradict me," he says.
Benedict-Ratzinger has been too busy fending off his Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, his Communist Spy Scandal, and his Mohammedan Gaff Scandal to pay much attention to the appointment of Newchurch bishops, as a result of which the number of vacancies has increased to a staggering degree. Now, however, reports indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger is about to make certain key appointments to Newchurch in the United States that will plant Liberalist/Modernists solidly into positions of power for decades.
In New York, Baltimore, and Detroit cardinals have reached the retirement age of 75, and bishops are on the way out in Seattle, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Louisville, Omaha, and Mobile. What kind of appointments can we expect? Let's look at Benedict-Ratzinger's record so far:
"Conservative" Newchurchers were shocked at Benedict-Ratzinger's lenient policy on admitting "gay" activists into Newchurch seminaries. Given that his appointees Levada, Wuerl, and Niederauer are supporters of homosexuality, Benedict-Ratzinger is expected to follow up with more Liberalist/Modernist appointees for the vacant dioceses.
A recent brouhaha in Spain has brought it to light that not only are Novus Ordo temples using cookies, as the TRADITIO Network has consistently reported (the Spanish call them "biscuits"), but are performing the Mess in street clothes. Actually, that is not really news. The Modernists have been doing that since at least the 1960s. Fr. Ratzinger was probably one of them, as the photographs (reproduced here in previous Commentaries from the Mailbox) of him doing his business at Vatican II shows him "vested" in suit coat and tie. [Source: Catholic News]
Will the name Karol Wojtyla (later JPII) show up in the files of the Polish Institute of National Remembrance as a spy for the Communist Secret Police? Will the name Stanislaw Dziwisz, JPII's confidential secretary and now Newchurch Cardinal Archbishop of Krakow show up in the file? Exactly how many Polish Newchurch presbyters will be revealed as Communist spies? (Historians estimate 15-20%.)
Questions like that could explain why Dziwisz has advocated a continued cover-up in spite of the Polish government's requiring its citizens publicly to disclose any collaboration with the Communist regime, which fell in 1990. Dziwisz claims that the presbyter spies were "unaware of what they were doing" and that the cries for disclosure come from enemies of the nation and of Newchurch. Dziwisz is becoming more strident these days, as he pushes ever harder to cover up the sins of Newchurch and to rush the con-anization his old boss, JPII the Less, before the truth comes out. [Sources: SIR News Agency and others]
On this day the Newchurchers are celebrating the spurious feast of "Divine Mercy." Traditional Catholics are celebrating the Octave Day of Easter, called Low Sunday in contrast to the "High" Sunday of Easter. This Sunday is traditionally known also as Quasimodo Sunday, from the first word of the Introit. So, how did Newchurch invent "Divine Mercy" Sunday? (By the way, if you think that you are attending a Traditional Mass, and you are tricked instead with "Divine Mercy" Sunday, you know that you are not attending a Traditional Mass.)
A local devotion under this title, which is associated with one Sr. Faustina and a chaplet of the Divine Mercy, was approved by the Ordinary of Vilnius, Poland, in 1936 and from there spread rapidly, especially after World War II in the United States. It appears that Sr. Faustina could not write, except for a few lines phonetically. Most of her "diary" was concocted by her sisters after her death. Because of the incongruities of the dairy (different handwriting, different use of terms), the devotion was suppressed, and the book of her diary was placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum [Index of Forbidden Books]. This decision was upheld by Pope John XXIII in 1958/59.
In early 1978, a Polish cardinal petitioned Newvatican to remove the suppression of the devotion, which was being practiced without sanction in his diocese, and Newvatican replied in the negative, confirming the suppression. By this time the original devotion had been illegally replaced by an oecumenized version framed in New Order terminology -- with substantially changed prayers to promote non-Catholic beliefs and the heresy of universal salvation. Later in 1978 a Polish pope was elected, and the now modernized version, twice condemned, was entered onto the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar on the Octave Day of Easter (Low Sunday).
The Octave Day of a feast, particularly of the greatest feast, Easter, is a significant day in itself. The Divine Mercy cult is thus in contravention of the focus of the Catholic liturgy for that day, which is on the Resurrection of Our Lord and faith in His Divinity. As Dom Gueranger, the noted Benedictine liturgical scholar, commented in his fifteen-volume Liturgical Year: "Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of greater double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it." That is the Roman Catholic attitude, which the New Order spurned.Not surprisingly, the Divine Mercy cult in post-Conciliar times is increasing in its association with another cult, that is, the cult of "Catholic" Charismaticism. This Charismatic Movement is far from true Catholicism, but is a derivative of the Protestant heresy, based on the erroneous notion that emotional experience always accompanies the conferral of grace, whereas the Catholic doctrine is that the only sensible indication of the conferral of grace is the Sacrament itself. Perhaps the cult's association with New Age ideas is why it has become lionized in recent years, whereas popes up to JPII had condemned it.
For further information, see FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics) in the article "Divine Mercy."
The TRADITIO Network predicted it, and now it has happened: a United States federal district judge ruled that victims of rape by Newchurch bishops and presbyters may sue their superior for damages. Their superior is, of course, the pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, who himself has been implicated by various courts in the cover-up, and even aiding and abetting, of the crimes. The ruling by U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II, of Louiville, allows the Vatican to be sued by victims of sex crimes by Newchurch clergy.
The federal court accepted the argument of the victims that the Vatican knew or suspected that some of its presbyters priests or bishops were child molesters, but failed to warn the public or local authorities about them because of a policy prohibiting it. That policy was imposed by Ratzinger himself. [Source: Associated Press]
Easter was gorgeous. The weather was excellent, and the whole morning bells were ringing. I went to a beautiful Gothic cathedral for an Easter Mass, but it turned out instead to be New Order Mess. As of today only 7% of the Belgians go to church, a far cry from 54 years ago when I did my First Communion: 95%.
What has Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch done to correct this situation? Nothing. Sad, very sad. It seems that the boat of Europe is sinking. I'll bet that by the turn of the century half of the churches will be converted in mosques!
The Fathers Reply.
