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Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It was announced here at the Dominican Convent at Avrille on June 24, 2012, that Bernie Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, has confirmed in writing that he is cancelling the ordinations of three Dominican deacons to the priesthood and one subdeacon to the diaconate, as well as two Franciscan deacons to the priesthood previously announced for June 29, 2012, at Econe, Switzerland. The cancellations have taken place because the communities of the Dominican monastery at Avrille, France, and the Franciscan Institute at Morgon, France, have publicly rejected his sellout to Modernist Rome. Ironically, Fellay calls these communities "disloyal," whereas actually they are the ones loyal to Archbishop Lefebvre and his traditional Catholic principles, and it is Fellay who has been disloyal to his consecrating archbishop and his founding principles, to become in fact the "Judas of the SSPX."
Ordinations of candidates from Merigny, France (Transfiguration) and Bellaigue, France (Benedictine), who have not publicly rejected the sellout, will proceed. However, there has been a call to Neo-SSPXers who are faithful to Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional organization and against Fellay's scheme to sell it out to the New Ordo sect, to gather at Econe for the purpose of demonstrating against Fellay at the remaining ordinations.
It is unclear to what extent Fellay is here dancing to the tune of Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect. Fellay is not supposed to do any ordinations at all, according to Newvatican, but perhaps Newvatican has "under the sheets," as it were, approved the ordinations of pro-Novus Ordo clergy for the Neo-SSPX as a transition ploy.
At the least, in justice to the French ordinands, one of the three Neo-SSPX bishops should go to France to perform the ordinations that Fellay has reneged on. Fellay has frustrated his laity and acted with unabashed malice towards these men who have studied and prepared for many years, or perhaps their whole lives, for their ordination to the Sacrament of Holy Orders? Is there a special place in Hell for Fellay for such malice? Fellay knows nothing about "loyalty" because he is himself the quintessence of disloyalty.
With Archbishop Lefebvre's original organization now in the grips of a crazed Bernie Fellay, who is now activating his plan to bring his organization into internal schism on the issue of his sellout, the question on everyone's minds here is: what in the world are the other three SSPX Bishops (Galarreta, Tissier, and Williamson) doing? Will they act (other than make a few speeches) to depose the "Judas of the SSPX" before he can do any further harm?
Statistics previously reported here showed that after a temporary uptick immediately after the July 7, 2007, Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum, the number of "Motu" Messes has tapered off, and has even started to fall. Now new evidence that the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax (called by some the "Extraordinary" Mess, a term never used in the history of the Church before Benedict-Ratzinger) is in further decline.
The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), recognized by JPII-Wojtyla in 1988 in his panic after Archbishop Lefebvre's consecration of four traditional bishops, has now had 24 years of operation with full papal support under 1988's Ecclesia Dei indult for the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962. With a further boost from the follow-up 2007 "Motu," one would have thought that the FSSP would be in full flower. Instead, for years now it has been withering.
Now the TRADITIO Network has been informed that the FSSP has withdrawn from its St. Gregory's Academy, situated in Elmhurst, Pennsylvania, the original headquarters of the FSSP before it was moved in 2000 to be placed under the censorious eye of Fabian Bruskewicz, Newbishop of Lincoln, Nebraska. Since the mendacious Bruskewicz, who for a while was trying to fob himself off as "traditional," got control of the FSSP, it has been steadily sinking into oblivion. The former FSSP operation is being taken over directly by the New Order sect and is being chaplained by a Protestant Episcopalian "converso" to the New Order sect.
Good Catholics, this takeover may be one of the first warning shots indicating how the New Order sect plans to get control of traditional Catholic sites, especially in view of Fellay's impending sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's formerly traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Traditional Catholics had better wake up and fight back against the New Hun, Benedict-Ratzinger, before most of traditional Catholicism is wiped off the face of the earth.
A report, as yet unconfirmed, indicates that on April 15, 2012, in the "negotiations" to sell out the Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect, Bernie Fellay signed an heretical-leaning document as follows:
The entire Tradition of the Catholic Faith should be the criterion and guide for understanding the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, which in turn clarifies certain aspects of the life and doctrine of the Church, not yet formulated, but implicitly present in it. The statements of the Second Vatican Council and of the subsequent papal magisterium regarding the relationship between the Catholic Church and non-Catholic Christian confessions must be understood in the light of all of Tradition.
This information allegedly came from Fellay's henchman, Nikolaus Pfluger, First Assistant. Other sources indicate that "reconciliation" with the Neo-SSPX, described by Newchurch officials as "ultraconservative, anti-democratic, and anti-Semitic," is running into "growing doubts and misgivings." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Il Corriere della Sera.]
Good Catholics, this Fellayite formulation reeks of Vatican II "double-speak." Fellay has learned Modernism well from his new mentor, Josef Ratzinger. It opens wide the door to import "not yet formulated, but implicit" Modernist doctrines into the Neo-SSPX. The grammar of the statement given is quite ambiguous. It was probably written in vulgar French deliberately rather than in the theologically-accurate and Catholic Latin language. It is, nevertheless, perfectly clear that this formulation recognizes as legitimate Vatican II and the Modernist "magisterium" of the New Order popes that emanates from it. What's next: Fellay's attendance with Ratzinger's other Modernist "students," like the excommunicate Freemason Hans Kung, at Ratzinger's annual summer-castle Schulerkreis [Circle of Students]?
JPII-Wojtyla is no saint, but a grave sinner and accomplice in paedophilia, who refused to hear evidence that the perverted head of his Legion of Christ, Marcial Maciel, was an out-and-out rapist who attacked children and seminarians -- even his own children. Yes, Maciel fathered several bastards to add to his plate of sin and corruption. A new book reveals that those who knew intimately of Maciel's crimes tried many times to present the evidence to Wojtyla, but the Unblessed One worshipped Maciel like and god and kept him close to him as his "favorite," refused to act like a pope and punish his presbyter paedophile.
The notion that Wojtyla would be considered for phony Novus Ordo "sainthood" makes one want to vomit. Now it has come to light that Maciel's posing as an "orthodox priest" was just a cover for his uncontrolled rampage of rapes and assaults against boys and girls, men and woman, even his own children, of whom more than 100 victims have now come forward. Many Newchurchers fell for his deception simply because he claimed to be "orthodox."
In a new book entitled Sua Santità: Le Carte Segrete di Benedetto XVI [His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI], Gianluigi Nuzzi reports that Wojtyla ignored all the obvious signs of wickedness coming out of the immoral Legion of Christ and its perverted leader Marcial Maciel. Wojtyla refused to meet with any Legionaries or Newvatican officials who tried to expose the corruption of Maciel and the Legion.
The rampant paedohile Maciel enjoyed the public support of Wojtyla despite the fact that Maciel was the subject of charges before a Newvatican tribunal from 1998 until Wojtyla finally went to his final judgment in 2005. In 2009, a year after Maciel's death, the Legion admitted that its founder had fathered bastard children by two women from Mexico. He also raised large sums of money under false pretenses, particularly from susceptible old women. It has been reported that Maciel funneled large sums of money to Wojtyla. Maciel was known as Wojtyla's "financial gatekeeper" and raked in money for him like Mafia payoffs.
It is now known that Maciel's "beautiful cover" of posing as "orthodox" was just a ruse to get deluded "conservatives" to cough up large sums of money for the New Order sect. To this day, "conservatives," and even traditionalists, fork over large sums of money to phonies, including the Modernist popes JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger, who portray themselves as "conservatives" when easy money can be had from deluded "conservative" Newchurchers.
Maciel's web of influence was stunning. Even Tarcisio Bertone, now Ratzinger's Newcardinal Secretary of State, wrote a glowing preface to the Italian edition of Christ Is My Life, Maciel's spin-control memoir, a last-ditch effort to keep himself from being punished. "The key to [his] success," Bertone wrote, "is, without doubt, the attractive force of the love of Christ." Rather, it was a paedophiliac love of children that drove Maciel. Love of Christ had nothing to do with it. Continuing the corruption, in 2006, Ratzinger appointed Bertone to be his No. 2 Man. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
On June 22, 2012, the highest-ranking Newchurch official yet in the United States, Msgr. William Lynn, has been found guilty of child endangerment for covering up rampant paedohilia in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Newchurch archdiocese and transferring known paeophiles to unsuspecting parishes. Lynn had been head of clergy for the Philadelphia archdiocese for twelve years. The jury found guilty by implication the recently-deceased Newcardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, who was the king-pin in the cover-up operation. Lynn is set to go to prison for seven years. The judge ordered Lynn's bail revoked and remanded him to prison until a sentence hearing in August 2012.
Lynn was the first Newchurch official found guilty, not because he himself was caught in crimes of child rape, but because he was an accomplice to the crimes by covering them up. The late Newcardinal Bevilacqua was implicated even more deeply. Rarely an hour of testimony went by without Bevilacqua's name being invoked. Bevilacqua had the final say on what to do with priests accused of abuse, transferred many of them to new parishes, and dressed down anyone who complained, according to testimony. Bevilacqua escaped man's justice by his death, but the corrupt Newcardinal is undoubtedly suffering now a more severe eternal justice.
At the trial, prosecutors argued that Lynn chose to protect Newchurch at the expense of children, in an effort to avoid scandal and potential loss of financial support. Newcardinal Bevilacqua had decreed that any mention of a paedophile presbyter's move from a parish should cite health reasons, never crimes of paedophilia; thus, the unsuspecting parishes were seeded with paedophiles, unbeknownst to them. The corrupt Bevilacqua also ordered that the list of paedophile presbyters be destroyed, although prosecutors found a copy. That list proved to be a key piece of evidence, showing that Bevilacqua and Lynn were well aware of predatory presbyters and covered up their existence.
One victim's advocate summarized the situation: "There is this worldwide system of cover-up, and they [Newchurch officials] have to be concerned that if this could lead to a conviction in Philadelphia, this could lead to convictions everywhere." 3,000 children in the United States alone have filed lawsuits against Newchurch for sex crimes.
During the ten-week trial more than a dozen adults testified about the assaults and rape that they suffered when children at the hands of paedophile presbyters. A former Newseminarian said he was raped by a presbyter throughout high school at the presbyter's mountain house. A nun testified that she and two female relatives were raped by a presbyter. A ten-year old described being sexually assaulted in the Novus Ordo sacristy in after he served at the phony Novus Ordo service. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
By now you will have noticed a silence on the part of the Motarians concerning a sellout by Bernie Fellay to the New Order sect. These hypocrites shut up when it became known that Benedict-Ratzinger personally reviewed the "dossier" and demanded that the Neo-SSPX accept, without question, the Modernist Vatican II Council in its entirety.
