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The case by the German government against Neo-SSPX bishop Richard Williamson for the "crime" of allegedly "denying the Holocaust" -- not the Biblical one, but the WWII one; the German government couldn't care less about the Bible, but cares only about political correctness -- will be further delayed. Williamson, who in fact has never denied the "holocaust," but only questioned some of the more outrageous politicized numbers given out, but has appealed his conviction from a lower German court to the appellate level. The records of the lower-level kangaroo court, which issued in minutes a decision of several pages, have been transferred from Regensburg to Nuremberg. As of December 27, 2011, the documents are before the competent judge. A decision is expected to take several weeks. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the German news service DPA.]
This Williamson case is yet another Newchurch scandal. Benedict-Ratzinger, as a good Modernist, always speaks up for the "human rights" of Jews, Mohammedans, Hindus, Buddhists, and even atheists. But when it comes to a traditional Catholic bishop, Ratzinger cannot make a public statement on behalf of free speech to support him. It is interesting that the Nuremberg/Regensburg court is in Ratzinger's own hometown district of Germany. He could probably get the case thrown out by papal pressure -- if he wanted to.
Meanwhile, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay -- at least until the other three bishops can force him to resign for incompetence and perfidy -- has also been a moral basket-case in failing to support his senior bishop's right of free speech. Inside sources tell us that Fellay is using the sham trial as a mechanism to sideline Williamson permanently, as Williamson has been relatively outspoken against Fellay's policy of selling out Archbishop Lefebvre's once-traditional organization to Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch of the New Order.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I frankly don't find the late Bishop Sheen very impressive at all, and now I hear that Newchurch is starting the process of considering him for Novus Ordo "sainthood." Sheen seems to me to be all about Sheen: his persona, his ability to tell a good tale. A bit full of himself is my impression of the man. What does your long experience and observation tell you about the man?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Sheen was brilliant intellectually, and certainly telegenic. His flamboyance was perfect for the Golden Age of Television in the 1950s. He was, however, as you say, "full of himself," which led him into several personal problems. He was not a good administrator, but a good figurehead, as with his experience as National Director for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. He failed almost immediately as a diocesan bishop.
If Newchurch makes Sheen into a Novus Ordo "saint," it will be because of his celebrity, like JPII-Wojtyla and Teresa Calcutta, not because of any deep traditional Catholicism. Intellectually brilliant as he was, he fell for the scam of the Modernist Vatican II Council. He openly accepted and endorsed its Modernist teachings publicly. He sought to be the first and most prominent American bishop to ram the Council's novelties down the throats of (then) traditional American Catholics.
Promoting traditionally-condemned syncretism, revested as "oecumenism" by Vatican II, Sheen spoke at a Jewish synagogue in 1967, when such an act was still considered radical. The man who was known for his memorialization of the Traditional Latin Mass in his best-selling This Is the Mass, after Vatican II spurned the Catholic Mass and pushed the unCatholic and invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service.
Sheen did, in fact, repent somewhat of his virtual apostasy from the Catholic Faith later in his life, when he sought to promote the devotion of the Holy Hour, but it was too little too late. Even then Sheen was blind to the fundamental errors perpetrated by Vatican II, taking the convenient line that the Council was correct, but had been "misinterpreted." That notion was a ploy used by Novus Ordo conservatives at the time (and even today), so that they didn't have to give up their Novus Ordo finery and positions. Sheen was too faithless and cowardly to follow the courageous path of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who called Vatican II what it was, "not Catholic," and separated himself from what he called Modernist Rome. Subsequently, church historian Michael Davies and many others exposed Vatican II for what it truly was: a Modernist scam to create a Newchurch of the New Order.
More is coming out on the fraud perpetrated by Newchurch in con-anizing "Mother Teresa," as the most well-known "saint" of the New Order sect. One of Teresa's own nuns for twenty years, Mary Johnson, has issued a new book, An Unquenchable Thirst, in which she describes the fraud in detail.
Known in the Missionaries of Charity as "Sister Donata," Johnson, who became one of the leaders of the organization, which was a cross between Modernistic Novus Ordoism and pagan Hinduism, documents that Teresa was a "control freak," who engineered her own Novus Ordo "sainthood" under the demented JPII-Wojtyla. Since her death in 1997, more information has come out about the abyss of Teresa's own spiritual life: her "dark nights" of the soul and her feeling of absence from God.
Newchurch was so desperate to fabricate a popular "saint" to give the New Order sect some apparent legitimacy that JPII-Wojtyla, after "fixing" the con-anization process for her in 1983, accepted a phony "miracle," which was rejected by physicians, who were deliberately barred from testifying against her beatification. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Times.]
Benedict-Ratzinger is now too feeble to walk up the center aisle of St. Peter's Basilica, less than the length of an American football field. So, for the 2011 Christmas Novus Ordo service, he had to be shoved up the aisle on a moving platform by young clerics. He might as well have used the traditional papal sedia gestatoria, abandoned by Paul VI-Montini! Because Ratzinger is now too fatigued, he could not make it to midnight, so the "midnight" service was advanced two hours earlier, to 22:00. Reports from Newrome say that "a spark is gone; he doesn't elaborate off the cuff anymore, and some days he just seems wiped out."
Naturally, spokesmen for the New Order sect won't attribute Ratzinger's "fatigue" to probably its major source: the attacks against him for his complicity in suborning his paedophile bishops and presbyters in rape and other sexual assaults against some 100,000 children. Several government officials have publicly called for him to be hauled before the International Court of Justice for trial. He refuses to do public penance for his crimes, so the guilt is undoubtedly gnawing away at his soul and body.
Ratzinger has become so unpopular as the "Paedophile Pope," that at the Christmas service in 2008 and 2009, he was attacked. In the 2009 incident, he was thrown to the ground by the disaffected woman.
Desperate to explain why more and more Newchurchers are abandoning his New Order sect, Benedict-Ratzinger told his Newroman curia on December 22, 2011, that Europe suffers from "faith fatigue." He put his confidence in such frauds as the upcoming World Youth Day, otherwise known as "Catholic Woodstock" because of the open immorality that takes place there.
Meanwhile, in the United States, the Wall Street Journal has reported that church attendance has been falling on Christmas Day, as many Americans prefer to stay at home to play secular pagans rather than to worship God at Christ's Mass. Even parents who dare to call themselves "Catholics" are too lazy even to "get kids dressed and come to church."
Today, polls show Newchurchers are much more inclined to put up a Christmas tree and decorations or go to a party than to attend the Novus Ordo service. When he preached at Christmas, Saint Augustine acknowledged the associations between the still-dominant pagan rites and Christianity's Feast of the Nativity. But the bishop of Hippo said that such associations should spur the Catholic faithful to deeper observance, not to downplaying the holiday altogether or tailoring it to the prevailing culture: "So, brothers and sisters, let us keep this day as a festival —- not, like the unbelievers, because of the sun up there in the sky, but because of the One Who made that sun." {Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Opposing the paganism of the Novus Ordo sect, many fully traditional Catholic sites celebrate Midnight High Mass, which actually begins at midnight, instead of the fraudulent, not to say invalid, afternoon "midnight" services the Novus Ordo sect offers.
