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Dear Fathers:
I converted to traditional Roman Catholicism two years ago after discovering the TRADITIO Network and other Catholic materials. My parents and family are New-Age pagans at best, and as much as I hate to say it, according to my catechism they all lead very immoral lives. My question relates to the missionary duties of Catholics. What is the best way to convert people? It seems like there are different methods: good example, outright preaching, and so on. If the Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door all the time, aren't they making more of an effort than traditional (i.e. real) Catholics? I don't know whether a good example is enough.
The Fathers Reply.
Actually, Catholic example is the best way. That is the way of the Saints. Often those Jehovah's Witnesses stir up more hostility than conversion. In these times, we think that the example of St. Paul with the Athenian pagan philosophers, as described by St. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles of the New Testament, is instructive. St. Paul gave the Athenian pagan philosophers on the Areopagus the Christian message in an imaginative talk, after which the pagans wanted St. Paul to return on the next day. St. Paul, however, inferred that they did not have an open mind to converting, but simply wanted to waste his time in idle argument. Therefore, he did not return the next day, never returned to Athens in his missionary journeys, and never wrote an Epistle to the Athenians.
All too many traditional Catholics turn individual evangelization into little more than a spitting contest. The evangelizer is bound and determined that he is going to force the other party to the truth and "win the argument." It doesn't work that way. All we can do is plant the seed, and God will take care of the rest. Some (many?) souls will chose Hell. That is sad, but that is a matter of their free-will. No one can force them to become true Catholics.
Many of the people whom you will meet, particularly Newchurchers, are like the Athenian philosophers. They close their minds to the obvious proof of their eyes and ears, and will waste your time in pointless debate -- merely to win an argument. All you can do, like St. Paul, is to deliver the message. What the hearer does with that message is his responsibility, and will lead to his eternal salvation or damnation.
One of the most ancient practices of the Church is the veneration of relics of the Saints. The bodies of the early Christian martyrs killed in the arena or by the government were carefully cared for. When entombed in an above-ground sarcophagus, example of which which can be seen all along the Appian Way outside of Rome, the sarcophagus became an altar for the celebration of Holy Mass. To this day, altars for the Traditional Latin Mass must have the relic of a Saint embedded in them, or a Roman antimensium with relics sewn in, for placement under the corporal. The New Order, of course, rejects this ancient Catholic practice and uses a relic-less dinner table -- and that is true of "Motu" Messes as well.
Now it seems that the Vicariate of Rome has cut up one of the late JPII's white cassocks into 100,000 pieces and is sending them all over the world. This is part of the scheme of the Modernists to make the "Clown Pope" (so-called because of his love for Clown Messes) a "Subito Santo," a New Order Saint without a long and rigorous examination of JPII's Modernist theology and actions that embarrassed and scandalized the Church.
But Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican is caught on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand it wants to promote the "conanization" of JPII, but, on the other hand, it has condemned the Catholic practice of venerating relics because the Protestants don't believe in it. And, as we all know, Newchurch is essentially Protestant since Vatican II. [Source: The Times]
Dear Fathers:
How did sentimentality become confused with Catholic piety? How is it that Newchurch can act as if it didn't believe in the Catholic Faith, but throw in a little Latin with bells and smells, and conservative Newchurchers and even some SSPX types are pacified? While I don't agree with Karl Marx that religion is the opiate of the masses, the "Motu" Mess does seem to be the opiate of the Newchurch masses.
Today, the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, TRADITIO's heavenly patron, is the thirteenth anniversary of the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network. The TRADITIO Network is the most popular traditional Roman Catholic site on the internet, as determined in a statistical survey performed by an Amazon.com search subsidiary. TRADITIO was also the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the internet. We appeared on September 29, 1994 -- even before the Newvatican's web site appeared.
It is humbling to realize that we have now touched some 7,000,000 souls, many of whom would never have learned about Traditional Catholic Movement except from the TRADITIO Network. Our file bulges with thousands of messages from readers who have found the true Roman Catholic Faith, or have re-found it, because of the TRADITIO Networks's direct and uncompromising presentation of the traditional Roman Catholic Faith in increasingly confusing times.
During our thirteen years, we have tried to focus on the "Big Picture" of what is going on in the Church. Our subtitle tells our mission: "The Independent Voice of Traditional Roman Catholicism from 1994." There are some differences of opinion in the Movement, but these pale in comparison with the essentials of the Big Four on which all traditional Roman Catholics are united: the Traditional Latin Mass, the Traditional Latin Sacraments, Traditional Roman Catholic Doctrine, and Traditional Roman Catholic Morality.
We thank the Lord for our confidential correspondents all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations such as Society of St. Pius X, and at the many Traditional Latin Mass sites in North American and around the world. To this raw data, the TRADITIO Network gives what no other site does: not the perspective of some johnny-come-lately convert from the New Order, but decades of knowledge, analysis, and perspective extending to before Vatican II. The truth is not to be found in mere information, but in the seasoned and sagacious analysis and interpretation of the raw material from long experience and observation. That is what the TRADITIO Network alone presents: the classical Catholic approach.
If TRADITIO has been of assistance to you over these many years, please remember us on this our anniversary date, and say a prayer for the intercession of our powerful patron St. Michael, for all the traditional clergy, for the true Church as a whole, and for our Roman Catholic civilization:
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
David Yallop's 1984 book In God's Name suggested the theory that JPI was assassinated because he was going to rout out corruption from the Vatican Bank, controlled by Freemasons and the Mafia. Now, an Italian medical professor has concluded that Newvatican officials assassinated JPII by euthanasia.
Professore Doctore Lina Pavanelli, Chief of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Therapy at the University of Ferrara, expounded her conclusions in Micromega. Pavanelli writes that JPII didn't simply slip away as his weakness and illness overtook him in April 2005. She has concluded that the ailing Newpope's on April 2 (some say April 1) was caused by euthanasia. She bases this conclusion on her medical expertise and her own observations of the ailing pontiff on television, as well as press reports and a subsequent book by JPII's personal physician.
Recalling Newvatican's medical reports during JPII's last days, Pavanelli writes: "I'm surprised that I myself failed to examine critically the information. I let my perceptions conform to the hope of recovery and the official version, without confronting the clinical signs that I was seeing. The patient had died for reasons that were clearly not mentioned.... The pope was dying from another consequence of the effects on the [throat] muscles from his Parkinson's Disease ... not treated: the incapacity to swallow." Pavanelli claims that JPII was deprived by Newvatican officials of a feeding tube at a critical time. According to Catholic moral theology, the administration of food and water even by artificial means is, in principle, an ordinary means of preserving life and cannot be withheld.
In the days leading up to JPII's death, it was clear that Newvatican officials were engaging in deceptions that would have made the mad Roman Emperor Caligula proud. First of all, there is evidence that JPII died on April 1, 2007 -- as was announced by the press at the time--, but that Newvatican officials called the death on April 2 for two reasons. First, they needed time to falsify numerous episcopal appointment documents. Second, they wanted JPII to die not on April Fool's Day, but on the eve of Newchurch's fabricated oecumenical Feast of Divine Mercy. Newvatican officials were pretty much caught in their lie when they claimed that JPII had signed two dozen episcopal appointments while his doctors' subsequent medical reports indicate that the pope had already slipped into unconsciousness.
The Sun Chronicle reports an interesting fact: the "Motu" Mess is not inspiring Newchurchers. "Pope Benedict XVI has given the go ahead for the Latin Rite Mass at least, [but] now nobody's really interested." This, in spite of the fact that even many Newchurchers speak about how much better things were in the days before Vatican II. Similar reports have come to the TRADITIO Network from around the world. If the "Motu" Mess is so wonderful, why are the Newchurchers, on the whole, not embracing it? The answer is that it is much too little and much too late.
Why much too little? Because Summorum pontificum, much as conservative Newchurchers would wish to delude you, does not restore the Traditional Latin Mass to Newchurch. It does not recognize the Catholic and Apostolic right and obligation of Roman Catholics to worship their Lord Jesus Christ determined, the way that was canonized in Quo primum by a Pope-Saint implementing the decrees of a dogmatic Council. Rather, Summorum pontificum merely allows an "indult," which is a privilege, not a right in "extraordinary" situations, not even for the Traditional Latin Mass, but for Hannibal Bugnini's Modernized/bastardized "Mass of 1962." The invalid "fabrication" (that is Benedict-Ratzinger's own word) that is the Novus Ordo service manufactured by Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers remains the "ordinary" rite of Newchurch.
Why much too late? Because by this time all true Catholics have left Newchurch, tired of the constant lies used to attempt to sell its "New Liturgy," "New Sacraments," "New Theology," and "New Morality" as "Catholic," when it is obvious that they are not. They are tired of Newchurch's duplicity, by which the conciliar popes and their henchmen say something conservative in writing and then conduct themselves as Modernists in action. They know in their hearts that the "Motu" Mess is just another hoax, contrived by Benedict-Ratzinger, a Modernist leader since before Vatican II, to keep conservative Newchurchers attending Novus Ordo temples and receiving the invalid cookie from a dinner at the hands of a presbyter, not a priest.
Let's face it: what's left in Newchurch are those whose Catholic sense did not get them out of the New Order before their faith was corrupted. They stayed behind to eat invalid cookies from their hands, drink grape from the ceramic cup, and listen to pop ditties played on the piano while lay ministers and deacons pranced around the altar like Protestants.
The time to have fought to regain Catholicism in Newchurch was in the 1960s. That opportunity has now passed because the people were too complacent then. Now we must restore the Church from outside the New Church of the New Order. We must fight for Catholicism from churches, chapels, and oratories that are Catholic without being New Order. It is not a perfect situation, but one imposed by necessity, following the dictum of St. Athanasius, Doctor of the Church and Defender of the Faith, who faced a similar situation in his times:
Who has lost and who has won in the struggle -- the one who keeps the buildings or the one who keeps the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. That therefore the ordinances which have been preserved in the churches from old time until now may not be lost in our days..., rouse yourselves, brethren,... seeing them now seized upon by aliens....
You are the ones who are happy; you who remain within the Church by your Faith, who hold firmly to the foundations of the Faith which has come down to you from Apostolic Tradition.... No one, ever, will prevail against your Faith, beloved brothers. And we believe that God will give us our churches back some day.
Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church, but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray. Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.
And God did then give the faithful Catholics their churches back, after their faith had been tested for the better part of a century, and they showed themselves loyal to Christ, not to an heretical group of Arian bishops temporarily in possession of the institutional Church.
Dear Fathers:
My SSPX priest called today to ask me why he had not seen me at the SSPX Mass since Superior General Bernie Fellay's endorsement of the "Motu" Mess. I told him flat out that the "Motu" Mess is Benedict-Ratzinger's scam to get traditional Catholics to believe that the invalid Novus Ordo service is the "ordinary" service. That Benedict-Ratzinger's goal, as he himself admits, is to synthesize all the Masses and into one big modified Novus Ordo service and claim that they are "traditional."
He admitted to me that it is not the position of the SSPX that the Novus Ordo Mess is invalid! I told him that it took me fifteen years to get out of Newchurch and that I did not believe that the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, who called the Novus Ordo a "bastard Mass" and the Novus Ordo priesthood a "bastard priesthood," would approve of Fellay's sell-out to the New Order. It is obvious to me that the SSPX is in the process of some kind of step-by-step sell-out to Newrome, which has not been told to the ordinary SSPX members. The SSPX priest did not deny or affirm this contention.
