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One of many overwhelming problems with the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is that there are few Novus Ordo temples left that are properly configured. Take St. Joseph's Church, London. At one time it had a beautiful high altar and two side altars. Over the last two years the side altars have been destroyed, and the high altar has been replaced by a square block of wood totally unsuitable for any Mass except the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service. [Source: UK Telegraph]
The wreckovation of this once-traditional church, as of so many, was done with the full approval of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Cardinal-Primate of Great Britain and Wales. Just more speaking out of two sides of Novus Ordo mouths.
On August 20, 2007, Joseph Ademec, Newchurch Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, issued his regulations limiting "Motu" Messes in his diocese:
In essence, all of these provisions of Adamec are in accord with provisions of Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Letter. Yet the "conservative" Newchurchers are squealing like stuffed pigs about them. Apparently, these Newchurchers are reading-impared and anti-Benedict-Ratzinger, inter alia.
Good Catholics, Newvatican cannot be trusted. It has no honor and is quick to sell out even its own people. In Red China, the underground Newchurchers have suffered much for their attempts to stand by Newrome. And now Newrome, in the person of Benedict-Ratzinger, is selling out Newchurch's own martyrs to play up to the atheistic Communists.
Underground Newchurchers are refusing to accept Communist-recognized bishops and to associate with people who have consistently oppressed their Church. So how is Newvatican trying to twist their arms into submission? Newchurch prelates are telling the underground Catholics to accept atheistic Communism! A case in point is Newchurch bishop Jia Zhiguo, who heads a diocese in the northern province of Hebei. He was recently abducted and is being held incommunicado by the Communist government for his loyalty to Newvatican. He had previously spent about 20 years in prison for refusing to accede to Red China's Patriotic National Church, a more traditional Catholic Church, whose bishops are selected by the government.
If Benedict-Ratzinger was going to sell out his Chinese Newchurchers anyway, why didn't those Chinese Newchurchers long ago accept the Patriotic National Church and save themselves the trouble?
On August 27, 2007, a a Newchurch bishop has finally launched a blast against Benedict-Ratzinger that has Newvatican reeling. Geoffrey Robinson, emeritus Newchurch bishop of Sydney, Australia, has had the courage to attack publicly Benedict-Ratzinger and JPII for their scandalous aiding and abetting, as well as covering up, the sex crimes of their cardinals, bishops, and presbyters. This Newchurch ilk has been raping children while neither of them a finger to protect those children. In fact, Ratzinger had tried to put his clergy under oath not to go to the police when they knew of a criminal presbyter.
Robinson charged Benedict-Ratzinger and JPII for their utter failure to take decisive action to answer the epidemic of sex crimes against children within Newchurch. Robinson declared that both popes were guilty of a "notable and extraordinary absence of guidance or direction" that had denied justice to victims of abuse by Newchurch presbyters and other religious personnel. The charges are contained in Robinson's new book Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church. The Newchurch bishop acknowledged that the book was likely to cause division in Newchurch, but said if that if no one spoke up, discussion and study of the causes of crimes by cardinals, bishops, presbyters and religious would not begin.
Robinson ought to know. For nine years from 1994, he was a member of the Professional Standards Committee, established by the Australian Newchurch bishops to deal with the increasing wave of complaints of sex crimes. He was chairman of the committee from 1996, but resigned as bishop in 2004, disillusioned by the Newchurch's handling of the crimes, particularly over his conviction there needed to be a real confrontation over power and sex. Robinson said that he is convinced that if the post-conciliar popes had spoken clearly at the beginning of the revelations of sex crimes, inviting victims to come forward, consistently putting victims before the good name of Newchurch, its entire response would have been far better. Isn't this what the TRADITIO Network has been saying since the beginning? And now Newchurch is starting to admit that we were right all along. Bishop Robinson says that Benedict-Ratzinger and JPII have been entirely lacking in leadership. "I have to say I do not believe we received good leadership from the one person within the Catholic [sic] Church who has the power to give that leadership." [Source: Canberra Times, Sydney Morning Herald]
The TRADITIO Network renews its call to Benedict-Ratzinger to resign, and invites all true Catholics to join us in this call. Benedict-Ratzinger has been not only incompetent, but malicious, against the child and adult victims of sex crimes by his clergy. He hasn't had the decency to speak out publicly and unequivocally to banish these perverts from his Church. It is a wonder to us Fathers how he can call himself pope while his spiritual children are being raped, mutilated, and even murdered. The entire Catholic world should turn its back on this disgusting excuse for a pope, far worse than the other bad popes of the past, who certainly did not preside over the rape, mutilation, and murder of tens of thousands of Catholic children.
The Jesuit University of San Francisco's Director of University Ministry, Presbyter Donal Godfrey, has called homosexuality "simply another gift from God, who created us as rainbow people." He sees his "aim as helping people to be better, whatever they are." Godfrey has been a fixture at San Francisco's Most Holy Redeemer, a Novus Ordo parish run by and openly supporting homosexual activists.
Newchurch archbishop George Niederauer, a Benedict-Ratzinger appointee, allows the parish to enter a float in the city's yearly "Gay Pride" parade. In October 2006, Niederauer approved of a "Gay" Mess that was broadcast to the world over the British Broadcasting Corporation. Thank the Lord, San Francisco has one of the oldest and most committed traditional Catholic chapels. [Source: California Catholic Daily]
No statement has been issued from Benedict-Ratzinger, who has publicly showed himself to be "gay friendly." Even "conservative" Newchurchers were scandalized when Newpope refused to rid the Augean stables of Newchurch "seminaries" of homosexual activists.
The presbyter-pastor of a Newparish in New Hampshire responded to two -- count them, two -- parishioners who requested a "Motu" Mess: H-ll no; "I have celebrated Mass [actually, the Novus Ordo Mess] every day for 22 years in one [Novus Ordo] way." Kerper joined a chorus of opposition to the "Motu" Mess by presbyters around the world.
One can hardly blame them. They haven't been taught Catholic theology in the Novus Ordo "seminaries." They haven't been educated in the true Catholic Mass. In fact, they aren't even ordained priests. They are merely "installed presbyters." This presbyter-pastor, installed in 1985, for example, states: "I see my role as the one who leads worship and worships with the people." Do you blame him for seeing himself as a Protestantized minister? That's how he was taught by the post Vatican II machine, to the degree that he was taught at all. [Source: Seacoast]
Good Catholics, one has to realize that the only people left in Novus Ordo temples are essentially adherents to the invalid New Order farce. Oh, a very few of them might want a word or two of Latin, but more than that is too much. Any real Catholic long ago deserted the Novus Ordo temples, their turned-around dinner tables, and their invalid cookies and grape juice. Benedict-Ratzinger, panicked that Newchurch is sinking like a rock while the Mohammedan sect is growing by leaps and bounds, is trying to plug the Newchurch dyke by offering, only on an extraordinary basis, a Vatican II "Motu" Mess, and that "not very often" (his own words). Don't you be duped by the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax!
Bernie Fellay's Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) came face to face with its hypocritical position with respect to Newchurch when Charlie Chaput, Newchurch bishop of Denver, this year banned SSPX pilgrims on their annual (since 1999) 80-kilometre pilgrimage to the Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado, from entering Denver's Novus Ordo temples. Since 2002 Chaput has already banned the pilgrims from the shrine itself, so they have been forced to celebrate the Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII on a highway turnout below the shrine. [Source: Rocky Mountain News]
The greater question is, of course, why would the SSPX even want to enter Novus Ordo temples. Why does the SSPX keep trying to pander to authorities of the New Order? This incident indicates just how foolish it is for "conservative" Newchurchers to rely on Newchurch bishops or "Motu" Messes for anything Catholic.
Charlie Chaput has a false reputation of being a "conservative" Newchurch bishop. The TRADITIO Network, however, has exposed to you the facts, however. Chaput is is a Newchurch "crazy," who simulates the infamous "Indian Feather" Mess. There are no "conservative" Newchurch bishops. They are all full-on activists for the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church and its replacement by the New Order. For further information, see the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
One cannot approach the New Order blessing without understanding that they are now invalid and impotent, gutted as they are and simulated as they are by installed presbyters, not ordained priests. Newchurch is, in fact, issuing piecemeal a New Ritual, which it calls the De Benedictionibus [Book of Blessings], which is just as dubious as the New Ordinal and the New Missal. The first part of which was issued in 1985 by JPII. Individual countries issued their own versions later, such as the U.S. version in 1989.
This defective book of the New Order actually refuses to bless objects as opposed to persons, although Christ, as documented in the Gospels, blessed objects. In fact, the Book of Blessings, with few exceptions, systematically refuses to bless objects, even Holy Water, which, in the traditional rite, is exorcised. Not even a Sign of the Cross is made over the water. All of the traditional Rituale Romanum's prayers against the devil and his influence, which were already watered down in the Rituals of the early 1960s issued under "Blessed" John XXIII, were almost completely abolished by JPII.
In January 1999, JPII proceeded to gut the traditional Rite of Exorcism, in place since 1614, and replaced it a pamphlet called De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam [On Exorcisms and Certain Prayers], containing mere prayers to God, not a adjuration of a demon. In the traditional rite, the exorcist orders the demon to depart: Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus..., in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi [I exorcize you, unclean spirit..., in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ]. The exorcist uses other imperatives addressed to the demon, such as recede, da locum, exi, discede [withdraw, give way, exit, depart].
What lies behind this change engineered by JPII and the post-Vatican II New Order? Clearly, a loss of sense of the power of the priesthood -- a Protestant desire, even, to overthrow sacerdotal mediation, to reduce the priest from an instrument of Christ, clothed with the authority of Jesus Christ, to a mere presbyter, an Protestantized elder, on the same level as that of any lay person. The retention of the title Blessings indicates nothing but a deception.
Good Catholics, just like the New Mass, the New Ordinal, and the New Catechism, the New Ritual is a fabrication. The Novus Ordo Book of Blessings does not contain blessings; they are null and void, just as the Novus Ordo no longer has Last Rites, or the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, but merely a prayer for the sick.
An embezzlement trial opened in Cleveland, Ohio, during the week of August 19, 2007, spotlighting theft at the highest levels of the Cleveland diocese, up to the bishop's throne. The defendants, officials of the Newchurch diocese, swore that the money they took was authorized by the diocese's financial and legal secretary, a presbyter whom they accuse also of routing payments to himself and to his girlfriend. The chancery's "system of secret compensation" involved dummy corporations and hundreds of bank accounts, the defendants say, including a $500,000 off-book account for former Bishop Anthony Pilla.
Over and over again, we're seeing that Newchurch's financial and sexual crimes are entangled in the same skein of secrecy and lawlessness. Tug one thread and you pull the other. Example: As part of bankruptcy proceedings, the Portland, Oregon, Newchurch archdiocese was required to file 50,000 pages of financial records. In 2006, Oregonian reporters sifting through the archive discovered documentation of many more sex-crime victims and criminal presbyters than the archdiocese had ever acknowledged.
At every level of Newchurch, theft funds crimes of cover-up. Newchurch bishops take money from the unwitting faithful to seal victims' lips in secret settlements. In Boston, millions of dollars collected to fund presbyters' retirements were diverted to pay for sex offenders' lawyers and the rapists. In parishes, embezzling presbyters blackmail presbyter sex criminals into silence. And when embezzlement is reported to the Newchurch chancery, the corrupt Newchurch bishops punish the whistleblowers, not the embezzling presbyters.
In the Cleveland case, Newchurch has fought to block the release of financial documents, despite the judge's order. A lot is at stake for the diocese. If the contents of the documents become public during the upcoming trials, the world will learn just how high the corruption went in Cleveland, perhaps even to Newrome, and we'll have a pattern to look for in other Newchurch dioceses. [Source: The Monitor]
The Newchurch bishops of Florida have issued their restrictions on the "Motu" Mess. These restrictions include the following provisions:
The "conservative" Newchurchers are already whining about these restrictions. Yet the provisions are in accord with the provisions of Summorum pontificum, which is a limiting document itself. Benedict-Ratzinger himself wrote that these "Motu" Messes would be simulated "not very often." He specifically spurned Apostolic Tradition, the dogmatic Council of Trent, and Pope St. Pius V's Quo Primum, which talk about an unrestricted right and obligation to the Traditional Latin Mass, not a restricted privilege.