Too bad Ratzinger didn't make his intentions known in the first five minutes of the talks twelve years ago. So much time and money of the Neo-SSPXers has been flushed down the toilet. Not only Ratzinger, but Fellay too have a lot to answer for. The evidence is beginning to pile up that Ratzinger planned to cuckold Fellay all along, wear the Neo-SSPX down, cause internal dissensions, and finally sting Fellay in the derriere.
Whether Fellay was a conspirator with Ratzinger from the beginning or was deluded by the German Fox, Fellay is deserving of all the opprobrium possible. If the Neo-SSPX Chapter members have any guts, they should depose him as the first order of business at the July 7-14, 2012, Extraordinary Chapter meeting for malfeasance in office, and Neo-SSPXers should put not one more farthing into the collection-plate until he is ousted.
Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is out of control, with problems extending up from just presbyters to Newbishops and even Newcardinals. This latest case involves Argentine Newbishop, Fernando Bargallo, who was photographed "fooling around" at a secluded Mexican beach with a scantily-clad beauty.
At first Bargallo, caught in flagrante delicto, denied that the video was of him. Then he changed his story, admitted that he in fact did play the "starring role" in the video, but that the woman was just an "old friend." Now, who knows what mendacious story he is telling? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Noticiero Central television.]
It seems that these Newbishops are not just cheats, but liars to boot.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I try to give my Novus Ordo friends the straight story on Benedict-Ratzinger's evil acts. But if I mention anything unfavorable, they tell me that I am "sinning." I am torn. I want to prove to them that he is doing evil things and that the Novus Ordo service they are attending is not Catholic. But I certainly don't want to be sinning in doing so. Am I sinning by telling the truth about the heresy and corruption of the New Order sect and its leader?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You shouldn't be torn at all. It is you who are courageous enough to do the Catholic thing. In fact, to call telling the truth a "sin" is a well-known technique of Modernist heretics (including the New Order sectarians) to silence true Catholics from speaking the truth. This not the sin of detraction because that sin relates to the revealing of occult sins of an individual to those who have no need to know them.
What you are talking about are public sins, performed, moreover, in the exercise of an ecclesiastical office, and thus the members of the Church have the right to know about them. If these evil acts are not publicly condemned, they will just get worse. And that is exactly what is happening now in Newchurch: Newchurch officials are trying to cover them up rather than correcting them.
The teaching of the Church requires you to proclaim the truth, even if it causes scandal. For example, the Great Father and Doctor of the Church, Pope St. Gregory I said: "If scandal comes from the truth, one must endure the scandal rather than conceal the truth." The Great Father and Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine said: "It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up."
Why must the truth be proclaimed? Because truth is a Divine characteristic. Our Lord Jesus Christ defined Himself with this characteristic: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6/DRV). Before Pilate, Christ declared: "Every one that is of the truth, heareth my voice (John 18:37/DRV).
Many of the Saints of the Church railed against popes for their public sins and evil acts. St. Gertrude even called the pope of her time a "murderer" because his actions killed souls. Remember, in Catholicism, heresy is a worse sin than murder because it is a direct sin against the Majesty of God, and Pope St. Pius X called the heresy of Modernism "the sum-total of all heresies."
Therefore, it is those who are trying to silence you from speaking God's truth that are the sinners, both by intimidating you from telling the truth and from their own sin of omission in doing nothing against the evils in which they are being implicated by their members in the New Order sect. They certainly aren't saying anything Catholic, that's for sure! You keep up fighting, as St. Paul called it, "the good fight" for the true Faith, and don't let the unCatholic Newchurchers intimidate you!
William Lynch, a boy of 7 who was raped by notorious Newjesuit presbyter Jerold Lindner, is on trial in San Jose, California, for punching out the presbyter, but the presbyter is not on trial for raping Lynch and his younger brother, a boy of 4. When Lynch confronted his rapist, presbyter Linder refused even to recognize his victim or to respond to his demand to "turn himself in." At that point Lynch "lost it" and punched out the presbyter pervert.
The prosecution has admitted that presbyter Linder raped the young Lynch brothers, but did not bring charges against the sodomite presbyter, only against the rape victim because the charges against the presbyter were allegedly "too old." Presbyter Linder sodomized the young brothers in the woods during a Newchurch camping trip in Northern California. The victim Lynch has since battled depression and alcoholism, attempted suicide, and suffered the breakup of his marriage.
Paedophile presbyters, virtually all of them not apologetic for their rape of children, have experienced retribution from their victims or others who have found their crimes too vile to endure, including:
The judge overseeing the case recently ruled that Lynch's lawyer can ask the presbyter about Lynch's rape during cross-examination. If presbyter Lindner denies the accusations, the victim can call up to three other witnesses, who claim they were also assaulted by the presbyter as children. Presbyter Lindner has been accused of rape by nearly a dozen children, including his own sister, nieces, and nephews.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What are the three Neo-SSPX bishops and district superiors going to do to Bernie Fellay at the upcoming Extraordinary Chapter meeting? Merely argue with him? They had no game plan in the past, and they have no game plan now. Confrontation of corrupt colleagues is antithetical to these cowards. The same thing is going on in Newvatican, where the wimps refuse to stand up to the criminal "Paedophile Pope."
There is only one way do get anything done to save the Neo-SSPX at that meeting: hire lawyers now to serve Fellay with a summons and complaint at the meeting, inter alia, for breach of fiduciary duty. Short of that, the Neo-SSPX members may as well go soak their heads in a swimming pool and, with blinders on, try to enjoy the rest of their summer.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We couldn't agree more. We TRADITIO Fathers made the same point when all of this started. And don't think that Fellay isn't playing upon the bishops' weakness. Fellay wants to sell out Archbishop Lefebvre's once-traditional Catholic organization to the man and the sect that the Archbishop called "not Catholic." Fellay has recently issued an edict to remove such Lefebvran statements from all Neo-SSPX web sites because they offend the New Order sect, which doesn't like to be exposed as "not Catholic."
The three bishops should have started in 2005 to cut Fellay off at the knees when he met with the Modernist "Fr. Ratzinger," then retitled as "Benedict-Ratzinger." Since then the three bishops have been grossly slothful (one of the Seven Capital Sins, remember) and are now paying the price. Remember, they didn't even want their objection to Fellay's "Hindenburg Plan" revealed to the Neo-SSPX members. It took a whistleblower to do that.Even now the three bishops could take action, as their courageous Archbishop did, but they are too pusillanimous. Thus, they have fallen under Our Lord's condemnation: "But because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth" (Apocalypse 3:16/DRV). Like Ratzinger's complicity in paedophilia, the three bishops have become complicit in the Modernist heresy by their inaction and have turned the Archbishop's traditional organization into the Biblical vomitus.
And, by the way, Fellay has not uttered a single word against Ratzinger for his complicity in the rape of thousands of children by his paedophile Newbishops and presbyters. Fellay has become just another immoral accomplice in the sins, crimes, and cover-up of the "Paedophile Pope" by his silence. And before someone asks us, Yes, suborning crime, particularly against children, one of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, is a Mortal Sin, one Mortal Sin for every child affected.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What are the injuries referred to that are committed against the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially in these times? I have not been able fo find these specified.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
These are specified by Pope Pius XI in his Actus Reparationis [Act of Reparation], recited on each year's Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus before the Most Blessed Sacrament Exposed.
IESU dulcissime, cuius effusa in homines caritas, tanta oblivione, negligentia, contemptione, ingratissime rependitur, en nos, ante altaria tua provoluti, tam nefariam hominum socordiam iniuriasque, quibus undique amantissimum Cor tuum afficitur, peculiari honore resarcire contendimus.
MOST sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thee, eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.
Attamen, memores tantae nos quoque indignitatis non expertes aliquando fuisse, indeque vehementissimo dolore commoti, tuam in primis misericordiam nobis imploramus, paratis, voluntaria expiatione compensare flagitia non modo quae ipsi patravimus, sed etiam illorum, qui, longe a salutis via aberrantes, vel te pastorem ducemque sectari detrectant, in sua infidelitate obstinati, vel baptismatis promissa conculcantes, suavissimum tuae legis iugum excusserunt.
Mindful, alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation, not only for our own personal offenses, but also for the sins of those, who, straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing the promises of their baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law.
Quae deploranda crimina, cum universa expiare contendimus, tum nobis singula resarcienda proponimus: vitae cultusque immodestiam atque turpitudines, tot corruptelae pedicas innocentium animis instructas, dies festos violatos, exsecranda in te tuosque Sanctos iactata maledicta atque in tuum Vicarium ordinemque sacerdotalem convicia irrogata, ipsum denique amoris divini Sacramentum, vel neglectum vel horrendis sacrilegiis profanatum, publica postremo nationum delicta, quae Ecclesiae a te institutae iuribus magisterioque reluctantur.
We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are now determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays and holydays, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected, for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very crimes of nations who resist the rights and teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded.
Quae utinam crimina sanguine ipsi nostro eluere possemus! Interea ad violatum divinum honorem resarciendum, quam Tu olim Patri in Cruce satisfactionem obtulisti quamque quotidie in altaribus renovare pergis, hanc eandem nos tibi praestamus, cum Virginis Matris, omnium Sanctorum, piorum quoque fidelium expiationibus coniunctam, ex animo spondentes, cum praeterita nostra aliorumque peccata ac tanti amoris incuriam firma fide, candidis vitae moribus, perfecta legis evangelicae, caritatis potissimum, observantia, quantum in nobis erit, gratia tua favente, nos esse compensaturos, tum iniurias tibi inferendas pro viribus prohibituros, et quam plurimos potuerimus ad tui sequelam convocaturos. Would that we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood.
We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy divine honor, the satisfaction Thou once made to Thy Eternal Father on the cross and which Thou continuest to renew daily on our altars; we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and we sincerely promise to make recompense, as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, for all neglect of Thy great love and for the sins we and others have committed in the past. Henceforth, we will live a life of unswerving faith, of purity of conduct, of perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel and especially that of charity. We promise to the best of our power to prevent others from offending Thee and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee.
Excipias, quaesumus, benignissime Iesu, beata Virgine Maria Reparatrice intercedente, voluntarium huius expiationis obsequium nosque in officio tuique servito fidissimos ad mortem usque velis, magno illo perseverantiae munere, continere, ut ad illam tandem patriam perveniamus omnes, ubi Tu cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother, our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering we make of this act of expiation; and by the crowning gift of perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our duty and the allegiance we owe to Thee, so that we may all one day come to that happy home, where with the Father and the Holy Spirit Thou livest and reignest, God, forever and ever. Amen.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Your readers may not be aware that Bernie Fellay alone cannot decide whether the Neo-SSPX can sell out to Newrome. At the 2004 SSPX General Chapter meeting, the Chapter members decided that if Fellay should want to sell out the Society to become a part of the New Order sect, an Extraordinary Chapter must be convoked to vote on the issue. As you have reported in the Commentaries, Fellay has already convoked an Extraordinary Chapter for July 8-14, 2012. The downside is that Fellay has connived to appoint all of these people. They are not likely to be independent consciences, although a few have publicly spoken out against Fellay and his "Hindenburg Plan."