Naturally, he badmouthed the TRADITIO Network and the other fully traditional Roman Catholic sources that tell the public the truth about the Society of St. Pius X. Finally, he told me that he had better things to do than continue our conversation and that I could go to Hell. I told him, "Right back at you" and confirmed to him that I would no longer be attending or supporting the SSPX. Any priest who would say such a thing is no priest! And these are the priests that Fellay trains and supports.
As long as Fellay, with his pro-Newchurch stance, continues to head the SSPX, I will not set foot in an SSPX chapel or give any further donations to the SSPX. My family does not give a dime to any organization that supports the Novus Ordo, nor do we attend their Masses.
It is a scandal that Benedict-Ratzinger has chosen to surround himself with condemned and even heretical figures: Hans Kung, whose license to teach theology was revoked by Paul VI, after which he joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself; Karl Rahner, a Jesuit silenced by John XXIII; and several others. Actually, Joseph Ratzinger himself was previously under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office.
Now a 19th-century theologian who is described as "among the figures inspiring Vatican II," a man whose theology was condemned by two popes, is being declared a "Blessed" in Heaven by Benedict-Ratzinger. Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855) is slated to be declared a beatus, that is, on the step before being declared "conanized" as a Novus Ordo saint, on November 18, 2007. Benedict-Ratzinger thus spits in the face of two of his precedessors, Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII. In 1849 Pope Pius IX put two of Rosmini's works, the Cinque Piaghe [Five Wounds of the Church] and the Costitunone [Civil Constitution according to Social Justice, on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum [Index of Forbidden Books], which lists books of condemned theology. In 1888, Pope Leo XIII personally approved the doctrinal decree, Post obitum, which condemned forty of Rosmini's propositions.
You would think that the condemnation of two popes would be sufficient to consign such a man to oblivion. Not so in Newchurch, because Rosmini is considered to be an intellectual father of Vatican II. Ratzinger in 2001, then JPII's Doctrinal Czar, stated out of the blue that the "difficulties" that had caused Rosmini's condemnation by two popes "have been surmounted" and -- poof! -- heresy is made Vatican II orthodoxy.
Rosmini is considered to have been one of the major theological influences behind Vatican II's Lumen Gentium, the document on the nature of the Church, which contains the infamous "subsistit in" error, purporting to teach that the Catholic Church is only one of many that have the truth. In fact, it was Fr. Ratzinger himself who deliberately introduced the erroneous phraseology into the Conciliar document. In the first draft of Lumen gentium, the text still stated the traditional Catholic doctrine: "the Church of Christ is the Catholic Church." A German Protestant, Pastor Schmidt, an observer invited by Cardinal Bea to take part in the Council, made the written proposal that the word est [is] be replaced by substitit in [subsists in]. He gave the proposal to Ratzinger, who recommended the proposal to his bishop, Cardinal Frings of Cologne, and the erroneous words were incorporated into the final text. Now these words are being used to teach the New Doctrine that all religious are equal.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is clearly a Vatican II Modernist of the sort that his predecessors would have condemned. He associates with Modernists, heretics, and excommunicates. Now he has gone so far as to commit the travesty of raising to the Novus Ordo dinner table a man whose theology was condemned by two popes. The conservative Newchurchers, who have been bamboozled by his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, are squirming on this one, as they are now bound by the "Motu" to associate with heretics and excommunicates.
Reports are coming in that Summorum Pontificum is being used by Newchurch bishops to ferret out conservative seminarians and expel them. The same technique was used with the "indult" of 1988. The seminarian thinks that he is protected by Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Letter, but fails to recognize that the post-conciliar popes have given up their control of Newchurch and passed that authority down to the Newchurch bishops. Novus Ordo seminarians admitting to an interest in the "Motu" Mess are being kicked out of Novus Ordo seminaries. Loyalty to the Novus Ordo service is being used as a litmus test.
The current policy of the Newchurch bishops simply confirms the advice that the TRADITIO Network has given: no one considering himself Catholic should ever attend a Novus Ordo seminary. They are simply not Catholic, and, in the end, you will not even be ordained to offer Mass for the living and the dead, but only be "installed preside over the assembly" in the Novus Ordo Protestant fashion. It will be a waste of many years, and the seminarians won't even get a decent education out of it.
A dirty little secret that the conservative Newchurchers won't tell you about is that more and more "indult" groups are getting tired of Newchurch's duplicity in promoting the New Order while tricking conservatives with a veneer of the Freemason Bugnini's "Mass of 1962." The Great "Motu" Mess Hoax was the final straw for more and more of these "indult" groups. When Benedict-Ratzinger lied in his Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum of July 7, 2007, saying that Bugnini's Novus Ordo service and the Traditional Latin Mass were "a single rite," even though Ratzinger in 1992 had stated in print that the Novus Ordo service is "fabricated ... manufactured," not part of Catholic Tradition, some indult "groups" threw up their hands and left Newchurch entirely.
Is that what will happen to the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem, an Augustinian order that used to be headquartered in the St. Louis, Missouri, area? This "indult" group originally was associated with Raymond "Bully" Burke when he was Newchurch bishop of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. When Burke moved to become Newchurch archbishop of St. Louis in 2004, the Canons Regular moved with him.
But have Newchurch shenanigans and Burke's patent immorality started to eat at the Canons Regular (they certainly should!)? In LaCrosse, Burke did everything he could to conceal rampant rape of children by his presbyters. His involvement was exposed in a investigative report by the local newspaper. At that time Ratzinger was JPII's Sex-crimes Czar and supported Burke's illegal cover-up. Burke was also known in his Newchurch diocese for "consecrating" as a "nun" a transgendered man, in other words, a man who had himself mutilated to become a "woman" -- an act that is grievously repugnant to Catholic moral teaching, but apparently not to this Newchurch bishop.
The official story is that the Canons Regular left the Newchurch archdiocese because of "real estate development," but we have learned that Newchurch's "official" stories are usually cover-ups of the truth. It turns out that Burke himself sold their property out from under them!
"Bully" Burke is already well known for his real-estate tricks. He tried to force St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, which was leaning traditional, to turn over its $12,000,000 properly to his own Newchurch coffers so that he could pay off for his sex crimes. The parishioners told Burke no, saying that they had been given a perpetual charter over a century ago by the then archbishop and had subsequently been supporting the property entirely independently of the archdiocese. Burke, in a typical act of Newchurch injustice, purported to "excommunicate" the hundreds of parishioners. The parishioners got the last laugh on Burke, however, as they hired a more traditional priest from Poland to serve them and are now happily operating in a more traditional fashion entirely independently of Burke.
More and more reports are indicating that in his second encyclical letter, Benedict-Ratzinger will pass over sacrilege, murder, adultery, and stealing to hype "environmental sins." Reports are that when he visits the United Nations in April 2008, he will give a boost to Hillary Clinton's U.S. Presidential campaign and sell out to the "global-warming" political hype to serve the goals of leftist politicians. Benedict-Ratzinger has vitiated his promise that he would stay in Rome, unlike his peripatetic predecessor. Now he goes to all the "youth rallies" to talk about the environment. He doesn't speak of the Ten Commandments about which Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose vicar he is supposed to be, spoke. [Source: UK Independent]
Good Catholics, the post-conciliar papacy is a joke, culminating in Benedict-Ratzinger, one of the founders of Post-modernism, the successor to the Modernism that Pope St. Pius X defined as "the culmination of all heresies." We wonder how the conservative Newchurchers who sell out to the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax will respond when their pseudo-traditional pope is revealed beyond any doubt as a radical leftist? After all, he has already appointed two Communists as bishops!
The latest issue of The Catholic Voice, the TRADITIO Network's selection for the best traditional periodical for laypeople, has published its September 2007 issue, which addresses thoughtfully and forthrightly the issues with the Novus Ordo service and the "Motu" Mess. This periodical is known for its solidity in traditional Catholic doctrine and practice, edited by a long-standing traditional Catholic priest, who operates independently of the Newchurch of the New Order. Articles in the latest issue include:
About the "Motu" Mess this periodical concludes:
It should be clear that a sober examination of the motu proprio of Benedict XVI yields a more worrisome set of circumstances than most Latin Mass "hot heads" have been saying for the past two months. In typical Modernist fashion, what was given with one hand has been removed quite forcefully with the other. The obvious point from all this is that Benedict XVI is no "conservative" and that the traditional Faith of the Roman Catholic Church will not be returning via Modern Rome any time soon. Those who tell us that the more frequent celebration of the Latin Massa according to the 1962 Missal (which rubrics?) will somehow "force" the Modernists to abandon their errors are engaged in wishful thinking.... Those who have spent so much time celebrating the promulgation of the motu proprio shold apologize to all faithful Catholics for their lack of study in so important a matter. They have failed to explain fully what is found in both documents.
For further information on The Catholic Voice and other recommended periodicals, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend?
Debate in the recent Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (Italian Bishops' Conference) went decidedly against the "Motu" Mess. Harsh criticism was addressed toward the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax by leading Italian Newchurch prelates such as:
The prelates correctly charged that the "1962 Missal" is incompatible with Novus Ordo concepts and the liturgical "reform" after Vatican II. The prelates called upon the Conference to issue a document that would restrict the use of the "Mass of 1962" in Italy. The rift between the Italian bishops and Benedict-Ratzinger was already evident in August 2007, when the Italian Bishops' Conference drafted a letter to Benedict-Ratzinger criticizing his Summorum pontificum. [Source: Il Foglio]
Just as Benedict-Ratzinger provided for in Summorum pontificum, "1962 Missals" are being republished not as they were even in 1962, but with changes and updates. One London-based publisher admitted to making additions to the Missal that made it conform more to Novus Ordo concepts. [Source: Zenit]
Good Catholics, beware reprints! Better yet, stay away from the "1962 Missal" altogether and use only those previous to 1950, when the Bugninizing/Modernizing changes started to be introduced.
Further evidence that Hannibal Bugnini, the presbyter who was the chief architect of the New Order was, in addition to being a Freemason, a secularist, who exalted man above God was revealed by Abbot Boniface Luykx in his Vatican II Revisted. Luykz stated:
Bugnini once told [the Newchurch Archbishop of Kinshaha, Cardinal Joseph-Albert] Malula that the norm for the liturgy and for Church renewal is modern Western man, because he is the perfect man, and the final man, and the everlasting man, because he is the perfect and normative man.
Luykz stated that to Bugnini, secularization was a necessary process, something that the Church needed to accept and embrace. Bugnini held to the modern philosophical view that man is made without God, and does not need God.
In other words, Bugnini was a Modernist of the ilk of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1885-1955), S.J., whose secularist philosophy was condemned by Popes Pius XII and John XXIII. It was by Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers that the Novus Ordo service was fabricated, a service that in 1992 Benedict-Ratzinger himself called "fabricated ... manufactured."
Dear Fathers:
I received one of those phony rosaries that you warned us about. I sent it back, along with the "Luminous Mysteries" booklet that came with it. I enclosed a note saying that JPII is not a saint. I used their postpaid envelope. They can pay for the return postage!
Although its documents do not quite reflect it yet, Newchurch, by its acts, is clearly moving to a pro-abortion, pro-"gay" position in its New Morality. The examples of this post-conciliar shift in morality are rife in recent years. Here is yet another case in point.