The "conservatives" are consistently trying to make more out of this New Order document than the text and Newpope's accompanying letter to his "Brother Bishops" indicate. As the TRADITIO Network has indicated from the beginning, all this nonsense has nothing to do with traditional Catholicism. It is all Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Hoax to draw "conservative" Newchurchers into Novus Ordo temples, with unordained Novus Ordo presbyters, on Novus Ordo tables.
According to a report in the August 24, 2007, Daily Telegraph, Newvatican is rushing to destruction in the Newchurch "conanization" of Teresa of Calcutta later this year. So much troubling information about this woman is already surfacing, within just ten years after her death in 1997, that any thought of conanization should be postponed indefinitely while a complete and honest investigation is conducted over a period of centuries. Just some of the troubling information that has come to light in just the last ten years:
A new publication of her letters over 66 years, entitled Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, has revealed that for the last fifty years of her life, she had a deep crisis of faith in God. It is not yet clear whether this collection of letters includes her revealing correspondence with the late Fr. Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy. In this correspondence, Teresa takes the traditional priest to task for insisting on celebrating only the true Mass and confirms that Teresa, far from being traditional, was a rapid defender of the Novus Ordo.
Such serious doubts cannot morally be rushed through by Newchurch to create a phony papier-mache "saint" to make the post-Vatican II crowd happy. Newchurch will simply end up with more egg on its face that it has now. The traditional process of canonization, steeped in caution and careful investigation over centuries, was trashed in 1983 by JPII, himself under suspicion for rushed conanization, who vitiated practically every one of the traditional checks and balances put in place by the Church. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Canonizations, Post-conciliar."
As a result of the corruption of the traditional canonization process and the now-rampant factual errors being made, all Newchurch conanizations must be rejected until a traditional pope or council can sort each case out at some point in the future, when the Church is returned to Tradition. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, a most wise and foresightful theologian, indicates that in such cases of gross factual errors, one can doubt the authenticity of canonizations. And Teresa of Calcutta is certainly a case in point.
Dear Fathers:
With the 100 anniversary of Pope St. Pius X's 1907 Encyclical Letter Pascendi Dominici gregis coming up, in which the Saint-Pope condemned Modernism as summa omnium heresum [the synthesis of all heresies], I was wondering whether I could trust Newvatican's translations of the encyclical letters s before Vatican II. On even a casual reading, one can see the doctrinal differences in encyclical letters before and after Vatican II.
The Fathers Reply.
In the end, one can trust no translation. As the Italian proverb puts it: Traduttore, traditore [a translator (is) a traitor]. No translation ever accurately reflect the original. In the case of Newvatican, it is true that traditional documents have been deliberately "fuzzed over" in revisionist Newvatican translations to make them more conformable to the unCatholic teachings of the New Order.
The TRADITIO Network has warned several times in the past about the doctored, completely liberalist/revisionist history presented by the History Channel, a cable network, in its religious programmes. The channel's presentations are consistently anti-Catholic, particularly programmes on such topics as the Holy Crusades and the Holy Inquisition. Typically, what the History Channel will do is hire supposed "commentators" who are supposed to have "credentials" in religion. In reality, the talking-heads are usually "religion" instructors from Protestant universities or authors of anti-Catholic pot-boilers.
The Real Pontius Pilate: The Killer of Jesus, just aired, does not fail to meet the History Channel's stereotypical trash history. The title itself gives a heavy-handed clue to its prejudice. The most garrulous of the commentators on the program is one Anna Wroe, who gives every indication of being an Anglican priestess, dressed in a man's vest with little hearts stitched all over it. She had nothing good to say about Christ, Christians, Romans, or Pilate. It just galls the heck out of these liberalist/revisionists that the Jews have had their only period of true peace, with virtually complete freedom of worship, under the Romans!
This programme gave every indication of being pure sycophancy to the likes of Abraham Foxman and the B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Jewish Covenant). Contrary to sound historical evidence, Caiphas and his Pharisee cronies are completely exonerated -- a position that even Flavius Josephus, a nearly-contemporary Jewish historian, contradicts. 95% of the programme is anti-Christian historical revisionism, and the remaining 5% is a rushed recapitulation of the Christian Gospel-writers, treated in a derisive tone.
Another History Channel snow job for Liberalist Historical Revisionist trash-heap. Be sure to miss it -- and its other "religion" programmes!
The Turin daily newspaper, La Stampa, on August 22, 2007, rocked Newvatican with an expose of sex crimes by Italian presbyters, including a presbyter accused of paying a 24-year-old man to keep quiet about past crimes against him and one of Italy's best-known presbyters, Pietro Gelmini.
Benedict-Ratzinger's henchman, Newvatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, was once again on Vatican Radio criticizing not the presbyters involved in these crimes, but La Stampa for reporting the crimes. The problem, he admits, is that when these facts were exposed to the public, "they warped the image of the Roman Catholic Church [actually, Newchurch]."
In a statement reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's tirade against a "great right-wing conspiracy" that lied about her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton's adulteries -- adulteries that turned out to be the truth --, Bertone stated: "Sometimes it seems like there is a plan [to the coverage]." Curiously, one of the sites in Turin reported on by La Stampa as harboring a criminal presbyter is a prestigious school that Bertone himself attended.
Good Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order has obviously spurned, to its detriment, the advice of the Great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine, who said: "It is better that the truth be known than the scandal be covered up."
Dear Fathers:
The Newchurch bishop of Joliet, Illinois, Peter Sartain, on August 22, 2007, published a circular letter on Oecumenism, in which the following paragraph occurred:
Catholic teaching also affirms that the Church of Christ is present and operative in the churches and ecclesial communities not yet fully in communion with the Catholic Church because elements of sanctification and truth are present in them (the written Word of God, the life of grace, faith, hope, charity, the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit). Christ uses these communities as instruments of salvation.
The Fathers Reply.
Catholic teaching affirms no such thing! In fact, the paragraph above is an expression of the Oecumenical Heresy, derived from Vatican II. It denies the dogmatic truth that the Catholic Church is the one true Church and that it is the only instrument of salvation founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. To say that heretical churches are instruments of salvation is heresy pure and simple. Salvation is not attained through them, but in spite of them. One might as well say that Christ uses sin as an instrument of salvation. Sartain is hardly the only Newchurch bishop to toy with heresy. Pretty much all of the Newchurch bishops are infected with this disease.
This is just another reason why traditional Catholics cannot associate with the New Order, even when it is disguised as a "Motu" Mess. If they do participate, they are participating in error. In that case, they might just as well attend a service at the Methodist church down the street.
Benedict-Ratzinger sure can pick them! He appointed as his second-in-command Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, a man who hasn't yet met a Newchurch bishop or presbyter sex criminal that he won't defend to the hilt.
As the TRADITIO Network previously reported, Bertone, in his August 8, 2007, press conference in the United States, lashed out not against Newchurch's bishop and presbyter criminals who have raped children, not to speak of men and women, but against the victims, who are simply trying to find some redress at law for the destruction of their lives. While the press stood agape, Bertone stood unrepentant and unapologetic for the crimes perpetrated in his name and the name of his superior, Benedict-Ratzinger, Bertone said that he was offended more by Newchurch being singled out as a target!
Now, in an August 20, 2007, interview with Vatican Radio, Bertone called the the media's depiction of rampant sex crimes against Newchurch rapist bishops and presbyters a "falsification." It seems that, for Bertone, tens of thousands of Newchurch clergy-criminals and tens of thousands of rape victims is not enough. Billions of dollars of damages awarded by the courts in the United States alone is not enough. And remember that those statistics are kept artificially low by Newchurch. Most victims have been, and continue to be, intimidated into silence.
Bertone said that he didn't like the media covering the "dirt and grime" of Newchurch. Is Bertone really so ignorant of why these "negative stories" about Newchurch continue to be written? First, because the Newchurch crimes continue unabated, aided and abetted from the top on down. Second, because Benedict-Ratzinger, Bertone, and their hench-bishops refuse to repent and sin no more. With one face the hypocritical Bertone spoke out against "violence against women, the inhuman form of violence which is rape," and with his other face denounced the victims of rape by his bishops and presbyters for seeking justice. Meanwhile the crimes of the New Order go on and on and on -- under JPII and now Benedict-Ratzinger-Bertone. Newpope vacations in the Alps for months, meeting with his Masonic bosom buddy Hans Kung, while his minions continue to deflower Newchurch youth. Could anything be more perverted?
Good Catholics, Summorum pontificum is just another hoax to get you to forget that when you associate with Newchurch, when you enter a Novus Ordo temple, you are aiding and abetting the rape of children, as you are giving public support to that corruption.
We should all follow the example of the great St. Martin (315?-397), who became the Bishop of Tours, France, in that very troubled fourth century, when most of the bishops and priests of the Church, and even the pope, fell into the Great Arian Heresy, which denied the complete divinity of Christ, a period much like our own post-Vatican II period. Three-quarters of France in St. Martin's time had been taken over by the Arian Heresy. St. Martin suffered a good deal at the hands of the heretical Church authorities. His policy was to keep himself independent of the other (heretical) bishops, as he said that otherwise bishops are often tempted to "accommodate" themselves to error just "to get along." But St. Martin won out in the end. The heretical bishops and the heretical pope are now lost in musty history books, while St. Martin, along with the Great Fathers of the Church, is venerated as one of the greatest Catholic bishops of any time.
For further information, click on The Orthodox Saints Against the Arian Heresy of the Fourth Century in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics).
Bernie Fellay, SSPX's Superior General, on August 18, 2007, stated that at least three of the four SSPX bishops were satisfied with the contents of July 7, 2007, Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum and indicated that his "first precondition" for the Society's becoming part of the New Order had been met. Fellay in such a statement is perpetrating a fiction upon SSPX members, as the precondition involved the "freeing" of the Traditional Latin Mass.
First of all, Summorum pontificum does not "free" the Traditional Latin Mass. There are conditions, and conditions upon conditions. Benedict-Ratzinger still presents the Vatican II "Mass of Blessed John XXIII" as a privilege, an "indult," granted by him. He does never refers to the right and obligation granted in Apostolic Tradition, canonized by the dogmatic Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V, to worship at the Traditional Latin Mass. That Mass is merely an extraordinary form, to be celebrated "not very often," according to Newpope.
Moreover, the "indult" is granted only to the Vatican II "Mass of Blessed John XXIII," whom many traditional Catholics regard as suspect, to say the least. That Mass has numerous corruptions introduced by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in the mid 1950s up to 1962. This is a form of Mass with which even Archbishop Lefebvre had serious problems and ordered certain reversions to pre-Bugnini forms. For further information, see the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Office & Sacraments department, in the section "The Road into the Black Hole of the Liturgical 'New Order.'"
Fellay sounds more and more like a man intoxicated with a Bacchanalian mania for selling out to Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernist New Order. Benedict-Ratzinger clearly states in his letter to his "Brother Bishops" that "there is no contradiction" between the Traditional Latin Mass and the invalid Novus Ordo service, that the two are "a single rite."
Does Fellay now accept that patently absurd statement, reeking with the odor of heresy? Is he so consumed with "visions of sugar plums" dancing in his head to wrest the scarlet to further his personal ambitions, that he would sell himself and the Society to the New Order? His latest Te Deums to Summorum pontificum would indicate so.
Dear Fathers:
Isn't the last canonical hour for Holy Mass 12:30? Nowadays the New Order Church has the "happy meal" any time they please. I notice that a number of the Traditional Latin Masses listed in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory are later than the canonical time.
The Fathers Reply.
Although evening Masses had been permitted occasionally during World War II and in exceptional cases, Hannibal Bugnini made evening Masses universal in the modernized 1956 rubrics. The evening Masses used the same liturgical formulary as the same ones celebrated in the morning. But at that time evening Masses were still prohibited until after 16:00. We notice that some traditional groups (e.g., SSPX) schedule them between 13:00 and 16:00, which was not permitted until the Novus Ordo came in. The Novus Ordo took the deviation from tradition even further, using Saturday "anticipated" Masses, in which the Saturday Mess is the Mess of the Sunday. A number of "indult" sites also use this Novus Ordo practice of scheduling Saturday "Golf" Messes, usually to lure "conservative" Newchurchers into the New Order.
While evening Mass, particularly on holydays, might perhaps be justified in these extraordinary times, in which Traditional Latin Mass sites and priests are limited, holding Sunday Mass on Saturday is intolerable and reverts to a Jewish practice, the Jewish Sabbath being Saturday. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Sunday or Saturday Worship?"
