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Two more Irish Newchurch bishops have resigned on Christmas Eve 2009 in the wake of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, making a total of four so far. Newbishops Eamon Walsh and Raymond Field, of Dublin, joined Donal Murray, of Limerick, and James Moriarty, of Kildare & Leighlin. Yet, for the Irish, this was too little and too late. In fact, the Irish are hopping mad at the bishops because they have refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing or personal responsibility for the rampage of sex crimes against children that they suborned and that were exposed in the Irish government's recently-released Murphy Report.
The Irish Times flayed Benedict-Ratzinger's corrupt bishops, who "failed over many decades to respond properly to criminal acts against children." The Times charged the bishops with refusing to acknowledge being "party to a collective governance of the archdiocese which had so many inadequacies where child protection was concerned." One victim said that getting rid of corrupt Newchurch bishops "is about removing a culture with which they were so strongly associated from the heart of Dublin's Catholic [sic] archdiocese."
Dear Fathers:
I have a friend whose daughter attends a "Motu" Mess where the priest-presbyter gives gluten-free hosts to her because she is celiac. Are these hosts valid matter?
The Fathers Reply.
No, a host to be valid must be bread, that is, natural wheat flour and water only. In such cases, the individual should contact the priest in advance and arrange to receive only a small Particle. Invalid matter invalidates the Sacrament, but small size is not invalidating. By the same principle, alcohol-free "wine" is invalid, as wine is naturally the fermented juice of grapes.
Things are getting hot, literally, for Newchurch in Ireland. After the Irish government issued its Murphy Report, which showed that Newchurch in Ireland has been engaged in a rampage of rapes, assaults, and even murders of children, which the members of the Novus Ordo hierarchy up to an including Benedict-Ratzinger himself, covered up and even abetted, four Irish Newbishops have already resigned over the scandal. As a consequence, the Irish government is removing Newchurch from control of schools.
But corrective action is perhaps not coming fast enough for the multitudes of Irish people who are fed up with Benedict-Ratzinger's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and his own involvement in covering it up. Victims of sex crimes by his Newbishops and presbyters have condemned Benedict-Ratzinger's statement on the report as "inadequate" and "meaningless," with one man vowing to take legal action against Newpope because of his lack of any real response to the crimes.
It may be just such Irishmen irate at Newchurch who burned St. Mel's Cathedral in Longford to the ground on Christmas morning 2009. Fire officers battled to save the 19th-century cathedral, pumping water from a canal, but it was left in ruins. Smoke was still billowing from St. Mel's into the night as fire officers assessed the damage. The Irish police, known as the Gardai, are investigating the blaze for arson. Colm O'Reilly, Newchurch bishop of Ardagh, at the Novus Ordo Christmas "Midnight" service (actually held at 22:00), had spoken of "difficult times facing the Church," alluding to Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal that has gripped this nation, and seven hours latter the cathedral was burnt to the ground.
Our SSPX church here is going beserk. The priest-presbyter has been lengthening the Mass to two-hours, with an extra-long sermon. Then he decided to ape the Novus Ordo by having the lights shut off for Christmas Midnight Mass and distributing candles with paper holders around the base. One member of the congregation burned himself while he tried to stamp out a fire caused by the burning of the paper. I couldn't read anything because the church remained black as the pit of Hell!
My wife and I are thoroughly dissatisfied with what's going on between our superior general, Bernie Fellay, and Newrome. So, we have decided not to contribute any more money to the SSPX. I think that if more of us SSPXers withheld contributions and refused to fill out Fellay's political "Rosary Crusade" forms, Fellay and his minions would get the message that we SSPXers are not all his sheep, and we want to be advised where our money is going. For all we know, a lot of it is going into the Novus Ordo activities of what our founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, called "Modernist Rome."
Like all Conciliar popes, Benedict-Ratzinger has rejected the papal processional chair of Roman tradition, called the sedia gestatoria. The purpose of the chair was to facilitate the faithful seeing the pope as he processed to the altar. Benedict-Ratzinger goes on foot and cannot easily be seen. On Christmas Eve 2009 he probably wished that he had not rejected tradition. A woman dressed in red jumped over the main-aisle barrier in St. Peter's Basilica and attacked him as he began his procession to the altar.
No Swiss guards were in evidence, and when the woman beat Benedict-Ratzinger to the ground, the clergy accompanying him seemed confused. They did not rush to his defense. One bishop was caught by the cameras shrugging as if to say: who cares? It seems that Novus Ordo presbyters are good for nothing, even for protecting the pope! This is the second year that the same woman has attacked Benedict-Ratzinger in the Christmas procession. Why is Newvatican security so incompetent? What was the woman's motive? Was she an aggrieved mother of a child victim of Benedict-Ratzinger's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal?
The ceremony this year broke tradition and was held at 22:00 Rome time, not Midnight, so technically it wasn't a Midnight service. Nor was it a Mass, of course, since Benedict-Ratzinger always uses the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service, not the Traditional Latin Mass. Even the papal press spokesman, Federico Lombardi, admitted that Benedict-Ratzinger was too frail to perform the duties of his office according to the regular schedule by which, after the Midnight Christmas service, he gives the papal blessing Urbi et orbi from the papal balcony the following noon. What a rigorous schedule!
At the Christmas noon blessing, Benedict was described as stumbling and needed an assistant to get him into his chair on the balcony. Much as Lombardi tried to cover up the situation, rumors were rife in Rome that Benedict-Ratzinger is not long for this world. He is not a well man. He has suffered one heart attack and two strokes. Once he lost his balance and knocked himself unconscious on a radiator. Recently, he fell trying to flip a light-switch and broke his wrist. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
On December 26 starts the Twelve Days of Christmas, ending on the Twelfth Day, January 6, Epiphany. The popular Christmas song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," was written in England during the persecution (1558-1820), when the Roman Catholic Faith could not openly be practiced. It was actually a catechism song for young Catholics with different levels of meaning. The hidden meanings of the song's gifts were intended to help children remember the lessons of their Faith.
Also during the time of persecution in England, an 18th-century English candy maker decided to make a candy commemorating Christmas. The candy cane represents a shepherd's staff and upside down is the letter commencing the Holy Name of Jesus. It is made of white candy to represent purity with three red stripes for the Holy Trinity and one large red stripe for Our Lord's Precious Blood later shed.
For further information, click on FAQ11: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Christmas: Carols."
Dead on December 23, 2009, at age 95, Edward Schillebeeckx, a Dutchman, was one of the rare Dominicans who sold out to Modernism at Vatican II (1962-1965). Most Dominicans, schooled in the Catholic philosophy of their member, St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's Principal Theologian, remained conservative. Schillebeeckx, however, so reeked of the odor of heresy that even the Conciliar pope Paul VI sent him official notification that his views were heretical.
One of Schillebeeckx's co-conspirators at the Council was Joseph Ratzinger, both of them conspiring with other Modernists like Karl Rahner and Hans Kung to engineer the takeover of the Council by the already-Protestantized North European bishops. Ratzinger himself had been declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII, and his book, Introduction to Christianity, was banned because of heresy.
Schillebeeckx was responsible for forwarding several Modernist propositions at the Council. He advocated the notion of "collegiality," by which bishops became essentially independent of the pope and petty potentates in their own dioceses, responsible to no one but themselves. He advocated a non-celibate clergy contrary to Apostolic Tradition. He advocated the Protestant notion of the "priesthood" of the laity.
Even after the New Order had taken over Newchurch, Schillebeeckx's Modernism was so extreme that even as late as 1984 he was charged with denying the resurrection of Christ as an objective fact of faith. In 1986 Schillebeeckx was warned that his teaching on the Sacraments was heretical. Schillebeeckx was accused of denying the resurrection of Christ as an objective fact of faith. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, they say, "Birds of a feather flock together." Such was the kind of man with whom Joseph Ratzinger conspired at Vatican II to kick off the Newchurch of the New Order with a different doctrine, morality, and liturgy. The notion that Benedict-Ratzinger has one shred of traditional Catholicism in him is a joke -- or rather a carefully-engineered fraud to win the allegiance and money of the conservative Novus Ordinarians and pseudo-traditionalists, many of whom have bough the fraud hook, line, and sinker.
Now that Newchurch's Notre Dame University of South Bend, Indiana, has been exposed as a non-Catholic fraud, when it invited the pro-abortion/pro-"gay" Barack Obama to give its 2009 Commencement Speech and then jailed priests who demonstrated in opposition, Newchurch's Georgetown University Law School has also been exposed as a non-Catholic fraud for its placement of two Women's Law and Public Policy Fellows with the pro-abortion advocacy group, Planned Parenthood.
