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Forty fornicatrices of sacrilegious Italian presbyters have sent an open letter to Benedict-Ratzinger to scrap Catholic and Apostolic clerical celibacy. Dozens of fornicatrices with whom Newchurch presbyters have committed sacrilege have sent the unprecedent request for Newchurch to allow their sacrilege officially.
The witless fornicatrices claimed in their letter that Catholic and Apostolic celibacy, as Christ and the Church have consistently taught, but is merely a "man-made rule" for clergy. Apparently, the venereal disease of their immorality and sacrilege has penetrated their soft brains, because about that, they are dead wrong. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]
The evangelical counsel of holy celibacy comes first from Christ in the Gospels, then from St. Paul in his Epistles, and from Apostolic Tradition. There were some instances of married clergy in the early centuries of the Church, to be sure, but these have been documented by historians as, on the whole, exceptions and, like the passing away of glossalalia (speaking in "tongues") in the early Church, celibacy became invariable for clergy in both the East and the West. Later, the Eastern Orthodox schismatics turned their back on Apostolic Tradition in this as in several other matters. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Clerical Celibacy."
I draw your readers' attention to my latest exclusive piece for the TRADITIO Network, in which I treat Fr. Fahey's philosophy on Modernist notions. It is not too late for Western man to rid himself of the forces that seek his destruction; however, to accomplish such a task will mean the abandonment of pride in the sense that it can be done without Almighty God. The first step toward this end is a return to the proper worship of Almighty God through the true Mass.
Instead of heeding the warnings of Fr. Fahey, the West has given in to the promoters of immorality. Life has become so de-Christianized that public acceptance and institutional recognition of perversity can no longer be combated on moral grounds. Newchurch has become a major cause of the problem, not a solution, because of its capture by Neo-modernists and because many of its own clergy have become involved in heinous acts of immorality, compounded by a cover up orchestrated from the very pinnacle of its hierarchy.
For further information, click on Fr. Fahey -- A Prophet in Modernist Times in the TRADITIO Network's Fr. Denis Fahey Archive department.
The Italian Bishops Conference finally revealed that it has been dealing with about 100 cases involving sex crimes by Newchurch presbyters against children, and that number is considered to be underestimated and underreported. The revelation, made on May 25, 2010, was the first-ever information of the kind published. Heretofore, in order to avoid embarrassment to Benedict-Ratzinger, as he is Primate of Italy and therefore ultimately the responsible party, the Italian sex-crime figures had been kept secret.
On the previous day, Newcardinal Angelo Bagnasco opened the Italian bishops' annual meeting and pleaded with families to trust Newchurch in spite of the fact that it had covered up a sex-crimes holocaust. But the plea fell on an increasingly-skeptical Italian public. Even as Bagnasco spoke, more sex crimes were reported going on in Benedict-Ratzinger's backyard. On May 25, 2010, the Italian ANSA news agency reported that a well-known Veronese presbyter had been arrested on charges he had sex with a 13-year-old boy. A day earlier, a presbyter in Savona went on trial for the sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl. Last week, a Roman Newbishop testified that he had failed to alert police about a presbyter whom he heard had engaged in sexual assaults against 20-25 children, some of whom were as young as 13.
One Italian official asked: "How is it possible that only in Italy no bishop has felt the need to resign or make a mea culpa for failing to be vigilant?" A victims group stated: "It's tragic and telling that most Catholic [sic] officials still insist on keeping clergy sex crimes secret." Even a homosexual group turned against the Newchurch sex criminals: "We have always enjoyed a journey of pastoral listening and defending the dignity of homosexuals within the Catholic [sic] Church. All this cannot overshadow the accusations made against the prelate that seem to be precise and detailed: violence and sexual abuse of children." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear Fathers:
I love our Catholic traditions and the Traditional Latin Mass. I am so glad that you have shown that even the 1962 Mass, which I grew up with, is not the Traditional Latin Mass. I will make a confession of sorts, however. I do like one innovation that our parish in the Bronx, New York, used back then. I really loved the singing of the Minor Elevation and the Per ipsum by the celebrant at a Sung Mass. It was a beautiful ending to the Canon.
The Fathers Reply.
Such a practice was severely prohibited even in the 1962 Mess. The Council of Trent anathematized any priest who dared to say any part of the Canon in other than the low voice. Your statement indicates Novus Ordo practices were already being introduced into the 1962 Mess. After all, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini was responsible for both the Half Novus Ordo of 1962 and the full Novus Ordo service of 1969. That is why the "modernized" Masses beginning in 1951 should be avoided as integrating elements of the Novus Ordo.
Time will tell whether John Henry Cardinal Newman is a Saint -- after the Newchurch of the New Order bites the dust. Surely he was a supreme intellect, a doctor of the Church, highly praised for his correct interpretation of papal infallibility by Pope St. Pius X himself.
Newchurch is so desperate for Saints that the traditional standards for Sainthood were lowered in 1984 by JPII to a triviality so that "politically-correct" saints could be manufactured. But Newchurch's phony "saint factory" can't even meet those criteria. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Canonizations, Post-conciliar."
We TRADITIO Fathers have previously reported in these Commentaries how "miracles" were trumped up for JPII and Mother Teresa -- "miracles" that the doctors in charge of the cases say were the perfectly ordinary outcome of administering certain treatments. After these "miracles" the individuals slipped into even more serious illness. Now we have Benedict-Ratzinger trying to phony up a "miracle" for Cardinal Newman. Otherwise, the occasion for Benedict-Ratzinger's junket to England in September 2010 to beatify Newman would be vitiated. Thus, the need for a Benedict-Ratzinger to declare a fake "miracle."
A close study of the Newman "miracle" reveals that Benedict-Ratzinger has not even adhered to the New Order's lax criteria for validating miracles. Three leading medical specialists have declared the "miracles" the expected result of merely ordinary medical treatment. Benedict-Ratzinger's junket to Britain, of which the beatification of Cardinal Newman was to be the central focus, looks bound for a theological, as well as political, storm.
On June 6, 2000, Jack Sullivan suffered severe pain in his lower back. A scan revealed deformities to vertebrae in the lumbar area. His spine was herniated and had caused severe stenosis. The vertebrae and discs were depressed inward so as to intrude on the spinal canal, squeezing his spinal cord and femoral nerves. Sullivan was studying, at age 61, to become one of those Novus Ordo lay deacons, so, upon watching the Novus Ordo Charismatic EWTN cable television station, Sullivan decided to pray to Newman. Next morning, the pain had gone, and he could walk upright without difficulty.
It's a miracle, the Novus Ordo Charismatics declared! Oops. Upon examination, it was discovered that Sullivan's underlying physiological condition had not been cured. The pain returned in May 2001, and Sullivan underwent a laminectomy in August 2001. Although Sullivan was relieved of pain, it was the consequence of an "effective treatment," a laminectomy, a consequence that requires, by traditional Church criteria, that the claim of a miracle be dismissed out of hand. Three leading clinical figures in the fields of laminectomy surgery and pain relief stated that this surgery has good outcome in the majority of cases, 60 to 70 per cent, even on those as old as 88.
Newman himself would have vehemently objected to phony miracle-making. Like the Great Doctor of the Church St. Augustine, Newman argued that the faithful should be prepared to accept that miracles occur within God's created nature, not outside it. He preached that "nothing is gained by miracles, nothing comes of miracles, as regards our religious views, principles and habits. Hard as it is to believe, miracles certainly do not make men better." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the London Times.]
Pope St. Pius X stated once that Cardinal Newman had expressed exactly right the Church's teaching on papal infallibility, formalized at the Vatican I Council, which Newman himself attended. Newman correctly rejected papolatry, the error of reverencing the pope like God. He correctly rejected "creeping" infallibility, exceeding the bounds decreed by Vatican I (1870), which stated: "For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles."
One independent traditional Catholic priest recently wrote about Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust: "As heinous and as criminal as these impure acts are on the part of priests [sic], what is far, far worse is the indifference and blase attitude which the high clergy have had toward these sins. They are incapable of any moral outrage when they hear of this misconduct for the precise reason that they are Modernists."
Why isn't Fellay and his Neo-SSPX screaming from the housetops this truth about the Modernist-infected Newchurch of the New Order? Archbishop Lefebvre would have, you can be sure. The answer is clear: Fellay and his Neo-SSPX are now part of the Modernistic New Order sect. They want to be part of that Modernistic New Order sect. They want to be unexcommunicated from the New Order and perform the Half Novus Ordo of 1962. They may cover the truth over with mumblings of minor dissatisfactions here and there, but that is only to keep the half of their membership that remains traditional in the Modernist Fellayite fold.
The sad truth is that Bernie Fellay, who purported to be Archbishop Lefebvre's successor, has actually substituted for the SSPX a Modernist Neo-SSPX, much as the Conciliar popes and bishops, who purported to be Catholic, have actually substituted for the Catholic Church a Modernist Newchurch of the New Order. Neither Fellay nor his new master Benedict-Ratzinger can show true outrage in action when confronted with the rape and sodomizing of children. They're Modernists; they're immune to moral compunction. "Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness" (Romans 1:24/DRV).
The heliocentric theory of the solar system was first proposed by an ancient Greek scientist, Aristarchus of Samos, in the third century before Christ. Although the Catholic Church reverenced the natural philosophers of classical Greece and Rome, Aristarchus's theory seem to have been forgotten until a Polish canon of Frauenburg Cathedral, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), revived the theory.
