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At this time of year the question often arises about the celebration of Halloween by Catholics. Is it, for instance, "pagan" to dress up and go about as ghosts and goblins? The question often comes up because many modern Christians (mostly non-Catholic ones) believe that Halloween has something to do with worshipping the Devil and participating in witchcraft. The truth is that the origins of Halloween are rooted deeply in the theology and popular customs of Catholics.
It is a revision of actual history to say that our modern celebration of Halloween has origins in Druid customs. It is true that the ancient Celts celebrated a major feast (the Celtic New Year) on October 31st, but the fact is that they celebrated a festival on the last day of almost every month. Halloween," a contraction of "All Hollows Eve," falls on October 31st because the Feast of All Saints or "All Hallows" falls on November 1st. The feast in honor of all the Saints used to be celebrated on May 13th, but Pope Gregory III, in 731, moved it to November 1st, the dedication day of All Saints Chapel in St. Peter's in Rome. This feast spread throughout the world. In 998, St. Odilo, the abbot of the powerful monastery of Cluny in France, added a celebration on November 2nd. This was a day of prayer for the souls of all the faithful departed. Therefore, the Church had a feast of the Saints and those in Purgatory.
It was the Irish Catholics who came up with the idea to remember somehow those souls who did not live by the Faith in this life. It became customary for these Irish to bang on pots and pans on All Hallow's Eve to let the damned know that they were not forgotten. In Ireland, then, all the dead came to be remembered. This, however, is still not exactly like our celebration of Halloween. On Halloween we also dress up in costumes. This practice arose in France during the 14th and 15th centuries. During the horrible bubonic plague, the Black Death, Europe lost half of her population. Artists depicted this on walls to remind us of our own mortality. These pictures and representations are known as the "Dance of Death" or "Dance Macabre." These figures were commonly painted on cemetery walls and showed the Devil leading a daisy chain of people into the tomb. Sometimes the dance was re-enacted on All Soul's Day as a living tableau, with people dressed up as the dead. But the French dressed up on All Souls, not Halloween, and the Irish, who celebrated Halloween, did not dress up. The two were brought together in the colonies of North America during the 18th century, when Irish and French Catholics began to intermarry. Thus, the two celebrations became mingled, and we began dressing up on Halloween.
"Trick-or-Treating" is a very odd addition to Halloween. It is the (unwilling) contribution of English Catholics. Guy Fawkes Day became a great celebration against Catholics in England. It celebrated the day on which the plot to blow up Parliament and King James I was discovered. This was on November 5, 1605. Guy Fawkes was the rather reckless man guarding the gunpowder. He was arrested and hanged. During these times of persecution of the Catholic Church, bands of revelers would wear masks and visit Catholics in the night demanding they be given cakes and beer. Guy Fawkes Day arrived in the American colonies with the first English settlers. Old King James had long been forgotten, but "Trick-or-Treating" was too much fun to give up. Eventually, it moved to the Irish/French Catholic masquerade. This practice of "Trick-or-Treating" was simply moved to coincide with the Catholic celebration involving dressing up. The ancient Druids did contribute the candy, which was used to welcome the good spirits, and masks (jack o'lanterns), which were used to scare away the evil spirits.
Halloween can still serve the purpose of reminding us about Hell and how to avoid it. Halloween is also a day to prepare us to remember those who have gone before us in Faith, those already in Heaven and those still suffering in Purgatory. Halloween is a time to let people know about our Catholic roots and significance. Catholic parents who are not comfortable with the worst secular aspects of Halloween, which are admittedly increasing, can avail themselves of alternative activities on that day: family prayer and fasting for the Vigil of All Saints Day, visitations of houses in the garments of non-devilish personae, the reading aloud of stories of the Saints or of seasonal literature such as Edgar Allen Poe's The Masque of the Red Death and Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and the playing of seasonal music such as Saint-Saens Danse Macabre, Modest Moussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain, and Sergei Rachmaninoff's Isle of the Dead.
A word of caution, however. The Church has always condemned as sins against the First Commandment, and thus cautioned her children to stay far away from, astrology, charms, divination, fortune-telling, magic, ouija boards, sorcery, spells, witchcraft, and other occult activities, even if they are treated in a trivial or jesting fashion. St. Thomas Aquinas says that it is not permitted to Christians even to dabble in such things: "Man has not been entrusted with power over the demons to employ them to whatsoever purpose he will. On the contrary, it is appointed that he should wage war against the demons. Hence, in no way is it lawful for man to make use of the demons' help by compacts -- either tacit or express" (IIa-IIae, Q96, Art. 3). We remember too the the Prayer to St. Michael against Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo [Satan and the other evil spirits who roam in the world for the ruin of souls]. As in all things, parents must be sure to teach their children the proper balance in such matters, erring neither on the side of defect or excess.
For further information on Halloween, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Halloween."
True to form, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican won't do anything about its child-raping presbyters and bishops, but when a presbyter charges that Newvatican itself is invested with homosexuals, Newvatican takes lightening-bolt action!
After Benedict-Ratzinger's permissive stance on ordaining "gay" presbyters, a stance that shocked even conservative Newchurchers who had supported him, speculation increased about just how "gay" his new papacy and his Newvatican are. Well, one Presbyter Tommaso Stenico publicly announced that he had the goods on Newvatican, "a detailed dossier" of all the homosexuals in Newvatican "with a list of names and circumstances implicating a certain number of priests [presbyters] and even bishops working at the Curia." Stenico sent his superior, Marxist Cardinal Claudio Hummes, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clery, a report denouncing the moral degradation within the Newchurch Curia. [Source: Agence France-Presse]
And what did this Newvatican whistleblower get? Suspension! Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican haven't yet met an honest man that they didn't persecute.
Newchurch bishops and presbyters have become so infected with immorality that large damage awards to victims have forced dioceses to sell off property to pay the damages. The Newchurch bishops often use this situation as an excuse to sell off the most beautiful traditional churches, so that only the newer Novus Ordo temples will remain.
It turns out that one of the largest financial backers of Senator Hillary Clinton, a candidate for the U.S. Presidency in 2008, has been profiting hugely from buying these churches and converting them to secular use. Billionaire Ron Burkle started a company that would buy up church properties, raze them, and develop them into condominia and mini-malls.
An aide of Hillary's husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, brokered a deal with Raffaello Follieri to be CEO of Burlke's venture. When Follieri ran up $1,300,000 in personal expenses, Burlke canned him, but Burlke remains one of Hillary's biggest backers in her 2008 bid for the U.S. Presidency. Both Clintons are said to be "close" to Burkle. [Source: New York Daily News]
It may be, therefore, that Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign is funded in part by the destruction of traditional Catholic churches.
The Niederauer Outrage grows and grows. You readers remember that George Niederauer, Benedict-Ratzinger's personal appointee as Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, held a Novus Ordo Mess at his "gay" parish in the heart of the homosexual district of that city, gave the invalid Novus Ordo cookie to two transvestites dressed up as "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," and blessed the parish's entry in the annual "Gay Pride" Parade that followed the Mess, in which participants denuded themselves and engaged in sex acts on the floats.
Now, if you were a Catholic bishop, what would you do? Go to the parish. Give it the message of Christ: convert and do penance. Abhor the Sin the Cries to God for Vengeance. Sweep the temple clean, or shut it down. But the leaders of Newchurch, including Pope Benedict-Ratzinger himself, have learned nothing from the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. That is why it continues unabated.
Niederaurer's concelebrant at the "Gay" Mess, Newjesuit Donald Godfrey, chastised those who objected to the outrage, saying, "I thought it was disrespectful for somebody to go to another church with the intention of filming it without asking the pastor permission to do that and, second, with the intention of using that in a hostile way, without having a conversation first with the pastor. On the face of it, they were out to get the archbishop." (It is perfectly acceptable, however, for Newchurch to treat traditional Catholics in a hostile way and "get" them for their Catholic beliefs.)
You see, good Catholics, in Newchurch the outrage is not what Niederauer did, it is not what the pastor and his Newparish do, it is not what the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" do, the real sin is that the filming didn't go through Newchurch bureaucratic channels! Newchurch is completely clueless about the Catholic Faith. All Benedict-Ratzinger, his #2 man Tarcisio Bertone, and now Niederauer have learned is to shoot the messenger. In their view, The Outrage is not what Niederauer did; it is what those who reported what Niederauer did.. Just as the problem of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal is not the presbyter-rapists themselves, but their child-victims. In the Newchurch view, the children shouldn't have told on their rapists. They should have suffered the rapes in silence, just as the Newchurchers should have remained silent about Niederauer's Outrage. Scandal should be covered up, you see, so that the Newchurchers aren't disturbed about what is going on.
Some of the TRADITIO Network's readers don't like us mentioning these things. They would prefer that these great public sins of the Newchurch leaders, including Newpope's, be passed over in silence. They prefer to idolize a pope who aids and abets crimes. They don't want to know the truth. They are ostriches, preferring to stick their heads in the sand rather than facing the truth. We, however, follow what the Great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine, warned: "It is better that the truth be known than the scandal be covered up."
Many of you readers have written to us Fathers asking why God is doing this to his Church. The answer is: He isn't; we are doing it to ourselves. What just God would help a people who support the rape of children by putting their coins into the Newchurch collection-plate? What God would help a people who accept and even cheer presbyter-rapists? What God would help a people who are too pusillanimous to fight for the true Mass and instead accept the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax or, worse, the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess itself? What God would help a Church whose pope allows morally-filthy leaders like Niederauer and Mahoney to remain in office a single day longer?
As St. Paul wrote: "Wherefore, God gave them up to the desires of their heart" (Romans 1:24/DRV). In other words, the Newchurchers have brought this on themselves.
Today, on the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, by a decree of Pope Pius XI in 1925, the Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is to be recited and the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is to be recited (or, better, chanted) before the Most Blessed Sacrament Exposed. For all those in the congregation, Holy Mother Church offers a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, which may be transferred to a Holy Soul in Purgatory. The official text in Latin, as well as an English rendition, is given below.
