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Austria, known as one of most Modernist countries in Newchurch, led by one of the most Modernist Newbishops in Newchurch, Christoph Schonborn, can't attract any new presbyters. The country will shortly have so few presbyters that the Newchurch of the New Order is close to shutting down shop in many areas. So, in a last, desperate attempt, Newchurch is turning to more Modernist tactics to solve its problem. Since young people don't go to church, the Austrian Newchurch is using billboards.
Austrians Newchurchers are staying away from the New Order services in droves, and more and more Austrians are taking themselves off the Newchurch rolls. They are fed up with Benedict-Ratzinger and his Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. In Lower Austria's provincial capital of St. Poelten, there is only half a presbyter now for each of the 423 Newparishes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, will eighty billboards do the trick? No more than did the Novus Ordo's advertisements in Playboy and Rolling Stone. Before Vatican II (1962-1965), so many young men from the pews, who assisted at the Traditional Latin Mass every Sunday, and even more frequently, wanted to become priests that many had to be turned away. Now, the phony Novus Ordo service attracts no one, and the Newchurch of the New Order, full of immorality, is laughed at.
The TRADITIO Network has been informed that the traditional Breviarium Romanum [Roman Breviary] is now available again, after long being out of print, in the free and universal PDF format. This is not the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II 1962 version fabricated by the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, and associated with the "Motu" of 2007. This is the real, traditional version, the typical edition of 1942, the last not to have been affected by the introduction of "modernizing" influences in the traditional Divine Office. For information on downloading this version, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department, and see the section "The Divine Office."
1942 Breviaries are otherwise available only through used-book sources, such as those listed in the "Traditional Catholic Suppliers" chapter of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, and are scarce. Unfortunately, the semi-traditional presses are too busy churning out books for the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962, which will shortly become obsolete, when Benedict-Ratzinger's "hybridized/modernized" version comes into force for Newchurch Motarians on December 2, 2012.
The Roman Breviary contains the same Divine Office that is chanted by monks in traditional monasteries and nuns in traditional convents, and is recited by members of lay orders and devout Catholic faithful. Recent popes, like Pope St. Pius X and Pope Pius XII, have encouraged the laity to participate in saying the Office as well and for this reason have bestowed rich indulgences upon those of the faithful who do so. St. Vincent de Paul tells us that "the Divine Office is the school of all virtues. The master who teaches us in it is the Holy Ghost, the source of all truth; it is also the Prophets, Apostles, and Saints of God."
The Divine Office itself is made up of the 150 psalms of the Old Testament, so divided throughout the seven days of the week that all the psalms are recited in one week. Besides the psalms there are readings from Sacred Scripture, commentaries on Sacred Scripture from the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and short accounts of the lives of the Saints. These readings follow the Church's calendar of liturgical seasons and feasts of the Saints.
The Divine Office is divided into eight Hours, according as God is to be praised continuously throughout the hours of the day. If one observes the ancient times, Matins and Lauds are prayed before sunrise. Prime, Terce, Sext, and None are prayed during the first, third, sixth, and ninth hours of daylight. (For example, Scripture tells us that Our Lord hung on the cross from the sixth to the ninth hour, that is, from 12:00 to 15:00.) Vespers is said as dusk falls, followed by Compline, which completes the day and the cycle of hours. However, the Hours may be said at any time at one's convenience.
Salvatore Cordileone, the Newchurch bishop of Oakland, California, was appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger on July 27, 2012, as the New Order sect's new archbishop of San Francisco, California. Cordileone achieved notariety as Newbishop of Oakland for having ordered that his Newchurchers not kneel to receive the Novus Ordo cookie. "The proper posture is standing," he directed. "Receiving communion [sic] kneeling, or genuflecting before receiving ... is not proper according to the liturgical norms."
Cordileone is just another one of those New Order Protestants. "Communion in the hand" is a Protestant innovation foisted upon the New Order world in the name of false oecumenism. The Novus Ordo practice of communion in the hand is rooted in the Protestant rejection of the Catholic doctrine on the Holy Eucharist and the denial of the Catholic priesthood. The Church and its popes have condemned communion in the hand from the early centuries on. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Communion in the Hand."
Moreover, Cordileone seems to be one of the kookier appointees of Ratzinger. As Newbishop of Oakland, California, from 2009 to 2012, Cordileone preached a bizzare religion. His cathdral, the Modernistic monstrosity called "Christ the Light," features a giant crucifix on which Christ is bareheaded, without His crown of thorns, parted in the middle to look like some kind of homosexual "fop."
Good Catholics, once again, Ratzinger has appointed a Novus Ordo kook to a Newbishopric. Where does he find them? No problem; they're all all over his Newchurch, linked to the "Paedophile Pope." Cordileone, like all Novus Ordo bishops today, was never consecrated as a bishop, but was merely "installed" in 2002 under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized invalid New Ordinal of 1969. Thus, Cordileone is just another hired mouthpiece for the invalid New Order, which has no valid Sacraments (except occasionally Baptism and Matrimony).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I see that Bernie Fellay is at it again, lashing out at those who reveal to the public the contents of his secret negotiations with the New Order sect. He terms those who do so "rumor mongers" and "publicity hungry." I don't think so. I am very grateful to the courageous NSSPX clergymen that have stood up against Fellay's sellout programme and have informed me and the rest of the world what he is really trying to pull.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Good for you! You are smart enough not to fall for Fellay's Neo-SSPX propaganda. You know that these revelations are not "rumors"; they are facts -- facts that Fellay doesn't want the public to know. His deception in trying to call the truth "rumor" is an act of desperation on his part. His face has become an omelet, with all the egg he has on his face. Everything that he calls "rumors" have turned out to be true.
Let's face it: Fellay wants to keep his NSSPX members in the dark. That is why he operates in secret, rather than in the open, as Our Lord commanded and did. It is Fellay's own officials who are releasing incriminating documents to the NSSPX membership at large because they believe that the membership has a right to know the truth. They are dedicated traditional Catholics who have not been taken in by Fellay's constant deceptions and cover-ups.
Good Catholics, Fellay has dumped the traditional Archbishop Lefebvre and taken the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger for his mentor. Fellay has learned well from Ratzinger, the "Paedophile Pope," how to deceive and cover up crimes against religion. Just because Fellay presumes to wear a fancy hat, it doesn't mean that he has any authority to lie and deceive in order to achieve his personal ends, which appear to be, like the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini's, the substitution of traditional Catholicism by an invalid and unCatholic New Order.
Newmonsignor William Lynn, Secretary of Clergy for the Newarchdiocese (1992-2004), of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was sentenced on July 24, 2012, to six years in prison for felony child endangerment, in that he placed a known presbyter-paedophile in a new assignment near children and kept the presbyter's previous crime of sodomizing a ten-year-old boy a secret. The Lynn verdict marked the first time that a senior Newchurch official in the United States was convicted of a criminal charge for covering up sex crimes against children by other presbyters.
"You knew full well what was right, Msgr. Lynn, but you chose wrong," declared the judge from the bench, who denounced Lynn for facilitating and supporting criminal presbyters who raped children, including one she called a "monster in clerical garb." In giving Lynn almost the most severe sentence allowed, the judge declared: "A lesser sentence would depreciate the seriousness of the crime." Lynn never called police during his twelve-year tenure. "He ignored it for the betterment of his interests and his institution," charged the district attorney.
Lynn's sentence is another milestone in a sex-crime scandal that has shaken Newchurch in the United States and elsewhere for a decade. Victims' groups heralded his conviction as an opening to law-enforcement officials in other cities to look anew at whether high-ranking Newchurch officials could be held criminally liable for looking the other way when presbyters under their charge were accused of abuse.
From Newmonsignor to Newbishop. In September 2012 Newbishop Robert Finn will be tried in criminal court for failing to protect children for failing in the case of a presbyter found with child pornography. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's criminal Newclergy are falling right and left. Naturally, Ratzinger, the "Paedophile Pope" says nothing, does nothing. It fits. Ratzinger himself is guilty as sin in suborning rampant paedophilia amongst his clergy under his personal signature. If there were any justice in the world, Ratzinger would be arrested and hauled up before the International Criminal Court in the Hague for "crimes against humanity"!
In a July 24, 2012, interview with the Catholic News Agency, Benedict-Ratzinger's new President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission has declared: "The Pius X Society must accept Vatican II teachings." Newvatican's new No. 3 Man, Newarchbishop Gerhard Muller, appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation for the [New Order] Doctrine of the Faith and ex officio President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, as of July 1, 2012, declared: "The teachings of the Church -- including the dogmatic content of the Second Vatican Council -- will never be up for re-negotiation."
Good Catholics, Muller is just enunciating the constant line taken since Vatican II (1962-1965) by "Fr." Ratzinger of Vatican II, who was a Modernist leader then and remains a Modernist pope now. To the contrary, traditional Catholics maintain strongly that the Modernist Vatican II pseudo-council contains no dogmatic content at all.
A new book published July 23, 2012, is sending shockwaves through Newchurch in the United States. Phyllis Schlafly and George Neumayr's No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom has the entire paper trail showing that Newcardinal Joseph Berardin, of Newchurch's archdiocese of Chicago (1982-1996), paid for Barack Obama to attend a seminar in California on Alinsky (Marxist-Communist) tactics and theory. The book even reproduces the check stub with THE CATHOLIC BISHOP OF CHICAGO emblazoned across the top of the check. The book documents an Alinsky-Bernardin-Obama connection.
Bernardin has long been regarded as one of the most horrific members of the New Order hierarchy. The authors now document that Bernardin was not only a Marxist plant but also an actual, real-life Satanist, who participated in satanic rituals, "black masses", orgies, and child rape. As early as 1980, he was accused by a seminarian of sodomy against him, but two years later the "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla made him the New Order sect's archbishop of Chicago and then, in the following year, Newcardinal. In that capacity Bernardin paid for Barack Obama, then a "community organizer," to attend the 1986 California conference on Alinsky's Marxist-Communist tactics and theory, the "Rules for Radicals," which Alinsky dedicated to the "first radical, Lucifer."
Bernardin himself was personally accused by no fewer than three of his Newseminarians of sodomy, and he was well known as the ring-leader of "an entourage of clerical homosexuals and paederasts" that operated with the full knowledge, approval, and even participation of several U.S. Newbishops. One of the Newseminarians indicated that some of the homosexual activities at the Chicago seminary were connected to occult and Satanic rituals. Bernardin frequently visited New Order seminaries with his "concubine." So numerous and vile were sex-crime cases charged against Bernardin and his Newarchdiocese that even presbyter Andrew Greeley, the well-known Chicago liberalist and novelist, felt obliged to "out" his own Newarchbishop Bernardin in the Chicago Sun Times.
Communist influence upon Vatican II and its Newprelates is documented in one of the most highly-regarded books on that Modernist Council, Fr. Ralph Wiltgen's The Rhine Flows into the Tiber. The new Schlaffly-Neumayr book supports the charge that there has been a strong Communist influence in Newvatican since Vatican II.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Newchurch wants legal control the many assets and properties of the Neo-SSPX once the takeover is complete. This will take time to complete, so you will not hear about it publicly. Newchurch wants to destroy the Traditional Catholic Movement so that Modernism can go forward without obstruction and totally destroy everything Catholic.
Then the next Newpope will repeal the "Latin Mass" (the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962) and will demand the hybrid Novus Ordo service. Newchurch is already moving the "Latin Mass" into the Novus Ordo service as a new hybrid. The first version will be required of Motarians on the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2012. Then, in a few years, the hybridized Novus Ordo service will be required of everyone.
There is a lot of similarity between Benedict-Ratzinger's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and the Paterno Paedophilia Scandal -- a similarity that has generally been entirely missed by the press, who will denounce a football coach, but (for reasons that can only be imagined) not a pope for filthy and vile criminal activity. Joseph Paterno was head football coach at Pennsylvania State College in the United States from 1966 to 2011, roughly the period of Ratzinger's activity in the New Order sect. Paterno and Ratzinger both achieved the top office in their respective careers. Both Paterno and Ratzinger have been members of the New Order sect, which falsely calls itself "Catholic." Both Paterno and Ratzinger have been personally involved in suborning paedophilia, causing highly public scandals in their respective organizations.