Georgetown pays the fellows to do pro-abortion work for Planned Parenthood. Among other projects, they will be working on litigation to overturn a vote of the people restricting abortions. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
2009 will be the third year that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican has done away with the popularly-recognized Bethlehem manager scene known as the Praesepe, or creche, in front of St. Peter's Basilica. In many countries around the world, the Bethlehem creche is being prohibited forcibly by law. In Newvatican, which is a law unto itself, the Bethlehem creche is being voluntarily suppressed.
In a wrenching rewriting of Christmas, Benedict-Ratzinger ordered in 2007 that the remembrance of Christ's birth at Bethlehem be suppressed and instead replaced by a kind of Socialist-worker-inspired "St. Joseph the Worker" (Newchurch doesn't like "Workman" -- it isn't feminist enough) scene. Gone are the sheep and the hay. The setting is Nazareth, with "the typical work tools of a carpenter." On one side, the carpenter's shop is flanked by a covered patio and, on the other, there is the "inside of a pub, with its hearth."
A spokesman for Benedict-Ratzinger admitted that St. Matthew's Gospel indicated that the Nativity took place in "Bethlehem of Juda" (2:1/DRV). The spokesman said that Newvatican decided to rewrite the Gospel and place the scene in Nazareth, nevertheless. In the words that traditional Catholics have heard so often since the Modernist Council Vatican II (1962-1965), Newpope's spokesman proclaimed: "It was time for a change." No more explanation than that, just as all of the Vatican II "reforms" were imposed ostensibly by force of law, not reason. When the Novus Ordo authorities were asked by traditionalmput c Catholics, "Why the changes?," the answer was an answer more characteristic of dictators, not Catholic prelates: "Because I say so!" [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.]
As the symptoms of senility begin to impinge on Benedict-Ratzinger, who will be 83 in April 2010, Newpope's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, in its December 23, 2009, issue, has singled out for praise yet another questionable figure, to say the least. The newspaper has previously praised Harry Potter, the witch in a popular series of novels by J.K. Rowling. Now, it is the foul-mouthed Homer Simpson, patriarch of The Simpsons, who is the subject of praise.
Benedict-Ratzinger's newspaper has also praised real figures, such as Karl Marx, the originator of the philosophy of atheistic Communism and Oscar Wilde, the playright who was convicted and sentenced on charges of sodomy against young men. The foul-mouthed Simpsons are described by Newpope's newspaper as "profound," even though the newspaper admits that the cartoon uses "crude language and violence." We're surely not talking about Mickey Mouse here!
Good Catholics, this is purely papal pandering to the lowest common denominator in order to increase his newspaper subscriptions. With the dramatic falloff in contributions to Benedict-Ratzinger because of his continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, poor Newpope has apparently decided to pander for money any way he can to try to up his sinking New Order Church.
We would have had to say that France's Chief Rabbi, Gilles Bernheim, had a point when he stated on December 20, 2009, that the pope is "not an example of morality." If, that is, Bernheim were speaking of Benedict-Ratzinger, who since 2001 has been ultimately responsible for a sex "holocaust" against tens of thousands of his Newchurch children by his Novus Ordo clergy. But Bernheim is not concerned about the assault, rape, and even murder of Newchurch children under Benedict-Ratzinger's supervision.
No, Bernheim was speaking of Pope Pius XII, who since Vatican II (1962-1965) has been the target of secular Jewish radical leaders. It must be craven politics that is behind this slander against a saintly pope, as in fact Pope Pius XII was instrumental in protecting the Jews of Rome, even to the point of gathering 50 kilograms of gold to provide "indemnity" money to save them from imprisonment. He also ordered that all monasteries and convents be opened to hide Jewish refugees, and the Vatican coordinated a wide effort to obtain passports and other documents to help thousands of Jews to escape. In Rome, 155 convents and monasteries sheltered some 5,000 Jews. At least 3,000 found refuge at the Pope's summer residence at Castel Gandolfo. Sixty Jews lived for nine months at the Gregorian University, and many were sheltered in the cellar of the Pontifical Biblical Institute. Hundreds found sanctuary within the Vatican itself.
At the end of the war, the chief rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli, was converted to Catholicism and chose for his baptismal name, Eugenio, after the pontiff. The notorious Nazi official, Adolph Eichmann, in his diary, released on March 1, 2000, complains that the Vatican "vigorously protested the arrest of Jews, requesting the interruption of such action; to the contrary, the Pope would denounce it publicly." Even the Israeli Prime Minister, Golda Meir, publicly praised Pius XII on his death in 1958: "We share in the grief of humanity. During the Nazi terror, when fearful martyrdom came to our people, the voice of the Pope was raised for its victims. The life of our times was enriched by a voice speaking out about great moral truths above the tumult of daily conflict. We mourn a great servant of peace."
French chief rabbi Bernheim even wants to interfere in the internal affairs of Newchurch by stopping Pius XII's Novus Ordo beatification. It is only the senior bishop of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Richard Williamson, who has implicitly stood up for Pius XII, words for which he has been charged in Germany with "sedition," placed under virtual house arrest by the Neo-SSPX leader, Bernie Fellay, and denounced by Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, who, ironically, himself wore the Nazi uniform of Adolf Hitler as a member of the Hitler-Jugend and Hitler's Wehrmacht.
Benedict-Ratzinger has hypocritically played both sides of the fence on the "holocaust," by defending his predecessor's actions, but at the same time playing the sycophant to secular Jewish radical organizations, such as the American Jewish Committee, who with the French chief rabbi Bernheim, denounced the recent step toward Pius XII's beatification in Newchurch.
Dear Fathers:
As a layman who attends the SSPX Mass, as otherwise there is only the invalid Novus Ordo service in my area, I have become troubled, wondering what has been going wrong with the SSPX lately. Can you shed some light on this?
The Fathers Reply.
Since Bernie Fellay took over as superior general of the SSPX and turned it into a Neo-SSPX, rejecting the founding principles of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre against the Novus Ordo, we have received very troubling reports from around the world, to say the least. Fellay proudly proclaims that the SSPX uses Bugnini's Mess of 1962 -- the same Freemason presbyter Bugnini who fabricated the invalid Novus Ordo service of 1969 with his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers. Moreover, reports to us from around the world indicate that Fellay has posted at various SSPX sites not ordained traditional Catholic priests, but Novus Ordo presbyters merely installed under Bugnini's invalid New Ordinal of 1968.
The Neo-SSPX under Fellay is clearly moving toward joining the Novus Ordo establishment. Information on the topic of the Neo-SSPX will be found in past Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers department of the TRADITIO Network. To keep current on developments, read the Commentaries daily and subscribe to the free RSS Feed (click on the RSS icon above).
One of the best examples of how Benedict-Ratzinger fails to act as a Catholic pope is his pandering to Newbishops who are incompetent, embezzlers, sex criminals -- and just plain wackos! The best example of the latter category is Emmanuel Milingo, Newchurch archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia. Benedict-Ratzinger let this wacko off for over 25 years before taking any action:
Good Catholics, what do we conclude about Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch from all of this? His Newbishops incur no penalty if they are immoral criminals. It is only when they violate a "technical" rule like consecrating a bishop without papal approval that you're chopped off at the knees. JPII did this to the courageous traditional Archbishop Lefebvre, and now Benedict-Ratzinger has done it to the crazy Archbishop Milingo. If you are a follower of the Novus Ordo, however, all is forgiven: violation of the vow of celibacy, embezzlement, rape of children, obstruction of justice, perjury. Who would want to be a member of a sect like Newchurch or a pope like Benedict-Ratzinger? Quod Deus avertat!
Dear Fathers:
I have a friend who plans to marry a heretic before a heretic minister. I have told her that such an action would result in her automatic excommunication. Now she wants a "translation" of "canon law." I have told her that she is way out of her league with such a request and that she should talk to a traditional priest instead. What happens to a Catholic who marries a heretic before a Protestant minister?
The Fathers Reply.
Your advice is correct. "Translations" of the Sacred Canons were prohibited by Pope St. Pius X, and for very good reason. In order to understand such a subject, you must have the requisite training, and you need to be able to read the Latin technical language of the Sacred Canons. Would your sister read a medical text with its technical medical language and then attempt brain surgery? Of course not. What makes people think that they can understand the technicalities of the Sacred Canons, with no background and using a phony "translation," escapes rationality.
This woman doesn't need lawbooks. She needs guidance about living a truly Catholic life from a traditional Catholic priest. Anyone who would marry a heretic before a Protestant minister is no Catholic. By such an act she does in fact excommunicate herself. That makes perfect sense.
Now that JPII "the Ungreat" is not around any longer to run interference for the sex-criminal Marcial Maciel, the Legionnaires of Christ are rapidly working to come clean on their founder Maciel's gross sex crimes and frauds. It is ironic that Newpope JPII, who was declared "venerable" on December 12, 2009, by his successor Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, gave his papal favors to a man who was a predatory sex criminal against various and sundry. Now the JPII favorite has been exposed by his own religious order as a liar. Business as usual in Newchurch!