If Fellay ever did dare to sign a sellout agreement on his own, what has been termed a "Document of Apostasy," he would violate the decision of the General Chapter and open himself to deposition from office and a declaration that his sellout action would be null and void.
The Newvatican has a peculiar quality of being able to see things exactly upside down. When internal whistleblowers made public Benedict-Ratzinger's ethical and criminal violations of money-laundering, contract fraud, nepotism, and paedophilia complicity, Ratzinger's No. 2 Man, the one whom many Vaticanists claim is now running the show since Ratzinger has taken a back seat, Newcardinal Secretary of Tarcisio Bertone, said that he thinks that with the Vatileaks scandal the Devil is trying to destabilize Newchurch.
Well, if that is what the Devil is trying to do, he is doing the right thing, as the unCatholic Newchurch should be overturned, and the true Catholic Church restored. But because, by definition, the Devil cannot be doing the right thing, it must be the courageous Angels who are trying to overturn Newchurch!
Italian commentators have disputed Bertone's statement as self-serving nonsense, pointing out that the scandal started with a letter from the Governor of the Vatican City State, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, who publicly revealed to the press that Ratzinger had failed to act on a year's worth of violations that he himself had provided.
Since January 2012 scores of documents demonstrating the corruption of the Ratzinger Newpapacy have been leaked to the Italian press by internal whistleblowers in order to force Ratzinger to do his job and clean out the corruption in his Newpapacy, but Ratzinger is in outer space. He is more concerned about who leaked the documents than his crimes documented in them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Can you tell me whether the priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) are ordained in the traditional rite or in the Novus Ordo rite? I sometimes go to Mass at the Fraternity and am wondering whether they are really priests who can celebrate a valid Mass. Are FSSP priests validly ordained, or are they part of the invalid Novus Ordo structure?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The FSSP uses the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Ordinal of 1962, which, in itself, is valid, though its modernizations are to be deprecated. But the real problem is that the bishops simulating the FSSP's spurious "ordinations" are Novus Ordo, never having been consecrated as bishops in the valid traditional rite. These bishops have merely been "installed" in the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1969. Therefore, the FSSP does not have priests, but essentially Novus Ordo presbyters.
Also, the FSSP uses the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+, not the Traditional Latin Mass. For further information on these issues, consult the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, in the chapters "How to Choose a Traditional Latin Mass" and "Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services." The FSSP is included in the comments on the "Diocese" category in the Directory.
The Neo-SSPXers who choose to follow Bernie Fellay will have no one to blame but themselves when Newrome quickly swallows them up, and they become part and parcel of Benedict-Ratzinger's oecumenical structure. The examples of Newvatican's subterfuge in the destruction of other so-called traditional organizations and groups is well documented. My new feature article also explains why the other three neo-SSPX bishops are ultimately to blame for the coming dismantling of Archbishop Lefebvre's organization. They were appointed and accepted the role of shepherds for the organization.
The warning of St. Peter in Scripture is being fulfilled before our eyes. St. Peter understood that Church officials, including himself, often failed in their sacred duty to guide Christ's sheep. He wisely warned the Faithful: "But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be lying teachers among you, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction" (2 Peter 2:1/DRV).
To read my entire feature article, click on FELLAY2.HTM: Bernie Fellay: False Shepherd of Christ's Church in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
In the latest scandal to engulf Benedict-Ratzinger, a Church official has warned that a "time bomb" is about to explode over Mafia money invested in Ratzinger's Newvatican bank, which has been plagued with scandals leading to the recent firing of its President, Ettore Gotti, a close friend of Ratzinger. Prosecutors are investigating claims that a Sicilian Mafia "godfather" laundered cash through the Institute for Religious Works, the official name of Newvatican's bank, which seems to be doing precious little religious work these days. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the UK Times.]
While Fellay was flying off to Newrome, trying to become a card-carrying member of the unCatholic New Order sect, what is his Neo-SSPX attorney doing? You may remember Maximilian Krah from past Commentaries. Krah doubles as Fellay's business partner (they sit on various corporate investment boards together). Neo-SSPX members have publicly wondered about this strange association, which is all the more strange because Krah prominently supports Jewish fund-raising efforts and other Jewish activities.
Most recently, in April 2012, Krah was photographed at a Jewish military camp, where he joined a group of Tel Aviv University students for a "Talmudic pilgrimage." The pilgrimage was arranged by an Israeli Mossad officer, Oren Hieman, who is said to be Krah's eMBA classmate. Krah's own eMBA records are said to show his graduate degree to have been sponsored by the Neo-SSPX.
The man with whom Fellay and his Neo-SSPX is associated received his training at one of only six "religious" schools that were allowed to operate in Communist East Germany. Fellay was well aware of what was going on in these schools. Fellay stated at a conference given at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Kansas City, Missouri, on January 7, 1999:
In an interview three years ago, a Mason from Mexico boasted of four Freemasonic lodges of the Scottish Rite within the Vatican. In further explanations he claimed that Freemasons have the power to reward cooperating priests with the episcopacy. A NATO report [1974] on the activities of the Communist Secret Service in the Eastern Bloc nations within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church estimated 3000 agents had successfully infiltrated the Catholic hierarchy. In 1984, just before the reunification of Germany, the Secret Service of East Germany was known to dramatically increase its number of agents with the aim of subverting Catholic and Protestant churches.
So, in view of all the facts, Fellay thinks that a well-Jewish-connected Maximilian Krah is the best attorney he can choose? Just another lack of judgment on the part of the CEO of Neo-SSPX, Inc. Inquiring Neo-SSPXers want to know.
European sources indicate that Bernie Fellay has returned from his June 13, 2012, meeting with the Ecclesia Dei Commission in Newrome battered. All the lead-up to the meeting seemed to indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger would approve the Fellay's sellout, but that did not happen. Instead, more "marginalia" were scribbled to the Modernist "Doctrinal Preamble" and surprisingly sent back with Fellay to Menzingen in a "complicated dossier heavier than what had been foreseen." The unexpected turn of events surprised even the so-called "Vaticanists," who, far from being unbiased, have been trying to push for the sellout.
Moreover, it seems that the rejection of Fellay's "Hindenburg Plan" by the three Neo-SSPX bishops and the denunciations of it by some twenty outspoken Neo-SSPX priests, who put their heads on Fellay's chopping block by going public, and by an increasing number of Neo-SSPX laity and contributors, has taken their toll on Fellay, just as the "Vatileaks" scandal has taken its toll on Ratzinger. At this point both Fellay and Ratzinger are both publicly "damaged merchandise."
Since Fellay was not able to complete his sellout mission just yet, he now has to face the Neo-SSPX's Extraordinary Chapter meeting on July 7-14, which he had called himself, by which time he had expected the sellout to be a fait accompli. Now he will have to face an ugly crowd of his some two dozen District Superiors, several of whom have spoken out against him and his "Hindenburg Plan" for the Neo-SSPX. Now Fellay will have to subject himself to the ire of the District Superiors and lay the details, which he has kept secret to the present time, out on the table.
Although the Extraordinary Meeting may not specifically have on its agenda the firing of Fellay as the Neo-SSPX's Superior General, nevertheless, when there is a will, there is a way. He could be forced to resign, or his wings could be de facto severely clipped. As Julius Caesar and other dictators learned, it doesn't matter what the law says when your enemies have had enough of your tyranny!
Given recent reports about Benedict-Ratzinger's failing health and mind, and the iron hand that Newcardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone has taken on Newchurch, we may well see the death of a Newpope before the sellout of the Neo-SSPX. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Le Figaro.]
Perhaps it is just simple justice that "Mary" is the code-name by which the whistleblowers on Benedict-Ratzinger's crimes have chosen to name themselves, as they reveal to the public scores of internal documents that show Ratzinger as an accomplice in money-laundering, contract fraud, nepotism, and paedophilia. If Ratzinger doesn't clean out the crimes, or is not cleaned out himself, the whistleblowers have threatened to release literally hundreds more incriminating documents. The "Vatileaks" show a Newpapacy out of control
Certainly the mood at Newvatican these days is utterly chaotic. Benedict-Ratzinger is failing in mind and body, and is now both unable and unwilling to seize back the reins of Newrome from fierce infighting and scandal. While Vatican insiders jockey for power and speculate on his successor, Ratzinger has retreated to his study to finish his series on Jesus Christ from a false Modernistic perspective. The Newbarque of Peter has no captain.
The Newroman Curia is panicked. No one trusts anyone any longer in written communication, and some even hesitate to communicate by phone. It all began in the "Annus Exsecrablilis" (cf. the Annus Horribilis 1992 of Queen Elizabeth II), the seventh year of the papacy of Ratzinger, with striking parallels to the latter part of the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla's Newpapacy. Ratzinger is exhausted and is no longer able to exert his power. Ratzinger isn't interested in daily affairs at Newvatican and has zero interest in actually running the Curia, let alone reforming it. "He simply isn't taking matters into his own hands," one Newroman monsignor says.
Ratzinger turned 85 in April 2012 and is the oldest pope since Pope Leo XIII, who died at age 93 in 1903. He is having more and more trouble speaking, and his movements have become stiff. When he gives a "homily," he sounds like an emotionless robot; he never makes eye contact with his congregation -- of course, there is nothing new about that! He has suffered two strokes and a concussion when he hit his head against a radiator. He is taking daily aspirin, a practice once recommended for stroke victims, but now found to cause worse problems than those that the aspirin is supposed to cure. He can no longer walk the 100-metre length of St. Peter's Basilica, but must be shoved on a rolling platform.
An exhausted Ratzinger is looking at his legacy being the most disastrous since Vatican II. It appears that he will be remembered as plagued by scandals, mistakes, and gaffes of his own making. But, most of all, he will be remembered as the Executive Vice President, then elevated to CEO, of a "Paedophile Sect" of his own creation, when he consigned and sealed under his own signature hundreds of thousands of children into being raped by his Newclergy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Der Spiegel.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
My granddaughter said the if a tattoo is not offensive or a demonic image, then it is not sinful to have a permanent tattoo on your body. I have told her that it is a Mortal Sin. Is that correct?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your daughter is absolutely wrong. It just goes to show what ignorance of the Christian Faith fills the heads of the young (and old) today. Tattooing is a pagan practice, condemned in Sacred Scripture. Moreover, the fact that the tattoo may be of a religious object does not exonerate the recipient. The exhibitionism involved is intrinsically unCatholic, as falling short of the virtue of humility. Would Our Lord have had a tattoo? Our Lady? Of course not!
Amongst the Romans tattooing was considered a mark of enslavement and confirmed the individual as the property of his master, just as an animal is branded today. This certainly is not the practice of a free Christian.
Tattooing one's body is a grave sin against the Fifth Commandment. There is no moral justification for the practice, which involves serious and unnecessary medical risks. The tattoo inks contain carcinogens like lead and mercury, and can produce metal blood poisoning, which may move very quickly into the internal organs and, in the most serious cases, cause death. Tattooing transmits HIV and Hepatitis B and C, which lead to liver cancer. These viruses can erupt virulently, or they can lie dormant in the body for twenty or more years after the tattooing. Hepatitis can destroy the liver and thus weaken the body until it dies in agony.
So dangerous is the practice of tattooing that tattooed individuals cannot give blood, so as not to transmit the viruses to others, yet many do, committing a further grave sin against the Fifth Commandment of God and against the Theological Virtue of Charity.
For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Tattoos."
Benedict-Ratzinger's paedophiliac Newchurch has learned nothing, has corrected nothing. Benedict-Ratzinger appointed Charlie Chaput, formerly Newarchbishop of Denver, Colorado, as the latest in a string of accomplices to paedophile presbyters: Anthony Bevilacqua (1988-2003) and Justin Rigali (2003-2011). In just one year, Chaput has become yet another accomplice supporting the New Order sect's paedophile clergy in Philadelphia, as exposed in two detailed Grand Jury reports.
Chaput can't even bring himself to denounce his paedophile presbyters as what they are: sodomites, and of children yet, perpetrating one of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. Chaput simply terms these horrid crimes "boundary violations," as if someone let his dog wander into a neighbor's yard. In the latest case, that of presbyter Francis Feret, Chaput announced on June 11, 2012, that he was removing Feret from the "active ministry" for "boundary violations." Chaput remained mute about the fact that these "boundary violations" included the crimes of raping children. If the Philadelphia Newarchbishops had not been covering up the multitude of ongoing heinous crimes by their presbyters against children, and if they had pursued immediate justice for the victims, hundreds of children would be spared having their lives ruined by vile presbyters.
But the time of these filthy presbyters getting away with -- even literally -- murder looks to be over. The stalwart Philadelphia District Attorneys have paved the way for the now-dead Newarchbishop Anthony Bevilacqua's right-hand accomplice, Newmonsignor William Lynn, to go to prison for his integral role in making paedophile presbyters even more dangerous to children than they are already were. And that precedent should pave the way for more states to eliminate the legal barriers that shift criminal investigations to private organizations, like Survivors Network of Those Abused by Presbyters (SNAP). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Justia.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
A Novus Ordo presbyter has written here for the June 9, 2012, Bombay Examiner that the so-called "Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ" -- what the Novus Ordo has substituted for the millenium-old feast of Corpus Christi -- is the "commemoration of His [Christ's] Real Presence in the Eucharist." This statement is absolutely false.
The truth of the matter is that on November 30, 1969, Paul VI-Montini directed that, for his New Order sect, the full-blown Novus Ordo service replace the Catholic Mass. The invalid Novus Ordo service -- sometimes called the "New Mass," but it is not actually Mass at all -- replicates the Calvinist Protestant service, fabricated with the assistance of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Committee of Six Protestant ministers. In the same year Bugnini effected the Protestantized New Ordinal, after which no priests were ordained for the Novus Ordo sect, but only presbyters installed "to preside over the assembly" -- which is exactly what Protestant ministers do.
The Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at that time, Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, together with Antonio Cardinal Bacci, presented Montini with their famous Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass of September 25, 1969, which denounced the invalid and unCatholic "New Mass" in these words: "it departs from the theology of the Mass as proclaimed by the [dogmatic] Council of Trent, to which the Catholic conscience is bound forever."
The Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service is not a Mass at all, but an invalid fraud. Without the Mass and other sacraments, no wonder the New Order sect is falling into the pit of heresy and moral depravity!
(For further information, click on OTTAVIAN.TXT: Ottaviani Intervention: Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass (Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani & Antonio Cardinal Bacci.)
On June 14, 2012, the day after Bernie Fellay's most recent "secret" meeting in Newrome (does this guy ever do anything openly and honestly?), more information leaked out of Newrome as to how the Neo-SSPX is being set up for a fall. The "personal prelature" proposed, a New Order method of bringing "conservatives" into the unCatholic sect, has actually been on the table for months, in order to trick the Neo-SSPX in accepting control of its organization by New Order sect. The meeting included Fellay and an assistant, William Levada (President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission), Luis Ladaria (Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith), and Guido Pozzo (Secretary of the Commission).
The topic of the meeting was Fellay's acceptance of the "Doctrinal Preamble" of September 14, 2011 -- what has otherwise been called the Document of Sellout or the Document of Apostasy. Also, the statutes of the NewSociety under New Order control, in the form of a Novus Ordo "personal prelature," were given to Fellay. Levada expressed Ratzinger's desire that Fellay pressure the three Neo-SSPX bishops, Galarreta, Tisser de Mallerais, and Williamson, to go along with the sellout. Fellay was expected to sign the Document of Apostasy within "the next few days."
Ratzinger's press secretary, Federico Lombardi, indicated that the Neo-SSPX must accept the legitimacy of the Modernist Vatican II Council, the Novus Ordo "magisterium," and Benedict-Ratzinger (who has not even consecrated as a bishop, but merely installed in Hannibal Bugnini's invalid New Ordinal of 1969) as a legitimate pope. Lombardi said that Fellay must now "report to his team." That "team" (what a Modernist term!) consists not of the three Neo-SSPX bishops, who unanimously have rejected Fellay's sellout, but Fellay's two stooges, Nikolaus Pfluger and Marc-Alain Nery.
The "personal prelature" statutes for the NewSociety would likely follow those of the other personal prelature, the corrupt Opus Dei sect. According to the statues of that sect, the NewSociety would come under the complete control of the heretical Modernist Newbishops as follows:
The Neo-SSPX's bishop Tissier de Mallerais, knowing full well that a personal prelature would end the Neo-SSPX and make it a lapdog of the New Order sect, proclaimed: "We would not be free to create new priories without the permission of the local [Novus Ordo] bishops and, additionally, all our recent foundations would have to be confirmed by these same bishops. It would thus mean subjugating us quite unnecessarily to an overall Modernist episcopate."
Good Catholics, if Providence so wills, the ailing Benedict-Ratzinger may be spirited off to his eternal reward or damnation, and Fellay ousted by his organization, before this nonsense is finalized.
Recent news from Ireland indicates another consequence of having a "Paedophile Pope." Ratzinger, having already destroyed the Traditional Latin Mass by replacing it with the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+ and the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Full Novus Ordo Mess of 1969, is now destroying the sacraments. In reality, however, the Newchurch sacraments (except perhaps Baptism and Matrimony) have already been invalidated by the Novus Ordo form, matter, and/or intention.
Irish government leaders have insisted that they will not allow the phony Novus Ordo "Reconciliation" couch to limit the scope of new legislation that would require reporting of all complaints of child abuse. "The point is, if there is a law in the land, it has to be followed by everybody. There are no exceptions, there are no exemptions," said the Irish Childrens' Minister. Quickly dismissing the sanctity of the confessional, which has been recognized by governments for centuries, Fitzgerald said: "I'm not concerned -- neither is the government,-- about the internal laws, the rules governing any body. The Irish Prime Minister proclaimed: "The law of the land should not be stopped by a crosier or a collar."
Good Catholics, this issue would not have arisen except for the actions of the "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger, in colluding with the crimes of his child-rapist Newbishops and presbyters, and threatening with "excommunication" those Newclergy who (outside of Novus Ordo "Reconciliation" couch) turned over the Newchurch criminals to the police. In reality, of course, the Novus Ordo "Reconciliation" is invalid, so cannot in any way claim sacramental exemption.
In recent days it has become clearer and clear that all of the so-called rumors Bernie "Judas" Fellay has condemned have in fact come true. Recent information from Italian sources close to Fellay's and Benedict-Ratzinger's machinations to destroy Archbishop Lefebvre's once-traditional SSPX have come up with information that should send a chill down the spines (if they have any) of the Neo-SSPXers.
Informed Italian sources indicate that Bernie Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger already entered into an "agreement in principle" in March 2012, and that Fellay was given two to three months to "soften up" his clergy and laity for the final sellout. However, the public revelation of the three Neo-SSPX bishops' (Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Williamson) "confidential" letter to Fellay against the sellout slowed down the process an extra month, so that Fellay will sign the official Document of Apostasy for his Fellayite faction by the end of June 2012.
As a result, these are some of the consequences that informed Italian sources predict:
Good Catholics, in this sellout it can hardly be denied that the grudge Ratzinger has held since 1988 against the courageous Archbishop for not selling out out his Society to the New Order sect in that year has reached diabolical proportions.
It seems that more hypocrisy has issued forth from "Fr." Ratzinger, a leader of the New Order sect since Vatican II, has decided that he wants his unCatholic sect to control everything "Catholic." In furtherance of his world domination for the Novus Ordo Seclorum, he has applied to ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, for a new top-level domain name, ".catholic," as a home for "authentically Catholic internet sites." Of course, these Newchurch sites are not Catholic at all; they are part of the heretical New Order sect. The application cost him 185,000 U.S. dollars and could take more than a year to process. He has also applied for the same domain name as spelled in Arabic, Chinese, and Cyrillic letters.
What is hypocritical about all of this is that Ratzinger, during the 2009 congress in Mexico, asked ICANN not to accept the .god domain, and to keep religion out of the top-level domain name system. At that time he said that it is unwise to allow religious domain names, such as .catholic, .anglican, .orthodox, .hindu, .islam, .muslim, .buddhist, or .god, as this would force ICANN to choose who can represent a certain religion. Now Ratzinger thinks that he can bamboozle ICANN into thinking that he represents the "Catholic" religion.
If it is approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the "dot-catholic" domain would be controlled by Newvatican, whose officials have not yet fully established how internet sites would obtain authorization to use the "dot-catholic" domain, but they expect that they would work with local New Order episcopal conferences to vet the organizations asking for that designation. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Digital Journal.]
Good Catholics, at least with this hypocritical scheme, if approved by ICANN, real Catholics, that is, traditional Catholics, will know that anything ending in ".catholic" is a fraud -- and definitely not Catholic, but clearly marked as a propaganda machine for the unCatholic New Ordo!
On June 12, 2012, the French web site that has been leading the resistance to Bernie Fellay's sellout, reported that Fellay and his two stooge assistants, Pfluger and Nely, were summoned to Newrome on June 13 to hear Benedict-Ratzinger's decision after reviewing Newcardinal Levada's report concerning the May 15, 2012, meeting of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. Since Ratzinger's press secretary had previously announced that a decision would not occur until after Ratzinger's summer vacation at his castle in Gandolfo, there is a stink of a "set up" about all of this.
In recent months the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Fellay has engaged in repression, censorship, and a witchhunt of unprecedented levels to suppress any comments against Ratzinger's Modernist regime. Nevertheless, some twenty Neo-SSPX clergy, from the three bishops on down, have courageously spoken out against Fellay's sellout and have consequently been placed on a "black list" for expulsion by Ratzinger and Fellay from the new Society of St. Savior, its purported new name under the control of the New Order sect. Fellay's henchman in the sellout, the Abbot of Cacqueray, has already threatened his recalcitrant Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters: "Shut up!"
Italian sources report that the sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic organization to the unCatholic forces he courageously resisted is imminent (Agence France-Presse has reported 7-10 days) and that Fellay and his stooge assistants did in fact act like servile dogs and scamper off to Newrome for a 17:00 "top secret" meeting, as ordered by the Top Rottweiler. All that remains is for Fellay to sign the Document of Apostasy, know as the "Doctrinal Preamble," by which Fellay formally will embrace the heresies of Vatican II, under whatever mendacious excuse. As a consequence of the sellout, Fellay has admitted that the following changes would be implemented when the new Society of St. Savior comes under the control of the New Order sect:
The Italian press is reporting candidly that Fellay's group is split down the middle: half regard him as the Messias who will led them into Promised Land of the New Order sect, half regard him as a Judas, a traitor to the Archbishop's traditional Catholicism, and a false bishop who has sold out to the heretics. Word is that the three bishops, Richard Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Galarreta, will not accept any sellout and that the stage has been set for a dissolution of the Society.
Good Catholics, it remains to be seen whether the three bishops and the half of the Society's laity have learned anything from the takeover of the Catholic Church by Modernist heretics in 1969 and will have the same courage as their Archbishop did, to refound a traditional Catholic Society.
On June 13, 2012, on the very day it was reported that the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay was meeting with Benedict-Ratzinger in Newrome, the Society's Bishop Tissier de Mallerais released to the press a statement in no uncertain terms that he would have nothing to do with Fellay's sellout. First off, he nails Benedict-Ratzinger's malign motives for a sellout:
[Ratzinger] ... is a Modernist (heretic). His Programme speech of December 22, 2005, is a profession of that the truths of the faith cange according to the dominant ideas of each era.... His real intention in integrating ourselves [the Neo-SSPX] into the Conciliar orb can only be to bring us back to Vatican II.
Tissier further rejected the notion of the Neo-SSPX's "reinstatement" into the New Order sect:
The word "reinstatement" is wrong. The Society of St. Pius X has never left the Church. It is at the heart of the Church. Where the preaching of the true Faith is, there is the Church. The project of "formalization" of the SSPX leaves me cold. We do not need it, and the Church does not need it.... We would not like to put our light under a bushel by our integration into the Conciliar orb. The status being proposed, a Personal Prelature, similar to that of Opus Dei, is a statute for a state of peace. But now we are in a state of war in the Church. It would be a contradiction to want to "regularize the war".... Archbishop Lefebvre said in 1984: "We will not place ourselves under an authority when that authority has full power to destroy us." And I think that is wisdom.
Tissier then goes on to describe the "defects" of Modernist Rome as: "a liberal sect that has renounced the true Rome of Christ the King, a Rome that was doomed by all the popes until the eve of the [Vatican II] Council." He goes on to warn about the practical consequences of a sellout:
The experiences of groups that have joined the leadership in today's Rome is that all, one after the other, including Campos and the Good Shepherd, have been forced formally to accept the Second Vatican Council. And we know what happened to Bishop Rifan, of Campos, who now sees no objection to celebrating the "New Mass" and forbad his priests to criticize the Council!
Tissier then goes on to denounce the New Order sect, led by Ratzinger, as of the Devil (Beliel):
"What concord hath Christ with Belial? For what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?" (2 Corinthians 6:15), says the Apostle [St. Paul]. This [the New Order] is a new religion that is not Catholic. With this faith we want no compromise, no danger of corruption, even any appearance of reconciliation. And it is this appearance that we would give by our so called "regularization."Good Catholics, these are the most straightforward words yet expressed by a Neo-SSPX bishop against the unCatholic and heretical New Order and against the sheer madness of Fellay's sellout program. Tissier has hit the nail on the head -- with a resounding whack!
In his June 9, 2012, bulletin, the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop Richard Williamson has signaled the Extraordinary Chapter called for July 7-14, 2012, to eject Bernie Fellay from the office of Superior General of that organization. Williamson did this by recalling Archbishop Lefebvre's actions following the episcopal consecrations of 1988 and the subsequent defection of the Benedictine superior, Dom Gerard, of Le Barroux monastery, to the unCatholic New Order sect.
Williamson particularly highlights the Archbishop's written exhortation to Dom Thomas Aquinas, the young Prior of the Benedictine monastery in Brazil, which had been founded from Le Barroux monastery, not to follow Dom Gerard into the New Order sect. Ultimately, Dom Thomas Aquinas stayed the course, monastery under his guidance has remained traditional and outside of the New Order sect ever since. The Archbishop actually encouraged Dom Thomas to rally the faithful monks in Le Barroux and eject Dom Gerard, the traitor to the New Order sect.
It is now obvious that Williamson sees the pursuit of a sellout to the New Order sect Rome by Fellay as "madness." Williamson sees the parallel between the events at Le Barroux and the present situation, and climaxes his bulletin with this attack against Fellay and his followers:
One wonders how some of his [the Archbishop's] sons [scil., Fellay & Co.] can now be wanting to put themselves 'under obedience to Modernist Rome, which remains fundamentally anti-traditional,' or, under a subjectivist pope who has no possible understanding of objective Catholic Tradition. Such is the power of seduction, increasing all the time, of the subjectivist world around us. The madness of subjectivism has become so normal, so widespread, that few people notice it any longer.
The amount of propaganda that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX machine has been shoveling out in the last few weeks is incredible. And this from a man who claimed that the internet was the work of the Devil! This statement is just more of the Fellayite hypocrisy that we have come to expect. One of Fellay's latest methods of deception is to publish canned "interviews" on the internet. These screeds are not interviews, but propaganda releases that are authored in house. In no way do they honestly confront the public opposition, now numbering twenty of his clergy, to his sellout attempts. In the June 8, 2018, propaganda "interview," Fellay claimed that "what was reported on the internet concerning my remarks on this subject [the structure of his organization under Newchurch control] in Austria last month is entirely false."
Now one of Fellay's own priests, Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer has issued a statement on the internet calling Fellay a liar in his "interview." Pfeiffer points out that "a few sentences before his claim that the report was entirely false," Fellay inadvertently admitted in reference to the proposed Novus Ordo Personal Prelature that one of the points was certainly true: "It is still true, since it is Church law, that in order to open a new chapel or to found a work, it would be necessary to have the permission of the local [Novus Ordo] Ordinary."
The admissions were made by Fellay to about ten Neo-SSPX priests of the Austrian District and were reported at the time on the TRADITIO Network. Fellay described the gutted organization that the Neo-SSPX would become when under the control of the New Order sect:
One of the Austrian priests was so shocked by Fellay's admissions that he told an SSPX lay follower to post it on the internet. Half of the priests present were so shocked that they told Fellay that would accept this new structure when Hell froze over!
Good Catholics, be warned. What is coming out of Newrome is not Catholic. What is coming out of Menzingen (Fellay) and its branches is not Catholic. To these apostates from the traditional Catholic Faith, the truth is "rumors," and their lies are the Modernist Newgospel. Fellay's treachery cannot help but remind us what that great Roman, Marcus Tullius Cicero, so beloved by the Church Fathers for his Christian-like philosophy, said about another traitor to Rome, in one of the most famous speeches of all times, memorized by all Latin students (Fellay must have flunked his Latin):
Quo usque tandem abutere, [Bernarde,] patiantia nostra?
Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet?
Quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia?
Just how far now, [Bernie,] will you abuse our patience?
Just how long will that madness of yours mock us?
To what end will your unbridled insolence flaunt itself?
Even Fellay's clergy and laity are getting fed up with their Superior-Dictator. As one of his lay members recently wrote: "I'm starting to get mad now. I'm getting really mad. I'm sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated like a sheep. I'm mad as Hell."
It is remarkable how many traditional Catholics think that Fellay's Neo-SSPX is the only option in town. If fact, now that Fellay has linked his star to the unCatholic New Order sect rather than to traditional Catholicism -- to what the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, called Eternal Rome, as opposed to the unCatholic Modernist Rome of the New Order--, these other options for the traditional Catholic Faith, Mass, and Sacraments will become more widely known, as more and more Neo-SSPXers leave Fellay's sinking ship to find the traditional Catholicism that the Archbishop had offered them.
The TRADITIO Network has received a bulletin from one of these, the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, an independent traditional Catholic organization of almost thirty years' standing. CMRI runs a traditional Catholic high school for boys and girls and a traditional seminary, as well as 45 Traditional Latin Mass sites in North America. The CMRI bulletin announces the reception of four new novices and the impending ordination of two new deacons and one priest.
For traditional Catholic options that remain as Fellay's Neo-SSPX abandons traditional Catholicism, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger has been taking notes from the Orthodox Jewish rabbis in New York about how to cover up from the police sex crimes against children by his Newclergy. The New York Times has reported that Orthodox rabbis, like Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newbishops, have shunned and banned victims from reporting their rape of children. Like Ratzinger's New Order sect, the Orthodox rabbis have a Mafia-like Code of Silence against Jews' reporting these vicious crimes to the police.
It turns out that that Jewish teaching prevents Jews from handing over a Jew to non-Jewish authorities. Called mesirah, the public disclosure of allegations against another Jew, is considered to be an act that desecrates God's name. In other words, the Jews, by their own teaching, must become criminal accessories after the fact when it comes to crimes perpetrated by their rabbis. As the authoritative Torah scholar Maimonides wrote:
It is forbidden to hand over a Jew to the heathen, neither his person nor his goods, even if he is wicked and a sinner, even if he causes distress and pain to fellow-Jews. Whoever hands over a Jew to the heathen has no part in the next world. It is permitted to kill a moser [informant] wherever he is. It is even permitted to kill him before he has handed over [a fellow Jew].
Ratzinger, by his own criminal cover-ups, shunning the secular courts and keeping the crimes "within the family," has emulated the Jews, with whom he has publicly worshipped in their synagogues, singing a hymn for the coming of the Messias. Thus, Benedict-Ratzinger has publicly committed the most grievous Mortal Sins against the First Commandment of God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Jewish Week.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The New Order sect has apparently done away with the practice of bowing the head slightly when hearing or uttering the Holy Name of Jesus. Could you explain how this Catholic practice originated?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It began at the beginning of the Church. St. Paul in his Epistle to the Philippians (2:10/DRV) described how revered the Holy Name should be: "For which cause God also hath exalted him, and hath given him a name which is above all names: That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth." The Old Testament Jews would not even utter the holy name of God (the Tetragrammaton), by which He had identified Himself to Moses. They used instead circumlocutions like Adonai, Lord. To utter the holy name they considered blasphemy and subject to the penalty of stoning to death. Similarly, true Catholics avoid using the Holy Name of Jesus, substituting circumlocutions like "Lord," "Savior," etc.
Fellay is going ballistic again over a report on a French web site that he had already completed the Neo-SSPX sellout to the New Order sect in March 2012 and would announce the sellout on June 8, 2012, on his own French web site. This sellout would involve a change in the name of the organization, new statutes, a transfer of property to the New Order sect, and expulsion of all priest-presbyters who do not agree with the New Order.
Now, first of all, let us make it clear that the TRADITIO Network did not publish this particular piece of information because we were waiting for confirmation. The TRADITIO Network is quite careful not to publish mere "rumors," but only information that is confirmed by several of our inside sources. In this case, although there may not be confirmed documentary evidence that Fellay did sell out, neither is there any documentary evidence that he did not sell out -- yet.
It is our opinion that Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger, as confirmed by several informed Italian news sources, had probably lined up a sellout to be announced on Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 2012. So, what happened? The same thing that happened to prevent the sellout from occurring on February 2, 2009: the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop Richard Williamson. Not that Williamson is likely to have intended it deliberately in either case, but, perhaps by an inscrutable Providence, Williamson became the agent to thwart Fellay's sellout perfidy.
As usual, Fellay has gone into another one of his demented tirades. He and his agents have been throwing out the same kind of "rumors" that they are themselves always condemning in others. Was the French web site's announcement a hoax? Was it a setup? Was it a plot of "sede-vacantists" to divide and confuse the Neo-SSPX further than it already is? The real problem is that Fellay is himself the Great Deceiver. To this day, many months after, he has refused to reveal the content of the communications to his organization from Ratzinger and his lieutenants in Newvatican, not even to his own bishops, his own priest-presbyters, and his own laity.
That is why these interested parties are getting their information from elsewhere, including a courageous whistleblower who revealed the three bishops' letter attacking Fellay's sellout plans. Why shouldn't they see independent sources, like the TRADITIO Network? It is their own Catholic Faith and their own organization that is at stake. Fellay is merely a passing petty potentate, as is Ratzinger.
We TRADITIO Fathers, who have experience in these matters and personalities going back to before Vatican II, will take a leaf from the example of the Father of History, the ancient Greek Thucydides, who pieced together information and characters to come out with highly intuitive (and most often correct) conclusions about what really happened in historical events.
About a week before the sellout bandied about for February 2, 2009, Williamson's controversial interview for Swedish Public Television, in which he stated a controversial opinion on a disputed point of secular history, was aired. As a result, secular Jewish mouthpieces went bonkers. Ratzinger, who is a Judaeophile of an unequalled extreme amongst the Conciliar popes, immediately backed off the likely deal. Now, three years later, the letter of Williamson, joined with his fellow Neo-SSPX bishops Galarreta and Tissier de Mallerais, threw Ratzinger into a panic about the most recent attempted sellout. Fellay, instead of being able to deliver Archbishop Lefebvre's once traditional Catholic group to his enemy, Josef Ratzinger, intact with a pretty bow around it, could deliver only a fractured organization, broken apart like Humpty Dumpty, in the words of the prophetic nursery rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Fellay's Neo-SSPXers are more frequently complaining about the Society using the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+, with additional Novus Ordo additions, especially the so-called Dialogue Mass, in which the congregation, like Protestants, answer the priest-presbyter instead of allowing the servers to do so in the traditional manner.
I have frequently experienced the Novus Ordo style of liturgy of the Neo-SSPX on the continent of Europe, in France, Belgium, and Germany: bare block-like altars, the Epistle and Gospel read in the vulgar tongues facing the congregation rather than in Latin at the altar, complete dialogue with the congregation even for the preparation prayers, and standing for large periods at Low Mass, a Novus Ordo practice now being made compulsory by Fellay's henchman-dictator of Germany, Franz Schmidberger.
What have you been hearing from your sources within the Neo-SSPX about the increasing use of Novus Ordo practices at Society Messes?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, we have been receiving numerous communications from our correspondents around the world that the Neo-SSPX under Fellay is even incorporating features from the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service of 1969 into the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+. Moreover, the so-called "Dialogue Mass," which became popular in the ten-year ramp-up to the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962, to soften up Catholics for the full-blown Novus Ordo of 1969, in which the congregation appropriates the role of the clergy in a Protestant-like way, is clearly a Modernist innovation. For further information on the "Dialogue Mass," click on DIALOGUE.PDF: Dialogue Mass - The Historical and Liturgical Arguments Why the So-Called Dialogue Mass Is Not Traditional (Fr. Edward Black).
Uncatholic as are Fellay's Novus Ordo "modernizations" in his Neo-SSPX Messes, what is even more shocking is his use of Novus Ordo presbyters at various of his sites, a practice that is surely to increase as his ties with the Novus Ordo increase. Of course, such Neo-SSPX Messes are just as invalid as are the Novus Ordo Messes, because they are being simulated by unordained presbyters who have merely been "installed" under Hannibal Bugnini's New Ordinal of 1969 to "preside over the assembly of the people." This is why more and more Neo-SSPXers are bailing out of the Society before its Mess, clergy, and property are shortly taken over completely by the New Order sect.
An update to the "Black List" of Neo-SSPX priests expelled or in danger of expulsion by Bernie Fellay from his Neo-SSPX for criticizing his attempted sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic society to the New Order sect and its leadership, condemned by Archbishop Lefebvre as "not Catholic," has been provided to the TRADITIO Network. The list may not necessarily be complete and includes only Neo-SSPX clergy, not the lay members expelled, who are too numerous to list.
The New Order giveth. The New Order taketh away. Unblessed be the name of the New Order! Fellay has sold his very soul trying to become a member of the unCatholic New Order sect, but now that sect has stabbed him in the back. Fellay has rightly been called a "Judas" for his treason against the SSPX's Archbishop-Founder Marcel Lefebvre and the traditional Catholic organization that he founded in 1970. Ironically, Bernie "Judas" Fellay has himself received the same treachery from the High Priest of the current time as the first Judas received from the Jewish High Priest of his time.
In Responsio 61/2010 of March 28, 2012, the "Ecclesia Dei" Commission of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, the same Commission that was negotiating to get Fellay and his Neo-SSPX into the New Order sect, was simultaneously stabbing him in the back. The Commission issued its formal written response when asked whether (from the perspective of the New Order sect) a Newchurcher would be able to fulfill his Mass obligation by assisting at an SSPX Mass. The Commission's answer was a resounding No!
What is particularly interesting about this rejection by the Newchurch Commission of SSPX Masses is that this formal written response was sent out at the very time that the New Order sect was negotiating with Fellay on a sellout to the New Order sect. Since the question was submitted in 2010, the Commission had two years to release a response, yet it waited to this particular time of vulnerability in order to shaft the Neo-SSPX.
To paraphrase Shakespeare: What hypocrites these Newchurchers be! The signatory of the Responsio, Newmonsignor Guido Pozzo, by the way, has been falsely reported in the press to be favorable to the Neo-SSPX. In fact, the Newchurch knives are most certainly out for Superior-Dictator Fellay, but he is just too blind to see them, just as Julius Caesar was too blind to see that his dictatorship would lead to his assassination by his own former supporters!
I had a conversation with a recently-ordained priest-presbyter of Fellay's Neo-SSPX, who told me that I should be "respectful" toward the Novus Ordo Mess. This is clearly a change that Fellay has implemented, since we were always told by Archbishop Lefebvre to stay away from the Novus Ordo Mess, as it is a rite that is not clearly valid and is much like the heretical Protestant services. Years ago, when I checked out an Anglican service, I was astounded, as it was exactly the same as the Novus Ordo Mess that I used to attend. My question then was: "What is the difference between the Novus Ordo and the Protestants?" The answer is: None!
Now we have a similar problem among the Neo-SSPX Mess, the Campos (Rifan) Mess, and the "Motu" Mess of Benedict-Ratzinger. They are all more or less the same, but the surroundings and toppings are different. As a friend once said: "If I'm offered a piece of cake and am told that somewhere in the cake there is poison, then I must refuse to eat any part of it. This is the same with what is going on at present. The Trojan Horse Mess of 1962+ is in the City of God, and the fortress of the traditional Catholic Faith has been betrayed by the likes of Fellay, Rifan, and Ratzinger!
The pope cried. Yes, Benedict-Ratzinger cried for himself when it was revealed to him that his butler turned over documents to the Italian press that implicated Ratzinger in numerous crimes, money-laundering and contract fraud, among them. But Ratzinger has never cried publicly in repentance for his crimes in destroying the lives of tens of thousands of children by his suborning and then covering up crimes of assault, rape, and even murder of children by his Newchurch clergy. No, he has never cried publicly for those crimes!
So reported one of the Newvatican insider-whistleblowers in the "Vatileaks" scandal, which has involved hundreds of documents about Benedict-Ratzinger's complicity in crimes, turned over to the Italian press by his Newcardinals, private secretaries, Newmonsignori, presbyters, and laypeople. Ratzinger's butler, formerly known as Paoletto (Paolo Gabriele), is taking the fall for all of these. But the excuse that "the butler did it" will not hold up for long. It is too unbelievable that a small fry like the butler could engineer the turnover of hundreds of secret documents from almost every Curial department in Newvatican.
These documents reveal Ratzinger's corruption in leading the New Order sect since 2009-2010. His crimes "always involve money and the economic interests" of Newvatican, reported the whistleblower. As St. Paul wrote to his fellow bishop Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10/DRV): Radix enim omnium malorum est cupiditas: quam quidam appetentes erraverunt a fide, et inseruerunt se doloribus malis [For the desire of money is the root of all evils: which some coveting have erred from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows].
The whistleblower also made another astounding revelation. Ratzinger's 2008 encyclical letter, Caritas in veritate, which is no more than a political screed advocating for world domination by "supranational" financial organizations, was coauthored by Ettore Gotti, the President of the Vatican Bank, who was recently ousted by the Bank's Board of Directors for financial crimes. Gotti was "really close to the pope," said the whistleblower, who cried again when he heard of Gotti's firing. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Reppublica.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been vigorously fighting in several fora against the sellout of the Catholic Faith to unCatholic interests, but some tell me that I am "sinning," that I should shut up and obey my "superiors," even if they are Modernists or support Modernists. Is it a sin to engage in vigorous debate to save the Faith from those who would sell it out?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
To the contrary, the greatest of the Apostles of the Faith, St. Paul, taught us that there is no "sin" to come out "fighting the good fight." Many Saints used satire and even ridicule against the enemies of the Faith. This is all part of the Great Doctor St. Augustine's principle: "It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up." Dictators love to shut down vigorous debate in order that their grave sins and crimes can be covered up and in order that their absolute power can grow without opposition.
To Fellay, the revelation of "confidential" information that his membership has the right to know is a concocted "sin," whereas his own treachery to Archbishop Lefebvre, his clergy and members, and to the three bishops is not a sin. To Benedict-Ratzinger, paedophilia is not a sin, but revealing "confidential" information that his Newchurchers (and the world) have the right to know is a concocted "sin."
Do we need to say any more about how perverted Fellay and Ratzinger are -- perversion deriving from the Latin pervertere, "to turn on its head"? Their perversion certainly turns the Catholic notion of sin on its head. Fellay and Ratzinger simply want to give themselves a pass because they use fancy titles or prance around in fancy garments that they have dishonored. Our Lord Himself ridiculed Church leaders of his time, whom He publicly called corrupt and hypocritical: "For they make their phylacteries broad, and enlarge their fringes" (Matthew 23:5/DRV).
Neo-SSPX bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais chose Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012, and the Neo-SSPX's largest and most significant French church, St. Nicholas, to proclaim publicly his separation from the tactics of the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, in attempting a sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic organization to "Modernist Rome," that is, the New Order sect.
Bishop Tissier first attacked Fellay's pathetic attempt through his official organ to justify his attempted sellout to the unCatholic New Order sect by claiming that during the Arian heresy of the fourth century, in which St. Jerome tells us four out of five bishops of the time, and perhaps several of the popes, participated, St. Basil the Great, a Doctor of the Church, "accommodated" those who were in error by agreeing to ambiguous texts. That is the Vatican II tactic that Fellay has adopted in his sellout efforts. Remember the ambiguous Vatican II formulation: The Church of Christ "subsists in the Catholic Church," rejecting the previous dogmatic formulation, "is the Catholic Church." This was the ambiguous formulation that "Fr." Ratzinger introduced at the Council through his bishop. It was this formulation that led to the heretical de facto Newchurch teaching: All religions are equal; all gods are the same.
Ambiguous doctrine is exactly what St. Basil the Great had nothing to do with. To the contrary that has been the tactic of Ratzinger and his fellow Modernists. Tissier rips Fellay's false contention to shreds, proclaiming: "[St. Basil] was not willing to sign ambiguous texts, dear faithful. That's what we must not do today either. We must refuse ambiguous texts, we must not stop condemning error and correctly professing the Catholic Faith." To read St. Basil the Great's uncompromising denunciations of the heretical prelates in the Church, click on ARIANS: The Orthodox Saints Against the Arian Heresy of the Fourth Century.
As to a timetable, Bishop Tissier confirmed what the TRADITIO Network had been saying for years:
The history of the Church shows us that all the long crises of the Church lasted 70 years, Arianism, the Great Schism, etc. So the Conciliar crisis will probably last around 70 years; that means another 30 years to wait.
And when the Conciliarists come back, one day, in twenty-five years, repenting of the Council, when they see the continual catastrophes, the empty seminaries, the churches in ruins, apostasy everywhere, immorality everywhere, they will repent deeply, and when they do, when they begin to come back, full of repentance, we can use formulae to help them.
But not now. The crisis is in full swing. Now we have to be firm and condemn the errors of the [Vatican II] Council, especially the denial of Christ the King, the refusal of Christ the King. That, dear faithful, is our plan of action. There's no point in deceiving ourselves. There's no way the crisis is almost over. The crisis is far from being over. The fight is going to last a long time, and so we need to get organized, to persevere in and to continue to profess the whole Catholic Faith in full confidence in the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
This hardheaded assessment comes from the Neo-SSPX bishop who is generally acknowledged as the most knowledgeable theologian in the Neo-SSPX. But Fellay has too big a head now to listen to the sage advice of his bishop -- or even to the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, who had more experience with Newchurch in his little finger than Fellay has in his whole brain. Thus, Fellay is now in free fall, and as Scripture tells: "And great was the fall thereof" (Matthew 7:27/DRV).
Some knowledgeable European sources are now describing Fellay's attempted sellout to the New Order sect as being pushed by his First Assistant, Nicholas Pfluger, who is described as having planned the SSPX's annexation to Modernist Rome already in the late 1990s, some say as early as 1996. These sources report that Pfluger had been conspiring against Archbishop Lefebvre since the consecrations of 1988, calling the courageous and admired founder of the Society of St. Pius X "senile and stubborn" for persisting in his adherence to the traditional Catholic Faith against Josef Ratzinger and the New Order sect.
Pfluger is described as having a Rasputin-like effect upon the "weaker" Fellay and as having introduced the Jewish fundraiser Maximilian Krah "into the heart" of the Neo-SSPX. A Neo-SSPX priest described Pfluger as "The Demon of the SSPX," while Archbishop Lefebvre himself labeled Newcardinal Ratzinger as "The SSPX's Angel of Death."
You must wonder why the demented Newchurchers keep putting their money into the collection plate when they must realize that much of it goes to paedophile causes. Now the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops has been caught red handed establishing a slush fund to bankroll his paedophile presbyters. Timothy Dolan, now the New Order sect's archbishop of New York, was the archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from 2002 to 2009, replacing the infamous Rembert Weakland, who was exposed as a sodomite who pursued a catamite to whom he paid hush money out of the Newchurch collection plate. That money, however, did not hush the young man, who turned Weakland over to the police.
Now it turns out that Weakland's equally corrupt successor, Timothy Dolan, who now rules in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch as President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, also paid hush money to admitted paedophile presbyters who raped children, calling it "charity" and "severance pay." According to court documents released on May 30, 2012, Dolan paid off the paedophiles with 20,000 dollars each. "This was a signing bonus for signing papers that would be sent to the Vatican," said a victims-organization official. "They needed to have been fired. You don't pay someone who has committed a criminal act. You fire them. Period." These hush-money payments to sodomite presbyters of the New Order sect continued at least through fiscal year June 2010, when 90,000 dollars was paid to sodomites.
Paedophile presbyters were, and still are, treated "kindly, compassionately, and with respect." In one case, the paedophile priest was described by one of Benedict-Ratzinger's bishops as "that poor man, what he's been through." On the other hand, the whistleblower presbyter is harassed, fired, retaliated against, and strangled financially. He doesn't know whether his next check will even be sent. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Many Newchurchers are not aware that, far from the meager stipend priests used to receive before Vatican II, Novus Ordo presbyters in the United States, for example, now receive a generous salary of 55,000 dollars, almost twice as much as the average member of their congregation! In addition to a salary, New Order diocesan priests receive a package of benefits that may include a car allowance, room and board in the Newparish rectory, health insurance, and a retirement plan. Many traditional priests still receive no salary at all, many of them contributing their services free of any charge to traditional congregations.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You refer to the SSPX priests as doing the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II 1962 Mess in the "worship spaces" of Newchurch. I was under the impression that Archbishop Lefebvre himself imposed the 1962 Mess on the SSPX in 1983, with the sole exception of the Holy Week rites in the Missal and the Divine Office. Does the SSPX use the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II 1962 Mess or the Traditional Latin Mass?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Fellay position is more Modernistic than Lefebvre's. Fellay's policy is essentially Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess of 1962-2009, with various Neo-SSPX locations incorporating direct Novus Ordo practices, sometimes even using Novus Ordo sites and Novus Ordo presbyters. Lefebvre's policy was somewhat more conservative, based on the original John XXIII 1962 version, with a number of specific exceptions implementing earlier traditional practice. Information provided by his post-1988 statements indicate that around the time of his death he may have been planning to restore the Traditional Latin Mass to the SSPX.
There is also another significant difference between the Fellay and Lefebvre policies. The Archbishop never made any bones about the fact that he didn't embrace the 1962 Mess. He said that he had so many issues to fight with "Modernist Rome" that he had to prioritize them and that, rightly or wrongly from a practical point of view, he chose not to fight on that issue at that time, but would take it up later. It appears that, finally, near his death, he was getting to the issue of restoring the Traditional Latin Mass to the SSPX.
Fellay openly embraces the Half Novus Ordo Mess because, among other reasons, it brings him closer to the New Order sect's "Ordinary Mass," the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo Mess of 1969, and the Mess of the sect's leader, Benedict-Ratzinger. Fellay has not stopped, and appears even to be encouraging, even more radical modifications of the 1962 Mess at his sites, including the increased use of vulgar tongues and merging in Novus Ordo abberations, much like the New Novus Ordo Mess that Ratzinger is talking about as the ideal "merged" Mess.
Here in The Philippines, Bernie Fellay's priest-presbyters are now regularly doing the Half Novus Ordo Mess at the local Novus Ordo sect "worship spaces." Our Neo-SSPX Mass site congregation objected, asking what was the point of our sponsoring a Mass center for the Neo-SSPX when Fellay's priest-presbyters were going out of their way to say the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962+ for the Novus Ordo diocese? We asked whether this is Fellay's new policy and were told that mixing Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters into Novus Ordo sites is now in accordance with Fellay's policy.
Our congregation told the Neo-SSPX Prior here that if he continued to substitute for Modernist Novus Ordo ministers, then we would stop sponsoring the Neo-SSPX mission here. Obviously, the Neo-SSPX is confusing the poor faithful who travel far every Sunday every month just to attend the Neo-SSPX Mass here, only to see the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters running to cater to a bunch of Vatican II-loving Novus Ordinarians! The response that we got from the Prior here was the usual haughty Fellayite response: "We don't care. We'll find other benefactors to take over."
I can't tell you how many Neo-SSPXers we've lost to the local Novus Ordo diocese when the Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters started to do the "Motu" Mess. Why should Neo-SSPXers sacrifice to go to Mass in a smaller venue when they can go to the larger Motu "worship space"? This pro-Novus Ordo policy was pursued by Fellay's Second Assistant, Marc Nely, in December 2007, when he started to visit Novus Ordo parishes in The Philippines within the very shadow of the Neo-SSPX Mass centers, in order to promote the phony "Motu" Mass in Newparishes to the detriment of the Neo-SSPX Mass! It appears that already by 2007 Fellay was intending to dissolve his Neo-SSPX into the Novus Ordo sect.
