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The SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, is like the souls that Dante pictures in Hell being buffeted about in the wind in their emotions. Fellay, who has consistently shown a penchant for selling out to Newchurch, now in a November 18, 2007, conference in Rosscommon, Ireland, has admitted that the TRADITIO Network was right all along to question Benedict-Ratzinger's motives in issuing Summorum pontificum, which this network has consistently called a "great hoax." At the conference Fellay told his audience:
We mustn't kid ourselves! Exactly why did the pope issue this Motu Proprio? What is his long-term objective? Do not assume that the Pope is on our side! I'm not so sure! I fear he has another intention: based on a vision which he has explained several times in the past. His philosophy of history is Hegelian, based on that of the German philosopher Hegel. The Sense of History, promoted by Hegel and accepted by Ratzinger, is that history evolves in the direction of progress and never goes back.
Ratzinger has several times said, "We cannot go back." He laments the present situation; he seems to recognise that we have strayed onto the wrong road. We say that if you go down the wrong road, the only way to the destination is to head back to the right road, and then follow it. But he will not draw this conclusion.
When laypeople some years ago asked for the Traditional Latin Mass back, the then Cardinal Ratzinger then merely said, "We will have a New Mass based upon the old! A New synthesis! Yes, this is what I fear is probably his intention.
Fellay goes on to admit that the practical consequences of the "Motu" have actually been negative. "The situation of the Traditional Latin Mass is even more difficult than before." Actually, what Fellay terms the Traditional Latin Mass isn't even that. It is the bastardized Mass of 1962, which incorporates two great waves of preparation for the New Order engineered by the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini in 1956 and 1960. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department in the section "The Road into the Black Hole of the Liturgical 'New Order.'"
Yet, with the truth staring him in the face, Fellay is still reported by sources close to the SSPX in France to be continuing a sellout to the New Order behind the scenes. Fellay is a child of Vatican II. Like its popes, his opinion shifts with the wind so as to deceive his members. And all too many of the SSPX members are so benighted that they easily fall pray to Fellay's smooth talk.
Archbishop Lefebvre's condemnation of "Indult" Messes or "Motu" Messes, or whatever Newchurch calls them today, was quite explicit. In a letter of March 18, 1989, two years before his death, the Archbishop told a priest who had gone to the "Ecclesia Dei" Commission for permission to say an "Indult" Mess that that Commission, now headed by Dario Hoyos, was "charged with dividing and destroying" traditional Catholicism. The archbishop condemned the priest for putting himself "into the hands of the conciliar authorities, [who] implicitly accept the [Second Vatican Council] and the changes that stem from it. It is very regrettable that these priests do not awaken to this reality."
The Archbishop went on to say: "It is the same with these "Indult" Messes organised by the dioceses. They are celebrated between two conciliar Masses. The celebrating priest will just as easily say the "new" Mass as the traditional one.... These things are "con games" that drag the faithful into dishonest compromise. Much has already been abandoned. What they must change is their liberalist and Modernist doctrine."
What the Archbishop wrote in 1989 is even more true in 2007, as Benedict-Ratzinger tries to pull his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Even people like Bernie Fellay, the SSPX's current head, have disobeyed their Archbishop-founder's dead-on principles -- to their personal peril and that of the Society of St. Pius X as a whole.
The Polish Bishops Conference has now weighed in on the "Motu" Mess. Among the directives that it has issued for all "Motu" Messes, if any, in Poland are the following:
In addition, any presbyter who simulate a "Motu" Mess must pass a loyalty test that he accepts "the whole liturgy" of the New Order. Conformity by every presbyter must be verified by the Diocesan Liturgical Commission.
Does any fool want to apply?
On Sunday I felt too ill and tired to make the 75-minute drive to the nearest Traditional Latin Mass, so I decided to visit a physically beautiful and traditional-looking diocesan church nearby. I was curious to see whether Newchurch post "Motu" had changed for the better. It had been nearly five years since I set foot in any Novus Ordo church.
There, despite the beauty of the altar and majesty of the statues of the Saints, was the wooden dinner table, clothed with a small piece of fabric. The presbyter was announced by a buxom maid in pants and sweater as the "celebrant," Fr. So-and-So. Laymen and women marched up to read while the "celebrant" sat in the Protestant-style giant chair. The maid crooned slightly sharp and flat the preachy, smarmy tunes of the New Age ditty that we were supposed to sing.
This Sunday happened to be the Novus Ordo version of the Feast of Christ the King, wrenched forward from the last Sunday in October, where Pope Pius XI had established it directly to knock heads with Protestant Reformation Day, to the last Sunday in November. The "homily" (the Novus Ordo doesn't have sermons any longer) was about Christ the King, but the presbyter had difficulty talking about Christ qua King, so he encouraged us to think of Him as a boss, a manager, or some other less kingly title. He mentioned the feeling of reverential awe that he had had on his first view of the Christ as King dome in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., but added that we should have the same feeling on entering a Protestant church, mosque, or synagogue!
During the Novus Ordo "Eucharistic prayer," the presbyter used the vernacular complete with the "for all" heresy. So much for Newvatican's "correction" of the false consecration under Benedict-Ratzinger. Then six laymen and women marched to the dinner table to help pass out the cookies, although there may have been no more than a hundred people attending. The presbyter unceremoniously dumped the cookies from a plate into baskets and then put them into the hands of the "Eucharistic Ministers." The sheep came up to be fed, and all of them took the cookie in their hands and popped it into their mouth. Only another lady and I sat this farce out.
I write this to you because I had been wavering lately, wondering whether the effort involved in attending the Traditional Latin Mass was necessary. I prayed for guidance and insight before the Mess started. My prayer was answered. As the Mess unfolded, I was confronted with the reality of the New Order, a hellish delusion, staged in a grand building occupied by uncouth, heathen invaders with no more idea of what the sanctuary was than the Mohammedans who have taken over Christian churches and used them for prayer services to Allah.
I felt a cold wind blowing through the desolate Newchurch sanctuary, the slovenly ordure of a New Age religion spread by throwaway missalettes with a blasphemously cretinous image of Our Lord on its cover. Worst of all, the Newchurchers sauntering out were once again satisfied that Christ had again been knocked down to size, thrown to the ground, and trampled for their reassurance and amusement. I saw Christ again crucified by these culpably ignorant sheep. I went away and prayed for forgiveness for even being present at this outrage. (No, I didn't put any money in the collection-plate for the Sex Crimes Fund.)
The "Motu" is a great hoax. It has changed nothing in Newchurch.
The "Life Teen" program, featured on the EWTN Cable Network, is another offshoot of Protestant-based Charismaticism. One of its Newchurch presbyter leaders, Dale Fushek, has been indicted for seven sex crimes in Mesa, Arizona. Apparently, while he has been shoveling out "Life Teen" charismaticism, he has been sucking the spiritual life out of teens.
Fushek had been given the title of "monsignor" by former Phoenix Newchurch bishop Thomas O'Brien, who resigned a year later after being convicted of killing a man in a hit-and-run crime, which he attempted to cover up from police. At the time Fushek was vicar general for the Newchurch diocese, the #2 official next to the bishop. Fushek also served as Vicar of Worship for the "Clown" Pope, JPII's, visit to Tempe.
Fushek is now showing the true colors of "Catholic" Charismaticism. Since the Newchurch diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, finally got around to suspending him, he has opened his own Praise & Worship Center, billed as "nondenominational," in a local mall. The current Newchurch bishop of the diocese, Thomas Olmsted, is taking no action. It figures!
Dear Fathers:
You are spot on with regard to the poison within the Knights of Columbus. The modern organisation reminds me more of the Masons than anything even vaguely Catholic. I know a Knight who was able to use his membership to bully Newvatican into declaring that his marriage of over twenty years (and which resulted in children) was void and could therefore be annulled on the flimsiest of evidence. No sooner had this happened than he "married" a twice-divorced agnostic in a Newchurch temple!
The Knights of Columbus was once a Catholic organization. Like the others that have sold out to Newchurch, it is no longer: it pushes the New Order agenda. The Knights have now been publicly charged with "hypocrisy" because it harbors in its membership pro-abortion and pro-"gay" marriage legislators, who have forsworn their membership oath as Knights. The annual Knights of Columbus convention in Nashville was picketed the week of November 18, 2007, and flyers were handed out urging members to oust the pro-"gay"-marriage legislators, as well as pro-abortion legislators, who retain their membership thinking that thereby that can win over the "Catholic" vote.
A Knights of Columbus spokesman said that it was unfortunate that some of its members are legislators who publicly advocate abortion and "gay" marriage, but to the Knights that is "irrelevant." The Knights purportedly would have no problem with atheists as members either. Among those Knights who have forsworn their oath and back abortion or "gay" marriage are:
The Knights of Columbus is obviously an immoral organization of Newchurch and should be shunned, like all Newchurch organizations, by anyone seriously considering himself a Catholic. Ted Kennedy a "Catholic"? Give us a break!
Dear Fathers:
Fatima has replaced Lourdes as the primary apparition since Vatican II because of "the Third Secret." The Third Secret, which was to have been released in 1960, has never been completely released because it warns of exactly what is happening in the Church today, in addition to probable physical catastrophes that may yet occur. While I certainly don't place Fatima above Holy Scripture, this apparition cannot be ignored. Had the Third Secret been taken seriously by John XXIII, perhaps there would not have been a Vatican II, and perhaps the Church would not be in the mess it is in today. Fatima was a public miracle with a public message that should not have been ignored.
The Fathers Reply.