In an effort to distance itself from the wrongdoings of its founder, the Legionnaires of Christ has revealed that the well-known work of spirituality, El Salterio de Mis Dias, to which the now-discredited Marcial Maciel put his name, was a lie, a fraud, which had actually been plagiarized from Luis Lucia's little-known El Salterio de Mis Horas of the 1930s. Maciel's plagiarism is reported to reproduce "80 per cent of the original book in content and style." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Benedict-Ratzinger's bishops, which a shocking Irish government report has exposed as flagrantly abetting and suborning sex crimes against children, including handicapped children, have told Benedict-Ratzinger: We won't resign; our conscience is clear. Martin Drennan, Jim Moriarty, Eamonn Walsh, and Ray Field won't go. Donal Murray is the only one to resign so far.
The pusillanimous Benedict-Ratzinger, of course, will not fire their sorry glutei. Newpope has shamelessly sheltered his bishops from any Newchurch punishment and has retained them in his Novus Ordo coterie "in good standing." However, the Irish government is rapidly taking steps against the Newchurch for their malfeasance and is removing them from any supervision of schools.
Good Catholics, Ireland used to be one of the most Catholic of countries. It hasn't been that since the Newchurch of the New Order took it over in the 1960s. It became a corrupt institution, whose bishops and presbyters didn't stop short even of raping handicapped children in their schools. The Irish people are rightly outraged, and their government is disestablishing Newchurch from any involvement with children or schools. Too bad the Irish government can't get rid of the man ultimately responsible for Newchurch's crimes, the "Bad Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger.
French reports have been exposing the activities of the Swiss-French superior general of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Bernie Fellay, to sell out the traditional Catholic organization that Archbishop Lefebvre founded, to the Newchurch of the New Order. They report that Fellay spent part of September 2009 in a luxurious Roman palace paid for by Benedict-Ratzinger.
The French reports note that Fellay's head appears to be turned by Newvatican's mereticiousness and that he is most eager to have Newvatican recognize the legitimacy of his episcopacy, just as he agreed in late 2005 with former Ecclesia Dei president Castrillon Hoyos to recognize the legitimacy of Benedict-Rattzinger's episcopacy. Benedict-Ratzinger knows that some traditional Catholics are challenging his legitimacy as Bishop of Rome, because he is the first Conciliar pope not to have been traditionally consecrated as a bishop, but only to be installed under Hannibal Bugnini's Protestant-Masonic New Ordinal of 1968. In late 2005 Benedict-Ratzinger instructed Hoyos to get a confirmation from Fellay that Fellay believed him to be a legitimate Bishop of Rome.
Although Fellay has been using another SSPX bishop, Tissier de Mallerais, as his front-man with Newvatican, the French reports note that Tissier, who originally issued strong statements that followed the founding policies of Archbishop Lefebvre against the Novus Ordo, has become increasingly timid and subservient to Fellay and his sellout plan, as Fellay's dictatorial control over the Neo-SSPX has been cemented by his expulsion or intimidation of any SSPX priest-presbyter who disagrees with him.
The French reports relay the claim that Fellay is using the cover of "doctrinal discussions" with Newvatican to jettison once and for all the anti-New Order position of the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre. Fellay has already indicated his readiness to accept the essence of Vatican II, and he has placed his senior bishop, Richard Williamson, under virtual house arrest because he took a position on a disputed issue of secular history that contradicted that of the New Order.
Dear Fathers:
Is it more or less a fact that Our Lord's nativity actually happened on December 25? The reason I'm asking this question is that I have been hearing from various people that December 25 is not really the birth of Our Lord or that it's not really a given that it happened at that time. Can you please shed some light on this, please?
The Fathers Reply.
The internal evidence in Scripture seems to indicate a date around spring, when the shepherds would be tending their flocks at night. The date of December 25 is a conventional date for the liturgical celebration of the event. No official reason has been handed down in ecclesiastical documents for the choice of this date. There are basically three theories on the origin of the date:
Although it has sometimes been said that the Nativity is only a "Christianized pagan festival," the Christians of the early centuries were keenly aware of the difference between the two festivals -- one pagan and one Christian -- on the same day. For further information, click on FAQ11: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Christmas: Date."
Donal Murray, former auxiliary Newbishop of Dublin and now Newbishop of Limerick, Ireland, has taken the fall for Benedict-Ratzinger as a consequence of the government's recently-released Murphy Report, which showed that Newchurch in Ireland has been engaged in a rampage of rapes, assaults, and even murders of children, which the members of the Novus Ordo hierarchy covered up and even abetted. So Donal resigned from his episcopate months early, on December 17, 2009.
Benedict-Ratzinger has been Newchurch's Sex Crimes Czar since 2001 by appointment of JPII and has yet to take any personal responsibility for the Irish rampage and sex rampages by Newchurch clergy in many other countries such as the United States. Like Rembert Weakland, the perverted Newchurch archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who stole half a million U.S. dollars from Newchurch collections to pay off his catamite hush-money, Benedict-Ratzinger exacted no penalty from the malfeasant bishop but his slightly early retirement. Murray remains "in good standing" with Newchurch and Benedict-Ratzinger.
Because of Benedict-Ratzinger's hands-off policy toward his bishops who have fueled Newchurch's sex-crime rampage, the Irish press and people are now turning against Benedict-Ratzinger himself. A news headlines proclaimed: "Self-serving Vatican Runs True to Form" and slammed Benedict-Ratzinger in strong terms:
The over-riding focus of the Vatican response is the intention to look after its own interests. It makes an obscure pledge to tweak the system, but there is no acknowledgement that some practices of the worldwide church must be overhauled to effect real change.
In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger still refuses even to answer inquiries in the Irish government's official investigation, and Newchurch is rapidly being disestablished from control of schools in Ireland. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the London Times.]
On December 11, 2009, Jews attacked the Franciscan church adjoining the Cenacle, the room on Mount Zion in Jerusalem where Christ kept the Last Supper with His Apostles. The Jews sprayed the doors of the church with such obscene graffiti as: "We killed Jesus," "Death to Christians," and "F... off," signed with a Star of David. As they have done every day for some time, the Jews left a long trail of urine on the floor of the church. The desecrations are a result of Benedict-Ratzinger trying to claim sovereignty over Mount Zion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by AsiaNews.]
Good Catholics, it seems that the more Benedict-Ratzinger tries to play the "oecumenical" friend of the Jews and worship with them in their synagogues, the more they spit in his face. He, like his Conciliar predecessors Paul VI and JPII, are just plain dumb. As Albert Einstein once said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get different results."
Dear Fathers:
The SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, has said in a recent letter: "Newchurch is on its way to disappearing altogether, and ... the Society of St. Pius X can in no way allow itself to be absorbed into it.... The Conciliar Rites have put God's Sacraments on a slide away from God, and once it is clear to me that they are helping to destroy the Church, that they were even designed to destroy the Church, I should stay away from them." I hope that the SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay listens to this wise bishop.
The Fathers Reply.
Williamson's statement is characterized by the same double-speak that Newchurch has engaged in since Vatican II (1962-1962). What is he saying, that he is not convinced that the Novus Ordo "sacraments" are not designed to destroy the Church? Where has Williamson been hiding out? Even Hannibal Bugnini, the Freemason presbyter who engineered the Novus Ordo "sacraments" admitted that!
Kerry, you can hope all you want, as many of us did, but recent events have made it clear that Williamson is merely a talker. He could have acted to stop Fellay's machinations to sell the Society of St. Pius X out to the Newchurch of the Novus Ordo, but he didn't. He could have run against Fellay in the 2004 SSPX elections, but he didn't Now he is Fellay's pawn, acquiescing to be held by Fellay under virtual house arrest because he won't defend his statements on a disputed matter of secular history.
Williamson had his opportunity to address all the world's media at his feet back in January 2009 when he became a celebrity in the world's press. He didn't. Even though what he says may be more palatable from a traditional perspective, Williamson has turned out to be essentially like Benedict-Ratzinger -- all talk and no action.
Commenting on December 15, 2009, the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, discounted any significance to Benedict-Ratzinger's Anglicanorum coetibus of November 4, 2009, which is supposed to make it easier for Protestant Anglicans to enter Newchurch. Williams said of the document:
Actually I don't think it is a solution. A great many Anglo-Catholics have good reason for not being Roman Catholics. They don't believe the pope is infallible. And that's why they're still pressing for a solution in Anglican terms, rather than what many of them see as a theologically rather eccentric option on the Roman side.
Before Anglicanorum coetibus, Benedict-Ratzinger and Rowan Williams were thick as thieves. Since the issuance of that papal document, the "oecumenism" between the two has cooled off considerably, and there has been no great demand on the part of individual Anglicans to convert to Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Christian Messenger.]