The "Catholic" University of San Diego's Social Issues Conference will feature a pagan Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, as its keynote speaker on October 2, 2007. He is to be followed by a pro-abortionist, pro-"gay" radical feminist, Andrea Smith, on October 5, 2007. Smith is co-founder of Incite!, which is pro-abortion, for example, assailing the Hyde Amendment, which forbids federal funds from being spent for abortion services. Examplifying the phony "academic" credentials that radicals use to deceive the public, Smith's Ph.D. is from the wacko Santa Cruz University in, of all things, "the history of consciousness." [Source: California Catholic Daily]
Good Catholics, don't be deceived by these Newchurch bishops, like Robert Brom, Newchurch archbishop of San Diego, California, who, on the one hand, eke out a "Motu" Mess to deceive conservative Newchurchers and, on the other hand, approve of pro-abortion, pro-"gay" advocates like Andrea Smith at their "Catholic" universities. The only sane response is to stay completely away from Newchurch institutions and temples and not to fall for Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Brom has tried to use the "Motu" Mess to cover up his personal involvement in the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, and a number of Newchurch conservatives have fallen for the deception.
TRADITIO Network readers are warned to beware of "JPII Rosaries" that are being circulated by a New Order "charity." The mailings include a rosary that bears images not of Our Lord Jesus Christ or the Blessed Virgin Mary, but of JPII. Moreover, the booklet associated in the mailing includes the unCatholic and charismatic "Luminous Mysteries." As this phony rosary is not a Catholic sacramental, it should be immediately disposed of into the trash can. Not to do so would be to engage in idolatry and sacrilege.
The producer of a new big-budget film to be made in Poland has asked traditional Catholic mega-star Mel Gibson, to play the Polish Catholic hero John Sobieski. The film, entitled Victoria, tells the story of the Polish victory in the 1683 Battle of Vienna against the invading Mohammedans. The film proposes to use a stellar Hollywood cast, including Robert DeNiro, and special effects by the Lord of the Rings special-effects crew.
The film's producer said that he first got interested in making the movie after the 9/11 attack of the Mohammedans against the United States. "The associations seemed obvious," stated Mariusz Bialek. "Here was another clash of two religious worlds. September 11, 1683, Muslim fighters also attacked at the heart of Western civilization. And then too the Western world united against the Muslims." [Source: Polish News]
In 1683 a momentous battle occurred between Catholic and Turkish Mohammedan forces. Again, the stakes were high -- in this case, the city of Vienna and a temptation for the Turkish forces to press deeper and deeper into Europe. In July 1683 the Grand Vizier Kara Mustapha led his 100,000 Ottoman Turkish Mohammedan troops to Vienna and laid siege against the city in the Battle of Vienna, which marked a crucial point in the history of Christian civilization.
On September 11, 1683, exactly 318 years to the day before the Mohammedan attack upon the United States, a decisive battle was fought before the city walls of Vienna. After an initial setback, Poland's great military leader, and later king, John III (Sobieski), commanding a woefully outnumbered Christian army mustered by Pope Innocent XI, stormed the enemy camp and miraculously routed the invaders. He sent to Pope Innocent XI a letter that proclaimed: Veni, vidi, Deus vicit [I came, I saw, God conquered], a play on Veni, vidi, vici [I came, I saw, I conquered], Julius Caesar's classic summary of his swift victory at the Battle of Zela in 47 B.C. The Battle of Vienna marked the turning point in the 300-year struggle between the forces of the Central European kingdoms and the Ottoman Mohammedan Empire.
Dear Fathers:
Because the distance to attend the nearest Traditional Latin Mass, our family -- reluctantly -- went to a Novus Ordo church that has a Sunday "Motu" Mess. This Mess is simulated alternately by the Novus Ordo pastor and an FSSP priest-presbyter. I was shocked when a ciborium was placed on the Novus Ordo dinner table before Mass with "pre-consecrated" Novus Ordo cookies. Would it be best to avoid receiving the phony "communion," or should we avoid this "Motu" Mess altogether?
The Fathers Reply.
From your description, this is what obviously the Official Traditional Catholic Directory calls a "Pseudo-traditional Mass," that is, a phony service. Absolutely it should be avoided. You are under no obligation to attend a phony Mess on Sunday if a true Traditional Latin Mass is not available. To the contrary, Catholic doctrine makes it clear that you are prohibited from attending such a phony service.
If you cannot attend a true Traditional Latin Mass on a given Sunday, you are excused from attending Mass altogether. Under no circumstances can you be a participant in phony Mess as it would be a grave sin against the First Commandment of God. You must, however, keep holy the Lord's Day in other ways and get to a true Traditional Latin Mass whenever you can, even if it is only a few times a year because of distance (a hour's drive, or 100 kilometres, would be a reasonable maximum in modern cars and roadways).
For further information on what to do when you cannot attend a true Mass on a given Sunday, click on ABSENT.TXT: Method of Hearing Mass Spiritually for the Absent.
It has been reported to the TRADITIO Network that Reverend Mother Marie de Montfort, Superior of the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of the Holy Ghost, an independent traditional Catholic congregation of religious sisters headquartered in Veradale, Washington, may be going into congestive heart failure. She has been given the traditional Last Rites by an independent traditional Catholic priest.
For many years the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of the Holy Ghost has promoted the principles of Catholic Action and has worked for the restoration of the traditional Roman Catholic Faith. It educates the laity through the use of small leaflets, booklets, and audio cassettes, and provides a traditional Roman Catholic response to the errors of the Newchurch of the New Order and the ever-growing presence of Indifferentism, Modernism and new-age Behaviorism.
You have to give Newchurch points for cunning propaganda. While they bamboozle conservatives with a phony "Motu" Mess, at the same time they are advancing their anti-Catholic agenda, promoting false religions and abortion. The U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops announced on September 13, 2007, that it had appointed Kathy Saile as their new Director of Domestic Policy. Since August 2004 Saile has been Associate Director of Public Policy for Lutheran Services in America.
Saile was a 2006 dinner-party speaker in Washington, D.C., for the Women Opening Doors for Women (WODW) organization, which is dedicated to "empowering pro-choice women." WODW is run by the Women's Information Network (WIN), Washington's premier professional, political, and social network dedicated to empowering young, Democratic, pro-choice women. According to its own information, WINners are politically-engaged women who work everywhere in D.C., Capitol Hill, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, political fundraising and consulting firms, policy think-tanks, and more. WIN's Advisory Council includes over 60 prominent women in Washington, who are dedicated to guiding and helping the next generation of Democratic, pro-choice women succeed."
Good Catholics, as if you needed any further evidence that Newchurch is not Catholic, here it is. The Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is just an effort by a desperate New Order to get conservative Newchurchers' money and bodies into its clutches for its "New Theology": pro oecumenism, pro "gay," and pro abortion. Don't you fall for it!
Raffaele Nogaro, Newchurch bishop of Caserta (Naples), Italy, has prohibited the celebration of the "Motu" Mess in his diocese. With a telephone call, he ordered the rector of the Shrine of Sant'Anna in Caserta, Don Giovanni Battista Gionti, to stop the "Motu" Mass he was planning to celebrate at 20:00 on September 16, 2007, saying:
The authority for the theological, liturgical, and moral correctness of a diocese is the bishop.... The request of 30-40 persons is not sufficient in order for the traditional Mass to be celebrated. The parish priest [sic] is obliged to report it to his bishop. And I was never informed.
The presbyter responded: "I will obey the bishop." [Source: Corriere del Mezzogiorno]
So much for the phony "Motu" Mess. In the Newchurch of the New Order, the reality is that the conciliar popes have no power. It is the Newchurch bishops who have all the power -- and the conciliar popes have willingly given up their authority in the name of Vatican II "collegiality."
We have commented extensively on the invalidity of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, but there are problems with the other New Order "sacraments" as well. Extreme Unction is no more, replaced by a mere Blessing of the Sick. Confession has become some kind of "Greenpeace reconciliation." And matrimony has apparently become a joke.
A case in point. In Manchester, England, at the Novus Ordo "wedding" of Tony Bilbrook and Angela Mason, the two parties were dressed up as Star Trek officers, while presbyter John Whalley was "vested" as Vulcan for the service. Music was taken not from anything Catholic, but from the television series of the 1960s. [Source: Manchester Evening News]
For further information on the Novus Ordo "sacraments," click on PROBLEM.TXT: The Problem with the Other Sacraments.
Dear Fathers:
Thank you as always for setting the record straight, particularly concerning the Great Motu Mess Hoax. I have to say, though, that judging from the reaction in several periodicals purporting to be "traditional," the hoax appears to be succeeding, at least partially. I was appalled to read one semi-traditional editor's unbelievably naive endorsement of it, and the obsequiousness of the hosannas to Benedict-Ratzinger by the SSPX's Bernie Fellay were sickening. I really wonder at the sanity of these folks, but their obsession to win "official" approval from the very source of the problem, the Newchurch of the New Order, apparently trumps faith and doctrine every time. Even at my SSPX church there is a substantial group for whom loyalty to "the Society" (that is, SSPX), seems to trump loyalty to the Catholic Faith. When I learned my traditional Catholic catechism, that attitude was considered idolatry, a mortal violation against the First Commandment of God!
The Fathers Reply.
Your assessment is correct: most conservative Newchurchers are quite gullible. But that does not surprise us. They were gullible in the 1960s after Vatican II and allowed the New Order to take over. If they had "just said No!," there would have been no New Mess, no New Sacrakaments, no New Theology, and no rape of Catholic children by an immoral cadre of Novus Ordo presbyters.
Good Catholics, if you want to know where to place the blame for the takeover of the Church by the Modernism defined as a heresy by Pope St. Pius X, we need look only to those who compromise with Newchurch, those who want to sell out to Newchurch, those who are willing to settle for a crumb of instead of fighting for the whole loaf. Have they learned nothing from the last forty years?
These sell-outs just aren't Catholic. Let us tell you about a Catholic whose feastday was celebrated last September 16, a woman who refused to sell out, a courageous woman who was martyred for not putting that pinch of incense into the censor to worship a false god. If she were alive today, she would undoubtedly have condemned what that semi-traditional editor wrote, what "indult" organizations have done, what Bernie Fellay has done, and so many others who, like the tares of Our Lord's parable, have fallen by the wayside of the Faith. They would spurn the Catholic Faith by putting in that pinch to worship the false god of the New Order, saying that anything was better than nothing, that Benedict-Ratzinger isn't so bad, that the invalid Novus Ordo service can be the "ordinary form" for the whole Church as long as a few conservatives get a Bugninized/bastardized "Mass of 1962."
St. Euphemia made no such compromise. When called upon to defend their Faith, she did so heroically, 100%, enduring the brutality with which the power of the true Catholic Faith is often greeted by its persecutors. St. Euphemia's martyrdom is described thus: while one soldier pulled her head back, another with a mallet beat out her teeth and bruised her mouth, so that her face, her hair, and her clothes were covered with blood. She bore imprisonments, stripes, the wheel, fire, heavy stones, beasts, scourging, sharp nails, and burning pans. She was eventually killed by a bear in the Roman Colosseum.