It is a common misconception that Fatima, whether one believes it or not, is "public" revelation. It is not. According to the dogma of the Church, it is, at best, a private revelation. Nothing in purported private revelation is a matter of Faith. No Catholic is obliged to believe any private revelation. It is the Catholic dogma, to deny which is heresy, that the Public Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ is contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, and ended with the death of St. John, the last living Apostle, around A.D. 110.
Many Catholics seem ignorant of the Catholic Church's teaching on "private revelation." The Church uses the term to refer to any purported revelation after the close of Public Revelation, which ended with the death of St. John the Apostle. The term "private revelation" has nothing to do with how many people may have seen the purported revelation or how much it may have been publicized. Nor does the Church have any power to "approve" or "confirm" private revelation. All it can do is find that, in the case of any purported private revelation, nothing is contained therein that is contrary to the Faith. Thus, the Church has condemned thousands and thousands of false "private revelations," but has "confirmed" none.
Moreover, the idea of "secret" revelation is intrinsically flawed. It smacks of the heresy of Gnosticism and deceives even sincere people. Our Lord told his accusers: "I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple, whither all the Jews resort: and in secret I have spoken nothing" (Matthew 18:20/DRV). St. John of the Cross, the Church's greatest mystic, warned:
The desire for private revelations deprives faith of its purity, develops a dangerous curiosity that becomes a source of illusions, fills the mind with vain fancies, and often proves the want of humility, and of submission to Our Lord, Who, through His public revelation, has given all that is needed for salvation. We must suspect those apparitions that lack dignity or proper reserve, and above all, those that are ridiculous. This last characteristic is a mark of human or diabolical machination. Stay away from visions, apparitions, and miracles as much as you can. Be careful of visions, even when they are authentic.
We can do no more than echo this Saint's wise counsel, which is authentically Catholic. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics) in the article "Private Revelations/Apparitions/Visions."
The absurdity of Newchurch Charismaticism is now being justly ridiculed by society at-large. Since these Charismatics, led by the EWTN Cable Channel's Scott Hahn, have gone into some kind of mania to see "apparitions" of the Virgin Mary in a chocolate bar, a knothole, an oil spill, and a pancake, one satirical company has brought out a toast and pancake stamper so that these Charistmatics (essentially Low-Church Protestants) can create their own apparition whenever they like.
This nonsense was brought into Newchurch after Vatican II, and the conciliar popes have supported it in one way or another. Even Fatima, which has become a mania for those Charismatics who hold Fatima equal to Sacred Scripture (actually, this is heresy), was barely discussed before Vatican II, whereas Lourdes, hardly mentioned today, was held popularly as the primary apparition. For further information on the real Catholic teaching, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics) in the article "Private Revelations/Apparitions/Visions."
Isn't Newchurch supposed to be more "loving" and "charitable" than the big old bad traditional Church before Vatican II? Well, you certainly wouldn't know it from the behavior of Newchurch prelates!
Parents of 53-year-old Daniel Murphy High School in Los Angeles, which is being shut down by Roger "Rogue" Mahony, the Newchurch archbishop there, offered to take over the archdiocese's expenses in running the school. Mahony, however, responded by forbidding the parents from even meeting on school property and has forbidden faculty and staff from assisting the parents' efforts to keep the school open. Why? Mahony wants to sell the property on which the school stands to enrich his coffers to the tune of $25,000,000 to $40,000,000.
Mahony justified his theft by saying that his Newchurch archdiocese has "severe financial challenges." That much is true. Since becoming Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles in 1985, Mahony has racked up over $1,000,000,000 in damage judgments for allowing his presbyters to rape hundreds of children without a peep from him. Mahony is still paying his deceit game, claiming that the reason for the school is not to steal its property value to pay off for sex crimes, but a "decline in student populations." [Source: Los Angeles Tiems]
The benighted Newchurch parents wrote to Benedict-Ratzinger about the situation. They could have saved the paper. Benedict-Ratzinger has not lifted a finger against "Mad" Mahony since his election in April 2005, although a pope who had any Catholic moral sense would have canned the rogue long ago. Since Benedict-Ratzinger won't take any action, the Newchurchers of Los Angeles themselves should rise up in indignation and throw pretender Mahony out!
Isn't it sad the degree to which Newchurch has fallen for silly Protestant Charismaticism? That they call it "Catholic" makes it all the more pathetic. The Roman Catholic Faith that produced Chartres Cathedral, Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli, Dante's Divina Commedia, Michelangelo's Last Judgment, and so many great works of Catholic civilization is reduced to the absurdity of a burned pancake!
The religion of Newchurchers is so pathetic that they are willing to take a batch of Great Value pancake mix, bought at Wal-Mart for $1.25, and turn it into a god. The bakeress decided, "It's a miracle!," somehow connected to the recent death of her father. Truly, Newchurch has sunk to a new nadir when its adherents find more consolation in a burned pancake than in the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ or the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
For further information on the "Catholic" Charismatic Movement, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics) in the article "Charismatic Movement."
On November 21, 2007, the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the 14th year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 7,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the internet. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was! We thank the Lord for our 7,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the internet.
In their daily Commentaries from the Mailbox, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or "talking-heads" from secular and religious publications, which in fact have very little background or understanding of what they write about, nor does TRADITIO represent any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, TRADITIO provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II. TRADITIO is avidly read even within the bowels of Newrome and Menzingen.
In addition to the daily Commentaries, TRADITIO departments provide resources and materials for its participants to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith: Ask the Fathers; Booksales; Confraternity of St. Michael; Gregorian Chant; Holy Cards, California Missions, Stations of the Cross; Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics); Novus Ordo Service Gallery; Papal Photo Gallery, Prayers for the Living and Deceased, Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other), Traditional Catholic Priests Wanted and Available, Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments, the Traditional Liturgical Calendar. Also, TRADITIO offers, provided by outside organizations, the Fr. Denis Fahey Archive, Gregorian Chant, and the Official Traditional Catholic Directory.
We are touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers who say that they have been converted, or have reverted, to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
On November 14, 2007, Fr. Vasyl Kovpak, a traditional Greek Catholic priest, joined the roll of "dry" martyrs for the traditional Roman Catholic Faith, when the tribunal of Benedict-Ratzinger's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith finally excommunicated the priest for the "crime of schism." The tribunal confirmed the verdict of the Newchurch archdiocesan tribunal for Lviv, Ukraine, in excommunicating Fr. Vasyl Kovpak from Newchurch. Newchurch's final verdict was published on November 19, 2007, by Ihor Vozniak, Newchurch Archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine. Vozniak ordered that all clergy of the archdiocese inform the archdiocese's Newchurchers of the verdict.
Fr. Kovpak is the leader of traditional Greek Catholic SSPX clergy, who from Western Europe, the United States, and Australia formed the Society of St. Josaphat Kuncevyc in their joint refusal to accept the decrees of Vatican II. Fr. Kovpak, as their leader, was singled out by the Newchurch of the New Order for his "subversive" activity to maintain the traditional Roman Catholic Faith, just as was his Society's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. [Source: Ukranian Religious News Service]
Fr. Kovpak joins Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre+, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer+, Bishop Bernie Fellay, Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta, and Bishop Richard Williamson in being excommunicated from Newchurch. They should take pride in that fact, as did Archbishop Lefebvre. After all, who would want to commune with the Newchurch of the New Order?
Good Catholics, it is clear that nothing has changed in Newchurch under Benedict-Ratzinger. It is the same Modernist institution dedicated to Vatican II and fearing anyone who dares to speak out forcefully against Vatican II and the Modernism that pervades Newchurch. Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, is downright crazy to think that the SSPX is going to get justice from Benedict-Ratzinger, the Modernist leader, whom Archbishop Lefebvre called "not a Catholic."
Fellay should stop all sycophancy to Benedict-Ratzinger, or the SSPX membership should rise up and kick Fellay out of the position that he has disgraced by abandoning strict adherence to the Archbishop's principles and by playing the sycophant to Newrome. God knows that the SSPX clergy, as a whole, doesn't have the guts to get rid of him, so it falls to the SSPX laity, who, after all, control the purse-strings and thereby the SSPX.
The TRADITIO Network was the first to call Summorum ponificum and its "Motu" Mess a hoax, all the while conservative Newchurch talking-heads were praising the papal socks off, and the SSPX was singing Te Deums Benedict-Ratzinger. The latter obviously intended his encyclical letter to be a hoax from the beginning, as the Mess that in 1993 he told the world was "fabricated, manufactured" and outside Catholic Tradition, in 2007 he attempted to foist off on conservative Newchurchers in a deception to keep their bodies and money in Newchurch. TRADITIO's conclusion was proven right when Newchurch bishop after Newchurch bishop squashed the "Motu" Mess, using Benedict-Ratzinger's own words.
Now Phase II of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax has started. Newchurch bishop Rene Gracida, in a public letter of November 11, 2007, stated that Benedict-Ratzinger authorized the "Mass of 1962" to be simulated in the vernacular with Article 6 of his encyclical letter. Gracida states that with papal authority the "Mass of 1962" was translated into the vernacular in 1964 and was published in the United States on September 21, 1964. Bishop Racida has therefore decreed that the use of the vernacular in the celebration of what Benedict-Ratzinger now calls the "Extraordinary Form" of the Mass is fully legitimate and is in keeping with the mind of the Second Vatican Council and Pope Benedict XVI.
From the beginning, the TRADITIO Network warned that there are many ulterior motives for the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax that have absolutely nothing to do with the desire to see the Traditional Latin Mass restored in Newchurch. These ulterior motives include the desire to retain the attendance of Newchurchers at Novus Ordo temples and to keep conservative Newchurchers contributing to the Novus Ordo collection-plate so that large damage judgments against Newchurch for its presbyters' and bishops' sex-crimes can be paid off.