On the basis of the evidence, your bet is quite optimistic. Our bet is that it will be well before the turn of the century, probably even before the middle of the century. At the current rate of defection from Newchurch, traditional Catholics don't have to worry: Newchurch will be dead in most of Europe by mid century, and the Great Traditional Catholic Restoration can take place.
Where in the world don't half of 15- to 24-year-olds know:
Communist China? Syria? Albania? No: Ireland! The poll was conducted by the Landsdowne Market Research company, which interviewed a representative sample of 946 people in Ireland and reported the results on April 9, 2007.
The poll concluded that Ireland's Catholic culture is now a thing of past. Newchurch in only forty years has accomplished what the Protestant British and Cromwell couldn't do in 300 years: it has essentially eradicated from Ireland the Catholic Faith that was originally planted by St. Patrick in the fifth century.
It seems that these Newchurch bishops know no limits to their villany. A United States federal bankruptcy judge on April 9, 2007, ordered two diocesan presbyters reporting to bishop Robert Brom to explain why they should not be held in contempt of court for transferring money and other actions that were prohibited while the diocese's bankruptcy case is pending. In February 2007 the Newchurch diocese of San Diego was the largest yet in the nation to file for bankruptcy, because so many Newchurch presbyters are raping minors that there is no more money left to compensate the 150 child victims raped by 38 Newchurch presbyters.
San Diego has joined Davenport, Iowa; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; and Tucson, Arizona, so far in bankruptcy. The Portland, Oregon, diocese was headed by William Levada, whom Benedict-Ratzinger spirited off to Newvatican with a diplomatic passport so that he wouldn't have to face examination and possible criminal charges for his complicity in the child rape cases there.
U.S. District Judge Louise De Carl Adler, in a bluntly worded five-page order, wrote that the presbyters lied to Newchurch parishioners about the federal court's orders. The presbyters told their congregations that contributions to the Annual Catholic [sic} Appeal would be used to fund Newchurch schools and social services, whereas actually they will be used to pay judgments to child victims.
Bishop Robert Brom apparently personally participated in the lie, asserting in a letter to Newchurch parishioners that individual contributions from parishioners would not be used to pay off victims. Judge Adler also wrote that one of the presbyters "urged parishes to get new taxpayer identification numbers and immediately transfer funds to new accounts." The judge said that the diocese's lawyers have "conspired with [the diocese] and its counsel" to violate the federal court's ruling against transferring the diocese's assets while the bankruptcy case is in court." [Source: Los Angeles Times]
As the TRADITIO Network has consistently maintained, Newchurchers should immediately absent themselves from these New Order parishes of immorality and cut off all contributions. By continuing to support Newchurch, they are simply supporting corruption and immorality. And now a federal court order agrees with us!
Some readers get upset when the TRADITIO Network calls the Novus Ordo "communion" an invalid cookie. But we are saying nothing different from what Newchurch's highest authorities admit in practice.
A case in point. Newchurch's head of "Divine Worship," Newcardinal Francis Arinze, admitted publicly in a recent interview with the UK Catholic Weekly that at Rome tourists are regularly putting the Novus Ordo cookie "in a photo album as a souvenir of their trip to Rome." And what is Arinze doing about it as Newvatican's head of "Divine Worship"? In typical New Order fashion, nothing. "Reverence cannot be imposed," he says.
If Arinze were a true cardinal of the Roman Catholic Faith, would die before he would let the Corpus Christi (which the Novus Ordo cookie is not) be stolen. What conclusion can be reached other than that Arinze himself considers the Novus Ordo cookie to be an invalid, worthless crumb?
For further information on Arinze, see ARINZE: Cardinal Arinze's Changing Church in the TRADITIO Network's Features department.
Dear Fathers:
I have noticed that most Newchurchers seem to hate all things Roman. It seems that the Novus Ordo temples are being filled up with icons and other Eastern periphernalia instead our great Western sacred art. Newchurchers do not care about St. Augustine or St. Thomas Aquinas. Instead, they turn to the East with its many heresies and schisms. They accuse Westerners of abandoning the Church, but they themselves are in fact the ones that have left the true Church. What times do we live in when Newchurchers think that Constantinople is more doctrinally pure than Eternal Rome? Why do you think that the Newchurchers have left the West for the East?
The Fathers Reply.
In St. Paul's phrase, it is an "itch" for the novel. The Roman is our heritage and our glory. But the East, to the "itchy" mind, is novel, different, more antique. The truth of the matter, of course, is that the Traditional Latin Mass is "the most venerable in all Christendom, with a history of unbroken use far longer than that of any Eastern rite, there being no doubt that the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin" (Fortescue). Eastern rites have been "modernized" far more, even to the inclusion of the vulgar tongues throughout.
The East, as you say, has had many doctrinal problems. It has been far more fragmented than the West. But this is merely a symptom of the corrupt times that we live in, just as St. Paul predicted: "For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables" (2 Timothy 4:3-4/DRV).
These post-conciliar popes just can't keep their hands off traditional Catholic practices. JPII had the temerity to "change" the Most Holy Rosary so that it no longer makes sense as a reflection of the 150 Psalms. And what happened? Large numbers of Newchurchers, now confused, stopped saying the Rosary altogether. Many Rosary societies have been dissolved because of dissention about which is the "real" Rosary. Was it "Saint" JPII's purpose to confuse Catholic tradition? Possibly.
According to Religious News Service, some Newchurchers have now taken JPII's mangling of the Most Holy Rosary one step further. They use the Marian Rosary to address the Roman goddess of Hades: "Hail Persephone, full of strength and beauty.... Blessed are you and blessed is the cycle of your life. Holy Persephone, queen of life and death, pray for your children now, and in the hour of our need. Blessed be." Some Newchurchers are reaching back to the religion of their youth, but "modernizing" it by New Order practices such as wicca (the worship of naturism femininism).
Now Benedict-Ratzinger has had the temerity to change the Stations of the Cross when presented at the Colosseum on Good Friday 2007. He had new Stations written by some Newvatican bureaucrat, who removed St. Veronica and the three falls because they are not "biblical" enough, but come only from "popular imagination." In the Protestant Anglican Church, one commonly sees only ten Stations of the Cross, since the Anglicans removed the other four, just as Benedict-Ratzinger has now done, because they weren't "biblical" enough. The Anglicans, of course, reject the Dogma of Tradition just as Newchurch does de facto. And what can we expect to happen as a result? Probably you will see Stations of the Cross gradually removed even from the few New Order churches that kept them after Vatican II. New churches will not install them.