German Freemasons recently awarded Hans Kung, Benedict-Ratzinger's friend and co-conspirator at Vatican II, the Kulturpreis Deutscher Freimaurer (Culture Award of German Freemasons). Kung is a public member of the Freemasons and has thus excommunicated himself from the true Church. When Kung was presented with the award, he was described by the presenter as speaking "straight from our Masonic hearts."
The history of Freemasonry at its highest levels is unquestionably hostile to Catholicism. It has long been held that in its quest to undermine Catholicism, Freemasons have been sent into the ranks of the Catholic Church's hierarchy since the 1930s. The architect of the Modernist New Order and its "New Mess," Hannibal Bugnini was expelled to Iran from Newvatican by Paul VI because of credible reports that Bugnini was a member of Rome's Freemasonic Lodge.
Kung and Ratzinger served as periti to members of the Second Vatican Council. In 1971 King published Infallible? An Inquiry. For this book, which reeked with the odor of heresy, Paul VI revoked his license to teach Catholic theology. Benedict-Ratzinger, however, after he became pope, caused a scandal when he invited the heretic in 2005 to have dinner and discuss theology.
Let's face it. Newchurch personnel are no better than vandals and barbarisms. They have been systematically destroying traditional Catholic art treasures in an effort to wipe out the people's awareness of true Catholicism and the great art that it has produced. Even the Nazis, Benedict-Ratzinger's fellow countrymen, had more respect for Catholic art, carefully preserving and protecting it, than do Benedict-Ratzinger's own minions.
A case in point. An 800-year-old, gold-plated crucifix that had been preserved by the Nazis and then was lost, has now been found in a trash heap in Austria, police said. The historic crucifix, made of copper and enamel, was crafted in Limoges, France, and was part of a Polish art collection brought to Austria during Nazi rule. In 2004 a woman combing through a trash heap filled with the discarded possessions of a neighbor who had just died discovered the crucifix and took it to a museum, which identified its historicity. [Source: Reuters]
In his letter to his "Brother Bishops" accompanying the Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum, Benedict-Ratzinger writes: "I would like to draw attention to the fact that this Missal [the traditional missal] was never juridically abrogated and, consequently, in principle, was always permitted." In effect, Newpope was admitting that in the intervening forty years since the New Order service was imposed, traditional Catholics had been wronged -- grievously.
Yet, Newpope issues no apology, makes no effort to redress the injustice that he perpetrated against traditional Catholics, who, he admits, had been right all along. In fact, his own Newchurch bishops continue their persecution against the very traditional Catholic priests who are now supposedly exonerated: the courageous independent priests, the priests of the Society of St. Pius V, of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, and the true followers of Archbishop Lebebvre.
For example, the Newchurch bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, Barry Jones, a personal appointee of Benedict-Ratzinger himself, is persecuting just such courageous priests, falsely saying that Traditional Latin Masses by such groups are "unauthorised." Apparently, he has not read Summorum pontificum and persists in ignorance and injustice. These groups are actively promoting the Traditional Latin Mass. [Source: The Press]
Good Catholics, the courageous traditional priests, whom even Newpope admitted had been wronged, are still being persecuted by the Newchurch bishop of Christchurch and other Newchurch bishops. As U.S. President John Kennedy said during the Cuban Missile Crisis, "some people just don't get the message." And isn't Benedict-Ratzinger himself ultimately at fault for not doing the public penance that his sins against traditional Catholics require in justice?
To these conciliar popes, apologies to the Jews, Mohammedans, and Buddhists seem easy. But they won't apologize to traditional Catholics, who, even they themselves have to admit, were right all along. It is all part of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax.
Kudos to Oscar-winner Nichole Kidman, a Newchurcher, who has taken on Newchurch for its sex crimes. Kidman has filmed The Golden Compass, based on the book Northern Lights by Philip Pullman, which is perceived as taking on Newchurch, allegorically, over its sex-crimes machine. The film is scheduled for release December 7, 2007.
Pullman's book describes an organisation that snatches children to remove their souls surgically, in a reference widely considered to be a description Newchurch and its sex crimes. In the film script, the organisation is referred to as a fictional place known as "The Magisterium," which implies -- correctly -- that the sex crimes are being aided and abetted from the top office of Newchurch. [Source: Brisbane Times]
The British Broadcasting Company on August 17, 2007, charged that sources inside Newvatican were secretly editing the world's largest internet encyclopaedia, Wikipedia. The BBC charge has led to questions about just how far Newvatican's propaganda machine was trying to introduce its own "spin" into research sources. A new software tool can now trace the source of changes introduced into the encyclopaedia. Nine times out of ten, an employee of the organization can be identified.
Presbyter Federico Lombardi, head of Newvatican's Press Office, denied the BBC's charge, but did in the end admit that "there are many computers in the Vatican, and anyone could have access to Wikipedia on any one of them." What Lombardi failed to state is that Vatican City is a closed state; the only personnel having access cards are employees of the pope!
Lombardi's credibility was undermined in July 2007 when he claimed that Benedict-Ratzinger uses the Vatican II "Mass of 1962" in his private Redemptoris Mater chapel in the Apostolic Palace. When the TRADITIO Network challenged the claim and correctly reported that Newpope uses the Novus Ordo service, usually in Italian, Presbyter Lombardi revealed that he was ignorant of the difference between the "Mass of 1962" and the Novus Ordo service. Lombardi came under file also when he attempted to exculpate Newcardinal Roger "Rogue" Mahony and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles from a nearly one billion dollar damage judgment for sex crimes when Lombardi presented the lame excuse that Newchurch was not the only Church that had criminal clergy.
In that once most Catholic of countries, Mexico, which was devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is being tossed out, and pagan-based worship is being substituted. For many Mexicans, August 15 is no longer the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but the Feastday of St. Death (La Santa Muerte).
In the capital district of Mexico City itself, Newchurchers come in groups to Mercy Church, where statues and posters of St. Death are displayed, represented as a grinning skeleton, sometimes with a scythe. The Newchurchers pray to La Santa Muerte for miracles, light candles, and give offerings of food, liquor, and cigarettes, a common practice in pagan religions. Like pagans, the Newchurchers tattoo themselves with images of St. Death. (For further information about the Church's teaching against tattoos, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Tattoos.")
The Newchurchers hand out cards with the Prayer to St. Death in front of the Newchurch Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mercy Church is only one of now forty shrines to St. Death in Mexico City alone, and some 400 throughout the rest of Mexico. The "devotion" has spread also to California, Oregon, and Washington, D.C., in the United States. [Sources: Catholic News Agency, USA Today]
Conciliar popes are powerless to do anything about such "Charistmatic" movements since Newchurch is pledged to accept the most outlandish pagan practices of "Catholics" all over the world because of the horrific conciliar error known as "inculturation" (Sacrosanctum concilium, para. 40). Before the false theology of Vatican II was introduced, traditional popes condemned the incorporation of pagan ideas and pagan practices from local cultures. Benedict XIV (1740-1758) issued two Bulls on the subject and required Catholic missionaries to take an oath not to tolerate such abuses. Now they are tolerated, even encouraged by such Newchurch figures as "Saint" Mother Teresa.
Although Newchurch has done everything that it can to stifle her, a Newchurch nun, Michelle Mulvihill, of Australia, has revealed that Newchurch is hiding sex-criminal presbyters from Australian and New Zealand on Pacific Islands, especially Papua New Guinea. The chancellor for the Newchurch Archdiocese of Samoa admitted that there had been such a case. [Source: Pacific Radio News]
We could see this one coming from kilometres away! Once Newchurch and Benedict-Ratzinger personally accepted the errors of "all gods are equal" and "we all worship the same god," the next thing to go was conversions. In effect, conversions in Newchurch are pretty much dying anyway. Since Vatican II the number of "converts" to Newchurch has dropped by almost two-thirds.
Now Benedict-Ratzinger's representatives are meeting with thirty Protestant sects and Eastern Orthodox schismatics in Toulouse, France, to establish limitations on conversions. The meeting is sponsored by the World Council of Churches, an international Protestant organization headquartered in Calvinist Geneva, and Benedict Ratzinger's Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, a New Order "oecumenical" group. [Source: CWN]
Not one single Saint would ever make such an agreement. They would have died before signing. Think of St. Francis de Sales, St. Dominic, St. Peter, St. Thomas Aquinas -- all of them would be condemned by this collection of "theologians." The position of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican is that Newchurchers should not try to convert Protestant heretics and Eastern Orthodox schismatics and that Newchurchers should not indicate that the non-Catholic sects are false. After the Protestants and Eastern Orthodox, Benedict-Ratzinger may initiate another rapprochement with Jews and Mohammedans.
Benedict-Ratzinger has given Mohammedan imams in Sydney, Australia, site of Newchurch's World Youth Day 2008, its commitment that it will not try to convert Mohammedans and members of other religious denominations. Newpope has completely backed off his statement in 2006 that Mohammed, the prophet of the Islamic sect, was "evil and inhuman." [Source: Sydney Morning Herald]
In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger was supposed to introduce more "reverence" into Newchurch, but instead chose to go to World Youth Day 2005 at Cologne, shortly after his election, at which he performed a Novus Ordo Mess while prophylactics were being passed out right under his nose. Now, far from canceling these sacrilegious rock extravaganzas, he is scheduling another one for Sydney in 2008 and has pried $35,000,000 from the Australian government to stage it. The hypocrisy of the conciliar popes is limitless!
Courageously violating Bernie Fellay's imposition of silence upon SSPX clergy against speaking out against Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum, an SSPX Prior in Mexico has joined with the rector of the SSPX's Australian seminary in publicly agreeing with the TRADITIO Network's assessment that the Apostolic Letter is all a hoax to deceive "conservative" Newchurchers and semi-traditionalists into the New Order. Fr. Basilio Meramo's opposition is said to represent the opinion of a large number of SSPX clergy, most of whom have been intimidated from speaking out because of Superior General Fellay's order of silence, so that his personal relationship with the New Order at Newrome and his hankering after the scarlet will not be compromised.
On August 4, 2007, Fr. Meramo in his broadside called the "optimism" that turncoat traditional Catholics have expressed over this document "a mark or a sign of general looseness among the circle of the traditional faithful who seem to have forgotten the spiritual and doctrinal strengths that they formerly displayed." Meramo correctly states that "Modernist Rome is trying to dilute, for want of being unable to destroy, all the resistance of traditional Catholics fighting against its errors." Meramo writes that by the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, Newrome's method of destroying traditional Catholics is "to implement a progressive, slow, but deep disintegration and dilution" of traditional Catholics so that they can be amalgamated into the Newchurch of the New Order.
To the contrary, Meramo quotes Archbishop Lefebvre's assessment of the New Mess: "a mongrelized rite, bad, unCatholic, leading to heresy, a rite non-Catholic, Protestantized, contrary to the Holy Tradition of the Church." In no way can this rite be said to be "a single rite" with the Traditional Latin Mass of St. Peter, perfected by the Great Western Fathers of the Church. Then, with a slap in the face to Fellay, Fr. Meramo calls Fellay's order to sing Te Deums to Benedict-Ratzinger for the Apostolic Letter, an "insult."
Meramo points out that the idea of Modernist presbyters simulating the Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII is an "illusion." He denies that there is any benefit in Novus Ordo presbyters simulating that Mass when their doctrines are still Modernist, their philosophical and theological education is utterly modernist, and their Protestantized "ordinations" (really "installations" under the New Ordinal of 1969 to preside over the New Order assembly of the people) are invalid. Instead of nonsensical Te Deums to Newrome, Meramo calls upon the SSPX to pray Misereres that God will deliver us without our giving up to an illusion or a mirage of vain optimism for Newrome.
The SSPX should recall Bernie Fellay for maladministration in working to sell out the SSPX to Newrome elements and elect the courageous Basilio Meramo in his place!
Dear Fathers:
Pope John XXIII required at least eight years of Latin and seminary training to know how to say the Traditional Latin Mass properly. Now an "indult" organization here in Chicago is treating the "Motu" Mass as a kind of "Clown" Mass, providing an online "crash" course for Latin-ignorant Novus Ordo presbyters to simulate an invalid "Motu" Mess. Like those phony clergy certificates that you can buy through the mail, the "indult" organization says: take our online "crash" course and we'll send you your free "Motu"-qualified certificate in the mail!
