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Benedict-Ratzinger's eight New Order bishops in Scotland are planning to sell off historical Catholic heirlooms to the highest bidder in order to raise 6,380,000 U.S. dollars to build a fancy new bishops' headquarters. The Council of the Scottish Catholic Historical Association has condemned the sale as of "grave concern."
On March 4, 2012, Mario Conti, the Newarchbishop of Glasgow, instructed the Scottish Catholic Archives to compile a list of the rarest and most valuable items in the Chruch's collection and find out their potential value at auction. In what one historian described as "asset-stripping," Newchurch is planning the sale of items such as the 16th-century Book of Hours that Catholic Mary Queen of Scots held at her execution by her cousin, the excommunicated Queen Elizabeth of England; an illuminated manuscript of prayers and psalms belonging to Mary; and a rare painting of Mary at her execution, commissioned by one of her ladies-in-waiting.
The Holyrood Silver Monstrance, set with semi-precious stones, presented by James VII for the chapel at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, currently on loan to the National Museum of Scotland, was not considered for sale as "its value was deemed to be too low"! The Scottish Newbishops were hoping that their auctioning off of Scotus College, the former Novus Ordo seminary in Bearsden, and Columba House would do the trick, but they are avaricious for yet money to build their bureaucratic Bishops' Headquarters. The Council of the Scottish Catholic Historical Association, in response to the pillaging of Scottish Catholic heritage have denounced Benedict-Ratzinger's Newbishops in the following terms:
It seems to us that the bishops have been treating the Archives and their contents as the property of the bishops. This is a misreading of the situation. The Archives are the heritage of the whole Catholic Church in Scotland, and beyond that, of the whole nation. The bishops' relationship to the Archives should be as custodians of that heritage, and not as proprietors.
Good Catholics, there is really nothing new here. Benedict-Ratzinger's and his Newbishops have always been barbarians, the kind of Church leaders that Christ Himself condemned as a "den of robbers." Their need for money to support their sex crimes and bureaucratic palaces is insatiable. Newchurch does not consider itself the custodian of Church property, but its hawsksters at auction. Better that Benedict-Ratzinger sell the gold in his teeth than our traditional Catholic heritage! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Scotsman.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How tortured is the thinking of these Novus Ordo dupes like Newmonsignor Nicola Bux. They believe Newrome is seeking "unity"? What a ruse! There is no unity in the Modernists' vulgar-tongued "Mess." Exactly the opposite. In the United States alone, one may commonly find Sunday schedules with a mixture of Italian, English, Filipino, Polish, Chinese, Spanish, and other Novus Ordo Messes at the same "church." How convenient that none of these "Catholics" needs to associate with other cultures and races at the immemorial Traditional Latin Mass. That might actually be unity!
The Novus Ordo and Vatican II have wrought the opposite of Unity. Newrome's Modernism has in fact brought division under the popular guise of "diversity." Novus Ordo "Catholics" no longer attend in unity the same Traditional Latin Mass as their counterparts around the world, the same Mass as in the previous twenty millennia. Novus Ordo "Catholics" no longer study Catholic morality in unity, through the unfailing Latin theological language. Novus Ordo "Catholics" no longer demonstrate unity through the Mass of the Ages, celebrating traditional feasts and reflecting upon the devotion of the Saints who suffered and died to preserve the single, unified True Mass that has existed for centuries. Except for superficial Novus Ordo "collegiality," the Newbishops are the most disunited, dysfunctional socialists on the planet!
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch has no interest in "unity." Instead it has deliberately seeded disunity. Nothing good has come from their Novus Ordo "experiment." The poison called Modernism twists human thought to create exactly opposite meaning in words such as "unity." Only the kind of Satanic distortions of Modernists like Benedict-Ratzinger explains how Newome is able to play the clueless Newchurchers for dupes. No doubt Bernie Fellay, a Modernist himself, will play Ratzinger's dupe and sell out what very little of traditional Catholicism remains in the SSPX under his dictatorship since 1994.
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch certainly loves sex criminals. Some say that Newpope's failure to punish a single Newbishop or Newcardinal for sex crimes arises from threats that if he punishes them, they will rat on him. Truly Ratzinger's New Order is the "den of robbers" that Christ described. Now the jig is up. One of the Philadelphia paedophiles has pled guilty before trial and left the others, including Philadelphia's Newcardinal Bevilacqua, who escaped the law by death, blowing guilty in the wind. The Wall of Silence engineered by Benedict-Ratzinger to cover up rampant sex crimes in his New Order sect is crumbling, as if toppled by the great earthquake on Calvary!
On March 22, 2012, Edward Avery pled guilty before trial to assaulting a ten-year-old altar boy in a Newchurch sacristy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. According to the Grand Jury report, "When Mass [sic] was ended, Fr. Avery took the fifth-grader into the sacristy..., [where] oral sex and digital penetration followed." Avery pled guilty to deviate sexual intercourse and conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child. He was immediately sentenced to 2.5 to five years in prison. Avery's confession fingered two other presbyters set to go on trial March 26, 2012, including the 2992-2004 head of Newchurch clergy in Philadelphia, Msgr. William Lynn, co-conspirator with the recently-deceased Newcardinal Anthony Bevilacqua. Lynn is the first Newchurch official in the United States ever charged with felonies for endangering children by failing to oust accused predators from the presbyterate or report them to police.
At his sentencing Avery offered no apology to the victim. Avery, however, did finger Msgr. Lynn and Newcardinal Bevilacqua as knowing of his crimes and yet reassigning him to another Newparish, where he "interacted" with altar boys and children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, some 500 Newchurch presbyters in the U.S. alone have been convicted of sex crimes, and yet that number is still a fraction of the suspected criminal clergy in Newchurch. Meanwhile, the Prince of Paedophiles, Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger dares to prance around in white and call himself "Holy Father" while his children are being raped by his criminal Newclergy. Any true Catholic who has anything to do with him is just despicable.
Neo-SSPX insiders, as you are no doubt aware, claim that Bernie Fellay and Frankie Schmidberger will not be deterred from taking the Neo-SSPX into Newchurch, even if they happen to be the only two persons in the whole organization who want such a thing to happen. There is no way they are going to slacken up before April 15, 2012. For twelve long years they have been softening the Society for this to happen.
From: BernadetteDear TRADITIO Fathers:
Regarding Bishop Williamson, I'm reminded of St. Thomas More being in the same situation. When St. Thomas was asked to sign for fellowship (read "unity"), he replied along the following lines: If you die and go to Heaven for following your conscience, and I die and go to hell for not following mine, will you join me in Hell for "fellowship"? SSPXers will not sign!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
John's statement struck us in a way that we had not thought of before. In fact, Bernie Fellay is Benedict-Ratzinger's Hannibal Bugnini, who is leading the clueless and the pusillanimous in his Neo-SSPX into a Neo-New Order.
We TRADITIO Fathers are often asked why Catholics in the 1960s did not stand up to Bugnini's New Order. Why did they just let the Church go down the tubes without a fight? Well, it appears that even those who proclaim themselves to be traditional Catholics in the Neo-SSPX are falling for an even worse ploy, through which, having been softened up by Bernie "Pied Piper of Modernist Rome" Fellay, they will be assumed into the New Order sect, explicitly called "not Catholic" by their Founder-Archbishop. Fellay is like those Christians of early Rome sold out the Church by putting just a pinch of incense into the pagan emperor's thurible.