Iesu dulcissime, Redemptor humani generis, respice nos ad altare tuum humillime provolutos. Tui sumus, tui esse volumus; quo autem tibi coniuncti firmius esse possimus, en hodie sacratissimo Cordi tuo se quisque nostrum sponte dedicat. Te quidem multi novere nunquam; te, spretis mandatis tuis, multi repudiarunt. Miserere utrorumque, benignissime Iesu, atque ad sanctum Cor tuum rape universos.
Rex esto, Domine, nec fidelium tantum qui nullo tempore discessere a te, sed etiam prodignorum filiorum qui te reliquerunt: fac hos, ut domum paternam cito repetant, ne miseria et fame pereant. Rex esto eorum, quos aut opinionum error deceptos habet, aut discordia separatos, eosque ad portum veritatis atque ad unitatem fidei revoca, ut brevi fiat unum ovile et unus pastor.
Rex esto eorum omnium, qui in tenebris idolatriae aut islamismi adhuc versantur, eosque in lumen regnumque tuum vindicare ne renuas. Respice denique misericordiae oculis illius gentis filios, quae tamdiu populus electus fuit: et Sanguis, qui olim super eos invocatus est, nunc in illos quoque redemptionis vitaeque lavacrum descendat.
Largire, Domine, Ecclesiae tuae securam cum incolumitate libertatem; largire cunctis gentibus tranquillitatem ordinis; perfice, ut ab utroque terrae vertice una resonet vox: Sit laus divino Cordi, per quod nobis parta salus: ipsi gloria et honor in saecula. Amen.
MOST sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate in Thy presence. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united with Thee, behold, each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart.
Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinion, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and the unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.
Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine eyes of mercy towards the children of that race, once Thy chosen people. Of old, they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may It now descend upon them as a laver of redemption and of life.
Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise be to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to It be glory and honor forever. Amen.
The Newchurch Jesuit presbyter who served as spiritual advisor to Mother Theresa and her Missionaries of Charity was convicted in 2006 of raping two students in the 1960s and now has been accused in an Illinois court on October 23, 2007, of raping two more children as recently as 2002. After his 2006 conviction, Donald McGuire was allowed to remain at large on probation because "the authorities did not consider him a risk to children," even though he had been sentenced to two concurrent seven-year prison terms.
McGuire compounded his rapes with sacrilege, as the acts took place with the children in the Newchurch "reconciliation room". He has been living on probation and perpetrating further rapes at the same time that he was simulating the Novus Ordo Mess. McGuire had been accused by another child of rape, but the statute of limitations had passed, so McGuire escaped prosecution on this charge.
Where do these Newchurchers get their morals? From a Roman stable? United States presidential candidate Rudolph Giuliani, already under fire for his immoral pro-abortion stance, has hired a Newchurch "monsignor" defrocked because of charges that he raped three children. Placa "presided" in New Order fashion over Giuliani's "second wife," TV personality Donna Hanover, after Giuliani had gotten one of those Newchurch divorces ("annulments") in 1983 from his first wife, Regina Peruggi. To complete this trail of immorality, Giuliani in July 2002 divorced "wife" #2 in civil court, but this time didn't even go through the pretense of getting a Newchurch "annulment." In May 2003, bigamist Giuliani took "wife" #3, Julia Nathan.
To add to the scandal of this Newchurcher's "marriages," several months ago Giuliani employed Placa, defrocked on several child-rape charges. According to one of Placa's victims, who claimed that he was raped numerous times by the Newchurch "monsignor": "This man did unjust things, and he's being protected and employed and taken care of.... This man harmed children. He still could do it. He deserves to be shown for what he was, or is."
Nevertheless, Giuliani continues to defend Placa, in spite of sworn testimony about a "priest," identified as Placa, before a New York Grand Jury in 2002. That Grand Jury issued a report stating that the "priest's" victims were raped "again and again and again." In addition, the Grand Jury report also stated that the "priest," in his role as an ecclesiastical lawyer, became instrumental in an archdiocesan policy that used "deception and intimidation" to keep Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal quiet. "He was more concerned with protecting the priests [sic], protecting the reputation of the diocese, and protecting the [New]church coffers than he was protecting the children," said one victims' attorney. Placa escaped the long arm of the law because the statute of limitations in New York had passed. However, Newchurch had at least enough guts to "defrock" him. Placa works as a mortgage broker. [Source: ABC News]
Good Catholics, the moral corruption of Newchurch is now gushing out everywhere. Benedict-Ratzinger, whose ultimate responsibility the corruption is, thinks that he can buy off Newchurch conservatives with his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Because Newchurchers, whether conservative or liberalist, have by now become thoroughly corrupted by the New Order, many will in fact pander to Benedict "Arnold" Ratzinger, who, like his namesake, has sold out his papal office, like so many "bad" popes of past Church history.
Traditional Catholic Producer-Director-Actor Mel Gibson become a grandfather at 51 for the first time, as his only daughter and eldest child, Hannah gave birth gave birth to her first child on October 10, 2007, the same day on which Gibson's father-in-law died in Adelaide, Australia. Hannah wed musician Kenny Wayne Shepherd in September 2006 in the traditional Catholic matrimonial rite at Holy Family Church in Malibu, California.
Holy Family is the church that Mel Gibson is building out of the profits from The Passion of the Christ, his 2004 blockbuster, which portrayed the last hours of Christ from traditional, original sources and has earned Gibson more than half a billion dollars to date, much of which he has put into traditional Catholic causes through his foundations, the A.P. Reilly Foundation and the World Faith Foundation.
At one time Hannah, 26, contemplated becoming a traditional Catholic nun, but eventually found her vocation in the married state. Our contacts at the church describe Hannah as being even more of a traditional Catholic than her father.
Readers of the TRADITIO Network will remember the "conservative Catholic" university that multi-millionaire pizza purveyor Thomas Monaghan, an avowed partisan of Newchurch, built near Naples, Florida. Monaghan pulled in another avowed partisan of Newchurch, Newjesuit Presbyter Joseph Fessio, to be chancellor. Fessio and Monaghan later got into a cat-fight, with Monaghan firing Fessio and having security guard escort him off the campus.
There have long been serious charges by faculty and parents of Ave Maria University's students, from its original site in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Now three professors of the university's law school have sued Monaghan and other university officers. They charge that they were removed from their positions in retaliation for their having reported illegal conduct by Monaghan and Dean Dobranski to law enforcement and other governmental agencies, and for refusing to go along with Monaghan's attempts to control the university board improperly by permitting his private, conflicting interests to supersede the best interests of the law school, including his attempt to re-locate the school from Ann Arbor to "Ave Maria Town" near Naples, Florida.
Monaghan, whose brain is as peppered with pepperoni as it is with the New Order, claimed that the Virgin Mary "personally directed him to develop Ave Maria Town and Ave Maria University in southwest Florida." A faculty vote against the planned move in September 2006 and a vote of "no confidence" in Dean Dobranski in April 2006 have not deterred Monaghan. Two of these professors were denied tenure by Dobranski even though they received the unanimous support of the tenured faculty.
Tenured Professor Safranek was ejected from the building and his salary and benefits terminated. Dobranski and Monaghan did not even grant him a hearing. The suit claims that Professor Safranek has been subjected to false smears as part of the retaliation effort, that certain staff used their positions and law-school resources to obstruct a criminal investigation into a priest's alleged involvement in sex crimes and that Professor Safranek reported this to law enforcement. All sounds like business as usual for Newchurch, doesn't it?
It appears that something is desperately wrong with Monaghan's "Marian vision." This lawsuit is the latest debacle in the collapse of Ave Maria School of Law. In the summer of 2007, nearly half of the faculty fled or were removed from the school. Approximately 40 first-year students transferred to other law schools (out of a class of 135), and the quality of the incoming class continued to decline. Dobranski was forced to hire a slew of visiting professors and adjunct professors to keep the school afloat. [Source: Law School Reports]
Things are going from bad to worse for Ave Maria University, for Monaghan, and for Newchurch. Newchurch is Newchurch is Newchurch. It doesn't matter whether it is "conservative" or "liberal." It partakes in the same immoral muck.
Benedict-Ratzinger announced on October 17, 2007, his picks to be new Newcardinals of Newchurch. An example of Ratzinger's Modernist selections is Oswald Gracias, Newchurch archbishop of Bombay. Gracias is well known as a promoter of the error of False Oecumenism, what Newchurch likes to call "interreligious dialogue and religious freedom."
It is revealing to note that Newcardinal Gracias, like the other appointments, has not a drop of traditional Catholicism in him. He was never ordained a priest, but merely "installed" as a presbyter under Hannibal Bugnini's New Ordinal of 1969. He was never consecrated a bishop, but merely "installed" under Hannibal Bugnini's New Ordinal of 1969.
The Reverend Rod Thomas, a new chairman in the Anglican traditional movement, announced at the movement's national conference in London, attended by more than 200 delegates during the week of October 14, 2007, that traditional Anglicans may be forced to carry out ordinations outside of the modernist "mainline" Anglican Church in view of the latter's "liberal threat." He stated: "Increasingly, parishes will want to distance themselves from those bishops whose teaching is unbiblical and divisive." Thomas explained that traditional Anglicans would consider turning to foreign bishops to carry out ordinations. "You can see this happening more frequently as the liberal threat increases and we need to plan ahead to maintain our role of reforming the Church." [Source: the Church of England Newspaper]
Traditional Catholics have an even more serious reason for turning away from Newchurch for ordinations: the invalidity of the New Ordinal. The Ordinal used in Newchurch since 1969 is not the traditional one, which corresponds to Pope Pius XII's 1947 dogmatic confirmation of the traditional form of Holy Orders, but the one that was fabricated by the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant ministers.
Benedict-Ratzinger, having perpetrated the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, is now starting to diddle with sacred music. During Newpope's September 9, 2007, Mess at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Haydn's Mariazeller Mass was injected. On November 19, 2006, in St. Peter's Basilica, Mozart's Coronation Mass was injected. While one cannot condemn his promotion of such works, this year the classical focus turned to a modern "Eightieth Birthday" Mess, composed by the contemporary German Wolfgang Seifein (don't you long for an Italian pope again?).