This is another Modernist attack against established tradition. Ancient traditions do not proceed from the "imagination," but from the strong oral culture that accompanied the transmission of the written Scriptures. Obviously, not everything that happened in the Holy Land 2000 years ago was recorded in the Bible. Other events were transmitted orally and those that were true were allowed to flourish by the devout authorities of earlier times.
What is Benedict-Ratzinger up to now? Again he is trying to attack Catholic tradition to please the Modernists, of whom he is one. This is not the first time that Newchurch has attempted such an attack upon established tradition. Under Paul VI a fifteenth Station of the Cross was added, but true Catholics simply ignored it, just as they ignored the five "Luminous" Mysteries concocted by JPII, who even tried to change the Litany of Loreto. It's all a ruse, as the Modernists hate prayer anyway. So they're not using the Rosary or the Stations at all! For further information on the traditional Stations of the Cross, click on the Holy Cards, California Missions & Stations of the Cross department.
The Modernists, like Benedict-Ratzinger, must leave no Catholic tradition untouched. They must force changes to everything, above all to the most popular devotions, such as the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary. That teaches the Newchurchers the heresy of Modernism, condemned by Pope St. Pius X, that everything is subject to change: the Mass, the Sacraments, doctrine, morality -- and Newchurch has in fact changed all of these. Like the Arian heretics, it has even changed God!
If you had any lingering doubts about the fact that Newchurch is not Catholic, here is just one more proof: Newchurch is raising money not to build "Catholic" churches --no, these Newchurch is closing right and left, but Mohammedan mosques!
In Cologne, Germany, right in Benedict-Ratzinger's backyard, the presbyter-pastor of St. Theodore's Novus Ordo temple announced on March 18, 2007: "Today's collection is for the construction of the big new mosque in Ehrenfeld." And the Newparish Council at St. Theodore's went along with the action unanimously. Actually, Germany, from which Newpope hails, is a cesspool of Newchurch false oecumenism. It is no surprise, therefore, that Benedict-Ratzinger is deeply tainted by it himself.
St. Theodore's pew Newchurchers, however, were not happy. After the special collection was announced, several parishioners denounced the presbyter-pastor, reminding him that four young Mohammedans had beaten a German family man into a coma on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday. The mosque, at the headquarters of the Turkish-Islamic Union for the Institution of Religion (DITIB) in the Cologne district of Ehrenfeld, will be one of Germany's biggest. Plans call for two 55-metre-high minarets, a dome, and room for more than 3,000 worshippers. [Source: DPA]
These positions of Archbishop Lefebvre, virtually suppressed by the Fellay administration in a bout of historical revisionism, have been revealed by SSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais in his new Biography of Marcel Lefebvre. Mallerais, consecrated as a bishop for the SSPX in 1988, documents statements that Archbishop Lefebvre made about the New Order.
Archbishop Lefebvre, August 4, 1976, on the Post-conciliar Popes and the New Order: The Council [Vatican II] turned its back on Tradition and broke with the Church of the past. It is a schismatic council. If we are certain that the Faith taught by the Church for twenty centuries can contain no error, we are much less certain that the pope is truly pope. Heresy, schism, excommunication ipso facto, or invalid election are all causes that can possibly mean the pope was never pope, or is no longer pope. Because ultimately, since the beginning of Paul VI's pontificate, the conscience and faith of all Catholics have been faced with a serious problem. How is it that the pope, the true successor of Peter, who is assured of the help of the Holy Ghost, can officiate at the destruction of the Church -- the most radical, rapid, and widespread in her history -- something that no heresiarch has ever managed to achieve?
Archbishop Lefebvre, Sermon, August 29, 1976, on the Invalidity of the Novus Ordo Service and Its Presbyters: The new rite of Mass is an illegitimate rite, the sacraments are illegitimate sacraments, the priests who come from the seminaries are illegitimate priests.
Archbishop Lefebvre, Sermon, February 22, 1979, Rejecting Vatican II: Insofar as it is opposed to Tradition, we reject the [Vatican II] Council.
Archbishop Lefebvre, Sermon, Easter 1986, on the Potential Heresy of the Post-conciliar Popes: This is the situation in which we find ourselves. I have not created it. I would die to make it go away! We are faced with a serious dilemma, which, I believe, has never existed in the Church: the one seated on the chair of Peter takes part in the worship of false gods. What conclusions will we have to draw, perhaps in a few months' time, faced with these repeated acts of taking part in the worship of false religions, I do not know. But I do wonder. It is possible that we might be forced to believe that the pope is not the pope. Because it seems to me initially I do not yet want to say it solemnly and publicly that it is impossible for a pope to be publicly and formally heretical.
Archbishop Lefebvre, Meeting with Newcardinal Ratzinger, July 14, 1987, on the Apostasy of Newrome: Rome has lost the Faith. Rome is in apostasy.
Archbishop Lefebvre, Speaking of the Leaders of Newchurch Being in Apostasy from the Catholic Faith: We cannot follow these people. They are in apostasy; they do not believe in the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who must reign.
The Fathers Reply.
Archbishop Lefebvre's words of 1987, spoken shortly before the Archbishop proceeded to the episcopal consecrations to perpetuate the traditional Roman Catholic Faith, addressed to Cardinal Ratzinger personally, have apparently been forgotten by the Fellay administration of the SSPX.
French Text:
"Je l'ai r?sum? au Cardinal Ratzinger en quelques mots, n'est-ce pas, parce que c'est difficile de r?sumer toute cette situation; mais je lui ai dit : '?minence, voyez, m?me si vous nous accordez un ?v?que, m?me si vous nous accordez une certaine autonomie par rapport aux ?v?ques, m?me si vous nous accordez toute la liturgie de 1962, si vous nous accordez de continuer les s?minaires et la Fraternit?, comme nous le faisons maintenant, nous ne pouvons pas collaborer; c'est impossible, impossible, parce que nous travaillons dans deux directions diam?tralement oppos?es: vous, vous travaillez ? la d?christianisation de la soci?t?, de la personne humaine et de l'?glise, et nous, nous travaillons ? la christianisation. On ne peut pas s'entendre.