A running tally of Neo-SSPX priests expelled or in danger of expulsion by Bernie Fellay from his Neo-SSPX for criticizing his attempted sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic society to the New Order sect and its leadership, condemned by Archbishop Lefebvre as "not Catholic," has been provided to the TRADITIO Network. The list may not necessarily be complete and includes only Neo-SSPX clergy, not the lay members expelled, who are too numerous to list.
On May 31, 2012, in the eighteenth year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 16,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 16,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Let me paint for you a picture of an SSPX merged into the New Order sect. And it's not pretty.
Newrome already has its eyes on SSPX real estate. If the merger of the SSPX is finalized, many SSPX properties will be sold off. Bernie Fellay has already admitted this to his Austrian clergy. Under Novus Ordo "canon law," SSPX cemeteries, statues, relics, etc., will belong to the local Newchurch bishop for disposal as he sees fit. SSPX priests will gradually be replaced with Novus Ordo presbyters at SSPX sites. This is already happening around the world under Fellay's machinations to please Benedict-Ratzinger and Modernist Rome. There will be many brainwashing sessions for SSPX priests and seminarians to bring them up to speed in the Novus Ordo, and SSPX clergy will have to be "reordained" as Novus Ordo presbyters.
Most of the Newchurch hierarchy is corrupt. Ask the butler who was quickly punished simply for blowing the whistle on Newvatican's lawbreaking, and yet paedophile presbyters are still being protected. Newchurch leaders punish the good and holy while embracing and rewarding sinners. Even Benedict-Ratzinger recently selected a Jew who supports abortion and doesn't believe in Jesus Christ to be a Papal Knight!
Newchurch hates the Blessed Mother, and many Newparishes have already refused to pray the Rosary and even disbanded Legion of Mary, together with Altar and Rosary Societies. I know because I was born into the Novus Ordo and as a "deanery member" saw the lies, propaganda, and stealing going on in Newchurch. My husband and I didn't go along with "programme," so we were ostracized. I was verbally and physically abused because I told the truth about the New Order's church and school closures on account of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Most of the Newdioceses are bankrupt. Catholic schools, churches, and universities are teaching false teachings. Nuns and presbyters of the New Order teach that abortion is okay, that homosexuality is the norm, etc.
Is this New Order the new agenda of SSPX? The sellout "Indult" Society of St. Peter (FSSP) is proof that the merger of the SSPX and New Order sects will be a failure. It seems that Fellay just wants to advance up the ladder in the New Order sect. How many pseudo-traditionalists are looking forward to an SSPX merger just so they can personally profit by selling their Novus Ordo-slanted books, and holding their Novus Ordo-slanted conferences and pilgrimages, and being guests on the EWTN Charismatic Cable Channel.
On the Vigil of Pentecost, May 26, 2012, hundreds of people chanted, "Truth, truth," at Benedict-Ratzinger's Newpapal Apartments from St. Peter's Square, in the wake of the "Vatileaks" scandal, which has seen the arrest of Ratzinger's trusted butler, Paolo Gabriele, just a day before the Board of the Vatican Bank fired its director, Ettore Gotti, for money-laundering and other crimes. Complicity in these crimes has even touched Ratzinger himself, who is being investigated by the European Union for violation of EU financial laws.
Moreover, Newvatican has been implicated in the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee, who disappeared at the age of 15. Even Ratzinger's Chief Exorcist stated to Italian television that he believed the girl to have been abducted as a sex slave for Newvatican officials. On Pentecost Sunday the girl's brother led a march against Ratzinger after the tomb of a mobster associated with Newchurch payoffs was opened for reported evidence in the case. The tomb lies in a church of the Opus Dei sect in Rome.
In a desperate move to stem the leaks that reveal Ratzinger as a criminal, actively engaged as an accessory both before and after the fact, the beleagered Newpope quickly had his personal butler arrested as the leaker. This has led to Ratzinger becoming the butt of a joke going around Newrome, ridiculing him for claiming that "the butler did it." Italian news sources, however, have evidence that the butler is taking the fall for some twenty courageous whistleblowers, many quite high up on Ratzinger's regime, who have been supplying the media with the incriminating documents. But the butler has agreed to cooperate with investigators to implicate as accomplices many high-ranking heads of the New Order sect, one described as a "mole."
The Vatileaks scandal may be the last straw for many in Ratzinger's New Order sect, dogged as it is by bad governance and corruption. Reports indicate that the College of Newcardinals wants to find someone who can do a serious clean-up. More and more of the Newcardinals have concluded that Ratzinger is not the Newpope who can do it. They may press behind the scenes for his abdication. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France Presse.]
In dealing with their respective scandals, it is revealing that Ratzinger and the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay are using the same technique: misdirection from the charges to focus on the leakers. In Ratzinger's Newchurch Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and now Vatileaks, and in the Neo-SSPX Bernie Fellay's "Hindenberg Programme," involving the sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's once-traditional Society of St. Pius X to the New Order sect and its leader Ratzinger, both condemned publicly by the Archbishop as "not Catholic," the two leaders have acted like two peas in a pod.
Faced with revelations of the deceptions and immoral actions in which they have engaged, they are more concerned about defaming the courageous whistleblowers who leaked the information than about answering the charges of deceptions, immoral actions, and even crimes against themselves. It all fits. Ratzinger and Fellay both border on the psychopathic. They seem to be out of touch with reality: Ratzinger, who simply ignores his guilt for the tens of thousands of children who have been raped by his personal subornation of paedophilia, and Fellay, who holes up in his Menzingen bunker and simply ignores the fact that his bishops and much of his laity denounce him as a traitor to his Society's Archbishop-Founder Lefebvre.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been following your Daily Commentaries for some time, and I must say you hit rate is very good, especially in the last couple of months in connection with the possible sell-out of the Society of St Pius X to the Modernist Romans. In 1986 I entered the SSPX seminary in Germany and had the privilege of meeting Archbishop Lefebvre. In September 1987 the Archbishop gave us a retreat in September using the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas. Basically, it boiled down to one point: the traditional Catholic Faith must be preserved at all costs.
The Archbishop also read to us a letter from a former SSPX seminarian of Econe who, with twenty others, had been lured away to the JPII-Wojtyla's Mater Ecclesia Seminary, which was being run by none other than Newcardinal Josef "Not a Catholic" Ratzinger! The former seminarian apologized for not having listened to the Archbishop and reported how the New Order seminary had been stripped piece by piece of everything that was traditional, so that in the end the seminary was closed, and the twenty seminarians were distributed around Rome.
I shocked a priest of the Society recently regarding Fellay's betrayal. I told him that I would spit in Ratzinger's face for his treachery against the Faith. I love the papacy, but this man Ratzinger disgraces it.
As far as the SSPX Asia District is concerned, there is a powerful revolt by both the clergy and the lay adherents against the Rome-SSPX deal, with the SSPX priests there openly delivering very strong sermons and E-mailing them to SSPX adherents and others. Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer from the Philippines and Fr. Francois Chazal from South Korea have both lashed out at Fellay for his attempts to merge the Neo-SSPX into the New Order sect. They are just two recent examples of how the reactions against a sellout to Newrome in growing inside the Neo-SSPX. The pro-Fellay District Superior in Asia, Daniel Couture, is helpless to stem the revolt.
The TRADITIO Network has been informed that already late in 2011, Fellay's Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters have been actively participating in invalid Messes with Novus Ordo presbyters in Italy. One served a Mess in a Newdiocesan basilica (Bologna, October 2011), and the other functioned as a Mess deacon (Oropa, September 2011). These Messes were run by Newdioceses, and the celebrant in each case was an unordained Novus Ordo presbyter. These cases are undoubtedly not the only ones. And this was taking place even before the ink was dry on a sellout by Fellay to the Novus Ordo sect.
Fellay's sellout has apparently once again been thwarted, perhaps by Divine Providence and the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson. It seems that Our Lord Jesus Christ may have trumped the phony political Rosary "crusades" by which Fellay has attempted to defraud the Lord of Lords. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked," warned St. Paul (Galatians 6:7/DRV). This time Benedict-Ratzinger got cold feet because Williamson and the other two Neo-SSPX bishops' "confidential" letter opposing the sellout was made public by a courageous whistleblower.
The first time the sellout was supposed to have occurred was on February 2, 2009. All reports at the time were that it was a go. Then a week or so before the planned sellout date, Williamson's controversial interview, questioning a disputed point of secular history pertaining to the so-called "holocaust," was made public on Swedish Public Television. Ratzinger got cold feet then because he was afraid to become the target of secular Jewish leaders, who go ballistic on the issue. So the sellout was indefinitely postponed.
The German news agency Kreuz has now reported from Newvatican sources that Ratzinger will not accept the Society "in full communion" with his New Order sect on Pentecost, May 27, 2012, as previously planned, but will take "the Fellay dossier" with him on summer vacation at his Papal Castle at Gandolfo, where he meets with his bosom buddy, heretic Hans Kung, and his Modernist "student circle." The reason stated for the postponement is the turmoil within the Neo-SSPX and within the Newvatican, which must be resolved before the sellout can be effected.
In consequence, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay gave an uncharacteristically negative political pseudo-sermon on the Feast of Pentecost concerning the sellout. No longer was heard his former arrogant certainty about joining New Order sect. He has been thoroughly beaten about the head by the three Neo-SSPX bishops. Now even Fellay is speaking about being "filled with mistrust" of Newrome, as if his mentor Ratzinger had already demolished his ambitions. Yet Fellay continues to speak in terms of "being recognized," as if anything traditional Catholic had to be "recognized" by the anti-Catholic New Order sect and its head, Benedict-Ratzinger. But, then, Fellay's mind is already treasonous to traditional Catholicism, whether he has the power to accomplish the treason or not.
Meanwhile, more of Fellay's clergy are deserting him, one charging Fellay with "fornicating with Rome." And Fellay has reportedly told Neo-SSPX clergy in Austria what to expect if a sellout is effected:
Fellay has also revealed that the Extraordinary General Chapter he summoned for July 7-14, 2012, at Econe, was to lay out Ratzinger's new statutes for the Neo-SSPX. It appears that the call was sent out before Fellay's deal with the New Order sect apparently fell through, at least for the time being. Perhaps, as a result of all those Rosaries, the Blessed Virgin Mary will appear from Heaven in all her glory to "rapture" Fellay away onto some outer planet, so that he cannot engineer any further destruction of her Son's true Faith!
Good Catholics, the TRADITIO Network has for years been warning traditional Catholics against Fellay and his collusion with the New Order sect. It seems that the drama is playing out exactly as TRADITIO warned. The Neo-SSPX is exposed as no longer traditional Catholic. Moreover, anyone who attends Neo-SSPX Masses (Messes), staffed increasingly by unordained Novus Ordo presbyters, and puts money into Neo-SSPX coffers is immorally contributing to the destruction of the traditional Catholic Faith. That is the simple reality.