No wonder that the Church has always regarded the Holy Martyrs as being closest to God in heaven and that their names are invoked before all other Saints, except the Queen of Martyrs and the Archangels. Meanwhile, the Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, tells us that "the floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of rotten bishops." Who knows what the great Saint and Doctor of the Church would have said about our times? He might well have declared that there were paving-stones there as well for clerics and laymen who sell out the true Catholic Faith to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order.
Cardinal Dario Hoyos, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, has once again let the cat out of the bag in a September 14,2007, interview with Radio Vaticana about the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. First of all, he says that it is intended to lure the members of the Society of St. Pius X back into "full unity with the Vicar of Christ." Note: he says nothing about the Vicar of Christ coming back into full unity with the Roman Catholic Faith, which was replaced by the post-conciliar popes with the unCatholic New Order Faith.
To Hoyos and Benedict-Ratzinger, the "Motu" Mess is merely an ecclesiastical game. Traditional Catholics are embarrassment to them. Also, Newvatican is in the red, so it desperately wants to trick traditional Catholic money back into the New Order coffers.
Moreover, Benedict-Ratzinger is fully behind the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service. He always uses it himself. "The Pope does not wish to move backwards," says Hoyos. Hoyos also maintained in the interview that "the Council did not prohibit the liturgy of Saint Pius V [sic]." Yet Hoyos offered no apology for the past and continuing persecution of priests who stood up to New Order intimidation and refused to use the invalid Novus Ordo service, courageously accepting defamation and slander as being "schismatic," when they were actually -- as Hoyos and Benedict-Ratzinger now admit -- correct all along, while the Newpopes and Church were wrong!
Where are Benedict-Ratzinger's abject apologies for persecuting traditional priests? Where are his reparations to these priests? While he has abjectly apologized Jews and Mohammedans, he treats courageous traditional priests like dirt. We traditional priests should take a page from the sex-crimes victims and sue the pants off Benedict-Ratzinger for their criminal defamation and slander.
Hoyos also confirmed that the local Newchurch bishop still has the ultimate power over "Motu" implementation: "It is not true, for example, that power was taken away from bishops over the liturgy."
So, Good Catholics, there you have it -- from the mouth of Hoyos. Any of you who fall for this Great "Motu" Mess Hoax can't say that you haven't been warned!
As the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax continues, Benedict-Ratzinger shifted gears again to appoint as archbishop an outspoken opponent of the "Motu" Mess and persecutor of presbyters in his diocese who attempted to perform it. He has appointed Armand Maillard to be archbishop of Bourges, France.
In a Commentary from the Mailbox at the time, the TRADITIO Network informed its readers that on May 24, 2007, Armand Maillard, then Newchurch bishop of Laval, France, barred the "indult" Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) from the Newparish of Niafles. Without Maillard's authorization, an FSSP presbyter, Fr. Lodda, had taken over the parish to offer the "Indult" Mass when the pastor, Fr. Chahare, who had been celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass there for the previous forty years, died at the age of 94.
Upon Chahre's death the FSSP stepped in without Maillard's authorization. Accordingly, Maillard ordered that, effective after May 27, 2007, the "Latin Mass" be celebrated according to the Novus Ordo Missal and directed local police to eject Lodda from the parish. This incident placed in doubt the FSSP's continuing operations in France.
Does Benedict-Ratzinger know which end is up any longer?
As the TRADITIO Network has previously pointed out, there are those who are trying to make a profit out of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. We have noticed several announcements already of deceptively-named "traditional" books through sources wedded to Newchurch. For lay handmissals, for example, these range from a throwaway "Motu" missalette from an "indult" group to full-scale books with "approvals" from Novus Ordo bishops. Caveat emptor!
There is only one fully traditional Latin-English handmissal in print for laypeople. This is Dom Gaspar Lefebvre [not to be confused with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre]'s edition of The Saint Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale. It is the most complete traditional missal in print. The Ordinary and the Propers of all daily and Sunday Masses are printed in Latin and English. This missal also includes the Latin and English text of the common Sacraments, a extensive treasury of liturgical prayers and litanies from the Missal in Latin and English, and the texts and music for Vespers and all the chant Masses. It contains detailed traditional commentaries on the liturgical, historical, and spiritual meaning of the Propers for each Sunday and feastday. This is a reprint by St. Bonaventure Press of the 1945 edition, issued well before the "modernizing" changes of the 1950s.
For further information on the St. Andrew Daily Missal and other traditional liturgical books, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend?
On that Charismatic EWTN cable channel, a "Motu" Mess was broadcast from Alabama on September 14, 2007, the day that Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum was supposed to go into effect. As one would have expected, it showed all the flaws inherent in the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax.
First off, the service did not start at the top of the hour. Viewers who tuned in were subjected to an advertisement for "installations" (what the New Order does instead of ordinations into Holy Orders) for new presbyters. It was obvious that Newchurch felt it had a captive audience and was trying to entice conservatives into the Novus Ordo presbyterate. The Hollywood-style images cut in were all Novus Ordo: a dinner table instead of an altar, a ceramic cup instead of a chalice, and a Newchurch bishop's wooden chair stuck in front of the table, the position that indicates with unmistakable imagery that in the New Order the bishop is a god -- at least in his own diocese. After that advertisement for Novus Ordo presbyters, the channel rolled out an elderly charismatic presbyter to give his "loyalty oath" to the New Order in the form of a five-minute dissertation -- on himself.
As to the "Motu" Mess itself, the most salient feature, constantly confronting the viewer, was that the service was being held on a Novus Ordo dinner table, an elegant one, but Novus Ordo nonetheless. The televised title clearly indicated that this was the "extrordinary form" of the Roman rite, that deliberate lie of Benedict-Ratzinger injected into his Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum. We say lie advisedly, because he knows better: he claimed something quite different in print in 1992, when he published that the Novus Ordo service of the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini was "fabricated ... manufactured." Nevertheless, Benedict-Ratzinger continued, and still continues, to use that Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service and now even calls it the "ordinary form."
All in all, not an auspicious start for the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax!
Those who wish to view a fully Traditional Latin Mass, not Bugnini's 1962 Modernized-bastardized form, can avail themselves of the Immemorial Tridentine [sic] Mass: Live 1940 Recording. This recording, available on both videocassette and DVD, is that of the Solemn Eastern Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Chicago. It is narrated and explained by then Msgr. Fulton Sheen. It is absolutely the best recording of the Traditional Latin Mass, for although it is in black and white, it comes from the learned grace of a period where this was the only form of Mass celebrated daily in every Roman Catholic church in the world. For further information, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend?
Joining his voice to the chorus of Newchurch bishops who have depreciated the "Motu" Mess, Michael Jerrell, Newchurch bishop of Lafayette, Louisiana, has assured his diocese: "the Holy Father makes it clear that the Mass, as we now know it in English, will continue to be the ordinary or usual form since it has proven to be so effective in the spiritual lives of our people. Parishioners will not see much change, if any, in their parish churches. In fact, the faithful have nothing to fear. Not much will change in the diocese."
Spoken like a blind, true servant of the New Order that he and the other Newchurch bishops are!
Some years ago, when the Newchurch Fatimists started trying to make the private visions at Fatima equivalent to Sacred Scripture (a heresy), the TRADITIO Network warned that it might not be long before the Newchurchers would want to expand Most Holy Trinity to include the Blessed Virgin Mary. Well, our prediction has actually come true!
A Canadian group called the Army of Mary, claiming some 20,000 members, believes in a expanded "Trinity," which includes Mary, the mother of Christ. The group is -- for now -- not looked upon favorably by Newchurch, but who knows about the future? Since Newchurch expresses new and changed doctrines every day, the Army of Mary can bide its time until its heresy and idolatry is recognized as official Newchurch doctrine. [Source: AFP]
For further information on Fatimism, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Fatima.")
It has been obvious to everyone since Vatican II (1962-1965) that "Catholic" schools are no longer Catholic. They no longer teach the Catholic religion, but some secular-humanist oecumenical philosophy. Moreover, their academic qualifications have sunk to the lowest levels, as trained traditional religious men and women (Dominicans, Franciscans, etc.) have been replaced by uncredentialed laywomen.
The noted Catholic educator Archbishop Fulton Sheen admitted publicly that since Vatican II, young people were losing the Catholic Faith in "Catholic" schools. His statement should have shocked all parents into getting their children out of the New Order schools: "You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your faith, than going to a modern Catholic [school] where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith."
Now it seems that Newchurch is admitting the reality that everyone with eyes knew four decades ago: that so-called "Catholic" schools are (1) not Catholic and (2) no better (and are often worse) than public schools. They are simply a waste of good money that is going into the coffers of the New Order.
Admitting the reality, Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, D.C., is planning to convert almost one-third of his Newchurch schools into secular schools by Autumn 2008. As part of the conversion, the schools' names would change (can't have a public school called St. Cyprian!), and all religious references will be removed from the curriculum.
Actually, it was the parents who figured out that they were being cheated, paying good money for an inferior education that was not Catholic, when the public-system, even in Washington, D.C., offered a better education for free. The parents were already moving their children to public schools.
September 8, 2007, marks the 100-year anniversary of Pope St. Pius X's landmark Encyclical Letter Pascendi Dominici gregis [Shepherding the Lord's Flock] against the heresy of Modernism that is rampant in Newchurch today. Did you hear a peep from Newvatican about it? Not on your life!
Instead, we are subjected to the Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum, which is really causing a mess, with the Modernists trying cunningly to soothe the consciences of people distressed by "liturgical abuse" while still offering the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Marvellous Memorial Meal as the "Ordinary Form." But maybe people will wake up. A presbyter on that Charismatic EWTN cable channel went so far as to call the duped people who attend English Mess "the ordinary parishioners"!
Is it any wonder that Benedict-Ratzinger and Newchurch have totally ignored this landmark Encyclical Letter? After all, they are infected with the very disease that Pope St. Pius X so clearly condemned!
The Fathers Reply.
In 1907 Pope St. Pius X's Holy Office published the famous decree Lamentabili sane [Surely Lamentable], in which 65 condemned propositions were listed, as drawn from the works of Modernist writers. The following year, in Pascendi, the Pope-Saint outlined the errors of the heresy of Modernism, which he termed omnium hereseon conlectum, the synthesis of all heresies. Modernism is not just one heresy, but all of them tied into one. This is the heresy, resurrected as Post-modernism, that infected Vatican II (1962-1965) and the conciliar popes Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict-Ratzinger.
Postmodernism is a denial of objective, unchanging truth and tradition, as well as deliberate obfuscation of words. In Pascendi Pope St. Pius X condemned Modernist heretics for deliberately moving away from established doctrines. But it is much worse now in the era of Post-modernism after Vatican II. At least in Modernism, the recognition of the "modern" required the recognition of the traditional. The differences between tradition and Modernism were clear and were recognized by both sides of the argument.
This is not the case, however, with Post-modernism, which is not concerned with external reality at all. That is why documents of the conciliar popes, like Summorum pontificum. are meaningless. That is why Benedict-Ratzinger can write in 1992 that the Novus Ordo service is "fabricated ... manufactured," not a part of Catholic tradition and then tergiversate in 2007 and call it a "single rite" with the Traditional Latin Mass of two millennia! Good is evil, evil is good. Now what diabolical source does that sound like?
One of the little-discussed, but important aspects, of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is the ilk that those who sell out to the hoax must associate with. Robert Brom, Newchurch Archbishop of San Diego, tried to pull every legal trick in the book to get out of paying just damages to the victims of his presbyters' sex crimes. But the U.S. District Court didn't buy it.