"Rome a perdu la foi, mes chers amis. Rome est dans l'apostasie. Ce ne sont pas des paroles, ce ne sont pas des mots en l'air que je vous dis. C'est la v?rit?. Rome est dans l'apostasie. On ne peut plus avoir confiance dans ce monde-l?, il a quitt? l'?glise, ils ont quitt? l'?glise, ils quittent l'?glise. C'est s?r, s?r, s?r."
An English Translation:
"I have summed it up to Cardinal Ratzinger in a certain words, of course, because it is difficult to sum up this whole situation; but I said to him: 'Eminence, see, even if you grant us a bishop, even if you grant us a certain self-government in relation to the bishops, even if you grant us all the liturgy of 1962, if you grant us to continue the seminaries and Society, as we do it now, we cannot collaborate; it is impossible, impossible, because we work in two diametrically opposed directions: you, you work for the de-Christianization of society, of the human person, and of the Church, and we, we work for its Christianization. They cannot be in agreement.' Rome has lost the Faith, my dear friends. Rome is in apostasy. It is not just words, it is not just words in the air that I say to you. It is the truth. Rome is in apostasy. One cannot have confidence any more in this world. He has left the Church, they have left the Church, they are leaving the Church. It is sure, sure, sure."
On the basis of extracts published from Benedict-Ratzinger's Jesus of Nazareth, which will not be released in full until April 19, 2007, it appears that the book will sink to mere political rant, with justifications coming in one instance from the founding philosopher of atheistic Communism, Karl Marx. Corriere Della Sera quotes a passage in which Newpope rages that rich countries bent on power and profit mercilessly "plundered and sacked" Africa and other poor regions and exported to them the "cynicism of a world without God." Benedict-Ratzinger's surprising justification, cited in chapter 7 of his book, is Karl Marx's theory of alienation!
Maybe Benedict-Ratzinger is simply reflecting the cynicism of himself and his New Order Church. There is no evidence that in his book Benedict-Ratzinger publishes a mea culpa for his leadership of a Newchurch bent on power and profit mercilessly plundering and sacking (literally) children by rape and abuse. Newpope, in failing to punish, but instead covering up, these crimes under "pontifical secret" is exhibiting a far worse cynicism against God than the mixed blessings of the earlier colonial period in Africa, which, since the West has been ejected, has simply sunk back into widespread disease, murder, and torture.
Benedict-Ratzinger seems conveniently to forget the world with God brought to Africa by the civilizing influence and practical assistance of the traditional Catholic missionaries. In Newchurch, of course, the missionary zeal is dead. What need is there of missionaries for a New Order in which all religions are true, and all gods are equal? If Benedict-Ratzinger wants to point fingers, he should first point the finger at himself!
Where do we get that idea, you ask? From the pen of Benedict-Ratzinger himself, who wishes for the continuation of the Protestant sects (you know the Modernist line: all gods are equal):
It means that the Catholic [sic] Church does not insist on the dissolution of the Protestant confession and the demolishing of their churches but hopes, rather, that they will be strengthened in their confessions and in their ecclesial reality. (Principles of Catholic Theology, 1982)
Those traditional Catholics who have been able to worship at ancient Traditional Latin Rites of Holy Week, before the New Order changes introduced by Hannibal Bugnini in 1956, have truly had a great blessing and a profusion of graces. These rites are regulated for small churches most recently by Benedict XIII's 1725 Memoriale Rituum pro Aliquibus Praestantioribus Sacris Functionibus Persolvendis in Minoribus Ecclesiis, which provides for carrying out in small churches the rites of the blessing of candles and the procession on Candlemas, the blessing and distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday, the blessing of palms and the procession on Palm Sunday, and the rites of the Triduum Sacrum, that is, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
The Fully Traditional Ceremonies of Holy Week. The Masses of Holy Week with their marvelous rites, like all other Masses, are properly celebrated in the morning. Holy Communion is received fasting from midnight. On Good Friday none but the celebrant communicates, thus commemorating Our Savior's Death and Burial until the triumph of the Resurrection. Holy Week begins with the elaborate blessing of the palms. This takes the form of a Missa Sicca (a Mass without a consecration) with its own Introit, Collect, Epistle, Tract, Gospel, Preface, and Sanctus.
Traditional Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The Triduum Sacrum (Sacred Triduum) consists of three full days of intense devotion for the faithful generally. After the Mass of Maundy Thursday, with the ringing of the bells throughout the recitation of the Gloria in Excelsis, the Most Blessed Sacrament is taken in procession to the Altar of Repose. There, with adornments and a blaze of candles reminiscent of the Holy Sepulchre, Our Divine Lord is adored by a succession of the faithful throughout the whole of the day and the following night, until the Liturgy of Good Friday. Then the hours between the morning Liturgy and Tenebrae (as Matins and Lauds of the Divine Office is termed during the Triduum Sacrum) allows time for both public and private devotions to Our Savior's Passion and Death.
Traditional Holy Saturday. The early-morning rites and Mass of Holy Saturday are the longest and most complex of the liturgical year. They begin in the church porch, with the blessings of the New Fire and of the grains of incense. Then comes the procession to the sanctuary, with the deacon bearing the triple candle in its reed (arundino). At three stages of the procession (on entering the church, in the middle of the church, and before the altar), one candle of the triple candle is lit in turn, and all kneel as the deacon sings Lumen Christi, with the response Deo gratias. There follows in the sanctuary the unique solemn blessing by the deacon of the Paschal Candle, the Exsultet. After the Twelve Prophecies comes the blessing of the Baptismal Font, concluded with the doubled chanting of the Litany of the Saints. Throughout the Ceremonies the sacred ministers repeatedly change the types and colors of their vestments, to conform to the liturgical roles they are fulfilling. The beginning of Easter joy is marked by the bells throughout the Gloria in Excelsis of the First Mass of Easter at noon, the unveiling of the statues, and the singing of the triple Alleluia. The Mass concludes with the shortest Vespers of the liturgical year.