We TRADITIO Fathers have often warned that Newchurchers are daft to put anything into a Novus Ordo collection-plate. Not only are Newchurchers contributing to sacrilege, heresy, and immorality, but there is a strong likelihood that their money will be embezzled, because the Newbishops exert no fiduciary scrutiny over the money donated to them. Here is a recent case in point.
An employee at a Los Gatos, California, convent was charged on December 21, 2011, by United States prosecutors with embezzling more than 100,000 dollars to purchase jewelry, purses, high-end cutlery, and other items on QVC and the Home Shopping Network. The employee of the New Order "nuns" will answer in federal court to fourteen counts of wire fraud and three counts of mail fraud. She had worked for thirteen years at the New Order Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary New Order Convent.
Federal prosecutors charged that between March 2008 and her resignation in May 2010, she used various methods to embezzle from the convent, including obtaining fraudulent reimbursements or credits for products she falsely claimed that she had purchased for the convent and its nuns. Prosecutors say that she stole more than 47,000 dollars in cash and also fraudulently diverted more than 53,000 dollars for personal expenses such as jewelry, high-end cutlery, purses, shoes, kitchen appliances, and numerous purchases on the cable sales channels. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Mercury News.]
Good Catholics, this case demonstrates yet again what a bad judge of character the Newchurch of the New Order is. These Novus Ordo "nuns" had a thief in their bosom for thirteen years and were too spaced out to realize it. Benedict-Ratzinger himself has appointed a Communist spy as cardinal and more child rapists as Newbishops that we can enumerate. When rampant corruption enters an organization such as the Newchurch of the New Order, "the fish stinks from the head down."
During the week of December 11, 2011, Bernie Fellay gave his secret official response -- at least temporarily -- to Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernist "Doctrinal Preamble" to any further "negotiations" for Fellay to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect. Fellay is dealing in his usual underhanded way because he is facing "stiff opposition" from his clergy and laity against a sellout to the post-Vatican II New Order sect that the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, had rejected as heretical and its now Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, as "not Catholic."
The dictatorial Fellay, who is now being openly called "the fake bishop" by many in his own organization, refuses to make public, even to his own officers, the text of the Doctrinal Preamble. Fellay flip-flopped on signing the Modernist formulation. He seemed originally to favor signing and selling out to the New Order sect, but then, when the TRADITIO Network and French web sites exposed his designs to his membership, and when his own District Superiors at the December 7-8, 2011, Albano, Italy, rejected the Doctrinal Preamble outright, Fellay backed off and retreated to his inner sanctum at Menzingen, Switzerland.
Sources inside Newvatican indicate that Falley's response is "neither an agreement nor a proposal for changes in the document," but apparently an attempt to stall because of all the opposition he is facing within his own Neo-SSPX to a sellout. A French publication has indicated that the other three Neo-SSPX bishops (Williamson, Tisser de Mallerais, and Galarreta) are meeting to force his resignation because he has strayed so far from Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional principles and has operated his superiorate like a dictatorship.
A traditional French publication on December 22, 2011, announced possible plans by Neo-SSPX bishops Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Galarreta to oust their Superior General, Bernie Fellay, in the wake of the widespread rejection of his efforts to sell out to the New Order sect Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's once-traditional organization -- efforts that have culminated in an ultimatum for the Neo-SSPX to sign an heretical "Doctrinal Preamble," accepting the Modernist Mess, the Modernist "New" Catechism, and the Modernist Second Vatican Council. The Neo-SSPX District Superiors and laity are now realizing that that Fellay has wasted their organization's energy and resources for twenty years, only to gain nothing.
The French publication indicates that the three Neo-SSPX bishops, "exasperated and determined," are contemplating forming a united front against Fellay. The vast majority of Neo-SSPX clergy, who reject Fellay's attempted sellout to the New Order sect, are speaking more openly and refusing to be "tyrannized and reduced to silence" by Fellay's henchmen, who "have squatted in management positions for more than ten years for the benefit of apostate Rome." The Abbot of Cacqueray already announced his opposition to Fellay on November 17, 2011. Father Marziac, a friend of Archbishop Lefebvre, has openly rejected Fellay's failure to reject the Doctrinal Preamble outright.
The consequences of the rejection by the District Superiors at Albano, Italy, on October 7-8, 2011, of Benedict-Ratzinger's Doctrinal Preamble are mounting against Fellay. Many members of the Neo-SSPX clergy are now speaking out for a return to the traditional principles of Archbishop Lefebvre and against the seventeen years of Fellay's rule. Fellay is now openly being dubbed "le truqueur mitré" [the fake bishop].
There is talk of a meeting of the three bishops to be held at Avrille for the purpose of preparing the provisional replacement of Fellay, after extracting a resignation from him in advance of the General Chapter of July 2012. Bishop Galarreta could become provisional Superior General to ensure the management of the day-to-day business until the General Chapter. Galarreta has recently relinquished his load as rector of the Seminary of La Reja, Argentina.
The French publication reports that so despised is Fellay within the Neo-SSPX that, like Adolf Hitler, he has become a refugee in his bunker at Menzingen, Switzerland, whence he governs by diktats and propaganda releases. Is Fellay's downfall near? At this season when the Gospels read at Holy Mass remind us of the Roman officials of Our Lord's time, one cannot help but think of the downfall of the dictator Julius Caesar, who was assassinated in the name of liberty by 23 men who were once his colleagues.
Newchurch archbishop Diarmuid Martin, one of the few prelates who tried to protect children against criminal paedophile presbyters, admitted in a television interview on December 18, 2011, that he felt "abandoned" by Benedict-Ratzinger and his henchmen, who were more concerned about "closing ranks" than protecting children. Martin admitted that the crimes are still going on "today."
He charged Ratzinger with immoral complacency. Martin intimated that Ratzinger has "no idea of what it is to meet victims, to listen to them, to hear their stories, to see the devastation that they've gone through..., terrible stories, people whose lives were ruined. Still are. In all the discussion that went on there was very little concern for the children." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Times.]
Doesn't our belief in Jesus Christ rest in the fact that He worked miracles as His proof of divine origin?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Not at all. Our Catholic Faith does not "rest" on miracles. There were many other miracle-workers in ancient times. Some of these, the most famous being Simon Magus, are even mentioned in the New Testament. Our Catholic Faith rests instead on Christ -- this is not a name, by the way, but the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah) -- because He is God, because He fulfilled the Scriptures. This is the clear message of the Masses in Advent and the Scriptures there quoted. It would be salutary for you to review these.
The "Motu" Mess and the Neo-SSPX "negotiations" may not be long for this world. We TRADITIO Fathers have always warned pseudo-traditionalists not to put their eggs in Benedict-Ratzinger's Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess Hoax and his Neo-SSPX Negotiations Hoax. As goes Ratzinger, so goes his hoaxes. And it is looking more and more as if Ratzinger is not going well. Ratzinger must also be hearing, as Ebeneezer Scrooge heard the deathlike shrieks of Jacob Marley from Hell, the voices of the many children, now dead, raped by Ratzinger's bishops and presbyters because he would not lift a finger to stop Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.