Like the documents of Vatican II, Benedict-Ratzinger wrote Summorum pontificum specifically to introduce what author Michael Davies called "time-bombs." Article 6 of the encyclical letter is merely one such section. The accompanying papal letter indicates that the "Mass of 1962" should be changed to accommodate new Prefaces, Saints, etc. As any idiot knows by now, in the Newchurch of the New Order, if a door to change is opened even a millimetre, the Modernist establishment, including the conciliar popes, will eventually break the door in with Modernistic change after Modernist change after Modernistic change!
Wise up, you conservative Newchurchers. Benedict-Ratzinger and his Modernist establishment are playing you for the fools that you are. It has taken less than five months for your "Motu" Mess to blow up in your faces!
The traditional French press is reporting that Benedict-Ratzinger's agents have been approaching Bernie Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), recognizing that he is the Achilles heel for the SSPX's sellout to Newrome. All of the other three SSPX bishops (Williamson, Galaretta, and Tissier) have expressed grave reservations about Newrome, but while Fellay continues to deny the evidence that he is heading toward a sellout to Newrome, Newrome appears to have identified Fellay as the weak link in the SSPX's crumbling resistance to the New Order and its leader, Joseph Ratzinger, condemned by the SSPX's Founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, as being in the grip of the Modernist heresy.
Targeting Fellay as the easiest sellout, Newvatican is said to be working up an arrangement that would need only Fellay's signature, not the approval of the SSPX Council, the other three SSPX bishops, the SSPX District Superiors, or the SSPX General Chapter of priests. Newvatican is well aware that a number of SSPX priests would rather die than become a part of the New Order.
The elements that Fellay has implemented toward a sellout have become quite clear in the last year or so:
The last is a particular trouble-spot for Benedict-Ratzinger because he is the first conciliar pope who was not consecrated a bishop in the traditional Roman Catholic rite. Thus, more and more traditional Catholics, including outspoken SSPX clergy, whom Fellay has tried to silence, are arguing that if Benedict-Ratzinger is not a bishop, he cannot be Bishop of Rome, aka "pope." Benedict-Ratzinger's henchman in the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, admitted that Benedict-Ratzinger himself was troubled by criticism of him as an invalid bishop and wanted Fellay to defend the pope's Novus Ordo episcopal ordination publicly. That Fellay has subsequently done through commissioning articles in SSPX publications that purportedly prove the point with defective, Protestant-based theology.
The French reports indicate that Fellay has called a meeting for December 4, 2007, at the SSPX's seminary at Flavigny-sur-Ozerain, France, to take further steps toward an SSPX sellout to Newrome and Newpope.
St. Ignatius of Loyola must truly be embarrassed at what has happened to his Jesuits. At one point they were courageously bringing the true Faith to the savages of North America and elsewhere, and returning to their motherhouses in Europe, if they had not been already killed, with missing fingers so that they could no longer celebrate Mass. A depiction of these realities was graphically presented in the 1991 film Black Robe. For further information, click on FAQ12: What Films Do You Recommend for Traditional Catholics in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics).
But not much more than a century after the order's founding by the Saint in 1534, it got out of control, so badly, in fact, that the pope suppressed the order for over forty years, from 1773 to 1814. It took a rocky course from then, until, in the period of Vatican II, Jesuit priests took up arms in Latin America and fought with the Communists on behalf of what they called "Liberation Theology," which was justified in the writings of Hans Kung, a bosom-buddy of Benedict-Ratzinger, who has on several occasions as pope has hosted the condemned theologian. Even Paul VI became so disgusted with the Jesuits that he banned them from the Vatican.
Now, the Novus Ordo Jesuits will have to pay the largest amount of damages yet assessed against a religious order: $50,000,000 for sex crimes against 110 children as young as five years of age by fourteen Jesuit presbyters. And that is just the Novus Ordo Jesuit presbyters in the diocese of Anchorage, Alaska! The Newjesuits are already paying out $22,000,000 in damages in Oregon. This latest judgment is pushing the Newchurch diocese of Fairbanks into considering bankruptcy. [Source: Associated Press]
If this course is taken, Fairbanks would join five other Newchurch dioceses in the United States in filing for bankruptcy: Davenport, Iowa; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; Tucson, Arizona; and San Diego, California. One could only hope that bankruptcy would wipe these Newchurch dioceses off the face of the earth, so that traditional Catholicism could be restored to them.
It is obvious that since Vatican II Newvatican has lost the Catholic Faith. Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, a Pontifical Council Secretary admitted as much on November 12, 2007. But Newvatican now has a big problem: what do you do with an organization that has lost its purpose, but still supplies the basis of position, power, and money for its avaricious leaders? The answer that Newvatican has come up is to secularize itself, to abandon its religious goals and instead enter the secular world.
Turning its back on the strictures of Sacred Scripture and of the Great Church Fathers, such as St. Augustine, who drew a clear line in the sand between Church and State and their respective spheres of operation, the post-conciliar popes have increasingly engaged themselves in secular matters rather than religious ones. Paul VI actually abandoned Rome to speak at the United Nations, considered by an increasing number of people to be the headquarters of the Novus Ordo Seclorum, just as Paul VI introduced the Novus Ordo Missae to Newchurch. JPII abused his papal position by interfering in the politics of his native Poland. Benedict-Ratzinger is now straying into the area of "environmentalism," another fixation of liberalist secular politics.
But what is even more amusing, and allows traditional Catholics yet another reason to consider Newchurch as merely a joke, is the recent announcement that the next Newvatican document may tackle the subject of -- not God, not the Mass, not morality -- but sports! Perhaps the Newchurchers weren't aware that the shekels they put into the Novus Ordo/"Motu" collection-plates go not just to pay billions of dollars to sponsor sex crimes on the part of their presbyters and bishops, but to sports!
Yes, good Catholics, the "Clown" pope, JPII, established in 2004 an Office of Church and Sports. In November 2005 Newvatican sponsored a Conference on Sports. Now the world may see the lunacy of Newvatican in an Encyclical Letter on sports, announced by the Secretary of the Pontifical Commission on the Laity, Newchurch bishop Josef Clemens. As previously reported in these Commentaries, Newvatican, to show its Faith not in God, but in the Soccer Ball, has purchased an Italian soccer team. [Source: Catholic World News]
Perhaps this cloud has a silver lining, however. The greatest empire on the face of the earth, the Roman empire, was done in by sports. Deo favente, sports will do in the Newchurch of the New Order. When Rome was a republic, public games were relatively small and infrequent. By the time the Catholic Church came out of the catacombs, the city of Rome was sinking under a professional sports mania. Roman citizens, who had become lay-abouts sustained by an imperial welfare program, were spending most days of the year at the horse-races staged in the Circus Maximus and at gladiatorial games staged in the Colosseum. No wonder the German barbarians eventually overran the once-great empire.
When the Catholic popes were given charge of the city of Rome by the Roman emperor Constantine, who moved his capital to Constantinople, the popes stopped all public sports, denouncing them as not suitable for Catholics. Emperor Theodosius the Great (r. 379-395) made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and declared other religions illegal. In 391, he closed all pagan temples and banned all forms of pagan cults. In 393, he banned the Olympic Games as pagan. Apparently, the post-conciliar popes have forgotten -- again -- the wisdom of their predecessors.
It boggles the mind, but Benedict-Ratzinger is eager to play sycophant to the Communist Chinese, who have harshly persecuted and murdered many of his Newchurch presbyters and bishops. He even went to far as to approve for Novus Ordo episcopal "installation" for one Giuseppe Gan Junqiu, selected by the Communist-affiliated Patriotic National Church of China, for the capital diocese of Guangzhou in the south of Red China. The Communists will not allow the "installation" to go forth unless schismatic bishops affiliated with the Communists and installed without the approval of Newvatican perform the installation.
Curiously, Benedict-Ratzinger also tried to force a Newchurch bishop affiliated with the Communist Secret Service onto the Poles as Primate of Poland. The Poles were so offended that they shouted down the interloper at the "installation" ceremony in Warsaw, at which the President of Poland, seated in the front row of the cathedral, joined. The next day the interloper resigned, and reports from Newrome indicated that Benedict-Ratzinger was fit to be tied that his pontifical will was thwarted by the Poles. He sulked in the papal apartments, playing Beethoven's Apassionata Sonata so angrily that he broke the hammer on his G-string!
Having deceived conservative Newchurchers with the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, the Modernist pope Benedict-Ratzinger has now flip-flopped to win over the schismatic Eastern Orthodox. He has summoned the College of Cardinals to Newrome on November 23, 2007, to discuss a joint document adopted at Ravenna by Newchurch and the Orthodox schismatics. The document, which Benedict-Ratzinger supports, would remove the papal authority from the "pope" and make him, as the Orthodox schismatics have always demanded, merely a primus inter pares, an equal with the Oecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and the other three Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs. He is at the same time trying to unite with the heretical Anglicans, who, according to his predecessor, Pope Leo XIII, are entirely invalid.
The Ravenna document, engineered by the pope's Arch-oecumenist Newcardinal Walter Kasper, contains the heretical statement: "elements of the true Church are present outside the Catholic communion." So, the true Church has now been reduced to a mere "communion," a sect like the Protestants or Eastern Orthodox. The document also wants to call a new "Oecumenical Council," in which the schismatic Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, would have a role equal to the man whom they call the "Bishop of Rome." Such an oecumenical council would be expected to rescind the Dogma of Infallibility. The Bishop of Rome would have no decision-making power without the consent of the other four patriarchs.