In virulent criticism from the bench, rarely heard against a Newchurch bishop, the federal justice charged Brom with manipulating the legal system, trying to declare bankruptcy just hours before victims were to get their fair hearing. The justice threatened to throw out Brom's bankruptcy pleading and adjudged the maximum amount of damages possible in the case of 144 young victims: $200,000,000. This is the second-largest judgment against a Newchurch bishop to date. [Source: Associated Press]
Good Catholics, everyone must face the fact that the Newchurch bishops are, as the modern saying goes, "sleaze." Not a one of them has stood up for the Roman Catholic Faith. Simulating a phony "Motu" Mess to cover up their crimes doesn't wash. Moreover, they don't seem to have one bone of morality in their bodies as they continue to let children suffer at the hands of their agent-presbyters. After all, they are taking this posture of aiding and abetting crime right from the example of the top man: "Mr. Cover-up" Benedict-Ratzinger himself.
After the Newchurch diocese of Modena, Italy, famed tenor Luciano Pavarotti's hometown, had received criticisms that it had gone overboard in giving a cathedral funeral to the remarried divorcé, Pavarotti's parish priest, Fr. Remo Sartori, claimed that the apparently bigamist singer had been "reconciled" with the Newchurch and received the Novus Ordo "Anointing of the Sick." [Source: CNA]
Newchurch no longer has Last Rites or the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. These were done away with by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini as part of the Novus Ordo-ization of the sacraments of Newchurch.
There are always mountebanks who will try to make money off any new snake-oil, and this is certainly true in the case of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. What is disturbing -- but all too expected from the "indult" crowd -- is that they are charging Newchurch presbyters an arm and a leg for the "privilege" of getting a "quickie" on the "Motu" Mess. The largest of these "indult" organizations actually has the temerity to charge $300.00 for the "privilege"!
The reality is that these presbyters will probably never simulate the "Motu" Mess, at least in public, and in any case their installation as presbyters, not ordaination as priests after years of training renders them without the power of Holy Orders to offer the Traditional Latin Mass for the living and the dead (as the traditional rite of Holy Orders puts it). You can't turn a Novus Ordo presbyter ugly duckling into a swan in a couple of days. It takes years of training and study. At best a presbyter will simulate (a grave sin in Catholic moral theology) an invalid "Motu" Mess on a Novus Ordo dinner table in a Novus Ordo temple.
And here's another Newchurch bishop in moral trouble. Zimbabwean archbishop Pius Ncube, of Bulawayo, having been charged by the High Court with the crime of "adultery," has resigned as of September 11, 2007. Technically, he didn't commit adultery because he is celibate, that is, unmarried. However, the woman, Rosemary Sibanda, with whom he fornicated is married. Newspapers published photographs of Ncube and a woman in flagrante delicto. The woman's husband, Onesimus Sibanda, has also claimed damages from Ncube.
Benedict-Ratzinger, never one to punish one of his criminal bishops, was going to let Ncube stay on, but public outrage forced Ncube's early resignation. Ncube is crying foul, but a picture is worth a thousand words. [Source: CNS]
A Newchurch bishop may have been executed for his loyalty to Benedict-Ratzinger, who has not returned that loyalty, but instead continues to play footsie with the atheist Communist government of Red China.
Bishop Han Dingxiang, 71, was cremated within six hours of his death on September 9, 2007, and buried in a public cemetery with no Newchurch presbyters or Newchurchers present. The Red Chinese claim that Han died of lung cancer, but the Cardinal Kung Foundation denies that report. Han had been kept in confinement by the Red Chinese for eight years. [Source: Associated Press]
Good Catholics, who can believe Benedict-Ratzinger? He's tergiversated so many times that his head now spins on his neck like one of those bobble-heads. Of course, the TRADITIO Network has many times disabused its readers of the disinformation that he is traditional, or even conservative. The man is a flaming Modernist/Liberalist. And he says so himself!
He appeared before the clergy of the northern Italian Newchurch dioceses of Belluno-Feltre and Treviso and attempted to quell fears that he was moving away from Vatican II. He declared his his total Conciliar Manifesto: "The Council is the Church's 'magna carta.' The Council has given us a great road marker; we can go forward full of hope." He declared Vatican II as "essential and fundamental" to the future of Newchurch and declared the Novus Ordo rites as essential to the "renewal of the liturgy."
The Modernist/Liberalist Newchurch periodical Commonweal said that it saw "no reason to fear that he is about to go back on the great conciliar texts on the church's relationship to the modern world." Those texts are filled with errors and the odor of heresy, as has been exposed by analysts contemporaneous with the council to the present day. [Source: Catholic Herald]
Dear Fathers:
I was flipping channels and came across a live transmission of Benedict-Ratzinger's "Exposition" service on his Austria junket. The Novus Ordo "blessed" cookie was exposed, and he incensed it. Then, in a hideous pagan ritual, a couple dressed in Hindu garb lighted some little candles in a platter with flowers in it, came forward, and placed it on the floor in front of the "blessed" cookie. Then a Black couple, dressed in African garb, placed a platter of small candles on the floor in front of the "blessed" cookie. Then, an Asian couple, dressed in Asian garb, came up, spooned a substance onto a platter that was full of little candles, then placed the platter on the floor in front of the "blessed" cookie.
The Fathers Reply.
This incident is further proof that Benedict-Ratzinger is certainly not traditional, or even conservative, but full-bore New Order. On Sunday, September 9, 2007, he simulated not even the "Mass of 1962," but the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service in Vienna's magnificent St. Stephen's Cathedral, whose high altar is still intact (for historical reasons) and could have been used. Instead, he chose to simulate an invalid Novus Ordo service, concelebrated by a dozen presbyters, who looked thoroughly ridiculous because they couldn't fit around the dinky little Novus Ordo dinner table that had been stuck in front of the magnificent high altar. Totally devoid of traditional attitude, he chose to celebrate the Novus Ordo service in the local vulgar tongue. The "Eucharistic prayer" that he selected was the phony one made up by the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers, and known as the "Presto Canon" because it goes by so fast!
This charade perpetrated on the public by Benedict-Ratzinger was all the more silly, since an orchestra and chorus was singing the "Mariazeller Messe" by F.J. Haydn. Haydn, who wrote the Mass in 1782, of course had nothing to do with the New Order service, which didn't exist until 1969. But could Benedict-Ratzinger roll out even a phony "Motu" Mess for the occasion? Of course not. What a hypocrite! Moreover, he used the "Bent Crucifix," which is said to have satanic associations, to bless the people at the Mess. (For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Papal Crucifix, Conciliar.")
The Austrian Newchurch has lost 1,000,000 members since 1983, when the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, presided over by Benedict-Ratzinger himself (first as JPII's Sex-crimes Czar, then as Newpope), hit Austria hard. Hundreds of thousands of Austrian Newchurchers have formally renounced their Newchurch affiliations in recent years. It was as if God Himself had rejected Newpope, sending drenching rains upon Austria for the duration of his junket. Barely a couple of thousand turned out for Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo Mess at the cathedral.
The TRADITIO Network has received several inquiries about the situation of noted opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti, who received a Newchurch "white" funeral on September 8, 2007, in the cathedral of his hometown, Modena, Italy.
In a New Order practice that outraged traditional Catholic sensibilities, Pavarotti's coffin was allowed to remain open in the cathedral before the funeral service. Pavarotti's corpse was grotesquely dressed in a black tuxedo, hands folded on his stomach and holding a white handkerchief -- a favourite prop during his recitals -- and a rosary. In another unCatholic New Order practice reeking of Hollywood, a film of Pavarotti was played in the cathedral, during which the tenor performed the Panis Angelicus with his father, Fernando Pavarotti. Well, we should be thankful at least that it wasn't Elton John with some rock number! And finally there is that New Order practice of applauding, when Pope St. Pius X specifically banned applause from church.
But the worst problem is that in 1999 the then 64-year-old Pavarotti divorced his wife of 38 years, by whom he had three daughters, in order that he could wed his 29-year-old former secretary Nicoletta Mantovani, with whom he had already been living for several years and had a fourth daughter out of wedlock. According to his former manager, Herbert Breslin, Pavarotti also had two long-term mistresses. From the perspective of Christ, Pavarotti was a bigamist.
But, good Catholics, you must realize that in Newchurch, which is not Catholic and does not follow Christ's teachings, everyone gets a "white" funeral. After Vatican II the color of funerals was changed from Catholic black to Protestant white, denoting that the deceased had no need of prayers: he was already a saint in Heaven! Newchurch is quite different from the Catholic Church, whose Bishop Fulton Sheen visited noted Catholic comedian Jackie Gleason to convince him not to divorce and remarry because of the scandal that it would create. Nevertheless, Gleason persisted over the religious objections of his Catholic wife and of Bishop Sheen and did eventually obtain a civil divorce in 1970.
Of course, none of us on this earth can know the internal state of a person's soul. We can judge only external actions, and that is why public sinners -- those who publicly and contumaciously chose to reject the Catholic Church and its teaching in their lifetime -- have traditionally been denied ecclesiastical burial, not least for the scandal that their public sins produced.
In that Newchurch context, we must say that Pavarotti is far from the worst. At least the man promoted a form of classical music that was elevating, not the gutter rock garbage that can be heard even in New Order churches. At least Pavarotti's public transgressions failed to reach the level of the homosexual dress designer cum "gay" rights advocate, or the thrice-divorced rock singer who became a U.S. congressman, or the murdered transvestite teenager displayed in full regalia in the church, or the French President who was an espoused atheist, or the Newchurch cardinal who professed his Judaism -- all of whom received Newchurch "white" funerals!
Philip Hannan, Newchurch Archbishop of New Orleans from 1965 to 1988, is being sued in U.S. federal court by his partner of nineteen years, Mary Lou McCall, for breach of contract, defamation, and pension-rights violations. When Hannan retired in 1988, he founded the FOCUS Worldwide Television Network, while McCall supported him after she, a former anchorwoman, was stricken with "Medjugorje Fever." Hannan conveniently ignored the fact that his partner on international television was living in sin with a "second husband." [Source: Times-Picayune]
You know that an international leader is ill when his government denies it. Remember how the U.S. government claimed that President Ronald Reagan, after he was shot, was alert and in control, whereas afterward it came out that he was on death's doorstep, so drugged up that he couldn't even keep his eyes open, let alone sign documents. More to the point, remember that Newvatican was claiming that JPII in his last days was alert enough to sign dozens of episcopal appointment papers while his doctors' public report stated that he was unconscious from a 40-degree fever, septicemia, and kidney failure.
Now reports of Benedict-Ratzinger being ill are circulating again internationally. Newvatican, true to form, says "it's just a cold." But is it really? Even if it were only a cold, that is not so insignificant when you're eighty years old, have suffered two strokes, and experienced an episode of unconsciousness after a fall.
Curiously, the international press, which usually is quick to report on leaders' medical problems, has essentially covered up Benedict-Ratzinger's medical record. But his brother didn't. He predicted: "He'll be dead in a year." [Source: AFP]
Doris Keiser, a radical feminist lecturer at Newchurch's St. Joseph's College in Canada is ecstatic that Benedict-Ratzinger has approved changes in the text of the English Bible to satisfy radical feminists.