Reports from sources in Newrome indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger's health has markedly declined in just a few months. With the Christmas ceremonies not even here yet, Ratzinger is described as "worn out, tired and weak." Those who have had recent meetings with him say that he is weaker than they have ever seen him, too tired to engage with what they were saying. He no longer meets individually with visiting bishops at their ad limina visits. A few weeks ago he started using a moving platform to spare him the long walk down St. Peter's Basilica.
Naturally, the mendacious Newvatican denies the obvious reality, just it reported that JPII-Wojtyla celebrated the Novus Ordo service when the official report from his physicians indicated that he was in a coma from septicemia. Benedict-Ratzinger indicated in November 2010 that he is considering retirement on his 85th birthday, April 16, 2012. Ratzinger's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, stated that no medical condition prompted the decision to use the moving platform in St. Peter's, and that it is designed merely to spare Ratzinger the fatigue of the 100-meter walk to and from the main altar. If Ratzinger is hale and hardy, why can't he walk without fatigue that short distance, only one-tenth of a kilometre?
Newrome sources indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger's spark is gone. He doesn't engage in spontaneous talk with anyone, and "some days he just seems wiped out." At October 2011's highly-criticized Assisi III sycretistic conference, the rabbi who sat next to him told the press: "Indeed I was struck by what appeared to me as the decline in Benedict's strength and health over the last half year." Another close acquaintance of Ratzinger reported: "He looked older and weaker than I have seen him before. In fact, I remarked to someone that it's the first time I've seen him look like the old man that he is. He was speaking in softer tones than even his normally soft speaking voice. His head was bowed. He was pale. He just looked frail."
Benedict-Ratzinger is no spring chicken. At almost 85, he has acknowledged having suffered a haemorrhagic stroke in 1991 that temporarily affected his vision. He later suffered another stroke and was knocked unconscious when his balance was so precarious that he fell against a radiator at his summer castle. His older brother, Georg, who has a pacemaker for an irregular heartbeat and is almost blind, has expressed concern about Benedict's own heart. His public engagements have been trimmed back, and behind closed doors, during audiences without the glare of TV cameras or throngs of the Newchurchers encouraging him on, he has begun to show his age, inside sources report. Almost a dozen popes have resigned in the history of the Church, about one out of twenty. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, be prepared for a sudden cessation of the "Motu" Mess and the Neo-SSPX negotiations. Chances are strong that the next Newpope will scale back or reject both. This situation gives even more reason for individual Motarians and Neo-SSPXers to get out of the Novus Ordo trap now and become traditional Catholics once again, completely outside of the Newchurch of the New Order.
The chicanery of Newchurch is becoming so obvious that even an atheist exposes the truth these days more than the corrupt Conciliar popes. Christopher Hitchens, an avowed atheist, who died on December 15, 2011, at the age of 62, wrote so lucidly on JPII-Wojtyla's fraud in Novus Ordo "beatifying" the nun who preached a combination of pagan Hinduism and Novus Ordoism, "Mother" Teresa, that we reproduce much of it here.
Even the atheist Hitchens clearly understood the difference between the traditional Roman Catholic Church and the Newchurch of the New Order, which fraudulently poses as "Catholic." This is a difference that seems to escape even such an exalted creature as His Most Reverential Holiness Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX! Wrote Hitchens on October 30, 2003, a couple of weeks after Teresa's Novus Ordo "beatification" on October 19, 2003:
I think it was Macaulay who said that the Roman Catholic Church deserved great credit for, and owed its longevity to, its ability to handle and contain fanaticism. This rather oblique compliment belongs to a more serious age. What is so striking about the "beatification" of the woman who styled herself "Mother" Teresa is the abject surrender, on the part of the Church, to the forces of showbiz, superstition, and populism.
It's the sheer tawdriness that strikes the eye first of all. It used to be that a person could not even be nominated for "beatification," the first step to "sainthood," until five years after his or her death. This was to guard against local or popular enthusiasm in the promotion of dubious characters. The [Conciliar] pope [JPII-Wojtyla] nominated MT a year after her death in 1997. It also used to be that an apparatus of inquiry was set in train, including the scrutiny of an advocatus diaboli or "devil's advocate," to test any extraordinary claims. The pope has abolished this office and has created more instant saints than all his predecessors combined as far back as the 16th century.
As for the "miracle" that had to be attested, what can one say? Surely any respectable Catholic cringes with shame at the obviousness of the fakery. A Bengali woman named Monica Besra claims that a beam of light emerged from a picture of MT, which she happened to have in her home, and relieved her of a cancerous tumor. Her physician, Dr. Ranjan Mustafi, says that she didn't have a cancerous tumor in the first place and that the tubercular cyst she did have was cured by a course of prescription medicine. Was he interviewed by the Vatican's investigators? No.
So, what truths did Hitchens's investigation discover?
All these points have been made for years by traditional Catholics, certainly by the TRADITIO Fathers, against the unCatholic New Order fanaticism and frauds. It should be embarrassing, to say the least, to the unCatholic Newchurch that we live in such a perverted age that popes tell lies, and atheists tell the truth! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Press.]
The long-awaited independent Dutch inquiry on the state of paedophile crime in the Newchurch of the New Order, which Josef Ratzinger founded as a leader at Vatican II (1962-1965) and over which he has pontificated since 1981 as Newprefect of Newchurch Doctrine, then Newpope, was issued in final form on December 16, 2011. And it is far worse than anyone expected.
The 1100-page Deetman Inquiry, named after its chairman, who was a former Education Minister, documents that one out of five -- let that sink in, good Catholics -- one out of five children -- 20,000 children were raped by Newchurch presbyters, while their Newbishops watched, or participated. So far, 800 presbyters have been fingered as child rapists. To put that figure into perspective, there are now something over 3,000 presbyters in the Netherlands.
The Dutch report documents that Newchurch orders, congregations, and dioceses all knew about the rape and sexual assault of children in their institutions, but failed to help the victims or to take action against the criminal presbyters (and bishops). The children were raped in Newchurch boarding-schools, in Newchurch orphanages, and even in their own homes.
The Dutch report points to the inadequate organization and the "closed culture" of Newchurch as the main reason for its inadequate response to the widespread crimes among its Newclergy, and that fact that Newchurch sought to avoid a scandal. Said chairman Deetman: "To prevent scandals, nothing was done: it was not acknowledged, there was no help, compensation, or aftercare for the victims. There was a policy of 'not hanging out the dirty washing.' There is a cultural silence."
Newchurch now has a scandal that won't go away. It will consign Benedict-Ratzinger to the trash-bin of the worst popes, recording him in the history books eternally as the "Paedophile Pope" for having hardly lifted a finger against it in thirty years of top leadership while a 100,000 of his children were raped by his presbyters. When Ratzinger faces Christ, the Judge of the living and the dead, Whose vicar Ratzinger claims to be, he will appear "full of all filthiness, full of hypocrisy and iniquity," to repeat the description of Christ about the Church leader of His time.
Victims organizations say that the conclusions of the Dutch report are even more shocking than they had expected. The continuing passive attitude of Newchurch "holds little promise for the future." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the BBC.]