Ratzinger, who has been shown to be guilty, in documents personally signed by him, committing children into the clutches of violent paedophile presbyters, claims that he is "innocent." Paterno has been shown to be guilty, in a lengthy public investigative report showing that he suborned sodomy. The famous victory statue of Paterno, which stood in front of the college's stadium, was removed in ignominy on July 23, 2012, and stored in mothballs. The corrupt Ratzinger might as well have bought it and placed it on Bernini's colonnade lining the Piazza di San Pietro, among the Saints, as imagined in the photograph for this Commentary.
Ratzinger, the "Paedophile Pope," should share the same just fate as Paterno. Paterno and the college's top officials were all fired. So should Ratzinger and his top officials be. The college was punished, severely, to ensure that preserving the false reputation of the institution "will never again be placed ahead of educating, nurturing, and protecting young people." So should Ratzinger and his Newvatican institution. The college will pay out to the young victims an entire year's operating revenue. So should Ratzinger and his Newvatican. The college's football victories during 1998 to 2011 have been declared null and void. So should Ratzinger's New Order sect be. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ESPN.]
Good Catholics, authorities in Pennsylvania acted swiftly when it came to light that an eleven-year-old boy was sodomized by Paterno's chief assistant in the locker-room shower, and Paterno failed to report this crime to the police. As a consequence, authorities investigated to find that Paterno's chief assistant had sodomized many other boys over that period. Paterno, highly regarded before, has now been relegated to the trash heap of history, as he should be, and as Ratzinger-Ratzinger should be. Both were poisoned by the false Modernist morality of the New Order sect, and tens of thousands of children and youth became victims of crimes in many ways more horrible -- and certainly more numerous -- than the recent theater shootings in Colorado.
Remember the case of Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, the Governor of Vatican City, who, when Benedict-Ratzinger for a whole year failed to take action on the contract fraud he reported, went public, and Ratzinger exiled Vigano from Newvatican to Washington, D.C.? Well, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay has learned that Ratzingerian technique well. All three NSSPX bishops stood against his sellout to the New Order sect, so Fellay expelled senior bishop Richard Williamson from the Chapter and has now exiled bishops Bernard Tissier de Mallerais and Alfonso de Galarreta to the "boonies."
Tissier's power base is France, which is the most powerful country in the NSSPX, where he led the strong anti-Fellayite/anti-sellout faction. Tissier has now been exiled to the "boonies": Chicago, in the United States. If Tissier tells Fellay, Non!, Fellay will expel Tissier for "disobedience," just has he has expelled senior bishop Williamson from the Chapter. Similarly, Galaretta, whose power base is Spain and Latin America, where he led the strong anti-Fellayite/anti-sellout faction, is reportedly to be exiled to the European "boonies": Geneva, Switzerland.
Good Catholics, what a liar this Fellay is! He claimed that the recent Extraordinary Chapter meeting "restored unity" within the NSSPX. In fact, it is clear that Tissier and Galarreta fought Fellay tooth and nail, and Fellay could not wait to take vengeance. No wonder that the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, has called publicly for the NSSPX to "get rid of Bishop Fellay." The three bishops should immediately join together, publicly condemn Fellay as a traitor to Archbishop Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X, and declare that he is no longer Superior of the NSSPX. This is exactly what Pope St. Pius V did in the case of Queen Elizabeth I, who forswore her regnal oath and became a heretic who murdered Catholic priests. The pope declared all oaths of allegiance made to her by Catholics to be null and void.
The Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, in his strongest denunciation to date of the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, told NSSPX members in Great Britain: "Bishop Fellay is starting to weasel around. It's not good. It's not good. The Society [of St. Pius X] is now coming off the rails, one would say.... They have ... got to get rid of Bishop Fellay!"
In his July 21, 2012, Bulletin, Williamson backs up that call by stating that Fellay "is certainly favoring a Rome-SSPX agreement" and "entrusting Conciliar Rome with choosing the SSPX's future bishops." Williamson even calls upon the ghost of Archbishop Lefebvre crying from the grave: "You are promoting 'Operation Suicide' of the SSPX!"
To indicate further just how far Fellay has gone in already selling out to the New Order sect, Fellay used as his justification for expelling Williamson from being the Lefebvran voice at the recently-concluded Extraordinary Chapter meeting, not Pope St. Pius X's traditional canon law of 1917, but New Order "canon law," which was promulgated in 1983 to replace traditional canon law in the New Order with a "new" canon law based upon the Modernist Vatican II Council's Oecumenical Heresy ("we all worship the same god," "all gods are equal") and other heretical doctrines.
Good Catholics, senior bishop Williamson's call for getting rid of Fellay is long overdue. Fellay has already sold out in his own mind to the New Order sect, has forsworn his office, and should be expelled from his office and the NSSPX as a fraudulent Modernist bishop and a perfidious Judas to the NSSPX's founder, the traditional Catholic Archbishop Lefebvre.
One element of the secret document reported by the TRADITIO Network on the machinations of the recently-concluded Neo-SSPX Extraordinary Chapter meeting is particularly devastating. No, it is a betrayal. No, it is suicide. No, it is spiritual suicide cum spiritual murder. I refer to the merely "desirable" condition that the NSSPX be exempt from the jurisdiction of the local bishops. This is obviously a reference to the 1983 Modernist Newcode of canon law. This canon says that all new apostolates of the NSSPX would need the approval of the local Modernist Newbishop before they could operate.
Fellay's stratagem is looking more and more like a betrayal of the Neo-SSPX on his part to sell it out into the control of the New Order sect. What is Fellay personally getting in return for this sell-out? Purple socks to match a purple simar? A "substantially-enhanced" Geneva bank account? The classification of this necessary condition as a merely desirable condition is a smoke signal to Newrome from Fellay: Mission complete! Sell-out ready for implementation.
If the Neo-SSPX takes a personal prelature with no exemption -- and that is clearly what Fellay's hand-picked Chapter is willing to do -- he is committing Archbishop Lefebvre's foundation to the grave. The local Newbishops would be able then to hamper the Society's growth by refusing new apostolates. This would destroy morale altogether, and the NSSPX would complete its long decline from the traditional Catholic Faith, ending not with a bang but with a whimper. As senior bishop Williamson recently called for: Get Fellay out before it's too late!
On July 15, 2012, the very day after Fellay issued his obviously pre-written "Declaration" on the last day of the Extraordinary Chapter at Econe, Switzerland, a secret document, intended only for Fellay's servile members, was leaked, just as the Three Bishops' Letter had been, so that traditional Catholics around the world could know what was really going on. In fact, Fellay insisted upon his servile Chapter members swearing a false oath of "secrecy." This smacks of the secret councils of the Jewish high priest Caiphas and his servile Sandhedrin reported in Sacred Scripture -- and we all know that this secrecy resulted in the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The leaked secret document indicates the pitiful terms on which Fellay and the Neo-SSPX would rush to sell out to the New Order sect and its leader, Benedict-Ratzinger, both of which their founder, Archbishop Lefebvre openly called "not Catholic." These are the terms on which the once traditional-Catholic organization will now sell out to the unCatholic New Order sect:
How pathetic! One bishop. That was essentially the same proposal that Josef Ratzinger gave Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988 -- which the Archbishop rejected as a "trap" and instead consecrated four bishops. Apparently, Fellay and his servile Neo-SSPX members are too dumb to recognize the same trap, of which their founding Archbishop had openly warned them from his own personal experience with the "unCatholic" Ratzinger. Even more revealing perhaps are the terms upon which the Neo-SSPX will not insist:
All this unCatholic secrecy on the part of Bernie Fellay is getting pretty tiresome. When public doctrine of the Catholic Faith is being discussed, why should Catholics, not to speak of Fellay's own Neo-SSPX membership, not be fully informed of what is going on? This kind of "secrecy" -- which is now termed "lack of transparency" -- is contrary to the public teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom Fellay (apparently falsely) claims to follow:
I have spoken openly to the world: I have always taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither all the Jews resort; and in secret I have spoken nothing.
It is clear, just as the TRADITIO Fathers have warned since 2005, that Fellay would be first ensnared by, then sold out by, the Modernist Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger. The trap was sprung on July 1, 2012, when Ratzinger appointed the extremist anti-Catholic Gerhard Muller as his No. 3 Man at Newvatican and President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission to deal with the now-disunited Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, the man who had publicly advocated sending the four Neo-SSPX bishops to a monastery to do penance for the rest of their lives. It was this appointment that chilled the Neo-SSPX's Extraordinary Chapter of July 9-14, 2012, and led the Chapter members to clip Fellay's over-extended wings.
But why should Fellay follow the Lord in this when he has already blasphemed the Blessed Virgin Mary by trying to abuse her Most Holy Rosary to serve his own ends of selling out to the unCatholic New Order sect? Yet, as St. Paul warned (Galatians 6:7/DRV), "Be not deceived: God is not mocked." Our Lady, Whose devotion to Our Lord is perfect, thwarted Fellay's immoral abuse of her, and spit his blasphemous "Rosary Crusades" right back into his face.
The final paragraph of the leaked document clarifies what Fellay is really afraid of: "knocking of each other." What a hypocrite this Fellay is! Who but Fellay has knocked his own Neo-SSPX members more than anyone else? Who but Fellay has ejected his own senior bishop? Who but Fellay has expelled or threatened to expel some thirty of his priests who spoke out against the attempted sellout? If Fellay had an honest, Catholic bone left in his body, he would expel himself for violating the same "rule" that he tries to impose on others! Clearly, the Neo-SSPX is now a broken, disunited organization, which no longer has even a claim to call itself "traditional." Archbishop Lefebvre, in the words of Sacred Scripture, would "vomit out of his mouth" this Fellay.
Good Catholics, this information that you are now reading was placed under seal of secrecy by Bernie Fellay, "not to be made known in public, in particular on the internet." You can be thankful that the TRADITIO Fathers owe no allegiance whatsoever to Fellay or his formerly-traditional organization and do not recognize whatever purported false "authority" he uses to attempt to justify such secrecy. Therefore, we make the information known to you, our readers, for your own judgment. After all, the issues here are important public issues of Catholic doctrine, of which not only all Neo-SSPX members should be informed, but also all traditional Catholics around the world, who are affected by the Neo-SSPX shenanigans to sell out the Catholic Faith on the flimsiest of pretexts.
Heresy school is open again in Benedict-Ratzinger's summer castle at Gondolfo. Benedict-Ratzinger continues in 2012 his indoctrination sessions on Vatican II "oecumenism" at his annual "Ratzinger Schulerkreis" (Ratzinger Student Circle). He has invited his former German students to meet in late August 2012 "to discuss oecumenical relations involving Catholics, Lutherans and Anglicans." The meetings, which may affect the future programme of the New Order sect, will go on in secret. The students will hear this year a presentation by German Newcardinal Walter Kasper, former President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
In that capacity, Kasper was known for his radical positions undermining the Catholic Church as "the one, true Church of Jesus Christ," as traditional Catholic dogma has it. He has "negotiated" with the Anglican Communion, the Lutheran World Federation, the World Methodist Council, and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. He also is active in "reconciling" the New Order sect with the secular Jews.
Ratzinger's heresy school, and the man himself, have always been bathed in the false Vatican II doctrine of "oecumenism" (all religions are equal, all gods are the same). This doctrine is heresy according to Catholic theology. In 2009 two Protestant heretics from Germany were featured as presenters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
On July 14, 2012, the Neo-SSPX Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, issued a "Declaration" after the Extraordinary Chapter meeting at Econe, Switzerland, which concluded on that same day. The "Declaration" seeks to find an "identity" for the Neo-SSPX after all the confusion caused by Fellay's sycophancy to what his founder, Archbishop Lefebve, called "Modernist Rome" and still entertains "the possibility of a canonical normalization in the relationship of the Society and the Holy See," in other words, a sellout of Fellay's Neo-SSPX to the unCatholic New Order sect. Fellay pledged his commitment in the Modernist Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, while at the same time finding the Vatican II Council, of which Josef Ratzinger was one of the most prominent Modernist leaders, "tainted with errors." To the contrary, founding Archbishop Lefebvre directly called Ratzinger "not a Catholic."