In contrast to the trouble that Galileo Galilei stirred up for himself by linking a merely scientific theory with religious doctrine, Copernicus did not have the same problem, as he honestly presented his evidence, which was not completely convincing at the time, as a scientific theory when he published his historic work on the subject, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.
On May 22, 2010, Copernicus was reburied in a tomb in Frauenberg Cathedral, where he served as a canon. Formerly he had lain in an unmarked grave beneath the floor of the cathedral in Northern Poland. A black granite tombstone now identifies him as the founder of the heliocentric theory, although that honor properly belongs to Aristarchus of Samos. The tombstone is decorated with a model of the solar system, a golden sun encircled by six of the planets. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Copernicus exemplifies the Catholic teaching that goes back at least to the Great Doctor of the Latin Church, St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430), who taught that true faith and true science cannot be at odds because both are based in the truth. Or, as Pope Pius XII said: "True science discovers God behind every door." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Galileo."
One of the bishops of Benedict-Ratzinger's suburbicarian dioceses near Rome admitted in court on May 21, 2010, that that he did not suspend or report a presbyter, Ruggero Conti, now on trial for sexually assaulting seven children between 2002 and 2006. The subpoena of Gino Reali, Newbishop of Porto Santa Rufina, marked the first time that an Italian bishop had been called to the witness stand in a paedophilia trial. Reali himself could face trial for having concealed a crime.
Newbishop Reali admitted that when he was informed of the presbyter's sex crimes, he merely ordered him "not to allow boys to sleep at his home, to be more prudent, and to dedicate himself more to spirituality." The child-victims had charged that the presbyter sexually assaulted them after inviting them to his home for meals or to watch films. Reali was also charged by the child-victims with swearing them to silence. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Stampa.]
Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust just goes on and on. Because Benedict-Ratzinger has failed to do anything to stop it -- outside of mouthing a few pusillanimous words -- the rapes and assaults against children go on and on and on. Benedict-Ratzinger is a disgrace to the papacy and, in justice, should be hounded out of office for his crimes against children.
Mel Gibson, the Producer-Director of the 2004 traditional Catholic blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, is paying a high price for his infidelity to his wife of thirty years, Robyn. The Gibsons have put their 500 square metre house in Malibu, California, on the market for liquid cash, in case the couple finalize a divorce in the next few months. The house boasts nine bedrooms and ten bathrooms. In the current bad housing market, the house may draw only something in the neighborhood of 15,000,000 U.S. dollars.
Even so, Robyn would still be part of Mel's film company, Icon Productions, the company that released The Passion of the Christ (2004), as well as many other fine films, including Hamlet, The Man without a Face, Braveheart, Anna Karenina, and We Were Soldiers.
Not often, but every once in blue moon a Newchurch bishop gets a clue. On May 24, 2010, Mark Coleridge, Newchurch archbishop of Canberra, Australia, took the unusual step of writing an open letter attempting to explain the culture that led Newchurch to turn a blind eye to bishops and presbyters raping and sexually assaulting children. He blamed in part "an outlook of sin and forgiveness rather than crime and punishment" for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. "There is no excuse for not understanding that rape, sodomy, and child sex abuse is a crime. To be more concerned for the perpetrator of crime than the victim is unforgivable," said Coleridge.
You can be sure that Benedict-Ratzinger will never say anything like this. After all, he is one of those Newarchbishop Coleridge condemns for being more concerned for the perpetrators of the crimes than for the child-victims. So what's Benedict-Ratzinger's excuse?
On March 4, 2010, the French District's Superior of the Society of St. Pius X distanced himself from SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay's policy of negotiating a sellout to the New Order. Fr. De Cacqueray published a letter entitled: The Bishops: Guardians of the Faith or Proselytes Protecting Other Cults? In his open letter Cacquerey accuses Benedict-Ratzingers Newchurch bishops of "drowning Catholicism in a cohabitation with other religions that leaves souls in ignorance of the love of Christ; they unite themselves in a syndicate for the defense of cults." Superior De Cacquerey goes on to condemn the heresy of Indifferentism that permeates Newchurch:
The result of such an attitude is henceforth the impossibility of affirming that the Catholic religion is the only one founded by God and an Indifferentism (that) has penetrated even into the minds of those responsible for maintaining the Faith of those confided to their care. In such wise, they encourage the dechristianiaation of France.
Yet these are the very Newchurch bishops with whom Cacquerey's superior, Bernie Fellay, is at this moment negotiating at Newrome a sellout of his Neo-SSPX! It seems that Fellay's despotic hold over the SSPX may be starting to show some cracks.
Concerning Cardinals Ratzinger and Hoyos associating themselves with books of a once seminarian banned from the clergy by three archbishops for making "aggressive sexual advances," sexual misconduct, which everybody is guilty of, has no bearing on that individual's knowledge and teaching of our Faith. That is why we have Confession, so that sexually-active people can maintain their Faith from week to week. I certainly do not let my active sexuality interfere with my Faith. Perhaps the pope knows this. Nevertheless, it is their books on which they should be judged, not their sexual activity.
The Fathers Reply.
The euphemism "sexual misconduct" is now the term by which to characterize sodomy, one of the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance and a traditional impediment to Holy Orders? Let's get realistic here. When cardinals write a foreword to someone's book, they are associating themselves with that book and with that author. According to the evidence, three archbishops had warned Card. Ratzinger of the banned seminarian, and yet he and Hoyos went ahead with their active involvement with him.
This is not merely an inadvertent slip-up by Josef Ratzinger. It is yet another example of the culpably bad-judgment that he has shown throughout his ecclesiastical career. He has knowingly appointed Communist spies, paedophiles, and philogays as Newbishops, and he publicly invites excommunicates as houseguests at his summer castle. This is a pattern of Benedict-Ratzinger's character, whose deeply-based origins are now being exposed to the whole world. We cannot play Ostrich Catholics and bury our head in the sand to avoid reality. That is not the Roman way. It is the same dishonesty that comes from the likes of Ratzinger and Hoyos.
One of the many bad results of Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007+ is the phonies whom it has brought out from under their rocks to profit from the "Extraordinary Mass" -- the New Order's fabricated name for this new novelty. The situation is reminiscent of the Protestant Charismatics, like Scott Hahn, who claim to be Novus Ordo converts and then profitably recycle their heretical books by salting them with a little "Marian" terminology to fool the Neocon Newchurchers.
One of this ilk, who has recently been exposed by the Australian publication New Age, is one Alcuin Reid, aka Scott Reid, a Novus Ordo deacon with an apparently suspicious background. This man in 2003 had the temerity to "update" one of the standard rubrical manual of the Traditional Latin Mass to the "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007+. Reed also wrote a book of his own in 2004 on the "organic development of the liturgy," a term which has become a code word for changing the Traditional Latin Mass into an invalid Novus Ordo service, but more gradually than the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Commission of Six Protestant ministers did.
So far did the Reid delude Ratzinger that the Ratzinger even wrote a foreward to Reid's book, despite Newarchbishops Frank Little, George Pell, and Denis Hart informing Benedict-Ratzinger that Reid had been "sanctioned for suspected sexual misconduct." Reid in 2003 also got a foreward out of the former President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, who has now been discredited as a praiser of a French Newchurch bishop who was criminally convicted of failing to report a known paedophile.
Reid had his "canonical faculties" to operate in Newchurch removed by the Melbourne, Australia, archdiocese in 1991. The Age reports that Reid "made repeated inappropriate and sometimes aggressive sexual advances while in the seminary in Melbourne and overseas." The Newarchdiocese revealed to The Age that successive Melbourne archbishops Frank Little, George Pell, and Denis Hart had all "without success, strenuously, and repeatedly urged Reid to seek laicization [defrocking]."
Nevertheless, Newcardinal Josef Ratzinger, who in 2004 was head of Newvatican's Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith, wrote a 2000-word preface recommending Reid's book. In 2009, against the will of the Melbourne archbishops, Reid was made a deacon in the French Diocese of Frejus-Toulon by Bishop Dominique Rey. The Melbourne Newarchdiocese says that it conveyed its concerns to Bishop Rey. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Age of Australia.]
The 2003 book for which Hoyos wrote his foreword was Reid's "update" of a standard rubrical manual to the "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007+. If the 1962 Mess needed to have a manual, the 1962 edition could just have been reprinted. Instead, Reid issued a spurious "15th edition," containing unauthorized changes made by Reid himself, engineered to conform to the invalid Novus Ordo service, not the Traditional Latin Mass.
You may remember the Transalpine Redemptorists, once with the Society of St. Pius X, who couldn't even wait for Superior General Bernie Fellay's plans to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo to mature after "negotiations." So the Redemptorists abandoned any allegiance to the traditional Catholic Faith and rushed into the bosom of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order. The Transalpine Redemptorists didn't learn the lessons of Newchurch history: Newrome greets traditionalist sellouts in the front and then stabs them in the back.
These Transalpine Redemptorist were only too eager to accept thirty pieces of silver from the Novus Ordo. But, like Judas, they learned that it was blood money for selling out the Catholic Faith. They had planned to perform the Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007+ "oecumenically" at Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwell, Scotland, which is in the possession of the Protestant Church of Scotland. But the Redemptorists' Novus Ordo bishop, Peter Moran, told them: Nothing doing! Just because the Transalpine Redemptorists went Newchurch, it doesn't mean that they can do anything they want -- and certainly not plan a "Motu" do. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.]