Good Catholics, this is the corrupt New Order sect to which the Neo-SSPX's capo, Bernie Fellay, wishes to sell out Archbishop Lefebvre's once-traditional Society of St. Pius X. Fellay has not uttered one word against Benedict-Ratzinger for his crimes of complicity and subornation. No, Fellay wants to join him! What true Catholic bishop could stand by mute while his purported leader stacked up sodomized children like so many Novus Ordo cookies? Is Fellay still a true bishop? Is he even a true Catholic, or is he a sellout to Vatican II's "New Morality?" Have you ever considered that maybe that's why Fellay is so eager go into "full communion" with the criminal New Order sect and its corrupt leader?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In April 2011, the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay redoubled his "Rosary Crusade" efforts "that Russia may be consecrated." Apparently, he believes that God ignored his last Rosary Crusade, and so Fellay has concocted yet another one. Maybe Fellay can't fathom that God isn't singling out Russia for conversion. Fellay might just as well pray for the conversion of Iran, Israel, India, or Red China.I simply don't understand how Neo-SSPX followers can put up with Fellay's dimwitted preoccupation with this kind of slack-jawed bean-counting. Everybody knows that in surveys people put down phony numbers because they feel pressured. And Fellay is certainly a pressure-monger.
The "conversion of Russia" is really the least of Fellay's problems. All I can guess is that he is using yet another Rosary Crusade as a ruse to distract his Neo-SSPXers from addressing the evil emanating from Newvatican. Why doesn't Fellay announce a Rosary Crusade for the conversion of Benedict-Ratzinger from the heresy of Modernism or in reparation for Ratzinger's complicity in the rape of hundreds of thousands of children? Now there's a Rosary Crusade worth the name!
Obviously, Fellay has learned much about chicanery by studying his new mentor, Ratzinger, and by hanging around with the Modernist leaders of the New Order sect. The smoke of Satan, to use Paul VI-Montini's well-known phrase, hasn't just entered Newrome. It has become a five-alarm fire!
Xavier University, of Cincinnati, Ohio -- you guessed it, another one of those Newjesuit schools that dares to call itself "Catholic" -- was involved in one of the worst brawls in basketball history. Four players were suspended and faced criminal charges. Ironically, the Newchurch university uses as its motto: "Jesuit Heritage: Educating the Whole Person." Not to speak of the immorality of beating up other people, one of the players, who spoke to the media after the game, sounded more like a barbarian street thug than anyone remotely "Catholic":
We got disrespected a little bit before the game. We're the tougher team. We're grown men over here. We've got a whole bunch of gangsters in that locker room. Not thugs, but tough guys on the court. We went out there and zipped 'em up at the end of the game. That’s our motto "Zip 'em up." And that's what we just did to them.
One of our TRADITIO readers, who unwarily started taking an online course from this Newjesuit university, has reported to us that it is "unbelievably ultra-modern, with only a slight hit of anything Catholic." What else can be expected from a New Order college, especially a Newjesuit one?! But perhaps the clearest sign that this Newjesuit University has given up any real pretence to being "Catholic" is provided by the announcement of the university's "Queer Week," held throughout the campus, "to embrace and celebrate the use of queer as an inclusive, unifying socio-political term for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, transsexual, intersexual, gender queer, or anyone else who supports the equality of all identities and expressions."
As to "Catholic" higher education no longer being Catholic, Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1895-1979), who was well known for his many books, radio and television appearances, and popular preaching, had some shocking words to say. While teaching at the Catholic University of America for nearly 25 years and dealing with students, he noted with deep concern what was happening in once-Catholic higher education and the fact that many young people were losing the Faith since Vatican II (1962-1965). His warning against no-longer "Catholic" higher education, as given in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, was as prophetic as it was startling:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your Faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the Faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith.
Good Catholic parents, don't even think of sending your kids to a Newchurch college. They're not what they were before Vatican II. Not only have they lost the true Faith, they don't even teach basic decency. Don't waste your money and fund immoral institutions!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What nerve Fellay has in continuously referring to the deeds of the Newchurch popes and bishops as the acts of the Catholic Church! The whole point of having a traditional Catholic group is to reject the teachings and fallout from Vatican II and to keep alive the doctrines of the true Popes and Saints that have been maintained throughout the centuries. That is the true Catholic Church, the Church founded upon Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. By explicitly approving the New Order heresy as the Catholic Church, Fellay is supporting Vatican II Modernism. And, coincidentally, Benedict-Ratzinger's sole requirement for the Neo-SSPX to join the New Order sect is acceptance of the legitimacy of Vatican II.
Fellay apparently has already got his foot in that door of the Newvatican, as a prelude to throwing the Neo-SSPX to the dogs and taking a place in the doghouse himself. Fellay is also trying to condition the Neo-SSPXers into accepting Vatican II by echoing various Novus Ordo news items on Neo-SSPX web sites. In his attempts to cover up his nefarious deeds, Fellay states that he has some problems with Vatican II, but doesn't identify them with any real clarity. What a tangled web he weaves. Fellay's Neo-SSPX is already a mouthpiece for the New Order sect.
Remember that Judas handled the treasury for the Apostles, just as Fellay was bursar for Archbishop Lefebvre. Will Fellay betray Christ and Sacred Tradition? In fact, he already has, by declaring the Modernists to be the Catholic Church. Anything Fellay does to seem "traditionalist," like objecting to the Assisi syncretism, and declaring endless phony "Rosary crusades" to serve his own corrupt purposes, is just a cheap ploy to get donations for his Neo-SSPX from any unwary traditionalist patrons he has left, until he drops the bomb and joins the Newchurch of the New Order.
Fellay is hoping for a quiet sellout, but the Neo-SSPXers will reject the loss of even their Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+, which will be prohibited to them sooner or later by Newchurch. Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch is gradually scaling down its "Latin services" even now, and would not permit them for long in a Newchurch-based Neo-SSPX.
Another traditional-style church will bite the dust at the hands of the New Order sect. New York's highest court ruled on December 13, 2011, that even though Newparishioners pay the bills, they have no say in how their money is spent. Newarchbishop Timothy Dolan, of New York, New York, is perfectly free to destroy the church and continue to spend the Newparishioners' money on sex crimes.
So ends the nearly five-year struggle over the future of a Marian traditional-style church in SoHo, Our Lady of Vilnius, that began with a sudden padlock on the church doors. It will end with Dolan's wrecking-ball. Clueless Newchurchers, who didn't realize how the New Order and its leaders had stacked the decks against them, tried to save the church, constructed by Lithuanian immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. They became so upset that they met every Sunday for years on the steps of St. Patrick's Newcathedral and the shuttered church to pray and display white wooden crosses.
The Newparishioners tried to appeal their case first to the corrupt Newchurch hierarchy and then to the civil courts. The parishioners argued in court that they were entitled to a say in what happened to their church, which their ancestors had built in 1909. They argued that the individual religious corporations that the archdiocese sets up to run Newparish churches should be accountable to Newparishioners under state law. That seems like simple justice. But they lost.