Contrary to the mendacious press release issued by Fellay on July 14, 2012, stressing "the recovery of a profound unity," the Extraordinary Chapter was anything but united and actually clipped Fellay's wings. He no longer has the authority to enter into a sellout with the New Order sect on his own authority. He must submit any proposed agreement to another Extraordinary Chapter. This had been a sticking point with the Chapter members, who objected to Fellay's indication that, on his own authority, he would sign a sellout agreement. The majority of the Neo-SSPX, which still remains profoundly Lefebvran, erupted in opposition, with the three bishops and some thirty priests speaking out publicly against Fellay and his "Hindenburg Plan."
Fellay remains unchanged: full of hypocrisy, duplicity, and self-contradiction. This "Declaration" is clearly an attempted face-saving device for Fellay, who has been cuckolded before the world by Josef "The Fox" Ratzinger. Even Benedict-Ratzinger's press secretary doesn't give the "Declaration" any official weight. Presbyter Federico Lombardi on July 19, 2012, said that Newvatican is instead awaiting "the forthcoming official communication" of the Neo-SSPX, as their "dialogue with the "Ecclesia Dei Commission continues."
Since July 1, 2012, however, that Commission is headed by a powerful President, Gerhard Muller, who is on record as an enemy of the Neo-SSPX and wants to see its four bishops sequestered doing penance for the rest of their lives. That Commission also has a new Vice President, Joseph Di Noia, who is closely associated with secular Jewish interests that hate the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, for his direct statements about the "Holocaust." In fact, Muller, now the No. 3 Man at Newvatican, has demanded full recognition of Vatican II as dogmatic as "an indispensible condition" from the Neo-SSPX. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Radio Vaticana.]
Good Catholics, no "profound unity" was recovered at the Extraordinary Chapter. This is just Fellayite propaganda. If anything, the internal disunity under Fellay was exposed: disunity amongst the bishops, disunity amongst the priests, and disunity amongst the laity. The Neo-SSPX will never be the same again. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a part of the unCatholic Newchurch. Fellay and his Neo-SSPX may not have, for the moment, signed off on the dogmatic nature of Vatican II for the New Order sect, but neither did Fellay break off future "discussions" with the sect. He will still continue to waste the time, resources, and energy of the Neo-SSPX on attempts to cozy up to that unCatholic sect.
Once the Traditional Latin Mass was invalidated into vulgar tongues, more vulgarities have quickly followed. (For numerous examples of these vulgarities, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.) Now one of those crazy Newjesuits, presbyter Pat Connolly, an associate "professor" of film and television at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, has proposed that Messes at Novus Ordo temples show movies for "Mess." We've heard of professors of Sacred Theology, Sacred Liturgy, Canon Law, and other such Sacred Sciences, but "professor of film and television"! Newchurch's colleges and universities since Vatican II (1962-1965) have an unCatholic joke, sucking money out of clueless parents and students! Movies, by the way, Connolly calls "animated stained glass windows."
And how does this presbyter answer objections condemning his idea as sacrilege? He calls it "nonsense" and "silly." Connolly says that many Protestant churches are already showing movies at their "services." Well, there we have it: the Novus Ordo is always looking to heretical Protestantism for its inspiration. Connolly should hightail it of to his nearest Protestant church where he can space out on his "animations." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the California Catholic Daily.]
Bishop Fulton Sheen (1895-1979), the noted Catholic educator, certainly called it back in 1967. While teaching at the Catholic University of America for nearly 25 years and dealing with students, he noted with deep concern what was happening in Catholic education and the fact that many young people were losing the Faith since Vatican II. His warning on higher education was as prophetic as it was startling:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your Faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the Faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
My brother-in-law wants my wife and me to attend a Novus Ordo service with him. Neither my wife nor I have ever attended a Novus Ordo Mess since we have been married. We agree entirely on this and see how dangerous it would be, especially for our children. For our stance our family has leveled criticisms us, saying that we are "prideful" and "uncharitable" and should "humble ourselves" to go. At the moment all I can think to say is quite simply that I don't see the Novus Ordo service as valid and that, therefore, I am unable to attend. Do you have any advice?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The simplest answer is the best, and you have already said it directly and correctly. As a Catholic, you cannot "humble" yourself by participating in an invalid Protestantized Novus Ordo service. Frankly, that they should say that to you is quite offensive. What you are dealing with in fact is Protestants, although they falsely think that they are Catholics. The rule of thumb, when these questions come up, is to consider that you are talking about a Protestant service (which is what the Novus Ordo is) and act accordingly.
Realize that you are never going to win this "argument," as these people are ignorant of the Catholic Faith. So, don't try to argue the point; simply state your position and end the discussion. Tell them that your religion and your morals are not up for debate; therefore, they will just have to accept it.
Remember that by standing firm in the true Catholic Faith, you are setting an example for people "walking in darkness." Who knows but that your example will move them to reconsider their own position and to return to the true Catholic Faith. They may already have suspicions that what they are doing is not really Catholic. That's why they have lashed out against you rather than showing the very "charity" that they are hypocritically demanding of you!
Benedict-Ratzinger hasn't learned his lesson for selling out the Catholic Faith and for playing "oecumenist" to Mohammedans, Jews, and the rest. That lesson is that the more you give to the infidels, the more they hate you and give you nothing in return. JPII-Wojtyla, after years of playing the oecumenist, finally let it slip out that he had gotten tired of always giving in to false religions and getting nothing from them in return. The Modernist Ratzinger hasn't learned that lesson yet, but recent news may bring him closer to that realization.
A Christian publishing society had distributed a complimentary copy of a new edition of the Bible to all members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. The Bible was distributed along with a letter explaining that it was a new edition with thousands of references "that sheds light on the [Old Testament] Scriptures and helps to understand them and also shows the close connection between the Scriptures and the New Testament and how many of their prophecies are fulfilled in the New Testament."
Michael Ben-Ari, a member of the Israeli parliament, in front of cameras, tore up a copy of the New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ and threw it into the trash. The "Pusillanimous Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger has, of course, has failed to condemn the incident. On occasions when copies of the Koran have been ripped up, thrown into the trash, or urinated upon, the Mohammedans literally chopped heads off!
Ben-Ari proclaimed: "This abominable book [the New Testament] ... is a provocation by Church missionaries, and there is no doubt that this book and those [Christians] who sent it belong in the garbage can of history." Ironically, Ben-Ari's destruction of, and insults toward the Holy Bible, come as Christians United for Israel (CUFI) -- what claims to be the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States -- meets for its annual conference in Washington, D.C. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NRG News.]
In a canned July 16, 2012, "interview" issued after the Neo-SSPX's July 9-14, 2012, Extraordinary Chapter meeting -- really a propaganda release from his headquarters disguised as "interviews," which, for all anybody knows, could have been written before the meeting was finished -- Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay described his fellow bishops as "obnoxious." Apparently, so "obnoxious" was senior bishop Richard Williamson's legal exercise of his right to express his views in a letter to his fellow Chapter members that Fellay expelled him from the Chapter. Yet Fellay had the gall to report in the canned interview: "Nothing was left aside, and there were no taboos among us." Just more false propaganda from the Superior-Dictator.
Fellay refused to reveal what the conclusion of the meeting was, except that "very soon" he is going to convey his "position" to Newrome. In formulating his new position, he first quotes the Unblessed JPII-Wojytla. Then he perverts the courageous stance of the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, who outright called Josef Ratzinger and the New Order sect "not Catholic," by talking about the Archbishop's "pastoral charity," a Vatican II-speak phrase, indicating that one should not call a spade a space, as the Archbishop did.
Fellay goes on to point out that "the former bishop of Regensburg does not like us," whereas he cites "the courageous action of Benedict XVI on our behalf, in 2009." Fellay is here engaging in yet another deception. In fact, it is this Newbishop, Gerhard Muller, hailing from Ratzinger's home district of Regensburg, Germany, whom Ratzinger appointed on July 1, 2012, as his No. 3 Man at Newvatican (behind only the Secretary of State), as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. If Fellay had not become completely perverted from his association with the New Order sect, he would realize that the logical conclusion of Ratzinger's appointment of Muller is that Ratzinger doesn't like the Neo-SSPX either. But Fellay didn't tell you that, did he?
Good Catholics, in the words of the old proverb, "a leopard doesn't change his spots." Fellay by now has assimilated root and branch the New Order sect's unCatholic beliefs, and he has become just as foxy as Ratzinger in putting out mendacious propaganda that paints himself as just the opposite. Why does Fellay now show himself so often as a false propagandist? Because, like the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, Chief Architect of the New Order of 1969, if he did show himself as he really is, his followers would leave him, and he would not be able to rake in their money, apparently to be invested with assistance from his corporate investment partner, Maximilian Krah, the Jewish fund-raiser.
The father of Benedict-Ratzinger's butler, Paolo Gabriele, stated that his son is "honest" and hopes the truth will emerge concerning the leaks of Newvatican documents, which have painted a picture of Ratzinger's Newpapacy as corrupt. Gabriele has become the scapegoat for highly-placed officials in Newvatican who want to see Ratzinger's corruption rooted out. Some say that even Ratzinger's No. 2 Man, the Newcardinal Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, wants to expose the corruption of his principal.
On July 15, 2012, the butler's father, Andrea Gabriele, defended his son, suggesting that the motivation behind the leaks in what has been termed Ratzinger's Vatileaks scandal, was to expose Ratzinger's wrongdoing for the sake of purifying the church. He said that his son was "paying the price first-hand." Ratzinger has had his butler imprisoned. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Preliminary, but unconfirmed, information from the Neo-SSPX Extraordinary Chapter meeting, which ended on July 14, 2012, started to leak out the following morning and would seem to indicate that the anti-Fellay group has triumphed. Fellay is reported to have been forced to back off from his sellout posture and to have been ordered to send a communique to Benedict-Ratzinger rejecting Newpope's demand for "full acceptance" of the Modernist Vatican II Council as the price of entrance into "full communion" with the unCatholic New Order sect. If these reports are true, Fellay couldn't sell even the Chapter members, whom he himself appointed, on accepting the Modernist Vatican II Council in order to gain recognition by the New Order sect.
On the final day of the Extraordinary Chapter meeting, a mendacious announcement was issued from the Neo-SSPX headquarters that attempted to "spin" the open dissension within the Neo-SSPX as instead some kind of "profound unity." Sure, sure, a "unity" in which a quarter of the Chapter members, appointed by Fellay himself, turned on him to vote against his expulsion of senior bishop Richard Williamson from the Chapter meeting. With all the secret shananigans that Fellay has been up to with the unCatholic New Order sect, nothing can be trusted from this spin-mongerer, who perhaps realized only on June 13, 2012, the date of Ratzinger's final response to Fellay, demanding unequivocal adherence to the doctrines of Vatican II, that he had been had by "That Fox."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
Just before the Extraordinary Chapter meeting, Fellay had started to change his tune, stating publicly that he would not accept any deal with Newrome at this time, given the content of Benedict-Ratzinger's so-called "evaluations." Has Fellay finally seen the error of his ways, now that Ratzinger has appointed Gerhardt Muller the Marxist to be Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith and is getting ready to con-anise Paul VI, a Newpope far worse for the Church than was the "Bad Pope" Alexander VI?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Fellay was forced to back down after the publication of the three Neo-SSPX bishops' letter criticizing his sellout programme, followed by some thirty of his own priests speaking out against him. What happened just before the Chapter was a face-saving effort on his part, but it does not excuse the total waste of the NSSPXers' money, time, and resources that he has spent since 2000.
Fellay should long ago have been fired outright as incompetent. Nor should you believe that this is the end of Fellay's Hindenburg Plan to sell out the NSSPX to the New Order sect. Fellay will still keep pandering to Ratzinger instead of building an organization to counter his phony Newchurch every step of the way.
Just as the TRADITIO Network recently warned, Bernie Fellay over the last eighteen years has commandeered the Neo-SSPX through his appointment powers, so that the vast majority of the Chapter members are now servile Fellayite puppets. Thus, when the NSSPX's senior bishop Williamson had sent an letter to each member of the Chapter, as is his right, expressing his strong opposition to Fellay's maneuvers to place the NSSPX under unCatholic New Order control, it was easy for Fellay to engineer a vote of the Extraordinary Chapter meeting in Econe, Switzerland, on July 12, 2012, to confirm Fellay's edict to expel Williamson from the Chapter meeting, by a vote of 29 to 9.