The ironic thing about the use of great classical Masses such as those by Haydn and Mozart is that they were not written for the Novus Ordo service; they were written for the Traditional Latin Mass. Certainly Mozart and Haydn, both Catholics, would not have recognized Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo service. They would have viewed it as, at best, an heretical Protestant service!
Here is exposed the schizophrenia of Benedict-Ratzinger. This is a man who wrote in 1993 that the Novus Ordo service was not part of Catholic tradition, but was "fabricated ... manufactured." Yet he continues to simulate the very service that he called phony then!
The height of his schizophrenia was demonstrated for all the world to see in his televised broadcast of the service from St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. With the strains of Haydn's great Mass in the background, Benedict-Ratzinger stood in one of the great cathedrals of the world, not at the high altar, but at a microscopic table, not facing toward the great crucifix, but toward "the people," not using the Church's universal language, Latin, but a vulgar tongue, German, not celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass, but simulating the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
The schola of St. Peter's Basilica has been scaled down to sing only for the Novus Ordo service on Sundays and Novus Ordo Sunday Vespers. The rest of the traditional Divine Office, most of which was suppressed or mangled by Hannibal Bugnini's Novus Ordo bastardization, is absent from the papal basilica: no Matins, no Lauds, no solemn Terce before the Pontifical Mass, no Compline, not to speak of the Minor Hours of Prime, Sext, and None.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is just another one of those Newchurch Modernists who talk a good game to fool you and trick out of you your denarii for its collection-plate (alias Sex Crimes Fund), but who is short on action. The day that Benedict-Ratzinger puts his action where his mouth is and celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass (not even the "Mass of 1962"), at the same time suppressing the invalid Novus Ordo service, then we will believe that he is Catholic.
Dear Fathers:
After a prolonged absence I was once more in Rome a few weeks ago. I tuned to Vatican Radio. That was a surprise! Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat had given way to Newchurch "nuns" reminiscing with Newchurch presbyters on which songs they liked best from the 1970s. I saw greater reverence among the tourists than I saw among the Newchurch "clergy." I wept over a city that used to be the earthly centre of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Dear Fathers:
I have noted that most of the Commentaries from the Mailbox regarding Pope John XXIII are generally positive and affirm his commitment to Tradition. Why, then, is he the undisputed champion of the enemies of Tradition. The "Catholic" university establishment, as well as the anti-Catholic presbyters and religious, acknowledge as their superhero John XXIII, who made the "sweeping reforms" which we now "enjoy." Numerous awards named after John XXIII are usually given to the most radical and the most revolutionary recipients.
The Fathers Reply.
We think that the answer is simple. John XXIII was a popular figure, so the Modernists want to coopt him to their cause. You don't believe the Modernist presbyters and religious in other matters, so why would you trust them on their understanding of John XXIII? No doubt John XXIII was infected with a certain Modernism himself, mostly in the political sphere. However, he was a good deal more traditional in the liturgical and doctrinal areas than the Modernist histories tell you. In many ways, he was more traditional than Pius XII.
Remember, it was Pius XII who appointed Hannibal Bugnini in 1947 to the Commission to Reform the Liturgy, from which post the Freemason-presbyter in the 1950s changed the Easter Vigil, gutted Holy Week, changed the long-standing ranking of feastdays, and minimized the ancient Eucharistic fast. John XXIII fired Bugnini. Pius XII commissioned a new translation of the Psalter. John XXIII restored St. Jerome's traditional Psalter. He even seems to have had an entirely different idea for Vatican II than what actually occurred when Modernists like Fr. Ratzinger wrested control away from the pope, who was then dying of stomach cancer.
One cannot ignore -- what all the Modernist histories ignore -- the singular importance that John XXIII attached to the Tradition of the Church by his promulgation in the most solemn form of the 1962 Apostolic Constitution, Veterum Sapientia, which confirmed (once again) the necessity of the exclusive use of Latin in the Church and a 7-8 year curriculum in the Church's language for all seminarians, with most seminary courses to be taught in that language.
It is ironic that those who object to John XXIII are often the same ones who are willing to settle for "Motu" Messes on Novus Ordo "dinner tables" with "installed" presbyters who have had merely a two-day "crash course" in Latin. John XXIII absolutely condemned such an idea. If those who want the "Mass of 1962" were honest, they would require exactly what John XXIII required in 1962 by his Papal Bull: 7-8 years of Latin and the ability to speak, read, and write it fluently.
For the text of John XXIII's Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia and an eyewitness account of his solemn promulgation of it, click on LATNECES: Necessity of Latin for the Roman Catholic Church, From the writings of Roman Catholic Saints, Popes, and Theologians.
George Niederauer, Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, Benedict-Ratzinger's personal appointee to pander to the "gay" community, although under fire for giving the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and grape juice to two open transvestites clothed as the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," a radical homosexual organization, has done nothing to shut down his "gay" Newparish, Most Holy Redeemer, but has instead decided to defuse criticism by ordering a cover-up.
Niederauer can't seem to find enough Catholicism in himself to order the shut down of this travesty of a parish, but he can order the removal of the facts from the Newparish's web site. He has ordered a thank-you for his support from one of the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," to whom he personally gave the cookie, to be removed from the online version of the Newparish bulletin approved by the pastor. In the published thank-you, "Sister Delta Goodhand" praised Archbishop George Niederauer for the "wonderful Mass [sic]" and the Newchurch congregation for being "so welcoming."
Niederauer has also tried to remove evidence that he personally knew that the "Gay" Pride Parade he blessed on the same day featured full frontal male nudity and sex acts. The "Sisters" is a radical activist organization of homosexual men who wear makeup and dress in bizarre costume to parody nuns. They are known for for their ongoing efforts to ridicule Catholic teaching on sexual morality and marriage.
Shortly after the Novus Ordo Mess that he simulated at the "gay" Newparish on the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7, 2007, Niederauer lied to the press and people of San Francisco, indicating that he did not realize the transvestites in full female regalia were members of the "Sisters" (as if the bizarre dress wasn't enough for him to deny the cookie). Even Niederauer's chancery admitted that Niederaure was aware of his parish's official participation in the annual "Gay Pride" Parade. "It's no secret that a contingent of the parish has participated in the parade for years," said Niederauer's spokesman, who also admitted that he was aware of the parade including numerous participants going fully nude and engaging in sexual activities. "I'm fully aware of those yeah," said the spokesman.
In November 2006, the Niederauer's parish hit the news when it hosted a "gay" bingo game on church grounds, which included sexually-explicit activities, pornographic DVDs, and sex toys. In April 2007, a "Gay" Mess was broadcast over the BBC from the parish. The Mess was simulated by a Jesuit presbyter. [Source: LSN]
Good Catholics, we are not surprised by any of this. Niederauer was appointed archbishop of San Francisco by Benedict-Ratzinger to schmooze the "gay" radicals. The antics at Holy Redeemer Newparish have been going on for years and were approved by Benedict-Ratzinger's Doctrinal Czar, William Levada, who was Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco until 2005, when Benedict-Ratzinger spirited him off to Newrome to prevent his having to testify in U.S. federal court about his personal involvement in the sex scandals when he was Newchurch archbishop of Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California.
What outrages us, frankly, are the Newchurch "conservatives," who are expressing their outrage against the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," but not against Niederauer's continuance as archbishop. These "conservatives" have big mouths, but lack the organs that the "gay" pride demonstrators exhibited during the parade. No wonder Newchurch remains mired in a scandal greater than that in the reign of the Bad Pope, Alexander VI.
As long as Newchurch members countenance. and even defend, the likes of George Nideraurer, Bernard Law, Roger Mahony, and Benedict-Ratzinger, they deserve the immoral quicksand that has swallowed their New Order up!
For "apparition" chasers, here is a provocative image: JPII burning in the flames of Hell. Or is it? A Polish man photographed the "apparition," an eerie figure formed by the flames of a bonfire during an April 2, 2007, ceremony near JPII's birthplace at Katowice in southern Poland, held to mark the second anniversary of JPII's death.
Actually, the man who took the photograph did not see the "apparition" until he returned home and looked at the photographs that he had taken. Then he claimed on the internet and in the press that it was an "apparition" of JPII. The hundreds that had attended the ceremony did not see the "apparition" either. [Source: UK Daily Mail]
For further information on Catholic teaching regarding Private Revelations/Apparitions/Visions, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Private Revelations/Apparitions/Visions."
Roger "Rogue" Mahony, Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles, has awarded his 2008 Cardinal Award to Newjesuit presbyter Robert Lawton, president of Loyola Marymount University of Los Angeles. Lawton has angered even conservative Newchurchers by his rejection of Catholic teaching by approving official lectures by those opposing clerical celibacy and those advocating euthanasia and abortion. He has also approved the official staging of the blasphemous Vagina Monologues and the establishment of a "Gay/Straight Alliance" on campus.
Mahony was recently ordered by a US court to pay over a billion US dollars in damage awards for his presbyters' sex crimes. He is widely known in Newchurch as the "Arch-heretic" because of his anti-Catholic viewpoints. He was also exposed in a 1998 U.S. News & World Report investigative report as conducting a $100,000,000 kickback scheme involving the extortion of money from mortuaries and bereaved families in their time of grief.
Dear Fathers:
We began attending an "indult" (now "Motu") Mess during Lent of 1993. These are the aberrations that I have noticed:
I wrote a letter against these aberrations to Hoyos' "Ecclesia Dei" Commission in Newrome, to the local bishop, and to the presbyter himself -- all to no avail. I concluded that the "Indult" Mass or "Motu" Mess, or whatever they're calling it these days, is a New Order deception, a stratagem to get conservative Newchurchers into Novus Ordo temples to accept the invalid Novus Ordo service and to munch on the invalid Novus Ordo cookie!
Bill Moore, the father-in-law of Mel Gibson, the traditional Catholic producer and director of The Passion of the Christ, died on October 10, 2007, in Adelaide, Australia, where the Gibson family resided for many years, although Gibson was born in Poughkeepsie, New York. Mel accompanied his wife and seven children to Australia form their home in Malibu, California. However, he decided to stay away from the funeral itself because he did not want to draw the paparazzi to such a private event.