It was bad enough that the Catholics of the 1960s failed the test of Faith. But now, fifty years later, the Neo-SSPXers, who they have the clear lesson of fifty years of the New Order disaster, are poised to fall stupidly for the same ploy once again without overthrowing their Judas leader. How pathetic is the Neo-SSPX! No wonder God has abandoned that organization to corruption from the top, just as its doppelganger Newchurch is corrupt from the top.
Msgr. Nicola Bux, a minor Novus Ordo flunky, circulated a March 19, 2012, Open Letter, calling upon the Neo-SSPX to sell out to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect "in the name of unity." Now Bux has his answer. In a public reply on March 21, 2012, the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, speaking for himself, stated flatly:
Let one of the SSPX bishops take upon himself to give you what he thinks might have been the answer of that great churchman, Archbishop Lefebvre. Your letter begins with an appeal for "every sacrifice in the name of unity." But there can be no true Catholic unity that is not grounded in the true Catholic Faith.
Bishop Williamson goes on to point out: "The Doctrinal Discussions of 2009-2011 proved that the doctrinal rift between the Rome of Vatican II and the SSPX is as wide as ever. But Faith sacrificed for unity would be a faithless unity." Williamson further states: "Nor could it [the SSPX] bring light if itself it adopted the Conciliar darkness.... A common profession of faith between the SSPX and believers in Vatican II is not possible, unless the SSPX were to desert that Faith which it defended in the Discussions."
Good Catholics, Bishop Williamson's statement seems to be a direct challenge to any intent on the part of Bernie Fellay to capitulate to the final ultimatum from Benedict-Ratzinger to sell out to his New Order sect and the Modernist Vatican II Council. Williamson has now clearly stated that that a sellout would be, as we TRADITIO Fathers have long said, a betrayal of the Catholic Faith and of the traditional principles of the SSPX's Archbishop-founder, Marcel Lefebvre. At least one of the four Neo-SSPX bishops seems to be able to call a spade a spade!
We are informed that Fr. Somerville came through the heart surgery well and is recovering well in a Toronto hospital. It was reported here that on March 20, 2012, Somerville was gravely ill with a heart-valve condition. Somerville created a scandal in the New Order sect when he renounced his service on the ICEL, which translated the Novus Ordo Latin service of 1969 into English. Subsequently, having admitted that Novus Ordo services may (in fact, are) invalid, he renounced the New Order sect altogether and went traditional, serving for a time at Mel Gibson's Holy Family Church in Agoura Hills, California.
The Church of England's ultra-Modernist heretic Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, announced on March 16, 2012, that he would retire at the end of 2012 after nine years. Once described as the "Conservative Party at prayer," the Church of England (Anglican) took a decidedly leftward turn in the last century, prompting the Earl of Onslow's immortal observation that "one hundred years ago, the Church was in favor of fox hunting and against buggery. Now it is in favor of buggery and against fox hunting." Rowan Williams was a self-described "bearded lefty."
Williams essentially ripped the Anglican Church apart by supporting priestesses and bishopesses, including some living openly in sodomy. The scandal washed ashore to the United States, Australia, and other countries with significant Anglican populations, and led to several "traditional Anglican" synods being formed that went independent from Williams and his doppelganger in the United States, Katherine Jefferts Schori, herself one of the condemned "bishopesses."
Will Benedict-Ratzinger follow his oecumenical buddy and abdicate on his 85th birthday on April 16, 2012, thus ending arguably the most corrupt papacy in the history of the Church? He has given some indications that he might well do so. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Review.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am a first-time reader of TRADITIO and would like to congratulate you on such a brilliant web site. It's like a good book: it's so good you can't stay away from it. As I'm a convert to traditional Catholicism from the Novus Ordo sect over two ago, your insightful and brilliant articles confirm to me that I did the right thing. I thank you for your brilliant expose of the Vatican II false religion and all you do for the traditional Catholic Church.
I am writing to ask your opinion of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, set up over a year ago in England & Wales to receive Anglicans into the Novus Ordo sect. SSPX Bishop Williamson said on this subject in his sermon given a year ago at St. Joseph's & St. Padarn's Church that these "converts" were there only because of woman's ordination in the Anglican sect, and for no other reason. He also went on to say that before the Vatican II Council, if a Protestant wanted to convert to Catholicism, his faith had to be tested by either the local bishop or priest before he was admitted to be baptized.
It got me to thinking that this Walsingham thing is a false conversion program, in fact a scam, set up by Benedict-Ratzinger, which does not even require a conversion to Catholicism at all. In fact, Newchurch admits that the Walsingham scam puts into practice Ratzinger's "vision that it is possible for Christians from different traditions to be united in a common faith, expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and in communion with the successor of Peter." My own assessment suggests what Benedict-Ratzinger means by "different traditions" is different false religions, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the Novus Ordo version of 1997, not the traditional Catechism of the Council of Trent.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your analysis is impeccable. You have clearly seen through Benedict-Ratzinger's scam. As a Modernist, he cares little about what people believe. He is interested only in the corporation, that is, the Newchurch of the New Order, and his position as head of it. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that in order to save the reputation of his New Order sect, he sacrificed to rape by his Newbishops and presbyters the bodies of tens of thousands of children in his Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. In fact, he is no better than the High Priest of the Aztecs, who sacrificed children at the high altar.
In Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order, you can be as heretical as you like, just so long as you recognize Newpope as head of the "communion," as Lord of the Flies. As you know, Ratzinger has not stopped with the Anglicans, but has attempted to incorporate into his New Order carnival of animals Jews, Mohammedans, Hindus, and Buddhists as well.
Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Coptic Orthodox Patriarch, selected in 1971, was laid to rest on March 20, 2012, after an ancient Coptic Funeral Mass in St. Mark's Cathedral, Cairo, Egypt, attended by tens of thousands, and burial in a white marble mausoleum at fourth-century St. Bishoy Monastery. Shenouda died on March 17, 2012, at age 88 after serving for four decades as head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, one of the world's oldest Christian denominations. Most of Egypt's Christians are Orthodox Copts.
Deacons chanted somber hymns and bearded, black-clad priests and monks recited prayers, as incense smoke flowed from their censers. Shenouda's body lay in a white casket in the elaborate pontificalia that he traditionally wore, complete with an ornate golden tiara like the other pope, the only other patriarch besides him of Rome to have the title, derived from the Latin papa, father.
Unlike Newrome, the Coptic Orthodox Church has maintained its ancient Divine Liturgy in the language spoken in Egypt during the time of Christ. The word Coptic is a corruption of the Greek Aegyptiakos, Egyptian. So close is Coptic to the ancient language of the Egyptian pharaohs that Jean-Francois Champollion used it heavily in his decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics in 1822. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I just got word on March 20, 2012, that Fr. Stephen Sommerville is gravely ill and is going in for surgery to replace a heart valve in Toronto, Ontario, where he now lives. Somerville renounced the Novus Ordo sect and went traditional, serving Mel Gibson's Holy Family Church in Agoura Hills, California, from 2004 to 2006.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Fr. Somerville is one of the biggest elephants that the Novus Ordo lost. He was one of the nine original members of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), constituted 1964, which translated the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Novus Ordo "Missal" into English for the eleven member nations in which English is the major language: U.S., Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, India, and South Africa.