It is well known that Fellay hates Williamson. Eyewitnesses report that when Williamson's name is mentioned in Fellay's presence, Fellay physically shakes with rage. It is reported that Fellay wanted to arrange a meeting with Williamson in London, but only if he could meet him "alone on a quiet country road" with virtually no houses or farms in sight or earshot of this meeting. Williamson declined such a meeting, sensing that it was a "trap."
Yet the fact that 9 members, almost a quarter of the Chapter appointed by Fellay and beholden to him for their very jobs, voted against their Superior-Dictator shows the depth of the resentment toward Fellay amongst his own leaders. Realize that this Chapter meeting is not like a secular Board of Directors meeting, in which by law half the members must be from outside the organization and independent agents for the stockholders (the laity, in the case of the Neo-SSPX), but is more like a staff meeting, at which CEO Fellay has full power, answerable to no one.
There is, in this, a strong whiff of Ratzinger's surreptitious hand. Ratzinger hates Williamson, as is well known, because Williamson publicly stands against the New Order and left Ratzinger with egg on his hypocritical face amongst his secular Jewish friends in the "holocaust" affair. Remember that Ratzinger sent Fellay back to Econe with instructions to get his own NSSPX house in order, so that the sellout could be facilitated at some future point.
Good Catholics, we now have outright schism within the Neo-SSPX. Archbishop Lefebvre's most respected bishop, senior bishop Williamson, his close friend and confidant, is being ejected by the Archbishop's least respected bishop, Fellay, whom the Archbishop never wanted to consecrate in the first place. The only question now is whether the other bishops and the NSSPX clergy and laity will stand up to Fellay's dictatorship and throw the Judas out.
Our assessment is that most of the clergy and laity within Fellay's Neo-SSPX are no longer traditional Catholics and are just cowardly Fellayite lackeys. They will probably do very little, or nothing, against Fellay and get just what they deserve: to be swallowed up, either now or in the future, by the Novus Ordo beast and lose their Catholic Faith altogether. Meanwhile, since at least 2000, Fellay has wasted almost all of the time, money, and focus of the NSSPX on chasing recognition by the unCatholic Novus Ordo -- an loony enterprise that has now come to bust, at least for the time being.
Make no mistake. Fellay's organization is not the Society of St. Pius X, which was founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre upon traditional Catholic principles. That is why we call Fellay's phony organization the Neo-SSPX (NSSPX). Bernie "Judas" Fellay's organization is not traditional Catholic, but a branch of the unCatholilc New Order sect. Fellay is looking all the more to be a sham bishop like Hannibal Bugnini, the Masonic mole, who engineered the destruction of the Catholic Church through its replacement by the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order sect.
When the Lesbian came into the sacristy to expose her homosexuality to presbyter Marcel Guarnizo of St. John Neumann Newparish in Washington, D.C., the presbyter told her politely not to present herself and her Lesbian "partner" for the Novus Ordo cookie, in consequence of a directive by the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishop. Nevertheless, the belligerent Lesbian later presented herself in the cookie line and was politely ignored by Guarnizo.
On July 10, 2012, the presbyter, who was only following what the New Order sect's "rules" are supposed to be, has been canned. In refusing the self-proclaimed Lesbian-Buddhist the Novus Ordo cookie, he showed a "lack of pastoral sensitivity." In reality, Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is not against homosexuality and "gay" marriage. That is just a sham veneer to fool the conservative Newchurchers into still putting money into the collectio-plate. In practice, Newchurch is pro homosexual. How could it not be, with so many of its Newbishops and presbyters (even Newpopes?) proclaiming themselves as sodomites? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
The former head of the New Order's Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Newcardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, said on July 10, 2012, that Benedict-Ratzinger could Novus Ordo-beatify his predecessors, Paul VI-Montini and JPI-Albino, during the 2012-2013 Year of the [New Order] Faith. This year begins on October 11, 2012, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Modernist Vatican II Council. Ratzinger, who was a Modernist leader at the Council in 1962, as he is now, could not pass up the opportunity to shove the pseudo-council's unCatholic doctrines down the throats of his New Order sectarians.
Ratzinger's Novus Ordo sect has destroyed the sacred quality of the canonization process, turning it into a "con-anization" process, a fraud. Traditionally in the Church, this process would take centuries, in order to ensure that no unqualified person could ever erroneously be canonized and shake the Faith of the Church. In Newchurch, however, there is a grossly intemperate rush to "conanize" poster boys and girls in a desperate attempt to give its unCatholic foundation some false "credibility." For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Canonizations."
Both Paul VI-Montini and JPI-Albino have been dead only 34 years. Who can possibly have investigated thoroughly in that time their dark secrets, and even crimes? Montini in particular, in addition to his destruction of the valid Mass and Sacraments in league with his henchman, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, has been credibly rumored to have been a homosexual who trod the streets of Rome in secret looking for "marks." In the two weeks before his death, his French journalist friend indicated that he wandered the halls of the Apostolic Palace proclaiming to God his faith, even as he feared that he was going to Hell. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News Agency.]
Archbishop Lefebvre, the leader of the Society of St. Pius X, who knew Paul VI-Montini personally, declared in August 1976, two years before Montini's death: "How could a successor of Peter have caused in so short a time more damage to the Church than the [secular French] Revolution of 1789..., the deepest and most excessive in Her history..., what no heresiarch has ever succeeded in doing?.... Do we have a pope or an intruder sitting on the Chair of Peter?"
The short reign of John Paul I-Albino, who served just 42 days as Newpope, is a quandary. Some consider him a Modernist like Pope John XXIII; others, a true traditionalist. In the first speech of his pontificate, he declared: "We wish to continue to put into effect the heritage of the Second Vatican Council (to whose teachings we wish to commit our total ministry). Its wise norms should be followed out and perfected.... We wish to continue the oecumenical thrust, which we consider a final directive from our immediate predecessors."
On the other hand, it was JPI-Albino's apparent intention to restore the Traditional Latin Mass. Unfortunately, his intention was not accomplished before his sudden death. According to private information received by one of our TRADITIO Fathers through the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Fr. Gommar DePauw, in 1978, JPI-Albino had summoned the traditional Catholic leader to Rome to sit on a papal commission, which would be charged with restoring the Traditional Latin Mass to the Catholic Church. But before Fr. DePauw could fly to Rome, the Newpope was dead.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is no "traditionalist." The con-anizations of his Modernist predecessors would be just a futile effort to justify the unCatholic New Order sect by claiming that all of its popes are "blessed." In fact, they are some of the most unblessed popes in the history of the Church! They are rejecters of Sacred Tradition, destroyers of the Catholic Mass and Sacraments, and some of them even moral perverts. Is it any wonder that a full-throated Modernist like Ratzinger, the "Paedophile Pope," would try to resuscitate the reputations of his unCatholic predecessors through the phony Novus Ordo "con-anization" process?"
The July issue of Titanic, a monthly magazine from Benedict-Ratzinger's own German fatherland, published a satire on his corruption, leaked by documents in the Vatileaks scandal. That was bad enough, but the periodical put a picture on its front cover of Ratzinger with a yellow stain on the front of his white Newpapal cassock. The cover text read: "Halleluja im Vatikan: Die Undichte Stelle Ist Gefunden" [Halleluja in the Vatican: The Leaky Spot Has Been Found]. Ratzinger's own Newvatican officials are so tired of his unapologetic and unreformed criminal cover-ups and corrupt management that they have been leaking documents to the Italian press.
The German courts are no upholders of free speech, as demonstrated by the Williamson case, and so enjoined the magazine from publishing the satirical images of the "Paedophile Pope" on the internet and distributing further copies of the issue, but it was too late. The images were all over the internet and many thousands of magazines were already in circulation. Ratzinger, one of the most powerful men on earth, claimed that the satire violated his "personal rights." The magazine says that it will now take Ratzinger to an appeals court. The German Journalists' Association criticized the lower court injunction as "excessive" and said that Ratzinger should grow up and accept satire in his position. The TRADITIO Network has added its support for the magazine's free-speech rights.
Good Catholics, what is worse, a satirical image of the Newpope or his own complicity, under his own signature, in the rape of hundreds of thousands of children? Whose "personal rights" are being violated most: his or his child victims'? The German courts should be hauling Ratzinger up on charges! Instead, as in the Williamson case, they seem to have learned nothing from their Nazi history and continue to serve as suppressors rather than supporters of free speech, the same free speech that Ratzinger has been maintaining since Vatican II to be an absolute "right of the human person." What a hypocrite!
The "Indult/Motu" group known as L'Institute du Bon Pasteur, or the Institute of the Good Shepherd (IBP), is now in a state of chaos. It was founded on September 8, 2006, and headquartered in Bordeaux, France. As of April 2008, there were 19 priests and 35 seminarians, with four deacons ordained in 2008 with great Novus Ordo pomp and circumstance at the basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome.
Benedict-Ratzinger was quick to establish the IBP as "of pontifical right" because, although Ratzinger was in the process of negotiating with Bernie Fellay for a sellout the Neo-SSPX, the IBP was established by five former NSSPX priests (Fr. Paul Aulagnier, Fr. Philippe Laguerie, Fr. Guillaume de Tanouarn, and two others), whom Fellay had expelled in October 2003. So, while Ratzinger was "negotiating" with Fellay, he was stabbing Fellay in the back! But Fellay is too crazed for acceptance by the New Order sect to learn from this incident in which Ratzinger outfoxed him.
The story of the IBP is the same as that of all the other "Indult/Motu" groups that have sold out to Ratzinger's New Order sect. Ratzinger welcomes them in with open arms, then, once the clueless chickens are captured behind the barbed wire, Josef "The Fox" Ratzinger devours them, feathers and all. Like Fellay's Neo-SSPX, the IBP was having its Chapter on July 2-6, 2012. At this meeting New Order sect infiltrators ejected Fr. Laguerie as Superior General and elected in his place one Fr. Roch Perrel, who has been rejected as a New Order plant by the IBP's founding members.
Now the clueless Laguerie is contesting the election and has "appealed to Rome," which originally constituted the cabal through which he was removed in favor of a New Order sect plant! This chaos is a clear prophesy of what will happen to Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. The same thing has happened to every single "Indult/Motu" group that has sold out to Ratzinger and his New Order sect.
Good Catholics, Laguerie, Fellay, and their ilk are all just plain dumb. The handwriting prophesying their demise is on the wall, just as it was for the Baltasar, the last king of Babylon. Yet Fellay is too crazed for recognition by the New Order sect, which the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, condemned as "not Catholic," to learn his lesson. Baltasar's kingdom fell; so will Fellay's. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
As if to warn Benedict-Ratzinger against his stratagems to get the Neo-SSPX to sell out to his New Order sect, Heaven sent a moderate earthquake southeast of Rome in the direction of Ratzinger's summer castle at Gandolfo, on July 10, 2012, while Fellay's Neo-SSPX Extraordinary Chapter was in session. Terrified Romans rushed into the streets, fearing another deadly quake like the ones that hit Italy in April-May 2012. There was no indication that Ratzinger or Fellay paid any heed whatsoever to Heaven's warning. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
La Croix, the publication for Newchurch's French bishops, has revealed a plot by Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, to take control of the property of all those NSSPX sites that stand against his "Hindenburg Plan" to sell out what remains of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic Society to Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect. The publication has revealed that, in order to ensure compliance with his plan, Fellay has taken "the necessary measures so that, on the day on which certain District Superiors became opposed to him, their property would automatically revert to him."
Fellay was the SSPX's bookkeeper for twelve years -- that is the expertise he brought to the Society, not anything related Catholic liturgy, doctrine, or morals. The archbishop didn't want to consecrate him a bishop because he had no pastoral experience like the other three bishops, Galarreta, Mallerais, and Williamson, but the Archbishop succumbed to pressure by Swiss SSPX donors to consecrate a Swiss, a man who has now turned Judas toward traditional Catholicism to such an extent that some NSSPXers have denounced him as "never a bishop" according to the provisions of the Papal Bull Ex Apostolatus Officio.