The Newparishioners lost because, as everyone knows, these corporations are nothing but a legal fiction to allow Newbishops virtually unlimited power to do what they want without contradiction. It was not always so, at least in the United States. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the diocese merely provided clergy. The individual churches were fiscally administered by a local Board of Trustees, composed of those who were actually paying the bills. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
Good Catholics, as we TRADITIO Fathers have been saying for years, no true Catholic should have anything to do with the corrupt and unCatholic Newchurch. No true Catholic should ever darken its doors. No true Catholic should put one penny into its collection-plate. Anyone who does so is not only committing a crime against true religion but has sold out to the corrupt New Order -- just like these cuckolded Novus Ordo Lithuanians!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It is my understanding that the Catholic Church does not allow Marian apparitions to be accepted for optional belief by the faithful (they can never be doctrine, of course), unless the apparitions do not contradict Catholic doctrine. That being the case, how can one explain the purported miracles of those who go to Medjugorje and participate in its errors?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Even the demented Newchurch has had to admit that Medjugorje is a fraud. Nevertheless, it has been a cash cow for payoffs to Newchurch presbyter "tour guides." This is just confirmation of the adage: if you want to know there the corruption is, follow the money. A number of these have been associated with the Newchurch Charismatic cable channel, EWTN, whose presbyters have been associated with drugs, prostitution, and worse.
As to purported "miracles," Our Lord Himself warned us that false "miracles" can be used by Satan to deceive: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect" (Matthew 24:24/DRV). If even the elect have to beware of deception, how much more can so those unCatholic Newchurchers be deceived?
In place of Catholic and Apostolic teaching and practice, to presume to find a new basis of faith in private revelations prophecies, visions, and "signs and wonders" is a grave sin against religion. We must be very cautious indeed about such deceptions because Sacred Scripture warns us again and again about the fact that even visions, apparitions, signs, and wonders may be of the Devil. True Catholics base their belief not on purported "miracles," but on the Public Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as handed down to us in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Diarmuid Martin, the Newchurch Archbishop-primate of Ireland, is known to be a straight-talker. While Benedict-Ratzinger panders to his paedophile bishops and presbyters in that morally-afflicted country, Martin has openly criticized Benedict-Ratzinger for his pusillanimous response. Now Newarchbishop Martin is calling another spade a spade: a great number of people who call themselves "Catholic" simply aren't. (Naturally, as a member of Ratzinger's hierarchy, he can't speak the entire truth, that the whole New Order sect is not Catholic!)
On December 11, 2011, Newarchbishop Martin told CINOs, "Catholics" In Name Only, to leave Newchurch. Newchurchers can't mock God by using that Church to perform mere "social functions" like baptism and weddings, but then failing to attend the Mess. A significant number of these "lapsed" Newchurchers are actually agnostics or atheists.
Newarchbishop Martin is simultaneously facing the fact that attendance at the invalid Novus Ordo Mess is tanking in Ireland, as in most other countries around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Independent.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
We know that Vatican II is an indefensible departure from true Catholicity. However, sometimes one runs into ignorant New Order sectarians. How can we traditional Catholics justify to these unCatholic sectrarians our offering of the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Latin Sacraments?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The point that you must start from is that the New Order sect, not being Catholic, has no power to offer a Catholic Mass or Sacraments. Newchurchers are no more Catholic than Methodists or Episcopalians. It is not up to traditional Catholics to justify themselves. They are obviously Catholic, following the Mass, Sacraments, doctrine, and morality that the Church has taught and practiced for 2000 years. What remains of the Church at the present time resides in the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Latin Sacraments, and the traditional Catholic priests who confer them.
The traditional rite of Holy Orders explicitly confers upon traditional Catholic priests the power "to offer Mass for the living and the dead" and the power to forgive sin. This power is inherent in the Sacrament of Holy Orders and needs no outside "permission" from anyone. The New Order sect's unCatholic and invalid New Ordinal of 1968 does not confer those powers, but merely allows Novus Ordo presbyters, who are not priests, "to preside over the assembly of the people."
It is, rather, the New Order sect that needs to prove that it is Catholic -- which it can't do because it isn't Catholic! It is an even more recent deviation from Catholicism, originating in the 1960s, than the Protestant sects that started in the 16th century. Indeed, the New Order sect has much to prove that it can't prove.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
On Gaudete Sunday 2011 a Neo-SSPX priest here refused to wear a traditional rose chasuble. He commented that he did not like "pink," as he associated that color with the homosexual movement. His refusal has caused consternation here in Australia. Having been through the process of gradualism used after Vatican II to introduce unCatholic practices, we are suspicious of any changes.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
One wonders what kind of other non-traditional notions are being taught in Fellay's Neo-SSPX seminaries. The Church has never used "pink" vestments. It uses a rose (rosacea) vestments, as indicated in the fully-traditional Latin liturgical Ordo, and on only two days in the liturgical calendar: Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent) and Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent). As you may know, the Neo-SSPX does not use the fully-traditional Latin Ordo, but a Half Novus Ordo vernacular Ordo.
This rose color is not modern at all, but has been in the Church for more than 400 years. It is actually just a lighter shade of violet (not "purple"), in which the red color predominates more. The traditional rose color is completely different from modern "pink." Rose is used on these two days in the middle of their respective seasons, whose Mass formularies express a hint of the joy to come at the end of the seasons, respectively, Christmas and Easter. There is no requirement to wear rose vestments, however. One may use violet instead.
The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Newchurch's Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., has demonstrated that the Jesuit order will be defunct by 2051.
No order in the Church has been more corrupt and politicized. So immoral did the Jesuits become that in 1773 the pope had had enough of them. Pope Clement XIV issued the Bull of Abolition of the Jesuit Order, Dominus ac Redemptor, of July 21, 1773, in which he declared that "the Society from its earliest days bore the germs of dissensions and jealousies which tore its own members asunder, led them to rise against other religious orders, against the secular clergy and the universities, and even against the sovereigns who had received them in their states."
That suppression of the Jesuit order lasted for over forty years. After the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), the Jesuits again sank into censure even by the New Order sect when many of South American Jesuits became Communists and took up arms against non-Communist governments under the ruse of so-called "liberation theology." The Jesuits' own endemic immorality and pride has lead to the order's downfall.
The Neo-SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, did not spare the December 8, 2011, feastday of the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title of the Immaculate Conception, from delivering, in French at Econe, Switzerland, an ecclesiastical political tract disguised as a "sermon," against the New Order sect that he longs to join! (What is this Janus-faced duplicity that is so inherent in Fellay?)
In his "sermon" he claimed that the Church -- notice that he equates that term with the unCatholic New Order sect -- is in a "vocations crisis without precedent," but claims that his Neo-SSPX does not have this problem. Oh, really? Why, then, is he using at various Neo-SSPX sites Novus Ordo presbyters ordained under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid New Ordinal of 1968, and why is he playing the sacrilegious game of "conditional re-ordination" on presbyters never ordained in the first place, as if an apple can be turned into an orange merely by the wave of a magic wand? Moreover, whenever a Neo-SSPXer questions the use of Novus Ordo presbyters, Fellay fulminates and threatens them with expulsion!