Mel Gibson's own father, Hutton Gibson, of the Alliance for Catholic Tradition, has published a detailed analysis of Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum and his accompanying letter "To My Dear Brother Bishops." Gibson excoriates the errors included in Benedict-Ratzinger's letter and stands uncompromisingly behind Pope St. Pius V's Solemn Papal Bull Quo primum, as valid in perpetuity, upon the Catholic and Apostolic authority of Sacred Tradition and a dogmatic Council.
It has been heralded around Newrome that Summorum Pontificum and the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax have so angered Newchurch bishops that the Ecclesia Dei Commission has been ordered to prepare an instruction that will water down its terms in practical application. The objections of the bishops have been muted in public, so that they do not sound personally antagonistic to Benedict-Ratzinger, but in private the bishops have been outspoken in their criticism.
The Ecclesia Dei Commission, includes members who have expressed their opposition to even the Mass of 1962, let alone the Traditional Latin Mass: Newcardinal William Levada, Newvaticans #3 Man and head of the Doctrinal Commission, who refused any "indult" Messes when archbishop of San Francisco; Newcardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, of Bordeaux, France, who has been outspoken against the "indult" Mess. The powerful long-time General Secretary of the Commission, Msgr. Camillo Perl, is also known to be hostile to "indult" Messes and works subtly to limit their application.
The filthy morals of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch continue in the United States, where the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who claims to be a "Catholic," that is, a Newchurcher, has signed into law bills banning such terms as mother, father, husband, wife from state school textbooks because these terms are considered "negative" by the radical "gay" lobby. The new laws also order schools to permit boys to use girls' restrooms, and girls to use boys' restrooms, to accommodate transvestites and transsexuals. The radical "gay" lobby avowedly wishes to force "alternative lifestyles" onto children of all ages, from pre-school to high school, even if the children's parents object. One commentator described California schools now as " homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination centers."
The Schwarzenegger action is expect to affect schools across the nation, since California is the largest purchaser of schoolbooks, and it is too expensive for publishers to publish separate editions of every textbook. Last year he vetoed similar bills, but this year he flipflopped to side with the radical liberalist extremists that control the state legislature. The new laws ban anything in the public schools that could be interpreted as "negative" toward homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, bestiality, and other alternative lifestyle "choices." There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs. Terms such as mother, father, husband, wife are viewed as promoting discrimination against homosexuals if a same-sex couple is not also featured in the text. The new laws also provide for "anti-harassment" training for parents of public-school children.
Textbooks are now required to include positive portrayals of "alternative" lifestyles at every government-operated school. Now banned by law is any text, reference, or teaching aid that portrays marriage as only between a man and woman, materials that say people are born male or female, sources that fail to include a variety of transsexual, bisexual and homosexual historical figures, and sex education materials that fail to offer the option of sex changes. Children must now be permitted to use the restroom and locker-room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify, whether or not it is their biological sex (which is now a banned concept). [Source: World Net Daily]
Good Catholics, the post-conciliar popes have clearly backed off traditional Catholic morality. "Saint" JPII before and now Benedict-Ratzinger lead a New Order Church that has drowned itself in a morass of sex crimes on the part of its highest officials. Benedict-Ratzinger has softened Newchurch's stand against sodomy, traditionally one of the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance, and has allowed homosexuality to run rampant in his Newchurch "seminaries," which have been turned into little more than brothels for "gay" pandering. Could Our Lord's words to the High Priest and Church leaders of His time be any more appropriate to the pope and leaders of the Newchurch of our time: "My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:13/DRV).
Benedict-Ratzinger is continuing his predecessor's Novus Ordo saint mill. Newvatican has announced that 506 people will be beatified in the space of just two months, October and November 2007. It has become clear in just two years that Benedict-Ratzinger is not "more traditional" or even "more conservative" than his conciliar predecessors. He is a merely chip off the block of Paul VI and JPII.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Canonizations, Post-conciliar."
First the Episcopalians, now the Presbyterians are taking a stand against their Modernist/Liberalist "institutional" sects. Why don't Newchurchers have the same guts? They stand by while Catholic doctrine, Catholic morality, and Catholic sacraments are wrested from them, all with the explicit or implicit backing of their bishops and pope?
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has announced that traditional congregations are leaving its jurisdiction and joining the traditional Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Leaders of the "institutional" sect fear that litigation over church property will hurt the sect's reputation and its financial standing. For years membership in the Modernist/Liberalist "institutional" sect has been dwindling, by about one-third in twenty years.
Traditional Presbyterians, like other "institutional" Protestant groups, have been getting fed up with their Modernist/Liberalist leaders' anti-Biblical and anti-Christian new doctrines on salvation, objective truth, sexuality, and other issues. Tensions erupted after a June 2006 meeting, when delegates allowed congregations to sidestep a Church requirement that clergy and lay officers limit sex to man-woman marriage and to allow congregations to fabricate "experimental liturgies." One of these changed the Trinity to "Mother, Child, and Womb." Meanwhile, the head of the Anglican-Episcopalian sect, Rowan Williams, archbishop of Canterbury, is to hold a "communion" service for "gay" clergy and their paramours in London and deliver a sermon entitled "Present Realities and Future Possibilities for Lesbians and Gay Men in the Church" [sic].
Said one traditional Presbyter elder of the "institutional" sect: "We believe that PCUSA has moved away from being the true Church and having the same Biblical foundation, and we choose not to subscribe to those changes." That sounds like an appropriate rallying cry for conservative Newchurchers, but the latter seem more interested in obeying a establishment that has replaced the Roman Catholic Faith with an anti-Catholic "New Order." [Source: Associated Press]
For twenty centuries before Vatican II, the truth was clear: "the Church of Christ is the Catholic Church." At Vatican II (1962-1965) such Modernist leaders as Joseph Ratzinger engineered the insertion into conciliar documents the notion that "all religions are equal" and "we all worship the same god." These Modernist errors are now enshrined in the false theology of Newchurch, which preaches a Novus Ordo Seclorum. Apparently, they have ensnared U.S. President George Bush as well, who, on October 5, 2007, told a Mohammedan reporter in the White House:
Well, first of all, I believe in an Almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That's what I believe. I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace.
Bush made a similar assertion in November 2003, which caused outrage among Evangelical Protestant leaders. [Source: World Net Daily]
Newchurchers, however, expressed no such outrage, indicating again that in many ways conservative Protestants are closer to Christianity than "Catholic" Newchurchers. Here, to the contrary, is what a Catholic pope said on the subject, who required that it be repeated each year before the Blessed Sacrament Exposed in every Catholic church on the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King, the last Sunday of October:
Rex esto eorum omnium, qui in tenebris idolatriae aut islamismi adhuc versantur, eosque in lumen regnumque tuum vindicare ne renuas.
[Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkenss of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God.]
From Newchurch archbishop George Niederauer's personal delivery of the "Gay" Mess and his palming off the Novus Ordo cookie to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in their drag costumes, what can we conclude but that Newrome is Sodom and Gomorrah at the height of it's debauchery? Its "bishops" actually contribute to public immorality, which is evidence of their not being Catholic at all.
I know that had I been in that disgusting Novus Ordo temple witnessing this horror, I would have caused a huge scene. Perhaps I would have been taken away kicking and screaming, but I would have been in Neiderauer's face demanding to know what he thought he was doing. How far we have fallen! My comfort, if you can call it that, is that the cookie and grape juice served up by Niederauer, who was never consecrated as bishop, but merely "installed" in the Novus Ordo rite, were not the body and blood of Christ. God is not mocked.
The Fathers Reply.
And it is this Newchurch to which Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, is now offering 1000 Masses of thanksgiving! The man has truly lost his mind, and SSPXers who support the Fellayite faction have truly lost their traditional Catholic Faith and their connection with their founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who even in June 29, 1976, in the early stages of the New Order, stated unequivocally:
We are not of this [New Order] religion. We do not accept this new religion. We are of the religion of all time, of the Catholic religion. We are not of that universal religion, as they call it today. It is no longer the Catholic religion. We are not of that liberal, Modernist religion that has its own worship, its own priests, its own faith, its own catechism, its own Bible.
When Benedict-Ratzinger and his doctrinal czar, William Levada, formerly Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, whom Benedict-Ratzinger spirited away to Newrome out from under subpoenas concerning his involvement in sex crimes of two archdioceses in the United States, decided to reject the constant teaching of the Church on the Limbus Infantium, or Limbo of (Unbaptized) Infants, we predicted that mothers would now have a strong reason to abort their children in order that they might go directly to Heaven.
Sure enough, a report reaches us from the mid United States of the case of two women aborting their children after a Newchurch bishop preached to them the New Theology. After listening to his erroneous Modernistic theology that "all aborted babies go straight to Heaven," the two women decided to abort their foetuses. For further information on Fatimism, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs & Traditional Apologetics), in the article "Limbo.")
Good Catholics, have you ever wondered what happened to the vigorous anti-abortion movement in the United States and around the world after 1978? We'll give you two names, JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger, with their New Theology and Modernistic doctrine.
While Episcopalian ministers are breaking with the "institutional" Anglican Church over the latter's consecration of a "gay" bishop living openly with his homosexual paramour, a Newchurch bishop, personally appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger himself, is handing out the (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie to phony "gay" nuns dressed in full drag. The "sisters" mock nuns and adopt blasphemous names like "Sister Porn Again." Their motto is "Go forth and sin again," a blasphemy on Our Lord's words of chastisement to the prostitute of the Gospels.
George Neiderauer, Newchurch archbishop of Baghdad by the Bay, simulated the phony Novus Ordo service at his Most Holy Redeemer Newparish in the heart of the "gay" district of San Francisco while a self-proclaimed "conservative" group called the St. Joseph's Men's Society stood around and gawked while taking pictures. That is what gutless conservative Newchurchers do about the phony New Order and its minions -- nothing. Although they mouthed a few words about firing Niederauer, the group has taken no action to pursue this cause and has no harsh words for Benedict-Ratzinger personally, who sat on his hands while his personally-appointed Newchurch archbishop committed sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. Benedict-Ratzinger knew full well that Niederauer, who was formerly Newchurch archbishop of Salt Lake City, was embraced by the "gay" radical community before he appointed Niederauer to San Francisco. Just another deception by Newpope, who, as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who knew him personally, rightly stated, is "not Catholic."