Fr. Somerville created a scandal in the New Order sect when he renounced his ICEL service in a letter of September 7, 2002, admitting that the Commission had included "certainly thousands of mistranslations in the accumulated work." Further, he admitted the truth that Newchurch wanted to keep hidden: "The Second Vatican Council was early commandeered and manipulated and infected by Modernist, Liberalist, and Protestantizing persons and ideas." He came to condemn the Novus Ordo service: "Such a litany of defects suggests that many modern Masses [sic] are sacrilegious and some could well be invalid." In fact, ALL Novus Ordo services are invalid.
A St. Louis, Missouri, court has ruled against Newcardinal Raymond "Bully" Burke, head of Benedict-Ratzinger's highest court, and ruled that St. Stanislaus Kostka is owned not by the Newchurch archdiocese of St. Louis, by but its independent congregation, which was given a perpetual charter by the second archbishop of St. Louis (1843-1895) to maintain its own property and assets and to have autonomy in running its own church. "Bully" Burke, who was Newarchbishop of St. Louis from 2003 to 2008, tried to steal the church from the traditionalists because they wouldn't turn over to his New Order the 12,000,000 dollar church, to which the archdiocese had never contributed a penny in over 120 years.
The congregation and its pastor fought tooth and nail for ten years against Burke and his successor, Newarchbishop Robert Carlson, and even hired a Polish presbyter, Marek Bozek, to serve it. When Burke attempted to Novus Ordo "excommunicate" everyone in sight, he became such an embarrassment to Newchurch that Benedict-Ratzinger quickly spirited him off to Newrome and gave him a sinecure, from which he could do no further damage. Burke's reputation is now so bad that he was barred from entering England to perform a Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess.
In a 50-page ruling handed down on March 15, 2012, the judge ruled in favor of the congregation of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, to the great shock of the Newarchdiocese. A 19th century-agreement allowed St. Stanislaus to govern its own property, assets, and operations through a lay Board of Trustees, a common way of governing parishes in 1891. The judicial ruling upholds St. Stanislaus' ownership of its property and its right to craft bylaws that limit the authority of the local Newarchdiocese corporation over its governance. In 2003, "Bully" Burke tried to force the independently-chartered parish to bring its structure in line with that of every other New Order parish now, but St. Stanislaus Kostka refused. Legal authorities termed the judge's opinion "unassailable, a correct finding of law, a brilliant job by a fine jurist." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press and the St. Louis Post Dispatch.]
Good Catholics, what is the moral of this story for you? If your traditional-Catholic congregation has property, be sure that it cannot be alienated to the Newchurch of the New Order under any circumstances, as happened to the traditional Christ the King Abbey in Cullman, Alabama, or to the traditional St. Anthony of Padua Church, in West Orange, New Jersey. Be explicit in your deeds, articles of incorporation, and bylaws, that you are not part of the Newchurch of the New Order, Inc., and that no real property or assets are ever to be alienated to any corporate entity affiliated with that New Order sect.
Here is irony for you. The "Paedophile Pope" who told his Newbishops not to report to the secular authorities the rapes that his Newclergy were perpetrating against children is himself going to secular court to stop the distribution of documents that show his Newchurch leaders to be out of control and in the hands of criminals.
Benedict-Ratzinger has firmly refused to take any action against his corrupt Newchurch clergy, like the Newbishop who raped his own nephew for years and then boasted about it on French television. Or the U.S. presbyter who raped 200 deaf children in a Newchurch orphanage that he ran. Ratzinger signed the document that said: Let the rapist go free. (It sounds better in the original Latin!) But now Ratzinger has not hesitated to go to the secular courts to try to stop Newchurch officials from revealing the documents pointing to Ratzinger's own criminal complicity.
Through his propaganda organ, L'Osservatore Romano, Benedict-Ratzinger claims that the Italian press, which published embarrassing documents leaked by Newchurch officials themselves, who are tired of Ratzinger's crimes, should themselves be tried criminally. Ratzinger has opened a rare secular criminal investigation into unauthorized leaks to the Italian media of confidential documents. These documents show Ratzinger and his administration engaged in "corruption, mismanagement, and internal conflicts among top officials."
And what is the crime of which these few honest brokers in Newchurch are accused of? Disloyalty to the "Paedophile Pope." Rather, they are loyal to the Catholic dictum of St. Augustine, Great Father and Doctor of the Church: "It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up." The Italian press has been doing its duty of reporting the thorough corruption of Ratzinger and his Newvatican. The scandal has dominated the columns of Italian newspapers and magazines and has been the subject of television programmes, including the BBC News. These leaks come from the highest members of the Newroman Curia, the group of men who run Newrome under Ratzinger's direction.
The mounting evidence in leaked documents against Benedict-Ratzinger for criminal conspiracy includes a letter to Ratzinger by Newvatican's current ambassador to Washington, D.C., documenting cronyism, nepotism, and corruption among Ratzinger and his administrators. The leaked documents also point to involvement in illegal payments by Ratzinger's Newvatican Bank, which has been designed by the U.S. government a front for money-laundering. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by BBC News.]
Fr. Juan Ceriani, who with Dean Floriano Abrahamowicz and Prior Basilio Meramo, denounced Bernie Fellay for abandoning the traditional Catholic principles of SSPX founder Archbishop Lefebvre and were subsequently expelled by Fellay, has broadcast over Radio Christiandad of Argentina to all of Latin America on March 16, 2012, a denunciation of Benedict-Ratzinger's second ultimatum to "unfaithful" Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX to sell out its organization to the New Order sect.
Ceriani charges Fellay with falling into the same trap that Card. Ratzinger had prepared for Archbishop Lefebvre, which the latter correctly and publicly rejected. Ceriani says that now Ratzinger has turned the tables on Fellay. The New Order sect was forced to come to Lefebvre almost on bended knee, but Fellay became the respondent to conditions forced by Newrome, which has required as the "fundamental basis of full reconciliation" with Newrome the "doctrinal preamble" delivered at the meeting of September 14, 2011. This sellout requires acceptance of the Vatican II Council's "Neo-modernistic and Neo-Protestant" doctrines, which the Archbishop refused to accept in 1988. These doctrines are based on the proposed agreement of May 5, 1988, albeit on a more restrictive basis, which requires the Neo-SSPX to recognize:
Fr. Ceriani charged that "the current authorities of the Society of St. Pius X have perverted the will of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who had decided to cut off the talks with Modernist Rome because the Roman 'authorities' had not recanted of their Modernist errors..., including Naturalism, Liberalism, Modernism, and Oecumenism." As punishment for his infidelity, stated Ceriani, Fellay and his Neo-SSPX has now been given an ultimatum to accept the errors of Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect or be banished entirely therefrom.
Private reports from Newrome indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger has given his co-conspirator Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Neo-SSPX, finally until April 15th to complete the sell out of his Neo-SSPX to the New Order set. Ratzinger is in a hurry because he seems to be afraid that Fellay will be ousted at the July 2012 General Chapter Meeting of the Neo-SSPX, at which some reports have indicated that the other Neo-SSPX bishops are planning a coup to oust their colleague, now turned Judas against the anti-New Order principles of Archbishop Lefebvre. Although Ratzinger gave a final ultimatum, reports from Newrome indicate that he is bailing on his co-conspirator, just as he bailed on the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.