Fellay, you see, has to play the sycophant to his New Order masters, like Benedict-Ratzinger, to further his ambition to be a kingpin in the New Order sect. So, he must accept the invalid orders of Novus Ordo presbyters and bishops. Surely Fellay is sinking further and further into the unCatholic quicksand of the New Order sect. Is his ambition really so inflamed that he will sell his Catholic soul to the Novus Ordo "strange gods"?
With the invention of powerful computers and new software that uses "virtual clay," technology has made possible the reconstruction of the face of St. Nicholas, bishop of Myra, modern "Santa Claus," from the Saint's skull, even one as old as that of Nicholas, who lived and died in the fourth century in what is now Turkey. In early Christian times, Myra was the metropolis of Lycia in the Roman empire. St. Paul changed ships in its harbor. Today Myra boasts the ruins of an ancient Greek theatre and rock-cut tombs of the ancient Lycian necropolis.
So holy was St. Nicholas regarded after his death that his relics were carefully preserved and eventually moved to the Roman city of Barium, the capital city of Apulia, on the Adriatic (eastern) coast of Italy. In the 1950s, the Saint's relics, including his skull, were removed while his crypt was being renovated. While the relics were temporarily out of the crypt, Pope Pius XII's Vatican asked an anatomy professor at the University of Bari to take thousands of minutely-detailed measurements and x-rays. More recently, an expert facial anthropologist was commissioned to reconstruct the Saint's face and head using the new technology and the earlier measurements.
Nicholas of Myra (A.D. 270-346) was born into a patrician family of some wealth. The most famous story to come down to us is that Nicholas, hearing of the plight of a father who could not afford dowries for his three daughters, secretly left bags of gold coins at their home to provide the dowries and preserve the ladies from a likely fate as prostitutes. In one version of the story, the father lay in wait the third time the donor was to visit and thus discovered the identity of the Saint.
But St. Nicholas was a real Christian. He understood that "charity" was not essentially handing out money, but in love for Christ, particularly in preserving right doctrine (orthodoxy) against heresy (heterodoxy). Thus, St. Nicholas was an outspoken opponent of Arianism, the heresy that infected the popes and bishops of the Church of the fourth century, which denied the divinity of Christ, a heresy that is alive in the New Order sect today. St. Nicholas castigated the heresy at the First Council of the Church at Nicaea in 325.
So burning with true charity for Christ against heresy was St. Nicholas that he did not just speak; he acted. At one session of the Council of Nicaea, he struck the heretic Arius, the progenitor of the heresy, in the face. (Let's not hear any more objections to the much milder use of satire, sarcasm, and ridicule against heretics!) St. Nicholas himself suffered blows for the Faith, as the relic skull shows a broken nose. "It must have been a very hefty blow because it's the nasal bones between the eyes that are broken."
In the end, the pugnacious St. Nicholas and the other orthodox bishops carried the day against the heretical popes and bishops. The Council of Nicaea, the greatest council of the Church, vanquished the Arian heretics and confirmed the Biblical teaching that Christ was both true God and true man. May God grant us such a Saint in our day to combat the New Order heresies and re-established traditional Catholicism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Yahoo.]
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Christmas: Santa Claus."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
We all know that one of the many unCatholic teachings of the New Order sect since Vatican II is false "oecumenism" (formerly condemned sycretism), that all religions are basically the same and thus should be respected and embraced. In fact, the New Order sect now teaches that other religions no longer need to accept the true Faith attain salvation. So my questions is, if the New Order sect is pushing its Newchurchers to accept all religions, why is the same acceptance not extended to traditional Catholics? I know a lot of Newchurchers who will not even associate with me once they hear that I am a traditional Catholic and attend a Traditional Latin Mass. Or they spend their whole time trying to convince me not to attend a traditional Catholic church.
What is the hypocritical New Order sect teaching? That it's okay to accept all religions and worship false gods, but do not associate with traditional Catholics? If Hindus, Buddhists, Mohammedans, Jews, and all the other religions are no longer required to accept the Catholic Faith as the one true Faith, why does the unCatholic New Order sect demand that traditional Catholics give up their traditional Catholic Faith and accept the invalid Novus Ordo Mess and "sacraments"? Is this not contradictory?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Of course, it is contradictory, just as contradictory as the New Order sect claiming to be "Catholic," whereas it is Protestant, Masonic, and even pagan. The New Order sect accepts pagans, heretics, and schismatics far more readily than traditional Catholics. The reason is quite simple.
Traditional Catholics hit the unCatholic New Order sect too close to home for their comfort. Our very existence makes them feel guilty for abandoning the true Catholic Faith. Therefore, they often react irrationally, as you describe, for if they reacted rationally, they would have to confront the reality of their great sin of apostasy from the true Faith. This "guilt reaction" that grips hypocrites is a well documented syndrome in psychology.
On November 28, 2011, a disaffected French member of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX published an open letter of protest against of the silence that Fellay imposed on traditional priests and laity about the contents of the Doctrinal Preamble for a sellout to the New Order sect. This letter has gotten worldwide attention as representing the opinion of many of Fellay's Neo-SSPXers, who reject his approaches to join the New Order sect. The writer upbraids Fellay for the "scandal" that he has caused by his "persistent attitude of contempt toward traditional priests and the faithful" in maintaining secrecy about the Doctrinal Preamble. The writer states that Fellay's secrecy in decisions is characteristic of a Masonic organization.
The writer points to the fact that it is the Neo-SSPX laity who have bought the houses, priories, convents, chapels, missions, and other properties for the Society, assuming that they would be used by the Society for the traditional Catholic work of Archbishop Lefebvre, not for the "counter-church of Vatican II." The writer concludes by demanding that Fellay make public the Doctrinal Preamble.
The writer reminds Fellay that in 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre narrowly escaped the treachery of the unification with the New Order that Newcardinal Ratzinger had him initial one evening, but the Archbishop's lucidity and courage made him tear up the document the next morning without finally signing it. In 2011, after 23 years of loyalty to the same unCatholic Modernism, Ratzinger hopes to obtain from Fellay the same treason, the same unification that he did not from Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988.
Under the machinations of Fellay, the disaffected Neo-SSPXer writes, the Society founded by Archbishop Lefebvre is becoming a secret society. Fellay demands that you put your children in his schools schools, pay his clergy's pensions, put money into his collection plate -- and then shut up! If you are a priest in the Neo-SSPX, you too must keep silent; otherwise, he will punish you, dismiss you, and exile you to the antipodes.
Some report that Bernie Fellay is already in Newrome to meet with Newcardinal William Levada, the head of the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. Fellay is asking for some clarifications on the Doctrinal Preamble before putting his signature to it. Also, he seeks assurance from Benedict-Ratzinger that Newchurch bishops will not sabotage any agreement he concludes with Newvatican. The guess is that by Easter 2012 everything will be signed, sealed, and delivered to betray the Neo-SSPX into the hands of the New Order sect, in the same season that Judas betrayed Our Lord to be crucified.