Canadians have been using the Protestant New Revised Standard Version of the Bible since 1992. JPII's Newvatican never gave final approval for this version because of its inaccurate "inclusive" language. Now, however, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican has officially approved the Protestant version. This New Revised Standard Version is to be distinguished from the Revised Standard Version of 1952, which was issued in a Catholic Edition. The Revised Standard Version is a not entirely unreasonable translation into modern English, whereas the Douay-Rheims uses the English of the 16th-17th centuries, which, though beautiful, is difficult for those whose English skills are deficient. (For further information, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend?)
"Inclusive"-language translations are not faithful to the original. They attempt to rewrite the references that the Sacred Authors themselves indicate. For example, when St. Paul refers in the original Greek to "brothers," the "inclusive"-language versions refer, in the style of the Novus Ordo "Mess," to "brothers and sisters." [Source: Catholic Register]
Good Catholics, any notion that Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican are traditional, let alone conservative, is utter nonsense. Even his predecessor JPII halted changing the English Bible, but now Benedict-Ratzinger has given in. His "spirit" from before Vatican II has been consistently Protestant.
The great Dominican Price of Theologians St. Thomas Aquinas must be turning over in his grave! Dominican leaders of the Netherlands have announced that they are calling upon lay ministers to simulate "Mess" when no presbyters are available. The Dominicans are dropping their "presbyter-centred model" of the Novus Ordo Mess in favor of a Protestant one "built around a community sharing bread and wine in prayer."
"Whether they are women or men, homo- or heterosexual, married or single, makes no difference. What is important is an infectious attitude of Faith," said the leaders of the Dominicans. The 38-page call, Kerk en Ambt ["Church and Ministry"], reflects the thinking of the Belgian-born Dominican theologian, Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx, an associate of Ratzinger at the time of Vatican II, later charged by Paul VI with heresy. [Source: London Tablet]
Good Catholics, it is truly amazing how many heretics Benedict-Ratzinger counts as close friends and associates to this day. Karl Rahner, Edward Schillebeeckx, Hans Kung: Ratzinger publicly associates and commends these people, who were charged with heresy by even his post-conciliar predecessors. Birds of a feather flock do flock together -- and Benedict-Ratzinger is certainly one of the queerest of birds!
The Newchurch archdiocese is a cesspool of corruption and crime. This was exposed as early as March 23, 1998, in a U.S. News & World Report investigation. The U.S. courts to date have assessed against Newchurch Cardinal "Mad" Mahony almost $1,000,000,000 in damages. So, will Mahony pay the price for his sins? Will Benedict-Ratzinger fire the corrupt cardinal? Of course not! Benedict-Ratzinger is up to his ears in abetting Mahony's crimes.
It will be the Sisters of Bethany of Santa Barbara who will pay for Mahony's sins. Mahony has told the sisters to "get out" of the convent where they have been serving the poor of Los Angeles since 1952. The nuns still wear their traditional navy-blue habits. Yet their convent will be used to pay off for Mahony's sins. The Order's local superior, Sister Angela Escalara publicly condemned Mahony: "We're just so hurt by this. And what hurts the most is what the money will be used for, to help pay for the paedophile priests [sic]. We have to sacrifice our home for that?" [Source: Los Angeles Times]
Yes, Sister, that is the nature of the New Order: the guilty go scot free by papal "absolution," while the innocent suffer. Such is the policy of Benedict-Ratzinger. It is long past time for you, Sister, to abandon that rat-hole of the New Order and attach yourself to a traditional religious order of women. There your loyalty to the true Faith will be rewarded, not spat upon by such Newchurch ilk as Roger "Rogue" Mahony.
A document little commented upon to date is the Explanatory Note on the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum, which was issued along with that document and Benedict-Ratzinger's Letter to His Brother Bishops. Historians have now generally pointed out that the Vatican II documents, though looking relatively innocuous on the surface, included timebombs, which were exploded by the Modernists who took control of the Church after the Council.
The Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum similarly contains many timebombs to destroy the Traditional Latin Mass, or even Hannibal Bugnini's Modernized Vatican II Mass of 1962. The Explanatory Note contains just 12 short paragraphs, which make it clear that Benedict-Ratzinger's purpose with his Apostolic Letter was to destroy the integrity of the Traditional Latin Mass. Here are some of the provisions that the Explanatory Note contains:
Good Catholics, it is more and more clear that Benedict-Ratzinger is simply perpetrating a Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Shame on SSPX's leader Bernie Fellay for playing up to it like a New Order sycophant. The appropriate response for traditional Catholics is to stay completely way from the "Motu" Mess, from "installed," unordained Novus Ordo presbyters, and from the Novus Ordo dinner table. The Modernists want to suck you into this farce. Don't let them! Stand fast for uncorrupted tradition.
Dear Fathers:
I attend an SSPX chapel in northern New York, where the "Dialogue Mass" is done. My wife said that it reminds her of the Novus Ordo service. The pastor wanted to dump it, but it never happened. We have been informed that the Society under Superior General Fellay is pushing a plan to make the "Dialogue Mass" obligatory at all its chapels. We also hear that a number of SSPX Mass in Europe are performed mostly in the vernacular, with the congregation answering the minister in the vernacular, just as at a Protestant service. And why does the SSPX use Bugnini's Modernized Missal of 1962? What's going on with the SSPX these days?
The Fathers Reply.
It appears that this is another step of Superior General Bernie Fellay's administration to cozy the SSPX up to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order. The "Dialogue Mass" is a clear precursor to the "spirit" of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service.
The Dialogue Mass was introduced illegally before World War I by the Protestant-Modernist "Liturgical Movement" and spread in Europe, particularly in liberalist France and Germany, and in U.S. military ordinariate because the military chaplains pushed it. It was hardly mentioned in any significant way in documents from the Vatican until 1958, just four years before Vatican II began.
As to the 1962 Missal, the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, originally accepted the 1962 Missal as the last missal bearing any resemblance to the Traditional Latin Mass, but he did consider the 1962 Missal severely compromised. He insisted upon certain earlier practices, such as:
As the corruption of the 1962 Missal, and its association with the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the liturgical New Order, became more and more obvious over time, the Archbishop just before his death was seriously considering abandoning the 1962 Missal and making the pre-1956 Missal normative for the SSPX. The first of the Bugnini "modernizing" waves were implemented in 1956, but in many places in Europe, the priests refused to implement these changes, particularly the pre-Novus Ordo "modernized" rites of Holy Week that were introduced in 1956.
Why would any traditional priest worthy of the name use the compromised 1962 Missal, bastardized by a Freemason presbyter and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers in anticipation of the introduction of the New Order "Mess," when an unadulterated alternative is available in the pre-1956 form? The TRADITIO Network calls on Bernie Fellay, if he has a gram of traditional Catholicism left in him, to stop this travesty, to suppress the vernacular as the decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent demand, and to abandon the Bugninized/modernized/compromised "Mass of 1962" for the unadulterated pre-1956 version.
Patriarch Maximos IV of the Melkites took part in the Second Vatican Council. There, contrary to the respect that the Eastern Church is supposed to have for Catholic and Apostolic Tradition, he championed use of the vulgar tongues at the Divine services. He fostered what has come to be known as the "Aramaic Error," a disinformation campaign whose purpose was to justify the use of the vulgar tongues, even in the West
This fraud was exposed by the noted theologian, Msgr. Klaus Gamber, in his 1979 Die Reform des Römischen Liturgie: Vorgeschicte und Problematic, for whose 1992 French edition, then Card. Ratzinger wrote a laudatory preface. There is no doubt that Christ used not Aramaic for sacred purposes, but Hebrew, which, since the Babylonian Captivity of the sixth century, B.C. had not been a vernacular tongue, but a sacred language, like Latin, reserved for the temple and the synagogue and the Hebrew ceremonial.
For those who think that the Eastern rites are safe, it is clear that from the beginning of the Council, the unCatholic "spirit" of Vatican II was being fomented by people such as Maximos IV. His words deceived the Melkites and many in the Latin rite and the Eastern Uniate rites.
Some Catholics have the opinion that only Archbishop Lefebvre objected to the New Order at Vatican II. That is far from the case. Many leading bishops and cardinals were four-square against any change in the Traditional Latin Mass. But the fix was in. John XXIII was dying, and the Modernists hijacked the Council, which otherwise would have been short and traditional as far as the Sacred Liturgy was concerned.
Here are the words of Los Angeles's James Cardinal McIntyre, addressed in Latin to the Council on October 23, 1962. McIntyre was a protege of Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, the most influential prelate in the United States, who was similarly opposed to any changes.
The schema on the Liturgy proposes confusion and complication. If it is adopted, it would be an immediate scandal for our people. The continuity of the Mass must be kept. The tradition of the sacred ceremonies must be preserved.... Changes are not needed....
In recent times, even in materialist North America, the growth of the Church was magnificent with the liturgy being kept in Latin. The attempts of the Protestants have failed, and Protestantism uses the vernacular. We ask again: Why the change, especially since changes in this matter involve many difficulties and great dangers? All of us here at the Council can recall the fundamental changes in the meaning of words in common use. Thus it follows that if the Sacred Liturgy were in the vernacular, the immutability of doctrine would be endangered.
The introduction of the vernacular should be separated from the action of the Mass. The Mass must remain as it is. Grave changes in the liturgy introduce grave changes in dogmata.
Could the great cardinal's words have been any more prophetic?
Oakland, California's new Cathedral of Light now in progress was founded on lies, and continues therein. Here's the background. When the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989 hit the area, the cathedral of St. Francis de Sales, built in the 19th century by European craftsman, was damaged, but not irreparably. Nevertheless, it was far "too traditional" for its liberalist Newchurch bishop John Cummins. He used the earthquake as an excuse to raze the traditional cathedral to the ground. His Vicar General expressed to the press his desire that property be turned into a "mini mall."
It was Protestants, not Newchurchers, who stepped up to try to save the venerable cathedral. The Protestants at least wanted to preserve the historic structure for some religious purpose. The Newchurch Diocese of Oakland, California, a Corporation Sole, fought the Protestants in court and insisted that St. Francis de Sales be subjected to the wrecking ball, even though the Protestants had offered to conduct a fund-raising campaign to save it. During a few days' interval, when the Protestants were appealing to the courts, Cummins wasted no time in calling in the wrecking crew and destroyed the beautiful cathedral.
At that point Cummins said that Oakland didn't need a cathedral, that Our Lady of Lourdes Church, which features a statue to St. Martin Luther King, would suffice, as it immediately adjoined the chancery office. But a few years later when Cummins retired and Allen Vigneron took over, the latter laid plans in 2003 for a $131,000,000 cathedral, with Cummins leading the fund-raising!
The monstrosity in progress, a pagan temple to the Novus Ordo Seclorum, has been variously described as a beehive, an inverted basket, or a nuclear reactor. It is one of Newchurch's worst boondoggles in the United States, as it will (so far) cost $190,000,000, almost 50% more than originally announced. Since January 2007 fund-raising for diocesan schools has been halted to divert money to the Newchurch boondoggle cathedral, which will rival the Taj Mahony, the pagan cathedral-temple built by Roger "Mad" Mahony, Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles. Moreover, the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal has hit the Oakland Newchurch diocese badly. It has had to borrow $56,000,000 to pay off victims.