Thus, it seems that the TRADITIO Network was right all along: Fellay was led on by Ratzinger and his New Order sect to waste the time and resources of the Neo-SSPX for a decade on a fool's errand. Fellay should have heeded the experience of the SSPX's Founder, Archbishop Lefebvre and rejected Ratzinger and his Modernist Rome from the beginning. If Fellay is kicked out of office in disgrace by the other three Neo-SSPX bishops and his own District Superiors, it will be a small price that he will pay for his Judas-like betrayal of the Archbishop and traditional Catholicism.
Newvatican never does anything these days without some surreptitious scheme in mind. April 15 is the date of the Novus Ordo Feast of the "Divine Mercy," a ruse to introduce officially the heretical teaching of Universal Salvation. It was on the eve of this Novus Ordo feast that the "Proto-paedophile Pope," JPII-Wojtyla, died. The Novus Ordo Feast of the Divine Mercy was intended to replace, for all practical purposes, the traditional Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which remind men of the need of reparation for sin, not falsely teaching that they are "saved" regardless of final impenitence, what is called in Scripture the Sin against the Holy Ghost.
Good Catholics, why is Bernie Fellay still playing the sycophant to the unCatholic New Order sect and its leader? If Fellay does not have the guts, like Archbishop Lefebvre, to proclaim publicly that he once and for all reject Benedict-Ratzinger and his unCatholic New Order, then the other Neo-SSPX bishops should rise up to expel him for treason with the enemies of Catholicism. Otherwise, Fellay will have become, by his own volition, the Modern Judas.
His Newchurchers are leaving his New Order sect by the hundreds of thousands every day. His Newvatican Bank is being prosecuted for money-laundering. His Newclergy are being tried for child rape around the world. And what is Benedict-Ratzinger doing? Commissioning a personal cologne for himself from the boutique perfume-maker Silvana Casoli, who services Madonna -- and we are not talking about "The" Madonna!
Ratzinger is known for his Gucci sunglasses, his Prada shoes, and other accoutrements, but he has taken his froufrou to a new level with the commissioning of a custom-blended cologne only for himself, redolent of "lime, verbena, and grass." Apparently so embarrassed was Ratzinger about his predilections that he swore Ms. Casoli to a "pact of secrecy." But eventually the truth emerged. She also provides personal scents named "Cannabis" [the scientific name for "grass" of the smoking kind] and "Nude," but there is no evidence, yet, that Ratzinger uses these "fragrances."Good Catholics, to what an abyss the Newpapacy has fallen! Are pilgrims now to go to Newrome to get papal whiff instead of a papal blessing? If so, they will be disappointed. The only odor they will smell is the "odor of heresy," which was adjudged to have by Pope Pius XII and his Holy Office.
It appears that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is falling just like his sister organization, Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect. As soon as Fellay sat down all smiles with his fellow sect leader on the Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, August 29, 2005, the fate of the two were sealed together. Both sects have experienced disastrous times in the seven years following.
Newchurch has been embroiled in the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust; the Neo-SSPX has been ripped apart by internal dissension about Fellay's "Hindenburg" Plan to sell out the organization to the New Order sect. Benedict-Ratzinger has gained the eponym of the "Paedophile Pope" because of his personal involvement in suborning the rape of children by his Newclergy and refusing to exact the specified punishment for committing one of the Four Sins that Cry out to God for Vengeance. For his part, Fellay's unapologetic conniving with the New Order has finally energized his District Superiors to reject his programme and has forced him into virtual retirement in his bunker at Menzingen, Switzerland.
Fellay's sellout programme has apparently crashed at Newvatican too. The Vatican Information Service reported on March 16, 2012, that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith had determined that "the position he expressed is not sufficient to overcome the doctrinal problems which lie at the foundation of the rift between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X."
Fellay, instead of condemning the unCatholicity of the Modernistic New Order, instead came up with the gimmick of three "Rosary Crusades," as if to put Mary's blessing on his betray of her Son. He called in the latest, that was to run from Easter 2011 to Pentecost 2012, for 12,000,000 Rosaries. He expended the advertising resources of the Neo-SSPX, published propaganda pamphlets, wrote circular letters in support, etc.
Good Catholics, it seems that even Heaven itself has tired of this Judas to Archbishop Lefebvre and to traditional Catholicism. The Neo-SSPX has now announced that fewer than one-fifth of the Rosaries have been purportedly promised, with three-quarters of the time-period having expired. Maybe the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with Neo-SSPXers themselves, have just gotten tired of Fellay's sycophancy to the unCatholic New Order sect. It's about time!
If a Newchurch presbyter can't refuse the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to a publicly-proclaimed Lesbian Buddhist, who can be refused the invalid stuff? Now we know the answer: no one can be refused the Novus Ordo cookie and cup. It is open to all: heretics, infidels, and pagans, as well as those in a notorious public state. Thus, Quakers, Lutherans, Buddhists, falling-down drunks, those high on drugs, divorced and remarried excommunicates.
On the one hand, presbyter Marcel Guarnizo was courageous to refuse the cookie to Barbara Johnson, who came into the sacristy with her lesbian "lover" and told Guarnizo that she is a lesbian living publicly with the woman and is a Buddhist to boot. He told her then that she should not to try to receive the Novus Ordo cookie. With no shame, she did so nonetheless and was refused. In doing so, the presbyter was following the clear dictates of Modernistic Newcanon Law, which JPII-Wojtyla published in 1983 merely for show.
Presbyter Guarnizo has been barred, as of March 9, 2012, from functioning in the Newarchdiocese of Washington, D.C., by Newarchbishop Donald Wuerl, whom some years ago Newvatican had already reprimanded for his ignorance of Newcanon law and directed him to return to a Newseminary for a "refresher course."
Presbyter Guarnizo is affiliated with the Novus Ordo diocese of Moscow, Russia, on loan to Washington, D.C. After he was confronted with the fact that Newchurch's "communion" is a fraud and that Newcardinals will reward lesbian Buddhists and punish their own presbyters, Guarnizo has not turned his back on the unCatholic New Order sect. He says: "I remain my bishop's and my Church's, and above all Christ Jesus' obedient servant. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, the problem is that Guarnizo is just like all the other clueless presbyters in the New Order sect who blind themselves to the fact that obedience to Christ requires disobedience to the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order. They fail to follow the Catholic example of the great Saints during the century of the Arian heresy when popes and bishops were active heretics. Those Saints publicly condemned the heretic popes and bishops and shunned their company. They would not even enter their churches for fear of contamination with the heresy. For further information, click on ARIANS.TXT: The Orthodox Saints Against the Arian Heresy of the Fourth Century in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Recently, a sermon of the American Evangelist Billy Graham sermon at one of his Crusades in 1960 was rebroadcast on television. We Fathers thought that it would be an interesting historical exercise to revisit that sermon to see how it compared to modern-day sermons. Granted, Billy Graham was ordained as a Southern Baptist, although he has had a spotless reputation as a minister, unlike many others in the Evangelical sects. But we were interested in seeing what his message was like in 1960.
We were surprised that Graham's fifteen-minute address in this case was one that could have come from the mouth of a traditional Catholic priest. Graham talked about Heaven and Hell, emphasizing the Crucifixion of Christ. There was not one theological heresy in this sermon. It was the epitome of Catholicism: pragmatic, emphasizing personal responsibility for working out one's salvation, and displaying a love of Christ for his Sacrifice on Calvary, which is something that most Protestants do not emphasize, but is at the core of the Catholic Faith.