The dualist rhetoric coming out of "indult" groups like the one here in Chicago, that "one Mess is as good as another," is absolutely absurd and indefensible. It is just another sign of the conciliar Modernist spirit that infects "conservative" Indultarians in Newchurch.
Readers of these TRADITIO Commentaries may well remember the scandal created by Theodore McCarrick, Newchurch cardinal of Washington, D.C., in September 2005 when he blessed a convocation of the Catholic University's Law School "in the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate god," the god of Mohammed. For traditional columnist Patricius Anthony's expose of that travesty, click on Cardinal McCarrick, Newchurch's Grand Apostate in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Now another representative of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch, Martin Muskens, of Breda in the Netherlands, has taken McCarrick's stance one step farther in calling upon Newchurchers on Network television, to address God as "Allah" in order to promote better relations with the Mohammedans, who address their far from merciful and compassionate god as "Allah." Muskens claims that "God doesn't really care how we address Him." Apparently, Muskens is another one of those educationally-challenged Newchurch clergy who have never read the Bible!
Yet Muskens is right about one thing. He predicted that "within a century or two, Dutch Catholics [that is, Newchurchers] would be addressing prayers to 'Allah.'" We have no doubt about that. In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger personally supports Muskens, as Newpope has prayed publicly in front of the television cameras Mohammedan style in a mosque with imams! [Source: CWN]
Dear Fathers:
What is your take on Judie Brown's Saving Those Damned Catholics?
The Fathers Reply.
Like so many "conservative" Newchurch talking-heads, she is only half right. Yes, Newchurch is in great trouble and isn't really even Catholic. That half is true. But the second half of the equation is: where is this coming from? Brown won't admit (or at least won't publish) that it comes from the top down, from the conciliar popes who aid and abet the New Order that she decries.
Those of us who have observed the Church for many decades know the falsity of the notion that Newchurchers like to float around: everything would be fine if the bishops just obeyed the pope. The problem is that the conciliar popes are leading the charge to the New Order! They are the ones invalidating the true Mass, corrupting the sacraments, aiding and abetting immorality among their clergy, and teaching a new, unCatholic Faith.
It is the conciliar popes themselves who have supported Bugninini's New Order, have put on the "Clown" Messes at St. Peter's Basilica, and have prayed with Mohammedan imams in mosques and Jewish rabbis in synagogues. The old saying is true: "The fish stinks from the top down." Those "conservative" Newchurch talking-heads have not identified the disease; therefore, they are powerless to help cure it.
These days it's hard to tell the players without a scorecard. One can no longer rely on the names people call themselves. Think of how many people call themselves "Catholic," yet believe in an unCatholic New Mess, New Sacraments, New Theology, and New Morality. Newchurch is far more Protestant now than even Martin Luther would have permitted!
As Christ's great plan to restore His Church is played out among men, we find that new enemies of the Church are battling for power with old enemies of the Church. In Mexico, for example, there is a battle royale between the Freemasons, who promote an anti-religious secularist agenda, and the New Order bishops, who promote an anti-Catholic political agenda. In reality, it is all a struggle for political control of Mexico, having very little to do with religion.
Newchurch's Cardinal-Primate, of Mexico is currently under investigation for collusion in crime with fellow Cardinal Roger "Rogue" Mahony, of Los Angeles. He and his fellow Newchurch bishops have refused to excommunicate the Mexican Newchurch legislators who actively promoted pro-abortion laws. Mexican Masonry has now gone after the Newchurch bishops directly, accusing them of wanting "to dictate a political policy.... There is a tendency in the Church to meddle in the social and political affairs of Mexico, but the priests should return to their Churches." Once in a blue moon even monkeys can stumble on the truth. [Source: CNA]
Dear Fathers:
I am by no means a total censor of the Harry Potter series, but I was wondering how can we convince people that it makes no distinction between good and evil magic. The most common counter-argument from Potter defenders is that Tolkien's Lord of the Rings deals with magic, spells, wizards, etc., so there is really no difference between the magic of Potter and the magic of the Ring stories. In the Tolkien stories, however, there is a clear distinction between good and evil, but I do not know the best way to articulate that it blurs the line or how to counteract the argument that Potter is "just fiction" and therefore harmless. Any guidance would be appreciated.
The Fathers Reply.
In general, a better approach, which is historically more Catholic as it relates to literature than censorship (which never seems to work practically anyway) would be to point out those differences to readers and encourage the reading of other literature for comparison. In this way, the parent prepares the child for the many literary works that are bound to confront him, and gives him a rational, Catholic approach for assessing them.
This is not a new issue. Similar difficulties would be faced by a young audience of Homer's Odyssey, for example, but one would certainly not want to deprive our young people of reading one of the greatest works of western civilization, and one that does appeal to young people in its "fantastic" story-telling. Better to educate and give the young reader the context. The Church historically has not considered exposure to classical (technically pagan) works was to be prohibited. In fact, the greatest Doctors of the Church based their education upon them, and it certainly didn't seem to do such greats as Sts. Augustine, Ambrose, Jerome, Pope Gregory the Great, and Pope Leo the Great any harm.
And remember that if in the end you decide to introduce your children to the Potter series and explain it, several of the individual works in the series are in fact available in Latin and Classical Greek: Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis, Harrius Potter et Camera Secretorum, and Harfos PotOr ka8 he tov Philos=phou Lfthos. It should be noted that author J.K. Rowling herself studied Classics (Latin and Greek) at Exeter University, so she is founded in the Classical tradition in which Roman Catholicism is founded.
Dear Fathers:
Concerning the SSPX policy of attacking its own members from the pulpit when they don't follow the Fellay line, this type of behavior is strictly forbidden, morally speaking. It can also have legal ramifications in a court of civil law. It would also have ramifications in a court of ecclesiastical law if these were not made effectively inoperative these days.
I would like to remind your readers, as the TRADITIO Network reported at the time, that in 2003 a lawsuit was successfully brought against the SSPX to the tune of $800,000 by a member of an SSPX congregation in a western state, when an SSPX priest shamed him from the pulpit. Mentioning his name from the pulpit was intended to cause the SSPX parishioners to shun the man. The jury returned a unanimous decision in favor of the man against the SSPX in the amount of $800,000. Unfortunately, the judgment was reversed by the state Supreme Court in 2006 because the statute of limitations had run out. The trial judge and jury rejected the statute of limitations as an acceptable defense. Thus, the state Supreme Court opinion does not in any way negate the validity of the accusations which the member leveled against the SSPX, which were unanimously upheld by the jury.
In fact, the state Supreme Court's opinion noted sordid information about the treatment of the SSPX member by its Superior General Bernie Fellay and his subordinates. In fact, the opinion noted uncharitable and administrative incompetence by the Fellay: "[Plaintiff] stated that during the last year he had sent two prior letters to Bishop Fellay. [Plaintiff] noted that Bishop Fellay's response to the first letter had been to accuse Ferro of setting priest against priest and that Bishop Fellay had not responded to the second letter."
This case documents how arrogant SSPX clergy are and what a vicious Superior General they have. Upon receipt of a member's request for redress from an errant priest, Fellay's response is to attack the victim. Isn't this reminiscent of Newvatican Secretary of State Tarcicio Bertone's recent attack upon the sex-crime victims of his Newchurch clergy instead of the clergy actually committing the crimes? It seems that Fellay has imbibed the worst practices of the New Order Church that he so loves!
Reports from Newvatican indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger is writing a new encyclical letter on the fortieth anniversary of Paul VI's liberalist manifesto of 1967, Populorum progressio. An inside source indicates that Benedict-Ratzinger has bought completely the liberalist economic line of tax, tax, and more tax to support "globalization." The letter is also supposed to call for increased government interference in commerce. Both these principles go against traditional Catholic philosophy, which calls for a restrained involvement of government in economic affairs. It remains to be seen whether the letter will include liberalist commentary against purported "global warming" and in favor of illegal immigration, which is ruining the formerly Catholic countries of Europe and the United States.
It seems that, just as Paul VI's Populorum progressio was liberalist political propaganda coated with a veneer of religious, Benedict-Ratzinger's second letter will be a similar political frappe. His 2005 encyclical letter, Deus caritas est, a juvenile ode to "love," has already fallen flat.
Dear Fathers:
We can see what an ingenious piece of work Summorum pontificum is. If you want Bugnini's Latin Mass, i.e., John XXIII's Mass, then it can be only at the price of accepting everything liturgical from Vatican II. Furthermore, the "Motu" Mess will be manipulated and exploited by the malicious and the ignorant, including the incorporation into it of elements from the Novus Ordo service by various liturgical ruses. For example, the "Motu" presbyter will sit and listen to the Epistle and Gospel read by a lectoress. Vernacular forms will be grafted onto some parts of the "Motu" Mess, as is already being experienced in many Novus Ordo parishes. Future developments will include altar-girls and lay distribution of the cookie.
In any case, what validity is there in a Mess presided over by Novus Ordo presbyters "trying out" the "Motu" Mess of "Blessed" John XXIII after a two-hour training "quickie"? Even that pope required eight years of Latin from anyone who would say the Mass of 1962! Now, over forty years later, presbyters installed to preside over the Novus Ordo assembly, who have been indoctrinated with Rahnerian, Balthasarian, and Chardinesque heresies and immersed in the noxious vapours of Jungian and Freudian psychoanalysis will simulate a Vatican II Mess over a two-hour coffee klatch.
To accept Summorum pontificum is to accept that Vatican II is error free, which is, of course, absolute nonsense. In fact, traditional Catholics have left it long ago. However, some "conservative" Newchurchers have decided to walk the tightrope between the invalid New Order and the Vatican II "Mass of 1962." Religious equality, oecumenical obsession, scriptural revisionism, and new "liturgies" will continue apace, but this time with "conservative" Newchurchers on board.
Finally, a judge with guts to stand up against the fraud of Newchurch! Louise Adler, a United States federal judge, found on August 10, 2007, that the Newchurch Diocese of San Diego and its bishop, Robert Brom, lied about its finances. She ordered the diocese to explain why its bankruptcy case shouldn't be dismissed as fraud. She found that Brom and the diocese lied about the value of its real-estate holdings and failed to disclose "material facts" to the court. She also found that he and the diocese had engaged in "gross mismanagement" and "unexcused failure" in its financial reporting.
The judge, described to be "livid at the misuse of the bankruptcy court," proposes to dismiss the Newchurch diocese's claim of bankruptcy and force it to sell off all its assets. In addition, 140 lawsuits against the diocese for $200,000,000 in damages will go to the state court for trial. [Source: International Herald Tribune]
Dear Fathers:
Many Catholics are wondering why the push for the "Motu" Mess from Newvatican. The answer is simple. Benedict-Ratzinger knows that he will have no presbyters in a few years. His New Order seminaries are empty, so he will try to get his presbyters from the traditional ranks. Unfortunately, a presbyter is a presbyter is a presbyter, not a priest. These phony presbyters will simply be simulating a phony "Motu" service, which is just as invalid as an Anglican High Mass. Step 2 in Benedict-Ratzinger's hoax, which he has already announced, will be the "modernizing" of the Vatican II "Mass of 1962" with elements of the Novus Ordo service.
In order to perpetrate his hoax, Benedict-Ratzinger has to bait traditional Catholics to accept the structure of Newchurch established after Vatican II. He wants to mesmerize traditional Catholics to accept a phony "Motu" Mess in a Novus Ordo temple, simulated by a Novus Ordo presbyter, on a Novus Ordo table. And many traditional Catholics, tired of fighting the good fight, will succumb to the New Order. The Fellayite faction of the SSPX is well on its way to making the Society obsolete. The "Indult" organizations, such as the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Christ the King (ICR) have already sold out. In fact, they are so Novus Ordoized that their clergy have been convicted of just the same kind of crimes that are permeating the New Order.
Satan delights in picking off traditional Catholics to board the H.M.S. Motu. The more effete traditional Catholics will start by taking a little bite of the forbitten "Motu" fruit and fantasize that Newchurch is finally restoring itself. Many of them are tired of standing up for the true Faith, and the Evil One will be more than happy to give them a place to rest their heads in his New Order.
Meanwhile, Christ is shaking the tree again to keep only the strongest fruit --this time to see which traditional Catholics know their Faith well enough to follow through with it and accept no compromise with the New Order. The "Motu" minions will simply end up in the fire.