The fly in the ointment is that the Oecumenical Patriarch has lost much of his support among the Eastern Orthodox because he is viewed as too liberalist by other easterners. The powerful patriarch of Moscow has strongly objected to him. The Russian delegate walked out of the Ravenna meeting rather than sign the document. [Source: The London Times]
Good Catholics, you can see where Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order is going. It wants to subject itself to the authority of heretics and schismatics. This is nothing new with Benedict-Ratzinger. JPII in his 1995 Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint already indicated that Newchurch was willing to give up the Roman Catholic papacy in order to secure "oecumenical" concurrence.
The unreverend Newchurch monsignor Donald McGuire, sentenced to seven years in prison for the felony rape of two children, proclaimed on November 14, 2007, that he would not allow the Jesuits to expel him. McGuire is a thorough wretch. No only did he rape these two children (and God only knows how many more), but he raped two more while he was out on bail pending appeal. Still out on "house arrest," if the court ever consigns this villain to the iron-bar hotel, he may be subjected by the denizens there to the same crimes that he perpetrated upon these children.
The saga of McGuire demonstrates the irremediable criminality of Newchurch. First of all, Mother Teresa foisted this "monsignor" off onto her Newchurch nuns as their "spiritual advisor." Then, Francis George, the archbishop of Chicago, who was just named as Prince of the U.S. Newchurch Bishops Coven (otherwise known as the USCCB), knowing that McGuire was a rapist, stood by idle while McGuire proceeded to rape further child-victims, often scuttling them out of the United States so that he could operate the more aggressively.
When asked point blank whether he had raped children, McGuire wouldn't comment. He expressed no repentance, even for the two crimes of which he was convicted, not to speak of the numerous charges currently pending against him in U.S. courts. Even McGuire's nephew believes that his uncle is a criminal. Kevin McGuire, a California lawyer, is representing his uncle's victims, saying, "What he's done to kids is unconscionable. He's the original 'Monster of the Midway.'" [Source: Chicago Sun Times]
Good Catholics, let's face it. The Newchurch of the New Order is sick unto death. This multiple rapist has appealed to Benedict-Ratzinger, who has a reputation of being soft, to say the least, on criminal presbyters. It is an affront to the Almighty that Benedict-Ratzinger remains in office, the vixen guarding the hen-house.
Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi -- you have nothing to fear from your Newchurch bishops. Just go on sponsoring abortions; they won't touch you. You can still call yourself "Catholic" to get votes from ignorant Newchurchers. Your own archbishop, Benedict-Ratzinger's own personal appointee as Newchurch archbishop of Washington, D.C., Donald Wuerl, will continue to give you the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid, no questions asked. Thus saith the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops. Thus saith Benedict-Ratzinger. Neo-Roma dixit; causa finita est.
Certainly at their latest conference, concluded on November 15, 2007, the Newchurch bishops didn't touch any religious topic (when is the last time you ever heard them say anything about the Most Blessed Trinity, for example?), but confined themselves to purely political topics. It is as if the two-peaked miters they wear on occasion represents politics and finance instead of Scripture and Tradition. The bishops' concerns at the conference were not doctrine, prayer, fasting, or returning a valid Mass and Sacraments to Newchurch. Far from it! The bishops' concerns were contained in their political manifesto, which treated health care, illegal aliens, labor unions, and the "environment." [Source: The Washington Times]
In the current U.S. Presidential campaign, none of the leading U.S. Presidential candidates claiming to be "Catholic" has been reliably against abortion. But, then, one poll shows that 78% of Newchurchers don't want to deny the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to Newchurch politicians who vote in favor of abortion and "gay marriage." The only anti-abortion candidate is the Mormon and former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, and the Libertarian-based candidate, Ron Paul. Leading Republican "Catholic" candidate Rudy Giuliani, is a bigamist, having been married three times, and supports abortion and "gay marriage." Leading Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton is similarly pro-abortion and pro "gay marriage," and supports adultery to boot! Actually, the Newchurch bishops, in their political manifesto, seemed to equate the murderous nature of abortion with a New Order fixation, "racism," which, of course, is never fully defined and is consistently used as a ploy in name-calling tactics by political Liberalists.
By the way, for you "conservative" Newchurchers, the topic of Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax never came up at the conference. On the whole, the "Motu" Mess has been simply ignored by Newchurch bishops. Traditional author Patricius Anthony provides his usual hard-hitting analysis to TRADITIO Network readers on this topic. For further information, see Benedict-Ratzinger: Take Your "Motu" Mess" and Shove It! in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Good Catholics, the next time some hypocritical Newchurch bishop persecutes you for following the Doctrine and Tradition of the true Church, throw this sentence from the Newchurch bishops' political manifesto back in their teeth: "God is the only judge. All we have the ability to do is to warn people."
George Kocan, a reviewer for the Illinois Review, has written a stunning expose, intimating that Newchurch kills its prominent traditional critics, who die strange deaths at its hands. Kocan cites several specific cases:
Steven Brady. Brady, the leader of a "conservative" Newchurch group called Roman Catholic Faithful, exposed the sex crimes of Dan Ryan, Newchurch bishop of Springfield, Illinois, against children and even his own presbyters. Brady is recovering from severe injuries resulting from a suspicious motorcycle accident.
Fr. Alfred Kunz. Kunz, a traditional-leaning priest, went to Newrome with evidence against Ryan. Kunz's body was discovered in his Wisconsin rectory, severely mutilated.
Fr. John Hardon. Hardon, a traditional-leaning Jesuit presbyter, who was on the verge of going to Newrome to persuade Newvatican to do something against Ryan, died suspiciously.
Fr. Charles Fiore. A traditional-leaving Dominican presbyter, took on the corruption of the Newchurch archdiocese of Chicago, then run by Chicago's Newchurch Archbishop, Joseph Bernardin, who was publicly accused of sex crimes. Fr. Fiore died from a suspicious fall off a ladder.
Fr. Malachi Martin. Martin, a prolific author of romans à clef describing the corruption of both the Jesuits and the New Order Church of Paul VI and JPII, wrote Windswept House, which told the story of an occult conspiracy of sex criminals led by Bernardin. Martin said that he did not make the name of Bernardin explicit in the story because he did not want to "have his kneecaps blown off." Martin died from a suspicious accident in his New York home.
Francis Pellegrini. Pellegrini, an organist and choirmaster at a Chicago Newchurch parish, was in the process of exposing a ring of Newchurch presbyters known as The Boys' Club, which practiced Satanic rituals and sex crimes. Police found his body on the property of the parish, stabbed more than twenty times.
Andrew Greeley, a Newchurch presbyter who earns his income writing pot-boiler sex novels, described The Boys' Club in one of those novels. However, he claims that he has no fear of The Boys' Club because he has written down their names and placed it in a safe place, just in case anything should happen to him.
So Newchurch is responsible not only for sex crimes, embezzlement, and stalking, but probably murder as well.
Around this time of year people look for a traditional Catholic calendar and Ordo for the next year. The traditional calendar and Ordo that the TRADITIO Network particularly recommends are both based on the most traditional form of the Roman Rite, before the rubrical changes of 1950, 1956, 1960, and 1962. This is most authentic form, to which more and more traditional Catholic priests are returning in preference to the "Motu" Mess of 1962.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Publications produces a full-color calendar, both in the calendar boxes and in the religious art that accompanies each month. It contains full information about all feasts, commemorations, votive Masses, fasts and abstinence, and more. In the back matter, there is excellently-summarized information about indulgences, fast and abstinence, and other practical matters. This is unquestionably the best and most complete traditional calendar available.
St. Lawrence Press produces the best and most complete annual Ordo available. This Ordo Recitandi Officii Divini Sacrique Peragendi [Order of Reciting the Divine Office and Carrying Out the Sacred Rite], entirely in Latin and in the traditional form, contains detailed information about the Mass and Divine Office that priests and the most advanced laypeople use, much more complete in its detail than any calendar can give. Additional pages give the rubrics for Solemn Votive Masses, rubrics for conventual Masses and private votive Masses, and the text for the movable feasts sung on Epiphany.
For contact information, see the current month's Official Traditional Catholic Directory for North America, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Resources for North America in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department of the TRADITIO Network. Contact information will be found in the Traditional Catholic Supplies section of the Traditional Directory.
It is clear that Newchurch has learned nothing from its ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. The U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishop elected on November 13, 2007, a man who has been a major piece of offal in the cesspool that is Newchurch, Francis George, Newchurch archbishop of Chicago. [Source: United Press International]
George is one of those perverted Newchurch prelates, like Newchurch Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, who has the unmitigated gall to blame the victims for the sex crimes, claiming that they are only "after money." Well, we TRADITIO Fathers have a suggestion: let one of George's presbyter-predators into a locked room to sodomize George himself and then let's see whether his tune changes. Words can't express the foulness of the corruption of prelates like George and Bertone, who would blame the child victims for being sodomized and would tell them: lie back and enjoy it -- and keep your mouth shut, or Benedict's boogey-man will get you!
The New York Times recently revealed that George knowingly suborned child rape by one of his presbyters whom he knew to be a predator. It seems completely appropriate that the New Order bishops of the United States should elect Francis "Foul" George as their leader!
In a stunning admission confirming the traditional Catholic position, Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, Secretary of a Pontifical Council, stated on November 12, 2007, that the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) used "a synthesis between tradition and renewal." [Source: Catholic News Agency]
In order words, Marchetto admitted that Vatican II changed modified Sacred Tradition by melding it with a foreign component, "renewal," which, as those who have observed the period know, was a code-word then and now for the infusion of the principles of papally-condemned Modernism, the creation of a Newchurch, different from the Catholic Church that preceded it, including a new liturgical service, new sacraments, new doctrine, and a new moral code.
This is what you get when you cut through all the Vatican-II-speak and bore down to the real context instead of some deceptive surface meaning. Newvatican bureaucrats use Vatican II-speak, an attempt to cover up the real meaning of what they are saying, or at least to obfuscate it. We Fathers, careful observers of the ways of Newchurch for the last forty years, are not deceived by such tactics. Instead, we cut through to the heart of the meaning for our readers.