Some years ago we Fathers remember that when Graham appeared on the Larry King interview program, King asked him what he had learned over the course of a lifetime that was perhaps different from what he had believed when he was younger. Graham answered: how central the Crucifixion is to an understanding of Christianity. That was a Catholic answer. Deo volente, Billy Graham, now 93, might yet become a true Catholic in digito Dei "by the finger of God," as last Sunday's Gospel pericope expressed it.
And what is the great theologian of the New Order sect, Benedict-Ratzinger, now preaching? A serious and personal responsibility to work out in a practical way one's salvation based in the Crucifixion of Christ? Not at all! Ratzinger's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, in its March 13, 2012, issue promoted not Christ, not the Blessed Virgin Mary, not the Saints, not the true Mass, not the true Sacraments, not true Catholic doctrine, not Christian morality, but -- "free hugs." Yes, this is the abyss of ridiculousness into which Ratzinger has sunk in his New Order senility.
Notice that Ratzinger doesn't call upon the faithful to convert these New-Order hugged strangers to the true Faith. No, he wants you to run up to "strangers in public places" and, uninvited, hug them. This ridiculousness is reminiscent of the unwanted assaults that he, his Newbishops, and his presbyters have suborned and practiced against children. The "Paedophile Pope" probably just doesn't know any other way!
The French press are reporting that on March 11, 2012, the Newchurch bishop emeritus of Nice, France, Jean Bonfils, invaded a chapel of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX in Ajaccio and simulated "Confirmation" there. Bonfils has never been consecrated as a true bishop in the traditional Catholic rite. He is one of those Novus Ordo clerics merely "installed" under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968.
Bonfils approached Fellay, the Superior General of the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, who is reported to have given his permission to use the Neo-SSPX chapel for the spurious bishop to administer "Confirmations" to members of the Neo-SSPX. Bonfils then presumed to perform in that same Neo-SSPX chapel Bugnini's Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Mess of 1962+."
What is perhaps most shocking about this situation is that the clueless Neo-SSPXers, instead of rising up and ejecting the Novus Ordo bishop from their chapel, are reported to have accepted the situation without objection. Is there any real doubt that Fellay's Neo-SSPX is already part of the New Order sect?
Reports have come in to the TRADITIO Network that the Neo-SSPX's rector of the chapel, Fr. Herve Mercury, was already in the process of personally becoming an official member of the New Order sect under the "authority" of Bonfils. So it seems that Mercury was serving as a kind of Benedict Arnold, facilitating Fellay's sellout to the New Order sect by turning over his Neo-SSPX chapel in advance to the spurious Novus Ordo bishop. Like the famous traitor, the Neo-SSPX has betrayal in its bones!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I attend an SSPX chapel at a High Mass. Two-thirds of the congregation stand while they sing the Sanctus and the other third kneel at the start of the Sanctus. Why don't the Neo-SSPXers kneel at the Sanctus?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
For some reason this question seems to eat at the Motarians, including the Neo-SSPXers, perhaps because they instinctively know that they are following the Novus Ordo practice, not the traditional practice.
The proper posture at all forms of the Traditional Latin Mass is to kneel at the Sanctus. The reason that you are seeing something different is that the Neo-SSPX, which is essentially a "Motu" sect, adheres to the Half Novus Or(do Vatican II "Mess of 1962+," not to the Traditional Latin Mass. The irony of this situation is rife because of the Neo-SSPX sect's name, yet the sect does not follow the rubrics of Pope St. Pius X, but those of the Novus Ordo.
In fact, the Neo-SSPX bundles the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+ with another Modernistic fabrication, the so-called "Dialogue Mess," in which the congregation recites the responses instead of the servers, or at a Missa Cantata sings the responses instead of the schola, which often, contrary to traditional practice, includes women. Next the Neo-SSPX will be admitting altar-girls, and priestesses!) These are not traditional practices and are associated with the congregation standing at the Sanctus, just as they do at the invalid Novus Ordo Mess of 1969.
For further information about the correct postures for the Traditional Latin Mass, click on MASSCONG.TXT: Postures for the Congregation at the Traditional Latin Mass: Low, Missa Cantata, High in the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department, in the section "Mass." For further information on the so-called "Dialog Mass," click on DIALOGUE.PDF: Dialogue Mass: The Historical and Liturgical Arguments Why the So-Called Dialogue Mass Is Not Traditional in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Newvatican's bank has long had a reputation of being a secretive offshore tax haven and has been embroiled in numerous scandals over the years for its connections with the Mafia. Now the United States government has officially recognized the corruption of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newpapacy by registering his Newvatican bank for the first time on the State Department's list of money-laundering centers.
The U.S. State Department's 2012 International Narcotics Control Strategy, on March 7, 2012, publicly classified Newvatican as "vulnerable to money-laundering." With the large volume of international currency that goes through Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican bank, "it is a system that makes it vulnerable as a potential money-laundering center." Meanwhile, the European Commission has refused to include Newvatican on the so-called "white list" of countries who comply with international standards against tax fraud and money-laundering.
Newvatican's bank has had a scandalous past. Originally founded in 1942 by Pope Pius XII, it is under Benedict-Ratzinger in September 2010 that the bank has been at the center of the spotlight for corruption, when Italian investigators froze 33 million U.S. dollars in funds after opening an investigation into money-laundering. The investigation is continuing. The corrupt Vatican Bank, formally misnamed as the Institute for Works of Religion, was entangled in the collapse thirty years ago of the Banco Ambrosiano, charged with money-laundering in connection with Freemasonry and the Mafia. Apparently, nothing has changed in that time. Benedict-Ratzinger is the CEO of a still-corrupt organization. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
The kind of misappropriation of God's realm by secular governments is, in some small way, exemplified by the announcement by news reporters that with the implementation of Daylight "Savings" Time now, the "days will get longer." Of course, the days will not get longer. Days are exactly the length that the orbital mechanics of the sun and earth, created by God, provide. The hour that is purportedly "saved" in the evening is stolen from the morning. Because of the ignorance of God and his physical laws amongst the vast majority of the populace, many people are bamboozled into an expensive and inconvenient program, thinking that a purportedly beneficent secular government is "saving" them an extra hour!
Moreover, secular governments continue to fiddle with the start and end days of DST. Once it worked out to about six months. Now many areas of the world are nine months on DST out of twelve. They might as well set their clocks according to the next time zone east permanently and save the inconvenience and expense of resetting clocks!
God, by His physical laws for the universe, has provided that as we approach the summer solstice, the days get longer anyway, Thus, Daylight "Savings" Time is yet another government deceit, deliberately misnamed in order to fool a scientifically-ignorant population. This programme is not "Daylight Savings Time." In fact, it is Daylight Shifting Time, as all it does is shift the clock; it "saves" no daylight.
Good Catholics, secular governments do not hesitate to appropriate unto themselves the power of God. Whether it is "global warming," "environment protection," Daylight "Savings" Time, or other frauds, the State continues to deceive a generally clueless populace. As the poet W.B. Yates (1865-1939) wrote: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passion and intensity." Nothing has changed, these sixty years later.
The unCatholic New Order sect is bound and determined to concoct a phony "con-anization" for the "Proto-paedophile Pope," JPII-Wojtyla. In 1983 Wojtyla, perhaps looking to his own future cause, eliminated most of the traditionally-strict vetting requirements for canonization and made the process into a political joke, when he "con-anized" almost twice as many Novus Ordo "saints" as had been canonized in the previous 400 years! For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Canonizations."