Benedict-Ratzinger has now brought into question millions of Novus Ordo marriages performed between 1983, when the traditional canon law was dumped by his Newchurch and a "New" Canon Law fabricated by the Novus Ordo, and October 26, 2009, to be potentially invalid. In yet another Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem, just made public more than a month after its signing, Newpope has potentially declared millions of marriages of Newchurchers to be invalid. The invalidation pertains to those Newchurchers who married before Protestant ministers, Jewish rabbis, Mohammedan imams, and other non-Newchurch ministers, and to those who married non-Newchurchers.
Why such a document that invalidates potentially millions of marriages by Novus Ordinarians should had been kept secret for over a month was not explained by Newvatican officials. So much for trusting the Newchurch of the Novus Ordo in even as important a matter as marriage!
The novelty of an adulteress and an illegitimate child by her may already have worn off for actor-director Mel Gibson. Though Gibson's girlfriend, Russian chanteuse Oksana Grigorieva, has publicly praised her partner in adultery, a source close to Gibson insists that he rarely has time for Grigorieva or their six-week-old illegitimate daughter, Lucia. "Mel can go days without even stopping by Oksana’s home and checking in on Lucia -- much less feeding her, putting her down for a nap or changing a diaper," a family friend reported.
That hardly sounds like the "hands-on" and "tremendous" doting father Grigorieva described to Hello! magazine just one month ago. "Mel tells Oksana he isn’t raising Lucia any differently than he did his other passel of kids, and that [his wife] Robyn Gibson really did the raising," the family friend reported. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by MSNBC.]
The TRADITIO Network's local sources report that Gibson sits apart from his adulteress when he attends Mass at Holy Family Church, and neither the adulterer nor the adulteress receives Communion.
The TRADITIO Network's local correspondents are reporting that things are going from bad to worse at Holy Family Church in Agoura Park, California, which Mel Gibson built from the proceeds of his traditional Catholic version of the last hours of Christ, his 2005 film entitled The Passion of the Christ.
Mel Gibson's adulteress, Okasana-Grigorieva appeared at Holy Family Church on December 6 and 13, 2009. Some members of the congregation had previously been unhappy about what Mel was doing and supported his wife, Robyn Gibson. So Mel shut the church for two weeks and kicked all the objectors out. They don't sit together, and neither is taking Communion.
Clearly, Mel Gibson has gone totally south since he abandoned the principles of his traditional Catholic Faith and abandoned his wife. As the traditional Divine Office of the last Hour of each day, Compline, reminds us: Sobrii estote, et vigilate: quia adversarius vester diabolus tamquam leo rugiens circuit quaerens quem devoret (1 Peter 5:8/DRV).
The court in the State of Washington was swamped with victims charging sex crimes against Newchurch Jesuits there. More than 500 people raped and assaulted by Newjesuit presbyters filed claims against the northwest Province of the Society of Jesus in advance of a November 30, 2009 deadline, charging that members of the Catholic order raped and assaulted them when children.
The crimes took place during the post-Vatican II years and range from those against Eskimo children to children at Spokane's Gonzaga Preparatory School. These 500-plus cases are in addition to the 200 sex-crime cases that the Newjesuits have already settled. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Spokesman-Review.]
A Dutch Newbishop has called for abstinence from meat on Fridays to help combat "global warming," a conclusion of pseudo-science exposed as a scam. "We know that every kilogram of meat takes a vast amount energy to produce and causes a great deal of CO2 emissions," said Gerard de Korte, Newchurch bishop of Groningen-Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. So Novus Ordo would have Newchurchers abstain from meat, not for the Apostolic reason of penance from personal sin and mortification of the flesh, but for pure politics! De Korte allied himself with Paul McCartney, the well-known adulterer and bigamist of junk music, who called for a meatless Monday. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Radio Netherlands.]
t The irony of all this is that the Friday abstinence from fleshmeat is still the general law, even in Newchurch. As usual, Newchurch instruction is so flawed that most Newchurchers walk around thinking that they can devour hamburgers and hotdogs on Friday to their heart's content. What did St. Paul say about such people? "Whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things (Philippians 3:19/DRV). St. Paul certainly had their number! For further information, click on FAQ11: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Friday Abstinence."
Dear Fathers:
Has it ever been proposed, or do you think it would ever be appropriate, for informed traditional Catholics to have a public debate with the Novus Ordinarians on the relevant issues? Given the scholarly and logical approach of traditional Catholicism versus Novus Ordo relativism, it seems to me that traditional Catholics would "clean their clocks."
The Fathers Reply.
Such debates are pointless. There have been several held, and they resulted in no light, only heat. The Novus Ordinarians, like all Postmodern Liberalists, are living in an objective universe created not by God, but a subjective construct of their own fabrication. They are like those who believe in the Wizard of Oz, but are not interested in pulling back the curtain to see the fraud being perpetrated on them.
The Big Picture is clear to anyone that has eyes to see. Just like the Pharisees whom we have been hearing about in the Gospels of Holy Mass this Advent, those who push the New Order are deliberately blinding themselves to the obvious truth. They cannot even take refuge in ignorance "for they know what they do." Since the New Order took over at Vatican II, we have:
As Benedict-Ratzinger's predecessor, the High Priest Caiphas, once said, "What further need have we of witnesses?" (Matthew 26:65/DRV) -- or debates?
The SSPX has its "holocaust denier" bishop Richard Williamson. Now Newchurch has its racist cardinal-archbishop, Francis George, of Chicago, Illinois, Benedict-Ratzinger's Head Bishop in the United States. A federal lawsuit, filed December 10, 2009, by 41 men and 8 women, charges Newcardinal George of racial discrimination against Black child victims of his archdiocese's sex crimes, breach of contract, infliction of emotional distress, fraud, conspiracy, and racketeering. The suit charges that George and his lieutenants tried to silence Black child victims' claims of rape and assault and proposed smaller settlements than those offered to White victims. Damages of 98,000,000 U.S. dollars is sought.
In a July 2009 sworn deposition, the Newchurch archdiocese's second-highest-ranking bishop, Raymond Goedert, testified that he believed Novus Ordo law required him to keep clergy sex crimes confidential, even when most of the presbyters whom he confronted admitted to raping and assaulting minors. The suit also charges that Newcardinal George and his lieutenants conspired with the mediator in settlement proceedings and with a Chicago law firm to issue a false report. The November 2009 report claimed that the average settlement for Black victims was more than 28 per cent higher than settlements with White victims. "The report commissioned by the defendants ... is a sham and intended to deceive the public," according to the suit. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Chicago Tribune.]
Good Catholics, here once again we have the hierarchy of Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order exposed as a mafia of unrepentant liars. Newchurch is far from the "Church of Love" that it purports to be. Its highest officials, including the Head Bishop of the United States and the Newpope to whom he reports, are conspirators, racketeers, and liars against children. How low does Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order have to get before Newchurchers have the guts to abandon their pews and reject their corrupt leaders?
December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patronal feastday of Our Lady in the United States, where it is a Holyday of Obligation. On that day in 2009, an amendment introduced in the U.S. Congress by Senators Ben Nelson (Democrat of Nebraska), Orrin Hatch (Republican of Utah), and Robert Casey, Jr. (Democrat of Pennsylvania), intended to restrict federal funding of abortions, was tabled because of the votes of fifteen senators who claim to be "Catholic." Of course, in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order Church, that means that they can publicly advocate abortion, homosexuality, and other immoralities with impunity.
Just how low Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order has sunk when his "Catholics" kill anti-abortion legislation and non-Catholics sponsor it. Senator Nelson is a Methodist, and Senator Hatch is a Mormon. The "Catholic" Democratic Senators who voted not to restrict abortions were:
One anti-abortion leader stated: "There is no social justice when the life of an innocent child is taken by abortion; abortion destroys a whole life and protects no one. The greatest threat to human dignity in the United States is the destruction of human life in the womb, not a lack of 'healthcare reform.'" [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
All of Benedict-Ratzinger's playing up to the Jews and selling out traditional SSPX bishop Richard Williamson of the SSPX has yielded a big goose egg for Newpope's administration. Israel has told him that it will retain possession of the room in which the Last Supper is believed to have taken place, called the Cenacle, which is on Mount Sion next to King David's tomb, as well as 46 other Christian sites in Jerusalem and on the West Bank.
The Israeli delegation, which included officials from Israel's Justice Ministry and Finance Ministry, told Benedict-Ratzinger personally in Newrome on December 10, 2009, that he cannot have possession of the 47 Christian sites in the Holy Land. Israel's Chief Rabbi, successor to Caiphas, refused Benedict-Ratzinger's demand for sovereignty over the 47 Christian holy sites. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Israel News.]
Dear Fathers:
When asked the question, "Is the Novus Ordo a valid Mass," some reply, "The Novus Ordo can be celebrated in such a way as to confect a valid enactment of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary." Is this correct?