The Liturgical Revolutionaries Gut the Fully Traditional Rites in the 1950s. Unfortunately, in the late 1940s and the 1950s, the liturgical revolutionaries, who hijacked Vatican II, showed a marked distaste for the contemplative glories of the most holy, traditional rites of the Church. For more than a millennium previously, the glories of Catholic art had been centered on the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy -- its texts, ritual, vestments, altar vessels, music, painting, and architecture. But in the pre-Conciliar period all those centuries were dismissed as a period of liturgical "decadence," when the desire to worship God and Savior digne, attente et devote [with dignity, attention, and devotion] waned. The liturgical revolutionaries, led by the Freemason Fr. Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the New Order, began to prevail, at first in small ways, upon the dying Pope Pius XII to introduce the beginning of the changes that would result in the unCatholic Mess and Sacraments following Vatican II.
The Easter Vigil Is First Tampered With. In 1951 the use of an evening Easter Vigil, instead of the traditional morning Vigil, was tried ad experimentum. This was apparently the first introduction in 2000 years of an "experiment" in the Sacred Liturgy, which instead was supposed to have been handed down by the Apostles and Great Fathers of the Church. (Traditional Catholics, however, got the laugh on the revolutionaries when, within a few decades, the Novus Ordo version of the Easter Vigil was advanced from midnight, earlier and earlier, so that now the Easter Vigil Mess in Novus Ordo churches is held not in the rays of the rising orb, but in the blazing mid-afternoon sun. So, at the present time, the Newchurchers have reverted almost to the traditional practice -- without even realizing it!)
Hannibal Bugnini Slips Through a "New" Holy Week without the Pope's Specific Approval. In 1953 the ancient Apostolic Eucharistic Fast from midnight was optionally "mitigated," again ad experimentum, and a three-hour abstention from solid food and one hour from non-alcoholic drink was floated. In 1955, when Pope Pius XII was just two years away from death from a grave illness that sapped his vigor, Bugnini got through extensive changes in both the Calendar and rites, and slipped in on his own authority, without specific papal approval, that is, not in forma specifica, "New" Holy Week ceremonies. So already Novus-Ordoized were these rites that very few changes had to be made when the full-blown Novus Ordo was introduced in the later 1960s. Many European priests were so outraged at these novelties that they refused to use them and continued celebrating the ancient traditional rites. In the United States, the priests, less educated and cultured, generally went along with the "new."
The "Restoration" Excuse Is First Used. It was first in 1956 that the liturgical revolutionaries started using the fabrication that they were "restoring" the rites -- the lie that they later used to justify the institution of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. The Missale Romanum was thrown out for Holy Week and a brand new liturgical book substituted, called Ordo Hebdomadae Sacrae Instauratus [Order of the "Restored" Holy Week].
"New" Rites of Holy Week Are Introduced. In the "New" Palm Sunday rite, the elaborate Missa Sicca with its blessing of palms was replaced with an embarrassingly simple one. The Last Gospels in the three principal Masses of Holy Week were suppressed, as were the prayers of preparation for the Midnight Mass at the end of the "New" Easter Vigil. The previously day-and-night watching before the Altar of Repose became a token couple of hours between the end of the Maundy Thursday evening Mass and midnight. On Good Friday afternoon, the Mass of the Presanctified, at which only the celebrant receives Holy Communion pre-sanctified, that is, consecrated at the previous day's Mass, was turned into a general communion free for all. Thus, the stark reality of Good Friday being the one day in the liturgical year when the Church is deprived of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as Christ is gone from us, was turned into a chummy "eucharistic service," at which all could communicate. At the Easter Vigil the triple candle disappeared, and a vernacular renewal of baptismal promises was introduced.
The "New" Rites of Holy Are Replaced with Even "Newer" Rites. The 1956 liturgical revolution of Holy Week remained intact only until 1960. Then John XXIII made further changes in the calendar and in the rites themselves. That new reform, however, was expressly provisional, until the upcoming Vatican II could decide the principles on which a definitive "reform" would be based.
The Traditional Clergy Are Now Returning to the Fully Traditional Rites of Holy Week. The Traditional Catholic Movement, which had its beginnings after the Vatican II years (1963-1965), intensified with the advent of the doctrinally compromised New Mess of 1969, and saw a demand for the restoration of the integral traditional rite. Paradoxically, it was the coming of the much needed new generation of independent priests and fully traditional groups such as the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) that saw how Roman Catholicism had been compromised in the latter years (from 1947) of Pius XII, when Bugnini took charge, and in the years of John XXIII.
It is said that truth, in our media age, is simply whatever journalists report to be true. Truth has a new definition! They have now given ten false dates since 2005 for the imaginary new "indult" for the "Indult" Mass. All were proven to be wrong [and the TRADITIO Network was proven right].
Yet on the blind blogs and raggedy rags, the rumors of an imaginary new "indult" for the "Tridentine" Mass go on, still with no concrete date. This is the first deception: in fact, there is no "Tridentine" rite at all! The Traditional Latin Mass is the result of over 1800 years of slow organic growth. The Mass at Trent in 1570 was virtually identical to that published in the Missale Romanum of 1474, and the Mass of 1474 was essentially the same Mass as that of earlier times. Journalists these days have real difficulty distinguishing between the concepts of before and after!
In spite of these rumors, the fact is that the Newchurch bishops remain hostile to anything traditional. Even one "conservative" journal recently published a report of a "Tradition-leaning reporter" who lost his job because he was not co-operating with a local Newchurch bishop in the United States. Among the many allegations this journalist made was that presbyters were being transferred out because they installed altar rails and restored tabernacles to the centre of high altars in their Novus Ordo temples.
No new "indult" will stop local Newchurch bishops from moving out, lock, stock, and barrel, those presbyters who attempt anything traditional. One day, you are the pastor of a populous (even if declining) Newparish. The next day, you are the assistant chaplain to a hospice having fifteen dying members. There is no question who is in charge of Newchurch. It certainly isn't Benedict-Ratzinger. He has publicly ceded his authority to the local Newchurch bishops. He won't even punish those bishops when they embezzle from the Church and rape his children! Why would anyone expect him to enforce an "indult"?