In a city that has a murder rate that is one of the highest in the United States (and which grew 57% last year alone), an abandoned downtown area, a school system in receivership, and widespread social degeneration, the cathedral-temple will house Vigneron in palatial style next to the 1,300-seat cathedral, which will, like St. Mary Maytag across the San Francisco Bay (so named because of its bizarre architecture looking like a washing-machine agitator), be substantially abandoned except for Japanese tour busses.
Even Newchurchers are lashing out at Vigneron's Folly. One Newchurch parishioner called it in the local paper "embarrassing and a disgrace." Others have called it a "monstrosity of modernity" and "iconoclasm gone wild." [Source: Associated Press]
JPII's henchman for 26 years, who was paid off by Benedict-Ratzinger with a red hat, has called for censorship of the conservative Radio Maria. Stanislaw Dziwisz, Newchurch cardinal of Krakow, who has already been implicated in a cover-up of Polish presbyters' involvement as spies for the Communist Secret Service, wants to get rid of the radio station's popular director, who has criticized the errors of Vatican II. Dziwisz and the other Polish Newchurch bishops want to transform the independent Catholic station into an mouthpiece for the New Order Church. [Sources: CWN and EJP]
Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski on September 4, 2007, courageously contradicted Dziwicz and strongly supported Radio Maria and its director. Speaking to the press, Kaczynski hailed the role of Radio Maria, which, he said, "reinforced the Church of Poland and Polish Catholicism." Many Poles reject the Vatican II liberalism of the Newchurch bishop and support a conservatism that the bishops despise.
The hypocrisy of Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax parades on. Vincent Nichols, the Newchurch Archbishop of Birmingham, England, delivered an address to the Latin Mass Society in Oxford during the week of August 26, 2006, in favour of the "Motu" Mess, then turned around and simulated for the members Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Novus Ordo service -- in English! Nichols reportedly did so because he didn't want to seem a "prisoner" to "traditionalists." And this is what passes for a conservative Newchurcher these days!
Sources indicate that Nichols is less in favour of the "Motu" Mess than of sidling up to Benedict-Ratzinger to succeed British Newchurch Primate Cormac Murphy-O'Connor. Nichols' use of the Novus Ordo service instead of the "Motu" Mess is being interpreted in Newrome as his public loyalty oath to Benedict-Ratzinger's publicly-stated Vatican II principles and Nichols' acceptance of Newpope's patently absurd statement that the Catholic and Apostolic Traditional Latin Mass (or at least Bugnini's modernized knockoff of 1962) are "the same rite."
This is not the first time that Nichols has played the sycophant to Benedict-Ratzinger. He interfered with Britains' free expression when he attempted to quash the BBC's satirical cartoon series Popetown, which properly took Benedict-Ratzinger and Newchurch to task for aiding and abetting sex crimes and embezzlement. One can only wonder what this "enlightened" Newchurch liberalist would have done with the satirical works of his countryman, St. Thomas More, that pilloried the corruption of the pope in his time. Off with More's head?! [Source: The Times]
When the Vatican separated itself completely from the traditional Faith, I thought that I could safely leave my large estate to those continuing in the true Faith, predominantly the Society of St. Pius X. So it always seemed, until Bernie Fellay took over as Archbishop Lefebvre's successor and gradually associated more and more closely to Newrome. Now I'm nervous.
It is my duty, as God is my witness, to ensure that none of my worldly goods ends up in the New Order Church, which is not Catholic. Therefore, nothing short of a full, open, and universal public statement by Fellay denouncing all of Vatican II and its non-Catholic institutions will restore my confidence, and probably the confidence of many other traditional Catholics such as myself.
While Fellay keeps the SSPX in this limbo of uncertainty, I have changed my will to divide my estate among other traditional organizations, of any stripe, in the hope that some of it will serve God rather than be taken into the devil's coffers by one man, Fellay, who seems to have the power to do it, and never publicly states that he won't.
I encourage other traditional Catholics to follow my lead and demand this unequivocal statement from Fellay before associating any further with the SSPX. The SSPX members have a great deal of power to influence the Fellay administration, but to date many of them have stuck their heads in the sand. I will do so no longer.
Good Catholics, do you get the idea that those conservative Newchurchers who are so enamored of Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax haven't really read Benedict-Ratzinger's documents carefully? Well, Victor Galeone, Newchurch Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, did on August 1, 2007. And he's implementing it literally, but the conservative Newchurchers don't like it because, according to Benedict-Ratzinger's own terms:
It appears that the "half a loaf" conservative Newchurchers think they are getting with the "Motu" Mess is dwindling to a crumb!
Dear Fathers:
One of the many concerns I have about the terms of Summorum Pontificum is that none of its articles ever once mentions that what it calls variously the "extraordinary form," the Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII, and the "Mass of 1962" must be celebrated in Latin! This omission seems to have escaped the notice of the talking-heads so far. Never in any of the articles is that Mass described or defined as a "Latin" Mass.
It is true that Article 6 stipulates that the lections may be delivered in the vernacular, but this does not mean that the rest of the Mass must be in Latin. Between November of 1964 and 1971 (technically 1974), the "Mass of 1962" could be celebrated entirely in the vulgar tongues, using translations approved by local bishops. Thanks to the TRADITIO Network, we also know that there is a priest-presbyter in France who is arguing that he can celebrate the 1962 Mass entirely in French.
I have an uncomfortable feeling that one of the dubia that has already been submitted to the Ecclesia Dei Commission asks about this. And, as we all know, Perl and Calkins, who in reality run that commission, will be only too happy to crow that every presbyter has a right to celebrate the "Mass of 1962" entirely in the vernacular. Just one more loophole in Benedict-Ratzinger's carefully-staged Great "Motu" Mess Hoax!
What is it with Benedict-Ratzinger lately? Has he given up the papal white for the enviro-wacko green? Apparently so. At Loreto, Italy, site of the Holy House of the Madonna and inspiration for the Blessed Virgin Mary's Litany of Loreto [Litaniae Lauretanae], Benedict-Ratzinger spoke of nothing religious, but put on his fallible politician's hat. Taking a page from JPII's book, he presided over a political "eco-friendly" youth rally on September 2, 2007. Sounding more like a pagan tree-worshipper than a pope, Benedict-Ratzinger preached (?) his political screed of "an alliance between man and earth." He also told the reclining young Italian Woodstockers to listen to the "voice of the earth." This alliance, however, did not prevent Newpope from killing a forest of trees to print a Novus Ordo Mess booklet.
At Our Lady's holy city Benedict-Ratzinger simulated a Novus Ordo service (not even his own "Motu" Mess) while the youth, according to a Reuters report, "sprawled over a massive hillside." One of those misnamed "reverent" Novus Ordo services? Hardly. This individual that the conservative Newchurchers hail for the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax looked in his eco-green albo-chasuble every centimetre the Protestant minister. Moreover, he personally passed out into the filthy hands of one and all the invalid Novus Ordo cookie in a vernacular service while his presbyters swarming around the face-the-people altar were self-dunking their cookies into a container of liquid (coffee?).
Good Catholics, no phony "Motu" Mess can cover up the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger is becoming more of a joke than the "Clown Pope," his predecessor, who was given that appellation because of his attachment to Clown Messes and his featuring of clowns during solemn papal audiences.
Good Catholics, if any of you had any doubts about the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, they have been confirmed by Newvatican's shill for the Novus Ordo, Fernando Rifan. This is the "indult" Newchurch bishop who sabotaged traditional bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer's nay-saying to the Novus Ordo, whereby the courageous bishop preserved the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively in Campos, Brazil, from his accession in 1949 until he retired in 1981. And Newvatican didn't touch him. Just think what a blessed situation we would be in today if all the sell-out Newchurch bishops had taken Mayer's tack. Vatican II would have been kaput!
de Castro Mayer, a very traditional bishop who opposed Vatican II, never implemented the conciliar liturgical "reforms" in his populous Brazilian diocese. Until his retirement in 1981, the Traditional Latin Mass was still being celebrated by every priest in every church in Campos. Even after his resignation, throughout the 1980s Mayer continued to be the leader of the traditional Catholics in Campos, who remained the vast majority in that diocese because they had never known the Novus Ordo Mess. [Source: The Catholic Herald]
Now it seems that "indult" Newchurch bishop Rifan is still playing the shill for the Novus Ordo. Rifan, in a speaking tour in England, is carrying Benedict-Ratzinger's true message about "Motu" Mess, that Newchurchers should swallow that fact that the "ordinary rite" (the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service) and the "extraordinary rite" (the Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII) are the same rite. Anyone who accepts that lie must believe that elephants fly!
Rifan also emphasized that Benedict-Ratzinger intended to modify the "Motu" Mess to include more "participation," perhaps hand-holding at the Pater Noster, a Novus Ordo smackeroo at the "Kiss of Peace," but certainly more vernacular. It appears that the conservative Newchurchers haven't really read Summorum pontificum and its attached letter carefully. They've got some real surprises coming if they don't reject the "Motu" Mess now for the great hoax it is.
Good Catholics, remember that "Catholic" colleges aren't. The noted Catholic educator Archbishop Fulton Sheen unabashedly called a spade a spade when he wrote in the 1960s:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your faith.
A case in point. The Newchurch archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, site of two phony "Motu" Messes -- what good are they? -- hired Ann Lamott, noted pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia radical activist, to give the keynote address at Jesuit Crighton University's "ethics" lecture on September 19, 2007. In fact, Lamott openly admits that she murdered a friend of hers under the guise of "euthanasia" by putting poison in her applesauce.
It is well known that of all the Newchurch religious orders, the Jesuits have gone anti-Catholic more than any other. One courageous pope, Clement XIV, suppressed by papal brief the entire Jesuit order throughout Christendom for some forty years from 1773. Too bad Pius VII didn't have the same foresight as his predecessor and restored the Jesuits in 1814. In the 1960s the Jesuits fell again when they took up machine guns and proclaimed Vatican II's "Liberation Theology." This was too much even for the liberalist conciliar pope, the papal architect of the New Order, Paul VI, who from that time expelled the Jesuits from his Newvatican.
After blistering criticism over a period of 24 hours as to whether Newchurch archbishop Elden Curtiss was even Catholic, Curtiss canceled the Lamott address. The question is why didn't he prevent the appointment from the beginning. Exactly because the Newchurch archbishop is not Catholic and was willing to allow a radical spokeswoman for Newchurch's New Morality to have a lectern at his "Catholic" university to spew her anti-Catholic immorality.
But why should we be surprised? Curtiss has come under criminal investigation himself in connection with a pending child-pornography possession case against one of his presbyters and recently admitted negligent supervision of another, who has been convicted of manufacturing pornography and crimes against a child. The chief prosecutor in Madison County, Nebraska, said that Curtiss could face witness-tampering charges. Curtiss himself admitted to removing letters documenting sex crimes from his presbyters' files.