The Fathers Reply.
No, it isn't correct, and the pope himself says so. The Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service is invalid under any circumstances. Inter alia, it fails the criteria for a valid Mass specified by Pope Leo XIII in his Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae. That papal bull declared the Anglican service, which is based in large part on the Traditional Latin Mass and is contemporaneous with the Council of Trent, to be invalid. The Novus Ordo service, which gutted two-thirds of the Traditional Latin Mass, is much more defective than the Anglican service that Pope Leo declared invalid.
Note that Pope Leo did not say that the Anglican service "could be celebrated in such a way as to confect a valid Sacrament." He declared flatly that there was no way such a service could be valid and no way that those simulating such a service could confect a valid Sacrament. The intent of the service itself and the lack of a valid priesthood, like the Novus Ordo, implicitly make it theologically invalid, and nothing can change that.
Like Forrest Gump, you can intend all you want that an orange be a box of chocolates, but all the wishing in the world won't make it so. That is what Catholic theology and its principal theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, clearly teaches. For further information, click on the Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department of the TRADITIO Network, in the section "The Invalidity of the Novus Ordo Service by Papal Declaration.
Even Alexander VI, commonly known as the "Bad Pope" can't hold a candle to Benedict-Ratzinger for that title. Maybe Alexander VI committed a murder to advance his Borgia family's interests; maybe he didn't. What is unquestionable is that Benedict-Ratzinger has been responsible as Vicar of Christ (the title sticks in the craw, doesn't it?) for the rape, assault, and, yes, even murder of tens of thousands of children. Yet the His Wholiness never acknowledges any responsibility for letting of thousands of his criminal bishops and presbyters for their complicity in these crimes.
The buck stops with Ratzinger at Top Dog of Newchurch, but he figures that he can weasel (rat?) his way out of any responsibility by washing his guilty hands, just like Pontius Pilate. But he's wrong if he thinks that he can escape the penalty for his own grievous crimes. If he doesn't pay for them in this world, there is a very deep place in Hell reserved for bad popes -- so the Fathers of the Church tell us. If Benedict-Ratzinger had any shred of Catholic morality left, he would resign immediately from the papal office that he has besotted and betake himself to a remote monastery to do abject prayer and penance for the rest of his life in fear of the divine justice presumably to be meted out to him in a very few years.
Like the do-nothing pope that he is, he met on December 11, with his Irish Newchurch leaders and expressed his "outrage, betrayal, and shame" at the revelations that sex-abuse complaints had been covered up in the Dublin archdiocese. Gee, isn't that a surprise? The crimes have been covered up all over the world by Benedict-Ratzinger's own order, first appointed by JPII in 2001 as Sex Crimes Czar and then elected as Plenipotentiary of Sex Crimes in his own right in 2005. He says that he's going to write a "pastoral letter" to the Irish Newchurchers. More words and no action for the do-nothing pope. More of the man's effete blah, blah, blah.
Benedict-Ratzinger claims that that he wants to "develop effective and secure strategies to prevent any recurrence." Too little, too late, Your Wholiness. Figures published by the U.S. Newbishops show that sex crimes among the Newchurch clergy there are increasing, not decreasing. Over two dozen bishops of Benedict-Ratzinger's bishops there have now been charged for themselves "indulging" in the crimes. The group One in Four, which supports child victims of Newchurch sex crimes, stated that Benedict-Ratzinger's response was "inadequate" and likely to cause further distress and frustration to the thousands of Irish people who are survivors of clerical sex abuse.
The hypocritical Benedict-Ratzinger voiced "his profound regret at the actions of some members of the clergy who have betrayed their solemn promises to God, as well as the trust placed in them by the victims and their families, and by society at large." Well, hasn't he himself done exactly that? The man is incorrigible: everybody is responsible for the sex crimes but the man in charge: Benedict-Ratzinger himself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Information Services.]
The murder of an innocent schoolgirl in Ireland is being re-investigated in the wake of two harrowing reports into the cover-up of Newchurch clergy's sex crimes. Bernadette Connolly was just ten years old when she was abducted in Sligo and her mutilated body found in a bog four months later. The Irish National Police, the Garda, have announced that they will reopen the investigation into the case in light of new evidence against Newchurch senior clergy and in response to a request by the surviving sisters of the victim.
Evidence leads to the conclusion a local presbyter of the Novus Ordo raped the girl then committed the murder, while his Newchurch superiors covered up his crime with a wall of silence. Fr. Columba went to his (presumed) damnation in 2001.
Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher once knew the right path. In the aftermath of the Vatican II Council (1962-1965), he rejected the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan new worship service known as the Novus Ordo (New Order). Upon retirement from missionary work in Japan, he traveled extensively from his Wisconsin residence. He served a number of families throughout the USA and in other countries such as England and Australia, to whom he brought the traditional Sacraments and the Traditional Latin Mass.
But then Fr. Pulvermarcher went wigged out. He was involved in a "lay conclave" for the election of a pope, was "elected," and took the name of "Pius XIII." He believed that Pius XII was not one of the Modernist popes, even though he recognized that most of the departures from Catholicism implemented at Vatican II had been drawn up years prior to that Council during Pius XII's pontificate. After he became "Pius XIII," Fr. Pulvermacher discontinued the rigors of extensive travel and relocated from Wisconsin to the State of Washington in the United States, where he lived out the remainder of his life. He seemed to be in satisfactory health and became ill rather quickly. He died of a heart attack en route to a doctor. There was a graveside service on December 7, 2009, at 10:30 a.m. at the Springdale Cemetery.
Good Catholics, even though the Newchurch of the New Order is completely over the edge, Christ's Catholic Church, based upon Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, will continue, as He promised, until the end of time. Popes may come and go, the Novus Ordo may come and go, but Christ's "words shall not pass" (Matthew 24:35/DRV). St. Paul tells us how to meet properly such crises as have occurred in the Church many times in the past: "Stand fast: and hold the traditions that you have learned" (2 Thessalonians 2:14/DRV). It is not necessary for a Catholic to wig out with such ridiculous notions as a "lay conclave" and a "Pope Pius XIII."
Benedict-Ratzinger's bosom-buddy, the heretic Hans Kung, whom Hewpope has several times invited to his Papal Castle at Gandolfo, has called for a Vatican III Council "to move reforms forward." Kung's license to teach theology was revoked by Paul VI. Kung then joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself. Kung wants a Vatican III to revoke celibacy in the priesthood and to approve "Catholic" divorce, which he called "justified concerns that were not fulfilled in the last council." When he made his statement, Kung was attending the syncretistic Parliament of the World's Religions to launch his manifesto for a liberalist/modernist "global economic ethic." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Age.]
Refusing to acknowledge the acts that he and his papacy have perpetrated against Newchurch children, Benedict-Ratzinger instead used an old exculpatory trick: blame the messenger. He blamed the press for telling the bad news to the world. Apparently, he believes that if the crimes aren't reported in the press, they didn't happen!
The pope whose papacy has now surpassed in its evil fallout that of the "Bad Pope" Alexander VI, lamented at the Spanish Steps the fact that "through the newspapers, television, radio, evil is reported. He did not even mention the plight of the child victims of his papacy, who, when they apply to him for justice, are ignored. Recent statistics indicate that the number of rapes and assaults by Benedict-Ratzinger's clergy are increasing, not decreasing, undoubtedly a result of the fact that he tries to cover up the reality of what is going on and metes out no punishment to his bishop and presbyter offenders.
Benedict-Ratzinger, still clueless, claimed: "We are all actors, and for better or worse, our behavior has an influence on others." Yet, he offered no mea maxima culpa for being the Head of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Yet he was all too ready to point the finger at others, but not at himself, at whom, as U.S. President Harry Truman said, "the buck stops." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Donel Murray, bishop of Limerick, Ireland, is expected to become the scapegoat for Benedict-Ratzinger's malfeasance in allowing Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal to explode. Murray is being used as a scapegoat for bigger fish, like Dublin Newarchbishop Diarmuid Martin, and top fish, Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, who has been personally responsible for the scandal since 2001, when he was appointed to that office by JPII.
In the recently-released report of the Irish government about the rampant sex crimes in Newchurch, known as the Murphy Report, Murray was said to have reacted "inexcusably" to one known case of clerical child abuse and engaged in a cover-up. Benedict-Ratzinger has reacted inexcusably to tens of thousands and has engaged in a cover-up of all of them. Too bad that none of these Newbishops has the guts to stand up to Benedict-Ratzinger and denounce him for the criminal conspiracy that he has perpetrated since 2001. But that is what Vatican II has made of its New Order bishops: a hierarchy of pusillanimous wimps. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by RTE News.]