The indultarians surely have lost their senses. All this has happened before. What makes them think that it will not happen again? It would take considerably more than a new "indult" to restore even the Bugninized/Modernized 1962 version of the Mass to Newchurch. No, for a full restoration of the Catholic Faith to take place, it will take a purging of the Modernists from the episcopate and papacy.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) issued a shocking report on April 2, 2007, implying that the Newchurch canonization of JPII is being rushed through because of bribes and in opposition to doctors' rejection of a supposed "miracle" as a figment of a Newchurch nun suffering from "hysteria."
Immediately after his death, a demonstration for making JPII a subito saint was staged. It was later revealed that this demonstration was hardly the spontaneous affair first thought, but was actually bought and paid for by Polish tourist elements. Benedict-Ratzinger played into the hysteria by rescinding the waiting-period in a process that had already been watered down to practically nothing by JPII himself in 1983.
The BBC report implies the very real possibility that the whole process is now being controlled by monetary interests having nothing to do with religion. The push to fast-track the process is coming from mainly from Poland. There the investigation was headed by Stanislaw Dziwisz, JPII's former secretary and after his death the Newchurch Archbishop of Krakow, the position JPII himself held as Karol Woytyla. This same Newchurch archbishop Dziwisz has been publicly exposed as part of a cover-up of the pervasive spying by Wotyla's presbyters for the Communist Secret Service. Dziwisz has called for JPII's immediate canonization -- without investigation of Woytyla's own possible involvement in the Communist Spy Scandal.
As to the one -- count them (it) -- one miracle required for Newchurch canonization (reduced from the traditional four by JPII himself), the medical recovery of a victim must be sudden, complete, and enduring, and certified as inexplicable by doctors. But here's the rub. Doctors have rejected the "miracle" of the Newchurch nun claiming to have been cured of Parkinson's disease by praying to JPII, who was supposed to have had the disease himself. A noted neurologist told the BBC that he knew of no recorded incidents of recovery for established, advanced Parkinson's disease. Moreover, it is not easy to diagnose Parkinson's, as there are no particular tests that can prove whether or not someone has the condition in the first place.
"It is possible to misdiagnose Parkinson's disease," says Dr. Charles Clarke. "There are various other disorders of movement that in their early stages can look like it -- symptoms could be tremors or lack of movement." Dr. Clarke implied that the nun probably suffered from "psychiatric mimics," or "hysteria," which can show similar symptoms as Parkinson's disease, but those symptoms cannot be attributed to neurological disease. In fact, Newvatican never even admitted that JPII himself had Parkinson's!
Dear Fathers:
Can you give a sketch of Hugh Ross Williamson? Did he write a book on the Canon of the Mass in 1955 upon his conversion to the Catholic Church? Did he state that the "New Mass" of 1969 is invalid?
The Fathers Reply.
Hugh Ross Williamson (1901-1978) was a British historian and playwright. He became an Anglican clergyman in 1943, but in 1955 left the Anglican sect and became a Catholic. Many of his historical works are written from a Catholic perspective.
As an Anglican clergyman who left Protestantism and the ministry to become a lay Catholic, Williamson knew well the false theology of Protestantism. When the so-called "New Mass" came out in 1969, Williamson immediately and publicly rejected it as a Protestant "service." He wrote a devastating book in 1969 attacking its validity: The Modern Mass: A Reversion to the Reforms of Cranmer. Cranmer was, of course, the heretical archbishop of Canterbury, who created the invalid Anglican Protestant service in the Book of Common Prayer in the mid 16th century.
Williamson was an historical expert in the subject. In 1955, he had written The Great Prayer: Concerning the Canon of the Mass. The year afterward, he wrote Beginning of the English Reformation. Thus, Williamson's prominent voice at the time joined those of Cardinals Bacci and Ottaviani, Frs. Gommar DePauw and James Wathen, and P.H. Omlor in denouncing from the beginning the "New Mass" as unCatholic and invalid.
Unfortunately, by 1969 the Modernists had completely taken over the mechanisms of the Church to turn it into the Newchurch of the New Order, had placed themselves in high positions, and had browbeat Paul VI into enforcing the unCatholic New Order upon pew Catholics. Eventually, most of the pew Catholics realized that they had been duped, and most of them left the Church. At the time of Vatican II, about 75% of Catholics attended Mass. Now, forty years later, only about 5-15% attend the "New" Mess.
Emboldened by Benedict-Ratzinger's denial of the Biblical doctrine that Jesus Christ is the Messias and supersedes the Old Covenant of the Jews and his desire to be the "Jewish pope," the New Sanhedrin Council this Passover arranged for a butcher, found a Cohen [Jewish priest] hailing from a lineage 1000 years old, and worked out a plan to erect an altar on Jerusalem's Temple Mount to sacrifice a Passover lamb. Israel's High Court of Justice, however, rejected the plan.
More and more Jews are preparing for the building of the Third Temple on Jerusalem's Temple Mount and have been gathering tools and utensils according to Torah specifications. In 1987 a group of Jews had worked out an plan to infiltrate the Western Wall plaza at dusk with a lamb and foldable altar. Earlier, a group of Jews had planned to hire a helicopter pilot to parachute a ready-made altar onto the Western Wall plaza. There, it would serve a group of followers on the ground, sacrificial lamb in hand. [Source: Yahoo News].
Dear Fathers:
I have had some debate with those "attached" to the Novus Ordo Vatican II ways, who cannot see clearly the forest from the trees. They think that everything coming from the mouths of these Vatican II popes is final, and they basically ignore all that was said by the 260 popes before. For example, Benedict-Ratzinger said the following in a March 2007 speech regarding "Tradition":
It is not a case of the transmission of faith being entrusted to men who are more or less capable, but it is the Spirit of God who guarantees the truth of faith. At the same time this also guarantees a "freshness" of the Church: in short, a precious deposit, held within a valuable vase, which renews itself continuously, also renewing the vase which contains it.
I compared that to Oath against Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X required all priests to take (subsequently rescinded by the New Order):
I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was handed down to us from the Apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the heretical misrepresentation that dogmata evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the Church held previously.
And the dogmatic council Vatican I declared:
Not so that they [popes] might, by His [the Holy Ghost's] revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles. Indeed, their Apostolic teaching was embraced by all the venerable Fathers and reverenced and followed by all the holy orthodox Doctors."