Fellay has also come under suspicion in recent years for his association with his investment partner, Jewish fundraiser Maximilian Krah, a Dresden attorney who sits on about a dozen investment corporations with Fellay. Grave suspicions have been expressed as to how Fellay is handling all the donations that NSSPXers shovel in for his various projects. These are "blind" donations because Fellay has never published an independent audit to prove that he is spending his members' according to the intentions of the NSSPX donors.
La Croix suggests that those loyal to Archbishop Lefebvre and traditional Catholicism might "attempt a coup of force during the Chapter" meeting, now going on in Econe, Switzerland, from July 9-14, 2012. But Fellay has illegally barred from the Chapter the NSSPX's most eloquent and persuasive advocate of traditional Catholicism, its senior bishop, Richard Williamson. Also, under the revised NSSPX Statutes, Fellay has dictatorial appointment powers over almost all of the voting members of the Chapter. Fellay has had almost twenty years to stack the deck in his favor and kick out anyone who remained faithful to Archbishop Lefebvre's founding principles.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am in the process of converting to the Catholic faith in a traditional church. I am getting catechetical instruction through the RCIA program. I had no concerns about this until I came across the TRADITIO Network and read some of your answers. Am I getting traditional Catholic catechetical instruction through the RCIA program at this traditional church (my parish)?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Absolutely not, nor are you going to a traditional church, as you erroneously think. No Newchurch parish offers traditional Catholic catechetical instruction. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program is not Catholic. Rather, it is inspired by the tenets and practices of Protestantism and Freemasonry. Moreover, true Catholics are baptized, not "initiated," as if they were joining the Moose or the Elk Lodge!
For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Charismatic Movement." For a complete list of Traditional Latin Mass sites, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Fr. Michel Koller, priest of the NSSPX Priory of the Child Jesus in Plauzat, France, has called for a worldwide novena, nine days of prayer, to St. Michael the Archangel to start July 9, 2012, against Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, and his programme to sell out Archbishop Lefebvre's Society. Fr. Koller is praying that the three NSSPX bishops put the Society on the right path and stop Fellay's sellout to Apostate Rome, as the Archbishop called it, that is, Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect.
Fr. Koller could not have chosen a better heavenly advocate for this purpose than the Prince of the Heavenly Host. Traditional Catholics continue to pray after Mass the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, which the Novus Ordo has dumped. This prayer can be said daily for nine days as a novena. Fr. Koller could not have selected a better one, as it reminds us of the diabolical nature of Fellay's sellout programme, like all Satan's minions, based in "wickedness and deceit."
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and deceits of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Fr. Koller believes that the Extraordinary Chapter of the NSSPX being held July 9-14, 2012, in Econe, Switzerland, will determine whether the Archbishop's traditional Catholic society will survive or not. Fr. Koller himself is one of those thirty courageous NSSPX priests and bishops who have publicly stood against Fellay's perfidy and has been placed on Fellay's "Black List" for imminent expulsion from the NSSPX.
On July 7, 2012, the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, who has illegally been barred by the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, from attending the Extraordinary Chapter of that group being held July 9-14, 2012, in Econe, Switzerland, has given the Chapter the benefit of his wisdom and experience in an Open Letter of July 7, 2012, charging that the New Order revolt of 1969, which introduced the invalid Novus Ordo Mass and Sacraments, is happening again in 2012 within Fellay's Neo-SSPX.
Williamson has charged that "the same seduction and pressure of the modern world that made the mainstream churchmen collapse in the 1960s have swayed a number of SSPX members in the 2000s, bringing the SSPX to near collapse." He has warned the NSSPX members that the parallels between Vatican II and the recent happenings within the Society of St. Pius X are so striking that these happenings could be called "Vatican IIB."
Williamson reminds NSSPX members that in 1962 the leading churchmen decided that not Christ, but the modern world was right after all, and "so at Vatican II (1962-1965) they changed the Church's principles to fit the modern world. They made friends with all the Church's former enemies and were very cruel towards the Church's true friends that wanted nothing to do with the modernization. These true friends were only a small minority of Catholics, because over several centuries Catholics had come to put so much trust in their leaders that even when these were betraying the Church, still the Catholics put their trust in them."
However, a Traditional Catholic Movement began to rally out of the Modernist apostasy, started by Fr. Gommar DePauw, himself a peritus at Vatican II, in New York. But Newchurchmen did not like being condemned as Modernists by the Traditional Catholic Movement, so they did all in their power to shut it down. Yet, events such as the emptying out and shutting down of one Newchurch institution after another were proving the Movement to be right, so more and more Catholic souls were making their way towards the Movement. But then, stated Williamson, pseudo-traditionalist leaders (like Bernie Fellay) began to make friends with the Newchurchmen and showed great harshness towards any members of the Movement who might insist on condemning the Newchurch and its false principles. These false leaders (like Fellay) found followers inside the Movement because the deluded followers thought that they had to follow their perfidious leaders, who were at the same time deceitfully selling them out to the unCatholic New Order sect.
Good Catholics, these are chilling and direct words indeed from the NSSPX's senior bishop -- words that NSSPX members should take to heart. If the Chapter representatives know what's best for their Society, they'll expel the Judas dictator Bernie Fellay before he can accomplish his "Hindenburg Plan," the complete sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional Catholic Society into the hands of the enemy, Josef Ratzinger, whom the Archbishop personally denounced as "not a Catholic." And, as subsequent developments have shown, was the Archbishop ever right!
Once again we TRADITIO Fathers called it. We said that the "Motu" Mess of 2007, sometimes falsely termed the "Extraordinary" Mess, a Ratzingerian term never before used in the history of the Catholic Church, was a complete hoax to deceive traditional Catholics. Like the Protestantized transitional Missals of 1964-1967 after Vatican II, the use of the half Novus Ordo Vatican II 1962 Missal was just a stopgap measure until Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernistic "Hybrid Missal of 2012" could be published. And now that pseudo-traditional missal is on Newvatican's printing presses, to supersede the 1962 Missal on its 50th anniversary. You Motarians, you were had -- just as we warned you in 2007. Now you will have to use the Modernistic "Hybrid Missal of 2012." The 1962 "Extrordinary Mess" is dead!
In accordance with Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernistic Motu Summorum pontificum of July 7, 2007, the new "Hybrid Missal of 2012" will replace the "1962 Missal" on December 2, 2012, the First Sunday of Advent. This Modernized "1962 Missal" will incorporate:
All pseudo-traditional communities in "communion" with the New Order sect will be forced to use the new "Hybrid Missal of 2012." These communities include:
And what about Fellay and his pseudo-traditional Neo-Fraternity of St. Pius X (NSSPX)? Fellay accepted publicly and wholeheartedly Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax of 2007 and his phony "Extraordinary Mess," including, at least in some NSSPX sites, the Judaized Good Friday prayer. Now that Fellay has cast his lot in with Benedict-Ratzinger (whether the formal paperwork has yet been signed or not), some NSSPX sites will start using the Hybrid Missal of 2012, then more and more of them will.
Truly traditional Catholic priests will, of course, pay no attention to this phony "Hybrid Missal of 2012." They will continue to use the fully-traditional 1954 Missal or earlier. These courageous priests -- independents, SSPV, CMRI, and the rest -- do not have to dance to the Modernist Newpope's tune. But, for Fellay, it will be impossible to achieve his life's goal of being accepted into the New Order sect if he does not accept Ratzinger's "Hybrid Missal of 2012."
Benedict-Ratzinger is experiencing one of the worst income deficits since World War II. His Newchurchers are so mad at the "Paedophile Pope" that he is now running 20,000,000 U.S. dollars short of meeting his 2011 budget. Ratzinger is also weighed down by his liberalist Newvatican bureaucracy, which now numbers 2,832 for a land area of 0.44 square kilometres, at some of the highest salaries in Europe. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Tablet.]
No wonder Ratzinger wants to suck Fellay and his Neo-SSPX into the New Order sect, in order to steal the hefty purse that Bernie Fellay and his Judaeophile investment partner, Maximilian Krah, have amassed from the pockets of the clueless NSSPXers.
In a landmark decision, William Lynch, who pommeled the paedophile Newjesuit presbyter, Jerold Lindner, who brutally raped him at age 7 and his brother at age 4 on a Newchurch camping trip, was acquitted of all charges on July 5, 2012, by a San Jose, California, jury. This decision should give other child victims of these vile Newchurch presbyters courage to act against their rapists, suborned by the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla and the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger. After the trial one juror called the presbyter's rape of Lynch and his brother "heinous, absolutely heinous."
At the time of the pommeling, the presbyter was taking is ease in a garden home paid for by Newchurch, with all his medical costs covered, and a free car to boot. Even Newchurchers picketed outside the courtroom, bearing signs that read, "Jail Father Jerry, "Sacred Heart Jesuit Center: Pedophile Playground." During the trial a woman angrily confronted presbyter Lindner in the hallway and denounced him for sexually assaulting her. Lindner was also involved in sexual assaults against his own nieces and other members of his own family, as well as other children in Los Angeles, where he was sheltered by Newcardinal Roger "Phony" Mahony.
Presbyter Lindner is one of the most perverted of Newchurch presbyters. Yet he was sheltered not only by the two Newpopes, but also by the Newcardinal-archbishop of Los Angeles, California, Roger Mahony, while he raped some 100 boys, then escaped prosecution because of a short statute of limitations. The perverted presbyter suffered only minor punishment at the hands of his now-acquitted child victim, some bruises and a couple of cuts, described as "damage less than a 10-second bar fight." Lindner who, as even the prosecutor admitted at trial, falsely testified under oath that he never raped the boys, may be tried for perjury. Newchurch had already paid a girl raped by Lindner on the camping trip 1,500,000 dollars in a legal settlement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the MercuryNews.}
Good Catholics, we hope that this stunning verdict will embolden other children to stand up to their vile Newchurch rapists, as well as to the New Order sect leaders who permitted -- and continue to permit -- their vile Newclergy to perpetrate their crimes. Benedict-Ratzinger should be thrown into the Tiber, as the Romans used to deal with corrupt popes in the past, and any action to make JPII-Wojtyla another one of those phony New Order "saints" should be stopped immediately.
Yet most Newchurchers still won't talk about the criminal leaders running their sect. They stick their heads in the sand like ostriches while children continue to be raped. The only real heroes in Benedict-Ratzinger's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust may be the Irish, who have expelled Ratzinger's nuncio from Ireland and closed their consulate to the Vatican because Ratzinger threatened Ireland's Newchurch bishops with excommunication if they turned criminal Newclergy over to the police. Yet Ratzinger still continues to blame not himself and his New Order clergy who perpetrated these vile crimes, but claims that how hundreds thousands of children were raped under his regime is, to him, a "mystery." Ratzinger is either a bald-faced liar or the most clueless man in the history of the Church!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
If, as some say, the validity of priestly and episcopal orders has been lost in the New Order sect because of the use of unconsecrated bishops and the invalid New Ordinal of 1969, then I have two questions: (1) How can the promise of Our Lord be fulfilled that the Church would last till the end of time and (2) how is it possible to say that the orders are invalid and not be sede-vacantist at the same time?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The fact that Novus Ordo presbyters and Newbishops are not valid does not vitiate Our Lord's promise. He never promised that there would be so-and-so many priests or bishops. Neither is the New Order sect the Church that He founded. We know from the history of the Church that there were -- and still are -- many times and places where priests are not readily available. Catholics were spoiled by the surfeit of priests in the first half of the 20th century, which was the exception to the rule, but now we are returning to the more common historical case of a deficit in the second half of that century.
As to your second question, sedevacantism is only one theory to explain the present situation; there are several others. For further information, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Sede-vacantism."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been puzzling over the messages delivered to the children at Fatima. What Our Lady is supposed to have said, viz., "the pope, together with the bishops of the world, is to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart," seems to be impossible at the present time, the true Mass having disappeared in Newchurch. Without the true Mass, where does that leave the Newchurch of the New Order?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that the "consecration of Russia" is a misguided effort on the part of extremist Fatimists to divert the attention of true Catholics away from what is really important: the valid Traditional Catholic Mass and Sacraments, the traditional doctrines of the Catholic Faith, and traditional Catholic morals. As you say, since the Newchurchers don't have a valid Mass and Sacraments, such a "consecration of Russia" will make no difference to them. They will still be left without valid Sacraments and their graces.