In the effort to "translate" already the third edition (2002) of the Novus Ordo Missal in just forty years, the chairman of the much-criticized International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), Newchurch bishop Arthur Roche, of Leeds, England, has indicated that a "translation" is really an impossible task. "Latin shows the function of a word by means of its ending, English by its place in the sentence. In Latin, word order often expresses emphasis. English has to try to convey this, but has fewer means for doing so. In some cases, Latin has many words for a concept for which English has few -- for example, love."
Roche also admitted that the first "translations" of the Novus Ordo Missal in the early 1970 were a botched job since the emphasis was on tossing out any "translation" at all so that the Novus Ordo service could be immediately vernacularized, not on producing anything legitimate. Further, Roche admitted that the translation of the New Novus Ordo was inspired by the "translations" of Martin Luther and the Protestant King James Version. In this way, his commission, he says, will change the way that Newchurchers believe, following the old adage: lex orandi, lex credendi [the law of praying (controls) the way of believing]. [Source: Zenit]
And we all know what abominations have been introduced into Newchurch doctrine and morality through the deception of "translation."
Fabian Bruskewitz, Newchurch bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, is another one of those phony New Order bishops that tries to make himself out as "conservative" to fool the Motarians. Of course, the truth lies entirely elsewhere. Bruskewitz moved the "indult" Society of St. Peter (FSSP) to his diocese and then essentially suppressed its expansion. As previously reported in these Commentaries, reports are that at least one-third of the FSSP clergy now want to bolt from the FSSP. Bruskewitz also turned over his Newchurch cathedral to be used by the Methodists to consecrate a new bishop (the Newchurchers themselves don't consecrate bishops any more; they merely "install" them). Then he himself participated in the Shriners (Masonic) picnic at the same time that he threatened to "excommunicate" Freemasons from Newchurch. Typical Newchurch hypocrisy.
Now a group organized to protect victims of Newchurch sex crimes against children has criticized Bruskewitz personally for being the only Newchurch bishop in the nation to refuse to report on his diocese's sex-crimes. When Bruskewitz refused to accept the petitions, the group's Nebraska chapter president entered his hotel, where the U.S. Conferences of [Catholic] Bishops is meeting in Baltimore, to deliver the 1000 petitions to him and the other Newchurch bishops. The group attacked Bruskewitz for his malfeasance in covering up numerous sex crimes perpetrated by his presbyters -- and himself, at least by cooperating with the crimes -- against children.
Bruskewitz was the only one of 195 Newchurch diocesan bishops that refused in 2006 to conduct the sex-crime audit, which was demanded by the USCCB, a paper-tiger front group for the Newchurch of the New Order. This "gentlemen's club" has not taken any action against Bruskewitz for his support of sex crimes. "It's a disappointment ... because Bishop Bruskewitz has just thumbed his nose" at the policies from the bishops' conference, said a spokesman for the victims' group. "The position he takes is he's answerable only to the pope." [Source: Associated Press]
Well, that's any easy one. Just like his predecessor JPII, Benedict-Ratzinger has protected his criminal bishops and presbyters under the sham of a "pontifical oath." Meanwhile, children in Bruskewitz's diocese and other Newchurch dioceses continue to be raped, and Bruskewitz continues to shield them from criminal prosecution. Bruskewitz has said that he wouldn't assume wrongdoing by the diocese and its presbyters. Of course not! He might have to fork over another $1,000,000,000 in damages, as the U.S. courts forced Roger "Rogue" Mahony, Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles, recently to do.
A group of Austrian Newchurch bishops, including the archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Schonborn, recently fled the Western Wall in Jerusalem rather display their crucifixes before approaching the wall. The Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem told them that their crucifixes were offensive. The Chief Rabbi, successor to the biblical Caiphas, required that if they approached the wall, they would have to wear kipahs, the headdress of Jewish men.
The Chief Rabbi charged that the crucifix is a symbol of hatred. The Newchurch bishops made no defense, but ran away with their tails between their legs and capitulated to this anti-Catholic bigotry. [Source: CNS]
In Rome a Newparish church turns into a mosque every Friday night, and 200 Mohammedans take it over for their prayers to Allah. The pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption in Ponzano, near Venice, says that JPII approved the turnover of the church, calling the infidels "dear Muslim brothers" and kissing their Koran. In the month of Ramadan, the number of infidels in the "Catholic" church swells to 1000-1200. The pastor also quotes the support of Benedict-Ratzinger, who has stated: "Christ lives in Muslims too."
But at least one lay leader called the Newchurch pastor a hypocrite. "In this initiative, there isn't a grain of reciprocity. In some of the Muslim countries, they won't give an centimetre to us to offer our prayers." Comments another lay leader: "The saddest thing is that the church of Our Lady of Assumption has a larger congregation on Fridays than Sundays." [Source: Corriere della Sera]
Isn't that the future of Newchurch? Within a decade or two most of the formerly Catholic Roman churches will probably become Mohammedan, and the Arabic symbol for Allah will be inscribed in the apse of St. Peter's Basilica, as it already is in the apse of Sancta Sophia in Constantinople.
Raymond "Bully" Burke, Newchurch archbishop of St. Louis, is PO'd at the installation of two Roman Catholic Womenpriests in his archdiocese on November 11, 2007 -- not so much because of the theology of the action itself as that the Jews of St. Louis undermined his personal "authority" by allowing the installation to take place at the Central Reform Congregation's synagogue. Reform Judaism comprises about 90% of all Jews in the United States (the rest are "Conservative" or "Orthodox").
But apparently Benedict-Ratzinger isn't all that put out about the installations of Roman Catholic Womenpriests. Of the roughly 100 women who have been installed as Newchurch presbyters or deacons worldwide, including 37 in the United States, only the first seven were officially excommunicated in 2002, by his predecessor, JPII. Benedict-Ratzinger is probably afraid of offending Judaism, with which he has made a particular effort to associate, perhaps in an attempt to blot out from Newchurchers' minds his personal history as a member of the Hitler Jungend, the Hitler Youth Band of the Nazi Party. In his capacity as pope, Benedict-Ratzinger has appeared several times in Jewish synagogues, actively praying for the coming of the Messias.
Hundreds of Newchurchers are said to have called to reject Burke and to thank the Jews for their action. According to a poll of Newchurchers, the next pope should allow women to be installed as presbyters. So, Burke was hung by his own hypocritical petard. You see, Newchurch claims that all sins are automatically forgiven, whether repented of or not, and that the Jews are "our elder brothers in Christ"! When Burke was confronted with his Newchurch hypocrisy, his spokesman replied, "It's a matter of principle." Certainly: the principle of Burke's personal power, or, as Louis XIV put it: le loi, c'est moi! [the law is me!].
Good Catholics, "Bully" Burke sounds more offended that his personal suzerainty was undercut by the Jews than that these two women were installed as Roman Catholic Womenpriests. It is the rule in Newchurch that theological issues are not important in themselves, only as tools in ecclesiastical power-games. Diogenes would certainly have a difficult task, even with his lantern, finding a moral prelate in Newchurch, from the pope on down!
A Newchurch presbyter has been arrested on charges of stalking late-night talk-show host Conan O'Brien by writing him threatening notes on parish letterhead, harassing his parents, and crashing his studio, prosecutors said. David Ajemian, a presbyter in Newchurch archbishop Sean O'Mally's beleaguered archdiocese of Boston, was arrested November 9, 2007, while trying to crash a taping session of Late Night with Conan O'Brien at New York's Rockefeller Plaza.
Ajemian referred to himself as "your priest [sic] stalker" in one note and complained of not being allowed in to see an earlier taping of the O'Brien show. "Is this the way you treat your most dangerous fan?" the note said. The letters and E-mails, which started coming in September 2006, continued even after Ajemian was asked to stop. "I want a public confession before I ever consider giving you [O'Brient] absolution -- or a spot on your couch," wrote Ajemian, who signed the notes "Padre." The presbyter could face up to a year in prison if convicted of aggravated harassment and stalking.
During the entire time of the stalking until his arrest, Ajemian was serving at St. Patrick's Newparish in the Newchurch archdiocese of Boston. Ajemian is a thorough product of Newchurch; he was installed as a presbyter in 2001. As usual, the Newchurchers were clueless about what was going on. One parishioner said that "there are many people who are disturbed and in tears." Apparently, no tears were shed for Conan O'Brien, the innocent party here, who was stalked for the better part of two years from Boston to Rome, and whose family, who lives in the Boston area near Ajemian's church, was harassed by the presbyter. [Source: New York Post]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch is certainly swirling down the toilet fast. Sex criminals, embezzlers, and now stalkers inhabit its New Order halls. And Newpope doesn't miss a beat attending World Youth Conferences handing out prophylactics, visiting and praying in Jewish synagogues and Mohammedan mosques, and having meetings with heretics like his bosom-buddy Hans Kung. Newchurch is a joke, not a religion. All one can do is laugh it to scorn.
Crispian Hollis, Newchurch bishop of Portsmouth, England, is backing a campaign to legalize brothels, supporting the proposal of the Women's Institute. Hollis won praise from the International Union for Sex Workers for his "courageous" stand. [Source: Portsmouth News]
Good Catholics, that sounds perfectly reasonable to us. Who knows: maybe Hollis himself likes to frequent the places. After all, Newchurch practices sex crimes, embezzlement, stalking, and, according to some, murder. Why not prostitution? It's all just part of that anti-Catholic moral cesspool that is known as the Newchurch of the New Order.Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was a sharp cookie in politics, and now he has played Newchurch for a fool. Rather than confront the heretical Church of England while he was Prime Minister, Blair waited until he was out of office to make definite plans to "convert" to Newchurch. Why shouldn't Blair be welcomed by Newchurch, which has deviated from so many Catholic moral teachings? Blair is a perfect member of the New Order already: he believes in abortion choice, "gay" marriage and adoption, and embryonic stem-cell research.