The leader of the conservative Newchurch group did say: "Not only did Niederauer sell out Our Lord for human respect, but deliberately crucified Him again within the very sanctuary of the Church that he was consecrated to protect. If [New]rome does not remove him immediately from his position and excommunicate him for this evil, then [New]rome itself becomes complicit in the crime. Enough is enough!" (Actually, Niederaurer was never consecrated as a bishop. He was merely installed in 1995 under the Freemason Bugnini's invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1969.)
All words, these conservative Newchurchers, but no action. The Newchurchers of Boston forced the complicit JPII to get rid of Bernard Law, who was mired in the cesspool of sex crimes there, but we don't see Gonzales and his cohorts doing that. They march like lemmings to the tune of Newchurch with its Novus Ordo service, "Motu" Messes, and unCatholic morality. Gutless wonders and effete prattlers these conservative Newchurchers.
Those Newchurch vandals have been at it again here in Australia! The Newchurch diocese of Wagga Wagga have replaced a beautiful Roman Catholic structure in the town of Barooga with a monstrosity that portrays what Newchurch stands for in its quintessence. They have not even called the new structure a church, but a spiritual center for all faiths. Now the Newchurchers in this neck of the woods truly have a temple to worship their gods in.
I could go on writing, but I am too disgusted with this whole affair. Thank God I renounced Newchurch many years ago and became a traditional Roman Catholic.
Tod "Bunko" Brown, Newchurch Bishop of Orange County, California, who was castigated from the bench by a U.S. Federal judge for obstructing justice, faces a contempt of court hearing the week of October 14, 2007, and the judge is just angry enough to sentence him to a jail term. He was also forced to pay nearly $7,000,000 to four girls whom he violated.
Brown admitted in a press release: "At no point throughout this entire process did anyone from the Diocese of Orange or their lawyers say a kind word, offer healing, or do anything other than try to defeat the spirit of these four brave women." Much too little, much too late, Tod! The four girls whom Brown violated, now claiming that they were "courageous," were the victims of Brown's own teaching staff. The lead attorney for the victims characterized the Brown's statement issued "nothing more, nor less, than a litany of misstatements, misrepresentations and outright falsehoods" by Brown.
Brown is accused of contempt of court, in that he spirited off his henchman, Msgr. John Urell, to Canada, before he could complete a court-ordered deposition. Urell is said to know all of the intimate details of the Brown's involvement because he handled sex-crimes cases for the Newchurch diocese. The Newchurch diocese claims that Urell has acquired an "acute-anxiety disorder" because of his own involvement. Ah, gee, John. You would have been a lot more "anxious" had you been violated like the four girls! But who would expect anything better from the "Newchurch of Love"? [Source: Los Angeles Times]
The pastor of St. Walburge's Church in Preston, Lancashire, has turned the tables on "Motu" Messers and used his authority to expel them from his church. Just as the TRADITIO Network had predicted, Summorum pontificum would stimulate opposition by the New Order and would result in existing "indult" services being shut down. One of the attendees at the "Motu" Mess told the press that Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Letter is useless to conservative Newchurchers, who are still "being treated like second-class citizens." [Source: Lancashire Evening Post]
The so-called "tennis-racket" shrine, which will replace the traditional shrine at Fatima, is set for opening the week of October 14, 2007. The Fathers have previously reported in these Commentaries from the Mailbox on Newchurch's oecumenical shrine that has been approved by Benedict-Ratzinger. The new shrine, which resembles not a basilica, as the traditional one does, but an oval tennis racket, will be inaugurated by the Modernist Newpope's right-hand man, Tarcisio Bertone, Newvatican Secretary of State.
The Newchurch shrine has been built deliberately, according to its new rector, Luciano Guerra, personally appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger, to discourage traditional devotions to Our Lady of Fatima. Traditional pilgrims have been wont to make their final approach on hands and knees. According to Newchurch, such traditional devotions smack of "mediaeval fanaticism" and will be discouraged by the new architecture and by Newchurch authorities. [Source: Europe Independent]
Dear Fathers:
I wanted your readers to be aware that there are traditional Catholics all over the world using buildings of all types -- schools, public halls, etc. -- either to hear the Traditional Latin Mass or to pray together in its absence.
A case in point. Here in Nigeria, there is only one FSSP "indult" presbyter, who was installed under the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1969. Traditional Catholics cannot attend because Novus Ordo is invalid. So we are forced to pray on Sundays and holydays in school buildings and public halls, and are tossed from one location to the other because the Novus Ordo presbyters persecute us.
We have have five potential candidates for the traditional priesthood. Some of these have gained admission to a traditional seminary in the United States, but they cannot afford the cost of study. So we traditional Catholics here languish without traditional priests, battling with the absence of the Sacraments because of lack of a few dollars.
Yet Benedict-Ratzinger wastes millions of dollars on trips abroad, builds sacrilegious structures millions of dollars, and pays billions of dollars out in damage settlements to children raped by his Newchurch bishops and presbyters.
The French press has reported that Bernie Fellay, current Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has engineered Phase II of the SSPX's sellout to the New Order in the establishment of a "Theological Committee" to contrive a way for the SSPX to accept the New Theology of Vatican II. He has reportedly appointed as committee members noted Novus Ordo sympathizers, such as Patrick de La Rocque and Grégoire Célier, about whose Novus Ordo antics the TRADITIO Network has reported in previous Commentaries from the Mailbox and whose pro-New Order leanings have been subject of scandal for the SSPX.
In addition, the official French web site of the SSPX reports that Fellay has gone full out for the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, ordering that 1,000 Bugninized/Modernized "Masses of 1962" be performed by SSPX clergy. However, international reports indicate that more and more of the SSPX clergy are getting fed up with Fellay's pandering to the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax as a vehicle for getting SSPX members to accept presbyters installed by Bugnini's invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1969 and his Novus Ordo service of 1969. This opposition from leading SSPX clergy obviously made its mark, as Fellay reacted by ordering that they be silenced.
Now it appears that Fellay, whom the international press has so often caught in lies, previously contrived discussions between certain of his Fellayite priest-presbyters and Novus Ordo theologians in Newrome, in an effort to find a theological basis for the SSPX's acceptance of the New "Mass", the Newchurch doctrine of oecumenism, and Vatican II's doctrine of collegiality (by which, as the Protestants and Eastern Orthodox have consistently argued for, the pope becomes merely a primus inter pares, an equal, of the conciliar bishops).
Good Catholics, it is clear that under the Fellay administration, the SSPX is no longer the traditional organization that it once was under its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, a man wise and experienced man in the workings of the Church, who publicly and courageously exposed the Newchurch of the New Order and then-Cardinal Ratzinger as "not Catholic." It appears that the reports, previously carried by the TRADITIO Network and other sources, that Fellay has silenced the opposition of the SSPX bishops and priors who disagree with him are true. SSPX members who have not already found an alternative need to start looking now for a bail-out. The handwriting on the wall is now clearer about the SSPX than even of the fall of Nebucodonossor!
Fr. Giuseppe Costa, the new director of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, has announced that Newvatican's official publishing house will not reprint the 1962 Missal in light of Summorum pontificum. Instead, it will leave the publication up to the national bishops' conferences.
Costa's statement simply confirms the TRADITIO Network's report that Benedict-Ratzinger's July 7, 2007, Apostolic Letter is merely a hoax, intended to deceive conservative Newchurchers into entering Novus Ordo temples to make donations to the New Order, which is drowning in a profusion of red ink.
Joining his voice to many other bishops and cardinals, who opposed the "Motu" Mess, Francis George, Newcardinal of Chicago, recently stated: "I haven't seen wide demand for it. Nobody's written me letters saying, 'Ah, now at last we can do this'.... Most of the practicing Catholics I know, including those in my own family, who have always been good Mass [sic]-goers and who have nothing against the Tridentine [sic] rite, remember it and appreciate it, but they say, 'We're somewhere else now.'"
George echoed the TRADITIO Network's analysis about the empty hoopla about a "Motu" Mess, loosely based on the conciliar "Mass of 1962," when he stated: "This would be one of those classic Vatican documents which, because of its symbolic importance, generates a lot of debate, but practically changes little on the ground."
George indicated that Newvatican would be changing even the 1962 Missal "because the intention is to be sure that our prayers are not offensive to the Jewish people who are our ancestors in the faith. We can't possibly insult them in our liturgy." At least George was honest enough to admit: "Maybe this is an opening to say, 'Would you [Jews] care to look at some of the Talmudic literature's description of Jesus as a bastard?"
Canadian Newchurchers were shocked when Benedict-Ratzinger and Bishop Gilles Lussier, of Joliette, Quebec, allowed a Newchurch presbyter, who had worked in "gay" bars as a prostitute, to run for the Canadian Parliament, especially as the presbyter had publicly taken positions contrary to Catholic morality. Now Raymond Gravel, who won a seat representing Quebec in parliament, has publicly voiced his position in favor of abortion and homosexual acts. On a French-language television show, Gravel was presented as a Newchurch presbyter and Bloc Québécois Member of Parliament for Repentigny, Quebec, debating a Mohammedan imam.
When quizzed on the topic of homosexual acts, the Newchurch presbyter, contrary to Catholic teaching, defended their morality. The Mohammedan, on the other hand, took the Catholic position, stating that Islam is opposed to homosexual acts, as they are "unnatural" and "a sin." The imam then confronted Gravel and said, "Perhaps you chose to defend them [active homosexuals] because you are yourself homosexual." Gravel replied by hurling profanities at the imam and declaring: "I also support abortion although I have never had one!" In fact, Gravel [Source: Le Soleil]
Good Catholics, do you wonder why Mohammedanism has become the most populous religion in the world and is taking over large parts even of formerly-Catholic Europe. Mohammedanism has the clear morality that Newchurch has abandoned. Presbyter Gravel has not been censured by Newchurch for his unCatholic morality, yet traditional Catholic priests are still persecuted by Newchurch for adhering to traditional Catholic moral teaching and doctrine. Now what does this tell you about Newchurch?