What is also being put out by the Neo-SSPX is that the vast majority of the Newchurch Curia are in fact young and conservative prelates who are being "hamstrung" by a handful of old and viciously Modernist ones -- like Benedict-Ratzinger himself?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
In his November 29, 2011, staged "interview," Fellay mentioned that he wants to "discuss" with the New Order sect what it meant when it stated that there is "leeway" for a "legitimate discussion" regarding the documents and legacy of the Second Vatican Council. In other words, Fellay, who is clearly becoming a Vatican II New Order Modernist himself, wants to "nuance" his way into the New Order, not reject it entirely as his Founder-archbishop Lefebvre did. Reportedly, Neo-SSPX bishops Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Galarreta as well want to reject it entirely. Neo-SSPXers, get your parachutes ready to jump out of the Neo-SSPX now, before Fellay sells you out!
On November 18, 2011, Newchurch archbishop Vincent Nichols, of Westminster, England, and Newprimate of England & Wales, visited the Zoroastrian Centre in Harrow, where he was publicly and formally initiated into the pagan Zoroastrian religion. Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest pagan religions, founded in Persia by Zoroaster at the time of the empire of the Medes circa 1,500, around the time of Tutankhamun in ancient Egypt. It worships the sun as god, as the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton did (ob. ca. 1336 B.C.)
At the "Interfaith Week," Nichols was formally anointed with oil by a Zoroastrian priestess, then pontificated with and addressed the pagans wearing the headdress and stole of the Zoroastrians, into whose number he had just been initiated. His address praised the pagan religion, at which the Zoroastrian pagans spontaneously applauded.
Three days later Nichols entered the sancta sanctorum of the Hindu temple at Neasden, where he offered flowers to the multi-handed pagan gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion and offered formal prayers at the pagan altar with the Swami. Nichols seems to be conflicted about whether he should be a pagan Zoroastrian or a pagan Hindu.
Nichols's formal and public adherence to a pagan sect incurs automatic excommunication. If Benedict-Ratzinger acted like a true pope, he would have a decree of Novus Ordo excommunication issued against Nichols, as JPII-Wojtyla was only too quick to shovel out, illegally, to Archbishop Lefebvre for adhering to the traditional Catholic Faith and his episcopal oath. We all know, however, that "canon law" is de facto non-existent in the Novus Ordo sect and that Benedict-Ratzinger won't even apply it against his paedophile bishops and presbyters!
In a "nuanced" statement worthy of the Modernist Vatican II Council itself, one of Benedict-Ratzinger's key negotiators with Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX has proclaimed in the December 2, 2011, edition of Ratzinger's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, that the Neo-SSPX must accept the Modernist Vatican II Council as "doctrinal, since all pastoral activity is necessarily based on doctrine." Newmonsignor Fernando Ocariz is the vicar general of Opus Dei, a Newchurch organization long ago exposed as a cult. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by L'Osservatore Romano.]
Ocariz did not explain why, if Vatican II's pastoral provisions have now become "doctrinal," Ratzinger himself has ignored most of the pastoral provisions of an undeniably dogmatic council, the Council of Trent! Ocariz played every Modernistic trick in Newchurch's book to explain, on behalf of Benedict-Ratzinger, how a council declared "pastoral" by John XXIII, who convoked it, and Paul VI-Montini, who promulgated it, must now be accepted as "doctrinal."
The Newchurch rationale, which rejects Catholic philosophy, is simple: "an apple is an orange since all fruits inherently subsist in one another." Ratzinger, you're no Thomas Aquinas! For further information about the papal declarations on the non-doctrinal status of Vatican II, click on FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department. For further information about the Opus Dei cult, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Opus Dei."
The Newchurch archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan, announced on December 1, 2011, that fully one-third of its churches (48) are designated to be shut down or merged out of existence by 2016, including the site of the Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962+ at the Assumption Grotto Church. In 1966, just after the end of the Modernist Vatican II Council, Detroit boasted 347 parishes. That number has fallen by 22 per cent in 2011, and will fall by another 16 per cent by 2016.
The "closer" will be Newarchbishop Allen Vigneron, who was shuffled off to Detroit after he had been involved as Newbishop of Oakland, California, in a sex scandal involving one of the worst paedophile presbyters in the United States. Vigneron himself is associated with the "Chinese Tea Mess" fiasco. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
Thus, Vatican II, the Modernist Council that has effectively "modernized" the Catholic Faith out of existence, will have ended up destroying one-third of the churches in this Newarchdiocese alone. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Newcardinal Raymond "Bully" Burke, a member of Newchurch's Congregation for Novus Ordo Worship admitted it openly in a November 28, 2011, interview: the (invalid) Novus Ordo service is set to destroy the Traditional Latin Mass once and for all, and Benedict-Ratzinger supports this.
The Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962+, which falls far short of being a Traditional Latin Mass, will be assimilated into the invalid Novus Ordo service to become one "normative" Novus Ordo rite. Benedict-Ratzinger intends to use the "Motu" Mess a temporary intermediate stage to facilitate the complete suppression of any Traditional Latin Mass in the Newchurch of the New Order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Newchurch's Primate of England & Wales has publicly endorsed "gay marriage" in a December 1, 2011, at a press conference following that country's Newbishops meeting. One could not have heard a clearer statement against Catholic doctrine. Such anti-Catholicism on the part of Newchurch leaders is intimately connected with the New Order sect's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and rises to the top, the "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger. Nichols has joined the heretical Anglican Church in endorsing civil unions, tantamount to "gay marriage," because sodomites and lesbians can be legally protected in their perversions:
As a [New Order] Church, we are very committed to the notion of equality so that people are treated the same across all the activities of life. The Church holds great store by the value of commitment in relationships and undertakings that people give. Stability in society depends upon the reliability of commitments that people give. That might be in offering to do a job, but especially in their relationships with one another. Equality and commitment are both very important and we fully support them.
This is just more immoral false teaching from the vile New Order sect. Here is what a true Catholic Pope-Saint said about the matter:
That abhorrent crime ... burn[s] by God's fearful judgment, enflames the bitterest sorrow in Us, and gravely moves Our soul, so that we give Our attentions to repress it as much as possible.
Good Catholics, if Benedict-Ratzinger purports to be a true Catholic pope, he will immediately fire Nichols for false and immoral teaching as a bishop. Ratzinger will, of course, not take Catholic action, and Nichols will remain in place. Draw your own conclusions about what that means about Ratzinzer's own status. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
On November 11, 2011, the Irish government's National Board for Safeguarding Children released its findings on sex crimes and their cover-up in six more Newchurch dioceses. The details are not pretty. It appears that Newchurch bishops and presbyters were raping Irish children at a rate described as "horrific" and that Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newbishops were ruthlessly shielding the criminal Newclergy from answering to the law.
The "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger is now so despised in Ireland that the government has closed its embassy to Newvatican. The report charges that Newchurch leaders, including Benedict-Ratzinger, were active accomplices in covering-up the crimes and detailed the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger's diddling with Novus Ordo "canon law" and his ex post facto propaganda "apologies" have done nothing to address the crimes in reality. Cases investigated occurred as recently as August 2010, and the Irish government's Minister for Children warned that still more crimes would be revealed.