In a revealing statement to Brazilian bishops on December 5, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger admitted that Marxist "liberation theology" still infests Newchurch. "Liberation Theology" is a code-name for Communist beliefs and tactics used in Newchurch after Vatican II (1962-1965). It preaches political liberation to liberalism, not Christian liberation (redemption). In Latin America, it swept in particular the Jesuit order, many of whose members put down the crucifix and took up machine guns to wipe out conservative governments. It has enjoyed a recent metamorphosis in the political strategm of Barack Obama, who uses its Communist-based principles and techniques, as described in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
In describing Liberation Theology, Benedict-Ratzinger inadvertently described the characteristics of the Vatican II Council that set it off: "rebellion, division, dissent, offence, and anarchy." This description is reminiscent of Paul VI's (1963-1978) description in 1972 of Vatican II as "the smoke of Satan," [bringing] "doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation." Yet the Conciliar popes Paul VI, JPII, and Benedict-Ratzinger are so congested with what "the smoke of Satan" that, like drug addicts, they cannot shake the false doctrine, liturgy, and morals engineered by the Modernists/Liberalists at Vatican II. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Information Service.]
For further information, click on FAQ08: "What Is the Authority of Vatican II" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Dear Fathers:
SSPX watchers may be interested to know that sighted at the Society of Pius X House in London recently were not only SSPX bishop Alfonso de Galarreta but also bishop Tissier de Mallerais, Fr. Alain-Marc Nely, the Second Assistant to Superior General Bernie Fellay, and another unidentified priest. The reason for this conclave can only be left to the imagination!
The New York Times has publicly denounced its recently-retired Newchurch archbishop, Edward Egan, as a result of his 1997 and 1999 depositions, just opened by court order, concerning the sex crimes in his previous Newdiocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Times hit the nail on the head:
In the end it was not the power of repentance or compassion that compelled the Roman Catholic Diocese [sic] of Bridgeport, Conn., to release more than 12,000 pages of documents relating to lawsuits alleging decades of sexual abuse of children by its priests [sic]. It was a court order. The accounts of priests preying on children, being moved among parishes and shielded by their bishops, while their accusers were ignored or bullied into silence, are a familiar, awful story.
The Times has pointed to a fact that religious sources have rarely commented upon: Egan and his fellow Newchurch bishops have never repented of their crimes. After a few mealy-mouthed self-serving "apologies" for P.R. purposes, they continued right on with their criminality against children. The Times further denounced Egan for betraying a "distressing tendency to disbelieve accusers and to shuck off blame."
The Times drew particular attention to Egan's malfeasance and gross negligence in the case of presbyter Raymond Pcolka, who was charged in twelve cases of beating and sodomizing children. "I am not aware of those things," said Egan, totally unconcerned to seek just punishments for the perpetrators, who answered to him.
Good Catholics, let's face it. Every one of these Newchurch bishops are vile offal. They have all participated in criminality against children to one degree or another. It is only because the clueless Newchurchers let them get away with their crimes that they and their fearless leader have been exalted above the law. Christ, however, would have them all executed by drowning in the sea.
In a message on December 6, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger appeared to be coddling the United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, which was to start the following day. Benedict-Ratzinger seemed ignorant of the growing international "Climate-gate," in which E-mails published from the Climate Research Institute, a consultant to the United Nations, proved that scientists had colluded to phony-up data to prove the discredited theory.
Benedict-Ratzinger devoted a good deal of his supposedly-religious encyclical letter of September 29, 2009, Caritas in veritate, to this secular topic, leading some to wonder whether he considers himself Christ's Vicar or the secular World President. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Newvatican has a reputation for lying. Remember when it said that JPII was celebrating the Novus Ordo service in his bedroom at the same time that his doctors said that he was in a coma, dying? Now there's a miracle for you! For Christmas 2009 Newchurch has declared that the clock will be turned back for the papal Christmas "Midnight" Novus Ordo service to 10 p.m., "to tire the pope a bit less."
It seems that if Benedict-Ratzinger performed the midnight service at midnight, he wouldn't be able to get up by noon the next day to give his noon balcony appearance. That sounds pretty specious. Ten hours sleep isn't enough? On the other hand, Benedict-Ratzinger has had many serious health problems, including a heart attack, two strokes, and a concussion. Various sources are openly speculating again about Benedict-Ratzinger's precarious health. JPII, with his serious health problems, never did a Christmas "Pre-Midnight" Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the London Times.]
No wonder nobody wants to be a Novus Ordo presbyter any more. Not only are you not a priest and can't say a valid Mass or administer most of the Sacraments, but now, if you get sick, Newchurch will throw you out on the street!
You've heard it all before. The pre-Vatican II Church was heartless. The Newchurch of the New Order is just brimming with love. Really?! Ask the tens of thousands of children who have been raped and assaulted by Newchurch presbyters while their Newbishops suborned and covered up their criminal acts. And ask this faithful presbyter of the New Order, now sick, who has been thrown out on the street just two weeks before Christmas.
Eusebio Maghari left his native Philippines to answer the call of an extensive presbyter shortage in a foreign country: the United States. You would think that Newchurch would give Maghari a papal medal for his generosity these past six years, but instead Newchurch archbishop Timothy Dolan, of New York City, ordered him out by December 1, 2009, just a few weeks before Christmas, and cut him off from performing any religious function.
Presbyter Maghari suffers from acute kidney disease and has lost sight in one eye, so Dolan ordered Maghari to go back to the Philippines because the New York archdiocese had already spent its money supporting paedophile "love" on the part of its presbyters. In spite of his ill health, Maghari has for six years continued to serve St. Peter's Newparish. Many Newparishioners expressed their outrage that a presbyter of 33 years would be thrown out on the street when ill.
Good Catholics, Newchurchers are coming to learn exactly what kind of "love" Newchurch stands for. Expect many more defections from the New Order sect, which is already leaking like a sieve. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Staten Island Advance.]
The sky-blue flag with twelve sun-yellow stars flies all over the European Union now. But what does it represent? It has been commonly thought that 12 stars symbolized perfection and completeness. For example, there are 12 hours on a clock, 12 months in a year, 12 tables of Roman Law, 12 Apostles, 12 days of Christmastide.
But recently the flag's designer, Arsene Heitz, has acknowledged that he derived the design of a circle of 12 golden stars on a sky-blue background from St. John's Apocalypse, the last book of the New Testament. Heitz wears the Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary and had in mind the passage: "And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars (12:1/DRV).
The Miraculous Medal is associated with three apparitions in 1830 to Sister Catherine, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Paris. Thus, the symbol of the European Union recognized worldwide even by atheists, secularists, Jews, and Mohammedans, is a symbol of the Immaculate Conception herself. As fate would have it, the flag was adopted by the then European Economic Community on December 8, 1955, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Herald.]
Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. His handlers like to give out with the P.R. that Benedict-Ratzinger plays Mozart on the piano and supposedly likes the "Motu" Mess. We don't believe it. He has never celebrated one papal "Motu" Mess, let alone the Traditional Latin Mass, sometimes incorrectly termed the "Tridentine" Latin Mass. No, not once. And now it has slipped through the vetters of papal behavior that he has blessed not only the music of the venerable Mozart, but also the punk rapper-rocker Tupac Shakur's psychedelic trip "Changes" by including it in Newvatican's official "Music Playlist."
More than that, the papal stamp of approval has been given to yet another sex criminal (as if there weren't thousands already in Benedict-Ratzinger's papacy): the punk rapper-rocker Shakur, who in 1993 was convicted in the gang rape and sodomizing of a 20-year-old woman in a Manhattan hotel suite. Shakur became the victim of his own violent lifestyle when he was gunned down in a drive-by shooting in 1996. The lyrics of the song that received Benedict-Ratzinger's blessing by law had to be labeled as "explicit." Included are Shakur's contemplation of suicide: "Is life worth living, should I blast myself?" His ruminations on drug use: "Give the crack to the kids, who the hell cares, one less hungry mouth on the welfare." His propensity to violent crime: "My stomach hurts, so I'm looking for a purse to snatch."
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger blasphemously pairs on his official "playlist" such rapper-rocker criminality -- quite an example to set for his Newchurch children -- with Marian devotional hymns such as Advocata nostra and Causa nostrae laetitiae. One doesn't have to wonder too hard what Our Blessed Mother would have to say about this pairing of her Son's supposed vicar with her devotional hymns!
It seems that the poster-boy for Newchurch Modernism/Liberalism, Rembert Weakland, past archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is on an unstoppable downward spiral into the pit of Hell. This is the man who shacked up with a male prostitute and, when that catamite threatened to expose their relationship, Weakland admittedly stole half a million U.S. dollars from the Newchurch collection-plate to pay for his silence. The payoff didn't work, owever; the catamite outed him anyway. Weakland went on to write a book in which he admitted that he was a pervert and had led a disgusting moral life while posing as a Newchurch bishop. But what is more scandalous: Benedict-Ratzinger hasn't lifted a finger against Weakland, even to get back the money stolen from the pockets of Newchurchers.