True devotees of the Fatima apparition, know that the "consecration of Russia" is merely a side issue. Our Lady of Fatima's central message was not the consecration of Russia, but the same Biblical message preached by St. John the Baptist, as recorded in Sacred Scripture: "Do penance" to avoid Hell. The apparition is actually one about the Most Holy Eucharist, as many extremist Fatimists seem to have forgotten:
In the autumn [of 1916] the children again saw the Angel as they were out looking after the sheep. He appeared before them holding a chalice in his hands, above which was suspended a Host, from which drops of blood were falling into the chalice. The Angel left the chalice suspended in the air and prostrated himself before it in prayer. He then gave the host to Lucia to eat, and let Francisco and Jacinta drink from the chalice whilst saying: "Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes and console your God."
In 1916, of course the Catholic Church was orthodox and had the valid Sacraments. Since the Newchurch of the New Order took control of the institution in 1969, that is no longer the case. Newchurch has no Sacrament of the Eucharist, just cookies and Kool-Aid; no Sacrament of Penance, just an invalid "reconciliation"; no priests, just Protestantized presbyters.
The Fatimists, that is, the extremists who have made a false religion out of the apparition, have tried to turn the attention of true Catholics away from the fact that the Newchurch of the New Order is false, blasphemous, and sacrilegious. The Fatimists do not ask that Catholics fight for the true Mass and the true Sacraments, but that they consume themselves in pointless and endless disputes, not about the valid Consecration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but about some "consecration of Russia."
Since the extreme Fatimists are part of the Newchurch and consequently do not fight for true Catholicism, they have gotten exactly what they deserve: the Modernist "Fr." Ratzinger for their Newpope, who has just appointed as his Prefect of Doctrine a heretic who denies BOTH the transubstation of the Holy Sacrifice of hte Mass AND the virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The irony here could not be clearer -- and certainly not what either the Angel of Fatima or Our Lady of Fatima represented.
Josef Ratzinger made a stunning revelation in his book, Milestones: Memoirs 1927-1977. Ratzinger admitted that he was too dumb to understand St. Thomas Aquinas, saying "I had difficulties in penetrating the thought of Thomas Aquinas, whose crystal-clear logic seemed to be too closed in on itself, too impersonal and ready-made." In other words, the Doctor of the Universal Church and the Prince and Master of All Scholastic Doctors was too logical, too Catholic, for the Modernist heretodox Ratzinger to understand.
In this revelation, we can see into the unCatholic, Modernist soul of Ratzinger. For the Modernist error had as its forerunner the philosophic enemy of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Mohammedan Averroes, who taught falsely that a thing might be true in philosophy and false in religion and distinguished the "Christ of Faith" from the "Christ of History." Since St. Thomas Aquinas has always been for the Catholic Church the pre-eminent proponent of orthodox doctrine, Pope St. Pius V, the same who saved the Traditional Latin Mass from the Protestant heresy, proclaimed Aquinas a Doctor of the Universal Church in 1567. In 1879, Pope Leo XIII confirmed Aquinas's primacy of place by declaring him the Prince and Master of All Scholastic Doctors.
Modernism and its rejection of Catholicism's objective rationality has allowed Ratzinger to reject traditional Catholic doctrine to justify the New Order, episcopal "collegiality," false oecumenism, the Lutheran view of justification (faith without works), and many other "new" doctrines drawn from heretical Protestantism and Freemasonry. Is it any wonder that Ratzinger and his New Order sect are rapidly sinking into the quicksand of unCatholic doctrine, phony "sacraments," and immorality?
Newmonsignor Paul Tighe, the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, openly admitted on June 13, 2012, that Newvatican's application to control the new Generic Top Level Domain ".catholic" is a bid "to control ... the digital space." He went on to say that controlling the new domain "will be a way to authenticate the Catholic presence online." With Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect being increasing seen as "not Catholic" in its doctrine and operation, particularly in view of its illegal activities in covering up the crimes of its paedophile Newbishops and presbyters against children, Newvatican does need desperately to "authenticate" itself!
Those ubiquitous New Order sect blogger-propagandists are out of luck, however. The controlling Newchurch does not plan to allow individual bloggers or private "Catholics" to use the ".catholic" domain, just Newchurch institutions. Newvatican is attempting to take over the new domain not only in Latin, but in Cyrillic, Arabic, and Chinese characters. Newchurch is paying almost one million U.S. dollars to bribe the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a nonprofit corporation that coordinates the assignment of Internet domain names and addresses around the world, to assign it the new ".catholic" domain.
In 2009 Newvatican expressed concern about the "possible perils" connected with religious domain names. In 2012, Benedict-Ratzinger, faced with his Newchurch disintegrating, has flip-flopped on the issue and wants to play Pope of the Secular World. Newvatican had to fill out complicated forms for the ICANN and must submit to background checks to ensure that it is the best representative of the domain, that it has the financial, technical, and institutional stability to run the domain, and that it is not involved in criminal activity.
With Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants being fingered for criminal cover-up of paedophile Newclergy in many countries and with his Newvatican being investigated by the European Union for money-laundering through his Vatican Bank, the ICANN's approval may not be a foregone conclusion. The ICANN announced that no one had yet been granted the rights to any of the requested domain names. The vetting process is ongoing and even entities that appear to have a right to the name and the ability to run the new domain are unlikely to have anything online before spring 2013.
ICANN is seeking objections to proposed Generic Top Level Domains from the public through August 12, 2012. Traditional Catholics who object to the unCatholic Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect commandeering the domain name ".catholic" may communicate their objections to the New gTLD Application Comments Forum. Your objections will be published worldwide (anonymously if you so choose). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I checked the TRADITIO Network to see whether you listed July 1 as the Feast of the Most Precious Blood. As I expected, you did. In my parish, though, Sunday, July 1, was the "Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time." There was no mention of anything else. Why did my parish dump the Feast of the Most Precious Blood?
The quiet sanctity of the Traditional Latin Mass that I remember is replaced at my parish by a clanging piano, folk melodies instead of sacred ones, vestments with no cross on them, lay people dishing out wine, and presbyters afraid to sermonize more than just a few minutes because they do not want to anger the crowd, who cannot wait to get out and go to the store or somewhere.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Obviously, the service that you are attending is not a valid Traditional Latin Mass, but the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. No Newchurch parish offers a valid Mass; such parishes are now just like the Protestants, with a Protestantized service and Protestantized ministers. No Catholic should ever attend a Novus Ordo service. It is no better than a Protestant service -- and is oftentimes worse.
For further information on the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, click on FAQ03: "Should I Ever Attend the 'New Mass'?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department. For a complete list of Traditional Latin Mass sites, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
War has broken out here in Chihuahua, Mexico, within Neo-SSPX. Fr. Ernesto Cardozo, of Brazil, currently residing in Mexico, was expelled by Bernie Fellay from his Neo-SSPX for his criticism of Fellay's proposed sellout to the New Order sect. Now the Sacraments are being denied to any Neo-SSPXers who attended Fr. Cardozo's Masses.
By order of Mario Trejo, Fellay's District Superior of Mexico, the Neo-SSPX layman who who received Fr. Cardozo into Mexico was expelled from the SSPX. Neo-SSPXers who attended Fr. Cardozo's Mass refused absolution When some of them went to confession, the priest didn't give them the absolution and Communion unless they confessed that they committed purported "Mortal Sin" by going to Mass. As a result, some 50 Neo-SSPXers quit Fellay's Society.
So now Fellay's dictatorial ego is allowing him to commit even the Mortal Sin of Sacrilege by manipulating the Sacraments (if that is what they are any more in his compromised Neo-SSPX, increasingly populated with invalid Novus Ordo presbyters) for his own personal ends. Add to that his Motal Sins of Blasphemy through his attempt to pervert the Most Holy Rosary in manipulated "Rosary Crusades" to serve his own political ends, and you have too many Mortal Sins against the First Commandment of God committed by Fellay to count!
Good Catholics, more and more former Fellayites are now realizing that the Neo-SSPX is disintegrating into the same corruption that Fellay's mentor, Benedict-Ratzinger, is perpetrating in his New Order sect. Fellay is looking more and more like a phony bishop and a plant for the New Order. It is long past time for the Neo-SSPXers to have gotten out of Fellay's corrupt Society, which bears little resemblance to the traditional Catholic Society founded by Archbishop Lefebvre.
Once again, the TRADITIO Fathers' canny perspective saw through the pseudo-traditional propaganda that Benedict-Ratzinger's appointment of Joseph Di Noia as Vice President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, which regulates pseudo-traditional Catholicism for the New Order sect, was some kind of boon for Fellay's Neo-SSPX. The pseudo-traditional blogs started to effuse about how supportive the "traditionalist" Ratzinger is. But TRADITIO got the jump on the propaganda and exposed DiNoia's anti-traditional background. We wrote:
Di Noia seems to be a plant in the Ecclesia Dei Commission in order to ensure that the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, keeps jumping to the New Order sect's tune. Di Noia is well known as a Judaeophile, who enjoys "broad respect" in the secular Jewish community. Secular Jewish organizations vehemently objected to Benedict-Ratzinger's "unexcommunicating" the four bishops of the Neo-SSPX in 2009 and forced him to impose an untraditional prayer for the "perfidious" Jews, replacing the ancient traditional prayer in his Modernized "Motu" Mess. Di Noia is a flaming oecumenist. He was the founding director of the Intercultural Forum of the Modernist JPII Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. He is also friendly with the Protestant Evangelical movement.
TRADITIO also warned that the real axe would drop with Ratzinger's coming appointment of the rabid anti-traditionalist Gerhard Muller, of Newpope's home region of Regensburg, Germany, to be Prefect of the Congregation of the [New Order] Faith and ex officio President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission. Just as we predicted, Muller was appointed on July 1, 2012, to replace William Levada. Muller, now the No. 3 Man at Newvatican wants nothing to do with Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, but instead wants all four Neo-SSPX bishops to resign and be consigned to a monastery for the rest of their lives.
And now the new, Ratzinger-appointed Ecclesia Dei Commission Vice President Di Noia has confirmed everything of which TRADITIO warned. He gave an interview to the Italian daily La Stampa, which was published on July 1, 2012, and in which, as the vernacular expression is, he "let it all hang out." Fellay and his Neo-SSPX are now hoist by their own petard!
DiNoia stated flatly: "There's nothing in the [Modernist Vatican II] Council that is contrary to Tradition." This statement contradicts the position of traditional Catholicism that Vatican II promulgated no infallible or irreformable teaching, that it was merely pastoral and not dogmatic. Di Noia cannot have taken a clearer position opposed to traditional Catholicism and Archbishop Lefebvre's founding principle for the Society of St. Pius X. Di Noia goes on to say that the Modernist Vatican II Council was inspired by the Holy Ghost. This is blasphemy and ignores the fact that several purported councils of the Church were later declared heretical by popes and were certainly not "inspired" by the Holy Ghost. There is even a term in Catholic theology for these false councils, Conciliabulum, a Null-council. Among these are:
Di Noia specifically lashes out at the Neo-SSPX, charging: "Anti-Judaism or anti-Semitism form no part of the official position of the SSPX," which "is reported to have accused Jews of 'deicide' and used anti-Semitic stereotypes such as the infamous canard of an international 'Jewish conspiracy' on its multilingual sites and in statements by its leaders. Such concepts are contrary to Nostra aetate [Vatican II's Declaration on the relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions] and all post-Vatican II papal positions." Di Noia particularly slams the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, whom Di Noia slanders by calling him "the holocaust-denying bishop" for simply raising questions about the factual basis for a disputed question of secular history.
Good Catholics, the johnny-come-lately pseudo-traditionalist "bloggers" are stumbling all over themselves now that Newvatican's propaganda has turned out to be a bald-faced lie. They could have saved themselves a lot of trouble if they had simply read TRADITIO for a truly independent perspective -- which our readers have been getting for eighteen years now, free of any organizational association. But the important thing to take away from this is not Di Noia himself, but the man who appointed this Modernist heretic: Benedict-Ratzinger, the same "Fr." Ratzinger, leader of the Modernist heretics of Vatican II, who is unchanged after fifty years.