Dear Fathers:
When I became a traditional Catholic in 2002, I was taught by the SSPX to stay away from Novus Ordo presbyters. Because our Superior General, Bernie Fellay, is now embracing the same presbyters that Archbishop Lefvebre called "bastards," I am having second thoughts about becoming a priest with the SSPX. If I proceed, the SSPX might kick me out for not accepting Novus Ordo presbyters as priests in accordance with the statement of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Archbishop Lefebvre had a set of test questions of any conciliar pope to qualify that pope before the SSPX could consider any dealing with him: "Do you agree with the great encyclicals of all the popes who preceded you? Do you agree with Quanta cura of Pius IX, Immortale Dei and Libertas of Leo XIII, Pascendi of Pius X, Quas primas of Pius XI, Humani Generis of Pius XII? Are you in full communion with these popes and their teachings? Do you still accept the entire Anti-Modernist Oath? Are you in favor of the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ? If you do not accept the doctrine of your predecessors, it is useless to talk! As long as you do not accept the need for correcting the [Second Vatican] Council, in consideration of the doctrine of these popes, your predecessors, no dialogue is possible. It is useless."
Clearly Benedict-Ratzinger flunks the Archbishop's test for Catholic orthodoxy. The Archbishop's successor, Bernie Fellay, to the contrary, has accepted hook, line, and sinker the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax with Te Deums and has accepted Benedict-Ratzinger's statement that the Vatican II Mass of "Blessed" John XXIII and the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service are "the same rite." Moreover, Fellay considers the question of the invalidity of the Novus Ordo service as "unimportant." He exonerates the papal architect of the New Order, Paul VI, from responsibility for the New Order, although his signature appears on the implementing documents. Why has Fellay abandoned the Archbishop's principles and why are the SSPX members silent?
The Fathers Reply.
We think that your instincts are correct. The SSPX under Fellay has not maintained the sound reasoning of the Archbishop. You might well find that if you sail in Fellay's boat, your course will be diverted to an entirely different port!
First of all, the Fellay administration has viciously clamped down on its clergy and members from speaking out about the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Fellay wants to keep control of the sell-out to Newrome. Nevertheless, some of his clergy have courageously spoken out against his position anyway.
In addition to that, we are seeing a phenomenon similar to what occurred in the mid 1960s, when most clergy and laity sat back and did nothing to resist the phony New Order imposed by Hannibal Bugnini and Paul VI. As a result, the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Newchurch arose and stamped out traditional Catholicism within its walls. Apparently, the traditional clergy and laity have learned little in forty years. Most of them are still pusillanimous, selling out to the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax; therefore, they will have to suffer for many more years under the New Order because they have not yet learned the lesson that Our Lord is trying to teach them: no compromise is possible with a false Church.
The latest version of the "inculturated" Stations of the Cross is that painted by an aboriginal artist whose avowed purpose is to demean the white settlers of Australia. "Inculturation" is the error of Vatican II that would incorporate pagan practices into supposed Catholicism (Sacrosanctum Concilium, para. 38, 40). This erroneous notion was condemned by previous popes.
Here we go again: the supposed modern notion of charity (the Newchurchers like to call it "love") is to spit in the face of the Christians who gave to the natives civilization -- civilization that those natives do not despise, but embrace! The artist's stated conception was to combine pagan aboriginal "spirituality" with Catholicism. [Source: ABC Australia]
Let's face it: "dead white men" made the western civilization that even its despising liberalist radicals embrace: the Sierra Clubbers who drive polluting cars, the Greenpeacers who eat meat, the profligate Al Gores who consume far more energy than the conserving George Bushes. The radical liberalists dump on all those "dead white men" without whom we would be living just like the aboriginals in Australia, who themselves don't want to live that way any longer!
For traditional Stations of the Cross, click on Holy Cards, California Missions & Stations of the Cross.
Dear Fathers:
As an old man looking at what has happened in Newchurch, I think that it is the trivialization of the Holy Mass and the trivialization of the Sacraments -- all seven of them -- that strikes me first. I was taught, and still believe, that the Sacraments, sincerely received, can get a sinner like me to Heaven almost despite myself! But invalid Newchurch "sacraments" won't do it.
It should be obvious that Newchurch has by its own hand made itself trivial. Just when you think that it cannot get any worse, think again! Yes, there is something worse: that is Newchurch's trivialization of God Himself. In the New Theology, the Triune Sovereign of the Universe may be rejected: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and salvation can still be attained. In Newchurch, our God has been reduced to some easy-going slob who forgives indiscriminately any and all unrepentent sinners. Worship as you please, says Newchurch; it is all the same.
Newchurch's treading on the First Commandment is dangerous indeed.
"Forgive me, presbyter, for I have sinned. I have not recycled my aluminum cans, and I drove my car to work." This is the kind of "eco-confession" being featured by the New Order on September 1-2, 2007, at the Waveney Greenpeace Fair in Britain. On hand will be a Novus Ordo presbyter, who will be "vested" in a green costume in an eco-reconciliation booth has been previously featured at the Glastonbury Festival in show by a comedian. [Source: CathNews]
The local Newchurch bishop, Michael Evans, is well known for preaching liberalist politics instead of religion. In his Pastoral Letter for the First Sunday of Lent 2007, Evans converted the story of Christ's temptations in the desert into an appeal for more "environmentalism." The best spiritual advice he had to offer to Newchurchers for the penitential season was not to leave their TV set on standby!
Good Catholics, everything that the New Order touches turns to blasphemy and sacrilege -- and that includes the new "Motu" Mess, which is to be simulated in Novus Ordo temples, by Novus Ordo presbyters, on Novus Ordo tables. Don't be fooled!
A report from the August 11, 2007, talk given by Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, in Cordoba, Argentina, indicates that Fellay accepts Vatican II if "interpreted according to Tradition." The "spirit" of Vatican II -- to use that term that the Modernists love -- is Modernist. To say that it can be "interpreted according to Tradition" is like saying that one can accept atheistic Communism if interpreted according to capitalism! Apparently, Fellay is gradually moving the SSPX toward the New Order of Vatican II, just as the Modernists gradually moved Newchurch toward the New Order in the 1960s.
In the talk, Fellay tried to rehabilitate the Newpope of the New Order, Paul VI, excusing his illegal imposition of the New Order by blaming it on Paul VI's secretaries. No way, Bernie! As U.S. President Harry Truman said: "The buck stops here." It is Paul VI's personal signature on the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum of April 3, 1969; therefore, Paul VI is the party responsible -- personally, in forma specifica.
In the same talk, Fellay also made a statement that is historically false. He claimed that Paul VI signed the Novus Ordo Missae without reading it. Even if this had been the case, Paul VI would still be responsible. Just try getting out of a contract by telling the other party, "I didn't read it!" But, as a matter of historical fact, which is confirmed by his biographers, Paul VI was obsessive. He made copious notes on every document that he received. He returned the Novus Ordo Missae document to Hannibal Bugnini with such notes.
Is Fellay moving the SSPX toward the position of that Novus Ordo group that accepts Vatican II, the New Theology, the New Liturgy, and the New Morality, but wants a "reform of the reform"? He has already made the outrageous statement, previously reported in these Commentaries from the Mailbox, that whether the Novus Ordo service is valid or invalid is "unimportant." Whatever Fellay personally believes (and we know that some of you SSPXers out there think that he is sincerely traditional), the message that he is conveying to the world is definitely untraditional! One has to wonder whether the SSPX Electors are regretting their hairline election of Fellay last year to serve for another 12 (!) years.
Many are familiar with the Novus Ordo cult Opus Dei, but fewer are familiar with a similar cult called the Legionnaires of Christ. In recent years, members of the Legionnaires, even very prominent government officials, have revealed that as youths they were victimized in the Legion. As usual in Newchurch, the Novus Ordo organization is now initiating a cover-up and attack against the victims. One of those victims stated: "It's a witch hunt. It is proving that the Legion is a cult which controls information, stifles freedom of expression and goes after dissenters."
Charges against the Legion's founder, Marcial Maciel were presented in 1988 to Cardinal Ratzinger when he was JPII's Sex Crimes Czar. The victims afterward accused Ratzinger of attempting to cover up the case because of Maciel's prominence and close relationship with Pope John Paul II, who gave him many public signs of support. In April 2002, when reporter Brian Ross of ABC News asked Ratzinger about the case, Ratzinger slapped him and said, "You do not ask such questions." [Source: ABC News]
For further information on Opus Dei, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Opus Dei."
Yes, you read that right. The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X told the press that whether the Novus Ordo service is valid or not is "unimportant." In other words, it doesn't matter whether Catholics are receiving the Corpus Christi or a cookie. The degree to which Fellay has sold out to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch at this point is really quite shocking.
His statement was included in an August 27, 2007, interview that he gave to the Argentinean daily newspaper, La Nación:
La Nación: Is the new Mass valid?
Fellay: It can be, but this is not important. What is important is that we see in it a danger which may lead to an erroneous thought. We say that this Mass [sic] has a Protestant flavor.
So, the Novus Ordo service has erroneous "thought." It has the wrong "flavor." Sounds a lot like Newchurch vagueness, doesn't it? But that's okay. Munch the Novus Ordo cookie anyway. It appears that more and more that SSPX has given up its leadership position in fighting for the true Faith. Archbishop Lefebvre must be turning over in his grave.
Dear Fathers:
In our chapel we have people who follow the TRADITIO Commentaries from the Mailbox religiously. They get more and more stirred up as they read the latest news of corruption in Newchurch. Could you explain the role of satire in the Commentaries from the Mailbox?The Fathers Reply.
We delight in being part of the tradition in the Catholic Church of using satire to pillory corruption in the leaders of the Church. For example, St. Thomas More and the Venerable Desiderius Erasmus used biting satire quite effectively in their time, which was one of substantial corruption.
But perhaps more importantly, Our Lord Jesus Christ set the example by using heavily-biting satire against corrupt Church officials of His time, although he was quite charitable to individual souls who were penitent. Take a look at Matthew 23 and similar passages throughout Scripture. Our Lord calls the corrupt officials of the Church in His time every name in the book. No wonder they conspired to kill Him!
Our satire, as we openly say, is deliberately biting and intended to arouse indignation on the part of our readers. We use many tried-and-true classical devices (plays on words, metaphors, similes, etc.) to give the truth a "punch." Indignation is justified anger; it is part of the virtue of justice. It is a zealous desire to see justice and right done, and evil overcome.
All too many who call themselves Catholic sit back and accept evil in the Church because they are too slothful or cowardly to stand up for the Faith the way that Catholics are supposed to. They feel more comfortable with sweet words, unearned ecclesiastical titles, and cover-ups. Yet if they had nipped this corruption in the bud, they wouldn't today have to suffer today under the Novus Ordo service, bad popes who allow children to be raped by their clergy, and sacraments that seem more and more doubtful or invalid. They wouldn't have to put up with a phony "Motu" Mess at best. They would have true Traditional Latin Mass, the true Faith, and true morality.
Benedict-Ratinger has knighted Rabbi Leon Klenicki, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League's Interfaith Affairs Director Emeritus, for his "oecumenical" activities, as a Papal Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. In 1986, JPII broke the Catholic requirement by knighting Joseph Lichten. Klenicki said that he had "many meetings through the years" with Ratzinger. Benedict-Ratzinger, as previously reported on the TRADITIO Network, has actively participated as pope in synagogue services in his native Germany.
Highly praising Benedict-Ratzinger's action to confer a papal knighthood on a Jewish rabbi was the virulently anti-Catholic Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League. This is a man who has said the most vile things against traditional Catholics, such as Mel Gibson and many others.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops has strayed so far from any semblance of Catholicism that it has recommended to all U.S. Newchurch bishops and cardinals that they observe "Holocaust Memorial Day" by using as a "liturgy" the Jewish service prepared by Rabbi Klenicki.