Dear Fathers:
In response to Summorum pontificum, Patrick Cooney, Newchurch Bishop of Gaylord, Michigan, has outlawed all Latin Masses, both Novus Ordo and "Motu," in his diocese by "immediately" ordering that "all liturgies ... are to be celebrated entirely in English by the presiding celebrant." Cooney so mandated that communion under both kinds must be offered at "every liturgy celebrated." Cooney thus joins Newcardinal Carlo Martini, who has publicly announced that he will not celebrate the "Motu" Mess, in throwing thrown down the gauntlet to Benedict-Ratzinger. In his official biography, Cooney describes "one of his abiding interests as a deep love for the liturgy of the Catholic Church."
The TRADITIO Network had previously predicted that the issuance of any extended "indult" would galvanize New Order prelates into opposition. Most have been politely ignoring Summorum pontificum.
Dear Fathers:
Vincent Nichols, Newchurch archbishop of Birmingham, England, is opening a conference on the Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII by performing a Novus Ordo service in Latin to signal his public disapproval of the "Motu" Mess. Julian Chadwick, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society, a sellout group that tries to mix the two rites, praises Nichols' use of the Novus Ordo. "It is the clearest sign yet," he said, "of a determination to normalise relations between those attached to the new and traditional [sic] rites."
Good Catholics, this is obviously yet another step to propagate the lie -- denied even by Benedict-Ratzinger himself in his own 1992 statement -- that the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service and the Traditional Latin Mass are "one rite." True Catholics should recognize this lie for what it is and refuse any attendance at "Indult" or "Motu" Messes simulated in Novus Ordo temples, by Novus Ordo Presbyters, on Novus Ordo tables.
The TRADITIO Network has previously warned its readers not to place stock in any documents coming out of Newvatican. These documents are issued for merely political purposes. Even Newvatican officials, for example, have admitted that Summorum pontificum was issued simply to ensure the Society of St. Pius X. A year or so ago, a big hoopla was made by "conservative" Newchurchers when Newvatican announced that it would correct the "mistranslation" of pro multis into the vulgar tongues. At the time the TRADITIO Network warned its readers: "Don't you believe it!" In fact, for all was not a mistranslation at all. It was a deliberate effort to proclaim the Protestant/Oecumenical heresy of Universal Salvation.
Now the Council of Presbyters in Benedict-Ratzinger's own native Germany, in Rottenburg-Stuttgart, has decided, in a democratic vote, to reject the re-translation of pro multis by the Vatican, preferring to retain the translation that proclaims the heresy of Universal Salvation, proclaiming:
According to the council, the translation "for many" is confusing "in this day and age." The promise of salvation is directed to all people. This truth of the faith is put most clearly in the translation "for all."Good Catholics, Newchurch papal documents such as Encyclical Letters, Motu Proprios, and Apostolic Letters are worthless and ineffective, as the Newchurch of the New Order has long ago sunk into lawless and disorder. Presbyters and bishops do what they please without respect to papal paper. The conciliar popes themselves have admitted that they no longer exercise the papal power as before. JPII made this point clear in his 1995 Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint, which was later confirmed by Benedict-Ratzinger in his 2005 Message Primum nuntium. [Source: Katholische Nachtrichten]
Dear Fathers:
I have recently abandoned the Society of St. Pius X as I do not want to be erroneously labeled a sede-vacantist, have my name read out from the pulpit, and be humiliated possibly by police intervention as I have heard that the SSPX has initiated in France and Toronto. I have seen my SSPX site under the new administration of Bernie Fellay turned into some kind of police state of mind control. In my opinion, Fellay is turning the SSPX into the kind of "cult" of which it was wrongly accused of being in previous times. Like so many Catholics, I am confused. However, it is obvious that a great apostasy has taken place throughout the Church, as Archbishop Lefebvre, Fellay's Superior, said on numerous occasions while he was alive.
The Fathers Reply.
We have been receiving numerous reports from SSPX sites around the world that SSPX members are being cited by name from the pulpit if they do not hold strictly to the tenets of the SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay. Such activity is scandalous for a group that calls itself "traditional," as such behavior is strictly forbidden by the Fifth Lateran Council, which provides stringent punishment for any bishop or presbyter who denounces individuals from the pulpit.
It simply chills the bones of any true Catholic how JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger can aid and abet the rape of children by their officials with no compassion, no sympathy whatsoever for the victims of these crimes. These conciliar popes have apologized to Protestants, Jews, Mohammedans, and Buddhists. They have apologized for the Holy Inquisition, and yet the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal has been far more life-destroying.
Now we have the hybris of Benedict-Ratzinger's right-hand man, his Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, lashing out at an August 8, 2007, press conference in the United States -- not against Newchurch's bishop and presbyter criminals who have raped children, not to speak of men and women, but against the victims, who are simply trying to find some redress at law for the destruction of their lives.
While the press stood agape, Bertone tried to justify the actions of such ilk as Newcardinal Roger "Rogue" Mahony of Los Angeles, who is even now being investigated for collusion in felonies with the Newchurch Cardinal-Primate of Mexico. Bertone praised Newchurch's pathetic and ineffective response to the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and criticized the victims who have sought legal redress. He showed no understanding that no amount of money can make up for rape and sodomy against children. "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
Unrepentant and unapologetic for the crimes perpetrated in his name and the name of his superior, Benedict-Ratzinger, Bertone said that he was offended more by Newchurch being singled out as a target. Well, Tarcisio, when thousands of your bishops and presbyters have engaged in this kind of behavior, which St. Paul rightly calls "filthy" (Romans 1:27/DRV), your Newchurch should, in justice, be singled out as a target. [Source: CNA]
Good Catholics, we have to speak out. When high Newchurch officials allow their agents to commit crimes against innocent children that they are supposed to protect, they have made themselves unjust stewards, who no longer deserve to exercise their office. Therefore, we publicly call upon Bertone and Benedict-Ratzinger to resign the offices that they have so dishonored. In the words of Our Lord Himself: "Give an account of thy stewardship: for now thou canst be steward no longer" (Luke 16:2/DRV).
The talk around Newvatican during the time of JPII was that the hostility between him and his cardinals was so bad that he escaped by going on countless world junkets -- at the expense of the local host Newchurch dioceses. So expensive were these treks that some of the dioceses were in debt for years afterward. We were told that Benedict-Ratzinger would be more "traditional" and stay in Rome. Like so much other propaganda from Newrome, this statement turned out to be just another piece of Newchurch disinformation.
Benedict-Ratzinger, in just two years, has gone on junkets to Germany, the Middle East, and Brazil, with other junkets announced for New York and Australia. This guy spends more money on foreign junkets that U.S. Congressmen! And he is picking the pocket of the Australians for another $15,000,000 to do so -- that's in addition to the $20,000,000 that the poor Australians are already kicking in. [Source: News Australia]
At Cologne's World Youth Day 2005 Benedict-Ratzinger was the star in a scandalous hootenanny, at which he performed a Novus Ordo Hollywood Mess of which JPII would be proud, while prophylactics were being passed around by the "Catholic youth" right under his nose. We wonder what the true Catholics of Australia, which boasts, after the United States and France, the largest population of traditional Catholics, have to say about this!
In a shocking slap in the face to Catholicism, Jean-Marie Lustiger, the Newchurch Archbishop of Paris from 1981 to 2005, who died on August 5, 2007, was consigned to eternity with Jewish rites, in spite of the fact that he was supposed to have converted from Judaism to Catholicism during World War II. The Jewish prayer for the dead, the Kaddish, was recited. As instructed by the cardinal himself, his marble plaque inside the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris will bear the inscription: "I was born a Jew. I received the name of my paternal grandfather Aaron. Christian by faith and by baptism, I remained a Jew, as did the Apostles." [Source: ABC News]
What a shocking piece of Biblical revisionism! The New Testament bears ample evidence, from the pen of St. Paul, St. Luke, and others, that the Apostles understood that they were no longer Jews, but Christians, and that the Jewish Old Covenant no longer applied. Even the Jewish rabbis teach that if a Jew leaves the faith to go an "idolatrous sect" like the Catholic Church or any Christian Church, "he is never called a Jew again and is never recognized as a Jew. He is no longer Jewish in any manner."
Was Lustiger saying on his deathbed that his "conversion" was phony? Sadly, it is of this kind that the Newchurch hierarchy is made.
The TRADITIO Network has received a report that Msgr. Charles Jackson, an independent traditional Roman Catholic priest, who is pastor of St. Rita of Cascia Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel in Bradenton, Florida, fell from a ladder doing some repairs at the chapel and suffered a broken back. He was in intensive care for about twelve days and is now in a physical rehabilitation facility to try to get him mobile. He had a paralysis in one leg that seems to be responding to the therapy. The facility is concerned that if he doesn't do well, he will have to be moved into a nursing home for an indefinite period.
In 1984 David Yallop exposed the disinformation that Newvatican gave out concerning the death of JPI. Yallop's book, In God's Name: An Investigation into the Murder of John Paul I, presented serious evidence that JPI may have been assassinated by a combination of officials of the Vatican Bank, the Mafia, and elements of the Roman Curia, who were complicit in frauds concerning the Bank, which JPI said that he would expose.
Now, in 2007, Yallop has presented another work, The Power and the Glory: Inside the Dark Heart of JPII's Vatican, which exposes the true nature of JPII's pontificate. He reveals for the first time new research from America, Poland, Russia, and from within the Vatican itself to uncover the true role of the Vatican in the continued mismanagement of Vatican finances, which allowed Roberto Calvi, head of the Banco Ambrosiano, and others who came after him, to make use of the Vatican banks for money laundering. Yallop also covers JPII's failure to address the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal that came to light in the 1980s. With the evidence of new documents that have come to light since the fall of Soviet Communism, Yallop exposes the myths of:
What Yallop has exposed here -- and more revelations that are coming out every day as the documents of the former Soviet regime in Poland are being brought to light -- simply prove the Church's traditional position -- which the New Order has spurned -- that canonizations should wait at least several generations until the objective truth can be separated from emotionalism.
Evidence indicates that neither JPII nor Mother Theresa may be "saint" material. What's Benedict-Ratzinger's rush to cover up the truth instead of having an open and objective analysis for the next hundred years? It appears that he has more to hide than child rape.
Paschal Roland, Bishop of Moulins, France, has publicly confirmed what has been whispered about in high circles of Newchurch, that the purpose of Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum is to ensnare the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) into joining up with the Newchurch of the New Order. Roland has called the Motu Proprio "bait" to neutralize the work of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Founder of the SSPX, and to get Bernie Felly, Lefebvre's successor, to sign onto Newchurch.
Moulins said in a letter to his Newchurch diocese that the minor concession of the Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII in limited cases is intended to contradict the universal right, and obligation, of the Traditional Latin Mass, canonized by the dogmatic Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V in Quo primum, and to trick Fellay and the SSPX clergy into Newchurch, where they will be forced to accept Bugnini's Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service of 1969 as the "ordinary rite," as well as the "obligatory" character of Vatican II, as stressed by Benedict-Ratzinger himself, one of its chief architects.
Often thought to be restricted to the United States, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal is actually worldwide. Now Newchurch's Cardinal-Primate of Mexico, Norberto Rivera, is being grilled by U.S. federal prosecutors for his collusion with Roger "Rogue" Mahony, Newchurch Cardinal of Los Angeles, in protecting a Mexican presbyter wanted on criminal charges of numerous child rapes.
The six-hour grilling of Mexico's top Newchurch clergyman, Cardinal Norberto Rivera, is seen internationally as a new blow to Newchurch in its second-largest stronghold, Mexico. Rivera was questioned in the criminal matter at Mexico City's archdiocese building. In Mexico, prosecutions of Newchurch hierarchs are rarely allowed to come to trial because of Newchurch's corrupt exercise of power in that supposedly "Catholic" country. Therefore, Rivera was netted in the U.S. federal court system. Mahony and Rivera are accused of knowingly facilitating the rape of a 13-year-old by shunting the presbyter involved between the United States and Mexico to escape the operation of the criminal law of both countries.
Curiously, the rogue Newchurch cardinals have not been giving a consistent story. They are pointing the finger at each other as being the guilty party. So there is no "honor among thieves" in Newchurch, which is losing influence in once-Catholic Mexico as Mexican legislators have adopted anti-Catholic laws in favor of abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, and prostitution. [Source: Reuters]
Meanwhile, Benedict-Ratzinger has failed to excommunicate the errant presbyter, but seems himself to be colluding with his Newcardinals Mahony and Rivera against the innocent victim, as he has done in so many other cases of his presbyters' child rape.