It seems that the agents of Newchurch are attacking the Most Holy Rosary again. A new rosary gadget is scandalously produced in the town of Loreto, which is sacred to Our Lady as the site of the Holy House and as the town eponymously associated with Our Lady's official litany, the Litaniae Lauretanae.
The new rosary gadget is shaped like an egg and features a push-button that allows the user merely to listen to a woman's voice recite the rosary prayers in Italian. The gadget is expected to be produced also in English, Spanish, French, German and Polish. The gadget is not cheap: it costs over $40 U.S. dollars, far more than traditional rosary beads, which are often given out free of charge. [Source: Sydney Morning Herald]
Needless to say, the gadget is worthless for private prayer, as one must actually recite the Most Holy Rosary for any spiritual benefit. When the rosary is not recited on beads blessed by a traditional Catholic priest using the traditional Latin blessing, the rich indulgences of Holy Mother Church do not pertain.
Regular readers of the TRADITIO Network's Commentaries from the Mailbox will be familiar with the name of Raymond "Bully" Burke, the Newchurch archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri. This guy is a media hog. He has figured out that if he poses as a "conservative," he will stand out of the crowd, and the media will pay attention to him. Burke is a fraud as a "conservative," as his actions show:
Now Burke is back in the news, playing politics with the invalid Novus Ordo cookie. He got some cheap headlines recently by claiming that he'd refuse the cookie to U.S. Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani. It is interesting to note that Giuliani has been divorced and remarried twice, but Burke would not deny him the cookie on that basis, only because of his political stance.
Giuliani, who lives not St. Louis, but in New York, where Burke has no Newchurch authority. Giuliani responded simply to this windbag of a Newchurch bishop: "Archbishops have a right to their opinion." In effect, Giuliani told Burke: Keep your Novus Ordo cookies; I'm getting a bag of Mother's! Giuliani may have his problems, but he is deft at dealing with fraudulent Newchurch bishops! [Source: Associated Press]
Burke hinged his statement on the fact that like U.S. Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and virtually all those who pose as "Catholics" in the U.S. Congress, Giuliani yields to the civil laws in the matter of abortion. But Burke says nothing about denying the invalid Novus Ordo cookie to "transgendered" men, the divorced and remarried, and public advocates of sodomy and "gay" marriage.
No, Burke is typical of those who wear Newchurch bishops' garb, but speak only of politics. Burke is just another one of those duplicitous Newchurch hypocrites, probably just a frustrated politician at heart.
When Newchurch was sinking into red ink, JPII recorded a CD of rapperized prayers with rock music playing underneath as a fund-raising gimmick. Now Benedict-Ratzinger, who admits that Newchurchers are leaving the Newchurch religion in droves, has turned to professional sports as his Savior to get Newchurch out of the financial pit into which it has fallen since the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal that he has been abetting.
The Italian daily La Stampa reported on October 3, 2007, that an agency of Newvatican has bought 80% of the Ancona soccer team through a group of Milanese Catholic entrepreneurs (Mafia?). Professional soccer in Italy has been embroiled in scandals since the summer of 2006.
Good Catholics, this is just more evidence that Newrome has lost the Catholic Faith. JPII thought that the papacy existed to promote clowns. Now Benedict-Ratzinger seems to think that the papacy exists to support professional sports. Whatever Newchurch is, it certainly isn't Catholic. Traditional Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre hit that one on the head, even though his successor, Bernie Fellay, can't see straight through his rose-colored glasses.
Newchurchers are badly informed if they think that the Novus Ordo service will continue as it is. Its nature is to change, change, change, and now we all know what the next stage will be. It is already being tested in the Netherlands, which has in the past been in the vanguard of Newchurch's latest developments. Its liturgical experimentations drove the discussions at Vatican II and ended up being codified in that Council's Constitution on the New Order Liturgy.
With the full approval of Newchurch's Dominican authorities, the next stage of the Novus Ordo service is already underway, and this is how it is being rolled out by the point-persons, the Dutch Dominicans. In place of presbyters are laymen and women selected by the faithful: "Whether they be men or women, homo- or heterosexual, married or unmarried, is irrelevant." All together pronounce the words of consecration, and these are created spontaneously to use "expressions easier to understand and more in tune with modern faith experience." How will the updated New Order service be sold? The motto for the next stage has already been developed: "This is what Vatican Council II wanted."
In Nijmegen, The Netherlands, where the next stage in the Novus Ordo service is being tested, each Sunday the Mess is concelebrated by a Protestant minister and a Newchurch minister, with one presiding over the Liturgy of the Word and the sermon, and the other presiding over the Liturgy of the Eucharist, in alternation. The Newchurch minister is almost always a layperson, and is often a woman. For the Eucharistic prayers, new oecumenical texts along the lines proposed by Edward Schillebeeckx, whom even conciliar pope Paul VI accused of heresy, are used. The cookie and grape juice are shared by Protestants and Newchurchers alike.
The Newchurch Dominican authorities at Newrome refused to condemn the New Novus Ordo service or to issue a cease-and-desist order. Their response was: "We believe that this concern must be answered with theological reflection and a prudent pastoral approach between the entire Church and the Dominican Order." [Source: Chiesa]
It is remarkable that conservative Newchurchers can have anything to do with Newchurch, with Benedict-Ratzinger's New Morality, and with all of Newchurch's sex and embezzlement crimes. Apparently, any Catholic sense on the part conservative Newchurchers has vanished; otherwise, they wouldn't be able to stand the stench in the New Order temples, at the "Motu" Messes, and at the dinner tables on which the invalid Novus Ordo cookie is concocted.
A case in point. The Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, George Niederauer, will spit in the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary when he celebrates a "Gay" Mess at a New Order temple in the heart of San Francisco's homosexual district on the feast of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7, 2007. Niederaurer will celebrate the Mess in conjunction with an annual homosexual street fair that is held in the district surrounding the Newchurch parish. According to the Newparish bulletin, Niederauer will schmooze with the homosexuals at a reception and coffee hour after the Mess and will then bless his Newparish's booth at the "gay" street fair.
This Newparish recently sponsored a "drag-queen contest," in which Misses January-December engaged in what amounts to a mud-wrestling contest, held on the Newparish premises. The Newparish operates bingo fundraisers run by transvestite "nuns" known as the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," who call themselves the "leading-edge order of queer nuns" and whose official slogan is "go forth and sin some more." The Newparish sponsors a booth at the annual "gay" street fair.
Niederauer issued a pro-forma "request" that the Newparish not sponsor the drag-queen contest, but has done absolutely nothing to stop it. Nor did he stop the transvestite bingo games. Nor did he stop the "gay" booth. Niederauer openly aids and abets a grave sin that traditionally "cries to heaven for vengeance," yet the conservative Newchurchers cluelessly continue to plunk their dollars into the polluted collection plate, and Niederauer simply ignores their pleas, preferring instead to support pro-"gay" activists.
Benedict-Ratzinger, of course, supports all of this by his silence. If he were truly to act like a pope, he'd expel Niederaurer and his immoral chancery without hesitation. But he can't do that: he himself appointed Niederauer, with full knowledge of his corrupt morals.
Niederauer also spits in the face of Our Lord Jesus Christ by allowing this Newparish, named after the Most Holy Redeemer, to operate under his authority rather than closing it down as the homosexual mecca that it is. It was under the auspices of the Newchurch archdiocese of San Francisco that the radical "gay" rainbow flag was invented and first flown in San Francisco's "Gay Pride Parade" in 1978. The rainbow flag was openly flown on the archdiocesan flagpole by Niederauer's predecessor, William Levada. Levada was involved in two corrupt archdioceses, Portland in Oregon and San Francisco. When the law was breathing down his neck for crimes of immorality, Benedict-Ratzinger flew him off to Newrome to give him sanctuary from the U.S. authorities and proceeded to appoint him Morals Czar for Newchurch!
Niederauer has allowed the teaching of a Newchurch doctrine called "primacy of conscience," under which adults have the freedom to make up their own morality as they see fit. Furthermore, it teaches that "in order to be a good Catholic, whatever that is, you do not have to 'Amen' everything that [New]rome says." [Source: California Catholic Daily]
If this episode doesn't sufficiently sicken the conservative Newchurchers against ever setting foot in a New Order temple, against attending a Novus Ordo Mess (even a "Motu" Mess), and against believing that Benedict-Ratzinger reflects Catholic morality, then they are too far gone at this point for reason to reach them!
Donald Pelotte, Newchurch bishop of Gallup, New Mexico, is going to be interviewed by police about a report he made that smurfs had invaded his house for several hours. Pelotte called police before dawn on July 23, 2007, reporting that there were four intruders inside who did not want to leave. Police responded within minutes, but found no one. Pelotte told police that one male and three females 1 to 1.5 metres tall had been running through the house, wearing costumes and masks, for three hours.
Police searched the neighborhood, but found no one, nor did they find any tracks around Pelotte's house or any signs of forced entry. When the officers returned, Pelotte told them that one of the intruders had crawled into the fireplace and tried to hide, but police said that no one was in the fireplace.
After receiving pressure from police, diocesan officials grudging agreed to talk with Pelotte about the police report. They say that they are confident that he can explain why smurfs that the police couldn't find invaded his house for three hours. Meanwhile, Pelotte has been since 1990, and still remains, the Newchurch bishop of Gallup, New Mexico. Pelotte claims that he wasn't taking any medication and didn't suffer from mental illness. [Source: Las Cruces Sun News]
As Newchurchers increasingly become pro-abortion under Benedict-Ratzinger's loosey-goosey Modernist moral doctrine, several activists in the international organization "Catholics for a Free Choice" forced the presbyter to end the Novus Ordo service in Managua, Nicaragua's cathedral. The Newchurch women were wearing shirts that read "Yes to Abortion." [Source: La Prensa]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger has been engineering Newchurch's subtle retreat from traditional moral doctrine. He has softened objection to abortion, to homosexuality, and to sex crimes. He is careful not to deny Catholic moral doctrine outright because that would lead to open protest against him and a decrease in collection-plate revenues. Nevertheless, more and more Newchurchers are wising up to what he is trying to pull over on them and are withdrawing from financial support of the New Order. That was one of the reasons why he engineered his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax: to draw in more money from conservative Newchurchers.