A disputed "miracle" was used to Novus Ordo-beatify the man under whom paedophile Newchurch cardinals, bishops, and presbyters ran rampant with impunity. Like his successor Ratzinger, Wojtyla never met a paedophile he didn't like He even let off the Progenitor of Paedophilia, Bernie Law, of Boston, Massachusetts. Instead of firing Law, who suborned hundreds of child rapes and then covered them up, Wojtyla gave Law a fancy apartment in Newrome and a well-paid sinecure.
Now a second "miracle" has been phonied up for Wojtyla. The May 1, 2011, extravaganza in Newrome for his Novus Ordo "beatification" netted huge profits to Benedict-Ratzinger's treasury, which is sinking through the floor because millions of Newchurchers around the world have cut off their affiliation with his immoral Newchurch of the New Order. Thus, Ratzinger, for political purposes, will now ram through another phony Novus Ordo "con-anization," so that the gold can flow into his Newvatican -- far more gold than the previous "Bad Pope," Alexander VI, brought in to build the new St. Peter's. Look for this fraud to take place in as little as twelve months. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
The Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, in a bulletin of March 3, 2012, filled in some of the heretofore missing details pertaining to the Nuremberg, Germany, Appeals Court decision on Ash Wednesday (February 22, 2012) to void the decision against him for "inciting racial hatred by holocaust denial." (In fact, Williamson has not denied the so-called holocaust of World War II, but has disputed the veracity of elements of the received version of this disputed matter of secular history.) The Appeals Court held that the prosecution had failed to state what specific circumstances rendered Williamson liable to prosecution. A lower court in Regensberg had convicted Williamson in July 2011, but the Appeals Court voided that decision on account of his having given an interview to Swedish television about his opinions in November 2008. The lower court's district has now been ordered to pay Williamson's trial costs so far.
Williamson's trial -- Providentially, we would say -- derailed a Judas contract between Bernie Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger on February 2, 2009, to sell out the Neo-SSPX to the New Order.
Williamson stresses that because the decision to dismiss the case was made on procedural grounds, a case can be re-filed against him. In his opinion, however, that it is unlikely that he will be re-prosecuted because the Appeals-Court judges required prosecutors to specify who exactly came to know of the remarks, by what means they came to know of them, how exactly those remarks were apt to disturb the peace in Germany, and whether Williamson actually intended his remarks to be made public in Germany. He says that would not be so easy to prove the disturbance of the peace in Germany.
Williamson claims to have taken comfort in his three-year exile within the Neo-SSPX, which was imposed upon him by that organization's dictatorial and autocratic fuehrer -- at least for the moment -- Bernie Fellay. Fellay has certainly expressed no joy with the decision of the Appeals Court to exonerate Williamson. It is well known that Fellay is quite jealous of Williamson's popularity with the Neo-SSPX laity and clergy, whereas they have now, in large part, shunned Fellay for his attempted sellout to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order and for his impious actions against Williamson.
After fourteen years of a cold trail, it appears that the investigation into who murdered traditional Catholic priest Fr. Alfred Kunz, of St. Michael's Church in Dane, Wisconsin, has been resurrected. Kunz was found on March 4, 2012, in his rectory with his throat slit by a razor blade. A new Dade County Sheriff's detective has taken over the case and says that the Wisconsin Crime Laboratory is providing a full-time analyst to take a new look at evidence that could shed light on the murder. New technology and some potentially new leads have the detective feeling that the mystery surrounding the 1998 slaying of a Catholic priest may soon be solved.
On March 3, 2012, investigators said that they are "optimistic" after taking a new look at the evidence. The crime lab is already re-analyzing old DNA evidence as well as some additional fingerprints. "They said there are things they can do now that they couldn't do back then," the detective said. "There is a renewed amount of energy on the case." New informants have recently come forward with tips on the case.
One of the motives that investigators are following up is the hatred that Fr. Kunz stirred up amongst Newchurchers and their leaders because he had long been battling the Novus Ordo and immorality in the Newdiocese's clergy. He had often come to the assistance of Newchurchers trying to battle Modernist forces, including a group that was trying to remove its own local Newchurch bishop (1983-1999) of Springfield, Illinois, Daniel Ryan, for sex crimes. Kunz turned out to be right. A year after the Kunz' murder, Ryan resigned after a prostitute identified him as a regular high-paying client for eleven years.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
There are times I get impatient. There are many times that my husband and I feel alone, as if we are the only Catholics within our liberal state. We are often slandered by the Newchurchers in the local Newdiocese, and even our families have been destroyed by Vatican II teachings and the local Newdiocese. They hate everything traditional and Catholic.
We are Irish farmers. On Friday my husband went to a farm equipment auction about an hour away. At these auctions there are usually food-vendor trucks with sausages and hotdogs, etc. Because of being Friday and Lent, I packed and made my husband a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich, grapes, and a banana for his lunch. He drove up with another farmer, who is a Newchurcher. When they were at the auction, and it was lunch time, the Newchurcher farmer offered to buy my husband a hotdog. My husband declined and said that he couldn't eat meat because he was Catholic and that I had made him a meatless lunch. I had even packed an extra meatless sandwich in case this farmer wanted one. Not only did this Newchurcher farmer, who is supposed to be our friend, insist on ordering a hotdog, but he ridiculed my husband in front of other Protestant and Newchurcher farmers.
My husband came home upset, but I told him that God was pleased with him for standing up for the Faith and its practice.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your response to your husband was exactly right. Did not Our Lord tell us in the Beatitudes:
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12/DRV).
What tells you that in God's eyes you are in the right is that you were acting out of charity for your friend in preparing an extra meatless sandwich. Yet he, on his part, committed one of the worst sins, the Sin of Ingratitude, by not only refusing the sandwich, but in ridiculing your husband before others for his Faith. Such a "friend" is not a Catholic, but an ingrate.
Newchurchers pretend to be charitable, but actually their hearts often harbor the most uncharitable thoughts against the Catholic Faith, which they have rejected. Your husband's simple faith was a great challenge to this Newchurcher, who was wallowing in hypocrisy and hatred for the Catholic Faith that he claimed to embrace. This is a common reaction from Newchurchers with guilty consciences when their hypocrisy is exposed. You and your husband can take comfort from the fact that on this day you have stood with the Lord against His enemies.
On March 3, 2012, the New York Times published an article on U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who places first or second in the current polls among the Republican primary leaders. Of course, the Times, as a liberalist newspaper, wouldn't know a Catholic from a Protestant, let a traditional Catholic. According to the Times, Santorum believes in a "highly traditional Catholicism." So traditional, in fact, that Santorum can't distinguish between a Novus Ordo cookie and the Body and Blood of Christ. Santorum is a Novus Ordo sectarian, munching on invalid cookies, swilling Kool-Aid, and attending a Protestant-Masonic-Secular service "presided over" by a invalid "presybter."
But it gets worse. Santorum, it turns out, sends his older boys to an academy run by the New Order Opus Dei cult, which anticipated the Modernist Second Vatican Council by thirty years, preaching a revolutionary, new, secular theology of the laity and the Modernist principle of pluralism and indifferentism ("we all worship the same god"). The Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN), a collaboration of former members, has exposed the violent practices of the Opus Dei cult.