The TRADITIO Network has received a report that Fr. Anthony Wojtus, an independent traditional Roman Catholic priest, died on July 16, 2007. He was the pastor of St. Anthony Retreat House in Cedar Grove, West Virginia.
For a list of other deceased traditional priests and religious, click on the Prayers for the Living and Deceased department or the Necrology section of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department of the TRADITIO Network.
Dear Fathers:
Paul VI gave away the tiara that was given to him by the people of Milan, where he had been patriarch, upon his accession to the papacy.
The Fathers Reply.
At the end of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, Paul VI (1963-1978) descended the steps of the papal throne in St. Peter's Basilica and laid the tiara on the altar. By that act he seemed to be rejecting the Roman Catholic dogma on the papacy, as defined by the First Vatican Council, in favor of some non-Catholic view of an "oecumenical, collegial" primus inter pares arrangement, along the lines that the Eastern Orthodox and the Protestants want.
Paul VI was the last pope to be crowned. Some argue that by refusing to be crowned, the succeeding popes too were implicitly rejecting the traditional dogmatic teaching on the papacy. JP II strongly seems to imply so in his 1995 Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint.
The papal tiara was presented to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., on February 6, 1968, by the Apostolic Delegate and is featured there as part of the papal exhibit entitled "Vatican Treasures." It is on permanent display in Memorial Hall along with the stole of Pope John XXIII, which the latter wore at the opening of the Second Vatican Council.
During a visit to the United Nations in October 1965, Paul VI had given Secretary General U Thant, a Buddhist, a pectoral cross of diamonds and emeralds and a papal ring of diamonds and rubies, valued then at about $150,000, and asked that the proceeds be used to start a United Nations Freedom from Hunger Campaign. These sacred items were purchased at an auction for $64,000 and were next seen decking the person of a female performer who appeared on Late Night with Johnny Carson.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Papal Tiara."
Journalist Gianni Cardinale got Newcardinal Dario Castillon-Hoyos, the current president of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, who was dismissed on October 31, 2006, from his more important position as Cardinal-Prefect of Newchurch's Congregation for the Clergy, to spill the beans about the fallacy of Summorum Pontificum in a recent interview for Trenta Giorni. Hoyos was obviously in a`d. On the one hand, he wanted to plump for Summorum pontificum. On the other hand, he wanted to assure the Newchurch bishops that nothing had changed and that their powers over the liturgy in their Newchurch dioceses had not been diminished.
Hoyos first makes it clear that the Novus Ordo still reigns supreme:
The first wrong evaluation is to say that it is a return to the past. That is not so. Also because nothing is taken away from the Novus Ordo, which remains the ordinary way of celebrating the single Roman rite.
Then Hoyos makes it clear that the Newchurch bishops have just as much power over the liturgy as they did before:
That it is a matter of decreasing episcopal power ... is not so. The pope has not changed the Code of Canon Law. The bishop is the moderator of the liturgy in his own diocese.
Hoyos then goes on to state categorically that no presbyter will be forced to say the Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII:
It is clear that no parish priest [sic] will be obliged to celebrate the Mass of Saint Pius V.
Hoyos even got that wrong. It is not the "Mass of Saint Pius V," let alone the Catholic and Apostolic Traditional Latin Mass. It is the "Mass of 'Blessed' John XIII." Can't Benedict-Ratzinger and Hoyos get their story straight between them?!
Good Catholics, for all the hoopla from the deceived Newchurch "conservatives," Newrome is singing the same tune as it has since Vatican II. The Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service reigns supreme. The Modernist New Theology reigns supreme. The Modernist New Morality reigns supreme. The Traditional Latin Mass has no place whatsover, only a Bugninized/Modernized Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII that will be celebrated by non-ordained presbyters, on turned-around supper tables, in Novus Ordo temples. Such a hoax is an offense to all true Catholics and should be totally avoided for the plague that it is.
The pope's traditional triple-crowned ("beehive") tiara represents several things:
The following is a contemporaneous description of the traditional six-hour ceremony of Coronation, from an account of the Coronation of Pope Leo XIII on March 3, 1878.
The Pontiff himself had resolved to make his appearance, and be crowned before the people, in the upper vestibule of St. Peter's. The Mass and other functions, prefatory of the coronation, were to have been performed in the Sistine Chapel. In fact, on the 1st of March the members of the Sacred College each received an intimation from the acting Secretary of State that the ceremonies preceding the coronation would be performed in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican Palace. In the vicinity of the inner balcony of St. Peter's temporary balconies were erected for the diplomatic corps, the Roman nobles, and persons of distinction, native and foreign. The confession of St. Peter and the papal altar under the dome were surrounded with a strong railing to prevent accidents, while the central balcony itself was enlarged by extending it farther out into the basilica and back into the vestibule. It had been the intention of His Holiness to be crowned here, and afterwards to bestow the apostolic benediction upon the people below. But on Friday afternoon, March I, the workmen received orders not only to discontinue but to undo the preparations....
At half-past nine o'clock on Sunday morning, the 3rd of March, Pope Leo XIII, preceded by the papal cross, and surrounded by the attendants of his court, by the Swiss and Noble Guards, descended from his apartments to the vestry hall. The two seniors of the cardinal-deacons, the penitentiaries of St. Peter's, and the archbishops and bishops awaited him there. When he had been vested in full pontificals, with golden mitre, a procession was formed, moving towards the ducal hall. A Greek deacon and subdeacon, in gorgeous robes, attended upon the deacon and subdeacon of honor. The cardinals were assembled in the ducal hall, where an altar was erected. His Holiness knelt for a moment in prayer, and then mounted a throne which stood on the gospel side of the altar. There he received what is termed the first obeisance of the cardinals, who approached, one by one, and kissed his hand. The archbishops and bishops kissed his foot. Having imparted the apostolic benediction, the Pope intoned Tierce of the Little Hours. Another procession was formed, preceded by the first cardinal, who bore the sacred ferule in his hand and chanted the Procedamus in pace. The Pope was carried in the gestatorial chair under a white canopy borne by eight clerics. The Blessed Sacrament had previously been exposed in the Pauline Chapel. Thither the procession moved. At the door of the chapel the Pope descended from his chair, entered the chapel bareheaded, and knelt for a time in silent prayer. It is to be supposed that in those moments he prayed for humility of self, as well as peace and benediction upon his reign. It is the fitting prelude to the significant ceremony which followed. Just as the procession was about to move from the chapel-door towards the Sistine Chapel a master of ceremonies, bearing in his hand a gilded reed, to the end of which a lock of dry flax was attached, approached the throne, and, going down upon one knee, gave fire to the flax. As it burned quickly to nothing he said: Pater Sancte, sic transit gloria mundi," Holy Father, thus passeth away the glory of the world." He repeated the same ceremony at the entrance to the Sistine Chapel, and again just as the Pope was approaching the altar - a sage reminder, for the Sistine Chapel at that moment presented a spectacle of glory and magnificence which has no parallel.
Sixty-two cardinals, in flowing robes of the richest scarlet, the magnificence of which was enhanced beneath tunics of the finest lace - and as many attendant train-bearers in purple cassocks and capes of ermine; archbishops and bishops vested in white pontificals; clerics of the apostolic palace in robes of violet; Roman princes, gentlemen of the pontifical throne, in their gorgeous costumes; officers and guards in splendid uniforms; diplomatic personages ablaze with decorations; Knights of the Order of Jerusalem in their historic vesture; ladies in black habits and veils, gracefully arranged, and gentlemen in the full dress of the present day. Despite all this splendor, the most trivial worldling could not but be impressed with the sacred solemnity, the awful genius of the occasion. A Pope was to be crowned - "the Great Priest, Supreme Pontiff; Prince of Bishops, heir of the apostles; in primacy, Abel; in government, Noe; in patriarchate, Abraham; in order, Melchisedech; in dignity, Aaron; in authority, Moses; in judicature, Samuel; in power, Peter; in unction, Christ" [St. Bernard].
The Mass has begun. The choir has sung the Kyrie Eleison in the inimitable style of the Sistine Chapel. The Pope has said the Confiteor. He returns to the gestatorial chair. The three senior cardinals of the order of bishops, mitred, come forward, and each in turn extends his hands over the Pontiff and recites the prayer of the ritual, Super electum pontificem. Cardinal Mertel, first of the officiating deacons, places the pallium upon his shoulders, saying at the same time: Accipe pallium, scilicet plenitudinis Pontificalis officii, ad honorem Omnipotentis Dei, et gloriosissimae Virginis Mariae, Matris ejus, et Beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli et Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae [Receive the pallium, that is, of the fullness of the Pontificial office, for the honor of Almighty God, and of the most glorious Virgin Mary, His Mother, and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul of of the Holy Roman Church], Leaving the gestatorial chair, and ascending the throne on the gospel side of the altar, the Pope again receives the obeisance of the cardinals, of the archbishops and bishops. The Mass proper for the occasion is then celebrated by the Pontiff, and the Litany of the Saints recited.
The solemn moment has arrived. The Pope again ascends the throne, while the choir sings the antiphon, Corona aurea super caput ejus. The subdean of the Sacred College, Cardinal di Pietro, intones the Pater noster, and afterwards reads the prayer, Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, dignitas Sacerdotii, etc. The second deacon removes the mitre from the head of the Pontiff, and Cardinal Mertel approaches, bearing the tiara. Placing it on the head of the Pope, he says: Accipe thiaram tribus coronis ornatam, et scias te esse Patrem Principum et Regum, Rectorem Orbis, in terra Vicarium Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christ, cui est honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum [Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art the father of princes and kings, the ruler of the world, the vicar on earth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, to Whom is honor and glory for ever and ever.]. The Pope then arose and imparted the trinal benediction. This was followed by the publication of the indulgences proper to the occasion. From the Sistine Chapel the Pope, with the tiara still glittering on his brow, was borne in procession back to the vestry hall, whither the cardinals had preceded him.... His Holiness then retired to his apartments, and the solemn assembly dispersed.
For further information, click on CORON: The Coronation of Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics).
Donald Trautman, Chairman of the U.S. Newchurch Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, has announced that any Novus Ordo presbyter applying to celebrate a public "Motu" Mess will have to pass a Latin examination first. But how much Latin will a presbyter need to know? Fortunately, the answer to that question has already been given -- by Pope John XXIII, the pope of 1962, whose "Mass of 1962" Benedict-Ratzinger claims to use for his "Motu" Mess.
On February 22, 1962, Pope John issued his Apostolic Constitution Veterum sapientiae, in which he confirmed, in no uncertain terms, that the Mass was to be celebrated in Latin, not in the vulgar tongues, and required a rigorous program of Latin study for seminarians. The pope proclaimed this document in the most solemn form -- personally, in front of the cardinals assembled in St. Peter's Basilica -- far more solemnly than Summorum pontificum. For an eyewitness account of that event, which is omitted from the Modernist biographies of Pope John, click on LATNECES: Necessity of Latin for the Roman Catholic Church, including the Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia [On Promoting the Study of Latin], Given by His Holiness Pope John XXIII.
As consequence of Pope John's Apostolic Constitution, the Sacred Congregation on Seminaries and University Studies exactly two months later issued its Ordinationes ad Constitutionem Apostolicam Veterum Sapientia Rite Exsequendam [Decrees for Rightly Executing the Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia]. These decrees required those preparing for the priesthood to devote to the study of the Latin language "at least seven years" and "commendably, an eight year." These years are to include the following Latin studies:
In contravention of these papal requirements, the information provided in the Latin Liturgy Association report of a decade ago indicated that no Novus Ordo seminary in the United States taught Latin, with one exception, and that seminary taught only one year.
It is clear that no Novus Ordo presbyter has received enough Latin instruction to meet the pope's requirements. No "weekend seminar" even begins to make a Novus Ordo presbyter competent to simulate a "Motu" Mess, according to the provisions of Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum and Pope John XXIII's Veterum sapientia. Moreover, no Novus Ordo presbyter is even ordained to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass; presbyters are merely "installed" in Newchurch to preside over the assembly of the people for the New Order service.
Dear Fathers:
In our parish on July 29, 2007, an incident erupted when our Newchurch pastor, Fr. Robideau, at St. Joseph the Worker parish in the diocese of Lansing, Michigan, attempted to hand out Novus Ordo cookies from the Saturday night Polka Mess at the Sunday "Indult" Mass. The pastor was attacked by angry indultarians, who felt that they were cheated out of communion.