Actually, Blair jumped the gun in 1980 when he went to Novus Ordo services and received the cookie and grape-juice as a heretic. At least then Primate of England & Wales, Basil Hume, had enough honesty to tell Blair to stop. The new Primate, Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, will personally receive the heretic into Newchurch. Benedict-Ratzinger himself has raised no objections. [Source: The Tablet]
Before "Indult" and "Motu" Messes, St. Ann's Church at the corner of Twelfth Street and Fourth Avenue in New York City was the site of a Traditional Latin Mass. Bishop Fulton Sheen visited the church many times to say the true Mass. But no longer. Edward Egan, Newchurch cardinal of New York, sold the property and its church to the U.S. Postal Service in order that he could pay off for sex crimes. The facade is being preserved against a 26-story modern-style building.
Good Catholics, the Most Blessed Sacrament lamp is out in Newchurch. Novus Ordo churches are Sacramentally bereft, as Edward Cardinal Manning (1808-1892) so eloquently wrote of the Sacramental void of the Anglican Church:
A change which held both on earth and in heaven had been accomplished.... There was no Holy Sacrifice offered morning by morning. The Scriptures were read, but there was no Divine Teacher to interpret them. The Magnificat was chanted still, but it rolled along the empty roofs, for Jesus was no longer on the altar. So it is to this day. There is no light, no tabernacle, no altar, nor can be, till Jesus shall return thither. They stand like the open sepulcher, and we may believe that angels are there, ever saying, "He is not here. Come and see the place where the Lord was laid."
Now an announcement comes that two of Raymond "Bully" Burke's radical Newchurch women are to be ordained as Newchurch presbyteresses right in his own backyard, in south St. Louis, on November 11, 2007. Patricia Fresen, who was installed as a bishop in the New Order rite by a male Newchurch bishop, will install Rose Marie Hudson and Elsie McGrath as Newchurch presbyteresses in the New Order rite.
Several local Novus Ordo presbyters who are supportive of allowing presbyteresses have indicated that they will be in attendance. The rite will take place at an oecumenical site, the Central Reform Congregation's synagogue. When the ceremony ends, the new priestesses will join the ranks of 22 other American women already installed as Newchurch presbyters ordained as part of the Roman Catholic Womenpriests Program. [Source: Riverfront Times]
Hudson and McGrath, like some of their predecessors, plan to service a church. There is speculation that, once they are ordained, the new priestesses may be open to celebrating Benedict-Ratzinger's Latin "Motu" Mess for conservative Newchurchers.
One of the most corrupt Newchurch bishops in the United States has got to be Raymond Burke, of St. Louis, Missouri, who has acquired the eponym "Bully" because of his actions to rob traditional-leaning churches of their finances.
Burke was originally Newchurch bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, from 1995 to 2003, where he was exposed in the local press as being one of the most extreme practitioners of the cover-up of rampant sex crimes by his presbyters. He capped off his despicable career there by "consecrating" a surgically-"transgendered" male as a Newchurch "nun." This was too much even for the conservative Newchurchers of La Crosse, who complained bitterly to JPII's Apostolic Delegate in Washington, D.C., but of course Newchurch never acts against its bishops, no matter how evil and anti-Catholic their actions are.
Readers of these TRADITIO Commentaries are quite familiar with Burke's actions against the conservative, even traditional-leaning, parishioners of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, which, upon its founding some 125 years ago, was given a perpetual charter by the founding Archbishop to operate with a lay Board of Trustees, a common arrangement for U.S. parishes in the 19th century. For those 125 years, St. Stanislaus has been entirely self-supporting, even during the Great Depression, and has received not one cent from the archdiocese.
Over those years the Board of Trustees was so successful that it built a thriving parish and a church structure worth some $12,000,000. When the courts finally caught up with Burke and forced him to pay damages to sex-crime victims, he cast about for a fatted pig to pay off his crime bill. His gaze fell upon the thriving St. Stanislaus, so he attempted to vitiate the church's perpetual charter and steal the church's funds.
"Bully" Burke, who always expected Newchurchers to obey his decrees unquestioningly, was caught flat-footed when the parishioners of St. Stanislaus gave him a resounding No!, almost to a man, in a plebiscite of all the parishioners, and supported its own Board of Trustees over the crooked bishop. Burke could of course do nothing in court against the church, as he had no legal standing against the perpetual charter granted by his predecessor. Therefore, he huffed and puffed and threatened Newchurch "excommunication" against the Trustees of the church, termed the "Stanislaus Six." Newchurch "excommunication," you see, is reserved for traditional-type people, not against the rampant heretics of Newchurch itself.
The courageous Board of Trustees told "Bully" Burke to go excommunicate himself and hired a priest from Poland to serve their needs. For two years now the parishioners of St. Stanislaus have operated independently of Burke. Two new Trustees have been elected by the parish, and Burke has threatened them too. The two new Trustees, a construction superintendent and a homemaker, said that they had no intention of abandoning their office because of "Bully" Burke's threats. "Burke is ridiculous and his medieval tactics don't sway me," said one of the new Trustees. [Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch]
What is interesting is that often the most corrupt Newchurch bishops are the more likely to shroud themselves in the cloak of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax so as to deceive conservative Newchurchers. All too many of those conservative Newchurch, so crazed to be "approved" by the corrupt bishops of the New Order, will turn a blind eye to the thefts, perversions, sex crimes, embezzlements, and extortions that several Newchurch clergy are already imprisoned for.
If they have any Catholicism left in them, the Newchurchers of St. Louis should rise up in indignation and throw this perverted anti-Catholic bishop out!
These TRADITIO Commentaries have consistently warned against the Charismatic Cable Channel EWTN, which coats itself in a telegenic veneer to entice Newchurchers to believe that it is Catholic. We have received numerous reports from inside EWTN over the years that it is in reality imbued with Protestant charismaticism, led by such EWTN hosts as Evangelist Scott Hahn and the Newfranciscan University of Steubenville.
One of the most charismatic-based programs is entitled Life on the Rock, which attempts to entice teenagers into the New Order. The host of that program, a Newchurch presbyter, has announced, to the shock of his audience, that he is in the process of abandoning the Newchurch presbyterate and shacking up with a widow. [Source: Wisconsin Catholic]
The Cardinal Secretary of Newchurch's Congregation for Divine Worship, Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige, has now confirmed publicly the TRADITIO Network prediction that Newchurch "theologians, liturgists, priests [sic], bishops, and even cardinals" are in "opposition" to the "Motu" Mess. Patabendige admits that the bishops are limiting the "Motu" Mess.
Ranjith indicated that Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum was joining "so many documents" that have "remained a dead letter" and "have ended up on dusty shelves or ... in wastebaskets." From his lips to God's ears! Traditional Catholics have had enough of Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, which supports the overwhelming use of the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Paga service as the "Ordinary" rite of Newchurch.
Mother Teresa's spiritual advisor was taken into custody in Chicago by U.S. federal authorities on November 2, 2007. The prominent Newjesuit presbyter, Donald McGuire, has now been charged with traveling to Switzerland and Austria in the company of a child of thirteen for the purpose of extorting sex favors. McGuire, out on bail pending appeal on his 2006 conviction for raping two high-school students on trips to Wisconsin, stood in suit and tie before Federal District Court in Chicago, while a United States attorney called him a flight risk and a danger to the community. A federal magistrate ordered his bail revoked and that he be remanded to prison with fellow criminals. The new charge carries a penalty of another fifteen years in prison.
McGuire, in addition to being spiritual advisor to Teresa and her Newchurch nuns on "retreats," lead for the Newjesuits many retreats for lay Newchurchers around the world. God only knows what he "advised" them! This incident has cast further doubt on Teresa's fast-tracking to be a Newchurch "saint." Teresa has so many skeletons in her closet that Benedict-Ratzinger wants to rush the process through before her spiritual and moral character can be objectively assessed and before her alleged "miracle" can be disputed by the physicians of the "healed" woman, who maintain that it was no "miracle" at all, but the result of standard cancer treatment.
When the New Order came into Newchurch in 1969, McGuire started his sex-crime spree. Parents of victim children reported McGuire's crimes to Newjesuit officials, who failed to do anything because they were too busy imposing "Liberation Theology" at gunpoint, in league with the Marxists in Latin America. The Newjesuit authorities received further complaints from parents in 1993, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 and still did not expose McGuire and boot him out to be prosecuted by the civil authorities. McGuire took "retreats" with children as young as thirteen years of age.
Worst than that, McGuire committed the gravest act of sacrilege possible, crimen sollitationis, "absolving" the children whom he forced into rape and forcing them to silence. One child raped by McGuire in the Novus Ordo reconciliation room was only 9 years of age. On March 16, 1962, the crime of confessional solicitation was the subject of a directive of the severest condemnation issued by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Prefect of the Holy Office (when it was actually holy), and endorsed by Pope John XXIII. Pope John ordered the directive sent to both Eastern and Western Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops, and Ordinaries. (Cardinal Ottaviani is also known for his courageous condemnation of the Novus Ordo service of 1969 in his famous critique sent to Paul VI.)