But it gets worse. Santorum is a "lay lector" at his Newparish in Great Falls, Virginia, where he commits the sacrilege of reading the Sacred Scriptures from the pulpit at Novus Ordo Protestantized services.
But it gets worse. Santorum, like New Order hypocrites, does not blame Benedict-Ratzinger for Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, under which for thirty years Ratzinger's signature has appeared on documents letting tens of thousands of presbyters get off scot free after they assaulted and raped children, including one presbyter who raped 200 deaf children in a Newchurch orphanage in the United States and one Newbishop, who raped his own nephew for years, then boasted about it on French television. Santorum, a Newchurcher in good standing, blames not the Head of the Operation, Ratzinger, but some vague "liberal culture." Now that's really putting the responsiblity where it lies!
But it gets worse. Santorum's support of the "Paedophile Pope" dovetails with his longtime support of the now now-condemned Legion of Christ, headed by another rapist and paedophile, presbyter Marciel Maciel. Maciel has now been exposed as raping all categories with abandon: seminarians, women, men, boys, girls, even his own illegitimate children. The evidence was so overwhelming and embarrassing to Benedict-Ratzinger that the Legion was essentially shut down for "reorganization."
Good Catholics, the "family man" that the clueless New York Times calls a "traditional Catholic" turns out to be a Novus Ordo cultist and a supporter of paedophile popes and bishop/presbyter rapists of children. How could he be otherwise in the hypocritical, unCatholic Newchurch, which wouldn't know Catholic Tradition from a hole in the wall?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Why do Novus Ordo Catholics add an untraditional ending, "For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever," at the end of the Our Father?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Because that's what the Protestants do. These people are not Novus Ordo "Catholics," by the way. They are Novus Ordinarians, Novus Ordo sectarians, or Newchurchers. What they practice is far more Protestant than Catholic. Their service is based on Protestant models, their clergy are not priests, and their doctrine and practice is based on Protestant models.
Scholars agree that the embolism, "Tuum est regnum.... [For thine is the kingdom....] is spurious, merely a marginal annotation that some copyist added, and was never a part of Our Lord's text.
The feast day of St. Thomas should once again remind traditional Catholics that they do not have to "prove" the veracity of their Faith, but it is the Conciliar Church that must defend its philosophical foundations and try to justify its abysmal record of the past half century. None of the Modernist thinkers with whom Benedict-Ratzinger often hobnobs have ever come close to living the life of sanctity that St. Thomas did. How could they, when they believe that man is a "god" unto himself, faultless and without sin. Unlike St. Thomas, they display a decided lack of humility.
Instead of trying to accommodate the heretics as the Conciliar popes have repeatedly done, the great Pope St. Pius V stood with the Faith and elevated St. Thomas at a time when he and Scholasticism were under fierce assault. What is now needed is a true pope that once again returns Thomism to its rightful place and expunges Modernism, including its most prominent proponent, Benedict-Ratzinger.
To read my entire feature article, click on AQUINAS.HTM: St. Thomas Aquinas Versus Modernism in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Unlike the Newchurchers, who are delighted to demolish any traditional church that they can get their hands on, the Anglicans of New Zealand have announced that, with great reluctance, their 131-year-old cathedral in Christchurch must be demolished. An architectural survey has determined that the cathedral is too dangerous and expensive to be rebuilt. The Victorian-era, Gothic-style cathedral, which dominated the central square of New Zealand's largest south-island city, was badly damaged in the February 21, 2011, earthquake.
The 6.3-magnitude earthquake killed 185 people and destroyed large areas of the business centre and more than 6,000 homes. The center of the city has remained off limits a year after the earthquake. Whole blocks have been reduced to bare land. Any chance of saving the landmark cathedral was ended by thousands of aftershocks, some with magnitudes up to 6.0, which caused irreparable damage.
Consequently, on March 2, 2012, the Anglicans decided to demolish the cathedral "gradually and carefully" to a height of two or three metres, in order to salvage historic features. "There will be no bulldozers, there will be no wrecking balls; this will be done with deep love and respect for a building that has served us so well," said the local Anglican bishop. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
The New Order sect's outright destruction of traditional churches, particularly in the United States, has been widely criticized. Newchurchers, operating under Benedict-Ratzinger's barbaric procedures, seem only too gleeful to bring out the bulldozers and wrecking-balls, as if to say: "See, we told you that the traditional Catholic Church is demolished!" Newchurchers have smashed beautiful marble altars, ripped the wings off of angelic statues, and thrown sacred items generously donated before the Vatican II Council into the trash can.
On March 1, 2012, two Americans were killed by Afgani Mohammedans because Korans used to pass terrorist plans were thrown into the trash. Newchurchers don't object; they welcome the demolitions of anything traditionally Catholic!
On March 1, 2012, one hundred documents from the Archivum Secretum Vaticanum, the Vatican's Secret Archive, went on display at the Capitoline Museum of Rome in an exhibit entitled Lux in Arcana. For the first time in 400 years, the Vatican has revealed these codes, files, scrolls, records, and manuscripts of great historical value, preserved for 400 years in the Archive.
The documents, from a time when the Catholic Church was actually Catholic, include:
Pope Paul V (1605-1621) created the Vatican Secret Archives from the Vatican Library. The oldest surviving document dates back to the end of the eighth century. Most of the archival material from before the reign of Pope Innocent III has been lost. From 1198 onward, more complete archives exist, though documentation is scanty before the 13th century. The archive has even produced one pope, Pius XI, who was its archivist for a time before he became pope in 1922.
A Lesbian publicly and obstinately living in sin with another Lesbian was denied the Novus Ordo cookie by a presbyter, and who is disciplined in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect: the presbyter, of course! The Lesbian didn't deny the fact of her public sin. To the contrary, she introduced her Lesbian "lover" (the term she used) to presbyter Marcel Guarnizo before Mess, shamelessly proclaiming her immorality. Guarnizo told her then and there that she should not present herself for the cookie. A witness said that at that point Johnson's Lesbian lover physically blocked Guarnizo when he attempted to speak with Johnson further about the matter. When Barbara Johnson later stood in line to grab the invalid Novus Ordo cookie on February 25, 2012, at St. John Newman in Gaithersburg, Maryland, the presbyter, taken back by Johnson's temerity in presenting herself for the cookie after he had told her that she couldn't, covered the cookie and told her, "I can't give you communion [sic] because you live with a woman, and in the eyes of the Church, that is a sin."
Washington, D.C.'s New Order archbishop Donald Wuerl, of course, sided with the immoral Lesbian and withdrew the "faculties" (as if the New Order sect had any "faculties" to confer!) the courageous presbyter in the Newarchdiocese of Washington, D.C.. (That's all Wuerl can do, because he is not the presbyter's New Order bishop.) Wuerl, who is supposed to know that homosexuality is one of the Four Sins that Cry out to God for Vengeance, rejected Catholic doctrine and opted for homosexuality, having his auxiliary bishop send a letter to Johnson apologizing for Guarnizo's "pastoral insensitivity."
Wuerl is apparently quite a dunce at even Novus Ordo "canon law," was previously cited by Newvatican for ignorance of its "canon law" at the same time that he was giving a television course as an expert on the subject on the EWTN Charismatic Cable Channel. He had no compunctions about giving the cookie and Kool-Aid to notorious pro-abortion politicians like and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, all of whom promote immorality and rejection of the Catholic Faith in order crassly to garner votes from Newchurchers. Even Wuerl's own U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops declared in 2006 that publicly "engaging in sexual activity outside the bonds of a valid marriage" is a sin for which the sinner should be denied the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid.