Just as the TRADITIO Network predicted, Benedict-Ratzinger appointed on July 1, 2012, the anti-SSPX Newbishop of Regensburg, Germany, Gerhard Muller, to become the new head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [Novus Ordo] Faith, replacing Newcardinal William Levada. Muller thus becomes, ex officio, head of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, now demoted to a sub-organ of the CDF, which Ratzinger has designated to control the response to Fellay and his "Hindenburg Plan" to sell out the Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect.
Muller is a long-time, outspoken critic of Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. He has stated that there is nothing in the Modernist Vatican II Council that contradicts the Catholic Faith. Muller himself denies the Catholic dogma of the perpetual virginity of Mary and espouses the Marxist "Liberation Theology," whose leader, Gustavo Gutierrez, is his close personal friend. Every year 1998, Muller has travelled to Peru to take a course from Gutierrez. Moreover, Muller has served on no less than seven oecumenical committees, whose purpose was to implement Newchurch's anti-Catholic doctrine that all religions are equal and that we all worship the same god.
Muller was also an accomplice of Benedict-Ratzinger in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Muller admitted that he had reinstated a convicted paedophile presbyter, who was later charged with another child assault. Newchurchers denounced Muller for not telling them about the presbyter's criminal history. The town's mayor charged Muller with deliberately covering up the paedophile presbyter's past.
As to Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, Muller is on record as stating that the four Neo-SSPX bishops should resign and be consigned to a monastery in silence for the rest of their lives, because of their opposition to the unCatholic New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Confirming Muller's radical Modernism, a "secret" document of the Austrian, German, and Swiss bishops surfaced as part of the recent "Vatileaks" scandal, wherein these Newchurch bishops stated the line of action to be taken, depending upon the specific structure implemented, should the Neo-SSPX complete its sellout to the New Order sect:
Good Catholics, here again we are faced with incontrovertible evidence that Ratzinger is no "traditionalist," but remains the rampant Modernist that he was as "Fr." Ratzinger at Vatican II. Muller is an outright heretic and an anti-Catholic theological wacko. Ratzinger, by appointing him head of Newchurch's theological congregation and head of Ecclesia Dei, has clearly told world that he has blown off Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. Poor Fellay! All his machinations to attain the Novus Ordo purple have been blown to smithereens. There could not be a more hypocrital Judas to the traditional Catholic faith than Bernie Fellay. The Neo-SSPX Extraordinary Chapter needs to kick his perfidious derriere out of the Society!
An update to the "Black List" of Neo-SSPX priests expelled or in danger of expulsion by Bernie Fellay from his Neo-SSPX for criticizing his attempted sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic society to the New Order sect and its leader, Josef Ratzinger, condemned by Archbishop Lefebvre as "not Catholic," has been provided to the TRADITIO Network. The list may not necessarily be complete and includes only Neo-SSPX clergy, not the lay members expelled, who are too numerous to list.
Another sign of Benedict-Ratzinger's corruption is that he adamantly refuses to correct his sins and crimes, including complicity in paedophilia, money-laundering, contract fraud, and nepotism. Most recently, Ratzinger has seen the head of his Newvatican bank sacked by its board of directors and the arrest and imprisonment of his butler as a whistleblower. Instead, Ratzinger has now chosen to cover up his sins and crimes better with the assistance of P.R. "spin." Toward that end, he has hired an Opus Dei cultist as his "Senior Communications Adviser."
Gregory Burke twice refused to get involved with the incessant scandals of Benedict-Ratzinger, saying: "It seemed too much of a mess and too big for me and way out of my comfort zone." But Burke finally succumbed. Burke is no superficial member of the Opus Dei cult, but a deeply-embedded "numerary" member, who hands most of his money over to the cult. The cult has been described as a "secretive, powerful, and murderous sect." Burke is, thus, a practicing New Order sect member of the worst extreme. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]
For further information on the Opus Dei sect, click on FAQ10: "How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Opus Dei."
Bernie Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX ordained a reduced number of deacons and priests at Econe, Switzerland, on June 29, 2012. Several other men who were to be ordained had spoken out against his attempted sellout to the New Order sect, so he cut them off and refused to ordain them.
Fellay, always the political animal, couldn't resist the temptation to turn his sermon on that occasion into a political screed and to cry "poor me" because he had been attacked by his own priests and laypeople, who denounced him as a traitor to the principles of the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre. "We, in the middle, have bcome as a ping-pong ball that everyone hits." Well, Bernie, it was you who chose to lie down with the Newchurch dogs, so now you have gotten up with fleas. This is how God's order and justice work. Have you forgotten your Catholic moral theology class?
So severe has the outcry been against Fellay's perfidy from within his own Neo-SSPX organization, including a unanimous condemnation by the three Neo-SSPX bishops, that he has been forced to back off, at least for the time being, from a full-blown sellout to the New Order sect and its current leader Ratzinger, whom the Archbishop condemned as "not Catholic." Fellay stated in his pseudo-sermon: "We are at the point of departure" from the New Order sect. Well, hallelujah, Bernie! Why didn't you come to this obvious conclusion seven years ago, before you wasted seven years of the Neo-SSPXers' money and resources trying to pander to that false sect?
The hypocritical Fellay went on to state: "It is also clear that we cannot bring more good to all the Church than by remaining faithful to this heritage of the Archbishop." If that is the case, Bernie, what is the lie that you has been pandering to the Neo-SSPXers for the last seven years, that you knew better than the Archbishop? Your demise is of your own making, but you weep for himself. Truly, you are one demented man, who should be immediately ousted from the office that you have disgraced.
Benedict-Ratzinger must now be the most hated pope ever in the history of Ireland. He still hasn't acknowledged his responsibility for shielding hundreds of his Irish presbyters from facing criminal charges of child rape. In fact, he shocked Ireland by insisting in a pre-recorded video message delivered at the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, on June, 2012, that "it remains a mystery" how Newchurch presbyters could have gotten away with the rape and torture of tens of thousands of Irish Newchurch kids for decades. The Irish are infuriated at Ratzinger's mendacious message because four Irish government investigations have clearly have revealed that there is no "mystery": Ratzinger himself bears full responsibility for the cover-up and for threatening with Novus Ordo "excommunication" any Newbishop who reported a child-rapist presbyter to the police.
The Irish voted with their feet against Ratzinger. The last time the Eucharistic Congress visited Ireland, in 1932, a million Irishmen attended the Mass, a quarter of the entire Irish population then. This time around, a paltry 20,000 Newchurchers turned up for the opening Mess, and half of them were from abroad -- a decline of 99% from 1932. Dublin's RDS Arena was left half empty, with swathes of empty seats across the main stand. The rock-and-roll singer Bruce Springsteen had already sold out two shows at same venue the following month, demonstrating that he has at least eight times the pull as Newchurch in once-devout Catholic Ireland. Of course, Ratzinger's New Order sect doesn't even have the "eucharist," having substituted for the traditional Body and Blood of Christ mere cookies and Kool-Aid in the invalid Novus Order Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service of 1969. So the whole shivaree was pointless anyway.
Statistics show that "installations" of Novus Ordo presbyters have collapsed in Ireland by a whopping 98%, from 400 priests per year in 1960 to just six new presbyters in 2011 in the whole of Ireland. Meanwhile, the number of Newdiocesan presbyters has dropped by over a third in just five years, from over 3,000 five years ago to under 2,000 today. Newchurch in Ireland is set to die along with the Vatican II generation as younger Irishmen in no way wish to be associated with Ratzinger's paedophiliac New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Times.]
The French conservative weekly, Rivarol, in its June 29, 2012, issue, confirmed the TRADITIO Network's analysis that Benedict-Ratzinger rejected Fellay's sellout because the Neo-SSPX is now "damaged goods." Ratzinger became aware that internal dissension, particularly from the three Neo-SSPX bishops, had brought Fellay's group into "danger of bursting." Ratzinger's deal with Fellay was that Fellay should turn over the Neo-SSPX in its entirely, but now Ratzinger has realized that he would get only an "empty shell."
Ratzinger gave Fellay one more chance to try to suppress the dissension by cleaning out "pockets of resistance." Indeed, after Fellay returned to his Menzingen headquarters on June 13, 2012, heads began to roll, starting with that of the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop Richard Williamson, who was expelled from the upcoming Extraordinary Chapter meeting July 7-14, 2012, at which the now-despised Fellay fears that he will be ousted by the other three bishops and replaced by the very popular bishop Tissier de Mallerais. By current count Fellay has expelled or threatened to expel 29 of his priest-presbyters for publicly standing against him and his sellout, and holding firm to the founding principles of Archbishop Lefebvre. To the contrary, says the French periodical, "we are witnessing a robbery of the work of Archbishop Lefebvre, led by the German commando, Benedict."
Rivarol also puts the lie to Fellay's constant "Rosary crusades," saying that Fellay affects a great devotion to Mary so that his followers are kept too busy to read about what a fraud Fellay is perpetrating. The French periodical also hits the nail on the head by stating that the Fellay-Ratzinger conspiracy was deliberately shrouded in secrecy in order that, if the sellout fell apart, Fellay and Ratzinger wouldn't appear to be failures.
Yet, for all their machinations, both Fellay and Ratzinger are looking like failures: Ratzinger, a Newpope in his dying days, desperately grasping for straws to justify in some small part his failed Newpapacy; Fellay, desperately clinging onto dictatorial power, now that he has been rejected by his three bishops, together with much of his priest-presbyters, and laity.
Neo-SSPX bishop Alfonso de Galarreta's opposition to Fellay's attempts to sell out the Neo-SSPX to the New Order sect is laid out in detail in a detailed 12-page document entitled Reflexions Autour de la Proposition Romaine [Reflections about the Roman Proposal]. Galarreta is perhaps in the best position to judge the motives of Benedict-Ratzinger and his officials, as Galarreta was the chief "negotiator" for the Neo-SSPX at Newrome 2009-2011.
Galarreta begins by getting right to the heart of the matter: "I must say straight away that they [the Preliminary Note and the Doctrinal Preamble from Ratzinger] are confusing, misleading, false, and bad in essence. Even the apparent openness to criticism of the [Vatican II] Council is an enigmatic, cunning, and well-set trap. This document is substantially unacceptable. It is worse than the 1988 Protocol [offered to Archbishop Lefebvre], in particular in relation to the Council and the post-conciliar magisterium." Fellay, to the contrary, has maintained the ridiculous position that the Doctrinal Preamble of 2012 is better than the 1988 Protocol. From his experience as chief "negotiator" for the Neo-SSPX, Galarreta summarizes the heretical Modernism that pervades Ratzinger and his Newrome: "They are not ready to give up the Vatican II Council, nor its liberal doctrines."
Galarreta concurs with the long-standing judgment of the TRADITIO Fathers that nothing would be accomplished by "negotiations" with the unCatholic New Order sect's officials, including Ratzinger, and that it is "illusory, imprudent, and inappropriate" (to use Galarreta's words) even to maintain contacts with Newrome. "We must reject this path," he says, "because we cannot do evil so that a good will occur and because (for certain) we will endanger the community that we have."
Galaretta states that to be in "full communion" with the Modernists means that the Neo-SSPX will lose its freedom of speech and will have to mute its public criticism of the facts, the officials, and even some texts of the Council and the post-conciliar magisterium. As proof that fact, Galarreta points to the "Indult" Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of the Good Pastor (IBP), which were forced to abandon the fight for the Faith and were prohibited from attacking the New Order. He calls out Ratzinger's position that the "decisions of the anti-Modernist popes have done a great service, but are now outdated" as "insane."
From his personal experience "negotiating" at Newrome during 2009-2011, Galarreta presents this description of Ratzinger: "He is more than ever an oecumenist. All misconceptions of the Council continue to flourish, to be reaffirmed by him with ever greater clarity." Galaretta rejects Fellay's approach to "abandon the fight for the true Faith by our demolition under the pretext that we can be given some privileges." He counters Fellay's insanity: "We have just seen in doctrinal discussions what is their [Ratzinger and his officials'] design: pure Modernism revised and corrected," incorporating the principles (1) that the truth, even dogmatic, is relative, (2) that doctrine must be interpreted according to the Modernist Vatican II Council, and (3) that the Faith, even dogmatic, "evolves." Galarreta summarizes Fellay's position as a "false restoration, a false return," in which he has been "seduced" by the false traditionalist "appearance" of Ratzinger and his officials.