The Fathers Reply.
What many seem to forget is that Ratzinger is and has always been a Modernist. How they try to paint him as "conservative" is beyond us! From the time of Vatican II and before, Fr. Ratzinger was one of the Modernist leaders. It was Ratzinger who got the phraseology introduced into Vatican II that the Catholic Church is not the only true Church, contradicting twenty councils and 260 popes. His multitudinous books are riddled with Modernist theology.
Perhaps the explanation is that sometimes, to play both ends against the middle, Ratzinger inserts something that sounds a little conservative, but it is really not; it is merely a "loss leader" for the purposes of deception. Another reason is that his books were written not in the universal Latin, but in the German of his native country, where they did not draw much comment, as Germany is quite Modernistic ("oecumenical").
Yet Arcbhishop Lefebvre saw Ratzinger, whom he knew very well personally, clearly for what he was and called him not a Catholic in his beliefs. It is, therefore, all the more a scandal that the current SSPX administration of Bernard Fellay wants to "negotiate" and even sell our to the same Ratzinger that his Archbishop Founder condemned as not Catholic!
Dear Fathers:
Even though any new "indult" would be a trap and a mechanism for the Modernists to pollute and break up the Traditional Catholic Movement, Benedict-Ratzinger is seducing the SSPX into his trap with the "Latin Mass" in order to keep his evolutionary theology going. The SSPX is the canary for any movement toward the Novus Ordo. Benedict-Ratzinger needs the conservative base for money and loyal foot-soldiers, so that the bottom does not fall out of his Modernist dream of establishing the next phase of the New Order, which he discussed in his Primum Nuntium to the Newcardinals the day after his election. Benedict-Ratzinger needs the SSPX to break from its formerly traditional stance to move to the next phase of the Vatican II revolution.
This brings an important point to mind. If Bernard Fellay were smart, he has the power to move mountains in this situation. Fellay could have the spotlight to make his claim and push Benedict-Ratzinger to admit that the New Order and Vatican II was a disaster. But instead he himself will be sucked into the frenzy. Call the alarm, tell SSPX!
Tarcisio Bertone, who was appointed Newvatican's Secretary of State only last September 2006, made an unusually candid and detailed admission of the failures of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch in a March 31, 2007, to the French daily, Le Figaro. Bertone gave a laundry-list of the errors made since the accession of Benedict-Ratzinger less than two years ago:
What Bertone dared not go on to say was that Benedict-Ratzinger has been not just a passive, ineffectual failure in promoting Catholic doctrine and practice, but has been an active participant in destroying the Catholic religion and practice. He has clearly been supporting the sex crimes of Newchurch bishops and presbyters by decreeing that they should be covered up under "pontifical secret." He has watered down the rules against homosexuality in Newchurch "seminaries." Even his supporters have attacked him for his utter failure to keep Newchurch under some moral control. In the area of theology, it was a papal representative who gave his blessing to the publication of the false gospel that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife and had a child by him.
There have been accounts that Bertone is leading, behind the scenes, a group of cardinals in the Newroman Curia in seeking a replacement for Benedict-Ratzinger. Certainly many reports indicate that Newpope, in less than two years, has lost virtually all support from the members of the Curia, who are already preparing for the papal successor when Benedict-Ratzinger either succumbs to his medical problems or resigns to retire to academic life in his native Germany.
Dear Fathers:
So, it is reported that French Novus Ordo nuns pray to JPII in a rapidly apostatizing France, and a nun is cured. Is this another miraculous illusion a l? Calcutta? How can a man who contradicted so many magisterial teachings of the Roman Catholic Church be made a Saint? This is patently ridiculous.
Un-Catholic condom-ridden World Youth Day; blasphemies at Assisi, the Damascus mosque, and Hinduized papal Messes; the hushed-up sodomy scandals; the shielding of Marcinkus, Law, and other hierarchs from justice; "communion" to Protestant Blair; compromising un-Catholic scenes with various entertainment artists and political figures at Newvatican; the pregnant silences over the Krakow clergy's collaboration with the Communist Secret Service; and the reversal of Church doctrines on the Jews, non-Catholics, Nulla Salus, and 1500 years of teaching on Mohammedanism. We should also include his propagation of liturgical "inculturation," which fanned the sacrilege perpetrated the invalid Novus Ordo service.
Aren't we heading rather for a "con-anization" than a "canonization"?
The Fathers Reply.
Apparently, Newchurch agrees with you! The Newchurch postulator for JPII's beatification, Presbyter-Msgr. Slawomir Oder, admitted on March 28, 2007, that he is in such a hurry to rush through JPII's "con-ization" that alleged "miracles" will not be checked, "since time is needed to validate the cures." Time that Newchurch doesn't want to take. The man has been dead for only two years, for heaven's sake! It took Joan of Arc and St. Thomas More over 400 years to be recognized as Saints. [Source: Zenit]
This admission shows how corrupt the Newchurch of the New Order has become and how far it has broken from the Catholic Faith. Consider how meticulously the medical miracles at Lourdes were scrutinized. The Church before Vatican II wanted absolutely no scandals of phony miracles. Many eminent physicians were called to scrutinize each alleged case carefully, and among these physicians were many non-Catholics. The Church wanted no bias: just the truth! Now, the Newchurch process for con-ization, dreamed up by JPII himself, don't even allow for opposing evidence! Nor is there a Devil's Advocate. It's a sham, pure and simple.
Today we are living in an irreligious time. There are many crazies who claim "miracles" just to get their names in the press, just to jump on the subito "saint" bandwagon. These are the same crazies who see the Blessed Virgin Mary in a grilled-cheese sandwich on eBay or in a chocolate drop. (Real) Saints preserve us!
How anyone can take Newchurch prelates seriously is beyond us. If hypocrisy is worse than that of the Jewish priests that you will hear so much about in the Gospels of this Holy Week. They tell their Newchurchers that they are cleaning the Newchurch temple of presbyter-rapists, but in fact they are working to protect them from prosecution.
The Illinois Legislature wants to allow victims a mere two years to get justice, and the Newchurch bishops won't even tolerate that. "We are either talking about protecting molesters and their enablers [the Newchurch bishops], or we are talking about protecting children," said Sandra Stilling Seehausen, of Voice of the Faithful.