As a result, the pastor sent out a letter to all parishioners, telling them that although the consecration is different between the "Indult" Mass and the Novus Ordo service, they are in fact the same. He then went on to call those of us attending the "Indult" Mass "heretics," as we claimed that communion at the "Indult" Mess was different from communion at the Novus Ordo service. After calling us "heretics," he went on to call us "schismatics," because, according to him, we "make themselves greater than the pope and so separate themselves from his authority in favor of their own ways."
The incident arose because at the Saturday afternoon Polka Mess, Robideau manufactured 300 Novus Ordo cookies and attempted to fob them off on us at the Sunday "Indult" Mass.
The Fathers Reply.
You have reported an incident that will be repeated over and over again at "Motu" Messes. As a matter of fact, it is clear that cookies consecrated at your Newchurch parish at both the Novus Ordo "Golf" Mess on Saturday and the "Indult" Mess on Sunday are both invalid. This presbyter-pastor obviously doesn't understand the difference between a Mass and a Protestantized service. Moreover, a presbyter is not empowered to celebrate a Mass; he is merely installed to preside over the assembly at a Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
You really need to get out of that place -- for good. All true Catholics are obliged, in obedience to the First Commandment of God, to stay away entirely from "strange gods." Certainly the New Order preaches the "strange gods" of Modernism, not the one true God that the Roman Catholic Faith has traditionally believed in.
Dear Fathers:
With reference to the TRADITIO Network's observation that no Eastern rite is safe, I can report the following eyewitess accounts:
Dear Fathers:
Recently my family and I watched a four-hour documentary on the two-hundred-year history of the Medici reign over Florence. Of course, the Medici family did great things for the world of art and was primarily responsible for the heights of the Renaissance. According to this documentary the Medici popes were extremely corrupt. I don't like relying on television documentaries for information, so could you put the period in context?
The Fathers Reply.
Put it in context? Well, let's see. The Medici popes, though they had their serious problems certainly, left the Church a wondrous heritage of art, churches, and literature, all of which they generously supported. Clement VII (Giulio de' Medici), who reigned from 1523 to 1534, for example:
In our own day, we have a pope who has aided and abetted child rape on a worldwide scale and threatened with excommunication those churchmen who would go to the police to report these crimes. Tens of thousands of innocent children have been destroyed by Newchurch presbyters, bishops, and cardinals, and all the pope chooses to do is to cover it up. He does not lift a finger against the perpetrators, who now know that they can rape and steal from the Church with impunity. Give us the Medici popes any time!
When the history channels do an honest expose on the corrupt pontificates of JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger, then you might start to give a modicum of credence to those programs. As it is, those so-called history programs are almost always thinly-veiled anti-Catholic hit pieces.
Dear Fathers:
The TRADITIO Network has warned us before about the novelties from the Conciliar Revolution invading Eastern Uniate Churches. (One must remember that "Uniate" means in union with the Newchurch of the New Order, as contrasted to the Eastern Orthodox Churches, which are not.) The liturgy of the Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Church has been called into question owing to a massive re-write along Modernist lines. We now learn that the Ukrainian Byzantine Church in the Eparchy of Wroclaw-Gdansk, Poland, has introduced altar-girls, which is anathema in the Eastern Church, as it is in the West.
I have it on excellent authority that a Modernist priest in the Ukrainian Byzantine Eparch of Edmonton, Canada, has also introduced altar-girls. His recently-retired colleague in the Ukrainian Eparchy of New Westminster, Severian Yakymyshyn, has resolutely refused to allow this, but that bishop's successor, who is only 49 years old, has now been chosen. Who can say what he will do?
We now have it increasingly confirmed that the Eastern Catholic Churches are not refuges for the faithful of the Western Church who are trying to escape the Conciliar Revolution. If these things can happen in a more "conservative" eparchy in Poland, and another one in Canada, it seems likely that it will quickly spread like the plague it is.
No Mass of any rite is safe under Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order Church and under his bishop-henchmen: including the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax.
The Eastern Catholic Churches betrayed their spirituality when, one by one, they replaced their traditional sacred languages with vernacular translations in order to promote nationalism. Now that Old Church Slavonic (which itself is a later tongue from some eight centuries after Apostolic times) is out of the way (like Latin), in come the Newchurch ICEL's Modernist (mis)translations in politically-correct vernacular versions. For example, the beautiful English translation of 1958 for the Ukrainians has already been replaced by a trash translation. Few Eastern Churches now celebrate their Divine Liturgies in their liturgical languages. Step by step, the Eastern rites, and Newchurch itself, move towards the Conciliar Revolution engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Eastern Rite 'Option.'"
Traditional Catholic Producer-Actor-Director Mel Gibson is continuing to put his money where his traditional Catholic religion is -- at an increasing rate. His Holy Family Catholic Church in Malibu received in 2006 another $8,200,000 in funding through his foundation and now serves the religious needs of a congregation of 70 traditional Catholic families.
Holy Family is a mission-style church of 900 square metres, sitting on 45,000 square metres of land. Construction is to be completed in 2008. After several years of lots of activity, including the release of the blockbuster The Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto, Gibson now seems to be turning his attention from his Icon Productions to focus on Holy Family Catholic Church. [Source: Fox News]
Here is the latest in our long-standing of Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery: a "Carnival" Mess, personally presided over by Karl Lehmann, Newchurch Cardinal of Mainz, Germany, Benedict-Ratzinger's native country. All the players in the Mess are dress as carnival characters or fools. Newcardinal Lehmann presided over the Mess, vested as the Big Fool.
The "conservative" Newchurchers who have been suckered in by Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Hoax must remember that this "rite" is "a single rite" with the Traditional Latin Mass. Benedict-Ratzinger is the biggest fool of all to have published that lie in Summorum pontificum, which contradicts what he himself wrote in 1992, that the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service of 1969 is "fabricated ... a manufactured product." For further information, see the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
A Novus Ordo Church near Rundu, Namibia, burnt to the ground immediately after a memorial service there for a witchdoctor, who died the week of July 19, 2007. The Novus Ordo presbyter there reported that after the memorial service for the witchdoctor, a strong wind arose, immediately followed by what sounded like an explosion. The presbyter said that the decision to take the corpse of the witchdoctor into the church for the service sparked disagreement among parishioners, as some objected to conducting a church service for a pagan inside the church and argued that the witchdoctor did not deserve a church service, as he was not a Christian while he was alive.
It is ironic that Benedict-Ratzinger has gutted Catholicism in his own native Germany by his false oecumenism, as well as by his Modernist doctrines. Since 1981 he has been the #3 man at Newvatican, and for the last two years its #1 man.
In Wiesbaden, Germany's biggest Mohammedan mosque dwarfs the Newchurch cathedral. From its glittering minaret, the Mohammedan Muezzin's Arabic chanted Call to Prayer, the Adhan, is broadcast over the city, drowning out the bells of the Angelus: La illahi illa allah, wa muhammed rasula alla [There is no God but God, and Muhammed is his prophet]. Mosques are being built everywhere, with the support of Newchurch, which worships the Great God of Oecumenism. Ironic too is the fact that the dictator Benito Mussolini in the Holy Year of 1925 blocked plans for the construction of a mosque in Rome, whereas in 1995 Unsaint JPII approved the building of the first Mohammedan mosque in Rome.
Formerly 180 sisters of the Catholic order of the Sisters of the Divine Savior were the pulse of the city. Today, eight remain. Every weekend roughly 150 Newchurchers attend the Novus Ordo service at the Liebfrauen Church, while up to 3,000 Mohammedans throng the Yavuz-Sultan-Selim mosque.
Mannheim is not unique. Across Europe the fastest-growing religion -- not Catholicism, but Mohammedanism -- is establishing its public presence after decades in basements and courtyards, changing not only the architectural look of cities, but also their social fabrics. Hailed by many as a sign of Muslim integration, the phenomenon is also feared as evidence of a parallel Islamic world threatening Europe's Christian culture.
In Aachen (Latin Aquisgranum, French Aix-la-Chapelle), for instance, a German city of 257,000 on the Belgian border with a 9 per cent Mohammedan population, just gave the green light to a domed mosque with a minaret. Aachen is the historical seat of the Holy Roman Emperor. It was from here that Blessed Charlesmagne ruled and standardized the Roman Catholic Faith and Mass throughout the empire, but today 159 mosques dot Germany today, with 184 under construction. [Source: The Christian Science Monitor]
The TRADITIO Network has consistently contended that the real purpose behind Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax was to lure "conservative" Catholics back into the New Order. And now we have confirmation of that statement by the Superior General of Newchurch's largest "indult" organization. John Berg, Superior General of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), in a July 5, 2007, interview admitted that when "conservative" Catholics could be lured to an "indult" Mass:
Instead of going off in a corner, away the diocese, these faithful, when they have all of their needs met, have embraced the bishop more, and become involved in the life of the [New Order] Church much more, especially supporting things like pro-life, catechesis, and other initiatives. These are the places where the work is really successful.... A great number of people have been coming back to the [New Order] Church and entering the [New Order] Church.
Consider for a minute what that means. When "conservative" Catholics can be lured back into Novus Ordo temples, where the invalid Novus Ordo service is said on tables, and invalid Novus Ordo cookies are handed (literally) out, the "conservatives" can be lured into:
Just as shocking is Berg's praise, by name, of James Timlin, Newchurch bishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, who approved the Fraternity of St. Peter in the first place. Timlin's tenure from 1984 to 2003 was marked by numerous scandals. As a result of one of these scandals, a U.S. District Judge in May 2005 ordered $380,000 in damages to be paid in response to a federal lawsuit over sexual assault. Of that amount, the Fraternity of St. Peter, the organization of which John Berg became Superior General in 2006, paid $125,000, because the FSSP operated the school that was the focus of the lawsuit. [Source: The Citizens Voice of Scranton, May 10, 2005]
The FSSP has already gone considerably Novus Ordo already. Berg admitted in the interview that FSSP priest-presbyters are concelebrating the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service. Reports have been received that at least at its installations in Providence, Rhode Island, and Vienna, Austria, it gives communion in the hand. No wonder Berg is such a supporter of Summorum pontificum!
Dear Fathers:
I have noticed a disturbing trend among the so-called "Neo-conservatives," both political and religious. At one time these people outspokenly stood against the New Order, but more recently they seem to be giving in to it. What's going on here?
The Fathers Reply.
Our previously-expressed thought on this phenomenon is that those of weaker faith are "war weary," failing the Divine test and falling by the wayside, just as Our Lord described in the Parable of the Tares:
Behold the sower went forth to sow.
And whilst he soweth some fell by the way side, and the birds of the air came and ate them up.
And other some fell upon stony ground, where they had not much earth: and they sprung up immediately, because they had no deepness of earth.
And when the sun was up they were scorched: and because they had not root, they withered away.
And others fell among thorns: and the thorns grew up and choked them.
And others fell upon good ground: and they brought forth fruit, some an hundred fold, some sixty fold, and some thirty fold.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear (Matthew 13:3-9/DRV)
It takes courage to persist in the Faith. That is why Our Lord tests us, so that we may have the opportunity to exhibit the virtue of courage and patience. True Catholics should welcome such a test, as the Holy Martyrs did. It is all too easy to fall by the wayside or to wither away from rootlessness or to be choked by the thorns of the New Order. But those who persist, as the Apostles did, as the Holy Martyrs did -- these will in due time bear fruit a hundredfold.
But that due time is not yet. Divine Providence is rocking the Newchurch of the New Order to its foundations. Like the early Christians looking at the destruction of the Jewish temple, we must stand by watching the destruction of the New Order while the Divine Will destroys its perversion to the last stone, as Our Lord says:
Do you see all these things? Amen I say to you, there shall not be left here a stone upon a stone that shall not be destroyed" (Matthew 24:2/DRV).
Those who use Summorum pontificum to sell out to Newchurch, which they know is false (they themselves have said so before), will see the plan of divine Providence that Our Lord described:
The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all scandals, and them that work iniquity.
And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42-43/DRV).
So, good Catholics, stand fast in your traditional Catholic Faith. Do not succumb to the temptations of the Enemy (Matthew 13:39/DRV) to sell out to some Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Only if we persist to the end will we merit the complete restoration of true Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church.