The Liberalist/Feminist hypocrite Lesbian Johnson, who of course wants forgiveness for all sins of unrepentant sinners, was openly vengeful and vindictive against the presbyter who was following even Novus Ordo teaching: "Those who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion (Novus Ordo Canon 915). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Washington Post.]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect hypocritically speaks out of both sides of its mouth. It claims to be reject homosexuality, but in fact promotes it. The vast majority of the rapes of children by Newclergy suborned by JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger have been perpetrated by Newbishops and presbyters developed in their "pink" seminary network. The two "Unholy Fathers" have allowed "Gay Messes" to be performed all over the world with impunity.
The world now has more proof that the Newchurch of the New Order is infested with liars, from its "Unholy Fathers" on down. The contents of a secret safe revealed in court on February 27, 2012, proves that one of Newchurch's biggest "elephants," Anthony Bevilacqua, was an out-and-out liar, who knowingly covered for his paedophile presbyters and personally ordered the evidence destroyed, then perjured himself about it with an oath to God. Bevilacqua was Newcardinal of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for sixteen years (1987-2003), who died on January 31, 2012, under mysterious circumstances. Now isn't Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect chagrined for having given Bevilacqua a papal-style funeral on February 7, 2012?!
In a secret tenth-floor safe in Newchurch's headquarters office in Philadelphia, a memorandum that was supposed to have been destroyed by order of Bevilacqua was found. The memorandum reveals that Bevilacqua ordered his top aides to shred a list of 35 accused paedophile presbyters, who were allowed to remain fully operational in the New Order sect's parishes. The safe contained evidence of presbyters' crimes against children, which were not turned over to the police. So secret was this safe that the room in which it resided was secured and triggered with an alarm.
Bevilacqua discussed the list of his paedophile presbyters at a meeting with his two top aides and then ordered all four known copies of the list destroyed, according to a memorandum signed by a Newmonsignor and another witness. But a copy of the supposedly-destroyed list, and Molloy's accompanying memorandum, were found in the secret safe. Bevilacqua also perjured himself when he denied to a 2003 Philadelphia Grand Jury that he had destroyed evidence.
As if more evidence were needed that "Fr." Ratzinger, the Modernist leader at the Vatican II Council, is no "traditionalist," the Italian press is reporting that when William Levada soon retires as chief of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, Benedict-Ratzinger will appoint an out-and-out Protestantized Charismatic and liberation-theology backer, Gerhard Mueller, of Regensburg, Germany, Ratzinger's home diocese, where his Newmonsignor and child-slapper elder brother, Georg, still lives and whither Josef himself hopes to retire.
Neocon Newchurchers in Italy are alarmed that Ratzinger, whom they fraudulently keep trying to paint as a "traditionalist," would consider Mueller for Newchurch's top doctrinal spot. In a 2003 book, Mueller denied the doctrine of the Virgin Birth, denied that the Eucharist is the "body and blood of Christ" (actually, he is right about that as far as his invalid Novus Ordo version thereof is concerned), and affirmed that Protestant heretics are "already part of the Church." Mueller also brought out an edition of Ratzinger's Opera Omnia, including all of the writings suspected of heresy by Pope Pius XII and his Holy Office of heresy.
Moreover, Mueller is a student and bosom-buddy of Gustavo Gutierrez, the Father of Liberation Theology, the false theology that incited the Newjesuits to take up guns and literally shoot up the conservative governments of Latin America. Mueller travels to Peru every year to be renewed in this anti-Catholic "theology," which he publicly supports. Mueller is a socialist, or worse, like his beloved Ratzinger, author of the 2008 unCatholic encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. Mueller has called capitalism "the infamy of our age." Yet the socialist Mueller has never been known to have turned down the "filty capitalist lucre" from clueless Newchurchers to support his unCatholic beliefs. Those hypocritical socialists never do! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
Good Catholics, that Ratzinger would favor the apparent heretic Mueller should be no surprise. Ratzinger himself, before he could cover his own unCatholic beliefs in the white of the New Order papacy, was declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and his\ Holy Office. Moreover, his book, Introduction to Christianity, was banned because of heresy by Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland.
On February 21, 2012, the trial of William Lynn began in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Newchurch monsignor, who was Secretary of Clergy in that Newarchdiocese, has been charged with the criminal covering up of sex crimes against children. The charges are felony child endangerment and felony conspiracy. Lynn is the first -- but undoubtedly not the last -- Newchurch official to be criminally tried for administrative actions in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Previously Newchurch officials were implicated only in civil trials.
Lynn is charged with recommending Newchurch parish assignments sect for two paedophile presbyters, who in their assignments raped a child. The Newarchdiocese has been named an "unindicted coconspirator" in the felonies. Lynn was Newcardinal Anthony Bevilacqua's right-hand man from 1992-2004, responsible for making recommendations on presbyters' assignments in the Newarchdiocese.
A day before he was to testify under oath in court on his complicity, January 31, 2012, Bevilacqua died under suspicious circumstances. The Philadelphia district attorney, suspecting murder to silence his spilling the beans, ordered an autopsy. The results of that autopsy, performed on Bevilacqua's corpse, which had, also suspiciously, been embalmed with rapidity perhaps to conceal toxocological evidence, is still awaited. Meanwhile, the New Order sect proceeded with a white-mitred Novus Ordo "deification" service in Philadelphia's Sts. Peter & Paul Cathedral on February 7, 2012, for the Newcardinal linked in two Grand Jury reports, in 2005 and 2011, to complicity in paedophilia. The phony Novus Ordo service was duly carried by the Newchurch Charismatic EWTN Cable Network, which has itself been implicated with persons suspected of facilitating paedophilia.
One legal authority stated: "The whole country is watching because it's a key moment in the ongoing story about how the Church handles child sex abuse. Lynn's case could push the focus beyond the perpetrator and to the systemic problems in the [New]church. I would really be surprised if [Lynn] were found to be not guilty. The evidence is compelling. If someone chooses to put a paedophile in contact with further children, that's a crime. That's endangerment of children."
The case hinges on showing a pattern in the Newarchdiocese of putting known presbyter abusers of children in contact with other children. To that end, the prosecution won a major pretrial victory when the judge ruled that prosecutors could tell jurors how the Newarchdiocese handled 22 past cases of alleged abuse, as documented in the two Grand Jury reports. These reports prove that "it was actually just an ongoing practice that he was following over the years.... It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an oversight. It was a system of covering up child sex abuse." The judge has already stated in pre-trial proceedings: "Anybody that doesn’t think there is widespread sexual abuse within the Catholic [Sic] Church is living on another planet!"
Should Lynn be convicted, the fallout to Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect would be profound. More child victims would likely come forward across the country, and more high-ranking Newchurch officials would be at risk of prosecution "in areas where prosecutors are more interested in protecting children than they are in deferring to the Newchurch hierarchy."
The 2011 Grand Jury report charged the New Order sect with child sex crimes: "These are simply not the actions of an institution that is serious about ending sexual abuse of its children. There is no other conclusion." The 2011 report led to the suspension of 29 presbyters who abused children by Bevilacqua's successor, Newcardinal Justin Rigali. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]