Too bad JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger didn't follow Cardinal Ottaviani and Pope John's severe strictures. Newchurch may have been spared its Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal." In 2002, the U.S. Newchurch bishops, when they could no longer conceal their gross malfeasance in office, declared that all presbyters credibly accused of sex crimes should be removed from the active ministry. Nevertheless, the Newjesuit authorities ignored the declaration and continued to allow McGuire his "sex retreats." [Source: New York Times]
McGuire's case points out the criminal malfeasance in office of JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger and of Chicago's Newchurch cardinal Francis George, who knowingly suborned child rape by a presbyter whom they knew to be a predator. If the Newchurchers had any morality left, they would not rest until they forced out of office Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis George for crimes that Ottaviani and John XXIII would have punished severely.
It didn't take long, did it, for what Fr. Frederick Faber once called "the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven" to be vulgarized? The Novus Order Nobertines are offering something called "The Tridentine [sic] Low Mass for Joe Six-pack."
First of all, let's get rid of this "Tridentine" misnomer. The "Mass of 1962" or the "Extraordinary Rite" or "'Blessed' John XXIII's Mass" is not the Tridentine rite. The "Motu" Mess includes twelve years (1950-1962) of modifications by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini leading up to the Vatican II/Novus Ordo double whammy.
But the term "Tridentine" is itself a misleading term. The Newchurchers like to use it because it implies that every pope or council can make up its own service. Thus, we frequently hear now such unCatholic terms as "the Mass of 'Blessed' John XXIII," "the Mass of Paul VI," or the Tridentine Mass (Mass of the Council of Trent). In fact, there was no major change made in the Mass at Trent. The Roman Missals from before the Council, just like those after the Council, are essentially the same. The main change was that local rites that had deviated a little over the centuries from that of Rome were synchronized once again with the fully Roman rite.
According to Roman Catholic Tradition, the Traditional Latin Mass in all its essentials was passed on by St. Peter, the first pope, to the Church. The Apostles themselves, according to St. Ambrose, worked at its elaboration. It reached its complete perfection with Popes St. Damasus (fourth century) and St. Gregory the Great (sixth century). As the great liturgical scholar, Fr. Adrian Fortescue, wrote, this Mass is "the most venerable in all Christendom, with a history of unbroken use far longer than that of any Eastern rite, there being no doubt that the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin." For further information, click on MASSTRAD: The Traditional Roman Catholic Latin Mass in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics).
Dear Fathers:
We are a traditional Catholic family of nine, but have access only to one Mass, on Sundays. For holydays, as the Feast of All Saints recently, there are only Novus Ordo services. What do we do to fulfil our obligation on these days? We really make it a point to not go to the Novus Ordo.
The Fathers Reply.
First and foremost, you cannot "fulfil your obligation," as you put it, at the invalid Novus Ordo service, any more than you can "fulfil your obligation" at a Methodist church. The unavailability of the true Mass is never a justification to attend the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
Second, consult the current month's Official Traditional Catholic Directory for North America, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Resources for North America in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department of the TRADITIO Network. Search there for the Traditional Latin Masses in your area. Very often people are unaware that there is one in their own backyard until they consult the Traditional Directory.
Third, it would be correct to say that in the history of the Church, most Catholics never had the blessing of worshipping at a Mass every Sunday, let alone holydays. So, if you are in a position of not having a Traditional Latin Mass at which to worship on holydays, first of all keep the holyday holy by the time-tested practices for Catholics in that situation. For further information, click on ABSENT: Method of Hearing Mass Spiritually for the Absent in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics).
Dear Fathers:
I have been a member of the largest SSPX site in the USA since 1990. I can tell you that I do not see any change in the way things are done from when I first arrived. I just read Mac's criticizing of the SSPX calendar. The feastdays are those of the 1962 missal. The SSPX has always used that missal. The SSPX has also always encouraged supporters to observe the traditional days of fast and abstinence, including ember days and rogation days. The SSPX is not a sede-vacantist order. I am looking for balance.
The Fathers Reply.
We are receiving far too many credible reports from around the world, particularly from France and the United States, about Novus Ordo practices and presbyters being introduced at various SSPX sites not to conclude that a sea-change is occurring in the SSPX, though the Fellay administration tries to cover it up, just as Newchurch tries to cover up its sex crimes and embezzlements. As the reader himself stated, SSPX sites are a "mixed bag" -- some are more traditional, others less so.
We assumed that the reader was referring to the Bugninized/Modernized "Mass of 1962," now known as the "Motu" Mess. There were a number of changes in Saints' feastdays made in Bugnini's pre-Vatican II changes in 1950-1962. These changes led directly, under his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers after Vatican II, to the Novus Ordo Mess of 1969.
The problem with the SSPX's "encouraging" rather than requiring traditional practices is the problem with the New Order itself, among whose adherents fasting and abstinence have virtually disappeared. That is why traditionally the Church views fully deliberate and knowing violation of these practices as Mortal Sins. Otherwise -- let's be honest with ourselves -- how many us would fast and abstain voluntarily for the sake of our eternal salvation? Very, very few of us. And fasting and abstaining are Christ's commandment, not his "encouragement." Mere "encouragement" is not an obligation, nor is it the Church's traditional approach toward these serious obligations. Also, the use of mere "encouragement" indicates the SSPX's acceptance of the New Order. For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics) in the articles "Friday Abstinence" and "Lenten Fast."
You don't have to be "sede-vacantist" to condemn and refuse to follow unCatholic doctrine and practice. There is ample Catholic theology for that, starting with St. Paul's confronting the errors of St. Peter to the pope's face before the Apostles assembled in council, and St. Peter's subsequent admission of his error. For further information, click on POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians and FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (Catholic Apologetics) in the article "Sede-vacantism."
Finally, as to "balance," we do not tow the SSPX line 100%. Of course we don't. That wouldn't be "balanced." On balance, we praise the SSPX when it adheres to traditional doctrine and practice, and criticize it when it doesn't, as we do with all organizations. Unfortunately, too many SSPXers are unbalanced. Unless the Society is praised 100%, they claim that the source is "unbalanced." That is part of the cultish attitude that is fostered by the Society's officialdom. The shift in coverage that you may be seeing reflects the fact that in recent years, under the Fellay administration, the SSPX has been deviating from the more traditional practices of its founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, and selling out to the New Order little by little, just as the Catholic Church in the 1960s sold out little by little to the New Order.
Has Bernie Fellay learned nothing from history? Or perhaps he is himself just more New Order inclined? Of the four SSPX bishops, he is the only one that doesn't seem to be really uncomfortable with the New Order. Oh, sure, like Benedict-Ratzinger, he will mouth a few traditional platitudes every once in a while, as he did recently on October 30, 2007, concerning "correction" of Vatican II. But the trust of his shift toward the New Order is all too evident from his words and actions of his last years.
Dear Fathers:
The liberalist wing of the Motarians (lovers of Summorum pontificum) in France has begun to say, just as the TRADITIO Network previously reported, that the "Motu" Mess can be celebrated in the vernacular. They claim that this would at least be a start to get Newchurch presbyters on the road to Tradition. Is there any sense to this nonsense?
The Fathers Reply.
Not unless you believe that heresy is the path to orthodoxy. The Council of Trent spoke dogmatically on this point in Session XXII, confirming the necessity of the Sacred Language in the Mass and Sacraments, and condemning for dogmatic reasons the use of vulgar tongues in the Sacred Rites. These Motarian vernacularists are no better than Martin Luther and the Protestants, against whose heresies the dogmatic Council of Trent issued its anathemata.
It is quite clear now that the introduction of the vulgar tongues after Vatican II was the most significant factor in allowing the New Order to inject its New Theology, its New Liturgy, its New Sacraments, and its New Morality in Newchurch. It would not have been possible for them to accomplish this in Latin, which had been Providentially perfected over two millennia into the Church's sharpest instrument against heresy.
Pope Pius XII stated: "The day the Church abandons her universal tongue [Latin] is the day before she returns to the catacombs." Surely this papal prediction has come true in Newchurch.
Dear Fathers:
I am writing to say that I am sick of "conservative" SSPXers who say, "I would be the first one to bolt from my SSPX chapel if the resident priest did anything that hinted towards selling out to Newvatican." All I have to say to this kind of thinking is this: does your chapel feature the SSPX calendar? As any Catholic capable of reason can see, this calendar is Novus Ordo all the way -- featuring Novus Ordo "saints" and "holy" days, "optional" meatless Fridays, the whole New Order works. I also have to ask the reader if his pastor follows the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church, or if he follows the 1983 Newlaw of Newvatican. Your reader must not be very aware just how deeply into Newvatican most SSPX chapels already are. But that's how the SSPX likes their "faithful" be be -- blissfully ignorant of the situation.
We Fathers have often said that you don't need to argue against the Novus Ordo service: the Newchurchers will admit the truth of its falsity themselves. One "conservative" talking-head recently spilled the beans in his description of that phony service:
I was not personally excited when news of the motu proprio broke, since it doesn't especially affect me. I attend a Paul VI Mass [sic] that is reverently [sic] celebrated. My attitude toward liturgy is: "Just give me my lines and my blocking." I then endeavor to learn and forget about them in precisely the same way I endeavor to break in my shoes. The point of shoes is not to notice them, but to walk in them. Shoes you constantly notice are Bad Shoes.
Where did this guy learn his catechism -- the School of Screwtape? "Liturgy," as he likes to call it, is to be forgotten, to be ignored. Its focus is God, he admits, so is he saying that God is to be forgotten, to be ignored? Apparently so. That is the way that the Newchurchers act, after all. They conjoin themselves with Newchurch phony Messes, with Newchurch immorality, and with a theology that a liberalist Protestant would be quite comfortable with.