"I've heard from more bishops than I had in my lifetime," said State Senator Terry Link. Are these bishops supporting legislation to protect victims of sex crimes by presbyters? Of course not. They're getting their marching orders from Benedict-Ratzinger, the Great Enabler of Sex Crimes, who hasn't lifted a finger to protect the deflowering of Newchurch children.
And Benedict-Ratzinger is what passes for a Catholic pope after Vatican II? We'll take the "Bad Pope" Alexander VI, who had more Catholicism in his little finger than Benedict-Ratzinger has in both his Prada designer shoes!
A retired Newatican official, Monsignor Bernard Prince, was charged by Ottawa Provincial Police on March 28, 2007, with 34 counts of "buggery, indecent assault, and gross indecency" against 13 victims. Prince was a close associate of JPII as Secretary General of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Prince is now hiding out in Rome under the protection of Benedict-Ratzinger. [Sources: CBC News, Globe and Mail]
Meanwhile, another Newchurch monsignor has been removed as pastor of an Ellicott City, Maryland, Newparish and banned from serving as a presbyter after two women alleged that he sexually abused them when they were about 15 or 16 years old. [Source: Washington Post]
Dear Fathers:
When Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970 founded a society to combat the errors of the New Order, he correctly named it the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Pope Pius X did not compromise with the heresy of Modernism and lived up to his motto: Instaurare omnia in Christo. But when I see that the SSPX's current Superior General, Bernard Fellay, is taking SSPX in the direction of the New Order, the Society's continued use of the name of St. Pius X seems incorrect, even hypocritical.
Is the Society of St. Pius X under the current Fellay administration truly living up to the example of its Patron Saint, who fought against the errors of Modernism? My answer to that question is no.
The Fathers Reply.
In the SSPX's sell-out negotiations with Newchurch, it was revealed that the SSPX would probably not be allowed to keep its current name. The proposed new name was to be Administration Apostolique du Saint-Sauveur, the Apostolic Administration of Saint Saviour.
The practice of Newchurch has been that when a traditional organization sells out to the New Order, it is given a new name. For example, when Newrome's puppet bishop Fernando Rifan sold out the deceased Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer's traditional organization in Campos, Brazil, to the New Order, the organization was renamed the St. John Mary Vianney Personal Apostolic Administration.
Dear Fathers:
I heard a rumor that Newrome would tell publishers to use the Novus Ordo Calendar and Lectionary "if" a new "indult" is ever issued. If this did happen, what would be the overall effect?
The Fathers Reply.
This would not be surprising. It is certain that the Newchurch of the New Order uses and will continue to use the "Indult" Mass as a way to inject Novus Ordo elements onto the indultarians. The "Indult" Mass has become in most places no longer even the "Mass of 1962." It is a hybrid, to one degree or another, of the Bugninized/Modernized Mass of 1962 with the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service:
For further information, see the Official Traditional Catholic Directory" in the section "Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services."
During Holy Week, being the most sacred week of the Catholic liturgical year, Holy Mother Church offers special indulgences to the faithful who share in Christ's Passion and Death. By far, the most important sources of grace during this period is received from assisting at the Solemn Rites of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday, through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. We Fathers have seen many miracles worked in the spiritual lives of those who follow Christ every day this week.
If you have access to the traditional rites of Holy Week, particularly with the ancient chant, you are particularly blessed and should treat them as you would Holydays of Obligation. If you have an option, you should assist at the fully traditional rites before they were changed in 1958-1962. If you do not have access to these rites, you should do the best you can to follow them day by day in your traditional handmissal. We recommend particularly for this purpose the St. Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale (1945). For further information, see FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Plenary Indulgences for the living and the dead are granted by Holy Mother Church under the usual conditions during Holy Week to the faithful who:
For the usual conditions pertaining to the meriting of indulgences, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses, for the chapter "Traditional Indulgences" in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory.
It seems like poetic justice that the Jews, whom Benedict-Ratzinger has tried to court so hard, even to the point of telling them, contrary to the Catholic Faith, that they may wait for another Messias than Jesus Christ, have snubbed Newpope and Newrome.
The Delegation of the State of [Modern] Israel has canceled its scheduled March 29, 2007, meeting with Benedict-Ratzinger, with just two days' advance notice. This action by the Jews appears to deal a death-blow to Newpope's "oecumenism." It is just the latest in a string of cancellations of meetings of the Jews with Newrome. This latest canceled meeting was to be at the highest diplomatic level in five years. The Jews have so far refused to give Newrome legal and fiscal security in Israel. For example, the church-shrine in Caesarea Philippi was confiscated by the Jews and later razed to the ground.
It appears that Newrome was duped by the Jews, as it went ahead and signed the 1993 "Fundamental Agreement" recognizing the State of Israel without Newrome's having gotten any guarantees for its own interests in Israel. As usual Newrome gave away the Newchurch store, only to be snubbed by the other side. The same thing has happened in Newrome's relations with the heretic Anglicans and Lutherans. When will Newrome learn? Truly, these post-Vatican II popes haven't one centilla of the political competency of Pope Pius XII! [Source: Asia News]
Those Newchurch bishops are manipulators, and Edward Egan, Newchurch archbishop of New York, is one of the best. Having turned his former diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, into a cesspool of sex crimes, Egan was kicked upstairs to New York. As previously reported by the TRADITIO Network, he has been locking out Newchurchers from their churches and schools by stratagems of deception, to such an extent that the New York press has begun to call him "Tricky Dick" Egan.
In 2006 Egan closed St. Joseph's School, associated with a Newparish in Greenwich Village. Working-class parents were then paying a tuition of $2500 per year to be indoctrinated into the New Order Religion. Now Egan has reopened the school, to be run directly by his office, not a religious order, as a "private academy" and charging ten times more: $25,000 per year. Newchurchers in New York are outraged and are calling Egan a "hypocrite." "It's a slap in the face," charged one of the working-class parents. Another parent charged: "That's more than a salary for most people. It's disgusting. At the end of the day, the Church is about business." [Source: New York Post]
Are these clueless Newchurchers just beginning to realize the Newchurch is all about business, not religion? The Catholic religion in Newchurch died after Vatican II.