As further proof, if it were needed, that Newchurch is still engaged in a cover-up of rampant sex crimes among its clergy, presbyter Stephen Stanbery has been silenced by Toledo, Ohio's Newchurch bishop Leonard Blair. Stanbery has openly criticized Newchurch for its sex crimes and embezzlements. Stanbery had also encouraged the County Prosecutor's Office to pursue a case against the bishop and the diocese for cover-up of evidence in the case against presbyter Gerald Robinson, who in fact was convicted in 2006 of murdering a Newchurch nun.
Blair is another one of those bishops of the phony "Newchurch of Love," who doesn't want his crimes to be exposed and therefore threatens any of his presbyters who won't remain silent. Blair recently "silenced" another presbyter, Thomas Leyland, for criticizing him. But Stanbery got the laugh on Blair when Stanbery was awarded the prestigious Integrity Award by Voice of the Faithful, a national organization of Newchurchers that supports victims of Newchurch crimes against the Newchurch bishops that abet those crimes. [Source: Toledo Blade]
But Stanbery, who was so courageous in his outspokenness, turned, like so many Newchurch clergymen, into a Casper Milquetoast and stated that he would not publicly challenge his "silencing." One wonders how he assuages his conscience that he serves a bishop who abetted the cover-up of the murder of a nun.
Now here's something you don't see that often: a major newspaper actually calling a spade a spade. In a biting October 1, 2007, critique, the Los Angeles Times called Tod Brown, Newchurch bishop of Orange, California, a liar and Southern California's "other wayward bishop," stating that Brown makes Roger "Rogue" Mahony, Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles "look like a saint"!
The Times notes that in early 2004, in front of dozens of reporters and parishioners, Brown nailed a "Covenant with the Faithful" to the door of his Holy Family Cathedral, vowing to create "a new era of openness" and to be "consistent and transparent in our communications with the Catholics of our diocese." In September 2007, however, The Times claims that the convent is "little more than hot, sulfuric air," when Brown "decided that the covenant applies to everyone but himself and his friends."
In Orange County Superior Court, Newchurch lawyers tried to seal a deposition that Brown gave in a lawsuit against his Orange diocese. In the deposition, which has been made public by the court, Brown admitted that he himself had been accused of sex crimes when he was a Newchurch presbyter in Bakersfield, yet he had withheld that information from the court. Brown also admitted in the deposition what appears to be the crime of obstruction of justice, in that Brown secreted his diocese's Sex-crimes Czar, a Newchurch monsignor, in Canada so that he could not testify on his personal knowledge of rampant sex crimes going in the Brown's Newchurch diocese, which the monsignor had been instrumental in covering up for Brown.
As previously reported in the TRADITIO Network's Commentaries, a California court accused Brown of trying to manipulate justice by delaying the trial in which sex-crimes victims were suing his Newchurch diocese. Brown tried to fool the court by declaring "bankruptcy," while he himself co-owns a retirement mansion with Benedict-Ratzinger's Doctrinal Czar, William Levada, formerly Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco. TRADITIO Network's readers will remember that Benedict-Ratzinger scuttled Levada off to Newrome under diplomatic immunity before the court could seize Levada and examine him on his involvement in sex crimes in not one, but two, archdioceses.
Good Catholics, Newchurch is so corrupt that it is impotent now to root out out rampant sex crimes, embezzlement, and even allegations of murder by its top clergy. Benedict-Ratzinger continues to engineer the cover-up from his seat atop Newrome, and his lieutenant bishops continue their multifarious crimes unabated and unrepented.
Fr. Michael Sim has been sent from Scotland to set up for his traditional Catholic Redemptorist Order its first overseas mission in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since 1999 the traditional order has grown to thirty monks. Fr. Sim hails originally from Christchurch, but was expelled from Newchurch because he said the Traditional Latin Mass instead of the Bugninized/Modernized Novus Ordo service. Newchurch bishop Barry Jones had a conniption fit because Fr. Sims' church, which is gaining quite a large following, is operating independently of his Newchurch diocese.
Fr. Sim is quite outspoken against Newchurch and its invalid Novus Ordo service. He states openly that the Newchurch of the New Order is "selling out the Catholic faith" and has sacrificed its central doctrines in a desire to become more united with other religions and more liberal. He indicates that, in the current situation, traditional Catholics cannot morally participate within the unCatholic environment of the Newchurch of the New Order, but must operate independently of its errors and corruption. [Source: New Zealand Press]
An accountant for the Newchurch diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, was just convicted in U.S. federal court on 15 felony counts in a kickback scheme. Anton Zgoznik had arranged payments of $784,000 to Joseph Smith, the chief legal and financial officer for the diocese. [Source: Akron Beacon Journal]
Zgoznik is just the latest diocesan official to be convicted in Newchurch's Great Sex and Embezzlement Scandal. In addition to rampant sex crimes, Newchurch is concealing the fact that its bishops, presbyters, and diocesan officials are stealing tens of millions of dollars from Newchurchers. Hardly a week goes by without yet another reported conviction. This is just another reason why Newchurchers should not be putting their hard-earned dollars into the New Order's collection plate.
A recent statistical study demonstrated that Newchurch is so bad off that all of its religious orders will be gone in little more than a decade. No one wants to waste his life being a nun or brother of the unCatholic New Order. Things are getting so bad, in fact, that the few remaining New Order religious are beating each other up.
Newchurch archbishop Giovanni Pichierri has shut down a convent in southern Italy after its two of its three remaining nuns scratched up the face of their Mother Superior and beat her to the ground in July 2007. Newchurch had kept the embarrassing episode secret until it was now exposed in the press. Even the Newchurch archbishop concluded nuns had "clearly lost their religious vocation." [Source: AFP]
Meanwhile vocations to traditional convents continue to flourish outside Newchurch (which does not have any religious orders of traditional nuns remaining). For further information on the Traditional Catholic Orders of Women, see the Official Traditional Catholic Directory.
Dear Fathers:
I read your correspondent Alexander's commentary from the southern United States with great interest because it seems that the same thing is happening here at our independent traditional Catholic chapel. The SSPX has been pressuring our traditional priest to hand over our independent chapel to the SSPX, although the positions of the SSPX's current pro-New Order Fellay administration are contrary to our own opinions.
Until recently our chapel had been very open and friendly, but now that SSPX members are injecting themselves, they are pushing an "Obey the SSPX or Be Damned" cultishness. In case the next step of SSPX is to take over all the independent traditional churches and chapels, I want to get the word out before it is too late: "the SSPX is Newchurch in traditional clothing." My opinion is that it is better to close the chapel than give it to the SSPX!
The Fathers Reply.
You are well advised to be vigilant. This type of deceitful action of the part of the SSPX has been going on more and more of late. A recent example would be all the shenanigans that the SSPX played while the priest of an independent traditional church on the East Coast of the United States was on his deathbed. The independent traditional priest had no official connection with the SSPX over several decades and in his will did not provide that his church be handed over to the SSPX. But that didn't stop SSPX agents from trying to get the priest to turn his chapel over to the SSPX -- even on his deathbed!
In years past we had many fine things to say about the Society of St. Pius X and its courageous founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Of late, however, the TRADITIO Fathers have been scandalized to see how the Fellayite elements of the SSPX have deviated from the clear insights and wise counsel of their founder. We believe that the Archbishop, if he were to come back to this earth today, would disown Bernie Fellay and his Fellayite cohorts who seem bound and determined cunningly to sell out to the New Order, which the Archbishop would have nothing to do with in his lifetime. He even publicly called its leader, then Card. Ratzinger, "not a Catholic." It is notable that these and other statements from the Archbishop that used to be featured prominently in SSPX organs around the world are now being expurgated because they are an embarrassment to Fellay's penchant for selling out to Benedict-Ratzinger.
So, stick by your guns, Mark, and don't let interlopers deprive you of your full-fledged traditional Roman Catholic Faith and the independence that you need under the current regime to pursue it.
Robert DePiante, 76, one of the founders of Society of Traditional Roman Catholics and its publication, The Catholic Voice, which we Fathers of the TRADITIO Network have here recommended highly, passed away on September 28, 2007. The STRC is an independent traditional Catholic organization that has for many years fought the Novus Ordo service and the Newchurch of the New Order without compromise. For further information on The Catholic Voice and the STRC, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend?
Mr. De Piante enjoyed a distinguished career as a photojournalist, beginning in 1953. In 1966 he retired from the Charlotte (North Carolina) Observer, and continued consulting work for 70 newspapers in the United Stated and Canada and for 23 countries in Latin America.
Frs. Kevin Vaillancourt and James Kosek, both independent traditional Catholic priests, conducted the recitation of the Rosary for the deceased on October 1, 2007, and sang a Requiem High Mass on October 2, 2007, in Monroe, North Carolina. His wife Dorothy, who survives him, has run the Block Rosary Crusade for many years. His son, James De Piante, who also survives him, is currently the Secretary of the STRC. Fr. Vaillancourt some years ago succeeded Mr. De Piante as editor of The Catholic Voice upon his retirement from that position.
Dear Fathers:
I would like to congratulate you on your commentary on the little-known facts relating to Paul VI's post-conciliar papacy and the Novus Ordo liturgical "reform." In my opinion, this was one of your most important commentaries ever because Paul VI's own words could not be more revealing. Also, you definitely lay the responsibility of the liturgical debacle where it belongs: at the feet of Paul VI. That is why it is pointless to pick overmuch on Bugnini. It is pointless to insist too much on the fact that he was a Freemason and not to stress the fact that each and every document written by him was signed by Paul VI.