In the six Newdioceses addressed in this latest report, 85 presbyters were implicated in over 160 charges so far reported. The Children's Minister stated: "The fact is that it can take 10, 20 or more years for survivors to unearth and face deeply-buried memories, so we must not assume we are free of this plague and that it belonged to one period of Church history only."In Raphoe in the northwest of Ireland, Newbishop Philip Boyce admitted that "horrific" crimes against children were carried out by presbyters over the last 35 years since the Modernistic Vatican II Council destroyed discipline in the Church. In that one Newdiocese, fourteen presbyters were implicated in 52 crimes so far reported, only up to August 2010. Boyce tried to explain away the crimes as the work of "a small minority" of Newchurch presbyters, but the numbers do not bear him out. Newbishop Boyce played the Newchurch game of blaming his predecessors, but taking no responsible for his own complicity. He admitted that paedophile presbyters were routinely "handled" by moving them to postings elsewhere, where they were free to continue their crime spree against children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
There will be no Nativity scene in Westminster this year. Great Britain's High Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity scene this Christmas season -- but not for any religious reason. The government has simply not been able to find three wise men in the government. The search for a virgin at Westminister continues. There was no problem, however, finding enough jackasses to fill a stable.
That the thousand-year-old German Benedictine Abbey, Michelsberg in Siegburg, is kaput. Rumors are circulating that the abbey may be turned into a shopping center. This rumor was derived from the statement of the last monk, Brother Linus, who told a Cologne newspaper: "a purely spiritual use in the future is improbable." Brother Linus described the barbarity of the situation:
It can hardly be conceived how it is for me to end 947 years of history and tradition. As it is, evenings alone are like the Way of the Cross for me -- the empty refectory and the scriptorium -- as it is my cloister that I must see die.So much for the utter the lie about the "new springtime" that the Modernist Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was supposed to usher in. Even Newpope Paul VI-Montini less than a decade after this Modernist Robber Council proclaimed on June 29, 1972:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties.
In Germany a thousand years of Christianity is at an end. The Council's vaunted "opening to the world" and "aggiornamento" have not enriched the Church, but destroyed it. A monastery like Michaelberg, for the vast majority of once Catholic, but now secularized Germans, bears only folkloric significance. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Kreuz.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
So Bernie Fellay has finally responded to the "Doctrinal Preamble" in a press release, saying that he will reply to his Novus Ordo masters with a counter-proposal that will reflect a more traditional viewpoint.
Remember that Fellay was serious enough about the original document, which was a complete and absolute sworn sellout of his Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo, to fly in all of his worldwide Superiors to Italy to discuss the prospect with them. And despite the rejection by his hand-picked leaders, he indicated for weeks on end that he was considering signing his Neo-SSPX's death warrant. Apparently, Fellay finally realized he could not sell out his Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo sect completely without destroying his own dictatorship over the Society.
The Neo-SSPX is trying to walk a fine line between acknowledging and rejecting the Novus Ordo and its NewVatican, but Fellay's incessant propaganda swings all the way toward accepting the deeds of Novus Ordo popes and bishops as actions of the Catholic Church. In fact, Fellay was swinging all the way into actually becoming Novus Ordo, with his secretive and prolonged consideration of the sellout Doctrinal Preamble.
Fellay should step up to higher ground and adopt the Traditional Latin Mass instead of the Half Novus Ordo Protestantized "Motu" Mess of 1962+. He should reject once and for all any consideration of joining the Novus Ordo heresy. Unless he does this, he has no right to call himself a "traditionalist."
Battered by charges of "secrecy" in keeping all details of Benedict-Ratzinger's Pro Vatican II "Doctrinal Preamble," the Neo-SSPX's superior, Bernie Fellay, has attempted to excuse publicly his actions for not making the document a matter of open discussion by the clergy and laity of the Society.
In one of his staged "interviews," actually a writing exercise contrived entirely within the Neo-SSPX, Fellay, on November 28, 2011, calls the secrecy "normal." Of course, in Benedict-Ratzinger's corrupt Newchurch, secrecy is normal. That has been the method used to keep the crimes against children perpetrated by Novus Ordo bishops and presbyters from the police. Fellay is just playing into the criminal corruption of the Newchurch that he so longs to join.
Fellay claims that he needs to keep the details of the document secret even from the other three Neo-SSPX bishops and his own district superiors, let alone his laity, so as not to experience "a great risk of arousing opposition from the progressives." Fellay cleverly does not mention that many of his own clergy no longer consider him "traditionalist," but one of those progressives himself!
Fellay has also been criticized for not giving the Doctrinal Preamble a "flat refusal" on the grounds that it is completely based in the New Order sect and its love of the Modernist Vatican II Council. Fellay has not issued the clarion refusal to the world because it wouldn't be "courteous." Fellay's knowledge of Catholic theology must be quite flawed by this point, having been tainted by the New Order sect with which he consorts. To the contrary the Fathers and Doctors of the Church make it quite clear that when it comes to Catholic doctrine one must speak directly without concern for persons. All the more so must a purported bishop, who takes an oath to do so. "Speak the truth as if you had a thousand voices! It is silence that kills the world," St. Catherine of Siena demanded of a highly-placed bishop.
Newchurch has certainly been rash in concocting Novus Ordo "saints" in such a hurry. Take the John Paul II-Wojyla, who died in 2005 and was declared "Blessed by the New Order in 2011. This Newpope, in addition to sponsoring two anti-Catholic Assisi syncretistic conferences and personally participating in pagan rites around the world, is now fingered as the "Pre-paedophile Pope," the one who essentially started the cover-up of child rape by Newchurch clergy and the one who appointed Josef Ratzinger, now termed the "Paedophile Pope," as his corrupt Sex-crimes Czar in 2001.
Now the other notorious Unblessed of Newchurch, Mother Teresa, who died in 1997 and was declared "Blessed" by the New Order in 2003, has been outed. First, she was caught handing out the Novus Ordo cookie to her sisters, then teaching kind of joint Hindu-New Order religion. Her qualifying "miracle" has been called phony by medical doctors. On November 25, 2011, Mother Teresa's order, the Missionaries of Charity, has been charged by the National Child Protection Authority of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in the selling of children. How long the order has been engaged in trafficking children has not yet been revealed.
Police, acting on a tip, entered a hostel for young unwed mothers run by the Missionaries and arrested the Superior, Sister Eliza. The hostel has been impounded. Superior Eliza is now in jail. Three days later, she was formally charged with illegally trafficking in children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Asia News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I would like to request some clarification of a true scenario of which I am aware. John Cardinal Cody, former Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois (ob. 1982), was ordained a priest in the traditional rite in 1931 and consecrated a bishop in the traditional rite in 1947, thus having valid Holy Orders, as well as the power of ordination. He then ordains a group of men in 1979 under the Novus Ordo's Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. Are these Novus Ordo ordinations valid?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
No, they are not. There is a defect both of form and of intention in the Novus Ordo's New Ordinal of 1968. That Ordinal is essentially no different from the Anglican Ordinal that Pope Leo XIII declared invalid in his 1896 Papal Bull Apostolicae Curae. Remember too that the Protestantized Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 does not ordain priests; it only installs presbyters "to preside over the assembly of the people." It does not even mention the power "to offer Mass for the living and the dead" and the power "to forgive sin," as the valid Traditional Latin Rite of Ordination explicitly does.