Let this be yet another lesson to you Motarians and Neocons who are all tingly to sell out to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch and its Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess. Don't! The boomerang that will hit you in the back of the head will be lethal to your faith.
We all knew the Benedict-Ratzinger has lost control over his bishops, but now he is admitting it. In an effort to avoid his clear responsibility for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, Benedict-Ratzinger is throwing his bishops under the bus. They don't function in his name, he says. They're free agents.
But, let's see:
It sounds as if bishops are in fact employees, and certainly officials, of the pope, doesn't it? But Benedict-Ratzinger's lawyers are just too clever, or too deceitful, or to scared to admit it. They claim that the bishops are not officials or employees of the pope, that he is not their boss. So saith Benedict-Ratzinger on May 17, 2010, in U.S. federal court, in a suit charging Benedict-Ratzinger and his "staff" with orchestrating a decades-long cover-up of bishops and presbyters sexually raping and assaulting children throughout the United States, at least 243 of which are in Louisville. This proposed class-action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Louisville, Kentucky is one of three that charges Benedict-Ratzinger himself with responsibility for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, not just his criminal presbyters and bishops, who perpetrated the crimes and concealed them from police.
Actually, an attorney for the child-victims says that he doesn't have to prove bishops are employees of Newvatican to hold them liable, but merely demonstrate that they are Vatican "officials." "Anybody walking around knows that a bishop is an official of the Holy See," said the attorney. Usually foreign countries like the "Vatican City State," a fiction fabricated by the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, are immune from civil actions in U.S. courts, but there are exceptions to the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, which higher courts have said were applicable in this case. The statute says that plaintiffs can establish subject matter jurisdiction over a foreign sovereign if a crime was committed in the United States by any official or employee of the foreign country and that the crimes were committed within the scope of employment.
In a laughable statement, an attorney for Benedict-Ratzinger argued: "American bishops do not act on behalf of the Holy See"! "Under Catholic theology a bishop is just as much a member of the college of bishops, is just as much a successor of the apostles as is the Bishop of Rome," the pope. What is this: Benedict-Ratzinger's denial of the dogma of the supreme jurisdiction of the pope as defined at Vatican I? Is he playing heretic in order to avoid civil authorities?
The child-victims' attorneys argue that Newvatican very much exercises the day-to-day control necessary to prove that bishops were Benedict-Ratzinger's employees when it came to sex crimes by his clergy. He directed in detail how bishops were to handle such cases, and bishops couldn't take action to defrock a criminal presbyter with Benedict-Ratzinger's approval as Newchurch's Chief Executive Officer. Moreover, he told his bishops, under the censure of excommunication, not to report his clergy's sex crimes to police. A Newchurch bishop is " an employee for the purposes of child sex abuse because he's under day-to-day control, which is the benchmark on this issue, and is never allowed to act independently on that issue," argued the child-victims' attorney. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Still desperate to fob off his Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal onto others, Benedict-Ratzinger sent a message on May 15, 2010, to an "oecumenical" meeting in his own former Newarchdiocese of Munich, Germany, calling the now tens of thousands of Newbishops and presbyters who have raped children "weeds" in Newchurch. Newpope was referring to the Parable of the Weeds in the New Testament. But if you follow that analogy to its logical conclusion, he is himself the sower of those weeds!
It is curious that Benedict-Ratzinger would be sending such a message to Munich, as that is the Newchurch archdiocese where he himself served as Newarchbishop from 1977 to 1981, during which confirmed evidence has now surfaced that he personally sheltered a known paedophile presbyter in his rectory, a presbyter who went on to rape more children.
Confirmed charges of the rape of children by presbyters has rocked Newchurch in countries around the world again in 2010. Benedict-Ratzinger and his papacy have been reeling from the seemingly never-ending firestorm of more and more confirmed and charged rapes and sexual assaults upon children. The strain produced by Newpope's guilt and defensiveness are clear. Benedict-Ratzinger himself still refuses to accept personal responsibility as the head of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust since 1981, but his recent public appearances show a man who is ashen, fatigued, and disoriented. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
An official of the Newchurch archdiocese of Cali, Colombia, the third largest diocese in that country, has just published, "out of frustration at episcopal inaction," he says, a tell-all book describing the archdiocese as "rife with active and uncorrected homosexuals and heterosexual presbyters who prey upon young people, have fathered children, and have used parish funds to pay off the extortion demands of their boy-lovers and the fees for pimps." The Newchurch archdiocese of Santiago de Cali, Colombia's third-largest city, holds 2,200,000 Newchurchers out of a total population of 2,600,000.
In 2007 Fr. German Robledo, former head of the archdiocesan ecclesiastical tribunal for 23 years and a presbyter for 45 years, made public evidence, including videos, of sex and financial crimes among many of the archdiocese's clergy. He charged that several presbyters were conducting ongoing sexual relationships with women and young boys. He charged that some presbyters had secretly fathered children and in two cases had been sued by the mothers for child support. Newchurch archbishop Juan Sarasti answered the charges by stating that such immoral and criminal acts belonged to the presbyters' private lives!
Fr. Robledo kept his book under absolute secrecy until it was published, calling it a "bomb" for Newchurch in Latin America. Robledo said that since he first presented his evidence of sexual and financial misconduct by presbyters in the archdiocese, the problems have increased "due to the lack of control and vigilance." He indicated that Juan Sarasti Jamarillo, the Newchurch archbishop there since 2002, has done nothing to stop the increasing misconduct of his presbyters.
Fr. Robledo describes the kind of presbyter that the post-conciliar Newchurch encourages: " sweet, obedient, submissive, uncritical, and who always accept the authoritarian role of the bishop and of the other superiors." In this way the autocratic Novus Ordo bishops, cardinals, and popes could exert a reign in which Catholic morals and justice were not the goal, but personal autocracy. Robledo's bombshell book, titled ¿Hacia un celo gay? [Towards a Gay Clergy] is intended, Fr. Robledo said, to "denounce a tendency which is presenting itself within the [New]church." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Inside Costa Rica.]
A 15-year employee of the Sisters of Mary in Auburn, California, has charged in an April 12, 2010, lawsuit that a sister of the order, functioning as a nurse, was illegally prescribing morphine to patients in the Newchurch convent's infirmary. The sister-nurse in question is being called the "Angel of Death" in euthanizing sick and elderly nuns. In fact, six elderly nuns, ranging in age from 68 to 100, died at the convent's mother house and retreat center in Auburn in just the year 2009. Police and federal drug-enforcement officers were investigating. Other employees had made similar charges.
The charges naturally raise the question: would Newchurch bishops, hit with to date some 2,000,000,000 dollars in damage judgments in the United States alone for the child-victims of sex crimes perpetrated by themselves and their presbyters, engineer the death of elderly nuns so that bankrupt and nearly-bankrupt Newdioceses do not have to pay for their medical expenses in their last years? It seems like a bizarre question, but hierarchs who have aided and abetted the rape of children certainly would be immoral enough to euthanize the elderly.
The lawsuit relates a 2005 incident in which the "Angel of Death" visited the room of a gravely-ill nun with other nuns after stealing morphine and locked herself and the other nuns in the room. When staff pounded on the door for entry, the "Angel of Death" would not open the door. When the door was finally opened, the ill nun was dead. The Newchurch convent had tried to keep the charges secret and refused to respond to the complaints, but the lawsuit opened the situation to public scrutiny. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sacramento Bee.
In the United Kingdom Newchurch schoolchildren were required by Novus Ordo authorities to dress as Mohammedans or be punished as "truants." The excuse for this coercion into a false religion was a compulsory school "field trip" to a Al Rahma Mosque in Liverpool! The Ellesmere Port Catholic [Sic] High School justified the compulsion on the grounds of "community cohesion."
One 14-year-old Newchurch girl, Amy Owen, had enough Catholicism left to refuse to dress like a Mohammedan, complete with headscarf, trousers, leggings, and arm-covers. She was accordingly punished as a "truant" by the Newchurch school. She also refused to make the compulsory financial contribution. It is believed that up to ten other families from the girl's Year 9 classes also refused to dress as Mohammedans and were punished as "truants."
The Newchurch school warned the girl that if she didn't dress like a Mohammedan and make the compulsory financial contribution, she would be punished as a "truant." She was not even given the option of an alternative, perhaps studying the Vatican I Council and its data that forty popes had been heretics. That would have been instructive in explaining how such an heretical "field trip" could have been compelled by a "Catholic" school. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail.]
Amy's mother commented:
It's like they're putting a gun to your head -- either you go to a mosque or you're marked down as an unauthorized absence on your record -- that's it -- no two ways about it. I also fail to see how a three-hour trip to a mosque is of any educational value to a Catholic when she can learn about the Muslim faith in the classroom. I can guarantee that if there were ten Muslim girls coming to our school, it would adhere to what they wanted, because that's their faith, their religion, their dress code.
Undoubtedly the Neocon Newchurchers will get all tingly because Benedict-Ratzinger in a May 13, 2010, speech at Fatima, Portugal, objected to abortion and "gay marriage." But, if they reflect further, they will see that this is just more empty words from Newpope. The man talks a jag, but does nothing.
Benedict-Ratzinger supposedly objects to abortion, but happily receives phony politicians claiming to be "Catholic" to get votes: the likes of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.
Benedict-Ratzinger supposedly objects to "gay marriage," yet he has not interdicted Portugal and the five other European countries, including largely Newchurch Spain and Belgium, not to say the United States and quite a few other non-European countries, which have already embraced "gay marriage." Portugal itself already legalized abortion in 2008.
Benedict-Ratzinger supposedly objects to politicians who embrace abortion and "gay marriage," but received with euphoria (one press photograph caught him leaping off the floor) Barack Obama, who is an outspoken advocate of "gay marriage" and wants to end the ban on open homosexuals serving in the U.S. military. Nor did Benedict-Ratzinger excommunicate the Mexican Newchurch legislators who legalized abortion at the very time when he was visiting Mexico.
Benedict-Ratzinger supposedly objects to homosexuality, but he issued a directive to admit into his Novus Ordo seminaries homosexuals who had (merely by their own claim) been off the "gay" wagon for as little as three years.
Benedict-Ratzinger has talked a lot about Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust recently too, but has not fired a single one of his Newbishops implicated in it.
Benedict-Ratzinger has recently called the Newchurch holocaust a "sin inside the [New]church," but he has yet to admit that it is a grave sin within himself, as he has been the leader of it since he took over the prefecture of the Newchurch Doctrine of the Faith Congregation in 1981, not to speak of his harboring known paedophiles when he was Newarchbishop of Munich in 1977-1981. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
Of particular note is the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger gave his speech on Ascension Thursday, the holyday whose exact date is specifically mentioned in the Bible (Acts of the Apostles 1:3): forty days after the Resurrection (Easter). Yet Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo recognizes it on the 43rd day after Easter!
It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger's papacy is as phony as his calendar! It seems that Europe has figured his hypocrisy out too. While giving him their applause, for courtesy's sake, the Europeans completely ignore what he says. Portugal, on the occasion of his Fatima junket, is going to join other European countries that have legalized "gay marriage."
Dear Fathers:
How does Benedict-Ratzinger have the gall to visit Fatima when, on June 26, 2000, he and his secretary Newcardinal Tarcisio Bertone, now his No. 2 man as Secretary of State, had published a 43-page booklet from Newvatican containing a 62-line version of the "Third Secret" of Fatima in the supposed handwriting of Sister Lucy, handwriting which has been proven by Speckin Forensic Laboratories of the USA to have been a forgery. It is known that the "Third Secret," as written down by Sister Lucy, consisted of a single sheet of paper of 24 lines and it has never been made public.
The Fathers Reply.
For further information, click on The Forgery of the "Third Secret" of Fatima in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics). Also, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section "Fatima."
Benedict-Ratzinger's Fatima junket was slammed on May 11, 2010, by the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Presbyters. SNAP president Barbara Blaine called Benedict-Ratzinger's publicity ploy "meaningless" and a "poor substitute for action." Benedict-Ratzinger had said on his private jet taking him to Portugal for a four-day junket May 11-14, 2010, that the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust "came from within the [New]church itself. Of course, Benedict-Ratzinger himself is the head of that corrupt Newchurch and has been personally implicated in the holocaust, according to documents with his signature on them, but he has taken no personal responsibility for the crime-wave.
SNAP has quickly learned the reality of Benedict-Ratzinger: he is all propaganda talk and no action. Its president Blaine told the press:
None of the words that he [Benedict-Ratzinger] said today make children any safer than before he spoke the words. Previous to this, he was pointing fingers at the press, saying you were anti-Catholic. He said victims who spoke up were engaging in petty gossip. He may have stopped that extreme pointing of fingers, but he hasn't taken any action that will protect children.
Benedict-Ratzinger's papacy has been rocked by now-proven charges that he protected paedophile presbyter-criminals from prosecution in Europe and the United States, and that he knew about numerous cases of predator presbyters, but took no action against the, during his long regime in charge of such crimes from 1981 to the present day.
SNAP wants Benedict-Ratzinger to put his papacy where his propaganda mouth is: to fire Newbishops who protect the sex criminals among their clergy, to demand that Newbishops report such presbyter-criminals to the civil authorities, and to publish the names of such presbyter-criminals on his Newvatican web site. Until Benedict-Ratzinger takes those concrete steps, his papacy is "meaningless." Of course, he won't take those steps. He hasn't even accepted personal responsibility for his aiding and abetting of the child rapes, even though he has been the head of them for Newchurch since 1981.
On May 9, 2010, the Traditional Latin Mass was celebrated in Mel Gibson's new Holy Family Church in Agoura Hills, California. Only a few details need to be finished to complete his church edifice, funded from proceeds of his 2004 traditional Catholic film, The Passion of the Christ. Only the Stations of the Cross, landscaping, and a few other details need to be completed -- details that seem to take forever to come together, but finally make any construction or remodeling project complete. The Holy Family Church is beautiful beyond words. It is done in California Mission style. No detail was too small to be tended to, and no expense has been spared. It is an amazing edifice to honor the Christ and His Mother.
I know that Mel Gibson has his demons, and I know that what he has done in the past couple of years is sad and self destructive, but here is a vignette that may demonstrate his deeply-held traditional Catholic Faith, regardless of his episodes of falling from that Faith. Although the new church is now in use, I saw him in the little chapel that has been used for Mass for several years, which still has an altar and tabernacle. There he was at the altar railing on his knees praying to God.
I have witnessed many times in the past his devotion and love of God and His Blessed Mother. I could not help feeling the great sadness and contrition that he now feels for turning away from the Sacraments and hurting God as he knows he has. Yet his love of God and his traditional Catholic Faith has never stopped, as is clearly evidenced by his humility, the church edifice that he has built, and the Sacraments that he has provided for so many of us here in Southern California over the years.
I saw him go to Communion at Mass, which he was honorable enough to refuse to do when he was living in sin with Oksana Grigorieva. Whatever else he may be, at least he is not a hypocrite like the Newchurch hierarchs. Most of his children joined him at this Mass. He has suffered greatly because of the public humiliation that he has brought upon himself and upon his family. But at this point even his marriage might be healed, for "With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26/DRV).
Dear Fathers:
It thought that TRADITIO readers would appreciate this church-sign image. How true it is: so many of the people who should be fighting for Tradition right now are the first to stand by silently as it is completely co-opted by the Novus Ordo with such ploys as Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess.
Also, I just noticed another weird SSPX practice. At least a few SSPX chapels are observing fasting and abstinence on the Vigil of the Ascension. Traditionally the Church never fasted before the Feast of the Ascension, as fasting is actually forbidden during Paschaltide because of the joyous nature of the season after Easter. This is yet another indication that Fellay's Neo-SSPX has left Tradition.
I know that despite what some blind SSPXers think, Fellay's Neo-SSPX accepts Vatican II, but in the Vatican II sect the Feast of the Ascension isn't even a Holyday of Obligation any more!
The Fathers Reply.
The changes made by the Modernist liturgical revolutionaries to the Traditional Latin Mass were done not all at once but in stages. Starting in 1951 and by 1962, the Novus Ordo changes were half way there, thus the term "Half Novus Ordo" for the Mess of 1962, now called by the unprecedented term "Extraordinary Mass." The SSPX uses this Half Novus Ordo of 1962. Moreover, from reports around the world that we TRADITIO Fathers have received, the SSPX has implemented several of the features of the Novus Ordo of 1969 into its Mess of 1962, such as having laymen in the sanctuary reading Mass texts in vulgar tongues.
Ever since the resignation of Roger Vangheluwe, Newchurch bishop of Bruges, who admitted sexually assaulting a child, resigned on April 23, 2010, a Belgian commission probing charges of sex crimes by presbyters has been flooded with new charges. Some 270 new charges have been filed with the commission according to the Belga news agency.
Ninety-five per cent of the complaints have come from the northern Belgian region of Flanders, where Bruges is located. The commission had to increase its membership to deal with the influx of new charges. Many letters and E-mails are still waiting for a response. The Newdiocese of Bruges has also received angry E-mails, and angry Belgians pelted the Bruges Newdiocese offices with stones through its windows on May 8, 2010. {Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Herald Sun.]
Pseudo-traditionalists and Motarians have been deluded into thinking that the "Motu" Mess of 2007, which is based on the Half Novus Ordo "Mass of 1962," is the Traditional Latin Mass. It isn't. Already by 1962 two great waves of changes were implemented by the liturgical revolutionaries in 1956 and 1960 under the auspices of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Liturgical Reform Commission.
At the First (1951, Maria-Laach), Second (1952, Ste. Odile), and Third (1953, Lugano) Liturgical Congresses, sponsored by the liturgical revolutionaries, who wanted to change the traditional liturgy into a Protestantized New Order, Modernistic principles for the "Mass of the Future" were proposed. Bugnini, who was effectively in charge of the Liturgical Reform Commission, formed in 1947, was the liturgical revolutionaries' point-man to implement these Modernist principles in the First Wave of "modernizations" in 1956. He implemented most of the rest of them in the Second Wave of "modernizations" in 1960, with a few loose ends being picked up in the "Mass of 1962." A few modernizations had to wait for implementation in the full-blown Novus Ordo service of 1969:
Although these sweeping changes and their instructions filled over 300 pages -- a hardly "minor" revolution -- the following are the basic ones that were proposed at the 1951-1953 Liturgical Congresses. Every single one of the revolutionary principles were implemented in the Mass in 1956, the Half Novus Ordo of 1960-1962, or the full-blown Novus Ordo service of 1969.
1. Abolish the present duplication of readings by the priest, allowing the choir alone to do them, then later the congregation.
2. Omit the Introibo ad altare Dei and its psalm at the beginning of Mass.
3. Call the first part of the Mass by the new term "Liturgy of the Word." Move all of it away from the altar to the side.
4. Abolish all Collects (Prayers) after the first, including Collects for commemorated Saints and the seasonal Collects.
5. Fabricate a novel three- or four-year cycle of Lessons and Gospels for Sundays.
6. Provide for less-frequent recitation of the Credo.
7. Introduce the Protestantized Bidding Prayers as the conclusion of the "Liturgy of the Word." Omit the Dominus vobiscum at the beginning of the Offertory.
8. Do not place the sacred vessels on the altar before the Offertory.
9. Fabricate additional Prefaces.
10. Wait for the end of the Sanctus to continue the Mass. Eliminate the different Amens during the Canon.
11. Eliminate the Confiteor before reception of Communion.
12. Eliminate the Last Gospel.
13. Make the Secret prayer audible.
14. Sing the Great Doxology at the end of the Canon. Eliminate its five Signs of the Cross. Elevate the two Species during the Doxology. Do not genuflect before this elevation or at any other time.
15. After the Pater Noster regroup the prayers and ceremonies and find a way to have the congregation participate in kissing each other.
16. Develop the interval between the Communion and Postcommunion with "fill-in" material.
17. Regulate the use of Ite, Missa Est and dispense with Benedicamus Domino in penitential seasons.
18. Make the Easter Vigil (1951) changed according to Modernistic principles the model of the principles that should govern future changed.
19. Sing or recite aloud the Per Ipsum (Great Doxology). Eliminate the Signs of the Cross. Elevate the two Species until the Amen of the People. Eliminate the genuflection here.
20. Eliminate the Amen after the Pater Noster. Sing or recite aloud the Libera Nos. Eliminate the Sign of the Cross with the empty paten without kissing it.
21. Place the first Domine Jesu Christe immediately after the Libera Nos (or suppress it entirely). Follow the Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum with no ceremony of the Host. Give the Kiss of the People afterward.
22. Break the Host after the Kiss, with no accompanying ceremony, while the people sing the Agnus Dei. Suppress the two Communion prayers following.
23. Have the celebrant receive only half the Host, the other half to be given either to those who serve at the altar or distributed with the ciborium.
24. Eliminate the Confiteor at Communion time. Shorten the traditional prayer at each administration of the Host to the people with the curt Corpus Christi.
25. Have the Communion sung during the distribution, even in the vernacular.
26. Cut out end of the Mass: eliminate the Benedicamus Domino in penitential seasons; eliminate the celebrant's kiss of the altar; eliminate the Placeat prayer that offers the fruits of the Mass to those for whom it is being offered. Add a People's Amen. Eliminate the Last Gospel and Leonine prayers.
Such is the Modernist genesis of the untraditional Vatican II "Mass of 1962," later to serve as the basis for Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess of 2007, adopted by the Motarians and the SSPX. From here it was only a hop, skip, and a jump seven years later to the full-blown invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
At just the time that the Society of St. Pius X should be lashing out against the corruption and immorality of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch of the New Order as proof that it isn't Catholic -- the position that the SSPX's Founder-archbishop Marcel Lefebvre took -- Lefebvre's successor, Bernie Fellay, has actually taken a craven position support of the corruption and immorality.
In a statement that is almost unbelievable, except that he has already sold out in his heart and mind to the New Order, Fellay, in a statement published May 11, 2010, characterizes the justified international criticisms and lawsuits upon Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch officials for allowing Newchurch children to be raped and beaten up as attacks upon the Church:
I think we have there a good demonstration that the Church really does still have enemies. And these enemies have real names. You can see that through this ongoing campaign. It is very revealing. On the one hand, we have the old-guard U.S. enemies and, on the other hand, we have the leftists from Europe both working together.
Not at all! These are justified attacks upon corrupt and immoral individuals, including Benedict-Ratzinger himself and his leading Newcardinals and countless of his Newbishops. Fellay in his pandering to get communion with the Novus Ordo is truly sick -- as sick as the Newchurch leaders who, as now fully proven in documentary evidence, have had, and continue to have, a policy of aiding and abetting the rape of children and covering up the crimes from the civil authorities.
Interestingly, Fellay is revealed as being just like the corrupt and immoral Novus Ordo prelates. He says nothing about the gravest of sins, the sodomizing and rape of children, which Christ condemned as meriting death for the perpetrators (Matthew 18:6). But all Fellay is concerned about, just as is his principal, Benedict-Ratzinger, is escaping responsibility. The saintly and courageous Archbishop Lefebvre must be turning over in his grave to think of the betrayal of Catholic principles that his successor Bernie Fellay now perpetrates on a daily basis. The SSPXers, if they had any guts, would "throw the bum out" -- just as would Archbishop Lefebvre if he were yet alive.
A fortnight after Benedict-Ratzinger accepted on April 7, 2010, the abrupt resignation of James Wingle, Newchurch bishop of St. Catherines, Ontario, in Wingle's own words for "lack of stamina" and "shortcomings," Wingle went missing when one of his presbyters pled guilty to sexually assaulting three children, one of them only twelve years of age. Wingle was personally informed by one of the victims of the rape and apparently did nothing.
It appears that Wingle has fled Canada, and nobody seems to know where he is. Canadian authorities were investigating Wingle for doing nothing to protect the children and for failing to report the presbyter to the police. Not even his temporary replacement, Newchurch Msgr. Wayne Kirkpatrick, claims to know where Wingle is. Kirkpatrick has a big box of mail for the bishop but no forwarding address.
One presbyter said: "He’s out of the country -- that’s all we know. Where? God only knows." A member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communions said: "It doesn’t smell right. When the [resignation] announcement came out, I had a number of bishops phoning me and say, 'What the hell is going on?' And I said, ‘You’re asking me?!' The timing was unbelievable." Wingle’s resignation and whereabouts are also a mystery to the Canadian Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops. "If you find out, tell me,” said a Conference spokesman.
In other news from Canada, the bishop of Pembroke, Ontario, Joseph Windle, revealed that Benedict-Ratzinger transferred a now-defrocked presbyter convicted of sex crimes, to a top Vatican job after charges against the presbyter became known. Thus, Benedict-Ratzinger is guilty of sheltering yet another sex criminal in his bosom at Newrome to keep him away from local police and the local criminal courts. [Some information for this Commentary was provided by the Toronto Star.]
A British judge found on April 7, 2010, that children had been sexually assaulted under the care of Catholic [Sic] Social Services in Liverpool, England, after Vatican II. The finding was too late for several of the 100 child victims, who committed suicide as a result of being assaulted. The victims were residents at St. Aidan's and St. Vincent's Childrens Homes. A number of paedophiles, in this case, not clergy, but laypeople.
The defendant Catholic [Sic] Social Services was said to have engaged in "attritional litigation" and had fought tooth and nail to deny the children's claims. "They [Social Services] threw much money at their defense." The sex crimes perpetrated by the Newchurch agency were described as "systemic and widespread." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the UK Observer.]
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is one of those phonies who call themselves "Catholics" to buy votes, but are against everything that Catholicism stands for. She is particularly big on "gay marriage" (hailing from San Francisco, of course) and federally-funded abortions. Now she is pushing for more illegal immigration, and she wants her patsies, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops to aid her in this enterprise by dictating how their Newchurchers should vote.
Popessa Nancy on May 6, 2010, told Newchurch cardinals, archbishops, and bishops to "instruct" their parishioners to support more illegal immigration (concealed, like Vatican II's Modernist programme, she covered under the rubric of "reform"). She said that Newchurch clergy should "play a very major role" in supporting Democratic Party policies to give the criminal aliens amnesty.
"The people, some [who] oppose immigration reform [sic], are sitting in those pews, and you have to tell them that this is a manifestation of our living the gospels," she said with the authority of a Pope pontificating. It is quite uncommon (not to say having the odor of illegality) for a legislator, particularly the chief legislator of a country, to openly encourage clergy to dictate to their congregants how to vote.
But Nancy is desperate. Polls in the United States show her approval sinking into the single digits. Deo volente, in six months Newchurcher Pelosi and her New Order will be tossed out of the Speakership in Washington, D.C., just as the British recently tossed Gordon Brown and his liberal Labour Party out of office. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
Dear Fathers:
Is it permissible to attend a Mass celebrated by an Old Catholic priest?
The Fathers Reply.
The Old Roman Catholics are like the Eastern Orthodox. They are valid, but formally schismatic.
When cardinals attack one another, you know that the pope has lost his authority, and the end of his papacy is near. And that is what is now happening as the Newcardinal-primate of Austria is attacking the former Newcardinal Secretary of State, and the former Prefect of Clergy is attacking Benedict-Ratzinger himself.
Newcardinal Christoph Schoenborn accused Newvatican's former No. 2 Man, Newcardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano, with blocking an investigation into a sex-crime scandal that rocked Austria's Newchurch, when former Vienna Newcardinal-primate Hans Groer was accused by several children of raping them repeatedly. Groer resigned in the scandal that ensued. Schoenborn also accused Sodano of causing "massive harm" to child-victims when he dismissed claims of Newchurch clergy's sex crimes against children as "petty gossip."
The latest contretemps, however, involves, a Newcardinal and Benedict-Ratzinger. As reported by U.K.'s The Tablet, on April 22, 2010, Dario Hoyos, former Prefect of Newchurch's Congregation for the Clergy, has accused Josef Ratzinger, when Newvatican's No. 3 Man in 2001, of putting him up to sending a letter to all bishops in the world, praising a French bishop who concealed a paedophile presbyter from the gendarmerie. The bishop was later convicted as a criminal in a French court. Previously, Hoyos had pointed the finger at JPII. Apparently, the meretricious Hoyos is so desperate to turn the blame from himself, that he will point his finger at anyone else! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
On May 6, 2010, Benedict-Ratzinger accepted the resignation of two more Irish Newchurch bishops, Joseph Duffy and Francis Logan, bringing to five the number of Irish Newbishops to resign since the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal hit Newchurch in Ireland. Actually, they barely resigned. Both had reached Newchurch's mandatory retirement age of 75. The bishops were exposed in the Irish Government's November 2009 Murphy Report as complicit in aiding and abetting child rape in their dioceses. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
If Benedict-Ratzinger acted like a real pope, he would have fired the derrieres of these despicable Newchurch bishops -- and so many more. Instead, he just lets them sink off into the sunset with not a word of censure. Benedict-Ratzinger's bishops treat their spiritual children like sex-toys. The rape of one child by a bishop or presbyter is a crime too horrible to imagine. If the Newbishops had any Catholic Faith left, they would take off their mitres, prostrate yourselves, and spend the rest of their days saying the Penitential Psalms for the holocaust against children that they have been involved in perpetrating.
The New York Times revealed on May 5, 2010, that Benedict-Ratzinger's No. 3 man, Newcardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is implicated in placing known paedophiles in positions where they could assault children. Levada, while serving as Newchurch archbishop of Portland, Oregon (1986-95) and of San Francisco (1995-2005), permitted at least four presbyters whom he knew had assaulted children to remain in public ministries over children.
These facts are found among the 81 pages of depositions, memoranda, and other documents published by the Times. The San Francisco cases were particularly reprehensible. Presbyter Milton Walsh, who raped a 13-year-old child, was rector of Levada's cathedral and academic dean of his Novus Ordo seminary. Presbyter Gregory Ingels was chancellor of his archdiocese, a position that put him in the top leadership.
Many Newchurch observers wondered why Benedict-Ratzinger selected Levada to be his No. 3 man at Newrome. After all, Levada was a virtual unknown, hailing from a relatively unimportant archdiocese. We Fathers have always suspected that Benedict-Ratzinger was trying, at least in part, to get him out of a position where he would have to reveal to local authorities everything he knew about Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Thus, Benedict-Ratzinger spirited him off to Newrome and made him a cardinal with a diplomatic passport. Levada had already been served with two U.S. federal subpoenas, one slapped on him as he exited his going-away Novus Ordo service at his cathedral. In the documents Levada acknowledged that he had failed to notify the authorities of allegations of abuse. He failed notify the parishioners involved of the danger.
When Levada became Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, he was in sole charge of adjudicating sex crimes committed by presbyters worldwide. The evidence shows that Levada generally followed the despicable practice of other members of the Newchurch hierarchy, acting in favor of the criminal presbyters and rarely removing them from ministry. One spokesman for the child victims said: "It's no surprise that the Catholic [Sic] Church continues to be mired in the abuse scandal when the cardinal put in charge of how the Church as a whole responds to child sex-abuse allegations did such a poor job himself as a bishop and archbishop."
Levada was warned as early as the spring of 1985, when he, as auxiliary Newbishop of Los Angeles, California, received from a investigatory group a strongly-worded 92-page report that argued for immediate action to deal with the rape of children in the Church. Levada promised action on the report, but no action ever occurred. Later, when archbishop of Portland, Levada rebuffed the archdiocese's lawyer, who had urged him to hold a seminar for clergy members on sex crimes, but Levada said that "he had more important things for his priests [sic] to do." When archbishop of San Francisco, Leveda created a committee to investigate sex crimes against children, but the chairman resigned, saying: "It [the committee] was compromised by, really, disingenuousness and actions of deception and manipulation. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
Results of a new Zogby Interactive survey conducted in the first week of May 2010 show that American Newchurchers' evaluations of Newchurch leaders of both Benedict-Ratzinger and the American bishops receive largely negative ratings in their handling of their sex-crimes scandal. 56 per cent said that Benedict-Ratzinger has done a fair or poor job. The bishops fared even worse: 72 per cent said that they have done a fair or poor job. 36 per cent said that Benedict-Ratzinger should resign or maybe should resign.
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray" could not apply more to Bernie Fellay, the SSPX's Superior General, and his machinations to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the Newchurch of the New Order. One of the key sympathetic players from the Newchurch side, Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, was fired on July 2, 2009, and his Ecclesia Dei Commission disbanded by Benedict-Ratzinger. Later he was implicated personally in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, along with his principal, Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger. In January 2009 the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, expressed an opinion on a disputed matter of secular history, which got the Jews and Benedict-Ratzinger all hot and bothered.
We Fathers believe that, according to the evidence, Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger were all ready to sign on the dotted line for the Neo-SSPX's sellout to the New Order on February 2, 2009, but the Williamson affair occurred just a few weeks beforehand. was ready to be signed on the dotted line. Maybe this was Our Lady's response to Fellay's highly-politicized "Rosary Campaigns": Heaven doesn't want it She rejected it on the feastday of her Purification!
In January 2010 Benedict-Ratzinger said that the sellout negotiations were held up over "doctrinal problems." Now Walter Kaspar, the President of Benedict-Ratzinger's Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, says that the negotiations are not going well. He says that they have been "difficult" and that Fellay and his Neo-SSPX are going to have to make "concessions" -- like accepting the invalid Novus Ordo service as the valid Ordinary Rite of the Church. Kaspar also says that it is a sine qua non of any sellout that Fellay and his Neo-SSPX has to accept the Modernistic doctrines of Vatican II.
Kaspar pronounced on May 6, 2010: "The Society of Saint Pius X ... cannot conduct the doctrinal discussions on their terms, but only on those of the [New]vatican. I'm for a dialogue, but on our conditions, not on the traditionalists' conditions." Newchurch regards the SSPX as anti-Semites, who want to turn back the clock on forty years of dialogue among heretical sects. Well, at least the SSPX bishops have not been accused of a sex-crime holocaust against children -- that is, not yet.
The SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, who disagrees with Fellay on the sellout, in January 2010 dismissed the negotiations as a "futile bid to harmonize irreconcilable views. Either the SSPX becomes a traitor, or Rome converts, or it's a dialogue of the deaf," Williamson said. We Fathers agree. Fellay was dead wrong in starting any "negotiations" with the heretical New Order. Lefebvre tried that in 1988 and learned his lesson, saying, "never again"! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear Fathers:
You really should watch this 1973 movie, which is called The Conflict. It also went by the title Catholics. This movie is almost prophetic in depicting just how far the Novus Ordo sect changed true Catholic teachings.
The Fathers Reply.
We have for years listed that one as a film of interest, together with over thirty more. For further information, see FAQ12: What Films Do You Recommend for Traditional Catholics? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Benedict-Ratzinger can sure pick 'em! His appointments as Newchurch bishops have included Communist spies, child-assailants, and philogays. His latest appointment, of Thomas Paprocki, appointed April 20, 2010, to be his Newchurch bishop of Springfield, Illinois, is a doozy!
In a 2007 "homily" at a Novus Ordo service, Paprocki said that the "principal force" behind the sex-crimes lawsuits -- and who are these at base but the child-victims raped by Newchurch presbyters, children who seek simple justice against their violators? -- were "none other than the Devil." Can you believe that? Newbishop Paprocki never said that the presbyters who violated the children were the work of the Devil! Paprocki went on to say that the dioceses -- and their agent presbyters too presumably -- should be "shielded from lawsuits over negligence and abuse." In Paprocki, a slick lawyer, the Devil couldn't have a better disciple; Paprocki certainly isn't Christ's disciple!
The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Presbyters (SNAP) objected to Benedict-Ratzinger's appointment of the disreputable Paprocki by stating: "To essentially equate victims speaking up and exposing predators and seeking justice with the Devil has a very chilling effect and would discourage victims and witnesses and whistle blowers from coming forward." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Clair Record and the New Springfield Daily Chronicle.]
We Fathers agree with SNAP. Paprocki's Philadelphia-lawyer approach to the rape of children is detestable. If he and the other Newchurch bishops had any belief in Christ, they would take off their mitres, prostrate yourselves, and spend the rest of their days saying the Penitential Psalms for the holocaust against children that has been perpetrated under their watch and all too often with their personal participation.
Dear Fathers:
My husband's parents are lapsed Catholics, who have always been abusive and disapproving of my husband's traditional Catholic Faith. As a consequence of this, he no longer speaks to his family at all. What should a traditional Catholic in his position do? He still has guilt that he is somehow dishonoring his parents by keeping them out of his life.
The Fathers Reply.
Your husband could set ground rules for his association with his parents. A lot of families separated on various issues do this. For example, he should tell them: "When we get together at Thanksgiving for family comeraderie, we will talk about the food and the weather, not about religion and politics." That is only traditional etiquette. "All things have their season...." (Ecclesiastes 3:1/DRV). If his parents cannot honor that simple etiquette, then he should have no moral compunction about absenting himself from their company.
In conjunction with Benedict-Ratzinger's 83rd birthday on April 16, 2010, when he is still embroiled in documented instances of criminal cover-ups and apparent lies, another matter of his birthdate has arisen. He has not denied that he was a member of the Hitlerjungend (Hitler Youth) army and wore its uniform. He has not denied that he went on to become a member of the Wehrmacht, the Nazi armed forces. His excuse for not taking a more principled stand of refusal, one that many other youth in his hometown of Regensburg, Germany, too, is that he was required by Nazi law to join the Hitler Youth (not that an immoral law would be binding).
Now it turns out that Ratzinger's statement appears is false. It was not until March 25, 1939, that Hitler Youth service was made compulsory, but only for 17-year-old boys. It was not until September 12, 1941, that such service was made compulsory for boys and girls from the age of ten. He has repeatedly stated that he was forced to join the Hitler Youth and enrolled following his 14th birthday, which fell on April 16, 1941, five months before the law went into effect. Thus, Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth voluntarily, before it was required by law.
Dear Fathers:
During the Great Western Schism, when there were three claimants to the papacy and a three-fold hierarchy in many places, what would have become of the Sacraments administered to those who chose the wrong hierarchy? During that time even Saints were in disagreement over who was the actual pope. Did the faithful who followed the wrong pope receive valid Sacraments?
The Fathers Reply.
The Sacramental teaching of the Church is that heresy does not invalidate the Sacraments. As long as valid form, matter, and intention are used, the Sacrament is valid. For example, the Sacraments of the Eastern Orthodox and the Old Catholics are valid. What is not valid are the Novus Ordo rites because they use defective form, matter, and intention (except for Baptism and Matrimony).
A group of laymen in the Newchurch archdiocese of Miami, Florida, has revealed that it presented to Benedict-Ratzinger in 2006 "an exhaustive report, hundreds of pages of text, documentation, and eyewitness accounts, detailing a "culture of sodomy and theological heterodoxy" on the part of as many as a majority of presbyters of the Newarchdiocese run by John Favolora, the Newarchbishop there. Benedict-Ratzinger sat on the report for four years until just this year Favolora requested, on April 20, 2010, an early retirement eight months before his 75th birthday.
The report described the "gay" cabal of presbyters that is virtually running the archdiocese. In 2005 one Fr. Dowgiert, a presbyter on loan from a Polish archdiocese, filed a lawsuit that Favolora had fired him after he blew the whistle on "gay" activities by several pastors in the archdiocese. That lawsuit served as the launch-pad for the lay group's investigations reported to Benedict-Ratzinger four years ago.
A Newvatican monsignor in 2006 met in person with a representative of the group, told her that all the allegations in the report had been vindicated, and that [New]rome was going to act on the report. Yet Benedict-Ratzinger sat on his hands for four years, and now Favolora is resigning less than a year before he would have retired anyway. Benedict-Ratzinger has announced no censure whatsoever against Favorola for his corruption. This is the typical pattern for Benedict-Ratzinger. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life Site News.]
Angelo Sodano, former Newvatican Secretary of State, who has now been implicated personally with Benedict-Ratzinger in the cover-up of a presbyter who raped 200 deaf children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, recently hosted an 83rd birthday party in the Ducal Hall of the Apostolic Palace at Newrome. At that party the now-thoroughly-discredited Benedict-Ratzinger was surrounded by the kind of people that Christ called "a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:13/DRV).
Included, in addition to Sodano, was the Newcardinal whose corrupt behavior trigged the international revelation of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal: Bernie Law, of Boston, Massachusetts. Instead of being unceremonious fired for his involvement in concealing the rape of children, Law was given sumptuous apartments in Newrome and a sinecure as Archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica.
Also included was Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, former Purveyor of the deceitful "Indult" and "Motu" Messes as President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission. Hoyos was Prefect for ten years of the Congregation for Clergy, during which time he routinely covered up the crimes of Newchurch clergy. In 2001, he publicly praised, in a letter sent to every Newchurch bishop of the world, a French Newbishop who failed to turn over to the police a presbyter whose mother told him that he was actively raping children. The French court found the Newbishop guilty, and he is now a convicted criminal -- as he should be. Hoyos has publicly stated that JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger both approved the letter.
Sodano, who knows personally of the corruption in which Benedict-Ratzinger has participated, trivialized Newchurch's Reign of Terror over children by calling now fully-documented evidence of corruption "chiacchiericcio," nonsense. Yet this purported "nonsense" is such that Benedict-Ratzinger is now personally implicated in three federal cases in the United States, for which his testimony is being compelled under subpoena, and a United Nations senior judge has called for Benedict-Ratzinger to be arrested and tried before the International Criminal Court.
Sodano, when JPII's No. 2 man as Secretary of State, led JPII to believe that Mexican presbyter, Marciel Maciel, founder of the Legion of Christ, was a Saint. In fact, as the Legion of Christ and Newvatican now admit publicly, Maciel was a complete fraud and a monster of carnality. A serial assailant, he raped girls and boys, women and men, without discrimination, including a large number of Newchurch seminarians. His own biological son said that he had sexually assaulted him for years. So much was Maciel in the good graces of JPII, Benedict-Ratzinger, and the whole Newvatican crowd because of the graft-money he paid to them out of Legion coffers that Maciel contumeliously brought his bastard children to Newrome to receive JPII's blessing. Maciel is said to have died an atheist, refusing the Sacraments. Certainly his life demonstrated that he did not believe in a God Who would come "to judge the living and the dead."
Newrome refused to denounce its so-called "children," that is, its adult bishops and presbyters, but it had no guilt for its Mortal Sin of sacrificing tens of thousands of its actual children to the perversions of those same bishops and presbyters. As one historian said: "In the history of the Church ... I know nothing remotely as wicked or Herod-like as this." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Herald.]
Dear Fathers:
Where did the May 1 "Feast of St. Joseph the Worker" come from? My traditional handmissal has May 1 as the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James? Is this feast a Novus Ordo concoction?
The Fathers Reply.
Essentially, it is a Novus Ordo concoction. Remember that the Novus Ordo did not just appear out of the blue in 1969. The Modernists, who began taking over the bureaucracy of the Vatican more than twenty years earlier, introduced the invalid Novus Ordo Mess and Sacraments gradually, so as not to provoke objection. In effect, they were gradually turning up the heat on the frog of the true Catholic Faith, so that that the poor creature didn't realize that he was being boiled to death!
Traditionally, May 1 is the Double Feast of the Second Class of Sts. Philip & James, Apostles, celebrated in the red of their martyrdom. That date was observed since the sixth century, when their relics were placed together in the Church of the Apostles at Rome, which was dedicated on May 1. In 1956, and later maintained in the "Mass of 1962," the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, who had already insinuated himself into the Liturgical Reform Committee in 1947, rolled out almost 100 pages of Modernistic changes and instructions to "modernize" the Mass and Divine Office.
Among these changes, Bugnini postponed the ancient Feast of Sts. Philip & James to May 11, the first "free" liturgical day, and put in its place a newly-concocted feast: Joseph the Workman, later changed, in English, to Joseph the Worker to pander to feminist objections about "inclusive language." In Bugnini's Modernist liturgical regime, feasts of antiquity were not considered particularly sacred -- but neither was much else -- in this ramp-up to the Novus Ordo. So from 1956 the beautiful feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph and its Octave were flushed down the toilet, and the Feast of the Apostles Philip & James was cast aside.
The concocted Novus Ordo feast was a modern liturgical composition that instead of honoring St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, as in the traditional feast, made him some type of shop grunt. The Office is truly appalling. Its chant melodies were badly written, on Modernistic models. The Romans of the time referred to this parody of St. Joseph as "San Giuseppe Comunista," as the feast was associated with various Communistic and Socialistic labor movements, which celebrate this day in the secular calendar.
The pre-Novus Ordo 1956 and 1962 Modernistic missals were a Bugnini experiment, to see whether there would be opposition to making wholesale Modernist changes in the Mass and Divine Office. And there was -- open opposition from an unexpected source. The Sacred Congregation of Rites, that most conservative and traditional authority over the Sacred Liturgy, which had been founded by Pope Sixtus V in 1588, did an unthinkable thing for the 1950s: it told Pope Pius XII that it objected, not only to the new feast, but all the other new feasts and Modernist changes that Bugnini was implementing in 1956. The Sacred Congregation of Rites thus issued a Pre-Ottaviani Intervention! (Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith wrote, with Antonio Cardinal Bacci and other Roman theologians, issued what has been called the "Ottaviani Intervention, in which Paul VI was told that the Novus Ordo of 1969 was not a Catholic Mass.)
Traditional Catholics often ask: why did Pius XII allow this? Wasn't he a traditional pope? The fact of the matter was that late in 1954, Pius XII suffered an almost lethal malady, which plagued him until his death. The Catholic world prayed the prayers of the dying for him, and he seriously considered abdication. Discipline at the Vatican got out of control (this was reported in the newspapers at the time), and every petty bureaucrat, like Bugnini, "did his own thing" without fear of papal repercussions. It took until Pope John XXIII, a much more traditional pope that some traditionalists give him credit for, to fire Bugnini. Paul VI, the first really Conciliar pope, hired him back.
All the Pope's Priests will deal dramatically with Newchurch's decades-long cover-up of its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which was first exposed by the Boston Globe. The film's producers acquired the life rights of the newspaper's "Spotlight Team" of reporters and editors, who were part of the team that shared the Pulitzer Prize in 2003 for meritorious public service for their reporting. The year-long investigation by newspaper of the cover-up, which was initially denied vociferously in lies by Newchurch officials, reverberated all the way to JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger at Newrome. It culminated in the ouster by Boston Newchurch pressure of the corrupt Newcardinal of Boston, Bernard Law and also opened the floodgates for exposure of Newchurch scandals in Canada, Ireland, Germany, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, and many other countries.
The stars of the film are yet to be announced, but rumor has it that Mel Gibson, now that he has dumped his paramour Oksana Griegorieva, may be in the running to play one of the courageous journalists who fought a lying Newchurch, just as he courageously fought against anti-Catholic Jewish organizations to produce his 2005 blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Boston Globe.]
Newcardinal Paul Mayer, the oldest living member of Newchurch's College of Cardinals, died in Rome on April 28, 2010, a few weeks short of his 99th birthday. In 1988, when JPII was gripped with fear because of the courageous action of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in consecrating four traditional bishops, JPII appointed Mayer as the first President of the so-called Ecclesia Dei Commission, to try to keep pseudo-traditionalists from abandoning the Newchurch of the New Order altogether. Mayer was not successful in doing so: 1988's "Indult" Mess, the predecessor of 2007's "Motu" Mess, was pretty much a bust.
Mayer was a Janus-faced Newchurch hierarch. In 1984 he was named to head the Congregation for the Sacraments, which later became the Congregation for Divine Worship, and remained in that post until 1988, during which he shoveled out the offal of the invalid Novus Ordo Mess and Sacraments. Rather than joining Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer in standing for the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments, Mayer was a Novus Ordo sellout to the end.
This Mayer is not to be confused with Antonio de Castro Meyer, the courageous bishop of Campos, Brazil, from 1949 to 1981, who refused to implement the invalid Novus Ordo service in his diocese. When Newvatican finally forced him to retire in 1981, the Traditional Latin Mass was still being celebrated by virtually every priest in every church in Campos.
In 1988, de Castro Meyer officiated along with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre at the consecration in Econe, Switzerland, of four (then) traditional bishops (Fellay, Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Williamson). This was the act that "excommunicated" those four bishops, in addition to Lefebvre and de Castro Mayer. Although the four bishops accepted Benedict-Ratzinger's 2009 "unexcommunication" of them and their reception into the New Order, the courageous Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer remain, in death, fully traditional and unassociated with the Novus Ordo.
Dear Fathers:
Does a Saturday evening Mass substitute for Sunday Mass?
The Fathers Reply.
Absolutely not! Any Saturday evening Mass is the Mass of the liturgical day of Saturday, not of Sunday. Scripture is very clear on this point. The Lord's Day was changed from Saturday to Sunday after the Resurrection to make it clear that the Old Testament Sabbath (Saturday) was superseded. For further information, see FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics), in the section "Saturday or Sunday Worship."
On April 29, 2010, Radio Cristiandad reported that another priest has publicly quit the Neo-SSPX. Fr. Juan Turco sent an Open Letter dated April 5, 2010, to the Neo-SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, in which he condemned the new principles of Fellay's leadership that go counter to those of the Society's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre:
Fr. Turco revealed that in October and November of 2009, he wrote Fellay because he was "yielding doctrinally" to the Novus Ordo. Fellay's response was to force SSPX priest-presbyters to remain silent on the issue, most notably the SSPX's senior bishop and the one closest to the Archbishop, Richard Williamson. Fr. Turco continues in his Open Letter (translated from the Spanish):
According to statements of the Society, I see that what is intended is not to convert [New]rome, but to reach a canonical solution regardless of whether that solution shreds into tatters Catholic doctrine and liturgy. I foresee that we will align ourselves with the Ecclesia Dei ["Motu" Mess]. These talks involve the betrayal of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Fr. Turco reveals in his open letter that Fellay threatened that he would be expelled from the SSPX if he was not willing to be silent about the Modernism of Benedict-Ratzinger. Fr. Turco countered: "It is absolutely incredible how far you have gone, you and the other Superiors of the fraternity, to avoid talking about the error of these discussions with [New]rome and to prosecute those SSPX priests who have dared to raise objections. In all conscience, I can not officially consent with what the Society is currently doing. That is why I am forced into the decision to leave the Society, effective April 5, 2010.
In fact, Fellay has already expelled three SSPX priests who have remained loyal to the founding principles of Archbishop Lefebvre: Prior Basilio Meramo, Dean Floriano Abrahamowicz, and Fr. Juan Carlos Ceriani.
Just when Benedict-Ratzinger is reeling from international condemnation for his now-proven personal involvement in the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, a new scandal is brewing over the New Novus Ordo service that has just been approved in its English version by his Newvatican. And the Newchurchers don't like it. They call it "awkward and clumsy." Protests are already brewing, and several congregations have tendered to Benedict-Ratzinger their refusal to go along with yet another invalid Novus Ordo service.
Of course, for traditional Catholics, the New Novus Ordo is just as invalid as the Old Novus Ordo! In fact, this is the third major revision in just forty years of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, which Benedict-Ratzinger declared in 2007 for the first time in 2000 years to be the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch. After the original version of the Novus Ordo was issued in 1969, major revisions came in 1975, 2002, and 2008.
Newchurch bishops and laity have wrangled since 2002 over the "translation" of the text. So rancorous was the debate that no consensus was reached, and finally the Novus Ordo Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments just went ahead and approved a controverted draft on April 27, 2010. Because of the protests by Newchurchers, no date for the publication of the text and its implementation in Newparishes has been announced. The earliest date suggested is December 2011.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger himself on April 28, 2010, admitted that the New Novus Ordo would provoke "confusion or bewilderment." He commiserated with the many who "will find it hard to adjust to unfamiliar texts after nearly 40 years of continuous use of the previous translation." Ah, gee, what about those traditional Catholics who refused to "adjust" to the Novus Ordo after 2000 years of the valid Traditional Latin Mass? As usual, truly traditional Catholics don't count with Benedict-Ratzinger and his Modernist Newchurch of the New Order. All he could do was throw the rancid crumb of a Bugnini-fabricated "Motu" Mess! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service.]
The Washington Post on April 28, 2010, published the astounding claim that Raymond Burke, former Newarchbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, and current Prefect of Newchurch's Supreme Court, the Apostolic Signatura, was "kicked upstairs" because he improperly handled sex crimes in his archdiocese. Burke received the same "kick upstairs" as did Bernard Law, Newarchbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, whose pervasive cover-up of child-rape by numerous presbyters, led to the first real exposure to the world of just how corrupt the JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger administrations were. Newchurch popes protect their own.
Readers of these TRADITIO Commentaries will not be astounded, however. We Fathers have consistently exposed Burke's corruptions, ever since he, as Newbishop of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, consecrated a surgically-altered man as a "nun." Then, when archbishop of St. Louis, he tried to steal a church worth 12,000,000 U.S. dollars, which had been given a charter by the first archbishop of St. Louis to operate independently from archdiocese. When the church would not capitulate to Burke, and its pastor publicly resisted him, Burke excommunicated the courageous resisters from the Novus Ordo. Eventually Burke's tyranny was so ridiculed that Benedict-Ratzinger brought him the Newrome with a fancy new title.
Good Catholics, this incident is less revealing of Burke than of the sellout mentality of the pseudo-traditionalists -- groups like the Society of St. Pius X, which now want to sell out to the New Order, or of certain periodicals that publicly worship Benedict-Ratzinger as a god because he perpetrated the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax on them. Because Burke once celebrated an "Indult" Mess, the pseudo-traditionalists have hypocritically absolved him of all moral corruption and treat him like a rock-star. This is the typical pattern for the pseudo-traditionalists.
The pseudo-traditionalists displayed the same hypocrisy in the case of Dario Hoyos, the Newcardinal who was president of the Ecclesia Dei Commission for the "Indult" and "Motu" Messes. In early April 2010, Hoyos was exposed as the public praiser of a paedophile-supporting French bishop, who was criminally convicted for his cover-up. As a result of this scandal, Hoyos was publicly fired from his presidership over a "Motu" extravaganza in Washington, D.C., on April 24, 2010, while the pseudo-traditionalists wrung their hands in sorrow -- and shame.
It seems that JPII was completely deranged in his support of presbyter Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legion of Christ, which was falsely described as "conservative," or even traditional. Further information has come out about Maciel now. Not only was he a morphine addict, but he raped his own illegitmate children. JPII openly favored the phony now exposed as a drug addict and rapist.
Presbyter Maciel used money that he raked in from deceived Newchurch "conservatives" and "traditionalists" to set up a cult within Newchurch, money that he used to support his morphine addition, his "marriages" to numerous women, and his rape of girls and boys, women and men -- he didn't discriminate in running his moral cesspool. The money was the key to everything from the beginning. He began his lucrative career by targeting very wealthy Mexican widows. His Legion of Christ was a movement fueled by the wealthy, not the poor. Maciel tricked his "conservative" and "traditionalist" pawns by telling them that if they had money, power, and influence, they had to give the back money to Maciel to "fight the forces of evil." Well, it turns out that presbyter Maciel himself was the force of evil.
Maciel's natural son, Raúl, revealed: "When I was 7 years old, I was lying down with him like any boy, any son with his father. He pulled down my pants and tried to rape me." Maciel took his adoptive son, Omar, with his natural son, Raúl, on trips to Europe, where he raped them between the ages of 8 and 14. And what did Newchurch do when confronted by the first accusations? Absolutely nothing. Maciel was JPII "The Ungreat"'s favored darling, so it was hands off the pervert! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Atlantic.]