Now, on November 3, 2009, a sworn deposition was released to the public, in which Weakland admitted that in his office he routinely shredded weekly reports about sex crimes by his presbyters from his vicars and never informed police of the crimes. The Milwaukee County District Attorney is consequently investigating Weakland for criminal charges.
Benedict-Ratzinger's new archbishop-designate for Milwaukee, who is similarly embroiled in charges of suborning sex crimes because more criminal presbyters have been let off in his current diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, that most other dioceses in the United States, flatly refused to investigate Weakland or any other Newchurch clergyman involved in the cover-up of sex crimes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal.]
Good Catholics, any notion that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal is going away is utterly ridiculous. The crimes and their cover-up, with the full support of Benedict-Ratzinger, is just getting worse.
With good reason did the dogmatic Council of Trent decree that the only version of the Bible that was free from doctrinal and moral error is St. Jerome's venerable Latin Vulgate, which preserves the best manuscript tradition, from sources of the Greek that we no longer have. No single scholar today can hold a candle to St. Jerome, who not only knew all three Sacred Languages of Scripture, but spoke and read them like a native speaker -- something no modern scholar can do.
The Conservative Bible Project, sponsored by Fundamentalist Protestants, who at least have some respect for Sacred Scripture, have charged that contemporary scholars have inserted liberalistic views and ahistorical passages into the Bible, turning the Christ into little more than a well-meaning social worker with a store of watered-down platitudes. The same is true of Newchurch versions of the Bible, such as the New American Bible, used in Novus Ordo churches in the United States.
According to Timothy Jones, of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and spokesman for the Project, "professors are the most liberal group of people in the world, and it's professors who are doing the popular modern translations of the Bible. This is not making scripture understandable to people today; it's reworking scripture to support a particular political or social agenda."
As one example, the Project points out that Luke 23:34, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," which is "a favorite of liberals," is disputed as to its authenticity, as many manuscripts omite that passage. "There are so many factors to consider when looking at that, but here it gets boiled down to 'liberals put it in,'" said Jones. "Virtually everyone in a mainstream Protestant or Roman Catholic [sic] church in the United States is reading a doctored version of the Bible." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
William O'Connell, Cardinal-Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, from 1906 to 1944, is giving the Newchurch archdiocese a problem: or at least his corpse is. And 22 of the cardinal's relatives are putting their foot down. They have asked a judge to block current cardinal Sean O'Malley's plans to dig up his predecessor to cinch a land deal. The only significant relative who declined object to the desecration was the cardinal's grandnephew, Paul Kirk, Jr., who was appointed to a U.S. Senate seat, partially because of his unCatholic pro-abortion stance.
Objecting to what they describe as the "irreparable damage to the mortal remains of the cardinal," the relatives have asked for an injunction against digging up his bronze casket and dismantling the mausoleum in which he was laid to rest more than six decades ago. Newchurch has sold out its principles for money. The archdiocese of Boston will lose 2,000,000 U.S. dollars to Boston College if it fails to desecrate the cardinal's tomb. The archdiocese had promised to remove the cardinal's corpse and destroy the Marian chapel as a condition of selling the land on which it sits, to Boston College in order to pay for sex crimes.
In 1928, the Cardinal O'Connell ordered the construction of the small chapel, dedicated to Mary, on the site, and publicly said that "in that crypt is the place my body after death shall repose until the Judgment Day." In 1943, in his will, O’Connell reiterated his desire to be buried under the Marian chapel, and the next year, when he died at 84, his remains were encased in the bronze casket and lowered into a cement vault beneath the Marian chapel's marble floor. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Boston Globe.]
Good Catholics, Newchurch's corruption and predations against the faithful don't end even at death. Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo sect is entirely without scruples.
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican joined the Newchurch Conference of Swiss Bishops in criticizing the referendum in which the Swiss people voted to ban the building of Mohammedan minarets in their country. More than 57.5 per cent of Swiss voters and 22 out of 26 cantons voted in favor of the ban on November 29, 2009. The proposal had been put forward by the Swiss People's Party (SVP), the largest party in parliament, which said that minarets were a sign of Islamization.
"The elites should stop denying the hopes and fears of European peoples who, without opposing religious freedom, reject ostentatious symbols forced on them by politico-religious Muslim groups, often verging on provocation," said one government official advocating the referendum. Switzerland is home to some 400,000 Mohammedans and already has four minarets. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by BBC News.]
The TRADITIO Fathers have warned readers against the "Indult" and "Motu" Messes for many reasons, but they all boil down to one: such Messes are part of and obedient to the false Novus Ordo sect. Now there is further proof of just how far this obedience goes.
The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) is an "indult"/"motu" organization, established in 1988 under the authority of the Novus Ordo and its Modernist Newbishops. Now Frederick Henry, Newchurch bishop of Alberta, Canada, has issued an order that because of supposed concerns about the swine flu, the cookie cannot be given on the tongue to anybody, including attending at "Motu" Messes. The FSSP at St. Anthony's Newparish refused to comply, and because the FSSP has its operating license under the sponsorship of Newchurch, Henry ordered the Newparish closed. Even Newchurch's own Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated on July 24, 2009, that it is not licit to deny the Newchurch cookie on the tongue, regardless of any concern about swine flu.
Newbishop Henry's response is instructive in revealing just how powerless Benedict-Ratzinger is and how powerful individual bishops in the Newchurch of the New Order are. Henry's response was: "I am well aware of what the Congregation decided, but quite frankly it is not their call. It is mine." Or, as King Louis XIV said: La loi, ce moi! [the law is me!] In other words, Newchurch bishops feel free to spit in the face of the man they acknowledge as the pope. And Newbishop Henry is far from the only one.
All this feigned concern about swine flu as a justification for the sacrilege of handing out cookies in the hand is purely a subterfuge to impose the sacrilegious and unCatholic practice of communion in the hand. For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Communion in the Hand."
First of all, the swine flu has turned out to be far less deadly than the regular season flu, which kills 36,000 annually in the United States, for example. The swine flu so far has killed only one-ninth of that number, 4,000. Secondly, cookies in the hand are more transmissive of flu and other viruses than reception on the tongue. The reason for that is that the traditional priest distributes communion the tongue without touching the tongue. When a cookie is placed in a hand, however, the filthiness of the human hand is transmitted to the cookie and then to the mouth.
Just think how bug-infested the human hand is. It shakes hands with others, it touches contaminated membranes of the eyes and nose (notice how many people rub their eyes or pick their noses), and it touches other body parts that we won't mention. Medical experts constantly warn us to wash our hands or use alcohol solution so that we reduce the transmission of germs. You don't hear any medical advice to wash your mouth out with soap!
Good Catholics, this case shows the reality what selling out to Newchurch really means. Is Bernie Fellay, superior general of the SSPX, too clueless to see exactly what a sellout to Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo church will mean: the suppression of traditional Catholicism by both Newvatican and Newbishops? Or is he so deep into the cassock of Benedict-Ratzinger that he doesn't care -- or actually desires the suppression of true Catholicism?
Documents released by the Newchurch diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, on December 1, 2009, revealed that Newcardinal Edward Egan, while bishop of the diocese from 1988 to 2000, in sworn depositions of 1997-1999 characterized the 19 child victims of rape and assault by his presbyters as "insignificant." The attorney questioning Egan was stunned at that answer of a "Catholic" bishop. He retorted: "Would you agree with me, Bishop Egan, that if one person, one individual, has been affected by the sexual abuse of a clergy member, when that person was a child, that that's far too much to accept in any diocese?"
Egan went on to become the Newchurch archbishop of New York City in 2000-2008 and a Newchurch cardinal in 2001. During that period Egan saw the number of charges against presbyters in Bridgeport almost double, to 32, although as many as 90 were alleged. In New York under his administration, 54 of his presbyters were publicly charged with rape and assault of children. Clearly, Egan had learned nothing from the Bridgeport experience. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
A 2-CD set has recently been released that re-creates a traditional Easter Sunday Mass as it might have been sung at Saint Sulpice in Paris in the 1920s. It includes all of the Propers for Easter Sunday, the Louis Vierne (1970-1937) Messe Sollenelle as the Ordinary, and all the improvisations that would have happened at this time. This is not an actual live Mass. The organist is the titular organist at Saint-Sulpice, and three soloists sing the parts of the celebrant, deacon and subdeacon.
The set comes with a 64-page booklet containing the entire Mass in Latin, with an English translation and photographs showing what would be happening at the altar and with full explanations of everything that would have been happening at both the west and east ends of the church. The booklet also contains essays on the Vierne Mass and on Parisian liturgical practices, which include the organ playing throughout almost the entire Mass.