But, good Catholics, take heart. Your arguments on the invalidity of the Novus Ordo Mess are stinging their Newchurch targets. The talking-head went on to admit:
When I've stated that I believe the Mass is the Mass is the Mass, and so I'm content with either the Tridentine [sic] or Paul VI liturgies, I've been asked by Tridentine enthusiasts, "Is a Black Mass a Mass also?" I've been told repeatedly and in no uncertain terms that the only reason I like the Paul VI Rite is that I don't know any better, am still a Protestant at heart.
Given time, maybe this Newchurcher, and others, will assimilate the truth that they are attending an invalid, Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service that even Benedict-Ratzinger admitted was not part of Catholic Tradition, but was rather "fabricated ... manufactured." At least the talking-head can't claim ignorance. He has been given the truth. If he chooses to follow black rather than white, that is to his condemnation.
Dear Fathers:
On the Feast of Christ the King at my SSPX chapel, we did have the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart and the Litany of the Sacred Heart. So just as with a lot of other things, the SSPX is a mixed bag. Some people treat it as a cult that is above Holy Mother Church, and then there are some that are trying to push it towards the New Order, but fortunately there are a few good priests left in the Society that are trying to hold back any sort of sellout to Newvatican. I would be the first one to bolt from my SSPX chapel if the resident priest did anything that hinted towards selling out to Newvatican.
Dear Fathers:
Some time back a Novus Ordo presbyter gave a mission at our SSPX chapel. The presbyter was invited back a second time. A Novus Ordo presbyter also gave an SSPX retreat that I attended. I have been so troubled by the SSPX's use -- and justification -- of Novus Ordo presbyters that I spoke to the man at the national headquarters. He told me that I should go back to the Novus Ordo. The local SSPX priest also tells people that it is all right to go to the Novus Ordo.
Not satisfied with this answer, I wrote to all four SSPX bishops, two of whom replied. One refused to answer any questions because I was "too unworthy." The SSPX's Superior General, however, wrote a detailed reply (probably from a form letter that is sent to all inquirers on this subject), which stunned me:
Due to all the turmoil since Vatican II, there is, as in your case, a very great distrust about the validity of the new rite of ordination. Nevertheless the general consideration about the new rite of ordination leads to the conclusion that we have to consider it a priori [on principle] as valid, just as the new Mass.
What stunned me is that Bishop Fellay seems to have accepted the Novus Ordo line. Given Pope Leo XIII's declaration on the invalidity of the Anglican orders and service, my understanding of Catholic teaching is that when anything in the Sacraments deviates from Tradition, one must consider the changed rite as a priori invalid. Moreover, Pope Pius XII in 1947 confirmed explicitly what the valid form (words) of the Sacrament of Holy Orders is as the traditional form. The Novus Ordo of 1969 deviates from this form.
As to Summorum pontificum and its "Motu" service, Bishop Fellay wrote to me that he supported it and encourages Novus Ordo presbyters, who are not priests, to say the "Motu" service. To me, that appears to be a grievous sin on his part for encouraging simulation of an invalid service as if it were a valid Catholic Mass.
Of course, I am shunned about the direction that the SSPX leadership is going in, but I really don't care at this point. Our family and friends all stopped attending the SSPX chapel because I read the words of the Society itself as it stands today, which I found to contradict the things written by Archbishop Lefebvre, as well as the words of the four SSPX bishops in the early months of their consecrations. I find it hard to imagine that they are the same men now as when Archbishop Lefebvre selected them.
$8,600,000 is missing from Newchurch collection-plates in Florida, and police there have arrested three Newchurch presbyters for thefts perpetrated since 1977. The presbyters used the money to set up a fraudulent loan scheme, keep girlfriends, take gambling excursions and foreign holidays, and buy property. One of the presbyters was five times convicted of drunk-driving. The Newchurch presbyters are facing jail sentences of up to thirty years. One presbyter has apparently fled prosecution to Ireland.
St. Patrick's Church in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, where one of the presbyters served for sixteen years, was listed as the address of the fraudulent company. It was parishioners who themselves conducted an investigation in the early 1990s. When the parishioners took the case to the Newchurch bishop, Joseph Symons, the bishop conducted so incompetent an audit that he concluded "nothing irregular" had occurred in the disappearance of millions of dollars! Well, what do Newchurchers expect? Symons resigned in 1998 after he admitted to raping five children. [Source: Dublin Independent]
Good Catholics, Newchurchers talk about Benedict-Ratzinger as having "supreme jurisdiction," but what good does it do anyone when he has consistently failed to exercise it to protect Newchurchers from sexually and financially predatory presbyters? The cases of sex crimes and embezzlement against Newchurchers are now legion, and Benedict-Ratzinger does nothing about it. He should resign his office and escape to some monastery in the Alps for the rest of his life. He is totally unworthy to be pope.
Addendum from Judith. I wanted you to know that at the SSPX chapel here they are doing the same things.
Dear Fathers:
I had read on the TRADITIO Network site and also in my traditional handmissal that on the Feast of Jesus Christ the King if one recites the Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus before the Most Blessed Sacrament Exposed on the Feast of Christ the King, one could receive a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, which may be transferred to a Holy Soul in Purgatory.
I go to an SSPX church, and I was looking forward to transferring this indulgence to someone in my family. We did have an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, but none of those prayers were said, and even the usual prayers and chants that we had in the past were greatly cut back. I do not know whether the priest was ill or whether the Society is trying to get away from these traditional practices.
I am just so frustrated by what I see happening in the SSPX. Just recently we had a presbyter from the Novus Ordo come to our church, and a number of us walked out. We are starting to be ostracized and attacked by others at the site. I appreciate your admonitions that we must remember that the true Church is more than just the Mass; it is also the doctrine and beliefs that cannot be compromised. That helped me on the Sunday I walked out of the SSPX church that had the Novus Ordo presbyter and went home.
On October 26, 2007, Presbyter-pastor Rodney Rodis pled guilty to embezzling over $600,000 from his parishioners' collection-plate. Between 1993 and 2006, Rodis robbed the collection-plate at Immaculate Conception and St. Jude Newchurch parishes from right under the noses of Richmond, Virginia, Newchurch bishops Francis DiLorenzo and Walter Sullivan. Rodis sent the stolen money to relatives in the Philippines so that they could buy property for him. He also used the funds to support a phony "wife" and three illegitimate children, which he secreted in an expensive house some distance away from the parishes. He faces forty years in prison.
Authorities said that Rodis engaged in an elaborate scheme of establishing personal bank accounts for the money that he embezzled from the Newparish and established a post-office box for laundering the money, thus subjecting him to federal charges of mail fraud. Yet he will be allowed to keep $200,000 of the money! [Source: Associated Press]
Good Catholics, if you are wondering how these Newchurch bishops get away will such gross negligence while Benedict-Ratzinger refuses to fire their hides, you have asked a very good question. The only real answer is that Benedict-Ratzinger's is an incompetent pope! Now you know why Newchurch is mired in scandal after scandal: sex, money, phony "Motu" Messes, and many more.
One of the reasons why no Catholic can accept the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is that it requires a loyalty oath to the heretical New Order. This is the schizophrenia that takes possession of "indult" groups and their clergy, like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Christ the King (ICR). They are required to sell their souls to Mephistopheles, in the form of the anti-Catholic New Order, in order to get unneeded "permission" to perform the Bugninized/bastardized version of the Traditional Latin Mass known as the "Mass of 1962."
Recently an FSSP presbyter, one James Fryar, told the Naples (FL) Daily News: "The new rite of Mass is valid; it's good; it's holy." Fryar has to mouth such anti-Catholic nonsense because otherwise Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch bishops would pull his ticket. How can any sane person claim that the Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Mass of Pope St. Gregory the Great, the Mass of every pope, council, Saint, and Catholic until the mid 20th century is the same as a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service concocted in the 1960s by the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant ministers? Even Benedict-Ratzinger, before his two strokes and cerebral concussion, admitted in 1993 that the Novus Ordo service was "fabricated ... manufactured," not part of Catholic Tradition!
To the Naples Daily News, Fryar also embraced the Vernacular Heresy, which was condemned by the dogmatic Council of Trent at Session XXII and by Pope St. Pius V in his Solemn Bull Quo Primum, binding "in perpetuity." Who knows what other heresies are being taught in the FSSP "indult" seminaries these days under Newchurch bishop Fabian Bruskewitz?
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is so duplicitous, so anti-Catholic, so hypocritical that no sane person could allow himself to be trapped into it. Rather, we must heed St. Paul's charge: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions that you have learned" (2 Thessalonians 2:14/DRV).
Dear Fathers:
This special report comes from a Novus Ordo presbyter who works at the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops. On October 25, 2007, he confirmed to me that behind the scenes the USCCB has sent a document to Newrome looking for permission to use, inter alia, "extraordinary" ministers/ministresses, lectors/lectoresses, and altar girls in the "Extraordinary Rite," that is, the "Motu" Mess.
In line with Benedict-Ratzinger's desire expressed in Summorum pontificum that features of the Novus Ordo service be incorporated into the "Motu" Mess, the United States Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops has sent a request to Newrome for the use of ministr(esses) for the cookie, lector(esses) for the epistle and gospel, and altar girls at "Motu" Messes.
Now that Benedict-Ratzinger has inaccurately and deceptively called the "Motu" Mess the "extraordinary" Rite, the bishops' request to use what are called in the Novus Ordo "extraordinary" ministers/ministresses, lectors/lectoresses, and altar girls certainly conforms to Benedict-Ratzinger's desire that elements of the Novus Ordo service be incorporated into the "Mass of 1962," so that the two can become a new Novus Ordo.
As the TRADITIO Network had predicted, Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax has provoked an even more hostile reaction on the part of the Newchurch bishops, who are even now conducting a renewed campaign against the "Latin Mass" (not necessarily even traditional) -- but under the covers, where they have been so successful at operating their Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal.