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As Irish Newchurchers and even the Irish Government publicly hold Benedict-Ratzinger personally responsible for his Newclergy's rape of their children, Newpope has recalled his Papal Nuncio from Ireland in the face of thousands of messages of support for the Government's strong stand against Benedict-Ratzinger, whose personal signature appears on documents attempting to cover up and excuse his bishops' and presbyters' continued child rapes.
The Irish Prime Minister has already received 2,500 messages against Benedict-Ratzinger. These messages are coming not only from Ireland but also from around the world, including from many Novus Ordo presbyters who are ashamed of Newpope's record of criminal complicity. "I was astounded by the number of clergy who have been in touch to say it was about time someone in my position spoke out," said Prime Minister Kenny. The fact that I have had thousands of messages from around the world speaks for itself about the impact and the way people feel."The papal nuncio, Newarchbishop Giuseppe Leanza, has become a hated figure in Ireland because of his efforts to excuse Newchurch's criminal behavior against Ireland's children. The Irish Prime Minister's criticism of Leanza and Benedict-Ratzinger is described in the Irish press as "blistering," especially after both were implicated in the cover-up of sex crimes by Newchurch clergy in the Cloyne and Cork Newdioceses. The Prime Minister publicly charged that Benedict-Ratzinger was complicit in the cover up of child rapes there, which have been the subject of recent criminal investigations. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Irish Central and the New York Times.]
Sometimes the Newchurch clergy has the courage to tell the truth about what the New Order really stands for. A recent case involves an Australian presbyter who has publicly revealed that he "no longer believes in worshipping God or the power of prayer." Presbyter Peter Kennedy also revealed that he had doubts that Jesus Christ even existed. His views were expressed in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
It is unclear how great the number is of other Newchurch presbyters who share presbyter Kennedy's apostasy. Yet in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order, the presbyter is still considered a "Catholic." Says the presbyter: "The reality is you are culturally a Catholic, but so many of us disagree with the literalist understanding of Christianity the Catholic Church preaches."
After presbyter Kennedy was placed on administrative leave, 80 per cent of his Newchurch congregation followed him into apostasy, and more joined him. Independent traditional Catholicism, always strong in Australia, has grown stronger in recent years as the Newchurch of the New Order continues its fall from Catholic doctrine, morals, and practice. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Australian Courier Mail.
Fr. Hernan Pardo, of San Michaele in Ronta, Italy, was severely beaten up on July 20, 2011, in his rectory by a Novus Ordo fanatic. He was rushed to hospital. His crime: he had refused ever to simulate the invalid Novus Ordo service, but insisted upon celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass, administering Communion only on the tongue and to those kneeling. He had banned guitars and insisted upon Gregorian chant during Mass.
Fr. Pardo had recently received a note signed, "Your Friend, Satan," when he refused to stop celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass. The note said, "You have been tough, but we will smash your head." This was not the first such warning that he had received. These warnings had accused him of "scattering the [Newchurch] flock."
Some locals noted that Newchurchers are becoming infected with Satanism, which has been on the rise in Europe for the last decade. Newchurch and its New Order has lost so much of their Catholicism that their largely-reduced number of followers are turning to Satanism to fill the gap. The same phenomenon is being seen in Mexico and in other areas of the world.
In 2007 one of Newchurch's own spokesman, Don Oreste Benzi, admitted that there are over 8,000 Satanic sects in Italy under the papacy of Benedict-Ratzinger, "and the numbers are growing all the time." Benzi gave up on Benedict-Ratzinger's power to do anything and instead turned to assist the Roman police as they struggle to control Satanic crime in Italy. {Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Nazione.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It is clear that Hannibal Bugnini was a Mason. The "Buan" letter from the head of the Masons in Italy, praising his work in fabricating the invalid Novus Ordo service, which was in part based on Freemasonic principles, and Bugnini's subsequent banishment to Turkey (once that letter became known), leaves no doubt. How could Bugnini's Masonic connections have gone unnoticed at the Vatican? Someone surely had to have known, and why wasn't the whistle blown on Bugnini and his Masonic Novus Ordo service?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You can tell from Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust that the Newchurch leadership cannot deal with reality. Benedict-Ratzinger's signature is all over documents attempting to cover up child rape by Newchurch bishops and presbyters, yet the extremist Newchurchers deny his involvement and try to portray him, against all reason, as "white as snow."
Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has revealed to the world that it is an organization of frenetic denial and cover-up. Undoubtedly, Bugnini's Masonic connections were known, as many of his Masonic colleagues were in high positions in Newvatican and were directing the Vatican II Council with him toward the Modernist heresy. Naturally, they didn't want to make his Masonism public, as he was too useful a man for their purposes in fabricating the invalid Novus Ordo service to replace the Traditional latin Mass. Finally, when his Masonic became public -- not when it originally was known--, Bugnini was cut loose because of the embarrassment to Newchurch.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order is not concerned with Catholic moral rectitude, but only with personal embarrassment. Newclergy's rape of kids is okay, just so long as it does become public and embarass the "Unholy Father." To the contrary, here is what a truly Catholic pope said:
If the scandal comes from the truth, one must endure the scandal rather than conceal the truth. Pope St. Gregory the Great, In Hezechiam Sermo VII
On July 11, 2011, Laura Fotusky, a town clerk in Barker, New York, resigned her post rather than grant marriage licenses to "gay couples," as required by a recent law passed in the New York State Legislature by both Democrats and Republicans. Wrote the Christian woman, "I would be compromising my moral conscience by participating in licensing same-sex couples." Fotusky went on to say:
I had to choose between my job and my God. I believe that there is a higher law than the law of the land. It is the law of God in the Bible. In Acts 5:29 St. Peter states:
We ought to obey God rather than men.
The Bible clearly teaches that God created marriage between male and female as a divine gift that preserves families and cultures. Since I love and follow Him, I cannot put my signature on something that is against God. Deuteronomy 10:12-13 says:
What doth the Lord thy God require of thee: but that thou fear the Lord they God, and walk in his ways, to love him, and serve the Lord thy God, with all your heart and with all thy soul, and keep the commandments of the Lord, and his ceremonies, which I command thee this day, that it may be well with thee.
Town Clerk Fotusky’s resignation was effective July 21, 2011, three days before New York State granted licenses for "gay" marriages. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Republican and a "Reform" Jew, plans to keep city offices open on Sunday, July 24, 2011 so that "gay couples" can begin presenting the necessary paperwork.
Part of Fotusky's resignation letter reads: "The Bible clearly teaches that God created marriage between male and female as a divine gift that preserves families and cultures. Since I love and follow Him, I cannot put my signature on something that is against God." Considering the teaching in Deuteronomy, which is, after all part of the Old Testament, one wonders how the "Reform" Jew Bloomberg justifies his subornation of sodomy to his Lord. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Spero News.]
Good Catholics, isn't it revealing that although this Protestant woman has stood by the Christian Faith and teaching, none of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurchers has done the same? This is just more evidence that Newpope and his New Order sect are covertly pandering for homosexuality among their clergy and laity.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Newchurch bishops all over the world are closing and selling once Catholic churches. Rumor has it that a traditional Catholic group wanted to buy one of them and was denied by the Novus Ordo bishop. What is your opinion about the closing and selling of Catholic churches?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
These church buildings are, of course, no longer Catholic churches. They have been seized by the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order sect, which must sell them off to pay monetary damages to the child victims of the rapes and assaults that have been perpetrated by the New Order's clergy and that have been suborned and even encouraged by Newchurch officials, from Benedict-Ratzinger on down.
The sad thing about this situation is that many of these churches were once beautiful Catholic churches of great historical value. Naturally, the Newchurch bishops, who despise Catholicism, would prevent the churches from actually being sold to traditional Catholic groups, who would restore the true Mass in them. This has been the policy of Newbishops all over the world, who seem perfectly comfortable with having the churches be turned into beer halls rather than into traditional Catholic churches!
We can, however, be duly chastened and remember the words of St. Basil the Great, who wrote in the year 371 to his congregations, whose church buildings were being taken over by the heretics of his own time, the Arians. The Arians denied the divinity of Christ, which the Newchurch of the New Order also denies, for all intents and purposes, making Christ merely into our "oecumenical" brother:
Who has lost and who has won in the struggle -- the one who keeps the buildings or the one who keeps the Faith? The Faith obviously. That, therefore, the ordinances which have been preserved in the churches from old time until now may not be lost in our days, rouse yourselves, brethren, seeing them now seized upon by the heretics.
For further information, click on ARIANS: The Orthodox Saints against the Arian Heresy of the Fourth Century.
Many times we TRADITIO Fathers are asked whence a supply of new traditional Catholic priests is coming. These questioners are concerned that the Neo-SSPX is negotiating for admittance into the Newchurch of the New Order, and they are suspect of that Society's intentions. Fortunately, although the Neo-SSPX certainly doesn't want it publicized, there are many traditional Catholic seminaries and bishops who are not affiliated with Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX.
The TRADITIO Network has been apprised, as just one example, of the ordination of two new traditional Catholic priests in the fully-traditional Roman Catholic rite by by a traditional Catholic bishop outside the Neo-SSPX. In the past we have covered ordinations and a consecration by the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV). These recent ordinations took place at St. Michael's Chapel in Spokane, Washington, by the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae (CMRI), which is one of the many traditional Catholic organizations that staunchly stand against the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order. At the Pontifical High Mass during which the two new priests were ordained, eighteen traditional priests, according to the traditional Roman rite, stood in the sanctuary to impart the imposition of hands. Thus, traditional Catholics can be comforted that the succession of traditional Holy Orders continues unabated and is not held only in the hands of the dubious Neo-SSPX.
Pope Pius XII in his November 30, 1947, Apostolic Constitution Sacramentum ordinis, in what can be interpreted as an infallible exercise of the Roman papacy, decreed the exact manner and form for the ordination to the Major Holy Orders of the diaconate and priesthood, and for the consecration of bishops. This manner and form for conferring Holy Orders were thus infallibly confirmed for all time by Pius XII, that is, the traditional form, which the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 rejected and thus invalidated Novus Ordo "installations" since that time.
The New Ordinal of 1968 was modeled after the Anglican Ordinal of the English king, Edward VI. It was that Anglican Ordinal, and its successors, that Pope Leo XIII in his Apostolic Constitution Apostolicae curae, of September 13, 1896, declared invalid because of a fundamental defect in the Protestant concept of the priesthood, which the Newchurch of the New Order shares. Pope Leo also determined that the form of the Protestant consecration of bishops was defective, and thus could not create bishops to pass along Holy Orders. Newchurch's New Ordinal of 1968 deviates even farther from the form that Pope Leo declared invalid. Thus, Newchurch has been cut off from valid Holy Orders since that time and now has virtually no consecrated bishops, but only "installed" Novus Ordo Newbishops, who are invalid by papal decree and do not have the power to pass down Holy Orders. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.For this reason, one of the priests who was ordained on this day, who had been previously "installed" as a presbyter for the Novus Ordo Fraternity of St. Peter under the New Ordinal of 1968 by a Newchurch bishop who had not been consecrated in the traditional rite, but merely "installed" under the New Ordinal, was ordained not sub conditione (conditionally), as the Neo-SSPX falsely does, but de novo, (from the beginning), as is required by Catholic Sacramental Theology when a man has previously been "ordained" invalidly.
Presbyter Vincent Ranepinto has admitted that he stole 10,000 dollars out of the collection-plate of Our Lady of the Americas Novus Ordo parish in Rochester, New York, Archbishop Fulton Sheen's former diocese. Ranepinto has been charged with the felony of grand larceny. He had already been placed on administrative leave in March 2011 because of credible charges that he raped a child. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Rochester, New York, Democrat and Chronicle.]
Good Catholics, we must not forget that merged with Newchurch's Great Sex Holocaust is an Embezzlement Holocaust. Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters are stealing Newchurchers' money right and left. This aspect of corruption in Newchurch has gotten less coverage than its Newclergy's sex crimes, but the scope of embezzlement in Newchurch is huge.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Was the Novus Ordo service intended to become things like the "Clown" Mess, or was this an unintended aberration? Shouldn't Catholics just endure the Novus Ordo as the Saints endured injustice, with patience, humility, and love?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The historical record confirms that the Novus Ordo service, which the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers fabricated to Protestant, Freemasonic, and even pagan models, was intended to be extreme. The seemingly-bizarre forms of the Novus Ordo service are in fact quite normal. They are used all over the world and are simulated by Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters everywhere. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery.
Bugnini specifically intended these kinds of services for the Novus Ordo. In fact, he was criticized by conservatives in the Newcuria for developing messes sauvages (wild masses), but his work was always supported by the Modernist Pope Paul VI-Montini. Bugnini stated publicly that his aim in designing a "New Mass" was "to create a worship service that any Hindu, Buddhist, or Protestant could attend and feel perfectly at home." That goal naturally followed from Bugnini's membership in the Masonic Order. When the Masonic Register of Italy dated 1976 came to light, Bugnini was shown to have been initiated into the Masonic Lodge on April 23, 1963, shortly before the end of the first session of the Modernist Vatican II Council on June 3, 1963, with the death of John XXIII. In the Masonic Register, his code name was given as "Buan," the name by which the Masonic Grandmaster of Rome addressed him in the infamous note praising his work.
As to "enduring" phony Messes, you seem to have been drinking from polluted well of the corrupt New Order! Catholic moral theology is quite clear on this issue: even to attend such a Mess constitutes the Mortal Sin of sacrilege and suffuses one with the odor of heresy. If you should dare to eat the invalid Novus Ordo cookie, you compound your sin with the Mortal Sin of idolatry.
No Saint every "endured" sacrilege, heresy, and idolatry. In fact, it was against these very things -- essentially phony worship -- for which 14,000,000 accepted martyrdom rather than submit. Whatever the Saints may have "endured" in personal matters, it was certainly not the corruption of the Holy Mass, the Sacraments, Catholic doctrine, or Catholic morals. In fact, it was in standing up against these very evils, against all the blandishments of those who would have them sell out their Lord, that these Saints achieved blessedness in heaven.
It is our moral duty as Catholics to stand firm against the corruption of the Holy Mass and Sacraments. There is no exception for "cookie worship." We cannot sell out to a "New Order," even a Half New Order of a Modernist Motu "Mess of 1962+." We are not allowed to take even a sip out of the polluted well of the New Order. Such compromises Our Lord condemned in the strong terms: "But because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth" (Apocalypse 3:16/DRV).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Isn't Benedict-Ratzinger moving the Church back to her roots? How do you think Padre Pio would react to the current situation in Newchurch? Do you think Padre Pio react as you?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, in fact, we know that Padre Pio did react as we have. Pio was very outspoken against and very critical of the Newchurch of the New Order, even at its beginnings in the 1960s, when "Fr." Ratzinger was one of the Modernist leaders at Vatican II (1962-1965). Pio decried that Council and demanded that it be stopped. He refused to use even the preliminary version of the New Order service and called it an unCatholic abomination.
Moreover, there is no doubt in our minds that Padre Pio, who demanded a high degree of morality, would have disowned Benedict-Ratzinger, the Paedophile Pope, for heading the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust against children. Pio was so gutsy that he might even gone to Newrome himself to throw this poor excuse for a pope into the Tiber river, a fate of which the Romans of earlier times availed themselves in the case of corrupt popes.
Do not fall for the hoax. Benedict-Ratzinger is not "moving the Church back to her roots." He has explicitly stated that he wants to advance the New Order with a thin crust of a few previous practices so that conservative Newchurchers are more accepting of the New Order. The purpose of this programme is to deceive people into believing that the New Order, in any form, is really Catholic. It isn't.
Don't be a pawn in yet another New Order scheme to rob you of your Faith. Don't accept the fraud of the Half Novus Ordo "Mess of 1962+." Christ and the Apostles condemned such "lukewarm" thinking, as we read in Scriptures. A cake of arsenic is just as deadly when it has chocolate frosting!
What are those Newchurchers who pretend about phony "eucharistic miracles" at the invalid Novus Ordo service going to do with this one? Cesare Mazzolari, of Rumbek, Sudan, "installed" by John Paul II-Wojtyla under the invalid New Ordinal of 1968, was struck dead while simulating the invalid Novus Ordo service on July 17, 2011. Just when he was idolatrously elevating the phony Novus Ordo cookie cookie, he fell dead. The scene was reminiscent of the Old Testament account of the man who was struck dead when committing the sacrilege of touching the Holy Ark of the Covenant. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]
Perhaps nothing marks the Modernistic Vatican II era more than its adherence to false "oecumenism," formerly called the heresy of Religious Indifference, embracing notions like "all gods are equal" and "we all worship the same god. Now one of the most prominent "Christian" ministries has decided to take Christ out of its name. Campus Crusade for Christ International announced this week that it will change the name of its U.S. Operations to "Cru" in early 2012. Not only is the move anti-Christ, but it is also dumb. What is "Cru"? Some rowboat race? Apparently the word "Crusade" is another no-no.
Are you prepared for this next statement of Cru's Vice President? "We felt like our name was getting in the way of accomplishing our mission." They're supposed to be Christians, and the name of Christ is getting in the way. Just exactly what is they're mission?
Well, if "Cru" thought that the name change would eliminate controversy, it seems to be doing just the oppose. The Evangelical Christian community is attacking the move. Listen to some of the backlash: "Take Christ out, and you become just another crusade." "How repulsive can you get?" "We are both appalled that you think you have to remove the name Christ from your name." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
What does Christ Himself say about people who deny Him: "But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 10:33/DRV). The false Christians of "Cru" seem to have forgotten that verse!
In the Newchurch of the New Order, one of the few higher prelates to get the severity of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is Ireland's Newcardinal-Primate, Diarmuid Martin. On July 21, 2011, on Irish Six One News, in his first public comments after the issuance of the Goverment's Cloyne Report, detailing a complete cover-up of sex crimes against children by Benedict-Ratzinger's prelates, Martin said that he was "ashamed" to be a member of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch. Martin went on to charge that Newchurch officials both in Ireland and in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican have "still not grasped the need for full cooperation with government prosecutors and investigators," but instead have obstructed justice.
Martin was supporting the Irish Goverment's statement that the Cloyne Report "excavates the dysfunction, disconnection, elitism, the narcissism that dominate the culture of the [New]Vatican to this day. The rape and torture of children were downplayed or 'managed' to uphold instead the primacy of the [Newchurch] institution, its power, standing and 'reputation.'" Martin criticized Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican when he asked rhetorically, "What do you do when you've got systems in place and somebody ignores them? What do you do when groups, either in the Vatican or in Ireland, ... try to undermine what is being done and ... simply refuse to understand what is being done?"
Martin said he understood why people feel deceived by Benedict-Ratzinger. Indicating the anger of the Irish people against Newpope's regime, Martin acknowledged that six presbyters were verbally attacked a funeral recently when an Irishman challenged them, saying, "You should be ashamed of yourselves."
Meanwhile an Irish parliamentarian demanded the resignations of all Ireland's Newbishops. It may very well be that the next resignation demanded will be that of Benedict-Ratzinger himself, who has been in charge of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust since 1981. Only if his head rolls, together with those of his accomplice prelates, that Newchurch has any possibility of cleansing the putrid sewer that Benedict-Ratzinger has made it. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Times.]
Benedict-Ratzinger has become a persona non grata in Ireland after the Irish Government's 341-page Cloyne Report, issued by an independent commission led by an Irish judge, found that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch had lied in claiming that it was cooperating in report sex criminals amongst its Newclergy. In fact, Newchurch to the present day has continued to ignore the law and failed to inform police anything about crimes against children perpetrated by Newchurch bishops and presbyters.
Benedict-Ratzinger was planning to do another one of his P.R. junkets to Ireland in the summer of 2012 to calm down an Irish Government and Irish Newchurchers, who are viewing him now as an accomplice in child rape, as well as a liar. After the release of the Cloyne Report, which revealed that Newchurch is doing nothing about its Newclergy's sex crimes, except blowing propaganda smoke in everyone's face, the Irish Government is calling for the Papal Nuncio to be expelled from the country and Newvatican's embassy to be closed.
Ireland's Justice Minister condemned the "direct interference by another state [Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican] in preventing the application in Ireland of child protection guidelines" as "unacceptable." The Justice Minister said there was a great deal of shock and outrage in Government, and right across all political parties. The Government now plans to jail Newbishops and presbyters for up to five years if they fail to report information on sex crimes against children.
Papal Nuncio Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza was summoned to the Department of Foreign Affairs and told to get answers from Benedict-Ratzinger on damning revelations in the Cloyne Report that his policy allowed his Newclergy to ignore the law. Meanwhile, Newbishop John Magee, who was fingered in the Cloyne Report has gone into hiding for the last several weeks. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Herald.]
Good Catholics, it seems that the Irish, who once saved the Catholic Church from destruction in the Dark Ages by preserving Catholic Tradition, is now taking up the mace again to do in the Newpope who is has in our times destroyed that Tradition and has turned his Newchurch of the New Order into a cesspool worse than the pope of the 14th century whom the Italian poet Dante condemned: "He has made Peter's tomb a sewer of blood and filth."
Michael Evans, the Newchurch bishop of East Anglica in England, who died on July 11, 2011, has deprived himself of ecclesiastical burial by commanding that his body be handed over for pagan cremation. According to traditional canon law, this act prohibits is ecclesiastical burial and suffuses him with the odor of heresy. Even his own Newchurchers have been scandalized by his action.
Cremation has long been associated in the Church with pagan customs (the ancient Romans customarily burned their dead during the most corrupt period from the late republic to the mid third century) or with the denial of the Resurrection (cremation became popular around the time of the 18th-century "Enlightenment," when it was advocated by atheists and agnostics as a visual symbol of the denial of the soul's existence). Among the pagan Hindus and Buddhists, the practice is quite common.
The Christian custom of burial of the dead, and not cremation, dates back to the time of Christ. In the New Testament, given that Our Lord's body was not cast into flames. Even though He died under the hands of the Romans, we have the most fundamental example of respect for the body for burial that could be learned. Christ, Our Lord and Master, was not cremated, so neither should we allow ourselves this practice.
Given how this practice has been perverted even further in modern society, one sees the traditional wisdom of the Church. It is bad enough that the temple of the Holy Ghost be burned to a crisp, but it is even worse when the ashes aren't even buried or inurned, but instead tossed out into the garden, in the ocean, in the forest, etc.
Some try to justify cremation on the basis of expense, but that is a specious justification. If one insists on the minimal requirements, the expense of ground burial can be kept to a minimum, nor is cremation necessarily inexpensive in comparison. For those who wish a method other than interment, entombment is an ancient Christian alternative.
Traditional Catholics should give specific instructions for a traditional funeral. These arrangements must be discussed with, and accepted by, your traditional priest well in advance, as you cannot assume that at the last minute that you can get a traditional funeral from someone who has no specific obligation to you. In justice, you must be an active and contributing member of the Mass site for some significant period beforehand.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Cremation and Traditional Funeral Instructions."
Justin Rigali, the Newcardinal of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, should have been fired by his principal, Benedict-Ratzinger, for perjury to a civil Grand Jury and complicity in covering up the rampant rape of children by his presbyters. After the first Grand Jury report in September 2005, Rigali promised that he was doing something against the criminal presbyters that reported to him, but in fact a second Grand Jury report in February 2011, concluded that he had lied and in fact done nothing for five years.
The Grand Jury charged Rigali with keeping 37 paedophile presbyters in active ministry despite credible claims that they had raped children. Rigali and the U.S. Newbishops had promised to oust all predators from ministry, but instead it has been supporting them to the present day. A Philadelphia monsignor has been charged in criminal court for the felony of child endangerment. Three other presbyters have also been charged with felonies. When the second Grand Jury report showed Rigali to have perjured himself, he was forced to suspend 23 presbyters. The head of the Review Board said that Rigali and his lieutenants had "failed miserably at being open and transparent."
As usual, the Paedophile Pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, did nothing. When the second Grand Jury report was issued, however, his dirty little secret was out, and he had to save face. Thus, he gave Rigali an easy out by "retirement" with impunity and appointed one of the United States' kookiest Newbishops, Charlie Chaput, of Denver, Colorado, to the Philadelphia post. Chaput has become infamous for his "Indian Feather" Mess, in which he simulates the invalid Novus Ordo Mess wearing Indian feathers, to the accompaniment of tom-toms. Chaput too has dirty hands in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. 43 paedophile presbyters were identified who raped children in Denver between 2005 and 2008. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, yet again in this case we are seeing more craziness from Benedict-Ratzinger and his corrupt Newchurch of the New Order, which shuffles its Newbishops around like pawns on a chessboard. Traditionally, once a bishop is appointed to a diocese, he must remain with that diocese until his death. But not in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Feeling sorry for Jehovah's Witnesses trudging about, we sometimes let them in, sit, and have a conversation with them. A family member says that this is tempting fate, as invariably they start spilling out their beliefs, and that we should have nothing to do with them. What is the correct response to Jehovah's Witnesses knocking at the door?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your family member has the right idea. You should tell the Witnesses that you are already have the true Faith, then shut the door before they ply their spiel and publications upon you.
The latest hoax going around is a Novus Ordo cookie that fell on the floor and looked red after several days. Novus Ordo quacks are claiming, "It's a miracle!" The truth of the matter is that it is probably a result of fungi and bacteria picked up from Newchurchers' shoes on the floor. If it does not have natural causes, we know that it is a deception of Satan. And how do we know this?
Even many traditional Catholics are surprised to learn that not one single miracle after the death of the last Apostle, St. John, circa A.D. 100, is a doctrine of the Catholic Faith. No, not a single one. What constitutes the doctrines of the Catholic Faith is entirely comprised in only two sources, known as Public Revelation: Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, specifically the canonic books of the Bible and the teaching of the Apostles.
No miracles are a part of the Public Revelation outside of those of Christ and the Apostles in Scripture. Nothing in post-Apostolic miracles is necessary for our salvation (no, not even Fatima). Failure to believe them does not make one a heretic. The Church has no power to require belief in any post-Apostolic miracle as a matter of faith. It can reach only a completely fallible conclusion that some miracle or other is "credible." Everything necessary for our salvation is contained in the Public Revelation of the Church, that is, the Deposit of Faith: Sacred Scripture (the Bible) and Sacred Tradition, which closed with the death of the last of the Apostles, St. John.
In fact, according to the teaching of the popes and Saints throughout the history of the Church, post-Apostolic miracles are more likely to be diabolical, that is the work of the Diabolus, the Devil, than to be worthy of belief. Because of widespread ignorance of this doctrine of the Catholic Church, even well-intentioned Catholics are led into the realm of the Devil when they ignore the word of God and substitute for it phony "miracles." The authority for this doctrine about the diabolical nature of many supposed miracles is Our Lord Himself, Who warned us that false miracles are used by Satan to deceive: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect" (Matthew 24:24/DRV).
Herein lies the answer to these phony Novus Ordo "miracles," if in fact any of them are not the result of natural causes. In the most-recent instance of a so-called Novus Ordo "eucharistic miracle," a bleeding cookie, biologists determined that the red coloration of the host was caused by a combination of fungi and bacteria that were incorrectly (fraudently?) incubated in water in a glass stored in the open air.
A good example of "miracles" that can easily be explained as the result of natural causes are the so-called "incorruptibles," that is, cadavers that do not show the usual signs of corruption after death. Medical science knows all kinds of such examples, although all of the natural processes that produce delayed corruption are not yet completely known. But we do know that the "miracle" of what some Newchurchers call "Blessed" Pope John is a fake. When the cadaver of John XXIII was exposed some forty years after his death, some gullible Newchurchers claimed that the cadaver was uncorrupted. "It's a miracle!" claimed these Newchurchers. The still-living Vatican mortician heard these claims and said, Nonsense! Although popes aren't supposed to be embalmed, the mortician gave details of the call that summoned him in secrecy to the Vatican in 1963 to perform preservative and restorative processes on the dead pope.
Good Catholics, a true miracle can never arise from a corruption of the Faith, from an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service fabricated by a Freemason presbyter. For it is an early teaching of the Church: corruptio optimi pessima, the corruption of the best is the worst. Buddha is said to have performed miracles. Does that make atheistic Buddhism the true religion? Of course not. The elephant-headed Hindu god Ganesha is said to have performed a miracle. Does that make pagan Hinduism the true religion? Of course not. Thus with phony Novus Ordo "miracles."
Ireland’s prime minister has said that Newchurch clerics will be prosecuted if they fail to tell civil authorities about sex crimes disclosed during "reconciliation" -- the latest blow to the prestige of the once-dominant Newchurch. If such a law obtained, no one would confess such crimes anyway. Moreover, Newchurch has eliminated the Sacrament of Confession and replaced it in the New Order by the non-sacrament of "reconciliation." In Newchurch you are, in effect, having a counseling session with a Protestant minister. Newchurch presbyters do not receive the power to forgive sins under the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968.
The reaction of the Irish government is understandable, considering the fact that a fourth investigative report, issued July 13, 2011, found that Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newbishops had been concealing from civil authorities the sexual assaults and rapes of children as recently as 2009. These crimes were known to Newchurch hierarchs outside of confession. Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants had lied to the Irish government, stating that they were now following the Irish guidelines to protect minors, whereas in fact the guidelines were being totally ignored by Newchurch clergy.
"The law of the land should not be stopped by a crozier or a collar," the Irish Prime Minister stated on July 14, 2011, and announced that his government would submit legislation to parliament that could jail clerics for up to five years if they failed to report to authorities information about crimes against children. Ireland's Foreign Minister summoned Benedict-Ratzinger's Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza, and dressed him down after the report had revealed that Benedict-Ratzinger had undermined the Irish guidelines on reporting sex crimes by his Newclergy.
Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants have brought this reaction upon themselves. A series of revelations of rape and beatings by members of Newchurch religious orders, presbyters, and bishops in the past have shattered the dominant role of Newchurch in Ireland. In an Apostolic Letter to Irish Newchurchers on March 19, 2010, Benedict-Ratzinger blamed not his own corrupt administration and his corrupt clergy, but the children themselves and their parents, who he claimed were not as religious as their ancestors to cover up such episodes! Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Letter was viewed by most of the Irish people as an affront and a cover-up. They were expecting him to be honest and take responsibility for the corruption over which he has been in charge for thirty years in Newvatican.
Good Catholics, within the space of 45 years under the papacies of the New Order popes Paul VI-Montini, John Paul II-Wojtyla, and Benedict-Ratzinger, Ireland, which once saved the Church and Western Civilization, has fallen from being a Catholic country. And it serves Newchurch right. Because of its filthy and corrupt morality, engineered from the top down, Newchurch has lost the trust -- and the faith -- of Catholics. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Every once in a while you find a public official who stands for morality. Such is Delaware Federal Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Sontchi, who on July 14, 2011, refused to accept Newbishop William Malooly's reorganization plan for his Wilmington, Delaware, Newdiocese, which proposed funding his paedophile presbyters before the victims of their paedophilia. Such is the incorrigible immorality of Benedict-Ratzinger's bishops.
The U.S. federal judge refused to approve Newbishop Malooly's immoral plan, expressing his opposition to the possibility of what Malooly calls "sustenance" payments from Newchurch to known paedophile presbyters. The judge stated from the bench that in asking him to approve a plan that impairs potential recoveries for victims of Newchurch sex crimes while not impairing the criminals themselves, Malooly had not proposed a plan "in good faith," as required under the bankruptcy code.
"I'm not going to confirm a plan unless there is some prohibition on that, because I don't think debtor [Newbishop Malooly] would be operating in good faith," the judge said in rejecting Malooly's arguments that the support of paedophile presbyters is a matter of Church law outside the court's civil jurisdiction. The judge noted that the diocese operated as a civil corporation, which had filed for bankruptcy in a civil court. The judge's rulings stunned officials for the Newchurch diocese and their attorneys. Newbishop Malooly left court dazed, as if the judge had slapped him in the face, and refused to comment as he left the courtroom.
The Newdiocese had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in October 2009 on the eve of the first in a series of trials scheduled in lawsuits filed by alleged victims of child rape. The federal judge has also required Church officials to turn over internal documents detailing how the Newdiocese handled paedophile priests, who in many cases were allowed to continue to rape children for years after their crimes had become known. Attorneys for the raped children responded: "It's an affront to the survivors, and it's an indication that there really is no accountability here; there is no remorse for what happened." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it possible that Bernie Fellay has been a mole in the SSPX from the beginning? He certainly acts like it.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Given Fellay's sycophancy to the Newchurch of the New Order and its leader, Benedict-Ratzinger, anything is possible. It certainly clear that Fellay he does not have the commitment to Archbishop Lefebvre's core principles as Bishops Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Galarreta. Fellay has sold out the Archbishop and has recast the SSPX as a new organization with different principles, the Neo-SSPX, of which the amended Statutes make him sole dictator, answering to no one but himself.
As previously reported in these Daily Commentaries, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General in mid February 2011 attempted to prevent a French web site from publishing the unexpurgated works of Archbishop Lefebvre, which have been secreted for twenty years, even though the web site had the permission of the Archbishop's surviving family.
Fellay does not want the Archbishop's actual words to become public, as Lefebvre rejected what he called Modernist Rome, that is, the Newchurch of the New Order, now headed by Benedict-Ratzinger. The Archbishop, who knew Ratzinger intimately, publicly called him "not a Catholic" because of his heretical Modernist views. Of course, the Archbishop's candid words such as these are an embarrassment to Fellay's ongoing attempts to sell out his Neo-SSPX to Newchurch and to curry favor with Benedict-Ratzinger. In September 2011 Fellay will participate in another bending of the knee to Modernism, when he appears in Newrome before the Arch-Modernist of Vatican II and the New Order.
Fellay claims that only he has the right to publish the Archbishop's works, in any form that he wants, even though these were public works, which the Archbishop himself had wanted disseminated as widely as possible. However, the French web site has announced the imminent restoration of Lefebvre's unexpurgated works, which were temporarily removed during the controversy.
It is revealing that Fellay has been assisted in his attempt to suppress the Archbishop's unexpurgated works by his henchman and co-Board member on some dozen European financial corporations, Maximilian Krah, the fund-raiser for Jewish causes. Thus, the scandal that has been dubbed "Krahgate" continues to undermine the reputation of Fellay and his Neo-SSPX.
The unexpurgated versions of the Archbishop's works are said to demonstrate Fellay's degree of betrayal of the Catholic priesthood by unscrupulous methods and his anti-Catholic attempt to impose censorship on criticism against his disastrous policies that have undercut the validity of the Catholic priesthood within his Neo-SSPX. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Virgo Maria of France.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
From: JamesOnly a fool would look at today's problems in the Newchurch of the New Order and think that they were created by anyone else than those who have been in charge for last 50 years, Modernist Vatican II Council popes: Paul VI-Montini, JPII-Wojtyla, and Benedict-Ratzinger. These men have been at the helm of the ship and steered the ship to shipwreck on the shoals of Modernism and corruption. Who is fooled by these fools but fools?
Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz was the SSPX's Dean of Northern Italy until he publicly disagreed with Superior General Bernie Fellay's policy of selling out to the New Order. Fr. Abrahamowicz stated that he stood instead by SSPX founder Archbishop Lefebvre's principles rejecting the New Order. For standing behind the SSPX's founding principles, Fr. Abrahamowicz was expelled from the SSPX by Fellay in May 2009. In June 2011 Fr. Abrahamowicz toured traditional sites in the United States to establish contacts with traditional priests and bishops there.
Fr. Abrahamowicz came to the conclusion that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church when Benedict-Ratzinger issued his 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum, which claimed that the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service and the Traditional Latin Mass are equal. In that document Benedict-Ratzinger used terminology that had never before been used by the Catholic Church, claiming that the invalid Novus Ordo, fabricated in 1969 by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, is the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch, whereas the Traditional Latin Mass -- really the half Novus Ordo "1962+ Mess" -- is the "Extraordinary Rite."
This deviation from Catholic doctrine by Benedict-Ratzinger was the last straw for Fr. Abrahamowicz, who reasoned: how can a neo-Protestant commemorative meal (the Novus Ordo) be put on the same level as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?
As Bernie Fellay routinely conceals the widespread existence of traditional Catholic sites independent of his Neo-SSPX, Fr. Abrahamowicz was very excited to see the numerous traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and schools in the United States not affiliated with Fellay. He took many pictures and video recordings to take back to inform traditional Catholics in Europe who do not know just how extensive the Traditional Catholic Movement is outside the Neo-SSPX. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Adsum.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is there something wrong with removing Holydays of Obligation, street processions such as Corpus Christi processions, and Eucharistic adoration? If the Church can install such practices, can't it remove them for practical reasons?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The removal of such traditional practices poses a grave risk to the Faith. What the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order is really doing is implementing a concerted program of trying to destroy, little by little, every element of the true Catholic Faith and to extirpate Catholic doctrine, practice, worship, veneration of the Saints, the Divine Office, the Most Holy Rosary, and other things Catholic, so that the people become ignorant of Catholic doctrines and practices. Of which every study confirms that the Newchurchers now in fact ignorant.
The fourth Government report on how Benedict-Ratzinger's bishops continue to cover up paedophile Newclergy was issued on July 13, 2011, in a country, once Catholic, that is still reeling from revelations about how deep Benedict-Ratzinger's complicity in the widespread rape of their children goes. The report details Newchurch's involvement in abetting 19 presbyter child-rapes.
The 341-page Cloyne report, issued by an independent commission led by an Irish judge, found that Newbishop John Magee and his senior aide, Monsignor Dennis O'Callaghan, knowingly failed to tell police anything about crimes against children. Magee was no stranger to the upper echelons of Newchurch: he was private secretary to Newpopes Paul VI-Montini, John Paul I-Albino, and John Paul II-Wojtyla. The Irish Children's Minister stated: "That's the most horrifying aspect of this document. This is not a catalog of failure from a different era. This is not about an Ireland of 50 years ago. This is about Ireland now."
This is the fourth fact-finding probe into how Newchurch leaders after the advent of the New Order protected for decades, and continue to protect, their paedophile clergy from the law at the expense of Irish children. Its Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal has decimated Newchurch's reputation in this once-devoutly Catholic nation, which is taking steps to disestablish the Novus Ordo sect from every corner of Irish life. The new report documents that Newbishop John Magee, of Cloyne, who was fully functioning under Benedict-Ratzinger's authority until March 2010, ignored the law that required all suspected child-assault cases to be reported to police. Moreover, the report documents that Benedict-Ratzinger actively encouraged his Newbishop to conceal crimes against the children.
The Government, which ordered the probe into 1996-2009 cover-ups in the County Cork diocese of Cloyne, warned that Newparishes across Ireland could pose an ongoing danger to children's welfare today, given Cloyne's claims to be following church child-protection policy while actually ignoring it. In effect, the Irish Government investigation was calling Benedict-Ratzinger and his representatives in Ireland liars, fraudsters, and hypocrites. The Irish Justice Minister is now sponsoring a new law making it an imprisonable crime to withhold knowledge of suspected child abuse. If such a law is passed, Benedict-Ratzinger's corrupt Irish Newbishops may spend years in jail -- which is exactly where they belong for their crime of aiding and abetting the ongoing rape of children. The Justice Minister said that previous pledges by Irish church leaders to place Irish civil law first and report all sex crimes against children had been "built on sand."
The report revealed that Benedict-Ratzinger himself, first as JPII's Sex Czar and now as Newpope, bears "heavy responsibility for encouraging cover-ups." A now-exposed confidential January 1997 letter from Newarchbishop Luciano Storero, Benedict-Ratzinger's ambassador to Ireland, to the Irish bishops warned them that the Irish church's child-protection policies were invalid under Newchurch "canon law." If they prosecuted sex criminals among their clergy, the criminals were likely to be let off upon appeal to Newrome. Irish investigators said that Benedict-Ratzinger's message was clear: keep his paedophile priests away from the police's attention.
In his 2010 pastoral letter to Ireland's Newchurchers, Benedict-Ratzinger essentially exonerated his Newbishops and claimed that the children were raped because their parents weren't religious enough! Irish Newchurchers were scandalized by Benedict-Ratzinger's letter and moved in parliament to disestablish any authority of Newchurch in Ireland, once a noted Catholic country.
A laywer for Newchurch, who later turned state's evidence, stated: "The Cloyne report is disheartening confirmation that even today, despite the Church's knowledge of the profound anguish of thousands of victims, its reform policies are public relations ploys, not true child protection programs. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, the fact that Newchurchers tolerate the Paedophile Pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, and even support him like a cult figure, clearly indicates that the Newchurch of the New Order is sick unto death. No one wants to be its presbyters. Collections are falling off decisively. Former Catholics want to be officially removed from its membership rolls. Countries are disestablishing any vestigates of authority that Newchurch has. The Newchurch of the New Order will be essentially dead in a decades, and then traditional Catholics can begin the rebuilding of the true Catholic Church.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Back in 1948 Fulton Sheen wrote the following in a book called Communism and the Conscience of the West. I will quote verbatim:
Satan will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the Mystical Body of Christ.... But the twentieth century will join the counterchurch because it claims to be infallible when its visible head speaks ex cathedra."
Sheen's crystal ball must have had clear view of the future that day! His prediction was astounding, right up to the corruption of the papacy itself. No, there was no ignorance on the part of Bishop Sheen. He was fully aware of what was coming off at Vatican II, and with the Novus Ordo Missae.
It was widely known throughout the hierarchy, and certainly in Rome, that the Freemasons had long planned to do exactly what Vatican II did in its attempt to destroy the Church. Popes Pius XI and XII rejected the very idea of a Council precisely because of the fact that many bishops were wolves in sheep's clothing, and calling a Council would have been very risky at best. Sheen certainly knew this.
Sheen accommodated himself to all that happened during and after the Council because of his over-inflated ego, and his attempt to please men and not God.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is ironic that 1948, the year when Bishop Sheen made his chilling prediction about a counterchurch taking over in the 20th-century Catholic Church was the year when Pius XII appointed the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, to run the Liturgical Reform Commission, whose work gradually introduced the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service in stages from 1951 through 1969.
It is ironic too that Sheen should have fallen for the Protestantized Novus Ordo service that replaced the Catholic Mass in that counterchurch, when he was known previously for his devotion to the Traditional Latin Mass. His 1958 book, This Is the Mass, which described and illustrated the Mass photographically, was a best seller.
How could such a knowledgeable and intelligent person as Sheen have failed to see that the Novus Order service of 1969 was a rancid hoax and that even the 1962 Mess, which Benedict-Ratzinger has mangled further to transform into his "Motu" Mess, is merely a rancid cake with a little bit of Latin frosting to cover up the corruption beneath. And that frosting isn't even real chocolate; it's carob, a chocolate substitute!
One wonders if the post World War II state of Germany has learned anything from its Nazi period. In its refusal today to grant what even the United Nations declared in 1948 to be the "right of the human person," free speech, to the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, Germany seems to have learned nothing. In this whole sad affair, Benedict-Ratzinger, a well-known Modernist and "oecumenist," failed to raise his voice in support of the traditional bishop's right of free speech, whether Newpope happened to agree with it or not.
Nor did the Neo-SSPX's superior general, Bernie Fellay, raise his voice in support of his senior bishop. As a matter of fact, Fellay seemed to do everything he could to get Williamson convicted, as Fellay is Williamson's arch-enemy. Truly, all these Modernists have fallen far short of the principle enunciated by their fellow Modernist Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
On July 11, 2011, Williamson's appeal against the violation of his human rights was denied by a kangaroo German appeals court sitting in Benedict-Ratzinger's home region, Regensburg, and assessed a punitive fine of 6,500 U.S. dollars against him. Did anyone doubt that the Germans would do Williamson in because of all the external pressure? For heaven's sake, even the wrongly-named liberalist German chancelloress, Angela Merkel, pre-condemned him!
And what was Williamson's great crime? He asked for evidence of inflated numbers claimed by certain secular Jews (while many traditional Jews supported him) for political purposes. He was not even the "holocaust denier" that the bigots in the secular press kept calling him. Curiously, no one has come forth with any evidence to answer Williamson's question. They simply sank into a name-calling fiasco, terming him guilty of the post World War II German "crime" of Volksverhetzung (ethnic incitement). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by WJC.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Any acceptance of the errors of Vatican II by Bishop Sheen was because, in my opinion, of ignorance of the situation and adherence to following the Church protocol of his time. We have the benefit of the last forty plus years to see the fruits of Vatican II. He did not, and cannot be judged from this perspective. When Bishop Sheen realized what was happening, he spoke out against the Council. It should also be remembered that this was at the end of Sheen's life, and he was not able to approach the problem of Vatican II with the same energy he once had.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Actually, Sheen never spoke out against Vatican II, in which he was a participant. He merely claimed that it was "misinterpreted," a common ploy at the time for those who didn't like this or that Conciliar act, but were too cowardly to speak out against the Modernist Council itself.
We have listened to and read a lot of Sheen, and we must say that he was never that decisively Catholic in his presentations, certainly not like the Catholic radio commentator Fr. Charles Coughlin, who was roughly contemporaneous with Sheen. Sheen's presentations on his television programs were quite watered down to a kind of vague Christianity at best. The recorded catechism series that he produced is also watered down. It contained little of hard doctrine and much more of story-telling.
Moreover, even though Sheen appeared to turn a little more conservative after the bloom of Vatican II was just beginning to wear off, he never rejected the Novus Ordo service, even though he knew as well as Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci and the other Roman theologians that it was neither Catholic nor a valid Mass. Sheen was only 64 when the Novus Ordo was rolled out, and he lived for another ten years after the implementation of the full-blown Novus Ordo service. During that time he never reverted to the Traditional Latin Mass. Actions speak louder than words.
Our strong suspicion is that Sheen's main problem was his wanting to be a "respecter of persons," a moral error that Christ was well known to detest. Unlike Archbishop Lefebvre, who chose Christ and His teaching over ecclesiastical officials, Sheen wanted to remain in good with the increasingly unCatholic establishment, who were his bread and butter, after all. Sheen's attitude was not the characteristic of the great Saints of our Church, millions of whom suffered martyrdom rather than selling out to a false faith. If Sheen had spoken out, the Catholic Church of the time might not have metamorphosed into the New Order sect.
Presbyter Alberto Cutie, the fourth EWTN Charismatic "Catholic" Cable Network star to be caught in hanky-panky, will host a new syndicated daytime TV talk show beginning on July 11, 2011. Cutie was caught fornicating with a tart on a Miami beach. He then left the New Order sect to join the Anglican sect. "Father Albert" has now started a new TV "advice" show on six Fox television stations, including stations in New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Dallas.
Cutie ended his ministry in the Novus Ordo sect following the publication of pornographic photographs featuring him and his tart on a Miami beach. As if to prove that Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo-Anglican door swings both ways, presbyter Cutie renounced the Novus Ordo sect and became a minister of the Episcopal sect. He also entered into an invalid "marriage" divorcee-tart with whom he was fornicating while a Novus Ordo presbyter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Daily News.]
ETWN Charismatic "Catholic" Cable Network star, presbyter John Corapi, caught for booze, drugs, cohabiting with prostitutes, and violating his vow of poverty, has announced that he will not obey the order from his Novus Ordo superior from the Society of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity (SOLT) to leave his private Montana compound and live with other members of the Franciscan community.
He has been charged with using his substantial personal wealth, some of it allegedly stolen from Newchurch charities, to pay hush-money to his female accusers. When they refused to remain silent, Corapi sued the women he attacked for slander. Now it is he who is found guilty of slandering them. It is a typical tactic of Newchurch officials -- and Neo-SSPX officials, for that matter -- to portray the truth as "slander" or "gossip" or "calumny." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What can be said about Padre Pio offering the invalid Novus Ordo service?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Padre Pio never offered the invalid Novus Ordo service. Padre Pio died in 1968 before the Novus Ordo service arrived in 1969, and then postponed to 1970. In fact, even before the end of Vatican II, in February 1965, someone announced to Pio that soon he would have to celebrate the Mass according to a new rite, ad experimentum, in the vernacular. Immediately, even before seeing the text, Padre Pio wrote to Paul VI-Montini to ask him to be dispensed from the liturgical experiment and to be able to continue to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass. When Antonio Cardinal Bacci came to see Pio in order to bring the authorization, Padre Pio let a complaint escape in the presence of Newpope's messenger: "For pity sake, end the Council quickly!"
Thus, Padre Pio never even celebrated a Missa Normativa, or interim Mass. He never said Mass in Italian. The Novus Ordo service of 1969 was introduced more than a year after Padre Pio had died. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Padre Pio."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Clearly Bernie Fellay is no intellectual match for Benedict-Ratzinger. This is apparent by the way Ratzinger keeps Fellay in check 100 per cent of the time. The most recent chess game highlights Fellay performing priestly consecrations under an "unexcommunicated" status, but is then denounced as "illegitimate" according to Ratzinger's ever-changing "rules."
By comparison Fellay capitulates to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order by stating that the 1962+ Missal is legitimate, letting Ratzinger completely control the center of the board. Obviously Bernie is no Bobby Fisher. He provides no intellectual challenge to Ratzinger whatsoever. Ratzinger must be bored with his inferior's game. Fellay just delays the inevitable by moving pawns around the edges.
The subtext is instructive. Bernie Fellay has the same character as New York marathoner Rosie Ruiz or investor Bernie Madoff: ambitious frauds, secretly gaming anyone easily fooled, and then getting "busted."
Just when you thought Newchurch couldn't sink deeper into the mire of immorality, England and Newrome are reeling from the revelation that Newchurch officials were running a scam for Benedict-Ratzinger involving the sale of papal knighthoods.
It seems that the Newchurch presbyter of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who "converted" in December 2007 from the Anglican sect to the Novus Ordo sect, was involved in the fixing knighthoods for Benedict-Ratzinger, selling the "honors" for cash, according to investigations revealed by the U.K. Daily Mail. Presbyter Michael Seed, who was an "oecumenical advisor" to the Newarchbishop of Westminster, has admitted that he knocked up businessmen for as much as 80,000 U.S. dollars to buy papal knighthoods from Benedict-Ratzinger. Seed regularly simulated the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service for British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family.
In traditional times papal knighthoods were awarded to laymen and women for conspicuous service to the Church and society and were among the highest honors a pope could bestow. Now they are bought and sold on the black market like drugs. The Novus Ordo Franciscans, of whom Seed is supposed to be a member, stated that it was "appalled" and that its member's actions were "morally wrong." Yet the Order, which knew of Seed's proclivities, did nothing to shut him down. Seed marked the 25th anniversary of his ordination in January 2011 with a champagne party at a strip club, with entertainment provided by men dressed as nuns. One of his wealthy papal knights puts him up free of charge in his exclusive digs in Central London. Seed as a Franciscan had taken a vow of poverty -- which just goes to show how much of a sham Newchurch religious orders are now.
Presbyter Seed cultivated an Israeli arms dealer, Hezi Bezalel, who was seeking business opportunities in the Balkans, and offered to introduce the arms dealer to influential Balkan politicism, saying that he would also arrange his papal knighthood from Benedict-Ratzinger for a payment of 72,000 dollars. Seed enlisted in his scheme Newarhbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro, Benedict-Ratzinger's personal ambassador to Serbia. Seed sweetened the pot by telling the arms dealer: "The Vatican can open certain doors for you." The arms dealer, however, had more Catholic morality than the Newarchbishop and the presbyter: he refused the corrupt deal! It appears that the "distinguished" Novus Ordo presbyter was also taking kickbacks. Seed wrote a check for 55,000 dollars drawn from the Franciscan Order’s charity bank account to an intermediary, who later paid the money into Seed's personal account.
Like so many in Newchurch that like to play fancy dress-up to cover over their filthy morals, Benedict-Ratzinger's "honored" buddies get to wear badges suspended from a ribbon on their left breasts at ceremonies and wear a uniform with gold or silver buttons and braiding. They also wear a cocked hat and dress sword. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail.]
Good Catholics, true to Newchurch's unabated immorality under Benedict-Ratzinger, Newachbishop Sbarbaro, rather than condemning his corrupt presbyter accomplice, who had broken his vows and embezzled charitable funds, said: "Fr. Seed is a very good man." Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch is clearly perverted: bad has become good, and good has become bad. No wonder Satan has found so many lodgings in the souls of Newchurch officials.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It is interesting to note that people who visited Protestant pastor Robert Shuller's Crystal Cathedral monstrosity in Garden Grove, California, featured in a recent Daily Commentary from the TRADITIO Fathers, have noted that Shuller, a 33rd degree Freemason, has had four statues erected in his courtyard. One is of himself; one to Norman Vincent Peale, a noted anti-Catholic New Age preacher; one to Billy Graham, a Holy Roller; and the last to Bishop Fulton Sheen. It is commonly known that in addition to Shuller, Peale and Graham are also Freemasons.
One has to wonder about Bishop Sheen being included in this company. If the noted Catholic TV personality and author were also a Freemason, as many bishops and popes of the Vatican II era were, it would explain a great deal about Sheen's oecumenical proclivities, as well as his capitulation to all of the Freemasonic thought spewing forth from Vatican II and his seeming ease in accepting the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
The architectural monstrosity known as the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, may become the Novus Ordo cathedral of the Newchurch diocese of Orange California, for a price tag of 50,000,000 dollars. The Protestant cathedral, which entered bankruptcy in October 2010, is associated with Dutch Reform pastor Robert Schuller, whose services have appeared on television.
It is ironic that Schuller built the Crystal Cathedral as a symbol of eschewing Christian orthodoxy in favor of a "casual" worship style and replacing Christ with a New Age notion of "possibility thinking." Just so, the Newchurch of the New Order that Orange County Novus Ordo bishop Tod Brown represents similarly rejects of Christian orthodoxy.
Newbishop Brown is a publicly-condemned grifter, who was castigated from the bench by a U.S. Federal judge for obstructing justice and contempt of court in 2007. He was forced to pay nearly 7,000,000 dollars to four girls whom he violated. Yet he had enough money left over from the Newchurch collection-plate to buy land and build a new multimillion-dollar retirement mansion for himself and Benedict-Ratzinger's henchman, the prefect of the Novus Ordo Doctrine Congregation, William Levada. You remember Levada. Benedict-Ratzinger spirited him off to Newrome in 2005 under diplomatic immunity before U.S. courts could seize him and examine him on his involvement in sex crimes in not one, but two, archdioceses.
Newbishop Brown admitted in a deposition that he secreted his Newdiocese's Sex-crimes Czar, a Newchurch monsignor, in Canada, so that he could not testify on his personal knowledge of rampant sex crimes going in the Brown's Newdiocese, crimes that his monsignor had been instrumental in covering up for Brown. When the Hellish heat on Brown became searing, Brown tried to fool the court by declaring bankruptcy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register, and the Orange County Weekly.]
Good Catholics, Tod Brown may now become the owner of the monstrous Protestant Crystal Cathedral, which bankrupted Robert Schuler. With any luck it will bankrupt and put out of business once and for all, Tod Brown and his phony Novus Ordo diocese of Orange, California!
All Rome is wondering: what is going on with Benedict-Ratzinger? He was supposed to leave Rome for his summer palace at Castel Gandolfo on July 5, 2011, but instead he delayed his departure and canceled his July 6, 2011, papal audience. Plans to move the pope involve many complicated details and personnel, and are not easily changed. So he is going to throw all those carefully-laid plans out just to spend another day with his elder brother after he has already had weeks with him? It doesn't compute. Is this yet another Ratzingerian cover-up?
Msgr. George Ratzinger has previously been implicated in child abuse in Regensburg, Germany, where he directed the Domspatzen Boys Choir and its school. It came out that, like his brother, Georg has quite a temper. He was accused by several boys of assaults against them when headmaster of the choir school. At first he denied all the accusations, but a few days later he admitted that he routinely slapped children across the face. He also was known for throwing chairs at the boys and injuring them -- so violently that his false teeth once fell out!
The SSPX's Superior General has discovered that when you play with the devil, you end up getting stung in the rear. That is exactly what Bernie Fellay, who continues to dance to the Novus Ordo's tune, has learned. At the same time that he is salivating to join the Newchurch sect, that same sect has stung him in the derriere -- again.
On July 5, 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, declared the recent ordinations conducted by Fellay's Neo-SSPX in Switzerland, Germany, and the United States, to be "illegitimate," pronouncing that "the Society has no canonical status in the [New]church, and its ministers ... do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church." Because Fellay's Neo-SSPX has for ten years now being approaching the unCatholic Novus Ordo sect for recognition, many traditional priests reject Fellay and his group as not even traditional Catholic any longer. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Radio.]
Good Catholics, Fellay has brought upon himself the double whammy: he is not recognized by the Modernist Newchurch, nor is he recognized by traditional Catholics. He has moved Archbishop Lefebvre's once traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X into some no man's land in which, to quote the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield, he "gets no respect"!
John Corapi, one of the EWTN "Catholic" Charismatic Cable Network's most prominent "stars" has been found guilty by his religious order of booze, drugs, sex, and violating his promise of poverty. A July 5, 2011, press release from the Novus Ordo Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) stated that while presbyter Corapi was involved in public ministry, he had sexual relations and years of cohabitation with a woman known to him, when the relationship began, as a prostitute. The investigative team also found that he frequently drank to inebriation, took drugs, and "sexted" with one or more women in Montana. Moreover, in violation of his vow of poverty as a religious (secular priests do not take such vows), he holds legal title to over 1,000,000 U.S. dollars worth of real estate, numerous luxury vehicles, motorcycles, an ATV, a boat dock, and several motor boats.
When Corapi was initially denounced by several women, he lied and claimed that he was "unjustly accused." Many of his clueless Novus Ordo cultists immediately claimed that he was being stalked by the Devil. Now, it appears the truth is that it was presbyter Corapi who was stalking the Devil!
The investigative team, consisting of a canonist, a psychiatrist, a lawyer, and a lay Newchurcher, found that Corapi's E-mails, various witnesses, and public sources confirm the accusations by his women accusers, whom he falsely denounced to be slanderers and attempted to sue. His order has stripped him of all public ministry and placed him under virtual house arrest. He can no longer simulate the invalid Novus Ordo Mess and "sacraments," preach, or teach.
Good Catholics, the EWTN Charismatic "Catholic" Cable Network, like all Novus Ordo organizations, puts on a veneer of "Catholicism" to defraud its viewers of donations. However, particularly since its foundress, Mother Angelica, was sidelined a decade ago by strokes, the network has become a bully pulpit for heretics of all stripes. It should be completely shunned by those who have any vestige of Catholicism left. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by EWTN News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Are you hostile towards the SSPX? The reason I ask this is because I've noticed that you refer to Bishop Fellay as "Bernie Fellay."
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
To the SSPX? No. We consider Archbishop Lefebvre to have been heroic in his opposition to what he called Modernist Rome, what we call the Newchurch of the New Order. His Society of St. Pius X was substantially a good thing, based in traditional Catholicism. Fellay, on the other hand, has changed the Archbishop's organization into a Neo-SSPX, and he gives every indication of wanting to sell out to the same Modernist Rome that his own consecrator, the Archbishop, so courageously opposed.
We are amused, given the rampant corruption in Newchurch and Fellay's sellout mentality, that so many people focus on our use of the nickname "Bernie." Apparently, we are hitting the mark. If senior SSPX Bishop Williamson is humble enough not to mind being called "Dick," what's Fellay's problem with being called "Bernie"? Fellay is well known to be a tyrannical egotist, ruling "his" Neo-SSPX with an iron hand. Any of his laity or clergy asking for an explanation of any of his suspicious activities is expelled. His treatment of his senior bishop has caused a schism in the society. Our use of the nickname "Bernie" has the point of "de-mystifying" and denuding the external image of this poseur to expose the reality.
Just because someone prances around in fancy clothes doesn't mean that his policies should be respected. People should earn respect from their virtuous actions, not from their fancy clothes. An even better example of the principle is Benedict-Ratzinger, who has rightly earned the eponym of "Paedophile Pope." This man prances around in white clothes, supposed to signify purity, while in fact he has, under his own personal signature, abetted and covered up the rape of tens of thousands of children by his Newclergy. Our Lord spoke in no uncertain terms to condemn such people's immoral behavior. Read the 23rd chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel.
Our opinion of Fellay and his Neo-SSPX will be found in many past Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers. Use the TRADITIO Search Engine in the Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers department to find them. Also, to keep current on developments, read the Commentaries daily and subscribe to the free RSS Feed (click on the RSS icon above).
A little over thirteen years ago, on the morning of March 4, 1998, one of the few priests to stand against what was just beginning to be exposed as Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, was brutally murdered inside his St. Michael Church in Dane, Wisconsin, stabbed and with his throat slit. Local police are still treating his murder as an open and active investigation.
Fr. Kunz, an associate of Fr. Malachi Martin, the noted priest-author who exposed corruption in Newvatican, continued to say the Traditional Latin Mass and scandalized his Newbishop by exposing cases of child rape by Novus Ordo clergy in the Newdiocese. Rumors circulated at the time that that Novus Ordo elements did him in. One prominent Novus Ordo clergyman and a Benedictine abbot said that they believed Kunz's murder was connected to the corrupt element in Newchurch.
If that is true, it might not be the only time a traditional whistleblower against Newchurch met his demise. Another Novus Ordo clergyman was murdered in 2007, allegedly because he threatened his Newbishop with exposure in the Sex Holocaust if the Newbishop didn't turn himself in. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by KMTV Madison News.]
The hypocrisy of Newchurch sometimes is so over the edge that one wonders why anyone gives that sect any credence at all. Truly, Newchurch leaders are worse than Church leaders of Our Lord's time, whom He called "whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful but within are full of dead men's bones and of all filthiness. So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just: but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity" (Matthew 23:27-28/DRV).
The Newchurch of the New Order couldn't wait to Novus Ordo "beatify" John Paul II-Wojtyla, to trump up a required "miracle" for him, which was rejected by physicians, and to rush the whole thing through in a ridiculous six years, before his record could be analyzed. That record included a do-nothing policy in response to widespread sex crimes against children under his regime, thus earning him not honor, but condemnation: "a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV), said Christ of such ilk.
Yet the cause of Pope Pius XII, who is often called the "Last Traditional Pope," is sidelined in Newchurch, even though a miracle claimant has recently pressed her claim directly to Newvatican. The head rabbi of "interfaith relations" for the American Jewish Committee had told Benedict-Ratzinger in no uncertain terms that "this is a matter that should be deferred until at least the generation of Holocaust survivors is no longer with us." And Benedict-Ratzinger, as an obedient "oecumenical" pope, obeys the rabbi.
In the case of Pope Pius XII, there is a funny story about one alleged miracle. The family of Maria Esposito had been praying to John Paul II-Wojtyla, who had died just a few months before, when Esposito was diagnosed with cancer in July 2005. JPII duly appeared to Maria's husband in a dream one night and said the he couldn't help, but showed him a photograph of a slim, bespectacled prelate who could. The husband didn't know who the man was until he saw Pius XII's picture on the cover of a magazine a week later. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
So, it seems that even the "Unblessed" JPII, whom Newchurch was quick to call "blessed," admitted that he was powerless. The phony "saint"-making machine in the bowels of Newrome missed this one and went ahead on JPII anyway!
Some TRADITIO readers may remember the solemn, traditional Catholic Nuptial High Mass offered for Prince Rainier III of Monaco and Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco, formerly of the United States. The Nuptial High Mass, celebrated by Bishop Gilles-Henri-Alexis Barte, was broadcast from St. Nicholas Cathedral on April 19, 1956, attended by 600 guests, and was watched by an estimated 30,000,000 people around the world. After the traditional Catholic marriage, the couple took their honeymoon cruise aboard the prince's ship, named, in Latin, Deo Juvante II, With God Being Our Assistance.
As if to show just how far into the sewer Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order has fallen, Newchurch archbishop Bernard Barsi conducted a Novus Ordo service between Prince Rainier's infamous libertine son, the father of at least two bastard children, and Charlene Wittstock, on July 2, 2011. The 53-year-old Albert, known as a "notorious ladies man," had long eschewed marriage. Many in Monaco had resigned themselves to forever having a fornicator-prince.
Just before Albert's wedding Monaco was buzzing with rumors of yet a third bastard child. His bride-to-be, upon learning of yet another bastard child to add to the two others that she already knew about, allegedly tried to call off the wedding and return to her native South Africa days before the wedding. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, any notion that Benedict-Ratzinger has done anything to counter the culture of corruption in his Newchurch is demonstrably false. That corruption continues, stronger than ever. In yet another confirmation that Benedict-Ratzinger intends to continue the culture of cover-up and corruption that has earned him the eponym, the "Paedophile Pope," he appointed, on June 28, 2011, as the new Newarchbishop of Milan, one of the key bishoprics in Newchurch, the man who lied for him, Angelo Scola, in claiming that those who charged Benedict-Ratzinger with complicity in sex crimes against children was "iniquitous humiliation."
Scola was outed as a liar as Benedict-Ratzinger's signature was found on documents that let criminal presbyters and Newbishops off scot free, including the presbyter who raped 200 deaf children in a Newchurch orphanage. Scola's appointment as Newarchbishop of Milan, the capital of the late Roman Empire, is viewed as Benedict-Ratzinger's papal political maneuver to try to make Scola his successor. Milan is considered to be a platform for global leadership.
Scola is, if possible, even more a proponent of the Modernist heresy than Josef Ratzinger himself. Scola, like Ratzinger, joined with Hans Urs von Balthasar, declared under "suspicion of heresy" by the Holy Office, and Henri de Lubac, whose writings were condemned as heretical by the Holy Office. Scola studied under Emanuele Severino, whose writings even the Novus Ordo Doctrine of the Faith Congregation had to declare in 1970 "incompatible with Christianity" for his denial of the dogma of a Creator God. Scola, who has a reputation as a syncretist, has set up a foundation to "dialogue" with infidel Mohammedans. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic (Sic) Register.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In our traditional church bulletin today, there was a note about Bishop Fulton Sheen. Our traditional priest says that Sheen was good up until Vatican II, but fell under the sway of the Novus Ordo. A saint before Vatican II maybe, but not the Sheen after Vatican II. From what I have read, even his pre-Vatican II stuff was pretty Catholic "lite," mostly anti-Communist, but he was not the Catholic firebrand that Frs. Charles Coughlin or Leonard Feeney were. What should a traditional Catholic think about Bishop Fulton Sheen?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Catholic Church might be in a different position today had Bishop Sheen joined Archbishop Lefebvre to expose the Newchurch of the New Order for what it was and remains: an unCatholic imposter.
Bishop Sheen was a powerful voice for Catholicism, although as you say, at times it was watered down. Whether that was an accommodation to the electronic media or his personal belief is hard to say. In the 1930s and 1940s he was one of the most popular radio figures with his Catholic Hour. In the 1950s and 1960s he switched to television. His Life Is Worth Living and Fulton Sheen Program and gained an audience larger than that gained by some of the biggest names in television at the time.
The cleric who was one of the most recognizable figures of the pre- and post- World War II era was unquestionably brilliant, probably the most educated cleric in the United States at the time. So why did he appear to fall prey to Vatican II's Novus Ordo fraud, which later in his life he came to reject more and more?
While teaching at the Catholic University of America for nearly 25 years and dealing with students, he noted with deep concern what was happening in Catholic education and the fact that many young people were losing the Faith since Vatican II (1962-1965). His warning on higher education, given around 1967, was as prophetic as it was startling:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your Faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the Faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith.
The answer to why Sheen succumbed to the New Order indicates how unique a cleric Archbishop Lefebvre truly was. Sheen forgot the lesson of His divine Master not to be a "respecter of persons." Lefebvre followed Christ; Sheen followed man. Sheen, who is acknowledged even by his friends to have been egotistical, just couldn't break with the big-wigs who were taking the Catholic Church down the path of perdition, even though he knew better and at the end of his life rejected many of the basic tenets of Vatican II, which he preached to be unCatholic, although though he concealed his criticism, as many of that time and today do, by claiming that the Modernist Council was "misinterpreted."
Whether Sheen is truly a saint, Newchurch will not be able to judge. When the Catholic Church is restored, certainly Archbishop Lefebvre needs to be considered as the first candidate for Sainthood. While Sheen reminds us of the Arian heretics who took over the Church of the fourth century, Lefebvre reminds us of Athanasius, who was bitterly persecuted for his orthodoxy during the same period. When the smoke cleared, the Arian popes were condemned to oblivion, but Athanasius received the appellation Defender of the Faith, and was universally recognized as one of the greatest Saints and Doctors of the Church.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
When the Mass was changed in the 1960s, ostensibly to put it into the vernacular, why didn't the Newchurch just use the translations given in the handmissals of that time? I've compared the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Service, and they are a lot different! Moreover, the cost of all the new publications must have been huge.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Because it was not a question of "translation," even though to use any "translation" would have incurred the anathema of the dogmatic Council of Trent. The purpose of the Modernist leaders of Vatican II, including "Fr." Ratzinger, was to destroy the Roman Catholic Mass and to replace it with a New Order, a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan worship service that would be "oecumenical."
As you say, the invalid Novus Ordo "Mess" (it isn't a Mass), what Benedict-Ratzinger is the first in history to have officially declared the Ordinary Rite of a New Order sect, is totally different from the valid Catholic Mass. In essence, Josef Ratzinger and the other Modernists of Vatican II completed worldwide the Protestant revolution that Martin Luther was able to roll out to only half of Europe.
The question about publishing new books is revealing. In the United States, for example, before Vatican II, there was one papal publisher, Benziger Brothers, which published altar missals and the other liturgical books. A parish would buy an altar missal that would last it for decades. When Vatican II engineered its New Mess, Newchurch in 1964 put Benziger Brothers out of business so that it could extort more and more money out of parishes, as every year, or even every few months, new books were published that parishes were forced to buy, because the Novus Ordo service was introduced gradually over a period of five years.
Why didn't chief architect of the Novus Ordo, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, simply introduce his Novus Ordo service all at once? Because Bugnini was too smart for that. He knew that if he introduced the invalid Novus Ordo all at once, Catholics would see the sham and reject it. Therefore, he introduced it over a period of two decades, so that the once-Catholic frogs in the pot wouldn't realize that they were being gradually boiled to death. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments in the section "The Descent into the Black Hole of the Liturgical 'New Order.'"
Benedict-Ratzingers' dream of a Modernist "One World Religion" came to churches Sunday, June 26, 2011, as the Mohammedan Koran was read from numerous pulpits instead of the Christian Gospel. A One World Religion is getting closer than ever, as Benedict-Ratzinger approves more and more conferences and meetings with increasing frequency all over the globe. He urges Newchurchs to focus on "shared" religious traditions. And he is certainly not talking about Catholic "Tradition"!
The notion that all religions are equally valid paths to God and His Truth is being taught in Newchurch temples and at Newchurch institutions all over the world. This "interfaith movement" is called by Newchurch Modernists, "Oecumenism." Now some churches are trying to take things to another level. On June 26, 2011, the Koran was publicly read from pulpits during Sunday worship services. The Koran is the "unholy" book of the Mohammedans that preaches the killing of Christians who do not convert to Mohammed, preaching that is being carried into practice before our eyes in Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, and other Islamic countries around the world.
The Newchurch doctrine of false "oecumenism," concocted at the Modernistic Vatican II Council (1962-1965), is utterly ridiculous to any true Christian. Why should Christians be preaching from an auto-destructive (to use Paul VI-Montini's term) unholy book from a religion seeking to kill Christians? Although the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger supports false oecumenism, many Christian leaders reject it outright. One such leader challenged: "They have denied the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. They have denied the inerrancy of Scripture; they've denied the inspiration of Scripture."
The Newchurch of the New Order has been publicly supporting the heresy of syncretism, renamed "oecumenism" at Vatican II. Benedict-Ratzinger himself hosted a syncretistic event in Washington, D.C., on April 17, 2008, at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center there, with atheistic Buddhists, pagan Hindus, infidel Jews and Muslims, and representatives of other religions. He has caused scandal even in his New Order sect by convoking a sycretistic "Assisi Conference III" for October 2011.
The truth is that Our Lord Jesus Christ would not have wanted anything to do with this One World Religion that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order and its allies in other sects is trying to bring in. Rather, Christ proclaimed: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6/DRV). You would think that Christ's own words would be so clear that even Benedict-Ratzinger could understand them! Apparently, his mind is too clouded by false Modernism.
Good Catholics, once Benedict-Ratzinger's unCatholic One World Religion is established (and we are not talking here about the Catholic religion), he won't have much use for the real Jesus Christ or for the Christian Bible.
The highest representative of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order in Austria, Newcardinal-Primate Christoph Schoenborn, a candidate for Newpope in the 2005 election, has been charged at law of covering up the rape of a child who pleaded with him for help. The child told him about her rape by one of his presbyters, when Schoenborn was Newbishop.
Newchurch in Austria has been hit severely by the wave of charges against its Newclergy, from the Newcardinal down to presbyters, brought forward in just the past two years to a special commission. Official figures reveal that more Austrians left Newchurch in 2010 than in any year since 1945. The 1945 departures were deaths at the height of World War II.
In 1962, just before the Modernist Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), 89 percent of Austrians were Catholic. Fifty years after the devastating Vatican II, only 39 percent of Austrians in Vienna now remain in the Newchurch of the New Order. Attendance at the invalid Novus Ordo service has shrunk to one in five.
Benedict-Ratzinger, desperate to counter the picture of his Newpapacy as drowning in paedophilia, with his well-documented personal complicity over forty years in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, staged his first "tweet," announcing the consolidation of Newvatican's propaganda organs. The poor man looked completely befuddled, as his staff told him exactly what to type.
Of course, the whole staged event is just another effort at obfuscation of what has now become the undisputed truth: Josef Ratzinger, later Benedict, is the man responsible more than any other for the Newchurch Holocaust. You can be sure that you will not see information critical of his complicity published on the new news site! For the truth of the matter, you will have to read the TRADITIO Network and other independent sources, like the Italian news weekly, L'Espresso.
It fact, it was a reporter for largest Italian news weekly, the independent L'Espresso, who wrote of the event on June 29, 2011, that Benedict-Ratzinger was perpetrating "a media offensive to give an image of openness, of a pope in dialogue." Note that the term Sandro Magister used was "give an image." He did not say "tell the truth." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence-France Press.]
Good Catholics, the hypocrisy of Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo propaganda is truly stunning. He is now trying to pose as a fighter against his Newclergy's firestorm of child rapes over the years since Vatican II, whereas his personal signature and seal is impressed on numerous documents that directed Newchurch officials to cover up the crimes and let the Newbishop and presbyter criminals go scot free -- even the presbyter who raped 200 deaf children in the United States, even the Belgian Newbishop who raped his two nephews since age 7 and then boasted about his crimes on French television.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How do you often come to conclusions different from what the mainstream "Catholic" and secular media report about the activities of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You have to realize that most of the "news" articles that you read in the "Catholic" and secular media are already spun to serve Newchurch institutional purposes. After all, many of the "Catholic" news organizations, like Zenit, are owned by the Newchurch. It is state-run, that is Newvatican State run, media. The secular media aren't much better because their reporters are ignorant of religion. They wouldn't know Easter from Passover! So you can't put your trust in what you read there. You are not getting news from these sources, but propaganda, or at best ignorance.
The TRADITIO Network and a number of other outlets around the world, are completely independent of all that. We do not repeat propaganda stories from Newchurch news agencies. We have our own extensive experience of over 50 years in the Church, and we know, from the inside, all the machinations of how the Newchurch of the New Order lies, spins, and covers up its crimes and unCatholic doctrine and "worship services." To the contrary, we get to the heart of the matter and often are courageous to say what no one else will.
There once was a President of the United States named Richard Nixon. He was a criminal, but concealed his criminality by publicly proclaiming, "I am not a crook." All the standard news outlets kowtowed to him. However, two investigative reporters, Woodward and Bernstein, gathered the information proving that Nixon, contrary to his lie, was a in fact crook. Nixon was forced to resign, the only President ever to do so. Without independent reporting people would have had only an ignorant, and even mendacious, press to go on.
In like manner to the mendacious Nixon, Newvatican has used its own propaganda media, and even the secular press, to attempt to cover up Benedict-Ratzinger's involvement in abetting and covering up child rape by his Newchurch hierarchy and presbyters for forty years. Yet, if you read the independent press, you get the true picture, which is being revealed to the public in the United States, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere more and more every day.
The TRADITIO Network was here even before Newvatican's web site. Our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, and in the inner sancta of the Society of St. Pius X and other organizations around the world. In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not parrot uninformed news reports or the notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement.
Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II. It is for this reason that the TRADITIO Network is so avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX) -- and by you, our readers around the world. We are truly unique.