Galarreta denounces Fellay's attempted sellout as "denying our word and our commitments to our priests, our faithful, and Rome in front of everyone. This would have hugely negative consequences ad intra and ad extra. Such an approach would show a serious diplomatic weakness on the part of the Society, and, indeed, more than diplomatic. It would be a lack of consistency, honesty, and firmness, which would have effects like loss of the credibility and the moral authority that we enjoy."
Galarreta also agrees with the Society's founder Archbishop Lefebvre that a sellout to the unCatholic New Order sect would lead within the Neo-SSPX to "doubt, dispute, distrust, parties, and especially divisions." Therefore, he confirms again that "it is not the moment to change the decision of the Chapter of 2006, that there will be no practical agreement without resolving the doctrinal issues. Instead, Galarreta urges "keeping the line that has ensured the cohesion and survival of the Society" and wait until the New Order worsens so badly that it is ready to reject Vatican II.
In conclusion, Galarreta urges that the Neo-SSPX not "get ahead of Providence" and demands that Fellay close contacts with Ratzinger and his New Order sect as a dangerous "Pandora's box." Wise words from a man of experience with the heretical New Order and its officials. But Fellay will undoubtedly continue to play Ratzinger's patsy, as his ego is too great to allow him to admit that he has been bested by the New Order "Fox" and in the process has become the "Judas of the SSPX," who has lost the respect of the three bishops, most of the district and religious superiors, and the majority of the laity. Bernie Fellay is no longer the "Most Reverend," but the "Least Reverend" in the eyes of most of the Neo-SSPX.
Newcardinal William Levada is currently ex officio President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. However, Levada is expected to step down before the end of June 2012. His likely replacement is said to be Newbishop Gerhard Muller, of Regenberg, Germany, Benedict-Ratzinger's home district. This eventuality is bad new for Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, as Muller is a rabid enemy of Fellay and his Neo-SSPX.
Ratzinger, according to reports in the Italian press, will select Muller, knowing of his outspoken hostility to bringing the Neo-SSPX into the New Order sect. Muller is also known for his rejection of the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, his belief that it is problematic to refer to the Blessed Sacrament as the "body and blood" of Christ, and his belief that Adam's father was a monkey. Such an appointment would just be more proof of Ratzinger's lifelong commitment to the Modernist heresy.
Muller has commented publicly that "all four SSPX bishops should resign, and the SSPX seminary should close. Their bishops and priests are not rehabilitated. Now we have to assess whether they even meet the requirements that the Catholic Church places on its priests.... The SSPX must fully return to the foundation of the [New Order] Catholic Church and recognize the authority of the pope, the decisions of the Second Vatican Council, and existing [New Order] canon law. If they do, they must also accept that the seminary of Zaitzkofen [Germany] falls under the supervision of the [New]diocese of Regensburg. The seminary should be closed, and the students should go to seminaries in their home countries -- if they are suitable for this purpose.... The four bishops of the SSPX should all resign and in political matters no longer comment on ecclesiastical policy issues. They should lead an exemplary life as simple priests and chaplains as part of the reparation for the damage that the schism has caused."
To confirm Muller's statements, a "secret" document of the Austrian, German, and Swiss bishops surfaced as part of the recent "Vatileaks" scandal, wherein these Newchurch bishops stated the line of action to be taken, depending upon the specific structure implemented, should the Neo-SSPX complete its sellout to the New Order sect:
Good Catholics, if Fellay and his supporters think that they've got problems now, they've got another think coming! The naive Fellay has gotten caught up in the New Order sect's deceptions, fraud, and time-wasting. If Fellay has any sense left, he will cut himself and his Neo-SSPX off from any further contact with the New Order sect and its leader, Benedict-Ratzinger, whom the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, called "not Catholic."
On June 27, 2012, Benedict-Ratzinger demoted Newarchbishop Joseph Di Noia to the position of Vice President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, now an inferior group of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. Di Noia said that he was "flabbergasted." After all, he had been demoted after just three years from his prestigious position as Secretary of the Congregation from [New Order] Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. In Newvatican procedure, the Secretary of a Congregation is the most important member. The Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo, Hannibal Bugnini, held the Secretary's office when he destroyed the Mass and replaced it with the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service. To replace Di Noia as Secretary of the Congregation, Ratzinger appointed a full-throated advocate of the Novus Ordo Protestantized "liturgy," Arthur Roche, Newbishop of Leeds, England.
The Ecclesia Dei Commission, as originally constituted by JPII-Wojtyla in 1988, in a panicked reaction when Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated four traditional Catholic bishops in opposition to the New Order sect that had replaced the Catholic Church, used to be an independent commission, directly responsible to the Newpope, but by the Motu Proprio Ecclesiae unitatem of July 6, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger demoted the Ecclesia Dei Commission to become an inferior group of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. Newcardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Congregation, became the Commission President, and Ratzinger fired former President Newcardinal Dario Castrillon-Hoyos and Secretary, Newmonsignor Camille Perl. The position of Vice President of Vice President has been vacant since that time.
Di Noia seems to be a plant in the Ecclesia Dei Commission in order to ensure that the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, keeps jumping to the New Order sect's tune. Di Noia is well known as a Judaeophile, who enjoys "broad respect" in the secular Jewish community. Secular Jewish organizations vehemently objected to Benedict-Ratzinger's "unexcommunicating" the four bishops of the Neo-SSPX in 2009 and forced him to impose an untraditional prayer for the "perfidious" Jews, replacing the ancient traditional prayer in his Modernized "Motu" Mess. Di Noia is a flaming oecumenist. He was the founding director of the Intercultural Forum of the Modernist JPII Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. He is also friendly with the Protestant Evangelical movement.
Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman, in commenting on the appointment, stated clearly that serious disputes still existed between the New Order sect and the Neo-SSPX on the concept of Tradition, the Novus Ordo Protestantized service, the interpretation of Vatican II, Modernist "oecumenism" ("all gods are equal," "we all worship the same god"), the relationship between Christianity and non-Christian religions, and religious freedom.
After having been spurned by Ratzinger on June 13, 2012, Fellay was sent packing back from Newrome to the Neo-SSPX's headquarters at Menzingen, Switzerland, with Ratzinger's demand that Fellay sign off on Vatican II "doctrine." On June 26, 2012, Fellay declared that Ratzinger's demand was "clearly unacceptable." He could have listened to the TRADITIO Network and the anti-New Order French web sites seven years ago and saved himself, his bishops, his district directors, his priest-presbyters, his religious, and his laity years of wasted time and money. Undoubtedly, he will not say with founding Archbishop Lefebvre, "Enough is enough," but will continue to play the whelp to his master Ratzinger, in the words of Scripture: "the whelps also eat of the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters" (Matthew 15:27/DRV).
Good Catholics, has the German Fox outwitted Fellay and led him by the nose? Or was it the constant exposure of Fellay's "Hindenburg Plan" to sell Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic SSPX out to the New Order sect that the Archbishop denounced as "not Catholic," together with the three Neo-SSPX bishops' "confidential" letter, that was most instrumental in setting off the explosion in Fellay's dictator-"ship"? The Wagnerian fat lady has not yet sung! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
An update to the "Black List" of Neo-SSPX priests expelled or in danger of expulsion by Bernie Fellay from his Neo-SSPX for criticizing his attempted sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic society to the New Order sect and its leader, Josef Ratzinger, condemned by Archbishop Lefebvre as "not Catholic," has been provided to the TRADITIO Network. The list may not necessarily be complete and includes only Neo-SSPX clergy, not the lay members expelled, who are too numerous to list.
Just as Archbishop Lefebvre predicted, if the Society of St. Pius X ever became attached to the New Order sect -- what he called Modernist Rome --, the SSPX would disintegrate within a year. It seems that this disintegration is now happening even much faster than the Archbishop predicted.
A June 25, 2012, press release from Christian Thouvenot, Secretary-general of the Neo-SSPX, cites the invalid 1983 New Code of Canon Law when announcing that Bernie Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, has expelled the Neo-SSPX's senior Bishop, Richard Williamson, as a member of the Chapter "for taking a position calling for a rebellion, and for his continually repeated disobedience." Now that Neo-SSPXers are organizing a demonstration against Fellay at Econe, Switzerland, during the June 30, 2012, ordinations, which have been drastically scaled back, Fellay has forbidden Williamson to come to Econe for the ordinations and for the Extraordinary Chapter to follow on July 7-14, 2012.
Fellay charges that Williamson has "stirred up hostilities and hatred among subjects against the Apostolic See." In this, Williamson has followed the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, in rejecting the heresies "Modernist Rome," and Fellay has swallowed those heresies, including the grievous moral, financial, and personal corruptions of the "Paedophile Pope," against which Fellay has not uttered one word.
It appears that Fellay here may be doing Benedict-Ratzinger's dirty work, as it is well known that Ratzinger hates Williamson for his staunch adherence to traditional Catholic principles. He may also be afraid that if Williamson is present at the Extraordinary Chapter, the members would rally to Williamson's anti-New Order position rather than Fellay's pro-Novus Ordo position. Some Neo-SSPXers are now publicly calling Fellay's consecration invalid under the provisions of the Papal Bull Ex apostolatus officio, which defines the purported consecration of a heretic to be invalid.
On the same date, June 25, 2012, Thouvenot sent a "confidential" letter to all the Neo-SSPX district and seminary superiors indicating that Benedict-Ratzinger had reneged on approving Fellay's "amended" version of the Doctrinal Preamble and instead sent Fellay packing out of Newrome to get approval for essentially the original pro-Vatican II original version. Essentially, all Fellay's pointless politicking with the New Order sect since September 14, 2011, has been a waste of time. The venal Fellay has once again been outfoxed by the Josef "The Fox" Ratzinger.
Good Catholics, Fellay is looking more and more like a mole for the Novus Ordo sect in the destruction of Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic SSPX, ever since Fellay's consecration (?) in 1988. The Archbishop did not want to consecrate Fellay, but yielded to pressure from large contributors in Switzerland, whence Fellay hails. All Hell (literally) is breaking lose as the Neo-SSPX falls apart before our eyes because it has been corrupted by the New Order sect. Archbishop Lefebvre saw clearly right through the fraud of what he called Modernist Rome (Letter of August 29, 1987, to Fellay, Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Williamson): "The Chair of Peter and [the] positions of authority in Rome are occupied by a Antichrists."
The Italian daily newspaper La Stampa is reporting that if Fellay signs an agreement to sell out to the New Order sect, "very few" of the Neo-SSPX priests would follow him into that sect. Instead, they demand that Benedict-Ratzinger must renounce the Vatican II Council, attributing all blame for the crisis of faith during the past decades to the Council and to the post-Conciliar liturgical destruction.
As more and more Neo-SSPXers are getting sick and tired of Fellay's sellout schemes, there is now a movement taking shape to demand a leadership change at the Extraordinary Chapter meeting July 7-14, 2012, specifically to demand that Fellay be replaced with bishop Tissier de Mallerais. Some sources have indicated that there is now within the Society a ten-to-one majority in favor of such a move within the Society.
At the ordinations in Winona, Minnesota, on June 15, 2012, Tissier made it clear that he wants wants nothing to do with any deal at any time with Benedict-Ratzinger and his Modernists in Newrome. Moreover, private sources indicate that Tissier considers that the new rite of consecration of bishops under the New Ordinal of 1969 is invalid.
At the same time, as-yet unconfirmed reports indicate that Tissier is now under virtual "house arrest" in Chicago, Illinois, being kept away from his constituency in France while Fellay prepares the change-over to the New Order sect. All the more should the three bishops and as many of the district superiors as possible immediately sign a document that Fellay has vacated his office Superior because he has violated the founding principles of the Society and of his office. They all should boycott the Chapter meeting, as Fellay has illegally tried to crush open debate there by preventing free participation by all parties entitled.