Traditional author Patricius Anthony, in his hard-hitting style, has captured the essence of this situation in a new article as he challenges conservative columnist Patrick Buchanan's naive remarks about the "Motu" Mess of Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum. Anthony shows why such compromises, which might have deluded "conservative" Newchurchers of the 1980s, are now seen for what they are by a more advanced Traditional Catholic Movement. For further information, see Patrick Buchanan: Clueless Newchurch "Conservative" in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
A presbyter from Providence, Rhode Island, recently confessed that the "Motu" Mess could not be simulated properly in the cathedral there because "the High Altar is not in place at the Cathedral; only the central part of the reredos is still there. The Mass would have to be celebrated at the new Altar."
Like so many cathedrals and churches of the New Order, the altars have been destroyed and replaced by the table, so that the service can be said in the Novus Ordo Protestant style, facing the congregation. Tabernacles have also been ripped out of altars. So, the TRADITIO Network's prediction is already coming true, that the "Motu" Mess may in many places be simulated in the Novus Ordo Protestant style. The "Motu" Mess is just another ploy on the part of Newchurch to get "conservative" Newchurchers back into the Novus Ordo temples.
A leading cardinal in Newchurch has publicly told Benedict-Ratzinger where to stuck his "Motu" Mess. Carlo Martini, widely considered a papabile in the last election, criticized Newpope for his Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum. Martini said in an article published by Il Sole 24 Ore, an Italian national daily business newspaper, that he considers it important to use the vulgar tongues for prayer. "A bishop cannot ask his priests to satisfy all individual demands."
Martini said that he loved the Latin language and would have no trouble celebrating a "Motu" Mass, "but I will not do it." Martini also defended Vatican II, saying that it "took a major step forward in the understanding of the liturgy."
Just as the TRADITIO Network predicted, a large number of Newchurch bishops will take a pass on the "Motu" Mess on the grounds of lack of presbyters: they're "too busy" with the Novus Ordo service. Take, for example, the statement of Daniel DiNardo, Newchurch Archbishop of Houston. On July 20, 2007, he published a letter to his archdiocese explaining why Houston, one of the largest archdioceses in the United States, will take a pass on the "Motu" Mess:
It must be admitted, as the Holy Father himself writes, that there are not many who have the formation in Latin to understand the older forms. That would also include many of our priests [sic]. Further, a large number of our priests have never celebrated the older rite. Finally, the multiple celebrations of the Eucharist on Sunday in our parishes already due to our growing population and the number of Masses on weekends that our pastors and priests are already celebrating creates a series of "logistical" issues for many, if not most, of our parishes.
Unwittingly, DiNardo has given the best argument yet for the total rejection of the Novus Ordo service and the full restoration of the unified Catholic and Apostolic Traditional Latin Mass (not the "Motu" Mess) by ordained priests (not "installed presbyters") in Catholic churches (not Novus Ordo temples) when he wrote:
Mass [sic] is already celebrated in 14 or more languages each weekend in our archdiocese. In addition, there are 5 different Eastern Rites in our archdiocesan territory: the Ruthenian Byzantine, Ukrainian Byzantine, Maronite, Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara, plus a chapel of the Melkite Byzantine Rite, as well as occasional celebrations of the Ethiopian Rite by one of our priests [sic] for some members of that Eastern Rite community. Finally there is a parish of what is called "Anglican Rite Usage," for those Catholics [sic] who have come to us from the Anglican communion. We have incredible variety.
The occasional use of the bastardized, Protestantized "Motu" Mess simulated by Novus Ordo presbyters in Novus Ordo temples obviously fails on all counts.
Proving once again that these Newchurch prelates are Protestants, Freemasons, or Pagans in all but a phony veneer of "Catholicism," Roger Mahony, who has run his archdiocese of Los Angeles as a bordello for his Newchurch presbyters' sex crimes and has had to pay to date nearly $1,000,000,000 in damages to victims, has told one of his rape victims to go to a non-Catholic sect.
Mary (last name withheld) had been raped by a Newchurch brother. When she had the opportunity to confront Mahony, who has run the archdiocese of Los Angeles as if he were its chief pimp, she told Mahony that she hoped to return to some form of spirituality, but that because of the rape, she could no longer believe in Newchurch. Mahony told her: "The Catholic [sic] Church is not the only Church." [Source: Los Angeles Times]
So, the man who is called "The Arch-heretic" by his own people, a term that is commonly used of Martin Luther, is convicted out of his own mouth. Benedict-Ratzinger must be thoroughly corrupt himself if in silence he approves and retains Mahony as his agent in Los Angeles, just has his predecessor Unsaint JPII approved and retained Bernard Law as his agent in Boston.
Dear Fathers:
I periodically participate in the "Indult" Mass, but I am also a Novus Ordo Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at a local hospital. Several of the traditional Catholics have informed me emphatically that I was not to perform such a function because as a layman I cannot touch the Holy Eucharist. I consulted with the Novus Ordo priest-presbyter that celebrates the "Indult" Mass, and he advised me that I can be a Eucharistic Minister since that is the law of Newchurch and Newpope. I reported this statement to my fellow traditional Catholics, and they replied that the statement was wrong. But my dilemma remains.
The Fathers Reply.
Yours is a dilemma that will occur more and more as the "Indult," or now "Motu" Mess, is implemented within the framework of the New Order system. The two are oil and water. They don't mix. And Benedict-Ratzinger knows this, as he wrote essentially the same thing in 1992. How he can now tergiversate on the truth is a symptom of his Modernist state of mind that dates back from before Vatican II.
First of all, you must make a decision whether you are a Newchurcher or a (traditional) Catholic. You can't sit on the fence, comfortable as that might be from a human perspective. The Saints of two millennia show you the way: you have to stand up for Catholic Faith and practice 100%, not 50%, not with some kind of compromised Protestant-Masonic-Pagan faith that the New Order represents.
St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, did sum up the teaching of the Church when he said "nothing touches it [the Holy Eucharist] but what is consecrated." This principle can be found stated by the popes as early as the second century. Before Modernism took over Newchurch at Vatican II (1962-1965), the previous 260 popes and 20 oecumenical councils condemned the contrary practice. Even the New Order popes said the same thing. For example, in his 1978 Apostolic Letter Dominicae Coenae, JPII wrote: "To touch the sacred species and to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of the ordained." Nevertheless, as Modernists do, the post-conciliar popes speak with forked tongue: they say one thing and do another. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Communion in the Hand."
But there is an even more troublesome issue here. Presumably, you are handing out not the Holy Eucharist, but the Novus Ordo cookie. The Novus Ordo service is not valid. It is a "fabrication," as even Benedict-Ratzinger admitted in 1992. We know that it was made up by a Freemason presbyter and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers. It is not a Catholic and Apostolic Mass. It fails to meet the criteria for a valid Mass specified by Pope Leo XIII in his Papal Bull Apostolicae curae. For further information, click on the Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics).
Undoubtedly, your heart was in the right place, to assist the sick in the hospital, but a good heart does not change reality, even in ignorance. You are to be commended for taking your responsibility so seriously and checking into the truth of the matter. Nevertheless, you are doing something sacrilegious in Catholic practice and handing out invalid cookies.
Your solution is to get off the fence. Stay away entirely from the New Order, its invalid service, its New Theology, its New Morality, and its unCatholic practices. Find the true Mass and Sacraments, and adhere to them exclusively. There other opportunities will exist to assist in God's work, in hospitals as well.
Attendance sunk to the floor. Doctrinal confusion worldwide. Vocations practically non-existent. Religious orders dead. Moral corruption everywhere, up to the top offices. Not a pretty picture of the Newchurch organization is it? But Benedict-Ratzinger seems to be living in denial of reality. To show that his heart and soul are still with failed Vatican II and the Modernists, he told Newchurch clergy of Belluno-Feltre and Treviso in Auronzo di Cadore on July 24, 2007, where he is residing during his three-month vacation in the Alps:
The Council had said that triumphalism must be renounced, thinking of the Baroque, of all these great cultures of the Church. It was said: Let's begin in a new, modern way.... It seems very important to me that we can now see with open eyes how much that was positive grew following the Council: in the renewal of the liturgy, in the synods, Roman synods, universal synods, diocesan synods, in the parish structures, in collaboration, in the new responsibility of laypeople, in intercultural and intercontinental shared responsibility, in a new experience of the Church's catholicity.
Sure, there have been a lot of synods, but what is their purpose? An attempt to solve the multitudinous problems in Newchurch! The "catholicity" of the Church is more in question now than ever before. Every presbyter teaches a different doctrine. Every Newchurch bishop runs his diocese in his own way, often with no reference to any "Catholic" faith and morals.
And if everything is going so well with the "liturgy" after Vatican II, why is Benedict-Ratzinger making a pathetic attempt to foist off on the Newchurch conservatives a few more "Motu" Messes? No, this is just more of Vatican II's Modernism being repackaged as Neo-Modernism. You can attempt to treat the gangrene in Newchurch with "Motu" band-aids for a while, but eventually the putrefaction will overwhelm the corpus and kill it.
The B'nai Brith's Anti Defamation League Executive Director, Abraham Foxman, a well-known anti-Catholic bigot, is having a conniption fit about the Collect in the "Motu" Mess that prays: "For the [faithless] Jews, that God and Our Lord Jesus Christ take away the veil from their hearts, that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ, Our Lord." Foxman strenuously objects to the traditional Good Friday Latin prayer to convert the Jews and baptize them as Christians.
The secular Jewish lobby thought that it had won the point when it got Vatican II in 1965 to water down the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church in the declaration Nostra aetate. Now Foxman and the secular Jews are being confronted again with the traditional Catholic teaching on the point: the Old Convent with the Jews is superseded, Jesus Christ is the Messias for both the Jews and Gentiles, and Jews must be converted. So saith Sts. Peter and Paul and the Apostles; so saith unchanging Catholic doctrine.
This issue shows what a bastard stepson the Vatican II "Mass of 1962," supposedly the basis for Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess, had already become under John XXIII. The latter tampered with the most ancient rites in the Missale Romanum, the rites of Holy Week, the most sacred week in the year. John eliminated in 1959 the word perfidis [faithless], from the ancient Collect for the Jews on Good Friday. He also eliminated from the 1961 rite of Baptism the abjuration of Judaism for Jewish converts (and, for that matter, the abjuration of Mohammedanism for Mohammedan converts).
Bugnini's Protestantized Novus Ordo service of 1969 went even farther. He rewrote the ancient prayer entirely to read: "Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. Almighty and eternal God, long ago you gave your promise to Abraham and his posterity. Listen to your Church as we pray that the people you first made your own may arrive at the fullness of redemption." Such a prayer reeks the heresy of Hebraism, which is the denial of Jesus Christ as Messias and of the New Covenant.
John XXIII also eliminated from the Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which follows Mass on the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King, on the last Sunday of October, the following plea to God:
Turn Thine eyes of mercy toward the children of that race once Thy chosen people. Of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may It now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life.
But we predict that Newchurch will give in and try to expunge the ancient Holy Week prayer, so that the "Motu" Mess will be even more of a hoax. In fact, Newvatican's Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, already intimated in a July 15, 2007, press conference that this would happen soon.
Newchurch soldiers in the U.S. military, posted in Afghanistan or Iraq, need the Catholic faith and the soul-sustaining Sacraments more than ever. But they're not getting them. First of all, the "Catholic" chaplaincy is controlled by Newchurch, which posts as chaplains only Novus Ordo presbyters and refuses to recognize traditional Catholic priests.
Beyond this, Newchurchers are easy prey for Fundamentalist Protestants, who ply Newchurch soldiers with tracts and booklets purporting to show how unbiblical the Catholic religion is. They recite their false version of the history of the Church and try to convince Newchurch soldiers that Catholicism is essentially pagan and blasphemous and guilty of outright idolatry.
Many Newchurch soldiers fall for it. Most were never schooled in the Catholic catechism and the Catholic Faith. Scandalously, many of them would be hard pressed to reminder the Our Father or the Hail Mary. Thus, before they know it, the Newchurch soldiers start reading the Protestant tracts and books. They begin attending Protestant "Bible studies." They go to Protestant services.
And Benedict-Ratzinger is of no help at all. He himself is attending Jewish synagogues, going to Mohammedan mosques, and teaching that the "spirit" is in all religions. He probably would have something good to say even about the human-sacrificing Mayans!