For further information, see the JAV Recordings online catalog at www.pipeorgancds.com.
"Perversion of power and trust" exposed in the Murphy Commission report released November 26, 2009, involving a pattern of subornation and cover-up of sex crimes among Ireland's Novus Ordo hierarchy, has prompted calls for the resignation of Ireland's Cardinal-Primate Diarmuid Martin, as well as Newbishops Donal Murray, of Limerick; Jim Moriarty, of Kildare Leighlin; and Martin Drennan, of Galway. Also implicated are two current Dublin auxiliary Newbishops, Ray Field and Eamonn Walsh. The exhaustive report, covering sex crimes by Newchurch clergy after Vatican II in the years 1974 and 2004, fulfilled Martin's prediction that Newchurchers would find the material "shocking."
"The report leaves us in no doubt that clerical child sexual abuse was tolerated and covered up by the Archdiocese of Dublin and other Church authorities," the Irish government noted in a statement released in conjunction with the report's publication. The government saw a "systematic, calculated perversion of power and trust." Justice Minister Dermot Ahern noted "the cruel irony that the Church, partly motivated by a desire to avoid scandal, in fact created a scandal on an astonishing scale."
The Murphy Commission charges that the Newchurch archdiocese "did not implement its own canon law rules and did its best to avoid any application of the law of the State. The Dublin archdiocese’s preoccupations in dealing with cases of child sexual abuse, at least until the mid-1990s, were the maintenance of secrecy, the avoidance of scandal, the protection of the reputation of the Church, and the preservation of its assets," the Murphy Commission concluded.
The Murphy Commission complained that Benedict-Ratzinger had not responded to requests for information about sex-crime cases. Bishop Eamonn Walsh, the Dublin auxiliary Newbishop, is trying to dissuade the Murphy Commission from expanding its inquiry to Ireland's other dioceses. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sunday Business Post.]
Higher education in the Newchurch of the New Order is now completely devoid of Catholicism. In scandal after scandal, Newchurch universities have been revealed as involved in false doctrine, filthy plays, blasphemous art, "gay" advocacy, and abortion.
Now it has come to light that Newchurch's Alverno College in Wisconsin, a women's college run by the School Sisters of St. Francis, is placing its students as interns with Planned Parenthood, the notorious abortion mill. The information shamelessly appears in the college's own Statement of Financial Giving.
It has been further revealed that a prominent administrator at a Newchurch college in Kentucky has served on the board of Planned Parenthood. Diane Tobin, dean of the College of Business and Communication at Spalding University, is shameless reported on the college's own web site as a Planned Parenthood director.
In July 2009 Spalding University and an organization funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development jointly hosted a conference that featured a speaker from Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest. CCHD, an arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops, has been under fire for its association with anti-Catholic activities. CCHD is funded by parish collections from clueless Newchurchers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
The traditional Catholic periodical that places No. 1 on the Traditional Catholic Periodicals list has released its November 2009 issue. Catholic Voice is not extravagant in its format, so it doesn't have to charge $40.00 a year for an annual subscription. In fact, it exists on donations only.
Unlike those pretentious publications issued by clueless pseudo-traditionalist laymen, this periodical is written entirely by an independent traditional Catholic priest of long standing. The articles focus on topical Catholic teaching and practice, focusing on the Holy Mass. It is issued by the Society of Traditional Roman Catholics (STRC), an organization that has been in existence since before the specious "Indult" and "Motu" Messes.
The current issue contains topics such as:
For address information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department and refer to the chapter "Traditional Catholic Periodicals."
The new head of Newchurch's Swiss Bishops Conference, Norbert Brunner, Newbishop of Sion, Switzerland, has kicked off his administration by calling for the rejection of Sacred Scripture and Tradition by embracing non-celibate presbyters in the New Order. Brunner told the newspaper NCC am Sontag that the Novus Ordo Swiss Bishops were "quite unanimous" in favor of the move. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Swiss News.]
Far from the unCatholic position of Brunner, the celibacy of the priesthood has a firm Biblical basis in the Evangelical Counsel of Our Lord as relayed in St. Matthew's Gospel, also taken up by St. Paul in his First Epistle to the Corinthians and confirmed by St. John in the Apocalypse (14:4-5). It is clear that once the Apostles received the call, they did not lead a married life.
The Apostolic Tradition of clerical celibacy was solemnly confirmed by the Council of Nicaea, the First Oecumenical Council, in 325 and unanimously approved by the Fathers, who admitted of no exceptions whatsoever. The Council considered that the prohibition imposed thereby on all bishops, priests, and deacons against having a wife to be absolute. The Council of Carthage in 390 stated that celibacy is of Apostolic origin. All subsequent councils that have addressed the subject have renewed this interdiction.
Not only would it be a violation of Sacred Tradition to blot out a tradition decreed for 2,000 years to be absolutely obligatory, but also one must recognize that clerical celibacy is to be seen not merely as of ecclesiastical institution, but part of what is more broadly known in Catholic moral theology as Divine Positive Law, initiated by Christ and His Apostles. That is, clerical celibacy it is not merely disciplinary in nature, as the Novus Ordinarians often prattle, just as they say that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not Traditional, but merely "disciplinary"!
The universal law of clerical celibacy confirmed by the Council of Nicaea applied, and still applies, to the Eastern Church as well as the Western. Most of the bishops at the Council of Nicaea were Eastern. The Eastern Church began at a late date to violate its own law of celibacy and planted the seeds of its schism from the Catholic Church. For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Clerical Celibacy."
Dear Fathers:
When was the new feast of St. Joseph the Worker instituted on May 1 in place of the traditional Feast of Sts. Philip & James, Apostles? I received in the mail a supposedly traditional calendar that features a new Feast of St. Joseph on May 1.
The Fathers Reply.
It was in the first wave of "modernizing" corruptions of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, leading up to his full-blown Novus Ordo of 1969, that May 1 was changed in 1956 from the traditional Double Feast of the Second Class of Christ's Apostles Philip & James to a new Feast of St. Joseph the Workman (Opifex). Because of the feminist influence in the New Order, this term is usually changed in English to "Worker," in order to avoid use of the word man.
It has been pointed out that this feast shows the beginnings of a Communist-friendly attitude in the just pre-Conciliar Newchurch, which was confirmed at Vatican II (1962-1965), when John XXIII struck the topic of atheistic Communism off the agenda in order to get the Russian Orthodox patriarchs to attend the council as spectators. May 1 was Communist Worker Day.
The calendar and ordo that we TRADITIO Fathers recommend are both based on the most traditional form of the Roman Rite, before the Conciliar-Bugnini changes of 1951, 1956, 1960, and 1962. It is the one that corresponds to the fully traditional version of the Missale Romanum and the Breviarium Romanum in four volumes. The calendar for 2010 features beautiful renderings of the Stations of the Cross. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar.
A report by the Irish Department of Justice has concluded that the behavior of Newchurch bishops and presbyters in the Newdiocese of Dublin has been "reprehensible" in perpetrating a wave of sex crimes against children, many of them handicapped. The November 26, 2009, report finds that the Newchurch hierarchy failed to respond to the sex crimes. The charges against Newchurch and its agents in this and a previous governmental report, the Ryan Report, are so serious that Ireland is now in the process of secularizing many Newchurch schools.
"The Dublin archdiocese behaved in a manner that was absolutely reprehensible. Over the space of 20 years, they moved the problem on, looked after their own financial interests, looked after their priests [sic] and not the victims," the report concludes. The report was issued in two parts: 100 pages of findings and 500 pages of specific detail on sample cases of crimes by 46 presbyters. Damage compensation to children sexually victimized by presbyters is expected to reach more than 30,000,000 U.S. dollars. Damages by Newchurch in the United States, which has a population 70 times larger than Ireland, are expected to reach more than 100 times that figure.
The report details "horrific" sex crimes against abuse on children and excoriates the failure of Newchurch to report the criminals to police. The Newarchdiocese has identified up to 450 child victims. The Justice report charges current Newarchbishop Diarmuid Martin (2004-) and his Newchurch predecessors John McQuaid (retired 1971), Dermot Ryan (1971-1984), Kevin McNamara (1984-1987), and Desmond Connell (1988-2004), of knowing about complaints of sex crimes involving presbyters in the Dublin Newarchdiocese, but failing to report them to police. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Independent.]
It seems that Fernando Lugo Méndez, Newchurch bishop of San Pedro, Paraguay, since 1994, is going for the Newchurch "Fatherhood" Record. Already with two daughters who are suing him for paternity, one of whom he admits he fathered while a presbyter, a third daughter has now come to light. Lugo went on to become Paraguay's President in 2008, at which point he was finally laicized by Benedict-Ratzinger.
A family member admitted that "for years we all knew she [the mother of the illegitimate daughter] was having an affair with him" while a bishop and presbyter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by MercoPress.]