So, in the final analysis, it is Paul VI should be charged with the replacement of the Catholic Church with an unCatholic New Order. Paul VI's signature, for many bamboozled Catholics at the time, appeared to legitimate the New Order. To the contrary, Catholic dogma is clear: no pope has the authority to replace Catholic and Apostolic Tradition. Such action is a violation of the infallible dogma on the papacy pronounced by Vatican I and the papal coronation oath, and is thus null and void. In the end, it drove Paul VI mad from the having burden of guilt of having sold out the Catholic Church that he had sworn to God to defend to death.
Again Benedict-Ratzinger has clearly defined himself as a Modernist, not traditional, or even conservative, in praising the Papal Architect of the New Order, Paul VI (1963-1978), who, he said, "guided the Church prudently and courageously, with realism and evangelical optimism nourished by unshakable faith." In that statement, Benedict-Ratzinger was perpetrating an outrageous piece of disinformation that even Paul VI himself contradicted. [Source: CWN]
Paul VI was Hannibal Bugnini's agent in implementing the New Order in what was before the Catholic Church. Church historians of the time have indicated that Paul VI had qualms about what this Chief Architect of the New Order was doing, yet Paul VI signed every document that Bugnini stuck under his nose: to his eternal shame of his papal predecessors.
But, as St. Paul wrote, "God is not mocked." Paul VI's conscience would not leave him alone, and eventually he came to see the error of his ways. Just three years after the conclusion of Vatican II, whose documents he had promulgated, he changed his mind and began rejecting the fruits of that Council. On December 7, 1968, the Feast of the Great Doctor of the Church, St. Ambrose, he issued his famous "Self-destruction" declaration:
The Church finds herself in an hour of anxiety, a disturbed period of self-criticism, or what would even better be called self-destruction. It is an interior upheaval, acute and complicated, which nobody expected after the Council. It is almost as if the Church were attacking itself. We looked forward to a flowering, a serene expansion of conceptions which matured in the great sessions of the council. But ... one must notice above all the sorrowful aspect. It is as if the Church were destroying herself.
Five years letter Paul VI had become convinced that Vatican II was the work of the Devil and issued his famous "Smoke of Satan" statement on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of his coronation as pope, June 29, 1972, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties.
Five years after that, Paul VI had sunk into what Bishop Fulton Sheen described as a manic-depressive state over what he had done and issued his famous "Tail of the Devil" statement, admitting, on October 13, 1977, the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions, that top prelates of Newchurch had been corrupted by Satan:
The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world. The darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit. Apostasy, the loss of the faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the Church.
Unfortunately for the Church, Paul VI was no Saint. He was too cowardly to undo the evil that he himself had admitted to. For that, it would have taken the courage of a great Saint, like Pope St. Pius V, who fought the errors of Protestantism and canonized the Traditional Latin Mass in perpetuity, or Pope St. Pius X, who routed Modernism out of the Church. Instead, Paul VI became a broken man, weighed down with guilt for his own admitted complicity with Satan in the destruction of the Catholic Church. Paul VI's biographer reports that in the last weeks of his life, the pope went mad under the burden of his guilt, wandering around the Apostolic Palace, crying out to God, "Credo, credo, as if to convince God that he was still Catholic.
Even Newchurch seems to recognize the evil that Paul VI did. Whereas Newchurch views John XXIII as a "blessed" and is actively trying to conanize JPII, no one in Newchurch has claimed that Paul VI, the mad Papal Architect of its New Order, was a Saint!
Following the lead of other Newchurch National Bishops' Conferences, the German Episcopal Conference, meeting at Fulda, have just voted to curtail the "Motu" Mess under the following provisions:
There they go again! The ilk that poses as "pastoral" Newchurch bishops are a fraud. Normally, one would think that Modernist/Liberalists like the Newchurch bishops would be publicly sympathetic to Blacks and Hispanics in Harlem. Not Edward Egan, Newchurch Cardinal-Archbishop of New York. Well, these Newchurchers are finally waking up the fraud of the Newchurch bishops. Although the Newchurchers have not yet seen the full light of traditional Catholicism, at least they are trying to get the Newchurch bishop-bums out!
Blacks and Hispanics are hopping mad at Egan for closing their Harlem church in April 2007. He told reporters from the New York Times, The New York Post, and other periodicals: "Why don't you just ignore them? This isn't important. Go report on reality, and get serious." The Newchurch archbishop did everything but tell his parishioners "F--- off." That's Vatican II-speak, you see. [Source: New York Post]
Egan, like the disgraced and expelled Newchurch Cardinal-Archbishop of Boston, Bernard Law, later found out what just reality is when scores of Blacks and Hispanics stormed him before he simulated a Novus Ordo Mess, as they were livid over his closure of Our Lady Queen of Angels church. The incident is reminiscent of what Archbishop Sheen faced in Rochester when he tried to close down a Catholic school there. The angry parishioners stormed his limousine, pounded on the roof, and angrily called him "a son of a bitch"! The next day Sheen reopened the school and never closed a school for the rest of his tenure there.
Good Catholics, it takes guts to stand up for your Faith sometimes. You can play Casper Milquetoast and let the New Order Philistines destroy traditional churches and trample over your Catholic rights. Or you can follow the example of St. Paul, who used every right as a Roman citizen that he had in order to overcome the enemies of the Church. It's your choice. If you choose the Milquetoast response, you have no one to blame but yourself when you lose your Faith.
Dear Fathers:
I thought that the TRADITIO Network's readers would be interested in an update to the previous report on the SSPX's policy of infiltrating independent Catholic churches and chapels. Matters have escalated at the chapel reported on here in the South of the United States, where I and others have been keeping a close watch on the SSPX's continuing attempts to infiltrate our independent Catholic chapel and to affect its doctrine and practices.
The SSPX agents have been praising the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, while our members have severely criticized it. SSPX agents continue surreptitiously to remove Catholic literature from the chapel if it does not agree with the SSPX party-line. It is now the position of the SSPX that the faithful must accept the Novus Ordo service and sacraments as valid. Therefore, the SSPX agents are attempting to cut off communication of our church with other independent traditional Catholic groups. We have countered by pointing out that if it really considers the Novus Ordo service and sacraments valid, then the SSPX should disband, as it has no valid reason for existence!
Now the SSPX agents here are sponsoring a visit to our chapel by one of their bishops and a number of their priest-presbyters. They clearly want our property, our money, and our faith. They will not have mine and those of the many other independent traditional Catholics here.
The Fathers Reply.
This scenario has been repeated in many independent Catholic churches and chapels. We remember the famous "Blue Paper," in which the members of a New Jersey independent Catholic chapel reported in detail on how the SSPX by deception took over their chapel. There have been many other such reports over the years from other regions.
It is clear that the SSPX administration believes that it is the only traditional Catholic organization and is angling to get Benedict-Ratzinger's permission to administer and control all traditional churches and chapels, whether "indult" or SSPX. It is certainly easier to steal an existing church's money and property rather than building from scratch. This is a trick that the SSPX administration has learned from Newchurch (remember St. Stanislaus Kosta in St. Louis?).
Traditional Catholics must be vigilant against policies of the SSPX's current Superior General, Bernie Fellay. He has made it quite clear in public pronouncements that he feels strong ties to the New Order, its Mess and its questionable sacraments, and generally displays a quite vicious "end-justifies-the-means" attitude against all traditional groups and sites not under his control.
Montreal's presbyters say that they are in no rush to implement the "Motu" Mess, viewing that Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax as irrelevant. Speaking for the Newchurch cadre, presbyter John Walsh reported: "I have not had one person ask me, or even hint, that we should have a mass in Latin. I have spoken to priests [sic], but no one has brought up the topic. It is not relevant among my priest friends." He went on to say that the "Motu" Mess was merely an attempt to lure members of the Society of St. Pius X into the New Order, but that Newchurchers don't want it. [Source: The Montreal Gazette]
Good Catholic, anyone who has bought the lie that the Traditional Latin Mass, or even the Bugninized-Modernized "Mass of 1962" has been "restored" to the Church is living in a Fantasyland.
The oldest Catholic university in the United States, founded in 1789, has, like all other institutions under the control of the Newchurch of the New Order, spurned Catholic morality since Vatican II. A change of policy announced September 7, 2007, by the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., will permit the university to give grants to students who lobby for abortion and for pro-abortion agencies such as Planned Parenthood.
The president of Georgetown's pro-abortion organization, Law Students for Choice (how can Newchurch presume to call this a "Catholic" university when it "approves" such an organization?) praised the decision "for students who are interested in pursuing careers in reproductive rights advocacy," Modernist-speak for "abortion rights." The president of Georgetown's anti-abortion organization, Progressive Alliance for Life, predicted that the new policy "will allow students to gain assured, extensive Georgetown funding for pro-abortion legal work." [Source: The Georgetown Hoya]
The Newchurch archbishop of Washington, D.C., Donald Wuerl, a Benedict-Ratzinger appointee, who has authority over that archdiocese, refused to take any action. Benedict-Ratzinger, who has authority over the Newchurch Jesuits who run the university, refused to take action. As more and more Newchurch universities change their policies to support unCatholic morality, the Benedict-Ratzinger administration stands mute, leading more and more Newchurchers to wonder whether Benedict-Ratzinger himself stands behind "abortion rights," as he stands behind presbyter rape of children, by his silence and even encouragement.
Dear Fathers:
I agree with you about Cardinal Egan and his hypocritical bigotry, but I think that even an indirect allusion to his vulgarity was inappropriate.
The Fathers Reply.
Under the circumstances we think that it was quite appropriate in characterizing strongly the bigoted hypocrisy of these Newchurch bishops. The fact that you reacted to the rhetorical device proves the point. What is more vulgar than raping a child? As recorded at several points in the Gospel, to make His point vivid, Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself used vulgar language in chastising the leaders of the Church of His time, but he certainly condemned child-rapists (Matthew 18:6)!
It is curious, isn't it, that people react strongly to a word, but are totally complacent about Newchurch bishops and presbyters in act raping children? That is the point of our satire, which is quite rooted in the Roman tradition. It is also the reason why the Newchurch of the New Order gets away literally with rape and murder while the Newchurchers worry about a word as they stick their heads in the sand. Instead, they should throw the criminals out, as their Catholic predecessors would have done!